late reporting that headline news on World service yesterday was that the world health organisations said that the gravest threat to health was the ineffectiveness of anti biotics on bacteria. Well, I won’t hold my breath for the BBC to report this groundbreaking news from Israel ! from weekly news at
A protein that kills bacteria. Tel Aviv University researchers have succeeded in isolating a protein known as Gene 0.4 that kills bacteria. In what is a first step toward developing a substitute for antibiotics, the protein prevents bacteria from dividing, thus destroying them and combating infections. A positive story from Haaretz!
Lynette, news so good you post it on several threads? 🙂
To be honest, and being slightly indirectly connected with this sort of thing I can say that this IS good news but that non-antibiotic bacterial cell death can already be achieved with other techniques: organic acid penetration of the cell wall causing increased energetic activity to retain internal pH and also preventing cell multiplication – leading to cell. And use of beneficial bacteria which in some cases attack pathogens (some Bacillus sp.) and in others outgrow them and deplete their populations through competitive exclusion. HOWEVER neither of these is medicinal and are non therapeutic.
FFS! We need a comment edit function: should read (italics are changes):
“organic acid penetration of the cell wall causing increased energetic activity within the cell to retain internal pH and also preventing cell multiplication – leading to cell death. And use of beneficial bacteria (some Bacillus sp.) which in some cases attack pathogens and in others outgrows (multiplies quicker) them and deplete their populations through competitive exclusion.
‘One was described as a black man with light skin thought to be about 20 years old and 5ft 1in tall, the second was also a black man, who was about 5ft 10ins tall, while the third was also black and thought to be about aged 20.’
Well, it is not a gang, you see – if they said ‘a group of three black guys repeatedly stabbed a white guy’ people could mistakenly think it was gang related or they were together or something. This way it is clear that by sheer co-incidence there were three blokes at this one guy’s house, someone got stabbed, pretty bad luck really…. keep the faith!
Tin hat on here, but is it not newsworthy that prominent former Conservative supporters have switched their largesse over to UKIP? I’d say it is, in terms of showing which way the political wind is blowing.
I have a friend who lives just a couple of streets away and she tells more of the story than is being reported.
Three black men ‘burgle’ a home in Luton. Some reports, (but not the BBC) claim the men were in the daughters bedroom, and her screams awoke her father.
What none of the media are saying, but the people of Luton are, is that the daughter is (allegedly) a drug dealer, and this wasn’t the simple case of a burglary gone wrong.
‘..tells more of the story than is being reported.’
Rather defines the state, and value of most ‘journalism’ these days, and that of the BBC more than most.
Context does matter, but these days seems controlled more by running everything first through a filter and then adding narrative.
Recently a few have shared experiences with CECUTT.
Whilst acknowledging dealing with the BBC’s internal dismissal system is pointless in effecting change from within, it is still necessary. It is the only game in town, and must be played, no matter how rigged.
The reason is that playing it shows just how predictable they are, and lacking when confronted by their failings.
Look at the cookie cutter classic still being trotted out, replete with not answering the question to hand, falling back on belief and framing the conclusion to put it all to bed.
Sadly for the BBC, there are those less inclined to accept such things, keep it their little secret, and who have access to the internet and possess an audience.
Of course, the BBC does have recourse to expediting critics, and is not shy in using it. Along with FoI exclusions at the drop of a legal team.
But there, again, service is rendered to the notion of trust and transparency they try to promote, if in an #epicfail
“There’s broad scientific agreement on the issue of climate change and we reflect this accordingly; however, we do aim to ensure that we also offer time to the dissenting voices.”
I think that the broad “scientific agreement” on climate change is that it’s natural, rather than mad made, is not in anyway catastrophic, is not driven by CO2 levels (either natural or through the behaviour of humanity) and is fairly constant, thus not responsible in the odd unusual meteorological event.
So the dissenting voices are really those which deny the natural variation, and accuse us instead.
It’s been said before, but I think we could do with a tab “Complaining to the BBC” with tips on what to do and, just as importantly, what not to do, drawn up from people’s experience.
Yes, that’s 31,487 scientists saying there is no convincing evidence for man-made global warming.
How inconvenient for the BBC. But then, when you have 70% coverage of the nations news and current affairs, you can just choose to ignore it, eh, and no-one will be any the wiser.
The Today programme this morning had a drive-by attack on Tory economic policy by BBC-favourite economist Paul Krugman. He was introduced as a Nobel prizewinner – true, but his prize was in trade theory – not in economic forecasting. (Like having snail expert Steve Jones pontificating on climate issues)
And Krugman was said to have forecast the crash. Total lie, as detailed by Niall Fergusson last month.
After this puff buildup – which happens to be totally misleading – Krugman spouted out some utter bile about the Tories having caused the crash by their austerity programmes so they should not be claiming credit for current improvements in the3 economy. No question, no challenge to this absurd claim. Off he went. Mission accomplished by Krugman and the BBC.
Yes, I heard this – it was appalling. He made the most outrageous, unsubstantiated attack on Government policy in an uninterrupted monologue; no challenge and no counter-view. The BBC recently seem to have given up even their smokescreen pretence of impartiality.
Last week they interviewed Jonathan Portes and allowed him to criticise Tory economic policy, at length and totally unchallenged.
Nowhere did they point out that he was head of a leftwing think tank, nor that he was a senior adviser in the Blair government.
It’s a regular thing, get a supposedly independent spokesman to attack the Tories. This is the sort of bias that has a real impact. The constant drip drip of attacks becomes background noise to the casual listener and simply becomes ” the accepted truth”. Unless it is stamped on at the time — and it never is — it becomes exceedingly difficult to rebuff.
The journalists panel on the Sunday Politics programme consisted of one journo from the FT and two from the Guardian. Where is the balance there! Perhaps they have programmes with two journalists from the Mail and one from the Times or similarly unbalanced panel but i have never seen one.
Surely the BBC cannot possibly say that this was an unbiased panel. Perhaps they thought that they needed such a panel to counter Andrew Neil. But in my book Neil is actually impartial and anyway they never seem to make any attempt to balance up their hordes of left wing presenters with right leaning panels.
I noticed on the early news this morning, greenies getting very sniffy because their climate conference in Poland was being overshadowed by a conference furthering the promotion of King Coal…
…also horrified that the poor Greenpiss activists protesters were likely to get another three months in the clink. Great! Happy Russian Christmas, boys and girls!
And well done Paul Sykes – apart from giving money to UKIP advertising, you also gave good measure to the awful Evan Davis, even though he announced that UKIP would have no chance of winning the next election, and he didn’t much care for your support of two thirds of the British people.
” …also horrified that the poor Greenpiss activists protesters were likely to get another three months in the clink. Great! Happy Russian Christmas, boys and girls!”
That’ll teach ’em to mess with Putin.
Now THAT would be a laugh!! Hungerstrikes are only successful if the power cares. Putin will have a glass of champagne if they go on hungerstrike, because there are only two ways out – capitulate or die.
What was ridiculous was the BBC interviewer suggesting to the father that it might all be over after Christmas. ie – just hang on for a few more months. To most of us, that father is likely to have to hang on for several years.
They are all innocent until proved guilty – but the evidence looks pretty damning. “Do the crime, do the time.”
Yes Sykes was greta wasn`t he?
The smarmy greasy queasy Davis slithered and smarmed all round Sykes in the hope he`d leave a slug trail.
Sykes slapped the sneery sly and quisling questions right back at Tinseltown…but some of those asides” you`ll give what you can get away wiuth” etc…were a disgrace given Sykes is not a politician…Today don`t do hatchet jobs on civilians unless they`re a threat to luvvie consensus.
Paul Sykes clearly is…i`ll be looking out for him.
Is he related to Stephen Lennon I wonder?
“Gaiman would like to see a television adaptation of the Thatcher/Doctor face-off. “There was definitely part of me who went, ‘You know, wouldn’t it be fun to put this on screen?'” he said. “Wouldn’t this be fun to see if I can actually make people wee themselves with terror in real life?”
Mrs Thatcher again? Aside from McCoy’s admission, RT Davies did that in the first Christmas special which featured David Tennant’s nostrils as the Doctor. We got the full Belgrano myth played out in full, with Tennant’s nostrils flaring at the Thatcher proxy, “They were leaving!!!” and telling her she was a dangerous woman.
I see it turns to really be the Kin in disguise, so not really demonizing her, per se, but the point is that they all view Thatcher as a scary and evil presence to begin with.
So a different writer, a different producer, and a different actor, but the same old BBC institutional bias.
Sylvester McCoy said: “We were a group of politically motivated people and it seemed the right thing to do. Our feeling was that Margaret Thatcher was far more terrifying than any monster the Doctor had encountered.”
My recollection of the 70s must have been just a bad dream and in reality all was sweetness and light before Mrs T and her evil junta undemocratically seized power.
It was then that the left decided to replace the electorate with immigrant clients. Democracy is a bourgeois invention and to be discarded when the time is right.
Under the link heading ‘Asian Bone Marrow donors increase’ it gives the misleading impression that they are talking about Muslims actually doing something beneficial for the country or others! Fat chance ! The Asian this refers to are Hindus. Muslims do not donate organs tissue or anything, as their selfish religion forbids mutilation of the body after death. As such in my personal opinion they should be banned from receiving transplant organs, which they accept all too readily !
It finishes the second article talking of ‘the Asian community’ ! What is this ‘community’? Muslims and Hindus hate each other, Muslims just hate everyone even other Muslims. Buddhists don’t seem too bothered unless they’re attacked and the Chinese largely seem to keep themselves to themselves. There is no ‘Asian Community’ except in the minds of the fascists who find it more convenient to lump them altogether !
Yes, sensed as much.
Muslims would give nothing to another faith knowingly.
Witness the Phillippines…whitey and Israel in first, the likes of China doing nothing without political benefit…and Muslims doing nothing…until and unless Indonesian gets the typhoon-in which case the stupid f***in West pays for THAT too.
We sign our own death warrants every day we sign a cheque to the DEC/Children in Need -all too often I`m afraid.
the word gay, used to mean things like happy, good, fun etc. Its now gone full circle now and it means rubbish, crap, pathetic etc. Just like”bad” means good
why should the homosexual community to allowed to hijack this word. They’re just gay (and im not referring to their sexuality)
What amuses me about homosexuals using the word “gay” is that the most vocal ones who moan about “homophobia” are some of the most lugubrious, miserable and whining human beings on planet Earth – e.g. Chris Bryant, Ben Summerskill, Owen Jones, etc. Not forgetting our very own Scott. (Cue abusive post from our resident homosexual affairs pundit)
But Phil Ford who posts on this site often posts things that I agree with – please don’t paint all gays with the same brush. Just because so many at the BBC are gay and we don’t like their bias on other topics doesn’t mean they represent the views of all gays.
Apologies if my post inferred I was tarring ALL gays with the same brush, Deborah. I thought I’d made it clear enough that I meant many of the MOST vocal “gays” were lugubrious, etc. I was, of course, referring to militant gays who spend their whole lives campaigning, advocating and generally being boring nuisances.
I , too, tend to agree with the vast majority of Phil Ford’s posts. I suspect that ( and he may contradict me) Phil, like many other gay people I’ve known over the years, has no time for the militants and extremists in “the Gay Rights” movement.
Those I’ve known have thought the militants gave all gay people a bad name, spending time causing bother when they should have been getting on with their lives and trying to make friends instead of alienating other people.
So homosexuals purloin the word ‘gay’ for their exclusive use, completely changing its meaning in the process then don’t like it when someone else does the same? How does that one work?
The BBC gets Paul Krugman on the Today programme to have a swipe at the Tories – again. But they somehow overlook his latest New York Times article saying that Obama’s economy is still down the pan and looks like staying that way for a long time ahead. Isn’t that worth a mention at least on the US page of the BBC website ?
The US page now has the weekend tornados in the mid-West as the main headline. Not nice for the people involved, but with only a handful of people killed it is hardly worth using it to fail to report any further on the ObamaCare crisis. EVERY US network spent the Sunday politics programmes discussing the Obama disaster, the implosion of the Presidency, but the BBC has gone silent on it again. The latest BBC website reports on the debacle are dated 15 November. But this is a rolling crisis – new news about it every day. Why isn’t the BBC covering this ? “They don’t like it up’em!”
So goodbye Doris Lessing. I’m sure that there was a reason you took up most of the News HEADLINES yesterday on the BBC? Would the story not have been and “and finally” piece if she had not been a left wing feminist?
Yes, I wondered why that was the first piece of news last night. It seemed strange, to say the least, considering what else was going on in the world. These little oddities are an interesting glimpse into how those in the BBC bubble perceive the world.
I’m sorry, no. Lessing abandoned her communism a very long time ago. She ended up being highly critical of several BBC pets, including communism and political correctness. She was also highly ciritical of modern feminism, even though one of her major works has been held up as some kind of iconic feminist breakthrough.
Lessing was very much against Apartheid (since when was being against that a bad thing?), and pretty much hated George Bush, but that hardly makes her a communist. She was all over the place.
Tsk, what are you, her agent? I wouldn’t read one of her crappy books if you gave me a free copy and paid me to read it. Answer me this, why haven’t all those anti-apartheid activists flooded back to South Africa to live in a black ruled utopia? Surely she should have been on the first plane out there along with Hain and all those other wankers. She didn’t because she probably knew how it would end up … the Africans are always one step away from killing and eating you. It’s the hypocrisy I can’t stand.
I forgot to mention she was married to a future East German ambassador and she was a muslim (sufi) too. If she’d been black it would’ve been a full set.
But was she actually a Muslim? Wiki says she used Sufi concepts and “Lessing’s interest had turned to Sufism after coming to the realisation that Marxism ignored spiritual matters, leaving her disillusioned”…
She was about as Muslim as those celebutards who bow to the Dalai Lama are actual Buddhists. Her useful idiot days were long in the past, and her statements criticizing Mugabe and Communism and modern feminism and the like since then surely outweigh that stuff. Beeboids may not grow up and change their stripes, but many people do.
I have to say that Dave Preiser is always scrupulously fair in his posts about the subjects he writes about. Long may he continue to contribute to this site.
Lessing may have changed her mind about some aspects of her politics but the BBC’s eulogy of her wasn’t very clear about that. That, at first glance, Lessing’s political history of Marxism, Feminism, CND etc. ticked all the right boxes for the lefties at the BBC was all that mattered to them. I’ll refer you all to the hagiography the BBC produced about Eric Hobsbawm, another hero of the Beeb’s intelligentsia.
There’s enough in Lessing’s make-up, no matter how warped, deranged or infantile, for the BBC to think she was one of theirs (see above). She seems to have taken the ‘suck it and see’ approach to every loony idea, most of them from the left … ok, she may have rejected a few through bitter experience but if anything she should be doubly ignored because it took her so long to see through it all in the first place.
Bias alert. I understand that the trial of two men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby is scheduled for today. Both the BBC and Cameron’s appeasing government will be very anxious to present the defendants in a favourable light.
Cameron will never offend any Muslim, not because of those in the UK but because it might damage his future income from engagements when he is no longer PM. Given that 2 speaking engagements can pay more than the pittance the PM receives it’s hardly surprising that now it’s viewed as a mere stepping stone on to ‘better’ things.
still nothing on al beebs news 24. lots of crap about Dr Who tho.
Is some crappy kids tv program more important than the trial of the 2 islamic traitor scumbags who murdered a soldier on the streets of our capital city?
Yes, Dr. Who is much more important than that stuff. This is about making the BBC feel good about itself, not to mention pumping up that massive revenue stream.
PS: Where are the lurking and non-lurking journalists and lawyers to scold you guys for saying “murder” and warn about contempt charges and the blog getting shut down?
they’ll all be at court protesting against the islamaphobic, racist and bigotted Crown Prosecution Service for bringing charges against these 2 victims of British Foreign policy
I believe (and I could be mistaken) that there was a possibility that this might have had a possibility of being televised as per the recent court restrictions being lifted, but it has been ordered the case be heard as per normal without the TV cameras.
Having said that you should read this article which is truly shocking as Lee Rigby’s murder & beheading is just the tip of iceberg and there have been others the UK has covered up:
“While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Read more:
While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Read more:
“While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Read more:
“While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.”
Not bollocks, that page can be searched for now but would have been ‘invisible’ at the time. Almost impossible to prove but it goes on quite a lot (we have a lot of experience here of the stealth edits and ‘hidden in the open’ pages).
its pretty hard to prejudice their trial when we have their confession posted all over the internet, and they were caught with blood on their hands, and in this instance, that phrase isnt being used as a metaphor
ive been informed by a solicitor of the supreme court of england and wales that the press can actually label the accused as murderers without falling foul of the law because its pretty obvious to a deaf dumb and blind man on the dark side of a moon in another galaxy in an alternate universe that these 2 people did actually murder lee rigby
Beautiful justice, assuming he goes down. He used to be a regular on the Beeb, spouting his leftist bile and hypocrisy with the most unbelievable arrogance – one of the very worst examples of champagne socialism, and that really is saying something when he’s up against the likes of Galloway, Viscount Stansgate, Toynbee, Abbott, Meacher…. (add your own favourite).
Let’s hope he falls for the old ‘dropping the soap in the shower’ ploy.
ooops typo, but youre right. i bet he’s worried about that.
he’ll walk into his cell, and some 6ft 6 inch 20 stone monster will say “who do you wanna be, mummy or daddy?” McShane will think well i’d rather give it than take it so he says “i’ll be daddy” then the monster says “well come here and suck mummy’s cock”!
“He worked for the BBC from 1969 to 1977, including as a newsreader and reporter on Wolverhampton Wanderers for BBC Radio Birmingham. He changed his surname to his mother’s maiden name at the request of his employers.”
But eventually the BBC sacked him, because even back then, he was a fraudster and a Labour Party political activist, but unlike the fraudsters and Labour supporters at the BBC today, he got caught
“He was fired by the BBC after using a fake name to call the radio phone-in programme he worked on at the time. During the call, MacShane accused leading Conservative politician Reginald Maudling of being a crook, with the MP threatening to sue as a result.”
Afraid I find myself in a quandary here.
An odious little creep in so many ways-total Europhile shill always willing to do the BBCs bidding re the EU and all it did.
A venal crook and hope he does go to jail.
But-one of the few friends of Israel in Parliament …so sorry that we`ll lose him in THAT regard.
Complex huh?
Margret Moran managed to get away without a custodial, her court appearance worthy of an oscar.
And I would personally like to bollock Denis for letting the side down. Put him in the Lords that’ll teach him.
Since the hyper-partisan Katty Kay highlighted a line from Mardell’s latest post worrying about the President’s current political difficulties, I’ll bring it up again:
Their problem is about how to win elections, his is about the limits on what you can do after you’ve won.
What a marvelously biased perspective. They think the problem is that the mundanities of having a separation of powers and an elected representative Congress and silly things like the Constitution are His real obstacles. News flash to the disgustingly biased Beeboids: Even if the President was unfettered by the realities of a constitutional republic and could rule as the autocrat you’ve always dreamt He could be, ObamaCare would still be a serious problem and the website would still be a trainwreck, and the President would be taking heat for it because HE DIDN’T KNOW, and His minions didn’t know, or didn’t tell Him.
Yet Mardell writes as if outside forces caused ObamaCare to be lest than ideal, and the President just got caught up in the stampede. As usual, it’s not His fault. Trapped in a world He never made.
Not once has a BBC so-called journalist admitted that the President didn’t know what was going on, didn’t know the reality of His signature legislation, and was clearly shielded from it by His inner circle. The alternative would be that He lied, constantly, but Mardell has already dismissed that accusation. So the only possibility is that the smartest man in the room, the coolest President evah, was out of touch, and remained so.
This gross incompetence has nothing to do with Republican intransigence or the limits of executive power. It is an absolutely disgraceful and ignorant thing for Mardell and Katty to believe.
Mardell admitted that the President’s statement about people being able to keep their plans turned out not to be accurate, but that’s as far as he went. The BBC’s US President editor seems to believe that it wasn’t His fault the statement came back to bite Him.
The BBC will not admit that the President didn’t know what was going on, because that would cause them to seriously question the whole cult of personality and quasi-religious worship of Him endemic at the BBC.
It reminds me of the victims of Stalin’s purges who went to their deaths believing that if only Stalin knew what was being done in his name, he would put a stop to it. They were deluded fools, what is Mark Mardell’s excuse?
I know the true believers at the BBC will never accept that the President knowingly lied. Unless, that is, they decide to excuse it as some have by saying He had to lie because we don’t know what’s best for us. I’d just like to see for once a Beeboid admit that the President didn’t know what was going on, and hasn’t known much of anything going on for so many issues now: the actual amount of debt, the Petraeus incident, the IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, the website. He admitted and His minions admitted that He didn’t know about any of these before they hit the fan. How willfully intellectually dishonest do these journalists have to be to hide this fact? They don’t have to criticize Him or sneer or blame like they do for Republicans.
Defenders of the indefensible and – if there still are any around – lurking and non-lurking journalists can’t tell me this time that I just want to hear my own biased political opinions repeated back to me from the BBC. It’s not anti-Obamessiah bias to say that He didn’t know. He and His minions have admitted it. Just report the facts and let audience opinions fall where they may.
‘Good to see BBC director-general Lord Hall getting in tune with his Radio 2 audience. Interviewed today by Chris Evans about the “fabulous” Children in Need appeal, Hall gabbled about “31 million quid” being raised. Evans enthused “what a dude! – he’s what we needed”. Colleagues from Hall’s previous job at the Royal Opera House do not recall him talking about “millions of quid” when begging subsidies from the Government.’
Answer : BBC guest, presented to the listener as a neutral commentator
‘Primetime coverage on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme for US economist Paul Krugman, who (not for the first time) has attacked David Cameron and George Osborne for not doing more to help our economic recovery. No space to mention that Krugman is close to Gordon Brown and that he once proposed that a statue of the former PM be erected in Trafalgar Square by a grateful nation.’
as we noted earlier – this was a drive-by attack, blaming the Tories for the recession – totally ignoring Labour’s responsibility (and the fact that most of it was rooted in Democrat housing policies going back to Clinton’s time). Krugman was given a glowing build-up – and then his lies went unchallenged. As bad as the Today programme gets these days.
The BBC sure wasted no time reporting that the French authorities have issued a description of the suspect. What’s different about this incident which has made them overcome the usual reticence?
Note that a spokesman from the Gay. Lesbian and Bisexual Community (Stonewall) are worried about our old word “gay” is being used to denigrate “their” 1600 students as surveyed.
Anybody able to tell me how they got the details of kids sexual preferences as given to them?…I`m unaware of any lists or surveys that would identify the Stonewall supporters who are now adopted by Summerskill and Co.
Note too the absence of the “Transgendered” label in this survey…let`s hope the Trans-sisters go to town on Stonewall for ignoring them…the newest victim sector should not allow this prejudice to take root already.
Anywhere there is a Muslim population any teaching on LGBT stuff is banned because it might offend them. This is the hierarchy of isms in action!
At the time of the Manchester University Muslim womens group advocating the murder of gay people, and the students union backing them to the hilt, I called the Manchester Lesbian Gay Foundation to get their spin on it, and yes, true to the left wing fascist vision they too agreed that it was OK for Muslims to call for the murder of the people they were supposed to represent!
Remember Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do and you have the lefts policy on diversity summed up in a single sentence !
“At the time of the Manchester University Muslim womens group advocating the murder of gay people, and the students union backing them to the hilt, I called the Manchester Lesbian Gay Foundation to get their spin on it, and yes, true to the left wing fascist vision they too agreed that it was OK for Muslims to call for the murder of the people they were supposed to represent!”
It’s actually worse than what I typed. The guy who recorded it all was the subject of an investigation by the warped lefties of the students union as it was a covert recording, and although the claimed they were going to investigate the Muslims the group disbanded and reformed as something else so they never actually bothered.
BBc North west (or should that be gone west?) flys the anti-fracking flag again. I’ve got my back to the tv as I’m getting my ass kicked playing world of tanks on the pc. What’s that new anti-fracking camp? Yes much song and dance “expect the camp to get bigger” so how many are there? Five…yes five. No doubt when it gets colder they will evaporate or maybe they will light a fire..but no that would contribute to the climate change..would it not?
I saw this Dave. Yet another blatant piece of environmental propaganda by the BBC, with not one iota of a sniff of a challenge to the crackpot outpourings of the assembled eco-loonies.
Well the BBC have managed to ensure that no word of the trial of the alleged f*cking animals who allegedly murdered Lee Rigby has made the 6 O’clock BBC1 News (or as far as I can see, their website)
Move along nothing to see here. Another disappearing story. Wasn’t there a war in Syria? Wasn’t there controversy over increases it utility etc.
This was one of the most horrendous killings that has been seen in the UK for years. Surely, there must be someone other than the BNP who are interested in the trial. Perhaps it is a sensitive issue and Cameron and Appeaser May have asked the BBC and the MSM to ignore it in the interest of community relations.
Sure others besides the BNP are interested. But because the BNP is interested, all others are then guilty by association. That’s how Alinsky-style politics works. So Cameron, the Telegraph, and the BBC (to name a few) all are willing to look the other way so the BNP doesn’t think anyone else supports their position. This is exactly the kind of thing done in the interests of Social Cohesion that the former BBC producer who used to comment here under the name “John Reith” told us about.
Making a fuss against the violent behavior “isn’t helping”, we were told. Keep your mouth shut, he used to tell us.
Anybody know the background to the story about the woman who murdered three men and left them to rot in ditches and attempted to kill another two? This trial must have been going on for a while. Not a sniff of it or the investigation etc on the BBC or any other media that I can remember.
I`ve only had the radio on three times times today, but each occasion has mentioned the bloody Dr Who day coming up.
HGAF?…when the BBC wants to put its daleks back into senior management , then I`ll think it worth the endless puffs and plugs.
Can say puffs still can`t I?
Shameless self-referential gobshites , the BBC.
PS-don`t suppose the inventor of the Dalek will be seeing any money from the BBC anytime soon eh?…Copyright is a one way street with the BBC isn`t it?
And which party was/is Denis MacShane a member of? Well the BBC isn’t going to tell you so I will it’s LABOUR guys, what’s so difficult about saying it ?
The BBC-owned company BBC Worldwide will develop documentaries with China’s state broadcaster CCTV that focus on the Chinese and Asian market, as part of a new Memorandum of Understanding.
Over the past three years, they have already co-produced science series including Generation Earth, Wonders of Life and Africa, and have worked together on forthcoming natural history landmark Hidden Kingdoms.
The new agreement, signed at the Sichuan TV Festival in Chengdu on Monday, will see BBC Worldwide and Chinese documentary channel CCTV9 make more TV and live event co-productions, and increase their distribution beyond TV.
They are expected to launch at least two major factual projects in the next six months for Worldwide’s factual brand BBC Earth. It is not confirmed yet whether the new documentaries will air in the UK.
The junior Senator from New York admitted the other day that they were all lying. No mention of this from the BBC. Instead, we get Mardell telling the lie that the President didn’t know it would turn out to be not true. The silence on this whole issue from defenders of the indefensible and the journalists who used to speak to us is so deafening I’m not sure I’ll ever regain my ability to hear them.
Just as I said above, the Democrats did it because we’re too stupid to know what’s best for us and need our betters to take care of it. Just like the BBC.
When I clickled on your link I received a warning that is “an attack page” creating the possibility of dangerous bits of software being dumped on readers’ computers. Presumably the ACLU – and others – don’t want us to see Senator Gillibrand’d admissions.
I got the same thing, Umbongo. Definitely a case of activist censorship. It happens all the time, unfortunately. The latest example is the repeated cancellation of’s Twitter feed.
I clicked through to submit a correction. It’s sadly very easy for active extremists to get Twitter and Facebook and YouTube (Google) – all Progressive Obamessiah supporters – to censor voices they don’t like.
Any problems with accessing the page in question, try American Thinker Blog which has a thread about the Democrat politician’s admission that “we all knew” that Obama was being untruthful about his assurances about Obamacare. They have a transcript of the interview and a video.
Thought it strange tonight that before BBC4’s repeat showing of ‘What Ever Happened to the Likely Lads’ we were reminded of the fact that the program was made in 1974.
Of course there just happened to be a black character that one of the main characters (Terry) assumed should be a bus driver, but no this character was studying for his Phd, putting unemployed Terry to shame.
Has this BBC ‘conditioning’ really been going on that long? If so it would account for the fact why so many over 40’s are so bloody compliant to the ’cause’ …
A few weeks ago I mentioned something similar … the film was Two Way Stretch … some crap about it being made in 1960 … times were different, yada yada … the offending word … ‘nignog’ (lol).
Not forgetting the fact that we are being deprived of repeats of classic programs that we have already paid for because they don’t fit with today’s ‘agenda’
I posted last week about the ‘tokenism’ in Tudor Monastery Farm, it seems this maybe down to a group called ‘Narritive Eye’ who want to bring black British history and literature to a wider audience and last week lobbied Education Secretary Michael Gove to include black Tudors in the national curriculum….
Quote “Marchu Girma, Narrative Eye director, said black people from Tudor times are not mentioned in the national curriculum at all, despite significant contributions”.
Remember the population of England was only 2.5m in 1500 post plague, what chance of ‘bumping’ into an African in your local market square?
The Tudor period lasted from 1485 to 1603 so picking 1500 when the population was least is a little ‘biased’.
By 1600 the population of England was estimated at nearly 5 million, so either your figure of 2.5 million is too low (which I believe it is) or something other than procreation was responsible!
The fact is that at the time there had been a kind of ‘mass’ immigration of black people from Africa , the were expelled during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
“Queen Elizabeth I became concerned with the increasing number of black people in England, and in 1596 she ordered that all black people be deported to Spain and Portugal, to be exchanged for English prisoners of war. She had to repeat the order in 1601, ordering her subjects to deliver up their Negroes and blackamoores .”
This disgracefully biased article from the BBC explains and shows from contemporary documents that there were indeed plenty of black people around in Tudor times. Unfortunately you will have to put up with some sickening propagandising to pick the relevant & true bits out.
Of course the biased BBC don’t want people to know too much about Elizabeth Tudors solution, it might give people ‘ideas’!
In answer to your question “what chance of ‘bumping’ into an African in your local market square?” Then it might have been higher than most might have thought.
‘negars and blackamoores’…interesting, I wonder would they accept such names today.
Not mass immigration at all, nothing like it: a few thousand slaves and servants from Spanish ships, a fraction of 1% of the population; the trouble was that they were all in London and Bristol (and presumably smaller ports); the problem was that they were ‘of the enemy’ but even so England paid the expense of their stay before being shipped out. As against ‘normal’ black English citizens who were already here.
Good links though: interesting: Finally, in 1601, she complained again about the “great numbers of Negars and Blackamoors which (as she is informed) are crept into this realm,” defamed them as “infidels, having no understanding of Christ or his Gospel,” and, one last time, authorized their deportation.
Good Ole Queen Bess saved England from earlier Islamification! 🙂
“In answer to your question “what chance of ‘bumping’ into an African in your local market square?” Then it might have been higher than most might have thought”
Nah, not in rural Sussex as depicted in the program.
is it just me, but dont you find it sickly these labour mps and ministers in the last goverment who are falling over each other to apologise on radio 5 live and the bbc for only mass legal immigration from the eu countrys but no mention of the mass and i mean mass illegal immigration including bogus asylum seekers from south east asia and africa that represents the 70% of the mass immigration that we had when new labour and tony blair opened the floodgates in 1997.where i live it is rare to bump into a polish immigrant or any other eu immigrant.but on the other hand i am becoming a white minority in my own city that has is becoming to look like some surburb in pakistan or somalia,why is david blunkett,jack straw. etc only picking out eu immigration to apologise for but no mention of asian or african immigration which to me is the real problem in this country.just cant work out what they are up to.
Illegal immigrants are those who enter the country illegally without the knowledge of border control, or who enter legally & fail to leave.
While relatives are supposed to ensure that a visitor leaves the country when the visa expires, when did you ever hear of one of them being called to account in any way for a relative who has become an illegal?
Tony BLiar set up many public services to be nothing more than facades, in that they appeared to be there and to function as intended, but in reality they actualy did nothing. The asylum service was one of these.
The whole process was driven through right up until the courts heard the cases, and when they rejected the asylum claim and the claimant should have been removed whence they came, nothing happened !
I honestly believe the BLiar government was wholly corrupt, and it is only because of the protection being afforded by leftie Dave and the Tory party who know BLiar as ‘the master’ which has prevented him from being called to account for his corruption. Somehow I can’t see millipede having the ability will or drive to take on BLiar, he’s just not in that league.
Indeed. Off topic but Blair is being protected from Chilcot too; well the inquiry has the info and will name names (Blair, Brown, Straw, Campbell) apparently but publication is being held up by Jeremy Heywood (most senior civil servant) who won’t release crucial evidence.
I posted on this a few days ago including the list of weapons he was carrying. He was certified insane and committed with a requirement that the home secretary approve any release.
The more pressing question is why he was allowed to keep his driving licence and his licence as a taxi driver after a previous similar incident, but then as we all know Muslims get much lighter sentences than any other group.
The BBC did carry the story, but you’re behind the times.
Last few minutes on R4 news this morning dedicated to “International toilet week “as designated by the UN no less. There are millions if not billions of people around the world with no access to a toilet. Fair does so far, but the person putting the case, you guessed it, a woman turned it into a “wimmin ” thing. It’s much harder for women, so gentlemen sod your hemorroids, not interested in your prostrate, we won’t stand for it ( pun intended ). The UN un-necessary, run by crooks, despots and psycopaths.
Was it just me or was R5 Live Your call on the reporting of Mr Flowers a complete travesty…we have a right to know what the sordid, corrupt oddball was up to, as much as we had a right to know that a trial had started yesterday of two (alleged) murdering bearded savages….but ho hum that’s the BBC. Now as if my blood pressure can’t take anymore we have VD cooing yet again over another boiler suited (alleged) bearded savage still enjoying a holiday in Cuba….OFF SWITCH. The nations STAZI broadcaster on form.
as a postscript I tuned into Jeremy Whine’s midday topical show to see what the take on the Flowers scandal would be………Oh more important news…how adding 3 seconds to a Pelican Crossing will ruin the economy (face palm) move along, nothing to see, fingers in the ears lalalalalalalala. The BBC as each day passes then deeper they dig their own grave.
I myself demand a four second pause on the pelican crossing…save electricity and allow for reflection on what cars are doing to us all.
Crazy horses remember?
This could be the Labour policy to win the election.
Dare they go for 5?…the BBC will be pushing for it…
sadly I caught a dose of VD this morning …
no not that type 😀
worse 😀 its V Drearybyshire, on BBC 5live
angling for another jolly on her airmiles, at our expense.
Yep! … back to Gitmo, and dear old “Shaka”.
Apparently US TV were conducting an interview,
and just like all muslims who get airtime, he decided to
squawk and shout over everyone else …..
I know, I know ……. and?
ah! … but that is without the collusion of the BBC, who
are trying to create a “storm in a teacup”, and thus VD is straight on the case, bleating on (and on) …
enter “uman rights” waller stage right
exit noggin stage left
…… off switch
5 Live is agitating again for the release of Shaker Aamer. Victoria Derbyshire gives a platform to Clive Stafford-Smith’s
whingeing for Shaker.
Here’s a question. Should Aamer be returned to the UK, I can’t see any way, short of a direct order from Teresa May, that the security services will not have to monitor him. This is costly. Who will pay for it? Not Clive Stafford-Smith, not the BBC. That will be me and you, then.
OECD revises down growth forecasts screams the bBBC website headline, making everyone think this is another pro-Labour assessment of Osborne’s Plan A.
But no! The full item is headlined OECD revises down global economic growth forecasts and it turns out that Global growth forecasts for 2013 and 2014 have been downgraded “significantly” after weak prospects in emerging market economies, said the OECD.
So, it’s third-world (’emerging markets’) growth forecasts that have been downgraded; nothing to do with the UK at all. Pity the bBBC’s headline didn’t have enough space to enlighten us.
This really is the BBC standing things on their head for the sake of the BBC’s political position. The headline & heavy print opening para is all doom & gloom. when they get around to reporting on the UK’s position it is worded as weakly as possible However, the OECD said the UK would grow by 1.4% this year, an upgrade from its forecast in May of 0.8%.
However, the OECD said the UK would grow by 1.4% this year, an upgrade from its forecast in May of 0.8%. UK growth would accelerate to 2.4% in 2014, above economists’ expectations of 2.2%, it said. It said signs of improvement were “particularly apparent” in the UK, and monetary policy was likely to remain “appropriate” for some time
Important Omission when describing Banker
Complaint description:
I have just gone to your BBC news website to research details about the Co-op banking Chairman scandal to search for any political connections to the Government (Coalition or Labour), for a book I am writing. Where you refer to Paul Flowers, the disgraced Co-op Bank Chairman, why have you omitted the fact that this man served as a member of Labour’s influential finance and industry advisory board? Surely with our Nation implicated so heavily and close to the top of the league in suffering the largest financial crisis in our history under Labour, this is very relevant. The last government failed to properly regulate banks and control our world class financial centre, which had a major contributory factor and influence on the scale of causes of the credit crunch, which legacy will be felt by the Nation well into the next generation. I did not have a problem discovering this omission from other media outlets, (eg Why do you often do these sorts of important omissions? It really gives one the impression that you are trying to protect one political side and this should not be the case from our taxes spent on National broadcasting.
Good luck (hate to say it, but you will need it).
The BBC is now seriously out of control by any professional, objective measure of integrity.
But such deliberate errors of omission as this will doubtless get obfuscated first by default CECUTT semantic waffle (weeks later unless they are rattled) and then if pursued get hidden behind FoI exclusions to avoid any belief-based decisions or measures being held to scrutiny. Heads you are wrong, tails they don’t need to show how.
I am already also steaming at this, which is based on pure, captured, FACT:
There is simply, no excuse.
They are running one degree of separation quotes as propaganda, even when it becomes clear these claims have zero credibility.
Good luck, but I think you’ll find that they think they got it about right. But that their reply may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC.
Oh, and not to tell a dicky bird about their reply.
Thought for the Day – a woman whose name and rank I didn’t quite catch but high up in the Christian church somewhere in Oxford.
Climate change – its real.
Japan is scaling back on its commitment to cut ‘greenhouse gases’ – they are sinners.
But they are looking at revolutionary ways of developing green energy – they could be redeemed.
Relentless BBC propaganda. Might as well be living in North Korea.
I wonder if this is the Church’s way of ‘appealing to the young’? Perhaps they wouldn’t need to if they stopped coming across as the religious arm of the Labour Party.
These TFTD women are as vacuous as the likes of Longley and Jimmy Jones…which is what the BBC like to see.
Giles Frasers all.
As for the real and ever present dangers of Islam?…well , bloody Christians are supposed to let the Muslims crucify them yet again….hate to cause a scene eh?
Will we ever see a Mosque allow a wind turbine on its minaret?…come that unlikely day, the BBC will roll themselves up in a Persian Rug and bare their throats for the Stanley knives of any passing Muslim.
Until then…as long as they don`t throw those scimitars away until they`ve been truly blunted on the kuffars neck…and hence recycling for longer…the BBC Greenhorns will be happy to shill for them.
Littlejohn, on ‘reporting’ ex-Co-op Bank boss, Flowers:-
“But just imagine if he’d been the head of another financial institution, not the Left’s favourite ‘ethical’ bank, and was a major sponsor of 32 Tory, not Labour MPs.
“His exploits would have led every BBC bulletin, with Ed Balls at the head of the lynch mob.
“There would be condemnatory Panorama specials. Newsnight would probably invent a new dance for him. Paxman might even shave his beard off in acknowledgement of the gravity of this ‘crime’.
“My guess is that by tonight Flowers, who makes the coke-snorting Mayor of Toronto look like a Trappist monk, will be portrayed as a hapless ‘victim’ of an evil newspaper. Soon, we will be deep into ‘personal tragedy’ territory, just like the revolting Oaten.
“No doubt hysterical accusations of ‘homophobia’ will be levelled at anyone questioning his behaviour.
“In a couple of weeks, the rehabilitation of Flowers will be in full swing. He’ll be given a column in the Guardian, alongside Chris Huhne, and will shortly turn up on the Question Time panel, described as a ‘respected former ethical banker’.
“Still, we should savour this story while we can. It can only be a matter of time before the Leveson-emboldened politicians and their allies in Hacked Off make drug-fuelled dirty vicar stories a criminal offence.”
“Return former Co-op bank chief’s £50,000, Ed Balls told.
“Shadow chancellor facing calls to return £50,000 donation linked to former bank chief Paul Flowers, who has been accused of buying class A drugs.”
Yesterday something really significant did happen in Gaza.
The leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, rushed his granddaughter from Gaza to an Israeli hospital for treatment. Of course Israel routinely treats sick Gazans (esp children) but you would have thought that this was newsworthy, right? I mean he is the head of the very organisation trying to destroy Israel. Right???!!!
I mean, let’s imagine if Hamas had done something similar (i.e. helped save an innocent Jewish child’s life)? Of course it would have been all over the news, non stop, add nauseam.
But the stinking bigots at the BBC do not mention a word of this. Not one f@cking word.
There are no words to describe one’s disgust for the nasty, poisoned, warped, bigoted pile of grasping, paedophile crap that is the BBC.
A typical story about a thieving Romanian who has several convictions but not been deported, and his thieving wife with 5 kids having her benefits cut.
Just for information when the fascists start talking about vibrancy again!
What sort of idiot leaves a £500 i-phone on a table? When I read stories like this I’m reminded of the scene in Full Metal Jacket where private Pyle has an unlocked foot locker. ‘If it wasn’t for dickheds like you there wouldn’t be any thievery in the world’ says the sergeant. Hard to diagree.
So yesterday the President held an online conference call with thousands of worshipers in Organizing for America (His personal political activist group) and not a few journalists. Apparently He was morose, downtrodden, pleading for help. Aside from the amusing metaphor of the website not working properly for many, the President spoke mostly about stepping up the fight for ObamaCare. He also mentioned another issue:
The president also used the call to criticize Republicans for blocking one of his judicial nominees. In a procedural vote Monday, the Senate failed to advance the nomination of Robert Wilkins to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The failure to move the nomination brings the Senate one step closer to a fight over nomination rules that could sour relations in Congress. The D.C. appeals court is often a steppingstone to the Supreme Court and regularly rules on the constitutionality of laws and regulations.
Republicans have argued that the court’s caseload is not heavy enough to merit the addition of new judges.
Mr. Obama said Senate Republicans have been blocking his judicial nominees “oftentimes for no good reason.” Mr. Obama said it’s “time for Senate Republicans to stop playing partisan politics with our courts.”
And magically, the BBC rushed out a news brief on exactly this:
Republicans in the US Senate have blocked Democratic President Barack Obama’s nomination of a judge to a key appeals court, the third such obstruction since October.
The Senate voted 53-38 to overcome a procedural manoeuvre delaying Judge Robert Wilkins’ confirmation to the bench, seven shy of the needed 60.
Later, Mr Obama attacked the “completely unprecedented” obstruction.
Later, as in during the OFA conference call. Your license fee hard at work, funding a propaganda arm of the White House.
There is no difference to reading and listening to Democrat/Obama and Labour/Miliband apart from the fact Obama is actually in power and therefore sounds even un-statesmanlike with his constant, pathetic blame-shifting.
Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but the use of the word “obstruction” appears to me to suggest that they are being unreasonable. Which is not for the BBC to do.
‘Which is not for the BBC to do’
Depends. Did Obama call it an obstruction? in which case it was a classic ODOS (One Degree Of Separation) quote and hence… who controls the edit suite?
Still not for any ethical, impartial broadcaster to do, but we are talking about the BBC here.
One might ask what guided their use of certain terms when referring to certain folk on certain issues (and not on others), but I’m pretty certain an FoI lawyer would appear pretty quickly to advise such things are their little secret.
The word “obstruction” itself doesn’t imply right or wrong. It’s the instances where the BBC chooses to use it and similar terms which give the game away. Republicans “obstruct”, but when the President declares that He’ll veto a Republican-led bill which will do more or less the same thing – only legally – what His executive edict would do about individual insurance plans, it’s just Him preventing the Republicans from destroying ObamaCare.
Remember when the BBC used to wonder how a lame-duck President still blocked Congress from doing the right thing? And the House controlled by the opposition party was simply going to “challenge” the President and it wasn’t described as trying to harm him personally or stop him at all costs? Ah, good times…..good times……
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 09:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Not what you’d expect in a speech by the President of the United States of America but hit, nail and…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 09:13 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The convicted killer, who can only be named as KD, entered Britain illegally with his spouse in 2001 and had…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 09:06 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror frets over fighting age dogs being imported into the country… Alarm over fighting animals… New breed…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Doge now has an army growing … “Thanks to the everyone for DM’ing ideas to the DOGE Affiliate accounts. Already…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:41 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Today, I came as close as I’ve ever been to my beloved Palestine. That’s her there behind me. I had…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:39 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The same Turkey that said a rapist could marry the victim?
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MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim … “I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “And am I the only one who struggles with the fact that we have just taken winter fuel payments off…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
late reporting that headline news on World service yesterday was that the world health organisations said that the gravest threat to health was the ineffectiveness of anti biotics on bacteria. Well, I won’t hold my breath for the BBC to report this groundbreaking news from Israel ! from weekly news at
A protein that kills bacteria. Tel Aviv University researchers have succeeded in isolating a protein known as Gene 0.4 that kills bacteria. In what is a first step toward developing a substitute for antibiotics, the protein prevents bacteria from dividing, thus destroying them and combating infections. A positive story from Haaretz!
Lynette, news so good you post it on several threads? 🙂
To be honest, and being slightly indirectly connected with this sort of thing I can say that this IS good news but that non-antibiotic bacterial cell death can already be achieved with other techniques: organic acid penetration of the cell wall causing increased energetic activity to retain internal pH and also preventing cell multiplication – leading to cell. And use of beneficial bacteria which in some cases attack pathogens (some Bacillus sp.) and in others outgrow them and deplete their populations through competitive exclusion. HOWEVER neither of these is medicinal and are non therapeutic.
But…good news, like you say.
FFS! We need a comment edit function: should read (italics are changes):
“organic acid penetration of the cell wall causing increased energetic activity within the cell to retain internal pH and also preventing cell multiplication – leading to cell death. And use of beneficial bacteria (some Bacillus sp.) which in some cases attack pathogens and in others outgrows (multiplies quicker) them and deplete their populations through competitive exclusion.
Well done Lynette – you really help combat the thinly veiled antisemitism of the MSM, led by Auntie, with your comments.
‘…was also black…’
Something a little stilted about this crime report from the BBC. Perhaps a new house style?
‘One was described as a black man with light skin thought to be about 20 years old and 5ft 1in tall, the second was also a black man, who was about 5ft 10ins tall, while the third was also black and thought to be about aged 20.’
Does seem like it was penned by ‘Johnny’ from the Fast Show.
Blaaaaacckk !
Well, it is not a gang, you see – if they said ‘a group of three black guys repeatedly stabbed a white guy’ people could mistakenly think it was gang related or they were together or something. This way it is clear that by sheer co-incidence there were three blokes at this one guy’s house, someone got stabbed, pretty bad luck really…. keep the faith!
The first dig is the deepest
This News Sniffer page reveals how the BBC have decided to temper somewhat their initial gut reaction to a story by rewriting the headline.
First version:
Ex-Tory tycoon backs UKIP European elections campaign
Second thoughts:
Tycoon Paul Sykes backs UKIP European election campaign
However the 10am news on Radio 4 still managed to get in the dig that Paul Sykes was an ex supported of the Tory party.
And WATO forgot to mention that Paul Flowers was heavily involved in Labour Party! (Sorry, pressed Report button in error, please spread apart)
Tin hat on here, but is it not newsworthy that prominent former Conservative supporters have switched their largesse over to UKIP? I’d say it is, in terms of showing which way the political wind is blowing.
Maybe this isn’t bias, but maybe it is.
I have a friend who lives just a couple of streets away and she tells more of the story than is being reported.
Three black men ‘burgle’ a home in Luton. Some reports, (but not the BBC) claim the men were in the daughters bedroom, and her screams awoke her father.
What none of the media are saying, but the people of Luton are, is that the daughter is (allegedly) a drug dealer, and this wasn’t the simple case of a burglary gone wrong.
‘..tells more of the story than is being reported.’
Rather defines the state, and value of most ‘journalism’ these days, and that of the BBC more than most.
Context does matter, but these days seems controlled more by running everything first through a filter and then adding narrative.
Recently a few have shared experiences with CECUTT.
Whilst acknowledging dealing with the BBC’s internal dismissal system is pointless in effecting change from within, it is still necessary. It is the only game in town, and must be played, no matter how rigged.
The reason is that playing it shows just how predictable they are, and lacking when confronted by their failings.
Look at the cookie cutter classic still being trotted out, replete with not answering the question to hand, falling back on belief and framing the conclusion to put it all to bed.
Sadly for the BBC, there are those less inclined to accept such things, keep it their little secret, and who have access to the internet and possess an audience.
Of course, the BBC does have recourse to expediting critics, and is not shy in using it. Along with FoI exclusions at the drop of a legal team.
But there, again, service is rendered to the notion of trust and transparency they try to promote, if in an #epicfail
“There’s broad scientific agreement on the issue of climate change and we reflect this accordingly; however, we do aim to ensure that we also offer time to the dissenting voices.”
“Dissenting?” Hardly unbiased language, eh, BBC?
“we also offer time to the dissenting voices”
as in QT setting up Nigel Lawson three against one to be mocked and sneered at by barking-mad zealots.
Not exactly quality time for dissenting voices, more a spell in the stocks for Greenies to throw things at them – 95%! 95%!! 95%!!!
I think that the broad “scientific agreement” on climate change is that it’s natural, rather than mad made, is not in anyway catastrophic, is not driven by CO2 levels (either natural or through the behaviour of humanity) and is fairly constant, thus not responsible in the odd unusual meteorological event.
So the dissenting voices are really those which deny the natural variation, and accuse us instead.
There, you said it in one paragraph – what the BBC and MSM has failed to reflect in 20 years!
It’s been said before, but I think we could do with a tab “Complaining to the BBC” with tips on what to do and, just as importantly, what not to do, drawn up from people’s experience.
‘There’s broad scientific agreement on the issue of climate change….’
No there isn’t, and here’s an example:
Yes, that’s 31,487 scientists saying there is no convincing evidence for man-made global warming.
How inconvenient for the BBC. But then, when you have 70% coverage of the nations news and current affairs, you can just choose to ignore it, eh, and no-one will be any the wiser.
Come the revolution. Advert for Ken Loach and Kate Hudson’s Left of Labour, Left Unity Party, about to be formed.
The Today programme this morning had a drive-by attack on Tory economic policy by BBC-favourite economist Paul Krugman. He was introduced as a Nobel prizewinner – true, but his prize was in trade theory – not in economic forecasting. (Like having snail expert Steve Jones pontificating on climate issues)
And Krugman was said to have forecast the crash. Total lie, as detailed by Niall Fergusson last month.
After this puff buildup – which happens to be totally misleading – Krugman spouted out some utter bile about the Tories having caused the crash by their austerity programmes so they should not be claiming credit for current improvements in the3 economy. No question, no challenge to this absurd claim. Off he went. Mission accomplished by Krugman and the BBC.
To a lot of people, Krugman is a parody, a joke. But the BBC folks adore him.
Yes, I heard this – it was appalling. He made the most outrageous, unsubstantiated attack on Government policy in an uninterrupted monologue; no challenge and no counter-view. The BBC recently seem to have given up even their smokescreen pretence of impartiality.
Last week they interviewed Jonathan Portes and allowed him to criticise Tory economic policy, at length and totally unchallenged.
Nowhere did they point out that he was head of a leftwing think tank, nor that he was a senior adviser in the Blair government.
It’s a regular thing, get a supposedly independent spokesman to attack the Tories. This is the sort of bias that has a real impact. The constant drip drip of attacks becomes background noise to the casual listener and simply becomes ” the accepted truth”. Unless it is stamped on at the time — and it never is — it becomes exceedingly difficult to rebuff.
The journalists panel on the Sunday Politics programme consisted of one journo from the FT and two from the Guardian. Where is the balance there! Perhaps they have programmes with two journalists from the Mail and one from the Times or similarly unbalanced panel but i have never seen one.
Surely the BBC cannot possibly say that this was an unbiased panel. Perhaps they thought that they needed such a panel to counter Andrew Neil. But in my book Neil is actually impartial and anyway they never seem to make any attempt to balance up their hordes of left wing presenters with right leaning panels.
I noticed on the early news this morning, greenies getting very sniffy because their climate conference in Poland was being overshadowed by a conference furthering the promotion of King Coal…
…also horrified that the poor Greenpiss
activistsprotesters were likely to get another three months in the clink. Great! Happy Russian Christmas, boys and girls!And well done Paul Sykes – apart from giving money to UKIP advertising, you also gave good measure to the awful Evan Davis, even though he announced that UKIP would have no chance of winning the next election, and he didn’t much care for your support of two thirds of the British people.
” …also horrified that the poor Greenpiss activists protesters were likely to get another three months in the clink. Great! Happy Russian Christmas, boys and girls!”
That’ll teach ’em to mess with Putin.
Perhaps effete BBC sympathisers will come out on hunger-strike until they’re released….
Now THAT would be a laugh!! Hungerstrikes are only successful if the power cares. Putin will have a glass of champagne if they go on hungerstrike, because there are only two ways out – capitulate or die.
these greenpeace hooligans were not protesters. They were not sitting passively in their boats holding up placards protesting at the Russians.
They are criminals, hooligans, engaged in criminal activity trying to force their way onto private property. Please refer to them as such
What was ridiculous was the BBC interviewer suggesting to the father that it might all be over after Christmas. ie – just hang on for a few more months. To most of us, that father is likely to have to hang on for several years.
They are all innocent until proved guilty – but the evidence looks pretty damning. “Do the crime, do the time.”
Where are the gulags when you need them? 🙂
Yes Sykes was greta wasn`t he?
The smarmy greasy queasy Davis slithered and smarmed all round Sykes in the hope he`d leave a slug trail.
Sykes slapped the sneery sly and quisling questions right back at Tinseltown…but some of those asides” you`ll give what you can get away wiuth” etc…were a disgrace given Sykes is not a politician…Today don`t do hatchet jobs on civilians unless they`re a threat to luvvie consensus.
Paul Sykes clearly is…i`ll be looking out for him.
Is he related to Stephen Lennon I wonder?
Can’t wait for the hatchet job on Unite….
“Gaiman would like to see a television adaptation of the Thatcher/Doctor face-off. “There was definitely part of me who went, ‘You know, wouldn’t it be fun to put this on screen?'” he said. “Wouldn’t this be fun to see if I can actually make people wee themselves with terror in real life?”
Go on, Beeb, make it. You know you want to.
Doctor Who vs Mrs Thatcher – the showdown: The late leader appears as an evil tyrant in a 50th anniversary story
Dr who, what a load of crap
Mrs Thatcher again? Aside from McCoy’s admission, RT Davies did that in the first Christmas special which featured David Tennant’s nostrils as the Doctor. We got the full Belgrano myth played out in full, with Tennant’s nostrils flaring at the Thatcher proxy, “They were leaving!!!” and telling her she was a dangerous woman.
I see it turns to really be the Kin in disguise, so not really demonizing her, per se, but the point is that they all view Thatcher as a scary and evil presence to begin with.
So a different writer, a different producer, and a different actor, but the same old BBC institutional bias.
Sylvester McCoy said: “We were a group of politically motivated people and it seemed the right thing to do. Our feeling was that Margaret Thatcher was far more terrifying than any monster the Doctor had encountered.”
My recollection of the 70s must have been just a bad dream and in reality all was sweetness and light before Mrs T and her evil junta undemocratically seized power.
It was then that the left decided to replace the electorate with immigrant clients. Democracy is a bourgeois invention and to be discarded when the time is right.
Link didn’t work for me. Here it is–the-showdown-the-late-leader-appears-as-an-evil-tyrant-in-a-50th-anniversary-story-8944625.html
BBC attempting to deceive with use of generic titles and pushing the diversity nightmare again.
Under the link heading ‘Asian Bone Marrow donors increase’ it gives the misleading impression that they are talking about Muslims actually doing something beneficial for the country or others! Fat chance ! The Asian this refers to are Hindus. Muslims do not donate organs tissue or anything, as their selfish religion forbids mutilation of the body after death. As such in my personal opinion they should be banned from receiving transplant organs, which they accept all too readily !
It finishes the second article talking of ‘the Asian community’ ! What is this ‘community’? Muslims and Hindus hate each other, Muslims just hate everyone even other Muslims. Buddhists don’t seem too bothered unless they’re attacked and the Chinese largely seem to keep themselves to themselves. There is no ‘Asian Community’ except in the minds of the fascists who find it more convenient to lump them altogether !
you’ve doubled up the 2nd link with the first one…
The ethnic minorities in the UK are notoriously poor at doing stuff like this – they comprise only 2% of blood donors, for example.
Funny, though, when it’s ‘their own’ who are in need they soon come crawling out of the woodwork. So much for ‘community cohesion’ and integration.
Yes, sensed as much.
Muslims would give nothing to another faith knowingly.
Witness the Phillippines…whitey and Israel in first, the likes of China doing nothing without political benefit…and Muslims doing nothing…until and unless Indonesian gets the typhoon-in which case the stupid f***in West pays for THAT too.
We sign our own death warrants every day we sign a cheque to the DEC/Children in Need -all too often I`m afraid.
“Militant union chiefs ‘will not collaborate’ with Cameron’s probe into bully tactics”
By Jason Groves.
Predictably, BBC-NUJ continues its political support for brothers and sisters on ‘Unite’ trade union today.
“Alex Salmond says union ‘intimidation’ inquiry is about ‘electoral advantage'”
For the bBBC, one of the most important stories of the day – more so than that our wannabe Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer can’t work together (again) – is that homosexual children don’t like other children using the word ‘gay’.
Classic quote: Wayne Dhesi, from Stonewall, says school children need to be taught that misusing the word gay is wrong. Right! Let’s start with you, then.
the word gay, used to mean things like happy, good, fun etc. Its now gone full circle now and it means rubbish, crap, pathetic etc. Just like”bad” means good
why should the homosexual community to allowed to hijack this word. They’re just gay (and im not referring to their sexuality)
What amuses me about homosexuals using the word “gay” is that the most vocal ones who moan about “homophobia” are some of the most lugubrious, miserable and whining human beings on planet Earth – e.g. Chris Bryant, Ben Summerskill, Owen Jones, etc. Not forgetting our very own Scott. (Cue abusive post from our resident homosexual affairs pundit)
But Phil Ford who posts on this site often posts things that I agree with – please don’t paint all gays with the same brush. Just because so many at the BBC are gay and we don’t like their bias on other topics doesn’t mean they represent the views of all gays.
Attempting to stop changes in the meaning of the words is about as pointless as commanding the tide to halt.
PS What those miserable and whining people have in common is that they are on the Left.
Debbie, what about the word fag?
it can mean a ciggie or a homosexual. If i say im going outside to smoke a fag, it doesnt mean im going to shoot a homosexual with a 357 python
Phil might be gay, but he certainly isnt gay
Scott on the other hand, is gay and gay
Did I see a report somewhere that some “tolerant” activist wanted to ban the name “Faggot” meaning the old English meatball dish of the same name?
i personally dont like faggots but yes facebook banned a man for liking faggots
Fight for your faggots!
What a gay day. Well said. And Oooh shut that door!
Apologies if my post inferred I was tarring ALL gays with the same brush, Deborah. I thought I’d made it clear enough that I meant many of the MOST vocal “gays” were lugubrious, etc. I was, of course, referring to militant gays who spend their whole lives campaigning, advocating and generally being boring nuisances.
I , too, tend to agree with the vast majority of Phil Ford’s posts. I suspect that ( and he may contradict me) Phil, like many other gay people I’ve known over the years, has no time for the militants and extremists in “the Gay Rights” movement.
Those I’ve known have thought the militants gave all gay people a bad name, spending time causing bother when they should have been getting on with their lives and trying to make friends instead of alienating other people.
So homosexuals purloin the word ‘gay’ for their exclusive use, completely changing its meaning in the process then don’t like it when someone else does the same? How does that one work?
The BBC gets Paul Krugman on the Today programme to have a swipe at the Tories – again. But they somehow overlook his latest New York Times article saying that Obama’s economy is still down the pan and looks like staying that way for a long time ahead. Isn’t that worth a mention at least on the US page of the BBC website ?
The US page now has the weekend tornados in the mid-West as the main headline. Not nice for the people involved, but with only a handful of people killed it is hardly worth using it to fail to report any further on the ObamaCare crisis. EVERY US network spent the Sunday politics programmes discussing the Obama disaster, the implosion of the Presidency, but the BBC has gone silent on it again. The latest BBC website reports on the debacle are dated 15 November. But this is a rolling crisis – new news about it every day. Why isn’t the BBC covering this ? “They don’t like it up’em!”
From Obama’s home town – a measure of the mess he is now in, seen as a liar and an incompetent.,0,3916037,full.column
I can’t get this link open outside of the US of A
The link opens in Mozilla Firefox
Ok thank you John.
I- pad the prob here then
Niall Ferguson re- Paul Krugman:-
So goodbye Doris Lessing. I’m sure that there was a reason you took up most of the News HEADLINES yesterday on the BBC? Would the story not have been and “and finally” piece if she had not been a left wing feminist?
Yes, I wondered why that was the first piece of news last night. It seemed strange, to say the least, considering what else was going on in the world. These little oddities are an interesting glimpse into how those in the BBC bubble perceive the world.
A communist, a feminist, an anti-apartheid activist and above all else, a foreigner. In other words, the BBC’s favourite sort of person.
I’m sorry, no. Lessing abandoned her communism a very long time ago. She ended up being highly critical of several BBC pets, including communism and political correctness. She was also highly ciritical of modern feminism, even though one of her major works has been held up as some kind of iconic feminist breakthrough.
Lessing was very much against Apartheid (since when was being against that a bad thing?), and pretty much hated George Bush, but that hardly makes her a communist. She was all over the place.
Tsk, what are you, her agent? I wouldn’t read one of her crappy books if you gave me a free copy and paid me to read it. Answer me this, why haven’t all those anti-apartheid activists flooded back to South Africa to live in a black ruled utopia? Surely she should have been on the first plane out there along with Hain and all those other wankers. She didn’t because she probably knew how it would end up … the Africans are always one step away from killing and eating you. It’s the hypocrisy I can’t stand.
I forgot to mention she was married to a future East German ambassador and she was a muslim (sufi) too. If she’d been black it would’ve been a full set.
LOL. She was indeed a useful idiot:
But was she actually a Muslim? Wiki says she used Sufi concepts and “Lessing’s interest had turned to Sufism after coming to the realisation that Marxism ignored spiritual matters, leaving her disillusioned”…
She was about as Muslim as those celebutards who bow to the Dalai Lama are actual Buddhists. Her useful idiot days were long in the past, and her statements criticizing Mugabe and Communism and modern feminism and the like since then surely outweigh that stuff. Beeboids may not grow up and change their stripes, but many people do.
I have to say that Dave Preiser is always scrupulously fair in his posts about the subjects he writes about. Long may he continue to contribute to this site.
Lessing may have changed her mind about some aspects of her politics but the BBC’s eulogy of her wasn’t very clear about that. That, at first glance, Lessing’s political history of Marxism, Feminism, CND etc. ticked all the right boxes for the lefties at the BBC was all that mattered to them. I’ll refer you all to the hagiography the BBC produced about Eric Hobsbawm, another hero of the Beeb’s intelligentsia.
Simply put, the BBC regard Lessing as a fellow traveller … hence the eulogising.
The only Doris Lessing book I have read “The Sweetest Dream” is a sustained critique of the Left.
There’s enough in Lessing’s make-up, no matter how warped, deranged or infantile, for the BBC to think she was one of theirs (see above). She seems to have taken the ‘suck it and see’ approach to every loony idea, most of them from the left … ok, she may have rejected a few through bitter experience but if anything she should be doubly ignored because it took her so long to see through it all in the first place.
Just seen this reply David. I know people change and she obviously did. My comment was in reply to Doyle and what I say is clearly using past tense.
Bias alert. I understand that the trial of two men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby is scheduled for today. Both the BBC and Cameron’s appeasing government will be very anxious to present the defendants in a favourable light.
Cameron will never offend any Muslim, not because of those in the UK but because it might damage his future income from engagements when he is no longer PM. Given that 2 speaking engagements can pay more than the pittance the PM receives it’s hardly surprising that now it’s viewed as a mere stepping stone on to ‘better’ things.
still nothing on al beebs news 24. lots of crap about Dr Who tho.
Is some crappy kids tv program more important than the trial of the 2 islamic traitor scumbags who murdered a soldier on the streets of our capital city?
Yes, Dr. Who is much more important than that stuff. This is about making the BBC feel good about itself, not to mention pumping up that massive revenue stream.
PS: Where are the lurking and non-lurking journalists and lawyers to scold you guys for saying “murder” and warn about contempt charges and the blog getting shut down?
they’ll all be at court protesting against the islamaphobic, racist and bigotted Crown Prosecution Service for bringing charges against these 2 victims of British Foreign policy
Surely this cannot be true. Can someone refute this claim?
judging by the lack of coverage on the telly, i’d say its true
I believe (and I could be mistaken) that there was a possibility that this might have had a possibility of being televised as per the recent court restrictions being lifted, but it has been ordered the case be heard as per normal without the TV cameras.
Having said that you should read this article which is truly shocking as Lee Rigby’s murder & beheading is just the tip of iceberg and there have been others the UK has covered up:
“While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Read more:
While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Read more:
“While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.
Read more:
“While the whole world has heard about Lee Rigby’s inhumane beheading on 22 May, only a handful of people are aware that Rigby’s decapitation was only one of several murders of this sort which took place in the UK in the past month. In the wake of a funeral service of Miss Reema Ramzan who was brutally beheaded on June 4th in Sheffield, Ian Kingsley, Professor Emeritus from Leeds University, told the Voice of Russia why British authorities call Reema’s muder ‘ordinary knife attack’ while Lee’s decapitation was perceived as an ‘act of terrorism’.”
Would you mind repeating that.
I thought all those duplicates had been deleted ! Evidently not!
Not bollocks, that page can be searched for now but would have been ‘invisible’ at the time. Almost impossible to prove but it goes on quite a lot (we have a lot of experience here of the stealth edits and ‘hidden in the open’ pages).
Careful what you say, This is a trial taking place. Comment when it is over.
its pretty hard to prejudice their trial when we have their confession posted all over the internet, and they were caught with blood on their hands, and in this instance, that phrase isnt being used as a metaphor
The dreadful liberal legal class need no encouragement to scream predudice and demand a mistrial. That is my concern.
ive been informed by a solicitor of the supreme court of england and wales that the press can actually label the accused as murderers without falling foul of the law because its pretty obvious to a deaf dumb and blind man on the dark side of a moon in another galaxy in an alternate universe that these 2 people did actually murder lee rigby
Denise McShane, Former BBC employee, son of immigrants, Labour MP, Europhile and Fraudster is going to do some time at Her Majesties pleasure
Beautiful justice, assuming he goes down. He used to be a regular on the Beeb, spouting his leftist bile and hypocrisy with the most unbelievable arrogance – one of the very worst examples of champagne socialism, and that really is saying something when he’s up against the likes of Galloway, Viscount Stansgate, Toynbee, Abbott, Meacher…. (add your own favourite).
Let’s hope he falls for the old ‘dropping the soap in the shower’ ploy.
Denise, lol, I like that, that’ll be his name in prison.
ooops typo, but youre right. i bet he’s worried about that.
he’ll walk into his cell, and some 6ft 6 inch 20 stone monster will say “who do you wanna be, mummy or daddy?” McShane will think well i’d rather give it than take it so he says “i’ll be daddy” then the monster says “well come here and suck mummy’s cock”!
its gets better, he was the victim of BBC racism
“He worked for the BBC from 1969 to 1977, including as a newsreader and reporter on Wolverhampton Wanderers for BBC Radio Birmingham. He changed his surname to his mother’s maiden name at the request of his employers.”
But eventually the BBC sacked him, because even back then, he was a fraudster and a Labour Party political activist, but unlike the fraudsters and Labour supporters at the BBC today, he got caught
“He was fired by the BBC after using a fake name to call the radio phone-in programme he worked on at the time. During the call, MacShane accused leading Conservative politician Reginald Maudling of being a crook, with the MP threatening to sue as a result.”
some things never change
He can swap jail stories with his girlfriend Vicky Pryce when he gets out.
Afraid I find myself in a quandary here.
An odious little creep in so many ways-total Europhile shill always willing to do the BBCs bidding re the EU and all it did.
A venal crook and hope he does go to jail.
But-one of the few friends of Israel in Parliament …so sorry that we`ll lose him in THAT regard.
Complex huh?
Margret Moran managed to get away without a custodial, her court appearance worthy of an oscar.
And I would personally like to bollock Denis for letting the side down. Put him in the Lords that’ll teach him.
With friends like that……….
It was the BNP that exposed the fraud !
…And appear on Question Time a few weeks later….
Will there ever be any consequences for the Commons officials who obstructed justice by withholding the key evidence?
Since the hyper-partisan Katty Kay highlighted a line from Mardell’s latest post worrying about the President’s current political difficulties, I’ll bring it up again:
Their problem is about how to win elections, his is about the limits on what you can do after you’ve won.
What a marvelously biased perspective. They think the problem is that the mundanities of having a separation of powers and an elected representative Congress and silly things like the Constitution are His real obstacles. News flash to the disgustingly biased Beeboids: Even if the President was unfettered by the realities of a constitutional republic and could rule as the autocrat you’ve always dreamt He could be, ObamaCare would still be a serious problem and the website would still be a trainwreck, and the President would be taking heat for it because HE DIDN’T KNOW, and His minions didn’t know, or didn’t tell Him.
Yet Mardell writes as if outside forces caused ObamaCare to be lest than ideal, and the President just got caught up in the stampede. As usual, it’s not His fault. Trapped in a world He never made.
Not once has a BBC so-called journalist admitted that the President didn’t know what was going on, didn’t know the reality of His signature legislation, and was clearly shielded from it by His inner circle. The alternative would be that He lied, constantly, but Mardell has already dismissed that accusation. So the only possibility is that the smartest man in the room, the coolest President evah, was out of touch, and remained so.
This gross incompetence has nothing to do with Republican intransigence or the limits of executive power. It is an absolutely disgraceful and ignorant thing for Mardell and Katty to believe.
Mardell admitted that the President’s statement about people being able to keep their plans turned out not to be accurate, but that’s as far as he went. The BBC’s US President editor seems to believe that it wasn’t His fault the statement came back to bite Him.
The BBC will not admit that the President didn’t know what was going on, because that would cause them to seriously question the whole cult of personality and quasi-religious worship of Him endemic at the BBC.
Your license fee hard at work.
It reminds me of the victims of Stalin’s purges who went to their deaths believing that if only Stalin knew what was being done in his name, he would put a stop to it. They were deluded fools, what is Mark Mardell’s excuse?
he’s an arse hole
Obama lied AND he is incompetent. The BBC cannot get their heads round that. Or rather – they refuse to get their heads round it.
If people had known last election how big the repeated lies were, Obama would not have been elected.
Time for a reprise of Clint Eastwood – talkng to the empty suit, saying we don’t want incompetence in a President :
I know the true believers at the BBC will never accept that the President knowingly lied. Unless, that is, they decide to excuse it as some have by saying He had to lie because we don’t know what’s best for us. I’d just like to see for once a Beeboid admit that the President didn’t know what was going on, and hasn’t known much of anything going on for so many issues now: the actual amount of debt, the Petraeus incident, the IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, the website. He admitted and His minions admitted that He didn’t know about any of these before they hit the fan. How willfully intellectually dishonest do these journalists have to be to hide this fact? They don’t have to criticize Him or sneer or blame like they do for Republicans.
Defenders of the indefensible and – if there still are any around – lurking and non-lurking journalists can’t tell me this time that I just want to hear my own biased political opinions repeated back to me from the BBC. It’s not anti-Obamessiah bias to say that He didn’t know. He and His minions have admitted it. Just report the facts and let audience opinions fall where they may.
Evening Standard, Londoner’s Diary:
‘Good to see BBC director-general Lord Hall getting in tune with his Radio 2 audience. Interviewed today by Chris Evans about the “fabulous” Children in Need appeal, Hall gabbled about “31 million quid” being raised. Evans enthused “what a dude! – he’s what we needed”. Colleagues from Hall’s previous job at the Royal Opera House do not recall him talking about “millions of quid” when begging subsidies from the Government.’
It’s good but it’s not right
Come on, tell me that’s not Roy Walker
One might suppose such a performance does not come cheap?
Question : Who’s in favour of a statue to Gordon Brown?
Answer : BBC guest, presented to the listener as a neutral commentator
‘Primetime coverage on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme for US economist Paul Krugman, who (not for the first time) has attacked David Cameron and George Osborne for not doing more to help our economic recovery. No space to mention that Krugman is close to Gordon Brown and that he once proposed that a statue of the former PM be erected in Trafalgar Square by a grateful nation.’
as we noted earlier – this was a drive-by attack, blaming the Tories for the recession – totally ignoring Labour’s responsibility (and the fact that most of it was rooted in Democrat housing policies going back to Clinton’s time). Krugman was given a glowing build-up – and then his lies went unchallenged. As bad as the Today programme gets these days.
Gunman in Paris attacking news media can we take it from the usual BBC description that it’s one of the usual suspects again?
The BBC sure wasted no time reporting that the French authorities have issued a description of the suspect. What’s different about this incident which has made them overcome the usual reticence?
“He’s a man of European type….”
In the Telgraph today:
“UK growing at fastest rate in developed world, says OECD”
From the BBC website: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Obviously waiting for Labour to tell them how to spin it.
This explains why the Today producers thought it important to get Paul Krugman in the studio today to denigrate. Balance, innit.
Note that a spokesman from the Gay. Lesbian and Bisexual Community (Stonewall) are worried about our old word “gay” is being used to denigrate “their” 1600 students as surveyed.
Anybody able to tell me how they got the details of kids sexual preferences as given to them?…I`m unaware of any lists or surveys that would identify the Stonewall supporters who are now adopted by Summerskill and Co.
Note too the absence of the “Transgendered” label in this survey…let`s hope the Trans-sisters go to town on Stonewall for ignoring them…the newest victim sector should not allow this prejudice to take root already.
Anywhere there is a Muslim population any teaching on LGBT stuff is banned because it might offend them. This is the hierarchy of isms in action!
At the time of the Manchester University Muslim womens group advocating the murder of gay people, and the students union backing them to the hilt, I called the Manchester Lesbian Gay Foundation to get their spin on it, and yes, true to the left wing fascist vision they too agreed that it was OK for Muslims to call for the murder of the people they were supposed to represent!
Remember Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do and you have the lefts policy on diversity summed up in a single sentence !
“At the time of the Manchester University Muslim womens group advocating the murder of gay people, and the students union backing them to the hilt, I called the Manchester Lesbian Gay Foundation to get their spin on it, and yes, true to the left wing fascist vision they too agreed that it was OK for Muslims to call for the murder of the people they were supposed to represent!”
That is the sickest thing I have head all day.
It’s actually worse than what I typed. The guy who recorded it all was the subject of an investigation by the warped lefties of the students union as it was a covert recording, and although the claimed they were going to investigate the Muslims the group disbanded and reformed as something else so they never actually bothered.
A little story to lighten the mood.
Today we are about to experience the first taste of winter with an arctic blast coming from the North. Several areas may see Snow.
Snow is the only thing to settle in the UK and not claim any benefits !
BBc North west (or should that be gone west?) flys the anti-fracking flag again. I’ve got my back to the tv as I’m getting my ass kicked playing world of tanks on the pc. What’s that new anti-fracking camp? Yes much song and dance “expect the camp to get bigger” so how many are there? Five…yes five. No doubt when it gets colder they will evaporate or maybe they will light a fire..but no that would contribute to the climate change..would it not?
be funny if they set the fracked gas on fire though !
I saw this Dave. Yet another blatant piece of environmental propaganda by the BBC, with not one iota of a sniff of a challenge to the crackpot outpourings of the assembled eco-loonies.
Bias? What bias?
Well the BBC have managed to ensure that no word of the trial of the alleged f*cking animals who allegedly murdered Lee Rigby has made the 6 O’clock BBC1 News (or as far as I can see, their website)
Move along nothing to see here. Another disappearing story. Wasn’t there a war in Syria? Wasn’t there controversy over increases it utility etc.
maybe al beeb doesnt want to report on these “extreme right wing nut jobs” as they would call them. I call them heroes
This was one of the most horrendous killings that has been seen in the UK for years. Surely, there must be someone other than the BNP who are interested in the trial. Perhaps it is a sensitive issue and Cameron and Appeaser May have asked the BBC and the MSM to ignore it in the interest of community relations.
Sure others besides the BNP are interested. But because the BNP is interested, all others are then guilty by association. That’s how Alinsky-style politics works. So Cameron, the Telegraph, and the BBC (to name a few) all are willing to look the other way so the BNP doesn’t think anyone else supports their position. This is exactly the kind of thing done in the interests of Social Cohesion that the former BBC producer who used to comment here under the name “John Reith” told us about.
Making a fuss against the violent behavior “isn’t helping”, we were told. Keep your mouth shut, he used to tell us.
the newspapers are interested in this and have reported it. maybe thats why the government want them regulated so they can control the press
Anybody know the background to the story about the woman who murdered three men and left them to rot in ditches and attempted to kill another two? This trial must have been going on for a while. Not a sniff of it or the investigation etc on the BBC or any other media that I can remember.
Must be a reason it was kept quiet
shhhhh wimin can only be victims of mans’ brutality, not the other way round
Oh dear Oh dear
A chance to bash the Old Blue Tories and the Blue rinse brigade that the BBC is never going to miss:
I`ve only had the radio on three times times today, but each occasion has mentioned the bloody Dr Who day coming up.
HGAF?…when the BBC wants to put its daleks back into senior management , then I`ll think it worth the endless puffs and plugs.
Can say puffs still can`t I?
Shameless self-referential gobshites , the BBC.
PS-don`t suppose the inventor of the Dalek will be seeing any money from the BBC anytime soon eh?…Copyright is a one way street with the BBC isn`t it?
There was a long ‘Doctor Who’ plug every hour on the BBC News Channel this afternoon, and I do mean ‘long’.
There was also a plug on ‘Today’ this morning.
There was another plug on the BBC One’s ‘News at Six’ tonight too.
Even Radio 4’s religious affairs farrago ‘Sunday’ had a plug for it yesterday.
And they say the BBC doesn’t advertise.
The BBC’s Cyber Controller obviously gave the order to plug ‘Doctor Who’ across the BBC, and the BBC Cyber Warriors clicked their heels and obeyed.
Probably the Daleks are the one BBC employee who couldn’t possibly sexually assault anyone!
don`t suppose the inventor of the Dalek will be seeing any money from the BBC anytime soon eh?…
Terry Nation died in 1997 so, no, he won’t.
And which party was/is Denis MacShane a member of? Well the BBC isn’t going to tell you so I will it’s LABOUR guys, what’s so difficult about saying it ?
Same as the Co-op Bank ex-councillor chief who was taking crack cocaine.
No comment necessary:
BBC Worldwide and China’s CCTV9 to make more shows
The BBC-owned company BBC Worldwide will develop documentaries with China’s state broadcaster CCTV that focus on the Chinese and Asian market, as part of a new Memorandum of Understanding.
Over the past three years, they have already co-produced science series including Generation Earth, Wonders of Life and Africa, and have worked together on forthcoming natural history landmark Hidden Kingdoms.
The new agreement, signed at the Sichuan TV Festival in Chengdu on Monday, will see BBC Worldwide and Chinese documentary channel CCTV9 make more TV and live event co-productions, and increase their distribution beyond TV.
They are expected to launch at least two major factual projects in the next six months for Worldwide’s factual brand BBC Earth. It is not confirmed yet whether the new documentaries will air in the UK.
One is a totalitarian, dissent-crushing media giant, and the other is the Chinese state broadcaster. LOL
Perhaps China could take over the BBC and scrap the license fee? Funding would come from the Chinese taxpayer.
The BBC is still pussy-footing around the ObamaCare disaster and that Bambi is now a lame duck.
The FT is telling it like it is :
The junior Senator from New York admitted the other day that they were all lying. No mention of this from the BBC. Instead, we get Mardell telling the lie that the President didn’t know it would turn out to be not true. The silence on this whole issue from defenders of the indefensible and the journalists who used to speak to us is so deafening I’m not sure I’ll ever regain my ability to hear them.
Just as I said above, the Democrats did it because we’re too stupid to know what’s best for us and need our betters to take care of it. Just like the BBC.
When I clickled on your link I received a warning that is “an attack page” creating the possibility of dangerous bits of software being dumped on readers’ computers. Presumably the ACLU – and others – don’t want us to see Senator Gillibrand’d admissions.
I got the same thing, Umbongo. Definitely a case of activist censorship. It happens all the time, unfortunately. The latest example is the repeated cancellation of’s Twitter feed.
I clicked through to submit a correction. It’s sadly very easy for active extremists to get Twitter and Facebook and YouTube (Google) – all Progressive Obamessiah supporters – to censor voices they don’t like.
“Activist” = Totalitarians who stop short of murder.
“Militants” = Totalitarians who murder.
Any problems with accessing the page in question, try American Thinker Blog which has a thread about the Democrat politician’s admission that “we all knew” that Obama was being untruthful about his assurances about Obamacare. They have a transcript of the interview and a video.
Thought it strange tonight that before BBC4’s repeat showing of ‘What Ever Happened to the Likely Lads’ we were reminded of the fact that the program was made in 1974.
Of course there just happened to be a black character that one of the main characters (Terry) assumed should be a bus driver, but no this character was studying for his Phd, putting unemployed Terry to shame.
Has this BBC ‘conditioning’ really been going on that long? If so it would account for the fact why so many over 40’s are so bloody compliant to the ’cause’ …
A few weeks ago I mentioned something similar … the film was Two Way Stretch … some crap about it being made in 1960 … times were different, yada yada … the offending word … ‘nignog’ (lol).
Not forgetting the fact that we are being deprived of repeats of classic programs that we have already paid for because they don’t fit with today’s ‘agenda’
An example being ‘It ain’t half hot mum’. They won’t use it because a white man blacks up to play an Indian. They’re raving mad really, aren’t they?
Even more ironic is that Michael Bate who plated Ranji was actually born in India!
I posted last week about the ‘tokenism’ in Tudor Monastery Farm, it seems this maybe down to a group called ‘Narritive Eye’ who want to bring black British history and literature to a wider audience and last week lobbied Education Secretary Michael Gove to include black Tudors in the national curriculum….
Quote “Marchu Girma, Narrative Eye director, said black people from Tudor times are not mentioned in the national curriculum at all, despite significant contributions”.
Remember the population of England was only 2.5m in 1500 post plague, what chance of ‘bumping’ into an African in your local market square?
The Tudor period lasted from 1485 to 1603 so picking 1500 when the population was least is a little ‘biased’.
By 1600 the population of England was estimated at nearly 5 million, so either your figure of 2.5 million is too low (which I believe it is) or something other than procreation was responsible!
The fact is that at the time there had been a kind of ‘mass’ immigration of black people from Africa , the were expelled during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
“Queen Elizabeth I became concerned with the increasing number of black people in England, and in 1596 she ordered that all black people be deported to Spain and Portugal, to be exchanged for English prisoners of war. She had to repeat the order in 1601, ordering her subjects to deliver up their Negroes and blackamoores .”
This disgracefully biased article from the BBC explains and shows from contemporary documents that there were indeed plenty of black people around in Tudor times. Unfortunately you will have to put up with some sickening propagandising to pick the relevant & true bits out.
There is another more academic piece here:
Of course the biased BBC don’t want people to know too much about Elizabeth Tudors solution, it might give people ‘ideas’!
In answer to your question “what chance of ‘bumping’ into an African in your local market square?” Then it might have been higher than most might have thought.
‘negars and blackamoores’…interesting, I wonder would they accept such names today.
Not mass immigration at all, nothing like it: a few thousand slaves and servants from Spanish ships, a fraction of 1% of the population; the trouble was that they were all in London and Bristol (and presumably smaller ports); the problem was that they were ‘of the enemy’ but even so England paid the expense of their stay before being shipped out. As against ‘normal’ black English citizens who were already here.
Good links though: interesting: Finally, in 1601, she complained again about the “great numbers of Negars and Blackamoors which (as she is informed) are crept into this realm,” defamed them as “infidels, having no understanding of Christ or his Gospel,” and, one last time, authorized their deportation.
Good Ole Queen Bess saved England from earlier Islamification! 🙂
“In answer to your question “what chance of ‘bumping’ into an African in your local market square?” Then it might have been higher than most might have thought”
Nah, not in rural Sussex as depicted in the program.
is it just me, but dont you find it sickly these labour mps and ministers in the last goverment who are falling over each other to apologise on radio 5 live and the bbc for only mass legal immigration from the eu countrys but no mention of the mass and i mean mass illegal immigration including bogus asylum seekers from south east asia and africa that represents the 70% of the mass immigration that we had when new labour and tony blair opened the floodgates in 1997.where i live it is rare to bump into a polish immigrant or any other eu immigrant.but on the other hand i am becoming a white minority in my own city that has is becoming to look like some surburb in pakistan or somalia,why is david blunkett,jack straw. etc only picking out eu immigration to apologise for but no mention of asian or african immigration which to me is the real problem in this country.just cant work out what they are up to.
Bogus asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants !
Illegal immigrants are those who enter the country illegally without the knowledge of border control, or who enter legally & fail to leave.
While relatives are supposed to ensure that a visitor leaves the country when the visa expires, when did you ever hear of one of them being called to account in any way for a relative who has become an illegal?
Tony BLiar set up many public services to be nothing more than facades, in that they appeared to be there and to function as intended, but in reality they actualy did nothing. The asylum service was one of these.
The whole process was driven through right up until the courts heard the cases, and when they rejected the asylum claim and the claimant should have been removed whence they came, nothing happened !
I honestly believe the BLiar government was wholly corrupt, and it is only because of the protection being afforded by leftie Dave and the Tory party who know BLiar as ‘the master’ which has prevented him from being called to account for his corruption. Somehow I can’t see millipede having the ability will or drive to take on BLiar, he’s just not in that league.
Indeed. Off topic but Blair is being protected from Chilcot too; well the inquiry has the info and will name names (Blair, Brown, Straw, Campbell) apparently but publication is being held up by Jeremy Heywood (most senior civil servant) who won’t release crucial evidence.
I don’t know if anyone reported this important story that was not mentioned on the BBC as far as i’m aware.
I posted on this a few days ago including the list of weapons he was carrying. He was certified insane and committed with a requirement that the home secretary approve any release.
The more pressing question is why he was allowed to keep his driving licence and his licence as a taxi driver after a previous similar incident, but then as we all know Muslims get much lighter sentences than any other group.
The BBC did carry the story, but you’re behind the times.
Last few minutes on R4 news this morning dedicated to “International toilet week “as designated by the UN no less. There are millions if not billions of people around the world with no access to a toilet. Fair does so far, but the person putting the case, you guessed it, a woman turned it into a “wimmin ” thing. It’s much harder for women, so gentlemen sod your hemorroids, not interested in your prostrate, we won’t stand for it ( pun intended ). The UN un-necessary, run by crooks, despots and psycopaths.
They can all bog off, so far as I’m concerned…
Was it just me or was R5 Live Your call on the reporting of Mr Flowers a complete travesty…we have a right to know what the sordid, corrupt oddball was up to, as much as we had a right to know that a trial had started yesterday of two (alleged) murdering bearded savages….but ho hum that’s the BBC. Now as if my blood pressure can’t take anymore we have VD cooing yet again over another boiler suited (alleged) bearded savage still enjoying a holiday in Cuba….OFF SWITCH. The nations STAZI broadcaster on form.
as a postscript I tuned into Jeremy Whine’s midday topical show to see what the take on the Flowers scandal would be………Oh more important news…how adding 3 seconds to a Pelican Crossing will ruin the economy (face palm) move along, nothing to see, fingers in the ears lalalalalalalala. The BBC as each day passes then deeper they dig their own grave.
I myself demand a four second pause on the pelican crossing…save electricity and allow for reflection on what cars are doing to us all.
Crazy horses remember?
This could be the Labour policy to win the election.
Dare they go for 5?…the BBC will be pushing for it…
sadly I caught a dose of VD this morning …
no not that type 😀
worse 😀 its V Drearybyshire, on BBC 5live
angling for another jolly on her airmiles, at our expense.
Yep! … back to Gitmo, and dear old “Shaka”.
Apparently US TV were conducting an interview,
and just like all muslims who get airtime, he decided to
squawk and shout over everyone else …..
I know, I know ……. and?
ah! … but that is without the collusion of the BBC, who
are trying to create a “storm in a teacup”, and thus VD is straight on the case, bleating on (and on) …
enter “uman rights” waller stage right
exit noggin stage left
…… off switch
5 Live is agitating again for the release of Shaker Aamer. Victoria Derbyshire gives a platform to Clive Stafford-Smith’s
whingeing for Shaker.
Here’s a question. Should Aamer be returned to the UK, I can’t see any way, short of a direct order from Teresa May, that the security services will not have to monitor him. This is costly. Who will pay for it? Not Clive Stafford-Smith, not the BBC. That will be me and you, then.
Well if the BBC pay for it it’ll still be me & you !
OECD revises down growth forecasts screams the bBBC website headline, making everyone think this is another pro-Labour assessment of Osborne’s Plan A.
But no! The full item is headlined OECD revises down global economic growth forecasts and it turns out that Global growth forecasts for 2013 and 2014 have been downgraded “significantly” after weak prospects in emerging market economies, said the OECD.
So, it’s third-world (’emerging markets’) growth forecasts that have been downgraded; nothing to do with the UK at all. Pity the bBBC’s headline didn’t have enough space to enlighten us.
Technically “The Third World” are those countries who were not in the American or Soviet sphere of influence during the Cold War Period.
With the rise of China, we should probably now have a Fourth World
This really is the BBC standing things on their head for the sake of the BBC’s political position. The headline & heavy print opening para is all doom & gloom. when they get around to reporting on the UK’s position it is worded as weakly as possible
However, the OECD said the UK would grow by 1.4% this year, an upgrade from its forecast in May of 0.8%.
This wasn’t considered headline worthy either…
However, the OECD said the UK would grow by 1.4% this year, an upgrade from its forecast in May of 0.8%. UK growth would accelerate to 2.4% in 2014, above economists’ expectations of 2.2%, it said. It said signs of improvement were “particularly apparent” in the UK, and monetary policy was likely to remain “appropriate” for some time
Just registered following complaint:
BBC News (TV Radio Online)
Complaint category:
Factual error or inaccuracy
Important Omission when describing Banker
Complaint description:
I have just gone to your BBC news website to research details about the Co-op banking Chairman scandal to search for any political connections to the Government (Coalition or Labour), for a book I am writing. Where you refer to Paul Flowers, the disgraced Co-op Bank Chairman, why have you omitted the fact that this man served as a member of Labour’s influential finance and industry advisory board? Surely with our Nation implicated so heavily and close to the top of the league in suffering the largest financial crisis in our history under Labour, this is very relevant. The last government failed to properly regulate banks and control our world class financial centre, which had a major contributory factor and influence on the scale of causes of the credit crunch, which legacy will be felt by the Nation well into the next generation. I did not have a problem discovering this omission from other media outlets, (eg Why do you often do these sorts of important omissions? It really gives one the impression that you are trying to protect one political side and this should not be the case from our taxes spent on National broadcasting.
Good luck (hate to say it, but you will need it).
The BBC is now seriously out of control by any professional, objective measure of integrity.
But such deliberate errors of omission as this will doubtless get obfuscated first by default CECUTT semantic waffle (weeks later unless they are rattled) and then if pursued get hidden behind FoI exclusions to avoid any belief-based decisions or measures being held to scrutiny. Heads you are wrong, tails they don’t need to show how.
I am already also steaming at this, which is based on pure, captured, FACT:
There is simply, no excuse.
They are running one degree of separation quotes as propaganda, even when it becomes clear these claims have zero credibility.
Good luck, but I think you’ll find that they think they got it about right. But that their reply may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC.
Oh, and not to tell a dicky bird about their reply.
“Not every article needs to be balanced. You must consider the overall balance of BBC coverage of an issue in the long term……”
Or words to that effect.
Thought for the Day – a woman whose name and rank I didn’t quite catch but high up in the Christian church somewhere in Oxford.
Climate change – its real.
Japan is scaling back on its commitment to cut ‘greenhouse gases’ – they are sinners.
But they are looking at revolutionary ways of developing green energy – they could be redeemed.
Relentless BBC propaganda. Might as well be living in North Korea.
I wonder if this is the Church’s way of ‘appealing to the young’? Perhaps they wouldn’t need to if they stopped coming across as the religious arm of the Labour Party.
These TFTD women are as vacuous as the likes of Longley and Jimmy Jones…which is what the BBC like to see.
Giles Frasers all.
As for the real and ever present dangers of Islam?…well , bloody Christians are supposed to let the Muslims crucify them yet again….hate to cause a scene eh?
Will we ever see a Mosque allow a wind turbine on its minaret?…come that unlikely day, the BBC will roll themselves up in a Persian Rug and bare their throats for the Stanley knives of any passing Muslim.
Until then…as long as they don`t throw those scimitars away until they`ve been truly blunted on the kuffars neck…and hence recycling for longer…the BBC Greenhorns will be happy to shill for them.
Littlejohn, on ‘reporting’ ex-Co-op Bank boss, Flowers:-
“But just imagine if he’d been the head of another financial institution, not the Left’s favourite ‘ethical’ bank, and was a major sponsor of 32 Tory, not Labour MPs.
“His exploits would have led every BBC bulletin, with Ed Balls at the head of the lynch mob.
“There would be condemnatory Panorama specials. Newsnight would probably invent a new dance for him. Paxman might even shave his beard off in acknowledgement of the gravity of this ‘crime’.
“My guess is that by tonight Flowers, who makes the coke-snorting Mayor of Toronto look like a Trappist monk, will be portrayed as a hapless ‘victim’ of an evil newspaper. Soon, we will be deep into ‘personal tragedy’ territory, just like the revolting Oaten.
“No doubt hysterical accusations of ‘homophobia’ will be levelled at anyone questioning his behaviour.
“In a couple of weeks, the rehabilitation of Flowers will be in full swing. He’ll be given a column in the Guardian, alongside Chris Huhne, and will shortly turn up on the Question Time panel, described as a ‘respected former ethical banker’.
“Still, we should savour this story while we can. It can only be a matter of time before the Leveson-emboldened politicians and their allies in Hacked Off make drug-fuelled dirty vicar stories a criminal offence.”
“Miliband held a private meeting with drug shame bank chairman: Labour leader facing difficult questions about his relationship with Paul Flowers”
By Jason Groves.
“Labour and its ‘ethical’ bank are as morally bankrupt as each other”
“Deflowering the ‘ethical’ bank…
Downfall of Co-op boss lays bare ineptitude of bank and its regulators”
By RUTH SUNDERLAND.–Downfall-Co-op-boss-lays-bare-ineptitude-bank-regulators.html?
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Return former Co-op bank chief’s £50,000, Ed Balls told.
“Shadow chancellor facing calls to return £50,000 donation linked to former bank chief Paul Flowers, who has been accused of buying class A drugs.”
Could make PMQ on Wednesday interesting.
Blink and you’ll miss it. Main headline on BBC “Co-op boss resigns over Flowers Claims”. Go back 10 minutes later – now relegated to business.
Yesterday something really significant did happen in Gaza.
The leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, rushed his granddaughter from Gaza to an Israeli hospital for treatment. Of course Israel routinely treats sick Gazans (esp children) but you would have thought that this was newsworthy, right? I mean he is the head of the very organisation trying to destroy Israel. Right???!!!
I mean, let’s imagine if Hamas had done something similar (i.e. helped save an innocent Jewish child’s life)? Of course it would have been all over the news, non stop, add nauseam.
But the stinking bigots at the BBC do not mention a word of this. Not one f@cking word.
There are no words to describe one’s disgust for the nasty, poisoned, warped, bigoted pile of grasping, paedophile crap that is the BBC.
Stop living in fantasy. HAMAS has never done anything for anyone other than themselves and never will.
have to agree with that. When one of the Hamas Broadcasting Corporations’ journalists was kidnapped. They went into overdrive
How Israel treats children
“let’s imagine if Hamas had done something similar”?
How Hamas treats children
Projection Alert! “Hamas Calls Torah and Talmud Fabrications,” Nov 4 .
Hamas school curriculum Gaza: “All of Palestine from the sea to the river belongs to us, to US! Muslims!”
I like Hammas, I buy it from the supermarket and have it on Pitta bread !
Well said Mikey the innocent
It’s in it’s charter “never ever show Israel in a good light”.
A typical story about a thieving Romanian who has several convictions but not been deported, and his thieving wife with 5 kids having her benefits cut.
Just for information when the fascists start talking about vibrancy again!
What sort of idiot leaves a £500 i-phone on a table? When I read stories like this I’m reminded of the scene in Full Metal Jacket where private Pyle has an unlocked foot locker. ‘If it wasn’t for dickheds like you there wouldn’t be any thievery in the world’ says the sergeant. Hard to diagree.
Is this the one where he mentions the “reach around”? I can’t watch! Eeek!!
So yesterday the President held an online conference call with thousands of worshipers in Organizing for America (His personal political activist group) and not a few journalists. Apparently He was morose, downtrodden, pleading for help. Aside from the amusing metaphor of the website not working properly for many, the President spoke mostly about stepping up the fight for ObamaCare. He also mentioned another issue:
The president also used the call to criticize Republicans for blocking one of his judicial nominees. In a procedural vote Monday, the Senate failed to advance the nomination of Robert Wilkins to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The failure to move the nomination brings the Senate one step closer to a fight over nomination rules that could sour relations in Congress. The D.C. appeals court is often a steppingstone to the Supreme Court and regularly rules on the constitutionality of laws and regulations.
Republicans have argued that the court’s caseload is not heavy enough to merit the addition of new judges.
Mr. Obama said Senate Republicans have been blocking his judicial nominees “oftentimes for no good reason.” Mr. Obama said it’s “time for Senate Republicans to stop playing partisan politics with our courts.”
And magically, the BBC rushed out a news brief on exactly this:
US Senate blocks Robert Wilkins’ nomination to top court
Republicans in the US Senate have blocked Democratic President Barack Obama’s nomination of a judge to a key appeals court, the third such obstruction since October.
The Senate voted 53-38 to overcome a procedural manoeuvre delaying Judge Robert Wilkins’ confirmation to the bench, seven shy of the needed 60.
Later, Mr Obama attacked the “completely unprecedented” obstruction.
Later, as in during the OFA conference call. Your license fee hard at work, funding a propaganda arm of the White House.
There is no difference to reading and listening to Democrat/Obama and Labour/Miliband apart from the fact Obama is actually in power and therefore sounds even un-statesmanlike with his constant, pathetic blame-shifting.
Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but the use of the word “obstruction” appears to me to suggest that they are being unreasonable. Which is not for the BBC to do.
‘Which is not for the BBC to do’
Depends. Did Obama call it an obstruction? in which case it was a classic ODOS (One Degree Of Separation) quote and hence… who controls the edit suite?
Still not for any ethical, impartial broadcaster to do, but we are talking about the BBC here.
One might ask what guided their use of certain terms when referring to certain folk on certain issues (and not on others), but I’m pretty certain an FoI lawyer would appear pretty quickly to advise such things are their little secret.
The word “obstruction” itself doesn’t imply right or wrong. It’s the instances where the BBC chooses to use it and similar terms which give the game away. Republicans “obstruct”, but when the President declares that He’ll veto a Republican-led bill which will do more or less the same thing – only legally – what His executive edict would do about individual insurance plans, it’s just Him preventing the Republicans from destroying ObamaCare.
Remember when the BBC used to wonder how a lame-duck President still blocked Congress from doing the right thing? And the House controlled by the opposition party was simply going to “challenge” the President and it wasn’t described as trying to harm him personally or stop him at all costs? Ah, good times…..good times……