Mark Mardell has accidentally admitted he’s a Left-winger. Yesterday he wrote a piece explaining that most people in the US are pleased with the President as “peacemaker”, and it’s the Republicans who are upset with the deal about Iran. He put it this way:
Obama the peacemaker will not convince Republican critics who compare him to Chamberlain.
He will not persuade Israel’s prime minister that he will achieve his aims. Equally there will be those on the left who see his drones policy as a negation of his claims, and liberal interventionists will still throw up their hand at his unwillingness to sort out Syria.
But, I suspect, he strikes the right tone for many Americans.
Never mind that the President hasn’t made peace just yet, and actually hasn’t even claimed to have done so, meaning it’s extremely premature for Mardell to describe Him thus. Notice that the BBC’s US President editor says that people “on the left” see the the President’s drone war as “a negation” of His claims to be a peacemaker. Again, that’s not quite what the Administration claims to have done here, but leave it to Mardell to leap to a conclusion where the President has triumphed.
The point is that Mardell stated that “those on the left” disapprove of the drone war. He’s including himself there because he’s spoken rather openly against it. More evidence of Mardell’s anti-war attitude can be seen here.
Mardell has stated that “those on the left” disapprove of the President’s drone war. He has written disapprovingly of the drone war, as well as other military action. Mardell is “on the left”.
Mardell is out of touch with the BBC Head Office line, doesn’t he know that it is Ashton ‘wot dunnit’?
As an aside why does a country sitting on the largest know oil reserves need nuclear power? Are they going green? Wouldn’t it be easier and safer to buy in nuclear power technology if that is really the Iranian’s object?
The BBC isn’t interested in intelligent questions like that. As Katty Kay explained during her recent interview with the US Deputy National Security Advisor, Iran’s economic troubles brought them to the table. It’s all about getting the US and the rest to release Iran’s cash and ease the sanctions so that their economy can rebound. Looks like it will be a success for them on that front. Even the experts at the BBC understand this, so won’t be looking further than how it’s a success story for The Obamessiah and a slap in the face for nasty old Israel. Warm fuzzies all round New Broadcasting House, I’m sure.
Hows that trial of the Woolwich butcherers going? Unless I’ve missed it there seems to be not a peep in the media especially the one we all have to fund.
I assume it’s for ‘community cohesion’. I am just wondering how much ‘community cohesion’ would be shown had the perps been far right thugs and the victim a member of the ROP.
The BBC are writing Lee Rigbys victim impact statement in cahoots with the Met, the Home Office, Guardian, Tell Mama…with guest editor thought to be Morsi or Choudhury.
Seems that the family were put out a bit, even disappointed and challenged at its worst…but the EDL have made it into something really terrible and of concern.
Thankfully Auntis Beeb has used a little of our money in applying some Oil of Ulay, some lavender balms and a gag and burqa to anybody who feels that the Michaels were a bit harsh in their application of the “there is no compulsion in religion” bit…Gove needs to reinstate all those cuts, so it could not happen again in Nigeria.
The BBC also helpfully paid for the dental restorative work entailed…this should help with the Community Payback filming of our smiling friend when he gets invited onto the BBC Trust or a tell Mama media campaign.
Tell Auntie…she wants the same as you do Abdul,,,but Sshhh!
Send for pounce!
On Radio 4’s PM a glowing puff piece by James Naughtie on the Scottish Independence white paper. You thought Obama could walk on water, well Salmond can fly!
What happened to the usual BBC style of leading with the criticism against any government proposal?
You know the BBC are in full feather in the heather territory when Jim Naughtie is allowed to raid the minibar back home in Scotland in return for his Gay Gordons quadrille with Alick Salmon( boy do they lick him!).
Listen to Jim in full Quaker Oats mode even at 5pm on Eddie Mairs(might he be Scottish too?) preposterous programme this evening(5pm, Radio 4 26/11/13).
Utter “roamin in the gloamin” soup…cock a leekie I`d say.
What with Jim and Alec becoming a civil arrangement as much as Mark and Barak over in the USA….who will yet win the Order of the Brown Nose Award THIS year?
God, what a crawler is Wee Jim when he can toss a caber!…with a few dozen of Saviles fellow travellers to assist.
Lilac showers all round…have the sporrans ready to throw up in, if you dare hear Jim introducing the great helmsman up there.
Send the anti-slavery cheridees in… the BBC jocks are sheer slipper flippers for the SNP.
Oh and the IRA, MB, PLO too…suckups!
US flies B52 aircraft over disputed islands in East China Sea in defiance of Chinese air defence rules – officials
Now, ordinarily I’d reach for the #grabspopcorn hashtag, but this sounds a bit sabre rattly and lives are at stake.
Still, I was wrong t’other day when I opined that the Chinese had observed Kerry/Obama bend over with Iran and decided to flex a bit of military muscle in their ‘hood as nowt would ensue.
Be interesting how the BBC plays this one.
It has been noted that they can be a wee bit Sinophile beyond historical reason, so how this weighs against the world’s most peaceful President will be worth waiting for.
Have to say I love the use of terms already.
Only the BBC, for whom Editorial Guidelines are the Alpha and Omega, unless they want to break them, or Nick Pollard can’t even find them, could use one side’s ‘rules’, about a disputed territory, in such a facile way.
look up 9 Dotted Line it tells you all you need to know about the Chinese imperial designs on other peoples property. Which is why the US had no problem flying a B52 over the area, it belongs to Japan and not to the thieving Chinks
If the US, Israel or the UK tried to do as the Chiense are doing, the bBC would be having a field day, but when its the Chinese well its silent bloody night time. Have a look at the map below which at a glance tells you all you need to know who is in the wrong here.
Just noticed the map the bBC airs which displays the Chinese air excursion zone is different from the one they aired the other day. Strange that nobody at the bbC noticed the difference, but then the maps are supplied by the thieving lying war warmongering Chinese.
Taken from Why China air zone raises risk
The BBC not notice?
Shurely schum mishtake? ‘I wonder how long it is before the bBC read this article and change their maps to support the Chinese stance’
Ah, the BBC, Chinese & stealth tech, eh?
Takes me back…
David, in answer to your question, no, that picture is taken from the wiki article on the Chinese 9 dotted line. In a nutshell its what Peking decided belongs to it and what doesn’t. As it was written around 1947, that may explain why it lists Hong Kong as a British territory.
‘the bBC would be having a field day’
Tx for that.
I do recall their rather mixed reaction to the Falklands, in another time and of course now, with Gavin Esler and his merry band of global journos deciding it was the nasty Islanders and UK Gov making that nice lady Ms. K look bad when all she wanted was to divert attention from her tanking economy.
As to Gibraltar, clearly surveying up and down, up and down the coast is in no way provocative.
“I don’t want to underestimate the problems that winter can cause for the elderly, but no mention was made of: the Winter Fuel Payment, £200 for all over 60’s”.
You got my hopes up then but unfortunately you are wrong.
I am coming up to 62 in Feb and according to the Government website only those born on or before 5 th Jan 1952 qualify.
The bBC rewrites history (Yet again ) in which to try and remake a man (with a fondness for young boys) who sided with the Germans in WW1 and tried to form a German Irish brigade from Irish POWs (He failed as all the Irish were volunteers and wanted nothing to do with supporting German open up a new front) and after landing by U-boat in Ireland to foment trouble was arrested , locked up in the Tower of London and hung by his bloody neck until he was dead. He was then buried in quick-line. But hey to the bBC he is a hero which is why they end with this line: “Roger Casement was not perfect. I think he was a tragic figure. But he should be regarded as a pioneer in the fight against colonialism, racism and prejudice.”
Pioneer in the fight against colonialism,racism and prejudice bBC, what you mean like William Wilberforce who died 31 years before this new bBC hero was born. But that doesn’t prevent the world famous bBC from playing the victim card for this violent homosexual and in 2002 they paid for an independent forensic examination of the Black Diaries in which to see if they were forgeries , they must have been disappointed when it was proven without a doubt that Casemans diaries were written by his hand. But hey why let the truth hold you back they end that chapter with: This investigation, based on impartial scientific analysis, should bring to an end more than 80 years of controversy. By removing the uncertainty that has surrounded the diaries since 1916, the report opens the way for a fuller examination of Casement’s life and achievements based on his own authenticated, first-hand accounts.
Typically bBC leftwing POV, what next from the putrid minds of the bBC school boy elite. That the 7/7 bombers were heroes?
Well cover your mouth with sticky back plastic, Biddy Baxter.
Bacon : Do you…did you agree with the move to Salford?
Biddy Baxter : I was.. I was sad when they went to Salford. No I didn’t agree with the move to Salford because I thought it was, um, er, it was.. people at BBC were trying to ingratiate themselves with Tony Blair, and then of course Tony Blair left……
The chimp cut her right off after her second anti-Salford statement. Summed it up with an unhappy tone and she was done. He still loves old Biddy, though. I saw him on HIGNFY and he came across as shallow and rather vicious. So nothing unusual there.
“Biddy Baxter was an awful woman,” he said in 1999. “I don’t want to talk about her.” Baxter, for her part, has denied Noakes claims about the lack of insurance for his stunts.”
From Morecambe and Wise to Citizen Khan in a generation!
Got to be a graph here re the decline of the BBC…laughs/minute have decreased dangerously low over time to crisis levels.
More Government money please..legislation?
Well, something must be done.
The old may die of the cold…thankfully the BBC have no intention of adding to that risk by making anybody laugh.
Look like I`ll be stuck with the Savile Report again to get a chuckle…dare I burn it or will that be a Green Crime afterwards?
The Pope published the Vatican’s Communist Manifesto. Down with the rich, down with the open tyranny of capitalists (see the Guardian link in the BBC article) and embrace the moslems hoping they will be nice to Christians. In their report the BBC say it twice:
Pope Francis says that ties with Islam have taken on great importance for the Catholic Church because of the growing number of Muslim immigrants now residing in many traditionally Catholic countries. “We Christians,” he says, “should embrace Muslims with affection and respect in the same way that we hope and ask to be respected in countries of Islamic tradition.”
Some hope.
Dave wrote: no articles showing how the pallies and their mates violently conspire and act against US interests.
No. but they will give you lots on how armed jihadists who go to Syria are…..Heroes. (Paxman on newsnight lastweek trying to equate these relgious bigots as equal to the men who went to fight in Spain during the 30s, who he claimed were heroes)
So how many people have read about the Spanish opening up a British diplomatic bag, anybody know the real reason why? According to the bBC it’s all to do with the nasty English dropping a large number of concrete blocks (in their own waters no less) in which to build a reef. I quote: “a number of diplomatic rows that began in the summer after Gibraltar dropped 74 concrete blocks into the sea next to its territory it said were intended to create an artificial reef and encourage sea life to flourish.
If you didn’t know better, you’d say; “just lift the blocks up” But that isn’t the reason behind the Spanish actions. Here is what todays FT has to say on the subject: Politics is a game of two halves for Spain’s Mariano Rajoy
In a nutshell, the ruling party beset with the revelation that they had been paying themselves out of a slush fund for over 10 years. which saw people protesting on the streets demanding the government stand down at the start of the year, have seen a turn around in party fortunes with a rise in the public’s support (4% this past month to 34%) Gee I wonder just what the Spanish government have been doing in which to get the voters on their side.
But the bBC hasn’t reported any of this, instead promoting its own leftwing stance that….,the British are too blame.
(I’ve respected the FT wish that I don’t cut and paste from their article, follow the link and answer one question in which to view the article)
Well you’d think so after they announced tonight that one of the important factors in the Scottish referendum is that BBC programs are still received North of the border !
While personally I’d be of the opinion that if the licence fee did not have to be paid then if I lived in Scotland I’d be quite happy, but it does beg the question as to whether the Scots will continue to receive programs courtesy of television tax payers South of the border.
Something here isn’t quite right, and I wonder if the BBC are actually talking to Alex Salmond.
How the bBC loves to denigrate the US every chance it gets. Rescue operation as boat with Haitian migrants capsizes
Above is an article by the world famous news agency which is supposed by its remit to the people who pay its way (The British tax payer) about how a boat full of Haitians capsized while trying to escape the hellhole that is….Haiti. So I quote: “A rescue operation is under way in the Bahamas, after a 12m (40ft) vessel carrying Haitian migrants ran aground and capsized. The US Coast Guard said about 100 migrants were clinging to the hull of the overturned boat. Up to 30 people may have died in the accident which occurred on Monday near Staniel Cay, a Bahamas official said.”
Ok as always the bBC blags the death toll when it comes to incidents (Remember the Philippines death toll over 10,000 was it hours after the storm hit? so they come out with the usual suppositions.) and then they finish their article with these two snippets: In December 2011, 38 migrants were found dead after their boat sank just off the eastern tip of Cuba.
And in 2009, US Coast Guard officials called off their search for about 70 migrants from Haiti whose boat capsized off the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Why does the bBC end with a snippet which says the American Coast guard called off a search for 70 people, could it be because the Americans can only be …racist? So I looked up that incident for a start the Islands are nowhere the States have a look:
Whats the distance from the Turks to the US mainland around 500 miles. (Its around 300 miles from London to Edinburgh) So you can see its a fair wack, but hey the US coast guard still helped out, then there’s the weather at the time: Here read a decent news report about the incident: Officials from the United States and the Turks and Caicos said 15 died and more than 100 were rescued, including some who were clinging for their lives to the jagged reefs or who swam two miles to shore. Dozens more were missing, as Coast Guard boats, airplanes and a helicopter joined local authorities and volunteers in searching a 1,600-square-mile area, U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Johnson said. Any survivors in the water would be struggling with 23 mph winds and 6-foot seas. “We hope that there are survivors and we can get them medical attention,” Johnson said. “However, as time goes by, it becomes less and less likely because of exposure and fatigue.”
Yup the nasty FOX news which illuminates the above incident much more than that scurrilous bBC attempt.
(I see the bBC didn’t dwell on how much Aid the Chinese gave the Philippines, $100,000. The UK alone gave over £80 million) The bBC, a leftwing hatefilled student group trying to pass itself off as a respectable news org.
Further to the above where I point out the bit about the lack of Chinese Aid to the Philippines, it transpires that the Chinese is sending its Aircraft carrier and a couple of destroyers into the sea off the Philippines on a training mission. (Read Gunboat diplomacy) So while the rest of the world helps the Philippines, the Chinese threatens them, I quote: “BEIJING – China sent its sole aircraft carrier on a training mission into the South China Sea on Tuesday amid maritime disputes with the Philippines and other neighbors and tension over its plan to set up an airspace defense zone in waters disputed with Japan.”
Guest WhoMar 1, 13:47 Weekend 1st March 2025 Vlad is still relying on his client press. You do not send a media created, media boosted and media addicted…
tomoMar 1, 13:42 Weekend 1st March 2025 I needed a chuckle
tomoMar 1, 13:40 Weekend 1st March 2025 We about as likely to see the real stuff on Epstein as we are to hear the real story of…
tomoMar 1, 13:36 Weekend 1st March 2025 Pretty quiet now about the real estate property portfolio that Vladmir and chums have built up overseas …
Guest WhoMar 1, 13:27 Weekend 1st March 2025 Can you blame her? And we get ‘analysis’ from JezBo of Arabia.
Fedup2Mar 1, 13:20 Weekend 1st March 2025 Amazingly zelenskis ‘ plane made it safely across the Atlantic without having a mystery engine failure over the deepest part…
Eddy BoothMar 1, 13:10 Weekend 1st March 2025 [img][/img]
Eddy BoothMar 1, 12:59 Weekend 1st March 2025 Epstein files release [img]×507-pad-600×600-f8f8f8.jpg[/img] “The “Declassified” Document Debacle is Part of Bigger Cover-Up Conservative Influencers Won’t Touch ” Mike Dice…
ZephirMar 1, 12:26 Weekend 1st March 2025 They wre asking for any suggestions for new adhesives. I suggested cornflakes and ceriel bowls after 10 minutes. That’st where…
Mark Mardell has accidentally admitted he’s a Left-winger. Yesterday he wrote a piece explaining that most people in the US are pleased with the President as “peacemaker”, and it’s the Republicans who are upset with the deal about Iran. He put it this way:
Obama the peacemaker will not convince Republican critics who compare him to Chamberlain.
He will not persuade Israel’s prime minister that he will achieve his aims. Equally there will be those on the left who see his drones policy as a negation of his claims, and liberal interventionists will still throw up their hand at his unwillingness to sort out Syria.
But, I suspect, he strikes the right tone for many Americans.
Never mind that the President hasn’t made peace just yet, and actually hasn’t even claimed to have done so, meaning it’s extremely premature for Mardell to describe Him thus. Notice that the BBC’s US President editor says that people “on the left” see the the President’s drone war as “a negation” of His claims to be a peacemaker. Again, that’s not quite what the Administration claims to have done here, but leave it to Mardell to leap to a conclusion where the President has triumphed.
The point is that Mardell stated that “those on the left” disapprove of the drone war. He’s including himself there because he’s spoken rather openly against it. More evidence of Mardell’s anti-war attitude can be seen here.
Mardell has stated that “those on the left” disapprove of the President’s drone war. He has written disapprovingly of the drone war, as well as other military action. Mardell is “on the left”.
As usual, Spot The Missing Nobel Peace Prize.
Mardell is out of touch with the BBC Head Office line, doesn’t he know that it is Ashton ‘wot dunnit’?
As an aside why does a country sitting on the largest know oil reserves need nuclear power? Are they going green? Wouldn’t it be easier and safer to buy in nuclear power technology if that is really the Iranian’s object?
The BBC isn’t interested in intelligent questions like that. As Katty Kay explained during her recent interview with the US Deputy National Security Advisor, Iran’s economic troubles brought them to the table. It’s all about getting the US and the rest to release Iran’s cash and ease the sanctions so that their economy can rebound. Looks like it will be a success for them on that front. Even the experts at the BBC understand this, so won’t be looking further than how it’s a success story for The Obamessiah and a slap in the face for nasty old Israel. Warm fuzzies all round New Broadcasting House, I’m sure.
Hows that trial of the Woolwich butcherers going? Unless I’ve missed it there seems to be not a peep in the media especially the one we all have to fund.
I assume it’s for ‘community cohesion’. I am just wondering how much ‘community cohesion’ would be shown had the perps been far right thugs and the victim a member of the ROP.
The BBC are writing Lee Rigbys victim impact statement in cahoots with the Met, the Home Office, Guardian, Tell Mama…with guest editor thought to be Morsi or Choudhury.
Seems that the family were put out a bit, even disappointed and challenged at its worst…but the EDL have made it into something really terrible and of concern.
Thankfully Auntis Beeb has used a little of our money in applying some Oil of Ulay, some lavender balms and a gag and burqa to anybody who feels that the Michaels were a bit harsh in their application of the “there is no compulsion in religion” bit…Gove needs to reinstate all those cuts, so it could not happen again in Nigeria.
The BBC also helpfully paid for the dental restorative work entailed…this should help with the Community Payback filming of our smiling friend when he gets invited onto the BBC Trust or a tell Mama media campaign.
Tell Auntie…she wants the same as you do Abdul,,,but Sshhh!
Send for pounce!
Apparently the trial has been delayed
Believe it or not, the bBBC actually has a report in today’s ‘news’.
The trial of two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London is to start in the next few days, the judge says.
It seems that there has been day after day of legal submissions from prosecution and defence, presumably not for public consumption. But now even the bBBC are calling it a ‘murder’ trial.
Dam ! I really should look at other posts before posting. :$
they only posted it 6 hours ago. The trial started last week, this is their first mention of it.
The greenpeace ecoterrorists get more coverage
On Radio 4’s PM a glowing puff piece by James Naughtie on the Scottish Independence white paper. You thought Obama could walk on water, well Salmond can fly!
What happened to the usual BBC style of leading with the criticism against any government proposal?
You know the BBC are in full feather in the heather territory when Jim Naughtie is allowed to raid the minibar back home in Scotland in return for his Gay Gordons quadrille with Alick Salmon( boy do they lick him!).
Listen to Jim in full Quaker Oats mode even at 5pm on Eddie Mairs(might he be Scottish too?) preposterous programme this evening(5pm, Radio 4 26/11/13).
Utter “roamin in the gloamin” soup…cock a leekie I`d say.
What with Jim and Alec becoming a civil arrangement as much as Mark and Barak over in the USA….who will yet win the Order of the Brown Nose Award THIS year?
God, what a crawler is Wee Jim when he can toss a caber!…with a few dozen of Saviles fellow travellers to assist.
Lilac showers all round…have the sporrans ready to throw up in, if you dare hear Jim introducing the great helmsman up there.
Send the anti-slavery cheridees in… the BBC jocks are sheer slipper flippers for the SNP.
Oh and the IRA, MB, PLO too…suckups!
Just had this email rushed to my in-box:
US planes challenge China air zone
US flies B52 aircraft over disputed islands in East China Sea in defiance of Chinese air defence rules – officials
Now, ordinarily I’d reach for the #grabspopcorn hashtag, but this sounds a bit sabre rattly and lives are at stake.
Still, I was wrong t’other day when I opined that the Chinese had observed Kerry/Obama bend over with Iran and decided to flex a bit of military muscle in their ‘hood as nowt would ensue.
Be interesting how the BBC plays this one.
It has been noted that they can be a wee bit Sinophile beyond historical reason, so how this weighs against the world’s most peaceful President will be worth waiting for.
Have to say I love the use of terms already.
Only the BBC, for whom Editorial Guidelines are the Alpha and Omega, unless they want to break them, or Nick Pollard can’t even find them, could use one side’s ‘rules’, about a disputed territory, in such a facile way.
look up 9 Dotted Line it tells you all you need to know about the Chinese imperial designs on other peoples property. Which is why the US had no problem flying a B52 over the area, it belongs to Japan and not to the thieving Chinks
If the US, Israel or the UK tried to do as the Chiense are doing, the bBC would be having a field day, but when its the Chinese well its silent bloody night time. Have a look at the map below which at a glance tells you all you need to know who is in the wrong here.

Just noticed the map the bBC airs which displays the Chinese air excursion zone is different from the one they aired the other day. Strange that nobody at the bbC noticed the difference, but then the maps are supplied by the thieving lying war warmongering Chinese.
Taken from Why China air zone raises risk
Taken from US B-52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone

I wonder how it is before the bBC read this article and change their maps to support the Chinese stance.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
The BBC not notice?
Shurely schum mishtake?
‘I wonder how long it is before the bBC read this article and change their maps to support the Chinese stance’
Ah, the BBC, Chinese & stealth tech, eh?
Takes me back…
Now that didn’t take long did it, the bBC have now changed their map on the B52 article to the previous one:
Who says they don’t follow this blog.
Now that’s impressive.
Depending on what I might be referring to, in a good or bad way, of course.
did the BBC post the first pic? it lists Hong Kong as belonging to the UK. Didnt china get that back last century?
David Kay wrote:
did the BBC post the first pic?
David, in answer to your question, no, that picture is taken from the wiki article on the Chinese 9 dotted line. In a nutshell its what Peking decided belongs to it and what doesn’t. As it was written around 1947, that may explain why it lists Hong Kong as a British territory.
thanks pounce
‘the bBC would be having a field day’
Tx for that.
I do recall their rather mixed reaction to the Falklands, in another time and of course now, with Gavin Esler and his merry band of global journos deciding it was the nasty Islanders and UK Gov making that nice lady Ms. K look bad when all she wanted was to divert attention from her tanking economy.
As to Gibraltar, clearly surveying up and down, up and down the coast is in no way provocative.
Good stuff, Pounce. Another notch in the President’s Nobel Peace Prize the BBC never mentions anymore.
a love thy neighbor Xmas special with Enoch Powell and Alf Garnett would tick all the boxes
“I don’t want to underestimate the problems that winter can cause for the elderly, but no mention was made of: the Winter Fuel Payment, £200 for all over 60’s”.
You got my hopes up then but unfortunately you are wrong.
I am coming up to 62 in Feb and according to the Government website only those born on or before 5 th Jan 1952 qualify.
The bBC rewrites history to make a traitor a… victim
Roger Casement: How did a hero come to be considered a traitor?
The bBC rewrites history (Yet again ) in which to try and remake a man (with a fondness for young boys) who sided with the Germans in WW1 and tried to form a German Irish brigade from Irish POWs (He failed as all the Irish were volunteers and wanted nothing to do with supporting German open up a new front) and after landing by U-boat in Ireland to foment trouble was arrested , locked up in the Tower of London and hung by his bloody neck until he was dead. He was then buried in quick-line. But hey to the bBC he is a hero which is why they end with this line:
“Roger Casement was not perfect. I think he was a tragic figure. But he should be regarded as a pioneer in the fight against colonialism, racism and prejudice.”
Pioneer in the fight against colonialism,racism and prejudice bBC, what you mean like William Wilberforce who died 31 years before this new bBC hero was born. But that doesn’t prevent the world famous bBC from playing the victim card for this violent homosexual and in 2002 they paid for an independent forensic examination of the Black Diaries in which to see if they were forgeries , they must have been disappointed when it was proven without a doubt that Casemans diaries were written by his hand. But hey why let the truth hold you back they end that chapter with:
This investigation, based on impartial scientific analysis, should bring to an end more than 80 years of controversy. By removing the uncertainty that has surrounded the diaries since 1916, the report opens the way for a fuller examination of Casement’s life and achievements based on his own authenticated, first-hand accounts.
Typically bBC leftwing POV, what next from the putrid minds of the bBC school boy elite. That the 7/7 bombers were heroes?
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Well cover your mouth with sticky back plastic, Biddy Baxter.
Bacon : Do you…did you agree with the move to Salford?
Biddy Baxter : I was.. I was sad when they went to Salford. No I didn’t agree with the move to Salford because I thought it was, um, er, it was.. people at BBC were trying to ingratiate themselves with Tony Blair, and then of course Tony Blair left……
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Is it for real?
Yep, it’s real. Around 1:34:40 here if you can get it.
The chimp cut her right off after her second anti-Salford statement. Summed it up with an unhappy tone and she was done. He still loves old Biddy, though. I saw him on HIGNFY and he came across as shallow and rather vicious. So nothing unusual there.
Brilliant observation, that should be a major news story. Some journo should ask Biddy to explain herself.
John Noakes hated Baxter, he wasn’t allowed to keep shep, the dog belonged to the BBC.
Noakes knew the writing was on the wall for this country and bailed out, ( white flight ) in the 1970s , lives in Majorca.—-to-a-secret-majorca-frank-barrett-soaked-up-wine-and-sun-with-him-1486888.html
“Biddy Baxter was an awful woman,” he said in 1999. “I don’t want to talk about her.” Baxter, for her part, has denied Noakes claims about the lack of insurance for his stunts.”
From Morecambe and Wise to Citizen Khan in a generation!
Got to be a graph here re the decline of the BBC…laughs/minute have decreased dangerously low over time to crisis levels.
More Government money please..legislation?
Well, something must be done.
The old may die of the cold…thankfully the BBC have no intention of adding to that risk by making anybody laugh.
Look like I`ll be stuck with the Savile Report again to get a chuckle…dare I burn it or will that be a Green Crime afterwards?
Love to watch The Jim Davidson Ramadam special,much better than .Citizen Cant.
The Pope published the Vatican’s Communist Manifesto. Down with the rich, down with the open tyranny of capitalists (see the Guardian link in the BBC article) and embrace the moslems hoping they will be nice to Christians. In their report the BBC say it twice:
Pope Francis says that ties with Islam have taken on great importance for the Catholic Church because of the growing number of Muslim immigrants now residing in many traditionally Catholic countries. “We Christians,” he says, “should embrace Muslims with affection and respect in the same way that we hope and ask to be respected in countries of Islamic tradition.”
Some hope.
I see they are defaming jews, by implication, as anti-US spies
no articles showing how the pallies and their mates violently conspire and act against US interests.
Dave wrote:
no articles showing how the pallies and their mates violently conspire and act against US interests.
No. but they will give you lots on how armed jihadists who go to Syria are…..Heroes. (Paxman on newsnight lastweek trying to equate these relgious bigots as equal to the men who went to fight in Spain during the 30s, who he claimed were heroes)
So how many people have read about the Spanish opening up a British diplomatic bag, anybody know the real reason why? According to the bBC it’s all to do with the nasty English dropping a large number of concrete blocks (in their own waters no less) in which to build a reef. I quote:
“a number of diplomatic rows that began in the summer after Gibraltar dropped 74 concrete blocks into the sea next to its territory it said were intended to create an artificial reef and encourage sea life to flourish.
If you didn’t know better, you’d say; “just lift the blocks up” But that isn’t the reason behind the Spanish actions. Here is what todays FT has to say on the subject:
Politics is a game of two halves for Spain’s Mariano Rajoy
In a nutshell, the ruling party beset with the revelation that they had been paying themselves out of a slush fund for over 10 years. which saw people protesting on the streets demanding the government stand down at the start of the year, have seen a turn around in party fortunes with a rise in the public’s support (4% this past month to 34%) Gee I wonder just what the Spanish government have been doing in which to get the voters on their side.
But the bBC hasn’t reported any of this, instead promoting its own leftwing stance that….,the British are too blame.
(I’ve respected the FT wish that I don’t cut and paste from their article, follow the link and answer one question in which to view the article)
The bBC the traitors within our midst.
Damn hit the top link here
It Woz the BBC wot won it !
Well you’d think so after they announced tonight that one of the important factors in the Scottish referendum is that BBC programs are still received North of the border !
While personally I’d be of the opinion that if the licence fee did not have to be paid then if I lived in Scotland I’d be quite happy, but it does beg the question as to whether the Scots will continue to receive programs courtesy of television tax payers South of the border.
Something here isn’t quite right, and I wonder if the BBC are actually talking to Alex Salmond.
How the bBC loves to denigrate the US every chance it gets.
Rescue operation as boat with Haitian migrants capsizes
Above is an article by the world famous news agency which is supposed by its remit to the people who pay its way (The British tax payer) about how a boat full of Haitians capsized while trying to escape the hellhole that is….Haiti. So I quote:
“A rescue operation is under way in the Bahamas, after a 12m (40ft) vessel carrying Haitian migrants ran aground and capsized. The US Coast Guard said about 100 migrants were clinging to the hull of the overturned boat. Up to 30 people may have died in the accident which occurred on Monday near Staniel Cay, a Bahamas official said.”
Ok as always the bBC blags the death toll when it comes to incidents (Remember the Philippines death toll over 10,000 was it hours after the storm hit? so they come out with the usual suppositions.) and then they finish their article with these two snippets:
In December 2011, 38 migrants were found dead after their boat sank just off the eastern tip of Cuba.
And in 2009, US Coast Guard officials called off their search for about 70 migrants from Haiti whose boat capsized off the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Why does the bBC end with a snippet which says the American Coast guard called off a search for 70 people, could it be because the Americans can only be …racist? So I looked up that incident for a start the Islands are nowhere the States have a look:

Whats the distance from the Turks to the US mainland around 500 miles. (Its around 300 miles from London to Edinburgh) So you can see its a fair wack, but hey the US coast guard still helped out, then there’s the weather at the time: Here read a decent news report about the incident:
Officials from the United States and the Turks and Caicos said 15 died and more than 100 were rescued, including some who were clinging for their lives to the jagged reefs or who swam two miles to shore. Dozens more were missing, as Coast Guard boats, airplanes and a helicopter joined local authorities and volunteers in searching a 1,600-square-mile area, U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Johnson said. Any survivors in the water would be struggling with 23 mph winds and 6-foot seas. “We hope that there are survivors and we can get them medical attention,” Johnson said. “However, as time goes by, it becomes less and less likely because of exposure and fatigue.”
Yup the nasty FOX news which illuminates the above incident much more than that scurrilous bBC attempt.
(I see the bBC didn’t dwell on how much Aid the Chinese gave the Philippines, $100,000. The UK alone gave over £80 million)
The bBC, a leftwing hatefilled student group trying to pass itself off as a respectable news org.
Further to the above where I point out the bit about the lack of Chinese Aid to the Philippines, it transpires that the Chinese is sending its Aircraft carrier and a couple of destroyers into the sea off the Philippines on a training mission. (Read Gunboat diplomacy) So while the rest of the world helps the Philippines, the Chinese threatens them, I quote:
“BEIJING – China sent its sole aircraft carrier on a training mission into the South China Sea on Tuesday amid maritime disputes with the Philippines and other neighbors and tension over its plan to set up an airspace defense zone in waters disputed with Japan.”
And here is the South China Post reports the above news.
China’s first aircraft carrier has set off for training exercises in the politically sensitive waters of the South China Sea. It is the first time the Liaoning has carried out drills in the area, parts of which are claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines.
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