It’s getting embarrassing this love in between the BBC and the leading politicians of the Labour Party….maybe it’s not just Stephanie Flanders who had a bit of a passion for the two Eds.
Miliband was given massive coverage and airtime for his spat with the Mail and was given the prime spot on Desert Island Discs to further polish his image….never mind all the unappealing or just plain dishonest things about him and his policies that the BBC sweeps under the carpet.
Ed Balls also seems to have the BBC poised at a moment’s notice to leap to his defence as well as being given a primetime slot on Jeremy Vine’s show to come on and play the piano….sorry…but if that isn’t pure political showtime what is?, and the BBC know that.
But the BBC goes further than burnishing Balls’ ‘human side’ to make him voter friendly…extending their services in his defence…..last year when he made a mess of the Autumn statement they were there to smooth things over:
Ed Balls explains hesitant Autumn Statement response
Rather bizarrely the BBC then republished the exact same story to explain his similarly bad performance in this year’s Autumn Statement (see above).
The we hear that even his own colleagues think he is a bit of a nightmare….no fear…the BBC are on hand to downplay that with this story:
Labour united despite ‘Balls a nightmare’ email – Burnham
Followed up a while later with this touching tale:
Ed Balls not a nightmare at home, says wife Yvette Cooper
Was anybody really so interested that the national news broadcaster had to seek out the opinion of Balls’ wife….and what exactly was she expected to say…yes, by God, he’s a bit of a nightmare really?
And today Balls gets booted into touch by Cameron, yet again, and yet again the BBC leaps in to defend him:
Ed Balls pledge to ‘carry on shouting’ after ‘turkey’ taunt
A minor taunt from Cameron and the BBC mobilises its forces to help Labour’s Balls out.
Anybody really interested? Anybody really care? No.
So why does the BBC feel the need?
Remember the BBC mantra:
‘An enemy is only someone whose story you haven’t heard yet.’
That’s why they push the family man ‘face’ of Miliband and the ‘all too human’ Balls bashing away at the piano…it’s priceless propaganda and it’s free.
Once you get to know Balls and Miliband as lovely, caring individuals, and so obviously ‘in touch’ with the struggles of ‘real people’, you will start to like them personally…and vote for them.
‘Plan B’ failed miserably, they hope ‘Plan Be Nice’ will be more successful.
Why does the BBC feel the need? Because the BBC/NUJ as trade unionists are politically aligned to the Labour Party. How can you have an independent BBC when they are all trade unionists?
Even the Tories seem to know this, yet do nothing about it. One can only hope after the next election and before the BBC Charter review, the Tories actually do something. Im not holding my breath though
The Tories need the BBC to brainwash people into thinking the EUSSR is our only salvation.
The BBC and Tories, both traitors to the British people
Doomsday approaches for the BBC in 2015. Mark my words.
i hope you’re right. The BBC has got too big for its boots. Its no longer British despite its name, its a global broadcasting organisation. It seriously needs its wings clipping
Unfortunately I think you are wrong – the BBC campaign to get Labour re-elected will be sucessfull – they can then claim their reward of big increase to their budgets
If Labour get in again the BBC will make sure they stay in. You only have to look at the total lack of challenge to Brown’s economic policy – basically create a boom through massive personal and public debt, then spend it on the feckless and the public sector – and compare it to their chippy and persistent questioning of the Tories now. No comparison, and there’s every reason to think that next time it will be even worse, especially with yet more Labour/Guardian placemen having been drafted into BBC HQ.
I remember Dennis Healy playing piano on ‘Nationwide’ around Xmas time many years ago. Funny but I can’t remember either Ted Heath or Condalisa Rice both of whom were / are fine musicians and far better than either of the lefties being asked to play on the BBC prime time.
Clinton and Obama…yes, Bush?
A rare comparison between Rick Wakeman and Ed Balls (both appeared on the BBC R2 recently) was a no contest. Rick Wakeman deserves his accolades, and has gamely appeared on Top Gear twice. Balls is a clapped out Ford Capri with a leaky rocker box cover with a Piano strapped on the roof. No brakes, and no sense of direction.
The Capri was quite a good-looking car, certainly when new (and obv. before the floors rusted out). It’s hard to believe Balls has ever been other than a visual offence, so I’d submit that a more apt BL comparison for him would be that utter horror, the Austin Princess: awful to look at, worse to experience.
my first car was a capri, it oversteered like crazy. Not very nice at all. in fact quite terrifying. But now im older and know how to handle oversteer, i bet it would have been great fun.
The BBC know that the Conservatives could give some of ‘their’ money away to other broadcasters – or worst still abolish the tv poll tax altogether. Labour would never do that because it is the BBC that keeps them afloat. If you are aware of this most of what BBC News does makes sense.
If the Tories do manage to win a majority at the next election they MUST have abolition of the BBC, or at least abolition of the LF , top of their agenda. Presently the BBC is so powerful that it can make running the country without its consent almost impossible and of course it consents only to broadly left of centre policies. Additionally, it stifles all debate on topics it feels are ‘sensitive’ , drags the names of those people whose views it disagrees with through the mud and so suppresses free speech. Finally, it manipulates the news agenda of the country to suite its own liberal left view.
The BBC is thoroughly bad for democracy and, if we want to live a in a country where there is an unfettered democratic process, it should be closed down.
If Cameron was serious about winning the next election, the abolition of the TV License would guarantee hundreds of thousands of extra votes , Whats he waiting for ?
He’s an establishment yes-man who has never had an original idea in his life. Could that be the problem?
If ed balls up is the best they can offer then we really are in trouble. Im going ukip.