Hold the front page…another grand idea as to why Global Warming has paused.
We were first told they had no idea why there has been a long, long pause in global warming.
“We don’t really know yet what the explanation is for the slowdown,” said Bob Ward, policy director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of economics.
In August the BBC told us that:
Global warming slowdown linked to cooler Pacific waters
So ocean cooling caused the pause?
No, no, no….
Roger Harrabin claimed it was ocean warming that ‘hid’ the warming and caused extreme storms:
‘We’ve been dumping our problems into the oceans’ …… ‘global warming has paused on land but the oceans have continued to warm and we’re not going to get away with it forever.’
roger harrabin @RHarrabin 11 Nov Rising sea levels and warmer seas will create conditions for ever-stronger tropical storms.
Now the latest big idea….one which pulls the rug from Harrabin’s ‘ocean warming’….they ‘forgot’ temperature rises elsewhere:
Exposed: The myth of the global warming ‘pause’
Failure to record temperature rises in the Arctic explains apparent ‘flatlining’, study finds, undermining sceptics’ argument that climate change has stopped
Two university scientists have found that the “pause” or “hiatus” in global temperatures can be largely explained by a failure of climate researchers to record the dramatic rise in Arctic temperatures over the past decade or more.
So if there was global warming all along Harrabin’s claim, and all those scientist’s, that it was Ocean warming that ‘absorbed’ the warmth was so much tosh.
Have to rewrite the script.
Unfortunately for the eco nuts, it has already been debunked:
Expect to see it on the BBC none the less!
The Independent had this rubbish on their front page so the BBC was able to cover it last night on their review of the papers. The guests’ casual ignorance was extraordinary, although one of them showed a touch of scepticism until challenged by the host: ‘Are you a SCEPTIC then???’. ‘N-n-n-no’ came the reply.
There are many instances of historical records being adjusted by warmist, ‘scientific’ organisations. Surprisingly, all these adjustments enhance the amount of recent warming. This latest, laughable effort is just another attempt to cook the books.
And sadly, they’ll get away with it – courtesy of our national broadcaster with its 70% news and current affairs coverage.
“…[S]adly, they’ll get away with it…”
Unless four college students and a Great Dane suddenly show up.
Australia’s cabinet has decided it will reject new contributions or taxes related to climate change at this week’s annual United Nations global summit on climate change in Warsaw, calling the measures “socialism masquerading as environmentalism.”
According to The Australian, the document that was agreed upon declares that Australia “will not sign up to any new agreement that involves spending money or levying taxes” on climate change matters. It “rules out Australia playing any role in a wealth transfer from rich countries to developing nations to pay them to decrease their carbon emissions.”
Australia also plans to repeal its carbon tax as it toughens its stance against the climate change agenda.
Let’s face it they haven’t a clue what is going on. Which would tell any honest scientist that the theory was wrong.
Sadly ‘honest’ and ‘global warming’ appear to be mutually exclusive terms.
Dead right. It took them a long time to come up with the warming oceans theory. Funny, that, for a science which was so ‘settled’.
Here’s a reminder of what arch-warmist and leading star of Climategate Kevin Trenberth was saying back in 2009: ‘The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.’ The lack of warming, by the way, being over the previous 10 years or so.
Obviously the ‘models’, constructed by the world’s top climate scientists (snigger), didn’t give him the answer.
Oh, what a lovely mess!
An impartial (and reasonably bright) BBC would look at the contradictory press releases by “trusted organisations”, question this aspect (consistency is important yer know BBC) and produced a “Panorama” episode about it.
However, in this parallel universe…
I can’t find this on the BBC News website, surprisingly.
This was one of the first items on Radio 4 this morning, in the bit before Today starts and before what was once the Farmers slot but quickly tailed off. Why was not the same coverage given to a Met office report on the lack of reliable data over a large portion of the globe especially the Arctic, Antarctic and Africa.
PREDICTION : Global warming will lead to melting of ice caps, increase temperatures in Northern Hemisphere creating tropical conditions in Europe.
EVENTS : Hurricanes, tornadoes, extended periods of Arctic conditions, severe snow storms.
CONCLUSION : Global warming.
Any weather event now is due to global warming, including our arctic winters which have replaced the warm wet winters they had previously told us to expect.
And all the BBC do is parrot this shite, oblivious of the fact it makes them look complete dickheads.
Oh, what a lovely mess!
So let me get this straight the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change Whose mission statement read as:
“The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment is a research centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Its research looks at the economics of climate change, and aims to inform policy and academic debate.”
And whose six research programmes are:
1)Global response strategies;
2)Green growth;
3)Practical aspects of climate policy;
4)Adaptation and development;
5)Resource security; and
6)Research projects supported by the Global Green Growth Institute.
Whose main researchers have all worked in the banking sector, which kind of explains why all have degrees in…economics.
Which tells me, that this org isn’t recording
Global warming,Climate changeactual figures, but rather are trying to predict how to make money if the environment changes in the future. (I wonder how they would have responded to the demise of the Ice age?)In others words this is a bunch of economists telling me that the reason why the earth stopped heating up since the 70s is becasue…….somebody (well actually quite a lot of people) forgot to measure the temperature at either pole. To that end can somebody please explain what all the polar research stations get up to, all those weather balloons, all those satellites and here’s something not mentioned, all those NATO buoys out at sea designed to catch Russian Submarines, seeing as how anal the military is at recording things. (All such information is available for academic research) But the thing I cannot understand is if as the global warming crowd are now saying that we cannot trust the figures, because there aren’t any. Then how the hell are they trying to cadge money out of us all, if to be honest there are no figures to say the world is heating or cooling.
Funny, those 6 ‘research programmes’ read like an extract from UN Agenda 21.
Coincidence or magic? You decide.
You mean exactly like the IPCC’s remit to invent, sorry, Freudian slip, I mean publicise anything which will make people in the Developed World that their behaviour and activities are the only cause of Global Warming, or is that Climate Change, I can never remember which version they are using at any one time, and that only by confessing their sins and doing massive penance and self-mortification will the world be saved.
The IPCC was created by the UN to harangue and bully Government in the Industrial Nations of the West into punishing their populations for existing and into handing over vast amounts of money to the so called Developing World as free handouts, sorry, did it again, I mean as acts of kindness and charity to ease the imaginary damage and destruction the propaganda, sorry again, the crystal ball, oops, computer models, manipulated, and again, studied by Warmists, claim we must be creating.
The IPCC is not a dispassionate body coldly assessing the scientific methodology behind the assertions about Man Made Global Warming or even to enquire into if it really exists, it is simply a UN sponsored self interest Pressure Group which fanatically pushes the issue.
Remember, the IPCC is not neutral in these matters, it is totally biased in it’s output.
How Global warming is a money making big con
I have fitted double glazing to my house:
(Double glazed Sash windows at £1500 a pop, Composite doors at £1000 a pop). My attic is boarded, it is fitted with German slab insulation which came in at £25 a pack of 3 (I needed 14)
I have an LED rear security light (German) cost me £260
Energy efficient daylight bulbs cost me me £10 (but initially £15. I have just purchased 2 LED bulbs (100 watt eqvi) £15 each.
LED TV, Induction cooker,Bosch fridge,Meile washer all designed to save power. Today I purchased packs of polystyrene which you insert between the rafters in which to reduce heat dissipation 1 pack £8, I worked it out I will need over 30 if I am to cover the whole raft. The polystyrene looks exactly like that found with any new white good. (I may be wrong) those you throw away.
Then there’s the eco cap on Power (so called green energy) CO2 bonds which allow third world countries to get rich by doing..fuck all. Then there’s the current green blackmail.
“We are all going to drown, becasue of the West”
As you can see it is a very lucrative business, (How many people have read up on how it has transpired that Energy companies (EON,British Gas and the like) while bitching about the reason for price hikes is due to Government green policy, it has transpired that only 2 companies have hit 25% of their so called Eco targets and the rest are all at the 8% .
rate and yet they are screaming it is those green policies which have lead to much higher prices.
As I said wait until we have power cuts and while the rest of Europe remains well lit and warm we will have people dying in their beds (What did we do before central heating, double glazing and cars to take us to work?) and the green movement will be thrown off the nearest wind turbine, I can actually foresee, energy CEO getting attacked and the bBC having to eat a lot of humble pie.
Meanwhile Germany take the piss with an expansion of coal-fired power stations:
‘Overall, Germany’s coal-fired power plants (including lignite) contributed more than 50% to the nation’s electricity demand in the first half of this year as output from natural gas-fired power plants and wind turbines dropped, according to an analysis of data that German think-tank Fraunhofer Institute collected.’
So….. no 80% carbon reduction target there, eh? Funny, you’d think all countries in the EU would be in the same boat but no, we convert our biggest coal-fired station to run on expensive ‘biofuels’ whilst Germany positions itself to take economic advantage of the cheap coal surplus to US needs which is thanks to their new-found supplies of gas and oil from fracking. The irony is the Drax biofuels will still be imported from America – from a dedicated 4000 sq km forest and at God knows how many times the cost of US coal!
(Post fades to the sound of the Monty Python theme tune…..)
Its Svensmark’s cosmic ray’s again.
Increased cloud cover in the Arctic region traps heat.
According to the silly carbon dioxide theory, the Sun needs to shine through the carbon dioxide to produce the warming, but the Sun does not shine much at the poles, and it does not shine at all during the winter.
Also according to the silly carbon dioxide theory, the greatest amount of warming would be six miles above the equator, but increased cloud cover due to the Svensmark cosmic ray theory, means the reverse is happening, cooling the Oceans and leading to a mini-ice age starting from about 2018, after David Archibald’s eleven year lag correlation findings.