Here you go, on-time and in place to take us off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. Spotted any bias from the State Broadcaster? Detail it here please.
as you will see, the view reported is that of a mere MP, and certainly not that of anyone as important a the senior Law Officer, who might be in a position to know.
look forward to bbc news programmes where a `keith vas` is given unchallenged scope to put the record straight.
The BBC has shyed away from quoting Grieve with the following headline:
“Dominic Grieve criticised for claims corruption endemic in some communities”
(Using the “Tory on the defence” approach.)
Whereas the Telegraph opts for:
“Corruption rife in the Pakistani community, says minister”
Surprise surprise… BBC, as always, manage to wheel out lefty critics for the bloke who told the truth and said that ethnic minority communities like the Pakistani community, don’t integrate. BBC just happy to continue to trot out leftist lies and multicultural propaganda garbage.
The only thing less surprising than that there is more corruption amongst the Pakistani origin community is the backtracking forced on Grieve by Central Office.
Pakistani people are not intrinsically more corrupt, and Pakistanis served nobly in the British Indian Army. But 30 years ago I was hearing about corrupt political practices coming into the UK, this was in Leicester from a prospective (and later elected) councillor. Postal voting in the UK is now discredited. Does any group seem over-represented in this list?
‘I present The Newsroom on the BBC World Service. Not a BBC spokeswoman. Occasionally facetious. And, sigh, RT doesn’t = endorsement.’
She presents stuff on the BBC, but is not a BBC spokeswoman.
‘Sigh’ notwithstanding, that makes no sense unless her presenting does not involve speaking, and even then…
GW, you know all too well they view it as a massive annoyance. They see this as haters intruding on their personal freedom. Their reaction is one of resentment, not even remotely contrition. No lesson learned other than that there are haters out there.
Not too keen on the notion that if someone perceives something as something, that is what it must be.
I don’t see this as anything to do with ‘hate’ or ‘haters’. I know you are not using it this way, but once alternative opinion or valid counter defaults, and is allowed to default, straight to daft defensive ‘hate’ claims they are already lost.
Twitter, for good or ill, is a public forum (some have the convictions to prove it) and a post is inevitably public. Litter one’s page with ‘I work for the BBC’ can only suggest the author sees the employment status as a critical aspect in who is attracted and who is spoken to.
How the BBC rationalises these bizarre disclaimers is for them to grasp, as it is hurting their credibility big time to have staff of a national medium pretend they can say what they like under such banners and it simply does not count. Especially as the BBC and staff would tear any party or corporate employer a new one for one errant tweet. It is astounding hypocrisy to the nth degree.
In this case there is the simple fact of what was written… Called out… And then deleted.
That does not suggest they feel confident in where they are. At all.
Massive annoyance… Oh yes. Good.
It also may suggest that those who dismiss this site’s value and impact are high on wishful thinking and low on grasping reality.
What is becoming clearer in the past year to me at least is a shift not in the generalpublic’s perception – they have always disliked mass immigration and its effects on Britain – but in there (our) willingness not to be shouted down by the main three parties and the liberal left BBC in to acquiescence on this important national issue. Its quite liberating that there is little they can do, short of gerrymandering the whole political process (though Labour had a damned good go at it with mass immigration and both parties with the EU). No, at the next election vote anything but the big three, spoil your papers if you have to but show them and their stooge the beeb that we want no more of their bullying tactics. Freedom from that lot is liberating.
Every time, dont ever fall for the line that a ukip vote lets in labour.
There really aint that much between Dave ( its nothing to do with islam) Cameron, and the Labour shower of shit.
Use that vote, dont spoil the papers, and dont forget your first chance comes in 2014 in the euro elections, to show the major parties where to fuck off to.
INBBC propagandises for Muslim Brotherhood, (MB), saying that it may be changing its tactics.
But INBBC support for Muslim Brotherhood remains as politically resolute as ever.
“Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood changes tactics amid crackdown”
By Shaimaa Khalil
BBC News, Cairo.
And, of course, Beeboid political advocacy will extend to MB supporter, Erdogan as well; not least because Erdogan’s Islamising strategy fits with Beeboid support for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into the European Union, so as to speed up the Islamisation of the European continent.
“Erdogan slams Egypt’s army-backed rulers after Cairo expels Turkish ambassador”
Last week I had the good fortune to visit Israel, whilst there I visited Jerusalem and Bethlehem, astonishing to see the holy places.
While there I was so tempted to wear a t-shirt saying ‘Don’t believe the BBC, some of us still like you’
I found the parts of Israel I saw, clean and well maintained, going through the wall (surreal) to ‘Palestine’ it was filthy and the birthplace of Christ is surrounded by dirt, guards with Kalashnikovs and Arabs spitting in the street.
I wonder how many of the BBC’s anti Israel, pro Arab majority have ever actually set foot in these places.
I found the parts of Israel I saw, clean and well maintained, going through the wall (surreal) to ‘Palestine’ it was filthy and the birthplace of Christ is surrounded by dirt, guards with Kalashnikovs and Arabs spitting in the street.
I wonder how many of the BBC’s anti Israel, pro Arab majority have ever actually set foot in these places.
All of them – that’s why they’re terrified of pissing off the Palestinians 🙄
My experience of Bethlehem was similar to yours – exept for the guns.
I would add that some of the Muslim traders in the Old City of Jerusalem seemed to be grasping and unpleasant – by comparison with the other sects in the city. They make a fairly easy living from Jewish and Christian tourists – but seemed to have a resentful attitude.
The square outside the Church of the Nativity had several police all with Kalashnikovs, mind you for all I know some bigwig was due, I know Hollande was in Jerusalem that day, don’t know if he planned on crossing the wall!
I had the same experience last year. Israel is very multicultural actually and I got the impression the Muslims were content there, as opposed to the Palestinian areas which appeared to be full of hate for non-Muslims and also dirty. My wife and I got rocks launched at us in s church grounds in the Muslim district of Jerusalem too, and we came on a fight between Muslim traders in a market where one trader stabbed another. Apart from that everyone else seemed very friendly and sane, but also very protective of what they have built. They are very under-threat from neighbouring countries. A very positive and progressive nation with very jealous and regressive neighbours.
Also interesting are the murals at the checkpoint on the Bethlehem side (and probably elsewhere). All in English and clearly designed to be camera-friendly to westerners. I almost got the impression they’d been created by westerners, especially considering sign to such places as ‘Banksy’s shop’.
‘All in English and clearly designed to be camera-friendly to westerners’
Opinions here may change markedly if it were ever shown how much efforts there are structured to shape such opinions.
Thing is, it would require professional reporting of integrity from the very media complicit and happy to pretend it isn’t all one great big smoke and mirrors show.
I agree, a lot of time and effort taken on some of them by talented artists (amongst the general graffiti). ‘Evil Empire’ and ‘To resist is to exist’ were in bright red paint just inside the wall on the Arab side, somebody with good English scrawled those.
what happened was a letter went out telling parents that the kids were going on a school trip to learn all about islam. After numerous parents said they didnt want their kids being indoctrinated with islamic propaganda, and didnt want them going on the trip, the letter that made the threats of being labelled racist went out. Hence the threats were based on an extreme left wing nut jobs political ideology
It just goes to show how intolerant the extreme left wing are, and also, how these fascists have taken control of the education system.
i bet she only votes labour because the socialist workers party dont put candidates forward for democractic elections, because they hate democracy
The head should be dismissed at once. When the teachers start to threaten the pupils it is time to make an example of the teacher. The BBC report is evasive to say the least. But what can you expect from an organisastion which regards reality as something to be ignored when the liberal fantasy demands. I noticed the same evasiveness in the reports on election fraud.
What is wrong with these liberals?
I’m in education and believe me headmasters’ can be autocrats of the worst kind ( though some can be marvellous) but mix that up with a bit of left wing sanctimony and you get threatening letters like that. The Head should be held to account for that stupidity. But its the old left “disagree with us? there is something wrong with you.” Not “you disagree? Lets debate…” Its extraordinary how undemocratic and vicious they can be. That letter is a case in point.
As I`ve said-she should be done for
b) shaking down money from kids with menaces
c) spiritual abuse
Let`s hope that somebody slips Mohammad the Teddy bear into her jackboot at breaktime….he`s over his therapy after Sudan 2007, so I`m told!
Sharon Shoesmith fancy replacing this muppet?
Minor stuff but the BBC just has to manipulate everything to fit their agenda. I think the producers are concerned that the programme is just too white. Remember when Arlene Philips was replaced with Alyesha Dixon on Strictly – young black woman with no knowledge of dance? In Strictly 2013 the young woman most likely to win is Natalie – young black woman who was obviously able to dance well before she ever stood on the Strictly dance floor. In addition the judges said and oft repeated by Tess and Zoe that Patrick is the best male dancer. He isn’t – Ashley is marked down at every opportunity and Patrick marked up. It is so obvious that the producers want to avoid any charge that Strictly is too white (black dancers have often left the competition early) – and we haven’t had a woman win for some years. It is so obvious that the contestants have been selected to ‘fix’ the winner and where the agenda is not being met just fix the scores.
It would be interesting to see an audit of the phone votes and a total for the amount of money raised by it all.
I have the sneaking suspicion that the whole thing is rigged. The voting patterns seem too skewed to me. They may not fix the final result but it would be very profitable for them to ensure than no one group got disenchanted enough not to watch the next weeks programme and spend cash voting for their ‘representative’, until it no longer mattered on the final show.
After all the BBC have form where vote rigging is concerned and it’s the votes that drives the show and each vote costs 15p.
Yes – every year there is always one contestant who is surprisingly knocked out of the competition – ‘because they were in the middle of the leader board and so the public didn’t bother to vote’ – it was either Deborah Meaden or Rachel Riley that was given that role this year (I forget which) – then there is always the contestant who has an injury which means they may not be able to continue – Natalie was nominated for that this year . At least this year the press appears to have not been fed with the story of which celebrity might be sleeping with their dance partner.
I remember years ago on Mastermind when a coloured contestant reached the final.
For his general knowledge the BBC asked him questions such as ‘What is 6 + 6’ (well it might have been 12 + 12) but they were so much easier than the others were asked it was laughable.
Can the Paul Flowers Support Group start here?
Having studied my Bible…and noted the lack of a preacher at his Church tomorrow…I feel obliged to defend him.
You saw it here first!
Unlike Savile-he`s still around to go up on the Moors and show us where the bodies are buried, and the backstairs deals were concocted.
Had he not upset the lefty liberal elites(and , boy has he done that?…thank God!)…he`d be an icon to Chris Bryant and chums, to Jack Dromey and piggybank, to Russell Brand and Giles Fraser…and a shoo in for the House of Lords once MiliBalls got hands on the nations testes yet again.
But now-thanks to his barium meal self immolation in effect-he`s shone a light on all those serial fantasists, liars, inept tubs of lard like Prescott Snr…and the likes of Blair need to “carry that heavy ex-brother of theirs around a while yet”…we in Gods house venerate him as the scapegoat, sacrificial lamb of liberla lefty and green ethical onanists…and, like Islam, we need to defend OUR umma/ulama when he`s no more guilty of rising without trace than David Frost…no worse that Denis McShane or Baroness Uddin or Hazel Blears..and less of a crim than Chris Huhne.
Let a thousand Flowers bloom…who`s with me?
Check your bibles…Jesus commended the shrewd steward, forgave the prodigal son…and they taught us far less about what debauchery we`ve put up with since 1990 by way of politics.
Need my own website now don`t I?…and I reckon he`s tomorrows Fred the Red!
That article half suggests there could be a run on the CoOp bank – with 150 local authorities as well as other people being advised to move their money for safety !
I read that the co-op bank has already withdrawn from offering banking facilities to local authorities – perhaps due in part to the bank’s credit rating being below the level at which public bodies would leave funds on deposit & their current account business is too much hassle.
It’s possible that one of the reasons for the shrill screeching that always gives away the fact that the left are worried is that the monies that the Co-Op have handed over to Labour aren’t described as ‘donations’ (which I think might be illegal – someone better informed might confirm or otherwise), but as ‘loans’ (albeit at preferential rates). If these current troubles require an opening of the Co-Op’s books it might well be found that nothing has been paid back by the Labour Party, and thus these weren’t ‘loans’ by any stretch of the imagination, likely resulting in several of our players shuffling off stage left for a spell at Her Majesty’s pleasure.
And I had a colleague who had previously worked as a bank manager for the Co-Op. She explained that its ethical claims were a marketing tool only. And personally I think soft loans to the Labour party are certainly not ethical.
The unresolved issue of the Zygon and human conflict in Dr Who seemed a bit pointless to me. No doubt it was supposed to mirror the Time Lords conflict with the Daleks. But that part of the story just vanished once the nuke had been disarmed.
So how’s this for a conspiracy for you. The Human/Zygon conflict was an allegory. The story of two different peoples fighting over the same land. One group is an interloper and aggressor. A vile people with tentacles reaching deep into the human population and, being shape shifters, you can’t even tell if you are sat next to one on the bus. The other, a less advanced race that has to resort to desperate scorched earth tactics to hang on to their own land.
The view from Ireland: A comment posted to a blog in the Telegraph regarding the “Mobile Reconnaissance Force”:
“Mirabilis2000 jonathan_story
• 11 hours ago
Im not sure about the North, but here in the Republic, our state institutions are being attacked in a very similar way to yours in the UK. Our police force, armed forces , legislature, and civil service are under constant attack from the media.
I guess for you, you have the BBC, which is proving to be a very potent enemy of Britain and its place in the world.
Luckily in Ireland, our enemies are not quite as well organised.”
Don`t know about that sir!
Just returned from Ireland myself-I was there as a baby, and I`m the son of Irish parents, know the place quite well.
RTE is like BBC Province-lite..reminded me of Midlands BBC output…but with a surreal and redeeming Angelus.
The cod-voice of EU supremacy was constant…so I fear you`ll be as trussed for Tawba ,as the liberal lilos are trying to ensure for us.
But-it put out “The Disappeared” when I was there-which scorched Adams fatally(give it time)…so it`s not as splayed and as craven as the BBC.
Ireland let De Valera live to give us Shannon Airport…the BBC would have let him slyly go about the country telling Gerry Adams which targets might best raise issues in a a passionate way..with accompanying cameras and expenses all round.
Did you know that Teeside University has a department of ‘Fascist, Anti Fascist and Post Fascist Studies?’
This sprouted up on the BBC News website overnight.
Also read the Wikipedia entry on ‘Advocacy Journalism’
‘Journalists should use neutral sources to establish facts’
Great spot , O glorious son of Norm!
Lived up there…was a mere Poly back then, but if the EU pay you to set up such tosh…s`pose it pays the fatuous “academix and soshull psyensez” to get out to Thornaby( and not Middlesborough on a Friday evening) and create the “figures required” to put the Muslim bat up its own nightie..and hope we`ll be fearful and empathetic too.
Who or what is “Mama”….Mecca and Medina Accredited?
The History Man dealt with this spurious lefty garbage…and Dominic Sandbrooke showed us a bit of it.
Wasn`t it Advocacy Journalism that enriched McAlpine on out tab?…any chance of Hartlepool Poly doing an SEN modular survey on THAT?
nah, course not…facts are sacred-as long as the BBC and Guardian are not embarrassed and we`ll stump up.
A few monkeys need a hangin` up there don`t they?
Dominic Grieve tells the truth and has to apologise…
What backs Grieves point in spades is that no one in the media/MP’s/pundits who criticise him say his statement is untrue just that it is “divisive.”
One morning Uncle Dominic said ” I’m sorry I said its raining outside everyone. That was silly of me. Those of you who like the sun will find what I said divisive. Very sorry.” As the children left the house it was lashing down with rain but those without coats insisted everyone else imagine it was sunny too. And because they refused to believe it was wet and made all the other boys and girls go without coats everyone caught a cold and some sadly caught pneumonia including those who agreed with uncle Dom hen he said it was wet.
The BBC must have worked bloody hard to find a Mulsim Tory to disagree with Grieve, but they did, quote….
” But his remarks drew criticism from Sajjad Karim, the Conservative Party’s legal affairs spokesman in the European Parliament.He told the BBC: “As a member of the British Pakistani community myself, I found these comments to be offensive, divisive; I do think they were ill-advised and I’m afraid the very general way in which Dominic is trying to make the points that he is making will have the net effect of being seen as purely populist in nature.”
Must smell rather from Brussels and Strasbourg eh?
Grieve is a wuss-no facts, no point in tippy toing through Labours gay gardens without any obvious facts to confirm he`s right.
And he is…but with no facts re convictions, dodgy wards and Warsis three seats lost…he might as well hang his monkey in Seaton Carew!
Meanwhile, Third World contempt for our hard-won rights and freedoms continues (hot on the heels of the ‘gender segregation is ok for religious reasons’ declaration by university profs) with yet more Third World vote-rigging:
‘Despite heavy rain on polling day, turnout (31 per cent) was amazingly high for a council by-election. In the previous contest in the ward, 16 months earlier, it was 17 per cent. Only 14 per cent of people in Tower Hamlets at the time had postal votes – but 36 per cent of votes cast were postal. And that’s after 135 postal ballot papers were rejected, mainly because of doubts over their authenticity’.
Dominic Grieve was right, despite being forced to retreat to the politically-correct position that no-one with a coloured skin can ever do anything wrong.
Except that the corrupt people running Tower Hamlets aren’t Pakistani; they’re Bangladeshi. But they do have a religion in common.
Errrr, thanks for that. They split after a war of independence 42 years ago and the easiest way to start another fight between them is mistakenly to call a Bangladeshi a Pakistani. If you want to go a bit farther back, they were all part of India, but mentioning that would start an even bigger fight.
The only thing they have in common is that they are enriching us via the Religion of Peace.
Another day, another ‘new report’ cited by the BBC. This time, it’s the the turn of something called ‘The Oxford Research Group’, a ‘ticks all the boxes’ ‘progressive’ outfit with BBC-approved progressive credentials in all the right areas of social policy, who, in a new report, ‘Stolen Futures – the Hidden Toll of Child Casualties in Syria’ claim that ‘More than 11,000 children have died in Syria’s civil war’ over the past three years, including such disturbing stats as:
“…Of the 11,420 victims aged 17 and under, 389 were killed by sniper fire. Some 764 were summarily executed, and more than 100 – including infants – were tortured.“
Oddly, Lyse Doucet, BBC, doesn’t find any space to tell us if the ORP discovered which side in the Syrian conflict has been most enthusiastically killing children, so it’s an important question mark just left unanswered, unaddressed, over the story – one to which the reader is presumably invited by Ms Doucet to draw their own conclusions.
Sloppy journalism or just another example of ‘nudging’ by the BBC?
In the eyes of the BBC, hate-crimes can only be committed by white, Christian English. Of course, the BBC don’t care about hate crimes that are committed against the English on a daily basis by Muslims and other ethnic minorities.
Only a short news at 07:00 and 08:00 on a Sunday morning, but they still find time to plug Desert Islands Discs, and their current hero, Ed Miliband’s appearance, how things are “mending” between him and his brother, and the name of his last chosen piece of music…
The BBC, continual programme trails for our delectation and delight – at least it wasn’t Doctor Who, this time…
BBC News 24 at 10.30am and all references to the ‘slavery’ of ‘collectives’ have disappeared.
Phew, the BBC will be happy to not mention that story again until sentencing. (Green light for this informal D-Notice courtesy of the ‘non-governmental support group’ now minding the ‘victims’ and policing our news. Come back Brian Leveson – where are you when we need you?)
So what can we talk about?
Doctor Who and Ed Miliband. Oh joy! Happy days!
Invasion of the Class Warriors
Dialectic Island Discs
But if you were looking for news?
Syria: seems children are being targeted by snipers and tortured on an industrial scale in the latest Mid East civil war.
Boy, those Islam boys on both sides are dirty fighters ain’t they?
Oh and Israel are getting all narky and uppity about this wonderful neuclear deal with Iran. Party poopers.
CND veteran Baroness Ashton…. thanks to the BBC her mug pops up on my screen.
When was the last time I saw her name on a ballot paper?
What price representative democracy – eh?
The BBC seem to suggest that at last she achieves something in the way of disarmament (maybe?)
“Editorially, we’ll start from a point of scepticism, posing the question ‘Is this image too good to be true?’ We’ll analyse the context of the image and the motives behind why it might have been uploaded on the web at that time. We will also seek to cross-reference what the image purports to show against official or verified sources, such as news agencies or with our own teams on the ground.” [Trushar Barot, of the BBC’s user generated content team talking about ‘citizen journalism’]
Well Millipede showing his true colours on desert island discs, just confirmed what we all knew, that he HATES this country, by choosing as his first disc the national anthem of another country.
N’kosi Sikelel’I Afrika the national anthem of South Africa. Nice one Ed now we know where your loyalties lie, and it’s not with us!
But note that he cut out previous ones he used to like, lest they cause offence to EU grumps or old-fashioned Woody Guff wannabes like Lord William Bragg of Burton Bradstock in the Shire of Dorset wot, wot?
Even when it comes to music…he`s liquid playdo!
Worrastiff!…I wnated to hear “Flowers in the Rain” but there you go!
His choice betrays just how cynical politicians are now. Anything to get attention fronthe liberal orthodoxy. In fact it shows just how shaallow he is.
BBC News 24 at 10.30am and all references to the ‘slavery’ of ‘collectives’ have disappeared.
Yes, this one has to be given a very light touch now. Coy talk of this resulting from a “shared political ideology” (that’s Marxism to you and me). A story featuring illegal immigration, possible benefit fraud and a council block festooned with Sky dishes isn’t what the BBC wants to give us. Best to talk about far right extremists, which Adrian Goldberg is giving me on 5 Live right now.
Oh wouldn`t it be great if we`ve found a Green Marxist Housechurch where the party just kept on going?
Bit like those jungle tardies in the Malaysian jungle who think the war is still going on!
Brilliant! May St James of Wood Lane and Roundhay grant this my supplication!
We can then expect Co-Op and Commune to go the way of jihad, Islam and Muslim terrorist…that word landfill is getting more crowded by the day!
It is possibly time to take stock of just who is living in all the council owned houses throughout the country , checking for entitlement , identity , benefit status, number of inhabitants etc
then … BBC R5live spends over half an hour, airing the most galling propaganda, from the compromised, and discredited “tell mama” … simply shocking.
I ve just checked its run to 42mins, the bullet point appears to be freedom of speech must be curtailed, looks like “tell mama” has written the script
11am 5live – no link yet
And the evidence for this comes from Hartlepool Poly c/o Middlesboroughs muggles in “Fakulti of Sums n Feelins innit”.
Good enough for me-Mecca and Median Approved!
In other news…
It’s that .22 I worry about most. They seem to be the one writing the headlines. ‘One more body coming next week, as James Harding appoints a Managing Editor – a new post, tipped to go to an outsider.’
We’ll see just how ‘outside’. I wonder where this one was whispered before the ideal candidate was selected.
Speaking of grotesque numbers… ‘legacy of a Thommo-Byford quest for “impact”, achieved not through quality, but quantity’
Maybe a redesignation of DQF is in order? Don’t Question Funding?
Thought people might appreciate the usual BBC practice of taking a Labour Press Release, promoting it to number three in their list of political stories, and attempting to make the tories look uncouth/unclassy by pointing out the links between the Labour Party and the Co-Op Bank
So, the third most important ‘news’ item, according to the bBBC, is that 10 million brain-dead people watched the most over-hyped TV programme of the weekend.
Suppose there`s no chance of audited and confirmed figures to prove it is there?
If Children In Need could have THEIR books verified as well..that would be dandy.
Personally, I think 31 Million pounds was raised off our grandkids organs being promised to the Chinese…and it was that bucket of cash that was plonked in a Retardis to pretend we all watched it.
10 Million sad weird blokes watching Dr Who?….can`t be THAT many an there?
Wouldn`t they all be rehearsing their Monty Python lines?
Until a few years ago you could see where the money was being spent in your region, project by project, on a Children in Need website. I was staggered by how many of the grants in the North West were to LGBT-type projects, for ‘children’ to come to terms with and be ‘proud of’ their ‘identity’, and it was therefore not surprising the PC-type hoops applicants would have to go through in order just to be worthy of consideration.
Many of the projects involved the purchase of high tech sound recording and filming equipment to facilitate aspirations in the entertainment business for ‘deprived’ children. Poverty? I don’t think so. It really was any eye-opener.
Strangely, this information is no longer available on the internet and this ‘about us’ pdf report link kindly supplied by Albaman tells us bugger all about this level of detail.
“PC-type hoops applicants would have to go through in order just to be worthy of consideration.”
I did rather crank an eyebrow at a BBC report of the UK ‘s sterling efforts in terms of tangible aid to the Philippines.
High on the list of ‘must haves’ was…. Counselling. Now, while I can see the odd moppet may need a hug, is this best provided by a Tower Hamlets outreach coordinator who was packing their factor 50 before you can say ‘jolly’? Especially as I doubt the language shared will make for sensible exchange.
“High on the list of ‘must haves’ was…. Counselling.”
If you have not lost a loved one in such traumatic circumstances then how would you know what the priorities are. Having been close to recent incidents in the North Sea I can assure you that counseling and other such support services were high on the list of things requested by family, friends and colleagues.
Interesting what seduces you out of the bunker.
And you know I have not lost a loved one under various circumstances how?
We’re talking an aid effort involving time and money critical triage in a country the other side of the globe to the UK; slightly different to your evident proximate experiences in the a North Sea, off the coast of this country, involving people who now value such things and share language and culture with those providing such services.
Having lived and worked around SE Asia for two decades, these will be lesser priorities for foreign import there.
But thanks for chipping in. As ever your contribution has brought its own unique value.
“We’re talking an aid effort involving time and money critical triage in a country the other side of the globe to the UK; ”
In any incident there are two distinct phases – response and recovery. If you had any knowledge whatsoever about traumatic incidents (irrespective of the location or scale) you would know that counseling, psychological and physiological support is required for a long period of time after the event.
As ever your own “unique” contribution adds no value whatsoever.
“counseling. what a load of bollox.”
What do you base this assertion on David? Do you just post crass comments like this to garner a few “likes” to bolster your self-esteem?
“As ever your own “unique” contribution adds no value whatsoever.”
If you say so. Though what I would or would not know is really outside your knowledge if not your inevitable presumption.
Should any Tagalog, Spanish or even Phillipino English-speaking familial groups be unlucky enough to suffer an ‘incident’, I know what and who those I lived and worked with would welcome more.
If it suits you more, as ever, to drag discussion off on personal experiences you can know nothing about beyond your own feel free, but given your recent impositions as far as I’m concerned you’re a shot bolt on this site already, so please find another conversation to blunder in upon.
” I did not ask you to respond ”
Some may look back to see how you decided to enter into this thread, now at the terminal single column, no reply stage.
Your absence across all other threads on BBC staff and programmes being inaccurate, ticking boxes, lacking objectivity or integrity, stealth ‘evolving’ stories, deleting tweets, etc, doubtless explained by the requirement for knowledge proclaimed only by you, here.
Your self-assessment of honesty and lack of care is duly noted.
“Until a few years ago you could see where the money was being spent in your region, project by project, on a Children in Need website………………….. Strangely, this information is no longer available on the internet……..”
A treat in store tonight with Owen Jones getting 45 uninterrupted minutes to tell the broadcasters that they are in the pocket of the evil tories & their anti-slacker agenda
Apologies for plagiarising your link here, Will, but I just had to pull out this quote:
‘Here’s a shocking statistic: 70 per cent of British TV producers polled at Edinburgh International TV Festival in 2006 believed Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard was an accurate representation of white working-class youth. That neatly encapsulates author and broadcaster Owen Jones’s polemic that the working class and the poor are increasingly being demonised on TV. He believes programme-makers are falling in line with a broader political agenda of benefits cuts by making increasingly shrill, alarmist programmes about scroungers and skivers. It’s a compelling argument backed by examples from Jeremy Kyle, Skint and Shameless. Though it’s not all bad news; he does hold up Educating Yorkshire as a rare good example’.
Radio Times or Socialist Worker? Spot the difference.
Jonathan Marcus’ cautious praise of the US-Iran nuclear shame deal ends with this:
A nuclear-armed Iran would change strategic calculations in the region dramatically. It might lead to the spread of nuclear weapons to a number of other countries.
The Middle East would fundamentally never be the same again. That is why the stakes over the coming six months are going to be so high and the passions so strong.
No mention of nuking Israel. This is how timidity and a deliberate effort to appease the anti-Israel crowd (the BBC gets complaints from both sides, don’t you know) shape BBC journalism. If Marcus had included nuking Israel in his possible negative outcome scenario, it could have been seized on as evidence of support for the Zionist Entity. So Marcus or his editor chose to leave out the most obvious, and certainly most immediate, outcome of an Iran with a bomb.
We know that Iran is seeking Nuclear weaponry because A Q Khan has been peddling his dirty business there, and that global hub of terror, Pakistan has supported him throughout as a national hero, after all he’s the ‘father of the Pakistani Atom Bomb’.
For those who don’t know about this man I suggest you look him up because he’s probably the most dangerous man in the world alive today. He is single handedly responsible for aiding North Korea obtaining a nuclear device, and has approached just about every rogue regime in the world.
Except, Thoughtful, the BBC will now tell you that Iran is not going to be seeking it during the talks so that’s irrelevant now, or at least for the time being. Neither Marcus nor anyone else at the BBC will openly speculate that this agreement with its suggestion of eased sanctions and freeing up cash just further entrenches the mad mullahs’ power over the people. Just read all the happy comments from Iranian “students” and businessmen. They’re pleased because Iran managed to save face (about maintaining their ultimate right to pursue nuclear whatever) as well as potentially easing sanctions that will help Iran’s economy. Sec. of State Kerry and Samantha Power and Valerie Jarrett just gave the Iranian regime the best domestic power boost they’ve had in years. And The Obamessiah Administration can claim victory because the threat of sanctions brought Iran to the negotiating table. You know, avoiding waaaaaaaaar.
As the BBC’s Jonathan Marcus says, both parties left smiling. The only problem for some people is that the priorities of the two sides are vastly, tragically different.
Party? It’s a bodge job fudge on nukes for nutters based on poor statespersonship and limited attention span blinking first. Not a prom. What is she, eleven?
“It has been reported that the arrested man is an underworld hardman who acts as a bodyguard for a notorious northern crime family.”
Would that be Donal MacIntyre’s favourite UAF supporting crime family the Noonans I wonder?
I note too that our “hardman” is “not allowed to go to Manchesters Gay Village”.
Isn`t this homophobic?…when we were kids , we`d not have been allowed to it…and this becomes much of any article required by the Pink Paper (or the BBC as it`s better known).
Afraid that phrase “hardman” will excite a few of the wrong sort on Canal St, and may be seen as what actually IS wanted by some of the less bright types…oo er missus!
Well, given the address book gob-for-hire list for the entire BBC Production team roster doesn’t run to double digits, no.
As to clicking that link, given the intro, why go to an empty space?
I do enjoy the intelligent comments(mostly) on this site……..Knowledgeable people making informed comments……….excellent
I just wish to throw this into the conversation……….Despite all the media excess and over reporting. The facts are as follows (regarding this alleged slavery matter)….The two suspects – ethnically not British (goes without saying) have been released on bail for further enquires – this, amidst a massively politically directed police force is still a fact. Therefore one has to think about this………Is there actually an offence committed here, one has to consider this because around this investigation will be overwhelming pressure on the investigators must to charge and remand into custody the two alleged suspects. If one strips out all the bullshit from the bbbc reporting and political comment the facts are that these people contacted (not the police) but a charity involved in a human rights issue) and then immediately the politico/publicity/hyper reporting machinery (and therefore the police response) has sprung into life – all reports describing everything bad about the matter but the police have seen fit to bail these two suspects off.
Interesting, eh?
As usual there is zero chance of any true, factual news/facts delivery from the bbbc.
I must say that I would absolutely laugh my bollocks off if they do not surrender to bail on whatever date they are supposed to return but I must say that I do think they will return on bail to be told ….. Actually – No further action, in this case
Anyhow must sign off as I am depressed about our Gentlemen cricketer’s performance over in the antipodes. Again, no doubt the bbbc will be secretly enjoying every possible moment of our (cricketing) misery – even if they don’t broadcast their thoughts
It is amazing that this story, has been literally every 15mins reporting on tv/radio for days now (feels waaaay longer) in depth reports about slavery by all and sundry on the same …
where the issue here, seems not clear at all.
Contrast that with the amount of airtime another recent case got, where yet another Paedostani, keeps a child as a sex slave in his cellar, with his first cousins i mean wife s consent, for years, cut and dried facts?.
Indeed Sir ,I think you have a point. Based on the very sparse and disjointed information given by the BBC.
It would appear that while these women have part of some sort of unpleasant and abusive relationship its not clear what crime, if any has been committed.
Unless the unnamed ‘political cult’ that they were members of , was modelled on the SWP in which case it makes more sense
The elephant in the room here is RELIGION, that pervasive,superstitious dogma that has enabled charlatans and crooks to hide behind a veneer of respectability, whether child molesting RC pederasts, or muslim grooming gangs they are all equally to blame . The only difference being is that the muslim rapists are protected by a politically correct omertà that is aided and abetted by the BBC, who use all kinds of verbal gymnastics to hide the true extent of their depredations
BBC Westminster Hour had an interview with a writer from the New Statesman about the ‘Co-op’ scandal. Would it not have been possible to introduce that item with something about the New Statesman being a left wing journal? That fact might have then given context to the anti-Tory line the journo was pedalling.
Tonights Lord Levene interview is very interesting about the Political interference which might have gone on with the Co-op bank being the politically preferred bidder for the Lloyds branches.
Levene claims he’s apolitical, but he has quite a history of Tory support, and he’s not a happy man. It’s hard to blame him when todays cynical slime balls simply follow political expediency rather than any kind of honour and morality. As Levene said people back in the Thatcher government told the truth, but Mark Hoban told him he had no meetings with the Co-op bank while he actually had 30 meetings with Flowers alone !
It’s not as if there were unknown issues with Co-op bank at the time, most knew there were problems but they appear to have been ignored.
Vince Cable might have dirty hands in this given his support for mutual, but apparently there was cross party support for the Co-op bid.
I think that this story has the potential to grow and to damage the coalition, there wasn’t much criticism of Labour, but then they had no power or influence anyway. I expect that this first airing will be followed by a potential witch hunt on the Treasury who were open about the level of political interference in the banking sector.
Yet another republican bomb attack here in Belfast about to be swept under the carpet.
Lets not tell it as it is,that the British Army are dealing with yet another republican bomb here in our capital city .
Meanwhile the flag protesters are being demonized by the beeb on a daily basis about how much they are costing traders yet nothing at all said about these daily bomb attacks and shootings and killings.
Wonder why ? ….. AGENDA.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
sanitising the co-op story goes hand-in-hand with tainting the Pakistani community corruption `slur`.
as you will see, the view reported is that of a mere MP, and certainly not that of anyone as important a the senior Law Officer, who might be in a position to know.
look forward to bbc news programmes where a `keith vas` is given unchallenged scope to put the record straight.
The BBC has shyed away from quoting Grieve with the following headline:
“Dominic Grieve criticised for claims corruption endemic in some communities”
(Using the “Tory on the defence” approach.)
Whereas the Telegraph opts for:
“Corruption rife in the Pakistani community, says minister”
Yes, it’s the familiar BBC tactic – get the criticisms embedded in peoples’ minds first.
If the Tories had a backbone one might hope that the BBC will do this often enough to provoke a backlash. But they haven’t and it won’t.
“Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community.”
How can the BBC translate this as “some communities”? They are a disgrace.
Surprise surprise… BBC, as always, manage to wheel out lefty critics for the bloke who told the truth and said that ethnic minority communities like the Pakistani community, don’t integrate. BBC just happy to continue to trot out leftist lies and multicultural propaganda garbage.
The only thing less surprising than that there is more corruption amongst the Pakistani origin community is the backtracking forced on Grieve by Central Office.
Pakistani people are not intrinsically more corrupt, and Pakistanis served nobly in the British Indian Army. But 30 years ago I was hearing about corrupt political practices coming into the UK, this was in Leicester from a prospective (and later elected) councillor. Postal voting in the UK is now discredited. Does any group seem over-represented in this list?
Jackie Leonard, presenter of The Newsroom on the BBC World Service:
No institutionalised liberal wing bias there then?
No coincidental conspiracy of bourgeois leftists at the BBC , how could any one think that ?
‘I present The Newsroom on the BBC World Service. Not a BBC spokeswoman. Occasionally facetious. And, sigh, RT doesn’t = endorsement.’
She presents stuff on the BBC, but is not a BBC spokeswoman.
‘Sigh’ notwithstanding, that makes no sense unless her presenting does not involve speaking, and even then…
You cannot expect intellectual coherence from the Left, just pay her the cheque she thinks you owe her because of her bottomless sense of entitlement.
Here’s her Twitter profile from Google cache before I drew attention
Odd. It has appeared to have evolved. Like a BBC ‘news’ story. Now, what could possibly account for that?
Tweet deleted. What a surprise.
I wonder if they realise just how that comes across?
GW, you know all too well they view it as a massive annoyance. They see this as haters intruding on their personal freedom. Their reaction is one of resentment, not even remotely contrition. No lesson learned other than that there are haters out there.
Not too keen on the notion that if someone perceives something as something, that is what it must be.
I don’t see this as anything to do with ‘hate’ or ‘haters’. I know you are not using it this way, but once alternative opinion or valid counter defaults, and is allowed to default, straight to daft defensive ‘hate’ claims they are already lost.
Twitter, for good or ill, is a public forum (some have the convictions to prove it) and a post is inevitably public. Litter one’s page with ‘I work for the BBC’ can only suggest the author sees the employment status as a critical aspect in who is attracted and who is spoken to.
How the BBC rationalises these bizarre disclaimers is for them to grasp, as it is hurting their credibility big time to have staff of a national medium pretend they can say what they like under such banners and it simply does not count. Especially as the BBC and staff would tear any party or corporate employer a new one for one errant tweet. It is astounding hypocrisy to the nth degree.
In this case there is the simple fact of what was written… Called out… And then deleted.
That does not suggest they feel confident in where they are. At all.
Massive annoyance… Oh yes. Good.
It also may suggest that those who dismiss this site’s value and impact are high on wishful thinking and low on grasping reality.
Indeed it does provide evidence that contradicts the position of those who dismiss this site.
What is becoming clearer in the past year to me at least is a shift not in the generalpublic’s perception – they have always disliked mass immigration and its effects on Britain – but in there (our) willingness not to be shouted down by the main three parties and the liberal left BBC in to acquiescence on this important national issue. Its quite liberating that there is little they can do, short of gerrymandering the whole political process (though Labour had a damned good go at it with mass immigration and both parties with the EU). No, at the next election vote anything but the big three, spoil your papers if you have to but show them and their stooge the beeb that we want no more of their bullying tactics. Freedom from that lot is liberating.
dont spoil your ballot paper, vote UKIP
Don’t fear. I will be voting UKIP.
Every time, dont ever fall for the line that a ukip vote lets in labour.
There really aint that much between Dave ( its nothing to do with islam) Cameron, and the Labour shower of shit.
Use that vote, dont spoil the papers, and dont forget your first chance comes in 2014 in the euro elections, to show the major parties where to fuck off to.
Katty Kay supporting the Democrat nuclear option on Bill Maher’s show last night:
Katty Kay in 2005 saying the nuclear option was a bad idea – when the GOP was threatening it:
doing anything remotely connected to mega Obama donor Maher can be considered bias.
Nice spot, DB. Katty Kay is the most hyper-partisan BBC journalist in the US, and the bar is set pretty damn high already.
BBC: shhhhhhhh
-No INBBC mention of ‘Muslims’ in continuing carnage.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch:-
2.) INBBC:-
INBBC, EGYPT and Muslim Brotherhood.
INBBC propagandises for Muslim Brotherhood, (MB), saying that it may be changing its tactics.
But INBBC support for Muslim Brotherhood remains as politically resolute as ever.
“Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood changes tactics amid crackdown”
By Shaimaa Khalil
BBC News, Cairo.
And, of course, Beeboid political advocacy will extend to MB supporter, Erdogan as well; not least because Erdogan’s Islamising strategy fits with Beeboid support for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into the European Union, so as to speed up the Islamisation of the European continent.
“Erdogan slams Egypt’s army-backed rulers after Cairo expels Turkish ambassador”
Link to above:-
Has INBBC’s Cairo Bureau now become the unofficial political HQ for the Muslim Brotherhood.?
What political role does the INBBC Cairo Bureau, along with the INBBC Arabic TV service, actually perform, and for whom, and who pays for it?
“Two of three women who were allegedly held as slaves in London for at least 30 years met a man who has been arrested via a collective, police say.
Officers said they met “through a shared political ideology” before living together.”
i wonder what politcal ideology that is?
Meanwhile, in Morocco, unreported by INBBC:-
When it hits the news pages, Dez will provide a link, he’s good at that.
‘Met a man’. Strangely the woman captor seems to have disappeared.
NIGERIA, and Boko Haram: INBBC goes into ‘Binyam Mohamed’ propaganda mode:-
“Nigeria’s Boko Haram crisis: Anger at lecturer Nazeef’s arrest”
“Nigeria arrests university teacher allegedly in charge of Boko Haram recruitment”
Last week I had the good fortune to visit Israel, whilst there I visited Jerusalem and Bethlehem, astonishing to see the holy places.
While there I was so tempted to wear a t-shirt saying ‘Don’t believe the BBC, some of us still like you’
I found the parts of Israel I saw, clean and well maintained, going through the wall (surreal) to ‘Palestine’ it was filthy and the birthplace of Christ is surrounded by dirt, guards with Kalashnikovs and Arabs spitting in the street.
I wonder how many of the BBC’s anti Israel, pro Arab majority have ever actually set foot in these places.
I found the parts of Israel I saw, clean and well maintained, going through the wall (surreal) to ‘Palestine’ it was filthy and the birthplace of Christ is surrounded by dirt, guards with Kalashnikovs and Arabs spitting in the street.
I wonder how many of the BBC’s anti Israel, pro Arab majority have ever actually set foot in these places.
All of them – that’s why they’re terrified of pissing off the Palestinians 🙄
My experience of Bethlehem was similar to yours – exept for the guns.
I would add that some of the Muslim traders in the Old City of Jerusalem seemed to be grasping and unpleasant – by comparison with the other sects in the city. They make a fairly easy living from Jewish and Christian tourists – but seemed to have a resentful attitude.
The square outside the Church of the Nativity had several police all with Kalashnikovs, mind you for all I know some bigwig was due, I know Hollande was in Jerusalem that day, don’t know if he planned on crossing the wall!
You start to meet the dirt and untidiness once you go just outside the walls of the Old City to the bus station serving the Palestinian areas.
I had the same experience last year. Israel is very multicultural actually and I got the impression the Muslims were content there, as opposed to the Palestinian areas which appeared to be full of hate for non-Muslims and also dirty. My wife and I got rocks launched at us in s church grounds in the Muslim district of Jerusalem too, and we came on a fight between Muslim traders in a market where one trader stabbed another. Apart from that everyone else seemed very friendly and sane, but also very protective of what they have built. They are very under-threat from neighbouring countries. A very positive and progressive nation with very jealous and regressive neighbours.
Also interesting are the murals at the checkpoint on the Bethlehem side (and probably elsewhere). All in English and clearly designed to be camera-friendly to westerners. I almost got the impression they’d been created by westerners, especially considering sign to such places as ‘Banksy’s shop’.
‘All in English and clearly designed to be camera-friendly to westerners’
Opinions here may change markedly if it were ever shown how much efforts there are structured to shape such opinions.
Thing is, it would require professional reporting of integrity from the very media complicit and happy to pretend it isn’t all one great big smoke and mirrors show.
I agree, a lot of time and effort taken on some of them by talented artists (amongst the general graffiti). ‘Evil Empire’ and ‘To resist is to exist’ were in bright red paint just inside the wall on the Arab side, somebody with good English scrawled those.
See if you can’t spot the missing detail in this article:
(hint it’s the name of a certain religion of peace)
what happened was a letter went out telling parents that the kids were going on a school trip to learn all about islam. After numerous parents said they didnt want their kids being indoctrinated with islamic propaganda, and didnt want them going on the trip, the letter that made the threats of being labelled racist went out. Hence the threats were based on an extreme left wing nut jobs political ideology
It just goes to show how intolerant the extreme left wing are, and also, how these fascists have taken control of the education system.
i bet she only votes labour because the socialist workers party dont put candidates forward for democractic elections, because they hate democracy
The head should be dismissed at once. When the teachers start to threaten the pupils it is time to make an example of the teacher. The BBC report is evasive to say the least. But what can you expect from an organisastion which regards reality as something to be ignored when the liberal fantasy demands. I noticed the same evasiveness in the reports on election fraud.
What is wrong with these liberals?
I’m in education and believe me headmasters’ can be autocrats of the worst kind ( though some can be marvellous) but mix that up with a bit of left wing sanctimony and you get threatening letters like that. The Head should be held to account for that stupidity. But its the old left “disagree with us? there is something wrong with you.” Not “you disagree? Lets debate…” Its extraordinary how undemocratic and vicious they can be. That letter is a case in point.
As I`ve said-she should be done for
b) shaking down money from kids with menaces
c) spiritual abuse
Let`s hope that somebody slips Mohammad the Teddy bear into her jackboot at breaktime….he`s over his therapy after Sudan 2007, so I`m told!
Sharon Shoesmith fancy replacing this muppet?
And from the BBC….nothing, not even from BBC Midlands who usually take an interest in all things educational…especially if it involves CUTS.
Minor stuff but the BBC just has to manipulate everything to fit their agenda. I think the producers are concerned that the programme is just too white. Remember when Arlene Philips was replaced with Alyesha Dixon on Strictly – young black woman with no knowledge of dance? In Strictly 2013 the young woman most likely to win is Natalie – young black woman who was obviously able to dance well before she ever stood on the Strictly dance floor. In addition the judges said and oft repeated by Tess and Zoe that Patrick is the best male dancer. He isn’t – Ashley is marked down at every opportunity and Patrick marked up. It is so obvious that the producers want to avoid any charge that Strictly is too white (black dancers have often left the competition early) – and we haven’t had a woman win for some years. It is so obvious that the contestants have been selected to ‘fix’ the winner and where the agenda is not being met just fix the scores.
im not sure what i find the bigger pile of crap, strictly or dr who
Nor which of the two better demonstrates the BBC’s smug, self-congratulatory preening.
That’s easy – one’s a load of fiction – the other is an adventure in space and time.
It would be interesting to see an audit of the phone votes and a total for the amount of money raised by it all.
I have the sneaking suspicion that the whole thing is rigged. The voting patterns seem too skewed to me. They may not fix the final result but it would be very profitable for them to ensure than no one group got disenchanted enough not to watch the next weeks programme and spend cash voting for their ‘representative’, until it no longer mattered on the final show.
After all the BBC have form where vote rigging is concerned and it’s the votes that drives the show and each vote costs 15p.
Yes – every year there is always one contestant who is surprisingly knocked out of the competition – ‘because they were in the middle of the leader board and so the public didn’t bother to vote’ – it was either Deborah Meaden or Rachel Riley that was given that role this year (I forget which) – then there is always the contestant who has an injury which means they may not be able to continue – Natalie was nominated for that this year . At least this year the press appears to have not been fed with the story of which celebrity might be sleeping with their dance partner.
I remember years ago on Mastermind when a coloured contestant reached the final.
For his general knowledge the BBC asked him questions such as ‘What is 6 + 6’ (well it might have been 12 + 12) but they were so much easier than the others were asked it was laughable.
That was when I started noticing.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Can the Paul Flowers Support Group start here?
Having studied my Bible…and noted the lack of a preacher at his Church tomorrow…I feel obliged to defend him.
You saw it here first!
Unlike Savile-he`s still around to go up on the Moors and show us where the bodies are buried, and the backstairs deals were concocted.
Had he not upset the lefty liberal elites(and , boy has he done that?…thank God!)…he`d be an icon to Chris Bryant and chums, to Jack Dromey and piggybank, to Russell Brand and Giles Fraser…and a shoo in for the House of Lords once MiliBalls got hands on the nations testes yet again.
But now-thanks to his barium meal self immolation in effect-he`s shone a light on all those serial fantasists, liars, inept tubs of lard like Prescott Snr…and the likes of Blair need to “carry that heavy ex-brother of theirs around a while yet”…we in Gods house venerate him as the scapegoat, sacrificial lamb of liberla lefty and green ethical onanists…and, like Islam, we need to defend OUR umma/ulama when he`s no more guilty of rising without trace than David Frost…no worse that Denis McShane or Baroness Uddin or Hazel Blears..and less of a crim than Chris Huhne.
Let a thousand Flowers bloom…who`s with me?
Check your bibles…Jesus commended the shrewd steward, forgave the prodigal son…and they taught us far less about what debauchery we`ve put up with since 1990 by way of politics.
Need my own website now don`t I?…and I reckon he`s tomorrows Fred the Red!
That article half suggests there could be a run on the CoOp bank – with 150 local authorities as well as other people being advised to move their money for safety !
I read that the co-op bank has already withdrawn from offering banking facilities to local authorities – perhaps due in part to the bank’s credit rating being below the level at which public bodies would leave funds on deposit & their current account business is too much hassle.
It’s possible that one of the reasons for the shrill screeching that always gives away the fact that the left are worried is that the monies that the Co-Op have handed over to Labour aren’t described as ‘donations’ (which I think might be illegal – someone better informed might confirm or otherwise), but as ‘loans’ (albeit at preferential rates). If these current troubles require an opening of the Co-Op’s books it might well be found that nothing has been paid back by the Labour Party, and thus these weren’t ‘loans’ by any stretch of the imagination, likely resulting in several of our players shuffling off stage left for a spell at Her Majesty’s pleasure.
Get in the popcorn.
And I had a colleague who had previously worked as a bank manager for the Co-Op. She explained that its ethical claims were a marketing tool only. And personally I think soft loans to the Labour party are certainly not ethical.
Just watched the Doctor Who special & they couldn’t help but degenerate the Americans for re-writing history. Hypocrisy at it’s best.
U-571 still gets on my tits.
It was a clumsy (and chippy) line but it was clearly a lighthearted joke, and as far as Hollywood is concerned well deserved.
The unresolved issue of the Zygon and human conflict in Dr Who seemed a bit pointless to me. No doubt it was supposed to mirror the Time Lords conflict with the Daleks. But that part of the story just vanished once the nuke had been disarmed.
So how’s this for a conspiracy for you. The Human/Zygon conflict was an allegory. The story of two different peoples fighting over the same land. One group is an interloper and aggressor. A vile people with tentacles reaching deep into the human population and, being shape shifters, you can’t even tell if you are sat next to one on the bus. The other, a less advanced race that has to resort to desperate scorched earth tactics to hang on to their own land.
Sound familiar?
Something everybody here will understand from the Commentator

The view from Ireland: A comment posted to a blog in the Telegraph regarding the “Mobile Reconnaissance Force”:
“Mirabilis2000 jonathan_story
• 11 hours ago
Im not sure about the North, but here in the Republic, our state institutions are being attacked in a very similar way to yours in the UK. Our police force, armed forces , legislature, and civil service are under constant attack from the media.
I guess for you, you have the BBC, which is proving to be a very potent enemy of Britain and its place in the world.
Luckily in Ireland, our enemies are not quite as well organised.”
Don`t know about that sir!
Just returned from Ireland myself-I was there as a baby, and I`m the son of Irish parents, know the place quite well.
RTE is like BBC Province-lite..reminded me of Midlands BBC output…but with a surreal and redeeming Angelus.
The cod-voice of EU supremacy was constant…so I fear you`ll be as trussed for Tawba ,as the liberal lilos are trying to ensure for us.
But-it put out “The Disappeared” when I was there-which scorched Adams fatally(give it time)…so it`s not as splayed and as craven as the BBC.
Ireland let De Valera live to give us Shannon Airport…the BBC would have let him slyly go about the country telling Gerry Adams which targets might best raise issues in a a passionate way..with accompanying cameras and expenses all round.
Did you know that Teeside University has a department of ‘Fascist, Anti Fascist and Post Fascist Studies?’
This sprouted up on the BBC News website overnight.
Also read the Wikipedia entry on ‘Advocacy Journalism’
‘Journalists should use neutral sources to establish facts’
Great spot , O glorious son of Norm!
Lived up there…was a mere Poly back then, but if the EU pay you to set up such tosh…s`pose it pays the fatuous “academix and soshull psyensez” to get out to Thornaby( and not Middlesborough on a Friday evening) and create the “figures required” to put the Muslim bat up its own nightie..and hope we`ll be fearful and empathetic too.
Who or what is “Mama”….Mecca and Medina Accredited?
The History Man dealt with this spurious lefty garbage…and Dominic Sandbrooke showed us a bit of it.
Wasn`t it Advocacy Journalism that enriched McAlpine on out tab?…any chance of Hartlepool Poly doing an SEN modular survey on THAT?
nah, course not…facts are sacred-as long as the BBC and Guardian are not embarrassed and we`ll stump up.
A few monkeys need a hangin` up there don`t they?
Dominic Grieve tells the truth and has to apologise…
What backs Grieves point in spades is that no one in the media/MP’s/pundits who criticise him say his statement is untrue just that it is “divisive.”
One morning Uncle Dominic said ” I’m sorry I said its raining outside everyone. That was silly of me. Those of you who like the sun will find what I said divisive. Very sorry.” As the children left the house it was lashing down with rain but those without coats insisted everyone else imagine it was sunny too. And because they refused to believe it was wet and made all the other boys and girls go without coats everyone caught a cold and some sadly caught pneumonia including those who agreed with uncle Dom hen he said it was wet.
The BBC must have worked bloody hard to find a Mulsim Tory to disagree with Grieve, but they did, quote….
” But his remarks drew criticism from Sajjad Karim, the Conservative Party’s legal affairs spokesman in the European Parliament.He told the BBC: “As a member of the British Pakistani community myself, I found these comments to be offensive, divisive; I do think they were ill-advised and I’m afraid the very general way in which Dominic is trying to make the points that he is making will have the net effect of being seen as purely populist in nature.”
Must smell rather from Brussels and Strasbourg eh?
Grieve is a wuss-no facts, no point in tippy toing through Labours gay gardens without any obvious facts to confirm he`s right.
And he is…but with no facts re convictions, dodgy wards and Warsis three seats lost…he might as well hang his monkey in Seaton Carew!
What a limp-wristed climb-down.
Meanwhile, Third World contempt for our hard-won rights and freedoms continues (hot on the heels of the ‘gender segregation is ok for religious reasons’ declaration by university profs) with yet more Third World vote-rigging:
‘Despite heavy rain on polling day, turnout (31 per cent) was amazingly high for a council by-election. In the previous contest in the ward, 16 months earlier, it was 17 per cent. Only 14 per cent of people in Tower Hamlets at the time had postal votes – but 36 per cent of votes cast were postal. And that’s after 135 postal ballot papers were rejected, mainly because of doubts over their authenticity’.
Dominic Grieve was right, despite being forced to retreat to the politically-correct position that no-one with a coloured skin can ever do anything wrong.
Except that the corrupt people running Tower Hamlets aren’t Pakistani; they’re Bangladeshi. But they do have a religion in common.
I think you’ll find Bangladesh was formerly East Pakistan, Sir Arthur!
Errrr, thanks for that. They split after a war of independence 42 years ago and the easiest way to start another fight between them is mistakenly to call a Bangladeshi a Pakistani. If you want to go a bit farther back, they were all part of India, but mentioning that would start an even bigger fight.
The only thing they have in common is that they are enriching us via the Religion of Peace.
This tower hamlets you mean?
No chance that Panorama will investigate I suppose?
Another day, another ‘new report’ cited by the BBC. This time, it’s the the turn of something called ‘The Oxford Research Group’, a ‘ticks all the boxes’ ‘progressive’ outfit with BBC-approved progressive credentials in all the right areas of social policy, who, in a new report, ‘Stolen Futures – the Hidden Toll of Child Casualties in Syria’ claim that ‘More than 11,000 children have died in Syria’s civil war’ over the past three years, including such disturbing stats as:
“…Of the 11,420 victims aged 17 and under, 389 were killed by sniper fire. Some 764 were summarily executed, and more than 100 – including infants – were tortured.“
Oddly, Lyse Doucet, BBC, doesn’t find any space to tell us if the ORP discovered which side in the Syrian conflict has been most enthusiastically killing children, so it’s an important question mark just left unanswered, unaddressed, over the story – one to which the reader is presumably invited by Ms Doucet to draw their own conclusions.
Sloppy journalism or just another example of ‘nudging’ by the BBC?
Lazy, incompetent journalism or a case of the BBC only telling us as much as it thinks we need to know?
I wonder how they would have reported this had the civil war been taking place in – um, let’s see – Israel, say?
Doesn’t the BBC want 16 year olds to be given the vote? Is a 17 year old with a gun really a child?
Pure BBC propaganda at its most unutterable foulness….
In the eyes of the BBC, hate-crimes can only be committed by white, Christian English. Of course, the BBC don’t care about hate crimes that are committed against the English on a daily basis by Muslims and other ethnic minorities.
“Tell Mama” has previous. Once you see them cited as the source you don’t really need to read any further.
Only a short news at 07:00 and 08:00 on a Sunday morning, but they still find time to plug Desert Islands Discs, and their current hero, Ed Miliband’s appearance, how things are “mending” between him and his brother, and the name of his last chosen piece of music…
The BBC, continual programme trails for our delectation and delight – at least it wasn’t Doctor Who, this time…
Even Radio Devon got a plug in at 08.58 just before the potting shed programme.
BBC News 24 at 10.30am and all references to the ‘slavery’ of ‘collectives’ have disappeared.
Phew, the BBC will be happy to not mention that story again until sentencing. (Green light for this informal D-Notice courtesy of the ‘non-governmental support group’ now minding the ‘victims’ and policing our news. Come back Brian Leveson – where are you when we need you?)
So what can we talk about?
Doctor Who and Ed Miliband. Oh joy! Happy days!
Invasion of the Class Warriors
Dialectic Island Discs
But if you were looking for news?
Syria: seems children are being targeted by snipers and tortured on an industrial scale in the latest Mid East civil war.
Boy, those Islam boys on both sides are dirty fighters ain’t they?
Oh and Israel are getting all narky and uppity about this wonderful neuclear deal with Iran. Party poopers.
CND veteran Baroness Ashton…. thanks to the BBC her mug pops up on my screen.
When was the last time I saw her name on a ballot paper?
What price representative democracy – eh?
The BBC seem to suggest that at last she achieves something in the way of disarmament (maybe?)
A lot of people would like to disarm her – literally.
If only this was true of all BBC News:
“Editorially, we’ll start from a point of scepticism, posing the question ‘Is this image too good to be true?’ We’ll analyse the context of the image and the motives behind why it might have been uploaded on the web at that time. We will also seek to cross-reference what the image purports to show against official or verified sources, such as news agencies or with our own teams on the ground.” [Trushar Barot, of the BBC’s user generated content team talking about ‘citizen journalism’]
‘we’ll start from a point of scepticism’
Unless, presumably, the ‘story; is ‘settled’ ((c) JONES. S)
Jon Donnison must have missed that memo.
Well Millipede showing his true colours on desert island discs, just confirmed what we all knew, that he HATES this country, by choosing as his first disc the national anthem of another country.
N’kosi Sikelel’I Afrika the national anthem of South Africa. Nice one Ed now we know where your loyalties lie, and it’s not with us!
But note that he cut out previous ones he used to like, lest they cause offence to EU grumps or old-fashioned Woody Guff wannabes like Lord William Bragg of Burton Bradstock in the Shire of Dorset wot, wot?
Even when it comes to music…he`s liquid playdo!
Worrastiff!…I wnated to hear “Flowers in the Rain” but there you go!
His choice betrays just how cynical politicians are now. Anything to get attention fronthe liberal orthodoxy. In fact it shows just how shaallow he is.
BBC News 24 at 10.30am and all references to the ‘slavery’ of ‘collectives’ have disappeared.
Yes, this one has to be given a very light touch now. Coy talk of this resulting from a “shared political ideology” (that’s Marxism to you and me). A story featuring illegal immigration, possible benefit fraud and a council block festooned with Sky dishes isn’t what the BBC wants to give us. Best to talk about far right extremists, which Adrian Goldberg is giving me on 5 Live right now.
Oh wouldn`t it be great if we`ve found a Green Marxist Housechurch where the party just kept on going?
Bit like those jungle tardies in the Malaysian jungle who think the war is still going on!
Brilliant! May St James of Wood Lane and Roundhay grant this my supplication!
We can then expect Co-Op and Commune to go the way of jihad, Islam and Muslim terrorist…that word landfill is getting more crowded by the day!
It is possibly time to take stock of just who is living in all the council owned houses throughout the country , checking for entitlement , identity , benefit status, number of inhabitants etc
more unrelenting, propaganda from the BBC
then … BBC R5live spends over half an hour, airing the most galling propaganda, from the compromised, and discredited “tell mama” … simply shocking.
I ve just checked its run to 42mins, the bullet point appears to be freedom of speech must be curtailed, looks like “tell mama” has written the script
11am 5live – no link yet
And the evidence for this comes from Hartlepool Poly c/o Middlesboroughs muggles in “Fakulti of Sums n Feelins innit”.
Good enough for me-Mecca and Median Approved!
Oops…Medina Approved eh?
Maths is not allowed….feelin`s is the answer!
In other news…
It’s that .22 I worry about most. They seem to be the one writing the headlines.
‘One more body coming next week, as James Harding appoints a Managing Editor – a new post, tipped to go to an outsider.’
We’ll see just how ‘outside’. I wonder where this one was whispered before the ideal candidate was selected.
Speaking of grotesque numbers…
‘legacy of a Thommo-Byford quest for “impact”, achieved not through quality, but quantity’
Maybe a redesignation of DQF is in order? Don’t Question Funding?
Thought people might appreciate the usual BBC practice of taking a Labour Press Release, promoting it to number three in their list of political stories, and attempting to make the tories look uncouth/unclassy by pointing out the links between the Labour Party and the Co-Op Bank
So, the third most important ‘news’ item, according to the bBBC, is that 10 million brain-dead people watched the most over-hyped TV programme of the weekend.
Suppose there`s no chance of audited and confirmed figures to prove it is there?
If Children In Need could have THEIR books verified as well..that would be dandy.
Personally, I think 31 Million pounds was raised off our grandkids organs being promised to the Chinese…and it was that bucket of cash that was plonked in a Retardis to pretend we all watched it.
10 Million sad weird blokes watching Dr Who?….can`t be THAT many an there?
Wouldn`t they all be rehearsing their Monty Python lines?
“If Children In Need could have THEIR books verified as well..that would be dandy.”
Click to access annual_report1112.pdf
Click to access annual_report1011.pdf
Until a few years ago you could see where the money was being spent in your region, project by project, on a Children in Need website. I was staggered by how many of the grants in the North West were to LGBT-type projects, for ‘children’ to come to terms with and be ‘proud of’ their ‘identity’, and it was therefore not surprising the PC-type hoops applicants would have to go through in order just to be worthy of consideration.
Many of the projects involved the purchase of high tech sound recording and filming equipment to facilitate aspirations in the entertainment business for ‘deprived’ children. Poverty? I don’t think so. It really was any eye-opener.
Strangely, this information is no longer available on the internet and this ‘about us’ pdf report link kindly supplied by Albaman tells us bugger all about this level of detail.
“PC-type hoops applicants would have to go through in order just to be worthy of consideration.”
I did rather crank an eyebrow at a BBC report of the UK ‘s sterling efforts in terms of tangible aid to the Philippines.
High on the list of ‘must haves’ was…. Counselling. Now, while I can see the odd moppet may need a hug, is this best provided by a Tower Hamlets outreach coordinator who was packing their factor 50 before you can say ‘jolly’? Especially as I doubt the language shared will make for sensible exchange.
“High on the list of ‘must haves’ was…. Counselling.”
If you have not lost a loved one in such traumatic circumstances then how would you know what the priorities are. Having been close to recent incidents in the North Sea I can assure you that counseling and other such support services were high on the list of things requested by family, friends and colleagues.
Interesting what seduces you out of the bunker.
And you know I have not lost a loved one under various circumstances how?
We’re talking an aid effort involving time and money critical triage in a country the other side of the globe to the UK; slightly different to your evident proximate experiences in the a North Sea, off the coast of this country, involving people who now value such things and share language and culture with those providing such services.
Having lived and worked around SE Asia for two decades, these will be lesser priorities for foreign import there.
But thanks for chipping in. As ever your contribution has brought its own unique value.
“We’re talking an aid effort involving time and money critical triage in a country the other side of the globe to the UK; ”
In any incident there are two distinct phases – response and recovery. If you had any knowledge whatsoever about traumatic incidents (irrespective of the location or scale) you would know that counseling, psychological and physiological support is required for a long period of time after the event.
As ever your own “unique” contribution adds no value whatsoever.
counseling. what a load of bollox. But i supose it keeps some uneducated muppet with a degree with an “ology” on the end of it in a job
“counseling. what a load of bollox.”
What do you base this assertion on David? Do you just post crass comments like this to garner a few “likes” to bolster your self-esteem?
“As ever your own “unique” contribution adds no value whatsoever.”
If you say so. Though what I would or would not know is really outside your knowledge if not your inevitable presumption.
Should any Tagalog, Spanish or even Phillipino English-speaking familial groups be unlucky enough to suffer an ‘incident’, I know what and who those I lived and worked with would welcome more.
If it suits you more, as ever, to drag discussion off on personal experiences you can know nothing about beyond your own feel free, but given your recent impositions as far as I’m concerned you’re a shot bolt on this site already, so please find another conversation to blunder in upon.
“…………… as far as I’m concerned you’re a shot bolt on this site…….”
Who am I to dispute your esteemed views and self-proclaimed knowledge. I did not ask you to respond and to be honest I don’t care that you did.
” I did not ask you to respond ”
Some may look back to see how you decided to enter into this thread, now at the terminal single column, no reply stage.
Your absence across all other threads on BBC staff and programmes being inaccurate, ticking boxes, lacking objectivity or integrity, stealth ‘evolving’ stories, deleting tweets, etc, doubtless explained by the requirement for knowledge proclaimed only by you, here.
Your self-assessment of honesty and lack of care is duly noted.
Did they have to pay for it?
“Until a few years ago you could see where the money was being spent in your region, project by project, on a Children in Need website………………….. Strangely, this information is no longer available on the internet……..”
You really do need to look a little harder!!
I enjoyed it!
A lovely synopsis of some of the damning e-mails unearthed during Climategate, including:
‘Mann thinks he will contact BBC’s Richard Black to find out why another BBC journalist was allowed to publish a vaguely sceptical article’.
Oh, what a lovely mess! No wonder Auntie’s investigation of Climategate was – what shall we say – less than world class.
Have a read of these and gasp at how the UK’s institutions, including the BBC, have redefined science to promote an eco-socialist agenda.
A treat in store tonight with Owen Jones getting 45 uninterrupted minutes to tell the broadcasters that they are in the pocket of the evil tories & their anti-slacker agenda
Apologies for plagiarising your link here, Will, but I just had to pull out this quote:
‘Here’s a shocking statistic: 70 per cent of British TV producers polled at Edinburgh International TV Festival in 2006 believed Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard was an accurate representation of white working-class youth. That neatly encapsulates author and broadcaster Owen Jones’s polemic that the working class and the poor are increasingly being demonised on TV. He believes programme-makers are falling in line with a broader political agenda of benefits cuts by making increasingly shrill, alarmist programmes about scroungers and skivers. It’s a compelling argument backed by examples from Jeremy Kyle, Skint and Shameless. Though it’s not all bad news; he does hold up Educating Yorkshire as a rare good example’.
Radio Times or Socialist Worker? Spot the difference.
BBC coverage of co op is a disgrace.
Funny how the BBC follow Labour tactics on this stuff.
Flowers/Co-Op: throw up smokescreen – it’s a Tory smear campaign, they are just as much to blame etc.
Falkirk: say nowt and hope it’ll go away.
Jonathan Marcus’ cautious praise of the US-Iran nuclear
shamedeal ends with this:A nuclear-armed Iran would change strategic calculations in the region dramatically. It might lead to the spread of nuclear weapons to a number of other countries.
The Middle East would fundamentally never be the same again. That is why the stakes over the coming six months are going to be so high and the passions so strong.
No mention of nuking Israel. This is how timidity and a deliberate effort to appease the anti-Israel crowd (the BBC gets complaints from both sides, don’t you know) shape BBC journalism. If Marcus had included nuking Israel in his possible negative outcome scenario, it could have been seized on as evidence of support for the Zionist Entity. So Marcus or his editor chose to leave out the most obvious, and certainly most immediate, outcome of an Iran with a bomb.
We know that Iran is seeking Nuclear weaponry because A Q Khan has been peddling his dirty business there, and that global hub of terror, Pakistan has supported him throughout as a national hero, after all he’s the ‘father of the Pakistani Atom Bomb’.
For those who don’t know about this man I suggest you look him up because he’s probably the most dangerous man in the world alive today. He is single handedly responsible for aiding North Korea obtaining a nuclear device, and has approached just about every rogue regime in the world.
Except, Thoughtful, the BBC will now tell you that Iran is not going to be seeking it during the talks so that’s irrelevant now, or at least for the time being. Neither Marcus nor anyone else at the BBC will openly speculate that this agreement with its suggestion of eased sanctions and freeing up cash just further entrenches the mad mullahs’ power over the people. Just read all the happy comments from Iranian “students” and businessmen. They’re pleased because Iran managed to save face (about maintaining their ultimate right to pursue nuclear whatever) as well as potentially easing sanctions that will help Iran’s economy. Sec. of State Kerry and Samantha Power and Valerie Jarrett just gave the Iranian regime the best domestic power boost they’ve had in years. And The Obamessiah Administration can claim victory because the threat of sanctions brought Iran to the negotiating table. You know, avoiding waaaaaaaaar.
As the BBC’s Jonathan Marcus says, both parties left smiling. The only problem for some people is that the priorities of the two sides are vastly, tragically different.
BBC World Service journalist Stephanie Hegarty’s response to Netanyahu’s negative comments:
Iran nuclear deal. Party at the Beeb!
Party? It’s a bodge job fudge on nukes for nutters based on poor statespersonship and limited attention span blinking first. Not a prom. What is she, eleven?
‘You get certain things from the BBC you wouldn’t get from others…’
True. Very true. Like ’em, want ’em, or… not.
Lucky, possibly, he was being held to account, in-house, by a subordinate?
A new twist to the Flowers / Coop bank story:
“Labour may need to ‘pay back £2 million Co-op loan’ before next general election”
But BBC-NUJ, of course, leads with its support for Labour Party’s attempted criticism of Tories on Co-op Bank.
“It has been reported that the arrested man is an underworld hardman who acts as a bodyguard for a notorious northern crime family.”
Would that be Donal MacIntyre’s favourite UAF supporting crime family the Noonans I wonder?
I note too that our “hardman” is “not allowed to go to Manchesters Gay Village”.
Isn`t this homophobic?…when we were kids , we`d not have been allowed to it…and this becomes much of any article required by the Pink Paper (or the BBC as it`s better known).
Afraid that phrase “hardman” will excite a few of the wrong sort on Canal St, and may be seen as what actually IS wanted by some of the less bright types…oo er missus!
Oh, FFS:
Yeah, no thanks. Can’t the BBC find any other voice for this?
Well, given the address book gob-for-hire list for the entire BBC Production team roster doesn’t run to double digits, no.
As to clicking that link, given the intro, why go to an empty space?
Even by Will Self’s standards that is a very special piece of self-indulgent pretentious bullshit.
read what Will Self thinks!
“yeah, no thanks” – this cracked me up.
Will Self is wanker.
Islamic Republic of IRAN, and nuclear power.
1.) ‘Jihad Watch’ reports:-
2.) INBBC reports:-
I do enjoy the intelligent comments(mostly) on this site……..Knowledgeable people making informed comments……….excellent
I just wish to throw this into the conversation……….Despite all the media excess and over reporting. The facts are as follows (regarding this alleged slavery matter)….The two suspects – ethnically not British (goes without saying) have been released on bail for further enquires – this, amidst a massively politically directed police force is still a fact. Therefore one has to think about this………Is there actually an offence committed here, one has to consider this because around this investigation will be overwhelming pressure on the investigators must to charge and remand into custody the two alleged suspects. If one strips out all the bullshit from the bbbc reporting and political comment the facts are that these people contacted (not the police) but a charity involved in a human rights issue) and then immediately the politico/publicity/hyper reporting machinery (and therefore the police response) has sprung into life – all reports describing everything bad about the matter but the police have seen fit to bail these two suspects off.
Interesting, eh?
As usual there is zero chance of any true, factual news/facts delivery from the bbbc.
I must say that I would absolutely laugh my bollocks off if they do not surrender to bail on whatever date they are supposed to return but I must say that I do think they will return on bail to be told ….. Actually – No further action, in this case
Anyhow must sign off as I am depressed about our Gentlemen cricketer’s performance over in the antipodes. Again, no doubt the bbbc will be secretly enjoying every possible moment of our (cricketing) misery – even if they don’t broadcast their thoughts
I agree that this does not seem to be a simple ‘slavery’ story, it is not clear if any offence has been committed.
It is amazing that this story, has been literally every 15mins reporting on tv/radio for days now (feels waaaay longer) in depth reports about slavery by all and sundry on the same …
where the issue here, seems not clear at all.
Contrast that with the amount of airtime another recent case got, where yet another Paedostani, keeps a child as a sex slave in his cellar, with his first cousins i mean wife s consent, for years, cut and dried facts?.
Indeed Sir ,I think you have a point. Based on the very sparse and disjointed information given by the BBC.
It would appear that while these women have part of some sort of unpleasant and abusive relationship its not clear what crime, if any has been committed.
Unless the unnamed ‘political cult’ that they were members of , was modelled on the SWP in which case it makes more sense
More climate propaganda from, this time, Warsaw:-
1.) Hampstead Harrabin’s underlings, who are out there, at our expense, grasping at political straws:-
“Last-minute deal saves fractious UN climate talks”
By Matt McGrath.
Environment correspondent, BBC News, in Warsaw.
More realistically:-
Link to above:-
More INBBC-Cairo Bureau politically empathetic propaganda for its Muslim Brotherhood.
For Muslim Brotherhood supporters/activists inside INBBC:-
“RECOMMENDED READING: ‘Qaradawi’s War For Egypt'”
As Beeboids know:-
“The Revd Paul Flowers ticked all the right ‘progressive’ boxes — that’s why he could get away with anything”
By Melanie Phillips.
The elephant in the room here is RELIGION, that pervasive,superstitious dogma that has enabled charlatans and crooks to hide behind a veneer of respectability, whether child molesting RC pederasts, or muslim grooming gangs they are all equally to blame . The only difference being is that the muslim rapists are protected by a politically correct omertà that is aided and abetted by the BBC, who use all kinds of verbal gymnastics to hide the true extent of their depredations
BBC Westminster Hour had an interview with a writer from the New Statesman about the ‘Co-op’ scandal. Would it not have been possible to introduce that item with something about the New Statesman being a left wing journal? That fact might have then given context to the anti-Tory line the journo was pedalling.
Tonights Lord Levene interview is very interesting about the Political interference which might have gone on with the Co-op bank being the politically preferred bidder for the Lloyds branches.
Levene claims he’s apolitical, but he has quite a history of Tory support, and he’s not a happy man. It’s hard to blame him when todays cynical slime balls simply follow political expediency rather than any kind of honour and morality. As Levene said people back in the Thatcher government told the truth, but Mark Hoban told him he had no meetings with the Co-op bank while he actually had 30 meetings with Flowers alone !
It’s not as if there were unknown issues with Co-op bank at the time, most knew there were problems but they appear to have been ignored.
Vince Cable might have dirty hands in this given his support for mutual, but apparently there was cross party support for the Co-op bid.
I think that this story has the potential to grow and to damage the coalition, there wasn’t much criticism of Labour, but then they had no power or influence anyway. I expect that this first airing will be followed by a potential witch hunt on the Treasury who were open about the level of political interference in the banking sector.
……And bomb disposal robots are at the scene.
Yet another republican bomb attack here in Belfast about to be swept under the carpet.
Lets not tell it as it is,that the British Army are dealing with yet another republican bomb here in our capital city .
Meanwhile the flag protesters are being demonized by the beeb on a daily basis about how much they are costing traders yet nothing at all said about these daily bomb attacks and shootings and killings.
Wonder why ? ….. AGENDA.
I wonder what the BBC think about this?