Phew! Now that the Mandelathon has finished, it may be safe to watch the more normal bias exuded by the BBC. Here’s a new thread for you to fill with instances of bias.
I wonder if the BBC has a department for teaching interviewers bad manners – I was listening to the appalling Sarah Montague with Theresa May this morning.
Whatever your politics may be, surely the woman should be allowed to answer a question without being talked over – she is the Home Secretary after all and her office should be accorded some dignity if nothing else.
I think that whenever a BBC interviewer has a Tory in their sights they feel it is necessary to be rude and aggressive. If they don’t behave like that they will get a reputation for being fair and even handed with Tories which will mean no promotions and eventually some out of the lime light posting. The exact opposite is true of course when they have a Labour politician on.
Yes, I wrote to David Cameron this morning asking how long he was going to sit back while the BBC attempted to destroy his party. Don’t expect a reply, don’t expect he will be shown it, don’t expect he will win the next Election. In regard to this case the pathetic Milliband’s latest catch phrase rings true : ” The unbelievable complacency of this Prime Minister.”
You are assuming that Cameron actually WANTS to win the coming election!
The fact is that the PM is an appallingly poorly paid position, around the same amount as the head of a secondary school, in some cases primaries, and much less than a local authority chief exec.
Cameron having been PM for a term can make more money from just three public speaking engagements than he earns in a year as PM !
Believe it or not there are a substantial number of people who believe that MPs should not be paid anything, but finance themselves !
No wonder we currently have so many wealthy people at the top of all of the parties, they’re the only people who can afford to take these thankless jobs.
99% of MP acquire real wealth while in office, it has always been the case. Many Shinwell was a died in the wood Left wing Labour MP who probably never earned £3000 pa as an MP or Minister up to his retirement in 1970. However when he died in the early 80’s he left £330,000 a huge amount at that time. How did that happen ?
Hypocrisy looms large in every part of Westminster.
“One particularly bigoted ideologue was Manny Shinwell, then the Minister for Fuel and Power, decided that as part of his campaign of class warfare he would mine the coal under the park and house [of Wentworth Woodhouse – one of the finest Georgian houses in the country] – even when told it was low-grade and not worth the effort. He…ignored the pleas of the local miners and their representatives who had always enjoyed excellent relations with the Fitzwilliams who were widely regarded as one of the best mine owners in the country. Shinwell’s workers destroyed the park which the miners had enjoyed for years and…dumped the spoil to within yards of the house. Rather than live there the family moved out…securing the use of the house as a teacher training college which…saved the house from demolition.”
The explanation can be found in the university experience of the interviewers. As members of the Socialist Workers Party at university they were expected to shout down Tory speakers and others deems to fit the no platform policy. Now, when obliged to interview the habit remains.
I listened one hour earlier when Labour was interviewed on the same subject ( Mrs Balls). The red carpet was out!!! Although “Labour agreed” with the new policy Mrs Balls immediately identified several areas of disagreement….all of which were quickly taken up by Mrs Montague, and of course absolutely no talking over. I purposely then missed the Mrs May interview as I knew what would happen and it would have set off my week in a bad way.
If the Tories just sit back and do nothing then they cannot complain when Milliband is in Downing Street and just watch how he will increase the BBC Tax to pay for the “cuts” put in place by the Tories on the license fee. Ironic eh?
I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from afar, the best he could do to make it sound like nothing special was:
But scientists caution against reading too much into one year’s “recovery”.
“Although the recovery of Arctic sea ice is certainly welcome news, it has to be considered against the backdrop of changes that have occurred over the last few decades,” said Prof Andy Shepherd of University College London, UK.
Lets hope its the beginning of the end to all this “Carbon” madness.
Arctic ice melting – see, global warming is true, more money needed to investigate! Arctic ice increasing – global warming theory says it should be melting, more money needed to investigate! Arctic ice stays the same – global warming doesn’t predict this – more money needed to investigate! Heads they win, tails they win, coin lands on its edge they win (win research grants, that is).
What’s a climate alarmist to do when time shows their predictions are absolute tosh? Arctic ice spreading at record rates. The same with ice in the Antarctic AND record low temperatures ( -158 degrees, and scientists have said these could go even lower!)
‘“Although the recovery of Arctic sea ice is certainly welcome news, it has to be considered against the backdrop of changes that have occurred over the last few decades’.
That would be since 1979 when, coincidentally, Arctic ice cover hit a peak.
I wonder how the BBC would react if someone were to point out that Mandela was named after a great British maritime hero and a Viscount of the Realm ? They would probably be horrified and splutter “….. No no , he was named after…after… himself…..”
In the pipeline already… Getting a Grip – One Year On An entire community united in grief at the lost of their sole raison d’etre. Rudderless, bereft, and unable to cope.
So we’ve decided to fly the entire staff of the BBC to Sun City for a week to settle in before hearing the harrowing tale of how they are learning to deal with their loss of the guys who were signing off those sweet redundancy deals before rehiring at double as freelancers the following week.
And they may also find time to ask some black South Africans what they are doing there too.
have no fear people
BBC 5live – V. Drearybyshire NM is now gone,
WAAYCISM! is back yep! and its NHS Waaycism to boot …
enter some dude from Zimbabwe! … lets call him Simba!
😀 not his real name,
I know – you couldn t make it up
from Zimbabwe … suffered the absolute horror of catching the short end of an overworked, overstressed
bod from INTER-national health service no doubt.
Well there s always next plane back … to the joys of Mugabi-care for you my boy, if it doesn t suit
Aasmah Mir used to present the Drivetime show with Peter Allen, she was always wittering on about waaycism, found out her husband is Piara Powar, director of ”football against waaycism in Europe.”
It has always puzzled me why the slogan is ”Kick racism out of football” That seems to encourage violence, see a racist kick him! Better to talk and reason with people, providing you have a proper argument of your own to put across of course. before
I though he was quite engaging and realistic. He repeatedly made the point that people were making too much of the allegations.
That wasn’t in VDs script – she must have been gnashing her teeth which is why she kept digging for more examples of racism rather than ask the obvious question ‘In what way are people being overly sensitive?’
Mind you her subsequent guests, a tag team of ‘experts’ were quick to rubbish Zimba and the FOI figures (NB: The FOI immune BBC are using FOIs again to get their stories). The number of examples that the subsequent speakers quoted were huge…but the only problem was they didn’t relate to racial discrimination (which is unacceptable)…they related to cases of harassment discrimination and bullying (of which, in the public sector, there are literally thousands every day. Ask someone to do a job they don’t want to, or to move desks, they get offended. The public sector has a huge and costly grievance culture).
I have to say, I liked Zimba, I liked his pragmatism…..but I didn’t like VD!
Not clear to me exactly how Callmetony Hall can ‘limit pay-offs to £150,000’.
If someone’s contractually entitled to £300k per annum for three years and Tony wants to sack them after two years, then Tony is going to have problems with that £150k limit.
More shite, in other words, for you the little people to believe.
The real scandal was not that the BBC pay-offs went beyond contractual requirements, but that the contracts themselves were (and of course are) far far too generous.
The BBC should not be giving two and three year contracts out; every employee should be on three months notice at longest. The BBC should pay as few people as it can, and as little as it can. It’s a near monopsony buyer of broadcast staff in this country – where else would the 22,500 go for work? CBS? Are ITV suddenly going to need 5,500 quote, unquote journalists?
Would it be possible at all for the BBC to get someone less wooden than Gary ‘Mogadon Man’ Lineker for 5% of his £2m pa salary? Think so.
“‘A culture of cronyism and broken leadership’:
“The withering verdict of MPs on BBC over payoffs debacle.
“Commons committee finds ‘failure at the most senior levels of BBC.’
“Margaret Hodge criticises ‘liberal use of licence fee payers’ money.’
“MPs raise fears that some BBC figures may have lied to Parliament.
“Debacle saw £369million handed to departing staff over eight years.
“MPs fear HR chief Lucy Adams may have deliberately misled inquiry.”
This is more than mere cronyism this is EMBEZZLEMENT a crime.
Where are the police and DPP in all this ?Are they so full of politically correct left wing placemen that any moves to bring these thieves to account is unimaginable.
I have to say it was amusing hearing the BBC get hoisted on their own far-Left petard regarding high salaries and payoffs, but Montague betrayed the internal BBC feeling that they’ve weathered the storm and a line has been drawn under it. She let Hodge moan and skewer Thompson over Byford’s million, but gave the game away when she read out the Trust’s statement about Hodge’s complaint. They thanked her for her work, apparently, and have put measures into place, etc. It’s just like how the BBC Complaints Dept. deals with viewers concerns. “We’ve listened, aired a few a complaints. What more do you want? Job done.”
After being asked by Montague, in a tone of voice from which I couldn’t possibly infer any attitude, whether or not she was satisfied, Hodge did the usual waffle about how the BBC does excellent work, etc., she wants to protect that. Hearing that in the larger context of so many politicians of all political parties, along with the usual defenders of the BBC, claim to stand for looking out for the license fee payers while steadfastly defending the BBC as a national treasure, makes me think that most, if not all such claims are a facade.
Hodge shifted to bitching about the Trust, which is not the same thing as scrutinizing the BBC at all. It’s especially galling since she started out by saying part of the problem was that all those top BBC brass who were involved were essentially BBC lifers engaging in cronyism. Helen Boaden is still on the board, and that apparently doesn’t bother her or affect any of the things she wants fixed. Most of the lifers are still there, if shifted sideways. Hodge easily distanced herself from criticizing the BBC itself. She, like most of them, doesn’t give a damn about the interests of the public who are forced to pay for the BBC. She cares about the BBC she grew up with, the one with the legacy of trust and a deep cultural connection spanning generations. And of course, to defend it against Right-wing enemies waiting to destroy it.
As I’ve said before, the focus on salaries and payoffs will serve no purpose other than to give a few politicians and pundits an opportunity to pose as serious critics of the BBC without actually affecting any of the real changes needed. Capping payoffs (no loopholes anywhere, I’m sure…..) won’t fix the bias, won’t prevent yet another incident of overkill on some topic when it suits, won’t fix the crushing of local private competition, won’t change the sense of a Divine Right to “spread influence” in other countries, won’t change the egregious wastefulness, won’t stop them from sending a battalion of Beeboids across the globe to make redundant reports about a story that could have been covered by a handful. In short, this will fix nothing.
Only a real purge can begin to solve the problem. Then a reduction in size needs to follow.
I’ve tried to say a couple of times on John Redwood’s blog, that the BBC is in my view morally and financially corrupt but he won’t allow it and censors me.
John Redwood doesn’t censor any comments unless they are REALLY bad. I have written far worse than them being morally and financially corrupt and so have others, far worse. You do know I presume that ALL comments are premoderated there? Just go back after a time ( several hours or more at weekends)
All of this cronyism is utterly meaningless and all the bluster of Hodge is as Shakespeare described
“A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
Because all of our MPs are so timid and scared of making any decision at all which they can’t make in secret so the people can’t see it.
The BBC has a couple of things which the majority of the public like. No adverts, and a long history. As that long history is made irrelevant by mass immigration and diversity then it will drop out of the thinking – this is beginning to happen, the only thing remaining is the adverts, which for many will not be enough to pay so much money for.
The select committee might find the BBC guilty of high treason and eating babies, but unless leftie Dave and his mates actually get off their backsides and do something (highly unlikely) then nothing will be done.
‘unless leftie Dave and his mates actually get off their backsides and do something’ (re the BBC)
That would be the same David Cameron who before any action whatsoever consults his pink rubber wristband inscribed with the legend “what will the BBC think”
Very true and we need to understand nothing is going to alter any time soon.
The BBC is at the heart of a liberal clique that feels itself invulnerable apart from the odd internal spat -usually over money.
When gimme gimme gimme becomes a touch too obvious.
The BBC is a vital front in the culture war for the future of England. It is never going to face a serious threat from the current power structure and we can bluster all we like about bias but it will change nothing.
What we can do is communicate to the like minded our opposition to liberalism and try to spread alternative views.
The bias is a given. Hence I have advocated a viewpoint which rejects arguing with the liberal . It is pointless. Far better to make your views known and hope that others will, in time, come to agree.
So to those who say that this site should concentrate on cases of BBC bias I say that as the bias is ingrained in the liberal ascendancy we should start from there and counter it with true conservative views. It may be too late to stand up for England and help our grandchildren but it is our duty to try.
Agreed. The BBC is – as it has always been – a pillar of the establishment. The establishment is, however, firmly Left-liberal in ideology – if not in personal behaviour. What is required is a conservative backlash.
Just as in the 1960s liberalism and permissive thinking undermind our longheld cultural norms so now we need to satirise and point up the folly and hypocrisy of the Left. Hopefully we are reaching a crisis point where the contradictions inherent in Leftism will be come so obvious that most people turn away from the BBC and their oppression of opposing views.
Dave s -“The BBC is at the heart of a liberal clique that feels itself invulnerable apart from the odd internal spat -usually over money.”
Absolutely right however I think their is some thing else that done can be as I posted in debate with Milverton in Fridays ‘open thread’ (15th 10:59 am to 3:37 pm)
Its is worth revisiting as Milverton’s position is well made, but ultimately wrong.
The same margaret hodge who’s daughter works for the bbc,so will tone down the report me thinks so not to hurt her chances of climbing up the pole at BBC centre
Oh yes! Lots of talk from Lady Hodge – encouraged by the BBC – concentrating on the profligacy of the BBC. This is far from fatal (although mildly embarrassing) for the BBC since a few insincere apologies and a new “policy” apparently limiting payoffs to £150,000 (is that the total or the excess over contractual obligations BTW? Past behaviour of these parasites should enable you to guess which) will see off the PAC.
What is thus knowingly obscured in the concentration on the BBC’s financial sores is the BBC’s far more serious disease; its role as transmission belt for the views and opinions (together with the highly selective “facts” and just outright lies) of the biens pensants, Labour and all points left. You can rest assured that that won’t be a subject for cosy discussion on Today or profuse apologies from Lords Hall and Patten.
‘This is far from fatal (although mildly embarrassing) for the BBC’
Possibly true.
However I keep reading the exact same thing over and over; most recently about an ex-DG, current multihundred-k side-stepping head of news and current Trust chair being caught bang to rights struggling with l’acualite, on oath and to committees (if they deign to front up).
Cumulatively these have to hit a level where enough is enough, or people will start thinking a nun could be raped in the entrance revolving doors and the only result will be bigger microwaves get ordered for the baked spuds.
Room 101? The BBC seems more and more like heading to Unit 731 status.
To be sure some arrangement will be cobbled together to make the payment policies concerning the upper echelons at the BBC both “transparent” and in line with those in the “real-world”. That will reduce the pressure from Lady Hodge (just in time for the election no doubt, so there’ll be no Labour-induced embarrassment for its chums at Broadcasting House). Of course, this will be an analogous set-up to that created in the democratic nirvana of IPSA and MP’s pay. Whatever, it will be a fix: the increases in pay will be marginally curbed until the charter is renewed in 2016 or 2017 and then the gravy train will be shunted from the sidings back on to the main line.
Please understand: nothing will change (on pay or bias) until the BBC cannot rely on the taxpayer to fund it. Meanwhile, the greater scandal of BBC bias will be drowned out by the self-congratulations of the all-party PAC which will be publicised by Today through another set of creepy interviews with Lady Hodge (Labour).
New Labour played a clever long strategic game and made sure that they placed their people in all the key positions in influential institutions. This has reaped them enormous benefits and they are now ‘the establishment’ and, as establishments always do, using their power to make sure that their children get a helping hand.
Soon I hope and expect to hear , though not on the BBC of course, some alternative , alternative , comedians, poking fun at the liberal left values which have become the current orthodoxy of the new establishment. In fact , even on the BBC , I have heard a few tentative jibes at the liberal left humorless mind set from guests. Not from alternative comedians of course, who still think they are attacking the establishment when, in fact, they are themselves part of the new liberal left establishment. I could hear the BBC presenter tut tutting and almost see their grimace, just as you would expect from someone representing the establishment when someone poked fun at them.
Too true doublethinker. I blame Gordon Brown for the damage for the civil-service mindet now. It was he that changed Charity to mean favor a multitude of nu labour ‘NGO’s to funnel labour benefits (instead on investing in wider UK public infrastructure). His smarm at the Banks only made the whole deal worse. Ed Balls was part of that blinkered charm offensive.
‘…clever long strategic game and made sure that they placed their people in all the key positions in influential institutions..
As I look at the bylines of ‘news’ notable as much for what is left out as what is enhanced to remain in on certain core issues, not just the politically active.
Making 8,000 flower bed dwellers redundant may actually work wonders for free speech and democracy too.
Sheila Fogerty is discussing slavery in Britain !!!! I didn’t know the country had cotton plantations, I wonder why we have slaves, I’m baffled, I’m going to take a wild guess, Labour imported millions of illiterate, stone age, Third Worlders as a voting base and to subvert the nation.
The last Labour regime re-introduced slavery, along with gang masters and legalised loan sharks (under the new moniker of ‘pay day loan companies’). Victorian values at their best!
You could argue that slavery in England ended with the Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus. It was effectively ended with the Normal Conquest and the introduction of feudalism although the Anglo-Saxons were not that keen on owning slaves especially after Christianization anyway.
IIRC legally a slave could not be owned in England from the mid-1500s and in the Empire from the mid-early 1900s.
In fact it has not been a notable part of English life especially if you view the Celts and Romano-British as not English.
And those Maoist nut jobs caused this fatuous bit of grandstanding from the May Queen.
Bet no reference was given to THAT prime cause of this fluttering around the newsrooms…bit too lefty , bit too embarrassing, bit too much of Citizen Smith mockery.
The VT will have been quietly thrown on the burning tyres by Nelsons grave…the one that Winnie avoided by flypast on her broomstick.
It’s over and normal service (lack of) is resumed. Yes no Mandella we are back to the on off Syria story. It’s Winter there apparently. Europe is not doing enough. Baroness Amos???? Where did she appear from I’ve not seen her ever before is on our screen to give us some figures about the issue that she appears to have learned parrot fashion. So where did those millions that the government handed over ever go to?
My only exposure to the BBC yesterday was last night when, after retuning my satellite receiver, I wanted to check BBC Three (that I rarely watch) was, indeed, now in HD.
I was unfortunate enough to catch one of those dumbed down “Newsround” type programmes that they BBC produce for the short attention span, yoof market.
The three stories covered, the three most important stories for the BBC Three viewer?
“Missing girl thought to be dead” (fair enough),
“Mandela……”(I muted the sound at this point)
and finally, Esther,
“Grammar schools…useless…etc”.
Agenda? What agenda?
From the Beeboid political euphoria of Tahrir Square, Cairo, three years ago, when the BBC-NUJ political analysis was woefully wrong, to the present-day, when it still clings to its misleading political narrative of ‘Arab Spring.’
Beeboids’ invented ‘Arab Spring’ and they still cling to the misleading concept, despite now working out the following sobering developments:-
unpredicted outcomes! only by the BBC
Are they trying to pretend they only got it wrong because every one else did?
Even if that were true ( which it palpably isn’t ) what then is the point of all those thousands of journalists and world class news analysts?
Far less expensive for us and embarrassing for them to simply report all the facts as they emerge and leave the ‘predictions’ to astrologists
Oh God, cross dresser Eddie Lizard is on Richard Bacon. I remember he did a programme about the theory that we all came out of Africa !!!! can’t be waaycist because we’re all African underneath is the subtext. They did a DNA test on our Eddie, found out his genes are Anglo Saxon from Denmark, his face was like stone. I think he would have preferred to have come from a chimp in the Congo.
Izzard – another so called comedian about as funny as a heart attack. He’s also eaten up with ambition to become a Labour politician – M.P., Mayor of London – any post will do for him. It’s pitiable the way he schmoozes the Labour leadership hoping to be looked on favourably in the next candidate selections.
AND he was due on Chris Evans this morning.
Let me guess-he`s got a book out or a DVD to plug.
Too cool to do panto-which is where his proclivities ought once to have led him into.
I recall Eddie Izzard was front man for the right-on campaigns to get us to accept the Euro and more recently to go for the AV voting system. Both ideas recognised by sensible Britons for the total crock of shit they were, although I think AV got a ‘yes’ in Hampstead and Islington.
Ding Dong the Terrorist is dead
And as is the norm for the bBC, they bring out a repeat regards Nelson Mandala’s death. Mandela death: 10 moments from the week
I know Mandelapalooza is officially over, but I can’t resist pointing out the following from that ex-Beeboid forum. Somebody tried to defend the BBC against the complaints by saying it wasn’t their fault and it was the media “in toto” who decided to do wall-to-wall coverage, but with this caveat:
However-if come the funeral- Sports coverage, Eastenders or the Strictly Come Dancing is shelved/moved/postponed then justifiable complaints will start coming in -big time.
He didn’t quite get the expected reaction.
From “Dickie Mint”:
There was not too much coverage of Nelson Mandela, the BBC says so!
And there’s a BBC Trust consultation current; where on the BBC1 page “It should be the BBC’s primary outlet for major UK and international events and it should reflect the whole of the UK in its output.” So, tough, the BBC has decreed that BBC1 WILL carry anything the BBC decree important.
Auntie knows best! How do we get them on the same planet as the rest of us?
The reply from “Roundabout” will sound very familiar to those who’ve tried to bang their heads against the Complaints Dept. wall:
There’s a challenge Richard…I recently wrote in an official complaint via the official BBC Website Complaints procedure and the moron who sent me the ‘All purpose ‘ answer said……….
‘ We’re naturally very sorry when we hear that members of our audience do not like our programmes or services
We try very hard to produce a wide range of high quality programmes which we hope will appeal to our audiences.
The BBC’s a publicly-funded broadcaster serving the whole of the United Kingdom providing programming to a hugely diverse audience with differing tastes and preferences.
There will always be some programmes that do not appeal to some people and this is the nature of broadcasting whereby we are serving many different people with many different expectations.
We’re sorry that this particular programme wasn’t to your own liking, but would say that it represents one individual show and therefore just one small part of a very wide range of programming across BBC Radio.’
So much for dealing with my specific complaint…if I didn’t like the ‘show’ I was complaining about never mind there’ll be something else wonderful along in a moment!!!!!!!!!!!
So it’s not just fringe Right-wing racists complaining that the BBC doesn’t air only their viewpoint after all. Even ex-Beeboids can see through the ivory tower attitude.
‘…I recently wrote in an official complaint via the official BBC Website Complaints procedure and the moron who sent me the ‘All purpose ‘ answer said……….’
People have been banned for less.
Maybe that’s why he’s an ‘ex’?
They will soon have purged all who do not obey Hypno-Tone.
Maybe. After spending some time sorting through the place, I’ve gotten the impression that most of them are on the technical side. They seem mostly to be sound engineers, archivists, and editors (not the editorial kind). In other words, the honest production staff who do the dirty work and keep the ship sailing, and not the journalists and on-air talent. So it’s no wonder a different attitude surfaces from time to time.
Impossible to know/tell, at least without review time I don’t have, but the tense you use suggest some may be current vs. the ‘ex-Beeboid’ intro I took lead from before.
Be interesting if such critiques are still emanating from within, as well as recent family.
The BBC makes North Korea look like the Waltons.
And that’s from the bits not redacted in the original Pollard whitew…’report’.
Nothing misleading about the verb tense I used, I don’t think. They’re still sound engineers, editors, etc., even if they no longer work for the BBC. It’s quite possible they do sound and video for other media outlets.
‘No they haven’t’
That may look majestic bobbing out there all on its lonesome to you, Rodney, but out of context it really serves zero function beyond confirming you as a one-line, drive-by, in-denial, deafult DOTI snipe merchant.
Oh, welcome to the blog, BTW.
Rodney, do you work for the BBC in some capacity, or are in the media? If so, some of us actually welcome a chance to discuss and learn insider details which might possibly shed a different light on what we’re seeing and hearing. BBC producers and journalists used to engage with us regularly, and it can be enlightening as well as sometimes proving our point.
Please ignore the personal attacks if you can, but be aware that making them regularly can derail any chance you might have of making a real point.
I’m beginning to suspect the secret BBC Complaints Handling Guidelines have to be kept in a bigger stairless basement to those of Editorial.
No name means that when you go back to square one to progress your original complaint, they can say they don’t know who to direct it to. Hence…
I sat through a stunningly dull (by my recollection of past events) Sports Personality of the Year last night and was struck by two things:
1. The politicisation of the ceremony in key places (specifically the award of the Helen Rollason trophy to the “driver” of the Hillsborough campaign, and the reflections of Nelson Mandela at a key point) – aspects which I’ll skip over because they have been covered elsewhere, and
2. The ability of the BBC to get the trophy for SPOTY to Andy Murray in Miami AND to have Martina Navratolova on set to present it, within 15 minutes of the closure of the public voting lines.
This voting thing seems amazing to me… the same principles seem to apply to Strictly Come Dancing where it is quite easy to predict who will be in the dance-off’s each week.
Questions need to be asked about the lack of transparency around voting – there could be trouble ahead.
Mo Farah is in the States too – he didn’t even get an interview, let alone a replica.
Ian Bell is in Australia, same applies.
Yet Andy Murray gets the big BBC heave, Mum Judy resplendent in her Rupert Bear onesie gets the big interview because Andy is still in the shower… when Andy comes out of the shower, he gets a big interview…
Martina Navratalova to be present on the off-chance? I’m not sure about that either, oh and the trophy was so heavy that he struggled to hold it in one hand whilst shaking MN’s hand with the other… this all seemed pre-ordained much the same as Strictly is.
Just found this good news (couple of months old) , shame the bBC never got round to reporting…I wonder why? Race hate killer Imran ‘Baldy’ Shahid only survived a vicious prison mob beating because he is so muscular, court hears RACE hate killer Imran “Baldy” Shahid only survived a vicious beating by a prison mob because he is so bulked up, a court heard yesterday. Shahid, 36, is serving life for the chilling abduction and brutal murder of 15-year-old Kriss Donald. Evil Shahid was working out on a rowing machine when his attackers struck at Kilmarnock prison in February. “At around 8.15pm, Imran Shahid was using a rowing machine when the accused Crawford lifted a 15kg weight from nearby.
“He lifted the weight above his head and then struck the top of Shahid’s head from behind, knocking him onto the floor.
“Crawford then threw the weight onto Shahid’s chest before stamping on him as he lay motionless.“Other prisoners armed with metal poles repeatedly struck Shahid.” Blood pooled on the gym floor, the court heard.
I wonder why the bBC never reported this white on Muslim racist attack on a peaceful pious relgious man.
Here’s to a life of eating through a straw for one of the bBCs favourite murderers.
Ha the irony, Race hate murderer Shahid took the prison service to the European human rights court in 2011 as he claimed being in solitary was a breech of his human rights , he demanded to be let back into the general prison population . He lost. but it appears that the Scottish Government felt the need to ensure that this racist murderers wishes were respected.
You might now have to sit through the BBC’s backlash against the backlash. It’s pretty clear that they’re rather upset at all the complaints, and hold their audience in contempt. Since the whole thing was largely about displaying their personal emotions, they’ll be taking the criticisms about the overkill personally, as an indictment of their feelings. So they’ll probably have to try and re-educate the public.
“Allegations of lying and contempt of Parliament… a ‘culture of cronyism’, in which licence fee payers’ money was distributed lavishly among friends… a ‘dysfunctional relationship’ between executives and the Trust that is meant to uphold the public’s interests…
“Truly, it is hard to imagine more damning conclusions than those reached by the Public Accounts Committee in its report on the BBC’s vastly inflated severance payoffs to staff.
“Finding ‘failure at the most senior level’, the MPs sum up the Corporation’s governance with the one word ‘broken’.
But will even this catalogue of crimes shake the arrogance and complacency of the BBC Trust’s chairman?
“Or is Lord Patten so steeped in the public sector mentality – ‘it’s only other people’s money’ – that he still won’t accept anything fundamental is wrong?”
Just a moment of bravado hey? No mention of how he got his hands on a sawn off and ammo in the first place or any chance of the BBC investigating? Any money if I was caught with a firearm they would throw the flaming book at me.
“BBC’s cup runneth over…
“The BBC is criticised by thousands of viewers and listeners for its excessive coverage of Nelson Mandela’s protracted passing.
“This amounted to more than 100 programmes. Over 140 staff were sent to South Africa, including eight to Johannesburg for a special edition of Question Time.
A BBC spokesman says: ‘His death has been of considerable interest to millions of people watching and listening to the BBC at home and across the globe.’
“But the BBC and its staff act as if their coverage was more important than the event itself. And it is, to them, of course.
South Africa’s great statesman has gone, but the BBC fights constantly to preserve the licence fee, which allows its chiefs — and favoured freelance broadcasters they engage — to pay themselves like merchant bankers.”
7am this morning on the Today programme a report about an Israeli soldier being shot dead on the Lebanon border. Apparently over the past couple of years, according to the brief reading of the headline on Today, other Israeli soldiers have been shot dead after Lebanon claimed they were attempting to enter Lebanon. So we don’t know whether this soldier was trying to enter Lebanon and only have the Lebanese word for it that the others were trying to enter their country. But another Jew dead so what does the BBC care?
I was surprised the BBC reported this-probably only to keep Israel in the headlines at this time of year and remind people that the Israeli’s had entered Lebanon before.
The BBC would really rather write the Jews out of history altogether See
Unfortunately, it’s barely on their radar. They wrote a letter once complaining about not allowing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, but I think we all know how those things usually work out.
I noticed that as well. the initial bBC report proclaimed that he was shot as part of patrol who were trying to seek into Lebanon , however on reading other “More reliable News Sources” I soon found out that the dead man had been driving inside Israel in a civy car. The current bBC Muslim wash now states: “The shooting came after the 31-year-old Israeli soldier was fatally wounded when his vehicle was hit by up to seven shots fired from Lebanon.” That was preceded by this photo:
Tell me, if I hadn’t looked this story up elsewhere and you simply used the bBC, would you feel that the man who died was driving a humvee?
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Radical Islamic terrorism paid for by the unwilling British taxpayer
And here is how the much more professional Reuters reports the same story: (Reuters) – Senior Israeli, Lebanese and United Nations military officers met on Monday to defuse tension a day after a “rogue” Lebanese soldier shot dead an Israeli soldier on the border…..”We discussed concrete steps to strengthen the existing security arrangements (on the border) to prevent the recurrence of such incidents,” the commander of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said in a statement.Major-General Paolo Serra said Israeli and Lebanese army officers had shown “full cooperation…in restoring calm in the area” after the cross-border shooting.
It was unclear exactly what happened, Serra said, although preliminary findings suggested it was the isolated action of an individual. The Lebanese soldier went missing after the incident but was later found, a Lebanese security source said.
Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said earlier that Israel regards “the Lebanese government and the Lebanese army as responsible for what happens on their side”.
“We will demand of the Lebanese army first of all an explanation as to what happened and whether this was indeed a rogue soldier; what they have done with him, and what the Lebanese army plans to do in order to prevent incidents of this kind,” he said in a statement.
Israel said its soldier was driving near the border fence at its westernmost point of Rosh Hanikra when he was shot by a Lebanese army sniper. Israeli troops who searched the frontier area later shot at two Lebanese soldiers who “made suspicious movements”, hitting one of them, an army spokeswoman said.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism”
A Lebanese soldier having, it appears, murdered an Israeli in cold blood from foreign soil, the response of the the latter’s military seems proportionate to the point of lethargy.
Especially as this sniper seem to have loosed off several rounds. I was unaware such weaponry was capable of such a rate of fire.
It will be interesting if Reuters or the world’s most astoundingly uncurious £4Bpa media news monopoly follow up on this errant soldier now in custody, as answers to some outstanding questions do seem due the man’s family and country.
Guest who wrote:
While the Israeli military state it was a sniper, the gun used has been described as a light weapon, seeing as the Leb army issues the M16 to its soldiers (As well as holding an eclectic mix of assault weapons) I personally feel that the murderous twat let rip with an M16 which if using a 5.56mm round can hit a target out to 300 metres.
Here is the actual IDF statement:
“Around 8:30 P.M. an Israeli military vehicle moving near the border with Lebanon was struck by six or seven bullets fired from a light firearm, evidently from a relatively short distance. The incident occurred just east of an IDF post in Rosh Hanikra. “
Dear Returning Flokkers, Old, New and Rehashed,
Guessing the SA trip was fun while it lasted, or you wisely stayed schtum while others rather overdid things whilst there, but now you all seem to be drifting back, you are immediately needed elsewhere…
Remember ‘I don’t think so’ is only good enough for ECU Directors in debate. It doesn’t work so well outside the hive.
i would like to see this country take all Christian syrian refugees in as the are suffering genocide at the hands of muslims. Al Beeb just wants to let more muslims in who then want to turn our country in to the shit hole they fled from.
Let the muslim world take muslim refugees in. Too many muslims here as it is
With the Mandela coverage, Beeb were only practising for when Gerry Adams dies. ( By the way WTF was Adams doing at the funeral, other than one terrorist/freedom fighter at the funeral of another?)
anybody catch vicky derbyshires show yesterday,i had no choice when the left wing coach driver would not swap over to talksport when i asked him to do so,had to suffer 3 hours plus of radio 5 live on my journey to manchester,very painfull indeed,anyway vicky had 2 buck idiot aid workers on who got kidnapped by al qaeda in iraq pouring there hearts out to vicky telling her how they was tortured,beaten and sexually assualted by the jihadi warriors,i was screaming to myself for christ sakes vicky will you ask these fools why they went to iraq and put themselves in danger,have a guess what,vicky to my surprise must of read my mind and asked them these very questions,anyway after that vicky went back to her usual touchy feely sympathy for these aid workers moan is this,why the hell do these middle class white aid workers go to countrys like iraq,syria and yemen knowing full well they are going into muslim on muslim wars zones where they are even hated even more because they are infidels,they just make me damm sick after they get released they turn up on radio 5 live on vickys show whingeing about what a hard time they had off the jihadis,keep out of war zones you idiots.
This is permitted EU propaganda – “see, Blair let the nutters loose” – since both France and Germany lost some very big contracts with the Saddam government after he was toppled. For this the BBC has never forgiven him.
They’re a bit quieter about the Syrian nutjobs, er dissenters or something.
@ david preiser,what sentence would he of got in the states,@ the judge,where and who did he get the shotgun from.what did he want to use it for,10 years is what he should of got
It seems like utter madness, frk. Unless it’s illegal for him to have the shotgun in the first place (it’s been modified, so maybe), there’s certainly no law against posting a photo of oneself with a gun on Facebook. Not yet, anyway. If for whatever reason the gun was illegal or his possession of it was, then it’s bad luck for him that the police found it, or were notified, I guess.
Not according to Wikipedia (even though her Dad is a Tory), which also notes that she has voted Labour, attacked Margaret Thatcher in print, worked for the Observer, is George Monbiot’s cousin, and has had the odd lesbian fantasy.
I have heard several reports today on radio 4 of what David Cameron is planning to do to negotiate with the EU to limit immigration. The same piece is played where the reporter says that Cameron has two big hurdles to overcome. The first is that he has to be reelected which is true but whenever millipede says what he is going to do, no commentator reminds us of the ‘if’.
Gosh, an article on the Guardian website titled “leave the BBC alone” by someone called Jean Seaton, who is apparently the official historian of the BBC.
The vitriol aimed at the BBC by Guardian readers is twice as vicious as anything you read on this site. Astonishing. The BBC really is in trouble. Excellent.
Well that indeed make for quite the read. Both the article itself and the responses it has managed to garner.
Even the staple defence defaults are getting swatted way straight out the traps.
Not so far, I’d hazard, quite the way the author or paper saw that one going.
First Patten finds out ‘We don’t get held to account, so back off, or else’ threats got laughed at, and now this good lady is finding appeals to lost affection getting scorned in the same way.
This might be getting serious for them.
That the BBC has probably not been as vulnerable since the 1980s is also true – not least because the enemies of impartiality are more powerful, and the BBC’s competitors (maimed after a year’s exposure of their own behaviour in the Leveson inquiry) are keen to wreck it.
See, if one of us had written that, it would come across as a strawman. But that’s what they really think, and is pretty much verbatim what we say they do.
Glad to see you raise this. The 10pm RT report, even allowing for the RT slant, suggests that the West has been duplicitious to say the least and that the moderate opposition may never have really existed.
It looks as if the West is about to make a mess in the Ukraine. Nothing unusual there then.
We are goverend and represented by idiots.
I’d have thought that, when recruiting people to read the news, one of the most important things you’d look for (after completing the diversity checklist, obviously), is the ability to actually read aloud — to understand the relationship between syntax and intonation, which words to stress, and generally not sound like every other word was a bloody surprise.
Being a quiz fanatic I have seen Jamie on University Challenge too. But before that he was on Pointless with his boyfriend where they announced their gayosity.
No doubt prompted by the bbc. Pointless seems to have a dispropotionate amount of the gayer on its show. Just for when the kiddies come home from school and need a top up after having gaying promoted to them by their bbc loving teachers.
I am curious as to if the BBC will begin to back off Cameron following today’s released survation figures.
I postulate that the BBC will decide that it has overdone the propaganda against the conservatives, and will begin to give positive spin to conservatives to shore them up against the UKIP onslaught. Completely missing the fact that UKIP are savaging the Labour vote as well. They are all like rabbits in the headlights of a car.
The BBC herd of journalists is more likely to (try to) suppress their instinctive hatred of UKIP in the hope that they can damage the Conservative vote – BBC news and current affairs are betting the farm on a Labour Party victory at the next General Election (it has got so blatant people who are not the slightest bit interested in politics are noticing their bias) because they know that if the Conservatives get an absolute majority at the next election the BBC as a near monopoly news provider is finished.
It isn’t about politics it’s about protecting their huge gravy train. Only a small minority want to read Left Wing journalists – supply grossly outstrips demand and they can’t all get jobs at the (loss making) Guardian.
More brainwashing from BBC3, a channel aimed at our youngsters.
The implied message in tonights ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ is that 100% of the ‘public’ are homosexual. In reference to an obviously gay male “60% of the public want to snog him and 40% want to marry him” note the nod to gay marriage.
ObamaCare is really biting the self-employed this year, with an end-December deadline – they are the people messed up by the website and eventually finding that virtually none of them can keep their old health policies, so are being forced to pay more – for less. There is already lots of pain – but the White House insists this affects “only 5% of the population”.
A far larger pool of Americans are covered by employer-based health policies, which do not get to go through the ObamaCare tax-and-redistribute mill until next year. But already it appears that some 15 million people will have their employer-based schemes cancelled altogether !!
And those that can keep those schemes will face far higher costs.
This has emerged from an Associated Press poll – and AP is generally left-leaning !
The BBC website is usually quick to do scissors-and-paste jobs on anything published by Associated Press. But I bet they don’t post this AP result on the website.
At last someone who talks sense,the beeb will go into overdrive to rubbish nigel and his views.I wonder if he will say anything about getting rid of the BBC.Vote winner for me.
Excellent, Farage answered every question clearly and directly and in every case put pragmatism before ideology. As a definition of common sense that’s as close as it gets
The fact the BBC continue to portray him as a ‘swivel eyed loon’ and give a platform to people that feel UKIP is ‘disgusting’ tells you all you need to know.
That, by the way, is the first time I’ve listened to LBC for many years I might start again as an alternative to 5lies. Is it available on line?
Stewart, to listen online go to and then select whether you want LBC FM or LBC News, there might be a short delay while it starts to play.
More on the nation’s favourite ‘news reader’. The bleeding heart in an iconic Chanel suit. The media star with the most mobile eyebrows since Roger Moore. Is it too late to nominate her for an Oscar? Or should that be a Bianca? Yes, it’s Fiona ‘Get out of my way I’m Fabulous’ Bruce. The face of an angel; the mind of Irma Bunt. ‘Now listen carefully, children; however old you are…’
‘Watching Fiona Bruce on the BBC News at Ten the other night, it was possible to believe one had wandered into a charity support function for Syrian refugees.
‘Reporting on the Syrian refugee crisis, Ms Bruce did not so much read the news. She acted and performed it, with facial and hand gestures giving an impression of strong disapproval of Britain’s and Europe’s failure to deal with the crisis and to bring to Europe as many refugees as possible.’
Tuesday Radio 4 7am highlighted a survey about penguins huddling together to keep warm. No doubt Beeboids will be promoting this as an alternate sex game for staff seconded to cold climates!
World president? A link on the BBC website entitled “World president” to an article more fully captioned as “Mandela death: Who next as the world’s elder statesman?” (see We learn that “Nelson Mandela was often described as the world’s elder statesman”; well, only by the BBC and fellow travellers was he so described. But now the search is on for the next elder statesman (surely, statesperson?). The link is a plug for an organisation of wannabes called The Elders (yes, I know it sounds like a plot from a bad TV movie). The candidates include: Jimmy Carter, Mary Robinson, Kofi Annan and a range of third worlders you’ve probably never heard of. Mostly dressed in the usual garbage of UN peace initiatives, human rights, gender equality, anti-Israeli rhetoric and general mediocrity. But the lack of imagination is staggering: Mandela may be dead, but why should that prevent him becoming World President For Ever in the glorious days to come?
Too hideously white. Although I imagine they’ll accept Carter because he holds the approved thoughts about how evil Israel is.
Having said that, perhaps Mandela should be made World President. It’s not like he can do any real damage, which is what you want for someone in such a position.
Yesterday moring and BBC News Channel where preposterous sofa combo Bill Turnball and Naga Munchetty….
What’s that phrase…. ‘nothing there for anybody’?
The rather shabby old silly-teddy sat there on the shelf next to the exoctic dolly brought back from a holiday in … we can’t quite remember where…. what a pity we were bored that afternoon, borrowed the big scissers and cut all her nice hair off…
But hold on, I’m being superficial. What I’m really fed up with is BBC presenters’ attitude to ‘average temperatures for this time of year’
Our Naga hands over to the weather forcast and makes great play of it being ‘warmer that it OUGHT to be for this time of year’
How can we expect school children to understand the concept averages and of margines of error in data sets when BBC presenters come out with such ill informed fatalistic off the cuff comments….?
Gosh, anyone might think that the BBC had an agenda here…?
Munchetty scores trois points for being black, female and short-haired (ie lezzie-looking). But she’ll still be fired when she’s too old to f*ck – it’s policy (exceptional bruisers like C. Balding and K Squawk notwithstanding).
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I wonder if the BBC has a department for teaching interviewers bad manners – I was listening to the appalling Sarah Montague with Theresa May this morning.
Whatever your politics may be, surely the woman should be allowed to answer a question without being talked over – she is the Home Secretary after all and her office should be accorded some dignity if nothing else.
I think that whenever a BBC interviewer has a Tory in their sights they feel it is necessary to be rude and aggressive. If they don’t behave like that they will get a reputation for being fair and even handed with Tories which will mean no promotions and eventually some out of the lime light posting. The exact opposite is true of course when they have a Labour politician on.
Yes, I wrote to David Cameron this morning asking how long he was going to sit back while the BBC attempted to destroy his party. Don’t expect a reply, don’t expect he will be shown it, don’t expect he will win the next Election. In regard to this case the pathetic Milliband’s latest catch phrase rings true : ” The unbelievable complacency of this Prime Minister.”
You are assuming that Cameron actually WANTS to win the coming election!
The fact is that the PM is an appallingly poorly paid position, around the same amount as the head of a secondary school, in some cases primaries, and much less than a local authority chief exec.
Cameron having been PM for a term can make more money from just three public speaking engagements than he earns in a year as PM !
Believe it or not there are a substantial number of people who believe that MPs should not be paid anything, but finance themselves !
No wonder we currently have so many wealthy people at the top of all of the parties, they’re the only people who can afford to take these thankless jobs.
99% of MP acquire real wealth while in office, it has always been the case. Many Shinwell was a died in the wood Left wing Labour MP who probably never earned £3000 pa as an MP or Minister up to his retirement in 1970. However when he died in the early 80’s he left £330,000 a huge amount at that time. How did that happen ?
Hypocrisy looms large in every part of Westminster.
for died read dyed.
And wood as wool?
Thanks !!!
and Manny for Many…
OK chaps, I messed it up !!!!
On the basis that people in glass hoses shouldn’t throne stoats, I’m saying no more
“One particularly bigoted ideologue was Manny Shinwell, then the Minister for Fuel and Power, decided that as part of his campaign of class warfare he would mine the coal under the park and house [of Wentworth Woodhouse – one of the finest Georgian houses in the country] – even when told it was low-grade and not worth the effort. He…ignored the pleas of the local miners and their representatives who had always enjoyed excellent relations with the Fitzwilliams who were widely regarded as one of the best mine owners in the country. Shinwell’s workers destroyed the park which the miners had enjoyed for years and…dumped the spoil to within yards of the house. Rather than live there the family moved out…securing the use of the house as a teacher training college which…saved the house from demolition.”
Absolutely spot on well said.
Yup, pure class spite.
And, funnily enough, not mentioned at all in Beeboid Fiona Bruce’s piece on Wentworth Woodhouse in the Telegraph the weekend before last.
The explanation can be found in the university experience of the interviewers. As members of the Socialist Workers Party at university they were expected to shout down Tory speakers and others deems to fit the no platform policy. Now, when obliged to interview the habit remains.
The shadow housing minister, whose name escapes me, faced no such problems on the business segment on Five Live this morning.
She had a clear five minutes virtually unchallenged to laud Labour’s new housing policy. A very cosy party political broadcast.
I listened one hour earlier when Labour was interviewed on the same subject ( Mrs Balls). The red carpet was out!!! Although “Labour agreed” with the new policy Mrs Balls immediately identified several areas of disagreement….all of which were quickly taken up by Mrs Montague, and of course absolutely no talking over. I purposely then missed the Mrs May interview as I knew what would happen and it would have set off my week in a bad way.
If the Tories just sit back and do nothing then they cannot complain when Milliband is in Downing Street and just watch how he will increase the BBC Tax to pay for the “cuts” put in place by the Tories on the license fee. Ironic eh?
Reminds me of Phil ‘New University’ Williams and …
Cabinet Minister: Can I just say…
Poly: Yerr, in a minute.
Cheeky bastid.
For some time it was hard to quite pin down Five Live’s smuggest git, but then they employed Phil Williams, rendering any such speculation redundant.
You do make me chuckle uncle. Keep up the good work and all the very best for crimbo and the new year.
Indeed, all the very best to all regular posters(and non-regular).
2014s gonna be a big year. Keep up the good fight for your reward shall be great
This must have hurt when he posted it, top of the most read as I type:
Esa’s Cryosat sees Arctic sea-ice volume bounce back
I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from afar, the best he could do to make it sound like nothing special was:
But scientists caution against reading too much into one year’s “recovery”.
“Although the recovery of Arctic sea ice is certainly welcome news, it has to be considered against the backdrop of changes that have occurred over the last few decades,” said Prof Andy Shepherd of University College London, UK.
Lets hope its the beginning of the end to all this “Carbon” madness.
Arctic ice melting – see, global warming is true, more money needed to investigate! Arctic ice increasing – global warming theory says it should be melting, more money needed to investigate! Arctic ice stays the same – global warming doesn’t predict this – more money needed to investigate! Heads they win, tails they win, coin lands on its edge they win (win research grants, that is).
Typical. Just like they dismiss record cold temperatures and snow as “weather, not climate”. It’s a religion.
What’s a climate alarmist to do when time shows their predictions are absolute tosh? Arctic ice spreading at record rates. The same with ice in the Antarctic AND record low temperatures ( -158 degrees, and scientists have said these could go even lower!)
Climate alarmists are the REAL deniers!
It doesn’t matter either way.
If current trends continue the expanding Antarctic will have covered the entire planet in 1000 years.
‘“Although the recovery of Arctic sea ice is certainly welcome news, it has to be considered against the backdrop of changes that have occurred over the last few decades’.
That would be since 1979 when, coincidentally, Arctic ice cover hit a peak.
Phew! Now that the Mandelathon has finished
I wish! Next Sunday Andrew Marr will interview an actor who played the Great Man.
I wonder how the BBC would react if someone were to point out that Mandela was named after a great British maritime hero and a Viscount of the Realm ? They would probably be horrified and splutter “….. No no , he was named after…after… himself…..”
Still it is better than being named after an airport like Kennedy!
In the pipeline already…
Getting a Grip – One Year On
An entire community united in grief at the lost of their sole raison d’etre. Rudderless, bereft, and unable to cope.
So we’ve decided to fly the entire staff of the BBC to Sun City for a week to settle in before hearing the harrowing tale of how they are learning to deal with their loss of the guys who were signing off those sweet redundancy deals before rehiring at double as freelancers the following week.
And they may also find time to ask some black South Africans what they are doing there too.
But not Peter O’Toole. Who I suspect was finished off by the final day of Mandela coverage. RIP
have no fear people
BBC 5live – V. Drearybyshire NM is now gone,
WAAYCISM! is back yep! and its NHS Waaycism to boot …
enter some dude from Zimbabwe! … lets call him Simba!
😀 not his real name,
I know – you couldn t make it up
from Zimbabwe … suffered the absolute horror of catching the short end of an overworked, overstressed
bod from INTER-national health service no doubt.
Well there s always next plane back … to the joys of Mugabi-care for you my boy, if it doesn t suit
Isn’t ”Simba” a character from Jungle Book ?
It’s a talking lion from the Disney cartoon Lion King.
Normal service has resumed on Radio 5, waaycism, groan, in the NHS makes a change from waaycism, groan, in football.
so true Dave,
how have they missed the M/boro – Quran page tearing outrage,
will they report on the “Antiracistquran” march? …
from “kick it out”?
Aasmah Mir used to present the Drivetime show with Peter Allen, she was always wittering on about waaycism, found out her husband is Piara Powar, director of ”football against waaycism in Europe.”
Oh look, it’s Madiba.
It has always puzzled me why the slogan is ”Kick racism out of football” That seems to encourage violence, see a racist kick him! Better to talk and reason with people, providing you have a proper argument of your own to put across of course. before
appalling! … she should be ashamed
was a bit bloody lion -ist, wasn t it
I though he was quite engaging and realistic. He repeatedly made the point that people were making too much of the allegations.
That wasn’t in VDs script – she must have been gnashing her teeth which is why she kept digging for more examples of racism rather than ask the obvious question ‘In what way are people being overly sensitive?’
Mind you her subsequent guests, a tag team of ‘experts’ were quick to rubbish Zimba and the FOI figures (NB: The FOI immune BBC are using FOIs again to get their stories). The number of examples that the subsequent speakers quoted were huge…but the only problem was they didn’t relate to racial discrimination (which is unacceptable)…they related to cases of harassment discrimination and bullying (of which, in the public sector, there are literally thousands every day. Ask someone to do a job they don’t want to, or to move desks, they get offended. The public sector has a huge and costly grievance culture).
I have to say, I liked Zimba, I liked his pragmatism…..but I didn’t like VD!
I concur. I heard some of that interview and you are right he sounded like a level headed guy and didn’t give VD what she wanted.
“an actor who played the Great Man”
Harry Enfield?
Never bettered!
“BBC cronyism: MPs condemn excessive pay-offs”
Not clear to me exactly how Callmetony Hall can ‘limit pay-offs to £150,000’.
If someone’s contractually entitled to £300k per annum for three years and Tony wants to sack them after two years, then Tony is going to have problems with that £150k limit.
More shite, in other words, for you the little people to believe.
The real scandal was not that the BBC pay-offs went beyond contractual requirements, but that the contracts themselves were (and of course are) far far too generous.
The BBC should not be giving two and three year contracts out; every employee should be on three months notice at longest. The BBC should pay as few people as it can, and as little as it can. It’s a near monopsony buyer of broadcast staff in this country – where else would the 22,500 go for work? CBS? Are ITV suddenly going to need 5,500 quote, unquote journalists?
Would it be possible at all for the BBC to get someone less wooden than Gary ‘Mogadon Man’ Lineker for 5% of his £2m pa salary? Think so.
When you pretty much have a guaranteed income, there is very little incentive to count the pennies.
“‘A culture of cronyism and broken leadership’:
“The withering verdict of MPs on BBC over payoffs debacle.
“Commons committee finds ‘failure at the most senior levels of BBC.’
“Margaret Hodge criticises ‘liberal use of licence fee payers’ money.’
“MPs raise fears that some BBC figures may have lied to Parliament.
“Debacle saw £369million handed to departing staff over eight years.
“MPs fear HR chief Lucy Adams may have deliberately misled inquiry.”
This is more than mere cronyism this is EMBEZZLEMENT a crime.
Where are the police and DPP in all this ?Are they so full of politically correct left wing placemen that any moves to bring these thieves to account is unimaginable.
“Where are the police and DPP in all this”
waiting to get jobs at the BBC
I have to say it was amusing hearing the BBC get hoisted on their own far-Left petard regarding high salaries and payoffs, but Montague betrayed the internal BBC feeling that they’ve weathered the storm and a line has been drawn under it. She let Hodge moan and skewer Thompson over Byford’s million, but gave the game away when she read out the Trust’s statement about Hodge’s complaint. They thanked her for her work, apparently, and have put measures into place, etc. It’s just like how the BBC Complaints Dept. deals with viewers concerns. “We’ve listened, aired a few a complaints. What more do you want? Job done.”
After being asked by Montague, in a tone of voice from which I couldn’t possibly infer any attitude, whether or not she was satisfied, Hodge did the usual waffle about how the BBC does excellent work, etc., she wants to protect that. Hearing that in the larger context of so many politicians of all political parties, along with the usual defenders of the BBC, claim to stand for looking out for the license fee payers while steadfastly defending the BBC as a national treasure, makes me think that most, if not all such claims are a facade.
Hodge shifted to bitching about the Trust, which is not the same thing as scrutinizing the BBC at all. It’s especially galling since she started out by saying part of the problem was that all those top BBC brass who were involved were essentially BBC lifers engaging in cronyism. Helen Boaden is still on the board, and that apparently doesn’t bother her or affect any of the things she wants fixed. Most of the lifers are still there, if shifted sideways. Hodge easily distanced herself from criticizing the BBC itself. She, like most of them, doesn’t give a damn about the interests of the public who are forced to pay for the BBC. She cares about the BBC she grew up with, the one with the legacy of trust and a deep cultural connection spanning generations. And of course, to defend it against Right-wing enemies waiting to destroy it.
As I’ve said before, the focus on salaries and payoffs will serve no purpose other than to give a few politicians and pundits an opportunity to pose as serious critics of the BBC without actually affecting any of the real changes needed. Capping payoffs (no loopholes anywhere, I’m sure…..) won’t fix the bias, won’t prevent yet another incident of overkill on some topic when it suits, won’t fix the crushing of local private competition, won’t change the sense of a Divine Right to “spread influence” in other countries, won’t change the egregious wastefulness, won’t stop them from sending a battalion of Beeboids across the globe to make redundant reports about a story that could have been covered by a handful. In short, this will fix nothing.
Only a real purge can begin to solve the problem. Then a reduction in size needs to follow.
I’ve tried to say a couple of times on John Redwood’s blog, that the BBC is in my view morally and financially corrupt but he won’t allow it and censors me.
Doesn’t Redwood believe essentially the same thing?
John Redwood doesn’t censor any comments unless they are REALLY bad. I have written far worse than them being morally and financially corrupt and so have others, far worse. You do know I presume that ALL comments are premoderated there? Just go back after a time ( several hours or more at weekends)
All of this cronyism is utterly meaningless and all the bluster of Hodge is as Shakespeare described
“A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
Because all of our MPs are so timid and scared of making any decision at all which they can’t make in secret so the people can’t see it.
The BBC has a couple of things which the majority of the public like. No adverts, and a long history. As that long history is made irrelevant by mass immigration and diversity then it will drop out of the thinking – this is beginning to happen, the only thing remaining is the adverts, which for many will not be enough to pay so much money for.
The select committee might find the BBC guilty of high treason and eating babies, but unless leftie Dave and his mates actually get off their backsides and do something (highly unlikely) then nothing will be done.
‘unless leftie Dave and his mates actually get off their backsides and do something’ (re the BBC)
That would be the same David Cameron who before any action whatsoever consults his pink rubber wristband inscribed with the legend “what will the BBC think”
Very true and we need to understand nothing is going to alter any time soon.
The BBC is at the heart of a liberal clique that feels itself invulnerable apart from the odd internal spat -usually over money.
When gimme gimme gimme becomes a touch too obvious.
The BBC is a vital front in the culture war for the future of England. It is never going to face a serious threat from the current power structure and we can bluster all we like about bias but it will change nothing.
What we can do is communicate to the like minded our opposition to liberalism and try to spread alternative views.
The bias is a given. Hence I have advocated a viewpoint which rejects arguing with the liberal . It is pointless. Far better to make your views known and hope that others will, in time, come to agree.
So to those who say that this site should concentrate on cases of BBC bias I say that as the bias is ingrained in the liberal ascendancy we should start from there and counter it with true conservative views. It may be too late to stand up for England and help our grandchildren but it is our duty to try.
Agreed. The BBC is – as it has always been – a pillar of the establishment. The establishment is, however, firmly Left-liberal in ideology – if not in personal behaviour. What is required is a conservative backlash.
Just as in the 1960s liberalism and permissive thinking undermind our longheld cultural norms so now we need to satirise and point up the folly and hypocrisy of the Left. Hopefully we are reaching a crisis point where the contradictions inherent in Leftism will be come so obvious that most people turn away from the BBC and their oppression of opposing views.
Dave s -“The BBC is at the heart of a liberal clique that feels itself invulnerable apart from the odd internal spat -usually over money.”
Absolutely right however I think their is some thing else that done can be as I posted in debate with Milverton in Fridays ‘open thread’ (15th 10:59 am to 3:37 pm)
Its is worth revisiting as Milverton’s position is well made, but ultimately wrong.
The same margaret hodge who’s daughter works for the bbc,so will tone down the report me thinks so not to hurt her chances of climbing up the pole at BBC centre
Oh yes! Lots of talk from Lady Hodge – encouraged by the BBC – concentrating on the profligacy of the BBC. This is far from fatal (although mildly embarrassing) for the BBC since a few insincere apologies and a new “policy” apparently limiting payoffs to £150,000 (is that the total or the excess over contractual obligations BTW? Past behaviour of these parasites should enable you to guess which) will see off the PAC.
What is thus knowingly obscured in the concentration on the BBC’s financial sores is the BBC’s far more serious disease; its role as transmission belt for the views and opinions (together with the highly selective “facts” and just outright lies) of the biens pensants, Labour and all points left. You can rest assured that that won’t be a subject for cosy discussion on Today or profuse apologies from Lords Hall and Patten.
‘This is far from fatal (although mildly embarrassing) for the BBC’
Possibly true.
However I keep reading the exact same thing over and over; most recently about an ex-DG, current multihundred-k side-stepping head of news and current Trust chair being caught bang to rights struggling with l’acualite, on oath and to committees (if they deign to front up).
Cumulatively these have to hit a level where enough is enough, or people will start thinking a nun could be raped in the entrance revolving doors and the only result will be bigger microwaves get ordered for the baked spuds.
Room 101? The BBC seems more and more like heading to Unit 731 status.
To be sure some arrangement will be cobbled together to make the payment policies concerning the upper echelons at the BBC both “transparent” and in line with those in the “real-world”. That will reduce the pressure from Lady Hodge (just in time for the election no doubt, so there’ll be no Labour-induced embarrassment for its chums at Broadcasting House). Of course, this will be an analogous set-up to that created in the democratic nirvana of IPSA and MP’s pay. Whatever, it will be a fix: the increases in pay will be marginally curbed until the charter is renewed in 2016 or 2017 and then the gravy train will be shunted from the sidings back on to the main line.
Please understand: nothing will change (on pay or bias) until the BBC cannot rely on the taxpayer to fund it. Meanwhile, the greater scandal of BBC bias will be drowned out by the self-congratulations of the all-party PAC which will be publicised by Today through another set of creepy interviews with Lady Hodge (Labour).
Well said Umbongo. Halting the funding is the only way to clear the cancer.
New Labour played a clever long strategic game and made sure that they placed their people in all the key positions in influential institutions. This has reaped them enormous benefits and they are now ‘the establishment’ and, as establishments always do, using their power to make sure that their children get a helping hand.
Soon I hope and expect to hear , though not on the BBC of course, some alternative , alternative , comedians, poking fun at the liberal left values which have become the current orthodoxy of the new establishment. In fact , even on the BBC , I have heard a few tentative jibes at the liberal left humorless mind set from guests. Not from alternative comedians of course, who still think they are attacking the establishment when, in fact, they are themselves part of the new liberal left establishment. I could hear the BBC presenter tut tutting and almost see their grimace, just as you would expect from someone representing the establishment when someone poked fun at them.
Too true doublethinker. I blame Gordon Brown for the damage for the civil-service mindet now. It was he that changed Charity to mean favor a multitude of nu labour ‘NGO’s to funnel labour benefits (instead on investing in wider UK public infrastructure). His smarm at the Banks only made the whole deal worse. Ed Balls was part of that blinkered charm offensive.
‘…clever long strategic game and made sure that they placed their people in all the key positions in influential institutions..
As I look at the bylines of ‘news’ notable as much for what is left out as what is enhanced to remain in on certain core issues, not just the politically active.
Making 8,000 flower bed dwellers redundant may actually work wonders for free speech and democracy too.
Michael Savage said that the whole Mandela, full bongo, extravaganza funeral was like Animal Farm. A white liberals wet dream.
Is that Animal Farm the book or Animal Farm the 1980s pirate video?
…imagining that deaf signer doing actions for that!
Sheila Fogerty is discussing slavery in Britain !!!! I didn’t know the country had cotton plantations, I wonder why we have slaves, I’m baffled, I’m going to take a wild guess, Labour imported millions of illiterate, stone age, Third Worlders as a voting base and to subvert the nation.
The last Labour regime re-introduced slavery, along with gang masters and legalised loan sharks (under the new moniker of ‘pay day loan companies’). Victorian values at their best!
You could argue that slavery in England ended with the Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus. It was effectively ended with the Normal Conquest and the introduction of feudalism although the Anglo-Saxons were not that keen on owning slaves especially after Christianization anyway.
IIRC legally a slave could not be owned in England from the mid-1500s and in the Empire from the mid-early 1900s.
In fact it has not been a notable part of English life especially if you view the Celts and Romano-British as not English.
Did she mention any of that? Somehow I doubt it.
And those Maoist nut jobs caused this fatuous bit of grandstanding from the May Queen.
Bet no reference was given to THAT prime cause of this fluttering around the newsrooms…bit too lefty , bit too embarrassing, bit too much of Citizen Smith mockery.
The VT will have been quietly thrown on the burning tyres by Nelsons grave…the one that Winnie avoided by flypast on her broomstick.
It’s over and normal service (lack of) is resumed. Yes no Mandella we are back to the on off Syria story. It’s Winter there apparently. Europe is not doing enough. Baroness Amos???? Where did she appear from I’ve not seen her ever before is on our screen to give us some figures about the issue that she appears to have learned parrot fashion. So where did those millions that the government handed over ever go to?
My only exposure to the BBC yesterday was last night when, after retuning my satellite receiver, I wanted to check BBC Three (that I rarely watch) was, indeed, now in HD.
I was unfortunate enough to catch one of those dumbed down “Newsround” type programmes that they BBC produce for the short attention span, yoof market.
The three stories covered, the three most important stories for the BBC Three viewer?
“Missing girl thought to be dead” (fair enough),
“Mandela……”(I muted the sound at this point)
and finally, Esther,
“Grammar schools…useless…etc”.
Agenda? What agenda?
How BBC-NUJ got its ‘Arab Spring’ wrong.
From the Beeboid political euphoria of Tahrir Square, Cairo, three years ago, when the BBC-NUJ political analysis was woefully wrong, to the present-day, when it still clings to its misleading political narrative of ‘Arab Spring.’
Beeboids’ invented ‘Arab Spring’ and they still cling to the misleading concept, despite now working out the following sobering developments:-
“Arab Spring: 10 unpredicted outcomes”
“‘The Arab Spring’ is now officially over.”
By Barry Rubin.
‘Arab Spring; 1 predictable outcome: Beeboids would get it wrong.’
unpredicted outcomes! only by the BBC
Are they trying to pretend they only got it wrong because every one else did?
Even if that were true ( which it palpably isn’t ) what then is the point of all those thousands of journalists and world class news analysts?
Far less expensive for us and embarrassing for them to simply report all the facts as they emerge and leave the ‘predictions’ to astrologists
“7. Women fall victim”
Well, to be fair, could anyone have seen that coming?
Not from inside a burqa.
“2. US no longer calls the shots”
No-one can blame the Obama administration for failing to keep up.
BBC Reporting: Top 10 predicted outcomes
1. It’s not His fault, you see.
The BBC don’t disappoint. There is still a section on their news page devoted to Mandela.
Anyone want to wager on how long it will be there?
Is the answer forever?
Oh God, cross dresser Eddie Lizard is on Richard Bacon. I remember he did a programme about the theory that we all came out of Africa !!!! can’t be waaycist because we’re all African underneath is the subtext. They did a DNA test on our Eddie, found out his genes are Anglo Saxon from Denmark, his face was like stone. I think he would have preferred to have come from a chimp in the Congo.
Izzard would be of Bonobo descent, surely.
I thought he was of Huge Nut descent.
Izzard – another so called comedian about as funny as a heart attack. He’s also eaten up with ambition to become a Labour politician – M.P., Mayor of London – any post will do for him. It’s pitiable the way he schmoozes the Labour leadership hoping to be looked on favourably in the next candidate selections.
AND he was due on Chris Evans this morning.
Let me guess-he`s got a book out or a DVD to plug.
Too cool to do panto-which is where his proclivities ought once to have led him into.
I recall Eddie Izzard was front man for the right-on campaigns to get us to accept the Euro and more recently to go for the AV voting system. Both ideas recognised by sensible Britons for the total crock of shit they were, although I think AV got a ‘yes’ in Hampstead and Islington.
think he would have preferred to have come from a chimp in the Congo.. superb. lol
Ding Dong the Terrorist is dead
And as is the norm for the bBC, they bring out a repeat regards Nelson Mandala’s death.
Mandela death: 10 moments from the week
(Just in case you missed it the first time round)
I know Mandelapalooza is officially over, but I can’t resist pointing out the following from that ex-Beeboid forum. Somebody tried to defend the BBC against the complaints by saying it wasn’t their fault and it was the media “in toto” who decided to do wall-to-wall coverage, but with this caveat:
He didn’t quite get the expected reaction.
From “Dickie Mint”:
The reply from “Roundabout” will sound very familiar to those who’ve tried to bang their heads against the Complaints Dept. wall:
So it’s not just fringe Right-wing racists complaining that the BBC doesn’t air only their viewpoint after all. Even ex-Beeboids can see through the ivory tower attitude.
‘…I recently wrote in an official complaint via the official BBC Website Complaints procedure and the moron who sent me the ‘All purpose ‘ answer said……….’
People have been banned for less.
Maybe that’s why he’s an ‘ex’?
They will soon have purged all who do not obey Hypno-Tone.
Maybe. After spending some time sorting through the place, I’ve gotten the impression that most of them are on the technical side. They seem mostly to be sound engineers, archivists, and editors (not the editorial kind). In other words, the honest production staff who do the dirty work and keep the ship sailing, and not the journalists and on-air talent. So it’s no wonder a different attitude surfaces from time to time.
Impossible to know/tell, at least without review time I don’t have, but the tense you use suggest some may be current vs. the ‘ex-Beeboid’ intro I took lead from before.
Be interesting if such critiques are still emanating from within, as well as recent family.
The BBC makes North Korea look like the Waltons.
And that’s from the bits not redacted in the original Pollard whitew…’report’.
Nothing misleading about the verb tense I used, I don’t think. They’re still sound engineers, editors, etc., even if they no longer work for the BBC. It’s quite possible they do sound and video for other media outlets.
Me either. So can’t see where the notion of misleading came from.
Sorry you took it that way.
No they haven’t.
‘No they haven’t’
That may look majestic bobbing out there all on its lonesome to you, Rodney, but out of context it really serves zero function beyond confirming you as a one-line, drive-by, in-denial, deafult DOTI snipe merchant.
Oh, welcome to the blog, BTW.
Yes, welcome, we
a bit
of free form
Rodney, do you work for the BBC in some capacity, or are in the media? If so, some of us actually welcome a chance to discuss and learn insider details which might possibly shed a different light on what we’re seeing and hearing. BBC producers and journalists used to engage with us regularly, and it can be enlightening as well as sometimes proving our point.
Please ignore the personal attacks if you can, but be aware that making them regularly can derail any chance you might have of making a real point.
Is this the 5 minute argument?
BOGOF. Take 10:)
Was it signed? I notice the last few times the complaints department have replied to me there was no name attributed to the reply.
I’m beginning to suspect the secret BBC Complaints Handling Guidelines have to be kept in a bigger stairless basement to those of Editorial.
No name means that when you go back to square one to progress your original complaint, they can say they don’t know who to direct it to. Hence…
I sat through a stunningly dull (by my recollection of past events) Sports Personality of the Year last night and was struck by two things:
1. The politicisation of the ceremony in key places (specifically the award of the Helen Rollason trophy to the “driver” of the Hillsborough campaign, and the reflections of Nelson Mandela at a key point) – aspects which I’ll skip over because they have been covered elsewhere, and
2. The ability of the BBC to get the trophy for SPOTY to Andy Murray in Miami AND to have Martina Navratolova on set to present it, within 15 minutes of the closure of the public voting lines.
This voting thing seems amazing to me… the same principles seem to apply to Strictly Come Dancing where it is quite easy to predict who will be in the dance-off’s each week.
Questions need to be asked about the lack of transparency around voting – there could be trouble ahead.
Oh dear. This comes up every year.
They have replica trophies with contenders who carn’t present at the ceremony – that’s how it got there 15mins after the vote!
Oh please, this is absolute baloney!
Mo Farah is in the States too – he didn’t even get an interview, let alone a replica.
Ian Bell is in Australia, same applies.
Yet Andy Murray gets the big BBC heave, Mum Judy resplendent in her Rupert Bear onesie gets the big interview because Andy is still in the shower… when Andy comes out of the shower, he gets a big interview…
Martina Navratalova to be present on the off-chance? I’m not sure about that either, oh and the trophy was so heavy that he struggled to hold it in one hand whilst shaking MN’s hand with the other… this all seemed pre-ordained much the same as Strictly is.
“carn’t” ?
Paging Dez? Paging Dez?
Sports P of the Year is dire indeed, and the audience look as though they have been collectively stuffed and bodily botoxed.
Why doesn’t BBC-NUJ report the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s continuing global campaign against free speech?
Doesn’t this reflect on Beeboid at U.N, Ms. Plett, and her politics?
“The OIC ‘Organizes’ for Censorship”
The BBC does report it, George. It’s just that they’re on the same side of crushing that free speech, so it doesn’t appear that way.
last week 🙂
Just found this good news (couple of months old) , shame the bBC never got round to reporting…I wonder why?
Race hate killer Imran ‘Baldy’ Shahid only survived a vicious prison mob beating because he is so muscular, court hears
RACE hate killer Imran “Baldy” Shahid only survived a vicious beating by a prison mob because he is so bulked up, a court heard yesterday. Shahid, 36, is serving life for the chilling abduction and brutal murder of 15-year-old Kriss Donald. Evil Shahid was working out on a rowing machine when his attackers struck at Kilmarnock prison in February. “At around 8.15pm, Imran Shahid was using a rowing machine when the accused Crawford lifted a 15kg weight from nearby.
“He lifted the weight above his head and then struck the top of Shahid’s head from behind, knocking him onto the floor.
“Crawford then threw the weight onto Shahid’s chest before stamping on him as he lay motionless.“Other prisoners armed with metal poles repeatedly struck Shahid.” Blood pooled on the gym floor, the court heard.
I wonder why the bBC never reported this white on Muslim racist attack on a peaceful pious relgious man.
Here’s to a life of eating through a straw for one of the bBCs favourite murderers.
Ha the irony, Race hate murderer Shahid took the prison service to the European human rights court in 2011 as he claimed being in solitary was a breech of his human rights , he demanded to be let back into the general prison population . He lost. but it appears that the Scottish Government felt the need to ensure that this racist murderers wishes were respected.
What a dumbell
I think there might be a “view” or two they appear to have missed out on this one. Probably ran out of space.
Filled out the BBC where next survey. They may suspect I’m not their biggest fan.
fingers crossed,lets hope that is the last of mandelamania, let the poor man rest in peace now bbc and radio 5 live.and lets all move on
You might now have to sit through the BBC’s backlash against the backlash. It’s pretty clear that they’re rather upset at all the complaints, and hold their audience in contempt. Since the whole thing was largely about displaying their personal emotions, they’ll be taking the criticisms about the overkill personally, as an indictment of their feelings. So they’ll probably have to try and re-educate the public.
“The ‘broken’ BBC.
“Allegations of lying and contempt of Parliament… a ‘culture of cronyism’, in which licence fee payers’ money was distributed lavishly among friends… a ‘dysfunctional relationship’ between executives and the Trust that is meant to uphold the public’s interests…
“Truly, it is hard to imagine more damning conclusions than those reached by the Public Accounts Committee in its report on the BBC’s vastly inflated severance payoffs to staff.
“Finding ‘failure at the most senior level’, the MPs sum up the Corporation’s governance with the one word ‘broken’.
But will even this catalogue of crimes shake the arrogance and complacency of the BBC Trust’s chairman?
“Or is Lord Patten so steeped in the public sector mentality – ‘it’s only other people’s money’ – that he still won’t accept anything fundamental is wrong?”
Read more:…pose on facebook with a shotgun,get offered a job in your local pharmacy after a soft pathetic sentence by a leftie judge,what is happening to this country
Man, you guys really need to have a national conversation about your crazy gun culture…….
Just a moment of bravado hey? No mention of how he got his hands on a sawn off and ammo in the first place or any chance of the BBC investigating? Any money if I was caught with a firearm they would throw the flaming book at me.
“BBC’s cup runneth over…
“The BBC is criticised by thousands of viewers and listeners for its excessive coverage of Nelson Mandela’s protracted passing.
“This amounted to more than 100 programmes. Over 140 staff were sent to South Africa, including eight to Johannesburg for a special edition of Question Time.
A BBC spokesman says: ‘His death has been of considerable interest to millions of people watching and listening to the BBC at home and across the globe.’
“But the BBC and its staff act as if their coverage was more important than the event itself. And it is, to them, of course.
South Africa’s great statesman has gone, but the BBC fights constantly to preserve the licence fee, which allows its chiefs — and favoured freelance broadcasters they engage — to pay themselves like merchant bankers.”
By Peter McKay.
Read more:
7am this morning on the Today programme a report about an Israeli soldier being shot dead on the Lebanon border. Apparently over the past couple of years, according to the brief reading of the headline on Today, other Israeli soldiers have been shot dead after Lebanon claimed they were attempting to enter Lebanon. So we don’t know whether this soldier was trying to enter Lebanon and only have the Lebanese word for it that the others were trying to enter their country. But another Jew dead so what does the BBC care?
I was surprised the BBC reported this-probably only to keep Israel in the headlines at this time of year and remind people that the Israeli’s had entered Lebanon before.
The BBC would really rather write the Jews out of history altogether See
To the BBC the narative is more important than history or the news
I wonder what the US Anti-defamation league thinks of the BBC?
Unfortunately, it’s barely on their radar. They wrote a letter once complaining about not allowing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, but I think we all know how those things usually work out.
I noticed that as well. the initial bBC report proclaimed that he was shot as part of patrol who were trying to seek into Lebanon , however on reading other “More reliable News Sources” I soon found out that the dead man had been driving inside Israel in a civy car. The current bBC Muslim wash now states:
“The shooting came after the 31-year-old Israeli soldier was fatally wounded when his vehicle was hit by up to seven shots fired from Lebanon.” That was preceded by this photo:
Tell me, if I hadn’t looked this story up elsewhere and you simply used the bBC, would you feel that the man who died was driving a humvee?
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Radical Islamic terrorism paid for by the unwilling British taxpayer
And here is how the much more professional
Reuters reports the same story:
(Reuters) – Senior Israeli, Lebanese and United Nations military officers met on Monday to defuse tension a day after a “rogue” Lebanese soldier shot dead an Israeli soldier on the border…..”We discussed concrete steps to strengthen the existing security arrangements (on the border) to prevent the recurrence of such incidents,” the commander of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said in a statement.Major-General Paolo Serra said Israeli and Lebanese army officers had shown “full cooperation…in restoring calm in the area” after the cross-border shooting.
It was unclear exactly what happened, Serra said, although preliminary findings suggested it was the isolated action of an individual. The Lebanese soldier went missing after the incident but was later found, a Lebanese security source said.
Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said earlier that Israel regards “the Lebanese government and the Lebanese army as responsible for what happens on their side”.
“We will demand of the Lebanese army first of all an explanation as to what happened and whether this was indeed a rogue soldier; what they have done with him, and what the Lebanese army plans to do in order to prevent incidents of this kind,” he said in a statement.
Israel said its soldier was driving near the border fence at its westernmost point of Rosh Hanikra when he was shot by a Lebanese army sniper. Israeli troops who searched the frontier area later shot at two Lebanese soldiers who “made suspicious movements”, hitting one of them, an army spokeswoman said.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism”
A Lebanese soldier having, it appears, murdered an Israeli in cold blood from foreign soil, the response of the the latter’s military seems proportionate to the point of lethargy.
Especially as this sniper seem to have loosed off several rounds. I was unaware such weaponry was capable of such a rate of fire.
It will be interesting if Reuters or the world’s most astoundingly uncurious £4Bpa media news monopoly follow up on this errant soldier now in custody, as answers to some outstanding questions do seem due the man’s family and country.
Guest who wrote:
While the Israeli military state it was a sniper, the gun used has been described as a light weapon, seeing as the Leb army issues the M16 to its soldiers (As well as holding an eclectic mix of assault weapons) I personally feel that the murderous twat let rip with an M16 which if using a 5.56mm round can hit a target out to 300 metres.
Here is the actual IDF statement:
“Around 8:30 P.M. an Israeli military vehicle moving near the border with Lebanon was struck by six or seven bullets fired from a light firearm, evidently from a relatively short distance. The incident occurred just east of an IDF post in Rosh Hanikra. “
Tx. I defer to much greater experience. My ‘sniper’ knowledge is more based on movies or those shows where they shoot watermelons at a mile with a big black gun out of Robocop.
I have to confess the last para of that Reuters report had me wondering how things would ‘evolve’.
Silly me.
I think in this case they mean loan gunmen shooting from afar in concealed position, NOT a proper sniper.
lone!!! FFS
Oh, I don’t know if your implied apology is even necessary! Probably was a ‘loan/lone’ sniper…on ‘loan’ from the Lebanese army…
I’m sure someone else can come up with a punnier pun!
Translation of BBC version: “It all started when Israel hit back.”
Dear Returning Flokkers, Old, New and Rehashed,
Guessing the SA trip was fun while it lasted, or you wisely stayed schtum while others rather overdid things whilst there, but now you all seem to be drifting back, you are immediately needed elsewhere…
Remember ‘I don’t think so’ is only good enough for ECU Directors in debate. It doesn’t work so well outside the hive.
i would like to see this country take all Christian syrian refugees in as the are suffering genocide at the hands of muslims. Al Beeb just wants to let more muslims in who then want to turn our country in to the shit hole they fled from.
Let the muslim world take muslim refugees in. Too many muslims here as it is
They can take moslem refugees from British islamophobia.
we should start offering them £50,000 each to leave
Give me £50k and I’ll leave!
But where would you go?
Putin’s Russia – where homosexuality would not be taught to my primary school children, and where the country’s heritage and customs are protected.
And also where the crusties and other assorted Greenpeace shit get dealt with properly.
Their troops don’t get imprisoned for killing moslem terrorists, either.
From the headline you know which party this Lords are NOT from…
“Two peers set to be suspended by House of Lords”
Interestingly, the Labour peer was exposed by the Sunday Times, and the former Ulster Unionist peer by the BBC. Now that’s what I call balance.
With the Mandela coverage, Beeb were only practising for when Gerry Adams dies. ( By the way WTF was Adams doing at the funeral, other than one terrorist/freedom fighter at the funeral of another?)
I’d say at a guess that there are some candidates where the BBC can really practice and hone the offering on prior to Adams’ departure.
Castro x 2 anyone or Mugabe?
anybody catch vicky derbyshires show yesterday,i had no choice when the left wing coach driver would not swap over to talksport when i asked him to do so,had to suffer 3 hours plus of radio 5 live on my journey to manchester,very painfull indeed,anyway vicky had 2 buck idiot aid workers on who got kidnapped by al qaeda in iraq pouring there hearts out to vicky telling her how they was tortured,beaten and sexually assualted by the jihadi warriors,i was screaming to myself for christ sakes vicky will you ask these fools why they went to iraq and put themselves in danger,have a guess what,vicky to my surprise must of read my mind and asked them these very questions,anyway after that vicky went back to her usual touchy feely sympathy for these aid workers moan is this,why the hell do these middle class white aid workers go to countrys like iraq,syria and yemen knowing full well they are going into muslim on muslim wars zones where they are even hated even more because they are infidels,they just make me damm sick after they get released they turn up on radio 5 live on vickys show whingeing about what a hard time they had off the jihadis,keep out of war zones you idiots.
This is permitted EU propaganda – “see, Blair let the nutters loose” – since both France and Germany lost some very big contracts with the Saddam government after he was toppled. For this the BBC has never forgiven him.
They’re a bit quieter about the Syrian nutjobs, er dissenters or something.
I mean, never forgiven Blair. Where’s that edit button?
@ david preiser,what sentence would he of got in the states,@ the judge,where and who did he get the shotgun from.what did he want to use it for,10 years is what he should of got
It seems like utter madness, frk. Unless it’s illegal for him to have the shotgun in the first place (it’s been modified, so maybe), there’s certainly no law against posting a photo of oneself with a gun on Facebook. Not yet, anyway. If for whatever reason the gun was illegal or his possession of it was, then it’s bad luck for him that the police found it, or were notified, I guess.
Always interesting:
Not perhaps great news for those who have invested in the tech, with only the BBC’s bottomless pit capable of feeding it.
What’s the term? Musical chairs?
‘We note the story comes from The Times new Media Editor, Alex Spence, who today gets some stick from Media Monkey in The Guardian. ‘
The Graun, acting in media snark default personal defence of factual reporting on the BBC’s latest shenanigans? Shocked one tells you… shocked!
Nigellissima on BBC2? WTF?
Giving the bloated cow some much needed royalties to pay legal expenses with tax payers money or is she gagging for a hit?…i love nigelas choclate blanmanges,very very tasty ummmm
Doubt if bBBC would link to Delia Smith’s website. They savage her every now and again because she’s a Tory.
Is Nigella not a Tory too?
Not according to Wikipedia (even though her Dad is a Tory), which also notes that she has voted Labour, attacked Margaret Thatcher in print, worked for the Observer, is George Monbiot’s cousin, and has had the odd lesbian fantasy.
Doubleplusgood, eh?
I have heard several reports today on radio 4 of what David Cameron is planning to do to negotiate with the EU to limit immigration. The same piece is played where the reporter says that Cameron has two big hurdles to overcome. The first is that he has to be reelected which is true but whenever millipede says what he is going to do, no commentator reminds us of the ‘if’.
Gosh, an article on the Guardian website titled “leave the BBC alone” by someone called Jean Seaton, who is apparently the official historian of the BBC.
The vitriol aimed at the BBC by Guardian readers is twice as vicious as anything you read on this site. Astonishing. The BBC really is in trouble. Excellent.
We don’t deal in vitriol, we deal in truth. If that appears as vitriol then that tells you more about the BBC then us.
But yeah. The comments are pretty funny.
Talking about ‘The Guardian’:-
“Exclusive: Pamela Geller reveals ‘dangers of far-left, pro-Islamic supremacist media'”
Well that indeed make for quite the read. Both the article itself and the responses it has managed to garner.
Even the staple defence defaults are getting swatted way straight out the traps.
Not so far, I’d hazard, quite the way the author or paper saw that one going.
First Patten finds out ‘We don’t get held to account, so back off, or else’ threats got laughed at, and now this good lady is finding appeals to lost affection getting scorned in the same way.
This might be getting serious for them.
Some quite remarkable comments from the Guardianista’s.
I can’t wait for Gameshow’s phone in….’Is the BBC still loved?’
But of course Five Live would never have the guts.
See, if one of us had written that, it would come across as a strawman. But that’s what they really think, and is pretty much verbatim what we say they do.
Look out behind you, Puss!
Is BBC-NUJ reporting this?:-
“‘Whole families murdered’:
Syrian rebels execute over 80 civilians outside Damascus”
Glad to see you raise this. The 10pm RT report, even allowing for the RT slant, suggests that the West has been duplicitious to say the least and that the moderate opposition may never have really existed.
It looks as if the West is about to make a mess in the Ukraine. Nothing unusual there then.
We are goverend and represented by idiots.
Not bias, just a comment about quality.
I’d have thought that, when recruiting people to read the news, one of the most important things you’d look for (after completing the diversity checklist, obviously), is the ability to actually read aloud — to understand the relationship between syntax and intonation, which words to stress, and generally not sound like every other word was a bloody surprise.
The current crop on 5Live are beyond execrable.
Good old Victoria Coren Mitchell managed to slip a lefty jibe into Only Connect with a negative statement about the Coalition.
Too bad the Lasletts with a transvestite on their team couldn’t get into final against The Boardgamers, which has two gay lovers in their team.
The bbc must be devastated.
For pluralism read “make the majority feel like a minority.”
MAKE the majority a minority you mean.
2060 for us anglo saxons according to Oxford Uni.
The BBC doesn’t do Pluralism, is does diversity instead
Utterly laughable, the ‘female’ in the team was the tallest, most muscular and had the deepest voice. BBC inclusiveness at its best.
I do wonder if decent team(s) were pushed aside to get this monster on our screens.
So two gay lovers outscore a tranny. Perhaps is the tranny had been a moslem…..
Didn’t know the boardgamers had two gay lovers in the team. Ewww.
I remember Robert E Smith from Uni Challenge.
Hospital doctor ffs. If you had an ‘event’ and woke up in Ward 5 with him standing over you in a white coat, you’d think you’d been sectioned.
I’ve thought Coren an utter tit since she described Mad Gordon MacRuin as ‘a great man’.
And she either needs to lose two stone or go up four dress sizes. It ain’t working as it is, treacle.
Jamie Karan and the other long hair on the right.
Being a quiz fanatic I have seen Jamie on University Challenge too. But before that he was on Pointless with his boyfriend where they announced their gayosity.
No doubt prompted by the bbc. Pointless seems to have a dispropotionate amount of the gayer on its show. Just for when the kiddies come home from school and need a top up after having gaying promoted to them by their bbc loving teachers.
No Beeboid Mandela-type accolades for WILDERS:-
I am curious as to if the BBC will begin to back off Cameron following today’s released survation figures.
I postulate that the BBC will decide that it has overdone the propaganda against the conservatives, and will begin to give positive spin to conservatives to shore them up against the UKIP onslaught. Completely missing the fact that UKIP are savaging the Labour vote as well. They are all like rabbits in the headlights of a car.
A vote for labour is a vote for Islam. Allu Akbar!
The BBC herd of journalists is more likely to (try to) suppress their instinctive hatred of UKIP in the hope that they can damage the Conservative vote – BBC news and current affairs are betting the farm on a Labour Party victory at the next General Election (it has got so blatant people who are not the slightest bit interested in politics are noticing their bias) because they know that if the Conservatives get an absolute majority at the next election the BBC as a near monopoly news provider is finished.
It isn’t about politics it’s about protecting their huge gravy train. Only a small minority want to read Left Wing journalists – supply grossly outstrips demand and they can’t all get jobs at the (loss making) Guardian.
More brainwashing from BBC3, a channel aimed at our youngsters.
The implied message in tonights ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ is that 100% of the ‘public’ are homosexual. In reference to an obviously gay male “60% of the public want to snog him and 40% want to marry him” note the nod to gay marriage.
If you can bear its 22 mins in
ObamaCare is really biting the self-employed this year, with an end-December deadline – they are the people messed up by the website and eventually finding that virtually none of them can keep their old health policies, so are being forced to pay more – for less. There is already lots of pain – but the White House insists this affects “only 5% of the population”.
A far larger pool of Americans are covered by employer-based health policies, which do not get to go through the ObamaCare tax-and-redistribute mill until next year. But already it appears that some 15 million people will have their employer-based schemes cancelled altogether !!
And those that can keep those schemes will face far higher costs.
This has emerged from an Associated Press poll – and AP is generally left-leaning !
ObamaCare is not a single car-wreck. It is like one of those motorway pileups that get worse and worse and worse. We ain’t seen nothing yet.
The BBC website is usually quick to do scissors-and-paste jobs on anything published by Associated Press. But I bet they don’t post this AP result on the website.
Nigel Farage on LBC 14 December 2013. Talks about BBC’s absurd coverage on the Nissan Main Dealer at 17:09
At last someone who talks sense,the beeb will go into overdrive to rubbish nigel and his views.I wonder if he will say anything about getting rid of the BBC.Vote winner for me.
Excellent, Farage answered every question clearly and directly and in every case put pragmatism before ideology. As a definition of common sense that’s as close as it gets
The fact the BBC continue to portray him as a ‘swivel eyed loon’ and give a platform to people that feel UKIP is ‘disgusting’ tells you all you need to know.
That, by the way, is the first time I’ve listened to LBC for many years I might start again as an alternative to 5lies. Is it available on line?
Stewart, to listen online go to and then select whether you want LBC FM or LBC News, there might be a short delay while it starts to play.
More on the nation’s favourite ‘news reader’. The bleeding heart in an iconic Chanel suit. The media star with the most mobile eyebrows since Roger Moore. Is it too late to nominate her for an Oscar? Or should that be a Bianca? Yes, it’s Fiona ‘Get out of my way I’m Fabulous’ Bruce. The face of an angel; the mind of Irma Bunt. ‘Now listen carefully, children; however old you are…’
‘Watching Fiona Bruce on the BBC News at Ten the other night, it was possible to believe one had wandered into a charity support function for Syrian refugees.
‘Reporting on the Syrian refugee crisis, Ms Bruce did not so much read the news. She acted and performed it, with facial and hand gestures giving an impression of strong disapproval of Britain’s and Europe’s failure to deal with the crisis and to bring to Europe as many refugees as possible.’
Should be:
Tuesday Radio 4 7am highlighted a survey about penguins huddling together to keep warm. No doubt Beeboids will be promoting this as an alternate sex game for staff seconded to cold climates!
You mean as in *Salford* cold climates?
World president? A link on the BBC website entitled “World president” to an article more fully captioned as “Mandela death: Who next as the world’s elder statesman?” (see We learn that “Nelson Mandela was often described as the world’s elder statesman”; well, only by the BBC and fellow travellers was he so described. But now the search is on for the next elder statesman (surely, statesperson?). The link is a plug for an organisation of wannabes called The Elders (yes, I know it sounds like a plot from a bad TV movie). The candidates include: Jimmy Carter, Mary Robinson, Kofi Annan and a range of third worlders you’ve probably never heard of. Mostly dressed in the usual garbage of UN peace initiatives, human rights, gender equality, anti-Israeli rhetoric and general mediocrity. But the lack of imagination is staggering: Mandela may be dead, but why should that prevent him becoming World President For Ever in the glorious days to come?
my moneys on dear old tony blair and gordon brown between them the world was saved………
No, no, bogtrott, we know it was BROWN wot saved the world, he announced it in the HOC, no less.
Too hideously white. Although I imagine they’ll accept Carter because he holds the approved thoughts about how evil Israel is.
Having said that, perhaps Mandela should be made World President. It’s not like he can do any real damage, which is what you want for someone in such a position.
Yesterday moring and BBC News Channel where preposterous sofa combo Bill Turnball and Naga Munchetty….
What’s that phrase…. ‘nothing there for anybody’?
The rather shabby old silly-teddy sat there on the shelf next to the exoctic dolly brought back from a holiday in … we can’t quite remember where…. what a pity we were bored that afternoon, borrowed the big scissers and cut all her nice hair off…
But hold on, I’m being superficial. What I’m really fed up with is BBC presenters’ attitude to ‘average temperatures for this time of year’
Our Naga hands over to the weather forcast and makes great play of it being ‘warmer that it OUGHT to be for this time of year’
How can we expect school children to understand the concept averages and of margines of error in data sets when BBC presenters come out with such ill informed fatalistic off the cuff comments….?
Gosh, anyone might think that the BBC had an agenda here…?
Munchetty scores trois points for being black, female and short-haired (ie lezzie-looking). But she’ll still be fired when she’s too old to f*ck – it’s policy (exceptional bruisers like C. Balding and K Squawk notwithstanding).