Bulgarians’ E.U. access to Britain in a month’s time.
What pro-unlimited mass immigration, BBC-NUJ, doesn’t report:-
“Undercover film exposes ‘Fagin school’ teaching Bulgarians to pick YOUR pocket: Criminal svengali shows young proteges how to ‘dip’… before they come to Britain.
“Video shows ‘Golden Hands’, a renowned pickpocketing expert.
“The 77-year-old has schooled hundreds of children in the art of theft.
“She says many of her pupils are on their way to Britain.”
The BBC can’t make up it’s mind if Isa Muazu is an “asylum seeker” or “wanting a better life.” There is a definite difference which over the passed decade the BBC has tried to blur.
If I flew to Northern California and said “I want a better life. I’m staying” it is not the same as fleeing to Northern California as an “asylum seeker.” The US immigration department would deport me. Quite rightly. So why is the BBC blurring this definite difference with those who come to this country and try to stay without the appropriate paperwork?
I have also noticed (as some others on BBBC have also) that people aren’t “immigrants” any more to the UK they are now called “migrants” at the Balkanising Britain Corp.
I have just seen this little nugget: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25169194
It’s a film about the life of Nelson Mandela. Now I do not expect the makers to do a thorough, and totally unbiased bio of the former ANC Terrorist and President but, I do expect our public funded (by force of law) BBC to provide a factual report.
It is therefore my sad duty to report, that no such thing has occurred. Its not so much what they do say, its what they choose to leave out. The fact that he was imprisoned for plotting to kill people, both white and black alike. But one telling little omission was not about Mandela, but about someone who I have never heard of – Chris Hani.
Who is Chris Hani, and what has this got to do with BBC bias. It was in the piece itself. He was murdered by a Polish man on the orders of a Politician, Clive Derby-Lewis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Derby-Lewis
In the BBC piece, they described Derby-Lewis as ‘right-wing’, which, in fairness he was. But the bias was in the reporting of Hani. They described him as, “Hani was the second most popular leader in the African National Congress after Nelson Mandela.” Which was probably true but, no mention of his strong Communist past or his military activities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Hani
This may not get all the froth of many on here. But I, and I am sure others, have begun to notice that the BBC does tend to do this ‘soft-airbrushing’ of history on people that they are sympathetic towards, and it is something I thought other readers might like to look at.
Indeed his refusal to return smacks of brute racism.
Perhaps a Manos Tsakiris, of Royal Holloway University of London, could cure him of it.
A lecture on the true nature of the ROP by a virtual David Cameron ( well know theologian ) might do the trick
Big train derailment near my home this morning, and the BBC not only has a live feed of helicopter footage they got from some US news outlet, but three separate Beeboids are required to run a live text feed on it as well.
It’s not big news because this is the first commuter train derailment in the area, as that’s happened before. Repeat some video report about it, with updates, throughout the day, sure. “The fuzz and the was” is a staple of the news industry, so fine, go ahead. But a text feed with three Beeboids, including Daniel Nasaw, the editor of the US news page? Waste of time. Yeah, sure, it’s extra sexy because it’s right on the water and this could have been a major tragedy with a couple hundred casualties. But it didn’t, and the train isn’t going to slide into the water with a hundred trapped children. It’s over, and the only thing to report is the sexy body count.
Let local news do this, and take a feed if you must feed the beast. But for the BBC to waste time on original reporting from three people, minimum? Come on.
I’ve lived close to the scene of the accident for a long time, and I can tell you exactly how this happened, because I hear train wheels and brakes squealing every day, and well into the wee hours when long freight trains take that curve. It’s a really tight curve which results in a 90 degree turn, up the East River and around where the Harlem River cuts over the top of Manhattan to the Hudson.
The driver went just a little too fast, and it went off. It’s a known caution zone, and this time either ice (upper 20s here last night) on the track or driver error. Indeed, passenger reports say the driver was going too fast. We should be grateful this doesn’t happen more often. It hasn’t happened in 15 years at least as far as I know.
I’ve been hearing helicopters overhead all morning. Hopefully none of them at license fee-payer expense.
No need for a live text feed with three people covering this rather than real stories. Just run the obligatory body count updates until you get a full report at 6 and 10, and leave it at that. Just because a bunch of Beeboids live downtown and in Brooklyn doesn’t mean this is special.
Since I posted the above comment, one of the Beeboids dropped out of doing the live text thing, so now there are only two regurgitating what they hear elsewhere and deciding which tweets to post. Value for money, I’m sure.
Christmas Eve, BBC Radio 4, a truly apposite programme for Christmas Eve, just a couple of hours before Midnight Mass.
“The Making of the Modern Arab World
On: BBC Radio 4 (704)
Date: Tuesday 24th December 2013 (starting in 23 days)
Time: 21:30 to 21:58 (28 minutes long)
Egyptian author Tarek Osman traces characters and ideas that have shaped the modern Arab world. Tarek examines the rise of Islamism from the 1970s to the 1990s, alongside the gradual marginalisation of the liberals and secular forces in society.”
(And it’s a repeat so make sure you all listen this time!)
At 12.07 the presenter says ‘I’m not expressing my personal opinion’ to the second caller ,John @10:45
Despite have misrepresenting his point by randomly introducing the Joos into the conversation and the first caller ,Jim @ 08:45, by attributing the phrase ‘white Scottish’ to him ( he said nothing remotely like it) after his call at 10:02
Pravda at its best, take a listen for your self.
Looks like the BBC have given these people a pass.
One them sits back against the girls arm and it goes from there. Just imagine if these were white guys and not Black homosexuals,the BBC would be screaming from the roof tops and Ed miliband would be sending out tweets about it. http://youtu.be/KpBbDJ-2Ymo
Nobody should be fooled for one moment by the classic ‘bait and switch’ tactic ‘Call Me Dave’ and his useful idiot, Clegg, have this weekend announced regarding their much-trumpeted energy bill ‘reduction’.
We are told the coalition will attempt to reduce the average UK household energy bill by £50pa by moving ‘green taxes’ off of energy bills and ‘shifting them into general taxation’.
And hope nobody notices what they did there?
Even the BBC, despite being uncharacteristically quiet about the announcement, can’t resist pointing out The Obvious Truth:
Quote: “If the levies are taken off energy bills and transferred to general taxation, most people would end up paying the same amount, but by a different method.“
I wonder when this news will be so compelling that the Biased BBC is forced to report it? Only 40 ‘groomers’ arrested so far, naturally it has slipped right under auntie’s radar, even on the ‘local’ website there is no mention of the situation!
Have the antic of the EU Commissioner László Andor calling the UK ‘the Nasty country’ and the BBC’s gleeful broadcasting about negative ‘stereotypes’ of Romanian thieves oops citizens backfired horribly?
Liebours lead has been cut, but into the process UKIP have put on a surprising +3 point while it has to be said that Nigel Farage & the party have not been in the news themselves.
But it places the BBC into a ‘Mortons Fork’ where there is no best way, a damned if they do & damned if they don’t.
“Then again, shutting up about it probably may not have been much better either – the media were shouting about Romanian and Bulgarian immigration anyway, and will likely do so even more as January approaches, and would also have spent their time demanding Cameron did something. It’s not really as if Cameron could had kept it off the agenda if he’d wanted to – not doing anything at all could have been even better for UKIP”
Both Clegg & Milliband show truly awful approval ratings but so hated is Cameron, despite his perceived better performance, Liebour still remain in the lead.
CON 28%(nc), LAB 35%(-2), LDEM 8%(-1), UKIP 19%(+3).
So from that we can speculate that the surge in support for UKIP has come not from disgruntled Thatcherites but from disillusioned working class Labour voters.
The BBC’s worst nightmare- expect to see renewed attacks on UKIP , especially playing up the ‘toff’ theme
On the BBC’s sports *Football* home page, you are being given a chance to vote for The African Footballer of the Year 2013* award. Why? I frequent this page on a regular basis and I cannot recall the same for American, Asian, Australasia, Europe, Russian or for that matter pretty much most of the rest of the World. One has to ask, why African, BBC, why African?
Oh I forgot to add, as far as I’m aware, the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation does not have an award for the BRITISH Footballer of the year award. Maybe this is what Mr Hall meant by the BBC being less British? So, why hasn’t the BBC got a British footballer of the year award? If they an have an African one, why not British?
The revolution will be televised was really taking the piss out of Labour on BBC 3 makes a refreshing change to see anyone on the BBC ever challenging the idiocy of socialism.
The Tolpuddle martyrs sketch is worth watching if poss
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Bulgarians’ E.U. access to Britain in a month’s time.
What pro-unlimited mass immigration, BBC-NUJ, doesn’t report:-
“Undercover film exposes ‘Fagin school’ teaching Bulgarians to pick YOUR pocket: Criminal svengali shows young proteges how to ‘dip’… before they come to Britain.
“Video shows ‘Golden Hands’, a renowned pickpocketing expert.
“The 77-year-old has schooled hundreds of children in the art of theft.
“She says many of her pupils are on their way to Britain.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2516107/Undercover-film-exposes-Fagin-school-teaching-Bulgarians-pick-YOUR-pocket-Criminal-svengali-shows-young-proteges-dip–come-Britain.html#ixzz2mESke8WN
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
“EU migration behind half a million new immigrants entering UK, latest figures show.
“IMMIGRATION into the UK is running at more than half a million a year, with EU migration fuelling the population growth.”
The BBC can’t make up it’s mind if Isa Muazu is an “asylum seeker” or “wanting a better life.” There is a definite difference which over the passed decade the BBC has tried to blur.
If I flew to Northern California and said “I want a better life. I’m staying” it is not the same as fleeing to Northern California as an “asylum seeker.” The US immigration department would deport me. Quite rightly. So why is the BBC blurring this definite difference with those who come to this country and try to stay without the appropriate paperwork?
I have also noticed (as some others on BBBC have also) that people aren’t “immigrants” any more to the UK they are now called “migrants” at the Balkanising Britain Corp.
I have just seen this little nugget:
It’s a film about the life of Nelson Mandela. Now I do not expect the makers to do a thorough, and totally unbiased bio of the former ANC Terrorist and President but, I do expect our public funded (by force of law) BBC to provide a factual report.
It is therefore my sad duty to report, that no such thing has occurred. Its not so much what they do say, its what they choose to leave out. The fact that he was imprisoned for plotting to kill people, both white and black alike. But one telling little omission was not about Mandela, but about someone who I have never heard of – Chris Hani.
Who is Chris Hani, and what has this got to do with BBC bias. It was in the piece itself. He was murdered by a Polish man on the orders of a Politician, Clive Derby-Lewis.
In the BBC piece, they described Derby-Lewis as ‘right-wing’, which, in fairness he was. But the bias was in the reporting of Hani. They described him as, “Hani was the second most popular leader in the African National Congress after Nelson Mandela.” Which was probably true but, no mention of his strong Communist past or his military activities.
This may not get all the froth of many on here. But I, and I am sure others, have begun to notice that the BBC does tend to do this ‘soft-airbrushing’ of history on people that they are sympathetic towards, and it is something I thought other readers might like to look at.
A top news item at 4pm on Radio 4 – the plane carrying the hunger-striker to Nigeria has been refused position to land.
So here we go on a campaign of endless special pleading for him from the BBC.
According to the Beeb:
‘Mr Muazu had sought asylum in the UK claiming he would be killed by Islamic extremists if returned to Nigeria’
Naw. The moderate and good Islamics would never let that happen. Would they….?
Indeed his refusal to return smacks of brute racism.
Perhaps a Manos Tsakiris, of Royal Holloway University of London, could cure him of it.
A lecture on the true nature of the ROP by a virtual David Cameron ( well know theologian ) might do the trick
Big train derailment near my home this morning, and the BBC not only has a live feed of helicopter footage they got from some US news outlet, but three separate Beeboids are required to run a live text feed on it as well.
It’s not big news because this is the first commuter train derailment in the area, as that’s happened before. Repeat some video report about it, with updates, throughout the day, sure. “The fuzz and the was” is a staple of the news industry, so fine, go ahead. But a text feed with three Beeboids, including Daniel Nasaw, the editor of the US news page? Waste of time. Yeah, sure, it’s extra sexy because it’s right on the water and this could have been a major tragedy with a couple hundred casualties. But it didn’t, and the train isn’t going to slide into the water with a hundred trapped children. It’s over, and the only thing to report is the sexy body count.
Let local news do this, and take a feed if you must feed the beast. But for the BBC to waste time on original reporting from three people, minimum? Come on.
I’ve lived close to the scene of the accident for a long time, and I can tell you exactly how this happened, because I hear train wheels and brakes squealing every day, and well into the wee hours when long freight trains take that curve. It’s a really tight curve which results in a 90 degree turn, up the East River and around where the Harlem River cuts over the top of Manhattan to the Hudson.
The driver went just a little too fast, and it went off. It’s a known caution zone, and this time either ice (upper 20s here last night) on the track or driver error. Indeed, passenger reports say the driver was going too fast. We should be grateful this doesn’t happen more often. It hasn’t happened in 15 years at least as far as I know.
I’ve been hearing helicopters overhead all morning. Hopefully none of them at license fee-payer expense.
No need for a live text feed with three people covering this rather than real stories. Just run the obligatory body count updates until you get a full report at 6 and 10, and leave it at that. Just because a bunch of Beeboids live downtown and in Brooklyn doesn’t mean this is special.
Since I posted the above comment, one of the Beeboids dropped out of doing the live text thing, so now there are only two regurgitating what they hear elsewhere and deciding which tweets to post. Value for money, I’m sure.
Quality post, David.
More enlightening than the entire coverage by Droidnews™ (though I accept that that’s not saying very much)
Who’da thunk it?
Christmas Eve, BBC Radio 4, a truly apposite programme for Christmas Eve, just a couple of hours before Midnight Mass.
“The Making of the Modern Arab World
On: BBC Radio 4 (704)
Date: Tuesday 24th December 2013 (starting in 23 days)
Time: 21:30 to 21:58 (28 minutes long)
Egyptian author Tarek Osman traces characters and ideas that have shaped the modern Arab world. Tarek examines the rise of Islamism from the 1970s to the 1990s, alongside the gradual marginalisation of the liberals and secular forces in society.”
(And it’s a repeat so make sure you all listen this time!)
have they got Ahmadinejad doing
“thought for the day” ?
we need to do more, to counter negative views of Islam?
BBC – brown-nosing for “tell mama” ites again.
D Murray – Why Is Islam Associated With Violence?
although that question doesn t even get asked?
never mind answered … BBC Scotland
At 12.07 the presenter says ‘I’m not expressing my personal opinion’ to the second caller ,John @10:45
Despite have misrepresenting his point by randomly introducing the Joos into the conversation and the first caller ,Jim @ 08:45, by attributing the phrase ‘white Scottish’ to him ( he said nothing remotely like it) after his call at 10:02
Pravda at its best, take a listen for your self.
Looks like the BBC have given these people a pass.
One them sits back against the girls arm and it goes from there. Just imagine if these were white guys and not Black homosexuals,the BBC would be screaming from the roof tops and Ed miliband would be sending out tweets about it.
The 3rd person from the right looks like Sammy Davis jnr. Is there a reward?
Nobody should be fooled for one moment by the classic ‘bait and switch’ tactic ‘Call Me Dave’ and his useful idiot, Clegg, have this weekend announced regarding their much-trumpeted energy bill ‘reduction’.
We are told the coalition will attempt to reduce the average UK household energy bill by £50pa by moving ‘green taxes’ off of energy bills and ‘shifting them into general taxation’.
And hope nobody notices what they did there?
Even the BBC, despite being uncharacteristically quiet about the announcement, can’t resist pointing out The Obvious Truth:
“If the levies are taken off energy bills and transferred to general taxation, most people would end up paying the same amount, but by a different method.“
Anyone here care to explain how exactly this latest government wheeze regarding ‘green taxes’ is anything less than yet another deception?
Yep, those in ‘fuel poverty’ [yawn] don’t suffer.
I wonder when this news will be so compelling that the Biased BBC is forced to report it? Only 40 ‘groomers’ arrested so far, naturally it has slipped right under auntie’s radar, even on the ‘local’ website there is no mention of the situation!
Have the antic of the EU Commissioner László Andor calling the UK ‘the Nasty country’ and the BBC’s gleeful broadcasting about negative ‘stereotypes’ of Romanian thieves oops citizens backfired horribly?
Liebours lead has been cut, but into the process UKIP have put on a surprising +3 point while it has to be said that Nigel Farage & the party have not been in the news themselves.
The report originally comes from the UKpolling site http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/
But it places the BBC into a ‘Mortons Fork’ where there is no best way, a damned if they do & damned if they don’t.
“Then again, shutting up about it probably may not have been much better either – the media were shouting about Romanian and Bulgarian immigration anyway, and will likely do so even more as January approaches, and would also have spent their time demanding Cameron did something. It’s not really as if Cameron could had kept it off the agenda if he’d wanted to – not doing anything at all could have been even better for UKIP”
Both Clegg & Milliband show truly awful approval ratings but so hated is Cameron, despite his perceived better performance, Liebour still remain in the lead.
CON 28%(nc), LAB 35%(-2), LDEM 8%(-1), UKIP 19%(+3).
So from that we can speculate that the surge in support for UKIP has come not from disgruntled Thatcherites but from disillusioned working class Labour voters.
The BBC’s worst nightmare- expect to see renewed attacks on UKIP , especially playing up the ‘toff’ theme
On the BBC’s sports *Football* home page, you are being given a chance to vote for The African Footballer of the Year 2013* award. Why? I frequent this page on a regular basis and I cannot recall the same for American, Asian, Australasia, Europe, Russian or for that matter pretty much most of the rest of the World. One has to ask, why African, BBC, why African?
Oh I forgot to add, as far as I’m aware, the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation does not have an award for the BRITISH Footballer of the year award. Maybe this is what Mr Hall meant by the BBC being less British? So, why hasn’t the BBC got a British footballer of the year award? If they an have an African one, why not British?
The revolution will be televised was really taking the piss out of Labour on BBC 3 makes a refreshing change to see anyone on the BBC ever challenging the idiocy of socialism.
The Tolpuddle martyrs sketch is worth watching if poss