Is that a shift in the climate change ground I feel? Japan has backed away from its renewables targets. Rich countries seem to be on the verge of reneging on their climate change promises to poor countries. The Climate Change Committee is to undertake an inquiry into the scientific integrity of the Fifth Assessment Report. And they have invited Donna Laframboise (and to my certain knowledge some other sceptics) to give evidence.
It would be nice if the BBC had done their own examination of the science…instead of which we had Roger Harrabin and Co happily parroting the ‘science’ spoon fed to them by the IPCC as this post from October may remind you:
We Think, Therefore It Is
It is incredible to think that the only journalist with any integrity in the climate debate at the BBC is not Harrabin, Shukman or McGrath but Sheila Fogarty.
She has been the one asking the awkward questions about the much hyped ‘ocean warming’ explanation for the ‘pause’.
Harrabin et al should hang their heads in shame.
Lets be serious just like acute White racism,
Global warmingClimate change. can be easy to promote. Also just like only pure white racism, to the left only White countries can be guilty of poisoning the earth. this we see by how the left remain silent on China which is building coal powered Electricity generating stations by the score, How they remain silent on population growth, which leads to deforestation which leads to increases in CO2 generation and demands on the planet and just like racism in the west, it is used to blackmail everybody else into doing as they demand. Look at the results of the Stephen Lawrence as much as I admit the investigation as flawed , the so called change in society has resulted in more black men being murdered -ironically-by…blacks. Yet anybody who speaks out is damned as a racist.And so it is with the green crowd, it appears that to them a pure Luddite solution in the UK in which to turn around the world is the only answer. Yes lets tax whitey in which to make amends for the industrial revolution .
Myself I can’t wait for power cuts to cut into the land, I want millions of British people to suffer during winter, no heat, no power in which to wake them up to the fact that the lifestyle promoted by the Green lobby won’t power their iphones,Ipads or X boxes on a dark ,windless winters day.
When that happens the Green lobby will go the way of the Dodo in the UK
I think we are changing the climate. I do not know by how much because of the greeny toss pots. They keep on doing a chicken lickin.
You have hit the nail on the head. The whole bloody thing has been taken over as yet another reason why we have to give money to the third world.
If they want sympathy then they should stop using mobile phones, stop driving cars and stop watching TV.
And stop flying many thousands of miles to one useless climate change conference after another. Until they do that they can’t be taken seriously – because it’s clear they don’t believe their own lies.
The BBC has never been an AGW believing organisation to any serious degree.
It just recognised that AGW was a superb vehicle for the cynical brand of superficially benevolent authoritarianism it has practised since the 1920s and has proved so lucrative for its staff.
No, they truly do believe in it. It’s the house religion. The chance for some benevolent authoritarianism just makes it more appealing, and makes them believe it’s possible for them to save the world.
Do you mean like Gordon Brown did?
I think that the receiver would have done a better job of saving the good bits of the Banks that went bust.
The receiver would not have used taxpayers money, he would not have allowed any more bonuses, and he would have disposed of all the rotten parts of the banks including all those political cronies and crooks, that’s what is called capitalism.
But no, Gordon saved capitalism by using taxpayers money to bail out the bankrupt.
Bankruptcy used to be a positive aspect of capitalism because you would go bankrupt if you no longer served the customer, because in capitalism, the customer used to be King until Gordon Brown bailed out the banks with stolen money.
David I disagree.
If the BBC really did believe in AGW then it’d be only too eager to pay modest wages to its staff to ensure they couldn’t emit too much CO2 to hasten the eco-apocalypse.
But no, the BBC is notorious for high wages, overstaffing and huge redundancy pay offs, all of which encourage the vile, consumerist and CO2 belching society which the BBC’s staff tell us is wrong.
You can preach that people should do something, but not apply it to yourself – it’s called hypocrisy.
Great, I could ask around about what was left out, and notify people to send the stuff to this committee as well as the committee dealing with the BBC charter. The people in charge at CERN will be worried about the coming leaks.
I believe the best qualified employee in causational climate science at the BBC is Paul Hudson, but he does take sides with the Met office and Lockwood and the CERN administrators over the CERN CLOUD experiment debacal.
I suppose because left-wing politics and not science rules at the IPCC, the BBC’s arts qualified people are unable to even hide their grotesquely left-wing bias.
Remember, the IPCC, despite the way the Global Warming Propagandists spin it, was not set up to make enquiries to find if Man Made Global Warming existed or to enquire into the validity science behind the various claims making assertions it was a supposed fact.
The IPCC was set up by the UN with the specific remit to act as a UN Backed Propaganda Source to further the claim that Man Made Global Warming was in incontrovertible fact, that it was caused by nasty rich Western Nations, that it’s existence would be destructive for poorer countries, and disastrous for small tropical islands and low lying delta communities.
The orders to the IPCC, whose members were selected on the basis of their likely compliance, was to make sure Governments, especially those of the Developed Countries, were pushed into accepting they were to blame for Global Warming, that they were responsible for forthcoming devastation and starvation on the poorer countries with the resultant horrific suffering and loss of life.
Of course, as penance for our supposed sins we were to be made to suffer by being forced to pay through the nose for all our energy use, to harm our industries in order to benefit those of the Developing Countries and to make massive financial penalties, sorry, to make voluntary aid payments to them which should be viewed as a moral obligation for our supposed sins past and present.
The IPCC is not an organisation operating on soundly based science, it is a propaganda machine on the scale Joseph Goebbels could only dream about creating.