You would need a heart of stone not to smile at the BBC’s desperation to cloak the news that the UK economy is indisputably on the mend. It’s not so many months since Miliband, Balls and Cooper were never off the State Broadcaster imploring the Coalition to abandon current strategy and adopt “PlanB” – the Labour recipe for success. Now, as it becomes crushingly clear Labour got it so badly wrong, the BBC allow the quiet shelving of “Plan B” and instead all we get is the “cost of living” swerve, also gratefully taken up by the BBC as the new and preferred attack route on the Coalition.
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Suppose that Stephanie Flanders and her fellow goons there at the BBC will be getting hauled back to account for their biased ignorance will they?
Suppose we`ll be having to settle for Vicky Pryce again-who(to be fair) WAS silent about Plan B for six weeks earlier this year.
Does that tag of hers interfere with my digital box reception, I wonder?
You beat me to it, chris. I was going to say to DV that he should have written, “Miliband, Balls, and Flanders”.
Has anyone heard the BBC interview Balls or Miliband yet on their discredited Plan B? Details, if you have them, on the back of a postage stamp, please…
Meanwhile the BBC’s segue from Plan B to ‘cost of living crisis’ cannot but be admired for its sheer brass neckery and shameless partiality, not to mention a seamlessness that must be the envy of every Radio 2 disc jockey.
If you force any economy down far enough, eventually it will begin to recover. That is not a credit to the government, but an inevitable reaction to events.
Then there’s the statistics and whether you believe them. Suspend the benefits of half a million claimants and suddenly you’ve reduced the unemployment figures because the apparatchiks have perversely decided they aren’t looking for work, and therefore not unemployed !
I can’t agree that it’s clear that another way other than austerity would not have worked, nor yet that the coalition has been successful. Too many outside factors affect this little island, and should the Fed stop printing money we will soon see the effect on our economy.
If your logic is to be applied then the more people on benefits the better and to borrow more cash is the best way to improve an economy. I don’t think the Chinese would agree with you and they are now the richest economy in the world and own more of the USA than do the American people.
As for the economic crash; it started in America. That’s the only thing Gormless Gordon got right in 13 years of further socialist experiments and financial mismanagement, which we will all suffer from long after climate change has been seen as the biggest hoax that the world has ever known.
It started in America because certain community agitators “had a dream “ that all poor people (you know the ones) should be given huge mortgages to buy their wooden shacks at inflated prices regardless of any financial ability to pay them back. The banks in the USA sold the mortgages PDQ in bundles to naive banks here and around the world. Like all pyramid/Ponzi schemes schemes they eventually implode. QED banks go bust and innocent hard working people suffer. Note the words “hard working”. The ones on benefits carry on as normal.
Interesting isn’t it that the same community agitators and one in particular who managed to lie his way into the White House have now absolutely messed up the health care insurance of millions of people in the USA to the extent that they now do not have any medical cover. Not something Mike Mardell or the BBC will tell you about of course but Barmy Barry’s socialist experiment will now kill thousands of hard working Americans.
Socialism should be a crime against humanity. Nothing in the history of man has killed so many people.
OT, I like almost everything you say, but Crash Gordon has bamboozled you with the idea that ‘the crash came from America’.
Of all the commonwealth countries, all run on the good old British central bank system and principles, NOT ONE had to bail out a single bank. The global problems were global, but the state our politicians left our banking industry in meant that a couple of countries absolutely collapsed, UK and USA included.
Thoughtful, you overlook the fact that there are more people in work as well. Could it be some of those whose benefits are stopped have been forced to work perchance? And the comment about the Fed stopping printing money – wouldn’t this affect any world economy, even one with your (apparently) wonderful Balls was in charge
Good point – just like :
If you drop a stone down far enough, eventually it will begin to rise. That is not a credit to the government, but an inevitable reaction to events.
Noticed WATO at 1pm stating that the UK economy is ‘finally’ on the mend – part of the Labour narrative that if we had followed Balls’ plan the UK would have been better sooner. (and no – I don’t believe it ). My trust in both Balls and the BBC is at rock bottom and has been for some time).
Although amused by the BBC/Guardianista/Labour discomfort that “Plan A” appears to be working, it seems to me that in the long run the difference between Plan B and Plan A is negligible. Under Plan A the UK’s deficits (both budgetary and trade) continue, the inflationary bubble in property grows daily, the suppression of interest rates impoverishes savers and thereby decimates the savings that should provide investment, green taxes based on spurious “science” still apply etc. etc. Plan A has resulted in what I suspect is a short-term boomlet based on consumption ramped up by the “feel-good” faux-prosperity of home-owners. The “recovery” might – if Osborne is lucky – last until May 2015.
Naturally, you will not hear this criticism over BBC airwaves since any alternative “Plan” acceptable for broadcast and in-depth consideration by the BBC only comes from the left or the extreme left (exemplified by the NIESR or the New Economics Foundation) or via the incoherent warblings of Will Hutton.
All of the economies of the USA and Europe and the Far East are subject to any unforeseen glitches, to the extent that eventual collapse is more of a probability than a possibility. The fragile 2.8% growth currently and the fall in unemployment could disappear overnight. If the USA sneezes we, and Europe will catch another bloody cold.
And how is the USA doing? It’s printing dollars by the trillion.
Could this cause a problem? Oh Yes.
Are the Chinese happy with America? No!
Do they want their money back? Absolutely!
Do they care if Americans starve? No!
And, is Barry on top of the situation? Don’t make me laugh!
And will the BBC keep you honestly informed Ha, ha, ha, ha ha!
What’s the answer? Stock up on baked beans to eat and wheel barrows to carry your cash around!