Well, I could not bring myself to watch BBC Question Time from South Africa last night – first time in ages that I found myself in such a position. The BBC Mandelathon continues entering the second week now and it’s really all become far too much. I was on the BBC Moral Maze programme the other evening and it was all about the template Mandela set for ‘forgiveness”- never once did it enter BBC minds that Mandela should himself have been on his knees seeking forgiveness for the terrorism he once commanded! Anyhoo — the floor is yours….
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Hypocritical BBC-NUJ reporting on SEGREGATION in Britain.
While many Beeboids are self-righteously politically preening themselves as Mandela supplicants over e.g. apartheid/ segregation in latter-day South Africa, they are inclined to be non-critical over the segregation of males and females to appease Islamic interests at British universities.
Note how, with typical pro-Islamic censorship, the following BBC-NUJ ‘report’ by Beeboid Ms Burns, omits any reference to the dhimmification of British universities via the political pressure from Islamic interests.
There is no reference to Islamic interests in the following, despite the fact that this is what this issue is all about!
“University segregation advice may need court ruling”
By Judith Burns.
Education reporter, BBC News.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“‘Gender apartheid’ is real in UK universities. So why aren’t more people fighting it?
“As 8,000 people sign a petition against gender segregation in British universities, a rally last night attracted only 100 protesters. Who is fighting the good fight, asks Emma Pearce.”
For Beeboids to follow up with investigative reports?:-
“Lessons not learned: The continuing funding of UK universities by despotic Arab regimes”
“Now furious Gove says it’s a disgrace to segregate students and accuses university bosses of ‘pandering to extremism.’
“Education Secretary: it is ‘a disgrace’ for Universities UK to support policy.
“Universities UK said Muslim women were ‘comfortable’ being separated.
“Female students and campaigners were incensed.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2522925/Now-furious-Gove-says-disgrace-segregate-students-accuses-university-bosses-pandering-extremism.html#ixzz2nM66RdFH
In case BBC-NUJ is not aware of what’s going on:-
“Muslims pour money into universities in U.K., U.S. in order to change intellectual climate and push Islam”
But the large demonstration by over 2000 students, called cops off campus, was covered. Students expressed their hostility to police investigating Islamic societies, and were supported by a collection of left fellow travellers including anarchists and indeed, pensioners from the resurrected Class War – hospitalised copper – brigade. Remember, it is both racist and Isamolphobic, and certainly fascist to oppose gender apartheid. Where was mandela?
If anybody doubts this they should take a look at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, this now largely Islamic institute has in recent years grown from being just another institute of the university to taking over larger areas of the Senate house campus
“VIDEO: ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ protesters storm London university lecture on Egypt”
(Nov 2013).
And as I recall, the Evening Standard reported that Scotland Yard had said that no police were present at that event. But add to this, the intimidation of Jewish students, preventing a pro-life Christian speaker from giving a lecture, the students no platform policy, and the attitude towards poppy wearing – one of my family who lectures in a London shithole of a university was spat on by heroic students for wearing a poppy. I guess she was being racist.
“spat on by…students for wearing a poppy.”
This is simply the logical endpoint of multiculturalism – rejection of the host culture.
The logic of course goes into reverse if you are a white settler in Africa or a Christian in a predominately Muslim Country.
Multiculturalism is hatred of the West.
Saw a report about the segregation controversy on the 10 o’clock News. Not once during this report did the Beeboid reporter or the newsreader mention the “M” word. Anyone watching this news item without knowing the details would wonder what the hell was going on at the university and why it was deemed necessary for the university to draw up guidelines. No mention of Islamist speakers demanding the segregation of the sexes. At least the Sky report left you in no doubt what the problem was about.
What is it with the BBC and their efforts to minimise, or even suppress, any criticism or negative news about Muslims and their practices?
But it’s not JUST the bbc is it?
The whole bloody country, sorry I’ll rephrase that, the majority of the country have adopted a self imposed Dhimitude, led by our very own Prime Minister, Dopey David Cameron.
On what planet do these arseholes live?
The likes of Choudrey must laugh their socks off at their good fortune, an entire country surrendering via politically correct attitudes.
Dhimitude is a subject that I have asked the flokkers on here to define. One which they studiously ignored until goaded into a response, and then provided by a posting of ” me sir, me sir”!
Someone who appears to have disappeared after providing a shit definition.
“If anybody doubts this they should take a look at the School of Oriental and African Studies ”
It must have been 10 years ago… I remember reading the govt were offering grants to Universities that increased ethnic minority numbers. SOAS proudly boasted of their success – in fact they’d been so successful that whites were a minority! Yet they vowed to carry on.
I’m reluctant to use the word but when when whites are a minority and the Uni and govt still thought there was too many… well genocide is the only word that fits.
Don’t be reluctant. Genocide is official policy.
“I remember reading the govt were offering grants . . .”
And there you have the problem. The Government decides on something, and so it is done. Without a thought as to what the longterm implications are.
Er yes. BBC built in Islamic bias for gender segregation clashes with the one-size-fits-all ‘toilet’ Marxist ‘equality gender laws’. Now you only get ONE toilet for all seventeen sexes (LGTQFMLMRT et al) is the legal (UK) requirement for new public Loos. http://www.independent.co.uk/…/university-of-sussex-plans-to-build-genderneutral-toilets-across-campus-8894970.html
(The University of Sussex is hoping to become the first university in the country to have gender neutral toilets throughout campus). Next stop BBC and the local supermarket.
However, the BBC did report on instructions issued by the University of Wales on how to use toilets.
“the informational posters were produced….to help address cultural differences that were unfortunately causing damage and hygiene issues.”
‘ hygene issues’
Ah yes, one of my mates worked in the 80’s in a plant near Newport, South Wales for an outfit owned by Koreans, but staffed in the majority from the surrounding area. There was a section of the workforce from Korea.
Their biggest hygene problems were in tne toilets. For some reason the Koreans had two odd practices. Either they shat in the wash-handbasins, or if they did shit in the right place, they left the used toilet paper on the floor rather than flush it.
They had a problem at Rover (Longbridge plant) it was because a certain religion was squatting on top of the seats and breaking them.
I don’t know which way to turn.
At least you can be sure that they’re taking the piss.
So how does one urinate without being accused of flashing?
It must be a culture non-specific April fools joke.
By rights, there should always be loos for people who know what sex they are, having not gone in for all this trendy experimental reassignment stuff. I am a woman, I know I am a woman, I am proud of being a woman, and I don’t pee like a man, so why would I want to share a loo with one? If I was a bloke, a normal one, I would want to know that I could use a proper gents’ loo, I have no idea how genderly-reassigned people pee, and I don’t want to know.
Just be grateful for small mercies.
Another Labour government would have seen ‘sharia law’ in parts of Britain. Yerno the parts.
Fact (as they say, on the internet)
Daily Politics yet again having a lefty journalist spouting there crap again.
‘their’ – I’m a pedant so can’t ignore that one.
Is it wrong? It may be a place where the spouting was occurring, innit?
‘his’ or ‘her’.
I can’t bring myself to watch it any more; it drives me mad.
BBC-NUJ’s big political campaign today (e.g. Radio 4, ‘World at One’):
U.K government should bring
in Syrian refugees.
This is part of BBC-NUJ’s continuing policy of supporting an open-door mass immigration policy for U.K.
In today’s ‘World at One’ it was politically all pro-asylum seekers.
“The immigration merry-go-round is turning again”
By Leo McKinstry.
It is incredible that the French seem to expect us to ‘accomodate’ the failures of Europes borders. McKinsky is spot on that the ‘fault’ is our lefty political elite aided and abbetted by the BBC WORLD SERVICE that suggests our Island is but a clearing house of UK benefits for all on demand. No discrimination of entitlement or proof of identity required.
Thanks for the info on the SA QT. I tried to access it via the BBC, but trust that self-absorbed outfit not to open this particular episode to people outside the UK, even though it is obviously of keen interest to South Africans and others.
I got it via YouTube and am watching now. Hopefully the smucks wont take it down.
I did stick with QT SA style. I’m not sure what the purpose of the broadcast was. If the BBC was patronisingly saying: “Look – even the Rainbow nation has political differences” then it was stating the bleeding obvious.
Hain was truly a twat. His last two contributions were: “Britain has racism too: we had the Stephen Lawrence case…” (like it’s representative of the extent of racism in Britain: it isn’t. More blacks are killed by blacks than white)
And he said: “Despite these heated argument South Africa is wonderful today” which is the kind of idiotic comment a tourist would make (which Hain effectively is with respect to South Africa).
I was wondering if they’d adapt QT for the deaf people in the audience by hiring a sign-language interpreter.
As so often, Sickipedia gets it right:
The ineptitude of the Mandela funeral interpreter was first spotted during Obama’s tribute, when he signed “terrorist” as “giant of history”.
Yes, Hain was like a parady of political correctness. Couldn’t open his mouth without paying homage to the God of PeeCee.
I have an idea that very few anti-apartheid activists living elsewhere have permanently returned to bask in the glorious racial harmony of the new Rainbow Nation.
Still, it’s fair to say that those who opposed apartheid during the height of its power displayed considerable courage. To actively go against the system back then was often literally a matter of life and death.
Great pity though that so few of them now have the courage to confront the disaster that SA has become.
Judging by what’s been said on here re the SA QT, I’m glad I used my better judgement and didn’t watch it. Kept the blood pressure down too so win win.
Michael Savage did practically a whole programme on South Africa, the country is the murder capital of the world, the rape capital of the world and the infant rape capital of the world. It’s more dangerous than Iraq and Afghanistan. When you have Mandela, Zuma and the rest singing ”Kill the Boer, Kill the white farmers, Kill the Afrikaner.” We know from history, they aren’t joking.
I don’t think the BBC will be reporting this, doesn’t suit the ”rainbow nation” narrative.” 3 year old child raped and stabbed countless time by three black teenagers.
They’re waiting for another Eugene Terreblanche to stick his head above the parapet and say something slightly iffy, then it’ll be world news. Only trouble is SA whites are damn careful what they say on telly these days.
Gameshow and Heavy on 5 Live this morning gushing about the Christmas film ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ – don’t they realise the irony? The film describes how an individual’s choices, guided by a belief in Christian values, can influence society for the good of all. No 5 Live, sadly this film is not a reflection of you and your beliefs. Yours is an agenda of individual conformity and compulsion, don’t be hypocrites.
I want to know why the BBC thought it necessary to drop Test Match Special from Radio 4 Longwave at 8.30 for Yesterday in Parliament which could have been broadcast on R4 FM. As with recent ‘important’ events we know the BBC change schedules at a whim and as a Brit I regard the Ashes as more important than the passing of some questionable nonagenarian ex leader..
In the car the only way of keeping up to date were updates via Gameshow Nikki on R5L, and he’s the last person I want to listen to on my commute.
How many cars have actually got DAB? <5%? and if you wanted to listen to Radio 4 that was still available on FM which 99% of do cars have.
I don't use the BBC much for my £145, and they can't be arsed to bid for televised cricket and half measures on Formula One, but I do expect to be able to listen to the Ashes in car without the expense of a DAB car radio.
Rant over … (Shamelessly re posted from mid week thread…)
They always leave long wave broadcasts for the shipping forecast,yesterday in politics and morning worship.
Ah, Beeboids decide: it’s not changing CLIMATE, it’s changing WEATHER:-
“Weather ‘behind ozone hole changes'”
(Note how Beeboid has to use phrase:- “driven by the Sun”.)
The BBC seem to be more incompetent than the ANC. They sent out the largest contingent of journalists to South Africa and yet fail to cover the Cape Town Mandela Memorial Concert. The Libs back here would have loved to see this stuff. And I have to admit it looked like a great concert and a fitting memorial.
Better turnout than the memorial service, and no doubt very profitable for the family.
Still waiting for the BBC to acknowledge this problem:
White House press corps slams Jay Carney on access to Obama
They got a shot of Him taking that selfie so they could tell the world how cool and human He is, didn’t they? What more do they want? The pushback from the US media has been brewing for a few weeks now, and has been mentioned here before. Not at the BBC, though.
When the same media who worked overtime to get the President elected twice and did everything possible to demonize His opponents start saying things like this, it’s time to take notice.
The BBC, on the other hand, is apparently content to keep churning out the propaganda. Remember that Katty Kay, the anchor of BBC World News America and who appears regularly in her capacity as a BBC journalist and world-class commentator on NPR and MSNBC, co-wrote a book and is friends and business partner with Jay Carney’s wife.
Whenver those press secretaries appear they strike me as people in a great deal of pain. A while back there was a stiff woman with weird dress sense who’d obviously been trained to fix the audience with a sincere look and flash a fake smile at whoever asks a question.
She was followed by a younger version who seemed more at ease, or was more likely trained to seem more at ease.
Carney himself gives off a vibe of extreme unhappiness. But I guess it’s no easy task to be happy when you have to cover up and spout half truths to keep others happy.
Re the journalists denied photos of Obama, wasn’t he appearing in public and don’t they have adequate equpment to get shots of him, paparazzi style?
I guess I’m missing something here.
They’re not complaining about public appearances. They’re complaining about not being allowed indoors. The main issue is photography, the eyecatcher all newspapers – and now websites – crave. And video, although that’s a lesser cause. They’re pissed off that they don’t get access to meetings and events inside the White House or other areas where things happen, and instead are fed staged photos from the official Presidential photographer. They sucked it up for years because they were smitten and duty-bound to support Him against the rise of the Tea Party and other enemies. But Presidents are temporal by nature, and now He’s a liability for the Progressive movement they all support even more. So now they’re shocked, shocked to learn that they’ve been publishing what is essentially State propaganda for the last three or four years, and are at last speaking truth to power, even though it’s hardly a world-shaker.
The bridges were mostly burned after they found out the Government was spying on the AP and other journalists, and criminalizing the leakers on whom all investigative journalists depend for their livelihood. The President sent a chill throughout the media, and so they got less scoops and insider gossip.
Combine these with the knowledge that most of the public is starting to see them as palace guards and trust them less and less (with dwindling revenues putting more pressure on the legacy media than ever), and you get this backlash. And for once, they can’t call it racist.
Thanks David, that clarifies it.
Saw the video of this yesterday and what struck me more than the rising palpable frustration of the reporters present was the seeming ineptitude of Carney: how has this bumbling fool been there for so long, he looked and sounded like a student of his first day repeatedly mumbling a written answer he’d been given to read out.
Many of them are Carney’s (former) friends and colleagues. They know all too well what he’s been doing to them for some time now, and it might be a case of people getting tired of being lied to by a friend. Carney appears to be more inept than he actually his because he’s being forced to defend and spin and explain away a pack of lies and misdeeds. At times it’s impossible so he doesn’t even try.
did you watch question from south africa last night,that was a eye opener.i have never heard so much racism and hatred in my life directed by the black members of the panel and the audience towards white people in south africa,the worst racist on the panel was that young black radical version of owen jones with the che guevara berry on who sounded like the black version of nick griffin of the bnp.one member of the audience shouted out we should take all the farms and lands of the white south africans 4 fold with force like robert mugabe has done in zimbabwe,that to me was a incitement to murder white south african famers,they say africa is a rainbow nation,after watching question time last night i would be very scared if i was a white south african citixen living in that country, black racism and vengeance was in the air last night towards white people last night and i am sure that is the legacy that nelson mandela did not want to leave,scary stuff indeed.
Absolutely spot on. I was appalled by the racism and the desire for revenge. Though I’m well aware of it, it’s still disturbing to see it on screen.
Strangely enough though, the ANC still gets in with a very similar majority in every election, even though it’s not collaborating in the oppression the whites fast enough to suit the likes of many in that QT audience.
Could be it’s largely a tribal thing. But that still doesn’t explain why two-thirds of the public have voted ANC in four elections and will continue to vote ANC.
Perhaps, like Islamic movements in the middle east, they have a message for domestic consumption only that differs for the one they have for the bourgeois liberal west.
Just remember that when Mugabes thugs invaded white owned farms the BLiar government refused to allow the displaced farmers refugee status even though he was allowing anyone ‘of colour’ citizenship at the same time.
if that’s not racism I don’t know what is !
Genocide Watch has been concerned for some time. The future looks bleak and if I was white I would go now.
You can bet the farm that this vile government here will not give refugee status to the whites unless forced to by public opinion.
To the liberal they deserve everything coming to them. Even the children.
Liberalism is a real sickness of the spirit.
You’re right Dave, though it will only be possible to bet the farm until the day Zuma or his successors appropriate it.
There are White SA living in the UK. I live next door-but-one to a family. I have worked with many White SA.
Whilst I’d agree, I think they should leave, for their own sakes, we cannot have them all on top of what is already coming from elsewhere.
Spot on. And when the more moderate woman in the centre said that calling for revenge solved nothing the beret wearing marxist called her a ‘house nigger’.
Genocide of the white South African minority. Dr Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, determined that urgent intervention is required.
Read ‘ into the canibal’s pot’ by ilana Mercer, for an idea of how racist is truly is.
Hat tip to David Brims for the info.
Beeboid interview with GEERT WILDERS.
I suppose by Beeboid political standards, this Gavin Hewitt interview is not hostile, while not being the soft interview it affords e.g. to the likes of E.U’s Ashton on appeasing Islamic Republic of Iran.
“Geert Wilders sees European elections chance”
(inc 3 min video clip).
Russian discussing the similarities between the Soviet Union and the EUSSR.
I see the headline on BBC brands Wilders as “Far Right”. Seems opposing the Islamification of your country is now a “far right” trait – if you are a far-left BBC editor, who thinks he is “centre” and got it about right.
Mandela Broadcasting Corporation enters its 52nd week… as another plane full of BBC reporters arrives.
Sadly learnt today that Merton Council has won an employment High Court case (reported on-air by the BBC Radio 4 Today) went on air accusing a single Catholic mother (a child carer) of a disgraceful thought ‘crime’ of wanting to go to Church on a Sunday!
The BBC inquisitor (you know the one) made plain that she had no religious ‘rights’ (to go to Church on Sunday). It was ‘crime against humanity’ (stated darkly by the BBC), that she was employed by Merton Council to look after vulnerable children. BBC empathy award went ”but those poor children you left behind are you relying on you to be fed and clothed…’ etc.
She ‘bravely’ stated clearly on the BBC today news (not reported in the Court judgement , that she was initially employed by her care manager because she was a caring and gentle i.e. a model Christian. In that role she covered for all her other colleagues. (There was no question of a dispute amongst staff or management at the time of employment), and she added ‘covered for her Islamic colleagues’ . At that distinct point the BBC quickly dropped the interview.
It is very doubtful that the BBC (or Merton Council) would have made such a case – against an Islamic social carer for example. Merton Council is behaving like the Marxist dominated councils of Birmingham. A good example is Birmingham’s social services which are ‘Not fit for purpose’ widely reported in February this year. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/6263634/Birmingham-social-services-not-fit-for-purpose.html
Also, ‘Birmingham Mail’:-
“Baby-faced Birmingham gang’s reign of terror ends in ASBO”
On a different tack, I wonder if I am alone in having been compelled to hit the Off switch during the recent BBC 4 history of shipwrecks?
Was it the thought of sea sickness that turned my stomach? No, it was the presenter, an epicine little academic, who proved incapable of discussing the subject of maritime disasters in anything but the rigid (not to say nonsensical) terms of Marxist class war.
Thus the BBC does its work. You settle to watch a series about maritime wrecks and you get treated to a hackneyed ‘Marxist interpretation of history’.
Indeed. I noticed that aswell. Instead of focussing on the wrecks he was continually putting the boot into our maritime history. ‘Orrible little marxist shit he was. Made what could have been a facinating program totally unwatchable.
I have to agree also. Our Maritime History is something that really does help to define us as a Nation. Remember the old saying of the Royal Navy ? They called them the ‘Wooden Walls’ of our Kingdom. So, I guess the Marxist view this as fertile ground on which to rewrite history.
The concept of the Navy as wooden walls goes back to the time of Xerxes
when the Delphic oracle cryptically identified the Athenians ,’wooden wall’ as their only hope. The Athenians interpreted this to mean their navy and subsequently defeated the Persian at salamis saving Athens, and Europe with it, from tyranny and superstition.
The Georgians ,not unreasonably, cast themselves in the role of the ancient Athenians, defending the principles of freedom and enlightenment against napoleons totalitarian European super state.
You can see how the BBC would dislike that analogy on many levels .
Obama ordered flags to fly flags at half mast for marxist terrorist ‘Madiba’ for 5 days. The only time they’ve done that was for Churchill. Army veteran very upset 50.45
Some good news on the BBC website.
Twenty-six of the crew are foreign nationals and had hoped to be able to leave the country until their presence was required at trial.
But a letter to Dutch activist Anne Mie Jensen has dashed those hopes.
The letter from the federal Investigative Committee told Ms Jensen she is “not free to leave the country”, Greenpeace said in a statement.
“Lawyers for Greenpeace expect all of the non-Russian defendants to be treated in the same way by the authorities, meaning they would now be forced to stay in St Petersburg for Christmas and possibly well beyond.”
Merry Christmas activi…..milita…..err….vanda……errr….scum
No polonium in the pud I trust……
Personally, I find that “Happy Christmas, Muchachos !” has just the right air of teeth-grinding jauntiness to put the recipient on edge, especially when contrasted first hand with the joys of the Russian prison system in winter.
BTW, does the Russian Orthodox Church still use the Julian calendar to date Christmas ? ‘Cos that’s an extra 13 chilly days for you right there, muchachos. 🙂
“does the Russian Orthodox Church still use the Julian calendar to date Christmas ?”
Oh most frabjous joy !
I particularly liked this piece.
“They’re going against an international law…”
Yes, I am sure they are. And prey tell, what international laws did you break by entering Russian territorial waters and thinking you can do just as you please ?
Karma !
I see the bBC has decided now that their black savour of a terrorist has died , that now is the correct time to get us all to pronounce his name correctly.
Why you’re probably pronouncing Nelson Mandela’s name wrong
And for Mandela’s full name, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, we recommend: khol-ee-HLAA-hlaa man-DEL-uh (-kh as in Scottish loch, -hl as in Welsh llan, -aa as in father, -uh as a in sofa). This is based on his own pronunciation but without reflecting the tones. You can listen to his own pronunciation here, as said when he was sworn in as president of South Africa.
No bBC, it is pronounced: “Nissan Main dealer.”
I wonder why the bbC didn’t mention this snippet when the terrorist was released from prison in 1990, when he was SA president from 1994-1999, or even when he came to the Uk after his release. But no, the faux fawning continues with the bBC telling us all how to correctly pronounce his name. Well it was OK for 95 years, so why should it be any different now he is dead?
But they helpfully tell us, for the black South African village of Qunu, where Mandela will be buried on Sunday, the bBBC recommends the anglicised pronunciation: Coon-oo.
They don’t do irony.
Why do I need to know how to pronounce his friggin’ middle name which has only just been brought to my attention by this very article ? It’s not as though it’s going to come up much in casual conversation, is it ? Not unless those true believers looking for names for their prospective rugrats decide that ‘Madiba’ is becoming suddenly too common in their circles and decide to go for something a bit different instead. And Rolihlahla has that all important “you won’t be able to pronounce it correctly” quality that appeals to a certain type of parent.
Incidentally, maybe the BBC could take time out from giving us the gen on the middle name of a now dead Madiba (‘He is an ex-Madiba, he has ceased to be etc etc ) and instruct Tess Daly on how to pronounce Ola’s name correctly on a Saturday night after all this time instead of shrilling “Ohh-la” all over the place like a fishwife with the bots. Ola’s still alive, after all, which puts her several points up straight away on the Sainted One with the tricky middle name.
they’re running out of things about the dead terrorist to report on. They’re scraping the barrel for stories. things must be getting bad if all they’ve got left is how to pronounce his name properly
Will Radio 4 ever be as funny again…let alone the BBC?
Hoping that Harry Enfield will do his Nelson Mandela inpressions once again, given the current interest all things Nelly.
You heard it here first. Well, second… maybe third. Or…
Actually most have known it for a while.
‘People who are really interested will get the news from Twitter’
Interested in what, particularly accuracy, substantiation, professional objectivity or integrity aside, is less clear.
But up at the top, extreme right (down Mason) tab, is what ‘people’ can already ‘get’, via a free, uncontrolled, unaccountable overseas content platform, that the BBC simply adds a £145.50 ‘fee’ to add its own special ‘views our own’ spin.
Once he gets back from SA, Stuart ‘It’s a report not campaigning’ Hughes will be thrilled.
Only a leftwing wanker working for the bBC could come out with this shite.
Roma migrants: Could UK do more to integrate them?
To Andrew ( i haven’t a fucking clue) Fletcher who wrote the above, why don’t you allow a bunch of these thieving cunts to live next door to you , I’m sure you’ll continue defending them as they turn your street into…….a foreign country complete with rubbish.
Kind of the same thing today, thro’ the bbc megaphone, as said by some think tank: the uk should be ashamed of what it is doing gor Syrian refugees.
WTF did all their problems become my fault and my responsibility?
Why T F dont all the sandpits sorrounding them take all the homeless?
There will be hardship amongst the displaced thousands, but I’m fucked if I will go and commit hari kiri from a guilt trip imposed by al-fucking-beeba.
BBC, the spiritual home of Dr Heinz Kiosk : “We are all guilty !”
There are quite a few very wealthy sandpits just adjacent to Syria and I’m struggling to understand why all this crap is our responsibility and not theirs.
In accordance with multiculturalism, integrating them is racist. It is akin to genocide according to the left.
“Sheffield City Council wouldn’t talk to us”
Main News homepage..yes, the most important news in THE WORLD…free school has to close! The report is by the now infamous Hannah Richardson who this week has been ripped a new one by most media over her grossly bias reporting on free schools.
Link to story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-25369094
Image of website:
It is also the main news with 4 separate links on UK page.
In case you missed the links to the bias report earlier here it are from Wednesday…BBC obviously intend to keep this going despite blatant bias:
Interesting that the main news page (shown in your screenshot) puts the free school article just below the Korean political assassination article, presumably to catch the eye of surfing Guardianistas.
I heard a discussion on PM of such stupidity that I had to switch it off in the end.
The refusal of Universities to ban the separation of the sexes at meetings.
Apparently it is a very complex subject and the beeboid/interviewees treated it with reverence.
It is not at all complicated.
We all know what it is about. The attempt by Islamic students to impose Sharia on us. To treat women as second class citizens in this country.
It should be made illegal and very heavy fines imposed on any university which permits it. A couple of 100,000 pound fines would clear their heads.
The liberals value their money.
It’s very simple. We allow mosques (either permanent or temporary) to implement segregation codes. However, in a lecture theatre on campus it is not permitted to enforce segregation. Those organising the event say it was voluntary. However is it made clear that the posters for “males – this way” and “females – this way” say that to do so is voluntary?
The focus must be on consent by those attending and if the voluntary nature of the segregation is not made clear then such lectures should be banned until the organisers accept the law of the land.
This is typical surrender by pseudo liberals to Islamofascists. I remember back in 1978 my university Christian Union was denied student union funding because it would only accept Christians as members – although anyone could attend events and there was no gender segregation. Only faux liberals could consider it progress in 2013 to support Islamists having gender segregation at University supported events.
And where exactly are those vocal feminists on this one?
You can’t hear them because their mouths are hidden by burqas.
Yes, they’re “liberating”!
“And where exactly are those vocal feminists on this one?”
In exactly the same place they were when Bill Clinton’s busy second career in sex-pestery came to light.
To treat women as second class citizens in this country.
Too close to home maybe. NUJ dossier claims that
women working in the World Service’s Afghan department in the BBC’s London headquarters were criticised for wearing western clothes and expressing opinions
BBC-NUJ steps up its political propaganda for even more mass immigration into E.U, and into U.K, via asylum-seekers from Syria, etc.
With more one-sided propaganda throughout today on behalf of asylum-seekers, spoken in soft voice, and more E.U speeches pressuring states to take such people, the BBC-NUJ must have Sweden as its model:-
“Sweden is Set to Burst”
Sweden is the future of all Europe. Be warned. As Sweden it has no future . It will be some place else heading fast towards Mogadishu.
They have bought it on themselves. Payback perhaps for indulging liberalism at the expense of reality.
Ironic, since Sweden did its utmost to subvert South Africa, the chickens are coming home to roost.
More on what is happening in Sweden as a result of the ongoing mass immigration:-
Of course, BBC-NUJ reporting on Africa is mainly from South Africa, not from Kenya and Somalia:-
“White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite link to Kenya grenade attack on British tourist”
Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/white-widow-samantha-lewthwaite-kenya-2920987#ixzz2nNnaIbYH
Anything happening that’s newsworthy in CAR, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Sudan or Mali? I guess not. So no need for stopovers on the way back from South Africa to file all those expense and overtime claims. Wonder what the BBC spent more on – covering the funeral of Baroness Thatcher, the memorial service for Nelson Mandela (funeral still to come), or the Olympic opening ceremony. Tricky, but I bet it wasn’t Baroness Thatcher’s funeral. Worth an FoI request?
Flex wrote:
” Wonder what the BBC spent more on – covering the funeral of Baroness Thatcher, the memorial service for Nelson Mandela (funeral still to come), or the Olympic opening ceremony. “
Funny you should mention that, here is something the bBC just happened to mention when Maggie died:
Cost of Thatcher’s funeral a ‘mistake’ says Grantham Bishop
Protester: ‘Thatcher funeral cost inappropriate’
Thousands at anti-Thatcher rally in London
The bBC, a bunch of gay cocksucking school children who feel that we should all subscribed to their political agenda or else be deemed as Racists/Bigots/Jews
Channel 4 showing people dying and suffering in CAR – not a single BBC reporter to be seen. But then the local hotels are probably a bit basic.
Yes, and the story involves murderous attacks by islamists, which is a ‘difficult’ narrative for al-beeb to cope with.
Radio 4’s Roger Bolton does try his best with the lead item on Feedback being about whether the Mandela coverage was excessive http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03kvd4z/Feedback_13_12_2013/?t=2m4s
Head of the BBC Newsroom unapologetic. Judge for yourself how she comes across. I think the words conceited, arrogant, strident and plonker come to mind.
Was Bolton saying “Madiba” ironically? Or has he jumped on the bandwagon like the rest of them and was unwittingly proving the complainers’ point?
I love how Hockaday’s defense against the complaint that much of the BBC’s output was narcissistic and how lame it was to wheel out a load of BBC correspondents to wax nostalgic was to explain that the event was a good time to wheel out a load of BBC correspodents to wax nostalgic. “A reflection of the depth of knowledge and expertise” in Beebspeak.
The contempt this woman displayed for her audience was obvious, and all too predictable. As Bolton pointed out, people complain about this every time there’s a major event of this kind, and she and they simply don’t care. They air the complaints, read the emails, “listen and read”, compliance box ticked, requirement fulfilled, job done.
I remain convinced that the number and content of the complaints only serve to make Hockaday and the rest of the BBC hold the public in more contempt than ever.
Having heard Mary Wackaday spout her chocolate fountain of excuses and canards…we can all see just how the BBC News outlets are so sanctimonious, patronising and-well, ditzy and fake!
Ludicrous guff from Wackadoo…and to seE Paul Mason described as “Cultural and Digital Editor” on Channel 4 News shows that the virus is viral, as they say.
Still-Jon Snows gander was up re the Mullerette from Hizbang-al-Tazir and her wanting universities to force women to segregate…he knocked seven campniles out of her..never seen the red-socked fop so grumpy…Islamphobe maan.!
Yet strangely hopeful that even the wetbax of Liberal La-la Land are finally turning…
More spinach for Mr Snow, matron!
Top form chrisH, top form
Ms. Hockaday seems to only get wheeled out at such occasions, and seldom disappoints.
She makes Chris Patten seem the epitome of sincere concern that the BBC is delivering a service of value in response to licence fee payer expectations.
One can only wonder if as part of his frenetic market rate hiring spree Tone may not be considering Sharon Shoesmith to help share her workload.
BBC sent 140 ‘journalists’ ( groupies / fans ) to South Africa !!! WTF. Channel Five sent 5 reporters.
Channel 5 is one channel. The BBC is dozens of channels (tv and radio) and unique shows, each of which require their own personnel to give their own audience their special take on events, including those who must hear it in other languages native to your islands. Surely it’s vital that a Europe editor and the BBC’s North America editor rush down there, for example. It’s only 28 times as many people, so the BBC will feel they got it about right.
One question, though: does that figure include management uninvolved with the day-to-day operations of broadcasting flying out to pay their respects to the secular saint? Or did the license fee actually pay for even more expensive flights, hotels, and meals than they’re letting on? And what about shows that are produced by third party production companies, such as Question Time? Is only Dimbleby counted in that total, and the rest of the crew is counted on the production company’s dime? I’m unsure how that works.
If only the BBC had a resident journalist in South Africa, especially someone who knew the place and people. Maybe even an Black African, someone who had been there years. If they did have someone like that, someone like this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25254269 then they wouldn’t need to fly any journalists in.
They should offer that girl a job, but wait a minute it seems they already have http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25249286
Not good enough. In order to do a proper world-class job, worthy of the world’s largest and most trusted broadcasting organization, the BBC needed to send the superior white journalists down to….um….wait…..
Come on, be fair, its only a fraction of the number of reporters they have to send to Glastonbury every year.
It would seem that the slightly earlier than usual snow in Syria and Lebenon has driven global warming out of the news.
Surprising that!!!!
It was amusing a few days ago to see Bowen reporting from Lebanon (in a snowstorm) and, a few minutes later, Mardell reporting from Washington (also in a snowstorm).
Shame there were no reports from Cairo, where they have had snow for the first time in over a hundred years.
That’s just weather, not climate, you fascist warming denier.
“Why on earth did the the BBC spend thousands hiring a studio and sending Dimbleby, eight staff (plus Peter Hain) out to film Question Time in SOUTH AFRICA?
“The show presented by David Dimbleby was broadcast from Johannesburg.
“Anti-apartheid campaigner MP Peter Hain flown in especially for the show.
“Sent home via Amsterdam in business class, but BBC refuse to say cost.
“Critics have accused corporation of wasting licence fee money.
“BBC has already received 1,695 complaints about its ‘excessive’ coverage.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523273/BBC-flew-Labours-Peter-Hain-BUSINESS-CLASS-Mandela-death-Question-Time-edition.html#ixzz2nO0Vscxo
What was that about ‘carbon footprint’? Shouldn’t the BBC be setting a lead on digital links substituting for air travel?
Saw the ‘head’ of BBC News channel, I think she is called Hackaday, being asked by Samira Ahmed about excessive coverage of Mandella on ‘Newswatch’. Guess what, her hide is thicker than that of a rhino. There is no hope for internal change at the BBC. It must be imposed.
And by the way, does anyone know how many people the ANC murdered under his leadership?
No but to change the subject i do know how many people have been executed in Iran since the “moderate” Rouhani took office-more than 300. http://freebeacon.com/report-iran-has-executed-529-people-in-2013/
Watching the BBC news this morning it was becoming apparent that the ‘ softening up ‘ process for a syrian ‘refugee’ influx is getting under way.
Oh yeah……. big-time !
Some panel on BBC News channel this morning, reminiscent of the BBC World panels – all full of lefty, liberal, hand-wringing apologists for the existence of the UK, who are absolutely sure that the EU, and in particular the UK, has absorbed an almost insignificant percentage of their population in the form of Syrian Nationals, say, compared to Lebanon and Jordan.
Hold on a second, it ain’t the UK’s fault that Arab nations are exploding with Shia-Sunni tribal warfare, and aren’t these nations being supported by all these other lovers-of-peace Muslim nations throughout the Middle East first – and if not why not ?
Let’s face it, the peace-loving peoples of the Palestinian territories could give them all lessons in how to be refugees, having been forced, even in their own countries, to live in refugee camps for over 60 years now. Arafat & Co. made them all experts in being refugees, rather than going out and doing something productive with their lives. So much better and easier to hang out the begging bowl – so that their own leaders can more quickly become multi-millionaires, natch.
In addition, we have our own tiny problems with EU immigrants in our country, and the mayhem they are wreaking on our nation, our infrastructure and our economy.
Good news on Any Questions sounds like Dimblebore is losing his voice – so hopefully we’ll be hearing less from him this week. One can only hope so.
After a mysterious adjournment the trial of the Soldiers of Allah will continue next week with one defendant not giving evidence. Fair enough.
‘The judge said that the trial was moving into its final phases with closing speeches, but he had to deal with further legal matters before the jurors would hear them
What are these legal matters? What are we not being told by our fearless reporters in the MSM? Am I right in smelling some thing fishy? Remember claims published by a friend of one of the defendants who said that MI5 had attempted to recruit him?
“What are these legal matters? What are we not being told by our fearless reporters in the MSM?”
Something that the judge has decided must be heard by him in camera before being put before the jury (or not, as the case may be). So no reporters will know what they are, and if they did, they would be in contempt of court if they published. It’s not that extraordinary.
Possibly not, but what most certainly is extraordinary is the near silence on this case from the BBC.
The endless comparisons that could be made are … endless.
The guests on Any Questions are Shami Chakrabarti, Sajid Javid MP, Chuka Umunna MP, and Amjad Bashir.
Is this a first, to have an all ethnic panel ?
Didn’t someone say a long time ago ”They’ll be holding the whip hand next.” Hmm…
That is a racist comment and doesn’t fit with some of the sense being spoken. Maybe I’ll change my mind if they’re tossed a Religion of Peace (c) question, but so far it’s been better than many white panels I think.
No more racist that you suggesting that its better than ‘many white panels’
Good reply Geoff 🙂
Just confirms what we all know.
The bbc hates white, English , males.
The Oxbridge ubermenschen at the top of the corporation will be the last to be put on the cattle cars…
African QT last night, and now an Asian AQ. The Dimblebores are upping the ante this week.
They’ve just been asked about immigration. Guess what? It’s a good thing.
PS: Shami, Chukka and Sajid are typical smooth and slippery media savvy types, but the UKIP chap appears to be a bloody idiot.
Includes a sensible chap from UKIP who sounds unpolished and genuine. About time the BBC broadened out and stopped trying to make UKIP appear to Farage’s personal party – he doesn’t want that.
Unpolished to the point of wandering off-topic at the drop of a hat, in my opinion.
I’m not sure how claiming that because he might have six million constituents and be involved in 75% of the law making aids his cause. It sounded like a letter of praise to Brussels. Somewhat odd from a UKIP representative.
Also he claims a basic salary of £81,000 per annum, but if you include travel and allowances that soars by another £100,000pa or so. Two grand a week or so on a roundtrip to travel back and forth to Brussels or Strasbourg sounds a little on the generous side.
If he was being honest he might have mentioned that.
He was being ironic. He wants us out of the EU. He sounded the most ordinary person on the panel. And the only one who seemed to have run a business.
You just don’t like UKIP – which makes you sound just a tad … er… biased!
The problem with that argument is that you might give the impression that anyone who disagrees with you at all is biased, which isn’t really helpful on this site, is it?
If the UKIP guy was being ironic, I would suggest the first question on a rare appearance for a UKIP member on AQ was probably not the best place to do it.
@ david brims.have the not bbc not broke the equality laws by having an all exclusive ethnic minority panel tonight by excluding white guests
Well, the sounds of sharp intake of breath from some fellow panellists at some comments suggests that the News Quiz was sailing pretty close to the wind even by their standards.
And Jeremy Hardy ws being even more of a prize cock than usual.
I heard some of this. Rufus Hound (I think it was him) went off on one about the NHS and admitted himself he didn’t have a punchline. It was just a “take to the streets” rant. It was diabolical even by News Quiz low standards.
Rufus Hound FFS?..Marcus Brigstocke?
Boy named Sue syndrome here…with names like that, only the BBC would give `em jobs.
Jeremys abound…wish I`d remembered to laugh at Lenny and Jerry when I had my chance way back.
Hope and Keen, Lenny and Jerry…the new Golden Age of Comedy when you see what the comedy slop buckets contain these days.
Rufus…f***in Hound?…tell the grim twat that having an arse of a name doesn`t entitle you to try comedy!
Nope, I watched the show, nice of the BBC to fly Marxist hate merchant Hain out to Africa, to inform the world what an unreconstructed racist country Britain is.. his evidence seems to be a youth’s murder.. I was beside myself, but it’s what i’ve come to expect from the BBC. any little bit of nastiness directed at us is money well spent.
I wonder how many Black Britons would rather live in any other country, including South Africa.
Regards the bBC article regards the refugee problem inside Lebanon. Here’s a few things that Abu (I have a home in Beirut) Bowen isn’t telling you:
1) The Bekaa Valley is the area inside Lebanon where Hezb-allah have their stronghold, do you think they would allow rebels, or those sympathetic to the Rebels to set up there….
2) Snow in winter in the Bekaa valley is more common than snow in the UK.
Here’s a little something from the UNHCR website:
“Some 125,000 refugees living in the Bekaa have received winter kits and 55,000 more will be reached in the coming days. Humanitarian agencies working throughout Lebanon have distributed 255,000 blankets and more than 6,000 stoves in the past months. Some 45,000 ATM cards (each holding US$150 in value) have also been given to vulnerable families to buy additional stoves and fuel.”
ATM cards???? But from the bBC article youa re given the picture that these people are living right out in the outback away from civilisation.
As for allowing these people to move to the UK, the same people who demand we keep out of Islamic lands, should understand the reverse is extant. But they don’t Maybe Abu Bowen who has a huge house in Beirut could allow a number of poor Syrian families to move in with him. Something tells me he won’t.
The bBC, the lying bastards who brainwash you into thinking you are a racist for complaining about the Muslim who is raping your daughter, stealing benefits, while plotting to blow us all up
The shite the left wing bBC tries to pass off as News:
Migrants quizzed on English skills before benefits
Immigrants to the UK are being tested on their English skills before being able to claim income-related benefits under a new scheme. People are being asked what efforts they have made to find work before coming to Britain. Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said people should not be able to “take advantage” of British benefits.
As this is the bBC, they then counter the above with:
“That is why Labour called for stronger restrictions on benefits for new arrivals from the EU, including proposals eight months ago to strengthen the habitual residence test to make it clear that people should not be able to claim benefits when they first arrive.”
Really bBC, do you really expect anybody with even half a braincell to believe that shite.
Don’t know why everyone is on the sign language guy’s back. Obama was vacuous and meaningless, and he translated that perfectly.
I watched a bit of that on Israeli TV. The guy was seemed bogus since he was repeating the same few gestures for anything the speaker said. Then I watched the inset at the bottom left of the screen where a lady was presenting what seemed a professional display. While going back and forth between the two of them it became obvious to me that the guy was a fraud.
Amazing that he wasn’t hauled off the stage. But even more amazing that he was allowed up there in the first place and that nobody thought to check his credentials and experience.
If they ever investigate the shambles it will most probably be found that he knew someone who knew someone so they just handed him the job.
More BBC-NUJ pro-Islam censorship; this case, in America:-
1.) ‘Jihad Watch’:-
“Wichita Airport jihad plotter: ‘I have become ‘radicalized’ in the strongest sense of the word, and I don’t feel Allah wants me any other way'”
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
“US man held over Kansas ‘suicide bomb plot'”
‘Daily Mail’:-
“‘Brother Bin Laden is a great inspiration to me’: Authorities thwart suicide bombing ‘by Islamic extremist flight technician who plotted to blow up Kansas airport'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523387/Authorities-thwart-suicide-bombing-Islamic-extremist-flight-technician-plotted-blow-Kansas-airport.html#ixzz2nOiyAI6p
Wait for the “we particularly welcome moslems as pilots” job ads……
When is a racist comment by an MP not big news and worth only a position low down on the BBC web page?
When it’s made by a Labour MP:
Not important. Nothing to see here really.
You can bet if it was a Tory or UKIP politician it would be near the top.
I didn’t realise using the word ‘Pikey’ had been made a double plus bad hate-crime by the LibLabCon thought Police. Does that mean they can’t show ‘Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barells’ on TV anymore? The part where Jason Statham says ‘F**king Pikeys’ was my favourite bit 🙁
The so called Tory MP who complained gives you an idea of just how useless that party has become.
Daniel Greenfield ( Sultan Knish ) has his last essay on the liberal’s corruption of language and how it is destroying rational thought. This is a case that makes the point for him.
That Tory MP deserves to be kicked out of the party. But with arch appeaser Cameron in charge I doubt it.
Ah yes, but if a Tory is accused of calling someone a ‘pleb’ all hell breaks loose on albeeba.
White and English and your community is being over run by Pakistanis – You can fuck off you racist white English bigot scum.
Pakistani and your community is being over run by Roma – Stop every thing, Labour party mobilize, we must help these poor Pakistanis.
How the bBC just cannot tell the truth about Islamic violence around the world and as per-usual blame every bar their favourite religion of peace.
Why CAR has descended into violence
Has anybody read the above bBC article, it is an absolute disgrace, which blames Christians as the reason behind and remakes Muslims as the only victims. I quote:
A bloody handprint is still visible on the doorstep of a house in the Muslim quarter. A man was shot and desperately tried to crawl inside. But the former soldiers, who are backing the “anti-balaka” Christian militia, shot him again in the front room.Nobody seems to understand how and why this unprecedented inter-communal violence started.
So why does the bBC, feel that Muslims are being targeted in the C.A.R?:
“When Seleka stormed Bangui and put a Muslim in power by force, Christians focused their anger on Muslims, whom they took for scapegoats.” Thousands of soldiers who served in the army under Mr Bozize have joined Christian anti-balaka fighters.
Really bBC, is this the best you can do, nothing about how Islamic rebels who reneged on a peace deal with the President and took power in September of this year. The leader of the rebels ‘Michel Am-Nondokro Djotodia’ declared himself president and disbanded his band of merry Muslims . They on the otherhand were having none of this and went on the rampage killing, looting and raping as only Muslims can. Think I am making this up here is what the Guardian had to say on the matter 3 weeks ago:
The latest eruption began in March when the unpopular president, François Bozizé, fled by helicopter with five suitcases after being overthrown by a loose coalition of rebels, bandits and guns for hire known as the Seleka, meaning “alliance” in the local language. One of its leaders, Michel Djotodia, declared himself president — the first Muslim to rule this majority Christian nation of 4.6 million people. What Médecins sans Frontières termed “a crisis on top of a crisis” for the population accelerated considerably in September when Djotodia officially disbanded the Seleka. Many of the rebels refused to disarm and leave the militias as ordered but veered further out of control, killing, looting and burning villages. …The Seleka are playing judge, jury and executioner without regard even for Djotodia. Last Saturday, when a prominent judge was assassinated by men on motorbikes in the ramshackle capital, Bangui, the Seleka rounded up three suspects and offered his family the chance to kill them; when the family refused, citing the judge’s dedication to due process, the Seleka shot the suspects dead outside their front gate. The family still do not know if they were the real culprits.
So in a nutshell, its those followers of the bBC’s favorite peaceful religion who are behind all of this and yet according to the bBC it is the nasty Christian victims who are too blame. Here is what the bBC have to say in their larger font sidebar article:
It will be much harder to disarm these Christian militiamen than Seleka, who are already staying in their barracks here in Bossangoa”
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic intolerance and the traitors within our midst
Here are the other larger font side bars to that bBC article:
With the type of killing that happened, it’s now very difficult for us to go back and live together”
A Muslim man in Bossangoa
A Muslim neighbour helped me reach this camp when I was trying to escape the fighting”
A Christian woman in Bossangoa
When Seleka stormed Bangui and put a Muslim in power by force, Christians focused their anger on Muslims, whom they took for scapegoats”
David Smith
Okapi Consulting
The one I posted in the post above actually comes last. From reading them do you get the impression that Christians are to blame and that it is the Muslims who are the victims (note the one where the Christian woman thanks a Muslim for helping her)
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
In related news:
Feds say they disrupted suicide bomb plot by worker at Wichita airport
I don’t like sting operations like this – seemingly creating a crime where there wasn’t one before – but the following cannot be blamed on anything other than what the BBC and defenders of the indefensible like Dez deny with every fiber of their being:
It’s not racist to claim the man was inspired to violence by his religious belief.
Some people claim that this is merely a perfectly understandable anger at US foreign policy. But then one has to ask why it took a religious conversion to set things in motion. If the man was just an anti-war activist gone rogue, why did he need Islam in the first place to turn him on? The BBC will have a difficult time spinning this one.
Further to Davids post here is the bBC’s take on that news story:
US man held over Kansas ‘suicide bomb plot’
A man has been arrested in the US state of Kansas and accused of planning to detonate a suicide car bomb at an airport, authorities have said.Terry Lee Loewen, 58, has been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.Mr Loewen, an aviation technician, does not appear to have been affiliated with any religious group, police said.
So according to the bBC, this American citizen who was planning to murser as many people as possible while taking his own life didn’t subscribe to any relgion, thus at a stroke dismissing Islam out of the question.
At the bottom of that bBC article are links to 5 news stories from around the world here is what they all had have to say:
China Daily
According to the criminal complaint filed against Loewen in U.S. District Court in Wichita, he was charged with one count of attempting to “use a weapon of mass destruction against people and property within the U.S.,” one count of maliciously attempting to damage property by means of an explosive and one count of knowingly attempting to “provide material support and resources” to designated foreign terrorist group Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula….Loewen has been under investigation by the Wichita Joint Terrorism Task Force since early summer 2013 after he had made statements that he was resolved to commit an act of violent jihad against the United States.
USA today
Loewen wrote Wednesday in a letter he left for his family, the FBI said.
“My only explanation is that I believe in jihad for the sake of Allah + for the sake of my Muslim brothers + sisters,” Loewen wrote. “Fact is, most Muslims in this country will condemn what I have done. … I expect to be called a terrorist (which I am), a psychopath, and a homicidal maniac.”
Loewen left a letter dated Dec. 11, 2013 for a family member describing his intent to conduct a martyrdom operation, according to the criminal complaint. Part of the letter reads: “By the time you read this I will – if everything went as planned- have been martyred in the path of Allah… The operation was timed to cause maximum carnage + death. My only explanation is that I believe in jihad for the sake of Allah + for the sake of my Muslim brothers + sisters.”
So while everybody else in the world is reporting this for what it is (Was) Islamic based terrorism, the bBC reports it had nothing to do with…Religion.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic Terrorism.
Sorry left 2 out, I knocked over a glass of Japanese Whisky and had to mop it up before it soaked into my leather desk.
News Max
Authorities said Friday they foiled a suicide bombing plot to blow up the Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kan., arresting a man who proclaimed himself Muslim and had talked of committing “violent jihad on behalf of al-Qaida.”
Fox News
A Kansas man who authorities say in the past made threats to engage in violent jihad against the U.S. was charged Friday for allegedly plotting to detonate a car bomb at the Wichita Mid-Continent Airport.
Terry L. Loewen, 58, an aviation technician who FBI agents say was inspired by Usama bin Laden, spent months planning the attack and was intent on using his employee access card to drive the vehicle loaded with explosives to a terminal, Barry Grissom, the U.S. Attorney for the district of Kansas, said, citing the criminal complaint. Loewen planned on dying in the explosion as a martyr,.
Oh and if you must know the whisky is to die for and knocks the spots off a large number of Scottish whiskys
I said the BBC would have a hard time spinning that one, and it looks like they found it so difficult they decided to censor it altogether. I’ll check tomorrow morning to see if Mardell is making another dishonest attempt to suppress unapproved thoughts like he did after Ft. Hood.
What’s that? The BBC published their report before the lunatic’s religious statement was made public, so we’re wrong to complain? I guess sometimes the BBC does rush to publish before all the facts are in. Gosh, I wonder what made them so trigger happy? Could it be the initial police statement that there was no religious affiliation? So it fit the agenda?
I’m sure they’ll update the story as it “evolves”. It’s a good thing no journalists lurk here anymore, or they’d have some explaining to do.
What kind of terrorist group did he look for when he got fed up, where the FBI was waiting for him, BBC? An Occupy group? 😉
The problem in CAR can be described like this. Say foreign fighters from Pakistan, Somalia and Turkey came to England. They created a coup were Anjem Choundary was made Prime Minister. Then after taking power they decided to exterminate the English who are Christian. If we defended ourselves, according to the BBC we would be racist villains.
So F**k the BBC and their lies. They have spent 20 yrs covering up for South Africa, which is the baby rape capital of the world. But that is no surprise because they beamed Jimmy Savile into our front rooms for over 50 years!
I blame CAR foreign policy and inequality. That usually suits the BBC just fine.
Saw some prize phlegm from the BBC about Constantinople on the telly.
By the lights of Simon Teabag Montefiori or what`s his face…those loveable Muslims from the Arab family took hold of some old decayed Christian outpost of nothing…and we can now eagerly expect the full cultural bloom of Islam in the next instalment of his blowing lavender oils up the arse of Ahmed.
Turkey-the best that Islam can give us by way of a functioning state…and old Simon reckons it`s an improvement on the likes of the USA, Western Europe, Australia or Israel.
Plonker with plums in his gob, and straw under his hat for brains.
The usual English upper class male obssession with the Middle Eastern . They really are that predictable.
Stephen Lawrences of Arabia…but simply could never be seen dead near a bus-stop when there`s a passing camel train transporting gravy.
And never…NEVER on Eltham High Street…got that?
Turkey became a functioning state when Kemal Ataturk secularised it.
The bBC and Not the NIne O/clock News:
Parties condemn anti-gay ‘smears’ against former Tower Hamlets councillor
Police are investigating a homophobic “smear” campaign against a former Tower Hamlets councillor after posters accusing him of paedophilia were put up near his home.
Gee I wonder just whom would take offence against a gay man in Tower Hamlets. Funny thing is this is a clear cut homophobic attack in London and yet the bBC can’t be asked to report this story…Why?
But, but, I thought that homosexuality had nothing to do with pedophilia.
If a paedophile attacks a child of the same sex they are automatically a homosexual. Seems pretty obvious, although the BBC seem to disagree.
No that’s a heresy. When an adult male molests a young boy he is automatically transmuted and ceases to be a homosexual.
It is your confused thinking that leads to all manner of thought crimes.
Like imagining a link between homosexual clergy leading to child abuse within the organised churches.
Or questioning why so many adult homosexuals have a fascination with children’s television.
When the liberal inquisition are allowed to further lower the age of consent much of this confusion will disappear , in the meantime you should stick to the plough and allow the priest class to ponder such mysteries
Yes, fair enough. But this is no reason to denigrate the overwhelming majority of homosexuals who don’t attack children and have no desire to. You wouldn’t denigrate all heterosexual men on the grounds that a few of them tamper with little girls, would you?
No but most heterosexual men oppose the lowering of the age of consent
The bBC and Not the NIne O/clock News:
‘Fear Allah’, hate preacher Anjem Choudary tells shopkeepers at anti-alcohol march
Islamist firebrand Anjem Choudary used a march through Brick Lane today, which was hampered by opposition protests, to tell off-licence owners they must “fear Allah”…The march was organised by The Sharia Project, a group based in Waltham Forest with members in Whitechapel, to campaign against the drinking and sale of alcohol by Muslims in east London, which it says is sinful under Islamic law.
Another story which for some strange reason the bBC hasn’t reported: Why?
Anjem Choudary is on a losing streak here. In my opinion it was the Pakistani Muslims who discovered and promoted the mystical link between curry and lager.
Also not that the march was delayed by the EDL ,so it would appear that they are still active despite Robinsons widely publicised defection .Another fact the BBC seem unclear on
A few moments on my obsolete computer produces this
Happy to to the BBC’s work for them
As opposed to fearing the speech-impeded, flip-flop merchant that is Anjem Chuddies himself…a right wimp wearing his wifes dyed beard, as far as I can tell.
His Law Degree?…Paisley Poly at best?
Gobshite needs a comedy roast…and surelt Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield are worth the research fees to give us one!
lefties are saying this is a hoax that started in spain in november and is now here. maybe it is, maybe it isnt, but better safe than sorry. stay alert.
In the interest of balance, here’s a link to a romanian dating service if you want some romanian totty
Urban legend of long standing.
Unlike the cashopint shoulder-surfing which I have watched them do..
Anyway, lets not confuse “Roma” with Romanians. I gather most of the Roma already here in Britain are from Czechoslovakia. People had better get wise to Roma – beg and steal, no education, kids taught to beg like their parents. Unfitted or undisposed to work, they infest all of Europe. Its only the cost of crossing the channel and their lack of legal documents that has kept them out. But they will be the new cause adopted by the Left.
They are gippos with romanian passports NOT Romanians the BBC are breaking their necks to cause confusion on this issue.
I know of two examples whereby female Roma, when arrested and transported in a police van have flicked their bean to produce juices which they then wipe on any officer, custody staff they encounter. there follows accusations of sexual assault and officers being suspended while the charade goes through court with the willing help of the poxy CPS.
In both cases the charges were dismissed despite ‘evidence’ from the Roma. As far fetched as it sounds, they have been instructed in how to fight the authorities in any way possible.
Saturday morning live on Radio 4 and the memories that Doreen Lawrence has of Nelson Mandela plus her inheritance tracks!
You just couldn’t make it up!
” Nelson Mandela, and one colossus the BBC refuses to recognise”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2523508/COMMENT-Nelson-Mandela-colossus-BBC-refuses-recognise.html#ixzz2nRMI5Q5s
BBC – Broadcasting Beneath Contempt
Isn’t it about time that Biasedbbc put up a rival news channel?
These comments are all well and good but a very small minority of the population reads but a fraction of the posts.
The format of blog comments does not lend itself to anti-bbc journalism.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. But it does have to be in a similar style to the BBC only with the bias removed or links to counter the propaganda.
A simple example would be the bbc puts up a story and Biasedbbc puts up one with a little intro about what the bbc left out or altered and a few links to balanced stories.
There are plenty of good sorts on this site who could be entrusted with doing this.
I am not asking for a Reuters or AP, just a conduit for people to go to and find a contrast. Yes, they can visit other newspaper sites but there needs to be site that explicitly points out bbc bias.
Then market the hell out of it on Facebook, Twitter and other comments sections. Plenty of links inside bbc comments too.
Bring this undemocratic monolith (the actual government of this nation) down!
Good idea Jaybee…I`m thinking of local and hospital radio by way of getting an “in”…then it`s a simple matter to get it filmed and uploaded…look at Alan Partridge in North Norfolk Digital!
You mean have a Drudge Report type page with links to articles critical of the BBC?
I was thinking that someone should do a weekly thirty minute podcast with a round up of all the best BBC Bias news. Then embed on this site and put up on i-tunes.
Podcasts are even less popular than blogs.
Just a simple front page like the bbc news frontpage with any dubious bbc article replicated in title. There would then be some BiasedBBC editorial about why the bbc is wrong and also links to other sites so people can get a balanced view.
There can be other media too such as audio or video, if you want. Even monetisation to help pay for it.
Perhaps Rupert Murdoch would be interested…
Murdoch would be better employed attending to the mess that is Sky News – just as infested with Guardianistas and Labour supporters as is the BBC.
‘Then market the hell out of it on Facebook, Twitter and other comments sections.’
Appreciating the frustration and sentiment, such marketing would take time and hence funding that any less uniquely supported than the BBC don’t have.
Maybe be better to stay focussed on acting as a free, independent forum hosting the shares of some talented folk who do see the failings in the BBC offering and often present what £4Bpa doesn’t buy the UK licence fee payer.
If folk are keen they will seek it out and appreciate it, or at least be directed by those with a bit of media muscle and backing to ponder these errors and omissions having been alerted to and informed of them here.
I didn’t mean spending a penny on marketing. Just all of us plugging it on other forums or pointing out inaccuracies and letting others know of the alternative ourselves.
A Facebook page and a lot more activity on Twitter would help. I have twitter accounts with thousands more followers than the BiasedBBC one. 731 followers is nothing.
People power. Cheap and cheerful. Bringing down the undemocratic.
But as is BiasedBBC is very much a minority with, I would imagine, less than 0.1% coverage of the UK population.
Blogs just don’t reach out to the population. Nor forums. They are only ever populated by the converted.
We need to start proselytising.
I agree enitrely JayBee. Maybe the BBC would even cover it as an example of ‘people power’.
The risk is the BBC portraying it as having the wrong people contributing to it, with DV depicted as a loyalist nutter, DP a Republican neanderthal, Stuart an illiterate skinhead and Pounce the token Western Oriental Gentleman.
I guess Dysgwr_Cymraeg would be depicted as a Welsh Uncle Tom, as he types in English. Sometimes no BBC publicity is good publicity.
Maybe albeeba could write us into part of the Eastenders script, or perhaps Dr Who? In order to demonise us as right wing nutters?
Wouldn’t bother me a lot tho’ .
I attempt to publicise the biasedbbc.tv as much as possible via twitter and facebook. However, I have to say the take-up interest is minimal. The problem really is that most folk consider themselves to be on the whole well informed, after all they watch ‘ Auntie’ don’t they! The idea that albeeba is biased is so difficult to get thro’ the cranium I’m afraid.
But never give up the fight guys, never surrender.
And I could always change my name to Tom, Ian lol.
But would any of us actually care if the BBc reported us as such?