171 Responses to MIDWEEK OPEN THREAD….

  1. DickMart says:

    Good article here on BBC’s attempts to undermine the scale of anti-Christian persecution. http://www.thecommentator.com/article/4356/liberal_left_bbc_minimises_christian_persecution. Given the consistent failure of the BBC to report any but a very few of these incidents, let alone provide any systematic analysis of why this is happening, it is curious indeed that they are speculating on numbers. The adjacent table (to the BBC article) of countries with incidents of religious harrassment gives the impression that Muslims suffer nearly as much as Christians. OK then, BBC, tell us how many Christian murders of Muslims! They are engaged in misinformation on an industrial scale.


  2. Alan Larocka says:

    Watching question time……..am I the only person on the planet that disagrees with every single point they try to make? Climate change shit Royal Marines bad drones drones boo hiss what utter fucking shite. I want to hit Ed Davey.


    • LeftyLoather says:

      Get in line, Alan. I can’t economise any further on heating and want to have fun shoving all my green-taxed energy bills down the LimpDem bastard ignoramuses neck first!
      And as for drones.. no lalaland leftie’s gonna like them. You see the ever increasing success rate of the beauties?!


  3. Teddy Bear says:

    Immigration, and related matters, is one of the most divisive issues in this country today.

    So imagine if it would have been a Conservative government that would have been responsible for the massive numbers of immigrants that have swarmed to this country in the last @10 years. Then seeing the amount of problems that the country subsequently developed as a result, the Conservative ministers responsible admitted that it had made ‘a spectacular mistake’, how do you think the BBC would have covered it?

    Would their anti-Tory agenda be stronger than their pro-immigration one? But seeing just how many British subjects who have strong views against the huge influx, might they decide to use this apology to properly lambaste the Tories for their stupidity. This way they could make sure most would vote Labour in the next election.

    So my guess is that they would run end to end coverage of the Tory admission of error.

    Now what about if it was Labour that admitted the mistake, seeing that it is exactly what they have done?
    Well for this we have reality to go by, and the BBC have done their best to bury it.

    2 days, on the 12th November, This was the news

    A spectacular mistake on immigration: Straw finally admits Labour ‘messed up’ by letting in one million East Europeans

    Former Home Secretary said the party’s 2004 decision to hand immediate working rights to migrants from other EU states was a mistake
    Admission in his local paper is furthest any Labour minister has gone
    His successor David Blunkett also warned Roma migrants could cause riots
    Government had predicted influx of 13,000 a year – 1m came in a decade

    The BBC ran ONE article the next day to tell us Jack Straw regrets opening door to Eastern Europe migrants
    and that’s it!
    It appears on their ‘Politics’ webpages, but I can tell you today the 14th the article has disappeared from the mainpage, as you can see:-


    The one I’ve highlighted is an article today which the BBC indicates as Clegg urges Roma migrant sensitivity which suggests that Clegg is telling the public to be sensitive towards Roma migrants. The actual headline of the article however is
    Roma immigrants must behave sensitively, says Nick Clegg
    Quite a different meaning ๐Ÿ™„

    Now on any topic where the BBC wanted to make it as public knowledge as possible, they would use EVERY related story to repeat the selected theme.
    But one day after Labour has made one of the most spectacular admissions in their history, for the BBC – IT’S GONE.

    Stephen Glover has more:

    Immigration, talk of race riots and why ministers can’t claim they haven’t been warned, by STEPHEN GLOVER

    As a footnote, watching the news on BBC1 just now, I see the BBC has no problem interviewing Muslims complaining about the Roma immigrants living in their neighbourhood. I don’t recall them ever doing it for indigenous British complaining about Muslim immigrants.

    Hypocrisy anyone?


    • Doyle says:

      A pakistani man in pyjamas complaining about the Roma’s integrating. The irony!


    • Dave s says:

      To the BBC the native Englishman is an inconvenient colourless nobody. Why would any self respecting right on liberal want to talk to him?


    • LeftyLoather says:

      Teddy Bear, I’ve said it before and i’ll keep on saying it.. That last Labour government should all now be in prison for trying to mass import VOTES!


  4. Idiotboy says:

    Question Time.

    Ed Davey.

    What a dissembling opportunist twat.


    • David Kay says:

      The Secretary of State for Moonbatism, Ed Davey didnt do very well against nigel lawson, and no rounds of applause or whooping from the crowd when the moonbats on the panel spewed their drivel


      • LeftyLoather says:

        I didn’t think that LimpDem-allocated crevice could get any worse after criminal wanker Huhne had to vacate it.
        How wrong was I?!


  5. LeftyLoather says:

    Listen to Al-Beeb’s “if we were still in charge” Labour Farty on QuestionableTime talking like defence shipbuilding in Portsmouth, or soon-to-be lack of it there, would be safeguarded under their leadership. What absolute utter devious cobblers!
    What lot was it in 2008 that chopped the Type 45 Destroyer contract right down from 12 ships to just 6?
    Yes, the same lot who kept on leaving our heroic soldiers out in Afghanistan without hardly any helicopters, when back home we actually had plenty of the things!


  6. Pounce says:

    Just watched the news ref Roma people living in Sheffield.
    Can somebody please explain how the bBC can get away with allowing people to be openly racist. Now I am not saying the people complaining are in the wrong, the fact remains the bBC allows one branch of people to complain about another. It is something I have never seen before on the bBC . I wonder what is so different here?


    • Chris says:

      Pakistanis teaching people how be English.
      Lessons as follows
      1) How to drive like a prick in your family BMW without insurance 101
      2) How to groom little girls and get away by pulling the race card 101
      3) Advanced VAT and benefits fraud.
      4) Advanced victim hood seeking.
      5) How to incorporate “innit” into every sentence.
      Acceptable items of clothing include Pajamas and Darth Vaders mum costumes.


  7. Chris says:

    Hear the story that Hope not Hate and UAF have been stopping the Pakistani gangs accosting Roma and racistly demanding they integrate?
    How about how they have begun boycotting Labour for using extreme language regarding the Roma?
    Nothing? It’s not as if they are actually left wing backed thugs who aim to snuff out peaceful democratic protest through fascist violence…


  8. LeftyLoather says:

    Those laughable cowards only ever go for the soft options, Chris. We all know that really, including them! There’s not a spine amongst ’em.


  9. An English Gentleman says:

    Perfect example, John Anderson. Excellent. Its all the usual – if it doesn’t fit into their agenda they just don’t broadcast it. How could any failure on oblama’s part be news? He is, after all their god…’some say’ (a favourite bbbc phrase when they want to bring an interview around to their own agenda) second only to their other god, nelson mandela