Not long ago we were told that:
The Muslim Brotherhood are no different to the Greek ‘Golden Dawn’ Neo-Nazi party.
Which is why you might wonder when Jeremy Bowen slips back into his ‘aren’t the Muslim Brotherhood just so cuddly’ mode:
The jailed joke-cracking Muslim Brotherhood leader
The core of the movement stayed patient, and non violent, deepening its influence by providing the closest thing poor Egyptians had to a welfare state.
That’s the oldest trick in the terrorists book…providing ‘welfare’…Hamas does it, Hezbollah does it. It’s a recruiting device….hearts and minds….but it doesn’t negate the essential fundamentalism of the groups…their reason for existing and their methods.
Bowen goes on:
….in government President Morsi and his people were incompetent, alienated too many Egyptians, and the army removed them from power in the coup in July this year.
Well….that wasn’t the problem…the problem was trying to impose fundamentalist Islam on Egypt….and it wasn’t ‘the Army’ that removed them from power but a massive uprising by the population.
The BBC’s Middle East Editor should pay more attention surely?
He continues….
Essam al-Erian is now back in Tora prison, with the rest of the Brotherhood’s leadership.
Hosni Mubarak is there too, with his sons, and his chief lieutenants, including Habib al-Adly.
I doubt they are all in the same wing, but if they did sit down to lunch together imagine the table talk.
Yep…imagine the table talk….
‘Here’s Bowen’s phone number…….he’s very reliable…..’
I think Bowen and Ilk must believe in the 72 virgins more than the Pearly gates. Is that the way their minds work?
From memory the closest Bowen came to criticism of the MB during that piece was to say they were incompetent in government. An understatement, at the very best.
Bowen went native years ago. He deals in propaganda. I would no sooner believe his tall tales than I would those of Hezbollah or Hamas.
“That’s the oldest trick in the terrorists book…providing ‘welfare”
yep zakat! …
that is welfare for Islamic good causes?
ie a significant amount to funding terrorism
so pious eh!
just like the latest “mahound” who has escaped detection by TA RA!
yep! you ve guessed it wearing a “niquab”
disappeared coming out of the mosque … and is now on the run.
funding mass murder and aiding deceit double whammy!
or is that triple whammy?
“funding mass murder and aiding deceit” and
over turning planned mass murder conviction?.
you couldn t make it up – the world truly turned upside down.
Golden dawn are nazi, not neo nazi.
Labour and the uk multicultural left are neo nazi. Same principle, except they replaced aryanism with multiculturism and diversity. Both horrific social engineering involving race.
Spot on Chris.
But what of pre-fascist organizations? A secret report from Unite claims that UKIP is a pre-fascist party. And as Unite supports the UAF we can see the no platform policy applied to UKIP’s election meetings. Have to prevent the workers from being led astray.–plots-control-Labour.html
Comments closed after 3!!!! DM grow a pair – I haven’t heard from any of the testimony that Saville shouted @Christian Bendedictions’ as he performed his vile acts – wait to be corrected….
Ahh, pre-facist, dog whistle racism etc etc.
translation -you are racist/ fascists because I say so. Regardless of facts.
So when the trade unions (including the once mighty T&GWU ) were totally opposed to the ‘businessmen’s club’ And even after they had been bribed by Jacques Delors and his ‘social chapter’ promises ,but still viewed the EU as closed border Eurocentric bloc. to counter the industrial might of Japan and the the USA.
where they to ‘proto – fascist’ ?
Bowens support of the Muslim Brotherhood goes back away, and has been criticised from the left
And centre
Also, to compare how bad the BBC are regarding this, bear in mind that 50 al jazeera journalists resigned due to percieved bias in favour of the muslim brotherhood.
Last night, Sunday, Radio 4, Analysis, around 9pm. Syria was discussed, with so much affection for the MB. Apparently the Assad family have always had it in for the MB and managed to force them into becoming a terrorist group, so they never built up their charity work like they did in Egypt. And this is what the Assad family are doing today – forcing the rebels into committing further atrocities so the people won’t like them. Poor rebels, poor MB, being brutalised into their campaigns of terror.
The double standards of the BBC are quite astonishing. To my mind those that believe in the literal interpretation of either the Koran, or the Bible, are both seriously mistaken. Yet the BBC attacks and denigrates creationists whilst lauding Muslims. Why do they do this?
Clearly the BBC is now struggling to find a way of making its opposition to some Muslim practices towards women clear ,whilst not attacking those that believe that such an interpretation of the Koran is the true way. A tricky balancing act for them. Of course if the creationists had the attitude to women that Islam does, then the BBC would be launching non stop attacks instead of seeking to broach the topic without causing offense.
Yeah I noticed that bBC propaganda fest regards the Muslim Brotherhood. The only message I could get from that bBC article was:
“Allah ackba, The Muslim Brotherhood rule”
And today El Beeb comes out with another puff piece for Allah’s fav Islamist group.
Morsi tells judge ‘I am president’
Got to love the picture on the video of 2 fawning women who Yolande Knell claims represent the entire Eygptian people. Err no, the vast majority want the MB out.
I wonder when the bBC will apologise to the MCB for this Islamophobic interview.
Yep – saw this yesterday and was thinking entirely the same thing. Andrew Neil – once again – showing the rest of the BBC drones how actual journalism works: critical, confrontational, unapologetic but most of all unpartisan and interested only in the facts.
Mr Neil manages, over the space of this one interview, to perfectly highlight the MCB’s sly double standards and subtle misdirection. Bravo, Mr Neil. Let’s hope your common purpose masters – the ones who have all but forgotten what ‘journalism with integrity’ is meant to be about – don’t spot just how effective you are at your job, or you’ll be hauled in for a spot of ‘re-education’ down in room 101.
Islam is founded and built on deceit, that is undeniable fact.
How many Muslim spokesman have been caught out on TV just like that shill from the MCB eh!.
After all that is the premise of the Islamic, “offence” industry, to protect Islam from harsh critique, as is the “fear factor”, all for one simple reason … it is a “house of cards”.
Hats off to @afneil there. He did a great demolition job on that slippery snake-oil salesman. That oleaginous creep didnt fool Andrew, but he sure as hell would fool Dopey David Cameron.
Dopey Dave Cameron has been exposed as a Common Purpose supporter. Check the article in the Telegraph from a couple of days ago.
Thank you for that Andy S, much appreciated, link to it here.
So, founder signatory to the UAF as well, will anyone ask this charlatan WTF he is doing betraying our country?
I bet he burnt that poppy afterwards ?
On a related note, everybody who has tried to complain to the BBC is familiar with the frustrating dismissal by them in order to pursue their own agenda, Just to contrast this when somebody within their own agenda, particularly in their dhimmi or pro-Islamic one, there is this example as shown here by Rod Liddle from the Spectator, after the Muslim Council of Britain put their complaint letter to the BBC as well as the response they got.
Brave, non-denominational freedom fighters
Rod Liddle
Those of you who wonder why the BBC is so politically correct, so craven in its expressions regarding, for example, Islamic terror, may find a partial answer here:
Stephen Whittle
Director of Editorial Policy at the BBC
Dear Stephen,
We have received many complaints over the last 24 hours from British Muslims regarding the use of the phrase ‘Islamic terrorists’ by your news reporters in connection with the struggle for Kashmiri independence.
We believe this phrase is totally inappropriate and adds nothing to the story and even distorts what is a long-standing struggle by the Kashmiri people to gain control of their own destiny.
We have noticed that your news reports are also failing to adequately report the background to this conflict. It is crucial that viewers and listeners are made aware that Kashmir is a Muslim-majority area which should have become part of Pakistan but did not because of the Hindu Maharajah who opted for union with India. This has caused immense misery for both countries but especially for the people of Kashmir.
Your recent news reports have not adequately mentioned that the Indian army is widely detested by the people of Kashmir and is regarded as an occupation force. The Indian army has been severely criticized for not allowing free access to the media in occupied Kashmir and has been blamed for many widespread human rights abuses against Kashmiri civilians.
The only way to resolve this issue is to allow the people of Kashmir a referendum on their future, not by military conflict.
Please could we meet to discuss this issue urgently as it is causing much distress to people who have strong family ties to Kashmir.
Kind regards,
Mr Inayat Bunglawala
Media Committee,
The Muslim Council of Britain
Response from Stephen Whittle
Thanks for your note. I have discussed this with the various output editors. It is not our policy to describe Kashmiri separatists in this way and that has been made clear. It was an isolated incident and will not be repeated.
Well, you can’t blame Inayat (a decent enough bloke, btw) for trying, seeing the immediate capitulation that occurs…
There are many excellent comments following Rod’s article but here’s one that really stands out for me:
crosscop • 8 hours ago
“A decent enough bloke”? You are far more gullible than I thought, Rod.
Inayat Bunglawala campaigned against Salman Rushdie, has called Bin Laden a “freedom fighter,” praised the terrorist leader Omar Abdel-Rahman as “courageous,” and refers to Geert Wilders as a “rabble-rouser.”
This is what Ed Husain had to say about him – “every Wednesday night Inayat would pick me up and drop me off after a session of Koran recitation, religious discussion, anti-Semitism, and good food.”
He once rhymed off a list of prominent Jews and called them “the Tribe of Judah.”
“Christopher Hitchens described him as – “A preposterous and sinister individual named Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain and a man with a public record of support for Osama bin Laden, was made a convener of Blair’s task force on extremism despite his stated belief that the BBC and the rest of the media are “Zionist controlled.”
Here’s what Bungawala said after the 7/7 bombings – notice the repeated use of the word “innocent.” He knows full well, of course, that as the Koran describes disbelief as the greatest sin of all, no non-Muslim is ever “innocent.”
“Well let me make clear then, once and for all, we condemn the killing of all innocent people, wherever they are.”
“We always condemn the taking of innocent life anywhere.”
“The Koran says you cannot take innocent life.”
Some of us can recognise taqiyya and kitman when we see it.
The link he provides at the end is to an interview of this man, as the representative of the Muslim Council of Britain, on the Today programme soon after the 7/7 London bombings.
This is who the BBC appeases.