One of the BBC’s favourite radicals has spilt the beans about Labour’s bean counting cock ups when in power.
Just how will the BBC report this? They love Ken but hate the message which is one they have been ignoring for 3 years….Labour smashed the economy:
Labour are cowards for racking up billions in debt, says Ken Livingstone
The former Mayor of London criticises Labour for spending billions to avoid tax and spending cuts in the ‘boom years’
Ken Livingstone, the former Mayor of London, has accused the Labour party of “cowardice” for building up billions in debts rather than taking difficult decisions on tax cuts and spending.
In a speech to a campaigning group on Saturday Mr Livingstone accused Gordon Brown of borrowing too much in the boom years.
Mr Livingstone said: “Gordon Brown was borrowing £20 billion a year at the height of the boom in the first decade of this century in order to avoid having to increase taxes, because he wanted to increase public spending.”
The former Mayor described the racking up of debts as “an act of cowardice” on the part of the Labour party.
‘Just how will the BBC report this? They love Ken but hate the message which is one they have been ignoring’
Maybe they can declare the whole story #foiexempted and pretend it never happened?
There is certain precedent already.
Simple – we will just not mention it – certainly we won’t put it on our website, nor will a search of his name bring up any article about him saying that. Did you really think we’d do anything different?
Straw? Blunkett? now Livingston?
Bloody Israelis were way too slow to get to the Phillippines were they not?
Inquiry…Labour are in no way to blame for anything, apart from letting Tories breathe…get those YouTube clips of the last shower of shite(1997-2010) before they remove all references to what they actually DID to this country for 13 years.
You’re right…what is going on? BBC have done their best to ignore all three BUT my question is “why” are these fully fledged members of the gang that has done so much to damage the UK ‘coming out’ now?
Perhaps it’s an orchestrated attempt to distance New New Labour (Miliband) from the follies of New Labour (Blair/Brown)? These three old Red lags are now expendable, having done their worst. There must be a hope that lancing the boil of public resentment over mass colonisation now, well over a year before the election will somehow enable Miliband to say ‘OK, we were wrong but we’ve apologised, & next time we’ll get it right. We’ve had five years in opposition to get our immigration policy sorted out. Trust us.’
Muslims aren’t the only ones adept at Taquiyya.
very probably, or something similar.
Chris is dead right – Livingstone left London Billions in debt – he has no room to talk!
So – what is going on with the slew of media statements?
I agree with the other sentiments here – slagging off the Bliars and Browns to give Miliperson a ‘clean slate’. After all, if he slaggs off his beloved mentors, then he can ignore his history and move to the election with a clear conscience, not so?
This is the sort of thing they use to do in Communist Countries when the old regime passed to the new. Blame them for all the mistakes, and promise that they will learn and try not to do the same. “Sorry, about that little mistake.” “Can we move on now?”
All swept under the carpet. A sort of wishful amnesia. Aided and abetted by the Beeb.
What a turn around! Livingstone has on his LBC sat morn show on many occasions denied there was a spending spree under Labour. I even went as far as to complain to OFCOM about his political lies on this subject that he made during the show. So what is his agenda today, I would suspect that he may not have put aside his ambitions for mayor.
When Lee Jasper, Livingstone’s right hand criminal on the London Assembly was caught with his fingers in the till the BBC refused to report it. Later some BBC drone declared the story “not newsworthy” that’s why they hadn’t covered it.
Perhaps Livingstone’s revelations will go the same way, declared “not newsworthy”.
Woe betide Boris Johnson if the beeb catch him riding his bike without a helmet. It’ll be the front page splash.
WTF! Has Livingstone joined the EDL??? It’s into Room 101 and on with the rat cage for HIM!!!
Maybe I’m misreading this; but everyone above seems to think that Livingston is complaining about the borrowing boom because it showed Brown’s incompetence. I read it as Livingston is complaining about the debt because it was caused because Brown wouldn’t put up taxes to 98% as previous Labour governments had done. Although there were enough stealth taxes from Brown to mask the lack of increase to Income Tax.
No I read it that way as well. Komrade ken clearly thought brown should have raised taxes to fund his increased spending rather than borrowing .
That would have been the responsible and honest way to fund increased state spending. As we know Brown was a liar and a thief ,and was allowed to get away with his policy of borrow and spend ,rather than tax and spend, by a complicit BBC, who never questioned why the country was borrowing so much but actually supported his loony policy for years.
Raising taxes to cripple industry, obliterate individuals’ savings and ruin the economy is far from responsible. If there is a need for more money then moderate tax increases may be required but not just to fund projects to increase your voting base. That’s irresponsible, immoral and close to illegal.
A quick search of al-Beeb’s website for ‘Ken Livingstone’ gives no results for this outburst, although second headline on the list of Red Ken articles was ‘Labour demand apology from Mail for Ralph Milliband article’. The Ministry of Truth hard at work… Actually they’d probably take offence at that, what with Orwell being considered too ‘left wing’ for a statue.
The sooner the licence fee is ended the better.
Richard Littlejohn has a theory, he reckons the purpose of this recent ‘admission’ of mistakes on immigration by Labour MPs could be to get the public back on side before the next elections.
The BBC clearly haven’t got the message though. After running one article on Straw’s admission, it disappeared from their politics pages the following day, never to be mentioned again, even in related stories.
As we know, BBC philosophy for themselves is that admission of mistakes is bad for the future, which would explain why they would bury these mea culpas.
Which would then explain why after yet another big wig Labour MP – Alan Johnson, also apologizes for Labour’s immigration policies, the BBC has yet to cover it with any online article.
Considering that he made this admission on the BBC, they can hardly say they were unaware of it.
Now Alan Johnson joins chorus of Labour chiefs apologising on migration
Weren’t they (mostly Balls) trying this on the economy a while back? How’d that work out for them?
Good to see you back David 😉
For intelligent people, I think you put it best – Mostly Balls, or as we say in the UK – bollocks.