Peter Oborne in the Telegraph says it all…..
Immigration: Britain’s doors are wide open, and we can’t even talk about it
A wave of Romanians and Bulgarians is heading our way, thanks to the EU’s lack of democracy
In recent years, however, Europe has fallen under the control of a new ruling class that has obtained powers which it has no democratic right to exercise.
Think of it like this: the European Union has abolished politics. Highly susceptible to lobby groups and large corporations, it is now out of reach to political parties and national politicians. This is far more dangerous than has yet been realised. Again and again national leaders are finding themselves accountable for decisions they haven’t made and can’t alter.
[On immigration] Sir Andrew Green of MigrationWatch (disgracefully treated by the BBC as a Right-wing alarmist 10 years ago) has provided more accurate, responsible and truthful predictions than anyone else. He guesses that around 250,000 additional migrants will travel to Britain over the next five years.
Earlier this week, David Blunkett, a former Labour home secretary, warned that their arrival might spark riots.
I wonder whether Mr Blunkett, who was speaking out on the basis of problems with Roma in his Sheffield constituency, was wise to make his inflammatory remarks. Yet, he is a politician. He surely has a duty to speak up for his voters. Nobody in Britain – or any other European country – has voted for this fresh wave of immigration. Nobody asked for it, and almost nobody wants it.
This is the trouble with the European Union. Decisions are made, no one knows where, which have enormous consequences for the lives of ordinary people, and local politicians are helpless.
The new migrants will be hungry for jobs, and are bound to price some British workers out of the market. They will have the right to use our schools and NHS, which are already creaking. They will need housing, and welfare benefits.
This is not a selfish Right-wing cause, as some still assert. The British Labour Party, backed by the trade union movement, fought a great, honourable battle in the last century for dignity of labour and fair pay. This is all being lost, thanks in part to the arrival of waves of cheap labour from the east. Big business benefits hugely, and the affluent middle classes get access to cheap domestic help. But there is a cost to the social fabric, and it is always the poor and powerless who pay the highest price.
The decision will be enforced by anonymous officials and jurists. Without intending to, the European Union is turning into the enemy of democracy.
The ‘enemy of democracy’.…..and the BBC has helped both causes every step of the way…both the EU and immigration….it still does as noted earlier….critics of immigration or the EU are classed as extremists, far right demagogues and xenophobic populists.
Welcome to the Fourth Reich.
It’s a pity so soon after remembrance Sunday we have finally to put our hands up and admit we lost the war.
The Common Market was dreamt up in the early fifties by former Nazis with the intent of creating a European super state controlled by Germany. On that they’re succeeding admirably.
Heil Hitler….or so we’ll all be saying soon.
It was dreamed up long before then!
Thanks for that Aerfen. I didn’t realise it went back that far.
Sorry, but that looks like raving conspiracy material to me. I am only surprised that it didn’t mention lizardoids.
For some verifyable hard facts I refer you to the war aims of the German Empire, as set out by Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg, as it entered world war 1 – 100 years ago!
“We must create a central European economic association through common customs treaties, to include France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Poland “sic”, and perhaps Italy, Sweden and Norway. This association will not have any common constitutional supreme authority and all its members will be normally equal, but in practice will be under German leadership and must stabilise Germany’s economic dominance over Mitteleuropa. ”
Sound familiar to anyone?
And in the Second war also.There is a series of articles (I have them somewhere but mislaid) in the Wermacht propaganda magazine Signal that was published in many languages and all over Europe. Around 1943. Sets out the blueprint for the EU in detail. Essentially a Franco German hegemony but definitely dominated by Germany. No conspiracy theory here it is all easily verified. Some have suggested that there are secret treaties between France and Germany that predate 1945 to further this aim. It is certain that a main aim of all this was to neutralise us and the USA. The PTB will never let us leave the EU. It will collapse without us and they know it. Be prepared for rough times if UKIP continue to do well. Cameron ,the BBC ,the liberal media and the rest? Of no importance other than as tools of the EU and not to be trusted.
Waffen SS general Kurt Meyer
“Politically, while he defended the role of the SS, he was more conciliatory; he told a reporter just after his arrival in Germany in 1951 that nationalism was past and that “a United Europe is now the only answer”. At a HIAG rally in 1957, he announced that while he stood behind his old commanders, Hitler had made many mistakes and it was now time to look to the future, not to the past.”
Recommended reading:
The Great Deception, by Booker and North.
EU exposed in all its disgusting form.
In Eastern Europe during the Soviet era they had to endure the very same thing and now 20 years after the wall fell, those areas where socialism failed also see the very worse in…racism.
“Again and again national leaders are finding themselves accountable for decisions they haven’t made and can’t alter.”
Then they should make that clear. I can never figure out why they don’t, when they’re normally quick to deflect the blame. Something to do with pensions or future appointments, probably.
And so should the BBC, with its mission to explain, but of course they never do either.
‘Then they should make that clear’
Communication in any form, much less clarity, appears to be a lost art.
It’s based on not being held to account on anything, which the BBC mercilessly exploits, whilst ensuring it is well behind the reassuring protections this affords.
Across the board, but especially the public sector, it now seems acceptable to screw up royally by then blaming anyone and anything but yourself.
In my line, if you took on a role, you did it right and got the glory. Wrong, and copped the flak.
One key aspect was not working on something that you knew couldn’t meet brief on cost, time or quality grounds. Because it would go wrong, so… you copped the flak.
Hence I never embraced any task I didn’t think I could manage. It may not always be easy to do, but is worth it.
Now it is worth pretending, fail, and get paid anyway.
@ “Anyone that relies on the BBC for their news wont know”..
Well of course now….it’s on the subject of immigration, and from one of their beloved Labour M.P.s. admitting that he was wrong.
What Labour did when in power has no parallel in history. Forget the shambles they made of the NHS, education, defence, the lot. The deliberate policy of marginalizing the indigenous people of Britain, and replacing it with a Benefit dependent populace, who at the same time were , and are, committed to wipe out Western civilisation, has no parallel in history.
Even a Quisling government stopped short of such monumental treason. I cant think of any punishment that can be levied that fits such a crime.
And now these statements from the architects of this destruction are designed to claw back a few traditional working class votes. Be warned. They have no intention of dealing with the problems.
Quite correct. It has no parallel in history. And for that reason we are in uncharted territory. Even the stupidest liberal is beginning to understand this. They will try to deny it to themselves still. The BBC to the van as usual but reality will come crashing down the road. Maybe not this year or the next but it will come. It always does in the end.
Like I say. Tell the liberal idiots to go and read Homer.
That 68er generation has betrayed England. Indulged by their parents and a caring state they will come to be reviled as no other generation has ever been.
Tony Blair spends 600k a year on his own personal security as well as the government security.
Thatcher never paid for her own security, just had the government security.
I’d say Blair is very worried about dying a nasty death.
Straw, Blunkett, Blair, Brown……the whole rotten lot of them should be swinging from the jibbet. Listen to Farage, ‘applauding’ Blunkett for heavens sake, he should be going for his bloody throat, Farage has gone soft. And where were the Unions, if the Tories had done this there would have been a general strike….but no, not a squeak out of the bastards. They have betrayed the working man, and the country.
Straw Blanket?
“Anyone who relies on the BBC for news will probably be unaware…..”
Somebody’s stealing lines from this blog…..
Oborne is that strange creation of a pro-Muslim zealot and an EU refusnik.
Like others though-he goes quiet over Turkeys EU entry, and the coming wave of Islam sweeping through the EUs open legs.
File under Hannan. curates eggg, but watch for the bad parts if you`re eating.
In the article it says that nobody voted for this fresh wave of immigration. Well, nobody in Britain voted for ANY of the immigration that took place in the UK in the last 50 years! We weren’t given any choice, we weren’t even told about it and never given the truth. In fact that BBC connived with the liberal left, to lie to us about it, to pretend it was a good thing, to make those who opposed it social pariahs.
So as far as I am concerned all the immigrants have no legitimate right to be here. As for the crocodile tears of Straw and Blunket , they are the most guilty of all, because it has been their policies which have landed us in the mess. I hope that the electorate give them what they deserve and recognise the key role that the BBC has played in allowing this to happen and campaign for its demise.
Oh the irony of it!
We are told that Pakistani men are patrolling the streets to “explain” to the new Eastern European immigrants how to behave in Britain. Now how many non-Pakistani folks would be allowed to do that I wonder?
Would I be allowed to patrol the streets as a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Male) to explain to Pakistani men how to behave? Little things like; please do not place things that go bang on public transport or rape our little children. Up before the beak I would be and sent down to the re-education camps to be converted to Islam.
And all of a sudden, they are Pakistani men. Not British men or Asian men, now why is that?
I may be old and creaking at the seams but I do know when my country has gone crazy and run by cowards with a bloated propaganda machine spouting their own twisted brand of truth 24 hours a day.
I’d like them to go to the BBC and Guardian offices and explain to them how to act British.
Can there be a greater betrayal than the Labour Party’s? Any party that would effectively marginalie the indigenous population for the sake of votes has no decency whatsoever and and verges on evil . Backed by compliant BBC. Concerned about immigration? Biggot. Concerned about Europe? Little Englander. There was never any debate. There was never any constructive criticism from the BBC whose responsibility was to question. And now as a nation we are on the road to Balkanisation. The old heavyweights of Blunkett and Straw are questioning Labours old policies. But we wanted to question them for years for years but were never allowed. The only thing that’s making them concerned now is UKIP and the thought of losing votes in working class marginal seats. Anyone who seriously thinks that Labour are going to do something about immigration is suffering from short-term amnesia, has a childlike faith or is plain bloody stupid. How many times do we have to be screwed over by these people? No one in this country was ever asked about mass immigration. And now we learn that the most popular name in London is Muhammed. Why doesn’t the BBC question this?
Labour was motivated by electoral advantage, not I think a desire to destroy Britain, though that’s a bonus. Everywhere, ethnics vote 90-95 % Labour/Socialist/Democrat – because they are easily persuaded old whitey/Conservative/Republicans are racist and wouldn’t let ’em away with it.
The reason Obama had a second term, with Afro-American/Hispanics holding 30% of votes cast, and casting them 95% for the Democrats, – voting on race issues – white liberal + ethnics wins. France’s Hollande likewise owes his presidency to Socialists + France’s Muslims 5m.
Do you think Jack Straw didn’t know all this? Of course he knew it. He’s just afraid now for his own skin in the coming local backlash for what he has done.
Not really surprising that the MP for the Emirate of Blackburn would do his best to court Muslim votes. Although his u-turn could be explains by the fact that he hears, aaaaaaallllllaaaaahhhuuuuu aaakkbbaaaarrrrrrr, five times a day in said multi-culti hellhole.
Labour do wish to destroy the type of Britain, and more importantly England, that they regard as preventing the rule of the saints. In their case themselves. They always have but the innate stubborness and conservatism of the English has always denied them.
Immigration gave them their chance. That they are incapable of thinking ahead goes without saying. Straw and Blunkett, both up to their necks in this policy seem to have suddenly both looked into the future and really frightened themselves.
Classis 68ers and guilty men along with the entire political class.
There is a special place reserved in hell for all the lefty’s.
Is there an election in six months time ? Followed by another a year later ?
Hmmm !
Interfaith???? Aye – that’ll be right.
Al beebs infatuation with the Nazis
I don’t detect any bias on this, but she’s quite nice 🙂
Labour relies on Scottish votes for a general election win. When Scotland gains independence, there won’t be be enough labour voters from England and Wales so labour will be finished. (or have I missed something?) What a joke – labour enacted the EU policy of devolution and now it has come back to bite them in the bum. So why are the conservatives so dead against Scottish independance? they should be cheering for it. I have not heard the BBC adddress the question of lost labour votes and the end of labour after Scottish independence.
Scrappydoo I agree. The best hope for England and Scotland is to go their separate ways. Scotland will never have to put up with another Conservative government and England will never have to tolerate Labour. Cameron has a romantic notion about the Union, I think, or he doesn’t want to be remembered for the PM who lost the Union. I don’t want to see the break up but, particularly in England’s interests of simple self preservation, that would be the only solution. Lets not forget the Blair and Brown are Scottish and Labour and were happy to oversee mass immigration in England particularly London. Does anyone for a moment think they would have allowed that kind of mass third-world immigration to affect Edinburgh that they allowed in London? No the Scot’s would be up in arms, rightly, and valuable Labour seats would go to the SNP. That’s why Labour are worried by UKIP now. That’s why they are making noises about immigration. They wont do anything about it mind its not in their DNA. Labour, and I’m an ex-Labour member, cannot be trusted to act in the interests of the country just themselves. They’ve proved this. How many more times do we have to be dumped on by them and their compliant pals the Beeb till we learn?
“Labour relies on Scottish votes for a general election win. When Scotland gains independence, there won’t be be enough labour voters from England and Wales so labour will be finished. (or have I missed something?)”
Yes, you have missed the very simple fact “that Labour doesn’t need Scottish MPs, and an independent Scotland would NOT give the Tories a permanent majority in the remnant UK. ”
The logic of the conclusions in that analysis is torn to shreds in the comments.
Thanks, that answers my question, (labour will survive)but to follow on from that – After Scottish independence, Wales will surely follow, then will labour will be finished in England ? Then when the U.K. and Great Britain no longer exist, what will be the BBC’s future (it will have to change it’s name at least) ?