Funny old world…the BBC absolutely refused to cover allegations, covered in depth by Guido, that Tim Yeo, as chairman of the climate change committee, was in any way compromised with so many green business interests resting on the decisions and advice of that committee.
Yeo was then put under investigation by fellow MPs concerning other allegations about lobbying (Sunday Times video on Guido)….and today it has been announced he is corruption free.
The BBC are straight in there cheering him on on the frontpage:
MP Yeo cleared by standards watchdog
The BBC reports this:
The paper said he had admitted telling a business associate what to say in evidence to the committee he chaired.
But then gives us this:
But the watchdog said the newspaper had used “subterfuge, misrepresentation and selective quotation” in its report.
The MPs criticised the tactics used by the Sunday Times in approaching Mr Yeo.
“We note the severe damage which is done to public trust by journalism which rests on a basis of subterfuge, misrepresentation and selective quotation,” the report said.
“Media investigations can have a role to play in ensuring high standards of public conduct, but we note that in this case Mr Yeo has broken no rules and the only misrepresentation has been that of the journalists themselves.”
Watch the video and he makes exactly that claim…that he told a business associate what to say in evidence.
Funny the BBC not mention that….nor indeed provide the video.
Funny the BBC not mention this conclusion by the watchdog about his words in that video:
“….they could give the impression of a senior member of the House who has little regard for the rules and can easily find his way round them in order to suit his own purposes.”
..and yet his fellow MPs still cleared him.
And these are the guys who the BBC wants to run Press regulation?
Of course what the BBC doesn’t mention are all his massive green industry interests which, without a shadow of a doubt, would compromise his position in the eyes of most onlookers…..though not a matter for this investigation by the standards watchdog.
Will read the Sunday Times with keen interest this week.
Neither does the BBC go with Ed Balls accusing Cameron of taking cocaine during PMQ yesterday…but blathering on about Michael Meacher being jokingly accused of being high on drugs(not that it was funny, mind).
And that Jack Dromey gay porn link that was left out of the news..but Camerons Twitter to an escort agency(eh?) getting onto the BBC website.
As for the Green crap soundbite(as quoted in the Sun according to the BBC this morning…thought they were Murdochs untrustworthy rag?)…only the BBC would think this worthy of a mention.
Ah, but Balls was sitting on his big fat brains when he made the accusation so it appears that doesn’t count. Perhaps Cameron should try that trick whilst hurling fatuous comments about to see if Mr Squeaker has the same convenient deafness in his case. What’s the odds in that situation that Squeaker would have remembered to put new batteries in his hearing aid?
What do you expect from MPs? As we saw with the inquiry into Climategate, they will whitewash anything to protect the global warming religion.
Radio 4 The Report continues to push the ‘Big Six’ political slogan for the energy companies. Now if they share 90% of the market doesn’t that make the average market share just 15%? Shouldn’t that be the ‘Small Six’?
London Metro and Evening Standard managed by Independent-owning by son of ex KGB Russian oligarch Yvgeny Lebedev accuses Tories of “anti-green c**p – in an attempt to neutralise the Sun’s demand Cameron abandon “Green crap”
The climate change talks in Poland effectively collapsed yesterday.
But I have not heard any report of this good – no GREAT – news on the BBC.
Is it the BBC’s fondness for a poll tax or do green issues just trump progressive taxation?
The BBC would appear to be much against removing “green levies” from people’s energy bills. Levies which impact much more on the poorer. They are in the fine Brownian tradition of stealth taxes.
Surely better that the cost of means tested insulation & boiler provision be met from general progressive taxation rather than being added to the bills of other hard up folk.
The God of Global Warming
Worth a read.
Heard a bit of You and Yours today(FFS…someone gissa job!).
Peter white is clearly partially-sghted, but gets first dibs at any “disability stuff” as long as Frank Gardner or Gary O Donaghue aren`t there first.
That`s a pointless smear and nothing to do with what i`m about to say…so I have been learning from the BBC at least.
No-my point was about the scam in flogging solar panels to eco-worriers up and down the land…too much money, too much Indie Guardian limewash too.
Anyway they`re largely getting fleeced-usual methods as done with PPI, HIP and the other Labour ideas foisted on the nation then left in the litter tray for the rest of us to deal with.
Yet-unlike payday loans, wonga, big energy or obesity shops by schools(I paraphrase)…no calls to regulate or run the shysters out of town…no fears that this might be a big scandal and rip off on a par with PPI etc…no sirree!
Peter White could not have sounded more concerned at how a few rogues are tainting that virtuous stream of good intentions where tomorrows polar bears could gently lap it all up.
Peter sounded disappointed of course..but ..the cause is noble, virtuous and Christopher Booker is coming nowhere near any microphone either…got that?
So-solar panels…no payday, no PPI..just the right thing to do!
Regulation and fines etc is for the undeserving and on the wrong side of history..always thus with the BBC.