‘A spokeswoman for the corporation defended the system, saying it was important the taxi firms used are “legally compliant, vetted and available when required’
Presumably, also with a direct outrage line to Jo Brand and Adrian Chiles in case of the wrong kind of vetting on the line?
And, possibly, twice the price due to twice the spokspersons? One for each sex (surprised there was not a an LGBT one wheeled out too). ‘A spokesman for BBC Procurement replied to the complaint to say costs were higher in order to ensure the taxi firms were ‘legally compliant’ and that drivers were vetted properly’
And it never hurts to make the point stick: ‘..we have to ensure that the companies used are both legally compliant and vetted and this is done as part of the managed service provision’
And then get back to a female view again: ‘..we have a responsibility to ensure that taxi companies used by BBC staff, freelancers and guests are legally compliant, vetted and available when required’
The reporting possibly more down to the high calibre of Tel editing, but quite why so many folk involved in anonymously (as always) answering this the same way over and over is quaintly unsurprising.
That’s why Jimmy Saville used his own BBC chauffeur; both were convicted of sex crimes and both vetted and paid for by the BBC, I am sure Graham Norton (et al) need their own driver to be legally compliant. Makes sense for the BBC to pay double (or triple) than use a chauffeur – that is only for BBC top executives.
On the question of vetting, which the BBC considers so important, I’d like to know if they knew anything about Nigella Lawson’s (alleged) drug taking.
Do they check the credentials (including criminal records) of their reporters, performers and guests I wonder to ensure they are suitable and meet their self-professed high standards, after these comments about taxi firms.
Do you know, I think I know the answers.
So we are to believe that local taxi companies wishing to partake in those 350,000 taxi rides used every year by the BBC wouldn’t bring evidence of full compliance, the necessary forms and CRB checks to show all drivers to be used fit any requirement, and maintain an availability 24 hours a day.
But the BBC provides an excuse that they would rather pay double by going through their own internal website – Gateway.
He said the organisation’s workers are told to book cabs through internal website Gateway, which promises ‘More money for programmes’.
Gott luv these tired old public sector mantras
More money for programmes
More money for schoolsnhospitals.
How’s about
More money for the license fee/tax payer nothoughtnot.
What has happened to the bBBC’s Have Your Say? There is nothing on today’s ‘news’ website that is allowing comments.
Perhaps they have learned their lesson that it’s too dangerous to let the public express an opinion.
‘nothing on today’s ‘news’ website that is allowing comments’
Always intriguing when they suddenly decide to go dark.
And always an intriguing counterpoint to when they fling open the doors, fire up the twitter engines and pack out the FaceBook pages and suddenly interactive online reports with ‘send us your views’.
It’s almost as if they use propaganda one minute and censorship the next.
Now, who else was keen on that?
Talking of propaganda creeping in to the BBC commentry – this is what happened on Thursday ( I’ve had no access to report it before but it is important)- in the subtitiles which we happened to have on for the BBC news on Thursday. The discussion was about debt and that viewers who had trouble with debt with a finance company were told to contact the onbudsman. BUT the subtitle read contact “the Muslim” It is very scary that sublimal propaganda like this can take place and how many hard of hearing would know that they were being manipulated !
7.00 The One Show. Live from Salford. Matt Baker and that dopey Welsh bird interview director-general Tony Hall, via satellite from London, on why the BBC’s move to Salford was great value for £1 billion.
Welsh – geographically descriptive and not of itself judgemental; Bird – colloquial but anatomically correct; Dopey – now that is the essential insight. I’d settle for “that dopey bird from Wales”
The BBC seems to have an inexhaustible supply of “dopey birds”, perhaps they flock together.
Yes but why do you never attach the ‘geographicaly descriptive’ ‘English’ to anyone you are critical off who comes from there? The answer its obvious, you are in fact using peoples nationality as a term of abuse.
Don’t know about that,Jack. Al I know is that she has one of the most annoying voices on TV. I can only stand listening to her for a couple of minutes. Add to that she’s crap at interviewing people – not listening to their replies and asking another question before they’ve finished replying to the previous one.
Thats all valid criticism but thats not the point, too many people on here always refer to peoples nationality be it Welsh or Scots or whatever but never refer to it when its an English person , why not ?
Thanks for the support guys, it may br seen as mere semantics, but I think I said it right:
Oi, not so much of the dopey Welsh but!
Now then, I am not offended by sheep jokes, in fact some of my best friends are sheep.
Jack you are a good bloke to step in but I think in this instance ( because by comparison there are so few Welsh people on TV) that the “Welsh,” bit was included to aid identification of her.
So last night in 5Live’s imaginatively titled Question Time Extra Time (do you see what they’ve done there? Eh? Eh?) we had fat twat Nolan.
One listener suggested that immigrants to Britain might just be expected to learn the English language.
Cue Fatty’s indignation! The EU, he declared, is all about breaking down barriers. By asking people to learn the language “you’re merely putting more barriers in the way”.
I shit you not.
Not sure who I despise the most Nolan or Bacon? Straw poll anyone?
And just now we have Dominic Laurie hosting a “debate” on energy prices. “Let me know your opinions” he invited.
And thus we had a couple of callers both of whom, who’d have thunk it, were both ardent supporters of Renationalisation.
And so it goes and so it goes and so it goes…………..
Did anyone suggest that Nolan should learn the English language? Sometimes when he is on, they ought to find a way to put subtitles on radio.
“Hie nie brine cie. The-ur ree-urn in Spee-urn forrlz mee-urnly orn the-ur plee-urn.”
Stephen Nolan plays devil’s advocate all the time. He speaks with plenty of irony. I suggest you listen to his shows regularly and get accustomed to his character and approach.
By the way, he is not on the BBC’s payrole. He’s freelance. That’s why he’s tucked away at the weekends when no one listens. The BBC use him to balance the political books and tick a few ‘compliance’ boxes.
You sound like a fan Eddie – fair enough, tis what makes the world rotate.
Not sure I agree with your “tucked away” observation given that he’s presented a 3 hour phone-in every Fri, Sat and Sun for the past 8 years.
And by “freelance” I trust you mean he’s set himself up as limited Company thereby avoiding paying a decent chunk more Tax and NICs were he in fact on the payroll?
As the Future of the BBC Committee submission deadline draws near, a few new quirks in the mix that make one glad to have waited until now to hone the up to 8 pages one is allowed:
Interesting the DM is taken as the balanced measure. And the author has at last had a response. ‘Chris has refused three invitations to give oral evidence to this group of MPs’
If his right, fine.
However, when from the BBC does seem to frame such invitation refusals in a less than understanding way.
Imagine any hapless pol of CEO blowing off being dissed down the Katz ‘slipway’ as on the basis of it not being appropriate? ‘..that does not mean that the BBC Trust is above Parliament, and should pick and choose its interlocutors here.
As it’s panto season… ‘Oh yes it does’. He’s actually already told our elected bodies that is exactly what it means.
With an or else attached.
Power used to be from the barrel of a gun. Now it’s via control of the edit suite and transmitter. But also still, in some unique cases, no voting allowed.
Oh Yes! old Chris ‘honeypot’ Patten refuses to be held accountable, one can almost imagine old ‘moneyfingers’ Flowers being in similar situation with the CO-OP stating that he wasn’t all there ALL the time. Perhaps the end is indeed nigh for the BBC desperately wheeling out pro BBC adverts on being ‘British’ when it lost that tag twenty years ago. A campaign to abolish the BBC is underway and Labour will fight very hard to retain it’s MEDIA voice and License fee as a ‘benefit’.
THE BBC LICENSE FEE (and the obvious bias see):
If the LF is scrapped it will be the BBC own fault. I would actually much prefer my viewing to be free from adverts , even fast forwarding at x30 is still a nuisance. And I admire some of the programmes that the BBC still makes, but fewer and fewer as the years pass. But, if the price of advert free viewing and a dwindling number of high class programmes, is to have our national democracy undermined by a constant barrage of liberal left propaganda from an elitist group who think they know what is best for the rest of us, then it is far too high.
I was just listening to the History of Britain in Numbers – Radio 4 -1.45 pm. I think it was Gillian Reynolds in the Telegraph (or some other reviewer) who recommended it a few weeks ago. I am not sure how many times Climate Change could be mentioned in a 15 minute slot. The first time was a speaker who said that over the centuries many people had been predicting apocalyptic meltdowns and they had not come to fruition and that CC was likely to be the same. ‘Progress’ I thought. Then we had another speaker who was imagining his ideal world – which included carbon capture (really? – it doesn’t come very far up my list.) He went on to say that CC is definitely happening and of course it was over 90% certain that man was to blame (now where did he get figures like that?) Somehow I lost all interest and will be switching off the radio while doing the washing up at 1.45 next Friday.
In an ideal world there would be free, polutionless energy for everyone. The presence of carbon would be irrelevant, unless you want to make a political point.
We led the wold in fast breeder reactors in the late 60’s and that clean energy supply was scrapped by anti nuclear lobbying ( probably financed by the coal, gas and oil industry).
Decommissioning is blamed for the huge costs involved, so why not leave the contaminated waste on site in shielded secure containers where it can be under the constant supervision of the specialist technicians already on site until the technology is developed to neutralize it or to use the latent energy contained within it. This would take up a tiny area of the site and new more efficient reactors are developed and constructed alongside.
Don’t always agree with the author on everything, but he is seldom uninteresting and often provoke (in a good way) thought:
What struck me was this was ON the BBC when it is at its most egregious… too often.. BY The BBC: ‘One of the most potent weapons a newspaper has is to totally ignore an issue or a story. People attack papers for what they print. But what they don’t print is often the bigger story.’
Too true.
But while between them, their professional consciences, reputations and their reader’s support, what a paper chooses to leave out is pretty much their affair.
The BBC has no such fallback.
And when supported by a complaints system supported by the ill-named ‘Trust’, which all are dedicated to even entertaining such a thing exists, much is explained that remains too unique to excuse.
I suppose if you buy the Guardian and the Mail, you find out what is left out. But you do not need to buy the Guardian because the BBC covers the Guardian line on censorship.
But I must add that I think that the articles in the Mail and Express about the coming Ice Age, are not very scientifically informative.
The Mail needs to include articles from journalists such as Nigel Calder and Martin Durkin, as well as scientists such as Henrik Svensmark, David Archibald, Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller, Tom Segalstad, Zbigniew Jaworowski and Gerhard Gerlich.
The journalists would have to travel abroad to do this because from personal experience, the academic community in Britain is fucked up by left-wing politically correct censorship over this issue, scientists financially bribed by subsidies from LibLabCon morons, for pointless and insane policies such as the Carbon capture scam.
This would inform the public that if Climate science in Britain could join the Enlightenment sciences, then with the help of thermodynamics, we could all understand how to calibrate carbon dioxide warming, and therefore reduce ignorance by reducing certainty that man is responsible from 90 percent to zero, which always happens when Enlightenment science comes into conflict with primitive cultures. It would also establish that the Climate changes because of changes in cosmic ray induced cloud albedo.
Thank you for the most cogent summary of the problem in the UK I have read in a long time.
Everyone should email their MP with a copy of this statement, and remind them they will be held to account for their answer at the next election – minus a few dead frozen pensioners. Still, their children still have the vote.
Interesting to note the BBC fully complying with Labour ‘messaging’ this morning about utility cost caps and how Comrade Miliband had the evil toffs on the back foot. Of course the story has developed since the all important 07:45 timeslot – the government are now ‘denying’ the story, couldn’t this be because there isn’t any substance to it.
Perhaps the BBC could apply some water tight editorial integrity and check multiple sources* for their story….
Though not
*Not the usual BBC multiple cources – i.e. two calls from ythe Labour press office and a personal e-mail from a shadow minister!
Find myself listening to our gummy bear Roger Bolton.
He`s the “Points of View” man, holding the feet of the BBC to the flames…well Savile candles anyway!
A lot of 60-somethings are fed up with losing the likes of Russell Davies, and getting the Diane Louise Jordans instead.
But Bolton can`t get interviews with most of the boys upstairs.
Jeez-makes you pine for a real Rottweiller like…well, er Barry Took, Robert Robinson or Terry Wogan.
THAT is the level of “accountability” that is obviously either beneath the power-puffs OR is just too upsetting for them all.
Zoe Ball, Michael Ball, Ed Balls?…not Johnny though(he`s a denier!).
Ever get the feeling that just a waft of warm air would bring their playhouse down?…the Jengaboyz are f***ed!
Praise Budda!
Oh good-a few of the crusties are up in arms about the “Allo, Allo” mockery of the French in that puffpiece for Mitterands cadaver(Book Of The Week).
I said that this needs to be a diplomatic incident..could take on the whole Iberian peninsula at this rate!
Anyway the BBC like to “receive our views”…didn`t sound like it!
They`ve got a pasting-any chance we`ll get a few more grumps if we ride the right serfs!…the BBC do it all the time!
Reporting the horrific Islamic jihad murder of Lee Rigby.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Fiancée and estranged wife of soldier Lee Rigby flee murder trial in tears as jury is shown CCTV footage of moment ‘Muslim converts ran him down before almost decapitating him with meat cleaver and knives’”
It would appear those things that had interfered with ‘reporting’ have either passed now, or a few A.ctual Journalists have got around to it. This just arrived in my email ‘in-box’ from C4 ‘Snowmail’
Lee Rigby trial: accused men in court
We’ll lead the programme with the trial of the two men accused of murdering the soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich. It’s been an extremely harrowing first day of evidence, with relatives of the fusilier leaving the court room in tears after being shown video footage of the moment he was mown down by his attackers in a car. Prosecutors described the “barbarous acts” which saw Fusilier Rigby run over, murdered and mutilated. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Simon Israel is at the Old Bailey.
Read more: Lee Rigby attacked ‘like joint of meat’ – murder trial hears
BBC standard headline at first, but the “quote” selection is interesting (if the litany of violence committed as described can be described as such) thereafter.
Frankly no editorialising is required, and any journalist who thinks of going near skirting the facts to reduce their impact will be brave but foolish to try.
I was actually unaware just how cowardly the entire premeditated attack was.
The authorities need to PR this more than anything, as the words ‘honour’ and ‘daring’ and ‘audacious’ can too often get inserted to make what is sickening simple and dishonourable reflect less poorly on the mindset that concocts such actions.
Hungary has had this problem for centuries , but it is strange that these Roma are suddenly in possession of passports, something I suspect they did not much bother with in the past.
The BBC always seem to gloss over the tide of filth and human excrement around Hyde Park and Marble arch
Surely a sensible move would be to have a immigrants reception charity open soup kitchen, food bank , immigrants reception tents , opposite Broadcasting House and ask local organisations for free use of their toilets and wash rooms.
i think this thursdays example of bias and leftism by presenters on radio 5 live was the most shocking i have heard in ages,example no1=.the arrogant up his own backside tony livesy filling in for rachel burden on the breakfast show was having a debate about the extent of paedophilia in england.he as usual tried to play it down and had a handfull of invited lefty guests on to do the same thing,most shocking was how he used this word more than once (peadophile paranoia) to describe those who are worried about the spread of this evil in the uk,go visit the familys of these grooming victims you idiot and ask them what they think about your comment (paedophile paranoia) you idiot,example number 2= richard bacons debate with a french journalist about immigration in the eu, richard bacon had a pro mass immigration mate of his on to say how fantastic mass immigratiion is. on the opposing side was this french jounalist who pointed out to richard bacon that crime has increased by 30% in france in recent years due to immigration,what was richard bacons reply to that=dont you think that these immigrants are commiting these crimes because the french people are being nasty to them,as richard littlejohn says you could not make it up could you,morons of the week=tony livesy and richard bacon.
So there’s a nail bomb discovered at a house in Salford, the very city the BBC has it’s Northern hub in, the Police say there are links to terrorism (but not to which group), but as yet no arrests have been made.
The Manchester Evening news have no further new information, but the BBC have absolutely nothing on their news site.
I think we can rule out that this is some right wing nutter acting alone, or it would have been reported, but there are so many groups which the BBC seems to give tacit approval to, it’s difficult to know where to start guessing!
bBBC NorthWest Tonight obviously didn’t have time to report it because they spent so long giving free publicity to the two Muslims who have been acquitted of threatening to blow up a plane.
“A 21-year-old man who scrawled “Lee Rigby’s killers should hang”, on the RAF Bomber Command War Memorial in London has been jailed for 12 weeks.”
He’s an idiot for desecrating a war memorial (even if the sentiment is popular).
Later in the report:
“The memorial was vandalised twice in just over a week, following the death of Fusilier Rigby in Woolwich, south east London, on 22 May.”
The earlier graffiti was pro-Islamic. Does the BBC mention this? No. In fact the passive voice – “was vandalised twice” – gives the impression that this guy was responsible for both acts of graffiti when he’s only been convicted of one.
Typical. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that photo used by the BBC actually covers the “Islam” graffiti.
Incidentally, the only tweet in weeks about Lee Rigby from Unite Against Fascism is a link to the above BBC report. They have no interest in the trial or the real fascism of the people who killed him.
I think you’ll find they’re the United association of fascists ! as Winston Churchill said “the fascists of the future will call themselves anti fascists”
Lets take a look at what they support:
The belief that one group of people is superior to all others – yes
A desire to exterminate the Jews – yes
A desire to exterminate the gays – yes
A desire to subjugate all other people who are not in the same belief system as you – yes
So there’s no difference between the Fascists of the 1930s and todays UAF
Try a twice daily visit to the UAF facebook page and see how they respond to even the mildest disagreement with the party line. Instant removal, never an argument. It is run by a coalition of SWP Trots and Radical Islamists. See what a wonderful world these neo Nazis have in store for us. And now they have decided that UKIP is a pre fascist party. Watch out Nigel. Hard to believe that Cameron, a Tory PM, is still one of their supporters.
– no reference to the horrific Islamic jihad massacre of Lee Rigby, only to his ‘death’ – no use even of words, ‘killing,’ or ‘murder’. Perhaps next, INBBC will suggest that Lee Rigby’s death may be natural causes!
The British media in general, and including, of course, INBBC, is IN DENIAL about the Islamic jihad nature of this murder.
‘Jihad Watch’:-
“UK: Muslim attackers hacked at soldier ‘like a butcher attacking a joint of meat’: ‘I did it for my God'”
Did anyone catch David Shukman’s contribution to the 6pm news this evening when he was cracking on about Chinese desire to extract minerals from the moon to satisfy energy needs?
Just in case not, here is the online link to the article
I wonder what this guy is on? For most of his time, he’s banging on about global warming and the need to protect the earth – here he seems to be eulogising over the chinese and their desire to tap into another world – and did he ever stop to think about his own carbon footprint?
I know this story is fading, but on the back of the BBC/Labour campaign about energy companies, and the appearances on the BBC of Labour Party supporter Professor John Ashton, President of the Faculty of Public Health, I thought I’d take a look at the official figures behind the spin.
He rightly said on the BBC that an estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in 2012-13 – a 29% increase on the previous winter.
He then gave us a political barrage of how the pension was too low etc etc. What the BBC and this Labour man omitted was the same data from previous years
Just how does anybody arrive at these figures , over the next year or so they will climb again when all the TB infected gypsies arrive from East Europe .
How will the BBC massage those figures ?
I’m sure John didn’t mean it like that Pah, or he mistook you for a Dezbot. Unfortunately this sort of ‘blue on blue ‘attack is more likely when we have (although they have been a bit quiet lately) a plethora of leftard Beeboids arriving with avaricious stealth ‘drive-by’ attacks on comments on this site. Unfortunately this will always happen when commentators can sign in any -old how.
Thanks for the links – although the second one refers to Roma in Serbia so not sure how useful that is.
I was aware of TB in African and Asian sub-continent immigrants causing concern but not from central/east Europe. Another good reason for keeping mass migrations to a minimum.
This link is less informative but gives an idea of the scale of the issue.
My local BBC had a sympathetic report on the poor ‘Bristol Somalian Community’ soon having to do away with their khat.
Poor Somalians, won’t be able to chew it in their local hostelries.
A shame the BBC weren’t so bloody sympathetic to the poor smokers who are turned out of their hostelries, that’s cultural as well, but that doesn’t count that was British culture.
Still at a loss as to why BBC West thought it necessary to broadcast it, why should we feel sorry for them? pretty sure Points West ain’t high on the viewing list of the average Somalian…
BBC chairman Chris Patten says ” political correctness stops politicians speaking the truth on immigration and says Europe’s weak borders have led to rampant crime.”
No shit Sherlock ? I reckon Patten is one of ‘dem’ nasty ‘waaycists’, better get him banned for telling the truth.
Just goes to show that Chris Patten (BBC Trust fund) has absolutly no idea what his pet BBC dinsosaur has been doing just that these past twenty years? Perhaps Mark Thompson (former BBC DG) was right about the trust knowing all about the big pay awards to top BBC staff for services ‘rendered’. Complete and collective amnesia (in parliament) on where the money went and to who (the very same corporation proposing mass immigraion, no border control, blind to immigrant crime and a total belief in EU socialism). It’s a bit too late to wake up when the (BBC) party is over and it’s busted for years of indifference to the news and pandering to the left.
It has to rank as one of the most hypocritical blame shifting attempts that one could imagine from the scurrilous head of BBC Trust – Fat Patten blames politicians for their pro-immigration agenda.
For the years that Patten has held his position he has ignored the pro-immigration ‘multicultural bias that the BBC has been engaged in. If the view which he expresses in the article is genuine, then he must have been aware of the continual bias. So why then did he not do something about it – that’s his job?
Besides the fact that the BBC will always support Labour, regardless of policy, it’s fair to assume that most politicians will believe that whatever the BBC continues to hammer away at, that most people will be affected by and believe – like all propaganda. So it’s understandable that most politicians, particularly those who choose that vocation today, will modify their views and statements to appeal to those people. This is the very reason that BBC bias is so dangerous to our society.
But rather than address this, Patten puts the cart before the horse and blames politicians for this policy.
I rather think that with MPs coming down on him for all the scandals that have been revealed to have occurred on his watch, this insidious scum is just looking for a bit of revenge.
Otherwise do something about it in the area that you are responsible for Patten.
Well, you know what this is all about don’t you? Old Fatty Pang has been shown the Children in Need footage of starving African children and it’s put the fear of God into him.
It has suddenly struck him that he might be asked to take his fat fucks face out of the trough and share his slops with one of them.
At least we`ve got a use for him when we`ve come to our senses-or lost the will to live, whichever happens first “as it `appens!”.
If we can make another one like him, we could block the Eurotunnel as soon as Balkan DHSS have stumped up-so at least there`s the “impression2 that we give a rats arse here!
Another solution from cH!….
Caught the end of Radio Four’s Today programme this morning. Daniel Hannan MEP was brought on to discuss his new book, ‘How We Invented Freedom and Why it Matters’. The presenter (don’t know his name) scoffed at this and persisted with the line that freedom was the same in other European countries but Daniel was able to show it wasn’t and used the EU as an example of the lack of freedom. They then brought on a French female lawyer (nice lady but can’t remember her name) to oppose Hannan’s views as outlined in his book. She started by saying she hadn’t read the book but then agreed wholeheartedly that Britain had invented freedom much to the horror of the presenter who, obviously shocked, tackled her about it and told her he hadn’t expected her to concede so much. She was insistent that we did invent freedom and that French thinkers had admired Britain for it. Ha ha. So here we had a BBC presenter almost telling an invited guest in a discussion that she should not be agreeing with Hannan’s views but opposing them. Some poor programme researcher got a rollicking, no doubt.
Very good. The word ” freedom” is from our old language and does not mean the same as ” liberty’ which is from the Latin and Norman French.
Freedom is something we, as Englishmen , possess as of a birthright. Liberty is given to us by a king or a prince or a government.
That is the crucial difference.
The EU gives liberties. We do not need them for as Englishmen we are free by virtue of our birth.
Hannan understands this but the average liberal Beeboid/Guardianista has not got the slightest idea what freedom really is.
They seem to think it means rights granted by the state. Right to do this or that. Absolute rubbish. Freedom as I understand it is not a right but it is inalienable and as much part of me as my hand .
Hannan if he had any balls would stand for UKIP, he talks
a good line but when is he actually going to do something
as we can all see that ‘ call me Dave ‘ is just another one of
Barosso ‘s puppets .
If he wants seat at Westminster it should not be too hard to find a constituency party
who have a corrupt old pederast MP that they would like to be rid of . All the’ tories’ in the EU parliament are Daves Eurotraitors if his views are sincerely held he should join UKIP and distance himself further from them.
The BBC can’t get it through their thick heads that it is not only here that people despise the EU!
In fact it is in France where it is most likely to meet it’s
Only goes to show that Hall is a complete liar and just mutters spin with nothing to do with the actual reality when it comes to reducing spending, and that the grossly rewarded executives overpopulating the BBC are not really very good at their jobs.
After all these years the BBC has at last got its ‘lovely boys’ well and truely ‘up the jungle’.
Film-makers from the BBC’s Natural History Unit and scientists from America’s Smithsonian Institution venture into Burma’s jungles to catalogue its species in the hope of getting protected status for the area.
But check the page lay out at BBC I-Player and you might be forgiven for thinking that the show’s voice over had top billing….
In fact Paterson Joseph (best known for his role as Alan Johnson in Channel 4 sitcom Peep Show) was a little irritating with his whispering for us – so as not to alert the wildlife? All in all his voice over was adequate – his African tone perhaps a little out of place narrating a group of pale white folk tramping around in South East Asia – but hey who’s bringing race into this? Perhaps the BBC I-Player layout guy is a big fan of Peepshow?
And the substance of the show?
‘You’ve a nice set of Left-liberal values boys…. show ’em off… show ’em off!’
Well, natuarally (little pun there) this is the BBC so the British Empire gets a quick drive-by ‘disrespect’….
‘In 1824 Britain colonized Burma and ran it as a trading outpost. They used wild caught elephants to plunder forests for their valuable teak’
Oh the shame!
‘Until World War Two when Japan invaded Burma. Bombs ravaged the same forests the British Empire had plundered’
I’m no expert but is it fair to assert that the main problem for Burma with the Japanese invasion was a few strays going off in the jungle?
Let that go because this is a nature show. Best keep contentious political and historical issues out of nature shows – right?
And here comes my main gripe with this and with much BBC nature programming….
For a Corporation which sacked Johnny Morris from children’s animal shows for doing too much of his funny voices, the BBC sure do like to infanilize the audience with the new Left-liberal brand of anthropomorphism.
Wild Burma was hardly scholarly stuff. We caught just a quick glimpse of ‘ellie’ so I guess the hour long show had to be padded out with admiring footage of earnest nature trekkers poking their noses into the dung, making elephant cake, setting CCTV ‘camera traps’ in the jungle, roosting in trees for 24 hour stints and the inevitable feisty female – Justine – having a very bad hair day.
I was half expecting little Ant and Dec to pop up with a bushtucker trial.
I learn that elephants kill 100s of villagers each year that they encounter in close cover. ‘Some of them in self-defence’.
Perhaps this statement might have merited some further explanation? No time for that.
All the talk of ‘matriarchs’ was clearly ticking the right boxes somewhere within the BBC.
I didn’t watch the programme, deliberately, but I saw the trailer in which they said that the area was virtually unknown – well unknown to do-gooding caring Liberal Westerners. So, guess what, let’s get in there and have a good poke about, all with the best of intentions of course, but interfering as usual. This will no doubt be followed up by thousands of others who will want to do all sorts of things -so as to ‘study and protect them’. Usually wildlife does best when left well alone.
I wonder how long it will be before these people will start bleating ‘crisis’, we must intervene more.
Will it occur to them that they have caused the ‘crisis’? Not bleedin’ likely but no doubt the BBC will egg them on.
If the BBeeb had read Elephant Bill by Eric Williams they would know that the Teak Extraction in the Burmese Forests were carefully managed..under British rule .I think that plunder is not the right word. Also The Burmah Oil company discovered the oil so again hardly ‘plundered..’.please correct me if I am wrong. I think the programme will have ignored the plunder by the Chinese and Burmese govts of their own forests…
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic Anti-Semitism In pictures: Early years of Palestinian refugees Newly digitised archive photos from the UN agency UNRWA provide a visual insight into the lives of early Palestinian refugees. They were created in two main waves – from the Middle East war of 1948, and in 1967 when Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem
So the caption below the first picture suggests to the reader that Israel kicked out Palestinians in 1948 and 1967, and if you move to the third picture you come across this snippet: Palestinians make up one of the biggest displaced populations in the world. Some five million are registered as refugees with the UN.
Ah bless bBC, those poor Palestinians at the hands of the fucking Jews and her is an article on Harrys place which discusses which came first the Palestinian refugee or the Jewish one. To paraphrase TS Eliot, November was always a cruel month for Jewish citizens of Arab states – and never more so than in the 1940s.
Three popular myths surround the 870,000 Jews who left Arab countries after Israel was born. The first is that they departed of their own free will. Second, if they did flee as refugees, it was because Arab states lashed out spontaneously against their Jewish citizens like a bull to a red rag (and who could blame them?). Third, the Arab states took revenge on their Jews for the plight of Arabs driven out of Palestine.
Did you get that figure? just under 1 Million which funny enough is almost the same figure of Pals who were made stateless. However this being the anti-semantic bBC they extrapolate that figure to 5 million as only they can.
Anybody seen a rash of bBC articles about the Jews who were kicked out of their homelands before 1948?
Nah me neither
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic intolerance, bigotry and Terrorism.
Maybe some 500,000 left the new state of Israel. Yes, some were pressurised to leave their villages – but far more were urged to leave by Arab leaders. They were not kicked out – they left by choice. They were not allowed to return because the Arab states had tried to destroy Israel, and because so many Jews were expelled from Arab states.
Many of the Arabs who left did not go to refugee camps – they moved to other parts of the Middle East where they had contacts eg Cairo, Damascus, and set up their lives afresh.
But let’s take a figure of 500,000 who m oved into “temporary” camps. Not able to return to Israel. Anyone aged 15 or over in 1948 would have been 80 or more by now. I doubt if there are more than about 10,000 of the originals left.
The whole “refugee” status is a sham. There are precious few real refugees left. The rest have been caught in – or enjoy – a welfare system promoted by the UN and the Arab states to create a permanent victim status. A veritable never-ending industry for the UN and NGOs.
I see that the UN has just declared that 2014 is to be the Year of International Solidarity with the Palestinians. Count me out.
Breaking news on the BBC news channel last night: ‘A helicopter has crashed onto a pub in Glasgow………..Labour leader Ed Miliband has tweeted his concern……..’
Re the helicopter crash, has the BBC reported yet that a near disaster was avoided, as the crash was just 350 yards away from Glasgow City Mosque (as the crow flies) ….
I hope they`ll all be grounded now…you can`t be too careful and “I make no apology for doing this if it saves just ONE drunken Scot from Tinnitus!
Will ensure too that we don`t get loads of bloody whirlybirds flying over and taking dopey types from Portland Bill who`ve forgotten their water wings and caught a chill FFS!
Downside is , of course that you`d best top up at the ATMs in daylight now…the crimz will make hay if the fuzz aren`t playing Whirigigs up there with their searchlights and infra red.
See what happens when our wannebe McPilots have to colour in their own fagpacks in the dark.
Good beer though-no-one heard the bloody thing crash into them…who WAS that band then ?…and where the hell were the Noise Abatement Society.
Gods revenge for that SNP twaddle methinks!
It dropped like a Stone apparently-check on Charlie Watts nurse!
A humblebum, home-scale version of 9/11-but the Scots know it`s a bit like Baywatch sniffing their own trainers at Largs…only the BBC would see this as the end of the world.
Bet none of THEM would be seen in a noisy crowded pub in Glasgow on a Friday night…all be over at Kirstys, Jims or Alistairs enjoying the Godawful Nooznytinite!
If that is me, you`re thinking of-maybe you could write me a reference!
Schools seem awful scared of RE these days.
Wonder why?
Biased BBC as a Job Club forum?…could catch on. we`re all journailists her anyway!
That spelling will never catch on-or will it?
Don`t worry pounce.
The 1pm news quotes Smart Alec as saying it was a “black day for Scotland”(Radio 4)
Only an hour later it`s been downgraded to a “dark day for Scotland”.
Hear that the A8 is blocked up there-bloody Press swarming over it all like a cheap suit!
A black day for Scotland’s new unitary police constabulary (as in – UK split into 12 euroregions, each with its own emergency services, and all eventually to come under the EU) and its damned eurocopters.
It’s so easy to dismiss this site as full of out of touch racist pensioners and expat weirdos. But flippant comments about the tragic deaths of eight people remind us it’s also home to non-empathetic borderline psychos.
Anybody read the article from the bBC about how the US has acquiesced to the Chinese over there (rightful) demand to expand their territory at the expense of the neighbours. US carriers urged to comply with China air zone rules The US says it expects its civilian aircraft to observe China’s rules in an air defence zone in the East China Sea.
Here’s a question for you all: “Have you wondered why the US is telling its Civil airlines to comply?”
Could it be that they don’t want to see repetition of this Incident
But for some strange reason the bBC doesn’t explain why. Even stranger is not once has the bBC pointed out that is Empire building by the Chinese, that it is bullying its neighbours and that it has occupied another country for over 63 years . That may explain why on the moderated comments board regards this article the bBC allow this one through: 68. Riggadon
1 Minute ago
“and run over protesting students with tanks.”
“When did China do this? I seem to remember the tank driver being VERY unwilling to run that man over. The tank driver stopped every time that man stood in front of the tank. Dont try to re-write history it just makes you look a fool, especially seeing as though UK is not whiter than white when it comes to supressing dissent.”
Hi Pounce, don’t feel you have to correct every typo, I make hundreds but the meaning is clear, especially when the words sound the same; the only time you really need to correct is when the meaning is lost.
Your point re the tanks is a good illustration of how history changes depending on the telling of the story: I find the same thing with 90% of the lefty twaddle out there and any people simple have no idea of the facts.
As classic a case of tunnel vision and selective memory as one is likely to find anywhere but essentially correct. The tank driver did try to avoid the lone hero and didn’t run him over. No one seems to know who the protestor was and it is only speculation that he was eventually caught and executed by the communists.
Of course that is nothing without the context of the thousands of casualties of the previous few days …
But as they say no-one sees clearer than a zealot …
Here is a good example of a BBC “right wing press scare mongering ” story. No truth in it whatsoever, you ignorant hard working people.
Message to the BBC drones…….change your pins and passwords… “Diversity”, “Multiculturism”, “Gayrights”, “islamaphobia” and “racist” just isn’t going fool these boys !
LOL, as if this proves a Mirror Universe Rule #1. If one of us had said that here, any defender of the indefensible or lurking or non-lurking journalist would dismiss it immediately by pointing out that Littlewood was introduced as a smoker. He can’t get more pro-tobacco than that, even if Philip Morris pays him like BBC upper management.
Having said that, I notice Monbiot accuses the BBC of regularly failing to identify the commercial interests of their guests. I’d like to see his list and see how it stacks up with our evidence of Rule #1.
PS: If Littlewood and his IEA are compromised on the smoking issue because they receive funding from Big Tobacco, doesn’t that mean the BBC is compromised on their reporting on the EU?
I’m more than happy for 1) Proper captioning of guests, telling us which think tank or organisation they belong to and 2) Any links to vested interest groups.
But I doubt the analysis for guests with left wing agenda would be as thorough as we would hope.
How the bBC has dumbed down its News reporting
The bBC reports on a new railway financed by the Chinese connecting two major Kenyan cities. Kenya launches new railway to reach South Sudan and Burundi Kenya has formally launched a new, Chinese-financed railway which should extend across East Africa to reach South Sudan, DR Congo and Burundi.
Reading the above, you hear about how this new project will reduce congestion (Where are the Africans NIMBYs bBC???) But the question the bbC doesn’t answer is why are the Chinese funding a railway line across Africa? For that lets go to the Ugandan media who report the same story but in much more detail. Kenya launches $13.8bn China-built railway to boost trade MOMBASA – Kenya launched construction of a Chinese-funded $13.8 billion (10 billion euro) flagship railway project Thursday, hoping to dramatically increase trade and boost Kenya’s position as a regional economic powerhouse. The key transport link, to run from the busy port city of Mombasa inland to the highland capital Nairobi, is eventually hoped to extend onwards to Uganda, and then connect with proposed lines to Rwanda and South Sudan.…..Last year, Kenya launched the construction of a massive port, railway and refinery project in Lamu — a $24.5 billion scheme aimed at connecting Ethiopia and oil-rich South Sudan.
and regards the colonial railway currently in place: Britain’s railway line from Mombasa to Kampala, cutting through thick bush and man-eating lion territory, was dubbed the “Lunatic Express” — seen by many at the time as an impossible dream.Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, was founded as a railway station. However, after years of minimal investment, less than half of the original 2,730 kilometres (1,700 miles) of line are operational. Services on the remaining tracks are infrequent and painfully slow.
You’d think with all that money the Kenyans have robbed off the British by playing the racist card, they would have ensured that the railway was kept well oiled. Alas it seems the only people being well oiled are the Human rights lawyers.
The bBC, the half the story, traitorous public funded news org loved by everybody bar..the British
Check out the twitter feed of BBC News Channel editor Jasmine Lawrence. Too many examples of anti-Tory lefty-feminist tweets to reproduce. A Labour Party rose on her profile picture would not look out of place.
Nice catch as usual, DB. A couple of good candidates for the list there: the “Only 5?” reasons to hate the Tories, and the one where she describes an article about too many women in the boardroom impeding progress as “utter crap”.
Personal political opinions on display, a clear violation of the rules. We know they don’t care, and we know they believe they can do anything they like and get all confused and resentful when the boss makes them delete it.
BTW, some of your others have been added as well, although I’m still trying to figure out how to add your hilariously revealing recent exchange with Hugh Sykes. It really is becoming quite a collection of groupthink and evidence of the naturally occurring institutional mindset.
Get your sick-bag ready if you’re going to click on that link.
But you’ll need a bucket handy if you’re going to look at her LinkedIn profile. I have clear leadership qualities gained over the past ten years as News Editor (UK news), one of the most crucial daily roles within the Newsroom.
In this role and others, I’ve had to become well versed in making decisions – frequently at speed – about coverage, levels of deployments and resources, whilst always bearing in mind present budgetary constraints. And I have to have strong editorial judgment.
I am well skilled in making detailed decisions about coverage costs and keeping within budget. I have to balance output demands against what resourcing I’m able to provide, walking that tightrope between what’s available and what the story merits.
The BBC is facing tough challenges ahead. We have to offer audiences something they don’t get elsewhere, whether it’s original stories, creative treatments, more thorough analysis, or ideally all of the above.
Put bluntly, we can’t justify the licence fee if we simply give audiences the same stories and same approach they find elsewhere. We need to be at our best when the audiences (new or otherwise) turn to us.
In all that b-s, there’s no mention of impartiality. But I expect the echo chamber tells her she gets it about right.
“….original stories, creative treatments, more thorough analysis, or ideally all of the above.”
BBC institutional bias in a nutshell. Two of the three are opinion, not impartial reporting, and the third must be judged on a case-by-case basis. And “strong editorial judgment” equates to wanting a 2:1 combination of opinion over impartial reporting. And her tweets reveal her strong editorial positions.
Stuck record time: No need for an official editorial policy, or memo from the top, or directive from on high necessary. The bias happens naturally.
The more of her tweets one reads the less inclined one becomes to believe the bullshit claim that the political views of BBC journalists do not influence their work. She’s angry about the Tories and feels no professional compulsion, no peer pressure, to keep her views in check. She knows that none of her colleagues in the newsroom are going to call her out for her left-wing anti-Tory tweets. It’s why the BBC angle on so many stories begins with criticism of government policy, whether by Labour, a Labour-led parliamentary committee (have you noticed how having a Tory PM has given new life to BBC interest parliamentary committees?), or various lefty NGOs.
Exactly, DB. The same can be said for all reporting on US politics. Every report or article comes from the perspective that the President’s policies, and indeed all Left-wing policies, like gun control, are correct, and attempts to prevent Him from achieving His policy goals are harmful to progress.
Talking of NGO’s (above) – The legacy of Gordon Brown who created over 2,000 ‘NGOs’ (that served no function whatsover, other than to divert gov. money to Labour fringe groups). Lottery money was diverted to hundreds of fringe ‘sexual encounter’ lobby groops which were legally able to claim to be public-funded charities. See legacy here. Few were genuine, as Brown’s NGO’s never had to ‘prove’ any ‘public benefit’ and employed Andrew Hind to change UK charity laws (with Brown) by stealth (without parliamentary approval), Hind was Chief operating officer of the BBC World Service and was a BBC charity trustee, (quote): ‘ … the BBC’s ethos was in some ways similar – “being there without fear or favour, doing what you think is right”. Andrew Hind failed to gain a seat as an Labour MP but Gordon Brown asked him to be head of the charity Commison.. And that’s why we have so many ‘fake cardboard charities’ around ever since. Proper charities (such as the Salvation Army which Labour hate) or/and Guides movement and the Adoption agencies now have to ‘prove’ they take part with ‘sexual orienteering’ adventures. i.e. as dancing to Labours tune (based on a rhapsody in blue to EU). Andrew Hind is now part of Camerons BIG SOCIETY (whatever that is).
Anyone notice how the BBC News cameraman kept the minaret of the Glasgow City mosque in wide shot when the Church of Scotland Chaplain was being interviewed, interesting juxtaposition!
I see the bBC isn’t happy about a free loading Nigerian getting sent back home: Hunger strike asylum seeker Isa Muazu removed from UK Lawyers for a failed asylum seeker who was on hunger strike have said the Home Office has confirmed his removal from the UK.
So far so good and then the bBC plays the racist British don’t care for poor foreign immigrants who only want to live in the country they love to hate so we have: They said Isa Muazu, 45, is now “near death”, but the Home Office said he was “fit to fly” back to Nigeria.
Yeah and so was that f-ing Libyan, but even with terminal cancer he still pushed out a good number of years. “Last-minute challenges by his lawyers to halt his removal were also rejected. Mr Muazu began his hunger strike in September, arguing his asylum claim “was not treated fairly”. He said that he came to the UK “for a better life”, and would “rather die” than face removal.”
Wow it appears he never carried out that threat did he?
“His lawyers launched two last-minute attempts to halt his removal at midnight on Thursday and 06:00 GMT on Friday, but each challenge was rejected by a judge. Solicitor Toufique Hossain said Mr Muazu had not been answering his phone since early on Friday and he believed a charter flight had been booked to fly him to Abuja, Nigeria, at 08:00 GM”
Poor Hossain it seems that being a Pakistani doesn’t open up doors as they used to do.
“Duncan Lewis Solicitors said in a statement that Mr Muazu feared he would be “killed by Islamic extremists” on his return to Nigeria”
Err Nigeria is a bloody big country, why doesn’t he move to the Christian half of the country, that half is still twice the size of the total UK and its nearer?
“Mr Muazu has been held in detention since he claimed asylum in July, saying he faced persecution from the hardline Islamic group Boko Haram. His case was fast-tracked but refused in August, just seven days after his interview. Mr Muazu’s supporters say he has been on hunger strike for more than 100 days.”
And the problem is???? “His lawyers said that despite being 5ft 11in (1.8m) tall, he weighed just eight stone (53kg) and Mr Muazu had told the Independent newspaper he looked “like a skeleton”.
Then he’ll fit in well in Biafra won’t he. “Mr Hossain said: “The home secretary went to great lengths to remove this seriously-ill man from the UK. “She didn’t allow him an in-country right of appeal against his asylum refusal – at massive expense to taxpayers, she hired a private charter plane to remove Mr Muazu to Nigeria.”
Yeah think of all that legal aid you’ve lost out of.
“Mr Hossain said he now “did not know” where Mr Muazu was. “We lost contact with him late last night,” he said. “We fear for his safety now on return but we will be looking at pursuing further appeals if we do make contact with him in Nigeria. He should not have been removed from the UK.”
My heart bleeds!
The impartial bBC reporting news with a very obvious political agenda.
“Mr Hossain said: “The home secretary went to great lengths to remove this seriously-ill man from the UK. “
Hunger strikes generally are bad for one’s health: your client made himself “seriously ill” by his own stupidity.
“She didn’t allow him an in-country right of appeal against his asylum refusal “
Just like the French, the Belgians and every sensible country does, then: look what good little Europeans we’re being !
“– at massive expense to taxpayers, she hired a private charter plane…..”
Not as expensive to the taxpayer as would be keeping your client here while you busily launch appeal after appeal on the public teat, not to mention the likely hospital expenses to be incurred in his recovery from his hunger strike. If you’re so worried about the poor taxpayer footing the bill then perhaps your firm would care to chip in on the cost. No ? Ha.
….”to remove Mr Muazu to Nigeria.”
If he’s as unwell as you claim, chummy, then the last thing his ailing health needs is to be stuck in a damp, cold British winter. What he needs is sunlight, somewhere warm. Ideally, somewhere near the Equator. I’d suggest Nigeria.
“Yeah and so was that f-ing Libyan, but even with terminal cancer he still pushed out a good number of years”
You’re forgetting that when he was judged to be on the verge of death it was by NHS standards! As soon as he got some proper medical care he lasted a lot longer.
Any Questions on Radio 4 excelled itself this week, with even the selection of questions being the most biased I’ve ever heard.
Easy balls for the lefties to hit out of the ground, or they would be if they had any real ability!
Question 1 Who do you trust more on energy Labour or the Conservatives?
A set up for the ‘bring down the big six’ movement with the populist ban on price rises with no one allowed to address the stealth taxes.
Question 2 Is any further development of nuclear energy at Sizewell in an area of outstanding natural beauty justifiable?
Cue Jonathon Porritt !
Question 3 What should David Cameron do (if anything) to prevent the UK being seen in the EU as the nasty country?
More reference to Labours smear of the Tories as the ‘nasty party’ and a question first raised by the most left wing of all the unelected EU commissioners.
Question 4 Is Boris Johnsons cornflakes box half full or half empty.
Cue the outrage from the lefties who hate anyone to have more than anyone else regardless of how much they deserve it. It was actually very funny to listen to the loonie then decry a lack social mobility when by its very definition you need inequality to be socially mobile!
So there you have it, every single question an attack on the Conservative party, worded in such a way as to present them being in the wrong and the easiest possible spin for the labourite to answer, not that she managed it very well even given the huge advantage !
Sickipedia caught the mood. Look away now if you’re easily offended. I was in a pub in Glasgow last night and it was utter chaos, smoke everywhere, people screaming, fighting, spilled beer and men trampling each other in a blind panic to be free. Then, to make matters worse, a f****** helicopter crashed through the roof.
Your lack of respect towards those who have lost their lives is despicable. You and the others who have posted similar comments above should be ashamed of yourselves.
Those who have “liked” those comments (especially those by David Brims and ChrisH) should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and reflect upon the type of person they see.
As I have posted previously, I met Mrs Thatcher on a number of occasions when she was in Scotland for the Scottish Conservative Party Conference.
Whilst I did not agree with her politics she was always courteous and rather different from the woman we saw on our TV screens.
Upon her death I made no disrespectful comments.
“The problem is the humourless joyless left can only see the usual opportunity to bully and oppress others. ”
The only bullies are those posting despicable comments from the safety of their keyboards.
If you really think that “making jokes in the face of tragedy is part of the human condition” I suggest you take a trip to Glasgow and test out your theory face to face.
youre the one threatening voilence you stupid thick twat. Play with fire and you’ll get burnt. But to show there’s nothing personal about the jokes albabum, when Pope JP II died, within minutes of his death, i got this text, which i found funny as fuck
Whats the difference between Pope JP II and Maddie McCann? The pope died a virgin!
Albaman, did you leave critical posts on the left-wing and Labour Party affiliated sites when they took the piss out of Maggie Thatcher when she died? Did you complain to them about wanting to dance on her grave? If you did, then I hope you can post links to them.
Albaman I do agree with your protest that the shortbread comment is a little disrespectful but only in the timing of it. It is natural to make jokes about tragedies but maybe after a little more time has passed. I do however think you are behaving a little too preciously in the term “despicable.”
Where did I say that?
What I said was that in person she was much different to the image that she portrayed in the Commons or when being interviewed on TV.
Not sure how you read that into Albaman’s comment. All you achieved was to make him look like the sweet voice of reason in comparison. No mean feat that.
I suggest you take a trip to Glasgow and test out your theory face to face was your comment, clearly implying that violence would be used on anyone who didn’t follow your politically-correct views.
And neatly echoing the Glaswegian stereotype that the Sickipedia joke parodied, to which you took instant objection.
I don’t see a comment for a week or so and by coincidence then it was you slagging off Albaman and him using your insults to denigrate the whole site, then lo and behold, he pops up yesterday and you pop up to insult him again…and these are dive-straight-in nasty insults, not build up an argument that deteriorates into a slagging match. You are simply the tool he uses to be able to pretend that this site and all the commentators are *evil, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thick, blah, blah, blah (* delete as appropriate)
Many things can help, Span.
However this rather presupposes ‘helping’ is as high on the agenda as distraction.
But as generic scattergunning is again de rigeur by some, the weekend overnights do suggest a certain predictability of contribution.
1) Less than regular, on-topic or site-relevant poster strays into rather niche area of free speech on an independent, mod-lite blog.
2) Oddly on-station, to-hand, bunker-lurking Flokker emerges in full offence flounce mode.
3) All spirals nicely downhill, often with others chiming in to stir things up a bit.
4) Moral conscience Flokker appears to stake high ground, often succeeding. Too often adds generic swipes on ‘you lot’ as can’t resist exposing true colours. Hence, #epicfail.
5) Meanwhile, over on several BBC FaceBook pages daily, hate speech orders of magnitude worse appear, and get left up with near zero input matching the kind of high horse hall monitoring and faux outrage deployed here.
It’s almost like it’s a set up.
Careful what you wish for, guys.
Bring down one on such a basis, and the BBC will be held to account too, and to greater effect. They are also a paid public service.
With great accountability comes greater falls.
Instead of posting an almost incomprehensible response why not just condemn those who post despicable comments?
Claiming that “It’s almost like it’s a set up” seems to be your now common defence for those who post the worst of comments. Strangely many of these posters are regular commentator who garner many “likes”.
No where did I say that ” this site and all the commentators are *evil, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thick, blah, blah, blah (* delete as appropriate)” however those posting such comments seem to be appreciated by others – unless of course all those likes are part of the “set up”.
Pity because this sort of language against one another only succeeds in detracting from this site being taken seriously as a useful source of information about bias in the BBC.
As I have in the past lamented, the inability of some to comprehend is a failing the rest of us are sadly unable to help them with. Especially when they then go on to rage about what they have admitted has mostly passed over their heads.
Mr. Shot-bolt is really hardly worth bothering with any more as his schtick these days seems restricted to a cherry-bombing (that’s a combo dive-by and cherry pick, when a dodgy low-hanger is presented). Especially when he thinks he is only one bearing the burning standard of self-righteousness who blesses threads with a snipe. It’s not adorable at all.
I tend not to defend what I do or not do in hope of getting elevated to the gilded public basking balconies of the selective condemnation brigade, especially the ‘like’-counting obsessives.
Until the ‘likes’ are associated with a name, I ignore them. The BBC has a 20,000-strong intranet alone. What gets concocted in the cubicles to boost a comment from HYS to CiF to here really is unknowable and hence of zero value. Hence one can see why it forms such a key foundation for those who trade and play with such things to try and make silly points.
But as it is a friendly voice speaking on my behalf, let me be clear; while I recognise, appreciate and participate in the odd tease across the rough and tumble of forum exchange no, I see no value in the more overt or what most would see as ‘gratuitous’ insult. It serves no positive purpose and clearly offers those who taunt and provoke all they have been gunning for.
I also tend not to be too interested in flag-waving condemnation public breast beating.
If something sucks or is silly or horrible, I move on to more positive pastures.
The only exceptions I make are with those who do all the above, inconsistently, and seldom with anything to do with the topic or even the BBC’s ongoing failures with accuracy, objectivity or integrity.
Especially when it starts to look like a case is being assembled for generic labeling via coordinated posts.
This site gets good comments, bad comments and some that seem designed purely to disrupt.
A quick look at the comment history of some ‘regulars’ who have suddenly appeared to demand all (based on the mightily vague weasel of ‘seem’ in less than confident accusation) prostrate themselves on their altar of despicability suggests most are of the latter variety.
And still, despite invitations, they appear incapable of answering what they do when the BBC hosts the exact same thing, and worse.
‘No where did I say that ” this site and all the commentators are *evil, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thick, blah, blah, blah’
And nowhere here did I say you did, as I was not replying to you, or solely about you, much as this may be hard to accept.
I did, true, write this: ‘Moral conscience Flokker appears to stake high ground, often succeeding. Too often adds generic swipes on ‘you lot’ as can’t resist exposing true colours’
But it was referring to this, earlier, which could possibly be seen as somewhat complementary to your effort: ‘It’s so easy to dismiss this site as full of out of touch racist pensioners and expat weirdos…. also home to non-empathetic borderline psychos.
That, I felt, and indeed still feel, rather gathered all under a broad brush to slap the tar around about.
Hence, ironically, now digging for both of you a deeper #epicfail.
Tx for bringing it up.
‘Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’
A mother was given a caesarean section while unconscious – then social services put her baby into care
Naturally, GuardianBeeb approves of this sort of thing – it’s in their own best interests, requires more public sector jobs, keeps the peasants under control, the hidden menace of feral parents etc.
There you have it clear and for all to see. The state in all it’s glory.
“The state is the coldest of all cold monsters”
It will decide when we are born how we live and when we are to die.
It is the very enemy of life and it is the liberal dream made reality.
It is death to what the past knew as being human.
Article 52 of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights – which is law – allows for the suspension of any or all of the rights enumerated in the charter (and there are quite a few of them).
This Article appears to allow human rights law to be bypassed (eg the right to a family life), where Union law provides better “protection” – at least, in the eyes of the EU Court of Justice.
Note that human rights law is decided by the Council of Europe (47 members) and its court in Strasburg. The Court of Justice of the EU (28 members) sits in Luxembourg.
None of us actually know what happened in that case, other than the fact she had a Caesarean. There are conditions where the placenta is below the baby, mother’s will bleed to death if they attempt a normal delivery. Given that she sounds as though she was significantly unwell (and believe me, you have to be bad to get an inpatient bed), if there were other reasons to do a Caesarean should she just have been left on the basis that she did not agree?
I don’t know that this happened, but equally neither do you from the information given
If true this is one of the most appalling cases of malfeasance I have ever heard of. To think such a callous act could happen in England is utterly depressing.
BBC report that the “well loved” African-Brazilian couple who were suposedly chosen to represent Brazil in the World Cup draw were replaced by a “blonde, white couple”. Only problem is, the photographs shoew , the couple are not blonde
Oh no – attacked on Twitter! Just how gay can this “controversy” get? Besides, Cordelia looks like a blonde herself – and probably gay too, with a name like Cordelia.
Radio 4 this morning, some left wing nonce disparagingly criticised ‘right wing press describing the crashed helicopter as a Eurocopter’
The pro EU bias coming out, and an attack on what he perceived as right wing press. But what the ignorant idiot didn’t know was that the company which makes the EC135 helicopter is in fact called ‘Eurocopter’.
Never miss a chance to criticise or belittle those in a position which you oppose, and do it from a position where you can’t be directly challenged or criticised, even if you don’t know what you’re talking about, or are completely wrong, no one will be given airtime to put right your idiocy.
Delingpole on Parris
“Matthew and I go back a long way. (Well, maybe 10 years-ish: we first met on a Radio 4 programme he used to host called Off The Page). So I’m sure when I call him a spineless, lily-livered, gag-inducingly politically correct, faux-Tory, ideology-lite centrist he’ll take it in the friendly spirit in which it’s meant.”
Probably why the BBC tolerate him
Matthew Parris was criticising the “right wing press describing the crashed helicopter as a Eurocopter”. You will need to show some proof of that. Lefty, lily-livered maybe but stupid, no.
That despicable Labour liar, Yvette Cooper, got too easy a ride from Neil this morning on Sunday Politics. How dare labour criticize anyone on immigration after their disgusting Marxist ploy to diversify this country. Vote Liebour and you’re a traitor. Pure and simple.
I see the bBC is in jubilant mode over the return of failed Nigerian asylum seeker Isa Muazu. This is clearly highlighted by how the bBC refers to Terrorist Group ‘BOKO HARAM@ as Islamic (Yes) Islamic militants rather than the more common Islamist militants.
However the question I want answered is was a flight plan to Nigeria posted (which I know to be fact. otherwise you can’t fly across Europe) and why wasn’t the plane diverted to another country and the journey carried out by land. Goes to show how pathetic this countries immigration when everybody in the world refuses to accept that Britian has a right to deport anybody it wants and thus at a stroke ensure that people will gravitate to the far right.
Myself, I would fit a plane with cages and deport on mass illegal immigrants by the hundreds (At a time) if the US ,France and the rest can do it why can’t we. Silly me we have the likes of the bBC who care more for the folks who hate us and our way of life.
Unbelievable; you have to wonder at the sanity of the UK residents when you read the comments over at the Observer, you have to read quite a few before finding any sensible comments (most are about evil Tories and deporting Theresa May); my suggestion is send the guy to live with Lord Roberts:
“Lord Roberts, a Liberal Democrat peer, told the Observer he was delighted Muaza was back in the UK but horrified that he had been forced to endure the attempted removal. “I saw him on Tuesday when a doctor had judged him too sick to fly,” he said. “Goodness knows what state he must be in now the poor man. He needs hospital treatment. We should know the cost of this private jet. We’ve already heard this case has cost some £180,000.
“[The home secretary] Theresa May must consider her role immediately. She has caused immense harm to one individual and spent an extraordinary amount of taxpayers’ money. I hope there will be no question of sending this poor man away again.”
It is all about empathy. The right has none. Empathy overides facts, law and necessity.
This Lord Roberts is suffering from empathy. With men like him our civilisation is in safe hands.
Who are these idiots?
House of Lords registered interest: Asylum, immigration and nationality
President – Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary
President – Barka Foundation: “Barka UK provides severely excluded Eastern European migrants with the opportunity for reconnection and social reintegration”.
As you can see from his “interests” he is completely soft in the head and obsessed with “asylum seekers”. WTF is he doing in the House of Lords? What better a case for its abolition. Another Fail by Dave.
“everybody in the world refuses to accept that Britian has a right to deport anybody it wants”
Surely you don’t believe that this country has a right to deport anybody it wants? Where do you think you should be deported to?
Besides the UK does not deport asylum seekers, it returns them to their country of origin which is different. Anyone we do get rid of requires a passport or they cannot gain entry to said country, however there are officials who can often be bribed to prevent the return of asylum seekers.
There is no basis for this mans asylum claim, there is safety from Boko Haram in the South of the Country where they do not operate, and there is no good reason why he could not live there. Even then in the midst of what isn’t even a civil war the government is doing all it can to protect its citizens and is not itself oppressing them so therefore again the asylum claim must fail.
This is clearly an attempt at economic migration and nothing at all to do with asylum what so ever.
Clare Balding on this week’s Desert Island Discs. The only aspect that bBBC ‘news’ thinks is worth noting is that she is a lesbian. Its entire ‘news’ story is about homosexuality, one of the bBBC’s two favourite obsessions.
Indeed. If the “gay community” wants to be taken seriously, then it should cease this endless self-obsession.
It will be the day when a sports presenter’s sexual preferences are a mildly interesting footnote that it will have won its battle, not like today when it is the only topic anyone seems interested in – homosexuals themselves, in particular.
“The Al Qaeda fanatic from Britain who funded jihad trip to Syria by mugging Londoners with a Taser.
“Choukri Ellekhlifi, 22, was originally from Morocco but living in Paddington.
“Along with two other men he used a stun-gun to rob people in Belgravia.
“He used the proceeds to fund a trip to the Middle East to fight in Syria.
“Died on August 11 near Aleppo while attacking pro-government forces.”
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
‘A spokeswoman for the corporation defended the system, saying it was important the taxi firms used are “legally compliant, vetted and available when required’
Presumably, also with a direct outrage line to Jo Brand and Adrian Chiles in case of the wrong kind of vetting on the line?
And, possibly, twice the price due to twice the spokspersons? One for each sex (surprised there was not a an LGBT one wheeled out too).
‘A spokesman for BBC Procurement replied to the complaint to say costs were higher in order to ensure the taxi firms were ‘legally compliant’ and that drivers were vetted properly’
And it never hurts to make the point stick:
‘..we have to ensure that the companies used are both legally compliant and vetted and this is done as part of the managed service provision’
And then get back to a female view again:
‘..we have a responsibility to ensure that taxi companies used by BBC staff, freelancers and guests are legally compliant, vetted and available when required’
The reporting possibly more down to the high calibre of Tel editing, but quite why so many folk involved in anonymously (as always) answering this the same way over and over is quaintly unsurprising.
“……….(surprised there was not a an LGBT one wheeled out too).”
And what about wheelchair-accessible disabled LGBT provision as well!
That’s why Jimmy Saville used his own BBC chauffeur; both were convicted of sex crimes and both vetted and paid for by the BBC, I am sure Graham Norton (et al) need their own driver to be legally compliant. Makes sense for the BBC to pay double (or triple) than use a chauffeur – that is only for BBC top executives.
On the question of vetting, which the BBC considers so important, I’d like to know if they knew anything about Nigella Lawson’s (alleged) drug taking.
Do they check the credentials (including criminal records) of their reporters, performers and guests I wonder to ensure they are suitable and meet their self-professed high standards, after these comments about taxi firms.
Do you know, I think I know the answers.
Or the criminal records of the likes of Huhne.
Do they check criminal records? Apparently not when presenting Vicky Price.
So we are to believe that local taxi companies wishing to partake in those 350,000 taxi rides used every year by the BBC wouldn’t bring evidence of full compliance, the necessary forms and CRB checks to show all drivers to be used fit any requirement, and maintain an availability 24 hours a day.
But the BBC provides an excuse that they would rather pay double by going through their own internal website – Gateway.
Somebody(s) raking it in. 🙄
He said the organisation’s workers are told to book cabs through internal website Gateway, which promises ‘More money for programmes’.
Gott luv these tired old public sector mantras
More money for programmes
More money for schoolsnhospitals.
How’s about
More money for the license fee/tax payer nothoughtnot.
What has happened to the bBBC’s Have Your Say? There is nothing on today’s ‘news’ website that is allowing comments.
Perhaps they have learned their lesson that it’s too dangerous to let the public express an opinion.
‘nothing on today’s ‘news’ website that is allowing comments’
Always intriguing when they suddenly decide to go dark.
And always an intriguing counterpoint to when they fling open the doors, fire up the twitter engines and pack out the FaceBook pages and suddenly interactive online reports with ‘send us your views’.
It’s almost as if they use propaganda one minute and censorship the next.
Now, who else was keen on that?
Talking of propaganda creeping in to the BBC commentry – this is what happened on Thursday ( I’ve had no access to report it before but it is important)- in the subtitiles which we happened to have on for the BBC news on Thursday. The discussion was about debt and that viewers who had trouble with debt with a finance company were told to contact the onbudsman. BUT the subtitle read contact “the Muslim” It is very scary that sublimal propaganda like this can take place and how many hard of hearing would know that they were being manipulated !
” And over on BBC… another £1 bn wasted.”
By RICHARD LITTLEJOHN.–1bn-wasted.html
Andrew Neil asks Tony Hall why, if the BBC is so keen on advertising itself, it doesn’t just scrap the licence fee and take adverts?
7.00 The One Show. Live from Salford. Matt Baker and that dopey Welsh bird interview director-general Tony Hall, via satellite from London, on why the BBC’s move to Salford was great value for £1 billion.
Sums up the Beeb perfectly
Oi, not so much of the dopey welsh but!
Welsh – geographically descriptive and not of itself judgemental; Bird – colloquial but anatomically correct; Dopey – now that is the essential insight. I’d settle for “that dopey bird from Wales”
The BBC seems to have an inexhaustible supply of “dopey birds”, perhaps they flock together.
Yes but why do you never attach the ‘geographicaly descriptive’ ‘English’ to anyone you are critical off who comes from there? The answer its obvious, you are in fact using peoples nationality as a term of abuse.
Don’t know about that,Jack. Al I know is that she has one of the most annoying voices on TV. I can only stand listening to her for a couple of minutes. Add to that she’s crap at interviewing people – not listening to their replies and asking another question before they’ve finished replying to the previous one.
Thats all valid criticism but thats not the point, too many people on here always refer to peoples nationality be it Welsh or Scots or whatever but never refer to it when its an English person , why not ?
Thanks for the support guys, it may br seen as mere semantics, but I think I said it right:
Oi, not so much of the dopey Welsh but!
Now then, I am not offended by sheep jokes, in fact some of my best friends are sheep.
Jack you are a good bloke to step in but I think in this instance ( because by comparison there are so few Welsh people on TV) that the “Welsh,” bit was included to aid identification of her.
So last night in 5Live’s imaginatively titled Question Time Extra Time (do you see what they’ve done there? Eh? Eh?) we had fat twat Nolan.
One listener suggested that immigrants to Britain might just be expected to learn the English language.
Cue Fatty’s indignation! The EU, he declared, is all about breaking down barriers. By asking people to learn the language “you’re merely putting more barriers in the way”.
I shit you not.
Not sure who I despise the most Nolan or Bacon? Straw poll anyone?
And just now we have Dominic Laurie hosting a “debate” on energy prices. “Let me know your opinions” he invited.
And thus we had a couple of callers both of whom, who’d have thunk it, were both ardent supporters of Renationalisation.
And so it goes and so it goes and so it goes…………..
Anyone that listens to Nolan on 5L obviously is gluten for punishment as he is even worse that Derbyshire and Bacon put together. I steer well clear.
Did anyone suggest that Nolan should learn the English language? Sometimes when he is on, they ought to find a way to put subtitles on radio.
“Hie nie brine cie. The-ur ree-urn in Spee-urn forrlz mee-urnly orn the-ur plee-urn.”
My vote goes to Bacon.
Stephen Nolan plays devil’s advocate all the time. He speaks with plenty of irony. I suggest you listen to his shows regularly and get accustomed to his character and approach.
By the way, he is not on the BBC’s payrole. He’s freelance. That’s why he’s tucked away at the weekends when no one listens. The BBC use him to balance the political books and tick a few ‘compliance’ boxes.
You sound like a fan Eddie – fair enough, tis what makes the world rotate.
Not sure I agree with your “tucked away” observation given that he’s presented a 3 hour phone-in every Fri, Sat and Sun for the past 8 years.
And by “freelance” I trust you mean he’s set himself up as limited Company thereby avoiding paying a decent chunk more Tax and NICs were he in fact on the payroll?
Does HMRC’s IR35 team know about Mr Nolan’s ‘firm’?
No? Could that be because Labour deliberately left out ‘companies’ in the media and politics from the IR35 legislation?
As the Future of the BBC Committee submission deadline draws near, a few new quirks in the mix that make one glad to have waited until now to hone the up to 8 pages one is allowed:
Interesting the DM is taken as the balanced measure. And the author has at last had a response.
‘Chris has refused three invitations to give oral evidence to this group of MPs’
If his right, fine.
However, when from the BBC does seem to frame such invitation refusals in a less than understanding way.
Imagine any hapless pol of CEO blowing off being dissed down the Katz ‘slipway’ as on the basis of it not being appropriate?
‘..that does not mean that the BBC Trust is above Parliament, and should pick and choose its interlocutors here.
As it’s panto season… ‘Oh yes it does’. He’s actually already told our elected bodies that is exactly what it means.
With an or else attached.
Power used to be from the barrel of a gun. Now it’s via control of the edit suite and transmitter. But also still, in some unique cases, no voting allowed.
Oh Yes! old Chris ‘honeypot’ Patten refuses to be held accountable, one can almost imagine old ‘moneyfingers’ Flowers being in similar situation with the CO-OP stating that he wasn’t all there ALL the time. Perhaps the end is indeed nigh for the BBC desperately wheeling out pro BBC adverts on being ‘British’ when it lost that tag twenty years ago. A campaign to abolish the BBC is underway and Labour will fight very hard to retain it’s MEDIA voice and License fee as a ‘benefit’.
THE BBC LICENSE FEE (and the obvious bias see):
If the LF is scrapped it will be the BBC own fault. I would actually much prefer my viewing to be free from adverts , even fast forwarding at x30 is still a nuisance. And I admire some of the programmes that the BBC still makes, but fewer and fewer as the years pass. But, if the price of advert free viewing and a dwindling number of high class programmes, is to have our national democracy undermined by a constant barrage of liberal left propaganda from an elitist group who think they know what is best for the rest of us, then it is far too high.
I was just listening to the History of Britain in Numbers – Radio 4 -1.45 pm. I think it was Gillian Reynolds in the Telegraph (or some other reviewer) who recommended it a few weeks ago. I am not sure how many times Climate Change could be mentioned in a 15 minute slot. The first time was a speaker who said that over the centuries many people had been predicting apocalyptic meltdowns and they had not come to fruition and that CC was likely to be the same. ‘Progress’ I thought. Then we had another speaker who was imagining his ideal world – which included carbon capture (really? – it doesn’t come very far up my list.) He went on to say that CC is definitely happening and of course it was over 90% certain that man was to blame (now where did he get figures like that?) Somehow I lost all interest and will be switching off the radio while doing the washing up at 1.45 next Friday.
But Shirley … ?
In an ideal world there would be free, polutionless energy for everyone. The presence of carbon would be irrelevant, unless you want to make a political point.
We led the wold in fast breeder reactors in the late 60’s and that clean energy supply was scrapped by anti nuclear lobbying ( probably financed by the coal, gas and oil industry).
Decommissioning is blamed for the huge costs involved, so why not leave the contaminated waste on site in shielded secure containers where it can be under the constant supervision of the specialist technicians already on site until the technology is developed to neutralize it or to use the latent energy contained within it. This would take up a tiny area of the site and new more efficient reactors are developed and constructed alongside.
In an ideal world if the current favourite of Muslims and their apologists. Would you kill gay people ? Only in an ideal world !
BBC – well that’s alright then !
Don’t always agree with the author on everything, but he is seldom uninteresting and often provoke (in a good way) thought:
What struck me was this was ON the BBC when it is at its most egregious… too often.. BY The BBC:
‘One of the most potent weapons a newspaper has is to totally ignore an issue or a story. People attack papers for what they print. But what they don’t print is often the bigger story.’
Too true.
But while between them, their professional consciences, reputations and their reader’s support, what a paper chooses to leave out is pretty much their affair.
The BBC has no such fallback.
And when supported by a complaints system supported by the ill-named ‘Trust’, which all are dedicated to even entertaining such a thing exists, much is explained that remains too unique to excuse.
I suppose if you buy the Guardian and the Mail, you find out what is left out. But you do not need to buy the Guardian because the BBC covers the Guardian line on censorship.
But I must add that I think that the articles in the Mail and Express about the coming Ice Age, are not very scientifically informative.
The Mail needs to include articles from journalists such as Nigel Calder and Martin Durkin, as well as scientists such as Henrik Svensmark, David Archibald, Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller, Tom Segalstad, Zbigniew Jaworowski and Gerhard Gerlich.
The journalists would have to travel abroad to do this because from personal experience, the academic community in Britain is fucked up by left-wing politically correct censorship over this issue, scientists financially bribed by subsidies from LibLabCon morons, for pointless and insane policies such as the Carbon capture scam.
This would inform the public that if Climate science in Britain could join the Enlightenment sciences, then with the help of thermodynamics, we could all understand how to calibrate carbon dioxide warming, and therefore reduce ignorance by reducing certainty that man is responsible from 90 percent to zero, which always happens when Enlightenment science comes into conflict with primitive cultures. It would also establish that the Climate changes because of changes in cosmic ray induced cloud albedo.
Thank you for the most cogent summary of the problem in the UK I have read in a long time.
Everyone should email their MP with a copy of this statement, and remind them they will be held to account for their answer at the next election – minus a few dead frozen pensioners. Still, their children still have the vote.
Interesting to note the BBC fully complying with Labour ‘messaging’ this morning about utility cost caps and how Comrade Miliband had the evil toffs on the back foot. Of course the story has developed since the all important 07:45 timeslot – the government are now ‘denying’ the story, couldn’t this be because there isn’t any substance to it.
Perhaps the BBC could apply some water tight editorial integrity and check multiple sources* for their story….
Though not
*Not the usual BBC multiple cources – i.e. two calls from ythe Labour press office and a personal e-mail from a shadow minister!
Find myself listening to our gummy bear Roger Bolton.
He`s the “Points of View” man, holding the feet of the BBC to the flames…well Savile candles anyway!
A lot of 60-somethings are fed up with losing the likes of Russell Davies, and getting the Diane Louise Jordans instead.
But Bolton can`t get interviews with most of the boys upstairs.
Jeez-makes you pine for a real Rottweiller like…well, er Barry Took, Robert Robinson or Terry Wogan.
THAT is the level of “accountability” that is obviously either beneath the power-puffs OR is just too upsetting for them all.
Zoe Ball, Michael Ball, Ed Balls?…not Johnny though(he`s a denier!).
Ever get the feeling that just a waft of warm air would bring their playhouse down?…the Jengaboyz are f***ed!
Praise Budda!
Oh good-a few of the crusties are up in arms about the “Allo, Allo” mockery of the French in that puffpiece for Mitterands cadaver(Book Of The Week).
I said that this needs to be a diplomatic incident..could take on the whole Iberian peninsula at this rate!
Anyway the BBC like to “receive our views”…didn`t sound like it!
They`ve got a pasting-any chance we`ll get a few more grumps if we ride the right serfs!…the BBC do it all the time!
Reporting the horrific Islamic jihad murder of Lee Rigby.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Fiancée and estranged wife of soldier Lee Rigby flee murder trial in tears as jury is shown CCTV footage of moment ‘Muslim converts ran him down before almost decapitating him with meat cleaver and knives’”
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
2.) INBBC:-
“Lee Rigby trial: Killing ‘cowardly and callous’, court hears”
It would appear those things that had interfered with ‘reporting’ have either passed now, or a few A.ctual Journalists have got around to it. This just arrived in my email ‘in-box’ from C4 ‘Snowmail’
Lee Rigby trial: accused men in court
We’ll lead the programme with the trial of the two men accused of murdering the soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich. It’s been an extremely harrowing first day of evidence, with relatives of the fusilier leaving the court room in tears after being shown video footage of the moment he was mown down by his attackers in a car. Prosecutors described the “barbarous acts” which saw Fusilier Rigby run over, murdered and mutilated. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Simon Israel is at the Old Bailey.
Read more: Lee Rigby attacked ‘like joint of meat’ – murder trial hears
BBC standard headline at first, but the “quote” selection is interesting (if the litany of violence committed as described can be described as such) thereafter.
Frankly no editorialising is required, and any journalist who thinks of going near skirting the facts to reduce their impact will be brave but foolish to try.
I was actually unaware just how cowardly the entire premeditated attack was.
The authorities need to PR this more than anything, as the words ‘honour’ and ‘daring’ and ‘audacious’ can too often get inserted to make what is sickening simple and dishonourable reflect less poorly on the mindset that concocts such actions.
Yes I well remember how the BBC reported the two murderers as
‘…shouting political slogans’.
I mean we wouldn’t want the populace to know that it was two muzzies shouting ‘Allah Akhbar’ (sp) would we.
My BBC Disgustometer™ hit a new high that day.
Single-sex organisation discovers society riven with sexism
The BBC seems to have missed the irony in their reporting of Girlguiding’s recent report.
Reporting impact of accelerating Mass Immigration and Colonisation of U.K
1.) ‘London Evening Standard’:-
“Bin bags and battered cases: beggars back at Marble Arch as Mayor warns of more to come”
2.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
Hungary is anti-semitic and vile to the Roma. Don’t dare lecture us, Mr Commissioner
3.) BBC-NUJ:-
“EU’s Laszlo Andor: UK politicians ‘echo xenophobia'”
Hungary has had this problem for centuries , but it is strange that these Roma are suddenly in possession of passports, something I suspect they did not much bother with in the past.
The BBC always seem to gloss over the tide of filth and human excrement around Hyde Park and Marble arch
Surely a sensible move would be to have a immigrants reception charity open soup kitchen, food bank , immigrants reception tents , opposite Broadcasting House and ask local organisations for free use of their toilets and wash rooms.
Fair’s fair to the Droids they actually interviewed a Romanian immigrant the other day.
She had been here five years, in her twenties, was a corker, and probably works for Goldman Sachs.
Were they keen to interview the 60 year-old Roma grannies under the arches?
Not so much.
i think this thursdays example of bias and leftism by presenters on radio 5 live was the most shocking i have heard in ages,example no1=.the arrogant up his own backside tony livesy filling in for rachel burden on the breakfast show was having a debate about the extent of paedophilia in england.he as usual tried to play it down and had a handfull of invited lefty guests on to do the same thing,most shocking was how he used this word more than once (peadophile paranoia) to describe those who are worried about the spread of this evil in the uk,go visit the familys of these grooming victims you idiot and ask them what they think about your comment (paedophile paranoia) you idiot,example number 2= richard bacons debate with a french journalist about immigration in the eu, richard bacon had a pro mass immigration mate of his on to say how fantastic mass immigratiion is. on the opposing side was this french jounalist who pointed out to richard bacon that crime has increased by 30% in france in recent years due to immigration,what was richard bacons reply to that=dont you think that these immigrants are commiting these crimes because the french people are being nasty to them,as richard littlejohn says you could not make it up could you,morons of the week=tony livesy and richard bacon.
So there’s a nail bomb discovered at a house in Salford, the very city the BBC has it’s Northern hub in, the Police say there are links to terrorism (but not to which group), but as yet no arrests have been made.
The Manchester Evening news have no further new information, but the BBC have absolutely nothing on their news site.
I think we can rule out that this is some right wing nutter acting alone, or it would have been reported, but there are so many groups which the BBC seems to give tacit approval to, it’s difficult to know where to start guessing!
bBBC NorthWest Tonight obviously didn’t have time to report it because they spent so long giving free publicity to the two Muslims who have been acquitted of threatening to blow up a plane.
Apologies if this has been noted already but I’ve only just read the article.
The BBC reports:
“A 21-year-old man who scrawled “Lee Rigby’s killers should hang”, on the RAF Bomber Command War Memorial in London has been jailed for 12 weeks.”
He’s an idiot for desecrating a war memorial (even if the sentiment is popular).
Later in the report:
“The memorial was vandalised twice in just over a week, following the death of Fusilier Rigby in Woolwich, south east London, on 22 May.”
The earlier graffiti was pro-Islamic. Does the BBC mention this? No. In fact the passive voice – “was vandalised twice” – gives the impression that this guy was responsible for both acts of graffiti when he’s only been convicted of one.
Typical. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that photo used by the BBC actually covers the “Islam” graffiti.
Incidentally, the only tweet in weeks about Lee Rigby from Unite Against Fascism is a link to the above BBC report. They have no interest in the trial or the real fascism of the people who killed him.
I think you’ll find they’re the United association of fascists ! as Winston Churchill said “the fascists of the future will call themselves anti fascists”
Lets take a look at what they support:
The belief that one group of people is superior to all others – yes
A desire to exterminate the Jews – yes
A desire to exterminate the gays – yes
A desire to subjugate all other people who are not in the same belief system as you – yes
So there’s no difference between the Fascists of the 1930s and todays UAF
a socialist is a socialist, and both Hitler and UAF were/are socialists
Oh so that’s what it means? I always thought it was ‘United with Allah in fascism’
Try a twice daily visit to the UAF facebook page and see how they respond to even the mildest disagreement with the party line. Instant removal, never an argument. It is run by a coalition of SWP Trots and Radical Islamists. See what a wonderful world these neo Nazis have in store for us. And now they have decided that UKIP is a pre fascist party. Watch out Nigel. Hard to believe that Cameron, a Tory PM, is still one of their supporters.
It’s hard to believe that the wringing wet Cameron is a Tory MP in the first place.
-from euphemistic, inadeqate INBBC description, above:
“following the death of Fusilier Rigby ”
– no reference to the horrific Islamic jihad massacre of Lee Rigby, only to his ‘death’ – no use even of words, ‘killing,’ or ‘murder’. Perhaps next, INBBC will suggest that Lee Rigby’s death may be natural causes!
The British media in general, and including, of course, INBBC, is IN DENIAL about the Islamic jihad nature of this murder.
‘Jihad Watch’:-
“UK: Muslim attackers hacked at soldier ‘like a butcher attacking a joint of meat’: ‘I did it for my God'”
“Muslim who slaughtered British soldier on London street to UK: ‘To humble yourselves willingly is better for you.”
“no use even of words, ‘killing,’ or ‘murder’. Perhaps next, INBBC will suggest that Lee Rigby’s death may be natural causes!”
whatever next … eh! George
come full circle and cite
… workplace violence … ?
They may claim he died after an incident?
Did anyone catch David Shukman’s contribution to the 6pm news this evening when he was cracking on about Chinese desire to extract minerals from the moon to satisfy energy needs?
Just in case not, here is the online link to the article
I wonder what this guy is on? For most of his time, he’s banging on about global warming and the need to protect the earth – here he seems to be eulogising over the chinese and their desire to tap into another world – and did he ever stop to think about his own carbon footprint?
I know this story is fading, but on the back of the BBC/Labour campaign about energy companies, and the appearances on the BBC of Labour Party supporter Professor John Ashton, President of the Faculty of Public Health, I thought I’d take a look at the official figures behind the spin.
He rightly said on the BBC that an estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in 2012-13 – a 29% increase on the previous winter.
He then gave us a political barrage of how the pension was too low etc etc. What the BBC and this Labour man omitted was the same data from previous years
Available here:–provisional–and-2011-12–final-/ewm-reference-tables-2012-13.xls
Notice (below) the very high figures for excess winter deaths for the Labour years when the pensioner population was considerably lower.
The BBC yet again caught red-handed pumping Labour propaganda
1996/1997 47,690
1997/1998 22,900
1998/1999 46,840
1999/2000 48,440
2000/2001 24,840
2001/2002 27,230
2002/2003 23,970
2003/2004 23,450
2004/2005 31,640
2005/2006 25,270
2006/2007 23,740
2007/2008 24,690
2008/2009 36,450
Just how does anybody arrive at these figures , over the next year or so they will climb again when all the TB infected gypsies arrive from East Europe .
How will the BBC massage those figures ?
Is TB prevalent in gypsies? I’ve not heard that before. Do you have a link?
Here you go :;jsessionid=f1BKDFTXnQqK73dMHlR3.56
Just one minute on Google to find them
Here’s a report lead-authored by a Romanian writer :
A report from Bucharest :
So, Pah – maybe you should try learning how to use Google before asking fatuous questions
Don’t get arsy with me sunshine. Especially when you obviously can’t tell a genuine question from a fatuous one – numpty.
Have you not heard the saying ‘why have a dog and bark yourself?’
I’m sure John didn’t mean it like that Pah, or he mistook you for a Dezbot. Unfortunately this sort of ‘blue on blue ‘attack is more likely when we have (although they have been a bit quiet lately) a plethora of leftard Beeboids arriving with avaricious stealth ‘drive-by’ attacks on comments on this site. Unfortunately this will always happen when commentators can sign in any -old how.
Thanks for the links – although the second one refers to Roma in Serbia so not sure how useful that is.
I was aware of TB in African and Asian sub-continent immigrants causing concern but not from central/east Europe. Another good reason for keeping mass migrations to a minimum.
This link is less informative but gives an idea of the scale of the issue.
My local BBC had a sympathetic report on the poor ‘Bristol Somalian Community’ soon having to do away with their khat.
Poor Somalians, won’t be able to chew it in their local hostelries.
A shame the BBC weren’t so bloody sympathetic to the poor smokers who are turned out of their hostelries, that’s cultural as well, but that doesn’t count that was British culture.
Still at a loss as to why BBC West thought it necessary to broadcast it, why should we feel sorry for them? pretty sure Points West ain’t high on the viewing list of the average Somalian…
Khat – the Somali terrorist’s favourite chew.
BBC chairman Chris Patten says ” political correctness stops politicians speaking the truth on immigration and says Europe’s weak borders have led to rampant crime.”
No shit Sherlock ? I reckon Patten is one of ‘dem’ nasty ‘waaycists’, better get him banned for telling the truth.
Just goes to show that Chris Patten (BBC Trust fund) has absolutly no idea what his pet BBC dinsosaur has been doing just that these past twenty years? Perhaps Mark Thompson (former BBC DG) was right about the trust knowing all about the big pay awards to top BBC staff for services ‘rendered’. Complete and collective amnesia (in parliament) on where the money went and to who (the very same corporation proposing mass immigraion, no border control, blind to immigrant crime and a total belief in EU socialism). It’s a bit too late to wake up when the (BBC) party is over and it’s busted for years of indifference to the news and pandering to the left.
It has to rank as one of the most hypocritical blame shifting attempts that one could imagine from the scurrilous head of BBC Trust – Fat Patten blames politicians for their pro-immigration agenda.
For the years that Patten has held his position he has ignored the pro-immigration ‘multicultural bias that the BBC has been engaged in. If the view which he expresses in the article is genuine, then he must have been aware of the continual bias. So why then did he not do something about it – that’s his job?
Besides the fact that the BBC will always support Labour, regardless of policy, it’s fair to assume that most politicians will believe that whatever the BBC continues to hammer away at, that most people will be affected by and believe – like all propaganda. So it’s understandable that most politicians, particularly those who choose that vocation today, will modify their views and statements to appeal to those people. This is the very reason that BBC bias is so dangerous to our society.
But rather than address this, Patten puts the cart before the horse and blames politicians for this policy.
I rather think that with MPs coming down on him for all the scandals that have been revealed to have occurred on his watch, this insidious scum is just looking for a bit of revenge.
Otherwise do something about it in the area that you are responsible for Patten.
Well, you know what this is all about don’t you? Old Fatty Pang has been shown the Children in Need footage of starving African children and it’s put the fear of God into him.
It has suddenly struck him that he might be asked to take his fat fucks face out of the trough and share his slops with one of them.
It’s the only explanation that fits the facts …
At least we`ve got a use for him when we`ve come to our senses-or lost the will to live, whichever happens first “as it `appens!”.
If we can make another one like him, we could block the Eurotunnel as soon as Balkan DHSS have stumped up-so at least there`s the “impression2 that we give a rats arse here!
Another solution from cH!….
Caught the end of Radio Four’s Today programme this morning. Daniel Hannan MEP was brought on to discuss his new book, ‘How We Invented Freedom and Why it Matters’. The presenter (don’t know his name) scoffed at this and persisted with the line that freedom was the same in other European countries but Daniel was able to show it wasn’t and used the EU as an example of the lack of freedom. They then brought on a French female lawyer (nice lady but can’t remember her name) to oppose Hannan’s views as outlined in his book. She started by saying she hadn’t read the book but then agreed wholeheartedly that Britain had invented freedom much to the horror of the presenter who, obviously shocked, tackled her about it and told her he hadn’t expected her to concede so much. She was insistent that we did invent freedom and that French thinkers had admired Britain for it. Ha ha. So here we had a BBC presenter almost telling an invited guest in a discussion that she should not be agreeing with Hannan’s views but opposing them. Some poor programme researcher got a rollicking, no doubt.
Very good. The word ” freedom” is from our old language and does not mean the same as ” liberty’ which is from the Latin and Norman French.
Freedom is something we, as Englishmen , possess as of a birthright. Liberty is given to us by a king or a prince or a government.
That is the crucial difference.
The EU gives liberties. We do not need them for as Englishmen we are free by virtue of our birth.
Hannan understands this but the average liberal Beeboid/Guardianista has not got the slightest idea what freedom really is.
They seem to think it means rights granted by the state. Right to do this or that. Absolute rubbish. Freedom as I understand it is not a right but it is inalienable and as much part of me as my hand .
Good 10 year old* discussion here:
* it was 10 years ago, not a discussion between 10 year olds! 🙂
“The EU gives liberties”
More like the EU takes liberties, especially with our freedom.
Hannan if he had any balls would stand for UKIP, he talks
a good line but when is he actually going to do something
as we can all see that ‘ call me Dave ‘ is just another one of
Barosso ‘s puppets .
So should Carswell, Im fed up wih his endless anti EU diatribe in the Telegraph, but does nothing else, happier to keep claiming his expenses…
If he wants seat at Westminster it should not be too hard to find a constituency party
who have a corrupt old pederast MP that they would like to be rid of . All the’ tories’ in the EU parliament are Daves Eurotraitors if his views are sincerely held he should join UKIP and distance himself further from them.
The BBC can’t get it through their thick heads that it is not only here that people despise the EU!
In fact it is in France where it is most likely to meet it’s
Quite right. Most people here are utterly pissed off with the EU, socialism, and Hollande. Vive le Pen!
I suspect Putin will be the saviour of Europe, you can forget about America, that’s going down the toilet.
Or at least the cucumber removed from his winter Pimms…and a decidedly eggy manner with double bad body language!
Only goes to show that Hall is a complete liar and just mutters spin with nothing to do with the actual reality when it comes to reducing spending, and that the grossly rewarded executives overpopulating the BBC are not really very good at their jobs.
BBC prepares to spend £85m on external consultants
BBC2 Friday 9pm Wild Burma: Nature’s Lost Kingdom
After all these years the BBC has at last got its ‘lovely boys’ well and truely ‘up the jungle’.
Film-makers from the BBC’s Natural History Unit and scientists from America’s Smithsonian Institution venture into Burma’s jungles to catalogue its species in the hope of getting protected status for the area.
But check the page lay out at BBC I-Player and you might be forgiven for thinking that the show’s voice over had top billing….
In fact Paterson Joseph (best known for his role as Alan Johnson in Channel 4 sitcom Peep Show) was a little irritating with his whispering for us – so as not to alert the wildlife? All in all his voice over was adequate – his African tone perhaps a little out of place narrating a group of pale white folk tramping around in South East Asia – but hey who’s bringing race into this? Perhaps the BBC I-Player layout guy is a big fan of Peepshow?
And the substance of the show?
‘You’ve a nice set of Left-liberal values boys…. show ’em off… show ’em off!’
Well, natuarally (little pun there) this is the BBC so the British Empire gets a quick drive-by ‘disrespect’….
‘In 1824 Britain colonized Burma and ran it as a trading outpost. They used wild caught elephants to plunder forests for their valuable teak’
Oh the shame!
‘Until World War Two when Japan invaded Burma. Bombs ravaged the same forests the British Empire had plundered’
I’m no expert but is it fair to assert that the main problem for Burma with the Japanese invasion was a few strays going off in the jungle?
Let that go because this is a nature show. Best keep contentious political and historical issues out of nature shows – right?
And here comes my main gripe with this and with much BBC nature programming….
For a Corporation which sacked Johnny Morris from children’s animal shows for doing too much of his funny voices, the BBC sure do like to infanilize the audience with the new Left-liberal brand of anthropomorphism.
Wild Burma was hardly scholarly stuff. We caught just a quick glimpse of ‘ellie’ so I guess the hour long show had to be padded out with admiring footage of earnest nature trekkers poking their noses into the dung, making elephant cake, setting CCTV ‘camera traps’ in the jungle, roosting in trees for 24 hour stints and the inevitable feisty female – Justine – having a very bad hair day.
I was half expecting little Ant and Dec to pop up with a bushtucker trial.
I learn that elephants kill 100s of villagers each year that they encounter in close cover. ‘Some of them in self-defence’.
Perhaps this statement might have merited some further explanation? No time for that.
All the talk of ‘matriarchs’ was clearly ticking the right boxes somewhere within the BBC.
They are elephants – not people.
I didn’t watch the programme, deliberately, but I saw the trailer in which they said that the area was virtually unknown – well unknown to do-gooding caring Liberal Westerners. So, guess what, let’s get in there and have a good poke about, all with the best of intentions of course, but interfering as usual. This will no doubt be followed up by thousands of others who will want to do all sorts of things -so as to ‘study and protect them’. Usually wildlife does best when left well alone.
I wonder how long it will be before these people will start bleating ‘crisis’, we must intervene more.
Will it occur to them that they have caused the ‘crisis’? Not bleedin’ likely but no doubt the BBC will egg them on.
If the BBeeb had read Elephant Bill by Eric Williams they would know that the Teak Extraction in the Burmese Forests were carefully managed..under British rule .I think that plunder is not the right word. Also The Burmah Oil company discovered the oil so again hardly ‘plundered..’.please correct me if I am wrong. I think the programme will have ignored the plunder by the Chinese and Burmese govts of their own forests…
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic Anti-Semitism
In pictures: Early years of Palestinian refugees
Newly digitised archive photos from the UN agency UNRWA provide a visual insight into the lives of early Palestinian refugees. They were created in two main waves – from the Middle East war of 1948, and in 1967 when Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem
So the caption below the first picture suggests to the reader that Israel kicked out Palestinians in 1948 and 1967, and if you move to the third picture you come across this snippet:
Palestinians make up one of the biggest displaced populations in the world. Some five million are registered as refugees with the UN.
Ah bless bBC, those poor Palestinians at the hands of the fucking Jews and her is an article on Harrys place which discusses which came first the Palestinian refugee or the Jewish one.
To paraphrase TS Eliot, November was always a cruel month for Jewish citizens of Arab states – and never more so than in the 1940s.
Three popular myths surround the 870,000 Jews who left Arab countries after Israel was born. The first is that they departed of their own free will. Second, if they did flee as refugees, it was because Arab states lashed out spontaneously against their Jewish citizens like a bull to a red rag (and who could blame them?). Third, the Arab states took revenge on their Jews for the plight of Arabs driven out of Palestine.
Did you get that figure? just under 1 Million which funny enough is almost the same figure of Pals who were made stateless. However this being the anti-semantic bBC they extrapolate that figure to 5 million as only they can.
Anybody seen a rash of bBC articles about the Jews who were kicked out of their homelands before 1948?
Nah me neither
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic intolerance, bigotry and Terrorism.
Maybe some 500,000 left the new state of Israel. Yes, some were pressurised to leave their villages – but far more were urged to leave by Arab leaders. They were not kicked out – they left by choice. They were not allowed to return because the Arab states had tried to destroy Israel, and because so many Jews were expelled from Arab states.
Many of the Arabs who left did not go to refugee camps – they moved to other parts of the Middle East where they had contacts eg Cairo, Damascus, and set up their lives afresh.
But let’s take a figure of 500,000 who m oved into “temporary” camps. Not able to return to Israel. Anyone aged 15 or over in 1948 would have been 80 or more by now. I doubt if there are more than about 10,000 of the originals left.
The whole “refugee” status is a sham. There are precious few real refugees left. The rest have been caught in – or enjoy – a welfare system promoted by the UN and the Arab states to create a permanent victim status. A veritable never-ending industry for the UN and NGOs.
I see that the UN has just declared that 2014 is to be the Year of International Solidarity with the Palestinians. Count me out.
See my blog entry at
Breaking news on the BBC news channel last night: ‘A helicopter has crashed onto a pub in Glasgow………..Labour leader Ed Miliband has tweeted his concern……..’
There is no escape.
Re the helicopter crash, has the BBC reported yet that a near disaster was avoided, as the crash was just 350 yards away from Glasgow City Mosque (as the crow flies) ….
The way the BBC and SKY are reporting the helicopter crash into a Glasgow pub, talk about milking it, you’d think it was Towering Inferno.
You should have seen the news last night
I hope they`ll all be grounded now…you can`t be too careful and “I make no apology for doing this if it saves just ONE drunken Scot from Tinnitus!
Will ensure too that we don`t get loads of bloody whirlybirds flying over and taking dopey types from Portland Bill who`ve forgotten their water wings and caught a chill FFS!
Downside is , of course that you`d best top up at the ATMs in daylight now…the crimz will make hay if the fuzz aren`t playing Whirigigs up there with their searchlights and infra red.
See what happens when our wannebe McPilots have to colour in their own fagpacks in the dark.
Good beer though-no-one heard the bloody thing crash into them…who WAS that band then ?…and where the hell were the Noise Abatement Society.
Gods revenge for that SNP twaddle methinks!
It dropped like a Stone apparently-check on Charlie Watts nurse!
A humblebum, home-scale version of 9/11-but the Scots know it`s a bit like Baywatch sniffing their own trainers at Largs…only the BBC would see this as the end of the world.
Bet none of THEM would be seen in a noisy crowded pub in Glasgow on a Friday night…all be over at Kirstys, Jims or Alistairs enjoying the Godawful Nooznytinite!
Jesus couldn’t have said it better.
If that is me, you`re thinking of-maybe you could write me a reference!
Schools seem awful scared of RE these days.
Wonder why?
Biased BBC as a Job Club forum?…could catch on. we`re all journailists her anyway!
That spelling will never catch on-or will it?
Don`t worry pounce.
The 1pm news quotes Smart Alec as saying it was a “black day for Scotland”(Radio 4)
Only an hour later it`s been downgraded to a “dark day for Scotland”.
Hear that the A8 is blocked up there-bloody Press swarming over it all like a cheap suit!
A black day for Scotland’s new unitary police constabulary (as in – UK split into 12 euroregions, each with its own emergency services, and all eventually to come under the EU) and its damned eurocopters.
It’s so easy to dismiss this site as full of out of touch racist pensioners and expat weirdos. But flippant comments about the tragic deaths of eight people remind us it’s also home to non-empathetic borderline psychos.
Is ‘pensioners’ a term of abuse then?
Adorable, you are such a saint, a paragon of virtue. I bet your bowel movements smell of rose water and incense.
Anybody read the article from the bBC about how the US has acquiesced to the Chinese over there (rightful) demand to expand their territory at the expense of the neighbours.
US carriers urged to comply with China air zone rules
The US says it expects its civilian aircraft to observe China’s rules in an air defence zone in the East China Sea.
Here’s a question for you all: “Have you wondered why the US is telling its Civil airlines to comply?”
Could it be that they don’t want to see repetition of this Incident
But for some strange reason the bBC doesn’t explain why. Even stranger is not once has the bBC pointed out that is Empire building by the Chinese, that it is bullying its neighbours and that it has occupied another country for over 63 years . That may explain why on the moderated comments board regards this article the bBC allow this one through:
68. Riggadon
1 Minute ago
“and run over protesting students with tanks.”
“When did China do this? I seem to remember the tank driver being VERY unwilling to run that man over. The tank driver stopped every time that man stood in front of the tank. Dont try to re-write history it just makes you look a fool, especially seeing as though UK is not whiter than white when it comes to supressing dissent.”
You couldn’t make it up if you tried could you?
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Second line first word: There
Replace with “Their”
Hi Pounce, don’t feel you have to correct every typo, I make hundreds but the meaning is clear, especially when the words sound the same; the only time you really need to correct is when the meaning is lost.
Your point re the tanks is a good illustration of how history changes depending on the telling of the story: I find the same thing with 90% of the lefty twaddle out there and any people simple have no idea of the facts.
As classic a case of tunnel vision and selective memory as one is likely to find anywhere but essentially correct. The tank driver did try to avoid the lone hero and didn’t run him over. No one seems to know who the protestor was and it is only speculation that he was eventually caught and executed by the communists.
Of course that is nothing without the context of the thousands of casualties of the previous few days …
But as they say no-one sees clearer than a zealot …
Here is a good example of a BBC “right wing press scare mongering ” story. No truth in it whatsoever, you ignorant hard working people.
Message to the BBC drones…….change your pins and passwords… “Diversity”, “Multiculturism”, “Gayrights”, “islamaphobia” and “racist” just isn’t going fool these boys !
Oh no, wicked right-wing conspiracy at the BBC uncovered by left-wing Guardian nutjob:
sorry – I didn’t see your post before I made mine
An “amusing” article in the Guardian by George Moonbat – he is complaining about the horrible right-wing bias of the BBC.
Naturally the commenters are keen to point out how much they agree with him.
LOL, as if this proves a Mirror Universe Rule #1. If one of us had said that here, any defender of the indefensible or lurking or non-lurking journalist would dismiss it immediately by pointing out that Littlewood was introduced as a smoker. He can’t get more pro-tobacco than that, even if Philip Morris pays him like BBC upper management.
Having said that, I notice Monbiot accuses the BBC of regularly failing to identify the commercial interests of their guests. I’d like to see his list and see how it stacks up with our evidence of Rule #1.
PS: If Littlewood and his IEA are compromised on the smoking issue because they receive funding from Big Tobacco, doesn’t that mean the BBC is compromised on their reporting on the EU?
I’m more than happy for 1) Proper captioning of guests, telling us which think tank or organisation they belong to and 2) Any links to vested interest groups.
But I doubt the analysis for guests with left wing agenda would be as thorough as we would hope.
How the bBC has dumbed down its News reporting
The bBC reports on a new railway financed by the Chinese connecting two major Kenyan cities.
Kenya launches new railway to reach South Sudan and Burundi
Kenya has formally launched a new, Chinese-financed railway which should extend across East Africa to reach South Sudan, DR Congo and Burundi.
Reading the above, you hear about how this new project will reduce congestion (Where are the Africans NIMBYs bBC???) But the question the bbC doesn’t answer is why are the Chinese funding a railway line across Africa? For that lets go to the Ugandan media who report the same story but in much more detail.
Kenya launches $13.8bn China-built railway to boost trade
MOMBASA – Kenya launched construction of a Chinese-funded $13.8 billion (10 billion euro) flagship railway project Thursday, hoping to dramatically increase trade and boost Kenya’s position as a regional economic powerhouse. The key transport link, to run from the busy port city of Mombasa inland to the highland capital Nairobi, is eventually hoped to extend onwards to Uganda, and then connect with proposed lines to Rwanda and South Sudan.…..Last year, Kenya launched the construction of a massive port, railway and refinery project in Lamu — a $24.5 billion scheme aimed at connecting Ethiopia and oil-rich South Sudan.
and regards the colonial railway currently in place:
Britain’s railway line from Mombasa to Kampala, cutting through thick bush and man-eating lion territory, was dubbed the “Lunatic Express” — seen by many at the time as an impossible dream.Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, was founded as a railway station. However, after years of minimal investment, less than half of the original 2,730 kilometres (1,700 miles) of line are operational. Services on the remaining tracks are infrequent and painfully slow.
You’d think with all that money the Kenyans have robbed off the British by playing the racist card, they would have ensured that the railway was kept well oiled. Alas it seems the only people being well oiled are the Human rights lawyers.
The bBC, the half the story, traitorous public funded news org loved by everybody bar..the British
Check out the twitter feed of BBC News Channel editor Jasmine Lawrence. Too many examples of anti-Tory lefty-feminist tweets to reproduce. A Labour Party rose on her profile picture would not look out of place.
Nice catch as usual, DB. A couple of good candidates for the list there: the “Only 5?” reasons to hate the Tories, and the one where she describes an article about too many women in the boardroom impeding progress as “utter crap”.
Personal political opinions on display, a clear violation of the rules. We know they don’t care, and we know they believe they can do anything they like and get all confused and resentful when the boss makes them delete it.
BTW, some of your others have been added as well, although I’m still trying to figure out how to add your hilariously revealing recent exchange with Hugh Sykes. It really is becoming quite a collection of groupthink and evidence of the naturally occurring institutional mindset.
Get your sick-bag ready if you’re going to click on that link.
But you’ll need a bucket handy if you’re going to look at her LinkedIn profile.
I have clear leadership qualities gained over the past ten years as News Editor (UK news), one of the most crucial daily roles within the Newsroom.
In this role and others, I’ve had to become well versed in making decisions – frequently at speed – about coverage, levels of deployments and resources, whilst always bearing in mind present budgetary constraints. And I have to have strong editorial judgment.
I am well skilled in making detailed decisions about coverage costs and keeping within budget. I have to balance output demands against what resourcing I’m able to provide, walking that tightrope between what’s available and what the story merits.
The BBC is facing tough challenges ahead. We have to offer audiences something they don’t get elsewhere, whether it’s original stories, creative treatments, more thorough analysis, or ideally all of the above.
Put bluntly, we can’t justify the licence fee if we simply give audiences the same stories and same approach they find elsewhere. We need to be at our best when the audiences (new or otherwise) turn to us.
In all that b-s, there’s no mention of impartiality. But I expect the echo chamber tells her she gets it about right.
This is comedy gold:
“….original stories, creative treatments, more thorough analysis, or ideally all of the above.”
BBC institutional bias in a nutshell. Two of the three are opinion, not impartial reporting, and the third must be judged on a case-by-case basis. And “strong editorial judgment” equates to wanting a 2:1 combination of opinion over impartial reporting. And her tweets reveal her strong editorial positions.
Stuck record time: No need for an official editorial policy, or memo from the top, or directive from on high necessary. The bias happens naturally.
The more of her tweets one reads the less inclined one becomes to believe the bullshit claim that the political views of BBC journalists do not influence their work. She’s angry about the Tories and feels no professional compulsion, no peer pressure, to keep her views in check. She knows that none of her colleagues in the newsroom are going to call her out for her left-wing anti-Tory tweets. It’s why the BBC angle on so many stories begins with criticism of government policy, whether by Labour, a Labour-led parliamentary committee (have you noticed how having a Tory PM has given new life to BBC interest parliamentary committees?), or various lefty NGOs.
Exactly, DB. The same can be said for all reporting on US politics. Every report or article comes from the perspective that the President’s policies, and indeed all Left-wing policies, like gun control, are correct, and attempts to prevent Him from achieving His policy goals are harmful to progress.
Talking of NGO’s (above) – The legacy of Gordon Brown who created over 2,000 ‘NGOs’ (that served no function whatsover, other than to divert gov. money to Labour fringe groups). Lottery money was diverted to hundreds of fringe ‘sexual encounter’ lobby groops which were legally able to claim to be public-funded charities. See legacy here. Few were genuine, as Brown’s NGO’s never had to ‘prove’ any ‘public benefit’ and employed Andrew Hind to change UK charity laws (with Brown) by stealth (without parliamentary approval), Hind was Chief operating officer of the BBC World Service and was a BBC charity trustee, (quote): ‘ … the BBC’s ethos was in some ways similar – “being there without fear or favour, doing what you think is right”. Andrew Hind failed to gain a seat as an Labour MP but Gordon Brown asked him to be head of the charity Commison.. And that’s why we have so many ‘fake cardboard charities’ around ever since. Proper charities (such as the Salvation Army which Labour hate) or/and Guides movement and the Adoption agencies now have to ‘prove’ they take part with ‘sexual orienteering’ adventures. i.e. as dancing to Labours tune (based on a rhapsody in blue to EU). Andrew Hind is now part of Camerons BIG SOCIETY (whatever that is).
Anyone notice how the BBC News cameraman kept the minaret of the Glasgow City mosque in wide shot when the Church of Scotland Chaplain was being interviewed, interesting juxtaposition!
I see the bBC isn’t happy about a free loading Nigerian getting sent back home:
Hunger strike asylum seeker Isa Muazu removed from UK
Lawyers for a failed asylum seeker who was on hunger strike have said the Home Office has confirmed his removal from the UK.
So far so good and then the bBC plays the racist British don’t care for poor foreign immigrants who only want to live in the country they love to hate so we have:
They said Isa Muazu, 45, is now “near death”, but the Home Office said he was “fit to fly” back to Nigeria.
Yeah and so was that f-ing Libyan, but even with terminal cancer he still pushed out a good number of years.
“Last-minute challenges by his lawyers to halt his removal were also rejected. Mr Muazu began his hunger strike in September, arguing his asylum claim “was not treated fairly”. He said that he came to the UK “for a better life”, and would “rather die” than face removal.”
Wow it appears he never carried out that threat did he?
“His lawyers launched two last-minute attempts to halt his removal at midnight on Thursday and 06:00 GMT on Friday, but each challenge was rejected by a judge. Solicitor Toufique Hossain said Mr Muazu had not been answering his phone since early on Friday and he believed a charter flight had been booked to fly him to Abuja, Nigeria, at 08:00 GM”
Poor Hossain it seems that being a Pakistani doesn’t open up doors as they used to do.
“Duncan Lewis Solicitors said in a statement that Mr Muazu feared he would be “killed by Islamic extremists” on his return to Nigeria”
Err Nigeria is a bloody big country, why doesn’t he move to the Christian half of the country, that half is still twice the size of the total UK and its nearer?
“Mr Muazu has been held in detention since he claimed asylum in July, saying he faced persecution from the hardline Islamic group Boko Haram. His case was fast-tracked but refused in August, just seven days after his interview. Mr Muazu’s supporters say he has been on hunger strike for more than 100 days.”
And the problem is????
“His lawyers said that despite being 5ft 11in (1.8m) tall, he weighed just eight stone (53kg) and Mr Muazu had told the Independent newspaper he looked “like a skeleton”.
Then he’ll fit in well in Biafra won’t he.
“Mr Hossain said: “The home secretary went to great lengths to remove this seriously-ill man from the UK. “She didn’t allow him an in-country right of appeal against his asylum refusal – at massive expense to taxpayers, she hired a private charter plane to remove Mr Muazu to Nigeria.”
Yeah think of all that legal aid you’ve lost out of.
“Mr Hossain said he now “did not know” where Mr Muazu was. “We lost contact with him late last night,” he said. “We fear for his safety now on return but we will be looking at pursuing further appeals if we do make contact with him in Nigeria. He should not have been removed from the UK.”
My heart bleeds!
The impartial bBC reporting news with a very obvious political agenda.
I didn’t pay the TV Licence because I wanted a better life.
I wonder if the Beeb would take that as an excuse.
There was no outcry when that idiot who disrupted the boatrace was deported, but he is a white Newzealander of English extraction.
Well, if you carry a name like Trenton, you’ve got no chance.
“Mr Hossain said: “The home secretary went to great lengths to remove this seriously-ill man from the UK. “
Hunger strikes generally are bad for one’s health: your client made himself “seriously ill” by his own stupidity.
“She didn’t allow him an in-country right of appeal against his asylum refusal “
Just like the French, the Belgians and every sensible country does, then: look what good little Europeans we’re being !
“– at massive expense to taxpayers, she hired a private charter plane…..”
Not as expensive to the taxpayer as would be keeping your client here while you busily launch appeal after appeal on the public teat, not to mention the likely hospital expenses to be incurred in his recovery from his hunger strike. If you’re so worried about the poor taxpayer footing the bill then perhaps your firm would care to chip in on the cost. No ? Ha.
….”to remove Mr Muazu to Nigeria.”
If he’s as unwell as you claim, chummy, then the last thing his ailing health needs is to be stuck in a damp, cold British winter. What he needs is sunlight, somewhere warm. Ideally, somewhere near the Equator. I’d suggest Nigeria.
Looks like Mrs Hossein won’t be getting that Patek Phillipe for Christmas after all. Such a shame.
“Yeah and so was that f-ing Libyan, but even with terminal cancer he still pushed out a good number of years”
You’re forgetting that when he was judged to be on the verge of death it was by NHS standards! As soon as he got some proper medical care he lasted a lot longer.
Alas the rest of us will not have such a luxury
Any Questions on Radio 4 excelled itself this week, with even the selection of questions being the most biased I’ve ever heard.
Easy balls for the lefties to hit out of the ground, or they would be if they had any real ability!
Question 1 Who do you trust more on energy Labour or the Conservatives?
A set up for the ‘bring down the big six’ movement with the populist ban on price rises with no one allowed to address the stealth taxes.
Question 2 Is any further development of nuclear energy at Sizewell in an area of outstanding natural beauty justifiable?
Cue Jonathon Porritt !
Question 3 What should David Cameron do (if anything) to prevent the UK being seen in the EU as the nasty country?
More reference to Labours smear of the Tories as the ‘nasty party’ and a question first raised by the most left wing of all the unelected EU commissioners.
Question 4 Is Boris Johnsons cornflakes box half full or half empty.
Cue the outrage from the lefties who hate anyone to have more than anyone else regardless of how much they deserve it. It was actually very funny to listen to the loonie then decry a lack social mobility when by its very definition you need inequality to be socially mobile!
So there you have it, every single question an attack on the Conservative party, worded in such a way as to present them being in the wrong and the easiest possible spin for the labourite to answer, not that she managed it very well even given the huge advantage !
For those of us struggling to come to terms with the sheer Scottishness of the helicopter crash in Glasgow….
The BBC have some words of comfort….
‘It was left to First Minister Alex Salmond to catch the mood’
There was a bit of balance…
There was also a Beeb reporter fauning all over a Labour MP at the scene.
‘Jim, you have some blood on your shirt’
The Red Cross will, I’m sure, be handing out shortbread parcels forthwith.
Sickipedia caught the mood. Look away now if you’re easily offended.
I was in a pub in Glasgow last night and it was utter chaos, smoke everywhere, people screaming, fighting, spilled beer and men trampling each other in a blind panic to be free. Then, to make matters worse, a f****** helicopter crashed through the roof.
Your lack of respect towards those who have lost their lives is despicable. You and the others who have posted similar comments above should be ashamed of yourselves.
Those who have “liked” those comments (especially those by David Brims and ChrisH) should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and reflect upon the type of person they see.
Funny Albaman but I didn’t see you and your mates expressing the same levels of concern for the Thatcher family, when their mother died.
As I have posted previously, I met Mrs Thatcher on a number of occasions when she was in Scotland for the Scottish Conservative Party Conference.
Whilst I did not agree with her politics she was always courteous and rather different from the woman we saw on our TV screens.
Upon her death I made no disrespectful comments.
Making jokes in the face of tragedy is part of the human condition, it’s the way we attempt to deal with what might otherwise be unspeakable.
Jokes have been made about 9/11 the Chinese Cockle Pickers, the tube bombings, the challenger disaster, the list goes on & on.
After the holocaust, narrators said they knew the survivors were recovering when they were able to tell jokes again.
The problem is the humourless joyless left can only see the usual opportunity to bully and oppress others.
Mmm I actually find myself agreeing with ally on this in the main
However have been linked to this tweet buy Scottish police (Hope it posts) And don’t remember the thought police in England taking say stance over thatcher jokes
“The problem is the humourless joyless left can only see the usual opportunity to bully and oppress others. ”
The only bullies are those posting despicable comments from the safety of their keyboards.
If you really think that “making jokes in the face of tragedy is part of the human condition” I suggest you take a trip to Glasgow and test out your theory face to face.
after all the anti english shit them pricks give out, i’d love to punch fuck out of them
So classy.
Thanks for proving my point.
youre the one threatening voilence you stupid thick twat. Play with fire and you’ll get burnt. But to show there’s nothing personal about the jokes albabum, when Pope JP II died, within minutes of his death, i got this text, which i found funny as fuck
Whats the difference between Pope JP II and Maddie McCann? The pope died a virgin!
Yep, through the bottom of the barrel and into the muck beneath.
You are a credit to this site.
dont forget to vote for independence you horrible left wing prick
Albaman, did you leave critical posts on the left-wing and Labour Party affiliated sites when they took the piss out of Maggie Thatcher when she died? Did you complain to them about wanting to dance on her grave? If you did, then I hope you can post links to them.
Albaman I do agree with your protest that the shortbread comment is a little disrespectful but only in the timing of it. It is natural to make jokes about tragedies but maybe after a little more time has passed. I do however think you are behaving a little too preciously in the term “despicable.”
Oh c’mon! That really is defending the indefensible.
You can admit that a BiasedBBC regular might be in the wrong occasionally y’know.
Yes we know ablermunt is wrong !
Interesting that you should say that Albaman. Do you mean that the TV gave us a false and distorted view of Mrs. Thatcher? I wonder why that was!
Where did I say that?
What I said was that in person she was much different to the image that she portrayed in the Commons or when being interviewed on TV.
I’d have a bit more respect for bloody-shirted Jim if he hadn’t taken time out from his rescuing to phone Sky News and Stephen Nolan.
Seems Albaman and Zookeeper are one and the same…or working together at least.
why do you say that, he was threatening thoughtful with violence, i stood up to the bully
Not sure how you read that into Albaman’s comment. All you achieved was to make him look like the sweet voice of reason in comparison. No mean feat that.
Exactly where did I threaten thoughtful or anyone else with violence?
I suggest you take a trip to Glasgow and test out your theory face to face was your comment, clearly implying that violence would be used on anyone who didn’t follow your politically-correct views.
And neatly echoing the Glaswegian stereotype that the Sickipedia joke parodied, to which you took instant objection.
I don’t see a comment for a week or so and by coincidence then it was you slagging off Albaman and him using your insults to denigrate the whole site, then lo and behold, he pops up yesterday and you pop up to insult him again…and these are dive-straight-in nasty insults, not build up an argument that deteriorates into a slagging match. You are simply the tool he uses to be able to pretend that this site and all the commentators are *evil, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thick, blah, blah, blah (* delete as appropriate)
Any evidence for this nonsensical assertion? No – thought not.
Use the repy button, helps.
Many things can help, Span.
However this rather presupposes ‘helping’ is as high on the agenda as distraction.
But as generic scattergunning is again de rigeur by some, the weekend overnights do suggest a certain predictability of contribution.
1) Less than regular, on-topic or site-relevant poster strays into rather niche area of free speech on an independent, mod-lite blog.
2) Oddly on-station, to-hand, bunker-lurking Flokker emerges in full offence flounce mode.
3) All spirals nicely downhill, often with others chiming in to stir things up a bit.
4) Moral conscience Flokker appears to stake high ground, often succeeding. Too often adds generic swipes on ‘you lot’ as can’t resist exposing true colours. Hence, #epicfail.
5) Meanwhile, over on several BBC FaceBook pages daily, hate speech orders of magnitude worse appear, and get left up with near zero input matching the kind of high horse hall monitoring and faux outrage deployed here.
It’s almost like it’s a set up.
Careful what you wish for, guys.
Bring down one on such a basis, and the BBC will be held to account too, and to greater effect. They are also a paid public service.
With great accountability comes greater falls.
Instead of posting an almost incomprehensible response why not just condemn those who post despicable comments?
Claiming that “It’s almost like it’s a set up” seems to be your now common defence for those who post the worst of comments. Strangely many of these posters are regular commentator who garner many “likes”.
No where did I say that ” this site and all the commentators are *evil, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thick, blah, blah, blah (* delete as appropriate)” however those posting such comments seem to be appreciated by others – unless of course all those likes are part of the “set up”.
I disagree entirely:
Guest Who’s comments are comprehensible and on topic and I am sure he does condemn any gratuitous insults.
Those that ‘garner many likes’ are usually providing a perfectly rational alternate opinion sometimes with detail and links to back them.
I am pretty sure you HAVE claimed that the site and/or some/all of its commentators are etc etc
Pity because this sort of language against one another only succeeds in detracting from this site being taken seriously as a useful source of information about bias in the BBC.
This is the whole point: it is exactly why they do it.
As I have in the past lamented, the inability of some to comprehend is a failing the rest of us are sadly unable to help them with. Especially when they then go on to rage about what they have admitted has mostly passed over their heads.
Mr. Shot-bolt is really hardly worth bothering with any more as his schtick these days seems restricted to a cherry-bombing (that’s a combo dive-by and cherry pick, when a dodgy low-hanger is presented). Especially when he thinks he is only one bearing the burning standard of self-righteousness who blesses threads with a snipe. It’s not adorable at all.
I tend not to defend what I do or not do in hope of getting elevated to the gilded public basking balconies of the selective condemnation brigade, especially the ‘like’-counting obsessives.
Until the ‘likes’ are associated with a name, I ignore them. The BBC has a 20,000-strong intranet alone. What gets concocted in the cubicles to boost a comment from HYS to CiF to here really is unknowable and hence of zero value. Hence one can see why it forms such a key foundation for those who trade and play with such things to try and make silly points.
But as it is a friendly voice speaking on my behalf, let me be clear; while I recognise, appreciate and participate in the odd tease across the rough and tumble of forum exchange no, I see no value in the more overt or what most would see as ‘gratuitous’ insult. It serves no positive purpose and clearly offers those who taunt and provoke all they have been gunning for.
I also tend not to be too interested in flag-waving condemnation public breast beating.
If something sucks or is silly or horrible, I move on to more positive pastures.
The only exceptions I make are with those who do all the above, inconsistently, and seldom with anything to do with the topic or even the BBC’s ongoing failures with accuracy, objectivity or integrity.
Especially when it starts to look like a case is being assembled for generic labeling via coordinated posts.
This site gets good comments, bad comments and some that seem designed purely to disrupt.
A quick look at the comment history of some ‘regulars’ who have suddenly appeared to demand all (based on the mightily vague weasel of ‘seem’ in less than confident accusation) prostrate themselves on their altar of despicability suggests most are of the latter variety.
And still, despite invitations, they appear incapable of answering what they do when the BBC hosts the exact same thing, and worse.
‘No where did I say that ” this site and all the commentators are *evil, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thick, blah, blah, blah’
And nowhere here did I say you did, as I was not replying to you, or solely about you, much as this may be hard to accept.
I did, true, write this:
‘Moral conscience Flokker appears to stake high ground, often succeeding. Too often adds generic swipes on ‘you lot’ as can’t resist exposing true colours’
But it was referring to this, earlier, which could possibly be seen as somewhat complementary to your effort:
‘It’s so easy to dismiss this site as full of out of touch racist pensioners and expat weirdos…. also home to non-empathetic borderline psychos.
That, I felt, and indeed still feel, rather gathered all under a broad brush to slap the tar around about.
Hence, ironically, now digging for both of you a deeper #epicfail.
Tx for bringing it up.
Saudi Arabia shows the way.
I wonder when England will need to go through Anglicisation.
‘Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’
A mother was given a caesarean section while unconscious – then social services put her baby into care
Unbelievable. Nazis or Stalinists come to mind. The commies used to do this sort of thing quite regularly in the socialist Utopia of the USSR.
Jesus H Christ. I don’t usually condone violence but that crosses a line and you wonder what other course is available.
Naturally, GuardianBeeb approves of this sort of thing – it’s in their own best interests, requires more public sector jobs, keeps the peasants under control, the hidden menace of feral parents etc.
There you have it clear and for all to see. The state in all it’s glory.
“The state is the coldest of all cold monsters”
It will decide when we are born how we live and when we are to die.
It is the very enemy of life and it is the liberal dream made reality.
It is death to what the past knew as being human.
It appears that judges can do what they want.
Article 52 of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights – which is law – allows for the suspension of any or all of the rights enumerated in the charter (and there are quite a few of them).
This Article appears to allow human rights law to be bypassed (eg the right to a family life), where Union law provides better “protection” – at least, in the eyes of the EU Court of Justice.
Note that human rights law is decided by the Council of Europe (47 members) and its court in Strasburg. The Court of Justice of the EU (28 members) sits in Luxembourg.
Click to access text_en.pdf
None of us actually know what happened in that case, other than the fact she had a Caesarean. There are conditions where the placenta is below the baby, mother’s will bleed to death if they attempt a normal delivery. Given that she sounds as though she was significantly unwell (and believe me, you have to be bad to get an inpatient bed), if there were other reasons to do a Caesarean should she just have been left on the basis that she did not agree?
I don’t know that this happened, but equally neither do you from the information given
Booker’s article is clear enough. The woman does not have her baby. The state does. Unless Booker is lying it sounds horrendous.
If true this is one of the most appalling cases of malfeasance I have ever heard of. To think such a callous act could happen in England is utterly depressing.
BBC report that the “well loved” African-Brazilian couple who were suposedly chosen to represent Brazil in the World Cup draw were replaced by a “blonde, white couple”. Only problem is, the photographs shoew , the couple are not blonde
Racism in action? Do the bbc assume all white people are natuarally blonde Ayrans? Theres little difference in the skin tones of either actress
Cordelia Hebblewhaite, take a bow. You showed your true colours in the joke of an article
Oh no – attacked on Twitter! Just how gay can this “controversy” get? Besides, Cordelia looks like a blonde herself – and probably gay too, with a name like Cordelia.
Come in Scott, your time is up.
If only it were!
So…I’m watching ‘Click’ on the BBC News channel.
Up comes and item about the use of virtual technology to ‘improve’ human behaviour and better our empathy.
The particular study they chose to focus on was ‘innate racism in white people’.
Same old BBC – cramming their agendas into every programme possible.
Must dig out Clockwork Orange again.
Seems the real threat remains a segment of society not always considered.
Radio 4 this morning, some left wing nonce disparagingly criticised ‘right wing press describing the crashed helicopter as a Eurocopter’
The pro EU bias coming out, and an attack on what he perceived as right wing press. But what the ignorant idiot didn’t know was that the company which makes the EC135 helicopter is in fact called ‘Eurocopter’.
Never miss a chance to criticise or belittle those in a position which you oppose, and do it from a position where you can’t be directly challenged or criticised, even if you don’t know what you’re talking about, or are completely wrong, no one will be given airtime to put right your idiocy.
Just goes to show how fucking stupid the left are.
That ignorant left wing idiot was former Tory MP Matthew Parris of The Times.
Oh that left wing idiot – that explains it
its because of left wing idiots like Parris that the Conservative Party is now left of centre.
Delingpole on Parris
“Matthew and I go back a long way. (Well, maybe 10 years-ish: we first met on a Radio 4 programme he used to host called Off The Page). So I’m sure when I call him a spineless, lily-livered, gag-inducingly politically correct, faux-Tory, ideology-lite centrist he’ll take it in the friendly spirit in which it’s meant.”
Probably why the BBC tolerate him
Matthew Parris was criticising the “right wing press describing the crashed helicopter as a Eurocopter”. You will need to show some proof of that. Lefty, lily-livered maybe but stupid, no.
That despicable Labour liar, Yvette Cooper, got too easy a ride from Neil this morning on Sunday Politics. How dare labour criticize anyone on immigration after their disgusting Marxist ploy to diversify this country. Vote Liebour and you’re a traitor. Pure and simple.
I see the bBC is in jubilant mode over the return of failed Nigerian asylum seeker Isa Muazu. This is clearly highlighted by how the bBC refers to Terrorist Group ‘BOKO HARAM@ as Islamic (Yes) Islamic militants rather than the more common Islamist militants.
However the question I want answered is was a flight plan to Nigeria posted (which I know to be fact. otherwise you can’t fly across Europe) and why wasn’t the plane diverted to another country and the journey carried out by land. Goes to show how pathetic this countries immigration when everybody in the world refuses to accept that Britian has a right to deport anybody it wants and thus at a stroke ensure that people will gravitate to the far right.
Myself, I would fit a plane with cages and deport on mass illegal immigrants by the hundreds (At a time) if the US ,France and the rest can do it why can’t we. Silly me we have the likes of the bBC who care more for the folks who hate us and our way of life.
if they didnt have permission to land in kenya, they should of just strapped a parachute to him and kicked him out of the plane over his homeland
Unbelievable; you have to wonder at the sanity of the UK residents when you read the comments over at the Observer, you have to read quite a few before finding any sensible comments (most are about evil Tories and deporting Theresa May); my suggestion is send the guy to live with Lord Roberts:
“Lord Roberts, a Liberal Democrat peer, told the Observer he was delighted Muaza was back in the UK but horrified that he had been forced to endure the attempted removal. “I saw him on Tuesday when a doctor had judged him too sick to fly,” he said. “Goodness knows what state he must be in now the poor man. He needs hospital treatment. We should know the cost of this private jet. We’ve already heard this case has cost some £180,000.
“[The home secretary] Theresa May must consider her role immediately. She has caused immense harm to one individual and spent an extraordinary amount of taxpayers’ money. I hope there will be no question of sending this poor man away again.”
It is all about empathy. The right has none. Empathy overides facts, law and necessity.
This Lord Roberts is suffering from empathy. With men like him our civilisation is in safe hands.
Who are these idiots?
Lord Roberts of Llandudno
House of Lords registered interest: Asylum, immigration and nationality
President – Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary
President – Barka Foundation: “Barka UK provides severely excluded Eastern European migrants with the opportunity for reconnection and social reintegration”.
As you can see from his “interests” he is completely soft in the head and obsessed with “asylum seekers”. WTF is he doing in the House of Lords? What better a case for its abolition. Another Fail by Dave.
“everybody in the world refuses to accept that Britian has a right to deport anybody it wants”
Surely you don’t believe that this country has a right to deport anybody it wants? Where do you think you should be deported to?
Besides the UK does not deport asylum seekers, it returns them to their country of origin which is different. Anyone we do get rid of requires a passport or they cannot gain entry to said country, however there are officials who can often be bribed to prevent the return of asylum seekers.
There is no basis for this mans asylum claim, there is safety from Boko Haram in the South of the Country where they do not operate, and there is no good reason why he could not live there. Even then in the midst of what isn’t even a civil war the government is doing all it can to protect its citizens and is not itself oppressing them so therefore again the asylum claim must fail.
This is clearly an attempt at economic migration and nothing at all to do with asylum what so ever.
“Officials who can often be bribed to prevent the return of asylum seekers.”
A decent government would bribe foreign officials to take in these economic migrants even if they didn’t belong there.
Clare Balding on this week’s Desert Island Discs. The only aspect that bBBC ‘news’ thinks is worth noting is that she is a lesbian. Its entire ‘news’ story is about homosexuality, one of the bBBC’s two favourite obsessions.
Indeed. If the “gay community” wants to be taken seriously, then it should cease this endless self-obsession.
It will be the day when a sports presenter’s sexual preferences are a mildly interesting footnote that it will have won its battle, not like today when it is the only topic anyone seems interested in – homosexuals themselves, in particular.
INBBC’s ‘reporting’:-
Damascus: yes; London: no.
1.) INBBC:
“Syrians’ social habits change after two years of conflict”
(inc video clip).
2.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“The Al Qaeda fanatic from Britain who funded jihad trip to Syria by mugging Londoners with a Taser.
“Choukri Ellekhlifi, 22, was originally from Morocco but living in Paddington.
“Along with two other men he used a stun-gun to rob people in Belgravia.
“He used the proceeds to fund a trip to the Middle East to fight in Syria.
“Died on August 11 near Aleppo while attacking pro-government forces.”
Read more:
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Am I only one who has lost ‘latest comments’ list from main page?
no same here
At the bottom of the page, on the right, just above Leave your comments is a greyed-out button Newer Comments ->
anyone watching bbc news this afternoon?
lots of heartfelt pleas for toleration for foreign wimin and kiddies and by implication immigrant cu(n)lts families.
oddly nothing on –
markistis cults’ abuse of wimmin
sex determined abortions
forced burka wearing
fgm, or even mgm, in the communities of foreign religions.