Well, I could not bring myself to watch BBC Question Time from South Africa last night – first time in ages that I found myself in such a position. The BBC Mandelathon continues entering the second week now and it’s really all become far too much. I was on the BBC Moral Maze programme the other evening and it was all about the template Mandela set for ‘forgiveness”- never once did it enter BBC minds that Mandela should himself have been on his knees seeking forgiveness for the terrorism he once commanded! Anyhoo — the floor is yours….
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The BBC are currently showing the sky “live” over South Africa, because a ninety five year old corpse is being transported to where-ever somewhere above it…..This is now beyond all senses of reality..
INBBC’s next propaganda push:
-for ‘ARAB SPRING’ (without mentioning Islam).
LYSE ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET warns:-
“Next week, BBC teams across the region will take a closer look at where some of the places and people who made that history are now.”
“When The Arab Spring Died”
by Daniel Greenfield.
‘Arab Spring’
(1 min video clip)
For DOUCET and co., in their continuing ludicrous attempt to sell their ‘Arab Spring’ narrative:-
New book-
“Arab Spring: story of a tragic illusion’
By Bernard Lugan.
Was that Clive Myrie telling us all about the earth conditions locally where the Lion King will be buried tomorrow?
Sounded like Gardeners Question Time to me, blended with a Mike Brierly analysis of the conditions for the spin bowlers when they start out to make the coffin rotate with their unctuosities tomorrow.
Go the The Catholics-not a mention of him last Sunday for an hour( you won`t be guaranteed THAT when Mugabe pops it!)
I welll remember the BBC telling me the tartan of the rug used to cover Alexander McQueens body when he was taken to the ambulance…and the comparison noted between the coffins of James Brown( Bonkbuster 3000, gold trims and velvetten cushions or such)…and that rival attempt to up the ante by Michael Jackson( remarkably similar…yet some furbelows maybe?)
The BBC told me ALL this…and now it`s the soil tillage on the Eastern Crap as spade slices gaily into the Great Heart of the Veldt?
F Off BBC…you take the piss and don`t know it!
Meanwhile…the little matter of Ukraine?….thank God for RT…there`s real trouble coming down there!
Beware small nations with simple flags…Ukraine, Poland…eeek!
Anybody able to tell me how Oscar Pastorius will get to the graveside…is he disabled or not?
What do those tin legs/titanium struts represent?…and will the earth be suitably sanded or loamed so the BBC can get an “interview with South Africas fastest Para”?
Or is the BBC-the whole political elite still a bit eggy with him after the earlier unpleasantnesses this year?
Has anybody even ASKED Oscar about his thoughts on old Nelly?…let alone how high those piles of old tyres will have to be piled so we can spot the “Beacons of Hopes and Changies” necklace around the Cape…from space?
Just demonstrates how low he will sink.
Just a thought!
BBC “Bad Boy/Girl” Paraplegic Award 2013?
Will it Heather Mills Macca for a record Third Year?
Or is Oscar going to runaway with the award in his first year of nomination?
Postal votes accepted!
The beauty of being a Bible Nut…or indeed a Jesus one…is that Mandys squauk fest (not his fault either!…may God look after him and judge as He does) is a supreme irrelevance, and now a laughing stock to those who know.
Don`t rise to the bait…let the f***errs keen , ululate like the hammiest of Gazza City grief tribute acts…just get that Gideon out and look at Mt8.22. then Lk9.60.
Simples…no further need to think…just watch the coffin float on over Victoria Falls and let the BBC weep rivers of arid clouds, as if they know what we think of the Lion King!
Just a man-facing judgement-and I were God I`d be seeing the endless BBC gloop as the prosecution case being made by his so-called “friends”!
We Christians are best off not thinking sometimes…the BBC do it all the time!
Shami Chakrabati speaking on Any questions about the gender segregation issue ‘Well let’s face it if this had been someone from the far right demanding the audience be segregated on racial grounds….’ (cue wild applause).
Questions not asked: Any examples of who such a person might be, Shami? Is that a reasonable comparison? Have you any examples of this happening?
So the leftist agenda of ‘far right’ and fundamentalist Islam both being as bad as each other prevailed yet again, and yet again with no foundation in fact.
Then she ‘celebrates’ the fact the panel is made up entirely of ethnic minorities with a ‘woo-hoo!’, blissfully ignorant of the irony that she is championing yet another form of segregation.
I don’t get it. Is she claiming the lack of response from students et al is hypocrisy (i.e if a extreme right winger called for this there would be uproar).
Or is she saying there would be no uproar if this was a rightwinger?
She was reassuring the faithful by parading ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’ for their approved response
Spot on. The “English” far right are nothing more than an ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’.
She did it purely as a moral equivalence ploy along the lines of ‘It is no different to….’ and (as you might expect) was not accusing any styowdents of hypocrisy.
Now you mention it Mr Fish, I recall Justin Webb on Today the other morning equating the student segregation issue as being pertinent both to …(ahem )”Islamic groups”…but( and in the interest of balance, of equal threats to us all)…er… “Jewish Orthodox groups” as well…naturally!
A few weeks ago Montague managed to roll Israel into her “failed state” narrative, and out of ignorance and reflex malice…and now Webb equates the terrors of Islam with a few long-frocked gentlemen who choose to do nothing but pray and relax on a Saturday.
Only at the BBC-and a pitiful o.g when he took Nichola Dandridge of Unis UK apart re the double mindedness of these types of apparatchik.
They`re all so ready to put the Jooz in with Islam…as if the two threats to us all are as bad as each other.
F888Off BBC!
Nothing to do with BBC bias, but does anyone else think that the Mail is becoming as bad as HYS and the Guardian Comment is Free with regard to censorship? I find it astonishing that an article such as this one http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523526/How-Labour-Deputy-Harriet-Harman-shadow-minister-husband-Health-Secretary-Patricia-Hewitt-linked-group-lobbying-right-sex-children.html#ixzz2nQqtfAkr can attract only 10 comments in FIFTEEN hours.
I regularly try to post comments on the site, but it seems months since I had one published. I must have upset somebody.
‘the Mail is becoming as bad as HYS and the Guardian Comment is Free with regard to censorship?’
Not going to excuse their lack of fortitude in the cause of free speech, right or wrong, good or bad, but like all the others the deck is now very stacked against any UK-based entity hosting a forum.
With false flag set-ups and pod-people ready to scream ‘hate site’ waiting in complement, even the mildest opinion contrary to the hive view will get the full treatment and the site owners snitched to the authorities.
Of course it tends only to serve those who have organised the framework and are prepared to sell their ethical souls to rig things, but those in power who let them do bear a significant responsibility too.
The Mail likes to pretend, it became obvious when Mrs Lawrence became a baroness, there were no negative comments at all, but at the same time no comments had positive ratings.
The Telegraph is also giving less oportunity to comment, certainly on contentious subjects, I also notice that they have started pre-modding comments in the last week.
The Telegraph is becoming a laughing stock even with its core loyalists.
Like the BBC’s ever-shrinking interactive blogs, once they stick ‘Comments are closed’ on it, especially from the outset, it has become no more than broadcast-only opinion from a self-awarding elite who are admitting they don’t dare allow anyone to offer another view, especially in response.
A blog post it is not.
The telegraph with peter Oborne has become a gibbering left wing wreck.
Now only worth buying for the crosswords!
…and not even for the sport any more, as that’s also stuffed to the gills with left wing opinion.
Both the Mail and the Telegraph recruit from the same pool of hacks that went through the same university courses. The Mail’s excessive coverage of the Mandelafest has been almost as nauseating as the BBC’s – the only saving grace being that you haven’t been forced to pay for it.
The problem we face is that the media class, just like the political class, has become almost entirely a Leftist stronghold. Vanishingly few people in any branch of the media will dare admit to holding Right of centre views: to do so would be social and professional suicide.
Has the World Service lost the plot. It’s just been providing live, on the spot, full coverage of a bundeslega match. Ich schiessen sie nicht, I suppose they think there isn’t enough football on the radio already, and that it’s beyond the Germans to provide coverage. QT and Toady from South Africa, the World Service in Germany for German League Football, what next Gardener’s Question Time from Pyongyang about how to grow rice in a concentration camp?
If only a dead South African wasn t dominating every
5 mins of airtime – the BBC could gush all over this,
mind you … some imbeciles been busy already,
in recompense, by organising a …wait for it
anti-racism?!**?! march … don t exactly know what race a Quran is? do you?
get “Tell Mama” on BBC speed dial immediately
initiating a hate crime? … Quran ripping probe?
If these geniuses, spent just a couple of minutes using their high powered combined intellect to actually erm “probe” the Quran,
They would find more “Hate Crime” than they could handle, or ever imagine
Truly, “the world turned upside down”
Ahem … The founder of desecrating Qurans …
you guessed it, a Muslim … now then?
this hateful, racist, bigot Islamofauxbe … was he a
“Middlesboro” supporter?
It appears the BBC airtime huggers from “kick it out”
are involved, so obviously they still,
(even after repeatedly being corrected, even on the BBC to boot),
cannot distinguish between what is a genuine race, and a totalitarian ideology or unbelievably … a book
are we to expect –
someone alleges, someone reported, someone overheard, someone saying, that someone saw, a books pages being torn # Koran …
cue massive CCTV search type Palava
“A spokesman for MFC said the Boro players will be wearing “Kick It Out” T-shirts in the warm-up.
Managers and staff will be wearing “Kick It Out” badges.
Team mascots will lead the team out with a large “Kick It Out” flag.”
ooooh! brother, “1984” here we come
freedom of expression
freedom of speech
I hate ‘dem waaycists’ but who pray tell is the Red Faction who organised the anti waaycist March ? Saul Alinsky shit stirrers, perhaps ?
BBC World News
Twitter backtracks on blocking changes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25361255
Twitter has reversed changes it made to how people block other users, less than a day after they were introduced.
The changes allowed blocked users to continue to see tweets and interact with accounts that had blocked them, leading to an outcry.
#Twitter said it was reverting to old rules, under which users are not able to follow an account once blocked.
Blocking is used by people to stop trolls and rude online commentators from interacting with them.
Not too sure if that last part is quite correct, or rather goes far enough.
As the experiences of such as DB & that tab up there to the right rather suggest, is also used rather extensively when BBC staff use twitter to blurt out personal BS under the BBC banner and get nailed, without trolling or rudeness being involved.
That way the twitter bubble they operate in remains their little secret, like so much else untrustworthy and not at all transparent they charge others to let them do in secret.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523526/How-Labour-Deputy-Harriet-Harman-shadow-minister-husband-Health-Secretary-Patricia-Hewitt-linked-group-lobbying-right-sex-children.html..if this is true,it shows the labour party must not regain power ever agin,i call for a full police inquiry into the activities of these leading figures in the labour party,i call for ed milliband to sack them,i call for the bbc make this there top story
Of course it is true. Socialist want to use every possible resource to undermine our culture (the beorgeois hegemony) and are using Islam, homosexuality and peodophillia to do so. This is why Prof John Ashton (nhs socialist) was calling for a debate on the age of consent earlier this year. This is all contained in Gramsci’s work. These are “historic forces”. The socialists also see child abuse as a way to free people from taboo (again beorgeois taboos) so as to be able to create socialist personalities. Go look up an article title “how the left took things too far” on der spiegal online.
Is there any logical reason why the age of consent is 13 in Spain, 14 in Germany, 15 in France and 16 in Britain?
Or indeed why it is 16 in most (29) states of the USA but 17 in 9 states and 18 in 12 states?
Cultural reasons, built up over time, which the local population is comfortable with. In Spain, I believe it only relates to participants who are both under 18/16? not sure how old exactly.
The issue, however, is that socialist want it removed to attack the bourgeois culture, so that it can be replaced with a socialist culture. Its pure evil.
All “progressiveness” is. The motives are vile, and they use the Trojan horse of “good” to push evil.
This is straight from the Frankfurt School.
Nice appearance on Wednesday’s Moral Maze, David V. It was fascinating to hear Portillo as Humpty Dumpty, defining an existential “stability” to fit his argument. I actually agree with the existential concept of seizing an opportunity for safety for the majority – for the greater good, as it were – at the unfortunate expense of not providing justice for every last victim. Okay. But I don’t agree with Portillo’s definition of stability equating to giving power to the terrorists as the means to create it, especially without – despite his erroneous claim – serving any real time or admitting that terrorism was wrong. That’s a personal opinion, of course.
I think the official “balance” of the panel was supposed to lie in their political/ideological affiliations, which would make it 2:2 Right vs. Left. In practice, it was 3:1 against the side of the debate in favor of wanting more justice for terrorists. But the BBC will claim the other way. They had all already decided on the answer to Buerk’s opening question about where to draw the line between justice and forgiveness, and the whole show was about telling those on the wrong side that they were wrong.
The fact that any of these people could see some sort of parallel between South Africa and Northern Ireland is evidence of a skewed perspective not based in reality. This perspective is evident throughout the BBC. Although it would be amusing to put this argument to certain Beeboids reporting on the US. I bet they’d all suddenly forget about the wonders of forgiveness leading to stability.
All Portillo and Taylor whoever could see in your side of the argument, DV, was an endless parade of score-settling. They refused to address your actual point and tried to make it into something else. Ordinary Catholic citizens in Belfast certainly weren’t getting randomly arrested and killed by the British government or enslaved or brutalized or prevented from owning land or holding public office. Well, at least not for a couple hundred years. The points made about black South African difficulties by the extremist social justice academic gave the lie to the whole idea that Northern Ireland could learn a lesson from South Africa. Taylor was quite correct, though, that this guy really did want everyone punished. What a giveaway that the first group that came to his (the social justice academic’s) mind for owing reparations for slavery were the banks. If only Taylor could get his friends at the BBC to understand this about all their social justice darlings. Portillo got it as well, and I suppose I should give them both credit for at least being consistent in their opposition to both your demands for justice on some level.
Wanting to kill people forever until Northern Ireland was removed from the UK based on ancient grievances seems a lot more like score-settling to me than simply wanting the terrorist leaders not to be running the government. At least not, as you pointed out, after doing a reasonable amount of time for their crimes. Portillo refused to address that. I don’t think he actually grasped your argument at all, and saw only one extreme strawman. Same with Taylor, as he suggested that you want a large portion of the community rounded up, criminalize half the population, FFS. How many times can you make yourself clear before he stops asking where you’ll draw the line? Never enough, apparently. His sighing was audible.
It was disheartening to then hear the Forgiveness Project lady talking about the apparently great progress her group has made sitting down with “the other”, the enemy, as she said, with the most important element of her success being overlooked by the panel. The most important part of her success is something nobody seems to have grasped: it involves the terrorists still believing that they were right to blow people up. It backs up your position, DV, but that simply doesn’t happen in Portillo’s and Taylor’s concept of stability, despite their protestations of people expressing regret. Her bomber may have expressed contrition and is no longer a danger, but the leaders who gave him his orders not only haven’t, but were given positions of power for the privilege. Portillo and Taylor denied that reality. I don’t see any real contradiction between DV’s position and her project.
‘Telegraph’ (£):-
“BBC and Channel 4 news prefer their ‘narratives’ to the truth”
By Christopher Booker.
“A quintessential example of this is the BBC, which now has a ‘narrative’ shaping its coverage in only one direction on almost every issue, from global warming and wind farms to the EU and the activities of what they call our ‘brave’ social workers. And the most telling giveaway of anyone who has passed into the grip of a ‘narrative’ is how they instantly fall back on denigration of anyone who questions it, dismissing them as ‘flat-earthers’, ‘idiots’, ‘cranks’, ‘Right-wingers’, ‘creationists’, ‘in the pay of Big Oil’, and so on.”
So true. BBC coverage of major topics is dominated by The Narrative, although Booker omits probably the most glaring example – the coverage of US affairs.
Particularly egregious is the BBC’s focus on US race issues – always from one direction and usually historical in nature (but I suppose it keeps the writers for the BBC’s online News Magazine busy). Contemporary black-on-white violent crime is something the BBC doesn’t want to touch because it defies the preferred narrative.
In the end it will destroy the credibility of the BBC. The narrative will have to be cranked up to remain effective. Then it will start to become obvious to more and more people.
I really do not see what can be done to stop this happening. The hive is so tight and so like minded that it cannot grasp the peril it is in.
Maybe a few do but stay silent out of fear.
The BBC’s day as a leading news outlet is done. It is only a matter of time and a few more blunders and absurdities like the Mandela overkill.
I do not wish the BBC well so really care not a jot.
And this doesn’t fit BBC-NUJ’s political narrative, so it’s censored:-
(inc video clip).
If such demonstration was attempted in London the traitorous police would be out in force charging in on horseback, bludgeoning participants, making arrests , forcibly taking DNA samples and issuing warnings, cheered on from the sidelines by the BBC in all it’s anti racist glory.
Another brilliant article by Booker and another reminder (in case we needed it) that the totalitarian Left are winning the political war through sheer 1984-style manipulation of history. Don’t forget, all this revisionist shite has also been taught in our schools for at least the last twenty years, insidiously eroding our democracy by teaching successive generations ‘Left = good, Right = bad’.
Still nothing on the BBC about Harman and Dromey concerning their links to a pedophile pressure group ! Bearing in mind that they were very quick last weekend to quote the Mails’ racist allegations about a UKIP councillor, even going to the extent of showing the video on all the news programmes.
More BBC-NUJ concealment on SEGREGATION.
BBC-NUJ (alleged opponent of segregation/apartheid in South Africa), continues its devious ‘reporting’ of the segregation of men and women at university meetings in Britain. BBC-NUJ does not makes clear that this issue has arisen because of the demands (and practices) of certain Islamic interests for such segregation.
Yet what does BBC-NUJ do in this follow-up ‘report’ but defer uncritically to that Muslim supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, Tariq Ramadan, who, of course, as a Muslim, expresses his interest in addressing segregated audiences.
This Mr Ramadan:-
“George Orwell betrayed: Islamist Tariq Ramadan gives a lecture in his name”
So, although BBC-NUJ still conceals the fact that this segregation of men and women at British universities has arisen because of the practice of certain Muslim organisations, the BBC-NUJ seeks out a Muslim supporter of such segregation anyway.
“University segregation row: Ministers call for clarity”*
(*And where is the BBC-NUJ’s clarity and honesty?)
“Universities cave in over sex segregation after Cameron condemns demands by radical preachers.
“Prime Minister spoke out after Universities UK caused outrage this week.
“Group says its 132 members can allow men and women to sit apart.
“Protesters say it ‘violates women’s rights’ and takes Britain ‘backwards.’
“Minority of Muslim groups have directed men and women to sit separately.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523588/Universities-cave-sex-segregation-Cameron-condemns-demands-radical-preachers.html#ixzz2nUGdVivZ
BBC Pak Network –
3mins 45 sec –
Abuse of the very concept of democracy
– only taking part in order to subvert
it with Sharia principles.
There will always be shrouded female supplicates forwarding the “political” agenda
of their “political” ideology, particularly at a University, look no further than the abhorrent
murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby to see where this will end.
BBC Today.
He says there were three areas: men only, women only and mixed.
The problem begins when a woman decides to sit in the area designated for men only (or vice versa) and the organiser tries to force them to move to the mixed area.
The law of the land should be on the side of the attendee not the organiser.
As I recall there was hell (and lawyers) to pay in the US when female sports reporters (who seem quite prevalent here now) insisted on access to male changing rooms.
It might get interesting if such forcing in other areas happens here. The BBC does have a taste for undercover (Amazon) as it suits, and a near limitless supply of ‘reporters’ twiddling their thumbs in the flower bed.
While BBC-NUJ does not make explicit the Islamic demands for segregated audiences at British universities, the BBC-NUJ avoids the arguments for gender equality on this:-
“Segregation by gender has no place in our public realm
The appeasers have much to learn from those Muslim women vehemently opposed to discrimination.”
By Catherine Bennett.*
*But I hope Ms Bennett is not implying that British law should be determined by what Muslim women want.
“Inside the British university where Muslims were segregated by sex: Shocking picture shows how men were reserved front-row seats while women had to sit at the back.
“Photograph was taken earlier this year at a Leicester University seminar.
“The same Islamic society came under fire for ‘brothers and sisters’ sign.
“Universities UK has backed down from guidelines which allow segregation.
“Speaker at the event: ‘Separate seating is not something we ever enforce.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523787/Inside-British-university-Muslims-segregated-sex-Shocking-picture-shows-men-reserved-row-seats-women-sit-back.html#ixzz2nYsuleLh
Main dealer still holding top two headlines on the BBC (mobile) website.
Strangely no mention of Choudary and his mates offering 40 lashes in Brick Lane. This story is far more important and an indication of whats to come to the British than the comparably insignificant happenings in Cunu…
Strange how these lefties are always tacitly in support of sharia law until it comes to the parts about effectively dealing with criminals.
Has BBC-NUJ decided it would be ‘Islamophobic’ to report this?:-
“Muslim protestors demand London shops stop selling alcohol and threaten owners with FORTY LASHES if they ignore Sharia law”
I reported Choudary’s website to the Home Office for incitement to violence and disseminating hate material. Three weeks later they say they are still assessing it and to check back in another four to six days.
This is also Choudary’s website
And here’s another that he and his Muppet’s use to host their “shariah project” vids from..
Oh for crying out loud…..How about we all donate our homes and monies to Mandela too…..Perhaps we could donate them all to Winnie” because she was married to “the great man” and in the world of the Beeboid that’s all that matters..
yep! wonderful woman …
you could just ask little Stompie,
but he s not here anymore
Hope all you good people are off to the Land Of Nod soon so as to be ready in front of your tellyboxes at 5-30 sharp tomorrow a.m. for the most important thing in the world evah evah evah.
Five. Hours. Just what does a Xhosa funeral consist of to use up five ffs hours ? Are they going to be digging the grave while-u-wait ? And with teaspoons ? (Not that far-ftched if you remember the cutting edge pitch drying techniques at the ’95 Rugby World Cup).
And while you’re having your fun please don’t forget to spare some sympathy for poor ol’ Andy Wingnuts replacement J. Vine Esq who’s got to spend time with the likes of the odious Chuka right in the middle of the Afro festivities. HOW undervalued does he feel to be left behind while the rest of the Death Star has been evacuated to South Africa on the biggest bender ever ?
How much has all this coverage cost I wonder?
The BBC and left in general were exercised about the cost of Margret Thatcher’s funeral. But for this secular ritual no expense is spared and no questions asked.
Leaving aside the cost to the general taxpayer of flying out Cameron and entourage ,which is to be expected. The BBC’s coverage must run into millions and all footed by the telly tax payer ,who’s views the BBC are openly contemptuous of.
Isn’t Winnie going to necklace the corpse? Cremations are her specialist subject.
“BBC’s ‘£500,000’ revamp of £1billion HQ that’s only six months old… after staff complained the new building ‘lacked character.’
“High-spec London HQ only opened in June – £55 million over budget.
“Corporation will revamp two floors of building after gripes from staff.
“Critics have branded the decision a ‘ludicrous’ use of the licence fee.
“Money will be spent making the environment ‘more creative and vibrant.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523897/BBCs-500-000-revamp-1billion-HQ-thats-months-old–staff-complained-new-building-lacked-character.html#ixzz2nV1HkFZQ
Where do they find these people? Do they breed they from childhood to be as demanding and with that sense of entitilement that makes them out as so much more worthy than us proles?
Roll on more tales like this and soon the BBC will become a laughing stock. That will kill it off quicker than anything else.
Yes, obviously. Dimbleby, Webb, Cellan-Jones, Buerk, Snow…..
Also people dipping in may be put off by some strong and nasty words between contributers that don’t like each others views . These personal comments should be cut out somehow if this blog is to be taken seriously in any case.
Right, this is going to go down like a lead balloon, but here goes.
It might also help if a very small minority on this blog decided what the despised most, the BBC or Islam and Immigration in general, and if it is the latter take that to the BNP site.
As it stands the latter view expressed here gives the BBC an immediate out, able to brand the entirety of BiasedBBC a racist hate site.
It is incontrovertible that the BBC and our politicians are happy to allow sections of Islam and general unfettered immigration to undermine Western society, and will wake up only when it is too late.
To fight back against that treachery we need to be as subtle as our enemies, and that means leaving the racist bullshit to one side.
Posting “I wonder why the BBC didn’t cover THIS??” is utterly fruitless, leaving aside the fact it is a rhetorical question. We know why.
We need to focus on the actual bias of the BBC, a provable constant, rather than pepper that core issue with posts which are ultimately self-defeating.
A day or so ago I posted that a Roma gypsy poisoning scare was a rather well known urban legend. That is to say it isn’t true. It appeared that many people didn’t care that it is not true and were happier to add a lie to the myriad of real major societal problems this government capitulation will actually bring. What exactly is the point of that? Why not just say they’ve got horns and a pointy tail? The truth is bad enough.
What I’m saying is that to defeat the appalling left wing partiality of the BBC we need to take a leaf out of their book and that includes their most powerful tactic: the omission of the obvious.
Well argued sir.
“Wise as serpents, gentle as doves” as I quote below.
We do need some quantitative evidence a la Craig…no interruptions by Beeboid for a “lefty” cf a “Wrighty” as it were.
The likes of Cardiff, Glasgow are owned and pawned by the Lefties these days…witness the flying out of Hain to S.A as an example of dirigiste arrogance and high handedness.
We who find ourselves marooned on the Right of things( as those oafs would say) need to bring forensic cold hard irrefutable facts to their tables…we know they`re shit at maths and science…we`re not!
Good article…needs saying to those of us(me included) who go off on tangents for fun…a time and a place?…but our enemies would rather we were offensive or gave good knocking copy.
About time we rubbed THEIR faces in what they`ve left in the litter tray…we`ll need that money back to do it.
Posting “I wonder why the BBC didn’t cover THIS??” is utterly fruitless, leaving aside the fact it is a rhetorical question.
But the most insidious form of BBC bias is bias-by-omission, so surely an important role of posts to this site is to identify items deemed newsworthy by other media but not by the tax-funded state broadcaster?
Because they’ll put it fifth story down on a regional page and say they did cover it, and technically they will be right. They’ll have shot your fox straight away.
All that will remain to be argued about is the prominence of the piece, which is nearly always a matter of opinion.
We know that the Pakistani paedo gangs was a story the BBC studiously ignored for years. I remember a Victoria Derbyshire Five Live interview a decade ago where Five Live did their usual thing of getting a barely educated victim’s mother on and made the poor woman appear a racist, and her daughter a whore, just for mentioning it.
In the end the evidence became overwhelming and they had no choice but to cover it.
The BBC is not going to collapse tomorrow morning under the weight of general moaning. It will sail through its upcoming charter renewal. If you really want to see it brought down I’m afraid we are looking ten years hence, but that decade needs to be spent pointing out in a cool, calm and collected manner where it is going wrong, and that is institutionally biased.
We know it, but more people need to be convinced. You don’t do that by conflating the BBC with peripheral issues created not in Salford, but in Westminster.
And wasn`t Nick Griffin and his appalling BNP the only political party to state Islamogrooming of young white girls as being a problem…back in 2008 wasn`t it?
If the liberals and the BBC don`t state problems honestly and realistically-we`ll get far worse that Griffins to “do something abaht it”
Perhaps that is one small reason to add to the others as to why the mainstream press ran a mile.
The messenger is often shot, and in Griffin’s case many might think that isn’t necessarily a bad idea.
Look, whatever we want of the BBC, if we just want the BBC brought to book and monitored independently to ensure impartiality, or pulled limb from limb and delivered to Murdoch, it will need to be done with a little more subtlety.
That’s my point. If a very small group of people would prefer to use it as a springboard to general moaning about the state of the entire nation, then fine, but don’t expect it to advance the purpose of this blog a single inch.
Surely Immigration and Islam are two areas where the BBC’s bias Is most obvious, most fanatical ,where their disconnect from the concerns of ‘poll tax payers’ is most clearly delineated .And also where their corruption of the democratic process is of most immediate danger
You say “and if it is the latter take that to the BNP site.” So any that challenge the pseudo religion of multiculturalism are Fascists? You then go on
” As it stands the latter view expressed here gives the BBC an immediate out, able to brand the entirety of BiasedBBC a racist hate site. ”
Only if one adopts your view that any who demure from the received truth are heretics. As I have illustrated in my post to Doyle Re; ‘Hope not Hate ‘ there can be no conciliation with the faithful it is ‘all or nothing’
As illustration of this. Those that challenge the BBC’s bias over global warming, education, and law and order are also regularly characterised as right wing. Should they to take their views to the BNP site?
As to your post on Roma urban myths ,I read it carefully, but am not sure it did what it said on the tin .Listing ,as it did, a slew of similar tales and then stating ‘but of course their all made up’ ( I paraphrase)
I do agree we should stick to demonstrable cases of BBC bias (as much as temper will allow)
But what clearer evidence of that can there be than the BBC’s hysterical coverage of Mandela’s death and the inevitable comparison it begs with their coverage of Margret Thatcher’s death?
I apologise for any grammatical errors but would note that I do have a very fine head of hair (for one of my age)
I don’t disagree with you, but as we are living in a world where politicians run a mile at any racial controversy, continually attaching the BBC to a penchant for supporting anybody who isn’t white and of the left is self-defeating, however true.
Are we saying the shenanigans of Bowen, Plett, Harriban, Mardell, the whole of the non-sport output of Five Live et al does not give us plenty of ammunition already?
As for your point about urban legends I think you misunderstand the concept. The burundanga/scopolamine story has been doing the rounds in slightly different permutations for years, and just because you would prefer to throw the kitchen sink at the Roma doesn’t change that. As if they don’t cause enough issues with their real behaviour, some seem intent on adding to it just for the hell of it, without understanding the BBC will use that against their critics. They shouldn’t be given the opportunity.
If people want to go down that road fine. Let’s go the full Icke and just say they are shape-shifting lizards too.
The BBC will be pinned down and dismantled with facts, and only facts.
If facts were the answer the BBC would have been reformed long ago.
The fact is they control the facts. The answer is political and yes ,due to the BBC, “politicians run a mile at any racial controversy” the only way to counter that is discredit the BBC on that very issue. Only then will self serving politicians have the courage to confront the BBC.
My concern with the BBC is that they are the mouth piece for the self appointed patrician class that actually steer the nation state, whoever is in downing street. If they did not have counter-democratic power I would be happy to continue not watching their agit-prop. I have become convinced (and would hope convince others ,including you) that the only way to curb that power is to militate for radical political change, once that becomes a possibility then the politicians will fear the electorate more than they fear the BBC and the liberal elite that they represent.
Perhaps you need to make a choice .Between giving legitimacy to populist politics and restoring true democracy or continuing with the oligarchical status-quo.
Re; Roma. My point is that stories that have ” been doing the rounds in slightly different permutations for years ” have often been based in truth and simply saying that those that believe them are bigots does not disprove them. You yourself make reference to the most glaring example of that.
Dare I say here that this Godless country has systematically erased all reference to Christianity in its history, its values, its legal and political structures?
Small wonder then that we`ll be seeing fire from the Balkans-Roma, Islam included…for , at least Jesus/Isa IS “honoured/respected” in their Korans and gypsy churches etc, etc.
All very Biblical really-turn Israel into a venal parody of its true calling-you get Assyrians/Babylonians sweeping through what remains of your nation.
And Israel in those times was FAR better in Gods eyes that what we purport to offer Him by way of a “Nation Under God”.The Nation of Islam by way of a replacement -we can`t say it`s not deserved?
I seem to be missing something here….Hope not Hate are raging about “Vile Mandela posts” as they’ve jumped up and down and reported this woman to the police a sum total of twenty six times apparently…But honestly…For what?….I don’t get it…When Maggie Thatcher died Hope Not Hate and their hard left friends said far far worse..
Where exactly was the hate?
In those that will not tolerate a contra-view?
The woman said what millions are thinking,
Will the BBC will start pursuing such heretics as soon as they have recovered from their grief ?
Where exactly is the hate?
In the comments section.
‘Mind and views damaged by some unknown evil.’ (???)
‘Far, far more dangerous to let nasty bigots vote.’ (no vote for you then)
‘She’s racist as fuck.’ (?)
‘I cannot understand why people are surprised by the racist, homophobic, sexist party that is UKIP.’ (booooring, change the effing record)
‘Violence is NATURAL.’ (don’t we know it Hope Not Hate)
‘UKIP scum being UKIP scum. No surprises.’
I’m tempted to vote UKIP just to annoy these weirdos.
Lest we forget that Lowles, Smith, Bennett and their cronies don’t stand for elections because they don’t believe in democracy……However, they’re all more than happy to waste police time reporting any Internet comment that they feel is “Waycist”..
Doyle this was the most revealing exchange in the comments
Comment 4 | From: Dave emsley | Date: 7 December 2013, 17:45
“Was Mandela a terrorist – yes. Is what she is saying racist? No. You cannot call the comments above racist. Whether Mandela was a Terrorist is subjective – I personally opposed apartheid, and opposed the armed struggle of the ANC. I supported the peaceful opposite as exhibited by Biko and the Black Conscience Movement. Celebrate the work of Mandela since his release and the peaceful change from apartheid to the rainbow nation. However let’s not forget he, and the ANC, Were responsible for innocent deaths by terrorist means. Mandela said what is past is past and set up the truth and reconciliation system to allow all who had committed atrocities to come clean and join the rainbow nation. No other could have achieved this in my view and therefore his works since release are extraordinary. UKIP is dangerous as they are a racist organisation but Hope not Hate should be realistic and clearly oppose them where they are wrong. That’s not the case here.”
A reasonable enough position you might have thought ,and the response from the faithful
Comment 18 | From: Mr Dickman | Date: 8 December 2013, 11:39
“@Dave emsley You are nothing but a spineless fence-sitter, typical pedantic liberal. People like you are part of the problem, you claim to have ‘opposed apartheid’, yet you opposed the opposition to apartheid. In reality, you actually supported Apartheid with your spineless pacifism. Violence is a reality, and necessary for change. Grow up already, you are human and live on planet Earth. Violence is NATURAL and if you cannot accept any form of violence, then you are destined to be oppressed and you will NEVER be free.”
Dickman by name dickman by nature , there can be no reasoning with the liberal inquisition and it useless to try as the they are driven by faith alone
Here we go…”Dickman”, AKA the UAFs Phil Dickens…
Nice find – delightful looking chap isn’t he?
Looks like he needs a good wash, is he anti-soap too.
he must be pissed off his MEP is UKIP lol
Come March the BBC will begin building up for the Euro elections, and poisonous wife beaters like Nick Lowles will once again, gain employment at the licence payers expense via programmes like Panorama, making up stories on UKIP far right activism as if it’s gone out of fashion……
Anyone remember Lowles Panorama scaremongering before the European football championships in Poland and the Ukraine where-by he told everyone that it would be a complete Nazi fest?…….
Complete lies of course but who cares?…it was funded by the public and Nick Lowles was paid handsomely and so that’s all that matters..
It’s the unique way that the BBC are funded that allows them to be so “neutral” you see…….”Impartiality is in their genes”
BBC News On-Line : The unofficial Labour Party web site
You know that Labour MP that the nasty Tory press picked on for being lazy….. she wasn’t lazy she was preggers
‘MP Lucy Powell responds to ‘lazy MP’ Sun newspaper list’
Hi Gran, you know that Cliff Richard Christmas song you like so much…. it is actually a socialist anthem
‘Mistletoe and Wine’s political beginnings’ “The sentiment of the song was meant to be that people didn’t care about the poor – it’s a socialist Christmas song. It was a song about the middle classes’ lack of concern.”
You know that Tory policy of preserving Grammar Schools…. Grammar schools are a load of rubbish… the experts say so…
‘Grammar schools are “stuffed full” of middle-class children and do not improve social mobility, the chief inspector of schools in England says.’
BBC News : brought to you by Alastair Campbell – the Ghost of Christmas Past alive and well at the BBC
Read the “Mistletoe and Wine” bit.
Cliff changed a verse and made the writers a fortune…but let them keep all the royalties.
And in return, the writers shaft him in the back for not attacking the middle classes as they had originally intended.
Still-all that money may have helped them to acclimatise to Cliffs version.
You know something?…just read it to see how the reflex weekennd socialists and poseurs leech a gracious Christian of his dignity, and his income stream.
A modern Nativity Play here-and one that shows that the Jesus people need to be “wise as serpents, gentle as doves”.
Don`t cast pearls before swine-and if you can skewer a Godless ingrate, maybe it just MIGHT be what exactly Jesus asks of you…maybe you`re bottling it because you lack courage and don`t like to “confront” the lazy evil that pimps free rides on the Christians camel…then snitches to the BBC that you forgot top put a nappy on it.
I heard this drivel on grammar schools being pushed all day on the news segments.
The liberal upper class elite must really be worried .So keep that drawbridge pulled up and the public schools in being. The chief inspector is typical and his words must really chime with the BBC’s own attitudes.
If we do not bring back selective education we will go down to third world status. We need the best of our children educated by the best to the highest level they can achieve.
It is a question of national survival now. This man is typical of the ruling elites that just will not face reality. It is a form of treachery.
My son is a carpenter and lives in a grammar school catchment area. He is working extra hours to pay for a tutor to help my grandson pass the 11 plus. He feels he would be failing if he did not try to do the very best for his son.
The difference between the grammar school and the local comp is so great that we rightly feel my grandson will have every chance in life if he can get there. This is the reality in many places now. We know education is going downhill and that comprehensive schools have failed. The real world once again not the dreamy liberal fantasy world beloved by the BBC and the rest.
“My bombshell secret tape… and a cynical cover-up by the ducking and diving BBC:
“Withering broadside by writer who exposed fatal flaw in Savile report.
“Secret recording was made in phone call with journalist MILES GOSLETT.
“In it BBC inquiry’s author Nick Pollard admitted excluding key evidence.
“Parliamentary committee will vote on Tuesday whether to recall Pollard.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523950/My-bombshell-secret-tape–cynical-cover-ducking-diving-BBC-Withering-broadside-writer-exposed-fatal-flaw-Savile-report.html#ixzz2nXSlk4Oy
Again, this backs up my position on the matter, no matter how many people keep saying it’s a game-changer. Contrary to the Daily Mail writer’s assertion, Pollard has not claimed that this undermines his report. Unless Pollard has a come-to-Jesus moment and it turns out he’s been lying the whole time, it still appears that he thinks both Thompson and Boaden were lying. I think they were lying about different things, but it doesn’t change Pollard’s reasons for his ultimate conclusion as he initially explained them.
Was his ultimate conclusion wrong and was his report more or less a whitewash? Oh, hell yes. But for other reasons. I don’t know if a new investigation is required. Maybe if everyone was given an unredacted version we could judge properly. I’m not sure if Pollard was given – or felt he was given – the real authority of judge and jury to declare they were lying and call for their heads or whatever. Maybe that has something to do with it. If so, that really would undermine the whole thing.
I think the boggosphere in general knows all to well about the BBC bias. The man on the street (IMHO) cares little.
Most of us are politicaly aware, some are active.
Most of the people I know, go to work, pay their way and look forward to little things like weekends and the odd holiday.
They hate crime and scroungers and hate being told that others know whats best for them. For them to rise in anger at the BBC is simply to much hassle whilst they can’t see any direct threat to their way of life from them(BBC). They are not stupid but sometimes lazy of thought which is a different thing altogether.
Switched on the radio this morning and turned on Five Live, and the first words were “Nelson Mandela”, so I turned to Radio Four, where the first words I heard were “Nelson Mandela”.
I turned over the the World Service and the first words were “Mitchell Johnson”. Some days you just can’t win.
I switched onto BBC1 at 10:30 this morning expecting to be past the funeral, only to see that they hadn’t even buried the old bugger yet.
Part of me wanted the coffin to open and for a dazed Mandela to climb out (implying that the medical staff who’d pronounced him dead were either incompetent or fakes.)
Then I realised that wasn’t such a great event, as we’d then endure days of BBC coverage, claiming Mandela was the Messiah.
“BBC criticised over building a new studio in Rio for World Cup,
despite already having one.”
Will Hampstead HARRABIN and co, also expose the Ecocrats?:-
“The fatcat ecocrats exposed:
“Web of ‘green’ politicians, tycoons and power brokers who help each other benefit from billions raised on your bills.
“Four of nine-person Climate Change Committee, official watchdog that dictates green energy policy, are, or were until recently, being paid by firms that benefit from committee decisions.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523726/Web-green-politicians-tycoons-power-brokers-help-benefit-billions-raised-bills.html#ixzz2nYv1o9SG
INBBC’s Yolande KNELL (recently of INBBC’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood Cairo Bureau) is still spinning her pro-jihadist narrative from Gaza City; not only does Ms Knell support the jihad from there against Israel, but she supports the jihadists from there in their war against Assad in Syria.
“Gaza fighters head to Syria as refugees flow in”
By Yolande Knell
(embedded in Gaza City).
Here’s one of many other INBBC propaganda piece Ms Knell did earlier, as pick up by ‘Biased-BBC’ blog:-
“Knell’s Toll”
Knell’s current propaganda for Gaza jihadists, can be coupled with the pathetic, latterday propaganda by Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ Doucet, for the (non-existent) ‘Arab Spring’ which is an INBBC political online narrative, promised for all this week.
Some of the comments are quite funny, especially those from the weekend duty shift, whose desperation is palpable.
Mr. Murray has gone up a notch in the opinion of many. And for reasons the ‘speaker unto nation’ might reflect upon, along with the stats of what they obsess about vs. what folk really care about.
I tuned in Friday to BBC 5live to hear, a 10 minute
“gloryhole” on Mo Farrah strangely followed by an advert for SPOY, closely followed by another 10 mins of Mo Farrah his life his achievements, the Olympics etc etc.
… sounded like the AL BBC had already decided
Or trying to make sure you decided correctly
Were Beeboids trying to politically engineer SPOY to imply that a black African cyclist was the moral winner?
”black African cyclist.”
Eh ? They don’t exist, bit like a Eskimo tennis player or a Jamaican skier.
Ok, Nanook of the Queens Club looking dodgy, but given current weather patterns it’s possible Cool Runnings may be in with a new crack at gold.
I merely share… the potential for comedy seems significant. At least, outside the confines of the BBC filter.
@BBCSport: We want you to share photos of where you are following BBC Sports Personality of the Year using #spotyselfie. We will RT the best photos
A Mrs. Merton voice can help here too, but in case any might have wondered what it is that sees Mr. Hewlett as the go-to media industry goo roo of choice when matters BBC are discussed on the BBC:
@mediaguardian: Tony Hall has made a good start at the BBC – but now it’s time for the big idea http://t.co/EYGYZLjrxj
FFS they even did a Mandela tribute in Sports Personality of the Year and put that terrorist bastard ahead of all of the sportsmen and women who died this year. They really are trying my patience.
Yup, rushed through the Solheim Cup women and U.S. Amateur Champion Matt Fitzpatrick as if time was short, but lots of “Here are the phone numbers even though you can’t vote yet” and then more bloody Madiba, the itch they can’t stop scratching.
What are they going to talk about now that the Saffer festivities have ended ? The ongoing situation in the CAR perhaps ?
What would David Vance possibly have to say about Morals? He doesn’t have any?
How much were you paid?
Ooh look: a new chum ! Or maybe not new at all. (*Twilight Zone music*)
This just about sums up what the BBC apparatchiks are trying so hard to achieve.
Olajide Onikoyi, from Blackley The Nigerian national
Two other Nigerian nationals from London have also been jailed for related offences.
So what are they doing being allowed to set up home in the UK ? Especially as most of Blackley is a council estate ?
It just shows the level to which this country has sunk, not because of the people, but because of those in charge.
BBC ‘News’ website at 10.39 pm Sunday Newspaper review: “Mandela Mourned Grammars Scorned.”
No agenda, eh?
I was half watching some program on I think it was BBc 3 not really taking it in as I think it was on every night for a week when they had the BBc dr. Who crapathon. When it finished I started thinking which is a rare event. Why do all these unrelated nobodies turn up on these kind of shows to give their opinion about (fill in yourself) like anyone cares what (…) thinks about DR. Who. Then I began to think how much do they get paid for appearing on these shows for a couple of minutes and informing us of their f**king boring thoughts. Now I have a sneaking suspicion half the time they have never watched the program they are lecturing us on. Ok they had Konnie Huq on there. Most famous for her brilliant Blockbuster appearance? Has she ever been on Dr. Who not as far as I recall. So there she is banging on about the Tom Baker period (1974-1981) well it was in the Tom Baker years segment, and she was born in 1975 according to wickepedia. Do the maths and how likely vivid memories would be.
Huq ticks a couple of boxes, none moreso than her husband being columnist Charlie Brooker, Guardian columnist and media luvvie.
The Guardian as we know has an incestuous relationship with the BBC, Coren and Mitchell are two more Guardian types ass licked by the BBC.
Are Beeboids reporting this?:-
“Tycoon woos Labour – and Ed’s old flame”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Two years ago, Andrew Rosenfeld was a multi-millionaire tax exile living in Switzerland. Today Rosenfeld, who is worth £100 million, is one of the most influential figures in ‘Red’ Ed Miliband’s Labour Party.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2524319/ANDREW-PIERCE-Tycoon-woos-Labour–Eds-old-flame.html#ixzz2nahqJ2xR
“Report on BBC severance packages”
They have no option but to report this
But naturally the BBC give themselves the last word
“Despite some inflammatory language in the PAC report, there is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing by anyone at the BBC in relation to these severance payments.”
Another day, and the BBC broadcasts another load from Alastair Campbell’s out tray
‘Ed Miliband details plans to boost house building’
‘Left-wing candidate Michelle Bachelet has been elected Chilean president for a second time, defeating her run-off rival by a wide margin.’
No mention of Mr Farah not winning the Sports personality contest, or even the fact that he only came fourth. Obviously the phone in previously talked about did not hit the target audience. But then not much does with the BBC these days. Bye the way, did I tell you I now have 18 letters telling me that as I do not show on their records of having a T.V. licence, my house address is under scrutiny. Yes, 18 and growing weekly. 😎 I can’t wait for who ever it is that pays my house a visit. He/she will certainly go away with a lot more than when they came!
5live – V. Drearybyshire NM gone, sooooooo
WAAYCISM! is back yep! its NHS Waaycism to boot …
enter some dude from Zimbabwe! … lets call him Simba!
😀 not his real name,
i know – you couldn t make it up