I see the bBC has another pro-Roma article today, but this time about how intolerant the Swedes are. Roma register “News of a secret police register in Sweden containing the names of 4,000 people, most of them Roma, has tarnished the Swedish reputation for tolerance and resulted in anti-Roma prejudice being described as the last “acceptable racism” in the country.
Bloody Hell is there anybody in Europe who likes Roma people?
Tell you what, its a good job Saint Assande didn’t return to Sweden isn’t it, I mean what a right bunch of evil bastards, Mind you I can’t understand why he came to even more bigoted Great Britain?
What beats me is that anyone would wish to move to such evil nasty countries in the first place.
Surely these folk would be welcomed in some benevolent sandpit society?
Young trendies are adopting The Roma on the basis of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”. The more these begging and stealing vermin are rightly reviled, the more the Left will (claim to) love them. Was it ever thus, the Left have found a new victim to idolise – and wave two fingers at The Daily Mail. Expect accusations of ” racism” as routine from NGO’s charities and Lefty Hypocrites.
The bBC reports on British plans to tackle extremism Theresa May to outline anti-extremism plans
Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, currently on trial at the Old Bailey, deny murdering Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, on 22 May.
Mohammed Saleem was stabbed to death in Small Heath, Birmingham, on 29 April, just yards from his home after attending prayers at his local mosque.
Ukrainian student Pavlo Lapshyn was jailed for at least 40 years for murdering 82-year-old Mr Saleem and plotting explosions near mosques.
If I didn’t follow the news, I would garner from the above that the new measure is there to protect Muslims from nasty foaming at the mouth white bigots.
Totally bizarre ,what a great career break for any aspiring young actor , dressed as a turd on a kids TV show .
Even the BBC would be stretched to follow that !
“Mr Cameron said: “This summer we saw events that shocked the nation with the horrific killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich and murder of Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham.”
So the BBC is just adding a bit more information at the bottom of the story about the two cases mentioned by the PM. So your “point” is the Prime Minister is biased?
David Cameron’s position is perfectly clear, and it IS biased.
It’s a view which declares ‘ it’s nothing to do with islam’ when it quite clearly IS!
If that aint bias nothing is.
Cameron is only PM because it’s a stepping stone to more lucrative positions. He has seen the earnings of Tony BLiar and wants some of that. The PM salary is atrociously low, three evenings speaking engagements would pay more and there’s nothing like the stress involved in doing them.
Until we pay the person with prima facie the most important job in the country a salary commensurate with what is required we will continue to get the calibre of politician we currently have.
As for the MPs – well I wouldn’t want to do the job for what they’re paid !
‘I wouldn’t want to do the job’
Me either.
Wasn’t there once a quote along the lines of ‘the best person for this job is the one least likely to apply?’.
Who in their right mind would go near it with a bargepole, even if the dosh picks up a bit once bailing?
Near universally derided in post, then a target the rest of your life afterwards.
Zero real power to effect any sensible change and a media estate (lead by the BBC if not on the right team) actively messing with anything simply because they can.
And you really need to be several kinds of selfish, or legacy obses… deluded.
I was asked to be a town councillor.
Beyond being zero reward for epic amounts of frustration and grief, I turned it town principally because of how it would affect the family.
I’ll take a lot a of flak for what I think is right, but not if the pond dwellers start sniffing for other weak points.
It’s like a political mash-up of Catch-22 & Groucho Marx, where to want the job they need to be bonkers, but to get it everyone has to be somehow convinced they’re not.
Best the country can hope for is the least loopy of the freak shows gunning for the slot (You walk into a party room and see Cameron, Miliband, Clegg, Farage and the Princesque symbol that represents the Greens already there. Continue on in or run a mile?) may stumble across an actual policy, an actual spine and an actual chance to DO something worthwhile FOR the country without an entire Staffel of anti-media on station to ensure anything gets shot down before it gets off the ground.
Pay them 12k pa, mere pocket money.
And hang those that take bribes.
The only way to ensure we get people who are interested in the well being of their country and fellow man, not those who want to line their own pockets.
Then you will only get those like Cameron and BLiar whose only motivation for taking the job is to use the past position as a stepping stone to more lucrative positions.
I’d like to see you live in London and run two homes on £12K pa even with the now more restrictive expenses !
All you will have is what we’re moving to now government by posh rich boys! Perhaps you like the idea ? Perhaps you’re a rich posh boy yourself?
Yes, quite, why don’t we go back to a situation where an enormous property ownership threshold is seen as a requirement too.
Something like a huge country estate, or several billions in the bank?
What about bringing back the rotten boroughs like Old Sarum.
Oh hang on, didnt that one get Baldrick elected to it?
A typical treacherous left wing exercise in equalisation between two totally unrelated events spouted by that foul piece of filth masquerading as the British PM happily repeated verbatim by the BBC at every opportunity.
The PM certainly seems unconcerned about any threat to the British Jewish community. His only concern seems to be attacks on the British Muslim community. Couldn’t have anything to do with overseas trade could it?
Cameron is just a PR man. That is a PR statement. I find it typical of him.
Two terrible events. In no way the same and should not be used to demonstrate anything. It insults us and all the people affected. Linking them is lazy and smacks of what the man is good at- PR.
Adorable wrote: “So the BBC is just adding a bit more information at the bottom of the story about the two cases mentioned by the PM. So your “point” is the Prime Minister is biased? “
You make a valid point, but pray tell when has the bBC ever inserted anything of balance when the nasty piece of work is….A Muslim.
Why, only last week with plenty of evidence of corruption within the Pakistani community, regards the comments made by Dominic Grieve the bBC went out of its way to defend..Pakistani corruption.
When Islamic gangs were caught on camera attacking gays in East London, the bBC trotted out Peter Tatchel to condemn the EDL.
So to say that the bBC are only reporting what the PM has said, is someting of Non sequitur as that so called balance isn’t furnished to the reader when those in the spotlight are….Muslims.
Which is why so many people come on these boards to expose bBC bias.
It’ll be interesting to find out the name of the 19 year old soldier arrested in Germany this morning, re the nail bomb found in Salford, (if we ever do)
I note a 20 year old was also arrested in possession of abusive images in relation to the same incident.
So I can just imagine the scene when the BBC science news team found a piece of work on differences between men’s and women’s brains:
Now this is not a new idea, these differences, and more, have actually been known about for decades. But – more importantly – the study doesn’t fit very well with the boilerplate feminist argument that gender differences are mostly caused by “social conditioning” & what we’re taught as children.
So out the Beeb science team go, to find a psychologist who’s willing to make a statement to the effect that “[brain] connections can change throughout life, in response to experience and learning”
By doing so, the BBC are hinting (but not saying outright) that rather major differences in brain structure between the sexes might be caused by gender norms & probably patriarchy. Not by biology or anything.
More from the BBC Gender Studies department as and when we find it 🙂
Here is the definitive video explaining the difference between mens’ and womens’ brains. Highly recommended viewing – full of amazing facts to impress your mates with down at the pub!
Newsnight last night and a useless debate( Paxman looks as though he has had enough) on our education failings.
I was amused to see one of the idiots comparing us with Sweden. .Apparently this benighted land is actually below us or something.
Anybody got an idea why?
The first European nation in history to voluntarily vote for it’s own extinction. And we are being compared with it.
Tells us something does it not?
Liberals do not do reality.
They are comparing us with Sweden because that is where a lot of Tory educational ideology comes from.
The idea of ‘free schools’ and teachers without qualifications is Swedish. The point being that Sweden has slipped in the tables gives the NUT cause enough to blame everything the Tories are doing on the Swedish model.
Does anyone know how to access historical viewing figures? I am sure that Newsnight’s went downhill after the Savile business but I would be interested to know the impact of Ian Katz’ editorship. I would imagine that the trend is still downwards.
‘I would imagine that the trend is still downwards.’
Yes, downwards, let’s call it that. The ‘ole Newsnight slipway seems more of a faucet flush. I’d post the end scene from ‘The Mask’, but let’s mix a metaphor or two…
But as guido fawkes pointed out – who of course does a far better job of this sort of thing than the entire Droid Army of 22,000 – the ‘certificate’ that makes you ‘a qualified teacher’ in the eyes of the NUT takes something like 20ish days of your time to complete.
I imagine 20ish days of the bleeding obvious, the outright rubbish, and the achingly political correct-ness.
I did an infill term of ‘Education’ at the U, and surprise surprise it was the worst syllabus and the worst teachers in the whole place.
The BBC/NUT/whatever make much of the freedom of Free Schools to recruit “unqualified” teachers, disingenuously implying that these schools will be putting complete morons in front of kids, probably to save money.
These schools are not stupid (with the rare exception). They know who can teach, and the absence of a useless, trendy, PC qualification is seen as an advantage.
An excerpt from the BBC 6o’clock News showed Labour castigating Grove and blaming our failing education system on Free Schools and citing the decline in Swedish schools, due Ed Balls claimed also to Free schools.
In fact the decline is due to mass immigration, in Malmo for example the clever hardworking Jews have been driven out by Muslim migrants, this is an increasing pattern across the country; how ironic that Sweden gave shelter to displaced Jews fleeing Nazism, but cannot defend these long established citizens from hateful Muslims.
What a surprise that neither Balls nor the BBC even made reference to this
Finland, the European country held up as the example of how education should work, is suffering a similar fate. with migrants ignoring the Finnish way of education and demanding their own culture practices are adhered to.
I am thankful to the BBC for this information, being the first part of a two part programme on education. Finland, the Far East, Westminster School and Harvard all featured and there was no hint of bias
The BBC news website coverage of the Guardian and Rusbridger at the select committee yesterday is……nothing, nil, zip, zero, zilch, sod all. Quelle surprise.
Now it’s turned out that the nail bomb in Salford was in the house of a British soldier the Biased broadcaster feels it’s safe to report it.
apparently the Police found ‘inflammatory literature’ of an extreme right wing nature. This has not been reported elsewhere including local press, but the BBC must have been wetting themselves over the news.
As Thoughtful says on this story. The BBc were all over this on North West this morning. “The BBC understands he has been questioned about suspected links to right-wing extremism”
How has the BBc learned this? How come the BBc never “learns” what questions are asked when it comes to “men” accused of this type of thing.
‘How has the BBc learned this?’
As with their variable levels of ‘understanding’ based on how much they like a topic (or not), the BBC ‘learning curve’ is an interesting one.
One most negative issues the 0 point on the ‘X’ axis of BBC cover will be at the extreme left, but as things get further out from there the watertight oversight erodes away quickly until it’s the only game in town, requiring Stuart Hughes to start a camp… write a ‘report’ and the entire BBC twitter estate called to action.
Ain’t democracy a nice theory, even without a £4Bpa propaganda megaphone skewing everything.
Contrast the huffy, excitable, biased, uninformed, mantra-spewing BBC warmist Bacon with the calm and measured Delingpole – a man on top of his brief. The BBC should be thoroughly embarrassed by this performance from Bacon, but then again in a corporation stuffed with shameless, witless, science-shy, uneducated warmists, why should they be?
This is old, has been posted here before, but it’s entertaining nevertheless. I’d forgotten that the Bacon chimp tried to suggest that the Medieval Warming period is a hoax.
So what if its old, its fresh uptodate in demolishing the crafted lies of the Green-hugging establishment
Bravo Delingpole and tee hee Richard Bacon demolished. -Who pays your salary won’t be very happy with your “I know nothing” performance – oh dear, us… A useful reminder why the BBC is evil and must be destroyed.
I hadn’t heard it before so thanks
It reminded me of why I stopped listening to Radio 5 , after very many years. once that started employing ( for services only apparently) complete dolts like Bacon and Nolan
BBC journalists are certain about something, but they are reluctant to share this secret knowledge with atmospheric physicists in a live TV debate.
But a tornado or a hurricane can increase certainty in the brain of a BBC journalist, even if they are completely ignorant about the core scientific issues about the atmospheric physics of carbon dioxide warming.
I wonder what they think about CO2 absorption being assumed to be retransmitted into infra-red, maybe, this is the catastrophic and fatal scientific error at the core of Climate science, seeing that feedback can no longer fill the gap, due to feedback being negative, or have they come to the conclusion that thermodynamics proves that all that IPCC science is old fashioned Victorian bullshit.
I wonder what will happen to the brain of a BBC journalist, when global temperatures fall? Will they accuse us of denying the secret knowledge that is causing reality to disintegrate.
Yes, I guess the BBC will eventually accuse its viewers of being “Reality Deniers”
British political class (from Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi, via Miliband, to INBBC) is in denial about the violent nature of tenets, history and contemporary Islam; so, our political class re-packages Islam, and defines it as a ‘religion of peace,’ despite the global evidence!
Note how in the following INBBC’s ‘report,’ there is not a single use of the word ‘ISLAM.’
(Are these INBBC ‘reports’ written by INBBC Muslim staff, or simply by Islamic sympathisers?)-
‘Jihad Watch’:-
– (whose editor, and Islamic jihad opponent, Robert Spencer, the U.K government has banned and the U.K media, inc INBBC, doesn’t care about)-
“UK will classify ‘Islamist extremism’ as distinct ideology”
-Opening excerpt]-
“They’re emphasizing that it has nothing to do with genuine Islam. How they will explain why ‘Islamist extremists’ move freely among authentic Muslims without being rebuked, repudiated, rejected or reported remains to be seen. And how far they will get in tackling this ideology while maintaining the falsehood that there is no justification in Islam for it is unclear. It would be more truthful for them to be honest about its Islamic derivation and challenge the Muslim community in the UK to reform and to work with law enforcement, but truth is at a premium in the UK these days.
“Will those in the UK who have spoken more or less honestly about how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism now be fined? Imprisoned? Expelled from the country?”
I see the bBC is on a mission to change the Union Jack, here is the picture of the new Union flag they lead their article with:
As you can see , rather than conduct a honest transparent discussion, the bBC starts by presenting something which will rejected by anybody with a grasp of decency, which allows them in turn to play the racist card and allow them to interview lots of non british people what they think. But here’s a point the leftwing tossers at the bBC haven’t bothered thinking about. Who says we have to change the flag?
I did wonder why there was no link to this BBC “mission to change the Union Jack”.
Having read the article it becomes clear that any reasonable person reading the article would wonder how Pounce came up with his conclusion that it allows the BBC ” to play the racist card and allow them to interview lots of non british (sic) people what they think. “
Hey Albaman,
I’ll bet you that this will be opened up for discussion on the all new bBC. Oh hang on what’s this at the bottom of the article:
“How might you redesign the union jack? Send any designs to yourpics@bbc.co.uk with the subject line “flag””
I think you are a really nice man and I wish you and your family all the best for wintermass.
Albaman, you NEVER answer the important questions. The other day you severely criticised some contributors to this site who made some light-hearted comments about the police helicopter falling onto the pub in Glasgow. Someone asked if you were so critical of the celebrations and grave dancing of leftists when Maggie Thatcher died. You said you didn’t agree with the behaviour of the grave dancers. I then asked you if you felt so aggrieved as to register your complaints with the websites of the grave dancing leftists and Labour politicians in the way you displayed your outrage on this site. I also asked for evidence and links if you did. ANSWER CAME THERE NONE! You always seem to disappear when the difficult questions are asked of you.
Yes we did thank you
As ponce states the article is headed by the picture show and the paragraph below says
“Scotland’s referendum on independence is now just over 10 months away, but the question of what might happen to the union jack has been largely overlooked. An association of flag experts, or vexillologists, has created a set of designs it hopes will encourage a discussion.”
As pounce says In his final sentence
“Who says we have to change the flag? ”
Clearly it’s an issue for the BBC if no one else ,their motivation is a matter of debate-by your leave.
If England is such a dangerous, unsafe and unwelcoming place for mass immigration, can we dump them in Scotland if we pay Scotland to build a few Glasgow sized cities in the wilderness of the highlands?
It would prove that Scotland is no longer a hideously white, nationalist, socialist and therefore nasty country north of England?
Why would we not just revert to the pre union flag. Or God forbid, the Bbc would hate this. Just have the St George cross or the white Dragon flag http://whitedragonflagofengland.com/
For us English.
The Flag of St George works for me, not least (but not only) because its crusader origins give the Saracens in our midst and their dhimmi suckups conniptions.
I favour king Harold’s ‘fighting man’ banner
(sew by his mothers own hand) thought to be based on the Cerne Abbas Giant,
Perhaps Harry Beck style schematic ,white on a red background. Or better still black in a white circle on a red field.
Would that work for the BBC do you think?
Last I recall, the deal seemed to be something around ‘red, white & blue’.
Removing the Scottish bit would indeed see a reduction in blue and white (sort of a ‘and hold the Saltire’), but darned if I know quite where the yellow & black bits got substituted in precedence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Germany
One can see how it may appeal to some in the EU and its propaganda outlet in the UK.
Maybe as the UK is not the one leaving anything we’ll just stay as is?
And there can be a new one developed to suit the new land created. http://www.simpsonscreative.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/mars-bar-deep-fried.jpg
Can just see ‘Flower of Scotland’ being sung with passion and gusto under than one.
We don’t have to change the flag. It will be up to Scots to ensure their national flag is unique (it already is). I matters not one iota that there is a saltire in the union flag as the other design elements make it unique.
Some idiotic remarks made in the BBC piece:
1).. including the colours of St David’s flag and retaining the Scottish blue – to reflect the fact that Scotland would continue to share the British monarchy ..
No, the UK flag doesn’t have to reflect anything other Commonwealth countries’ flags include.
2)….surrounded by a garland of items symbolic of the Commonwealth nations…..
See answer to 1) above. This is the BBC’s multiculturalist gene in overdrive. Sad really.
3)..”It will be difficult for the country to go through the process of shedding Scotland and subsequently carry on with the same flag that existed before.” ..
No it won’t. Because it’s not going to happen. It’s a brilliant brand. The union flag is one of the most recognisable flags in the world.
4) ..”But it shouldn’t stay the same because nobody is brave enough to think about changing it.” ..
No it should stay the same because most people are brave enough to stand up to nonsensical multicultural BS peddled by people like you.
There is no need to change it: it is in origin a royal banner reflecting the union of the crowns, not the union of parliaments, and they intend, on independence, to retain Her Majesty and her successors as sovereign.
I’m curious about this note to the side of the article:
BBC house style on union jack
“Union jack, lower case, is the term we use for the UK flag formed by combining the crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick. (The proper term, “union flag”, carries potential for confusion – especially in the context of EU stories). However, where there are local political sensitivities, as in Northern Ireland, union flag is acceptable. “
Must be a different BBC, ‘my BBC’ seems to use ‘union flag’ all the time.
I put it down to their QI-mentality – everything you thought you knew is wrong. Does their apparent reversion to the term we always used (union jack) reflect something we don’t know about yet, i.e. the ‘potential confusion’ with the our new (BBC preferred) national flag, the twelve golden stars on a blue field?
The Scottish National Socialist Party already changed the saltire to that lighter blue shade – I was always brought up that the blue was dark navy blue and represented Scotland in the Union flag. I do not recognize the pale blue variant that the lefties have adopted – I always opt for the lion rampant as this seems to upset the Natzis somewhat.
“The Scottish National Socialist Party already changed the saltire to that lighter blue shade – I was always brought up that the blue was dark navy blue and represented Scotland in the Union flag.”
Not fiction you twat -show me a union jack with that shitey pale blue in it? Like all lefties some crap survey or idiot comment gets taken as gospel when it suits.
Go back and read the article I cited. The colour change has nothing to do with Jims’ fictitious “Scottish National Socialist Party” or the SNP for that matter.
You can tell when facts inconvenience “righties” as that is when they resort to personal insults.
Er. how a work of fiction ?
The article you linked confirms that the present colour was adopted by Scottish parliament in 2003 and from the article it would seem that the SNP drove the debate
“Gil Paterson, the SNP MSP, said: ”There are 300 colours described as azure from almost black to almost white. ”The logo of the Scottish Parliament, in a shade of purple, has 13 pages of rulings prescribed about it, yet the national flag has no colour laid down.”
Perhas you didn’t read
As the article states: “…….. the MSPs in making their recommendation stressed their view was purely advisory and not binding. ”We should not try to restrict the flags that are flown at football or rugby matches, but there is a suggested colour, Pantone 300, and we should accept that is the correct colour,”
Perhaps it was you who didn’t read the whole article!
Yes I did and it clearly indicates that the ‘recommendation’ was made a the behest of the Socialist Nationalist (and Scottish workers) Party
So rant all you want but while Alan Larocka’s interiptation of events might not be to your liking it is not a work of fiction.
Is it really that difficult to understand Stewart?
“The recommendation came after a short debate yesterday on a subject which has been shuttling between Holyrood committees, the Scottish Executive and other official bodies for nearly three years. The decision, which still has to be confirmed by Jim Wallace, the justice minister,would be a personal triumph for George Reid, a retired accountant and serial petitioner of the Scottish Parliament. From the earliest days of the parliament, Mr Reid has pushed for an official colour to be laid down for the saltire – not to ban flags of other hues, but to give guidance for those who wanted to know the correct shade.”
Is so difficult to say while I disagree with Alan Larocka’s interpretation of the facts (an official colour ,lighter in tone was adopted by the Scottish parliament and it would appear the SNP were pushing for it) his post was not a work of fiction ?
PS I’m assuming that the Scottish parliament and the SNP use that ‘recommended’ hue ,don’t they?
The current Scottish Government do use that colour – then again they used it when it was a Labour led Coalition as it was a Labour led Coalition Government that recommended it.
Yes I understand
The recommendation was accepted under a coalition parliament , a fair enough point, and all you needed to say.
But that doesn’t alter the fact that a lighter hue was adopted or the implication, from the article that you posted, that the SNP were pressing for it.
Unless of course your implying that the nationalists were in favour of recommending the blue used in the union flag
Looking at the article about proposed anti terrorist policy the BBc tack this on the end:
Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, currently on trial at the Old Bailey, deny murdering Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, on 22 May.
Mohammed Saleem was stabbed to death in Small Heath, Birmingham, on 29 April, just yards from his home after attending prayers at his local mosque.
Ukrainian student Pavlo Lapshyn was jailed for at least 40 years for murdering 82-year-old Mr Saleem and plotting explosions near mosques
Hmm something missing? Well a fair bit forgotten 7/7/2005 have we? ” 52 civilians were killed and over 700 more were injured in the United Kingdom’s first suicide attacks”. Must have just slipped their minds. Dear BBc some of us have very long memories.
Well, where do you start ? it’s amazing what you learn from this ‘sage’, isn’t it ? who knew, for example, that 12th century England was like Rio at Carnival time ? brimming with diversity, the British Isles was one big Ellis Island, full of refugees, that’s the marxist narrative.
The reality of Britain in the 1950s, no diversity.
Is this revelation based on the output of the BBc historical drama department. I swear I’ve seen a program (might not have been the Bbc) where there was a coloured Viking.
There was a black photographer in The Paradise on Sunday night. Programme set in the 1875. It was all very PC, no one commented on his colour, he was a great scientist apparently and got to kiss a white girl. The kiss didn’t bother me but I just wonder if there were any society snappers at that time who were of colour? Or is it just more selective, PC, rewrite of history casting. That bothers me.
John Archer was the first person of African descent to hold civic office in London. He was also the first British black person to represent his country at an international conference abroad, and the first black person to become an election agent for a constituency Labour Party.
He was born on the 8th June 1863, in Liverpool. His father, Richard, was a ship’s steward from Barbados, and his mother Mary Theresa, was Irish. Almost nothing is known of his early life. He was in his late 20s when he and his wife, a black Canadian, set up home at 55 Brynmaer Road, at the south end of Battersea Park. Archer earned his living as a photographer, with a studio in Battersea Park Road; he appears to have been successful as a photographer, for his work won many prizes.
The BBc history rewritten before your very eyes.Even events in my lifetime have been “revised”. I often sit in my chair in my smoking jacket commenting to my partner “It wasn’t f*****g like that then!”
No No. The reality is as the liberal says.
South Molton, Bridport, Southwold, Scunthorpe , Midhurst -they were all full of diversity . Just go and check the histories.
Then repeat after me. There is no such people as the English. Everybody else in the world has a nationality but the English do not deserve one.
Nasty horrible people.
When you truly believe this then you are ready to join the liberal elite.
Stupid, dumb ox. She is probably confusing centurions with gladiators. There were, probably, some black gladiators that came to Britain, but they were just slaves. If she’s harking back to a golden time of a Roman, multicultural Britain then she’s enthusing about slaves.
In the second century AD (Hadrian) the citizen population was 3% of the total population of the province of Britannia. The population was therefore 97% Celto-Germanic.
There was no large-scale multiculturalism…as evidenced by the pick-up of pre-Roman ceramics and decorative style after the ‘withdrawal’ of the legions. It was, it has been said, as if Rome (apart from the decaying buildings) had never been there. The latin language never took root. It vanished.
No relics of anything remotely ‘exotic’ in the archaeology at all.
Don’t forget that the emperor Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus who was allegedly black (take a look at the statues see what you think!) Moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to York, where worship of the Egyptian deities took place and where he died.
The Roman Empire encompassed North Africa around the Med, but the deserts prevented them going into central Africa where the real black people are from. They might have had experience of Nubians or Ethiopia but it is unlikely they were numerous.
It seems more likely that yet again the people they are describing as ‘black’ were in fact the Moors who might be different to Europeans, but are certainly not Negros.
In a world where some nutters can claim that the Black Prince was so named because his mother had a touch of the tarbrush in her*, anything’s possible.
* She didn’t. But that didn’t stop her being voted fifth in the Beeb’s Great Black Britons poll. Who needs facts when you’ve go an angenda to push, eh?
The wretched BBC has form galore on distorting history. I commented some time ago on this, eliciting a response from some idiot wonk who said, ‘ it does not matter’. In question, was the recent drama for children of Henry V, in which they portrayed the ‘white’ Duke of York, one Edward of Langley, who died at Agincourt, as a black man! This was a monstrous attempt to brainwash kids into taking in all the multi-culti hogwash the BBC spouts. This kind of insidious portrayal of history is rampant amongst the trendy morons at the corporation.
From the days when the Norman French invaded Anglo-Saxon Britain, we have been a culturally diverse nation.
This quote echoes Abbott’s own prejudices. The Normans were more Nordic than French. After the Roman invasion Britain saw an influx of tribes from North Germany. Along with Vikings prior to the Norman invasion. We were already culturally diverse but fast constructing an English system of law based on the notion of the other groups integrating into one system.
The Normans attempted to reverse this progressive form with their feudal authority. But in the long-term they failed.
Not to labour the point too much by replying to my own post (!) but the evolution of a fairer system in England was due to similar-thinking tribes germinating the seeds of the parliamentary system we have today.
Had Islam been living next door (and in medieval times it was almost the case – given it had reached Europe) it is doubtful that a similarly “culturally-diverse” bringing-together of groups would have seen an equally fair system evolve.
Cultural diversity is only good if the better ideas coalesce. This isn’t just about pretty clothes, face markings and feeling good that half the people on the bus speak different languages. It’s about the integrability of ideas on law.
We currently have a large influx of people who believe in laws that are not integrable into our traditional ways.
Abbott, and others who seek to justify mass immigration by claiming that Britain has always been a “culturally diverse nation”, always point to the Roman, Germanic, Viking and Norman invasions as evidence of this “diversity”. Strange that they want to associate
mass immigration with invasion. And the total population of Britain, after these invasions, has been estimated at two million (at the time of the Domesday Book) – a figure similar to the number of immigrants who have come here over the last 20 years.
Immigration is a topical issue of concern, and it looks like it is now capable of being discussed with the automatic shutdown techniques used in the past by some now getting short shrift.
The are many factors at play, ranging from geographic (inc. population pressures) to economic, with a few politico-media ones to sour the pot too.
In my time I have travelled far and wide and sought work in many a country en route.
Ironically two places with no real geo-population issues would not entertain a work visa: USA & Australia (ironically, back in the day, the latter because as a white male I was not favoured by the then government).
However I was welcomed in Singapore…. so long as I was a proven generator of funds way beyond self-sustenance. Seemed fair enough. And I repaid this by founding a company that employed 40 folk and earned income from all around the region.
They also took a cut from me and my staff called CPF to cover our social needs in later life. Pegged at a sensible rate to do so. Hell of a hit, but possibly worth it.
I have benefitted from being an ‘immigrant’ and paid back by being one, so I have no issue with it in principle.
But in all my experiences, the countries in question laid down, upfront, clear parameters for the deal, and they were all unashamedly designed to get from the immigrant more than they got for the privilege of being allowed to ply their trade (including the consequences if failing to deliver… first plane out). And that seems more than fair too.
What I don’t get, at all, is the thinking and number-crunching behind the system that has prevailed, and still does here.
Reminding us of a handful of minor celebrity black people, or black communities in ports like Deptford and Tiger Bay, is deliberately missing the point. Ports around the world have always been diverse.
Look at any old photograph or film footage of ORDINARY British people in ordinary circumstances (and there’s plenty to choose from) will show just how diverse this country was.
Exactly. I don’t care if they were a few hundred blacks, Muslims etc etc living in Britain before 1800 or any other date. What i do care about is that there are several million living here now and they were never invited by the British people via the usual democratic process.
The liberal left and their mouthpiece the BBC can do all they like about re-writing history, telling me how good a multiracial population will be, how much benefit we get by having mass immigration. Even if it were all true, which of course it isn’t , it would make no difference . We never invited these people to live in our country and I , and many others , don’t want them here.
The liberal left will never be able to claim that these people are here as a result of the British people exercising their democratic choice. They rode rough shod over the democratic process and they can’t expect that the majority of folks are happy with what they did.
The BBC should at least allow the British to say what they think but, of course, being part of the liberal left establishment they won’t.
My questions to the establishment are:
a) why did they want mass immigration
b) why didn’t they ask us what we thought before letting millions in
c) do they think that they can keep a lid on this for the next many decades and what additional measures are they going to take to further limit free speech in the UK
d) what are their plans if the balloon does go up and British refuse to accept anymore aliens?
Good one. My own view is that mass immigration depresses wages through the law of supply and demand (ie too much supply) – and that cheap labour employers bribe ministers and mandarins to let them in on any pretext.
Hmm so ? given that the navy based at ports all over the world and that desertion and ship’s company losses like these numbers ‘During the Seven Years’ War, the Royal Navy reported that it conscripted 184,899 sailors, of whom 133,708 died of disease or were “missing” ‘ so conscription among the local population was standard so the question is how many of those conscripts came to Britain and how many stayed ? not the fact they existed !
Also at that the time we beat ‘scurvy ‘ in our ships, so saving thousands of black and Asian sailors lives !
Brought to you by the same people (the liberal inquisition) that said 25% of people are homosexual
Try thinking for yourself Trevor , look around you and test the agit-prop against the evidence of your own eyes
I note The Sun’s front page today: ‘Tom’s love is Oscar-winning gay activist .. and 20 years older’
Happily my boycott of BBC Radio Five Live saved me from the full onslaught of BBC attaboy coverage of this non-story.
One of many factors in my off switch protest was exasperation at the relentless neck-breaking pursuit in search of a gay premiership footballer by the 5 Live craven cottagers.
I am aware however of how the BBC justified their promotion of this recent footnote in a minor sportsperson’s personal life – ‘because the newspapers have all covered it’. I doubt the BBC will be further exploring the line quoted above to any depth.
By the way, I’m far from being an expert in the correct terminology acceptable in the realms of gaydom, but don’t you have to have been ‘in’ at some stage in order to have come ‘out’?
But my main complaint here is that my licence fees have yet again been used to supply a ready megaphone to the lips of manipulative Leftist-leaning political campaigners.
Is it not a little alarming that gay campaigners appear to be using our national broadcaster in an effort to expand their constituency?
Then again, I would have thought that given the BBC’s Savile experience this story might have flagged up some rather uncomfortable conotations for the Corporation – older man and all that.
Well, good luck to the lad. If he wants to be gay, let him.
One thing though. Baring in mind the chap is 19 when did this relationship with the gay activist start? Was it longer than 3 years ago? Is that why the BBC is so happy?
Anybody read the bBC article about allowing people whjo work in shops to pray in shifts so as to keep shops open: Saudi Arabia: Must everything stop for prayer? People in Muslim lands often stop what they’re doing when the call to prayer comes from the local mosque five times daily. But Saudi Arabia is the only country where everything shuts down for the duration.
Commentator Abdulateef Mulhim calls for relaxation of the rule in the Jeddah newspaper Arab News, saying the question for most Saudis is not why shops close, but why they stay shut for longer than the five to 15 minutes that prayers last. He puts this down to the rise of giant shopping malls, the “sheer size of which means many people take undue advantage and report back to their positions much later”.
Here’s aquestiondo you think the bBC would allow the above to said if this was in the UK or US? Nah it would be deemed as agaisnt their Human rights and…racist.
On Today this morning Sir Mark Hedley, a former high court judge in the family division, “speaks” to presenter Sarah Montague. Yes the word “speaks” was used in the description of the item on the Today website. The choice of wording is interesting because it admits that this wasn’t an interview in any meaningful use of that word. It wasn’t a search for the scandalous truth about what’s been happening in the Court of Protection. Although Hedley is (in comparison with his fellows on the CoP bench) one of the good guys it was still a case of one of the perps who was prepared to practice secret justice being given the freedom of the airways by another ornament of the political class.
The proximate cause of the item was the forced caesarian on a mother and giving up for adoption of the child thus produced, all by by court order. However, IIRC not once was it discussed – nor, I think, even mentioned – that the default mode of procedure in this Court is secrecy: the public and the press – and often the “accused” – are absent from the proceedings (although the judge in this particular case has now allowed a chink of light to be shed on his decision).
Read Booker in the Sunday Telegraph who has been AFAIAA the sole national journalist to continuously highlight the practice of secret “justice” in our family courts. Why is it only now that the great journalistic machine of the BBC takes notice (when Booker among a very few others has done the hard graft)? Where is the Panorama exposé of this scandal? The BBC: not just bias generally but crap journalism as well.
BBC to reduce numbers of Asian and Black news presenters and children’s television presenters… According to a piece of self-publicity on the BBC website, they have decided to address the diversity ‘problem’ (their quotation marks) by ensuring that its output “should look and sound more like its audiences”. Yes, they really said that. So we can expect less Asians and Blacks on the news, in children’s programming and in “exciting new dramas from the BBC”, along with more traditional White faces to reflect the actual makeup of the country. Not. Check it out at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-25213116, or better still: don’t bother.
Watching BBC One News on Sunday with Mishal Husain, assisted by an Asian lady doing the sport, followed by an Asian lady doing the local news, I did wonder if it is time that we had more men on TV.
I have a little game I play sometimes, best at weekends. It’s count the number of female or ethnic newsreaders, correspondents reporters, weather forecasters people interviewed in the street before you get to a white English male. I have quite often counted nine before someone like me, who represents 42% of the population of the UK appears!
Why are there more people named Chakrabarti appearing on the BBC than those named Smith? Is the BBC smithist?
Not BBC bias, but has anyone noticed whenever a senior Police Officer is interviewed or gives a press conference, that officer is invariably a female? Are there now more females than males in today’s “Modern Police Service”?
I noticed a similar thing with Midlands Today at the weekend when visiting family.: Asian lady anchor, Asian lady weathergirl.
Mind you, spend any time in Birmingham’s New Street/High Street area and it’s only the weather lets you know you’re not in Karachi or Nairobi, so maybe in this case they’ve ‘got it about right’.
I’ve been watching the snooker championship on BBC2. Just to make sure we don’t enjoy it too much, there has to be a bloody woman presenting it. Same with the rugby league show. They always have to make their point.
Its all about public perception you see (not BBC bias)!
When the new BBC DG (Lord Tony Hall) promised to address public ‘point of view’ being critical of the BBC, He was chosen by the very same people within the BBC. Here he is(24/Nov/13) – 15 mins Viewers Questions is more about being a previous BBC status than any (political) cultural shift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZwkf5CCWeY
The BBC can enky it’s last few years charter ‘rights’ granted by Tessa Jowell and Lord Fowler (Labour et al) you’ll see in this House of Lords report (2006) in that the BBC appears to have been given new powers of fund-raising and ‘statute’ independence from parliament, (based on a notion of independence) granted by Labour charter (until 2016). http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200506/ldselect/ldbbc/196/19602.htm
The BBC can now claim (2013) that the European Court of Human Rights (no less) as the supreme protector of their political bias right’ (see extract). [The BBC is…’excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion. Part VI of Schedule 1 to FOIA provides that information held by the BBC and the other public service broadcasters is only covered by the Act if it is held for ‘purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature”.’ ‘The limited application of the Act to public service broadcasters was to protect freedom of expression and the rights of the media under Article 10 European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”)’].
So it’s not LEFT WING BIAS it’s a ‘right of expression’ not to disclose FOI request (as it still has a public service charter from 2006). Any ‘objection’ can be addressed as a ‘point of view’. Something Lord Hall has said he would personally address on ‘points-of-view’ (which no doubt will appear as revamped advert on BBC TV advertising on how wonderful and indiscriminate they all are). They need Tony Hall because of (not despite) racial discrimination against the English people who pay for it. It will only end when the License fee ends and then it will be sponsored directly by the EU as the EBC.
According to the Wikipedia U.K. page under Ethnic groups – The U.K. poplulation “White British” and “White other” make up 91% of the population. The BBC gives a different picture as result of its policy of positive discrimination. In many ways the BBC battering ram for diversity has backfired on them it has alarmed and angered the 91%.
To be fair, those are the official statistics, when you throw in all the people that the government had no record of…..Well who knows what the real percentages are.
“Well who knows what the real percentages are.” Yes that is true. The picture is rapidly changing and altering to match the BBC representation . Which is where the BBC has shot itself in the foot . Rather than the intended aim of aclimatising us to this unwanted change, it has raised the alarm and shown us what is just around the corner.
Apropos of nothing topical at all, in checking out some linked BBC pages above I found this interesting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25120783 Cyber self-harm: Why do people troll themselves online?
Especially this bit: ‘…set up multiple online profiles and used different names to post abusive messages to herself.’
So sad. So very sad.
As someone once sai… actually keeps intoning, ‘If you say so’. ‘some of the “chosen few”’
And as one often keen on proof of assertions, perhaps you’d be kind enough to share which ‘few’ you mean, what they were chosen for and by whom?
That’s based on fact, not beliefs.
Otherwise you might be seen to be operating on a slightly two-tier basis.
It’s shame the BBC missed an opportunity to discuss the very real problem of abuse hoaxing (for example, here and here) and instead did a pity party for depressed people. Perhaps the issues concerned in abuse hoaxes are a bit too sensitive for the BBC, so they took the easy route.
Beeboids, & the well-heeled, ‘progressive’ metropolitan Left, do love their culture to be ‘edgy’, ‘challenging’, ‘iconoclastic’, ‘courageous’, etc. But they do appear to have a monumental blind spot in their sublimely ‘nuanced’ vision.
A candid Grayson Perry admits he had ‘not gone all out attacking Islamism because I feel the real fear that someone will slit my throat.’ That didn’t stop Ayaan Hirsi Ali, but that’s another story.
This article nails the ‘creatives’ to the mosque wall: http://www.thecommentator.com/article/4415/islam_the_subject_artists_won_t_tackle
By the way, one of the comments, referring to the headline picture of lines of muslims going bums-up, suggests this caption: ‘The search for Mohammed’s lost contact lens continues…’
Perry echoes former BBC DG Mark Thompson’s explanation for why the BBC has an editorial policy – yes, despite various protestations, the BBC does have them just as we claim – of treating Mohammedan violence and extremism with kid gloves.
“Without question, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’, is different from, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write’,” he said. “This definitely raises the stakes.”
Yet when people here express a similar sentiment, defenders of the indefensible scream racism and bigotry and Islamophobia. Just like the BBC does.
Perhaps if we all put on a dress and slathered on some eye shadow next time someone suggests there was a problem with violent extremist Mohammedans in Britain, it would be better received by defenders of the indefensible……
That joke comes from ”Not the nine o’clock News’ with Griff R-Jones, Rowan Atkinson, Mel Smith & Pamela Anderson. It must be the mid 70s, BBC comedy was so much more fun in those days, there were no complaints about it from Muslim fanatics or apologists, because we didn’t have any.
Several days ago, someone named Chris (not the one with the “h”) expressed his foolish fears that there was a dangerous national trend in the US to put Creationism in schools and stop teaching evolution. To counter this, I pointed out that any efforts in that direction were strictly local, and that the national education curriculum was controlled by the Left. I listed a number of stories of extreme and scary Left-wing ideology – including making children sing hymns in praise of the President – but he ignored it. I can’t find which thread it’s in or I’d post a link.
Now here are some more real facts to counter his foolish fears. Common Core is the new national education standard being pushed by the federal government, and it’s got some real gems:
An assignment sent home from an Oak Forest, IL high school government class is raising eyebrows among parents who are shocked by the questionnaire they and their children are required to fill out. The questionnaire (below) has the parents identify their positions on a number of highly-charged issues, and then places them on a “political spectrum.”
The survey is part of Oak Forest High School’s Common Core curriculum, which according to the school district’s website is to …”provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.”
Frightening stuff. I hope the BBC doesn’t get any ideas from this. But wait, there’s more. Here’s a question snuck into a grammar lesson for fifth-graders:
What kind of educator even thinks of such a question? This isn’t a politics course in junior high or high school, remember. It’s grammar lessons for 10 year-olds. The same kind of extreme ideologue who came up with the former easily comes up with, “The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of the nation”.
Get ’em while they’re young. This is the national education curriculum in the US, and it’s far, far worse at the university level. No wonder all the young people voted for Hope & Change and fell under the spell of the cult of personality. And some idiot was worrying about Creationism taking over?
PS: Any defender of the indefensible who dismisses me as being a moron obediently eating red meat handed out by Faux News will need to address the facts of the story before pulling an Alinsky. If you can’t, then remain silent.
Just read the Common Core “Hold the Flag High” student worksheet. I think you’ve found the test paper that all BBC journalists must pass before they’re allowed to write one of the traditional weekly articles about racist white America for the online News Magazine.
No child Left behind, right? This is how you “fundamentally transform” a country. To BBC journalists, any objection to those questions would be considered “extreme Right”. Even the few born and raised in the US.
I’ve complained about articles on “newsround2 on more than one occasion, Concerning anti-English items and items that appear to have selected input giving one opinion. Overwhelmingly initially they fail to answer my complaint the first time.
oh look I just found one from my old E-mails ‘
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC’s ‘Newsround’, which was broadcast on 20 June.
We understand you feel climate change was inaccurately portrayed as being fact.
Blah blah blah
The BBC’s report about some Hezbollah leader getting killed included a link to their “Who Are Hezbollah?” explanation of the group. Naturally, I couldn’t resist.
While it’s all more or less fair enough about what the group has been up to, and not even any blatant bias about their war with Israel in 2006 (an improvement over previous) the institutional bias inevitably raised its ugly head:
Hezbollah was conceived in 1982 by a group of Muslim clerics after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
It was close to a contingent of some 2,000 Iranian Revolutionary guards, based in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, which had been sent to the country to aid the resistance against Israel.
Hezbollah was formed primarily to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation.
Why did Israel invade and occupy, BBC? What prompted it? They can admit that Hezbollah started the 2006 conflict:
A big test for Hezbollah came in mid-2006, when its fighters captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border attack, killing a number of others.
The incident triggered a fierce, month-long war with Israel, which ended in a ceasefire.
But the BBC still cannot admit why Israel went in there originally, which prompted the creation of Hezbollah. They never do, and I and others have pointed out a number of times that the BBC treats this sort of thing as a Year Zero. Just like they do with 1967, the BBC speaks as if nothing happened before then, and Israel went rogue out of the blue, unprovoked.
Well, I was going to school in Israel in 1981 and I remember very well how this started, and what led to Israel’s invasion.
The PLO had been ensconced in southern Lebanon, and were launching rockets, killing Israelis in the the northern towns and more or less terrorizing a good chunk of the country. Israel soon responded with air attacks, and eventually things elevated to the invasion so they could go after the PLO and stop the rockets. The PLO had moved to Lebanon after Jordan kicked them out for doing the same thing and causing Israeli retaliation there.
(This is actually the first time I’ve seen that NY Times article on the rocket attacks. At the time, it wasn’t reported in the international version or the Herald Tribune or any other non-Israel paper that we could get our hands on, and I was under the impression that the Western media was silent on it all until Israel started the air assault. The only place I read about it in English was that version of the Jerusalem Post.)
When the BBC writes as if this didn’t happen, it demonizes Israel and lends credibility to Hezbollah. If they can admit Hezbollah started it in 2006, why can’t they admit who started it the first time? Two sentences would have sufficed.
I’d really, honestly, like a lurking or non-lurking journalist to explain how I’m wrong here.
David thank you for that. When I come across anything I don’t know, I look it up 200% . So when I was posted to Ireland I read up on Irish history, how the Catholics were badly treated (fact) and how the Government of the day during 1969 sent in the troops to protect…Catholics and how even to this day Catholics are looked down upon by Prods.
When I went to Cyprus/Bosnia/Gulf/Central America I did likewise and so i did with Israel. Boy have I read some books on the subject and by reading so much you get a feel for what really transpired and yet those school boy types who inhabit the mediaverse don’t subscribe to the norms of fact , they subscribe to rumour and hype which is why Israel can only be evil. Yes in a region where women, gays and minorities are treated like scum, Little Israel which treats everybody equally (except terrorists) is deemed nasty. Read Abu Bowens , 6 days, what a load of tripe, it is full of so many errors (helps having a military background) and he is deemed to be an authority on the region. He is nothing but a sell out. I would have no problem knocking on his door and putting him in hospital for all the harm he has done with his biased reported . That’s just it all these so called reporters have ensured that a generation of people have being brained washed into thinking that good is bad and bad is good. I am no saying that Israel is entirely blameless, yet the fact remains in the grand scope of things they are far behind the so called religion of peace. These so called champions of free speech who are more than happy to attack the West remain silent on anything and everything their ideological heroes do.
I just hope to allah that they are made to pay the full price for their treachery
@ Ian Hills … actually the troops were sent over there to protect the Catholic civillian population from the Protestant / Unionist / Orange Order militias violent reaction to the demand for equal rights from the Catholic population… The IRA didn`t resurface until after the army had been deployed for a year or two…. Why don`t you look at these two links mate? http://irishconflict.webs.com/republicanparamilitary.htm
Notice the dates??? IRA formed 1969 .. UVF formed 1966 …
This is why the armed forces from the mainland were deployed …
The Ulster Defence Regiment was a locally recruited regiment of the British Army. Almost all of the recruits came from the Protestant population. UDR members were frequently assassinated while off-duty by the Provisional IRA and INLA. It also emerged that the UDR was actively colluding with loyalist death squads in the murders of individuals perceived as sympathetic to republicans. In an interview for a document entitled “Subversion in the UDR”, a commander in the regiment admitted that about 15% of his men were also members of Loyalist death squads.
You can read the rest here …. http://irishconflict.webs.com/britishmilitary.htm
Before you start mouthing off about the conflict in the six counties I suggest you put down your flute and bowler hat and pick up a book on the subject matter, that way you won`t come across as a Sectarian bigot in future…
“Irish republicans have often resorted to armed struggle to further their aims…….Loyalists generally support the use of violence to achieve their aims.”
It’s the other way round, as we all know. Do you work for the BBC or something?
Can anyone advise me on this forum……Am I allowed to celebrate Christmas Day this year with the wife and family in a Christian way or am I only allowed to enjoy the ‘Winter Celebrations’ in a diverse and ethnically aware manner
Can someone contact the bbbc and seek their advice, please?
You should be able to celebrate Christmas in a Christian way, just like that Pakistani family in the Tesco advert. They don’t seem to be offended by Christmas. An own goal by those diversity fascists who try to push their agenda and forbid Christian celebrations in case it offends ethnics.
Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics: BBC to show 200 hours of action
The bBBC seems to have made a mistake in their latest bit of advertising, for their planned coverage of the Winter Olympics. I have read the article very carefully and there is no mention of the sexual choices of any of the athletes or presenters.
Communist ‘utopia’ in a Spanish village. Laurie Taylor talks to the writer, Dan Hancox, about his research into a tiny community in Andalucia which set out to create an egalitarian enclave after the demise of General Franco. Does the reality match the dream?
Of course it does !! Does anyone think the BBC would allow it to be broadcast if it didn’t ?
According to one C4 docu-soap broadcast just prior to Christmas Mary was wee lass raped by Nortious Maximus the Roman centurion. I kid you not, except for the name of course.
I’m still waiting for the Mo was an hallucinating, paedo, bandit docu-soap just prior to Ramadam.
In complement, another analysis of our gadabout guys & gals from the astoundingly uncurious whispering corridors of early dementia… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/north.html
Intrigued as to what this may or may not be alluding to: ‘”..pair went to look at new broadcasting technology not available in the UK over four days.” Technology chums will recognise them as absolutely the right team to carry out that sort of investigation” http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/spinning.html
Along with ‘One of these is right.’
Meanwhile, in other news… about the BBC’s higher orders and their taste for the market rate things in life: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/the-advantages-of-older-man.html
They do get about a bit, and even when they settle, they do it in some style.
Had to love that ‘official line’. Which seems about the only one they have.
Mindful, yes. Give a sh!t, no.
In addition, he pledged, there would be an increased presence for world and local news on the national news output and that the corporation would keep pace with the “galloping technology revolution”.
“The consumption of news is changing before our eyes,” he said. “To meet the expectations of our audiences, we need to be available everywhere, for everyone, now.”
This should include “a far more open culture”, where the BBC delivers “much more third party and social content alongside our own journalism”.
“When we talk about ‘our stories’, I hope that will mean not just the work of the 8,000 people who work for the BBC,” he added, “but the information and ideas of the 300 million people who use it.”
In other words, water it down and flood the atmosphere with populist noise curated by the same biased Beeboids who control the current output. The inset “analysis” from the BBC’s media correspondent seems to back up my interpretation:
The phrases “de-layering” and “rigorous performance management” gave a clue to James Harding’s thoughts about BBC management. There is also the matter of money and ongoing cuts. He is not just looking at making news more efficient but “cutting the scope of what we do”.
Quite what might be cut is yet to be decided. So, for the audience, it was a promise of a broader range of stories and voices from a BBC News that might be more dynamic but probably smaller and less secure.
This ramping up of local news and inclusion of third party content is only going to make things worse. The BBC will still be the 900lb gorilla dominating news consumption, and this will serve only to further crush local independent news outlets. As for the drive to include more third party content, if it’s anything like how they do the US Viewpoints and other opinion pieces, we all know how that’s going to turn out. Perhaps the new “Echo Chambers” feature, an edited/curated collection of third-party journalism/commentary which seems to be largely driven by a reaction to non-Left journalism/commentary on a given issue, is the first step into Harding’s brave new world.
No purge in the offing means no fundamental change in the problems, regardless of how they dress it up in new clothes. All Harding’s talking about is reshuffling the deck chairs. Moving biased Beeboids from Today to Newsnight to the 6 o’clock news won’t fix anything, and won’t prevent another Savile or McAlpine incident. As we’ve seen from people like Mark Mardell, Justin Webb, Kevin Connolly, and Wyre Davies, they just take their biases with them to the new station. Nothing changes there, and it won’t be any different with moving editors around.
Having said that, at least Harding seems to get the problem with the concept of gender/ethnic quotas. Although he doesn’t spell it out, one suspects he’s being a bit disingenuous and will still push the diversity “targets” already in place.
I’d just like to ask: if a target is met, does it become a quota?
Ah, Harding. Good man. A bit more: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/xmas-message.html ‘So far, Harding has created at least six new posts and cut none. ‘
To be fair, that seems pretty much the sole management function now.
The BBC has become Tribble Central.
In the cited BBC URL, comments sadly closed before anyone at real work could get a word in, but not before (or maybe because) some like this got in… ‘ 18. DaveSmooth
‘James Harding, the BBC’s news director, has said its output should “look and sound more like its audiences”.’
No, it’s output should be reporting the news. For goodness sake!
Comment number 26. madalicesdad
I’m not interested in what “third party and social content ” has to say, I want my news professional, impartial and relevant.
Any chance of that?
Comment number 4. Global Yawning
Forget diversity! Can the BBC start reporting a little more impartially; or at least try and hide their bias.
With regards to Mishal Husain and Ritula Shah’ s appointments, I’d love to hear their comments on how they feel about being promoted based on gender rather than ability. ‘
Anyway, all will be relieved at the commitment to a reduction in peroxide sinks at least: ‘Mishal Husain and Ritula Shah have recently been appointed to high-profile roles on Radio 4’
Feel the balance. Bask in the trust. Savour the transparency. Well, obviously, there you no longer can.
why are we.the bbc,ukip and the media so obsessed by eu immigration.ok there is a problem but it is nothing as to the problems we have imported into england with the vast majority of mass immigration from third world countrys from south east asia and africa that hit are shores when tony blair and new labour opened the floodgates in 1997 when they was in power.eu immigration does not affect me where i live,what does affect us is mass immgration from third world countrys,terrorists plots,hate preachers in the mosques planning mass murder,sex grooming gangs,female mutilation,forced marrieges,violent no go areas for white,intimidation,racist violence from immigrants is the realilty if what working class white minoritys have to put up in areas in the big citys on a daily basis,this problem is not being caused by eu immigrants,the real problems of mass immigration is not being caused by eu immigrants but is being caused by third world immigrants and there cultural practises imported here.this is the real issue that everybody in the media is burying there heads in the sand about and are to scared to talk about.
immigrants cant afford to live where i live, and unless they go to university for 3 years followed by a further 12 months post grad studies, they dont threaten my job.
But its very different for my friends who thought i was stupid going to university as a mature student (27) when they could work 60 hours a week for £2.60 an hour. Although things got better because of the min wage, they cant get jobs now because of east europeans taking them all, and lots of people here seem to think they’re lazy scroungers’ milking the state for everything they cant get, when its the state thats fucked them over big time.
However, i agree with you, the main problem is immigrants from the 3rd world coming here destroying our culture. But because they are black/brown, its racist to discuss it
Because attacking Poles allows you to discuss immigration without being branded racist, despite them being one of the only lot who I would keep. Pakistani immigration in particular has been a shocking disaster.
Once out of the EU we can set our own immigration policies and hopefully be free of socialist interference.
Further proof of how much more hardworking immigrants are than we indigenes: I bet a lazy Anglo rapist would only be able to attack one woman per night, two tops, before buggering off down the pub, the slacker.
“Shocking damage to Lee Rigby’s ‘killers’ car revealed as murder trial jurors are shown knives found at scene after vehicle struck soldier in Woolwich”
no doubt when these 2 scumbags are found guilty, al beeb will label the jury and the legal system institutionally racist and call for it to be reformed
They’ll even show pics of them next to St Trayvon, St Lawrence and Martin luther king
As the UK energy policy disaster continues to approach the edge of the cliff, Harrabin was rolled out this afternoon to give us his expert opinion on the latest move by the government to “reduce the subsidies to on-shore windfarms and increase them to offshore”.
It was obvious he could’t get his head around it as he bleated that “a recent survey suggests that the public put insulation as the top priority infrastructure investment”
What is it that you don’t understand about the fact that the fantasy economics of the green wet dream have finally come home to roost in Westminster, alongside the dawning and fast growing realisation that they have been conned by the CO2 cult………they are starting to panic old lad and they also realise that this shambles cannot ultimately be glossed over and has the potential to destroy large swathes of the establishment when it finally crashes and burns………… The cost are going to continue to rise, they know know this and better still they know that we now also know this !
Your name is noted Roger lad, along with all the other disciples….when the day of judgement finally comes !
Once Mark Mardell is done trying to refute negatives about ObamaCare and repeating White House talking points about Republicans having no plan and being “the party of ‘no'”, maybe he’ll write a blog post about America’s Racist Youth:
A majority of America’s youngest adults would vote to recall the president.
I’m sure Mardell will be along shortly to tell us that these young people are crypto-racists.
The most startling finding of Harvard University’s Institute of Politics: A majority of Americans under age 25–the youngest millennials–would favor throwing Obama out of office.
The survey, part of a unique 13-year study of the attitudes of young adults, finds that America’s rising generation is worried about its future, disillusioned with the U.S. political system, strongly opposed to the government’s domestic surveillance apparatus, and drifting away from both major parties. “Young Americans hold the president, Congress and the federal government in less esteem almost by the day, and the level of engagement they are having in politics are also on the decline,” reads the IOP’s analysis of its poll. “Millennials are losing touch with government and its programs because they believe government is losing touch with them.”
Are they racist now, BBC? Actually, I’m having difficulty remembering a time when that age group wasn’t disillusioned with both parties and the system, and held Congress in less esteem than the older demographics. But that’s beside the point. What will anger Mardell and his BBC colleagues is this:
The results blow a gaping hole in the belief among many Democrats that Obama’s two elections signaled a durable grip on the youth vote.
Indeed, millennials are not so hot on their president.
Obama’s approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.
When asked if they would want to recall various elected officials, 45 percent of millennials said they would oust their member of Congress; 52 percent replied “all members of Congress” should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.
While there is no provision for a public recall of U.S. presidents, the poll question revealed just how far Obama has fallen in the eyes of young Americans.
IOP director Trey Grayson called the results a “sea change” attributable to the generation’s outsized and unmet expectations for Obama, as well as their concerns about the economy, Obamacare and government surveillance
Can’t blame Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for that, BBC. Nor can you really place blame for any of it on Republican intransigence, no matter how hard you try. Democrats had complete control of Congress for the first two years, and they failed to pass a proper budget the entire time. On top of that, they made ObamaCare and lied about key aspects of it the whole time. Republicans didn’t build the website, didn’t write the law and its myriad crushing regulations, didn’t order the increase in spying on citizens. Nor did they want the Stimulus that didn’t work. Perhaps most importantly, the Republicans certainly didn’t create the insanely unreasonable expectations the Left-wing media placed on The Obamessiah (which even the world-class, professional journalists at the BBC swallowed whole).
The ironically-named Echo Chambers feature is fascinated by the new Pew poll showing people unhappy with the direction the country is heading (we’re unhappy with our weakened position. Who could have imagined, eh?), but I bet the BBC won’t dare address this one, unless it’s an attempt to spin it away.
surprise surprise … “A group that monitors attacks on Muslims said it was preparing for an upsurge of violence as a result of the moves being announced today by David Cameron”.
here we go again, nothing to do with Islam no … no
in fact a ahem “distinct ideology” http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/12/04/britain-islam-security-idINL5N0JI4FE20131204
Can we expect Mughal, and BBC fave (hate not hope dope)Nick Lowles, to grandstand on BBC 5live s Nikki Campo s show, over this?, how about on V Drearybyshire, i mean why not they ve done so before … how about joining the squawk on Newsnight?.
Meanwhile … while “everyone and his dog” falls over themselves, to be best at denial …
The MUSLIM killer of Lee Rigby, announces himself in court, by his ISLAMIC name, sits with a QURAN in front of him, and describes himself as a “soldier for ALLAH” !
Haul of makeshift knives discovered under PRAYER MATS in the MOSQUE at HMP Swaleside http://www.kentonline.co.uk/times_guardian/news/mosque-knives-9719/?
Pukefest on the 6 O’clock news about the actor portraying Nelson Mandela. nice plug by BBc for the film certainly Hell will freeze over before I’m watching this.. The actor went for the (you can bet money on it) He grew up with racism. Grief. Oh North West is on now Soldier quizzed over “SUSPECTED RIGHT WING LINKS”. Oh more jobs being lost in Warrington.
I just had the misfortune to catch the end of the bBBC ‘news’ at Six where they gave several minutes of airtime to some black actor to lecture us about what a diverse country England is. If only they got out of their urban ghettos to discover what England is really like, overwhelmingly rural, with towns and villages populated by white people with traditional cultures and values. That really would be news.
Heard an awful anti-Christian slur on the Christian religion laast might just before 10.00pm on Radio 2.
David Quantick and Unique Productions used the musical charting of Bob Dylans career to sneer, slur and dismiss Dylans religious experience/songs as akin to childrens Sunday School triteness, with a dash of effete Cliff/stupid Dubya on top.
Very offensive to any of us who heard “Slow Train Coming” etc -because I for one claim some of that eras songs of his as being instrumental in our own coming to Jesus Christ.
How come blasphemy at personal testimonies and music is allowed by the BBC…and(I note) possibly more on the radio than on the telly(bad though that is)?
Once Muslims twig that Isa and Jesus are the same…betcha then that the BBC will not allow Quantick his cheap shots at an artist(and his Saviour) who matters as much now today as ever.
First (and probably only) black fella my late grandmother at Wrotham ever saw was the American transport driver who crashed his lorry into her front room during the last war.
No, it’s quite true. One second: nice cosy cottage. Next second: Crash! Bricks flying, dust everywhere and an olive green truck plus startled driver there (“I thought it was Al Jolson come to tea”) instead of the wall.
Euphemism ? She’d have clouted you round the head for suggesting that (if she was in the mood to let you off lightly). 🙂
The BBC is failing to report properly that Obama’s poll ratings have fallen dramatically – up to a dozen recent polls are showing him at 40% approval or below, disapproval at about 55%.
Here’s a new twist – a majority of young Americans under 29 – a core vote for him – would agree to a recall – ie junk the bum ! – and only about 10% of those without health insurance definitely intend to register with ObamaCare – which would destroy the entire financial structure as they are the ones meant to be bled to support Obama’s welfare redistribution.
Plain fact is – Obama is now widely seen as totally incompetent – and a liar.
On our side of the pond, I have not heard the BBC telling us that immigration is actually INCREASING ! – and that other failure Cameron has openly admitted it could continue to get worse.
Regards the bBC love fest regards Tom Daley and his love for his fellow man. Funny how the bBC isn’t mentioning that the man in question is twice young Daleys age.
Tom Daley is 19
The man who is supporting him internally is 39 years of age.
I’m sorry, but isn’t there something paedophilic about all of this, makes you wonder why the bBC is promoting this story. It appears that the Mindset of : Saville,Hall and the rest of the bBC perverts is still fully entrenched at the bBC
Its obvious why the BBC is promoting this. Tom Daley is a role model and as far as they are concerned the more ethnic British males are homosexual the better!
You dont hear the same excitement about black or brown homosexuals, they are held up as models of alpha maleness, especially blacks – though why that is the preference I don’t know perhaps because they are more interested in *selling* the attraction of black partners to white women, certainly black men/white women are portrayed far more frequently than brown men /white women.
And so to bed. But sleep may not come until I stop laughing…
@AboutTheBBC: Danny Cohen, Dir. TV earlier this evening: “I’d like to call on everyone who believes in the BBC to get behind it” http://t.co/aU0eIxC6jW
Doesn’t someone at the BBC stop and think why people keep bashing the BBC? Don’t they understand that the grievance has a basis?
There should be a robust* analysis of the bias in BBC programmes and then the execs may understand what all the fuss is about.
* By which I mean an accepted set of criteria used to test bias that’s agreed by defenders/critics alike and not some whitewash report put together by a former employee of the corporation.
One of the early programmes on “The Golden Age of Islam” is about paper. To be fair, it said that paper had been invented by the Chinese, that this knowledge had travelled along the old Silk Road to Samarkand – and was then able to be spread around the lands of Islamic conquest. But how is this “Golden” about Islam – the clear inference was that it was Islam that had spread the benefits of paper and then printing around Europe.
But it was highly likely that it was TRADERS – not Islam – that spead the use of paper. Oh – and the traders could well have been Jewish, not Arab. Plus the invention of printing had nothing to do with Islam.
Also this week there was a history programme that mentioned the discovery of the technique of blowing molten glass. Developed in Syria decades before Christ – and then transmitted around the Roman world by traders. The accent was on how clever the new technique was – not on some mythical idea that we have the Roams to thank for glass.
I would far rather be given a factual series on the wonders of Chinese civilisation.
The series on Islam has 20 episodes – by different people. By episode 4, I am already hearing a lot of repetition. But then I suppose repetition is the essence of successful propaganda.
Baroness Warsi was episode 3. About a Persian imam who collected the hadiths – the sayings of Mohammed. She tried to paint a picture of a man who meticulously collected thousands of sayings, verifying each one. Slight problem – the imam was living long after Mohammed. Don’t kid me that people were writing down endless sayings day by day – if this was the pattern in an illiterate Arab society, how come we don’t have thousands of the sayings of, say, Emperor Augustus (or Justinian at the same time). Heck, there only a handful of primary – contemporary – accounts of Leonardo, who lived a long life. It is only by his works that we know him. How come we don’t have thousands of sayings from Henry VIII or other European kings ?
History does not work like that. The picture has to built by snippets. The idea that thousands of sayings of an obscure Arab were preserved is FALSE HISTORY. And the BBC is insulting our intelligence to present it in this way from lightweights like Warsi..
I was thinking ‘the thoughts of Chairman Mao’
Am old enough to remember the TV footage of those wild eyed, fanatical students waving those ‘little red books’ in the air
“sayings of an obscure Arab were preserved is FALSE HISTORY. And the BBC is insulting our intelligence to present it in this way from lightweights like Warsi”
Doesn t need Warsi though … the facts about Islam speak for themselves, deceit is prevalent both in scripture, and the way it is propagated today …
“One of the early programmes on “The Golden Age of Islam” is about paper. To be fair, it said that paper had been invented by the Chinese,”
True enough, but before paper there was papyrus (whence our word ‘paper’), in plentiful supply in Europe until for some reason the supply from Egypt was suddenly cut off in the 7th century. Some think that this was a direct result of the conquest of North Africa by ‘those men’, causing what are now called the Dark Ages.
Nor the fact that Greek and Persian knowledge was brought to Europe by Byzantine refugees or how much of that knowledge was lost in the pyre of their civilisation and who set it.
The Arabs had an oral tradition, but the number of men who knew the verses was dwindling because so many had died in Mohammed’s battles.
Caliph Abu Bakr collected tens of thousands of sayings together, and chose which to include in the official written version.
Of course this does seem an odd way for the creator of the universe to transmit his final and total solution to all our problems in written form to us. It said it can also only truely be understood in one language. Annd people will kill and die on one verse.
What I am saying is that people CLAIMED to have collected large numbers of sayings – long after the event. That is not in any way reliable history.
I could collect a few sayings by someone well-known – of decades or more ago. They might or might not be genuine. I could then embroider hundreds or thousands of further sayings which sounded right – but were pure invention.
It is only an absolutist fanatical religion like Islam that would trust the genuineness of all the hadiths – and stop any challenge or doubt..
Uthman, collected all available hadith/and Koran verses, choose those he liked and burned, yep that’s BURNED the rest
except the one s that got eaten by a goat
etc, etc, etc
“heyyyy! baby … 😀
what they been smoking”
I wonder how many of her recipes were written whilst she was out of her head?
O’h well, the BBC thought they made sense, that’s why they adapted her books to TV.
Have several Nigella cookbooks and like agree with friends who are excellent cooks – the recipes don’t work. Good for ideas but not the detail – maybe she was high when writing them.
I have yet to see any positive reasons from the viewpoint of our society for the BBC to have acquired their studio in Salford.
In total, the corporation spent £942million setting up a new northern base to help redress a perceived London-centric bias in its coverage, but has had to offer 900 staff an average of £28,000 each to persuade them to move.
We’ve also observed a myriad other expenses involved in this move and maintaining their presence there, including paying staff a total of £24million in allowances following the move to Salford.
Now we learn that they have spent a total of £1.3 Million in flights between there and London since they opened just over 2 years ago.
Funny how they don’t see the increase of carbon emissions as a result of all this travelling. But we already know just how hypocritical the BBC is so it’s hardly surprising they don’t see how just this reveals their real mindset. A complete waste of licence fee payers money just to expand BBC territory.
A spokesman for BBC Procurement said: ‘Spend on flights is subject to rigorous scrutiny and staff are encouraged to use alternatives to travel such as video conferencing wherever possible, but when travel is necessary staff should use the lowest cost of travel and fare.’
‘The BBC is a national broadcaster and travel is an integral part of our core spend in bringing high quality programmes to our viewers (and) much of these costs will have been programme related.
High quality programmes? 🙄
Must be talking about the repeats from the 70s and 80s.
Would be good news if it wasn’t for the fact he will probably end up back at the BBC .They probably cant see anything wrong with what he said ,in the same way they didn’t have a problem with ‘dancing on Thatcher’s grave’
Indeed. The Bacon blot on the landscape once actually encouraged his listeners to check out a guest’s comedy routine about Palin’s private parts and her developmentally disabled child. Oh, how they laughed. And oh, how defenders of the indefensible defended him for it a few days later.
The Beeboids are probably aghast at MSNBC’s cowardice.
Worth remembering how Palin and her family have responded to these viscious insults with dignity. But I did like the response Chuck Heath, Sarah Palin’s brother, wrote in reply to Cher’s wish for Palin’s death. It went like this. ‘Sorry you had to say such unpleasant things about my little sister. She has never said anything bad about you. And our grandmother was one of your fans’.
Cher?? lol when she last haunted Kop of the feels BBC pop show they had to use so much Vaseline on the lens to hide the cracks and P-40 repairs on the old battleship that the whole BBC children’s department went with out for 2 days !
And yet when a ‘edgy ‘ joke was put on this site regarding an accident up north! some of the pro BBC shrills ran in with condemnation faster then the BBC could set up photo ops for Alex and every Labour MP for 50 miles ?
Don`t see why Matt.
As Declan McManus sang “Accidents will Happen”…and half the do-gooding red wedgies were happy enough to sing along with “Shitbuilding”…and job done as far as specky Decky would say (swallowed a few dictionaries as well as a few sherbets…owszat?
As it `appens(and you know how to pronounce this, as Chris Evans still shows us when he`s being brave!)…the Concorde crash of 2000, the EC135 pub Plumbing in Glasgow are two indicators of something-the EU can make nothing that`ll last apart from a Byte Caliphate Deutche….Hello Mr A!
Is it me ? because most of the time I can’t understand a bl@@dy word you are on about, and I believe i have a fairly good command of the English language.
No, it is not just you. But being a wizard at cryptic crosswords helps a lot when reading chrisH’s posts. 😎
Some are very funny indeed when you get to understand what he/she is banging on about!
If, in a 1000 years time, there was no evidence regarding our existence except the BBC website archive, then any historians reviewing its stories to get an idea of the UK would come to the following conclusions –
1) The UK had a roughly 45% muslims population, all of whom were admired for their vibrant, enriching, vibrancy, and were the most peaceful people in existence.
2) roughly 25% of the population was homosexual.
3) the state religions was a cult which worshiped “diversity” and seemed to place a persons worth in the level of melatonin in their skin. Lack of melatonin was frowned upon and described as hideous.
4) A people labeled as the “immigrants” appeared to arrive constantly and conducted something called “notting hill carnivals” were they threw taxes at the local population whilst being vibrant and diverse, these people strangely appeared have no effect on the resident population, and appeared to merely disappear after their vibrant enriching.
5) Roughly 30% of the population were atheists who wore skinny trousers, black rimmed glasses, beards, wholly hats in every temperature and were members of this “diversity” cult.
6) There was a sub human section, whom appeared to believe in personal freedom and equality of all, called “right wing”. These people appeared to be a very very small section of the population, who were “racist”, “xenophobic” and “bigoted”.
7) The greatest threats to this “Uber society” was an entity called ” The Daily Mail”.
8) This “uber society” appears to have come under repeated attacks from the “right wing” racists in the form of attacks on their “public spending” and “energy prices”
9) There appears to have been another cult which believed that the earth would warm until they all boiled to death if they did not renounce an evil called “capitalism”. They appear to have been successful as the earth began to cool.
Another point of view might have been seen from the Mass Observation program archived in Sussex university which I wrote for in the early 80’s . The problem is the people who gave their views were recruited from the Guardian newspaper and the BBC!
How the bBC way of reporting any story results in the story not getting reported due to its ethical ideology of not disparaging any despot, villain or crooked person,faith or country. bBC version of power cuts in Venezula Venezuela’s power cut was ‘sabotage’ – President Maduro
The former promotes pure speculation as fact and in the way of the bBC muddies the waters regards the real reason, a lack of investment by the present Socialist Government for over 15 years. The latter is short and sweet, explains exactly what you need to know in which to allow the reader to make his/her own mind up.
There lies the reason why people no longer trust the bBC for its news.
The bBC, no longer fit for purpose and only good for grooming little boys and girls
The BBC’s version of the news story is incredibly one-sided and as such lends a lot of credence to the claims of the President i.e. that the blackouts were caused by right-wing saboteurs.
Climate Change coming to you? Heads up, but there could well be an *event* taking place over the next 24 hours which will give all those supporting the idea of *Climate Change* more gun powder. We have a low pressure area running south down the North Sea/East Coast and with it a tidal surge increasing in height as it heads towards the Dover narrows. Nothing new in this but just listen out for the attempts to link it with Climate Change…for some.. a Perfect Storm!
But this was in a post war period of cooling – you know, when by the late 70s they thought we were rapidly heading for another ice age, since when temperature records have been fiddled to satisfy the ‘warming since 1850’ mantra of the eco-alarmists, so in fact the ’53 storms occurred during a period of warming. Gorrit?
I note all interesting documentaries , mainly for men on Al bbc, are narrated by wimmin nowadays , a case in point ,”The Silent War ” on BBC 2 . Bring back Martin Jarvis or any narrator with gravitas !
… women are guaranteed 50% of all news slots. Now that is a problem cos the sort of people who make the news and are experts (for commentary) are of course of the non-female variety. So Newsnight gets filled up with startled looking ladies.
As for the fact that it is men who watch/listen to documentaries/news services that clearly is because of the way women are brought up. So women are put in charge of documentaries and search for ‘the human side’ of events. Ah, (mops away a tear) shame about the changes at Horizon, Newsnight, News 24 ….
BBC4 had (for once) quite a good documentary about shipwrecks around the British coastline on last night ( I think it was a repeat from Monday night). It mentioned a storm in the 1730s which had wind speeds of 140 m.p.h. which destroyed many ships with the loss of 2,000 men on the Goodwin Sands. So it shows there’s nothing new in this kind of weather.
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
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JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
I see the bBC has another pro-Roma article today, but this time about how intolerant the Swedes are.
Roma register
“News of a secret police register in Sweden containing the names of 4,000 people, most of them Roma, has tarnished the Swedish reputation for tolerance and resulted in anti-Roma prejudice being described as the last “acceptable racism” in the country.
Bloody Hell is there anybody in Europe who likes Roma people?
Tell you what, its a good job Saint Assande didn’t return to Sweden isn’t it, I mean what a right bunch of evil bastards, Mind you I can’t understand why he came to even more bigoted Great Britain?
What beats me is that anyone would wish to move to such evil nasty countries in the first place.
Surely these folk would be welcomed in some benevolent sandpit society?
Young trendies are adopting The Roma on the basis of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”. The more these begging and stealing vermin are rightly reviled, the more the Left will (claim to) love them. Was it ever thus, the Left have found a new victim to idolise – and wave two fingers at The Daily Mail. Expect accusations of ” racism” as routine from NGO’s charities and Lefty Hypocrites.
The bBC reports on British plans to tackle extremism
Theresa May to outline anti-extremism plans
Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, currently on trial at the Old Bailey, deny murdering Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, on 22 May.
Mohammed Saleem was stabbed to death in Small Heath, Birmingham, on 29 April, just yards from his home after attending prayers at his local mosque.
Ukrainian student Pavlo Lapshyn was jailed for at least 40 years for murdering 82-year-old Mr Saleem and plotting explosions near mosques.
If I didn’t follow the news, I would garner from the above that the new measure is there to protect Muslims from nasty foaming at the mouth white bigots.
That’s BBC’s idea of balance or something?
Meanwhile, the BBC spots some anti EU propaganda and wades in to give support to Sh#t and P#ss.
Totally bizarre ,what a great career break for any aspiring young actor , dressed as a turd on a kids TV show .
Even the BBC would be stretched to follow that !
“Mr Cameron said: “This summer we saw events that shocked the nation with the horrific killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich and murder of Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham.”
So the BBC is just adding a bit more information at the bottom of the story about the two cases mentioned by the PM. So your “point” is the Prime Minister is biased?
David Cameron’s position is perfectly clear, and it IS biased.
It’s a view which declares ‘ it’s nothing to do with islam’ when it quite clearly IS!
If that aint bias nothing is.
Cameron is only PM because it’s a stepping stone to more lucrative positions. He has seen the earnings of Tony BLiar and wants some of that. The PM salary is atrociously low, three evenings speaking engagements would pay more and there’s nothing like the stress involved in doing them.
Until we pay the person with prima facie the most important job in the country a salary commensurate with what is required we will continue to get the calibre of politician we currently have.
As for the MPs – well I wouldn’t want to do the job for what they’re paid !
they could always do it out of yerno a sense of civic duty.
‘I wouldn’t want to do the job’
Me either.
Wasn’t there once a quote along the lines of ‘the best person for this job is the one least likely to apply?’.
Who in their right mind would go near it with a bargepole, even if the dosh picks up a bit once bailing?
Near universally derided in post, then a target the rest of your life afterwards.
Zero real power to effect any sensible change and a media estate (lead by the BBC if not on the right team) actively messing with anything simply because they can.
And you really need to be several kinds of selfish, or legacy obses… deluded.
I was asked to be a town councillor.
Beyond being zero reward for epic amounts of frustration and grief, I turned it town principally because of how it would affect the family.
I’ll take a lot a of flak for what I think is right, but not if the pond dwellers start sniffing for other weak points.
It’s like a political mash-up of Catch-22 & Groucho Marx, where to want the job they need to be bonkers, but to get it everyone has to be somehow convinced they’re not.
Best the country can hope for is the least loopy of the freak shows gunning for the slot (You walk into a party room and see Cameron, Miliband, Clegg, Farage and the Princesque symbol that represents the Greens already there. Continue on in or run a mile?) may stumble across an actual policy, an actual spine and an actual chance to DO something worthwhile FOR the country without an entire Staffel of anti-media on station to ensure anything gets shot down before it gets off the ground.
Pay them 12k pa, mere pocket money.
And hang those that take bribes.
The only way to ensure we get people who are interested in the well being of their country and fellow man, not those who want to line their own pockets.
Then you will only get those like Cameron and BLiar whose only motivation for taking the job is to use the past position as a stepping stone to more lucrative positions.
I’d like to see you live in London and run two homes on £12K pa even with the now more restrictive expenses !
All you will have is what we’re moving to now government by posh rich boys! Perhaps you like the idea ? Perhaps you’re a rich posh boy yourself?
Yes, quite, why don’t we go back to a situation where an enormous property ownership threshold is seen as a requirement too.
Something like a huge country estate, or several billions in the bank?
What about bringing back the rotten boroughs like Old Sarum.
Oh hang on, didnt that one get Baldrick elected to it?
Methinks the irony and sarc within this post was too well hidden lol.
A typical treacherous left wing exercise in equalisation between two totally unrelated events spouted by that foul piece of filth masquerading as the British PM happily repeated verbatim by the BBC at every opportunity.
Dhimmi Dave made sure unelected Warsi was on the new task force.
Looks like muslims are going to get even more £ taxpayers thrown at them.
The PM certainly seems unconcerned about any threat to the British Jewish community. His only concern seems to be attacks on the British Muslim community. Couldn’t have anything to do with overseas trade could it?
It’s not about overseas trade, it’s the liberal fascists at work.
Cameron is just a PR man. That is a PR statement. I find it typical of him.
Two terrible events. In no way the same and should not be used to demonstrate anything. It insults us and all the people affected. Linking them is lazy and smacks of what the man is good at- PR.
Adorable wrote:
“So the BBC is just adding a bit more information at the bottom of the story about the two cases mentioned by the PM. So your “point” is the Prime Minister is biased? “
You make a valid point, but pray tell when has the bBC ever inserted anything of balance when the nasty piece of work is….A Muslim.
Why, only last week with plenty of evidence of corruption within the Pakistani community, regards the comments made by Dominic Grieve the bBC went out of its way to defend..Pakistani corruption.
When Islamic gangs were caught on camera attacking gays in East London, the bBC trotted out Peter Tatchel to condemn the EDL.
So to say that the bBC are only reporting what the PM has said, is someting of Non sequitur as that so called balance isn’t furnished to the reader when those in the spotlight are….Muslims.
Which is why so many people come on these boards to expose bBC bias.
Wow. Just wow.
Mohammed Saleem? Who’s he then?
It’ll be interesting to find out the name of the 19 year old soldier arrested in Germany this morning, re the nail bomb found in Salford, (if we ever do)
I note a 20 year old was also arrested in possession of abusive images in relation to the same incident.
So I can just imagine the scene when the BBC science news team found a piece of work on differences between men’s and women’s brains:
Now this is not a new idea, these differences, and more, have actually been known about for decades. But – more importantly – the study doesn’t fit very well with the boilerplate feminist argument that gender differences are mostly caused by “social conditioning” & what we’re taught as children.
So out the Beeb science team go, to find a psychologist who’s willing to make a statement to the effect that “[brain] connections can change throughout life, in response to experience and learning”
By doing so, the BBC are hinting (but not saying outright) that rather major differences in brain structure between the sexes might be caused by gender norms & probably patriarchy. Not by biology or anything.
More from the BBC Gender Studies department as and when we find it 🙂
Here is the definitive video explaining the difference between mens’ and womens’ brains. Highly recommended viewing – full of amazing facts to impress your mates with down at the pub!
Newsnight last night and a useless debate( Paxman looks as though he has had enough) on our education failings.
I was amused to see one of the idiots comparing us with Sweden. .Apparently this benighted land is actually below us or something.
Anybody got an idea why?
The first European nation in history to voluntarily vote for it’s own extinction. And we are being compared with it.
Tells us something does it not?
Liberals do not do reality.
They are comparing us with Sweden because that is where a lot of Tory educational ideology comes from.
The idea of ‘free schools’ and teachers without qualifications is Swedish. The point being that Sweden has slipped in the tables gives the NUT cause enough to blame everything the Tories are doing on the Swedish model.
Does anyone know how to access historical viewing figures? I am sure that Newsnight’s went downhill after the Savile business but I would be interested to know the impact of Ian Katz’ editorship. I would imagine that the trend is still downwards.
‘I would imagine that the trend is still downwards.’
Yes, downwards, let’s call it that. The ‘ole Newsnight slipway seems more of a faucet flush. I’d post the end scene from ‘The Mask’, but let’s mix a metaphor or two…
But as guido fawkes pointed out – who of course does a far better job of this sort of thing than the entire Droid Army of 22,000 – the ‘certificate’ that makes you ‘a qualified teacher’ in the eyes of the NUT takes something like 20ish days of your time to complete.
I imagine 20ish days of the bleeding obvious, the outright rubbish, and the achingly political correct-ness.
I did an infill term of ‘Education’ at the U, and surprise surprise it was the worst syllabus and the worst teachers in the whole place.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
‘sLatin inni.
The BBC/NUT/whatever make much of the freedom of Free Schools to recruit “unqualified” teachers, disingenuously implying that these schools will be putting complete morons in front of kids, probably to save money.
These schools are not stupid (with the rare exception). They know who can teach, and the absence of a useless, trendy, PC qualification is seen as an advantage.
About 15 years ago I took the ‘Adult Teaching Certificate’ course. It took two years of one evening a week.
I could have learned it all in two evenings.
I had something else in mind. The clue is in the word “extinction”
An excerpt from the BBC 6o’clock News showed Labour castigating Grove and blaming our failing education system on Free Schools and citing the decline in Swedish schools, due Ed Balls claimed also to Free schools.
In fact the decline is due to mass immigration, in Malmo for example the clever hardworking Jews have been driven out by Muslim migrants, this is an increasing pattern across the country; how ironic that Sweden gave shelter to displaced Jews fleeing Nazism, but cannot defend these long established citizens from hateful Muslims.
What a surprise that neither Balls nor the BBC even made reference to this
Finland, the European country held up as the example of how education should work, is suffering a similar fate. with migrants ignoring the Finnish way of education and demanding their own culture practices are adhered to.
I am thankful to the BBC for this information, being the first part of a two part programme on education. Finland, the Far East, Westminster School and Harvard all featured and there was no hint of bias
The BBC news website coverage of the Guardian and Rusbridger at the select committee yesterday is……nothing, nil, zip, zero, zilch, sod all. Quelle surprise.
Maybe they don’t want to give anything away to aid possible enemies?
Now it’s turned out that the nail bomb in Salford was in the house of a British soldier the Biased broadcaster feels it’s safe to report it.
apparently the Police found ‘inflammatory literature’ of an extreme right wing nature. This has not been reported elsewhere including local press, but the BBC must have been wetting themselves over the news.
Well that can’t be right. According to Pounce it’s always the Muslims.
Show me where Pounce says that all terrorist attacks are always by Muslims. I would not want to accuse you of being a liar. Where did he say that?
Expect a BBC programme on right wing extremism in the Army. Don’t expect one on Islamic extremism in moques.
As Thoughtful says on this story. The BBc were all over this on North West this morning. “The BBC understands he has been questioned about suspected links to right-wing extremism”
How has the BBc learned this? How come the BBc never “learns” what questions are asked when it comes to “men” accused of this type of thing.
Quote BBC News Website
-Police also recovered “several items of literature which could be viewed by some as potentially inflammatory”-
I guess we know who these “some” are ….
The thing is if it were the other way around, such a story wouldn’t find its way to the BBC news website …
The whole point is that the story didn’t make it onto the BBC news webshite until it was clear that the usual suspects weren’t involved.
‘How has the BBc learned this?’
As with their variable levels of ‘understanding’ based on how much they like a topic (or not), the BBC ‘learning curve’ is an interesting one.
One most negative issues the 0 point on the ‘X’ axis of BBC cover will be at the extreme left, but as things get further out from there the watertight oversight erodes away quickly until it’s the only game in town, requiring Stuart Hughes to start a camp… write a ‘report’ and the entire BBC twitter estate called to action.
Ain’t democracy a nice theory, even without a £4Bpa propaganda megaphone skewing everything.
Make up shite to suit their own agenda and describe it as ‘sources’
Richard Bacon ‘interviews’ James Delingpole.
Contrast the huffy, excitable, biased, uninformed, mantra-spewing BBC warmist Bacon with the calm and measured Delingpole – a man on top of his brief. The BBC should be thoroughly embarrassed by this performance from Bacon, but then again in a corporation stuffed with shameless, witless, science-shy, uneducated warmists, why should they be?
The Bacon – demolished! Shown up for the ignorant fanatic he is.
This is old, has been posted here before, but it’s entertaining nevertheless. I’d forgotten that the Bacon chimp tried to suggest that the Medieval Warming period is a hoax.
So what if its old, its fresh uptodate in demolishing the crafted lies of the Green-hugging establishment
Bravo Delingpole and tee hee Richard Bacon demolished. -Who pays your salary won’t be very happy with your “I know nothing” performance – oh dear, us… A useful reminder why the BBC is evil and must be destroyed.
I hadn’t heard it before so thanks
It reminded me of why I stopped listening to Radio 5 , after very many years. once that started employing ( for services only apparently) complete dolts like Bacon and Nolan
David Prieser on Bacon. “The Bacon Chimp.”
love it !!!!!!!!
BBC journalists are certain about something, but they are reluctant to share this secret knowledge with atmospheric physicists in a live TV debate.
But a tornado or a hurricane can increase certainty in the brain of a BBC journalist, even if they are completely ignorant about the core scientific issues about the atmospheric physics of carbon dioxide warming.
I wonder what they think about CO2 absorption being assumed to be retransmitted into infra-red, maybe, this is the catastrophic and fatal scientific error at the core of Climate science, seeing that feedback can no longer fill the gap, due to feedback being negative, or have they come to the conclusion that thermodynamics proves that all that IPCC science is old fashioned Victorian bullshit.
I wonder what will happen to the brain of a BBC journalist, when global temperatures fall? Will they accuse us of denying the secret knowledge that is causing reality to disintegrate.
Yes, I guess the BBC will eventually accuse its viewers of being “Reality Deniers”
British political class (from Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi, via Miliband, to INBBC) is in denial about the violent nature of tenets, history and contemporary Islam; so, our political class re-packages Islam, and defines it as a ‘religion of peace,’ despite the global evidence!
Note how in the following INBBC’s ‘report,’ there is not a single use of the word ‘ISLAM.’
(Are these INBBC ‘reports’ written by INBBC Muslim staff, or simply by Islamic sympathisers?)-
“Theresa May to outline anti-extremism plans”
‘Jihad Watch’:-
– (whose editor, and Islamic jihad opponent, Robert Spencer, the U.K government has banned and the U.K media, inc INBBC, doesn’t care about)-
“UK will classify ‘Islamist extremism’ as distinct ideology”
-Opening excerpt]-
“They’re emphasizing that it has nothing to do with genuine Islam. How they will explain why ‘Islamist extremists’ move freely among authentic Muslims without being rebuked, repudiated, rejected or reported remains to be seen. And how far they will get in tackling this ideology while maintaining the falsehood that there is no justification in Islam for it is unclear. It would be more truthful for them to be honest about its Islamic derivation and challenge the Muslim community in the UK to reform and to work with law enforcement, but truth is at a premium in the UK these days.
“Will those in the UK who have spoken more or less honestly about how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism now be fined? Imprisoned? Expelled from the country?”
I see the bBC is on a mission to change the Union Jack, here is the picture of the new Union flag they lead their article with:

As you can see , rather than conduct a honest transparent discussion, the bBC starts by presenting something which will rejected by anybody with a grasp of decency, which allows them in turn to play the racist card and allow them to interview lots of non british people what they think. But here’s a point the leftwing tossers at the bBC haven’t bothered thinking about.
Who says we have to change the flag?
“What would the union jack look like if the Scottish bit was removed?”
I did wonder why there was no link to this BBC “mission to change the Union Jack”.
Having read the article it becomes clear that any reasonable person reading the article would wonder how Pounce came up with his conclusion that it allows the BBC ” to play the racist card and allow them to interview lots of non british (sic) people what they think. “
Alba my child, do you think you could ever construct a comment without using the word ” waaycist ” in it ?
Did you not notice I was quoting Pounce?
Why do you think it is necessary to use the word “waaycist”?
Is it an attempt at humour or do you have a “wisp”?.
Hey Albaman,
I’ll bet you that this will be opened up for discussion on the all new bBC. Oh hang on what’s this at the bottom of the article:
“How might you redesign the union jack? Send any designs to yourpics@bbc.co.uk with the subject line “flag””
I think you are a really nice man and I wish you and your family all the best for wintermass.
Alba my child, you failed to answer the question, was it too difficult for you ? a simple yes or no will suffice.
Albaman NEVER answers questions directed at him!
Certainly was a simple question and I did answer it – are you unable to read?
Albaman says:
December 4, 2013 at 12:45 pm
Did you not notice I was quoting Pounce?
Albaman, you NEVER answer the important questions. The other day you severely criticised some contributors to this site who made some light-hearted comments about the police helicopter falling onto the pub in Glasgow. Someone asked if you were so critical of the celebrations and grave dancing of leftists when Maggie Thatcher died. You said you didn’t agree with the behaviour of the grave dancers. I then asked you if you felt so aggrieved as to register your complaints with the websites of the grave dancing leftists and Labour politicians in the way you displayed your outrage on this site. I also asked for evidence and links if you did. ANSWER CAME THERE NONE! You always seem to disappear when the difficult questions are asked of you.
Stop and think about what you are saying
Did Pounce and 34 others actually read the article!?
Obviously not but no doubt they will read this one and comment accordingly.
I am surprised that GeorgeR has not yet provided the link!!
Yes we did thank you
As ponce states the article is headed by the picture show and the paragraph below says
“Scotland’s referendum on independence is now just over 10 months away, but the question of what might happen to the union jack has been largely overlooked. An association of flag experts, or vexillologists, has created a set of designs it hopes will encourage a discussion.”
As pounce says In his final sentence
“Who says we have to change the flag? ”
Clearly it’s an issue for the BBC if no one else ,their motivation is a matter of debate-by your leave.
If England is such a dangerous, unsafe and unwelcoming place for mass immigration, can we dump them in Scotland if we pay Scotland to build a few Glasgow sized cities in the wilderness of the highlands?
It would prove that Scotland is no longer a hideously white, nationalist, socialist and therefore nasty country north of England?
Why would we not just revert to the pre union flag. Or God forbid, the Bbc would hate this. Just have the St George cross or the white Dragon flag http://whitedragonflagofengland.com/
For us English.
The Dragon will do for me.
Nasty white dragon. Boo.
Should be a rainbow dragon.
With tits.
And maybe in a wheelchair.
So as to symbolise our wondrous, inclusive society, oh-so self satisifed society of the twatterati.
Oh, and with it’s head inserted into its own arse also, further to symbolise the above.
So, to summarise: rainbow, titty dragon, in a wheelchair, head up own fundament. Maybe wearing a onesie.
I theng yew.
“Should be a rainbow dragon.
With tits.”
Jo Brand? No thanks!
The Flag of St George works for me, not least (but not only) because its crusader origins give the Saracens in our midst and their dhimmi suckups conniptions.
I favour king Harold’s ‘fighting man’ banner
(sew by his mothers own hand) thought to be based on the Cerne Abbas Giant,
Perhaps Harry Beck style schematic ,white on a red background. Or better still black in a white circle on a red field.
Would that work for the BBC do you think?
Would the fighting man be wearing a biker cap and vinyl hot pants ? If so, then yes.
Last I recall, the deal seemed to be something around ‘red, white & blue’.
Removing the Scottish bit would indeed see a reduction in blue and white (sort of a ‘and hold the Saltire’), but darned if I know quite where the yellow & black bits got substituted in precedence.
One can see how it may appeal to some in the EU and its propaganda outlet in the UK.
Maybe as the UK is not the one leaving anything we’ll just stay as is?
And there can be a new one developed to suit the new land created.
Can just see ‘Flower of Scotland’ being sung with passion and gusto under than one.
Deep fried
We don’t have to change the flag. It will be up to Scots to ensure their national flag is unique (it already is). I matters not one iota that there is a saltire in the union flag as the other design elements make it unique.
Some idiotic remarks made in the BBC piece:
No, the UK flag doesn’t have to reflect anything other Commonwealth countries’ flags include.
See answer to 1) above. This is the BBC’s multiculturalist gene in overdrive. Sad really.
No it won’t. Because it’s not going to happen. It’s a brilliant brand. The union flag is one of the most recognisable flags in the world.
No it should stay the same because most people are brave enough to stand up to nonsensical multicultural BS peddled by people like you.
There is no need to change it: it is in origin a royal banner reflecting the union of the crowns, not the union of parliaments, and they intend, on independence, to retain Her Majesty and her successors as sovereign.
I’m curious about this note to the side of the article:
BBC house style on union jack
“Union jack, lower case, is the term we use for the UK flag formed by combining the crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick. (The proper term, “union flag”, carries potential for confusion – especially in the context of EU stories). However, where there are local political sensitivities, as in Northern Ireland, union flag is acceptable. “
Must be a different BBC, ‘my BBC’ seems to use ‘union flag’ all the time.
I put it down to their QI-mentality – everything you thought you knew is wrong. Does their apparent reversion to the term we always used (union jack) reflect something we don’t know about yet, i.e. the ‘potential confusion’ with the our new (BBC preferred) national flag, the twelve golden stars on a blue field?
A jack is a flag and a flag is a jack. WTF are they on about?
Perhaps they are confusing jack with the name Jack and think that’s not inclusive enough?
Again the chance to rubbish or destroy anything British and the BBC is there
Just to calm BBC nerves: the flag of the Czech Republic is identical to that of former Czechoslovakia despite being free of Slovakia.
The Scottish National Socialist Party already changed the saltire to that lighter blue shade – I was always brought up that the blue was dark navy blue and represented Scotland in the Union flag. I do not recognize the pale blue variant that the lefties have adopted – I always opt for the lion rampant as this seems to upset the Natzis somewhat.
The use of the Royal Standard of Scotland would appear to be restricted to HM and her representatives.
“The Scottish National Socialist Party already changed the saltire to that lighter blue shade – I was always brought up that the blue was dark navy blue and represented Scotland in the Union flag.”
So many likes for an act of fiction!!!
Not fiction you twat -show me a union jack with that shitey pale blue in it? Like all lefties some crap survey or idiot comment gets taken as gospel when it suits.
Go back and read the article I cited. The colour change has nothing to do with Jims’ fictitious “Scottish National Socialist Party” or the SNP for that matter.
You can tell when facts inconvenience “righties” as that is when they resort to personal insults.
Er. how a work of fiction ?
The article you linked confirms that the present colour was adopted by Scottish parliament in 2003 and from the article it would seem that the SNP drove the debate
“Gil Paterson, the SNP MSP, said: ”There are 300 colours described as azure from almost black to almost white. ”The logo of the Scottish Parliament, in a shade of purple, has 13 pages of rulings prescribed about it, yet the national flag has no colour laid down.”
Perhas you didn’t read
Simply because in 2003 the Scottish Government, following the 1999 election, was a Labour/LibDem Coalition.
As the article states: “…….. the MSPs in making their recommendation stressed their view was purely advisory and not binding. ”We should not try to restrict the flags that are flown at football or rugby matches, but there is a suggested colour, Pantone 300, and we should accept that is the correct colour,”
Perhaps it was you who didn’t read the whole article!
Yes I did and it clearly indicates that the ‘recommendation’ was made a the behest of the Socialist Nationalist (and Scottish workers) Party
So rant all you want but while Alan Larocka’s interiptation of events might not be to your liking it is not a work of fiction.
Is it really that difficult to understand Stewart?
“The recommendation came after a short debate yesterday on a subject which has been shuttling between Holyrood committees, the Scottish Executive and other official bodies for nearly three years. The decision, which still has to be confirmed by Jim Wallace, the justice minister,would be a personal triumph for George Reid, a retired accountant and serial petitioner of the Scottish Parliament. From the earliest days of the parliament, Mr Reid has pushed for an official colour to be laid down for the saltire – not to ban flags of other hues, but to give guidance for those who wanted to know the correct shade.”
Is so difficult to say while I disagree with Alan Larocka’s interpretation of the facts (an official colour ,lighter in tone was adopted by the Scottish parliament and it would appear the SNP were pushing for it) his post was not a work of fiction ?
PS I’m assuming that the Scottish parliament and the SNP use that ‘recommended’ hue ,don’t they?
The current Scottish Government do use that colour – then again they used it when it was a Labour led Coalition as it was a Labour led Coalition Government that recommended it.
Yes I understand
The recommendation was accepted under a coalition parliament , a fair enough point, and all you needed to say.
But that doesn’t alter the fact that a lighter hue was adopted or the implication, from the article that you posted, that the SNP were pressing for it.
Unless of course your implying that the nationalists were in favour of recommending the blue used in the union flag
The way things are going:-
Isn’t this the BBC nailing its pro-German, and therefore pro-European, colours to the mast (with a touch of – ahem – pink, of course)?
The BBC only became pro german when they were transformed into EU politically correct bedwetters
Looking at the article about proposed anti terrorist policy the BBc tack this on the end:
Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, currently on trial at the Old Bailey, deny murdering Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, on 22 May.
Mohammed Saleem was stabbed to death in Small Heath, Birmingham, on 29 April, just yards from his home after attending prayers at his local mosque.
Ukrainian student Pavlo Lapshyn was jailed for at least 40 years for murdering 82-year-old Mr Saleem and plotting explosions near mosques
Hmm something missing? Well a fair bit forgotten 7/7/2005 have we? ” 52 civilians were killed and over 700 more were injured in the United Kingdom’s first suicide attacks”. Must have just slipped their minds. Dear BBc some of us have very long memories.
Diane Abbott has said Britain was always multicultural since Babylon times, no shit !!
Well, where do you start ? it’s amazing what you learn from this ‘sage’, isn’t it ? who knew, for example, that 12th century England was like Rio at Carnival time ? brimming with diversity, the British Isles was one big Ellis Island, full of refugees, that’s the marxist narrative.
The reality of Britain in the 1950s, no diversity.
Is this revelation based on the output of the BBc historical drama department. I swear I’ve seen a program (might not have been the Bbc) where there was a coloured Viking.
There was a black photographer in The Paradise on Sunday night. Programme set in the 1875. It was all very PC, no one commented on his colour, he was a great scientist apparently and got to kiss a white girl. The kiss didn’t bother me but I just wonder if there were any society snappers at that time who were of colour? Or is it just more selective, PC, rewrite of history casting. That bothers me.
John Archer was the first person of African descent to hold civic office in London. He was also the first British black person to represent his country at an international conference abroad, and the first black person to become an election agent for a constituency Labour Party.
He was born on the 8th June 1863, in Liverpool. His father, Richard, was a ship’s steward from Barbados, and his mother Mary Theresa, was Irish. Almost nothing is known of his early life. He was in his late 20s when he and his wife, a black Canadian, set up home at 55 Brynmaer Road, at the south end of Battersea Park. Archer earned his living as a photographer, with a studio in Battersea Park Road; he appears to have been successful as a photographer, for his work won many prizes.
Thanks for making that clear. The Paradise is in Leeds apparently.
The BBc history rewritten before your very eyes.Even events in my lifetime have been “revised”. I often sit in my chair in my smoking jacket commenting to my partner “It wasn’t f*****g like that then!”
No No. The reality is as the liberal says.
South Molton, Bridport, Southwold, Scunthorpe , Midhurst -they were all full of diversity . Just go and check the histories.
Then repeat after me. There is no such people as the English. Everybody else in the world has a nationality but the English do not deserve one.
Nasty horrible people.
When you truly believe this then you are ready to join the liberal elite.
A correction. It’s not just the English who don’t deserve a nationality – Israelis don’t deserve one either.
That’s clearly what its about.
De-legitimise a peoples ethnic identity, make them non-people, then no crime is committed when they are annihilated
‘The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ’….says Abbott.
Wrong wrong wrong.
1. Roman invasion 43 AD (not BC) Lol
2. Centurions were exclusively Italian until the third century. Thereafter defence was organised locally..with local recruitment.
Stupid, dumb ox. She is probably confusing centurions with gladiators. There were, probably, some black gladiators that came to Britain, but they were just slaves. If she’s harking back to a golden time of a Roman, multicultural Britain then she’s enthusing about slaves.
In the second century AD (Hadrian) the citizen population was 3% of the total population of the province of Britannia. The population was therefore 97% Celto-Germanic.
There was no large-scale multiculturalism…as evidenced by the pick-up of pre-Roman ceramics and decorative style after the ‘withdrawal’ of the legions. It was, it has been said, as if Rome (apart from the decaying buildings) had never been there. The latin language never took root. It vanished.
No relics of anything remotely ‘exotic’ in the archaeology at all.
“Stupid, dumb ox.”
Offensive to oxen. That aside, so funny I nearly let a bit of wee seep out.
Don’t forget that the emperor Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus who was allegedly black (take a look at the statues see what you think!) Moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to York, where worship of the Egyptian deities took place and where he died.
The Roman Empire encompassed North Africa around the Med, but the deserts prevented them going into central Africa where the real black people are from. They might have had experience of Nubians or Ethiopia but it is unlikely they were numerous.
It seems more likely that yet again the people they are describing as ‘black’ were in fact the Moors who might be different to Europeans, but are certainly not Negros.
In a world where some nutters can claim that the Black Prince was so named because his mother had a touch of the tarbrush in her*, anything’s possible.
* She didn’t. But that didn’t stop her being voted fifth in the Beeb’s Great Black Britons poll. Who needs facts when you’ve go an angenda to push, eh?
(Sorry for typos, I’ve been in the pub and I’ve got an arthritic finger.)
Edit button, stat!!!
Good grief. Our fine education system strikes once again.
Watch out Togo ! We’re headed your way.
The wretched BBC has form galore on distorting history. I commented some time ago on this, eliciting a response from some idiot wonk who said, ‘ it does not matter’. In question, was the recent drama for children of Henry V, in which they portrayed the ‘white’ Duke of York, one Edward of Langley, who died at Agincourt, as a black man! This was a monstrous attempt to brainwash kids into taking in all the multi-culti hogwash the BBC spouts. This kind of insidious portrayal of history is rampant amongst the trendy morons at the corporation.
This quote echoes Abbott’s own prejudices. The Normans were more Nordic than French. After the Roman invasion Britain saw an influx of tribes from North Germany. Along with Vikings prior to the Norman invasion. We were already culturally diverse but fast constructing an English system of law based on the notion of the other groups integrating into one system.
The Normans attempted to reverse this progressive form with their feudal authority. But in the long-term they failed.
Not to labour the point too much by replying to my own post (!) but the evolution of a fairer system in England was due to similar-thinking tribes germinating the seeds of the parliamentary system we have today.
Had Islam been living next door (and in medieval times it was almost the case – given it had reached Europe) it is doubtful that a similarly “culturally-diverse” bringing-together of groups would have seen an equally fair system evolve.
Cultural diversity is only good if the better ideas coalesce. This isn’t just about pretty clothes, face markings and feeling good that half the people on the bus speak different languages. It’s about the integrability of ideas on law.
We currently have a large influx of people who believe in laws that are not integrable into our traditional ways.
Abbott, and others who seek to justify mass immigration by claiming that Britain has always been a “culturally diverse nation”, always point to the Roman, Germanic, Viking and Norman invasions as evidence of this “diversity”. Strange that they want to associate
mass immigration with invasion. And the total population of Britain, after these invasions, has been estimated at two million (at the time of the Domesday Book) – a figure similar to the number of immigrants who have come here over the last 20 years.
Immigration is a topical issue of concern, and it looks like it is now capable of being discussed with the automatic shutdown techniques used in the past by some now getting short shrift.
The are many factors at play, ranging from geographic (inc. population pressures) to economic, with a few politico-media ones to sour the pot too.
In my time I have travelled far and wide and sought work in many a country en route.
Ironically two places with no real geo-population issues would not entertain a work visa: USA & Australia (ironically, back in the day, the latter because as a white male I was not favoured by the then government).
However I was welcomed in Singapore…. so long as I was a proven generator of funds way beyond self-sustenance. Seemed fair enough. And I repaid this by founding a company that employed 40 folk and earned income from all around the region.
They also took a cut from me and my staff called CPF to cover our social needs in later life. Pegged at a sensible rate to do so. Hell of a hit, but possibly worth it.
I have benefitted from being an ‘immigrant’ and paid back by being one, so I have no issue with it in principle.
But in all my experiences, the countries in question laid down, upfront, clear parameters for the deal, and they were all unashamedly designed to get from the immigrant more than they got for the privilege of being allowed to ply their trade (including the consequences if failing to deliver… first plane out). And that seems more than fair too.
What I don’t get, at all, is the thinking and number-crunching behind the system that has prevailed, and still does here.
Reminding us of a handful of minor celebrity black people, or black communities in ports like Deptford and Tiger Bay, is deliberately missing the point. Ports around the world have always been diverse.
Look at any old photograph or film footage of ORDINARY British people in ordinary circumstances (and there’s plenty to choose from) will show just how diverse this country was.
Exactly. I don’t care if they were a few hundred blacks, Muslims etc etc living in Britain before 1800 or any other date. What i do care about is that there are several million living here now and they were never invited by the British people via the usual democratic process.
The liberal left and their mouthpiece the BBC can do all they like about re-writing history, telling me how good a multiracial population will be, how much benefit we get by having mass immigration. Even if it were all true, which of course it isn’t , it would make no difference . We never invited these people to live in our country and I , and many others , don’t want them here.
The liberal left will never be able to claim that these people are here as a result of the British people exercising their democratic choice. They rode rough shod over the democratic process and they can’t expect that the majority of folks are happy with what they did.
The BBC should at least allow the British to say what they think but, of course, being part of the liberal left establishment they won’t.
My questions to the establishment are:
a) why did they want mass immigration
b) why didn’t they ask us what we thought before letting millions in
c) do they think that they can keep a lid on this for the next many decades and what additional measures are they going to take to further limit free speech in the UK
d) what are their plans if the balloon does go up and British refuse to accept anymore aliens?
Good one. My own view is that mass immigration depresses wages through the law of supply and demand (ie too much supply) – and that cheap labour employers bribe ministers and mandarins to let them in on any pretext.
In the 1790s, a quarter of the sailors in the Royal Navy were black.
And I’m the Queen of Sheba !
Hmm so ? given that the navy based at ports all over the world and that desertion and ship’s company losses like these numbers ‘During the Seven Years’ War, the Royal Navy reported that it conscripted 184,899 sailors, of whom 133,708 died of disease or were “missing” ‘ so conscription among the local population was standard so the question is how many of those conscripts came to Britain and how many stayed ? not the fact they existed !
Also at that the time we beat ‘scurvy ‘ in our ships, so saving thousands of black and Asian sailors lives !
Brought to you by the same people (the liberal inquisition) that said 25% of people are homosexual
Try thinking for yourself Trevor , look around you and test the agit-prop against the evidence of your own eyes
Evidence for that claim Trevor?
The BBC and their Daley news
I note The Sun’s front page today: ‘Tom’s love is Oscar-winning gay activist .. and 20 years older’
Happily my boycott of BBC Radio Five Live saved me from the full onslaught of BBC attaboy coverage of this non-story.
One of many factors in my off switch protest was exasperation at the relentless neck-breaking pursuit in search of a gay premiership footballer by the 5 Live craven cottagers.
I am aware however of how the BBC justified their promotion of this recent footnote in a minor sportsperson’s personal life – ‘because the newspapers have all covered it’. I doubt the BBC will be further exploring the line quoted above to any depth.
By the way, I’m far from being an expert in the correct terminology acceptable in the realms of gaydom, but don’t you have to have been ‘in’ at some stage in order to have come ‘out’?
But my main complaint here is that my licence fees have yet again been used to supply a ready megaphone to the lips of manipulative Leftist-leaning political campaigners.
Is it not a little alarming that gay campaigners appear to be using our national broadcaster in an effort to expand their constituency?
Then again, I would have thought that given the BBC’s Savile experience this story might have flagged up some rather uncomfortable conotations for the Corporation – older man and all that.
Well, good luck to the lad. If he wants to be gay, let him.
One thing though. Baring in mind the chap is 19 when did this relationship with the gay activist start? Was it longer than 3 years ago? Is that why the BBC is so happy?
the Rev Flowers must be gutted he didnt get in there first
Anybody read the bBC article about allowing people whjo work in shops to pray in shifts so as to keep shops open:
Saudi Arabia: Must everything stop for prayer?
People in Muslim lands often stop what they’re doing when the call to prayer comes from the local mosque five times daily. But Saudi Arabia is the only country where everything shuts down for the duration.
Commentator Abdulateef Mulhim calls for relaxation of the rule in the Jeddah newspaper Arab News, saying the question for most Saudis is not why shops close, but why they stay shut for longer than the five to 15 minutes that prayers last. He puts this down to the rise of giant shopping malls, the “sheer size of which means many people take undue advantage and report back to their positions much later”.
Here’s aquestiondo you think the bBC would allow the above to said if this was in the UK or US? Nah it would be deemed as agaisnt their Human rights and…racist.
On Today this morning Sir Mark Hedley, a former high court judge in the family division, “speaks” to presenter Sarah Montague. Yes the word “speaks” was used in the description of the item on the Today website. The choice of wording is interesting because it admits that this wasn’t an interview in any meaningful use of that word. It wasn’t a search for the scandalous truth about what’s been happening in the Court of Protection. Although Hedley is (in comparison with his fellows on the CoP bench) one of the good guys it was still a case of one of the perps who was prepared to practice secret justice being given the freedom of the airways by another ornament of the political class.
The proximate cause of the item was the forced caesarian on a mother and giving up for adoption of the child thus produced, all by by court order. However, IIRC not once was it discussed – nor, I think, even mentioned – that the default mode of procedure in this Court is secrecy: the public and the press – and often the “accused” – are absent from the proceedings (although the judge in this particular case has now allowed a chink of light to be shed on his decision).
Read Booker in the Sunday Telegraph who has been AFAIAA the sole national journalist to continuously highlight the practice of secret “justice” in our family courts. Why is it only now that the great journalistic machine of the BBC takes notice (when Booker among a very few others has done the hard graft)? Where is the Panorama exposé of this scandal? The BBC: not just bias generally but crap journalism as well.
Don’t kid yourselves that we’ll get more ordinary English. How long before the first Roma, Pole, French, Lithuanian etc.., pops up?
I’ve already seen some of those on Crimewatch.
BBC to reduce numbers of Asian and Black news presenters and children’s television presenters… According to a piece of self-publicity on the BBC website, they have decided to address the diversity ‘problem’ (their quotation marks) by ensuring that its output “should look and sound more like its audiences”. Yes, they really said that. So we can expect less Asians and Blacks on the news, in children’s programming and in “exciting new dramas from the BBC”, along with more traditional White faces to reflect the actual makeup of the country. Not. Check it out at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-25213116, or better still: don’t bother.
Watching BBC One News on Sunday with Mishal Husain, assisted by an Asian lady doing the sport, followed by an Asian lady doing the local news, I did wonder if it is time that we had more men on TV.
I have a little game I play sometimes, best at weekends. It’s count the number of female or ethnic newsreaders, correspondents reporters, weather forecasters people interviewed in the street before you get to a white English male. I have quite often counted nine before someone like me, who represents 42% of the population of the UK appears!
Why are there more people named Chakrabarti appearing on the BBC than those named Smith? Is the BBC smithist?
Not BBC bias, but has anyone noticed whenever a senior Police Officer is interviewed or gives a press conference, that officer is invariably a female? Are there now more females than males in today’s “Modern Police Service”?
They certainly seem to be fast-tracked for promotion, along with effnicks. Good for PC PR.
Not so good in a public disorder situation where a little brute force may be helpful
Yes, I have noticed that. My spoken aloud question to the TV is ”I wonder how many murder cases she has solved to have risen so quickly?”
I noticed a similar thing with Midlands Today at the weekend when visiting family.: Asian lady anchor, Asian lady weathergirl.
Mind you, spend any time in Birmingham’s New Street/High Street area and it’s only the weather lets you know you’re not in Karachi or Nairobi, so maybe in this case they’ve ‘got it about right’.
And the number of Asian names int he credits at the end of Radio Four programs is astonishing – every producer appears to be Asian.
Asians are grossly over represented can be the only conclusion.
I’ve been watching the snooker championship on BBC2. Just to make sure we don’t enjoy it too much, there has to be a bloody woman presenting it. Same with the rugby league show. They always have to make their point.
I sometimes download “Newsround” using On Demand and I haven’t seen a white face presenting for some time.
Its all about public perception you see (not BBC bias)!
When the new BBC DG (Lord Tony Hall) promised to address public ‘point of view’ being critical of the BBC, He was chosen by the very same people within the BBC. Here he is(24/Nov/13) – 15 mins Viewers Questions is more about being a previous BBC status than any (political) cultural shift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZwkf5CCWeY
The BBC can enky it’s last few years charter ‘rights’ granted by Tessa Jowell and Lord Fowler (Labour et al) you’ll see in this House of Lords report (2006) in that the BBC appears to have been given new powers of fund-raising and ‘statute’ independence from parliament, (based on a notion of independence) granted by Labour charter (until 2016).
Any FOI request to BBC (claiming bias in journalism, art or literature, can be easily deflected (just as Patten can deflect any such management financial irregularity within the BBC itself) there is therefore NO PUBLIC ACCOUNTABLITY (at all) to parliament or the license fee payer. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/183639/response/455696/attach/html/2/RFI20131651%20Final%20response.pdf.html
The BBC can now claim (2013) that the European Court of Human Rights (no less) as the supreme protector of their political bias right’ (see extract). [The BBC is…’excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion. Part VI of Schedule 1 to FOIA provides that information held by the BBC and the other public service broadcasters is only covered by the Act if it is held for ‘purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature”.’ ‘The limited application of the Act to public service broadcasters was to protect freedom of expression and the rights of the media under Article 10 European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”)’].
So it’s not LEFT WING BIAS it’s a ‘right of expression’ not to disclose FOI request (as it still has a public service charter from 2006). Any ‘objection’ can be addressed as a ‘point of view’. Something Lord Hall has said he would personally address on ‘points-of-view’ (which no doubt will appear as revamped advert on BBC TV advertising on how wonderful and indiscriminate they all are). They need Tony Hall because of (not despite) racial discrimination against the English people who pay for it. It will only end when the License fee ends and then it will be sponsored directly by the EU as the EBC.
The greatest champion of non-disclosure as part of trust and transparency has, of course, been one Patten, C.
This one:
He just oozes them both, does he not?
Presumably we’ll now get a few Japanese presenters on the “Asian” Network.
That’s one hell of a lot of P45’s and subsequent unfair dismissal/racism claims …
According to the Wikipedia U.K. page under Ethnic groups – The U.K. poplulation “White British” and “White other” make up 91% of the population. The BBC gives a different picture as result of its policy of positive discrimination. In many ways the BBC battering ram for diversity has backfired on them it has alarmed and angered the 91%.
To be fair, those are the official statistics, when you throw in all the people that the government had no record of…..Well who knows what the real percentages are.
“Well who knows what the real percentages are.” Yes that is true. The picture is rapidly changing and altering to match the BBC representation . Which is where the BBC has shot itself in the foot . Rather than the intended aim of aclimatising us to this unwanted change, it has raised the alarm and shown us what is just around the corner.
Apropos of nothing topical at all, in checking out some linked BBC pages above I found this interesting:
Cyber self-harm: Why do people troll themselves online?
Especially this bit: ‘…set up multiple online profiles and used different names to post abusive messages to herself.’
So sad. So very sad.
You are Albaman, and I claim my £1000!
Only ever had one profile/name on this blog despite what some of the “chosen few” assert.
As someone once sai… actually keeps intoning, ‘If you say so’.
‘some of the “chosen few”’
And as one often keen on proof of assertions, perhaps you’d be kind enough to share which ‘few’ you mean, what they were chosen for and by whom?
That’s based on fact, not beliefs.
Otherwise you might be seen to be operating on a slightly two-tier basis.
It’s shame the BBC missed an opportunity to discuss the very real problem of abuse hoaxing (for example, here and here) and instead did a pity party for depressed people. Perhaps the issues concerned in abuse hoaxes are a bit too sensitive for the BBC, so they took the easy route.
Beeboids, & the well-heeled, ‘progressive’ metropolitan Left, do love their culture to be ‘edgy’, ‘challenging’, ‘iconoclastic’, ‘courageous’, etc. But they do appear to have a monumental blind spot in their sublimely ‘nuanced’ vision.
A candid Grayson Perry admits he had ‘not gone all out attacking Islamism because I feel the real fear that someone will slit my throat.’ That didn’t stop Ayaan Hirsi Ali, but that’s another story.
This article nails the ‘creatives’ to the mosque wall:
By the way, one of the comments, referring to the headline picture of lines of muslims going bums-up, suggests this caption: ‘The search for Mohammed’s lost contact lens continues…’
Perry echoes former BBC DG Mark Thompson’s explanation for why the BBC has an editorial policy – yes, despite various protestations, the BBC does have them just as we claim – of treating Mohammedan violence and extremism with kid gloves.
“Without question, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’, is different from, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write’,” he said. “This definitely raises the stakes.”
Yet when people here express a similar sentiment, defenders of the indefensible scream racism and bigotry and Islamophobia. Just like the BBC does.
Perhaps if we all put on a dress and slathered on some eye shadow next time someone suggests there was a problem with violent extremist Mohammedans in Britain, it would be better received by defenders of the indefensible……
That joke comes from ”Not the nine o’clock News’ with Griff R-Jones, Rowan Atkinson, Mel Smith & Pamela Anderson. It must be the mid 70s, BBC comedy was so much more fun in those days, there were no complaints about it from Muslim fanatics or apologists, because we didn’t have any.
Several days ago, someone named Chris (not the one with the “h”) expressed his foolish fears that there was a dangerous national trend in the US to put Creationism in schools and stop teaching evolution. To counter this, I pointed out that any efforts in that direction were strictly local, and that the national education curriculum was controlled by the Left. I listed a number of stories of extreme and scary Left-wing ideology – including making children sing hymns in praise of the President – but he ignored it. I can’t find which thread it’s in or I’d post a link.
Now here are some more real facts to counter his foolish fears. Common Core is the new national education standard being pushed by the federal government, and it’s got some real gems:
Illinois high school requires parents to self-identify as liberal or conservative
An assignment sent home from an Oak Forest, IL high school government class is raising eyebrows among parents who are shocked by the questionnaire they and their children are required to fill out. The questionnaire (below) has the parents identify their positions on a number of highly-charged issues, and then places them on a “political spectrum.”
The survey is part of Oak Forest High School’s Common Core curriculum, which according to the school district’s website is to …”provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.”
Frightening stuff. I hope the BBC doesn’t get any ideas from this. But wait, there’s more. Here’s a question snuck into a grammar lesson for fifth-graders:
Government officials’ demands must be obeyed by all.
What kind of educator even thinks of such a question? This isn’t a politics course in junior high or high school, remember. It’s grammar lessons for 10 year-olds. The same kind of extreme ideologue who came up with the former easily comes up with, “The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of the nation”.
Get ’em while they’re young. This is the national education curriculum in the US, and it’s far, far worse at the university level. No wonder all the young people voted for Hope & Change and fell under the spell of the cult of personality. And some idiot was worrying about Creationism taking over?
PS: Any defender of the indefensible who dismisses me as being a moron obediently eating red meat handed out by Faux News will need to address the facts of the story before pulling an Alinsky. If you can’t, then remain silent.
Just read the Common Core “Hold the Flag High” student worksheet. I think you’ve found the test paper that all BBC journalists must pass before they’re allowed to write one of the traditional weekly articles about racist white America for the online News Magazine.
No child Left behind, right? This is how you “fundamentally transform” a country. To BBC journalists, any objection to those questions would be considered “extreme Right”. Even the few born and raised in the US.
The BBC certainly “does get ’em when they’re young.” See my complaint about children’s news programme Newsround (ignore title of URL-there was a problem with blogger) http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/complaints-re-jewish-newspapers-hoax.html
I’ve complained about articles on “newsround2 on more than one occasion, Concerning anti-English items and items that appear to have selected input giving one opinion. Overwhelmingly initially they fail to answer my complaint the first time.
oh look I just found one from my old E-mails ‘
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC’s ‘Newsround’, which was broadcast on 20 June.
We understand you feel climate change was inaccurately portrayed as being fact.
Blah blah blah
The BBC’s report about some Hezbollah leader getting killed included a link to their “Who Are Hezbollah?” explanation of the group. Naturally, I couldn’t resist.
While it’s all more or less fair enough about what the group has been up to, and not even any blatant bias about their war with Israel in 2006 (an improvement over previous) the institutional bias inevitably raised its ugly head:
Hezbollah was conceived in 1982 by a group of Muslim clerics after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
It was close to a contingent of some 2,000 Iranian Revolutionary guards, based in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, which had been sent to the country to aid the resistance against Israel.
Hezbollah was formed primarily to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation.
Why did Israel invade and occupy, BBC? What prompted it? They can admit that Hezbollah started the 2006 conflict:
A big test for Hezbollah came in mid-2006, when its fighters captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border attack, killing a number of others.
The incident triggered a fierce, month-long war with Israel, which ended in a ceasefire.
But the BBC still cannot admit why Israel went in there originally, which prompted the creation of Hezbollah. They never do, and I and others have pointed out a number of times that the BBC treats this sort of thing as a Year Zero. Just like they do with 1967, the BBC speaks as if nothing happened before then, and Israel went rogue out of the blue, unprovoked.
Well, I was going to school in Israel in 1981 and I remember very well how this started, and what led to Israel’s invasion.
The PLO had been ensconced in southern Lebanon, and were launching rockets, killing Israelis in the the northern towns and more or less terrorizing a good chunk of the country. Israel soon responded with air attacks, and eventually things elevated to the invasion so they could go after the PLO and stop the rockets. The PLO had moved to Lebanon after Jordan kicked them out for doing the same thing and causing Israeli retaliation there.
(This is actually the first time I’ve seen that NY Times article on the rocket attacks. At the time, it wasn’t reported in the international version or the Herald Tribune or any other non-Israel paper that we could get our hands on, and I was under the impression that the Western media was silent on it all until Israel started the air assault. The only place I read about it in English was that version of the Jerusalem Post.)
When the BBC writes as if this didn’t happen, it demonizes Israel and lends credibility to Hezbollah. If they can admit Hezbollah started it in 2006, why can’t they admit who started it the first time? Two sentences would have sufficed.
I’d really, honestly, like a lurking or non-lurking journalist to explain how I’m wrong here.
David thank you for that. When I come across anything I don’t know, I look it up 200% . So when I was posted to Ireland I read up on Irish history, how the Catholics were badly treated (fact) and how the Government of the day during 1969 sent in the troops to protect…Catholics and how even to this day Catholics are looked down upon by Prods.
When I went to Cyprus/Bosnia/Gulf/Central America I did likewise and so i did with Israel. Boy have I read some books on the subject and by reading so much you get a feel for what really transpired and yet those school boy types who inhabit the mediaverse don’t subscribe to the norms of fact , they subscribe to rumour and hype which is why Israel can only be evil. Yes in a region where women, gays and minorities are treated like scum, Little Israel which treats everybody equally (except terrorists) is deemed nasty. Read Abu Bowens , 6 days, what a load of tripe, it is full of so many errors (helps having a military background) and he is deemed to be an authority on the region. He is nothing but a sell out. I would have no problem knocking on his door and putting him in hospital for all the harm he has done with his biased reported . That’s just it all these so called reporters have ensured that a generation of people have being brained washed into thinking that good is bad and bad is good. I am no saying that Israel is entirely blameless, yet the fact remains in the grand scope of things they are far behind the so called religion of peace. These so called champions of free speech who are more than happy to attack the West remain silent on anything and everything their ideological heroes do.
I just hope to allah that they are made to pay the full price for their treachery
‘how even to this day Catholics are looked down upon by Prods.’ That’s frankly bollocks, Pounce.
Besides, the troops were sent in to prevent protestants taking revenge on the IRA – no doubt with a diplomatic shove from the Yanks.
@ Ian Hills … actually the troops were sent over there to protect the Catholic civillian population from the Protestant / Unionist / Orange Order militias violent reaction to the demand for equal rights from the Catholic population… The IRA didn`t resurface until after the army had been deployed for a year or two…. Why don`t you look at these two links mate? http://irishconflict.webs.com/republicanparamilitary.htm
Notice the dates??? IRA formed 1969 .. UVF formed 1966 …
This is why the armed forces from the mainland were deployed …
The Ulster Defence Regiment was a locally recruited regiment of the British Army. Almost all of the recruits came from the Protestant population. UDR members were frequently assassinated while off-duty by the Provisional IRA and INLA. It also emerged that the UDR was actively colluding with loyalist death squads in the murders of individuals perceived as sympathetic to republicans. In an interview for a document entitled “Subversion in the UDR”, a commander in the regiment admitted that about 15% of his men were also members of Loyalist death squads.
You can read the rest here …. http://irishconflict.webs.com/britishmilitary.htm
Before you start mouthing off about the conflict in the six counties I suggest you put down your flute and bowler hat and pick up a book on the subject matter, that way you won`t come across as a Sectarian bigot in future…
Your warped version of history is straight from the IRA textbook, like your website –
“Irish republicans have often resorted to armed struggle to further their aims…….Loyalists generally support the use of violence to achieve their aims.”
It’s the other way round, as we all know. Do you work for the BBC or something?
Today’s bBBC headline ‘news’ from the Lee Rigby trial:
One of the men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby told police it gave him “little joy to approach anybody and slay them”
So, he didn’t enjoy it? That’s all right, then.
December 25th
Can anyone advise me on this forum……Am I allowed to celebrate Christmas Day this year with the wife and family in a Christian way or am I only allowed to enjoy the ‘Winter Celebrations’ in a diverse and ethnically aware manner
Can someone contact the bbbc and seek their advice, please?
A start would be to avoid the BBC, certainly avoiding the Citizen Khan Christmas special (WTF!)
No doubt Open All Hours will also be diversified
Isn’t Granville supposed to be part Hungarian?
…and part black?
You should be able to celebrate Christmas in a Christian way, just like that Pakistani family in the Tesco advert. They don’t seem to be offended by Christmas. An own goal by those diversity fascists who try to push their agenda and forbid Christian celebrations in case it offends ethnics.
Only watch Rod`s” Forever Young” Tesco ad , nice & English version .
Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics: BBC to show 200 hours of action
The bBBC seems to have made a mistake in their latest bit of advertising, for their planned coverage of the Winter Olympics. I have read the article very carefully and there is no mention of the sexual choices of any of the athletes or presenters.
So how many beeboids will we be paying for on this jolly – 200 hours for a probably minimal audience ?
Thinking allowed:
Communist ‘utopia’ in a Spanish village. Laurie Taylor talks to the writer, Dan Hancox, about his research into a tiny community in Andalucia which set out to create an egalitarian enclave after the demise of General Franco. Does the reality match the dream?
Of course it does !! Does anyone think the BBC would allow it to be broadcast if it didn’t ?
in multicultural britain, it would appear that jesus was the illegitimate son of a jewish whore
According to one C4 docu-soap broadcast just prior to Christmas Mary was wee lass raped by Nortious Maximus the Roman centurion. I kid you not, except for the name of course.
I’m still waiting for the Mo was an hallucinating, paedo, bandit docu-soap just prior to Ramadam.
Look! You’re not allowed to use the word Whore! The correct term is ‘sex worker’.
And BTW many would find it offensive that you can’t even capitalise the name of the son of God !
thankfully my god is a compassionate loving god who will forgive me for being too lazy to press to the shift button on my keyboard.
Blasphemy! According “The Prophet” Mohammed Jesus was a sort of prophet himself. Mustn’t upset the moslems!
Look! You’re not allowed to use the word Whore!
You are at Christmas as long as you say it three times.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Does one magically appear if you do that, like the Candyman ?
Not that I want a whore like the Candyman, you understand. Ba-doom, tish !
Probably already posted, but here are the BBC, again, playing fast and loose with licence-tax payers money:
Instead, the BBC continues to cut spending on proper journalism.
What selfish bastards these beeboid scumbags are. They’re killing our planet with their CO2 emmissions. Wont someone think of the polar bears
In complement, another analysis of our gadabout guys & gals from the astoundingly uncurious whispering corridors of early dementia…
Intrigued as to what this may or may not be alluding to:
‘”..pair went to look at new broadcasting technology not available in the UK over four days.” Technology chums will recognise them as absolutely the right team to carry out that sort of investigation”
Along with ‘One of these is right.’
Meanwhile, in other news… about the BBC’s higher orders and their taste for the market rate things in life:
They do get about a bit, and even when they settle, they do it in some style.
Had to love that ‘official line’. Which seems about the only one they have.
Mindful, yes. Give a sh!t, no.
The announcement of change and new goals from the BBC’s News Director includes this very revealing content:
In addition, he pledged, there would be an increased presence for world and local news on the national news output and that the corporation would keep pace with the “galloping technology revolution”.
“The consumption of news is changing before our eyes,” he said. “To meet the expectations of our audiences, we need to be available everywhere, for everyone, now.”
This should include “a far more open culture”, where the BBC delivers “much more third party and social content alongside our own journalism”.
“When we talk about ‘our stories’, I hope that will mean not just the work of the 8,000 people who work for the BBC,” he added, “but the information and ideas of the 300 million people who use it.”
In other words, water it down and flood the atmosphere with populist noise curated by the same biased Beeboids who control the current output. The inset “analysis” from the BBC’s media correspondent seems to back up my interpretation:
The phrases “de-layering” and “rigorous performance management” gave a clue to James Harding’s thoughts about BBC management. There is also the matter of money and ongoing cuts. He is not just looking at making news more efficient but “cutting the scope of what we do”.
Quite what might be cut is yet to be decided. So, for the audience, it was a promise of a broader range of stories and voices from a BBC News that might be more dynamic but probably smaller and less secure.
This ramping up of local news and inclusion of third party content is only going to make things worse. The BBC will still be the 900lb gorilla dominating news consumption, and this will serve only to further crush local independent news outlets. As for the drive to include more third party content, if it’s anything like how they do the US Viewpoints and other opinion pieces, we all know how that’s going to turn out. Perhaps the new “Echo Chambers” feature, an edited/curated collection of third-party journalism/commentary which seems to be largely driven by a reaction to non-Left journalism/commentary on a given issue, is the first step into Harding’s brave new world.
No purge in the offing means no fundamental change in the problems, regardless of how they dress it up in new clothes. All Harding’s talking about is reshuffling the deck chairs. Moving biased Beeboids from Today to Newsnight to the 6 o’clock news won’t fix anything, and won’t prevent another Savile or McAlpine incident. As we’ve seen from people like Mark Mardell, Justin Webb, Kevin Connolly, and Wyre Davies, they just take their biases with them to the new station. Nothing changes there, and it won’t be any different with moving editors around.
Having said that, at least Harding seems to get the problem with the concept of gender/ethnic quotas. Although he doesn’t spell it out, one suspects he’s being a bit disingenuous and will still push the diversity “targets” already in place.
I’d just like to ask: if a target is met, does it become a quota?
Ah, Harding. Good man. A bit more:
‘So far, Harding has created at least six new posts and cut none. ‘
To be fair, that seems pretty much the sole management function now.
The BBC has become Tribble Central.
In the cited BBC URL, comments sadly closed before anyone at real work could get a word in, but not before (or maybe because) some like this got in…
‘ 18. DaveSmooth
‘James Harding, the BBC’s news director, has said its output should “look and sound more like its audiences”.’
No, it’s output should be reporting the news. For goodness sake!
Comment number 26. madalicesdad
I’m not interested in what “third party and social content ” has to say, I want my news professional, impartial and relevant.
Any chance of that?
Comment number 4. Global Yawning
Forget diversity! Can the BBC start reporting a little more impartially; or at least try and hide their bias.
With regards to Mishal Husain and Ritula Shah’ s appointments, I’d love to hear their comments on how they feel about being promoted based on gender rather than ability. ‘
Anyway, all will be relieved at the commitment to a reduction in peroxide sinks at least:
‘Mishal Husain and Ritula Shah have recently been appointed to high-profile roles on Radio 4’
Feel the balance. Bask in the trust. Savour the transparency. Well, obviously, there you no longer can.
why are we.the bbc,ukip and the media so obsessed by eu immigration.ok there is a problem but it is nothing as to the problems we have imported into england with the vast majority of mass immigration from third world countrys from south east asia and africa that hit are shores when tony blair and new labour opened the floodgates in 1997 when they was in power.eu immigration does not affect me where i live,what does affect us is mass immgration from third world countrys,terrorists plots,hate preachers in the mosques planning mass murder,sex grooming gangs,female mutilation,forced marrieges,violent no go areas for white,intimidation,racist violence from immigrants is the realilty if what working class white minoritys have to put up in areas in the big citys on a daily basis,this problem is not being caused by eu immigrants,the real problems of mass immigration is not being caused by eu immigrants but is being caused by third world immigrants and there cultural practises imported here.this is the real issue that everybody in the media is burying there heads in the sand about and are to scared to talk about.
immigrants cant afford to live where i live, and unless they go to university for 3 years followed by a further 12 months post grad studies, they dont threaten my job.
But its very different for my friends who thought i was stupid going to university as a mature student (27) when they could work 60 hours a week for £2.60 an hour. Although things got better because of the min wage, they cant get jobs now because of east europeans taking them all, and lots of people here seem to think they’re lazy scroungers’ milking the state for everything they cant get, when its the state thats fucked them over big time.
However, i agree with you, the main problem is immigrants from the 3rd world coming here destroying our culture. But because they are black/brown, its racist to discuss it
forgot to add voting Conservative just splits the UKIP vote and lets Labour in
Vote UKIP!!!
It’s rampant in north Leeds. A once genteel and expensive area now slowly being taken over. Where the money comes from you can only guess.
Because attacking Poles allows you to discuss immigration without being branded racist, despite them being one of the only lot who I would keep. Pakistani immigration in particular has been a shocking disaster.
Once out of the EU we can set our own immigration policies and hopefully be free of socialist interference.
Vibrant enrichment.
Further proof of how much more hardworking immigrants are than we indigenes: I bet a lazy Anglo rapist would only be able to attack one woman per night, two tops, before buggering off down the pub, the slacker.
Perhaps that’s what’s meant by ‘doing the jobs that we wont’
“A man has been found guilty of 18 offences, including five rapes, after attacking six women in one night.
“women”, I don’t think so:
One victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons…
We dont ‘need’ any immigrants, not even Poles. They are all a problem even though some are more problematic than others.
Britain is bursting at the seams – send back ALL non citizens and dont lets give citizenship to any more!
100% agree. well said
Remember Lee Rigby.
INBBC continues to present as politically sympathetic a picture of the Islamic jihad killers of Lee Rigby as possible, not least in its headlines:-
“Lee Rigby trial: ‘No joy in killing’, Adebolajo says.”
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Shocking damage to Lee Rigby’s ‘killers’ car revealed as murder trial jurors are shown knives found at scene after vehicle struck soldier in Woolwich”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2518075/Alleged-killer-soldier-Lee-Rigby-showed-signs-regret-remorse-interview-psychiatrist.html#ixzz2mWokcUqx
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Note the MR Adebolajo when referring to this piece of shit on the BBC news website !!!!
no doubt when these 2 scumbags are found guilty, al beeb will label the jury and the legal system institutionally racist and call for it to be reformed
They’ll even show pics of them next to St Trayvon, St Lawrence and Martin luther king
That reminds me, has anyone heard from Doreen recently?
As the UK energy policy disaster continues to approach the edge of the cliff, Harrabin was rolled out this afternoon to give us his expert opinion on the latest move by the government to “reduce the subsidies to on-shore windfarms and increase them to offshore”.
It was obvious he could’t get his head around it as he bleated that “a recent survey suggests that the public put insulation as the top priority infrastructure investment”
What is it that you don’t understand about the fact that the fantasy economics of the green wet dream have finally come home to roost in Westminster, alongside the dawning and fast growing realisation that they have been conned by the CO2 cult………they are starting to panic old lad and they also realise that this shambles cannot ultimately be glossed over and has the potential to destroy large swathes of the establishment when it finally crashes and burns………… The cost are going to continue to rise, they know know this and better still they know that we now also know this !
Your name is noted Roger lad, along with all the other disciples….when the day of judgement finally comes !
There is only 1 thing we need to know about Harrabin and the rest of the eco-fascists, what’s their body weight?
Once Mark Mardell is done trying to refute negatives about ObamaCare and repeating White House talking points about Republicans having no plan and being “the party of ‘no'”, maybe he’ll write a blog post about America’s Racist Youth:
Millennials Abandon Obama and Obamacare
A majority of America’s youngest adults would vote to recall the president.
I’m sure Mardell will be along shortly to tell us that these young people are crypto-racists.
The most startling finding of Harvard University’s Institute of Politics: A majority of Americans under age 25–the youngest millennials–would favor throwing Obama out of office.
The survey, part of a unique 13-year study of the attitudes of young adults, finds that America’s rising generation is worried about its future, disillusioned with the U.S. political system, strongly opposed to the government’s domestic surveillance apparatus, and drifting away from both major parties. “Young Americans hold the president, Congress and the federal government in less esteem almost by the day, and the level of engagement they are having in politics are also on the decline,” reads the IOP’s analysis of its poll. “Millennials are losing touch with government and its programs because they believe government is losing touch with them.”
Are they racist now, BBC? Actually, I’m having difficulty remembering a time when that age group wasn’t disillusioned with both parties and the system, and held Congress in less esteem than the older demographics. But that’s beside the point. What will anger Mardell and his BBC colleagues is this:
The results blow a gaping hole in the belief among many Democrats that Obama’s two elections signaled a durable grip on the youth vote.
Indeed, millennials are not so hot on their president.
Obama’s approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.
When asked if they would want to recall various elected officials, 45 percent of millennials said they would oust their member of Congress; 52 percent replied “all members of Congress” should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.
While there is no provision for a public recall of U.S. presidents, the poll question revealed just how far Obama has fallen in the eyes of young Americans.
IOP director Trey Grayson called the results a “sea change” attributable to the generation’s outsized and unmet expectations for Obama, as well as their concerns about the economy, Obamacare and government surveillance
Can’t blame Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for that, BBC. Nor can you really place blame for any of it on Republican intransigence, no matter how hard you try. Democrats had complete control of Congress for the first two years, and they failed to pass a proper budget the entire time. On top of that, they made ObamaCare and lied about key aspects of it the whole time. Republicans didn’t build the website, didn’t write the law and its myriad crushing regulations, didn’t order the increase in spying on citizens. Nor did they want the Stimulus that didn’t work. Perhaps most importantly, the Republicans certainly didn’t create the insanely unreasonable expectations the Left-wing media placed on The Obamessiah (which even the world-class, professional journalists at the BBC swallowed whole).
The ironically-named Echo Chambers feature is fascinated by the new Pew poll showing people unhappy with the direction the country is heading (we’re unhappy with our weakened position. Who could have imagined, eh?), but I bet the BBC won’t dare address this one, unless it’s an attempt to spin it away.
Fiyal Mughal – Tell Mama, claims that even to fight against
those Islamist ahem “Extremists Who Have Nothing To Do With Islam ” (Cameron s catchphrase)
will lead to …. wait for it … violence? against Muslims?.
surprise surprise … “A group that monitors attacks on Muslims said it was preparing for an upsurge of violence as a result of the moves being announced today by David Cameron”.
here we go again, nothing to do with Islam no … no
in fact a ahem “distinct ideology”
Can we expect Mughal, and BBC fave (hate not hope dope)Nick Lowles, to grandstand on BBC 5live s Nikki Campo s show, over this?, how about on V Drearybyshire, i mean why not they ve done so before … how about joining the squawk on Newsnight?.
Meanwhile … while “everyone and his dog” falls over themselves, to be best at denial …
The MUSLIM killer of Lee Rigby, announces himself in court, by his ISLAMIC name, sits with a QURAN in front of him, and describes himself as a “soldier for ALLAH” !
Haul of makeshift knives discovered under PRAYER MATS in the MOSQUE at HMP Swaleside
expect much more absurd drivel, just like this
and this
real soon
Pukefest on the 6 O’clock news about the actor portraying Nelson Mandela. nice plug by BBc for the film certainly Hell will freeze over before I’m watching this.. The actor went for the (you can bet money on it) He grew up with racism. Grief. Oh North West is on now Soldier quizzed over “SUSPECTED RIGHT WING LINKS”. Oh more jobs being lost in Warrington.
I just had the misfortune to catch the end of the bBBC ‘news’ at Six where they gave several minutes of airtime to some black actor to lecture us about what a diverse country England is. If only they got out of their urban ghettos to discover what England is really like, overwhelmingly rural, with towns and villages populated by white people with traditional cultures and values. That really would be news.
England a diverse country? I went to a funeral service today and I was the only coloured person there. Funny that.
Heard an awful anti-Christian slur on the Christian religion laast might just before 10.00pm on Radio 2.
David Quantick and Unique Productions used the musical charting of Bob Dylans career to sneer, slur and dismiss Dylans religious experience/songs as akin to childrens Sunday School triteness, with a dash of effete Cliff/stupid Dubya on top.
Very offensive to any of us who heard “Slow Train Coming” etc -because I for one claim some of that eras songs of his as being instrumental in our own coming to Jesus Christ.
How come blasphemy at personal testimonies and music is allowed by the BBC…and(I note) possibly more on the radio than on the telly(bad though that is)?
Once Muslims twig that Isa and Jesus are the same…betcha then that the BBC will not allow Quantick his cheap shots at an artist(and his Saviour) who matters as much now today as ever.
So correct you are mr Strebe Grebling…I don’t think my old Nan has ever seen a Black person where she lives in rural KENT !
First (and probably only) black fella my late grandmother at Wrotham ever saw was the American transport driver who crashed his lorry into her front room during the last war.
who crashed his lorry into her front room during the last war.
Is that a euphemism?
No, it’s quite true. One second: nice cosy cottage. Next second: Crash! Bricks flying, dust everywhere and an olive green truck plus startled driver there (“I thought it was Al Jolson come to tea”) instead of the wall.
Euphemism ? She’d have clouted you round the head for suggesting that (if she was in the mood to let you off lightly). 🙂
The BBC is failing to report properly that Obama’s poll ratings have fallen dramatically – up to a dozen recent polls are showing him at 40% approval or below, disapproval at about 55%.
Here’s a new twist – a majority of young Americans under 29 – a core vote for him – would agree to a recall – ie junk the bum ! – and only about 10% of those without health insurance definitely intend to register with ObamaCare – which would destroy the entire financial structure as they are the ones meant to be bled to support Obama’s welfare redistribution.
Plain fact is – Obama is now widely seen as totally incompetent – and a liar.
On our side of the pond, I have not heard the BBC telling us that immigration is actually INCREASING ! – and that other failure Cameron has openly admitted it could continue to get worse.
Racists. They probably don’t like ObamaCare because it takes their premium payments and uses the money to subsidize or provide free health care for “People Not Like Them” (© Mark Mardell).
Regards the bBC love fest regards Tom Daley and his love for his fellow man. Funny how the bBC isn’t mentioning that the man in question is twice young Daleys age.
Tom Daley is 19
The man who is supporting him internally is 39 years of age.
I’m sorry, but isn’t there something paedophilic about all of this, makes you wonder why the bBC is promoting this story. It appears that the Mindset of : Saville,Hall and the rest of the bBC perverts is still fully entrenched at the bBC
no wonder the most vocal homosexuals want the age of consent dropped to 14.
its to do with socialism. read this (warning – quite unpleasant) – http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/the-sexual-revolution-and-children-how-the-left-took-things-too-far-a-702679.html
They need to create socialist personalities by destroying all our taboos, and therefore our society.
Tom Daley – not a muff diver then?
Mark spitz. Tom swallows.
Its obvious why the BBC is promoting this. Tom Daley is a role model and as far as they are concerned the more ethnic British males are homosexual the better!
You dont hear the same excitement about black or brown homosexuals, they are held up as models of alpha maleness, especially blacks – though why that is the preference I don’t know perhaps because they are more interested in *selling* the attraction of black partners to white women, certainly black men/white women are portrayed far more frequently than brown men /white women.
And so to bed. But sleep may not come until I stop laughing…
@AboutTheBBC: Danny Cohen, Dir. TV earlier this evening: “I’d like to call on everyone who believes in the BBC to get behind it” http://t.co/aU0eIxC6jW
Doesn’t someone at the BBC stop and think why people keep bashing the BBC? Don’t they understand that the grievance has a basis?
There should be a robust* analysis of the bias in BBC programmes and then the execs may understand what all the fuss is about.
* By which I mean an accepted set of criteria used to test bias that’s agreed by defenders/critics alike and not some whitewash report put together by a former employee of the corporation.
One of the early programmes on “The Golden Age of Islam” is about paper. To be fair, it said that paper had been invented by the Chinese, that this knowledge had travelled along the old Silk Road to Samarkand – and was then able to be spread around the lands of Islamic conquest. But how is this “Golden” about Islam – the clear inference was that it was Islam that had spread the benefits of paper and then printing around Europe.
But it was highly likely that it was TRADERS – not Islam – that spead the use of paper. Oh – and the traders could well have been Jewish, not Arab. Plus the invention of printing had nothing to do with Islam.
Also this week there was a history programme that mentioned the discovery of the technique of blowing molten glass. Developed in Syria decades before Christ – and then transmitted around the Roman world by traders. The accent was on how clever the new technique was – not on some mythical idea that we have the Roams to thank for glass.
I would far rather be given a factual series on the wonders of Chinese civilisation.
The series on Islam has 20 episodes – by different people. By episode 4, I am already hearing a lot of repetition. But then I suppose repetition is the essence of successful propaganda.
Baroness Warsi was episode 3. About a Persian imam who collected the hadiths – the sayings of Mohammed. She tried to paint a picture of a man who meticulously collected thousands of sayings, verifying each one. Slight problem – the imam was living long after Mohammed. Don’t kid me that people were writing down endless sayings day by day – if this was the pattern in an illiterate Arab society, how come we don’t have thousands of the sayings of, say, Emperor Augustus (or Justinian at the same time). Heck, there only a handful of primary – contemporary – accounts of Leonardo, who lived a long life. It is only by his works that we know him. How come we don’t have thousands of sayings from Henry VIII or other European kings ?
History does not work like that. The picture has to built by snippets. The idea that thousands of sayings of an obscure Arab were preserved is FALSE HISTORY. And the BBC is insulting our intelligence to present it in this way from lightweights like Warsi..
“She tried to paint a picture of a man who meticulously collected thousands of sayings, verifying each one.”
Don’t know why, but on reading this I was instantly reminded of someone else of more recent history whose every uterance was slavishly transcribed by his devoted followers.
I was thinking ‘the thoughts of Chairman Mao’
Am old enough to remember the TV footage of those wild eyed, fanatical students waving those ‘little red books’ in the air
“sayings of an obscure Arab were preserved is FALSE HISTORY. And the BBC is insulting our intelligence to present it in this way from lightweights like Warsi”
Doesn t need Warsi though … the facts about Islam speak for themselves, deceit is prevalent both in scripture, and the way it is propagated today …
“One of the early programmes on “The Golden Age of Islam” is about paper. To be fair, it said that paper had been invented by the Chinese,”
True enough, but before paper there was papyrus (whence our word ‘paper’), in plentiful supply in Europe until for some reason the supply from Egypt was suddenly cut off in the 7th century. Some think that this was a direct result of the conquest of North Africa by ‘those men’, causing what are now called the Dark Ages.
Bet they didn’t mention that.
Nor the fact that Greek and Persian knowledge was brought to Europe by Byzantine refugees or how much of that knowledge was lost in the pyre of their civilisation and who set it.
There was brief flowering of Muslim liberalism and spirit of investigation until stopped, never to return by the Mongol invasion.
The Arabs had an oral tradition, but the number of men who knew the verses was dwindling because so many had died in Mohammed’s battles.
Caliph Abu Bakr collected tens of thousands of sayings together, and chose which to include in the official written version.
Of course this does seem an odd way for the creator of the universe to transmit his final and total solution to all our problems in written form to us. It said it can also only truely be understood in one language. Annd people will kill and die on one verse.
What I am saying is that people CLAIMED to have collected large numbers of sayings – long after the event. That is not in any way reliable history.
I could collect a few sayings by someone well-known – of decades or more ago. They might or might not be genuine. I could then embroider hundreds or thousands of further sayings which sounded right – but were pure invention.
It is only an absolutist fanatical religion like Islam that would trust the genuineness of all the hadiths – and stop any challenge or doubt..
I would love to see a programme about the sayings of Mohammed presented by Stanley Unwin!
Deep, deep joy in the fundemold.
Uthman, collected all available hadith/and Koran verses, choose those he liked and burned, yep that’s BURNED the rest
except the one s that got eaten by a goat
etc, etc, etc
“heyyyy! baby … 😀
what they been smoking”
Who needs paper?
Mohammed’s Believe It or Else!
‘Nigella admits taking cocaine’
This is the BBC news website’s main headline!
FFS! ‘Celebrity admits snorting coke’ isn’t the most important thing happening in the world right now!
‘Nigella admits taking cocaine’
A slot on 5 live beckons
I wonder how many of her recipes were written whilst she was out of her head?
O’h well, the BBC thought they made sense, that’s why they adapted her books to TV.
Yeah, I’m sure she writes her own recipes.
Have several Nigella cookbooks and like agree with friends who are excellent cooks – the recipes don’t work. Good for ideas but not the detail – maybe she was high when writing them.
I have yet to see any positive reasons from the viewpoint of our society for the BBC to have acquired their studio in Salford.
In total, the corporation spent £942million setting up a new northern base to help redress a perceived London-centric bias in its coverage, but has had to offer 900 staff an average of £28,000 each to persuade them to move.
We’ve also observed a myriad other expenses involved in this move and maintaining their presence there, including paying staff a total of £24million in allowances following the move to Salford.
Now we learn that they have spent a total of £1.3 Million in flights between there and London since they opened just over 2 years ago.
Funny how they don’t see the increase of carbon emissions as a result of all this travelling. But we already know just how hypocritical the BBC is so it’s hardly surprising they don’t see how just this reveals their real mindset. A complete waste of licence fee payers money just to expand BBC territory.
A spokesman for BBC Procurement said: ‘Spend on flights is subject to rigorous scrutiny and staff are encouraged to use alternatives to travel such as video conferencing wherever possible, but when travel is necessary staff should use the lowest cost of travel and fare.’
‘The BBC is a national broadcaster and travel is an integral part of our core spend in bringing high quality programmes to our viewers (and) much of these costs will have been programme related.
High quality programmes? 🙄
Must be talking about the repeats from the 70s and 80s.
BBC staff spend £1.3m on flights between London and Manchester since shows were moved to MediaCityUK
Carbon emissions are justified when in support of ‘The Cause’.
I Don’t Own A TV – XKCD’s take on the subject:-

It’s funny because it’s true.
(slightly smug very recent ex-telly owner)
As a non-telly owner for eight years, I have to agree.
Some good news for a change. Ex-BBC man Martin Bashir has been sacked by far-left US network MSNBC – for being disgusting about Sarah Palin.
But I bet the sort of things he and others at MSNBC say about Palin are echoed by many many people at the BBC. Blinkered biased bloody idiots
Would be good news if it wasn’t for the fact he will probably end up back at the BBC .They probably cant see anything wrong with what he said ,in the same way they didn’t have a problem with ‘dancing on Thatcher’s grave’
Indeed. The Bacon blot on the landscape once actually encouraged his listeners to check out a guest’s comedy routine about Palin’s private parts and her developmentally disabled child. Oh, how they laughed. And oh, how defenders of the indefensible defended him for it a few days later.
The Beeboids are probably aghast at MSNBC’s cowardice.
a dog has more compassion than Richard Bacon
That’s because a dog has more intelligence than Richard Bacon
Worth remembering how Palin and her family have responded to these viscious insults with dignity. But I did like the response Chuck Heath, Sarah Palin’s brother, wrote in reply to Cher’s wish for Palin’s death. It went like this. ‘Sorry you had to say such unpleasant things about my little sister. She has never said anything bad about you. And our grandmother was one of your fans’.
Cher?? lol when she last haunted Kop of the feels BBC pop show they had to use so much Vaseline on the lens to hide the cracks and P-40 repairs on the old battleship that the whole BBC children’s department went with out for 2 days !
And yet when a ‘edgy ‘ joke was put on this site regarding an accident up north! some of the pro BBC shrills ran in with condemnation faster then the BBC could set up photo ops for Alex and every Labour MP for 50 miles ?
Don`t see why Matt.
As Declan McManus sang “Accidents will Happen”…and half the do-gooding red wedgies were happy enough to sing along with “Shitbuilding”…and job done as far as specky Decky would say (swallowed a few dictionaries as well as a few sherbets…owszat?
As it `appens(and you know how to pronounce this, as Chris Evans still shows us when he`s being brave!)…the Concorde crash of 2000, the EC135 pub Plumbing in Glasgow are two indicators of something-the EU can make nothing that`ll last apart from a Byte Caliphate Deutche….Hello Mr A!
Is it me ? because most of the time I can’t understand a bl@@dy word you are on about, and I believe i have a fairly good command of the English language.
No, it is not just you. But being a wizard at cryptic crosswords helps a lot when reading chrisH’s posts. 😎
Some are very funny indeed when you get to understand what he/she is banging on about!
Oh sorry lads!
Elvis Costello references here-and a chain of words really.
Need a job don`t I?
If, in a 1000 years time, there was no evidence regarding our existence except the BBC website archive, then any historians reviewing its stories to get an idea of the UK would come to the following conclusions –
1) The UK had a roughly 45% muslims population, all of whom were admired for their vibrant, enriching, vibrancy, and were the most peaceful people in existence.
2) roughly 25% of the population was homosexual.
3) the state religions was a cult which worshiped “diversity” and seemed to place a persons worth in the level of melatonin in their skin. Lack of melatonin was frowned upon and described as hideous.
4) A people labeled as the “immigrants” appeared to arrive constantly and conducted something called “notting hill carnivals” were they threw taxes at the local population whilst being vibrant and diverse, these people strangely appeared have no effect on the resident population, and appeared to merely disappear after their vibrant enriching.
5) Roughly 30% of the population were atheists who wore skinny trousers, black rimmed glasses, beards, wholly hats in every temperature and were members of this “diversity” cult.
6) There was a sub human section, whom appeared to believe in personal freedom and equality of all, called “right wing”. These people appeared to be a very very small section of the population, who were “racist”, “xenophobic” and “bigoted”.
7) The greatest threats to this “Uber society” was an entity called ” The Daily Mail”.
8) This “uber society” appears to have come under repeated attacks from the “right wing” racists in the form of attacks on their “public spending” and “energy prices”
9) There appears to have been another cult which believed that the earth would warm until they all boiled to death if they did not renounce an evil called “capitalism”. They appear to have been successful as the earth began to cool.
Another point of view might have been seen from the Mass Observation program archived in Sussex university which I wrote for in the early 80’s . The problem is the people who gave their views were recruited from the Guardian newspaper and the BBC!
How the bBC way of reporting any story results in the story not getting reported due to its ethical ideology of not disparaging any despot, villain or crooked person,faith or country.
bBC version of power cuts in Venezula
Venezuela’s power cut was ‘sabotage’ – President Maduro
the News as Africans were informed
Venezuela hit by huge power cut
The former promotes pure speculation as fact and in the way of the bBC muddies the waters regards the real reason, a lack of investment by the present Socialist Government for over 15 years. The latter is short and sweet, explains exactly what you need to know in which to allow the reader to make his/her own mind up.
There lies the reason why people no longer trust the bBC for its news.
The bBC, no longer fit for purpose and only good for grooming little boys and girls
The BBC’s version of the news story is incredibly one-sided and as such lends a lot of credence to the claims of the President i.e. that the blackouts were caused by right-wing saboteurs.
In other words, business as usual.
Probably the word break on my browser, but when I saw the BBC news was introducing ‘NewsLabs’ I thought it was simply a disturbingly honest assessment of the political slant inevitably applied to any story.
Climate Change coming to you? Heads up, but there could well be an *event* taking place over the next 24 hours which will give all those supporting the idea of *Climate Change* more gun powder. We have a low pressure area running south down the North Sea/East Coast and with it a tidal surge increasing in height as it heads towards the Dover narrows. Nothing new in this but just listen out for the attempts to link it with Climate Change…for some.. a Perfect Storm!
1953 was the worst event of this type in recent history with 307 killed in England alone.
But this was in a post war period of cooling – you know, when by the late 70s they thought we were rapidly heading for another ice age, since when temperature records have been fiddled to satisfy the ‘warming since 1850’ mantra of the eco-alarmists, so in fact the ’53 storms occurred during a period of warming. Gorrit?
Exactly. If there is serious trouble from the North Sea surge the BBC will brush over the fact that the same happened in the 1950s.
I note all interesting documentaries , mainly for men on Al bbc, are narrated by wimmin nowadays , a case in point ,”The Silent War ” on BBC 2 . Bring back Martin Jarvis or any narrator with gravitas !
it works like this …
… women are guaranteed 50% of all news slots. Now that is a problem cos the sort of people who make the news and are experts (for commentary) are of course of the non-female variety. So Newsnight gets filled up with startled looking ladies.
As for the fact that it is men who watch/listen to documentaries/news services that clearly is because of the way women are brought up. So women are put in charge of documentaries and search for ‘the human side’ of events. Ah, (mops away a tear) shame about the changes at Horizon, Newsnight, News 24 ….
BBC4 had (for once) quite a good documentary about shipwrecks around the British coastline on last night ( I think it was a repeat from Monday night). It mentioned a storm in the 1730s which had wind speeds of 140 m.p.h. which destroyed many ships with the loss of 2,000 men on the Goodwin Sands. So it shows there’s nothing new in this kind of weather.
The roof has blow off my out house (not a euphemism)
I fully expect my insurer to use ‘global warming’ as an excuse not to pay out