The 181,880 people prosecuted last year for not paying for a TV licence, presumably some of the poorest in the country, will be delighted that if they had paid up their money would have gone into Labour Party coffers, or representatives of, and would undoubtedly be put to good use campaigning for the poor and needy:
BBC pays seven times more to Labour MPs, figures show
The corporation paid more than £32,000 in fees to Labour MPs whilst only shelling out £4,650 to their Tory counterparts in the past year
Alan Johnson, the former home secretary, was the biggest earner and was given £15,800 for 51 hours work contributing to radio and television broadcasts.
It means the former postman, who already picks up a £65,000 salary, is earning almost £310 per hour.
That’s £310 per hour. Basically more than many earn in a week….living standards crisis?
Not in Alan Johnson’s house.
I keep getting threatening letters from the telly people. I don’t own one and have told them so. If they’ve lost those records, or just every four years delete them, that’s their problem.
I hope they waste their time knocking on my door.
Take out a restraining order on them and make it very public; get the Daily Mail involved.
Plain, simple facts like this, and shows packed by guests solely via the Guardian basically ‘balanced’ only by differences in relationships and extent of sexuality, will surely be hard to see BBC spokespersons dismiss as ‘Getting it about right’, but they will surely try. Like Ian Katz tearing himself away from his last gig to hire from that bastion of high ABC rated impartiality, the FT.
Ps: loved the retreat to anonymous guideline-intoning when weaseling away the pulling of a piece on money lending that by sheer coincidence used an unfortunate soundtrack choice. Rather hoist by a petard of correctness of their own promotion, though the accidental straying does seem reliably unidirectional. Perhaps because the consequences of causing perceptions of offence can be rather more extreme fro certain quarters.
To be fair they did have a UKIP member on HIGNFY. OH yes I forgot he was only on there so the panel could deride him call him crazy and look down their noses at him and accuse him of being mildly racist and very much sexist.
Whose the blonde bint who kept on about him shoving his face into that naked girls tits? She gambles FFS
I think its because Bloom is the UKIP MEP who most closely fits the BBC stereotype UKIP politician. Like Compo, he is a blunt false Yorkshireman born in London. But freedom of speech is a bit old fashioned in these left-wing Politically correct days.
One point about one of the jokes was, could someone called Murphy still retain the surname Murphy if they converted to Islam? Or if they could still retain the surname Murphy, would that not be very dangerous to do so?
As a Lancastrian, your trying to tell me there are actually people who claim to be from Yorkshire who are not?
He deserves to be derided.