In a contrast to the BBC’s take on East European immigration here is the Daily Mail’s:
DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A million of our young out of work, dictatorship by Brussels and why Mr Cameron can no longer ignore the people on immigration
In less than six weeks, unless there is a decisive Government U-turn, Britain, as required by the European Union, will throw open its jobs market to the 29 million citizens of Romania and Bulgaria.
It’s a development which could have the most considerable implications for the Prime Minister, British society and, most importantly, this country’s one million unemployed young people.
Yet David Cameron and his ministers are approaching January 1 with a head-in-the-sand insouciance which is so sadly typical of a political class that is increasingly remote from the lives and concerns of ordinary voters.
Incredibly, the Government has refused to estimate how many migrants will arrive.
This week, Mark Harper, the Immigration Minister, said — with frightening complacency — that he didn’t think the number would be huge.
In doing so, he ignored hard empirical evidence that a new wave of immigration is about to take place that will place huge strain on our already stretched schools, hospitals and housing.
Consider the facts: the average wage in Britain is about £26,000 a year, compared with just over £3,000 in Bulgaria and £4,000 in Romania. It’s utterly unsurprising that, when the Mail visited both countries recently, there were huge queues at recruitment centres for British hotel chains, fast-food firms and the NHS.
Even before the restrictions are lifted, 135,000 workers from Romania and Bulgaria are already in this country. This number has increased by 23,000 in the past year alone.
Salford University research reveals Britain already has one of the largest Roma populations (which includes migrants from Romania and Bulgaria) in Western Europe — with about 200,000 living here.
That figure, typically, is four times higher than the Government’s own estimates.
Worryingly, MigrationWatch UK chairman Sir Andrew Green, whose research has proved painstakingly accurate over the past decade, is predicting 50,000 arrivals every year from Romania and Bulgaria from January 1.
Over five years, that is the equivalent of the population of a city the size of Hull.
The Mail cannot be accused of irresponsibility in raising this issue.
I wouldn’t bet on that.
But Cameron cannot undermine his masters in Berlin…the unelected dictators of the Fourth Reich.
Don’t know about anyone else, but down here in what’s left of The (already massively bloody overcrowded) Garden Of England, the local council (Maidstone) let the cat out of the bag a while back: they’ve been told, by the government, that their house building targets must be raised by half as much again specifically to cope with the number of immigrants expected to turn up here imminently.
“Oh, we’ve no idea of the numbers, but it’ll only be a few thousand.”
No idea of the numbers, my left bollock. Lying time-serving bastards.
“Oh, we’ve no idea of the numbers, but it’ll only be a few thousand.”
Nothing in that statement is a lie. They do not have a clue how many will turn up and it will be only a ‘few thousands’. Of course what is omitted is what the thousands will be. Tens? Twenties? Hundreds?
In all the big issues of today-the economy, jobs, immigration, environment, political mechanisms like voting. crime. health, education etc,etc…the managerial toothy twerps from Oxbridge student unions or trade one; are redundant.
But they`re not brave enough either to say so, or to fall on Brussels sword(plastic) or Saudis oil wells( real enough)…and they`ll get plenty duck houses and hush money for maintaining the fictions of Parliament, independence , democracy or accountability.
Which is why they and their media camp followers(who lick their owl pellets and tell us it`s news) will get nasty over a dead marxist or whether the word “pleb” is to be referred to the CPS.
F888 their sideshows and cardboard cut outs…look at Brussels to see how Stalin became an aromatherapist, and Hitler became a rapporteur or a Troika tart in Dublin.
Look too at Medina…not that you`re allowed there, but the BBC etc think that Rageh Omar will send us all a postcard…in fact don`t look there-Mecca is the nicer place by all accounts.
The EU will let us have a choice anyway-a clean sword or a nasty stoning.
No wonder our political class are shit-and shitting themselves every day…we should have had our show trials in 2009 when we had the chance.
So now we are mentally ill if we oppose mass immigration
A frightening article. I knew things were bad but this is worse than I ever suspected. Clearly the liberal left establishment is scared of what may happen if British people are allowed to have a voice on immigration. The next step will be to make the penalties for the ‘offense’ of racism even more severe so that they can offer you a lesser penalty if you plead guilty. If you don’t offer a guilty plea they will probably get the BBC to do one of their documentaries on you to prove to everyone what a nasty piece of work you are.
It’s bad enough that the ‘unbiased’ far-left keep trotting out the barely relevant and quite probably untrue claim that people with right of centre views have lower IQs than lefties (they always make sure to mention that Green Party voters have the highest and UKIP and BNP voters have the lowest – but they never establish how this statistic was compiled, by whom, and over how many people. They just take it as gospel because it reinforces their own views that you’d have to be thick to disagree with them), but now it’s being treated as a mental illness. If that’s the case then much of the country is mentally ill, which I suspect is the case anyway for the millions who still think uncontrolled mass immigration is benefiting the country when every single facet of evidence contradicts them completely.
When the SHTF the people responsible for this mess will be running for their lives.
When they are caught, I can’t see anyone showing them any mercy.
Or if you believe that woman Soubry, it’s just ‘scaremongering’………. ‘Your prejudiced’………….’they come here to work, they work in the fields’.
She’s quite proud of the fact that our country welcomes them.
Just watch her rehearsed performance on Question Time the other week.
When the riots start, which no doubt they will do, she should have those words shoved up her jacksy.
“When the riots start”
I’ve been predicting riots bordering on insurrection for years. I’ve also been shortening the timescale. I used to say 30 years, then 20. Now maybe less than 10.
I agree Joshaw, why do you think the govt are reducing the size of the Army? They are scared to death of a coup, they know that unlike the useless Police, the soldiers will not turn on the white British but will turn on the Pakistanis and muslims in general, and above all will make sure the politicians pay for their treachery. It will take the Army and the white British and loyal Indians and others to take back our country . Think i’m mad? Watch some of those videos and recoil in horror at the insane hatred of Pakistani and Somali youths and others. This is real, not for the camera only.
No need to read the Daily Mail: the left will tell you it is WAYCIST and is now indulging in Romaphobia.. You will see this word on the Facebook site of Cameron’s chums in the UAF. Be ready, they are ready to inflict their no platform policy on any Romaphobics.
I noticed on Question Time last night that when somebody in the audience (when talking about high house prices) merely uttered the word “immigration” there were howls of outrage from about about half the audience. It is as if they have been trained to react to trigger words like trained seals.
Besides telling me that the audience was stacked with Leftists, an impression confirmed when the various professional Leftist activists (they always stick out a mile) delivered their usual speeches they received rapturous applause, it is a good example of how BBC-Labour stack audiences with people who adhere to correct Party thinking.
Show me a poll where a large number of people in this Country are not concerned about high immigration levels, and then compare it to last night’s Question Time audience.
and stuffing the audience with these people makes it look like their barmy views are the norm. When I talk to just about EVERYONE about this subject and they want immigration stopped because public services like the nhs are crumbling.
It’s the same group of people who follow Question Time around the country, like teenagers who attend every gig possible. They always seem to sit at the rear of the audience so the cameras won’t pick them up, otherwise they would become to look familiar.
But they can’t disguise their utterly predictable cheering and booing, and Dimbleby must be becoming suspicious, or at least worried they are at risk of giving the game away.
Why is booing allowed by the BBC?
The BBC will have a ready riposte for this old chestnut, though. “Brits won’t do these jobs”, etc. Do we need to watch repeats of “Here Come The Poles” and all that to remember the lesson? Then they get the vox pops whining, “Why should we be forced to take crap jobs at a wage we can’t live on?” You’re meant to blame other factors for the unemployment, not immigration. This feeds the Narrative perfectly.
As long as the main emphasis isn’t on Labour’s deliberate policy to force demographic change on an unsuspecting public, purely for political purposes, the BBC can bat this away easily.
Supplementary report by ‘Daily Mail’-
“Enough is enough Mr Cameron: Mail poll reveals voters’ deep concern over wave of new migrants.
“82% of respondents said no to a new influx from Bulgaria and Romania.
“85% think migration was putting huge pressure on schools and hospitals.
“Only one in 20 think Brussels should be in charge of policies.
“Think tank Migrationwatch believes up to 70,000 migrants will arrive in 2014.”
Before everyone places the blame at Brussels door, lets remember that there are more non EU immigrants in the UK that EU ones. Make sure that you place the blame for that where it belongs , with Labour, and while you doing that remember that the BBC has been with Labour every step of the way.
Yes, that is true but how do they enter the country? In the main from France …
More madness–branded-RACIST-permanent-record.html
I actually think they SHOULD attend a workshop on Islam.
What a wonderful idea.
But, just make sure the elements of antisemitism, mysoginy, homophobic executions, dhimmitude and jihad is included in what would otherwise become a sanitised exercise in bullshit.
Perhaps they can include ayatolllah khomeini’s little green book on having sex with animals just for good measure.
Lessons on barbaric savagery by all means, but make it the plain unvarnished truth.
Madness indeed. The Head Teacher should be sacked
Tell he what you think about her:
Don’t be rude, be polite and explain that people like her cause racism.
“Dear idiot,
thanks for ruining Britain. You clearly only got your job because of gender quotas because you’re not fit to run a tap let alone a primary school. Take an acid bath.
It’s pretty telling that one of the top commenters on the Mail article actually states that he’s left-of-centre and pro-multiculturalism, yet even HE thought this woman was a liability and was in fact inciting racism. Stories like this transcend party allegiance and are simple matters of common sense. You don’t threaten to call kids racist if they don’t want to go on an optional trip to a religious museum. You don’t need to be a mouth-foaming BNP voter to know this.
The Australian equivelant of Question Time and someone on the panel answering on sharia law.
I notice the lack of whooping baboons in the audience who in this country would be stomping and squealing about islamophobia and racism.
Maybe they don’t hand pick knuckledraggers down there like al beeb does to appear on their shows.
Australia gets more attractive every day, current stances on immigration and green nonsense in particular. Now if only their cricket team could bloody lie down it would look a nice place to live!!
For some reason this won’t play on my PC or I pad. Nothing sinister I hope.…..i would of added to this article that child grooming for sex,preachers of hate and terrorism,abiding are dress codes and culture are another abuse of are hospitality shown by pakistani communitys in this country
Supplementary reports:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to ‘wake up’ to the threat posed by minority communities.
“Dominic Grieve made the remarks in a newspaper interview.
“He said minority communities have ‘endemic’ corruption.
“The senior law officer said that the authorities should take action to combat electoral fraud in areas with high migrant populations.”
2.) BBC-NUJ (soon turns this report into pro-Pakistan propaganda):-
“Corruption problem among some UK minorities, says MP”
BBC-NUJ does quote the unelected Muslim Cabinet Minister, Baroness Warsi, from 2010, but BBC-NUJ omits this from 2012:-
‘Telegraph’ (£), June, 2012:-
“The Sunday Telegraph has also learnt that her [Warsi’s] business partner, Abid Hussain, a former activist with a radical Islamic group who has a conviction for violence, secured an invitation to meet David Cameron at Downing Street, raising questions over the Prime Minister’s security.”
The disclosures put Lady Warsi under fresh scrutiny.
Lady Warsi my arse she’s just another appointed, unelected, unwanted, snout in the trougher. Being there only to buy the muslim vote.
As unelectable and as unaccountable too as Catherine Ashton.
Both suck up to Islam, but at least Warsi does make the right gestures towards Christians.
Ashton however wants them back in the gulags if and when the EU get around to putting the intolerant back into them.
In the meantime a few rockets on Tel Aviv if Iran can cook the yellowcake is HER way of including the Jews in her peace process.
Funny too that everybody at the BBC squauks about Israel saying it`s a crock of toxic waste to “work with Iran”…when the Saudis day the selfsame thing.
But that Sunni-Shia thing is best left to the grown ups eh?…so Israel gets besmirched as ever.
And here we are again, prostrating ourselves before this foreign, primitive culture whilst sacrificing hard-won rights and freedoms:
‘According to Universities UK, the body that represents vice-chancellors, institutions should allow speakers to segregate genders if it is demanded for religious reasons.
The guidance is contained within a new official handbook on the matter. Naturally, there are a few quid pro quos, a few ‘grey areas’ (lawyer speak for nobody has a clue), but on the whole, university chiefs are being steer towards segregation. ‘
‘The report adds: “Assuming the side-by-side segregated seating arrangement is adopted, there does not appear to be any discrimination on gender grounds merely by imposing segregated seating. Both men and women are being treated equally, as they are both being segregated in the same way.”
Hands up if you think that sounds like a quote from 1984.
Then look at the photo of these wise and learned profs – it says it all.
“Separate but equal” was the justification for segregation in the American South. How good to know that multiculturalism has brought it to poor backward old Blighty.
I agree. It’s gone daft early. Schools and Universities have to follow the new ‘equality’ laws wherever it leads. State Schools are bound to follow this guidance slavishly (segregating boys and girls into humilation rituals whilst parents can only look on in horror at the the prospect of being summoned by the (VIP) headmistress (they are being encouraged to challenge parents and children who don’t read the ‘Guardian’ as misfits). See claiming your child is racist and then the police have been informed of an incident with a (banned) Conker that must be taken seriously’. It will be worse than 1984 when all Schools copy ‘Big Brother’ policies.
VOTE UKIP…what odds his defence will be he did not know she was 12
Everyone loves what you guys tend to be up too.
This sort of clever work and coverage! Keep up the superb works guys
I’ve incorporated you guys to my personal blogroll.
Telegraph has Proof (if required) that the BBC does take money to support EU propaganda. Steps (1) and (2). Easy for BBC (call it advertising revenue or lobby group funds).
(1) Bulgarian and Romanian migrants ‘will help economy’: (25 November 2013 21:13) ‘European Commission claims Romanians and Bulgarians moving to Britain will help the economy’, (and warns David Cameron against plans to restrict migrants’ access to benefits… )..
BBC payments from EU to state ‘migrants will help economy’ etc (9:00PM GMT 02 Nov 2013)
(2) BBC faces new bias row over charity given millions by EU: ‘The BBC is facing questions over the impartiality of its coverage of the European Union after its charity arm received millions of pounds to promote the EU’s political agenda.
Of course it could all be a huge coincidence that the two are linked…
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