Today the major story about the Labour Party from the BBC was this:
Desert Island Discs: Miliband brothers’ rift still open
A programme that was always about promoting Miliband and ‘smoothing over’ recent events….as indeed it did…Falkirk..nothing to see there, the Mail’s story about his father’s influence over him….nothing to see there….which is curious really as he admits…
“In modern politics, who you are, who your family is, it’s always going to be relevant and important to people, so it comes with the territory.”
‘Integrity of party’
He added: “We live in a capitalist society – my dad thought you could abolish capitalism, I don’t – but I think it throws up fundamental injustices.
“What motivates me as a politician is you see injustice and you seek to do something about it.”
Owen Jones, in an interview with the BBC, said that of course he was a Marxist, it would almost be odd if he wasn’t…why?..because four generations had been so inclined and he’d grown up ion a house full of Marxist books.
At least I suppose Jones is honest enough to admit his real political leanings.
However that is digressing…..the BBC’s top story on Labour….a puff for Miliband……
The BBC is completely ignoring Labour’s connections to the Co-op…or rather doing its best to downplay them whilst making the most of Labour’s counter attack on the Tories.
Here they talk of ‘Parties’ but really use the article as an excuse to bash one party, the Tories…just how many times can they mention the ‘nasty party’ or other disparaging remarks in one article?
Parties continue row over Paul Flowers ‘smears’
The Conservatives have been accused of a “return to the nasty party”
The shadow home secretary said there had been a “real deterioration” in the politics pursued by the Tories.
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said previous prime ministers would not have linked the revelations to Labour in the way David Cameron has.
“What we’ve seen recently is a real deterioration in the nature of the politics that the Tory party is pursuing,” she told the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme.
“It is a return to the nasty party.“
“It is just smear and the politics of the gutter for the Tory party to keep pushing this”.
The “nasty party” phrase was first coined by Home Secretary Theresa May
Whilst the BBC is happy to adopt Labour’s narrative the Daily Mail reports that Labour’s tactics are a desperate bid to hide the truth:
Tories label Ed pathetic as he fumes at Co-op ‘smears’: Labour leader under fire for bid to shift blame over drug banker
‘This is a pathetic attempt to evade the serious issues. Labour have big questions to answer, and when they are asked, they simply try to avoid them by claiming they are smears,’
Here the BBC do manage to find time to report a Tory criticism of the FSA…and by association the Treasury and government…
Co-op Bank crisis: David Davis says ministers should have seen it coming
But is there any investigation into Labour’s connections and shady deals with the Co-op?
Such as this:
Labour Party’s property firm cashed in on cheap loans from Co-op
Opposition’s property portfolio benefited from low rates of interest offered by the bank
The revelation raises fresh questions about Labour’s close relationship with the Co-operative Bank [Not for the BBC though]
LPPL paid 2.88 per cent interest on the loan, according to the company’s 2012 accounts – a far cheaper rate than would typically be offered to property firms on the open market, one expert said.
Interesting that Labour’s response is:
It is a “smear” to call them soft loans, a spokesman said.
Guess Labour has no intention of being open and transparent then.
Wonder what they make of this if they think the last was a ‘smear’?
A commercial mortgage broker who inspected the accounts said: “This is a ratbag collection of second and third-rate properties, and any of my clients would not get money at that rate of interest out of any bank on the face of the planet.
“They are paying half the rate of interest that the rest of us would pay. This is not a genuine arm’s-length transaction – it’s far too cosy. Poor little Co-op bondholders who are taking a haircut should be asking why they are doing it.”
Just why doesn’t the BBC proactively investigate Labour rather than sitting back waiting for Labour Party press releases which the BBC then disseminates for them whilst also undermining the opposition?
Co-op bondholders, pensioners and those with plain old bank accounts at the Co-op must be wondering how the Labour Party are taking them for a ride…..whilst they counted their losses Miliband and Co plundered their assets to fund their Socialist Dream.
Guess Thatcher was right…..
“It is important to hang a lantern on any media-led campaign against Labour well before the election is called so you do not waste precious campaigning time exposing the motivation behind their attacks, as we were forced to do. Second, enlist allies and third parties to reinforce your message about media bias. Research and publicise the concrete examples early and often. Put together a team to ‘war-game’ possible attacks by hostile media outlets and how to pre-empt them or respond effectively. Utilise social media as a strong alternative means of disseminating your message.
“It is also a very effective medium to lampoon and expose media bias. And enlist their competition to expose bias. Remember, your enemy’s enemy is your friend”.
And remember Ed…the BBC is your best friend!
“Just tick the right diversity boxes and, hey presto, you can run a major bank.”
” I wonder if the Left-of-Centre press (not to mention the Reverend’s former colleagues in the Labour Party-affiliated Co-operative movement) would have been be so reluctant to criticise him if it had been female teenage prostitutes he had been cavorting with; or if it had been pornographic pictures of women that he had been ogling on his official laptop.
“But as a member of the ‘LGBT community’, Flowers can somehow be seen as part of an oppressed minority, whom it would be politically incorrect to denounce as a sexual predator.”
Dear Co-Op,
I would like to apply to become a non-executive director. I have no relevant experience. I am, however, a Labour party supporting one-legged black Welsh Lesbian with a crystal meth habit. Expect to hear from you soon. My salary expectations are quite modest starting at £150,000 per anum.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Form letters r us,
Thank you very much for your application to be a non-executive director of the Co-Op bank. Although your qualifications are impressive, I should make clear that appointments are made on a strictly who you know basis, and so it would greatly help your application if you could get an endorsement from a crack whore moll of a Labour Party Shadow Cabinet Minister, or if this is not possible, somebody who appears on television a lot telling us how much they care about the poor.
We are concerned however that you did not make clear your opinions on global warming. As an organisation committed to investing in ethical projects, such as the Labour Party, it is not be necessary to have any banking experience, but it is a requirement that you do not give anybody any grounds for believing that you are capable of independent thought.
I look forward to hearing from you in the next few days.
Yours Sincerely
Excellent application and reply! made my day…
The BBC doesn’t seem to realise that just because someone from the Labour Party says something (however ridiculous) it doesn’t mean they have to report it. Re Flowers there have been some outrageous things said eg Ed claiming that the Conservatives were using the Co-Op affair to smear Labour – and before we know it we have the fragrant Fiona Bruce reporting Ed’s words – so they must be true.
As for David Davis – ever since he lost his leadership bid he has become the ever willing Toree ready to criticise the Government on the BBC.
Hmm used to think David Davis had something about him worth watching ! now I know why , he is just another Portaloo type wet liberal conservative too scared to play with Labour but always standing very close to them in the playground ? like Vincy
Davis is a good lad gone wrong.
If only he could just button it if there`s short-term political hay to be made out of Labours venal incompetencies…and then screw the inept Tories at his leisure afterwards
For now, Balls and Milibands etc are far more of a menace-and if he can`t see that from the BBC taxi. then he deserves to be one of historys has-beens…or even never was`es.
It`s called politics David…I want you to plant Labour in the grave that they`re already preparing for the rest of us…if you don`t do that, then darker forces will have to do it for us.
“The BBC doesn’t seem to realise that just because someone from the Labour Party says something (however ridiculous) it doesn’t mean they have to report it”
Ah, but… It’s panto season….
‘Oh yes they do!’
When you say ‘nothing to see here’….you mean he was asked about those?
Yes, classic deflection all weekend. The ‘nasty party’ ‘smear’ rebuttal being a classic worthy of any propaganda master. This isn’t hyperbole, I am serious, this is seriously good cover propaganda and just what you’d expect from a sly, sinister, treacherous sack of snakes… what’s that you say? This was the BBC?…
Not only Labour Lefties over here get the BBC grooming as well as getting those ticks picked off…like monkeys do, prior to mating.
Book Of The Week was n`t brilliant last week( very revealing what the BBC chose to abridge out of its reading of the Screwtape Letters)…but , at least it was worth the listen.
If anybody can stomach the Clouseau accents in this weeks book…a hagiography of Mitterand…then let me know. The French Embassy ought to deal with these Francophobic pisstakers forthwith.
And we PAY for this?…Francois, assorted mistresses and double dealing collaborators under Vichy will be spinning in their merde?
Given that the fish rots from the head down, the stench of corruption hanging over the BBC is overwhelming! Any Tory politician with a decent pair of gonads would delight in sorting them out, starting with the over paid bunch of lefties who `run’ the whole biased dustbin but no such Tory exists these days! The BBC is the broadcast arm of the labour party, nothing more and nothing less.
Sadly most of the so called tories are now EU collaborators
indistinguishable from the traitors on the opposite benches
the bbc presenters and ed millband share the same politacal ideology,when are they going to invite tommy robinson on desert island disks i wonder,that to me would be more interesting than the ramblings of eddie and his bizarre taste in music,ah ha, whats going on there eddie.
Note that Sedgefield has put a blue plaque where Tony spoke of “The Peoples Princess” in 1997…can still smell the ham on a good day.
Any chance of ones where
a)Prescott visited the Temple ?
b) Campbell did his cut and pasting for that dodgy dossier
c) Mandelson signed his mortgage forms?
Need I go on…be a hack of a tour.
Might set one up myself…a never-ending tour a la Bob!
…we haven’t got that long: the tour would take years to get through the HUNDREDS of scandals.
I thought that’s so far-fetched you were making that one up and had to google it to be sure. I am truly staggered!
It was yet another soft interview for Labour by Marr on Sunday.
Yvette Cooper-Balls asked questions, answered and move on – no challenge, dispute, interrogation.
Just throwing Soft Balls
How can everyone see this except the BBC and more importantly the BBC Trust?
Oh and, Mr Gove, as for the odds being stacked against young black boys – how about the group that is actually performing the WORST – Young white working class boys?
Why wasn’t that discussed? It is the biggest group to be disadvantaged after all. But I guess that native white people don’t really matter to the BBC or the Establishment do they.
The BBC and the Political Parties have been destroying the country for the last 35yrs it is time to change the system.
Get rid of political parties by not voting at the 2015 general election a turnout of less than 50% will take the mandate away from the political parties then we can replace them with individual MP’s.
It will also allow us to crush the BBC