Another interesting few words from ex-Beeboid Roger Mosey:
I can say what I think now, too, which is cheering after 30-odd years of friendly corralling by BBC minders.
Deviation from past orthodoxy is as welcome to some former colleagues as a cat bringing in a mangled sparrow but there was plenty of support, too, including some from unexpected internal sources. The brickbats seemed to be about the principle of criticising the BBC rather than the argument itself. So let me be clear: I believe wholeheartedly in the BBC. But it’s daft to assume you can only be counted as a supporter if you think the corporation should expand still further or that it should have the whole licence fee for ever.
Sounds familiar….they just hate the criticism…however justified.
is it just me that is sick of the sight of that pint sized middle class oxbridge educated favorite marxist son of the bbc owen jones popping up like a jack in the box on the bbc everyday,tonight was a prime example,i was channel hopping and got to watch a little bit of that left wing student garbage love in called free speech for lefties only on bbc 3.who was on the panel.oh yes the bbcs favorite son owen jones spouting of all his socalist rubbish,then at 11.30 pm tonight i put on the bbc news channel to look at there paper review,oh yes you know what i am going to say,owen jones was on there spouting of more communist left wing i admit that i am jealous that this socalist plod owen jones is getting paid £150,000 a year( a true socalist) to write for the independant rag,but this is what is bugging me,how much are the bbc paying him to appear on there stations because the guy is never off them.
“owen jones popping up like a jack in the box on the bbc ”
By sheer coincidence, I not long ago read a (of… here?) piece by a Labour supporter (possibly Hodge) complaining that any time the party has a mild attempt at a policy that could be construed as sensible governance, Shouty is deployed across twitter and the BBC and it is quickly withdrawn.
Seems others are appreciating the unique influence a £4Bpa PR organ deploying simplistic £150kpa rabble-rousers can have on the political direction of the country.
I don’t recall voting for this either.
Owen Jones used to sit in on Stephen Nolan’s 5Live show to discuss the next day’s papers with Jerry Hayes, but I guess Owen is now too important to do that any more.
Owen is one of those typical left-wing voices of ‘the people’ (not all the people, of course) who speaks up for the ‘working class’ (that’s people who do not work) without any experience of working class life.
He’s only 29, which might explain his vociferous nature. He’s still within the rebellious age bracket, but he’ll learn in time (or maybe not) that some (or most) of his views were based on ignorance or rooted in his left-wing hatred of the ‘well-off’. He does insist that we tax the hell out of the banks and goes on repetitively about the ‘living wage’. As we all know, these ideas are potentially economically damaging.
His passion for his own beliefs might, in time, fade away, like a green haired Greenpeace activist who grows up into a happily married parent, phoning up the plumber because the dish washer won’t work. However, I think he might be brainwashed with left-wing views to such an extent, there’s no hope for him.
He`s gay isn`t he?
Who Hayes ,Jones or Nolan?
He’s probably got his own desk at the BBC by now, the one next to Polly’s.
Surely by now, even the conservatives should know, that the BBC is ideologically and politically part of Labour. As such, I find it difficult to understand why the Conservatives have not taken the axe to the BBC.
Of course the BBC will scream blue murder, but there are ways to bring this socialist/progressivist/.marxist organisation to heel.
It can be done “in the best possible taste”.
One way to shake up the BBC, is to use the time honoured tactic of “modernisation”. The “modernisation” tactic in this instance would use two primary reasons.
1. In these times of austerity, it is necessary to streamline the BBC to get more effective use of taxpayers money.
2. An information revolution is ongoing, where the public has access to a greater variety of information outlets. The BBC has to be modernised, its management structure, news and views, to reflect the greater variety (Diversity) in society, as well as information outlets.
Under these two guises, one can do virtually anything. The Conservatives are the only ones who can do this. In fact, for their very political survival, as well as offering the public a choice of sorts, it is absolutely necessary.
Any opposition from BBC or its fellow apparatchiks, can be dismissed as Luddite, resistant to change, old fashioned, Oxbridge elitist, or whatever comes to mind.
On Newsnight the BBC sought to counter the claim that they are the PR wing of the Labour Party by having a New Statesman journalist called Rafael Behr doing a puff piece on Ed Milliband. For the discussion afterwards Behr debated (for political balance) a former speech writer for Tony Blair.
Amazingly the Tony Blair speechwriter pointed out that Ed Milliband is a deluded left-wing numptie, and Beher ended up agreeing.
That went well.
LOL…however I am sure if video highlights are ever available clever editing won’t give the impression you mention.
@ stuart.owen jones is the true leader of the labour party
He’s certainly their main-line “thinker”. It shows the quality of the rest.
The BBC has been told by E Miliband that Jones is to be given a platform because he is one of the those chosen to lead us forward in the next decades. The BBC complies with the wishes of the leader of the Labour Party but of course never yields to political pressure.
It’s their idea of impartiality.