I suppose most reasonable people would think that anything that can be done to improve the level of service given by our GP’s to the most frail members of society is on balance a good thing? Yet the BBC has been sneering all morning at the announcement by the Coalition tha 100,000 of the most frail patients in England will be identified and given a named GP to co-ordinate their care.
The move has been agreed by the British Medical Association and NHS England in talks over next year’s GP contract. Ministers had been pushing for doctors to take greater responsibility for the most vulnerable patients in society to relieve pressure on hospitals.
The BBC are suspicious of this and they have been quick to allow that politics giant with SUCH a great record on Health, Andy Burnham, a platform to whinge and bitch and never a mention of the fact that it was LABOUR that presided over the change in GP contracts that provided so much extra £££ for the GP’s in exchange for so much less CARE for us. Labour’s brass neck is perhaps predictable but the BBC’s wilful compliance with it is sickening.
They had the cheek to quote Burnham saying that the government was reducing access to GPs.
I heard the disappointment in the tone of voice at 7a.m. Today that the BMA had agreed these NHS changes. When I had heard the first couple of minutes of the interview with Andy Burnham at 8 a.m. – and how he was allowed to ignore the changes because he agreed with them and he then started his usual rant about this government and the NHS I just switched to Classic FM.
Yes, I feel the need to switch to Classic FM – often. It gives the rage a chance to cool off. Mind you, even they are awful sometimes – after playing the Golliwog’s Cakewalk by Debussy, recently, they didn’t DARE say “golliwog” – they just called it “Cakewalk”. I sent them an E mail. They didn’t reply.
Before I left the UK I sent Classic FM an email berating them for the standard of their hourly news bulletin which regurgitated everything the BBC pumped out. Never got a reply.
By the way, how do I get back into the DT Disquas. I got banned 8 months ago after the Mid-staffs criminality was exposed and I dared to suggest that Andy Burnham should be loaded onto the nearest cattle truck and shipped off to the gas chambers.
‘Never got a reply.’
All broadcasters appear to have a contact page for feedback.
Whether faux customer service concern (private sector) or faux meeting accountability requirements (public sector), or both, voluntary or mandatory, self-imposed or legislation, the results are the same. Inevitably.
Bit harsh…I`d have thought he could have been slipped into the food chain in Plovdiv or Bucharest , before ending up in a Findus lasagna.
Andy Burnham must have enough brass in his neck for an entire colliery band.
And enough eye liner for Lady Gaga’s entire tour
The bBC should replay a very old sketch done by the NOW show about the Labour/BMA negotiations. The negotiation must have been a farce for a comedy show to rip it to pieces. Blair in PWQs when jibed about the contract, in typical Labour form said; “rejoice we have the best paid GPs in the world”. What was most strange was for once he told the truth.
Shame the NOW sketch is not on youtube as it was so over the top it did strike home.
Part of a piece isn`t it?
Yesterday the grid (c/o Campbell 97) featured the attacks on Brums “social working community” by nasty,horrid OFSTED re all those kids dead, whistles being given to Uncle Omar and not blown as the battered dead kids lay strewn around their offices.
Justin Webb got a berth in Birmingham for the day…and spoke to the newest monkey(name in chalk) on the door that says he`s head of CS gassing.
Apparenly it`s not nice to criticise them…they need more training, no-one will be sacked-ever, and they need more money from the Tories; less backchat from Wilshaw.
1. Wasn`t it Labour who put OFSTED in charge of Childrens Services provision…and, given the praise they gave Haringey before they let Shoesmith hit the jackpot…do social workers give a f*** what OFSTED say-we all KNOW they`re crap, we need no School failing misfits to say so?
2. I don`t recall Webb feeding any head of the Catholic Church in Arudel lines about being criticised, demonised, demoralised and unwilling to become bishops with all that negativity and bad vibe hangin` around.
3. Nor were cuts in funding and contributions from parishioners cited as a cause for abusing kids.
But both 2 and 3 above WERE used to excuse what social workers let happen under their hobnobs in Britains second city. Webb saw no other possibilities…so unlike the Catholic Churchs being monstered by himself and “the team”.
As ever-there`s wrong child abuse(Catholics) and there`s culturally sensitive child abuse( Islam) and there`s approving of child abuse as long as you`re not doing it …just allowing it to get a Panorama Special( Savile).
Children In Need day eh?… time to deal with their “ddom and groom” agenda.
The whole piece yesterday after 8am didn`t ONCE give us details of whistleblowing. party affiliation, unions involved-not even a case of one child.
No sir…juts more training, less OFSTED and more Tory money-so they can build even higher piles of “Inquiries” to watch the spectacle and tragedies unfold…and get compo after, insh`Allah….
The problem that faces the Tories is that the BBC supports Labour, knowing that Labour will ‘look after it’ as a key part of its public sector client base. The same is true of the doctors, nurses, teachers etc. all of whom are represented by bodies which are in fact trade unions. Whenever the Tories try to make some reforms to the bloated public sector , or to show how badly the sector performs, the BBC rushes to get the relevant body to comment. So for example, the doctors say reforms are bad for the health service , when what they really mean is that the reforms are bad for themselves. But because they are the Royal this or Royal that, the BBC lets them speak as though they are independent experts who only have the good of the service at heart and the public often buys this lie.
The teachers are the worst of all. After a truly independent body , the OECD, reported that the UK has just about the worst educated young people in the developed world, the teachers should be hanging their heads in shame and the BBC should be highlighting this scandal, demanding answers and holding people accountable. But the report has been quietly buried as those of us who visit this website knew it would be.
Owing to the BBC’s stance, the effort required to improve the public sector is immense and badly needed reforms are shelved because they will cost too much political capital. Getting rid of the BBC would allow the root and branch reforms of Britain’s bloated and under performing public sector to happen much more easily.
The bBC would not like to throw all that PR effort away, in that the OECD report on school standards has shown their true worth. They have nearly put teachers into the sainthood status; that is where they become untouchable. I think teachers are untouchable but in the Indian caste sense.
The funniest thing is that on the soundbite used in the news bulletins, they cannot find even a brief extract of Jeremy Hunt’s interview on the Today programme when he is not being interrupted by Sarah Montague. She couldn’t even give the man five seconds to speak without interrupting him. The BBC, impartiality is in its genes.
i noticed that as well
Noted as well!
There he is again, live in Leigh on the BBC News channel. Archie Andrews… erm… sorry, I mean Andy Burnham, stumbling over his own words. I can smell the hypocrisy from here!
What?…an NHS story?…and no invitation to Claire Gerada to tell us all what it means to GPs(disastrous) to patients( death) and to Labour(photo op in her surgery).
Toricutz, yada yada…
Come on Beeb we`ve gone 12 hours without her “considered and independent views”!
Claire Gerada, married to Professor Sir Simon Wessely, psychiatrist, on the Medical Advisory Panel of the Science Media Centre, in essence pre-censoring scientific news although totally independent and impartial (where have we heard that before?).
Simon Wessely was advisor to the Department of Health leading to their initial report that people’s symptoms as a result of the Camelford Aluminium Poisoning were “the consequence of sustained anxiety”, and blaming the media for whipping up public concern.
100,000 of the most frail patients in England will be identified and given a named GP to co-ordinate their care. Blimey – he’s going to be very busy.
Harold Shipman c/o Geriatric Department at Mid-Staffs Day surgery….and Jimmy Savile as porter!
Beat THAT as the nightmare!
Appalling BBC tripe re the NHS after 8.30 this morning.
Humphrys had the wonderful Julie Bailey on( from Cure the NHS)who-to put it mildly-has some experience or knowledge about the likes of mid-Staffs.
She got a few heckles and sideswipes(what can anybody do?) to begin the debate-should mid-Staffs types got to prison?
But he soon got rid of her-a mere emoting civilian and not worthy of a story to be told.
Instead -as the BBC always do-it was all about processes, procedures, legal quibblings with a Union jock from the RCN.
That`s the spirit-none of those awful stories(it would be tiresome to revisit them…so sad!)…instead it becomes all about persecuted public sector employees under scrutiny and in the face of Tory cuts…it ALWAYS turns out to be about them and their pay, their prospects and their lack of Government pity!
So-off you trot Julie and squawk about mums grave up in Staffs somewhere…THIS is for the big boys now…
Disgusting as ever-but whether its schools, Falkirk, social workers or medics…it`ll all be due to the Tories and not enough Labour…simples!
Imagine Julie expected little else-and hope she knows yet more about the nature of the Beast she`s up against.
Julie got off lightly as an apostate from the death cult that is the NHS – hope she doesn’t need treatment soon though!
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