Here you go, on-time and in place to take us off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. Spotted any bias from the State Broadcaster? Detail it here please.
50 years since CS Lewis died.
Last great Christian apologist that Britain produced.
First martyr of the lack of a smoking ban…if I tell the BBC that, they might do a better job that that trite abridgement of the Screwtape Letters that just finished(Book Of the Week).But that they did one at all is as much as we dare hope for these days.
The Left cannot let go. It’s impossible for them to accept that a Communist killed the darling of Camelot, so the maudlin obsessing over JFK helps fill the void.
Reference the Paul Flowers scandal, I note that the CEO of the Co-Op who recently resigned – Len Wardle, and the boss of the Lifeline drug treatment charity where Flowers allegedly fiddled £75,000 in expenses, Ian Wardle, have the same surname. Does anyone know if they are related? It would definitely stir the pot if they are closely related – jobs for the boys, covering up corruption for the Labour Party, etc.
Institute of Economic Affairs 27 November 2013, 6.00pm
A lecture by: Professor Michael Beenstock, Member of the Department of Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Visiting Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.
This must press so many alarm bells for the BBC ! A Jewish climate change denier from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, I can just imagine how many clumps of hair there would be on the news room floor is they had to run this!
Its BBc breakfast and yes the roulette wheel of news lands back on alcohol. Again we have “children drinking super strength lager for breakfast” A&E full of children. Put forward and presented as if it was an epidemic. Any figures? No. Any film of A&E waiting rooms full of drunk children? No.
Sentence the parents who provide the old erm “breakfast of champions” sustenance i say …
I mean if they can actually remember who their kids are? after waking up being face down in the vodka-bix
yep it was on bbc radio too … I was going to call in, to question it … but sadly I tripped over the beer crate from last night, put my foot on a rolling whaaaskie bottle, and just like dancing on ice ended up in the backyard.
Wasted a tin of lager in making my porridge this morning…no real benefit compared to milk as far as I could tell.
Stick to milk-even IF it makes rush hour more fun in the mornings…you still have to teach PSHE after that.
I imagine it`ll be raised to 30 , just before Lee Rigbys butchers reach that milestone.
Youth Custody then, and counselling contracts with G4S under Dr Anjem by way of “therapy”.
Send for Putin!
This is just one of the stories that the BBc fixates on.. it comes up again and again,fatty foods is another one. Of course other alcohol stories are treated in a different light these being, from memory. the company making “high end” gin and another story I remember being about cocktails.
Once they’ve banned smoking (entirely, that is), drinking and all foods that are enjoyable, what do you think they’ll turn to next? My money’s on laughing..
QT short of panel mambers – one shows bias on tweet complaining about not being able to smoke on a Virgin Train forgetting that Labour introduced the smoking ban.
Thought those “plants” would be better described as “Flowers”!
Flower Power….can I dedicate this “joke” to my dear dead mentor..Dame Theresa Jowell and mortgage in Italy, somewhere nice and hidden?
A disgraceful ‘interview’ with a Greenpeace representative on Today this morning, in which Comrade Montague failed, utterly, to apply any measure of serious journalistic integrity whilst allegedly ‘quizzing’ the Greenpeace drone on the condition of the 30 or so Greenpeace morons who were arrested and jailed by Russian authorities for their part in attempting to barge their way onto private oil drilling platform in the Arctic.
Montague failed entirely to suggest that the unfortunate detention of the ‘Greenpeace 30’ might just, you know, have been the end result of criminal actions, instead adopting a conciliatory, clearly sympathetic tone with the Greenpeace Drone throughout.
By no measure was Montague’s p*sspoor ‘interview’ ever in any danger of becoming an unbiased act of professional journalistic inquiry.
Not strictly related to BBC bias, but you’ve got to hand it to Putin. According to this report in the Telegraph Putin has moved to the next stage in his strategy. He has praised Greenpeace’s “noble” efforts while condemning their criminality in respect of the “peaceful” non-piracy in Russian waters (and releasing the crims peacemeal to the applause of the BBC and all points left). If Putin’s strategy works Greenpeace will replicate the good work done for Russia by CND during the Cold War ie Greenpeace will be Russia’s useful idiot by continuing its crusade to trash Western economies (egged on by, among others, the BBC) while leaving Russia alone: it’s brilliant!
The more that this nation becomes an EU cesspit with barked orders from the BBC(relayed from the low-watt lampposts that Hamas won`t bother to convert into missiles)…the more we`re going to need Vladimir Putin.
He hates Islam, deals well with terrorists and goes to church at election time.
We`re going to need him!
You can tell whose side the BBC are on – referring to them as “the arctic 30” as if they are heroic freedom fighters helping to save us from the evil Ruskies rather than a bunch of self-indulgent middle class leftie eco-loons guilty of criminal damage.
Polish “climate talks” appear to be yet another expensive, pointless, farrago – the nice Mr. Davey, though, is “optimistic” that a “deal” (where we give everybody else all our money to bail them out of their dictatorships, etc., whilst destroying our own economies and suffering loss of power and light) will be reached by, say, 2015. That man is certifiable.
I’ve just been reading Matt McGrath’s ‘report’ on the ‘walkout’ by ‘several hundred people’ (note to Matt: these ‘people’ were almost entirely unelected bottom-feeding NGOS – such as Greenpeace, Oxfam, Friends of the Earth, etc – so why not employ some of that ‘journalistic rigour’ and actually tell us the facts, eh?) from the ‘climate talks’ in Warsaw.
Here’s a taster of McGrath’s propaganda piece:
“…”Governments are not doing enough,” said Oxfam’s Celine Charveriat, speaking to BBC News as she walked out of the talks.
“We need to tell them you are not allowed to make a mockery of this process. We can’t continue to watch in silence. Enough is enough.”
It’s odd, because Comrade McGrath never actually gets around to explaining to us what it is that these professional eco spongers are all so aggrieved about. Perhaps it’s got something to do with the £100 bn+ p.a. they all insist ‘wealthy’ nations should be paying in ‘reparations’ to the world’s ‘poorer’ nations for something called ‘loss and damage’ ’caused by climate change’ (whatever that is this week).
Comrade McGrath continues:
“…There was also annoyance among negotiators from developing countries about the attitude of Australia, which, under new prime minister Tony Abbott, has signalled a more sceptical approach to climate issues.
Delegates were upset to see two members of the Australian team wearing T-shirts in a late night negotiation session, during which they were said to be blocking progress on key texts.”
Australia should be congratulated for treating these wholly redundant, entirely pointless, fact-free ‘talks’ with the contempt they so clearly deserve. The Australian government stands almost alone in the world in recognising the political, socialist aspirations of the CAGW scam for what it is. Mind you, not one word from McGrath on what it is about the ‘climate talks’ that the Australian government take exception to (wouldn’t want to let the cat out of the bag, would we?)
Finally, and despite his valiant efforts to date in this ‘report’, Comrade McGrath all but fesses up:
“…Richer countries are fighting tooth and nail against the idea of a legally binding compensation arrangement, that in their words, would see them on the hook for every storm in every part of the world, forever.”
And there you have it. This is actually what those ‘hundreds of people NGOs’ walked out over – they’re miffed that for some odd reason most western nations simply do not want to sign up to an attempted heist, an aggravated burglary, a staged robbery by unelected NGOs pushing an agrarian, socialist wealth distribution scam.
Odd that. Seems to have escaped the BBC’s attention completely. Baffling.
I heard Matt McGrath’s report on this on Today this morning. He stated that the green groups had walked out but that Ed Davey “was hopeful” agreement would be reached. No detail on who these greenies were, but the implication was that they were part of the negotiations.
Which begged the question – if these groups were not needed for agreement, and therefore not party to it… WTF were they doing there in the first place? Matt was not about to enlighten us. Obviously it was to lobby, but best we’re not told.
As an aside, I wonder how they got there. Bicycle? Or perhaps they hitched a lift in the sceptics’ cars. Although neither the report nor the website seem to mention what the sceptic organisations present think of the negotiations. I mean, they are funded by Big Oil, aren’t they, so there must have been thousands paid to come over to swamp the poor impecunious greenies, no?
“Delegates were upset to see two members of the Australian team wearing T-shirts”
Well, how very dare they! Perhaps the organisers should have turned the heating down. Like the rest of us have to.
Noted this one too RD.
We`d expect nothing more than for them to “walk out”…as if these troughers on EU/UN sinecures would do other.
They`ll all be walking home to Manila and Berlin, Jo`Burg and Santiago right now…any other would screw the very environment that they went so far to care for.
That Filipino chap has hopefully gone off his Frankie Boyle hunger strike, taken a sumptuous doggie bag from the buffet and is now walking home to help his fellow-citizens who couldn`t get out of the typhoons way…if he walks slowly, he may not have to actually do anything to help when he gets home…FAR better to raise awareness than actually life a finger.
Trouble is now…now that the EU/UN shills and ciphers have taken the idiot cards,and slogans on soundtracks…WTF is Wavey Davey going to say?
He`s a trouser press WITH his WWF/Greenpeace postcards…an empty barrage balloon if there`s no Greenie with his hand up the shirt!
Didn`t Tony say that he`ll not treat environmentalism as if it`s not socialism in a different guise?
Mix pink and lime green together…wave the bones of Petra Kelly over the result…and give it to the University of East Anglia…and let the BBC do the rest(and the Indie, Guardian ,Jehovahs Witnesses or David Icke if you like).
Icke could replace Harrabin as the BBC science/green expert if only he`d wear a Savile tracksuit…not bloody turquoise)
Currently I’m boycotting BBC 5 Live – and feeling much the better for it.
As I turn the radio dial this morning I catch a sound bite from Nicky Campbell’s phone-in which confirms my good choice in steering clear.
Caller: ‘Reasearch shows that every child has one thing which they can do better than 10,000 other children’
Of course, dear reader, both you and I know that this assertion referring so grandiosly to some supposed accepted and – dare I say – implied ‘scientific’ ‘fact’ is in reality nothing more than a piece of happy clappy whimsy; Politically Correct approved woolly Left-liberal twaddle.
And Nicky Campbell – the preening ninny that he is – reacts with no more than a simper of support and approval.
Well, what the heck – it fits the BBC agenda.
Consider how different was the BBC reaction to Nigel Farrage and his statement that 90% of ATM crime was attributable to Romanians.
Gosh that had the 5 Live crew in an agenda fuelled overdrive of desperate fact checking.
Noting how my Licence money is spent, I move on further up the radio dial for news and talk with less pre-agreed narrative.
every one knows JFK was the first victim of climate change. Im sure theres a graph that shows rising levels of CO2 since the 1950’s correlate to a 100% increase in the deaths of US presidents. Here’s a pic of a cute n cuddly polar bear just to illustrate the point
In a world where increasingly the BBC puts the interests and indeed the broadcast comforts of the overseas world population somewhere ahead of the UK Licenece Payer…..
…one tends to notice when the BBC are little less than forthcoming with the facts of nationality.
This morning LBC Radio tells me – boldly – that the couple arrested in the ‘Slavery’ case are not British Nationals.
(Happily resident here for 30 years however. NHS users we wonder? I guess they paid their taxes?)
BBC 5 Live prefer to omit nationality from their headlines. What matter when we all live on the same planet – right?
It comes from way down toward the end of the BBC report.
‘Officers said the arrested couple were not British nationals and it was “very unlikely” that the alleged victims were related to them because of their nationalities. ‘
You’re not supposed to be. One of the BBC’s biggest departments, the Howdowespinthisinconvenienttruth Department” must be working on this round the clock. Again.
If journalists know the address of the alleged slave masters, I don’t suppose checking the electoral register might be worth a try? Who pays the council tax on the house? That’s another avenue of inquiry.
In fact, it’s so simple I might just find a new, well paid career as a BBC journalist. Do you think they’d employ me with my uncanny powers of ratiocination? It’s apparent I can do more to follow a story than their “top rate journalists” can do.
On R4 Today they said one of the slaves was Malaysian, one was Irish and the 30 year old was born here.
Many Malaysians are Muslims. Perhaps the BBC is reluctant to mention the nationality of the perpetrators because they’re worried it might reflect badly on The Religion Of Peace.
Or maybe they don’t know because the police haven’t released details yet.
I’m as disgusted as anyone at the Beeb’s constant protectionist attitute towards Saracen wrongdong, but they can’t just make stuff up. How often are howls of protest raised here when they leap to the conclusion, on very little evidence, that some violent crme or other has been perpetrated by some “far-right” whitey when it turns out to have been someone of a darker hue after all?
The multicultural dream live on then.
Unity in diversity goes the EU slogan-so hats off to our colour-blind employing couple there in Lambeth town.
Anybody else wonder why these sex trafficking and slavery stories are around in 2013?…thought that dear old Tory Christian Wiberforce of Hull had abolished it?
Or was that the (as yet unborn) Islamist of Zanzibar?…being Friday, any word from the mosques today re keeping slaves or trafficking them?
See BBC…when you run from the facts or unpleasant truths that go against your toxic agenda…I begin to imagine stuff, based on your past performances.
Hope I`m wrong by the way-until then, though: I`ll go with past experiences of BBC reporting.
PS-not ageist either…and females were affirmatively employed too…Womans Hour and Harriet to celebrate next week perhaps?
from the very end of the last OT
re – new report by the BBC titled “Are there really 100,000 new Christian martyrs every year?”
Ruth Alexander,
Of all the questions and aspects of Christian persecution that objective researchers and reporters can explore and expose, why did the BBC pick the very one that
1) cannot be answered and
2) is ultimately irrelevant—
at best academic, at worst cold and callous?…
Anyone else bored of the Dr. Who hype? Honestly, it’s so full of BBC agenda brainwashing that it’s stories are completely incomprehensible and childish now.
Nope – I’m loving it! Never forget it is a childrens programme at heart – someone’s childish is someone else light-hearted. BBC agenda brainwashing? Really?
I’d say most of the BBC’s flagship programmes have an agenda at the core of their storytelling. I do appreciate it is a children’s show though (or should that be manchild?). I just think the amount of airtime and coverage the BBC gives it is currently a bit over the top. It’s a show at the end of the day and an average one at that.
Russell T Davies is hardly the subtlest of writers when getting over his political views, but I cannot comment on the more recent Dr Who oeuvre. In tonight’s episode maybe the Daleks will extoll the virtues of collectivist planning, or the Cyberman will hand out leaflets outside the Co-op protesting about Tory cuts.
Whenever I have had the misfortune of seeing one of the recent Dr Who episodes (from Ecclestone onwards) I’ve seen nothing but blatant left-wing propaganda. And they seem edited as if by a madman, made no sense, sadly aimed at today’s dumbed down audience.
ps have just now watched about 15 minutes of An Adventure in Time & Space on iPlayer. It’s a period play about the first Dr Who episodes.
In that 15 minutes we see a plucky young female TV Exec battling old patronising white dinosaurs(feminism tick), then coming to the rescue of a noble Indian chap who was being ignored at a bar coz of racism innit.
Good lord how ever did people survive in the 60s with such shockingly awful blatant discrimination?
As always with BBC drama the story must never get in the way of identity politics. I couldn’t be bothered to watch the rest of it.
While channel hopping last night I caught the back end of the Culture Show special on Dr Who broadcast on BBC2.
Left wing writer Caitlin Moran, being interviewed by Matthew Sweet, admitted that producer and writer Russell T. Davis wanted a revolution in this country and used the programme as agit-prop. She actually stated that ” without Dr. Who there would be no civil partnerships or gay marriage.”.
What message are the BBC wanting to convey with the photo at the head of this article? Y chromosome: Why men contribute so little
Is there is a suggestion of effeminacy in the image, surely improper or just sloth?
‘Is there is a suggestion of…
If there is, as Hugs once said (and other market rates have since echoed, idiotically), ‘It’s in their DNA’.
Certainly another ‘interesting choice’.
As to the report, this intro section intrigued and I’d welcome any more informed geneticists to chip in: ‘Scientists have practically obliterated the ultimate symbol of maleness in DNA, the Y chromosome, and believe they may be able to do away with it completely.’
I can see it’s for medical corrective measures, but given the shrieks on GMO crops that the BBC usually pushes, this seems oddly endorsed all round, if with near-inevitable ‘coulds’ littering the place.
Looking at the top comments, a few others have questions, and now questions about questions as the BBC again panics and stealth edits to make the cover up the bigger story… 186. IndaUK
According to my RSS feed, the original title of this article was:
Beyond the stealth text monkeying, the picture editor’s producer’s ‘got it about right’ explanation via the CECUTT drone in about two months will be interesting.
One can often feel a bit sorry for them (noting the underperforming science student images chosen and scattered about to offend everyone equally that I mentioned yesterday), but that choice was, truly, inspired… if the intention was making a sombre Friday a little bit funnier at the BBC’s obvious, self-inflicted, expense.
Possibly another from that redacted section of the BBC Double Editorial Standard Guidelines Nick Pollard couldn’t find, but there’s a term here I think I may have to add to ‘Islamic Benediction’ for seeking very odd ways to describe things…
BBC Newsnight
“they can rest assured I don’t plan to come back” – Jihadi tourist Ifthekar Jaman on security service fears over people like him #newsnight
Have to say I missed the Jihadi tourist section in my 2014 copy of Thomas Cook Summer Fun brochure.
Maybe between Bali Bombings and Nairobi Mutilation options?
Call BBC’s Nicky Campbell and you’ll be straight to air
Dr Anne Brunton @CriminologyUK 22h
@NickyAACampbell if u’ve time can I give u a ring? Or I could DM? Or you could ring – you’ve got my number – when you’re free? Need a chat.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 21h
@CriminologyUK bout an hour.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@CriminologyUK DM me number again.
What sort of thing has this Dr Anne Brunton to say for herself?
Must say that I`m enjoying the ever-increasing case study of the rise and rise of Paul Flowers!
When the BBC are reduced to getting a Tory opposition council bloke(who didn`t actually know him), and some Reverend Bluejeans from the Methodist Council to “discuss” poor Paul…you just KNOW that this one is toxic to the lefty liberal set. This was on Today before the 8am news…but placed after Thought For The Day, so you`d know what the BBC think of “religion”
I see Flowers as an orienteering Savile…didn`t confine himself to the clear marathon circuit of BBC life, but bounced all round the place like a dirty little bomblet…Saviles used socks before he washed them in the hand basin( or was it a bidet?).
As Savile was to the medias cause to be “trusted”…as the BBC is still contaminated (and loathed by all right-thinking people)-so Flowers turns out to be a similar barium meal or radioactive tracer for Labour Councils, Labour Parties, Labour Banks, Ed Balls and Miliband.
Shall we join a dot or two then?…common factors would be west Yorkshire police in Leeds and Bradford, childrens charities and drugs, porn and media facilities at Councils and the BBC perhaps?
No wonder the lefties and labour are squealing like the stuck pigs that they are.
And-as yet-no word from Gorgeous George Galloway who normally would say something for us , seeing that Bradford voted for him.
Lets hope the Mail keep digging…the BBC want the shovels turned to toothpicks!…and , despite Pestons and O Donaghues…this is a story worth following.
Liberal bagatelle..and who can get out of Flowers taxi the quickest.
Lock` em in!
I couldn’t think why they had that Tory bloke on. As you point out, he didn’t know Paul Flowers and so had nothing of interest to tell us. Was it to chalk up a tick in the “we’ve had a Tory on the programme” box?
Had to laugh, wryly, when the poor Methodist chappy was asked if the Church should have been a bit more curious about the fallen Reverend. Had he read this site, he might have been able to point out that incuriosity can be found in many places one might not expect it, rather closer to home than Sarah Montague (or was it Mishal Husain) thought.
Yes, that`s the only gap in his CV, having trawled his way around the liberal lilos from council to charities, banks to political parties
and then back around again with his drugs on David Kellys winding sheet.
Next Director of the BBC Trust-he seems to satisfy the BBC threshold for being “trustworthy”.
The Beeb and the lefty-media have been feeding on banker-bashing for over a year. How unfortunate that this “banker” is not a Tory Toff but “one of them” Oh the silence is deafening.
According to An Occasional Legal Source, it is apparently to avoid any chance of prejudicing the trial in any way to see it deemed unfair and the accused walk.
If so, I endorse such an approach 100%, if seriously questioning the coherence of the legal basis that has necessitated it.
I am quite sure no one wishes these guys to have anything other than full, fair exposure to the justice system of the country and limited opportunity to use the trial as a pulpit for any other views they may have.
That said…. if all are really keen not to mess with this trial and see them freed by staying mute, one might wonder at the motivations behind being a heck of a lot noisier around other trials.
Multiples of standards have a funny way of coming back to haunt folk.
I agree broadly, and for the sake of good form, naturally they are innocent until proven otherwise, but quite how there is a risk of them walking free when there are dozens of witnesses and there is even a video of one of them that seems, well, rather damning to put it mildly, I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps we are not being told the truth after all.
Of course they should not have the chance to use the trial as an opportunity to spread their beliefs, but isn’t that down to the court officials to prevent?
I would have thought a possible announcement of their guilt and lengthy sentences out of the blue some weeks hence might give their supporters a propaganda opportunity too.
Justice needs to be seen to be done. No coverage at all and simply a news item about the result of the case seems as potentially counter productive as a day to day update, and frankly has a whiff of Orwell about it.
(As a matter of slight interest I had a Twitter exchange with Nicky Campbell yesterday and this one of the points I raised. Unfortunately Gameshow believes me to be the Devil for questioning his interview technique and a “numpty” for asking about the silence surrounding this trial. There’s the BBC view of the public, right there, but we knew that.)
If these men are indeed found innocent I assume the BBC blackout will be lifted tout de suite, and we will be hearing from them long and loud, with Campbell first in the queue with warm words and a cuddle.
And I, in turn, agree broadly with you.
Hence pondering why our legal system can be so easily compromised by a sensitivity to outside forces that is now impossible to guard against. It needs changing.
However, it’s what we’re lumbered with, and I’ll suck it in with the best (or worst of ’em) to see justice served here.
Then, as you say, I look forward to the gates bursting open… or the likes of Mr. Campbell explaining why he remains so cautious still when he’s not shy of a thought usually.
Remember also that one of the charges relates to conspiracy to murder a police officer sometime before the (alleged) killing of Lee Rigby. This ought to invite questions concerning the extent to which one of the accused was monitored by security before the (alleged) murder. Maybe the embarrassment to the authorities of a rumoured failure to break cover to prevent a crime explains the news blackout. Or do people really believe that the concern for a just and fair trial can ever outweigh political objectives?
Since when did embarrassing the Met or MI5 bother anyone at the BBC?
No, they are keeping this quiet because they want to control the details of what is said in court quiet. There’s too much risk that ‘the wrong ears’ will get ‘the wrong idea’ about what went on and reacting accordingly.
Compare this to the trial of the NI workers where their ‘guilt’ has already been declared by the BBC for many months before the trial.
If there is no fair trail for the killers of Lee Rigby then there is no fair trial for Brookes et al.
“…I am quite sure no one wishes these guys to have anything other than full, fair exposure to the justice system of the country and limited opportunity to use the trial as a pulpit for any other views they may have.”
Quite. The silence from the BBC is quite deafening, but as you point out, it’s perfectly obvious to all just why that is. What on earth could the bbc be so afraid of..? I have no idea.
Do people REALLY think that if this had been a Brevik-type attack that there’d be a news blackout to “ensure a fair trial”?????
It’s all about keeping a lid on “community tensions”. In other words, protecting the muslims in this country from the dreaded (but curiously never arising) “backlash”. It’s nothing to do with a fair trial and is a bloody travesty.
The five Prison officers who restrained one of the Woolwich protestors causing him to lose a couple of teeth, are under suspension facing disciplinary action. This was well recorded by the BBC who added that during the restraint his painful arm – after being shot – was hurt again. Hopefully, this kind of reporting will not interfere with justice in the action taken against the Prison Officers.
I doubt the words “Labour Party” will appear anywhere near a question about the Co-Op.
Radio Four comedy is in a terrible state. The Now Show has always been a bloody disgrace. I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue still has a Humph sized hole in it. Just A Minute relies too much on new blood, but new blood that simply isn’t up to the task. The Unbelievable Truth is an incredibly clunky format, again entirely reliant on the often extremely poor guests. The estimable Ed Reardon’s Week has been off form for a couple of series, and Count Arthur Strong has been hived off to the telly.
Head of Comedy at Radio 4 must be right up there with the Black Rhino as an endangered species.
Heard what I think was “Clare in the Community” last night on Radio 4(6.30p.m).
Not brilliant-but enough shafts at the social work culture and liberal posturings re their “clients” to make it far better than anything else of the BBC.
“The British Muslims waging ‘five-star jihad’ for Al Qaeda:
At least 17 extremists post messages about experiences in war-torn Syria.
“The messages are encouraging other Britons to join them’
“One referred to Syria as ‘5-star jihad’ because of it is relaxing.
“One image of a British fighter called Abu Qa’qaa shows how he could carry extra ammunition in his beard.
“Another shows a combatant wearing a balaclava and holding an assault rifle.”
“A corner of a foreign field that is forever ‘British’…
“Four ‘Britons’ have been killed fighting for Al Qaeda in Syria. So no surprises there, then.
“Wherever there is jidhadist terrorism, you can be sure that ‘Britons’ will be found on the front line.
“They won’t be fighting for Britain, mind you, or alongside any of this country’s allies. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, you name it, they’ll be on the side of our enemies.
“In Syria, we haven’t got a dog in the fight and thankfully the Commons voted against getting involved. But MI5 still estimates that as many as 300 ‘Britons’ have travelled out there to join the battle.
“That all depends, I suppose, on what you mean by ‘Britons’.
“It’s a fact that many of these jihadists were born here and radicalised in universities and extremist mosques.
“But a large proportion weren’t. They are foreign-born individuals who have been given British passports over the past few years, no questions asked.
“Under Labour, the government recklessly conferred citizenship on tens of thousands of people who not only had no previous connection with this country but actually hate our freedoms and traditions and have no intention of becoming ‘British’.
“Yet when they are blown up or arrested fighting for our enemies, we are asked to accept that they are as ‘British’ as the rest of us.
“Even if they haven’t got passports, they are embraced as British ‘residents’, like the celebrated Gitmo detainee Binman Mohamed, who only lived here for a couple of years and was actually ‘resident’ in Afghanistan when he had his collar felt.
“After David Blunkett’s outburst last week, Left-wing papers have started referring sympathetically to Roma gipsies in Sheffield as ‘British Roma’ or ‘Britain’s Roma’. They’re not ‘British Roma’, they’re mostly Slovakian Roma. Almost all the 200,000 to 300,000 Roma living here are from Eastern Europe.
“Spain doesn’t count British gangsters living on the Costa del Crime as ‘Spanish’. So why do we try to pretend that everyone who manages to set foot in this country is automatically ‘British’?”
I’m a little more relaxed about this. The best place for these bastards is surely somewhere where they can be blown to smithereens at any moment.
When and if they return to Britain I’d rather like to see the Syrian government demand their return to stand trial in Damascus. Pie in the sky, obviously.
I briefly flirted with that idea but it only works if they die out there. Otherwise you a have a cadre of combat trained insurgents ready to return to the UK.
I note that Warsi, is getting bigger and bigger levers
from the grasping simpletons at Tory HQ, and nobody has informed her that Judaism/Christianity have developed traditions that have considerably moved away from the literal interpretations therein, unlike …
a certain “religion of paeds” we could mention.
ooh! for ten minutes on air, with that odious, arrogant
There are easily discoverable videos on t’internet showing some of the utterly barbaric and inhuman atrocities committed by the noble “rebels” and “freedom fighters” (no, I am not going to link; DYOR).
Sadly, DYOR appears to be utterly beyond the wit of every single “journalist” employed by this gargantuan left wing behemoth.
Had to laugh at this quote and I guess it is what we can expect here soon. It sounds like something from Monty Python but unfortunately it is real.
“In May, ISIS won control of the Syrian city of Raqqa, and marked the victory by publicly killing three men it said were Alawites, members of the same sect as President Bashar al-Assad.”
One of the few interesting questions raised by France’s President Hollande – why does a child born to a foreigner abusing France’s borders automatically become “French”? Why do we hand out passports and nationality to those who fraudulently come here 8 months pregrant “to aquire nationality” and sponge a £1200 NHS maternity “emergency”
Cameron useless.…could you please get everybody you know to sign this petition,we need 100,000 signatures on this petition so it gets debated in parliament,the ira murderers in birmingham have never been brought to justice,the victims of this injustice deserve that,thank you
One thing the BBC and the Left fail to portray in their reports about Muslim countries is this. In countries where Muslims are a minority, the Muslim population is obsessed with minority rights, moaning about this and that (that annoying prat Mehdi Hussan being a good example). However, in countries where Muslims are the majority, there ARE NO MINORITY RIGHTS!!
BBC-NUJ does not include, on its ‘Education& Family’ online pages, what appears to be a wonderful example for it of the sort of multicultural tyranny and enforced Islamic appeasement which Beeboids so propagandise for-
‘Daily Mail’-
“School wrote to parents telling them their eight-year-olds had to attend workshop on Islam – or be branded RACIST on their permanent record.
“Headmistress Lynn Small wrote to parents about multicultural school trip.
“Children will attend ‘Explore Islam’ workshop at Staffordshire University.
“Pupils would receive ‘Racial Discrimination note’ if they didn’t go, she said.
“Parents at Littleton Green Community School in Huntington complained.
“Staffordshire County Council stepped in and head had to apologise.”
More Left-wing fascism. I wonder if this pathetic imbecile of a ‘head teacher’ would enjoy visiting the Taliban for a cup of tea? Pillocks like this will be the first to find out what the sharp side of a kebab knife feels like if Muslims ever become a majority in this land (God forbid!)
I actually think they SHOULD attend a workshop on Islam.
What a wonderful idea.
But, just make sure the elements of antisemitism, mysoginy, homophobic executions, dhimmitude and jihad is included in what would otherwise become a sanitised exercise in bullshit.
Perhaps they can include ayatolllah khomeini’s little green book on having sex with animals just for good measure.
Lessons on barbaric savagery by all means, but make it the plain unvarnished truth.
Is she going to sacked? Such threats and intimidating behaviour in a Headmistress is unacceptable. Or did she get approval from superiors before sending the letter? Who is behind it, if anyone? That would be no excuse for not sacking her though, she sent it.
So the children were going to an exhibition of Islamic artifacts. What could they possibly be? A sharp knife? An AK47? A severed head? A bomb? A hi-jacked jet? A groomed 13 year old? A gay man dangling off a crane? The list could be endless.
There is no compulsion in religion-so says the Koranic Book of Brilliant things.
Anybody told this Midland school marm..and when did schools get to be run by such Esfahan rugs as this slipperette?
There IS then compulsion-plenty of it, we know where you live etc- in risking motion sickness to go to a CRB-cleared poly to get the blindfolds on kids as Lee Rigbys inept barbers are up on some driving infraction.
This woman need a visit to mid-Staffs hospital to get her tongue out of an Islamic arse…let`s hope they`ve kept a few of their ghouls specifically to treat squatting toads over schools like this one.
Job for Sharon Shoesmith here maybe?
Spare a thought for the teacher. Schools have to submit annual reports on racist incidents. If they provide less than the average score it proves that they are ignoring racist incidents and are, to use the modern interpretation of the expression, institutionally racist. And that will bring down the wrath of the Equality and Diversity Witch Finders. So with a good score of racist 8 year olds, they will avoid investigation for institutional racism.
I think your caricature of public employee office politics is horribly accurate.
I can remember back in the 80’s and 90’s ,when I was in the T&G, observing the antics of ACTTS group (mainly local authority employees)
It appeared to me then that they inhabited Milleresque environment, where the best defence against the accusation of witchcraft ,was to get your denunciation in first.
I called it the crucible syndrome, I’m sure it hasn’t got any better .
This weird head dhimmi needs now to be charged with bullying and threatening behavoiur-as well as extorting money with menaces.
Thought bullying was deemed to be a problem in schools.
Emotional and psychological abuse…Do something useful Grieve, you clot!
I get away with this!…my error is due to my not being diagnosed with disslexxia!
No micro-aggressions will be tolerated( saw this on this blog!…good career ahead for us all)
Another absurd example of where leftist-driven education/indoctrination takes us, this from the USA.
‘In a letter sent to colleagues in the department after the sit-in, Prof. Rust said students in the demo described grammar & spelling corrections he made in their dissertation proposals as a form of “micro aggression”…
‘You see, by highlighting spelling & punctuation errors, the professor is contributing to an “unsafe climate for students of colour.”
…such attitudes & pretensions are the ideal end product of a leftist education.’
Choice comments follow the article.
Just turned the TV on. It’s another S**te fest about Dr.who. So who exactly cancelled in 1989,it refused to re-instate it & then brought it back as the CGI over storyline travesty we have today?. Another excuse to play lots of clips over and over again complete with a myriad of people giving their thoughts, wonder how much you get for giving your opinon as a z list celeb? (
Back in the days ‘twixt the original series getting a deserved taste of the ol’ humane killer between the eyes and the coming of the current incarnation you could hardly open a TV thread on the net, Ceefax, Oracle etc without being assailed by one John Gorman, Who-obsessive extraordinaire and all-round single issue menace.
No matter what the topic, our tiresome hero would manfully bend it to his will as no-one before or since. And would merrily debate with himself once everybody else got fed up with him and pushed off.
Such a pain in the arse.
On reflection, probably it’s lucky he confined his single-minded obsession to a rather naff kiddies prog. filmed in Home Counties sandpits rather than, say, Islamic jihad, but it didn’t seem that way to anyone who really didn’t give a stuff about tardises or the iniquities of commissioning editors and their insistence on broadcasting things people might actually choose to watch.
If for nothing else, I’ll raise at least half a cheer (and a small glass of tap water) to the programme for disposing of him through its reappearance.
OK from reading the above , do you get the impression that UKIP are nasty evil people. Lets read on shall we: “Ms Sinclaire, the UK’s first openly transsexual parliamentarian, told BBC Radio 5 live’s Victoria Derbyshire that she feared other people would expose the fact she had undergone gender reassignment surgery. So fearing that people would expose the fact she used to be a bloke, she’s gone public. Isn’t that an Oxymoran?
But there’s more: The MEP said: “One of the reasons I’ve had to reveal this was threats from journalists and UKIP.
Now why would Journalists want to write about her, could it be becasue of this story: Ms Sinclaire remains on police bail following her arrest in February 2012 on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.
So really this isn’t about UKIP at all is it, its more a damage limitation exercise about how this woman is under investigation for expenses fraud.
“Expose the fact that she used to be a bloke” I think someone is taking the piss here – I mean have you seen her/him/it? She is about six foot ten, built like a brick shithouse and has a voice to rival Brian Blessed!
Expect to see Jack in a minskirt and swinging a pink handbag soon, to celebrate diversity. In the upper house Prescott will be sporting a catsuit and high heels. The Squeaker has shown the way forward with his gaily-patterned coat of arms.
Evan Davis will fairly swoon at the inclusivity of the Labour benches, as of course will the Squeaker. Questions will then be asked about the Tory trannies in denial….
I dont know why they bother these days, in the end the truth will emerge.
Will a breathless Charlie Stayt sit on the breakfast beeb sofa and ask: ” but what did they look like? ” as per brevik?,
Me neither. Perhaps the identities would have to be revealed if they weren’t given bail?
Of course we may be wrong. but the secrecy surrounding this case has all the signs of ‘the authorities’ desperately keeping the lid on our ‘multicultural nirvana’ which looks ever more less like a melting pot and more like a boiling pot on the verge of exploding.
Thousands of civil-servants know where we are heading. They’re just making sure it doesn’t happen on their watch.
Dame Tessa was almost apologetising for the captors, on BBC News, today by continuously saying the case was “Complex.”
I’m not sure what’s complex about slavery. Perhaps the ethnic identities of the captors is making it “complex” for her and the BBC to explain without resorting to the tired old leftwing empathy trip.
Curious, isn’t it, that the BBC haven’t taken the opportunity to link back to the story from the Manchester(?) area from but a few weeks ago when another elderly couple from a certain “community” was jailed for importing into the country a disabled 12 year old girl and keeping her as a domestic- and sex-slave for years?
Odd that.
Coz ordinarily, the press do like to link back to similar stories, particularly if they are so very recent.
Ah well, there must be a good reason. Probably something that they teach you at journalism college.
Just watched Maitlis on newsnight (god she is ugly) interviewing one of the greenpeace idiots who has just been released on bail. He clearly still sees himself as hero and proceeded to inform us all that climate change is real and that the artic is melting bla bla bla and that he is not going to give up despite his bad experience.
How much more of this deluded shit are we supposed to put up with ?
Never fret: a self-righteous twat of this familiar stamp is a nailed on certainty to violate his bail conditions in double quick time and so be whisked back sharpish to the chilly embrace of Mother Russia.
Letting a few of them go ‘free’ is part of the fun.
What sticks in my craw is that Greenpeace are paid huge sums annually by the EU, which means that it is each one of we individual taxpayers are subsidising this deluded organisation out of our own pockets, whether we like it our not. And I do not.
You won’t find these greenpeace activists at the other end of the Earth:
Whenever the ice at the North and South Pole is mentioned, it is mostly in the context of melting ice triggered by global warming. However, the sea ice in Antarctica – in contrast to that in the Arctic – has proved to be remarkably robust. New measurements have now confirmed that. As the U.S. space agency NASA announced, the sea ice in the Antarctic has extended over an area of 19.47 million square meters at the end of September. That is the highest since measurements began in 1979.
I don’t know about you, but I turned the wood burner up a bit tonight, flippin’ cold out here on Dartmoor:
[Record sea ice in the Antarctic. Rapid sea ice recovery, in the Arctic. The warmist scientists should start looking for a way out. The proxy records shows there is cyclic warming and cooling of both hemispheres and which matches the pattern of warming that was observed in the last 100 years. The past warming and cooling cycles were not caused by CO2 changes. The past cyclic warming and cooling phases of both hemispheres and the entire recent warming period all correlate with changes in C14. C14 changes are caused by changes to the solar heliosphere which in turn are caused by different changes to the solar magnetic cycle. It is interesting that Svensmark has estimated that 75% of the warming in the last 100 years was due to solar magnetic cycle modulation of planetary cloud cover. Svensmark’s assertion that 75% of the warming in the last 100 years was caused by solar magnetic cycle changes is support by Shiva in this peer reviewed paper.]
Lord Hall has released plans for “a new creative vision” for the Midlands, including the creation of more than 80 jobs in Birmingham and a new “arts partnership”.
Speaking at the Mailbox, the BBC’s base in the Midlands, he said the area would now head up “digital innovation”, with apprentice schemes, community outreach teams and “talent and skills development” to be based there.
The decision follows the controversial move to Salford, with 894 staff reported to have been paid relocation allowances worth a total of £16million by May this year.
He told staff: “I want to make Birmingham a really exciting and important part of what we do.
“This is just the start – but make no mistake, if you’re interested in new skills and digital innovation, this is the place to be.”
The new measures are expected to create 81 jobs in Birmingham, with 69 roles moving from London and seven from Salford.
The BBC has promised an additional £23.5 million “activity” in the region over the next three years as a result of the move.
Peter Salmon, director of BBC North, said “This is the first phase of our plans for the BBC in Birmingham. We’re building a stronger BBC in the city and today’s announcements are the first steps in that journey.
“We will continue to work with Birmingham; the wider region and the wider BBC to increase our activity here. “
Let’s just remind ourselves just what the BBC claimed would happen as a result of their move to Salford, and what the reality actually was as of April this year:
Mark Thompson, who was director general at the time the move started, had stated that “BBC North is going to be an anchor around which to build a critical mass of jobs in the North West”.
Peter Salmon, director of BBC North, told council leaders last month that a main aim of the new base was to engage and work with the local community.
The BBC’s move to MediaCityUK cost an estimated £900 million to complete, including money used to relocate staff to the area. However, since the opening of MediaCity in May 2011 to March 2012, just 39 people with Salford addresses were recruited – 32 of whom were still on the payroll last month.
A Freedom of Information request discovered that the BBC had received 3,172 applications by January 2012 from people living in Salford, which currently has 11,400 people out of work.
Now Hall babbles about his ‘creative vision’, digital innovation, community outreach teams, blah blah blah. Clearly he’s ‘forgotten’ about the recent failed ‘digital initiative’ which cost licence fee payers well over £100 Million, but hey, easy come; easy go.
Again we have Salmon telling us how wonderful it will be for the community there, I wonder how the community of Salford feel enriched because of the BBC there. Apparently only 1.5% of the workforce in Salford are actually from Salford.
Clearly these moves have nothing to do with the BBC remit or purpose, simply their own self serving hegemony and arrogance to dominate the landscape everywhere.
End the licence fee, let them go private and fund their own ‘visions’. We’ll see just how long they last.
Looking at the BBC MidEast webpage right now I am amazed to see that a story about 2 lion cubs dying in Gaza is the 3rd highest ranking story
Most especially considering the other stories which contain deaths of human beings that are relegated to a lower position on the webpage, but it shows the priority of the BBC agenda.
Reading the actual story I was surprised that for once they didn’t blame Israel for the lion cubs death, which I was sure was going to be inevitable. Instead they blame Egypt for blockading the territory:
The zoo’s manager said staff were inexperienced in caring for them and could not get vaccines from Egypt due to the blockade on the territory.
Gaza is largely dependent on external aid and smuggling for supplies.
Food and other supplies are hard to come by and power and fuel shortages are a common occurrence in Gaza.
I do see that they don’t tell the reader anything about deadly terrorist attacks from Gaza against Egyptian security forces, which pre-empted the blockade, but that would give the reader a different view than the one the BBC wants them to have.
The end of the article does tell us: After the ousting of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s new military-backed government has moved to clamp down on smuggling into Gaza.
Actually the clamp down began during Morsi’s tenure, following attacks against his forces, but again this is not what the BBC wants the reader to understand.
Have you ever heard of this media outlet – Foreign Policy Magazine? But the BBC must have hunted for just such a headline.
You have to subscribe to read whatever they write about it, but for the BBC, the headline tells you everything they want you to believe.
Never mind that the Gazans had no experience in raising lion cubs, or their terrorist activities made co-operation with Israel and Egypt impossible for themselves, ‘it was evil Israel that was responsible for killing these adorable lion cubs’.
It never fails to amaze me how the bBC goes well out of its way in which demonise the Jew. I mean int he above Lion cub article, the bBC doesn’t mention that lions are a status symbol for Arabs, I quote from the Daily Mail from the other day “‘If someone buys a very expensive animal, he is boasting that he has enough money to get anything he wants,’ he said to CNN. ‘If he has a tamed wild animal like a lion, he is trying to show off that he is brave. But this is not courage; this is animal rights abuse.”
As for that Zoo, it is anything but, it is Bisson city an amusement park I quote from the Guardian regards the birth of the two cubs: “Their arrival at the Bissan amusement park, a Hamas-run enterprise in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza,
Oh dear expect the bBC to bring out the big guns over the weekend in which to debunk this headline: Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief:
Attorney General Dominic Grieve has said politicians need to “wake up” to the problem of corruption in some minority communities. Mr Grieve said he was referring mainly to “the Pakistani community”.
Have at how the bBC does damage limitation: BBC version
He told the Telegraph he would be “wary of saying” it was just a Pakistani problem, and pointed out corruption was found in the “white Anglo-Saxon” community too.
DM version
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Mr Grieve said: ‘Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.’
Guardian Version
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Grieve replied: “Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.”
DT version
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Mr Grieve said: “Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.”
At about 5.40am on Radio 4 we were given the usual list of upcoming events for the day.
First event – some demo in support of the Guantanamo prisoner the BBC has been shilling for all week.
I am convinced the BBC news rooms are riddled with Islamists and fellow-travellers – reporters and editors. There is no way that demo is an important event today except through the BBC’s pro-Islamist lens.
“BBC news rooms are riddled with Islamists and fellow-travels” …
Turkish PM Erdogan, “There NO moderate or immoderate Islam, there is only Islam, there is only One Mohamhead, and there is only One Allah …
A Moderate Muslim is an oxymoron because there is no such thing”
is that why, they re shilling for Gitmo? … why yet another Paedo Paki, keeps a small child as a sex slave in a cellar … with his first cousin oops! I mean wife s consent … for years! and get bare minimum coverage? …
and yet … for days, minute by minute we ve had to endure this consistent slavery story on and on and on?
I just wish some MPs would grow a pair and just come out and say that some communities (especially Muslim and Roma) on the whole refuse to integrate and bring their cultures to the host nation, as it were, rather than amalgamate cultural heritages. The Pakistani community is a case in point: forced marriages, paedo hit squads, Muslim fanaticism, dress, language, FGM and so on… The only culture the BBC and the Left want to see integrate is our own. And they despise the English because of our achievements and glorious history much of which was forged in blood.
As usual our politicians are at least a decade behind the curve on this appalling situation – as they are on most others, of course.
I wondered at the time just what John Prescott was doing trying to push postal voting before the last election when it had been prone to significant levels of corruption “in certain communities” but realised the end of that question answers the first part of it.
Ever aware as one is for the need for balance, it must be said there are some who feel the BBC’s coverage of news is just about right:
@GreenpeaceUK: Fantastic coverage of the #Arctic30 on #BBC #r4today. Now let’s hear more well-informed news on climate change and Arctic oil.
Greenpeace is the living embodiment Rule #1 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:
“1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have”. Thus, if you have mass support, flaunt it, if you do not – make a lot of noise, if you cannot make a big noise, make a big stink.
The hardcore green beliefs of Greenpeace are shared by probably less than 1% of the population (look at the Green Party – Greenpeace-lite – share of the vote). And yet look at the degree of political influence and publicity they achieve. It is out of all proportion to their popular support. Why? Because they make a stink.
They are the epitome of the tail wagging the dog. Utterly undemocratic and, given half a chance, autocratic. Green fascists. But don’t expect any of this to be pointed out by their brothers in arms at the BBC.
I think Dominic Greave must have been reading my blogs!
Unfortunately the truth is not allowed in the UK, and the fascists are emitting their bully words in an attempt to silence the truth.
One thing we should all be pressing MPs for, and that is a law to make false allegations of racism a criminal offence. This horrifies Liebour politicos, and the only conclusion can be is that they actually approve of their supporters making all kinds of slanders with impunity.
“mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community”
now how could that be? 😀 … any ideas?
mandated lying, deceit, corruption, supremacism, threat, mandated violence, mandated child gang rape, slavery, “honour” killing, mandated spousal abuse, female genital mutilation etc, etc, etc
My great grandfather, who was in then “India” in those times, dealt with all the castes, systems, faiths etc …
he would tell me, or anyone actually the facts about the cult of Mohamhead why not to trust them … why never NEVER to turn your back on them, this wasn t racism, he would never dream of saying the same about an Indian, or a coloured fella for example, these were facts pure and simple.
The bias just gets worse and we’re still 18 months away from a general election.
For instance, after 8:00 am this morning, Today, joining in the celebrations concerning the release on bail of members of the Arctic 30, gave the UK director of Greenpeace a platform to deliver his increasingly exaggerated lies of global doom to listeners (and Greenpeace’s threats to enforce its political line on the world – or else!) while the impartial observer “journalist” Keiron Bryan told us how surprised he was that the Russians refused to treat the schoolchildren boarding the Russian oil platform with the good humour of an old-fashioned British bobby. (BTW, don’t be surprised if Keiron is either recruited direct by the BBC or becomes a frequent stringer paid by the BBC for coverage of matters climatic). Michal – I think it was Michal – chose to belabour Greenpeace, not for its self-righteous extremism, but with its apparent failure to warn its willing stooges “hardened activists” that the Russians might turn nasty.
In a later item, the allegations of corruption in immigrant communities by Dominic Grieves (where has he been for the last 30 years?) was introduced by mention of a Conservative instance in Slough while both interviewees trod on eggs on the basis of the usual bien pensant understanding that “it’s a tiny minority” who might be corrupt. BTW, a 10-second google unearthed this Labour-related corruption and this LibDem one
Later the review of the papers featured only the Guardian, Independent and Financial Times on political items (with a jokey final item from a publication whose name I failed to catch). The main item in the coverage of the paper press was the verbatim reading of an extended quote from the Independent editorial which cited the Rev Flowers as a loan bad apple in the glory of Labour-Coop politics. Meanwhile, according to my papers delivered this morning but unmentioned in the BBC paper review, the Times front page screamed that the Conservatives are in poll meltdown over immigration and the Telegraph’s front page informed its readers about Grieves’s thoughts on Pakistani corruption.
Still later, we had the beatification of Miliband seen through the dark glass of his upcoming appearance on Desert Island Discs. This was the dream conflation: a bigging up of a BBC political hero with a BBC advertisement for one of its very own programmes. Another example of BBC product-planting advertising of BBC product was the 15% of the main world news at 8:00 am devoted to the global Doctor Who celebrations.
Many years ago, I was involved in a lengthy public inquiry into a city centre road scheme. Weeks and weeks of evidence from objectors and people/businesses affected. The proposed scheme affected a number of businesses run by Pakistani men. They gave evidence at the inquiry.
What shocked me at the time (being young, I was quite right-on and a lefty) was how causally and blatantly these witnesses – ALL of them – lied throughout their evidence. Now, do people from other communities lie when giving evidence? – of course they do, but this was something very different. It was shameless and bare-faced.
I realised at that time that there was a very clear cultural difference here. That, for those people, lying and cheating was no biggie; it was normalised. Now, decades later, a politician has finally dared to point this out. Amazing.
It’s obvious no self righteous has ever had to deal with a Pakistani through the course of their job ( and I don’t mean serving them in a shop). Trying to get a straight answer from them is nigh on impossible. Most of them couldn’t lie straight in bed.
What the lefties never consider that Pakistani culture has corruption embedded in its core. the majority of their officials are corrupt, including the Police, Judges and Government officers and they naturally expect the same of our officials and culture. Their business ethics, or lack of them, are even worse.
Their corrupt practices have now entered our political system, hence postal voting fraud being rampant in Pakistani communities. Even the Labour Party recognised this corruption and thought it would give them an electoral advantage, hence their easing of postal voting restrictions which we have seen have been successful for them in elections.
The artificial row created over Grieve’s comments, spearheaded by the BBC and left-wing media, proves it is now taboo to highlight the obvious failings among certain ethnic communities.
I wish there was an edit facility on this site! What my first paragraph was meant to say was ” It’s obvious that no self righteous LEFTIE……..”
By the way I am speaking from personal experience about having to deal with the Pakistani population, and I’ve got the standard response of “racist” complaints, none proven and all malicious, as evidence.
Most people put their jobs on the line whenever they have to deal with Pakistanis, especially if you are dealing with a complaint about them. Their standard response is to accuse you of being racist, something I took in my stride (I always tried to take a corroborative witness with me) but I expect must be a nightmare today with all the Common Purpose bosses in charge who are only too willing to take the side of the “minorities”.
Caught bits of this umbongo…not the Greenpeace muck, but bits of the rest.
Thank the Lord for Brian Matthew.
I noted the Tories get mentioned as being involved in a fraud(how the hell did they find THAT one?-far more and much more recent ones are(of course) available…but you`ll not be hearing THOSE).
All about issues and communities apparently-they all agreed that-but heard nothing about those “specific local areas” where it is an ishoo.
Wouldn`t be Muslim would they?…not Labour or Lib Dem perchance-largely labour natch?
Racist to even “go there”…how did the drab from Perry Barr get HIS votes….any chance of a recount?
No facts-no convictions-no Baroness Uddin or Lord Ahmeds mentioned….Labour Lords like Flowers would have been?
No-racist to even ask-let alone give us a fact.
And until Grieve etc even grow ONE(a pair is impossible)…they deserve to be trashed by the hate crime monkeys!
“There`s been criticism”-this has been repeated since 8a.m and just heard it on the 2pm news on Radio 4…so he deserves it, for not giving the facts…and blasting the LibLabias out of orbit.
When you can`t even hang Flowers out to dry on Labours poncey yardarm, and make it stick…you`re no political party senator!
I see the bBC has started its damage limitation process for the evil people behind the 3 slaves in London: ‘Modern day slavery’ British photojournalist Hazel Thompson has spent the last decade documenting the lives of girls trafficked into India’s thriving sex industry. She spoke to Atish Patel about her experiences. Guddi was only 11 years old when her family was persuaded by a neighbour to send her to the city of Mumbai hundreds of miles away from her poverty-stricken village in the eastern state of West Bengal.
And what started the ball running in this modern day slavery article?
Guddi’s sad and harrowing story is similar to many of the estimated 20,000 sex workers in Kamathipura, established over 150 years ago during colonial rule as one of Mumbai’s “comfort zones” for British soldiers. “They raped her to break her,” said Ms Thompson.
So there you have it, The British are responsible, just people if the British had never landed in India, what a wonderful place it still would be. A little like Pakistan is like now, where the bBC tells me Islam is a stabilising factor for all.
This was the first piece of crap to get the liberal gloss on Any Questions.
When all are agreed it`s a liberal conspiracy of dunces…as it was.
All agreed that mental, financial, emotional, psychological slavery are EVERY bit as bad as mere physical…as did the audience.
Looking forward to all those new films then-cotton fields, Uncle Tom and Aunt Bessie…that hideous body language, withholding of the last croissant and a frosty look when the slave was returned-which was, in a sense, as bad as those floggings and lynchings was it not?
But of course…will those Zanzibar and Yemeni slave traders today and those Somali pirates now PLEASE stop looking at me as if I`m just a head on a plate or to be wrapped in a rug and fired at the IDF?
Maybe that`s why they all like their burqua-to protect us all from that enslaving body language or their emotional cruelties to me.
I head them all on Dimblebys headw**k…then turned off…I was emotionally captive to lefty slime, and want my £145.50 slave bond back please!
12 noon news on Radio 4, first item “There has been criticism of the remarks made by Dominic Grieve” ………
Wouldn’t ya know !
The only item of criticism was from a Pakistani MP.
A more accurate headline would have been :
“All around Britain people have been saying it is about time some politician spoke out about the extensive corruption of the voting system by Pakistanis . And people werealso saying that any Pakistani MPs who chirped up on the BBC ought to shut their lying gobs.”
Heard this turd getting a good chew n polish by Sarah Montague.
Some Tory and the household name of Perry Barrs MP were musing over nuthin` really.
Count the number of times the word “ishoo” and “con-unity”
Issue and community, lest the trolls get upset) get used by all concerned.
Grieve is an idiot-and as long as he`ll give no facts, he deserves the Tiswas treatment.
When he`s brave enough to give those bleeding obvious facts-postal votes, multiple votes, illiterates in mosques…for those “certain local areas” we all know are populated BY Pakistanis, Bangladeshis…not by Chinese or non-Vaz types of multipurpose oils-THEN he`ll have my backing.
But these are abused, thick populists like Damien Green and Grieve…EU shills and still scared of Michael Martins dawn raids.
No facts-nothing sacred then Dom…and take Dick with you( be on bail by now if Ed Balls has returned his £50,000 bail bond).
While BBC-NUJ presents us with a ‘timeline’, ‘Daily Mail’ has this:-
“‘I’ll be the Co-op Chancellor’:
“Astonishing speech by Ed Balls reveals the truth about Shadow Chancellor and his intimate relationship with the scandal hit bank.
“Ed Balls said the bank would go from ‘strength to strength’ in speech.
“Boasted that he was looking forward to taking co-operation into treasury”
“Disgraced Co-op bank chief Paul Flowers’ rent boy spent nine months in a young offenders’ institute for armed raid… on a Co-op.
“Male escort served nine months in a young offenders’ institution.
“Crime spree included raid on a Co-op branch in Grappenhall, Cheshire.
“Gang including 17-year-old Ciaron Dodd used knives and coshes in raids.”
“The sleezy party.”
“The more the two Eds duck and weave to distance themselves from the disgusting Rev Paul Flowers, the deeper the hole they dig for themselves.
“Can Mr Miliband and Mr Balls not see what an appalling impression they create of their own morality (not to mention their culture and practices) by refusing to condemn the scandal-ridden Co-op, from which they accepted donations and cheap loans with no questions asked?
“It’s the same with their pleas of innocence over their dealings with Labour’s chief paymaster, Unite – up to its neck in the vote-rigging scandal and complaints of intimidation in industrial disputes.
The two Eds would have us believe they’re fit to run the country. First they must show themselves fit to clean up the squalor, with which they are so clearly associated, in their own party.”
With the all the bBC coverage of the Greenpeace eco warriors just wondering when the next protest in Russia will take place?
Anybody else thinking the same as me as that being….Never.
The Russians have drawn a line in the sand, however expect lots of protests outside Russian Embassies and shell fuel stations in the West. Lot safer. You know like how not one Human right Org has an office in an Islamic country, plenty in nasty evil Israel, but none in Allah’s country
Note as well that Muslim extremists that have never been part of the old Soviet Union do not-never-take Russian citizens as hostages…as opposed to BBC types, French, Germans, Italians who pay well at little cost to the Islam cause.
Good reasons for that-the PLO tried it in the early 70s, and Arab testicles were sent back to them within 48 hours.
Never tried it since either-like the Chinese and other oral traditions, memories matter far more than mission statements or resolutions at the UN.
Don`t mess with Russians, basically…and this relatively harmless outcome to Greenpeace Playday warriors will put the bat up the Greenies nighties as was required.
Russia as the Wests salvation?….it`s bad when we`re reduced to that, but that`s all we`ve got now!
Give us a few years until we grow a few people worthy of siding with Vladimirs successor…or indeed the Chinese bloke who`s got a grip and a sense of national patriotism.
China and Russia to our rescue-thank you EU and Islam…thanks for very little, but any port in a storm eh?
In the BBC interview with a UK Greenpeace fat cat – sorry, director – he said a number of times it was a peaceful protest. Not challenged once by our intrepid and impartial beeboid.
They who control the media control the message.
In addition to having a £4Bpa National PR system on tap, for free, 24/7 in complement, they appear to have near unlimited paid resources, too.
I was having a wizz in a shopping mall loo in Hereford, and every stall had a ‘Free the Arctic 30, 29, 28, who cares how, many left’ poster staring at you.
That…. Is a budget in the millions .
Yet, near every forum I see out of the control of the kapo classes shows that no one is buying the story they are trying to spin.
Like Labour on Falkirk, the BBC has hitched itself to a very dodgy wagon. Again.
So last night I wrote about the latest regards the endemic corruption found within the Pakistani community and how long it would take for the bBC to defend said community.
Well I’ve just watched the news and they had some professor from Manchester university coming out with lots of well nothing really in which to point out that Pakistani people are predisposed to crime,corruption and murder.
For some strange reason he didn’t bother mentioning: Pakistani Grooming Gangs
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty. Pakistani underage marriages
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty. Pakistani Terrorist plots
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty. Pakistani Honour Killings
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty. Pakistani Slavery cases in the Uk
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty. Pakistani Drug gangs
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Silly me I should have written:
“Well I’ve just watched the news and they had some professor from Manchester university coming out with lots of well nothing really in which to point out that Pakistani people are not predisposed to crime,corruption and murder.
Got to love the bBC in its defence of Pakistani corruption: Dominic Grieve criticised for claims corruption endemic in some communities Critics from across the political divide have rounded on the government’s chief legal adviser after he said corruption was “endemic” in some ethnic minority communities.
Anybody notice that each and every detractor the bBC brings to the table is…a Pakistani. What was that Greive said:
” it was just a Pakistani problem, ”
And yet the bBC brings out Pakistanis to defend themselves from allegations of corruption. Ok two can play that game here are the people the bBC quote: : MEP Sajjad Karim,
A further three Conservative MEPs, John Purvis, Robert Atkins and Sajjad Karim, also defended themselves this year over using EU money to pay family companies and relatives or make private trips…North West Tory MEP Sajjad Karim claimed £18,356, the most on UK travel and office expenses. Labour MP Khalid Mahmood
A Birmingham MP has been caught up in the Westminster expenses storm after admitting he has been living at the opulent Bentley Hotel, Kensington, for more than a year after designating it his second home. ..In May 2009 it was revealed, as part of a series of leaked UK MPs expense details, that Mahmood claimed for £1,350 to stay in a five-star west London hotel with his girlfriend.Mahmood also claimed more than £35,000 in expenses for food over the course of his eight years as an MP. Liberal Democrat Qassim Afzal
On 25 May 2010, in the House of Commons, Sir Gerald Kaufman accused Afzal of running “an anti-Semitic, and personally anti-Semitic, election campaign” in Manchester Gorton.
And finally Mohammed Shafiq, here is what he had to say about Pakistani men
In interviews and in published articles regarding the Rochdale sex trafficking gang, Shafiq has made controversial statements regarding members of the Pakistani community who have been involved in grooming girls, blaming them for harbouring a racist attitude towards white girls.[18] He observed there was an over representation of Pakistani men convicted of child sexual exploitation and on street gang grooming in which the majority of victims are white
It seems that the people used by the bBC to defend Pak culture are not the people they should be using. But for the bBC the colour of their skin fits the agenda.
…must be hard for the HYS team at the moment. Opening for comments on any UK story is bound to bring up references to Dominic Grieve’s comments or the south London slavery so they are playing it safe by only opening up for non UK stories i.e JFK, Iran and Australia and republicanism.
I’ve noticed that the bbc is very happy to open comments to those who want to shit on prince harry but strangely reluctant to do so for those who want to comment on the behaviour our `keith vas`s, etc
Paedos, vote-rigging, front charities, no accounts and kiddie grooming.
The BBC and Pakistan(at its worst, let me add) are rather similar…hence the BBCs craven toe sucking of the amputated leg provided.
Surely it`s about time , somebody did something on the telly about the bloody misfit, corrupt and dedicated to Muslim supremacy nature of Pakistan.
A contrived expedient construction from the murdering of Hindus needing a quick set of Empire borders created.
That is not to say that others were blameless like the Hindus…not at all…but the East Pakistan/West Pakistan solution was catastrophic-and we live with its terrible consequences to this day.
The last word in a failed state under Islamic sharia…with borders that are indefensible in any terms.
But the liberals would rather remove Israels borders than even LOOK at the history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan(the clue`s in the name).
Once Pakistan is “removed from the face of the earth”-THEN we might get peace…until then, it has got to be looked at-and not a penny given-for that only feeds Al Queda as far as I know.
Millions of Third World dwellers come to the UK and don’t bring their corrupt Third World customs and practices with them as encouraged by our multicultural society? You avin’ a larf, BBC?
Some *interesting* little gems there for conversation at the next dinner party. :0
“Say, did you know that only the Pakistanis are more interested than Egyptians in hunting down hot Pig Sex action – Elephant Porn, too – but the sons of the desert are a poor 5th in the Snake Sex Seeking Stakes, and nowhere else to be seen.
“Odd, that, isn’t it ? Another canapé, vicar ?”
At the risk of getting the “full Grieve”, Pakistan seems to be top in every category there except for “Fox Sex” (Poor, unloved Charlie). Add in the grooming, leering, groping in which the ‘community’ has acquired a deserved and worldwide reputation and the question has to be asked : Do their women not put out ? There has to be some explanation, surely ?
Oh, lawks, I wish you hadn’t linked to this, RCE. 🙁
I’m now wondering exactly how one can ‘do the deed’ with an elephant.
A fox, a goat : no problem, surely. IF YOU’RE THAT WAY INCLINED. Just jump on the unfortunate beastie and hold it steady while you make the nasty. But Nelly ? WTF ? Do you equip yourself with a set of steps and hope she’ll co-operate by standing still ? Or do you hang around behind a handy shrub until the lusty trumpeter falls asleep and then tackle (arf!) her at more your own level ? And what will the Head Of The Herd be doing while you’re getting busy ?
Bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody hell. More of my head space now filled with unwanted stuff.
LOL. Good to see United Arab Emirates coming (sorry) in at fourth place for elephant sex, as they aren’t even rated for the other animals, but Malaysia is panting hot (aagh) on UAE heels at fifth, and coming up hard (whoops) behind Pakistan for snakes.
And “2 million online users watch pornographic films each minute in Turkey.” So only 71.7 million will enter Britain after EU admission, not 73.7 after all – unless the busy 2 million can download their porn on the plane.
I would have thought it was with baby elephants, not joking: only going by my experience (catching people at it NOT partaking!) with donkeys and calves in South America.
The snake thing is interesting, maybe the less endowed male try it on with a python, get stuck inside and walk round with a massive bulge thereby attracting many lecherous stares and being able to say, without lying, “Hey babe, want to see my trouser snake?”
Those “slave owners” in South London are not British then…African and Asian…therefore British to the BBC I`m sure(bloody Empire keeps a giving to them doesn`t it?).
Funny thing is that the BBC rather coyly regard it as a “collective”.
Sounds like a commune to me(Green) or even-dare I say?…a Co-Op( Labour).
Ah well-it`ll be a church or a Conservative Club before the day is out.
Typical, absolutely typical handling of Grieves statement by the BBC. The focus isn’t on what Grieve, but their story is constructed around, and leads on, the criticism of his comments.
This is a typical BBC tactic. For e.g. I well remember, before the last election, the BBC led one news bulletin with, ‘Labour have criticised IDS’ proposals…’ I never did find out from them what the Tories were proposing.
Incidentally someone from the Ramadhan Foundation obtusely says that Grieve has only produced evidence of one incident (Slough). He will know full well that there have been many, many, many incidents of electoral fraud across the country…some that ‘would have shamed a banana republic’. The BBC of course have not chosen to challenge him.
The whole thing stinks of an illegal immigration smuggling operation gone wrong, with a pathetic phony ” 30 years kidnapped into slavery” bunch of BS on top. You have to ask – after thirty year in slavery, how would you know to contact a specific charity to blow the whistle. Nonsense This stinks to high heaven, and what stinks more is the journalists pussyfooting around the story terrified of discovering a racial element which might finish their career.
‘journalists pussyfooting around the story’
Well, on my FaceBook feed they are certainly still on the case now… BBC News We’ve learned a little more about the case [bugger, the police have made a few more details public that we’ll have to cover] of three women allegedly [thank the lord for this word] kept as slaves for 30 years in London:
Two of them are said to have [thank the lord again that we don’t have to get any more specific than this] met the suspects via a “collective” in the 1960s, and police are focusing on a street in Brixton as they try to establish more about what happened.
Meanwhile the charity which helped the women to escape says it’s had five times more calls than normal since the news broke [what… coverage on national news makes folk think things may be up next door? The very idea. This charity needs more money…. soon!]
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Breakfast weather woman reports from the jfk memorial this morning. A sign of the way things are going to be for the rest of the day I suppose.
Totally necessary for us to be told it’s going to be cold having the weather woman and a film crew outside the studio.
50 years since CS Lewis died.
Last great Christian apologist that Britain produced.
First martyr of the lack of a smoking ban…if I tell the BBC that, they might do a better job that that trite abridgement of the Screwtape Letters that just finished(Book Of the Week).But that they did one at all is as much as we dare hope for these days.
Personally I think that having a memorial to that corrupt anti-English murderer at Runnymede is an insult.
Just why is it there of all places?
Horrible concrete monstrosity.
Same to you with knobs on! ;P
The Left cannot let go. It’s impossible for them to accept that a Communist killed the darling of Camelot, so the maudlin obsessing over JFK helps fill the void.
I am waiting for an all out “Sanitise the CoOp story for our Labour pals” by the BBC all day, especially now he has been arrested.
Reference the Paul Flowers scandal, I note that the CEO of the Co-Op who recently resigned – Len Wardle, and the boss of the Lifeline drug treatment charity where Flowers allegedly fiddled £75,000 in expenses, Ian Wardle, have the same surname. Does anyone know if they are related? It would definitely stir the pot if they are closely related – jobs for the boys, covering up corruption for the Labour Party, etc.
What’s the chances of this being reported on the BBC do you all think?
Institute of Economic Affairs 27 November 2013, 6.00pm
A lecture by: Professor Michael Beenstock, Member of the Department of Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Visiting Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.
This must press so many alarm bells for the BBC ! A Jewish climate change denier from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, I can just imagine how many clumps of hair there would be on the news room floor is they had to run this!
Its BBc breakfast and yes the roulette wheel of news lands back on alcohol. Again we have “children drinking super strength lager for breakfast” A&E full of children. Put forward and presented as if it was an epidemic. Any figures? No. Any film of A&E waiting rooms full of drunk children? No.
A Demos (lefty think tank) ‘report’ enough said…
But Demos’s left wing credentials not highlighted when I heard them mentioned.
Sentence the parents who provide the old erm “breakfast of champions” sustenance i say …
I mean if they can actually remember who their kids are? after waking up being face down in the vodka-bix
Next they’ll be calling for a minimum price on bottles of breakfast wine.
yep it was on bbc radio too … I was going to call in, to question it … but sadly I tripped over the beer crate from last night, put my foot on a rolling whaaaskie bottle, and just like dancing on ice ended up in the backyard.
Wasted a tin of lager in making my porridge this morning…no real benefit compared to milk as far as I could tell.
Stick to milk-even IF it makes rush hour more fun in the mornings…you still have to teach PSHE after that.
They keep re defining who or what is a child ,six foot tall 18 year old ethnics are described as children when taken into police custody.
I imagine it`ll be raised to 30 , just before Lee Rigbys butchers reach that milestone.
Youth Custody then, and counselling contracts with G4S under Dr Anjem by way of “therapy”.
Send for Putin!
This is just one of the stories that the BBc fixates on.. it comes up again and again,fatty foods is another one. Of course other alcohol stories are treated in a different light these being, from memory. the company making “high end” gin and another story I remember being about cocktails.
Once they’ve banned smoking (entirely, that is), drinking and all foods that are enjoyable, what do you think they’ll turn to next? My money’s on laughing..
Presumably all that lager for the kids cuts into daddy and mommy’s smoke allowance out of the weekly dole. Oh, the humanity.
QT short of panel mambers – one shows bias on tweet complaining about not being able to smoke on a Virgin Train forgetting that Labour introduced the smoking ban.
Daily Mail reports.
Ah, that inevitable trait of the left: they totally hate facts, and why let them get in the way of your prejudice.
If in doubt, go into denial, blame the Evil Right. Except thinking Cameron is of the right? Oy vay.
I wonder if there were gaps in the audience too if the Labour plants were also using the train services to Salford?
Thought those “plants” would be better described as “Flowers”!
Flower Power….can I dedicate this “joke” to my dear dead mentor..Dame Theresa Jowell and mortgage in Italy, somewhere nice and hidden?
A disgraceful ‘interview’ with a Greenpeace representative on Today this morning, in which Comrade Montague failed, utterly, to apply any measure of serious journalistic integrity whilst allegedly ‘quizzing’ the Greenpeace drone on the condition of the 30 or so Greenpeace morons who were arrested and jailed by Russian authorities for their part in attempting to barge their way onto private oil drilling platform in the Arctic.
Montague failed entirely to suggest that the unfortunate detention of the ‘Greenpeace 30’ might just, you know, have been the end result of criminal actions, instead adopting a conciliatory, clearly sympathetic tone with the Greenpeace Drone throughout.
By no measure was Montague’s p*sspoor ‘interview’ ever in any danger of becoming an unbiased act of professional journalistic inquiry.
Not strictly related to BBC bias, but you’ve got to hand it to Putin. According to this report in the Telegraph Putin has moved to the next stage in his strategy. He has praised Greenpeace’s “noble” efforts while condemning their criminality in respect of the “peaceful” non-piracy in Russian waters (and releasing the crims peacemeal to the applause of the BBC and all points left). If Putin’s strategy works Greenpeace will replicate the good work done for Russia by CND during the Cold War ie Greenpeace will be Russia’s useful idiot by continuing its crusade to trash Western economies (egged on by, among others, the BBC) while leaving Russia alone: it’s brilliant!
The more that this nation becomes an EU cesspit with barked orders from the BBC(relayed from the low-watt lampposts that Hamas won`t bother to convert into missiles)…the more we`re going to need Vladimir Putin.
He hates Islam, deals well with terrorists and goes to church at election time.
We`re going to need him!
You can tell whose side the BBC are on – referring to them as “the arctic 30” as if they are heroic freedom fighters helping to save us from the evil Ruskies rather than a bunch of self-indulgent middle class leftie eco-loons guilty of criminal damage.
It’s not just the “Arctic 30”. Last month the BBC headlined its report on a gang of violent trade union
criminalsmartyrs asking for their names to be cleared used the crims’ chosen agit-prop descriptor of Shrewsbury 24.what about the savile 450+ gone quiet lately on dear old auntie or is it madam auntie.
Not the “so called Arctic 30” please note.
Arctic 30? Don’t tell Gordon Brown as he’ll start claiming they’re his fave band.
Classic pah.
Polish “climate talks” appear to be yet another expensive, pointless, farrago – the nice Mr. Davey, though, is “optimistic” that a “deal” (where we give everybody else all our money to bail them out of their dictatorships, etc., whilst destroying our own economies and suffering loss of power and light) will be reached by, say, 2015. That man is certifiable.
I’ve just been reading Matt McGrath’s ‘report’ on the ‘walkout’ by ‘several hundred people’ (note to Matt: these ‘people’ were almost entirely unelected bottom-feeding NGOS – such as Greenpeace, Oxfam, Friends of the Earth, etc – so why not employ some of that ‘journalistic rigour’ and actually tell us the facts, eh?) from the ‘climate talks’ in Warsaw.
Here’s a taster of McGrath’s propaganda piece:
“…”Governments are not doing enough,” said Oxfam’s Celine Charveriat, speaking to BBC News as she walked out of the talks.
“We need to tell them you are not allowed to make a mockery of this process. We can’t continue to watch in silence. Enough is enough.”
It’s odd, because Comrade McGrath never actually gets around to explaining to us what it is that these professional eco spongers are all so aggrieved about. Perhaps it’s got something to do with the £100 bn+ p.a. they all insist ‘wealthy’ nations should be paying in ‘reparations’ to the world’s ‘poorer’ nations for something called ‘loss and damage’ ’caused by climate change’ (whatever that is this week).
Comrade McGrath continues:
“…There was also annoyance among negotiators from developing countries about the attitude of Australia, which, under new prime minister Tony Abbott, has signalled a more sceptical approach to climate issues.
Delegates were upset to see two members of the Australian team wearing T-shirts in a late night negotiation session, during which they were said to be blocking progress on key texts.”
Australia should be congratulated for treating these wholly redundant, entirely pointless, fact-free ‘talks’ with the contempt they so clearly deserve. The Australian government stands almost alone in the world in recognising the political, socialist aspirations of the CAGW scam for what it is. Mind you, not one word from McGrath on what it is about the ‘climate talks’ that the Australian government take exception to (wouldn’t want to let the cat out of the bag, would we?)
Finally, and despite his valiant efforts to date in this ‘report’, Comrade McGrath all but fesses up:
“…Richer countries are fighting tooth and nail against the idea of a legally binding compensation arrangement, that in their words, would see them on the hook for every storm in every part of the world, forever.”
And there you have it. This is actually what those ‘hundreds of
peopleNGOs’ walked out over – they’re miffed that for some odd reason most western nations simply do not want to sign up to an attempted heist, an aggravated burglary, a staged robbery by unelected NGOs pushing an agrarian, socialist wealth distribution scam.Odd that. Seems to have escaped the BBC’s attention completely. Baffling.
I heard Matt McGrath’s report on this on Today this morning. He stated that the green groups had walked out but that Ed Davey “was hopeful” agreement would be reached. No detail on who these greenies were, but the implication was that they were part of the negotiations.
Which begged the question – if these groups were not needed for agreement, and therefore not party to it… WTF were they doing there in the first place? Matt was not about to enlighten us. Obviously it was to lobby, but best we’re not told.
As an aside, I wonder how they got there. Bicycle? Or perhaps they hitched a lift in the sceptics’ cars. Although neither the report nor the website seem to mention what the sceptic organisations present think of the negotiations. I mean, they are funded by Big Oil, aren’t they, so there must have been thousands paid to come over to swamp the poor impecunious greenies, no?
“Delegates were upset to see two members of the Australian team wearing T-shirts”
Well, how very dare they! Perhaps the organisers should have turned the heating down. Like the rest of us have to.
Noted this one too RD.
We`d expect nothing more than for them to “walk out”…as if these troughers on EU/UN sinecures would do other.
They`ll all be walking home to Manila and Berlin, Jo`Burg and Santiago right now…any other would screw the very environment that they went so far to care for.
That Filipino chap has hopefully gone off his Frankie Boyle hunger strike, taken a sumptuous doggie bag from the buffet and is now walking home to help his fellow-citizens who couldn`t get out of the typhoons way…if he walks slowly, he may not have to actually do anything to help when he gets home…FAR better to raise awareness than actually life a finger.
Trouble is now…now that the EU/UN shills and ciphers have taken the idiot cards,and slogans on soundtracks…WTF is Wavey Davey going to say?
He`s a trouser press WITH his WWF/Greenpeace postcards…an empty barrage balloon if there`s no Greenie with his hand up the shirt!
Didn`t Tony say that he`ll not treat environmentalism as if it`s not socialism in a different guise?
Mix pink and lime green together…wave the bones of Petra Kelly over the result…and give it to the University of East Anglia…and let the BBC do the rest(and the Indie, Guardian ,Jehovahs Witnesses or David Icke if you like).
Icke could replace Harrabin as the BBC science/green expert if only he`d wear a Savile tracksuit…not bloody turquoise)
Currently I’m boycotting BBC 5 Live – and feeling much the better for it.
As I turn the radio dial this morning I catch a sound bite from Nicky Campbell’s phone-in which confirms my good choice in steering clear.
Caller: ‘Reasearch shows that every child has one thing which they can do better than 10,000 other children’
Of course, dear reader, both you and I know that this assertion referring so grandiosly to some supposed accepted and – dare I say – implied ‘scientific’ ‘fact’ is in reality nothing more than a piece of happy clappy whimsy; Politically Correct approved woolly Left-liberal twaddle.
And Nicky Campbell – the preening ninny that he is – reacts with no more than a simper of support and approval.
Well, what the heck – it fits the BBC agenda.
Consider how different was the BBC reaction to Nigel Farrage and his statement that 90% of ATM crime was attributable to Romanians.
Gosh that had the 5 Live crew in an agenda fuelled overdrive of desperate fact checking.
Noting how my Licence money is spent, I move on further up the radio dial for news and talk with less pre-agreed narrative.
Where did you find it? In my neck of the woods, if you want any news or talk on the radio it’s the BBC or nothing, as far as I can tell.
I can’t decide what’s worse – the BBC’s worship of JFK as some sort of ‘liberal’ God, or the endless daft conspiracy theories about who killed him.
I quite agree. It was the CIA, get over it.
Quite right, nothing to see here is there?
every one knows JFK was the first victim of climate change. Im sure theres a graph that shows rising levels of CO2 since the 1950’s correlate to a 100% increase in the deaths of US presidents. Here’s a pic of a cute n cuddly polar bear just to illustrate the point
Unfortunately, the assassination of US Presidents has paused, as has global warming. What more proof do you need that correlation is causation?
you sir, sound like a polar bear denier. i refuse to engage with anyone who denies the existence of polar bears. Talk to the bear
Personally I don’t give a damn about JFK.
In a world where increasingly the BBC puts the interests and indeed the broadcast comforts of the overseas world population somewhere ahead of the UK Licenece Payer…..
…one tends to notice when the BBC are little less than forthcoming with the facts of nationality.
This morning LBC Radio tells me – boldly – that the couple arrested in the ‘Slavery’ case are not British Nationals.
(Happily resident here for 30 years however. NHS users we wonder? I guess they paid their taxes?)
BBC 5 Live prefer to omit nationality from their headlines. What matter when we all live on the same planet – right?
Then this odd reference from the BBC
It comes from way down toward the end of the BBC report.
‘Officers said the arrested couple were not British nationals and it was “very unlikely” that the alleged victims were related to them because of their nationalities. ‘
Do they mean…. dare I say it?… race?
I’m none the wiser.
“I’m none the wiser.”
You’re not supposed to be. One of the BBC’s biggest departments, the Howdowespinthisinconvenienttruth Department” must be working on this round the clock. Again.
“Their alleged captors are not British, the police confirmed, but provided no further details about their nationality.” (Telegraph)
So in this case at least it’s not the Beeb who are obfuscating.
‘So in this case at least it’s not the Beeb who are obfuscating. ‘
Not too keen to enlighten us either
Yes, I’m sure there are no methods other than official police confirmation which a curious journalist could use to find out.
If journalists know the address of the alleged slave masters, I don’t suppose checking the electoral register might be worth a try? Who pays the council tax on the house? That’s another avenue of inquiry.
In fact, it’s so simple I might just find a new, well paid career as a BBC journalist. Do you think they’d employ me with my uncanny powers of ratiocination? It’s apparent I can do more to follow a story than their “top rate journalists” can do.
On R4 Today they said one of the slaves was Malaysian, one was Irish and the 30 year old was born here.
Many Malaysians are Muslims. Perhaps the BBC is reluctant to mention the nationality of the perpetrators because they’re worried it might reflect badly on The Religion Of Peace.
Or maybe they don’t know because the police haven’t released details yet.
I’m as disgusted as anyone at the Beeb’s constant protectionist attitute towards Saracen wrongdong, but they can’t just make stuff up. How often are howls of protest raised here when they leap to the conclusion, on very little evidence, that some violent crme or other has been perpetrated by some “far-right” whitey when it turns out to have been someone of a darker hue after all?
The DT reports that the police haven’t released details, the BBC doesn’t.
Did they even ask the question?
Well the bloody bbcs overpaid “reporters”should go and bloody find it out then.
The multicultural dream live on then.
Unity in diversity goes the EU slogan-so hats off to our colour-blind employing couple there in Lambeth town.
Anybody else wonder why these sex trafficking and slavery stories are around in 2013?…thought that dear old Tory Christian Wiberforce of Hull had abolished it?
Or was that the (as yet unborn) Islamist of Zanzibar?…being Friday, any word from the mosques today re keeping slaves or trafficking them?
See BBC…when you run from the facts or unpleasant truths that go against your toxic agenda…I begin to imagine stuff, based on your past performances.
Hope I`m wrong by the way-until then, though: I`ll go with past experiences of BBC reporting.
PS-not ageist either…and females were affirmatively employed too…Womans Hour and Harriet to celebrate next week perhaps?
Now if they had been white right wing Christians…..
“Both are understood to be non-British, but police would not comment on suggestions they were Irish.” (Mail)
why does the BBC employ so many investigative reporters if it just relies on police statements?
im sorry but excusing the BBC because of police statements is a piss poor excuse for bad journalism
from the very end of the last OT
re – new report by the BBC titled “Are there really 100,000 new Christian martyrs every year?”
Ruth Alexander,
Of all the questions and aspects of Christian persecution that objective researchers and reporters can explore and expose, why did the BBC pick the very one that
1) cannot be answered and
2) is ultimately irrelevant—
at best academic, at worst cold and callous?…
bbc report
Anyone else bored of the Dr. Who hype? Honestly, it’s so full of BBC agenda brainwashing that it’s stories are completely incomprehensible and childish now.
Nope – I’m loving it! Never forget it is a childrens programme at heart – someone’s childish is someone else light-hearted. BBC agenda brainwashing? Really?
I’d say most of the BBC’s flagship programmes have an agenda at the core of their storytelling. I do appreciate it is a children’s show though (or should that be manchild?). I just think the amount of airtime and coverage the BBC gives it is currently a bit over the top. It’s a show at the end of the day and an average one at that.
“BBC agenda brainwashing? Really?”
Russell T Davies is hardly the subtlest of writers when getting over his political views, but I cannot comment on the more recent Dr Who oeuvre. In tonight’s episode maybe the Daleks will extoll the virtues of collectivist planning, or the Cyberman will hand out leaflets outside the Co-op protesting about Tory cuts.
I believe the Sontarans are strongly in favour of gay marriage.
I heard they planned to have a villain called Tor-E in this year’s Christmas special. Is that true?
Whenever I have had the misfortune of seeing one of the recent Dr Who episodes (from Ecclestone onwards) I’ve seen nothing but blatant left-wing propaganda. And they seem edited as if by a madman, made no sense, sadly aimed at today’s dumbed down audience.
ps have just now watched about 15 minutes of An Adventure in Time & Space on iPlayer. It’s a period play about the first Dr Who episodes.
In that 15 minutes we see a plucky young female TV Exec battling old patronising white dinosaurs(feminism tick), then coming to the rescue of a noble Indian chap who was being ignored at a bar coz of racism innit.
Good lord how ever did people survive in the 60s with such shockingly awful blatant discrimination?
As always with BBC drama the story must never get in the way of identity politics. I couldn’t be bothered to watch the rest of it.
While channel hopping last night I caught the back end of the Culture Show special on Dr Who broadcast on BBC2.
Left wing writer Caitlin Moran, being interviewed by Matthew Sweet, admitted that producer and writer Russell T. Davis wanted a revolution in this country and used the programme as agit-prop. She actually stated that ” without Dr. Who there would be no civil partnerships or gay marriage.”.
Social engineering? What social engineering!
What message are the BBC wanting to convey with the photo at the head of this article?
Y chromosome: Why men contribute so little
Is there is a suggestion of effeminacy in the image, surely improper or just sloth?
‘Is there is a suggestion of…
If there is, as Hugs once said (and other market rates have since echoed, idiotically), ‘It’s in their DNA’.
Certainly another ‘interesting choice’.
As to the report, this intro section intrigued and I’d welcome any more informed geneticists to chip in:
‘Scientists have practically obliterated the ultimate symbol of maleness in DNA, the Y chromosome, and believe they may be able to do away with it completely.’
I can see it’s for medical corrective measures, but given the shrieks on GMO crops that the BBC usually pushes, this seems oddly endorsed all round, if with near-inevitable ‘coulds’ littering the place.
Looking at the top comments, a few others have questions, and now questions about questions as the BBC again panics and stealth edits to make the cover up the bigger story…
186. IndaUK
According to my RSS feed, the original title of this article was:
“Male Y chromosome ‘could be scrapped'”
Why was it changed?
Beyond the stealth text monkeying, the picture editor’s producer’s ‘got it about right’ explanation via the CECUTT drone in about two months will be interesting.
One can often feel a bit sorry for them (noting the underperforming science student images chosen and scattered about to offend everyone equally that I mentioned yesterday), but that choice was, truly, inspired… if the intention was making a sombre Friday a little bit funnier at the BBC’s obvious, self-inflicted, expense.
Y chromosome: Why men contribute so little –
The photo tells you everything you need to know about what the BBC thinks about men’s contribution to society…
Leaving aside the institutionalised misandry, is their (the BBC’s) choice of negative male image entirely coincidental I wonder?
“Why female BBC employees are sacked when they’re too old to shag” would be an interesting study.
Possibly another from that redacted section of the BBC Double Editorial Standard Guidelines Nick Pollard couldn’t find, but there’s a term here I think I may have to add to ‘Islamic Benediction’ for seeking very odd ways to describe things…
BBC Newsnight
“they can rest assured I don’t plan to come back” – Jihadi tourist Ifthekar Jaman on security service fears over people like him #newsnight
Have to say I missed the Jihadi tourist section in my 2014 copy of Thomas Cook Summer Fun brochure.
Maybe between Bali Bombings and Nairobi Mutilation options?
Leftwing campaigner?
Call BBC’s Nicky Campbell and you’ll be straight to air
Dr Anne Brunton @CriminologyUK 22h
@NickyAACampbell if u’ve time can I give u a ring? Or I could DM? Or you could ring – you’ve got my number – when you’re free? Need a chat.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 21h
@CriminologyUK bout an hour.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@CriminologyUK DM me number again.
What sort of thing has this Dr Anne Brunton to say for herself?
(Top follower: Nicky Campbell – natch. Paul Mason is right up there too)
@TheGreenBenches @ed_miliband there simply isn’t ‘widespread’ abuse of benefits. In fact there is a lack of take up! We all know that. #ffs
To change your spare bedroom into a #placeofworship please contact the registrar general and see link for details
If your spare room is a #placeofworship #counciltax will not be levied on it… #bedroomtax
Must say that I`m enjoying the ever-increasing case study of the rise and rise of Paul Flowers!
When the BBC are reduced to getting a Tory opposition council bloke(who didn`t actually know him), and some Reverend Bluejeans from the Methodist Council to “discuss” poor Paul…you just KNOW that this one is toxic to the lefty liberal set. This was on Today before the 8am news…but placed after Thought For The Day, so you`d know what the BBC think of “religion”
I see Flowers as an orienteering Savile…didn`t confine himself to the clear marathon circuit of BBC life, but bounced all round the place like a dirty little bomblet…Saviles used socks before he washed them in the hand basin( or was it a bidet?).
As Savile was to the medias cause to be “trusted”…as the BBC is still contaminated (and loathed by all right-thinking people)-so Flowers turns out to be a similar barium meal or radioactive tracer for Labour Councils, Labour Parties, Labour Banks, Ed Balls and Miliband.
Shall we join a dot or two then?…common factors would be west Yorkshire police in Leeds and Bradford, childrens charities and drugs, porn and media facilities at Councils and the BBC perhaps?
No wonder the lefties and labour are squealing like the stuck pigs that they are.
And-as yet-no word from Gorgeous George Galloway who normally would say something for us , seeing that Bradford voted for him.
Lets hope the Mail keep digging…the BBC want the shovels turned to toothpicks!…and , despite Pestons and O Donaghues…this is a story worth following.
Liberal bagatelle..and who can get out of Flowers taxi the quickest.
Lock` em in!
I couldn’t think why they had that Tory bloke on. As you point out, he didn’t know Paul Flowers and so had nothing of interest to tell us. Was it to chalk up a tick in the “we’ve had a Tory on the programme” box?
Had to laugh, wryly, when the poor Methodist chappy was asked if the Church should have been a bit more curious about the fallen Reverend. Had he read this site, he might have been able to point out that incuriosity can be found in many places one might not expect it, rather closer to home than Sarah Montague (or was it Mishal Husain) thought.
So Rev Flowers was a gay, drug taking, rent boy using Labour supporter? He should have joined the BBC, he’d have gone far.
Yes, that`s the only gap in his CV, having trawled his way around the liberal lilos from council to charities, banks to political parties
and then back around again with his drugs on David Kellys winding sheet.
Next Director of the BBC Trust-he seems to satisfy the BBC threshold for being “trustworthy”.
The Beeb and the lefty-media have been feeding on banker-bashing for over a year. How unfortunate that this “banker” is not a Tory Toff but “one of them” Oh the silence is deafening.
No doubt a ‘career’ in the bBC awaits him after his spell in chokey/limbo.
Just wondering why the BBC (along with most of the rest of the media) are keeping the trial of the pair accused of murdering Lee Rigby quiet?
According to An Occasional Legal Source, it is apparently to avoid any chance of prejudicing the trial in any way to see it deemed unfair and the accused walk.
If so, I endorse such an approach 100%, if seriously questioning the coherence of the legal basis that has necessitated it.
I am quite sure no one wishes these guys to have anything other than full, fair exposure to the justice system of the country and limited opportunity to use the trial as a pulpit for any other views they may have.
That said…. if all are really keen not to mess with this trial and see them freed by staying mute, one might wonder at the motivations behind being a heck of a lot noisier around other trials.
Multiples of standards have a funny way of coming back to haunt folk.
I agree broadly, and for the sake of good form, naturally they are innocent until proven otherwise, but quite how there is a risk of them walking free when there are dozens of witnesses and there is even a video of one of them that seems, well, rather damning to put it mildly, I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps we are not being told the truth after all.
Of course they should not have the chance to use the trial as an opportunity to spread their beliefs, but isn’t that down to the court officials to prevent?
I would have thought a possible announcement of their guilt and lengthy sentences out of the blue some weeks hence might give their supporters a propaganda opportunity too.
Justice needs to be seen to be done. No coverage at all and simply a news item about the result of the case seems as potentially counter productive as a day to day update, and frankly has a whiff of Orwell about it.
(As a matter of slight interest I had a Twitter exchange with Nicky Campbell yesterday and this one of the points I raised. Unfortunately Gameshow believes me to be the Devil for questioning his interview technique and a “numpty” for asking about the silence surrounding this trial. There’s the BBC view of the public, right there, but we knew that.)
If these men are indeed found innocent I assume the BBC blackout will be lifted tout de suite, and we will be hearing from them long and loud, with Campbell first in the queue with warm words and a cuddle.
And I, in turn, agree broadly with you.
Hence pondering why our legal system can be so easily compromised by a sensitivity to outside forces that is now impossible to guard against. It needs changing.
However, it’s what we’re lumbered with, and I’ll suck it in with the best (or worst of ’em) to see justice served here.
Then, as you say, I look forward to the gates bursting open… or the likes of Mr. Campbell explaining why he remains so cautious still when he’s not shy of a thought usually.
Remember also that one of the charges relates to conspiracy to murder a police officer sometime before the (alleged) killing of Lee Rigby. This ought to invite questions concerning the extent to which one of the accused was monitored by security before the (alleged) murder. Maybe the embarrassment to the authorities of a rumoured failure to break cover to prevent a crime explains the news blackout. Or do people really believe that the concern for a just and fair trial can ever outweigh political objectives?
I think you’ve nailed a significant point. The Met might have reason to play down their role prior to the killing.
I’m very, very far from being a conspiracy theorist but I’ll ask this, just as an observation. How many people survive an armed interaction with SO19?
Both of these guys did.
Since when did embarrassing the Met or MI5 bother anyone at the BBC?
No, they are keeping this quiet because they want to control the details of what is said in court quiet. There’s too much risk that ‘the wrong ears’ will get ‘the wrong idea’ about what went on and reacting accordingly.
Compare this to the trial of the NI workers where their ‘guilt’ has already been declared by the BBC for many months before the trial.
If there is no fair trail for the killers of Lee Rigby then there is no fair trial for Brookes et al.
“…I am quite sure no one wishes these guys to have anything other than full, fair exposure to the justice system of the country and limited opportunity to use the trial as a pulpit for any other views they may have.”
Quite. The silence from the BBC is quite deafening, but as you point out, it’s perfectly obvious to all just why that is. What on earth could the bbc be so afraid of..? I have no idea.
Justice must not only be done, but must be SEEN to be done.
I’ll have to disagree here, I think the perpetrators deserved a different flavour of justice – ie summary execution, pour encourager les autres.
Well, one of the savages did get his just deserts there and then.
An image for ever with me.
Do people REALLY think that if this had been a Brevik-type attack that there’d be a news blackout to “ensure a fair trial”?????
It’s all about keeping a lid on “community tensions”. In other words, protecting the muslims in this country from the dreaded (but curiously never arising) “backlash”. It’s nothing to do with a fair trial and is a bloody travesty.
The five Prison officers who restrained one of the Woolwich protestors causing him to lose a couple of teeth, are under suspension facing disciplinary action. This was well recorded by the BBC who added that during the restraint his painful arm – after being shot – was hurt again. Hopefully, this kind of reporting will not interfere with justice in the action taken against the Prison Officers.
“BBC’s sheer size is a danger to local media brands, like UTV”
I haven’t listened in to the News Quiz for years but I’d be interested to see how they spin the Co-op story tonight.
I imagine they’ll blame the Daily Mail for it somehow.
I doubt the words “Labour Party” will appear anywhere near a question about the Co-Op.
Radio Four comedy is in a terrible state. The Now Show has always been a bloody disgrace. I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue still has a Humph sized hole in it. Just A Minute relies too much on new blood, but new blood that simply isn’t up to the task. The Unbelievable Truth is an incredibly clunky format, again entirely reliant on the often extremely poor guests. The estimable Ed Reardon’s Week has been off form for a couple of series, and Count Arthur Strong has been hived off to the telly.
Head of Comedy at Radio 4 must be right up there with the Black Rhino as an endangered species.
Heard what I think was “Clare in the Community” last night on Radio 4(6.30p.m).
Not brilliant-but enough shafts at the social work culture and liberal posturings re their “clients” to make it far better than anything else of the BBC.
Yeah, that’s not bad actually. I remember hearing it the first time some years back and expecting it to be very PC, and was pleasantly surprised.
+1 for this. Haven’t listened to it for years, mind you, but when I did, it was quite refreshing. The liberal left gently poking fun at themselves.
Reporting on:-
Syria, Islamic jihad, and British people.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“The British Muslims waging ‘five-star jihad’ for Al Qaeda:
At least 17 extremists post messages about experiences in war-torn Syria.
“The messages are encouraging other Britons to join them’
“One referred to Syria as ‘5-star jihad’ because of it is relaxing.
“One image of a British fighter called Abu Qa’qaa shows how he could carry extra ammunition in his beard.
“Another shows a combatant wearing a balaclava and holding an assault rifle.”
2.) INBBC :-
“Briton ‘doing his duty’ by fighting for group linked to al-Qaeda in Syria”
By Richard Watson.
3.) Richard Littlejohn:
“A corner of a foreign field that is forever ‘British’…
“Four ‘Britons’ have been killed fighting for Al Qaeda in Syria. So no surprises there, then.
“Wherever there is jidhadist terrorism, you can be sure that ‘Britons’ will be found on the front line.
“They won’t be fighting for Britain, mind you, or alongside any of this country’s allies. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, you name it, they’ll be on the side of our enemies.
“In Syria, we haven’t got a dog in the fight and thankfully the Commons voted against getting involved. But MI5 still estimates that as many as 300 ‘Britons’ have travelled out there to join the battle.
“That all depends, I suppose, on what you mean by ‘Britons’.
“It’s a fact that many of these jihadists were born here and radicalised in universities and extremist mosques.
“But a large proportion weren’t. They are foreign-born individuals who have been given British passports over the past few years, no questions asked.
“Under Labour, the government recklessly conferred citizenship on tens of thousands of people who not only had no previous connection with this country but actually hate our freedoms and traditions and have no intention of becoming ‘British’.
“Yet when they are blown up or arrested fighting for our enemies, we are asked to accept that they are as ‘British’ as the rest of us.
“Even if they haven’t got passports, they are embraced as British ‘residents’, like the celebrated Gitmo detainee Binman Mohamed, who only lived here for a couple of years and was actually ‘resident’ in Afghanistan when he had his collar felt.
“After David Blunkett’s outburst last week, Left-wing papers have started referring sympathetically to Roma gipsies in Sheffield as ‘British Roma’ or ‘Britain’s Roma’. They’re not ‘British Roma’, they’re mostly Slovakian Roma. Almost all the 200,000 to 300,000 Roma living here are from Eastern Europe.
“Spain doesn’t count British gangsters living on the Costa del Crime as ‘Spanish’. So why do we try to pretend that everyone who manages to set foot in this country is automatically ‘British’?”
I’m a little more relaxed about this. The best place for these bastards is surely somewhere where they can be blown to smithereens at any moment.
When and if they return to Britain I’d rather like to see the Syrian government demand their return to stand trial in Damascus. Pie in the sky, obviously.
I briefly flirted with that idea but it only works if they die out there. Otherwise you a have a cadre of combat trained insurgents ready to return to the UK.
That it is less of an appealing prospect.
I note that Warsi, is getting bigger and bigger levers
from the grasping simpletons at Tory HQ, and nobody has informed her that Judaism/Christianity have developed traditions that have considerably moved away from the literal interpretations therein, unlike …
a certain “religion of paeds” we could mention.
ooh! for ten minutes on air, with that odious, arrogant
Warsi Appreciation Society NOT!
The heading and the subheadings in the BBC article you refer to are a real giveaway as to where the BBC sympathies lie.
“Briton ‘doing his duty’ by fighting for group linked to al-Qaeda in Syria”
‘Good deed’
‘Best religion’
‘Social welfare’
A more accurate alternative subheadings about the extremist version of Islam the subject of the article belongs to might be;
Indiscriminate beheadings
worldwide terrorism
threat to civilisation everywhere
If anyone other than a BBC reporter wrote that article they’d be looking at a charge relating to the glorification of terrorism.
The BBC is truly beyond the pale now.
There are easily discoverable videos on t’internet showing some of the utterly barbaric and inhuman atrocities committed by the noble “rebels” and “freedom fighters” (no, I am not going to link; DYOR).
Sadly, DYOR appears to be utterly beyond the wit of every single “journalist” employed by this gargantuan left wing behemoth.
Had to laugh at this quote and I guess it is what we can expect here soon. It sounds like something from Monty Python but unfortunately it is real.
“In May, ISIS won control of the Syrian city of Raqqa, and marked the victory by publicly killing three men it said were Alawites, members of the same sect as President Bashar al-Assad.”
One of the few interesting questions raised by France’s President Hollande – why does a child born to a foreigner abusing France’s borders automatically become “French”? Why do we hand out passports and nationality to those who fraudulently come here 8 months pregrant “to aquire nationality” and sponge a £1200 NHS maternity “emergency”
Cameron useless.…could you please get everybody you know to sign this petition,we need 100,000 signatures on this petition so it gets debated in parliament,the ira murderers in birmingham have never been brought to justice,the victims of this injustice deserve that,thank you
One thing the BBC and the Left fail to portray in their reports about Muslim countries is this. In countries where Muslims are a minority, the Muslim population is obsessed with minority rights, moaning about this and that (that annoying prat Mehdi Hussan being a good example). However, in countries where Muslims are the majority, there ARE NO MINORITY RIGHTS!!
BBC-NUJ does not include, on its ‘Education& Family’ online pages, what appears to be a wonderful example for it of the sort of multicultural tyranny and enforced Islamic appeasement which Beeboids so propagandise for-
‘Daily Mail’-
“School wrote to parents telling them their eight-year-olds had to attend workshop on Islam – or be branded RACIST on their permanent record.
“Headmistress Lynn Small wrote to parents about multicultural school trip.
“Children will attend ‘Explore Islam’ workshop at Staffordshire University.
“Pupils would receive ‘Racial Discrimination note’ if they didn’t go, she said.
“Parents at Littleton Green Community School in Huntington complained.
“Staffordshire County Council stepped in and head had to apologise.”–branded-RACIST-permanent-record.html
Supplementary, ‘Jihad Watch’-
“UK: Schoolchildren told they would be punished for racism if they didn’t attend religious workshop on Islam.”
More Left-wing fascism. I wonder if this pathetic imbecile of a ‘head teacher’ would enjoy visiting the Taliban for a cup of tea? Pillocks like this will be the first to find out what the sharp side of a kebab knife feels like if Muslims ever become a majority in this land (God forbid!)
I actually think they SHOULD attend a workshop on Islam.
What a wonderful idea.
But, just make sure the elements of antisemitism, mysoginy, homophobic executions, dhimmitude and jihad is included in what would otherwise become a sanitised exercise in bullshit.
Perhaps they can include ayatolllah khomeini’s little green book on having sex with animals just for good measure.
Lessons on barbaric savagery by all means, but make it the plain unvarnished truth.
As per post on other thread.
They could could do some role play:
No…….common sense is kicking in here, even tho’ my mind is filled with examples, perhaps better left unsaid.
What, like killing a moslem terrorist and then being court-martialled for it? Plenty of schoolteachers would volunteer to be judge advocate….
Is she going to sacked? Such threats and intimidating behaviour in a Headmistress is unacceptable. Or did she get approval from superiors before sending the letter? Who is behind it, if anyone? That would be no excuse for not sacking her though, she sent it.
So the children were going to an exhibition of Islamic artifacts. What could they possibly be? A sharp knife? An AK47? A severed head? A bomb? A hi-jacked jet? A groomed 13 year old? A gay man dangling off a crane? The list could be endless.
There is no compulsion in religion-so says the Koranic Book of Brilliant things.
Anybody told this Midland school marm..and when did schools get to be run by such Esfahan rugs as this slipperette?
There IS then compulsion-plenty of it, we know where you live etc- in risking motion sickness to go to a CRB-cleared poly to get the blindfolds on kids as Lee Rigbys inept barbers are up on some driving infraction.
This woman need a visit to mid-Staffs hospital to get her tongue out of an Islamic arse…let`s hope they`ve kept a few of their ghouls specifically to treat squatting toads over schools like this one.
Job for Sharon Shoesmith here maybe?
Sacked? No, her superiors probably share her common purpose
Spare a thought for the teacher. Schools have to submit annual reports on racist incidents. If they provide less than the average score it proves that they are ignoring racist incidents and are, to use the modern interpretation of the expression, institutionally racist. And that will bring down the wrath of the Equality and Diversity Witch Finders. So with a good score of racist 8 year olds, they will avoid investigation for institutional racism.
I think your caricature of public employee office politics is horribly accurate.
I can remember back in the 80’s and 90’s ,when I was in the T&G, observing the antics of ACTTS group (mainly local authority employees)
It appeared to me then that they inhabited Milleresque environment, where the best defence against the accusation of witchcraft ,was to get your denunciation in first.
I called it the crucible syndrome, I’m sure it hasn’t got any better .
This weird head dhimmi needs now to be charged with bullying and threatening behavoiur-as well as extorting money with menaces.
Thought bullying was deemed to be a problem in schools.
Emotional and psychological abuse…Do something useful Grieve, you clot!
I get away with this!…my error is due to my not being diagnosed with disslexxia!
No micro-aggressions will be tolerated( saw this on this blog!…good career ahead for us all)
A racial discrimination note to to hold with PRIDE
Another absurd example of where leftist-driven education/indoctrination takes us, this from the USA.
‘In a letter sent to colleagues in the department after the sit-in, Prof. Rust said students in the demo described grammar & spelling corrections he made in their dissertation proposals as a form of “micro aggression”…
‘You see, by highlighting spelling & punctuation errors, the professor is contributing to an “unsafe climate for students of colour.”
…such attitudes & pretensions are the ideal end product of a leftist education.’
Choice comments follow the article.
Just turned the TV on. It’s another S**te fest about Dr.who. So who exactly cancelled in 1989,it refused to re-instate it & then brought it back as the CGI over storyline travesty we have today?. Another excuse to play lots of clips over and over again complete with a myriad of people giving their thoughts, wonder how much you get for giving your opinon as a z list celeb? (
Back in the days ‘twixt the original series getting a deserved taste of the ol’ humane killer between the eyes and the coming of the current incarnation you could hardly open a TV thread on the net, Ceefax, Oracle etc without being assailed by one John Gorman, Who-obsessive extraordinaire and all-round single issue menace.
No matter what the topic, our tiresome hero would manfully bend it to his will as no-one before or since. And would merrily debate with himself once everybody else got fed up with him and pushed off.
Such a pain in the arse.
On reflection, probably it’s lucky he confined his single-minded obsession to a rather naff kiddies prog. filmed in Home Counties sandpits rather than, say, Islamic jihad, but it didn’t seem that way to anyone who really didn’t give a stuff about tardises or the iniquities of commissioning editors and their insistence on broadcasting things people might actually choose to watch.
If for nothing else, I’ll raise at least half a cheer (and a small glass of tap water) to the programme for disposing of him through its reappearance.
Help me here, bBC headline:
Nikki Sinclaire MEP: ‘UKIP made sex change revelation threats’
An MEP has told the BBC she revealed her gender reassignment secret because of threats from journalists and her former colleagues in UKIP.
OK from reading the above , do you get the impression that UKIP are nasty evil people. Lets read on shall we:
“Ms Sinclaire, the UK’s first openly transsexual parliamentarian, told BBC Radio 5 live’s Victoria Derbyshire that she feared other people would expose the fact she had undergone gender reassignment surgery.
So fearing that people would expose the fact she used to be a bloke, she’s gone public. Isn’t that an Oxymoran?
But there’s more:
The MEP said: “One of the reasons I’ve had to reveal this was threats from journalists and UKIP.
Now why would Journalists want to write about her, could it be becasue of this story:
Ms Sinclaire remains on police bail following her arrest in February 2012 on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament.
So really this isn’t about UKIP at all is it, its more a damage limitation exercise about how this woman is under investigation for expenses fraud.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
“Expose the fact that she used to be a bloke” I think someone is taking the piss here – I mean have you seen her/him/it? She is about six foot ten, built like a brick shithouse and has a voice to rival Brian Blessed!
I had to laugh when after undergoing a sex change she then became a …….lesbian.
I know, I am still trying to get my head round that one. What the f**k was she before the operation then?
Of no interest to the BBC for starters.
And she’s still more feminine than Harriet Harman!
Yep. We know, for sure now, who wears the trousers in jack’s house
Expect to see Jack in a minskirt and swinging a pink handbag soon, to celebrate diversity. In the upper house Prescott will be sporting a catsuit and high heels. The Squeaker has shown the way forward with his gaily-patterned coat of arms.
Evan Davis will fairly swoon at the inclusivity of the Labour benches, as of course will the Squeaker. Questions will then be asked about the Tory trannies in denial….
Dear Mr Lobster,
That is the absolute BEST comment I have ever read on here!
Why is the ethnic origin and identity of the suspects for the slavery crime a state secret?
Can anyone offer any possible reason?
I dont know why they bother these days, in the end the truth will emerge.
Will a breathless Charlie Stayt sit on the breakfast beeb sofa and ask: ” but what did they look like? ” as per brevik?,
I can’t get my head around how they have been given bail?
Me neither. Perhaps the identities would have to be revealed if they weren’t given bail?
Of course we may be wrong. but the secrecy surrounding this case has all the signs of ‘the authorities’ desperately keeping the lid on our ‘multicultural nirvana’ which looks ever more less like a melting pot and more like a boiling pot on the verge of exploding.
Thousands of civil-servants know where we are heading. They’re just making sure it doesn’t happen on their watch.
Dame Tessa was almost apologetising for the captors, on BBC News, today by continuously saying the case was “Complex.”
I’m not sure what’s complex about slavery. Perhaps the ethnic identities of the captors is making it “complex” for her and the BBC to explain without resorting to the tired old leftwing empathy trip.
That’s “apologising.”
Not some new hybrid word that integrates “Proselytising” into “apologise.”
Curious, isn’t it, that the BBC haven’t taken the opportunity to link back to the story from the Manchester(?) area from but a few weeks ago when another elderly couple from a certain “community” was jailed for importing into the country a disabled 12 year old girl and keeping her as a domestic- and sex-slave for years?
Odd that.
Coz ordinarily, the press do like to link back to similar stories, particularly if they are so very recent.
Ah well, there must be a good reason. Probably something that they teach you at journalism college.
Just watched Maitlis on newsnight (god she is ugly) interviewing one of the greenpeace idiots who has just been released on bail. He clearly still sees himself as hero and proceeded to inform us all that climate change is real and that the artic is melting bla bla bla and that he is not going to give up despite his bad experience.
How much more of this deluded shit are we supposed to put up with ?
Never fret: a self-righteous twat of this familiar stamp is a nailed on certainty to violate his bail conditions in double quick time and so be whisked back sharpish to the chilly embrace of Mother Russia.
Letting a few of them go ‘free’ is part of the fun.
What sticks in my craw is that Greenpeace are paid huge sums annually by the EU, which means that it is each one of we individual taxpayers are subsidising this deluded organisation out of our own pockets, whether we like it our not. And I do not.
You won’t find these greenpeace activists at the other end of the Earth:
Whenever the ice at the North and South Pole is mentioned, it is mostly in the context of melting ice triggered by global warming. However, the sea ice in Antarctica – in contrast to that in the Arctic – has proved to be remarkably robust. New measurements have now confirmed that. As the U.S. space agency NASA announced, the sea ice in the Antarctic has extended over an area of 19.47 million square meters at the end of September. That is the highest since measurements began in 1979.
Have the BBC and Mr Harrabin reported the NASA findings yet? Hello? (Tumbleweed)
INBBC still relegating the plight of Christians under murderous attack by Islamic jihadists.
“‘Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria’ Ignored.”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
I don’t know about you, but I turned the wood burner up a bit tonight, flippin’ cold out here on Dartmoor:
[Record sea ice in the Antarctic. Rapid sea ice recovery, in the Arctic. The warmist scientists should start looking for a way out. The proxy records shows there is cyclic warming and cooling of both hemispheres and which matches the pattern of warming that was observed in the last 100 years. The past warming and cooling cycles were not caused by CO2 changes. The past cyclic warming and cooling phases of both hemispheres and the entire recent warming period all correlate with changes in C14. C14 changes are caused by changes to the solar heliosphere which in turn are caused by different changes to the solar magnetic cycle. It is interesting that Svensmark has estimated that 75% of the warming in the last 100 years was due to solar magnetic cycle modulation of planetary cloud cover. Svensmark’s assertion that 75% of the warming in the last 100 years was caused by solar magnetic cycle changes is support by Shiva in this peer reviewed paper.]
We have recorded numerous instances of wasted licence fee money on the BBC move to Salford.
Now the BBC are justifying opening another centre in Birmingham.
Let’s see first just what their claims are:
BBC’s Lord Hall: Birmingham is the ‘place to be’
The BBC outlines plans for a further move out of London, as Lord Hall announces a new digital hub in Birmingham
Lord Hall has released plans for “a new creative vision” for the Midlands, including the creation of more than 80 jobs in Birmingham and a new “arts partnership”.
Speaking at the Mailbox, the BBC’s base in the Midlands, he said the area would now head up “digital innovation”, with apprentice schemes, community outreach teams and “talent and skills development” to be based there.
The decision follows the controversial move to Salford, with 894 staff reported to have been paid relocation allowances worth a total of £16million by May this year.
He told staff: “I want to make Birmingham a really exciting and important part of what we do.
“This is just the start – but make no mistake, if you’re interested in new skills and digital innovation, this is the place to be.”
The new measures are expected to create 81 jobs in Birmingham, with 69 roles moving from London and seven from Salford.
The BBC has promised an additional £23.5 million “activity” in the region over the next three years as a result of the move.
Peter Salmon, director of BBC North, said “This is the first phase of our plans for the BBC in Birmingham. We’re building a stronger BBC in the city and today’s announcements are the first steps in that journey.
“We will continue to work with Birmingham; the wider region and the wider BBC to increase our activity here. “
Let’s just remind ourselves just what the BBC claimed would happen as a result of their move to Salford, and what the reality actually was as of April this year:
Mark Thompson, who was director general at the time the move started, had stated that “BBC North is going to be an anchor around which to build a critical mass of jobs in the North West”.
Peter Salmon, director of BBC North, told council leaders last month that a main aim of the new base was to engage and work with the local community.
The BBC’s move to MediaCityUK cost an estimated £900 million to complete, including money used to relocate staff to the area. However, since the opening of MediaCity in May 2011 to March 2012, just 39 people with Salford addresses were recruited – 32 of whom were still on the payroll last month.
A Freedom of Information request discovered that the BBC had received 3,172 applications by January 2012 from people living in Salford, which currently has 11,400 people out of work.
Now Hall babbles about his ‘creative vision’, digital innovation, community outreach teams, blah blah blah. Clearly he’s ‘forgotten’ about the recent failed ‘digital initiative’ which cost licence fee payers well over £100 Million, but hey, easy come; easy go.
Again we have Salmon telling us how wonderful it will be for the community there, I wonder how the community of Salford feel enriched because of the BBC there. Apparently only 1.5% of the workforce in Salford are actually from Salford.
Clearly these moves have nothing to do with the BBC remit or purpose, simply their own self serving hegemony and arrogance to dominate the landscape everywhere.
End the licence fee, let them go private and fund their own ‘visions’. We’ll see just how long they last.
Looking at the BBC MidEast webpage right now I am amazed to see that a story about 2 lion cubs dying in Gaza is the 3rd highest ranking story

Most especially considering the other stories which contain deaths of human beings that are relegated to a lower position on the webpage, but it shows the priority of the BBC agenda.
Reading the actual story I was surprised that for once they didn’t blame Israel for the lion cubs death, which I was sure was going to be inevitable. Instead they blame Egypt for blockading the territory:
The zoo’s manager said staff were inexperienced in caring for them and could not get vaccines from Egypt due to the blockade on the territory.
Gaza is largely dependent on external aid and smuggling for supplies.
Food and other supplies are hard to come by and power and fuel shortages are a common occurrence in Gaza.
I do see that they don’t tell the reader anything about deadly terrorist attacks from Gaza against Egyptian security forces, which pre-empted the blockade, but that would give the reader a different view than the one the BBC wants them to have.
The end of the article does tell us: After the ousting of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s new military-backed government has moved to clamp down on smuggling into Gaza.
Actually the clamp down began during Morsi’s tenure, following attacks against his forces, but again this is not what the BBC wants the reader to understand.
But just so the BBC could introduce something else for the reader to believe, one of the related articles from other websites the BBC links to is this one:
Did an Israeli Airstrike Just Kill These Adorable Newborn Lion Cubs?
Have you ever heard of this media outlet – Foreign Policy Magazine? But the BBC must have hunted for just such a headline.
You have to subscribe to read whatever they write about it, but for the BBC, the headline tells you everything they want you to believe.
Never mind that the Gazans had no experience in raising lion cubs, or their terrorist activities made co-operation with Israel and Egypt impossible for themselves, ‘it was evil Israel that was responsible for killing these adorable lion cubs’.
Meanwhile at the commentator
priorities eh.
It never fails to amaze me how the bBC goes well out of its way in which demonise the Jew. I mean int he above Lion cub article, the bBC doesn’t mention that lions are a status symbol for Arabs, I quote from the Daily Mail from the other day
“‘If someone buys a very expensive animal, he is boasting that he has enough money to get anything he wants,’ he said to CNN. ‘If he has a tamed wild animal like a lion, he is trying to show off that he is brave. But this is not courage; this is animal rights abuse.”
As for that Zoo, it is anything but, it is Bisson city an amusement park I quote from the Guardian regards the birth of the two cubs:
“Their arrival at the Bissan amusement park, a Hamas-run enterprise in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza,
An Amuzement park, but the bBC told me the cubs were born in a zoo. Well they were almost right, here is how the Lebanese reported the opening of Bissan Amusement Park By Hamas in 2010.
Hamas commercial ventures thrive in Gaza’s besieged economy
GAZA CITY: The tranquil lawns of the seaside Garden Resort are a high-end oasis in the impoverished Gaza Strip – and a new source of income for the Hamas-linked charity that owns it…..The beach club, one of several commercial ventures recently launched by groups and individuals linked to Hamas, illustrates the Islamist movement’s growing dominance of an economy crippled by a four-year-old Israeli blockade. The $1.25 million resort is owned and operated by the Islamic Foundation, a charity established by Hamas’ spiritual founder, Ahmad Yassin, that has long provided aid to poor families and orphans. Some 2,000 people have visited each weekend since the foundation established the club and an adjacent fish farm earlier this year, with most paying the $8 per family admission fee and many dining at its restaurant.
And then they come out with this:
The sprawling facility, which includes gardens, playgrounds, soccer fields, a petting zoo and restaurants, attracts some 6,000 people every weekend, many of whom are brought in on government-subsidized buses.
Petting Zoo? I thought petting Zoo’s had sheep,goats and the like. Not Lions, which brings me back to the bit above about how Arabs love to show off.
OH and how are Lions kept in Gaza:

Finally for the anti semtites at the bBC here is how Hamas CbBC teaches children what to get up at the Zoo (disguised as a Charlie says program)
Oh dear expect the bBC to bring out the big guns over the weekend in which to debunk this headline:
Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief:
Attorney General Dominic Grieve has said politicians need to “wake up” to the problem of corruption in some minority communities. Mr Grieve said he was referring mainly to “the Pakistani community”.
Have at how the bBC does damage limitation:
BBC version
He told the Telegraph he would be “wary of saying” it was just a Pakistani problem, and pointed out corruption was found in the “white Anglo-Saxon” community too.
DM version
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Mr Grieve said: ‘Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.’
Guardian Version
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Grieve replied: “Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.”
DT version
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Mr Grieve said: “Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.”
Where’s Jo Brand when you need her?
Stuffing her fat face and grassing up Carol.
At about 5.40am on Radio 4 we were given the usual list of upcoming events for the day.
First event – some demo in support of the Guantanamo prisoner the BBC has been shilling for all week.
I am convinced the BBC news rooms are riddled with Islamists and fellow-travellers – reporters and editors. There is no way that demo is an important event today except through the BBC’s pro-Islamist lens.
“BBC news rooms are riddled with Islamists and fellow-travels” …
Turkish PM Erdogan, “There NO moderate or immoderate Islam, there is only Islam, there is only One Mohamhead, and there is only One Allah …
A Moderate Muslim is an oxymoron because there is no such thing”
is that why, they re shilling for Gitmo? … why yet another Paedo Paki, keeps a small child as a sex slave in a cellar … with his first cousin oops! I mean wife s consent … for years! and get bare minimum coverage? …
and yet … for days, minute by minute we ve had to endure this consistent slavery story on and on and on?
hmmm I think so
Surprised the BBC reported this one…
I just wish some MPs would grow a pair and just come out and say that some communities (especially Muslim and Roma) on the whole refuse to integrate and bring their cultures to the host nation, as it were, rather than amalgamate cultural heritages. The Pakistani community is a case in point: forced marriages, paedo hit squads, Muslim fanaticism, dress, language, FGM and so on… The only culture the BBC and the Left want to see integrate is our own. And they despise the English because of our achievements and glorious history much of which was forged in blood.
As usual our politicians are at least a decade behind the curve on this appalling situation – as they are on most others, of course.
I wondered at the time just what John Prescott was doing trying to push postal voting before the last election when it had been prone to significant levels of corruption “in certain communities” but realised the end of that question answers the first part of it.
“English because of our achievements and glorious history much of which was forged in blood”
…. our future will be too
Nobody at the BBC ever asks the question wether the native population want to see their culture diluted by integration.
Ever aware as one is for the need for balance, it must be said there are some who feel the BBC’s coverage of news is just about right:
@GreenpeaceUK: Fantastic coverage of the #Arctic30 on #BBC #r4today. Now let’s hear more well-informed news on climate change and Arctic oil.
Greenpeace is the living embodiment Rule #1 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:
“1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have”. Thus, if you have mass support, flaunt it, if you do not – make a lot of noise, if you cannot make a big noise, make a big stink.
The hardcore green beliefs of Greenpeace are shared by probably less than 1% of the population (look at the Green Party – Greenpeace-lite – share of the vote). And yet look at the degree of political influence and publicity they achieve. It is out of all proportion to their popular support. Why? Because they make a stink.
They are the epitome of the tail wagging the dog. Utterly undemocratic and, given half a chance, autocratic. Green fascists. But don’t expect any of this to be pointed out by their brothers in arms at the BBC.
I think Dominic Greave must have been reading my blogs!
Unfortunately the truth is not allowed in the UK, and the fascists are emitting their bully words in an attempt to silence the truth.
One thing we should all be pressing MPs for, and that is a law to make false allegations of racism a criminal offence. This horrifies Liebour politicos, and the only conclusion can be is that they actually approve of their supporters making all kinds of slanders with impunity.
“mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community”
now how could that be? 😀 … any ideas?
mandated lying, deceit, corruption, supremacism, threat, mandated violence, mandated child gang rape, slavery, “honour” killing, mandated spousal abuse, female genital mutilation etc, etc, etc
My great grandfather, who was in then “India” in those times, dealt with all the castes, systems, faiths etc …
he would tell me, or anyone actually the facts about the cult of Mohamhead why not to trust them … why never NEVER to turn your back on them, this wasn t racism, he would never dream of saying the same about an Indian, or a coloured fella for example, these were facts pure and simple.
Political correctness is enforced ignorance.
The bias just gets worse and we’re still 18 months away from a general election.
For instance, after 8:00 am this morning, Today, joining in the celebrations concerning the release on bail of members of the Arctic 30, gave the UK director of Greenpeace a platform to deliver his increasingly exaggerated lies of global doom to listeners (and Greenpeace’s threats to enforce its political line on the world – or else!) while the impartial observer “journalist” Keiron Bryan told us how surprised he was that the Russians refused to treat the schoolchildren boarding the Russian oil platform with the good humour of an old-fashioned British bobby. (BTW, don’t be surprised if Keiron is either recruited direct by the BBC or becomes a frequent stringer paid by the BBC for coverage of matters climatic). Michal – I think it was Michal – chose to belabour Greenpeace, not for its self-righteous extremism, but with its apparent failure to warn its
willing stooges“hardened activists” that the Russians might turn nasty.In a later item, the allegations of corruption in immigrant communities by Dominic Grieves (where has he been for the last 30 years?) was introduced by mention of a Conservative instance in Slough while both interviewees trod on eggs on the basis of the usual bien pensant understanding that “it’s a tiny minority” who might be corrupt. BTW, a 10-second google unearthed this Labour-related corruption and this LibDem one
Later the review of the papers featured only the Guardian, Independent and Financial Times on political items (with a jokey final item from a publication whose name I failed to catch). The main item in the coverage of the paper press was the verbatim reading of an extended quote from the Independent editorial which cited the Rev Flowers as a loan bad apple in the glory of Labour-Coop politics. Meanwhile, according to my papers delivered this morning but unmentioned in the BBC paper review, the Times front page screamed that the Conservatives are in poll meltdown over immigration and the Telegraph’s front page informed its readers about Grieves’s thoughts on Pakistani corruption.
Still later, we had the beatification of Miliband seen through the dark glass of his upcoming appearance on Desert Island Discs. This was the dream conflation: a bigging up of a BBC political hero with a BBC advertisement for one of its very own programmes. Another example of BBC product-planting advertising of BBC product was the 15% of the main world news at 8:00 am devoted to the global Doctor Who celebrations.
Many years ago, I was involved in a lengthy public inquiry into a city centre road scheme. Weeks and weeks of evidence from objectors and people/businesses affected. The proposed scheme affected a number of businesses run by Pakistani men. They gave evidence at the inquiry.
What shocked me at the time (being young, I was quite right-on and a lefty) was how causally and blatantly these witnesses – ALL of them – lied throughout their evidence. Now, do people from other communities lie when giving evidence? – of course they do, but this was something very different. It was shameless and bare-faced.
I realised at that time that there was a very clear cultural difference here. That, for those people, lying and cheating was no biggie; it was normalised. Now, decades later, a politician has finally dared to point this out. Amazing.
It’s obvious no self righteous has ever had to deal with a Pakistani through the course of their job ( and I don’t mean serving them in a shop). Trying to get a straight answer from them is nigh on impossible. Most of them couldn’t lie straight in bed.
What the lefties never consider that Pakistani culture has corruption embedded in its core. the majority of their officials are corrupt, including the Police, Judges and Government officers and they naturally expect the same of our officials and culture. Their business ethics, or lack of them, are even worse.
Their corrupt practices have now entered our political system, hence postal voting fraud being rampant in Pakistani communities. Even the Labour Party recognised this corruption and thought it would give them an electoral advantage, hence their easing of postal voting restrictions which we have seen have been successful for them in elections.
The artificial row created over Grieve’s comments, spearheaded by the BBC and left-wing media, proves it is now taboo to highlight the obvious failings among certain ethnic communities.
I wish there was an edit facility on this site! What my first paragraph was meant to say was ” It’s obvious that no self righteous LEFTIE……..”
By the way I am speaking from personal experience about having to deal with the Pakistani population, and I’ve got the standard response of “racist” complaints, none proven and all malicious, as evidence.
Most people put their jobs on the line whenever they have to deal with Pakistanis, especially if you are dealing with a complaint about them. Their standard response is to accuse you of being racist, something I took in my stride (I always tried to take a corroborative witness with me) but I expect must be a nightmare today with all the Common Purpose bosses in charge who are only too willing to take the side of the “minorities”.
Fear not the tide of filth and corruption spewing from the
Co op bank might be to big for even the BBC to ignore
Caught bits of this umbongo…not the Greenpeace muck, but bits of the rest.
Thank the Lord for Brian Matthew.
I noted the Tories get mentioned as being involved in a fraud(how the hell did they find THAT one?-far more and much more recent ones are(of course) available…but you`ll not be hearing THOSE).
All about issues and communities apparently-they all agreed that-but heard nothing about those “specific local areas” where it is an ishoo.
Wouldn`t be Muslim would they?…not Labour or Lib Dem perchance-largely labour natch?
Racist to even “go there”…how did the drab from Perry Barr get HIS votes….any chance of a recount?
No facts-no convictions-no Baroness Uddin or Lord Ahmeds mentioned….Labour Lords like Flowers would have been?
No-racist to even ask-let alone give us a fact.
And until Grieve etc even grow ONE(a pair is impossible)…they deserve to be trashed by the hate crime monkeys!
“There`s been criticism”-this has been repeated since 8a.m and just heard it on the 2pm news on Radio 4…so he deserves it, for not giving the facts…and blasting the LibLabias out of orbit.
When you can`t even hang Flowers out to dry on Labours poncey yardarm, and make it stick…you`re no political party senator!
NOT on BBC s overbearing JFK blanket coverage … I wonder why?
Prof John Robson cuts through the “Camelot” crap to give you the real facts on Kennedy
Here’s a story that’s unlikely to see the light of day on the BBC:
“Toronto mayor Rob Ford ‘more popular than Barack Obama’ ”
In case you’ve been living under a stone for the last 3 months, Rob Ford is the infamous crack-smoking mayor of Toronto.
I see the bBC has started its damage limitation process for the evil people behind the 3 slaves in London:
‘Modern day slavery’
British photojournalist Hazel Thompson has spent the last decade documenting the lives of girls trafficked into India’s thriving sex industry. She spoke to Atish Patel about her experiences. Guddi was only 11 years old when her family was persuaded by a neighbour to send her to the city of Mumbai hundreds of miles away from her poverty-stricken village in the eastern state of West Bengal.
And what started the ball running in this modern day slavery article?
Guddi’s sad and harrowing story is similar to many of the estimated 20,000 sex workers in Kamathipura, established over 150 years ago during colonial rule as one of Mumbai’s “comfort zones” for British soldiers. “They raped her to break her,” said Ms Thompson.
So there you have it, The British are responsible, just people if the British had never landed in India, what a wonderful place it still would be. A little like Pakistan is like now, where the bBC tells me Islam is a stabilising factor for all.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
This was the first piece of crap to get the liberal gloss on Any Questions.
When all are agreed it`s a liberal conspiracy of dunces…as it was.
All agreed that mental, financial, emotional, psychological slavery are EVERY bit as bad as mere physical…as did the audience.
Looking forward to all those new films then-cotton fields, Uncle Tom and Aunt Bessie…that hideous body language, withholding of the last croissant and a frosty look when the slave was returned-which was, in a sense, as bad as those floggings and lynchings was it not?
But of course…will those Zanzibar and Yemeni slave traders today and those Somali pirates now PLEASE stop looking at me as if I`m just a head on a plate or to be wrapped in a rug and fired at the IDF?
Maybe that`s why they all like their burqua-to protect us all from that enslaving body language or their emotional cruelties to me.
I head them all on Dimblebys headw**k…then turned off…I was emotionally captive to lefty slime, and want my £145.50 slave bond back please!
12 noon news on Radio 4, first item “There has been criticism of the remarks made by Dominic Grieve” ………
Wouldn’t ya know !
The only item of criticism was from a Pakistani MP.
A more accurate headline would have been :
“All around Britain people have been saying it is about time some politician spoke out about the extensive corruption of the voting system by Pakistanis . And people werealso saying that any Pakistani MPs who chirped up on the BBC ought to shut their lying gobs.”
Heard this turd getting a good chew n polish by Sarah Montague.
Some Tory and the household name of Perry Barrs MP were musing over nuthin` really.
Count the number of times the word “ishoo” and “con-unity”
Issue and community, lest the trolls get upset) get used by all concerned.
Grieve is an idiot-and as long as he`ll give no facts, he deserves the Tiswas treatment.
When he`s brave enough to give those bleeding obvious facts-postal votes, multiple votes, illiterates in mosques…for those “certain local areas” we all know are populated BY Pakistanis, Bangladeshis…not by Chinese or non-Vaz types of multipurpose oils-THEN he`ll have my backing.
But these are abused, thick populists like Damien Green and Grieve…EU shills and still scared of Michael Martins dawn raids.
No facts-nothing sacred then Dom…and take Dick with you( be on bail by now if Ed Balls has returned his £50,000 bail bond).
Co-op Bank, Labour Party and BBC-NUJ, continued:-
While BBC-NUJ presents us with a ‘timeline’, ‘Daily Mail’ has this:-
“‘I’ll be the Co-op Chancellor’:
“Astonishing speech by Ed Balls reveals the truth about Shadow Chancellor and his intimate relationship with the scandal hit bank.
“Ed Balls said the bank would go from ‘strength to strength’ in speech.
“Boasted that he was looking forward to taking co-operation into treasury”
BBC-NUJ’s non-analytical ‘timeline’:-
“Timeline: Flowers, Labour and the Co-op”
“Disgraced Co-op bank chief Paul Flowers’ rent boy spent nine months in a young offenders’ institute for armed raid… on a Co-op.
“Male escort served nine months in a young offenders’ institution.
“Crime spree included raid on a Co-op branch in Grappenhall, Cheshire.
“Gang including 17-year-old Ciaron Dodd used knives and coshes in raids.”
By JAMES TOZER.–Co-op.html
A new interpretation of ‘insider dealing’.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment:-
“The sleezy party.”
“The more the two Eds duck and weave to distance themselves from the disgusting Rev Paul Flowers, the deeper the hole they dig for themselves.
“Can Mr Miliband and Mr Balls not see what an appalling impression they create of their own morality (not to mention their culture and practices) by refusing to condemn the scandal-ridden Co-op, from which they accepted donations and cheap loans with no questions asked?
“It’s the same with their pleas of innocence over their dealings with Labour’s chief paymaster, Unite – up to its neck in the vote-rigging scandal and complaints of intimidation in industrial disputes.
The two Eds would have us believe they’re fit to run the country. First they must show themselves fit to clean up the squalor, with which they are so clearly associated, in their own party.”
Not for the bias (which obviously is typical Mardell fawning) but for one of the highest-rated comments which made me laugh:
22nd November 2013 – 16:40
@ 44.flipmode
‘Let’s be honest Kennedy was hardly Mother Teresa’
It’s true, she was a nasty, sanctimonious bigot who’s managed to pull the wool over people’s eyes for far too long.
With the all the bBC coverage of the Greenpeace eco warriors just wondering when the next protest in Russia will take place?
Anybody else thinking the same as me as that being….Never.
The Russians have drawn a line in the sand, however expect lots of protests outside Russian Embassies and shell fuel stations in the West. Lot safer. You know like how not one Human right Org has an office in an Islamic country, plenty in nasty evil Israel, but none in Allah’s country
Note as well that Muslim extremists that have never been part of the old Soviet Union do not-never-take Russian citizens as hostages…as opposed to BBC types, French, Germans, Italians who pay well at little cost to the Islam cause.
Good reasons for that-the PLO tried it in the early 70s, and Arab testicles were sent back to them within 48 hours.
Never tried it since either-like the Chinese and other oral traditions, memories matter far more than mission statements or resolutions at the UN.
Don`t mess with Russians, basically…and this relatively harmless outcome to Greenpeace Playday warriors will put the bat up the Greenies nighties as was required.
Russia as the Wests salvation?….it`s bad when we`re reduced to that, but that`s all we`ve got now!
Give us a few years until we grow a few people worthy of siding with Vladimirs successor…or indeed the Chinese bloke who`s got a grip and a sense of national patriotism.
China and Russia to our rescue-thank you EU and Islam…thanks for very little, but any port in a storm eh?
Replace being with been
In the BBC interview with a UK Greenpeace fat cat – sorry, director – he said a number of times it was a peaceful protest. Not challenged once by our intrepid and impartial beeboid.
They who control the media control the message.
In addition to having a £4Bpa National PR system on tap, for free, 24/7 in complement, they appear to have near unlimited paid resources, too.
I was having a wizz in a shopping mall loo in Hereford, and every stall had a ‘Free the Arctic 30, 29, 28, who cares how, many left’ poster staring at you.
That…. Is a budget in the millions .
Yet, near every forum I see out of the control of the kapo classes shows that no one is buying the story they are trying to spin.
Like Labour on Falkirk, the BBC has hitched itself to a very dodgy wagon. Again.
So last night I wrote about the latest regards the endemic corruption found within the Pakistani community and how long it would take for the bBC to defend said community.
Well I’ve just watched the news and they had some professor from Manchester university coming out with lots of well nothing really in which to point out that Pakistani people are predisposed to crime,corruption and murder.
For some strange reason he didn’t bother mentioning:
Pakistani Grooming Gangs
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Pakistani underage marriages
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Pakistani Terrorist plots
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Pakistani Honour Killings
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Pakistani Slavery cases in the Uk
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Pakistani Drug gangs
How the Islamic community bends over backwards in which to defend the guilty.
Shall I go on?
Silly me I should have written:
“Well I’ve just watched the news and they had some professor from Manchester university coming out with lots of well nothing really in which to point out that Pakistani people are not predisposed to crime,corruption and murder.
Got to love the bBC in its defence of Pakistani corruption:
Dominic Grieve criticised for claims corruption endemic in some communities
Critics from across the political divide have rounded on the government’s chief legal adviser after he said corruption was “endemic” in some ethnic minority communities.
Anybody notice that each and every detractor the bBC brings to the table is…a Pakistani. What was that Greive said:
” it was just a Pakistani problem, ”
And yet the bBC brings out Pakistanis to defend themselves from allegations of corruption. Ok two can play that game here are the people the bBC quote: :
MEP Sajjad Karim,
A further three Conservative MEPs, John Purvis, Robert Atkins and Sajjad Karim, also defended themselves this year over using EU money to pay family companies and relatives or make private trips…North West Tory MEP Sajjad Karim claimed £18,356, the most on UK travel and office expenses.
Labour MP Khalid Mahmood
A Birmingham MP has been caught up in the Westminster expenses storm after admitting he has been living at the opulent Bentley Hotel, Kensington, for more than a year after designating it his second home. ..In May 2009 it was revealed, as part of a series of leaked UK MPs expense details, that Mahmood claimed for £1,350 to stay in a five-star west London hotel with his girlfriend.Mahmood also claimed more than £35,000 in expenses for food over the course of his eight years as an MP.
Liberal Democrat Qassim Afzal
On 25 May 2010, in the House of Commons, Sir Gerald Kaufman accused Afzal of running “an anti-Semitic, and personally anti-Semitic, election campaign” in Manchester Gorton.
And finally Mohammed Shafiq, here is what he had to say about Pakistani men
In interviews and in published articles regarding the Rochdale sex trafficking gang, Shafiq has made controversial statements regarding members of the Pakistani community who have been involved in grooming girls, blaming them for harbouring a racist attitude towards white girls.[18] He observed there was an over representation of Pakistani men convicted of child sexual exploitation and on street gang grooming in which the majority of victims are white
It seems that the people used by the bBC to defend Pak culture are not the people they should be using. But for the bBC the colour of their skin fits the agenda.
I note that neither the BBC nor the Guardian are opening up their reports to bloggers to make comments. Obviously scared of the truth.
…must be hard for the HYS team at the moment. Opening for comments on any UK story is bound to bring up references to Dominic Grieve’s comments or the south London slavery so they are playing it safe by only opening up for non UK stories i.e JFK, Iran and Australia and republicanism.
I’ve noticed that the bbc is very happy to open comments to those who want to shit on prince harry but strangely reluctant to do so for those who want to comment on the behaviour our `keith vas`s, etc
Paedos, vote-rigging, front charities, no accounts and kiddie grooming.
The BBC and Pakistan(at its worst, let me add) are rather similar…hence the BBCs craven toe sucking of the amputated leg provided.
Surely it`s about time , somebody did something on the telly about the bloody misfit, corrupt and dedicated to Muslim supremacy nature of Pakistan.
A contrived expedient construction from the murdering of Hindus needing a quick set of Empire borders created.
That is not to say that others were blameless like the Hindus…not at all…but the East Pakistan/West Pakistan solution was catastrophic-and we live with its terrible consequences to this day.
The last word in a failed state under Islamic sharia…with borders that are indefensible in any terms.
But the liberals would rather remove Israels borders than even LOOK at the history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan(the clue`s in the name).
Once Pakistan is “removed from the face of the earth”-THEN we might get peace…until then, it has got to be looked at-and not a penny given-for that only feeds Al Queda as far as I know.
Millions of Third World dwellers come to the UK and don’t bring their corrupt Third World customs and practices with them as encouraged by our multicultural society? You avin’ a larf, BBC?
Don’t overlook this:
Some *interesting* little gems there for conversation at the next dinner party. :0
“Say, did you know that only the Pakistanis are more interested than Egyptians in hunting down hot Pig Sex action – Elephant Porn, too – but the sons of the desert are a poor 5th in the Snake Sex Seeking Stakes, and nowhere else to be seen.
“Odd, that, isn’t it ? Another canapé, vicar ?”
At the risk of getting the “full Grieve”, Pakistan seems to be top in every category there except for “Fox Sex” (Poor, unloved Charlie). Add in the grooming, leering, groping in which the ‘community’ has acquired a deserved and worldwide reputation and the question has to be asked : Do their women not put out ? There has to be some explanation, surely ?
Oh, lawks, I wish you hadn’t linked to this, RCE. 🙁
I’m now wondering exactly how one can ‘do the deed’ with an elephant.
A fox, a goat : no problem, surely. IF YOU’RE THAT WAY INCLINED. Just jump on the unfortunate beastie and hold it steady while you make the nasty. But Nelly ? WTF ? Do you equip yourself with a set of steps and hope she’ll co-operate by standing still ? Or do you hang around behind a handy shrub until the lusty trumpeter falls asleep and then tackle (arf!) her at more your own level ? And what will the Head Of The Herd be doing while you’re getting busy ?
Bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody hell. More of my head space now filled with unwanted stuff.
LOL. Good to see United Arab Emirates coming (sorry) in at fourth place for elephant sex, as they aren’t even rated for the other animals, but Malaysia is panting hot (aagh) on UAE heels at fifth, and coming up hard (whoops) behind Pakistan for snakes.
And “2 million online users watch pornographic films each minute in Turkey.” So only 71.7 million will enter Britain after EU admission, not 73.7 after all – unless the busy 2 million can download their porn on the plane.
I would have thought it was with baby elephants, not joking: only going by my experience (catching people at it NOT partaking!) with donkeys and calves in South America.
The snake thing is interesting, maybe the less endowed male try it on with a python, get stuck inside and walk round with a massive bulge thereby attracting many lecherous stares and being able to say, without lying, “Hey babe, want to see my trouser snake?”
Those “slave owners” in South London are not British then…African and Asian…therefore British to the BBC I`m sure(bloody Empire keeps a giving to them doesn`t it?).
Funny thing is that the BBC rather coyly regard it as a “collective”.
Sounds like a commune to me(Green) or even-dare I say?…a Co-Op( Labour).
Ah well-it`ll be a church or a Conservative Club before the day is out.
Didn’t take long, did it.
Typical, absolutely typical handling of Grieves statement by the BBC. The focus isn’t on what Grieve, but their story is constructed around, and leads on, the criticism of his comments.
This is a typical BBC tactic. For e.g. I well remember, before the last election, the BBC led one news bulletin with, ‘Labour have criticised IDS’ proposals…’ I never did find out from them what the Tories were proposing.
Incidentally someone from the Ramadhan Foundation obtusely says that Grieve has only produced evidence of one incident (Slough). He will know full well that there have been many, many, many incidents of electoral fraud across the country…some that ‘would have shamed a banana republic’. The BBC of course have not chosen to challenge him.
Typical BBC bias
The whole thing stinks of an illegal immigration smuggling operation gone wrong, with a pathetic phony ” 30 years kidnapped into slavery” bunch of BS on top. You have to ask – after thirty year in slavery, how would you know to contact a specific charity to blow the whistle. Nonsense This stinks to high heaven, and what stinks more is the journalists pussyfooting around the story terrified of discovering a racial element which might finish their career.
‘journalists pussyfooting around the story’
Well, on my FaceBook feed they are certainly still on the case now…
BBC News
We’ve learned a little more about the case [bugger, the police have made a few more details public that we’ll have to cover] of three women allegedly [thank the lord for this word] kept as slaves for 30 years in London:
Two of them are said to have [thank the lord again that we don’t have to get any more specific than this] met the suspects via a “collective” in the 1960s, and police are focusing on a street in Brixton as they try to establish more about what happened.
Meanwhile the charity which helped the women to escape says it’s had five times more calls than normal since the news broke [what… coverage on national news makes folk think things may be up next door? The very idea. This charity needs more money…. soon!]