Well then, after months of private talks, Obama and the seven dwarfs cut a deal with the Mullahs. It’s been fascinating listening to the BBC cover this with Israel (and even Saudi) being instantly positioned as the bad guys because they think this has been a terrible deal. The BBC have idolised Obama for years – he’s their new JFK – and so they are very cute to use all types of language that implies it is somehow unreasonable to take issue with the outcome of the Kerry-led negotiation, even when the Iranian Foreign Minister instantly goes on TV to declare that Iran can almost instantly reverse the deal if it chooses to do so. I heard Jeremy Bowen on the Today programme talk about this “potentially momentous” deal with little regard to the central fact that the Mullahs have played Obama just like Russia played Obama, just liked Assad played Obama, just like the Muslim Brotherhood played Obama. The hamfisted approach taken by the Obama regime to foreign policy matters is given a pass by the comrades at the BBC and I suppose if in doing so they can beat up a little further on Israel then that is a double win?
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Peace in our time
If you’re very, very lucky…
Yep and the most peaceful of places is a grave yard ! very apt for a deal with death cult followers !
Chamberlain was misguided, but his aim was the good of the country.
Obama and Kerry are only interested in temporary PR for themselves, regardless of the price the country and the world may pay.
Al beeb couldn’t give a shit about the potential of world war three starting. They are only obsessed with seeing Israel being wiped off the map and seeing the genocide of the Jewish people.
I would agree after just witnessing some lefty batters I know reveal their full hatred for the evil ‘Joo’s ‘ and admiration and defence of the poor ‘ Nazi’s ‘ I feel nothing but revulsion and disgust at these utter creeps and morons , a total waste of oxygen and resources since the day they were born !
Did you see Ashton that unelected useless token oozing defeat to the islamists in the room by her submissive dress code. Once again little Israel will have to take the initiative to ensure it’s survival. NEVER AGAIN.
That scarf of hers obviously converts to a niqab, as Allah dictates.
Remind me again-how did this unelected CND envelope stuffer ever get into a position to use her Soviet IOUs as bargaining chips in the worlds most dangerous tinderbox gambles?
Because Gordon Brown wanted revenge on a Miliband..or to put Blairs long noses out of joint?
Lord, what a circus….very dangerous.
I noticed the praise for the Baroness on the Today programme – I hope the BBC remember how wonderful they thought the deal was when it becomes obvious that it was the wrong thing to do. Netanyahu gave a brilliant speech to the UN giving his reasons why a deal with Iran wouldn’t be worth the paper it was written on. It can be found here.
Anyone catch Mardell during the news headlines at 8:00 on Today this morning? Reviewing opposition in the USA to the deal with Iran, he said, “Some American politicians are automatically alarmed when Israel is worried”.
In other words, to be against the deal is just a Pavlovian reaction. A bit like BBC support for Obama, I guess.
Mardell dismisses these concerns about Israel because he sees them as illegitimate. Just like he always suggests that reasons for opposing the President are illegitimate.
Obama doesn’t care what happens after 20th January 2017. He doesn’t care if the Iranians start WW3 so long as it’s on 21st January 2017 because he’ll have finished being President and it will be someone else’s fault. Buying 6 months of the Mullahs not enriching Uranium in exchange for an end to sanctions seems pointless to us but to Obama 6 months makes it the next guy’s problem.
The BBC will do what it did when Labour got kicked out. It’ll be year zero all over again. Nothing bad that happens will be attributable to anything Obama did while in office.
To be fair to Mardell, he did stress that there is a lot of criticism of the Iran deal in Congress – not just from Republicans . And that the deal is very much “on probation”, with the threat of heavier sanctions still in the background.
Elsewhere on the BBC there has been some mention of Israel’s opposition – but very little of the opposition from Saudi. And for the most part it has been presented as a super deal, a new beginning, yada yada yada. Presenting Obama and Kerry as brilliant peacemakers.
Israel has been sold down the river – with Kerry negotiating in secret directly with the Iranians. To trust world peace to a buffoon like Kerry looks very dangerous. And Hague has done his appeasing best to support. The whole idea of a six-month deal is ludicrous – there needs to be a definitive deal before any relaxation of sanctions. The Iranians are laughing at us, and war is now closer.
Unfortunately, Mardell and the rest of them (except Jonathan Marcus, possibly) see the criticism of the Iran deal – even from Democrats – as mostly something ginned up by the Jewish Lobby, plus the Evangelicals who support Israel for extremist Christianist apocalyptic reasons. They don’t really think Iran is dangerous or would do anything. Judging from years of BBC reporting on the region, they mostly agree with Samantha Power, Valerie Jarrett, and the President that a shift in the balance of power would be a good thing. Power was quite open in at least one speech (about Assad and Syria, but it reflects her and the President’s attitude towards the region as a whole) about how they think if we talk nicely enough the lunatics will give up their naughty behavior. They really don’t believe Iran would do anything to Israel. That’s mostly just scaremongering by the Jewish Lobby and the Evangelicals. So all they feel they need is an announcement about a happy deal. The superficial is the achievement now. The actual result is irrelevant, as it’s a way off in the future.
Power once wanted the UN to do a military invasion of Israel to save the Palestinians from genocide, so I think we know all we need to about her and the President’s reality.
I humbly suggest that any lurking journalists ask their friends and colleagues in the media how much they share Powers’ sentiments.
What we can’t see in this image is the mass of journalists and bloggers and Hollywood types propping him up from underneath. They’ve bent so far over backwards to support Him that they can barely keep His head above water at this point.
He never could walk on water. He’s been standing on their shoulders the entire time, only now it’s starting to show.
S`pose the BBC aren`t asking Saudi Arabia on this one.
The Muslim umma fantasy needs a naysaying Israel as usual.
The BBC requires the United Colours of Islam to be flown at every state occasion where its sticky little beak is hoped-for by the political elite.
Any comment on the BBC and that Saudi thing then?
Kerry, Hague, Ashton et al – simply said, what a load of pratts! Completely out-manouvered by the Naziranians
neville barack obama chamberland,that is how he is being described in isreal and the american media outlets.funny how barack hussein obamas father in kenya was a member of the banned extremist party in egypt called the muslim brotherhood,a footnote on that,have a guess what.since the egyptian military goverment banned the muslim brotherhood in there country they have popped over to england and set up there new headquarters in london.as richard littlejohn said,you could not make it up could you.
Going by airtime I thought Dr.Who was the new JFK.
In 2010, the BBC reported on Iran’s agreement to ship its weapon-ready uranium to Turkey. At the time, the BBC wasn’t so laudatory and more or less even-handedly reported that the West was skeptical. Notice the difference between this and other BBC reports from the time, and the excitement about peace in our time with the current deal.
We now know that agreement stopped nothing and was just a feint by Iran while they kept on working towards developing the bomb. So why is the BBC so celebratory now, when they were a bit more sanguine back then?
What’s different that didn’t require us to trust them and declare victory? Last time it wasn’t an Obamessiah deal, and certainly not at a time when He needed the biggest PR boost and distraction of His reign. This new deal will be no different, yet this time the BBC treats it very differently.
Republicans and Israel say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.
Sorry, I’ve made a typo. In actual fact, it’s Iran saying it:
Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal
Well, somebody’s lying, anyway.
Afkham and officials said that the White House has “modified” key details of the deal and released their own version of the agreement.
Iran’s right to enrich uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, is fully recognized under the draft released by Tehran.
“This comprehensive solution would enable Iran to fully enjoy its right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes under the relevant articles of the NPT in conformity with its obligations therein,” the agreement reads, according to a copy released to Iranian state-run media.
“This comprehensive solution would involve a mutually defined enrichment programme with practical limits and transparency measures to ensure the peaceful nature of the programme,” the Iranian draft reads. “This comprehensive solution would constitute an integrated whole where nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.”
Iran’s objection to the deal raises new concerns about final stage talks meant to ensure that the deal is implemented in the next few weeks.
The White House confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon on Monday that the final details of the plan have yet to be worked out, meaning that Iran is not yet beholden to a six month freeze its nuclear activities.
Yep, it’s the White House. And the BBC, if they parrot the talking points unquestioningly, like they usually do.
Not quite saved after all