The Labour Party-the Unions and now the Co-Op Bank.
What an evil troika.
So no wonder the BBC will refuse to join the dots, about how we got such vermin as political, industrial and financial bloc groups.
Hopefully it will all unravel on all four evil scumming operations named above.
Bet Jimmy Savile banked at the Co-Op and he would have been an Equity man too!
I recall BBC-Labour heavily promoted the Co-Op as the only “ethical bank” a few months ago. Without knowing anything about it you would have guessed from that BBC promotion that the bank is closely linked with the Labour Party.
This BBC World News presenter seems a little confused about reality. Following a tweet about an activist in the UAE getting sentenced to prison for tweeting, she wondered aloud:
In other words, to her mind the ‘Arab Spring’ is beyond criticism.
Tunnel vision or fluffy headedness? Whatever it might be, there’s no excuse for it and the girl has made an absolute prat of herself (a common trait at the BBC, it seems).
Today an incredibly important statement about the state of the Church of England has been made from perhaps the only man in the Church Hierarchy to command any real respect. – Dr John Sentamu Archbishop of York.
He talks about the church being “one generation away from extinction” which he basically appears to blame on Political correctness.
“The Church of England is failing to devote enough energy to spreading the faith in favour of arguing over words and phrases, the Archbishop of York has warned.”
So no surprise then that this story is nowhere to be seen on the biased bunches web pages, but I would encourage everyone to read this statement as it says so much about how the liberal left have wrecked yet another British institution, and unless they are dragged to their sentences it will be completely destroyed by their idiocy.
Fair enough-but the same church ensured that the real prophets like Michael Nazir-Ali were rendered redundant by the appeasers like Rowan Williams-he liked the Simpsons you know(who actually have a better grasp of the gospel than Rowan did).
Sentamu has been happiest letting Chris Evans goof around in his Palace…so is hardly blameless himself.
As the likes of Harman have tied the church up all ready for Islam, it`s a bit rich-and a bit late-to worry about the Church of England now.
When the C of E scoot out of the BBC studios and actually start to live out the gospel-THEN we`ll be ready for the Red Green evil of Socialism-lite, and Islam-heavy!
Nasser, Saddam, Gadhaffi, Assad…you`ll get one of these four “solutions”to squaring Islam and Communism…not without a fight though, if I`ve got anything to do with it.
PM program follows a Muslim from the UK delivering aid to a hospital in Syria, which he has driven in himself.
Shocking that the BBC find reporting this more important than reporting major Christian announcements at home!
And our gushing reporter was naive enough to think it`ll all go to the good guys in Syria…good luck with that.
She was uncurious about how they know where to go into Syria too…anybody would think that they had an agenda, perish that thought.
She baled out at the border though-for some reason the ROP might not be happy to see the BBCs black flag on the lorry.
Strange-don`t they KNOW how much sucking and shilling they do for Islam these days..we doubtless need yet more cringing and abject supplication from the Beeb…as ever,
Nicely put George, ‘muslims based in Britain’, NOT British muslims because there’s no such thing unless you’re a convert.
Hugh Edwards on the News At Ten just advertised the above story, something about ‘British muslims’ delivering aid to Syria is a story on Newsnight ‘in a few minutes’. Oddly, that story isn’t the first on tonight, it’s about Flowers and the co-op. You’d think that the beeb would advertise the main story and not a sub-story … maybe the co-op story embarrasses them because liebours fingerprints are all over it. In fact, it’s not even the second story, it’s an interview with Hunt about the NHS! (Another Liebour embarrassment) Jeez, the 10 O’clock News are promoting the third most important story on Newsnight. Why? Has Edwards mentioned the aid to Syria story to make the muslims look good or was it to just get in the phrase ‘British muslim’?
Just watched it. One of them was turned away in Turkey, no mention why. I noticed that the term British seems to have changed definition, years ago it would have meant a wonky-toothed, bowler-hatted, briefcase carrying gent, a safari-suited big game hunter with an elephant gun etc etc. Nowadays it means a bearded, dress-wearing mong from the sub continent (via some northern shit-hole).
In many ways we should be grateful to Al Shabaab for relieving us of these idiots, hopefully when they’re done with them they will dispose of them responsibly rather than returning them.
Yes, they did it out of ‘religious duty’ apparently. But also because, as one of them explained, ‘80% of the world is living in abject poverty and nobody is doing anything about it’. Apart from a small matter of £11 billion a year, mate. But don’t worry, the earnest BBC reporter won’t challenge you – whatever you say or whatever your motives might be.
I have finished watching on iPlayer, a documentary (Timeshift) on the life of Kim Philby, one of the Cambridge Five Spy Ring.
I have read many books and seen many documentaries but, I would not consider myself an expert, nor for that matter completely ignorant of many of the facts. But this so called documentary really got my goat.
It was not impartial in anyway and missed out a number of key events, characters and important facts. They way in which the life story of this man was told, gave the less informed view that Philby, and the other traitors, Blunt, Burgess and Maclean, were some how acting out their desires to achieve a fair and more equal society – stop laughing you at the back, I am serious !
The documentary tried to convince the viewer that they were fighting the Nazi’s, who we were told, were ‘right-wing’ and murdered the poor socialists. Quite how betraying your country, which is a democracy, to defeat Nazism has never been properly explained.
There was no mention of Burgess’s time working for the BBC, or for that matter John Cairncross. No mention of what happened to the people he betrayed to the NKVD, for rummer of the KGB.
What was presented, was a version of a silly upper-class man who had a number of faults, but tried to do the right thing but somehow got it all wrong.
And now for the final part of this story, and I think you may like this. When the credits were shown, I specifically looked for who was the Producer of the documentary. It turned out to be a man called, George Carey. Not the Bishop, I might add.
Good catch, Mark B. Once upon a time, the BBC produced excellent drama, such as Le Carre’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; that was 1979. In that production, the ‘mole’ was a ruthless patrician traitor, with an all-consuming hatred of the USA. He spouted a lot of Marxist twaddle to Smiley after he’d been rumbled, none of which he appeared to truly believe, but the driving force behind his treachery was always his detestation & resentment of America, & its new superpower status. And, being a psychopathic narcissist, nothing would be permitted to get in the way of his divine mission; certainly not any qualms about blowing entire networks. I have wondered if ‘Gerald the mole’ was based on Philby who, by all accounts, was a hard bastard. He survived longer than the other spies, & survived interrogations.
The current BBC’s attitude to America is ambivalent, to say the least. It disliked Bush, & viciously denigrated Palin. It certainly has little time for anybody who dares to criticise Obama. People who do so inhabit the redneck ‘badlands, & these ‘unenlightened’ zones are beneath contempt – old, wicked, racist America. Barack, Michele, Oprah, Occupy etc – good America.
By the way, talking of a certain kind of patrician’s loathing of the USA, heeeeeeeeere’s Margaret Drabble!
Good post, Mark, especially as defenders of the indefensible try to defend Question Time on here by pointing out it’s made by an independent company (though quite how they could be immune from BBC editorial oversight they never explained).
I was going to watch that programme and then I thought, no, it is the BBC, the script will be absolutely predictable; it will show Philby rebelling against his privileged upper middle class background [i.e. the background of the director and/or writer of the film] and becoming committed (for which the aspirational working classes should be truly grateful) to the heroic struggle to create a more fair and equal society [like the director/writer of the film]. In short it will be the usual tax funded Marxist apologetics by the sort of Holland Park Stalinists who tell you how ghastly they found that Thatcher women with her appalling lower middle class taste in clothes.
It is not the British working class which provided the traitors who worked for the Soviet Union. The BBC never seems to represent the views, tastes, opinions and concerns of the British working class.
Marxism is frequently appealing to class obsessed upper middle class snobs. The mother of Theodore Callinicos of the SWP Central Committee was the Hon. Aedgyth Bertha Milburg Mary Antonia Frances Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, the daughter of the 2nd Lord Acton. ‘Charlie’ Kimber also on the SWP’s Central Committee is related to Sir Henry Kimber, 1st Baronet. Seumas Milne (the younger son of the former BBC Director General Alasdair Milne) went to Winchester College, Chris Nineham was educated at Westminister school, and I would put money on it (anybody want to take up the bet) that the director of this film attended a public school, and delighted in sneering at the lower middle class vulgarity of Edward Heath, Maggie Thatcher, and John Major.
Yes, all probably true but the rank and file of the SWP tend to be working class – many of them went there from the National Front when it disintegrated because it is a bastion of anti-Semitism.
There are many middle class, privately educated left wing extremists but there are also plenty of working class ones. Neither group has a clear grasp of reality and both sets are traitors.
Off-topic, sorry, but last week someone was wondering how well-known racist Benjamin Zephaniah was now at Brunel University as a Professor of ‘Poetry and Creative Writing’ – no, me neither.
Anyway, today I have received an invitation to a lecture ‘A Life At The Nexus Of Media and Politics’ by Professor Alastair Campbell, Humanitas Visiting Professor of Media at Cambridge University!
Zephaniah there too?
They employ Will Self as well-the poor old rehab tool told us often enough at the weekend(Point of View).
God-what kind of staffroom will that be?…ganja and self regard emaning from under the floorboards.
Let`s hope no-one actually PAYS to go there-sounds like one drug and reggae festival.
He turned up in the BBC’s latest depressing offering ‘Peaky Blinders’ to remind us, again, how diverse we have always been, as well as how white our gangs used to be.
Two boxes ticked.
Turned off after 20 minutes as I didn’t want to become a suicide risk.
Yes, the BBC have been testing the incontinence pads with this exultant news of theirs.
Like Doctor Who-you do wonder about BBC Worldwide Merchandising Ops, and their role in bigging up this aimless, clapped out crap.
Cleese surely gets his alimony paid out without these unfunny lefties and liberals hoping for another payoff before the send offs.
Sexist Oxbridge tossers-Carole Cleveland and Eleanor Bron were the REAL talent-yet not a word about them
Come on Womans Hour…Yoko showed you how to do it!
The BBC’s new “Echo Chambers” feature, allegedly meant to cut through the noise from both sides of an issue, keeps paying dividends. Last time it was a heavily biased screed about how black people were becoming more terrified of Republicans thanks to the Tea Party movement. This time, it’s about homosexual marriage, prompted by the public debate between the two Cheney sisters.
The editor of the feature himself wrote this one. The outside voices he cites to inform you of the particulars are from the far-Left Mother Jones, the liberal political editor of the Left-leaning Atlantic, and – for balance, one against three – Rod Dreher, I think the only non-Left voice the BBC has ever hired to do one of those “Viewpoint” pieces for the online Magazine. I say it’s three against one because clearly the editor, Anthony Zurcher, is biased to the Left as well. I say that because right after quoting Dreher’s statement of what appears to be – shock, horror – compassion for homosexual members of conservatively religions families, he cites somebody from the Left-wing, Progressive Salon about how this will color Liz Cheney’s campaign for Senate. So make that four against one.
He has no time, apparently, to listen to the Log Cabin Republicans or other homosexual Republicans groups like GOProud, even though those voices might be worth hearing on this issue.
Instead he gets his opinions from three Left-wing outlets as opposed to only one from the Right. Echo chamber much, Anthony?
‘Balance’ being very much the mot du moment, having deployed matters exclusively FoI in the negative for a while, I must report that Aunty has permitted a wee peak….
Amazing all that trust and transparency, eh? After 6 months deliberation.
Imagine if others held to account by the BBC adopted such an approach and timeframe?
“However, the OECD said the UK would grow by 1.4% this year, an upgrade from its forecast in May of 0.8%.
Then it gives free rein to some socialist slug to rant on about “three years of flatlining” conveniently ignoring why we had three years of “flatlining”
Well done BBC, never miss a trick to put your far left bias on display for all to see.
Next you’ll be failing to mention that Obama chose Golf over Gettysburg
It’s reached the stage that I’m learning to interpret BBC headlines. So, when I saw no explicit mention of the UK in the headline I suspected that buried within the article would be good news about the UK economy. And so there was.
Wonder what happened to all those stories about cutting government spending too far and too fast? What happened to that meme?
If the BBC were truly impartial, then this story would be one to give people a wry smile. But as it is, it undoubtedly won’t be coming to a BBC webpage anytime soon – or ever, if they can help it.
Boycott Israel Websites Built Using Israeli Software Wix Fringe organizations dedicated to boycotting the Jewish state are finding it hard to practice what they preach, with many of their websites built on a popular Israeli software platform, according to Paul Charney, chairman of the UK’s Zionist Federation (ZF).
After an investigation, the ZF said it found several websites that advocate BDS — boycott, divestment and sanctions — of Israel were programmed with the popular Tel Aviv-based website platform Wix.
You couldn’t make it up – truth is stranger than fiction.
Terror pays in the West Bank and Gaza, where killers recently freed by Israel under pressure from the U.S. are getting six-figure payments and military promotions from the Palestinian Authority.
Issa Abed Rabbo, the longest serving of some 104 Palestinian prisoners to be released, is getting the standard $50,000 the PA pays to freed terrorists, plus another $60,000 and the full cost of his upcoming wedding. Rabbo tied up and shot dead two Israeli Hebrew University students who were hiking near Jerusalem in 1984. Rabbo, now 49, was sentenced to life in prison, but became a hero to some Palestinians for no reason other than killing Revital Seri, 22, and Ron Levy, 23.
This is where all your international so-called aid money goes to. The BBC’s silence on this is tacit approval. They can talk about the US pressing Israel to release prisoners as a goodwill gesture, but won’t talk about this.
PS: The headline appears to be slightly dishonest because there’s no mention of Gaza in the article, and the PA has nothing to do with Hamas.
And here’s another, unless of course the Palestinians blame Israel for her condition. Like she only went in with a cold and came back brain damaged because of what Israel did.
One-year-old Amal Haniya crossed from Gaza into Israel to be treated at Israel’s Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petah Tikvah, accompanied by her grandmother, according to reports based on Palestinian sources.
The girl reportedly had a serious infection of her digestive tract, which affected her nervous system, and damaged her brain.
She was transferred back to Gaza after Israeli doctors determined that they could not help her, and her condition continued to deteriorate.
Her father, Abdul Salam, wrote on his Facebook page Monday afternoon that his daughter had returned to Gaza in a state of clinical death.
He had previously posted on Facebook that his daughter had been transferred to an Israeli hospital, though that post was subsequently removed, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Haniyeh recently called for a third Palestinian intifada in the West Bank.
A bit like Indian space programs, when I read of expenditures of funds of this nature, I wonder why certain EU-philic, if not beholden, broadcasters of objectivity and integrity don’t seem more interested in the provenance chains of such monies from where committed to where deployed.
I wonder why 2 tax funded broadcasters feel it appropriate to compete with each other with both BBC4 & Film 4 tonight showing versions of “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”
One for the ‘We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia’ files:
Tonight’s PM goes large on allegations against the conservative mayor of Toronto. Apparently, he’s been partying too hard and the BBC wants us to know that drugs are bad, m’kay?
Hey, never mind the sheer humbuggery of BBC employees wagging their finger at anyone for being wasted on the job, what about the approximately 10 bazillion BBC shows in which characters getting high is used as shorthand for them being cool and sexy rebels. Equally, what about them pushing the line that conservatives are all uptight squares?
Don’t ask anyone at PM: they ran audio of Ford demanding one of his critics answer if she’d ever used pot as though the question was self-evidently absurd.
But the real outrage was when they referred to Ford being caught on video making ‘death threats’… except that’s not actually what happened. At all.
“Hey, never mind the sheer humbuggery of BBC employees wagging their finger at anyone for being wasted on the job, what about the approximately 10 bazillion BBC shows in which characters getting high is used as shorthand for them being cool and sexy rebels”
Yes, Radio 4 is currently giving another fat druggy, David Crosby, an hour to paint his own hagiography with many tales of left wing political activism.
It’s not that I have got anything against fat or drugs, but the BBC’s delight in Ford’s problems is really all because he is a conservative.
I`d make the most of “The Screwtape Letters” being read every day at 9.45am(Radio 4).
Very revealing which bits they choose to read-and which they edit out…I have a copy to compare!
Still-enough punchy stuff to be getting on with.
Bit of a curate’s egg, really. Sandbrook didn’t avoid the popularly held view that the BBC had pinkish tendencies, & he did nail Play for Today as a vehicle for the Left wing’s narrative. But the reductionist notion that the British public were consumerist zombies got a little wearing. Aside from excellent archive footage, what interested me was a clip of an interview with John Le Carre from the early sixties. Le Carre, anguished, deathly serious, utterly humourless, fixated, as if wrestling single-handedly with the great existential crisis of our age, couldn’t stop telling us how empty & spiritually vacuous our modern Western lives were. An arrogant, patronising performance. What was he hinting at? That maybe, just maybe, life was somehow better, more authentic, to the East of the Iron Curtain?
Contrary to an earlier post I made, I’m starting to think that the ‘Mole’ in Tinker, Tailor, with his loathing of the USA, might have been loosely based on a Philbyesque character, but held more of Le Carre’s personal convictions than I’d previously thought.
A really revelatory piece of film.
I thought the BBC was bad until I read the Independent. Reporting on the Flowers, the disgraced former CoOp Bank chairman it made 6 references to him being a Methodist minister, but no reference to him being a councillor or his affiliation to Labour, no reference to him being a trustee of the Terence Higgins Trust, and no reference to his homosexuality. In contrast the BBC reports are models of fairness – almost.
Maybe it’s his age which has made him realise that achieving the power of propaganda, which the BBC clearly has, doesn’t do you much good as you approach death.
Whatever, it’s certainly something that I never expected Dimbleby to do.
Dimbleby called on BBC to ‘cut out some of the gardening and cookery’
Question Time presenter also criticised ‘terrible’ coverage of River Pageant
Intervention adds to pressure of director-general Tony Hall to accept cuts
Why on earth is this the BBC news website’s lead story???
‘Mr Flowers, 63, apologised after he was filmed allegedly buying drugs.’
‘ Mr Flowers stepped down as a councillor in Bradford in 2011 after “adult content” was found on a computer he had used.
The council said the content was “inappropriate but not illegal”.
This is the kind of tittle tattle you’d expect to see on page 10 of the Daily Mail, not the front page of the BBC news website!
The article continues:
When Mr Flowers appeared before a committee of MPs on 6 November he appeared to have “no grasp” of “basic” facts about the bank, according to BBC business editor Robert Peston.
Who cares?!? ‘Bank has a clueless boss’ isn’t a major news story!
This article is just a cheap piece of banker bashing!
The Beeboids have an emotional attachment to the Co-op, so it’s a difficult time for them. I’m not at all surprised that Peston noticed Flowers had no concept of basic banking, as that’s not really what he was there for. Flowers was there to make sure not only that the bank got quiet Labour support, but to push the whole sustainability, green, free-trade, boycott Israeli settlement suppliers thing. All those things – never mind the whole concept of co-op – are BBC-approved, and were far more important to supporters than whether or not the man understood how to read a ledger. Wasn’t Flowers pushed out of the chairman’s seat a while back for mismanagement anyway?
He now appears to be a danger to the cause, so he’s getting the full scrutiny. At least cooler heads aren’t letting the more enthusiastic youngsters writing for the BBC News website add in suggestions that this is a stitch-up from Zionist banksters.
It looks like no-one has enriched b-BBC readers of the latest racist bandwagon, eagerly jumped on by the bBBC of course.
A 1936 painting on the wall of an Edinburgh school has a small golliwog in the corner, just about visible if you look carefully. A woman, who was thinking of sending her child to the school, has taken offence at the 77-year-old mural, claimed that it means the school is racist, and filed an official complaint with the Police.
Amazingly, instead of charging her with wasting Police time, they said “Police Scotland treats all reports relating to hate incidents extremely seriously and will thoroughly investigate whenever a report of this nature is made.”
“That might be racist”…………..
This boys suicide was, by todays laws, a Race Hate Crime, not a matter for flippancy.
“A record for being behind the news.”……………
Stephen Lawrence Concert, O2 Arena, Twenty years after his murder. It’s OK for this to be an everlasting tragedy apparently, but not a white boy bullied to death.
It seems poor Aaron Dugmore has been decreed, not only by the BBC, but by some folks on here as a member of the British Undesirables. He does not matter. His death compared to that of a black boy is insignificant.
DavidA made a very valid point, the BBC will not point out the problems white children face in over-subscribed ethnic communities, but his comment is met with derision. Very sad.
Thank you but I do have a dictionary. However, I would be more interested in your view on the difference between the way the Stephen Lawrence and Aaron Dugmore cases have been treated by the BBC, than the difference between ‘flippant’ and ‘rueful’.
REV. FLOWERS….His “Personal Tragedy”….Nicky Campbell R5L 7.45am…spit coffee all over kitchen. WHAT THE HELL is going on. Keep digging BBC hell’s not far now…SCUM
BBC-NUJ are trying to make it disappear ( unsurprisingly, given Beeboid political predilections), by not following it up.
In contrast, front-page of ‘Daily Mail’:-
“How much did Labour know about disgraced Co-op chief? Bank chairman quit council over gay porn and went to No10 meetings with Miliband and Balls.
“Flowers attended a Downing Street reception hosted by Miliband and Balls.
“Three meetings followed between Flowers and Mr Miliband .
“Labour knew two years ago that Flowers had been forced to resign as one of the party’s city councillors after gay porn was found on his computer.”
“Police search home of former Co-op chairman
The Labour Party was under pressure last night over why it failed to raise the alarm about the Co-operative Bank chairman Paul Flowers when he was forced out of a council for having pornography on his laptop.
“Grant Shapps, the Conservative chairman, wrote to Ed Miliband asking what the party hierarchy knew about the Methodist minister’s increasingly erratic behaviour.
Tory MPs suggested Labour politicians covered up for Mr Flowers because he was providing gifts and loans for the party.”
Might be worth checking out his career back in the 1980s in the Eastleigh Labour Party. He was so ashamed after being caught up to no good in a Southampton toilet. Cited in the Sun.
Pearson sees what is in front of his eyes. He sees the reality. The liberal ruling elites have taken a most unwise gamble. That to permit the immigration of a culture ,that historically has been always hostile to the Christian West , will come about without real disaster.
There can only be one law and one dominant way of life in a nation. At least in what I call a nation.
The liberal dreams that this reality can be altered somehow if we all just have empathy and are nice to each other.
That is not the way of the world. They should study the past with a little more rigour.
Better still read Homer.
The BBC continues to push the socialist agenda of CAGW, with a clear call for a redistribution of the world’s weath in the service of The Holy Consensus…
‘Loss and damage’ re-opens old wounds at climate talks
“I don’t think we’re likely to see some grand scheme materialise that addresses [loss and damage caused by climate change],” said Paul Bledsoe, an expert on energy and climate with the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
“I think reparations is the right word, in my view it’s what’s being sought, on issues like slavery or war reparations, historically they have a very difficult time occurring.”
Mr Bledsoe believes the most likely outcome is that the richer nations will increase their commitments on finance in return for kicking the legal mechanism into the long grass.
The scale of the monies needed to help countries adapt to climate change was underlined here in Warsaw with a report that Africa would need $350bn annually if global warming rises to between 3.5 and 4C.
A quick Google of the German Marshall Fund – – soon reveals its impeccable left-leaning credentials – a strange omission from the BBC’s Matt McGrath’s story, but never mind.
Nobody need be in any doubt what the ultimate aim of climate alarmism is – and always has been – for this story lays it bare, clear as day for all to see.
CAGW: A socialist agenda for global ‘wealth redistribution’. Not really anything to do with science, or with climate for that matter.
Rather than spouting the nonsense from the activists – even the IPCC is no longer saying that 3 to 4 degrees rise is likely – the BBC should be reporting the facts of the conference.
And the key fact is that the US and Europe are totally committed against any more “reparations” or any more blackmailed funding. There ain’t gonna be any deal, the conference is a total waste of time. THAT is the news – and we are paying for all the junketing.
I wonder what Mr Bledsoe’s “expertise” in energy and climate is?
Well, according to this, “Paul received a B.A. with honors and an M.A. in English from Ohio State University“.
That page certainly shows he’s been getting himself into the right places to milk this scam since at least 1998, but it doesn’t tell us that he has any qualifications to pass himself off as an expert. I’d have thought that if he actually had any, it would have been plastered all over his web page. Still, he says he’s an expert, so that’s probably good enough for the BBC.
Further to comments earlier in the week – no surprise that Nicky Campbell finished his interview with Vince Cable this morning by asking if he had any sympathy with the former chairman of the Co-operative bank – it didn’t take them long to try and move this story along towards the sympathy for the way he has been treated, now let’s move on- nothing to see here. Can’t image how they would have run and run and run with this had he not been a liebor luvvie !
I heard something on R4 around 930 with – isit Purvis?-
They were all talking about being “first nation” Americans. About how proud they are and how important it is to understand where you come from.
No problem with that at all. But can you imagine an Englishman being allowed to be proud of his descent from the Anglo Saxons and his attachment to his land and his people.
Not really. Not the sort of thing a liberal wants to hear and further more not the sort of thing a liberal media allows to be heard.
How does this pointless poppet manage to survive the BBC annual cull of mediocrities?
Oh if only…but my point remains…how the hell is she still drawing a salary off the rest of us?
Yes I know that Laurie Taylor runs her close as Barnacle of the Ages…but I`m proud to say that I can rush to the radio before the sixth word…”And now Midweek…with Libby Bloody Purvis”.
Archers, Eastenders and Midweek…I can give you my switch off times to the nearest bar or beat.
Piss Off Purvis…POP campaign here perhaps?
‘First Nation’. So they got there first (from wherever and however – across the land bridge as was, before sea levels rose, and into Alaska?). So effing what? Does that give them some kind of right to be proud as opposed to the BBC placing the English in a constant state of repentance?
Another BBC “Echo Chambers” piece, another round of Left-wing agitating. This time it’s about how the assassination of JFK (are you bored yet?) is symbolic of the eternal polarization of US politics. The same bubble-dwelling editor who wrote the last one I noticed wrote this one because he was inspired by a vicious NY Times opinion piece laying out this argument.
It was written by some angry history student now studying at Oxford. Basically the guy is lashing out at memories of his “extremist conservative” grandparents. That the NY Times ran this screed isn’t surprising, nor is it really surprising that the editor of a BBC News online feature thought it was worth discussing.
Rather than cite yet more Left-wing opinion, though, this time Zurcher went to the Dallas Morning News for an opinion. They obviously weren’t pleased with the NY Times writer’s assessment that Dallas was still a hateful city that hadn’t done enough to address its bad legacy and culpability in Kennedy’s death. They feel they’ve worked really hard to change that image. It’s not denying the screed was wrong about what it used to be like, though, lending strength to the notion that the city is tainted by Right-wing extremism.
You’ll be glad to know that Jonny Dymond has done a special report about the event, which will air Nov. 21. And here’s me saying only yesterday that these big stories are an excuse for the BBC to fly in major on-air talent to do an expensive special report rather than let the Beeboids working the US beat do it. Or maybe this isn’t important enough for one of the upper caste.
Here’s the real point of the NY Times piece, and what really caught Zurcher’s attention:
“The far right of 1963 … may have faded in recent years, they remain very much alive in Dallas,” he wrote. “Look no further than the troop of gun-rights activists who appeared just days ago, armed and silent, outside a meeting of local mothers concerned about gun violence. If this is what counts as responsible civic dialogue, then Dallas has a long way still to go.”
But of course. Instead of Rod Dreher, this time Zurcher cited a different writer in the American Conservative (not straying too far outside the echo chamber, then, and I mean that on two levels), who snarks about being foolish enough to think Oswald was a Communist and not part of a Right-wing conspiracy.
Zurcher isn’t so much interested in the debate about whether or not there was some Right-wing plot to kill Kennedy as he is in hyping up the BBC Narrative we all know so well: the US is highly polarized and our politics and decency are threatened by extreme Right-wing groups. Even Zurcher seems dimly aware of what he’s doing.
“The far right of 1963 … may have faded in recent years, they remain very much alive in Dallas,” he wrote. “Look no further than the troop of gun-rights activists who appeared just days ago, armed and silent, outside a meeting of local mothers concerned about gun violence. If this is what counts as responsible civic dialogue, then Dallas has a long way still to go.”
Stepping just a little bit more outside his bubble, Zurcher actually cites the non-Left Outside the Beltway, which suggests that this is just Left-wing Texas-bashing (Texas is associated with so many Left-wing bogeymen: Bush, Perry, economic success, no income tax). So this is actually reasonably balanced for once in the sense that there are two different non-Left opinions opposing the viewpoint that Oswald was part of a Right-wing conspiracy and not a Communist sympathizer. Note that the two non-Left voices are not quoted as criticizing the idea that Right-wing extremism is still a major problem. That notion is left to hang there in front of you.
In case you still didn’t get the point, or just think I’m reading something that isn’t there, Zurcher closes with this:
In a segment that airs tonight on BBC’s Newsnight, Allan Little traces the current divide in US politics, over individual freedom and the role of the federal government. This conflict about what it means to be an American animated the conservative activists of 1963 Dallas, formed the battles lines of the US Civil War and inspired the words of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
“Americans are still arguing about how to live the ideals that their republic is founded on,” he says, “still bitterly divided about precisely what government of the people, by the people, for the people should mean in practice.”
Typical. Bitterly divided, polarized, blah, blah, blah. Stuck in the BBC echo chamber as usual. Why didn’t the BBC push this same theme all the time when Bush was in charge and all those protests were going on, I wonder? It’s only since The Obamessiah was elected that the BBC picked this up. And yet more output is on the way from the BBC echo chamber to give you their opinion about how to understand the US. Just like the rest of it, it will be from the Left.
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025
StewGreenFeb 23, 14:00 Weekend 22nd February 2025 There are two entrance doors on police stations these days One door is marked “for normal people” … go through…
StewGreenFeb 23, 13:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 UK law says a baby is British through parentage. US law says ANY baby born in the US is American…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 13:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I predict that the AfD will do much better than the msm are saying. There will be lots of people…
Fedup2Feb 23, 13:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I think ‘councillor Sedgwick ‘ needs to be looked at with their political control of plod – was it phone…
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
The Labour Party-the Unions and now the Co-Op Bank.
What an evil troika.
So no wonder the BBC will refuse to join the dots, about how we got such vermin as political, industrial and financial bloc groups.
Hopefully it will all unravel on all four evil scumming operations named above.
Bet Jimmy Savile banked at the Co-Op and he would have been an Equity man too!
I recall BBC-Labour heavily promoted the Co-Op as the only “ethical bank” a few months ago. Without knowing anything about it you would have guessed from that BBC promotion that the bank is closely linked with the Labour Party.
This BBC World News presenter seems a little confused about reality. Following a tweet about an activist in the UAE getting sentenced to prison for tweeting, she wondered aloud:
No, dear. Because of, not despite. Which countries got improved freedom of any kind after regime changes again?
In other words, to her mind the ‘Arab Spring’ is beyond criticism.
Tunnel vision or fluffy headedness? Whatever it might be, there’s no excuse for it and the girl has made an absolute prat of herself (a common trait at the BBC, it seems).
Today an incredibly important statement about the state of the Church of England has been made from perhaps the only man in the Church Hierarchy to command any real respect. – Dr John Sentamu Archbishop of York.
He talks about the church being “one generation away from extinction” which he basically appears to blame on Political correctness.
“The Church of England is failing to devote enough energy to spreading the faith in favour of arguing over words and phrases, the Archbishop of York has warned.”
So no surprise then that this story is nowhere to be seen on the biased bunches web pages, but I would encourage everyone to read this statement as it says so much about how the liberal left have wrecked yet another British institution, and unless they are dragged to their sentences it will be completely destroyed by their idiocy.
Fair enough-but the same church ensured that the real prophets like Michael Nazir-Ali were rendered redundant by the appeasers like Rowan Williams-he liked the Simpsons you know(who actually have a better grasp of the gospel than Rowan did).
Sentamu has been happiest letting Chris Evans goof around in his Palace…so is hardly blameless himself.
As the likes of Harman have tied the church up all ready for Islam, it`s a bit rich-and a bit late-to worry about the Church of England now.
When the C of E scoot out of the BBC studios and actually start to live out the gospel-THEN we`ll be ready for the Red Green evil of Socialism-lite, and Islam-heavy!
Nasser, Saddam, Gadhaffi, Assad…you`ll get one of these four “solutions”to squaring Islam and Communism…not without a fight though, if I`ve got anything to do with it.
PM program follows a Muslim from the UK delivering aid to a hospital in Syria, which he has driven in himself.
Shocking that the BBC find reporting this more important than reporting major Christian announcements at home!
Well, the others are all fighting with Al Qaeda over there, so the BBC had to find something positive in the interests of balance.
And our gushing reporter was naive enough to think it`ll all go to the good guys in Syria…good luck with that.
She was uncurious about how they know where to go into Syria too…anybody would think that they had an agenda, perish that thought.
She baled out at the border though-for some reason the ROP might not be happy to see the BBCs black flag on the lorry.
Strange-don`t they KNOW how much sucking and shilling they do for Islam these days..we doubtless need yet more cringing and abject supplication from the Beeb…as ever,
Yes, it was quite clear that this INBBC report was about Muslims based in Britain supporting some Muslims in Syria.
Nicely put George, ‘muslims based in Britain’, NOT British muslims because there’s no such thing unless you’re a convert.
Hugh Edwards on the News At Ten just advertised the above story, something about ‘British muslims’ delivering aid to Syria is a story on Newsnight ‘in a few minutes’. Oddly, that story isn’t the first on tonight, it’s about Flowers and the co-op. You’d think that the beeb would advertise the main story and not a sub-story … maybe the co-op story embarrasses them because liebours fingerprints are all over it. In fact, it’s not even the second story, it’s an interview with Hunt about the NHS! (Another Liebour embarrassment) Jeez, the 10 O’clock News are promoting the third most important story on Newsnight. Why? Has Edwards mentioned the aid to Syria story to make the muslims look good or was it to just get in the phrase ‘British muslim’?
Just watched it. One of them was turned away in Turkey, no mention why. I noticed that the term British seems to have changed definition, years ago it would have meant a wonky-toothed, bowler-hatted, briefcase carrying gent, a safari-suited big game hunter with an elephant gun etc etc. Nowadays it means a bearded, dress-wearing mong from the sub continent (via some northern shit-hole).
Hit report in error.
INBBC: reporting Al Shabaab, without the Islamic jihad, and without the British connection.
1.) INBBC:
“Somali African Union Beledweyne base hit by bomb attack”
2.) ‘Daily Mirror’
“Terrrror group al-Shabaab boasts of British followers and names Birmingham as top UK recruiting ground.
“The jihadi group also urged would-be British terrorists to improvise their weapons, saying: ‘A simple knife from your local B&Q will do the job'”
“Terrror group al-Shabaab boasts of British followers and names Birmingham as top UK recruiting ground.”
In many ways we should be grateful to Al Shabaab for relieving us of these idiots, hopefully when they’re done with them they will dispose of them responsibly rather than returning them.
And BBC-Democrat does a lot of censoring of Islamic jihad activities in the USA, e.g.-
“San Diego:
Three Muslims, including an imam, get prison for aiding jihad terror group al-Shabab”
Yes, they did it out of ‘religious duty’ apparently. But also because, as one of them explained, ‘80% of the world is living in abject poverty and nobody is doing anything about it’. Apart from a small matter of £11 billion a year, mate. But don’t worry, the earnest BBC reporter won’t challenge you – whatever you say or whatever your motives might be.
I have finished watching on iPlayer, a documentary (Timeshift) on the life of Kim Philby, one of the Cambridge Five Spy Ring.
I have read many books and seen many documentaries but, I would not consider myself an expert, nor for that matter completely ignorant of many of the facts. But this so called documentary really got my goat.
It was not impartial in anyway and missed out a number of key events, characters and important facts. They way in which the life story of this man was told, gave the less informed view that Philby, and the other traitors, Blunt, Burgess and Maclean, were some how acting out their desires to achieve a fair and more equal society – stop laughing you at the back, I am serious !
The documentary tried to convince the viewer that they were fighting the Nazi’s, who we were told, were ‘right-wing’ and murdered the poor socialists. Quite how betraying your country, which is a democracy, to defeat Nazism has never been properly explained.
There was no mention of Burgess’s time working for the BBC, or for that matter John Cairncross. No mention of what happened to the people he betrayed to the NKVD, for rummer of the KGB.
What was presented, was a version of a silly upper-class man who had a number of faults, but tried to do the right thing but somehow got it all wrong.
And now for the final part of this story, and I think you may like this. When the credits were shown, I specifically looked for who was the Producer of the documentary. It turned out to be a man called, George Carey. Not the Bishop, I might add.
The interesting thing is, from the Wiki link above, he has the contract to produce the Question Time program.
There was never any criticism of Philby, or any of the others. History being rewritten methinks ?
Good catch, Mark B. Once upon a time, the BBC produced excellent drama, such as Le Carre’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; that was 1979. In that production, the ‘mole’ was a ruthless patrician traitor, with an all-consuming hatred of the USA. He spouted a lot of Marxist twaddle to Smiley after he’d been rumbled, none of which he appeared to truly believe, but the driving force behind his treachery was always his detestation & resentment of America, & its new superpower status. And, being a psychopathic narcissist, nothing would be permitted to get in the way of his divine mission; certainly not any qualms about blowing entire networks. I have wondered if ‘Gerald the mole’ was based on Philby who, by all accounts, was a hard bastard. He survived longer than the other spies, & survived interrogations.
The current BBC’s attitude to America is ambivalent, to say the least. It disliked Bush, & viciously denigrated Palin. It certainly has little time for anybody who dares to criticise Obama. People who do so inhabit the redneck ‘badlands, & these ‘unenlightened’ zones are beneath contempt – old, wicked, racist America. Barack, Michele, Oprah, Occupy etc – good America.
By the way, talking of a certain kind of patrician’s loathing of the USA, heeeeeeeeere’s Margaret Drabble!
Good post, Mark, especially as defenders of the indefensible try to defend Question Time on here by pointing out it’s made by an independent company (though quite how they could be immune from BBC editorial oversight they never explained).
I was going to watch that programme and then I thought, no, it is the BBC, the script will be absolutely predictable; it will show Philby rebelling against his privileged upper middle class background [i.e. the background of the director and/or writer of the film] and becoming committed (for which the aspirational working classes should be truly grateful) to the heroic struggle to create a more fair and equal society [like the director/writer of the film]. In short it will be the usual tax funded Marxist apologetics by the sort of Holland Park Stalinists who tell you how ghastly they found that Thatcher women with her appalling lower middle class taste in clothes.
It is not the British working class which provided the traitors who worked for the Soviet Union. The BBC never seems to represent the views, tastes, opinions and concerns of the British working class.
Marxism is frequently appealing to class obsessed upper middle class snobs. The mother of Theodore Callinicos of the SWP Central Committee was the Hon. Aedgyth Bertha Milburg Mary Antonia Frances Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, the daughter of the 2nd Lord Acton. ‘Charlie’ Kimber also on the SWP’s Central Committee is related to Sir Henry Kimber, 1st Baronet. Seumas Milne (the younger son of the former BBC Director General Alasdair Milne) went to Winchester College, Chris Nineham was educated at Westminister school, and I would put money on it (anybody want to take up the bet) that the director of this film attended a public school, and delighted in sneering at the lower middle class vulgarity of Edward Heath, Maggie Thatcher, and John Major.
Yes, all probably true but the rank and file of the SWP tend to be working class – many of them went there from the National Front when it disintegrated because it is a bastion of anti-Semitism.
There are many middle class, privately educated left wing extremists but there are also plenty of working class ones. Neither group has a clear grasp of reality and both sets are traitors.
What they have in common is despising anybody who aspires to better themselves. Both are profoundly conservative and obsessed with class.
Off-topic, sorry, but last week someone was wondering how well-known racist Benjamin Zephaniah was now at Brunel University as a Professor of ‘Poetry and Creative Writing’ – no, me neither.
Anyway, today I have received an invitation to a lecture ‘A Life At The Nexus Of Media and Politics’ by Professor Alastair Campbell, Humanitas Visiting Professor of Media at Cambridge University!
Zephaniah there too?
They employ Will Self as well-the poor old rehab tool told us often enough at the weekend(Point of View).
God-what kind of staffroom will that be?…ganja and self regard emaning from under the floorboards.
Let`s hope no-one actually PAYS to go there-sounds like one drug and reggae festival.
He turned up in the BBC’s latest depressing offering ‘Peaky Blinders’ to remind us, again, how diverse we have always been, as well as how white our gangs used to be.
Two boxes ticked.
Turned off after 20 minutes as I didn’t want to become a suicide risk.
PM running an item on Monty Python reforming.
Of all people to turn to for comment they’ve chosen the EU-loving Labour hopeful Eddie Izzard.
Fancy that!
Yes, the BBC have been testing the incontinence pads with this exultant news of theirs.
Like Doctor Who-you do wonder about BBC Worldwide Merchandising Ops, and their role in bigging up this aimless, clapped out crap.
Cleese surely gets his alimony paid out without these unfunny lefties and liberals hoping for another payoff before the send offs.
Sexist Oxbridge tossers-Carole Cleveland and Eleanor Bron were the REAL talent-yet not a word about them
Come on Womans Hour…Yoko showed you how to do it!
The BBC’s new “Echo Chambers” feature, allegedly meant to cut through the noise from both sides of an issue, keeps paying dividends. Last time it was a heavily biased screed about how black people were becoming more terrified of Republicans thanks to the Tea Party movement. This time, it’s about homosexual marriage, prompted by the public debate between the two Cheney sisters.
For Cheneys, politics gets personal
The editor of the feature himself wrote this one. The outside voices he cites to inform you of the particulars are from the far-Left Mother Jones, the liberal political editor of the Left-leaning Atlantic, and – for balance, one against three – Rod Dreher, I think the only non-Left voice the BBC has ever hired to do one of those “Viewpoint” pieces for the online Magazine. I say it’s three against one because clearly the editor, Anthony Zurcher, is biased to the Left as well. I say that because right after quoting Dreher’s statement of what appears to be – shock, horror – compassion for homosexual members of conservatively religions families, he cites somebody from the Left-wing, Progressive Salon about how this will color Liz Cheney’s campaign for Senate. So make that four against one.
He has no time, apparently, to listen to the Log Cabin Republicans or other homosexual Republicans groups like GOProud, even though those voices might be worth hearing on this issue.
Instead he gets his opinions from three Left-wing outlets as opposed to only one from the Right. Echo chamber much, Anthony?
Could almost be a script for the preposterous “Dateline London”
‘Balance’ being very much the mot du moment, having deployed matters exclusively FoI in the negative for a while, I must report that Aunty has permitted a wee peak….
Amazing all that trust and transparency, eh? After 6 months deliberation.
Imagine if others held to account by the BBC adopted such an approach and timeframe?
Yesterday I wrote:
In the Telgraph today:
“UK growing at fastest rate in developed world, says OECD”
From the BBC website: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Obviously waiting for Labour to tell them how to spin it.
Well they finally got round to it but in a very oblique way.
“OECD revises down global economic growth forecasts”
Submerged within the article is this:
“However, the OECD said the UK would grow by 1.4% this year, an upgrade from its forecast in May of 0.8%.
Then it gives free rein to some socialist slug to rant on about “three years of flatlining” conveniently ignoring why we had three years of “flatlining”
Well done BBC, never miss a trick to put your far left bias on display for all to see.
Next you’ll be failing to mention that Obama chose Golf over Gettysburg
It’s reached the stage that I’m learning to interpret BBC headlines. So, when I saw no explicit mention of the UK in the headline I suspected that buried within the article would be good news about the UK economy. And so there was.
Wonder what happened to all those stories about cutting government spending too far and too fast? What happened to that meme?
If the BBC were truly impartial, then this story would be one to give people a wry smile. But as it is, it undoubtedly won’t be coming to a BBC webpage anytime soon – or ever, if they can help it.
Boycott Israel Websites Built Using Israeli Software Wix
Fringe organizations dedicated to boycotting the Jewish state are finding it hard to practice what they preach, with many of their websites built on a popular Israeli software platform, according to Paul Charney, chairman of the UK’s Zionist Federation (ZF).
After an investigation, the ZF said it found several websites that advocate BDS — boycott, divestment and sanctions — of Israel were programmed with the popular Tel Aviv-based website platform Wix.
You couldn’t make it up – truth is stranger than fiction.
Here’s some news about recently freed Palestinian prisoners the BBC isn’t going to tell you:
Freed Palestinian killers showered with cash, military promotions
Terror pays in the West Bank and Gaza, where killers recently freed by Israel under pressure from the U.S. are getting six-figure payments and military promotions from the Palestinian Authority.
Issa Abed Rabbo, the longest serving of some 104 Palestinian prisoners to be released, is getting the standard $50,000 the PA pays to freed terrorists, plus another $60,000 and the full cost of his upcoming wedding. Rabbo tied up and shot dead two Israeli Hebrew University students who were hiking near Jerusalem in 1984. Rabbo, now 49, was sentenced to life in prison, but became a hero to some Palestinians for no reason other than killing Revital Seri, 22, and Ron Levy, 23.
This is where all your international so-called aid money goes to. The BBC’s silence on this is tacit approval. They can talk about the US pressing Israel to release prisoners as a goodwill gesture, but won’t talk about this.
PS: The headline appears to be slightly dishonest because there’s no mention of Gaza in the article, and the PA has nothing to do with Hamas.
And here’s another, unless of course the Palestinians blame Israel for her condition. Like she only went in with a cold and came back brain damaged because of what Israel did.
Baby Granddaughter of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Treated in Israel
The granddaughter of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh was admitted to an Israeli hospital.
One-year-old Amal Haniya crossed from Gaza into Israel to be treated at Israel’s Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petah Tikvah, accompanied by her grandmother, according to reports based on Palestinian sources.
The girl reportedly had a serious infection of her digestive tract, which affected her nervous system, and damaged her brain.
She was transferred back to Gaza after Israeli doctors determined that they could not help her, and her condition continued to deteriorate.
Her father, Abdul Salam, wrote on his Facebook page Monday afternoon that his daughter had returned to Gaza in a state of clinical death.
He had previously posted on Facebook that his daughter had been transferred to an Israeli hospital, though that post was subsequently removed, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Haniyeh recently called for a third Palestinian intifada in the West Bank.
And ABBAS, (for INBBC to report?):-
“Abbas gives jihad murderers of Israelis, freed from prison, $50,000 and top government jobs”
A bit like Indian space programs, when I read of expenditures of funds of this nature, I wonder why certain EU-philic, if not beholden, broadcasters of objectivity and integrity don’t seem more interested in the provenance chains of such monies from where committed to where deployed.
I wonder why 2 tax funded broadcasters feel it appropriate to compete with each other with both BBC4 & Film 4 tonight showing versions of “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”
One for the ‘We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia’ files:
Tonight’s PM goes large on allegations against the conservative mayor of Toronto. Apparently, he’s been partying too hard and the BBC wants us to know that drugs are bad, m’kay?
Hey, never mind the sheer humbuggery of BBC employees wagging their finger at anyone for being wasted on the job, what about the approximately 10 bazillion BBC shows in which characters getting high is used as shorthand for them being cool and sexy rebels. Equally, what about them pushing the line that conservatives are all uptight squares?
Don’t ask anyone at PM: they ran audio of Ford demanding one of his critics answer if she’d ever used pot as though the question was self-evidently absurd.
But the real outrage was when they referred to Ford being caught on video making ‘death threats’… except that’s not actually what happened. At all.
“Hey, never mind the sheer humbuggery of BBC employees wagging their finger at anyone for being wasted on the job, what about the approximately 10 bazillion BBC shows in which characters getting high is used as shorthand for them being cool and sexy rebels”
Yes, Radio 4 is currently giving another fat druggy, David Crosby, an hour to paint his own hagiography with many tales of left wing political activism.
It’s not that I have got anything against fat or drugs, but the BBC’s delight in Ford’s problems is really all because he is a conservative.
I`d make the most of “The Screwtape Letters” being read every day at 9.45am(Radio 4).
Very revealing which bits they choose to read-and which they edit out…I have a copy to compare!
Still-enough punchy stuff to be getting on with.
Just finished watching bbc2 Cold War what a load of lefty crap.
Totally bias view , how the west was so bad and the East was just misunderstood and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Can`t say I agree.
It was pretty balanced to me….Sanbrooke was ironic, but pretty fair I`d say.
And I normally detest most BBC stuff.
Bit of a curate’s egg, really. Sandbrook didn’t avoid the popularly held view that the BBC had pinkish tendencies, & he did nail Play for Today as a vehicle for the Left wing’s narrative. But the reductionist notion that the British public were consumerist zombies got a little wearing. Aside from excellent archive footage, what interested me was a clip of an interview with John Le Carre from the early sixties. Le Carre, anguished, deathly serious, utterly humourless, fixated, as if wrestling single-handedly with the great existential crisis of our age, couldn’t stop telling us how empty & spiritually vacuous our modern Western lives were. An arrogant, patronising performance. What was he hinting at? That maybe, just maybe, life was somehow better, more authentic, to the East of the Iron Curtain?
Contrary to an earlier post I made, I’m starting to think that the ‘Mole’ in Tinker, Tailor, with his loathing of the USA, might have been loosely based on a Philbyesque character, but held more of Le Carre’s personal convictions than I’d previously thought.
A really revelatory piece of film.
That is le Carre to a T. His Smiley novels were interesting, but his later stuff is dull of angst, anti-US, Green etc
I thought the BBC was bad until I read the Independent. Reporting on the Flowers, the disgraced former CoOp Bank chairman it made 6 references to him being a Methodist minister, but no reference to him being a councillor or his affiliation to Labour, no reference to him being a trustee of the Terence Higgins Trust, and no reference to his homosexuality. In contrast the BBC reports are models of fairness – almost.
While all of that may be true sir, the Indie doesn’t get any of my cash. Wish I could say the same about albeeba.
“the Indie doesn’t get any of my cash”
Doesn’t get much of anybody’s, apparently. My Christmas card list is bigger.
Some outstanding coverage of Gibraltar’s first ever international football match on the BBC website. They can’t even be bothered to name the players:
The BBC is quick to regale us with the thoughts of leftie musicians.
But they have somehow omitted to mention the musings of ex-Labour-supporter Roger Daltrey of the Who :
That’s Daltrey off the BBC’s Christmas card list.
He won’t get fooled again… geddit! 😛
Pray tell what was the first time?
Daltrey is obviously a fool. Surely he must remember what happened to Pete Townsend after he came out in support of the Tories?
No doubt we’ll soon find the flaxen haired chanteuse swinging from a yew tree any day now …
BBC NW at it again with children living poverty, with examples of kids who had run away from home because of it.
So why did you leave home?
“Well my Dad was spending more & more time with his girlfriend and was planning to move her in with us”
Sorry BBC but this has nothing to do with poverty, nothing to do with cuts, nothing to do with benefits, and nothing to do with the Tories!
If this is the best example you could come up with of ‘poverty’ affecting children then the story has no merit what so ever !
Maybe it’s his age which has made him realise that achieving the power of propaganda, which the BBC clearly has, doesn’t do you much good as you approach death.
Whatever, it’s certainly something that I never expected Dimbleby to do.
BBC has become too powerful for its own good, says Dimbleby: It’s squeezing life out of local newspapers and should share licence fee with rivals insists veteran presenter
Dimbleby called on BBC to ‘cut out some of the gardening and cookery’
Question Time presenter also criticised ‘terrible’ coverage of River Pageant
Intervention adds to pressure of director-general Tony Hall to accept cuts
And Dimbleby should know. But he’s part of the problem, chairing the utterly politically biased ‘QT’ for eons.
and putting Tattoo artists out of business by making their trade extremely uncool with his inaccurate scorpion on his greying hirsute shoulder.
…..says Dimbleby as he trousers a wad of license fee cash for tooling around the coast on his boat.
Dimbleby refuses to deal with the question of bias.
And he wants local newspapers defended because his family owned one ?
Co-op Group chair quits over Paul Flowers drugs claims –
Why on earth is this the BBC news website’s lead story???
‘Mr Flowers, 63, apologised after he was filmed allegedly buying drugs.’
‘ Mr Flowers stepped down as a councillor in Bradford in 2011 after “adult content” was found on a computer he had used.
The council said the content was “inappropriate but not illegal”.
This is the kind of tittle tattle you’d expect to see on page 10 of the Daily Mail, not the front page of the BBC news website!
The article continues:
When Mr Flowers appeared before a committee of MPs on 6 November he appeared to have “no grasp” of “basic” facts about the bank, according to BBC business editor Robert Peston.
Who cares?!? ‘Bank has a clueless boss’ isn’t a major news story!
This article is just a cheap piece of banker bashing!
The Beeboids have an emotional attachment to the Co-op, so it’s a difficult time for them. I’m not at all surprised that Peston noticed Flowers had no concept of basic banking, as that’s not really what he was there for. Flowers was there to make sure not only that the bank got quiet Labour support, but to push the whole sustainability, green, free-trade, boycott Israeli settlement suppliers thing. All those things – never mind the whole concept of co-op – are BBC-approved, and were far more important to supporters than whether or not the man understood how to read a ledger. Wasn’t Flowers pushed out of the chairman’s seat a while back for mismanagement anyway?
He now appears to be a danger to the cause, so he’s getting the full scrutiny. At least cooler heads aren’t letting the more enthusiastic youngsters writing for the BBC News website add in suggestions that this is a stitch-up from Zionist banksters.
It looks like no-one has enriched b-BBC readers of the latest racist bandwagon, eagerly jumped on by the bBBC of course.
A 1936 painting on the wall of an Edinburgh school has a small golliwog in the corner, just about visible if you look carefully. A woman, who was thinking of sending her child to the school, has taken offence at the 77-year-old mural, claimed that it means the school is racist, and filed an official complaint with the Police.
Amazingly, instead of charging her with wasting Police time, they said “Police Scotland treats all reports relating to hate incidents extremely seriously and will thoroughly investigate whenever a report of this nature is made.”
Feel the guilt.
tho perhaps, no, maybe not, er… um… er.. ah gowan
It is in Edinburgh after all. A bit like Islington with a different accent.
And of course, some of the news the bBBC seem to have unaccountably missed……………..
Obviously not newsworthy enough for our world-class state broadcaster to worry about.
careful now, that might be racist
Wow that must set a record for being behind the news! It’s nearly 12 months ago !
“That might be racist”…………..
This boys suicide was, by todays laws, a Race Hate Crime, not a matter for flippancy.
“A record for being behind the news.”……………
Stephen Lawrence Concert, O2 Arena, Twenty years after his murder. It’s OK for this to be an everlasting tragedy apparently, but not a white boy bullied to death.
It seems poor Aaron Dugmore has been decreed, not only by the BBC, but by some folks on here as a member of the British Undesirables. He does not matter. His death compared to that of a black boy is insignificant.
DavidA made a very valid point, the BBC will not point out the problems white children face in over-subscribed ethnic communities, but his comment is met with derision. Very sad.
Is it flippant to point out that it couldn’t be a race hate crime because the boy was white?
More rueful, I’d say.
Thank you but I do have a dictionary. However, I would be more interested in your view on the difference between the way the Stephen Lawrence and Aaron Dugmore cases have been treated by the BBC, than the difference between ‘flippant’ and ‘rueful’.
REV. FLOWERS….His “Personal Tragedy”….Nicky Campbell R5L 7.45am…spit coffee all over kitchen. WHAT THE HELL is going on. Keep digging BBC hell’s not far now…SCUM
More bias by omission this morning on BBC Radio Manchester. The story: a 13 year old girl was raped by a man as she played out. No description of the attacker, just a ‘man’.
Meanwhile, on the Manchester Evening News, ‘the attacker is described as black … (and) spoke with an accent.’
What Labour Party-Co op Bank scandal?
BBC-NUJ are trying to make it disappear ( unsurprisingly, given Beeboid political predilections), by not following it up.
In contrast, front-page of ‘Daily Mail’:-
“How much did Labour know about disgraced Co-op chief? Bank chairman quit council over gay porn and went to No10 meetings with Miliband and Balls.
“Flowers attended a Downing Street reception hosted by Miliband and Balls.
“Three meetings followed between Flowers and Mr Miliband .
“Labour knew two years ago that Flowers had been forced to resign as one of the party’s city councillors after gay porn was found on his computer.”
By JASON GROVES.^headlines
MAC cartoon-
‘The Times’ (£), front page, has:
“Labour under fire over chaos at Co-op”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Police search home of former Co-op chairman
The Labour Party was under pressure last night over why it failed to raise the alarm about the Co-operative Bank chairman Paul Flowers when he was forced out of a council for having pornography on his laptop.
“Grant Shapps, the Conservative chairman, wrote to Ed Miliband asking what the party hierarchy knew about the Methodist minister’s increasingly erratic behaviour.
Tory MPs suggested Labour politicians covered up for Mr Flowers because he was providing gifts and loans for the party.”
Might be worth checking out his career back in the 1980s in the Eastleigh Labour Party. He was so ashamed after being caught up to no good in a Southampton toilet. Cited in the Sun.
I think that we can rely on The Mail to stick the knife into Ed Milliband (and the BBC) at every opportunity.
They did NOT like Ed Milliband whining when some unfortunate truths were published.
As a rarity, INBBC lets this through:
“Ex-UKIP leader Lord Pearson warns of Islamist threat”
-but, of course, there a big rebuttal included, by the unelected Muslim Cabinet Minister, Baroness Warsi.
Her unrefuted claim that Islam does not condone violence, is bizarre.
“Separating the Kafirs from the Muslims”
Pearson sees what is in front of his eyes. He sees the reality. The liberal ruling elites have taken a most unwise gamble. That to permit the immigration of a culture ,that historically has been always hostile to the Christian West , will come about without real disaster.
There can only be one law and one dominant way of life in a nation. At least in what I call a nation.
The liberal dreams that this reality can be altered somehow if we all just have empathy and are nice to each other.
That is not the way of the world. They should study the past with a little more rigour.
Better still read Homer.
INBBC, Bowen & co, INBBC Arabic TV, need this schooling too:-
Amanpour was of course born in Iran, is consistently anti-Israel – and her CNN programme is now based in London. Sorry – Londonistan.
The BBC continues to push the socialist agenda of CAGW, with a clear call for a redistribution of the world’s weath in the service of The Holy Consensus…
‘Loss and damage’ re-opens old wounds at climate talks
“I don’t think we’re likely to see some grand scheme materialise that addresses [loss and damage caused by climate change],” said Paul Bledsoe, an expert on energy and climate with the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
“I think reparations is the right word, in my view it’s what’s being sought, on issues like slavery or war reparations, historically they have a very difficult time occurring.”
Mr Bledsoe believes the most likely outcome is that the richer nations will increase their commitments on finance in return for kicking the legal mechanism into the long grass.
The scale of the monies needed to help countries adapt to climate change was underlined here in Warsaw with a report that Africa would need $350bn annually if global warming rises to between 3.5 and 4C.
A quick Google of the German Marshall Fund – – soon reveals its impeccable left-leaning credentials – a strange omission from the BBC’s Matt McGrath’s story, but never mind.
Nobody need be in any doubt what the ultimate aim of climate alarmism is – and always has been – for this story lays it bare, clear as day for all to see.
CAGW: A socialist agenda for global ‘wealth redistribution’. Not really anything to do with science, or with climate for that matter.
Rather than spouting the nonsense from the activists – even the IPCC is no longer saying that 3 to 4 degrees rise is likely – the BBC should be reporting the facts of the conference.
And the key fact is that the US and Europe are totally committed against any more “reparations” or any more blackmailed funding. There ain’t gonna be any deal, the conference is a total waste of time. THAT is the news – and we are paying for all the junketing.
I wonder what Mr Bledsoe’s “expertise” in energy and climate is?
Well, according to this, “Paul received a B.A. with honors and an M.A. in English from Ohio State University“.
That page certainly shows he’s been getting himself into the right places to milk this scam since at least 1998, but it doesn’t tell us that he has any qualifications to pass himself off as an expert. I’d have thought that if he actually had any, it would have been plastered all over his web page. Still, he says he’s an expert, so that’s probably good enough for the BBC.
Further to comments earlier in the week – no surprise that Nicky Campbell finished his interview with Vince Cable this morning by asking if he had any sympathy with the former chairman of the Co-operative bank – it didn’t take them long to try and move this story along towards the sympathy for the way he has been treated, now let’s move on- nothing to see here. Can’t image how they would have run and run and run with this had he not been a liebor luvvie !
It’s a bloody good thing Flowers didn’t call someone a pleb huh!
Sheesh, it would be headlines for weeks.
Even if he hadn’t actually said it.
Quite so Roland.
Labour rejects calls to cull benefits for under-25s
Invariably the BBC lead with “the left leaning think tank” when referring to the IPPR.
Not today though, I wonder why?
I heard something on R4 around 930 with – isit Purvis?-
They were all talking about being “first nation” Americans. About how proud they are and how important it is to understand where you come from.
No problem with that at all. But can you imagine an Englishman being allowed to be proud of his descent from the Anglo Saxons and his attachment to his land and his people.
Not really. Not the sort of thing a liberal wants to hear and further more not the sort of thing a liberal media allows to be heard.
How does this pointless poppet manage to survive the BBC annual cull of mediocrities?
Oh if only…but my point remains…how the hell is she still drawing a salary off the rest of us?
Yes I know that Laurie Taylor runs her close as Barnacle of the Ages…but I`m proud to say that I can rush to the radio before the sixth word…”And now Midweek…with Libby Bloody Purvis”.
Archers, Eastenders and Midweek…I can give you my switch off times to the nearest bar or beat.
Piss Off Purvis…POP campaign here perhaps?
Ah, they must mean red injuns. Funny, the injuns don’t mind being referred to as injuns…
‘First Nation’. So they got there first (from wherever and however – across the land bridge as was, before sea levels rose, and into Alaska?). So effing what? Does that give them some kind of right to be proud as opposed to the BBC placing the English in a constant state of repentance?
Another BBC “Echo Chambers” piece, another round of Left-wing agitating. This time it’s about how the assassination of JFK (are you bored yet?) is symbolic of the eternal polarization of US politics. The same bubble-dwelling editor who wrote the last one I noticed wrote this one because he was inspired by a vicious NY Times opinion piece laying out this argument.
It was written by some angry history student now studying at Oxford. Basically the guy is lashing out at memories of his “extremist conservative” grandparents. That the NY Times ran this screed isn’t surprising, nor is it really surprising that the editor of a BBC News online feature thought it was worth discussing.
Rather than cite yet more Left-wing opinion, though, this time Zurcher went to the Dallas Morning News for an opinion. They obviously weren’t pleased with the NY Times writer’s assessment that Dallas was still a hateful city that hadn’t done enough to address its bad legacy and culpability in Kennedy’s death. They feel they’ve worked really hard to change that image. It’s not denying the screed was wrong about what it used to be like, though, lending strength to the notion that the city is tainted by Right-wing extremism.
You’ll be glad to know that Jonny Dymond has done a special report about the event, which will air Nov. 21. And here’s me saying only yesterday that these big stories are an excuse for the BBC to fly in major on-air talent to do an expensive special report rather than let the Beeboids working the US beat do it. Or maybe this isn’t important enough for one of the upper caste.
Here’s the real point of the NY Times piece, and what really caught Zurcher’s attention:
“The far right of 1963 … may have faded in recent years, they remain very much alive in Dallas,” he wrote. “Look no further than the troop of gun-rights activists who appeared just days ago, armed and silent, outside a meeting of local mothers concerned about gun violence. If this is what counts as responsible civic dialogue, then Dallas has a long way still to go.”
But of course. Instead of Rod Dreher, this time Zurcher cited a different writer in the American Conservative (not straying too far outside the echo chamber, then, and I mean that on two levels), who snarks about being foolish enough to think Oswald was a Communist and not part of a Right-wing conspiracy.
Zurcher isn’t so much interested in the debate about whether or not there was some Right-wing plot to kill Kennedy as he is in hyping up the BBC Narrative we all know so well: the US is highly polarized and our politics and decency are threatened by extreme Right-wing groups. Even Zurcher seems dimly aware of what he’s doing.
“The far right of 1963 … may have faded in recent years, they remain very much alive in Dallas,” he wrote. “Look no further than the troop of gun-rights activists who appeared just days ago, armed and silent, outside a meeting of local mothers concerned about gun violence. If this is what counts as responsible civic dialogue, then Dallas has a long way still to go.”
Stepping just a little bit more outside his bubble, Zurcher actually cites the non-Left Outside the Beltway, which suggests that this is just Left-wing Texas-bashing (Texas is associated with so many Left-wing bogeymen: Bush, Perry, economic success, no income tax). So this is actually reasonably balanced for once in the sense that there are two different non-Left opinions opposing the viewpoint that Oswald was part of a Right-wing conspiracy and not a Communist sympathizer. Note that the two non-Left voices are not quoted as criticizing the idea that Right-wing extremism is still a major problem. That notion is left to hang there in front of you.
In case you still didn’t get the point, or just think I’m reading something that isn’t there, Zurcher closes with this:
In a segment that airs tonight on BBC’s Newsnight, Allan Little traces the current divide in US politics, over individual freedom and the role of the federal government. This conflict about what it means to be an American animated the conservative activists of 1963 Dallas, formed the battles lines of the US Civil War and inspired the words of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
“Americans are still arguing about how to live the ideals that their republic is founded on,” he says, “still bitterly divided about precisely what government of the people, by the people, for the people should mean in practice.”
Typical. Bitterly divided, polarized, blah, blah, blah. Stuck in the BBC echo chamber as usual. Why didn’t the BBC push this same theme all the time when Bush was in charge and all those protests were going on, I wonder? It’s only since The Obamessiah was elected that the BBC picked this up. And yet more output is on the way from the BBC echo chamber to give you their opinion about how to understand the US. Just like the rest of it, it will be from the Left.