You have to admire the way the BBC can take an issue and spin it to suit the trenchant anti-Coalition narrative that lies at the heart of all it has done since 2010. Take the story of that for ‘cor blimey” Brit Mohammed al Mohammed.
Somalian-born (natch!) Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed is believed to have evaded police observation by disguising himself as a woman in Islamic dress. The 27-year-old went to pray at a mosque in West London on Friday and has not been seen since, Scotland Yard announced last night.
So we have a suspected Jihadist going to a MOSQUE and then evading police scrutiny by dressing up in a Burqa. BBC not interested in why this Somalian terrorist was going to a Mosque and what that may say about what is preached within its confines. BBC not interested in whether the Burqa should be banned from the public square when it is used for such evasion. BBC not interested in why Mr Mohamed is even IN the UK. No —- the BIG issue for the BBC is the efficacy of the TPims put in place by the Coalition. So, another Somalian poses a threat to the UK population and the BBC turns its guns on Theresa May.
You are right, David.
And in this piece, Beeboid Mr Gardner does not even discuss whether Somali Muslims in Britain may be protecting Muslim suspect, Mr Mohamed; instead Gardner goes out of his way to try to disassociate Somali Muslims from this Mohamed:-
“Taskforce hunts for missing burka terror suspect”
By Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent.
And although Gardner mentions the An-Noor mosque, he does not mention this:
“A terror suspect vanishes in disguise, a young Londoner ‘dies’ fighting in Syria and videos appear of a preacher praising holy war: what is going on at the An-Noor mosque in Acton?”
By Joshi Herrmann.
Nor does Gardner mention this:-
“Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed: Burka fugitive is fanatical follower of White Widow”
Link to Beeboid Gardner’s article (re-above):-
I find it despicable that Labour scum have the audacity to admonish the Coalition on matters of burqa security when it was the Labour party and their loathsome Marxist minions who over the last decades have let all these verminous turd-world scum in. Labour and their vile supporters really are disgusting filth of the highest order.
Slightly OTTT.
But take a like.
Not to undermine your valid point, but that should be ‘disgusting filth of the lowest order’.
What is really quite astonishing about the liberal left and the BBC is their hypocrisy and amnesia. This is just the latest scandal with its roots in Labour’s 13 years of misrule that Labour, aided and abetted by their propaganda arm , the BBC , blames the present government for.
Any competent and honest democratic broadcaster would ensure that Labour were held to account for the bitter fruits that we are havesting from their loony policies. But the BBC allows the argument to be turned on its head and targets the present government.
The BBC is anti democratic and should be closed down as soon as possible.
Well said, big Al.
did you watch channel 4 news on monday where john snow interviewed the leader of the acton mosque,mr snow pressed him did the terrorist suspects abu hamas and abu quatada and there familys pray at the acton mosque,he seemed kind of stunned and took back a bit that john snow knew that,he admitted they did but claimed he knew nothing about there dodgy pasts,oh yea,we believe you,anyway.either this mohammed ahmed mohamed is either a magician that knows how to dissapear into thin air or somebody or more than one person helped him to excape wearing that burkha hence there is a wall of silence in that mosque and acton where the somalian muslim community for some strange reason are refusing to talk to the press and media.
I think if the police in, say, New York were trailing a Mafia suspect who entered an Italian-American social club, and then left dressed as a Jersey girl, they would pull in everyone at the club for questioning. But apparently you can’t offend any of these Religion of Peace types, presumably because they’ll kill someone if you do.
Calling Mr O-bomber: drone strike requested at the An-noor mosque ASAP.
Unfortunately, the BBC will continue to get away with this as long as people still delude themselves into thinking that it’s either biased towards the right, or that because people think it is then that proves it must be impartial.
The evidence tells a very different story.
It’s like something off keystone cops. I’d like to think that when the poice officer in charge found out that this man had absconded via the fiendishly brilliant plan of removing his tag and dressing up like a woman that he threw his hat onto the floor and started jumping on it while shouting ‘that pesky varmint!’
It’s like something out of a Tom & Jerry cartoon…Tom dresses as a lady cat to get past Spike the dog to try to hit Jerry with a fly swatter.
Frank Gardner a ‘Security Expert’ so good he’s paralysed and his cameraman dead – not sure he is the best source for advice …
OTT there I think.
According to BBC Radio News this morning (7am 7th of November 2013) Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed escaped from “a community centre”
In the evening at 4pm it was now a “mosque”. But it was always a mosque. Why a community centre? It was never that. If he escaped from a church or a synagogue do you think the Balkanising Britain Corporation would have called it a community centre?
“Revealed: How on-the-run burka terror suspect is seeking human rights damages from the Government over claims he was tortured in Somaliland.
“Al Qaeda-trained Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed gave police the slip after taking off his tag and disguising himself with a full-body cloak in mosque.
“The terror suspect has been on the run from the authorities for a week.
“It has emerged he and another man is suing government at the High Court.
“Claim says British ‘encouraged or directly caused assault and mistreatment.'”
“Questions remain over why authorities failed to act when he removed tag.”
INBBC’s friendly chat with merely ‘militant’ Taliban leader:-
“Meeting Mullah Fazlullah, the Taliban’s new chief”
INBBC’s anonymous ‘correspondent’ travelled to the back of beyond (at our expense) and reports platitudes.
I think we can assume that INBBC’s ‘correspondent’ was Muslim: jihadist leader, Fazlullah, would be likely to kill any Beeboid kafir who did not send out the politically correct, Islamic jihad message.
All in all, the new leader of the Taliban gets better propaganda from INBBC than does anti-Islamic jihadist, Tommy Robinson; but that is political par for the course for INBBC
By the way, anonymous-INBBC-‘correspondent’-for-the-Taliban: I don’t believe that your fellow Muslim used the word ‘God’, I bet, like you, he uses the word, ‘Allah’.