The BBC has been caught out several times using photographs that were not actually photographs of what they were claimed to be of.
Very often they have come by way of ‘Social Media’.
The BBC assures us here how careful they are to verify such images or information that comes from user generated content:
Altered Images Questioning whether cameras never lie
BBC News receives photos every day from people across the world, many purporting to show unfolding events. Trushar Barot, of the BBC’s user generated content team, says there are two aspects to verifying whether images are genuine – technical checks and editorial judgement.
“There are several tools we use to help us assess image data, including whether an image is an original or whether it has been manipulated digitally. We’ll also look for visual clues that we can cross reference, for example the weather, the location, number plates, signs, language and so on. We do reverse image searches to see if the images appear elsewhere on the web to help us track their origin.
“Editorially, we’ll start from a point of scepticism, posing the question ‘Is this image too good to be true?’ We’ll analyse the context of the image and the motives behind why it might have been uploaded on the web at that time. We will also seek to cross-reference what the image purports to show against official or verified sources, such as news agencies or with our own teams on the ground.”
The BBC has no such qualms though when it comes to reporting that a whole nation might be ‘racist’ on the evidence of a few Tweets from a Muslim in Norway:
The tweet that sparked a debate over racism in Norway
Well…not sure if it was a debate…more a witch hunt by the sounds of things.
Things of course are different here, we like to debate sensitive subjects openly…..
When Dominic Grieve suggested that Pakistani’s were prone to corruption, more prone than perhaps other communities, he has had to back down and apologise:
Dominic Grieve ‘sorry’ for minority corruption remark
….as out came the usual ‘victims’ who are all highly ‘offended’ …..
Dominic Grieve is a v clever man. Hope he realises his sweeping generalisation is wrong, has caused huge offence & unequivocally apologises
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) November 23, 2013
As a British Pakistani I find your comments not based on fact and deeply alienating and offensive @Dominc Grieve.
— Sajjad Karim MEP (@SHKMEP) November 23, 2013
So no ‘sparking of a debate’ there then about corruption imported from abroad…or anything else by way of foreign culture imported from abroad that is detrimental to good order in this country.
You can see why debate might be unwelcome in some quarters……
‘Is the BBC biased?’ does it’s usual good job in looking at ‘Sunday Morning Live’ which examines immigration…..
Is immigration good for Britain?
Recent reports have suggested that immigrants to the UK since 2000 have made a “substantial” contribution to public finances and immigrants were less likely to claim benefits and live in social housing than people born in Britain.
So are immigrants actually good for Britain? You can have your say by voting online now and then by text when the programme is on air.
Note the reference is to a report that is highly positive about immigration….one that spins the figures in Sir Andrew Green’s words.
And the outcome?
Can you guess what the result of this morning’s Sunday Morning Live poll result was, when the question put was:
Is immigration good for Britain?
Of course you can.
It was inevitable:
11% said ‘yes, immigration is good for Britain’
89% said ‘no, immigration is not good for Britain’
Yes…I guess the BBC is right not to trust that user generated content…they just don’t vote the way you want them to!
The BBC manage to create a handbag spat, causing a fight in a minibar!
In their terms a triumph-well done on splattering a useless spineless Tory lads!-but the picture remains mere gallery prancing to please the Guardians clientete.
The rest of the country not only scorned this useless story-but know it`s all about empty bragging rights between spin doctors , third rate politicos and student hack scribblers at the BBC and “broadsheets”.
Reminds me of that goldplated muscleman in his posing pouch who used to strut around to Henry Mancini on Opportunity Knocks in the 60s…internal consumption only at the BBC and the political penny farthing that is Westminster dog ends from 1979 etc.
Heroes-but just for a day…the rest of us know they`re squitters!
Those two tweets from who one is sure are entirely sincere members of parliament are interesting, given the near identical retweet and favourite levels.
And, given the inevitable faux ‘outrage’ generated, even assuming no duplications, that 100 folk seem with them exercised by this out of a country of 75,000,000 again suggests that never, in the field of minority conflict, have so many been so misrepresented by so few.
@ 11% said ‘yes, immigration is good for Britain’..
Which is why the BBC stack each and every QuestionTime audience with Union Comrades and SWP swivel eyed loons…
To trick the public into thinking that they are a minority, and therefore should change their ways and accept they are “Waycists”…
As for Pakistanis being “corrupt”……
I mean, P-l-e-a-s-e!….
Those of us in the real world know far more than the “Guardianista intelligenstia” who have probably never encountered our Islamic brethren on a day to day basis…
True to form Allah Salmond and the SNP are not averse to rigging the Asian vote in their bid to turn Scotland into a Caliphate of barbaric cave dwellers.
“If the media get hold of the fact we are falsly (sic) signing people up they would have a field day”
Well the media got a hold of it but all they could do is demonise the messenger.
so if your concerned about the effects of mass immigration into your already overcrowded towns and big citys and the impacts of crime,terrorism.hate preachers,child grooming gangs,slavery etc etc, then that makes you a racist,me a racist,nigel farage a racist,david cameron a racist,dominic grieve a racist according to the leftists and there mates at the bbc and radio 5 live,you get the picture,but hang on a moment, i thought that the politicians from all these so called mainstream politacal partys said people who have concerns about the effects and impact of mass immigration should be listened to and not be dismissed and demonised as for trhe somalian woman who excaped the islamic heads choppers from her country to move to that nasty racist country called norway i would ask her this question,why did you not seek asylum in the nearest safest muslim country bordering somalia which is uganda,what attracted you to norway i must ask,in fact.if you are a muslim asylum seeker fleeing your country for whatever reason why cant you find the safest muslim country to claim asylum,just asking.
Maybe one day whitey in this country will be fleeing these shores to seek asylum in Uganda to escape oppression.
Come to think of it I’d rather live in Uganda than under the jackboot of the Fourth Reich. dear oh dear,what is going on here
Yes BBC are going out of their way (today) to explain to confused listeners that this was an every day slavery ‘incident of a Maoist sect’ (not Communist eh?), by emphasizing Mr and Mrs ‘everyday perchance’ of ‘multi-cultural’ Brixton were victims of the imperialist British perhaps. Stretches incredulity to breaking point (Communists would never use the word slavery as it would be discrimination and we know what the BBC thinks about that).
I have worked with many people from all around the world. From America too Australia. I have worked with both Pakistani and Bangladeshi people too. Even they will tell you that their home country is riddled with corruption. It is not so much racial, as cultural and in particular, tribal.
Even African’s will tell you how corrupt their own countries are and how much they like this country because you can get on without having to pay bribes.
There is nothing wrong in discussing corruption. Whether this be at local or high political office level. And if one or more section’s of society partake in this practice, it should be discussed.
In all fairness, it was wrong for Dominic Grieve to just single out the Paki community for being corrupt.
Bangladeshis are just as bad . . .
The couple holding those women captive would make ideal BBC employees or even stand as a Labour candidate in a union-rigged election
Dominic Grieve should know corruption when he sees it, he is after all a member of the most corrupt club in Britain; Parliament
The looks on the faces and the reactions of the panel and presenter when the result was announced were pure gold though. All through the piece we had been subjected to the usual patronising bollocks about how we should all be grateful for the bountiful enrichment, diversity,and wealth of benefits that this unmitigated disastrous, devisive, new labour invasion has brought to us…..Then bang…ninety per cent of responders think it has been a disaster. The dreadlocked one, Eli Zebedee or whatever his name is, looked as though he had suddenly been confronted by a gang of the Ku Klux klan with their willies out.
What are you talking about Alan?!?
A long list of Non sequiturs, and an argument that what? the BBC’s not biased?