The BBC is bringing you yet more information about immigration that should sooth your worries, lessen your concerns and put to rest all those thoughts you may have had that your country is being invaded, occupied (like the Palestinians?)….all that and they still manage a less than subtle sneer at Nigel Farage……
New year new life in the country for migrant workers?
Eric Pickles says he doesn’t know.
And Jack Straw doesn’t know either.
But he admits the Labour government, in which he served as home and foreign secretary, got it wrong by not imposing extra controls when EU expansion triggered the arrival here of migrant workers from eastern Europe.
The one leading politician who says he does know is the UKIP Leader Nigel Farage.
“If you open your doors to people from countries with significantly lower wages and GDP than the UK then migratory flows will come,” he said.
However the BBC knows the likely figure because:
When I chaired a BBC conference earlier this year, attended by representatives of the Bulgarian and Romanian embassies here, they were dismissive of what they clearly saw as alarmist speculation…..those relatively modest numbers who were considering it were likely to be top professionals like medics who would be assets rather than liabilities.
Fantastic…though maybe not for Romania and Bulgaria whose ‘top professionals’ flee the country leaving behind all those poor, unskilled people to manage things on their own.
Unless they all come here.
The BBC’s sneer at Farage is obviously just a sneer because he is right…as Migration Wtach points out.
The BBC tells us that:
Net migration is currently running at 150,00 a year and the campaigning organisation Migrationwatch UK estimate this new influx could push that figure up to 200,000.
About 50,000 people from Romania and Bulgaria will come to the UK every year when restrictions are lifted next year, think tank Migration Watch suggests.
The BBC has before commented:
Migration Watch has a good track record analysing future population trends so its latest forecast should be taken seriously
So it is Pickles and Straw who are ducking the issue whilst Farage is probably right.
Perhaps another relevant figure the BBC could have quoted in this article was this:
Projections show that over the next 10 years the population is going to increase by 4.3 million to 68 million and over the next 25 years the population will increase by 9.6 million from 63.7 million in mid-2012 to 73.3 million in mid-2037. The UK population will hit 70 million in 2027.
The BBC squeals often enough about immigration to other lands….such as the West Bank….If the West Bank is being occupied then so is the UK by people just wondering across the border setting up their own mini homelands….but seems to promote it here.
No doubt someone will pipe up…‘But it’s legal occupation‘…..well no one asked the population already here…in fact the politicians deliberately hid the scale of immigration and their reasons for it, and the likely effects…all aided by the BBC.
A wave of Romanians and Bulgarians is heading our way, thanks to the EU’s lack of democracy
Those little heard voices of the people give their opinion of the BBC’s coverage:
21st November 2013 – 22:06Here in the UK we are short of many things. Things like good and honest politicians, housing, school places, health care, energy, seats on trains, and space on our roads on which we can drive. What we are not short of is people. What is the benefit of even more uncontrolled immigration (oh yes it is!) for the citizens of our country?
Comment number 11.
21st November 2013 – 21:48The thing that keeps a nation united, is the people of that nation having shared values.
We are deliberately being swamped by immigrants who don`t share our values,
It`s time to let the MPs know that we know what they are doing to Britain and the British people. -
Comment number 10.
21st November 2013 – 21:31sjh #3
You couldn’t make it up….this is the results of ‘socialism’. The EU and ‘one big happy family’.Doesn’t matter about all the different cultures, religions, ethnic groups with hundreds of years differences. and economic differences.
‘It would be lovely to all live together in one big happy family’. When will these idealogues and socialist inteligencia pursue the real world.? -
Comment number 9.
average joe
21st November 2013 – 15:54Anyone know the Statue of Liberty song? ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning’… to sign on in the UK and drain the country dry!!
Believe it or not, I am no racist but enough is enough.
Comment number 8.
21st November 2013 – 9:50Why should we give up even more of OUR country to even more immigrants to have it concreted over with houses for them, school place shortages, extended hospital and GP waiting times and so on. Where I live it is like being in Poland. They are not in skilled jobs, live 6-8 in a house so are happy with minimum wage to share the bills.They are not friendly, do not mix and don’t even like us.
21st November 2013 – 9:22We get the best when eu migrants come here; after all they uprooted themselves to find new opportunities abroad.
Done it myself, it can be tough.
Problem is they’re, young, outcompete many of our own perpetual adolescents, then settle.
This is massive continent wide human engineering for EU ideological purposes, like the euro.
A kind of corrupt religion with our politicians as fat bishops.-
20th November 2013 – 21:52The problem is not just migrant workers from the EU.
Look how the government is dealing with immigration from outside the EU.
Relaxing immigration from China, so that UK visa’s are no longer required to visit the UK, as long as a visa to another EU country has been obtained.
Governor of the BoE, from Canada, police chiefs from anywhere in the world.
No building of affordable rental housing.Comment number 5.
20th November 2013 – 20:45…..and how many times is this repeated across the UK???
I would really like to see all the TRUE, UN-MASSAGED/SPUN STATISTICS relating to EU migration released.
Jettison the Jinxed UK Junta
20th November 2013 – 20:15This is a true story. 6 month ago an Italian moved into flat opp me. He got a job as a waiter. Then Wife & kid arrived with Mother-in-Law. Then he wrapped the job. They signed on Jobseekers and Wife was sent for English lessons. They approached elderly neighbour for help with Child Benefit forms … Then 2 women and kid went home. He was arrested last week for burglary x 3 and is on Remand in jail
Comment number 1.
20th November 2013 – 19:59This uncontrolled EU Immigration only compounds the true reason as to why there are so many unskilled jobs available for the migrants to fill. The wages are almost criminally too low – too low for British nationals to take up, but fantastic for people struggling on 5 times less in their own country. Plus they are also entitled to benefits.
The real winners = unscrupulous employers
Enrichment at work
We keep being told that that Labour made “mistakes” with immigration when they were in office.
Labour, led by Blair and Brown and since aided and abetted by the BBC, deliberately devised and implemented an INVASION of the UK without any reference to, or authority from, the people of the nation that is now under continuing destruction. This is not reversible without unacceptable conflict and it is likely to lead to violence and conflict anyway. They did this because they wanted to “rub the right’s nose in diversity” and because they saw an opportunity to increase their voting base. For me, this ranks as the biggest single act of treachery and treason ever perpetrated by politicians on the people who they are supposed to represent and hopefully history will judge this to be the case.
As for the BBC, only last night they were again doing a piece on Bulgaria and how their young professionals will all be bringing their talent and skills to further enrich us come January 2014. Absolutely no mention though of the Roma hordes who will also come and enrich us by crapping all over our gardens and streets, aggressively begging in our faces and picking our pockets and wallets.
So don’t tell me and the nation Labour made “mistakes” !
The BBC cannot comprehend that there may be negative results from any kind of immigration. It’s beyond their understanding.
Typical BBC crap…bound to be, they`ve form as long as a Roma dole queue in Slovakia.
Andrew Green at Migration Watch has been traduced and dismissed for years, but turns out to be correct-but that`s never the point with the left liberals.
Facts are binned for feelings…and the facts don`t sit well with the luvvies…so the virtuous feelings only come with kicking the likes of Tommy or Nigel.
Not Jack or David though-they caused the problems, but are virtuous…so a discreet niqab gets drawn over their belated musings…we are where we are after all, no lessons to be learned here…EVER!
Paul Collier told them all pretty well on Start the Week a few weeks ago with his book-but that was only Andrew Marr and got no further fuelling of the facts.
His book “Exodus”…not biblical, but does give the extent of the damage done to the immigrants host country by these “best, most ambitious, relatively-wealthy professionals” when they leave and come here.
That we also get the druggies, pickpockets, paedos and sex trafficking…Muslim and not-is a side issue for Theresa May to give an eggy glance towards…she`s redundant in any case.
Why then do the BBC insist on impoverishing Slovakia, Hungary, and now Romania and Bulgaria-by the white colonial west getting yet MORE bank scammers or cheap nannies and cleaners?
You`d have thought that this capitalist scheme to deplete poor countries, and enslave the proletariat in domestic servitude would be resisted by the left…weren`t we supposed to “Make poverty history” by Bono, Ricky, Macca and Madge in 2005…2007..etc, etc?
Different silo though-and the BBC always seem to get the final word in which silo we park these issues.
Forever right and virtuous the Left…gulags, Pyongyang, Mao, Hitler….different silo, Hermann!
Is the “net migration” figure all that helpful an indicator of the problem? I presume this involves deducting the figure of those emigrating from the figure of those entering the country to give a nett sum.
However if many of those leaving are indigenous & traditional Brits heading for a better life in the sun then the loss of these people may actually serve to accentuate the culture change that is underway rather than alleviate it.
Exactly. Total inward migration is still over 500,000 per annum. The reduction has been about 10%. In other words – the government has failed to get a grip on migration.