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Result: Population……131,871
UK population could hit 132 million, warn official figures
New Office for National Statistics data predicts Britain’s population could surge even faster than previously thought
The population of Britain could more than double in the next century unless immigration is tightly controlled, according to official estimates showing it could grow 40 per cent faster than previously thought.
Only weeks after the Office for National Statistics predicted that the UK will have 10 million more people within the next 25 years, it published new estimates showing that the true figure could be four million higher.
The dramatic upward revision suggests the population of Britain could rise from its current record level of 63.7 million to just under 78 million by 2037.
On the same projection it could reach and as much as 132 million by this time next century.
Frank Field, the former Labour Cabinet minister, claimed the higher estimate could be just the start of the revisions as statistics become more accurate.
He said it showed that fears among voters about immigration which he said had long been played down by politicians were now being borne out by figures.
Mr Field warned that the result could wreak havoc with the NHS, schools and the housing crisis.
He said: “At a time when political parties are being committed to longer term controls on public expenditure where would the money come from for hospitals, for housing, for schools?
“We have already got a growing crisis in maternity services.”
He likened the optimism among the political about the impact of population growth to the attitudes which gave rise to appeasement in the run-up to the Second World War.
“The British political leadership have a characteristic of not wishing to face up to what is happening until very late in the day.
Appeasement? The BBC of course were complicit in the appeasement of Hitler (Though they tend to forget that when grandstanding about Daily Mail headlines supporting Mosley in the 30’s)….they silenced the inconveniently non-appeasing Churchill and hid the Nazis’ pogroms and genocide of the Jews.
And now they are complicit in Labour’s mass immigration plot…..a plot which kicked off the ‘standard of living crisis‘….it’s no coincidence that this ‘crisis’ began in 2003/04 just when mass immigration of low cost labour began pricing British workers out of jobs and forcing down wages for those in work.
Wonder when the BBC will join up the dots on that…along with Labour destroying the economy, hence ‘austerity’ now, and the resultant QE…which devalued the pound and forced up prices.
White British as an ethnic minority by 2060 according to Oxford uni. Bring that forward a decade then…
i think there will be a serious civil unrest before that. Once the Religion of Peace increases in number Jihad wont be far behind.
“i think there will be a serious civil unrest before that.”
I keep saying this – within ten years.
You missed the 2011 London black riots.
Hi David Brims,
Its not rioters im worried about. Historically riots happen all the time, usually because of alleged injustice.
Its them religious nutters from the the Religion of Peace who are black, brown and white who want to turn this country into an Islamic Caliphate that im worried about. I see civil war ahead.
We could do with having a version of the BBC’s favourite Public Accounts Committee but manned by the electorate, with the full protection of parliamentary privilege.
The first question this committee should ask is “why do we need immigration anyway?”
The nearest we have ever got to an answer is the stupid suggestion that we have an aging population and we need young immigrants to pay our pensions and look after us in our old age. So what happens when these youngsters get old? What happens when these youngsters exercise their human right to have a ‘family life’ and import their elderly relatives too?
Frank Field says “The British political leadership have a characteristic of not wishing to face up to what is happening until very late in the day.”, but is he right? Haven’t our politicians knowingly chosen to go down this path but refuse to tell us why?
Listen to this to gain an insight into their mindset.
the marxist left like to talk about sustainability, except when it comes to immigration
We get curry and Mo Farah too, don’t forget!
Would that be the Mo Farah who lives and trais in America ?
NB he also trains there !!
This is worth reading. Our political leaders are very quiet on this. If they do this to little old ladies, imagine what they want to do to us
We managed to keep the entire continent of India in check with a few thousand troops and a tiny civil service (special shout out to the bad ass Sikhs who stayed loyal in the uprisings). Once we are free of this self imposed left wing dictatorship, this issue will get resolved quickly.
Little Israel embarrasses 1 billion odd Muslims. All they can do is sit around talking about out breeding people and blowing them selves up, and given the prevalence of first cousin marriages in the UK, they are not gonna get any more impressive anytime soon.
Take it from me. Four Lions was more documentary then satire.
The world’s economy relies on population growth. That and the need for prices and wages to rise to kid everyone that they’re getting richer when they’re not. Economically illiterate leftists should be forced by law to pass some kind of 11-plus exam on basic economics before they’re allowed to open their mouths. They always base their arguments on lack of money!
Anyway, England is full (Scotland and Wales are still pretty desolate) so we need to stop paying people to sit on their arses whilst migrants are doing the jobs they could do.
Have you considered the infrastructure necessary to accommodate all these people?
Houses, roads, jobs, electricity, gas, water, etc; especially in the wilds of (an independent?) Scotland ?
Cloud cuckoo land, indeed
Anyway, England is full (Scotland and Wales are still pretty desolate)
And we like it that way in Wales thank you. We may be poorer but at least we can still move about without thinking we are in another country. I would point out though that the roads are much busier, that services are at breaking point and they are chucking up bloody houses where ever they can find a space so we haven’t escaped the population explosion unscathed.
Have you been to Newport ?
I try not to go east of Bridgend 🙂
According to the Conservative MP Greg Hands, a leading figure at the TESCO supermarket chain said in 2008 that “they estimate the population of the UK to be closer to 80 million, based on the volume of certain staples that they sell.” That was five years ago. We may already be well on the way to the sort of figures above.