As said before Miliband’s appearance on Desert Island Discs was pure propaganda, an opportunity that the BBC has milked for all it’s worth….even reporting it for themselves, giving the story a prominent place on its Frontpage.
The newspapers naturally couldn’t resist, which both the BBC and Labour spinners would have known…and because there was little really substance politically to the appearance, it being more about presenting Miliband as a ‘nice guy’ who loves his dad and family, there was little to attack Miliband on if a paper was that way inclined….the Sunday Times even gave Miliband practically the whole of its page 3, what a waste….and hardly laid a finger on him….telling us how emotional the interview on DID was….no surprise there.
But then there is this in the Daily Mirror today:
John Humphrys: Ed Miliband’s Desert Island Discs selection would have been ridiculed regardless of his choice
A hard time in the media? Not that I’ve noticed….mocking his choice of record, as Humphrys says, is standard fare for the Press. Miliband would have known that, his focus group no doubt working over time to come up with a reasonable choice….he would have calculated that the benefits by far outweigh any negatives as long as he stays off the tricky subjects or dishes up bland, anodyne statements that Kirsty Young doesn’t challenge.
Any reason why John Humphrys should be defending a Labour politician in a Labour newspaper?
Humphrys of course isn’t defending Miliband’s politics…but his article is all the more insidious and possibly effective because of that…For the Daily Mirror and Labour spinners it is all about generating a certain ‘feeling’ around and about Miliband…a genuine guy, trying his best, attacked by the nasty right wing press, smeared left, right and centre….and all he’s trying to do is play a few records and have a nice chat.
Humphrys should have known better than to step in to defend Miliband even in this apparently innocent way, it’s still politics…just as much as a bag of rice with ‘From The USA’ printed on the side is when handed over to victims of war or disaster.
Poor old Ed Miliband indeed.
Quentin Letts wrote an amusing article about it in the Mail yesterday.
I suppose Ed has no choice but to convince the world he’s a ‘nice guy’, because he has absolutely nothing else going for him. Sounds like Humphrys is trying to get us all to feel sorry for him. We all need to keep our maternal instincts in check and not fall the big eyed softie who will end up trashing the kitchen as soon as we set him free to bake his cup cakes.
How about Ed Milliband in a cute polar bear suit. That is cuddly enough, specially at Christmas time.
And then there was this puff piece on the Today Programme, this morning; the Rev Angela Tilby on ‘Thought for the Day’ says she was taken with Miliband’s appearance on Desert Island Discs (offering a plug for the repeat).
She said that she was ‘surprised and moved’ by the atheist’s prayers – an ‘expression of his humanity’ she told listeners, later. She then spends the rest of her platform to tell us why we shouldn’t be surprised and that his prayers do not undermine his atheism.
Miliband once again shows the country, should it want to see, that he is a Marxist. He has the upbringing of a Marxist, the values of a Marxist, looks like a Marxist and smells like a Marxist. Perhaps the naive Tilby needs to get out more and learn about the ‘humanity’ that the Marxist Leninism brought to its millions of victims.
Tibly shows us that the Church of England is now the Communist Party at Prayer
Thought for the Day [1:50:15]
Where do we find these prattling prelates?
Christian kids being butchered in Syria…Paul Flowers and not a prayer for him…the Pharisees in full flight huffing as if there`s no tomorrow….and Tilby chooses to put Ed up on the pedestal ,when there`s so much a Christian with the conversation stone could have said.
She`s a waster…when her berth is removed by Muslims4Sharia…no doubt she`ll be praying for them too.
I wonder if Eds late father had any connection to the left-wing slave-ring based in London. Didn’t they follow Marxism and Communism?
Anyone who wonders what Britain would be like with Ed Miliband as PM only has to look across the Channel. Just eighteen months with an incompetent socialist leader has ruined France, with an unbearable increase in the size and burden of the state, and mass departures by anyone who can move out. Unfortunately our biased state broadcaster never tells us what’s happening in France, or what socialism is really like.
In the 1930s France had Leon Blum and the Popluar Front, they made such a mess, strikes etc etc, the French preferred to be governed by the Germans, that’s why they didn’t put up with much of a fight in 1940, even though France had more tanks than Germany. They lacked the political will.
And their leadership sucked and the Maginot line wasn’t long enough and Von Manstein was smarter than every French General and Von Rundstedt and Rommel were wonderfully cavalier.
And you’re right, the people had the will, the politicians certainly didn’t.
Is this the same Ed Milliband that stabbed his brother in the back for the party leadership, devised and implemented the insane delusion of the climate change act, is a puppet of the trade union barons, has not supported a single benefit reform, called for military action against the Syrian regime and then refused to support a vote for action for short term political advantage, promises an energy price freeze when he knows he is powerless to control the global energy markets, believes that a trace gas essential to life on earth is an evil poison that must be eradicated by trashing our energy supply and consequently the entire economy, is an immigration, multiculture and diversity fanatic and one of the key architects of the on going disastrous invasion, and so on and on and on ?
That would be the same cuddly misunderstood Ed then would it BBC….the shallow,duplicitous,marksist economically illiterate student that you believe should and is fit to be PM ?