Victoria Derbyshire has a love-in with the IPCC. (10:40)
Derbyshire looks at the Kyoto Agreement….she is in full support of it and is shocked that it is being disregarded…‘it’s hugely disappointing’….because of course climate change is the world’s greatest current threat to global security with famine, floods, disease, extreme weather and mass migration.
Naturally she links Typhoon Haiyan to climate change.
Note what the IPCC’s vice chair, Mr. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, says…to meet Kyoto targets would mean zero emissions of CO2 by the end of the century.
We are told that the climate has been stable for the last 10,000 years…no it hasn’t…it’s been warming consistently as it emerges from the last ice age…with numerous cold snaps and warm periods just as warm as today’s world.
No questioning the ‘science’…far from it, just all out belief from Derbyshire.
Of the IPCC’s ambitions to get agreement…Derbyshire ends the interview with this…
‘Good luck!’
can’t have enough pics of of cute n cuddly polar bears when we’re talking about climate change
“American Meteorological Society survey finds no consensus on climate change & those with liberal political views far more likely to believe in man-made global warming”
Its the same with the BBC
‘Authors of the survey recommended that the AMS should “acknowledge and explore the uncomfortable fact that political ideology influences the climate change views of meteorology professionals; refute the idea that those who do hold non-majority views just need to be “educated” about climate change; [and] continue to deal with the conflict among members of the meteorology community.’
Well, for AMS why not read ‘BBC’?
Nice link, David, and shows how not only how one-sided BBC coverage is, but also how lacking in inquisitive skills their journalists are – but then, perhaps there’s some mutual exclusivity going on here we don’t know about (irony alert).
There are a lot of intelligent right-wing scientists riding on the subsidies of this insane financial scam.
You have to retire to be free to criticise the taxpayer funded LibLabCon.
Science is boring to BBC morons with Arts and Humanities qualifications, but they worship science as a religion with believers as well as sceptics who they describe as enemies of science.
At the BBC, the morons can sack the scientists such as Johnny Ball and David Bellamy. But the scientists at the BBC cannot sack the morons, let alone invite someone like Piers Corbyn to explain why the Met Office has got it wrong again.
It’s surprising what you discover about Man Made Global Warming and the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere reaching the “tipping point” by taking notice of totally unrelated matters. Remember, only a handful more of Parts Per Million increase in CO2 and we will have a runaway and irreversible Greenhouse Effect with ever increasing temperatures turning the Earth into another Venus and dooming everything alive forever.
It seems that when the poor dinosaurs were roasted alive the resultant fires and other resultant consequences poured as much CO2 into the atmosphere during the immediate aftermath as the total amount it will take humans to produce, at current rates, in two to three thousand years.
Don’t forget the “tipping point” our puny efforts are going to create, will you.
The question is, if in the aftermath of the catastrophe which wiped out the dinosaurs 100 times more CO2 was pumped out into the atmosphere at once as we will produce over 20 to 30 years why wasn’t the so called “Tipping Point” reached at that time. According to the Warmists assertions by now the Earth should already be hotter then Venus and all life permanently wiped out of existence never to have recovered millions of years ago. Of course, nobody will ever read this because the Warmist Computer Theories say we don’t exist.
The science of Climate is not a science, and is unlikely to be ever a science, as it involves too many ‘sciences’. For a start a real climate scientists would have to be expert in Solar dynamics, planetary mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetics and radiation, oceanography- particularly the thermodynamics of heat exchange in the oceans, and the behaviour of living organisms. Thats for a start.
Then the interaction, linear and non-linear, time delayed, feedback, noise, etc etc. This is just a start without even mentioning clouds. Can’t see how it can be done.
Even a committee of experts would be unable to handle it, and certainly not y the present clique of climate scientists. They are not physicists but data collectors with thermometers, taking temperature readings and extrapolating. Extrapolation over a time frame of decades, is far worse then simply taking an educated guess.
Then who ever asked questions pertaining to science to a group of disparate scientists on matters on which they were not expert? The whole idea of proving a theory on the basis of a questionnaire is ridiculous. Scientists may or may not come to a consensus, but scientists (not climate data collectors), do not rely on consensus as proof.
The AGW/CC is of so much concern to the BBC and socialist governments, are the monies and politics of AGW. They have invested too much political and other capital, for them to let it go, especially as the gains are in hundreds of billions in tax levies, and the bonanza of patronage that results from a windfall in taxes. The others reason is that the West will be locked into a command and control economy for the foreseeable future. Socialist utopia gained by using the concern people in rich nations have for the Environment. It does not apply in poor nations.
I sometimes think that AGWCC is the vehicle for Western socialists to take revenge on the West, and Thatcher and Reagan in particular.
PS: If you have any concern for the health of fellow human beings, do not mention Thatcher or Reagan in admiring tones in front of BBC wallahs.
The runaway theory was dependent on positive feedback, but an attempt to obtain a formula for positive feedback established that it was negative, so they have put that idea into the bin of history.
Venus has a quarter of a million times more CO2 than the Earth, and using calculations based on thermodynamics which explain the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus, a calibration of CO2 warming shows that man-made CO2 emissions would have to exceed over a thousand times current levels for warming to be detectable, because emissions would have to increase the mass of the Earth’s atmosphere so as to increase air pressure.
Will ‘zero emissions’ prevent all that BBC talent doing the Islington-Salford-Islington run several times a week?
*tsk* – those are good socialist emissions. Different thing.
Thikki Dreadfulshire still trying to kick-start a TV career for herself I see. They sweet-hearted her onto Newsnight which of course was a disaster but still she soldiers on (albeit it with a 27″ stride rather than the whole butch 30″)
Take it from Uncle Bup, treacle, yerve gorra good face for radio.
Shame about the voice and the intellect tho’.
Hello Vicky…Elvis rang me last night and asked me to ask you if you would like to sing a live duet with him one morning next week. Princess Diana would also like to do lunch sometime !
No doubt singing ‘My Little Horse’ on the back of Shergar.
Any CO2phile can be totally debunked by pointing out that ALL the carbon dioxide that could be created by burning oil and gas was originally IN THE ATMOSPHERE before the plants absorbed it in the jurassic/ triassic and cretaceous periods to form the fossil reserves.
Not only that – all the chalk, marble and limestone is made up of Calcium Carbonate that was created by marine creatures ABSORBING CO2 that was dissolved in the oceans (and which must therefore have been in equilibrium with the CO2 in the air) and this will NEVER be burnt!
If that doesn’t annoy them, point out that despite ever increasing CO2 amounts there was a 35 year period (1940 – 1975) when average temperatures did not increase and there appears to be a period currently in progress where average temperatures have not gone up. (In fact due to a statistical quirk the average temperatures have been going down for the last 5 years)
Vice chair also said we are looking at 6 degrees of warming by the end of the century.
Oddly, this is not what the IPCC itself is forecasting, even in its wildest projections, so he was just making it up on the spot. Natch, he wasn’t challenged
Victoria Derbyshire has a very nice speaking voice, it is what comes out of it is the problem.
Nice speaking voice? really?
Not when she does her Lady Bracknell…(‘a handbaaaag’?) impression.
I remember when she was giving the cost of living crisis a trial run on behalf of the Labour Party, back in October 2011, she was doing her usual, dreary ‘poor and oppressed having to go without’, show. Poor old Grant Shapps got the….’and what have YOU given up MR Shapps…’
Rather than tell her to **** off, I think he said Sky TV…..’Sky…is that all?’ It was clearly not enough for Derbyshire, she wanted no less than sackcloth and ashes.
I don’t think the BBC will be in a hurry to check out this doggy story. But it could indicate health risks to humans as well as their dogs.
Vicki is a bit soft in the head. Which is the kind of characteristic you don’t want in your news presenters.
The trouble is with most news presenters on the BBC, is that they only read the guff that is put in front of them to read. Trouble with that is, after a length of time, they do not question what it is that is put in front of them and they take it as Gospel and finally lose all track of all reality. If they were told to read that the Earth had warmed 40 degrees over the last 5 years, they would read it and believe it was so. It is all to do with the Borg collective, aka, The BBC.
That Derbyshire beeboid missed the whole point of the typhoon — nothing to do with global warming because, yes you got it in one– it was caused by ISRAEL!
And by the way this is a bit of a strange site since comparatively few people comment on topics but drift instead into the OPEN THREAD. So what does that say?