In the same way that I might look to The Great Leader Obama for affordable health care, I now look to David Cameron to be on the side of the Christian people of this country.
Ah… looky, looky, big pig with wings fly over house.
Even if pigs could fly they would be banned from doing so for fear of causing offence incase they cast a shadow over an inappropriate building or community.
Let’s not forget Bliar and his open tolerance of terrorist Islamism in this country but on the nod-and-a-wink understanding that they would restrict their terrorist activities to ‘offshore’ targets.
Tony, mate, (and the rest of the Labour Party) how did that all work out then?
Another deliberately missed BBC-5live opportunity for the nation to speak on “Your Call” … very important debate
After all the media of the Woolwich verdict,
and news in a damning report that Muslim Paedostani child rape gangs, got away with it because of inherent racism against white working class children, by Rochdale Police … any connection at all? – you know between
these perps? – any factor anyone can see?
cough! Islamic imperative cough, cough! mosque/muslims cough!.
sooooo! , here we go ………….. lets hear it
…… will you use a credit card this Christmas?
PS –
will we have an snivelling excusefest on VD
V Drearybyshire about just these issues?
when no one can call in to speak to anyone?
much more importantly …
it is not only in Rochdale though … IS IT ?
So listening to “English by default” Livesey and Burden this morning.
Interesting lines on both the Lee Rigby murder and the publication of the Rochdale child rape report.
“Could the police and the intelligence services have done more to prevent Lee Rigby’s murder?” aka let’s deflect this as far away from the perps as we can.
“Police come in for criticism in Rochdale child grooming report”- aka let’s deflect this as far away from perps as we can.
To be fair (in respect of the latter), Burden did throw in a cursory “let’s not forget about the people who carried out these crimes” stating that they were mostly “Asian” men but then nearly choked in spluttering out that of course that’s not to say that child sex offences are only carried out by this group.
The massive bias and hugely overt desire to deflect away from the ROP is becoming, nay, has become, a parody of itself.
Is there evidence to suggest that the BBC is paid by those that promote Moslem values not to speak out against these evil Moslem men. ?What else can account for the BBC’s bizarre broadcasts creating sympathy for these evil men John Humphries said the mother said “He was such a sensitive child” – well so was Hitler – he loved animals and children but what has that got do with it!
Yes, in a sense the BBC is paid to promote “Moslem values”. It has received tens of millions of pounds of interest free loans from the EU. The EU has been working on something called the ‘Union for the Mediterranean’ for several decades, the long time objective of which is to integrate the states of North Africa and the Middle East into the EU (some sanitised background info at Part of this is the Barcelona Process and the Euromed Heritage programme, which promotes cultural exchange, and it is incumbent on EU broadcasters to promote this, hence the large numbers of TV programmes about the wonders of Islamic history and such. It is clearly laid out in EU documents; these were all readily available on official websites until a couple of year ago, but a bit of digging is required to find them now as some of the projects have been renamed or replaced by new initiatives.
The BBC’s behavior which gives you the impression of them promoting “Moslem values” has nothing to do with EU money. Rather, it has everything to do with what a former (possibly current) BBC contract producer who told us in no uncertain terms: the BBC does this because of their remit to encourage Social Cohesion. That is to say, they felt the right way to help everyone to get along was to try and convince the public everything was fine. Or, like they do with Anjem Choudary (haven’t heard this morning’s featured performance on Today yet), which is to convince you that he and the most extreme representatives are mere pantomime villains and don’t actually represent anyone. Even Tom Chivers did this in his latest piece for the Telegraph. Funny how the BBC spent three years doing the exact opposite for the Tea Party movement, no? No bias there, then. But I digress.
When people here made negative comments about Mohammedans taking over an area or about the number of them who supported violence in the name of jihad, for example, “Reith” would tell us to shut up. “You’re not helping,” he’d say. His and his fellow Beeboids’ position was that those who complained about it were the ones who would incite violence and cause racial strife. He never accepted that what the BBC does in this line of thinking causes resentment, which only makes things worse.
I and others tried to tell him that the BBC had it exactly backwards, and that if they wanted to get everyone to get along they needed to be educating the immigrating third-worlders towards integrating with British society, instead of the other way round. He didn’t listen, and it only made him hold us more in contempt.
That’s the BBC mentality, revealed to us by one of them. We see today that nothing has changed. They’re all at it, because they all think the same way.
Propaganda outlets like charidees, NGOs and the BBC are only awarded EU money on condition that they promote “Social Cohesion”. They wouldn’t get anything at all otherwise.
It’s more a case of ‘Socialist Cohesion’, Ian. Which leads us inevitably to disintegration. Charidees, NGOs & the BBC have their craven utopians, as well as those who despise this country & work towards its transformation – to me, its downfall, but it also has its complement of Iscariots. The 30 pieces filched from the public purse is just too enticing, & the lifestyle too numbingly comfortable for them to have to consider what they are really promoting.
I met a charidee bigwig once, & my conclusion after leaving her beautiful house, oddly so far away from the oases of ‘enrichment’, was that she existed in a 3-dimensional Radio 4 ‘world’. She was ‘living the dream’ – hook, line & sinker. These corrupt organisations are all charidees; they employ many of those who wouldn’t last an hour in the cut & thrust of the private sector; & with the perk of feeling damned good about themselves. I left her swooning over the pine furniture I’d just delivered.
We live in grim times, I know, but we must not despair. Remember the stirring rallying call, ‘And there will be pork sausages in the trees come morning. Even in Stepney.’
A very Merry Christmas to you all. Never say die.
‘So Graham Garden was asked if he’d accept a secure future for the BBC if it meant he could only ever watch ITV; Annie Nightingale was asked if she’d sell an incriminating recording of Rupert Murdoch’
BBC : Beyond satire….
Makes me shudder… ‘secure future for the BBC’
Secure future for Beeboids is of course what they really mean.
Is Sue Perkins meant to be a comedienne, sorry, comedian? I can’t always tell them from bores or Labour supporters since they went all posh and middle class.
John Humphreys, the pride of the BBC, is always willing to talk over politicians and put words in their mouths yet he was thoroughly beaten by Anjem Choudary this morning on their flagship news program Today.
If it were a boxing match one would say that Humphreys failed to land a glove on him.
I have little time for Choudary or his warped beliefs about Sharia – but I suppose the difference between him and a politician is that he actually believes what he is saying so the usually slick Humphreys was left looking like a fool.
The newspapers are reporting the furore caused by the interview but the BBC themselves are strangely silent on the matter.
Just heard it. Humphrys and the BBC are clearly intellectually incapable of dealing with Choudray’s foreign policy argument. It’s the simplest thing in the world to show how false that argument is, yet all Humphrys can do is what teenage Leftoids do in ideological arguments:
“Condemn XXX and prove you agree with me on one point first before I will agree to debate you on the larger point.”
It’s idiotic. And that’s all the BBC and their lion of tough interviews has to offer. Pathetic. Humphrys had more intellectual strength with Entwistle.
Can’t wait for Caliphate Question Time, when an audience full of religious extremists interrogates a panel of Hampstead Heath cowboys from New Broadcasting House.
Humphrys: Why don’t you go and live in a country that practices sharia law?
Choudary: No countries practice sharia law, only part- sharia law.
Obvious follow-up question to that, that the BBC’s seven-figure pa Grand Inquisitor didn’t bother to ask.
Anyhoo anecdote time:
I once lived a few doors down from Omar Bakrie Mohammed (sp?). Looked out of my bedroom window one night and two men (regular men not BBC ‘Men’) breaking into his car. I went haring up the road after them but they got away. Got me thinking now that they were MI5 – probably lucky I didn’t catch them, I might have got gunned down with a Walther PPK.
I didn’t know at the time that OBM was planning a global caliphate, otherwise I would have let the men get on with it.
No, it didn’t show Humphreys in a good light. However, rather than getting fixated on those warped individuals tutored in islam, who killed the soldier ‘in the name of allah’ (and who Choudary was never going to condemn), why did Humphreys not ask Choudary whether he condemned Sunni muslims for killing Shi’a muslims or Shi’a muslims for killing Sunni muslims (all in a variety of imaginative ways). Any why did he allow Choudary to get away with saying ‘the West’ killed 100,000 muslims, when we know that the majority of deaths are muslim on muslim killings.
Good point. Of course, that was never Humphrys’ or the Today producers’ intention. The only purpose of today’s ludicrous kabuki dance was to convince you and the British public that Choudray is a fringe figure who does not represent most Mohammedans in Britain, and – more importantly – that the BBC is very brave and will challenge naughty people like him, thus proving wrong those who accuse the BBC of dhimmitude.
Choudray openly offered Humphrys a clear path to dismantle his jihad justification over and over, and Humphrys couldn’t see it. I’m running out of pejoratives.
First we get an atrocity carried out by a Muslim. Then the air waves are full of guess who? Muslims. Some condemn the atrocity, I understand this is called ‘Taqiyya’ or ‘Kitman’ and is done – “to gain the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them”. Some of course speak the truth and do not condemn the atrocity. So they are not to be trusted either way. But there they are lecturing me, on my television, in my country, every time THEY commit an atrocity.
Are we to therefore believe our national broadcaster with its thousands of highly educated people are just naïve or deliberately taking part in Taqiyya? Answers on the back of a very small postage stamp please, addressed to the clown in number 10. Preferably a stamp with the Madonna and Child on it, just to remind him of the true meaning of what most of us still are in this country.
I went out yesterday to get a religious Christmas card, very hard to get, there was cards of Santa, elves, robins, deer, snowmen, etc etc. Had to go to a religious shop to get one, seems like Christ is slowly getting erased.
Made the same remark to the other half last night when out walking with the dog observing all the tacky lights and decorations that adorn many houses these days, even in affluent areas.
Plenty of bells, snowmen, santa’s, holly, ball baules, reindeer’s and penguins etc, but nothing remotely depicting what Christmas is really about…
Also tried to get a childrens book about the Nativity for my little niece ( don’t want her growing up to be a thicko like Fiona Philips ) the illustrations were awful, the texts were childish. Ended up buying a Ladybird book on ebay written in 1954, before the 1960s Cultural Revolution, pictures are great, very charming. ( ”hideously white” as Greg Dyke would say. )
This is VERY unusual and so would presume the local school had a project on it or something or the local vicar is active and openly encouraged the making of nativity scenes etc.
I remember airhead Fiona Phillips on GMTV actually say ” On the 25th of December we celebrate the birth of Santa Claus.”
She’s also a labour supporter and a patron of the ”Hate not Hope” campaign. I’ve got the title the correct way round since the marxist shit stirrers hate the indigenous inhabitants of this country.
She is also the stupid cow pushing to destroy air soft [ google it ] in this country using a case of a very stupid kid in the U.S which the anti gun lobby are using to force through new laws! now as an avid player I have met many people from all over and many ex service men who also air soft as it’s good rehabilitation and even some great Muslim lads from Bradford [yes some do exist ] but she wants it banned as it’s all too much for her Hampstead dinner party sensibility’s and natural lefty habit of banning others fun!
According to her own account, Queefy Fifi left GMTV in order to care for her father who unfortunately had Alzheimer’s. No, no you at the back: she absolutely WASN’T sacked for being a right royal pain in the arse to everyone nor for obsessively drooling over ‘Frankie’ Lampard and Donnie Osmond at every opportunity.
The fact of her being Mrs Martin Frizzell had nothing to do with her improbable survival on the early morning sofa either, so the rest of you lot can pipe down, too.
Surprisingly (!) Queefy was within three months to be found hawking herself for tellybox employment all over the place and one could only presume that her Dad had that special form of Alzheimer’s that cures itself with the help of Benylene and Night Nurse.
Of course, she was also dumb enough to turn down McDoom’s offer of a seat in the Lords because she had lots of sitting on a sofaother important things to do. Ha ha ha. What an excellent career choice. Ha ha ha.
Apologies for my extensive knowledge of Queefy, but I used to participate in a fun thread devoted to her on Digital Spy and certain things stick in the mind.
Interesting how a thread twists and turns. This little one started with Muslim atrocities and ended up with an epistle about ‘Queefy’ aka Fiona Phillips.
I’ll start again. Some Muslims commit atrocities some of the time and some Muslims apologise for some of their atrocities some of the time but all Muslims are welcome on the BBC all of the time.
You might know this chap, if you watch or listen to the BBC.
“Go to guy”, darling of SML/Big-Qs/Your Call/R4 Today
mate of N Campbell, debated D Murray on the BBC
Mo Ansar …
R Spencer – This morning I had this exchange with the prominent British Muslim spokesman Mohammed Ansar on Twitter
Just seen a piece on BBC TV News about Islamism in Mombasa. As it started I thought it was going to highlight terrorist recruitment they said was going on there.
Should have known better, it was about what they said are ‘extra-judicial killings’ of Islamist terrorists by a force they suggest is within the police and which is being financed by the US and trained by Britain. Interviews with the Islamists to support this. They also portrayed Muslims as oppressed victims in the society. Another partial and biased piece of reporting. They give succour to the Muslim terrorists, and spread anti-police propaganda.
More evidence of the BBC’s undermining of our resolve to defend our lives and our way of life against a identified ideological and physical enemy.
Just back from the Madiba gig and Rachel Burden in a quick Twitter shout out declares her news priorities…
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 15h
We’ll have more on the #ApolloTheatre in the morning. Plus the Lee Rigby verdict, a ban on pay day loans adverts, Christmas travel mania
On the Today programme this morning, at about 02:49, there was an interview with the Chief Constable of Manchester about the review of the Rochdale grooming case. In the course of the interview, the interviewer asked the Chief Constable whether there had been discussions with the network of SIKH organisations in view of suggestions of patterns of abuse in certain Asian communities. My understanding is that the perpetrators were Pakistani MUSLIMS. There then followed some bull from the Chief Constable about it not being an ethnic issue (which it isn’t, but missing the point).
It seems astonishing that the BBC are prepared to malign one community to protect the one which has serious questions to anser.
The warnings about MUSLIM child molesters were ignored several years ago, when Nick Griffin tried to bring it to the attentions of the police, in fact he was actually prosecuted , and reviled each night on the BBC news. The police who orchestrated this cover up in the name of ‘community cohesion’ are equally as guilty as the original perpetuators.
The local authorities where these offences took place are still trying to cover up their shortcomings , the prosecution of Nick Griffin proves that in this country MUSLIMS however grave the offence they commit are a protected species .
The truth is no defence for those who try to bring these matters to the attention of the public
“Why is the BBC giving this man a platform?
Backlash after hate preacher Anjem Choudary is invited onto Radio 4 after two Muslim converts are found guilty of hacking soldier to death”
janner story in the telegraph – look at the connection with ian katz – funny how newsnight showed max interest in macalpine and zero interest in janner
To be fair to the BBC there is a link on the news page to this story and it even mentions (on the page about the story) that he was Labour MP. (As well as a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews)
No doubt any Tory Lords would be treated just the same.
firstly, the bbc would have been instrumental in ferretting out allegations rather than a passive agent in reporting claims from victims.
secondly, allegations against former conservative politicians would have been given much more exposure.
thirdly, rather than being late to the fray, the bbc would have been in the avant garde, working closely with disreputable partners [eg bij] in concocting and disseminating false allegations were this a conservative politician
I suppose it’s an ‘improvement’ that such child sex abuse gets finally reported to the police. All three main parties have a worryingly large history of past sex abusers. I am not keeping a tally but I suspect that Liberals may be in the lead, followed by Labour and then the Conservatives.
Ah, Mr. Katz and his slipway rustbucket.
I was just thinking of ‘the BBC’s premier news magazine’ as I scoped FaceBook over mid-afternoon cuppa, and look what popped up: BBC News What are your most memorable moments of 2013?
BBC Newsnight takes you on an animated journey of the key events of the past year:
So far so eye-rollingly inevitable.
However, the freeze frame of the key events of the last year seem to think that top of all our list was Russell Brand’s outing in political statescretinship. So much so the edit amazingly has his Christlike image mashed with a Red Army poster and the words ‘I say there’s a genuine alternative, a genuine option’.
Well, if you say so, guys. I thought he rather stalled at the critique before getting to alternatives.
Now, does this notion also apply to compulsory licence fees, or we into uniquely not so much double standards territory again?
Today the news is full of court cases and investigations into Muslims abusing white girls, killing one of our soldiers in a particularly horrific way, and an interview with a dangerous terrorist on the BBC. Even the BBC must recognise that their policy of covering up for Muslims and trying to convince us that having millions of Muslims in the UK is a good thing, is no longer credible.
They and the rest of the liberal left, who invited these aliens into our country, must now come up with a new plan. They should firstly acknowledge that they made a massive error in promoting mass immigration. They must acknowledged their guilt and promise to tell us the truth about immigration from now on. Also, they must stop screaming racist whenever a Brit says, ‘ hang on a minute I don’t want my country swamped by people with alien cultures and beliefs’, but sit down and have an open and honest debate when we can say what we think. Only then can we begin to work out how to minimise the enormous damage that their misguided policy will have on our already severely damaged country.
Please get it out of your mind that the liberal left made a great error in encouraging mass immigration, it was a deliberate act of malfeasance in order to rub our noses in diversity , somewhere behind this it is not difficult to detect the foul stench of the EU !
No it was an error, a gross one but still an error. They thought that they could salve their troubled conscience and change the UK demographics in their favour and that we would all live happily ever after in a multicultural utopia. Why they had problems with their conscience is a mystery.
Well,they have certainly changed the demographics of the UK and they may have salved their troubled consciences but they are making the rest of us pay a heavy price.
I think the liberal left are a bunch of dangerous idiots and their stupidity allowed them to implement the mass immigration policy with out any serious consideration of the effect it would have beyond them getting more votes and being able to show their concern for others less fortunate than themselves.
So they did what they did without considering the full implication of it and now we are all suffering. So I agree the policy was intentional but many of its effects were not thought through, as is usually the case with the left, and the rest of us have to live with their gross errors.
Your analysis is well made but I fear wrong.
I agree with DICK R. It is more than just good intentions gone astray.
Some other, darker, subconscious motivation is responsible for this nihilistic deconstructionism.
The ethnic English were always the main problem for the EU. Notoriously stubborn and very hard to govern. Look at our history. The EU did that and came up with the answer.
Change or at least dilute the people.
Why the English? Because alone of the EU nations we are the ones most likely to smash the unrealistic dream of European unity.
An island race not given to flights of continental fancy.
I strongly disagree with this view that it was all a terrible mistake and that they just wanted to rub the rights noses in it.
They have to say something, as what they have committed is a crime under international law and the UN. They deliberately chose not to include/declare to the UN, that the English, as a people,existed. Saying that we no longer existed, whist protecting their own voter base in Scotland and in Wales.
This in my opinion was a deliberate and calculated act, and they neither thought, or even cared to think of the consequences.
They have committed genocide by using mass-immigration as a weapon against their own people.
The Left have always been bloody insane. you do not have to look far back in time to see this.
The party that believed mass immigration would lead to multicultural Nirvana is the same party that also believed 24-hour licensing would transform our drinking culture from downing 15 pints then smashing bar stools and tables over each other’s heads to discussing existentialism over a small Pastis at a sunlit pavement café in Rotherham.
Well, actually, they also planned to make available a range of ‘ supercasinos’
Planning the distraction of the masses, even those too poor to gamble, was a key plank of their policy. Distraction was meant to include 24 hour drinking, rampant gambling and blood sports to be perpetrated by Moslem murderous bastards, all intended to take folks attention off the shit hole they were making of the country.
The BBC is an enigma wrapped in too much public money. How can they reconcile their policy of detoxifying the Muslim brand (by omitting to use the word in many reports) with the airtime given to preachers such as Choudhary, whom they presumably believe is unrepresentative of the average Muslim?
INBBC is a leading enabler of the political process of Islamising Britain (and the E.U).
And as Britain becomes increasingly Islamised, INBBC delegates the narrative on what sort of Islamised Britain there will be to Islamic interests, with indigenous British people as mere licence-fee paying bystanders, or victims.
One can only suppose that Labour was really worried about it’s ‘Union’ routes being eroded as UK industry declined into ‘public sector jobs’. Most working class are now middle class and vote Conservative. Working class are therefore ‘immigrants’ and Islamic. BBC executives meanwhile think ‘Liberal’ (but always vote Labour as that’s where their public sector jobs come from). The only way to break the cycle is to privatise the BBC and Cameron is not going to do that because he’s really a ‘closet Liberal’ in coalition (with the Liberals). One can only imagine that Cameron listens to the BBC ‘all the time’ and understands ‘Monopoly’ – only as a board game at Christmas.
I live opposite a mosque and, Friday being a big day over there, I’ve just had to weave my way, once again, through the hundreds of cars that (despite there being a “mosque only” car park) are parked on pavements, yellow lines, junctions, grass verges and anywhere else that’s handy. Presumably, they do this in the full knowledge that they are about as likely to get a ticket as they are to hear anyone on the BBC, or any leading politician, say something remotely negative about their religion.
I should, of course, point out that all these people going to the mosque has nothing at all to do with islam.
Exactly the same here, so the council sat in camera – despite significant local opposition – to give planning permission on the nod for a new, enormous mosque.
How did they solve the already awful parking problems? Easy. They sold off half of the local junior school’s playing field.
a little birdy has told me that the met police are very close to gathering enough evidence to arrest anjem choudary and charge him with alleged terrorist related offences,watch this space
Oh, really? The police can rush in to arrest somebody for saying the “N” word on Twitter, but claim to still be waiting with baited breath to “bring (Choudray) to justice” after all these years? Uh-huh.
Or talking about traditional badges on pots of marmalade.I daren’t even say the word as I want to spend Christmas at home!! What a country we have become.
The patronising platitudes of the ruling elite in the politico-judicial-statemedia bubble are wearing a bit thin in the face of clearly mixed standards. And the evidence of our own eyes.
Though more ‘physical’ than a daft tweet, the authoritarian response to foolish deployment of meat products (vs. say, intoxicated mob assault and battery), and a curiously variable open doors policy to speakers on certain subjects suggests too many are part of the problem than any hope of solution.
The latter placed Ms. May, along with UAF supporter Mr. Cameron and their party, rather low on my voting options next time round.
Geoff, you mean like this from Black rapper Drake, the song ” Started from the bottom.”
My IQ went into a tail spin after listening / enduring this cacophony of black babble, not exactly Beethoven, is it ? and Western Civilisation goes over a cliff.
As I’ve said in a previous thread, I reported his website to the Home Office on their online reporting of extremist material website page, and weeks later they haven’t even contacted me with their assessment of what I reported as their guidlines say they will. I sent them a stinging online complaint earlier today, and I shall take this matter to my MP now (Ha ha, yes, I know but at least he will reply to me). As has been mentioned, making a statement which just one person complains is a derogatory statement about homosexuality or someone’s race and the police are swift to arrest the person making the statement. However, Choudary and his ilk with their disgusting creed seem fireproof.
Up to eight and a half years my arse, they will all be out in less than four. We know that , the judge knows that , the prosecution knows that , the home secretary knows that , and more importantly , the perpetuators know that .
This week has seen some positive news for the UK economy. As Robert Peston is now covering some economics as well as business news one might expect it to be covered in his BBC blog.
So rising employment and falling unemployment? Er no but Robert in his view decided that covering events in the United States was “analysis of the issues in business that matter to us all”.
Well we can all make a mistake so surely Robert covered the past revisions to UK growth released today? Er no…
So we wonder if he did this on advice from Stephanie “triple-dip” Flanders who now looks even more out of touch than ever or Robert’s friend Ed Balls? Or of course both.
So the Xmas holiday begins. No doubt the BBc programming will be abysmal, leading me to not watch it. Therefore it’s unlikely I’ll be commenting on anything until after Christmas. So best wishes from 666 Towers to all at Biased BBc.
You can always watch a nice bbc 2 programme on the 26th & 27th Dec , straight out of the “Nissan Main Dealer Book Of Prayer ” called “Idris Elba : King of Speed” Yeah right . Bloody Pc bastards . Watch out Jezza , your too” Hideously White” .& they are going to make you `black up` , or your history !
“US TV star Phil Robertson suspended for anti-gay remarks”
Headline from a BBC webpage detailing the current controversy about remarks made by a man who, it is much later detailed well-down in the article, claims that it’s not for him to judge, and that all people deserve respect.
Phil Robertson had the temerity to say that he didn’t see the point of homosexuality logically, and that, if one were to go by the Bible, there are certain sins that, if one had not repented them in life, lead to perdition; Robertson is what some on the Left in his native Louisiana would term a “Bible thumper,” and would hardly have said different from what he did.
One can use the excuse that, like Twitter, there is only so much you can fit in a headline. But one would be certainly forgiven for coming away from this headline thinking Mr Robertson was condemning SINNERS, not SIN.
BBC, being completely steeped in the culture of identity politics, would see what Mr Robertson said as being personal attacks and not be able to make a distinction. The headline is not an ingenuous attempt at brevity, for my money. “…[S]uspended for remarks about gay sex” would have been far more accurate– but wouldn’t have made the BBC feel all ooey-gooey warm-and-fuzzy that they were taking up for an underdog.
Apparently this happened right in the middle of negotiations with A&E over the next season of the show. The Robertson family released a statement yesterday saying, essentially, No Phil = No Show.
Which = no cash cow for the network. I cannot wait to see which principles they stand up for next.
‘But one of the offenders, Congolese refugee Freddie Kendakumana, was first arrested and interviewed by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) in December 2008 after the girl – also white – complained to police that he had raped her the month before’
One wonders if given the fascists attempts to destroy Christmas with their hideous ‘Winterval’ we shall see a similar attack on Islam and Ramadan by naming it ‘Fastival’? After all we are looking for vibrant equality and diversity and destroying Islam in a similar way would only be right !
Liberals only respect the other’s culture. They despise their own.Too many dead white men created it.
They ignore the fact that Christianity arose in the Middle East.
Even Sky (for all their lefty crap) can bring themselves to state what we all know and highlight the high percentage of Pakistani men involved in child gang-rape. The BBC, as we all know, are more interested in protecting the Muslim link than the safety of children.
citiizen khan chrismas special bbc1 8.30pm tonight,only the bbc could have muslims mocking and making fun of are religious festivals,could you imagine the bbc having a monty python ramadan or eid special mocking islam and muslims.not a chance
Christmas Special?
That`ll be the one where Khan and his mates use a selection of local kebab shops and booze huts to tempt the local schoolgirls of troubled parentage…before attacking the local barracks or WI by way of jihad.
To be honest-the above nonsense would be no less funny than anything they`ll be offering us anyway.
Felix Dexter died of`d think that they would shut the shit factory down that produces Citizen Khan by way of a tribute to him.
A Second season too?….the BBC are not only perverts…but perverse as well.
Not funny!
The bBCs Middle Eastern Editor ‘Jeremy Bowen does horrible histories Sharpening Sunni-Shia schism bodes ill for Middle East A fault-line runs from Lebanon on the Mediterranean, down through Syria and Iraq, to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and beyond. It divides Shia and Sunni Muslims, the two sides of Islam. It is the oldest division in the Middle East, but just like the schism in Christianity between Protestants and Catholics, it is as much about power and identity as religion. Leaders have tried to use sectarianism as a tool to protect and strengthen their own legitimacy, just as European governments still sometimes use nationalism.
OK, a little biased, not entirely true and the sop regards European Nationalism is somewhat of a left-wing canard that is brought out time and time again in which to silence anybody who objects to unbridled Immigration in the west, but I’ll go with what Mr Bowen has to say until I come to this: The split in Islam goes back to a dispute about who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad after he died in 632. Those who wanted his position to be inherited by his closest associates became Sunnis. Those who thought his descendants should succeed him became Shia.In modern times the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 started a new upheaval in Islam’s sectarian divide.
What? Its all the fault of the Americans, what a crock. What the bBCs Middle Eastern Editor leaves out of the equation is that the current round of Shia/Sunni bitching started when the radicals took control of Iran in 1979. From that date , the mad mullahs have used their schism with Sunni Islam in which to keep secure their positions in running the country so they started trouble with Saddam Hussain’s Iraq which lead to the Iran /Iraq war (1 million dead) They started trouble within Lebanon (Hezb-allah) they started trouble with Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, and started persecuting Sunni Muslims inside Iran.
All the above started well before Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait and kicked started the road to the invasion of Iraq by the US.
But to those who haven’t a clue about Islam, the Middle East or even Iran, they will believe that the reason why there is war between Shia and Sunni Islam is because of the US. The bBC, the propaganda arm for Intolerant Islam inside the UK
Bowen sees everything in terms of oppression and control, especially from the West. Technically, it wasn’t the invasion of Iraq which opened a window for the ugly cavemen, but rather the screwed up aftermath.
Still, I’m sure Bowen speaks from authority on one score: the BBC knows all about using artificial constructs as tolls to protect and strengthen their own legitimacy.
This theme that it is the Americans that are to blame for the Moslems fighting each other has been repeated time and time again on the BBC and in their dramas as well . But added to this is overt propaganda found elsewhere eg in exhibitions such as the British Museum’s “Babylon” which concluded with a film which “showed” how the Americans had destroyed their “culture.”
I’d say it’s not entirely wrong to say that the messed up aftermath of removing Sadaam from power opened a window for sectarian and Al Qaeda ugliness in Iraq.
In Iraq.
US/UK foreign policy is not responsible for sectarian or Al Qaeda or similar violence in the Sudan, or in Mali or Algeria or Indonesia or the Philippines. In fact, one could argue that a lacuna of the kind of US foreign policy Choudray (and usually the BBC) blames here is responsible for the problems in Egypt and Libya and Somalia. The President sided with the Muslim Brotherhood, remember, and lobbied the Army to remove Mubarak and let the MB into the picture. Although to Choudray and the BBC, that’s probably a feature rather than a bug. Still, only an idiot can witness what we did in Egypt and claim that our foreign policy is all about harming Mohammedans.
But that’s not even the easily demolished part of Choudray’s (and, let’s be honest, the BBC’s) argument. The whole “US/UK war on Islam” is the joke. We no more invaded Iraq or Afghanistan because we wanted to kill Mohammedans, specifically, than we were at war with animist South-East Asians when we went into Vietnam. It’s so stupid, yet the BBC can’t handle it.
One reason why – I’d go so far as to say a primary reason why – the Today producers couldn’t attack his argument for justifying Drummer Rigby’s murder in cold blood is that they largely agree with it. Humphrys couldn’t openly condemn it on air when Choudray tried to get him to, and it’s possibly that Humphrys is old enough to still have some vestigial patriotic feeling, a little voice inside his head that said it’s not right to make such a blanket condemnation.
In any case, it was a clear intellectual failure. None of the world-class journalists at Today were prepared to deal with a very simple argument. It could be because of cowardice, that they’re just afraid of, as Mark Thompson suggested, people loading their AK-47s in anger at the BBC telling a Mohammedan that his ideology is wrong. I doubt that’s the case.
It seemed pretty clear that they didn’t want to deal with the foreign policy issue at all. Humphrys essentially said he didn’t more than once. I say that’s because they largely agree with Choudray, and so couldn’t go anywhere near it because they wouldn’t then be able to condemn him for, um, not condemning Rigby’s murder. Choudray’s escape tactic was so easily blockable it’s not funny. And Humphrys – the man who has such intellectual integrity that he justly and heroically destroyed his own boss on air, right? – couldn’t handle it.
The worst element of all this is that the Today geniuses probably believe they got it about right in the end anyway. After all, their goal was to demonstrate that Choudray was a fringe figure, to make it all about him rather than about the problems of Islamo-fascism being invited in by Labour and given succor by the BBC. In fact, to reinforce this notion they had Lord Carlysle (sp?) waiting in the wings to come out like Barney the Dinosaur at the end of each episode to tell you what to think about what you’ve just heard: Choudray is a fringe figure, and does not represent Mohammedans in Britain. He’s a nasty piece of work and you shouldn’t tar the rest of them with his sins.
Entirely unlike the way the BBC treated Tommy Robinson, not coincidentally.
The BBC simply cannot allow growth of the unapproved thought of dual loyalty. The idea that too many Mohammedans in Britain (and Europe) are more loyal to a third-world, caveman version of their religion and are never going to be capable of joining Western Civilization is heresy, thought crime, and those who think it are unpersons. Choudray and his ilk are fodder for that unapproved thought, and so he must be isolated from the rest. It’s only him, you’re supposed to believe. It’s not like the Tea Party movement, the BBC would have you believe, where that one southern woman Mark Mardell mocked for being racist really does represent millions of people and their reasons for having their particular unapproved thoughts are sinister.
And the Today producers will feel they largely succeeded in getting that message across. Sure, they’ll be disappointed that Choudray proved – what a surprise! – to be too slippery for Humphrys to nail him down on anything, like the worst kind of Tory figure. But does anyone believe that was the main goal?
So, the Today geniuses decided to go with a risible, juvenile approach that tells their opponent that they believe they’ve already won the argument and are on the side of the just. Choudray’s shrewd enough to see that coming a mile off. He’s probably dodged similar questions from Nicky Campbell and others a dozen times. They expected to follow this by nailing him down on some sort of gotcha on incitement to violence. Again, they overestimated their position and underestimated Choudray. And the BBC couldn’t handle it.
It’s the BBC’s institutional bias about foreign policy and multiculturalism, exacerbated by a severe intellectual failure about Islamism that caused yesterday’s farce. It happened right before everyone’s eyes. And they will get away with it, not least because fools like Tom Chivers in the Telegraph agree with the agenda behind it.
I found myself looking at the BBC site where you can send news pictures, so I send a screenshot showing Mandela with the message, ‘this was how you reported the floods and gales last Friday’.
Would you Adam and Eve it, the bBC brings us yet another Islamic sob story. FFS Lockerbie bombing: Megrahi relatives want to appeal The family of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi has told the BBC they want to appeal against his conviction.
and just to make sure that the family of this Islamic terrorist can only be portrayed as victims the bBC reveals: “We need to know who committed this horrible crime. But, as you know, we as a family cannot afford to pay for the appeals process.
Probably because Al Megrahi didn’t do it !
The more likely suspects are the Iranians, but the UK don’t want to countenance that they allowed yet another Muslim inspired atrocity by allowed Muslim employees access to airside storage where the bomb could have been planted. It is known that a broken lock was found on a storage area from which luggage was loaded onto the flight although this inconvenient fact has been ignored.
Agree-Swire thinks the same, but didn`t dare to say so last night.
Wouldn`t want to stir the Iranians now would we?
As if they`ll not choose to bestir themselves as they like.
Thanks Obama…worthless poltroon!
Al Megrahi was implicated after a large number of nations searched for who carried out this disgraceful crime. (US/UK/Germany and France) Once indited he was judged in a special UN appointed court in Holland under Scottish Law.
The UK and US had no say in the matter. So trying to attribute the blame onto Iran over their Airbus incident is nothing more than wishful thinking.
But here’s an alternative theory over that Airbus incident, by fitting an Airbus with an F14 transponder and then flying it over an area where a year before the USS Stark had been hit by Excocet Missile resulting in the deaths of 37 sailors, gave both Iran and Iraq the breathing space needed to end their pointless war a few days after the downing of that Airbus. Iran could have made a much bigger noise , it didn’t.
Controversial maybe, but much more credible than pointing at Iran (which the US initially did) simply as the country was in dire straits after 8 years of war and 8 years of acute sanctions and it wasn’t until around 2000 that Iran started getting back on its feet again both militarily and economically (but Amanutjob soon undid all that with his inorganic chemistry set)
All of the above would have been presented to the court (but in greater detail) and which is why they fingered Libya and not Iran.
P.S It kind of didn’t help Libya’s case how they also admitted to downing UTA Flight 772 in a manner very similar to PAM AM 103.
” . . . . we as a family cannot afford to pay for the appeals process.”
Yes, and we as country cannot afford it either. So don’t bother as he is dead. Get over it and move on like the family of murdered WPC Fletcher’s family had to.
Best wishesand merry Christmas, from the people and taxpayers of the UK.
James Harding’s lab experiment at BBC News – attempting to apply newspaper editorial systems to a broadcasting cephalopod – is exposed to scrutiny again today, with the advert for another new role he has created, News Editor.
It’s a senior management role, reporting directly to Big Jim and his Number 2, Fran Unsworth. But the job spec is a defensive piece of work, with a number of inherent contradictions. .
I’ll bet there are, but first, there’s this:
The post will have an overview of the agendas being pursued by the Newsroom, Newsgathering, Millbank, Programmes and English Regions, (and if appropriate the language services) and will bring together teams as needed to drive forward big stories to ensure that the whole news operation is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Agenda? What agenda?
The role will not seek to draw up running orders or interfere in the decisions of individual editors, who will still be accountable for their own programmes. It is not intended that this role will result in a more homogenised agenda, as plurality is vital to purposes of BBC News and CA.
In other words, yet another role with power but no responsibility, and no power to clean up anybody’s act when needed. If this is part of Lord Hall’s awesome, National Treasure-saving management restructuring, it’s not a good sign.
It’s all too late. The BBC is failing before the nation’s eyes and ears.
Tinkering is no good. Sack the lot and start again with new. people. Oh and pay them far less and make them work or fear the sack if they foul up or are useless.
‘In other words, yet another role with power but no responsibility’
As I read it, make that role….s. They seem to be creating a new breeding colony of irresponsibly powerful narrative enhancers who of course once on roster can never be removed, uniquely.
I pointed it out because we’ve been told that one of the main problems with the BBC’s broken management structure is that they have too many people in positions of power (i.e. over money and resources) but with no real responsibility. This is evidence that the BBC has not listened or learned, despite their claims to have done so.
Now this evening she tries to explain her concerns on the BBC News Channel.
BBC man Chris Rogers however wants to put over the BBC line that ‘lessons have been learned’
Margaret Oliver bravely resists the BBC line and tries to tell us that nothing has really changed.
Chris Rogers insists ‘I don’t want to get bogged down in the details of historic cases…’
[Psst…. don’t tell that to the Hillsborough campaingers]
Having failed to induce Margarte Oliver to agree with the BBC line that ‘lessons have been learned’ he interupts her flow and changes the subject to some line he has about ‘Sikh girls’
Does that mean the Beeb is going to show less interest in its own in-house historic cases of the child abuse that it facilitated (using the licence fee to pay for it)?
It’ll still keep covering cases involving Catholic priests, one imagines, even though they’re every bit as “historic”.
Most here will recall back in February when it was revealed that Hall had hired one of his crony’s, Anne Bulford on a massive £395,000 salary the BBC claimed that it would actually save money since she was going to perform 2 tasks that hitherto had cost far more.
We were told at the time: In an email to staff, Lord Hall said Miss Bulford was a ‘direct appointment rather than an advertised one’ because he believed her talent and experience ‘make her the best person for this role’.
Her salary is not far off Lord Hall’s pay of £450,000 a year, but the BBC claimed it was a net saving of about £250,000 from the combined salaries of Miss Patel and Miss Thomson.
So why now are the BBC advertising for a new chief financial officer estimated to be a salary of £300,000 in addition to Bulford?
Because they can!
And will our hitherto spineless politicians do anything about this blatant corruption while still sending people to prison for not supporting it?
BBC news at ten on the Rochdale review, no indication that the men involved were Muslim or Pakistani. Two contributors described the victims as ‘young women’. That would suggest 20 years old not eleven.
Watching the Six News on BBC TV last night I was dumbfounded by the dissembling going on when they attempted to cover this story. Chillingly Orwellian in its overt redaction of the salient facts (‘those men’) about the case, I was for a moment convinced I was listening to the North Korean News Service.
Not once – NOT ONCE – in the segment was it revealed that ‘those men’ where of any particular faith, a fact which – you know – might have had something to do with the underlying causes of their abusive behaviour. Not. Once.
This is getting really rather silly. The BBC seems absolutely determined to undermine itself as a ‘serious’ news service at every possible opportunity – none more so than when ‘those men’ are involved in any story it attempts to ‘report’.
Friday 8pm BBC Moments in Time 2013 – a review of the year’s photo journalism – covering all main events but sticking rigidly to discussing the only photos and headlines rather than any discussion or analysis of the stories themselves. (eg. failing to provide any analysis of the Islam angle on many of the years terrorist attrocities). Got that? Absolutely no analysis or comment other than what the photo’s were like. UNTIL they reached the Nelson Mandela segment at the end when they totally ditched the format and entered into ridiculous over the top eulogizing.
And needless to say they kept the fake sign-language guy well out of shot during their VT on Mandela – but surely that was the biggest photo-journalism story that came out of the whole circus – with a murder suspect standing feet away from the POTUS making a mockery of the whole event – so any true discussion of newspaper stories would have featured him.
ember2013 you are so right pointing out that yet again the ‘pot calling the kettle black’ with such unbelievable rank hypocrisy by Milliband, who was part of the Labour Government that legislated for the introduction of such addictive gambling machines. Almost everything Bliar and Brown touched has turned to dust. Can someone please explain to me Labours Poll lead? I despair.
Until the conservatives pledge to actively get us out of the EU, stop 99% immigration and basically start getting its Mrs T vibe back – I consider them to be socialist traitors, so in a way having labour run things again will just mean speeding up the apocalypse a bit quicker.
Labours poll lead is easily explained, when you consider that Cameron is further to the left on social policy than any other politician, then the cruelty the grinning Gideon & IDS have dealt out to the poor and the disabled have meant that people really hate the Tories !
The BBC website has had the furore over spying again, as top news.
The papers say that the list of around 1,000 targets includes a European Union commissioner, humanitarian organisations and an Israeli PM.
We pay them to spy on influential people who abroad. The more we know about the machinations of EU commissioners the better. They are no friends of the UK.
As others may already have noted – indeed expected – there are some pretty radical differences between the ITV and the BBC reports on the most recent Rochdale child sex abuse sentencing.
ITV inform the public that ‘one of the offenders… [is a] Congolese refugee’
ITV educate the public about a ‘largely Pakistani heritage child sex ring preying on white girls in the town’
At least we can say that the BBC “entertains” the public with ‘Chola Chansa, 33, of Illminster, Rochdale…. Abdul Huk, 37, of Ouldfield Close, Rochdale, Mohammed Rafiq Abubaker, 25, of Freehold, Rochdale… [and] Roheez Khan, 27, of Ashfield Road, Rochdale’
No quaint Northern address for Freddie Kendakumana, 27 ?
Oh well, although we are not to be told about his refugee status or his Congolese nationality, at least we are told about ‘his flat in Falinge’
All of which got me thinking….
Do you remember Mike Harding and his character The Rochdale Cowboy? Some of his song is – oddly – quite appropriate – or should that be inappropriate?
Never before in the history of mankind has the story been told of those brave frontiersmen who carved out a passage in the Northwest and made it a fit place for heroes to live in. This is the story on one such man – sausage tosser extraordinaire – Fred Ackroyd the Rochdale Cowboy
It’s hard being a cowboy in Rochdale.
Spurs don’t fit right on me clogs.
It’s hard being a cowboy in Rochdale,
‘Cause people laugh when I ride past on our Alsatian dog.
Almost every night
There’s a tripe and cowheel fight
In our local pie and pea saloon,
And poor old Uncle Fred
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause he tried to kiss a girl who’s a boy named Sue.
When the sun shines in the west,
That’s the time that I like best,
And I go out punching cows with me brother Jack;
And poor old Uncle Fred,
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause he punched one cow and she went and punched him back.
In the local temperance bar,
We’d go and have a jar.
There’s sarsaparilla and liquorice juice to drink;
And poor old Uncle Fred,
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause he supped the stuff he used to clean the sink.
Yer know when us cowpokes hit town,
We go an’ ‘orses round
With them good-time girls Elsie and Mucky Peg.
When Auntie Kitty found Uncle Fred,
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause you can’t run fast with your pants halfway down your legs.
Radio 4 Saturday morning about 8.40 (I think the time is right) an item about Christian deaths in Pakistan. It took 5 minutes of the item before the word ‘Muslim’ was mentioned. It was then mentioned twice and once was to say that the Christians had received much support from their Muslim neighbours. No mention was made of who the suicide bombers were who had caused 80 deaths in a Christian church last Xmas. Much was made of the fact that now the Christians had to have security on their gates during church services. The BBC could look to Britain where even the smallest synagogue has security for their services and has done so for years. And it is not for fear of their Christian neighbours.
I have to give credit though. This morning I caught a BBC News report about Christians under attack in Syria. It’s a start. I don’t recall them mentioning Muslims though.
“Christians are emigrating fast as they find themselves caught between Netanyahu’s pro-settler government and their increasingly radicalised Sunni Muslim neighbours.”
Funny, I thought the Israelis were tolerant toward Christians. And amazingly, moslems think more of Christmas than Christians do –
“Christmas is perhaps the best moment to remember the long tradition of revering the nativity in the Islamic world.”
If PM Dave does manage to drum up some of his temporary political courage to veto E.U, I think we know whose side Beeboids will be on, re-mass immigration-
“David Cameron takes his biggest gamble yet as he gets tough on Europe over immigration”
“Keith Vaz, the chairman of the home affairs select committee, is to spend New Year’s Day at Luton airport counting arrivals.”
Pity he won’t be in departures.
Would that be the same Barroso who so graciously accepted the Nobel Peace prize on our behalf with the grandiose statement that the EU is the blueprint for a future world government? An eco-socialist one, of course.
NIGERIA: Islamic INBBC HAUSA narrative on jihad massac
Beeboids, including Islamic INBBC HAUSA, euphemistically terms the murderous Islamic jihadists, Boko Haram as: ‘insurgents’, ‘militants’ and ‘fighters.’ Beeboids usually exclude the word ‘jihadists’ for pro-Islamic, political reasons.
Much of Beeboid ‘reporting’ on Nigeria relating to Boko Haram derives from ‘BBC HAUSA’ which is an Islamic arm of the BBC. Of course, British people pay for the Islamic BBC Hausa.
Is this the end of the statements that Turkey is the model for the Islamic world? Three sons of ministers and a dozen other people are arrested excused of several crimes. In reaction Erdogan sacks 30 policemen who are involved in the arrests. Except two sons of ministers everybody is released. (the two sons must be cleared be the court to placate the EU and the turkisch people.)
In any democratic country this would be seen as an intolerable interference in the judicial proces. So how discribes the BBC this incident;
“The corruption investigation has targeted people close to Mr Erdogan’s administration.”
So the story follows completely the line of Erdogan. So 30 policemen risk their jobs (probably more) to frame two sons of ministers. Not very likely.
But it doesn’t fits the narrative of the BBC that Turkey is the model for the Islamic world. So they try to bury the story.
The Turks have been skating on a lot of dodgy things for years, based on that whole “Model for the Islamic World”-meme. Essentially the MftIW-meme comes down to this: “We’re more civilised than those bloody primitive 7th C. Arabs, and we’re officially secular (and we have enforced this when necessary). Now sod off and count yourselves lucky.” Which has all the aroma of your wastrel brother-in-law saying “I don’t beat your sister, and I don’t go around robbing people.”
Just in case there’s a Beeboid out there reading this thread.
Can I suggest you invite Anjem Choudray onto Question Time and give him the kangaroo court treatment you so successfully meted out to the likes of Nick Griffin and Nigel Farage.
So the President had just about the worst press conference of His reign so far, and to make matters worse the theme of it seems to have been that 2013 was His worst year yet. Does the BBC explain why or provide analysis as to what’s gone wrong for Him? Do they dare point out some of the outright lies He told yesterday, or that some of His answers showed that He’d learned nothing? Do they express the gravity of the situation regarding the press corps is turning on Him like a scorned lover? Hell no. Instead, they give you a series of summaries of His defensive replies.
BBC journalism = reproducing White House talking points. But they can claim impartiality because they reported that some people believed He was having a hard time, and that polls were low.
Obama’s White House has always had a thing about Fox News – because Fox digs into the figures, does a proper journalistic job. It was vitually on its own back in 2010 in forecasting what would eventually happen – because it did the sums on the legislation, could see through all the lies and platitudes. And it must be especially galling that Fox now gets better audience figures than all the leftie cable networks put together.
Anyway, last September Obama had another kick at Fox News – trying to blame them for the problems with ObamaCare ! Since then things have got worse and worse – the shambles of the website launch and its continuing failures, endless doubtfully-legal use of executive power to delay or to warp the application of the new laws, mass cancellations of policies already with tens of millions more cancellations still to come.
Reporter Neil Cavuto at Fox hit back that time – directly addressing a slot to Obama himself. Or you might say – “talking truth to power”.
If only we had something like Fox News in the UK to counterbalance the BBC there might be some home of effective political debate.
Remember that right from the start of His reign, Obamessiah Administration officials made public declarations that Fox News was not a legitimate news organization. The same media luvvies who wring their hands and make all the right noises when Putin or the Chinese go after journalists never made a fuss. Even this CNN interview was just a chance to air that view.
Perhaps Murdoch is too frightened to bring Fox to this country because of the kicking he’d get from our own fascists. Leveson would say that the content wasn’t balanced enough, victim groups would say that they were offended, and UAF would stage a piano-wire party for the staff, with Caroline Lucas, Jeremy Bowen and Anjem Choudary wearing the SS outfits.
Come on, Rupert. Give us an alternative. A non- PC, warmist-sceptic, anti-EU, pro- fiscal responsibility channel. I predict success and a chance to scare the bejasus out of the bbc.
StewGreenMar 31, 23:09 Start the Week 31st March 2025 It was on yesterday, in the next scene Lydia was turning up at the house being super friendly her opening…
StewGreenMar 31, 23:05 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Mirpur Airport news : Andrew Norfolk, Times journalist of the year, testimony to a HOC select committee includes some thoughts…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
In the same way that I might look to The Great Leader Obama for affordable health care, I now look to David Cameron to be on the side of the Christian people of this country.
Ah… looky, looky, big pig with wings fly over house.
Even if pigs could fly they would be banned from doing so for fear of causing offence incase they cast a shadow over an inappropriate building or community.
The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
Dante Alighieri 1265 – 1321
Let’s not forget Bliar and his open tolerance of terrorist Islamism in this country but on the nod-and-a-wink understanding that they would restrict their terrorist activities to ‘offshore’ targets.
Tony, mate, (and the rest of the Labour Party) how did that all work out then?
Another deliberately missed BBC-5live opportunity for the nation to speak on “Your Call” … very important debate
After all the media of the Woolwich verdict,
and news in a damning report that Muslim Paedostani child rape gangs, got away with it because of inherent racism against white working class children, by Rochdale Police … any connection at all? – you know between
these perps? – any factor anyone can see?
cough! Islamic imperative cough, cough! mosque/muslims cough!.
sooooo! , here we go ………….. lets hear it
…… will you use a credit card this Christmas?
PS –
will we have an snivelling excusefest on VD
V Drearybyshire about just these issues?
when no one can call in to speak to anyone?
much more importantly …
it is not only in Rochdale though … IS IT ?
Yer wanna gerr that cough seen to, mate 😉
Sky News: EU’s Credit Rating Downgraded By S&P to AA+
BBC: {still waiting as of 10:52}
It’s now mentioned on the BBC website (last updated 12.18, not sure when it was first posted).
However, it’s buried in this article:
“Banking woes haunt EU summit”
So listening to “English by default” Livesey and Burden this morning.
Interesting lines on both the Lee Rigby murder and the publication of the Rochdale child rape report.
“Could the police and the intelligence services have done more to prevent Lee Rigby’s murder?” aka let’s deflect this as far away from the perps as we can.
“Police come in for criticism in Rochdale child grooming report”- aka let’s deflect this as far away from perps as we can.
To be fair (in respect of the latter), Burden did throw in a cursory “let’s not forget about the people who carried out these crimes” stating that they were mostly “Asian” men but then nearly choked in spluttering out that of course that’s not to say that child sex offences are only carried out by this group.
The massive bias and hugely overt desire to deflect away from the ROP is becoming, nay, has become, a parody of itself.
Is there evidence to suggest that the BBC is paid by those that promote Moslem values not to speak out against these evil Moslem men. ?What else can account for the BBC’s bizarre broadcasts creating sympathy for these evil men John Humphries said the mother said “He was such a sensitive child” – well so was Hitler – he loved animals and children but what has that got do with it!
Yes, in a sense the BBC is paid to promote “Moslem values”. It has received tens of millions of pounds of interest free loans from the EU. The EU has been working on something called the ‘Union for the Mediterranean’ for several decades, the long time objective of which is to integrate the states of North Africa and the Middle East into the EU (some sanitised background info at Part of this is the Barcelona Process and the Euromed Heritage programme, which promotes cultural exchange, and it is incumbent on EU broadcasters to promote this, hence the large numbers of TV programmes about the wonders of Islamic history and such. It is clearly laid out in EU documents; these were all readily available on official websites until a couple of year ago, but a bit of digging is required to find them now as some of the projects have been renamed or replaced by new initiatives.
The BBC’s behavior which gives you the impression of them promoting “Moslem values” has nothing to do with EU money. Rather, it has everything to do with what a former (possibly current) BBC contract producer who told us in no uncertain terms: the BBC does this because of their remit to encourage Social Cohesion. That is to say, they felt the right way to help everyone to get along was to try and convince the public everything was fine. Or, like they do with Anjem Choudary (haven’t heard this morning’s featured performance on Today yet), which is to convince you that he and the most extreme representatives are mere pantomime villains and don’t actually represent anyone. Even Tom Chivers did this in his latest piece for the Telegraph. Funny how the BBC spent three years doing the exact opposite for the Tea Party movement, no? No bias there, then. But I digress.
When people here made negative comments about Mohammedans taking over an area or about the number of them who supported violence in the name of jihad, for example, “Reith” would tell us to shut up. “You’re not helping,” he’d say. His and his fellow Beeboids’ position was that those who complained about it were the ones who would incite violence and cause racial strife. He never accepted that what the BBC does in this line of thinking causes resentment, which only makes things worse.
I and others tried to tell him that the BBC had it exactly backwards, and that if they wanted to get everyone to get along they needed to be educating the immigrating third-worlders towards integrating with British society, instead of the other way round. He didn’t listen, and it only made him hold us more in contempt.
That’s the BBC mentality, revealed to us by one of them. We see today that nothing has changed. They’re all at it, because they all think the same way.
Propaganda outlets like charidees, NGOs and the BBC are only awarded EU money on condition that they promote “Social Cohesion”. They wouldn’t get anything at all otherwise.
It’s more a case of ‘Socialist Cohesion’, Ian. Which leads us inevitably to disintegration. Charidees, NGOs & the BBC have their craven utopians, as well as those who despise this country & work towards its transformation – to me, its downfall, but it also has its complement of Iscariots. The 30 pieces filched from the public purse is just too enticing, & the lifestyle too numbingly comfortable for them to have to consider what they are really promoting.
I met a charidee bigwig once, & my conclusion after leaving her beautiful house, oddly so far away from the oases of ‘enrichment’, was that she existed in a 3-dimensional Radio 4 ‘world’. She was ‘living the dream’ – hook, line & sinker. These corrupt organisations are all charidees; they employ many of those who wouldn’t last an hour in the cut & thrust of the private sector; & with the perk of feeling damned good about themselves. I left her swooning over the pine furniture I’d just delivered.
We live in grim times, I know, but we must not despair. Remember the stirring rallying call, ‘And there will be pork sausages in the trees come morning. Even in Stepney.’
A very Merry Christmas to you all. Never say die.
Iscariots are preferable to dreamers because they eventually hang themselves!
From sausage trees.
A question.
Which news organisation is the more dangerous to our Western values? BBC or Russia Today.
Rhetorical surely
Talking of RT; I switched over yesterday having had local media in bucketfuls to be greeted there by none other than George Galloway!
The more I think about this, the worse it feels. Like snarky teacher’s pets sucking up
You know there is something seriously wrong when your comedy/satire team are put out to do your Corporate PR…
‘So Graham Garden was asked if he’d accept a secure future for the BBC if it meant he could only ever watch ITV; Annie Nightingale was asked if she’d sell an incriminating recording of Rupert Murdoch’
BBC : Beyond satire….
Makes me shudder… ‘secure future for the BBC’
Secure future for Beeboids is of course what they really mean.
Is Sue Perkins meant to be a comedienne, sorry, comedian? I can’t always tell them from bores or Labour supporters since they went all posh and middle class.
Sue is a lesbian, so she flicks the appropriate boxes.
Good one!
You mean “licks”
John Humphreys, the pride of the BBC, is always willing to talk over politicians and put words in their mouths yet he was thoroughly beaten by Anjem Choudary this morning on their flagship news program Today.
If it were a boxing match one would say that Humphreys failed to land a glove on him.
I have little time for Choudary or his warped beliefs about Sharia – but I suppose the difference between him and a politician is that he actually believes what he is saying so the usually slick Humphreys was left looking like a fool.
The newspapers are reporting the furore caused by the interview but the BBC themselves are strangely silent on the matter.
Anjem Choudary – where’s an SAS sniper when you need one?
It would be different if he were a Brazilian electrician.
Anjem Choudray utterly embarrassed JH.
As despicable as Choudray is he knows exactly where the line is drawn and adroitly treads on it, without overstepping.
I was left wondering what Putin, or any politician with a pair of bollocks, might do with AC, and smiled at the prospect.
Just heard it. Humphrys and the BBC are clearly intellectually incapable of dealing with Choudray’s foreign policy argument. It’s the simplest thing in the world to show how false that argument is, yet all Humphrys can do is what teenage Leftoids do in ideological arguments:
“Condemn XXX and prove you agree with me on one point first before I will agree to debate you on the larger point.”
It’s idiotic. And that’s all the BBC and their lion of tough interviews has to offer. Pathetic. Humphrys had more intellectual strength with Entwistle.
Fools, all of them.
Can’t wait for Caliphate Question Time, when an audience full of religious extremists interrogates a panel of Hampstead Heath cowboys from New Broadcasting House.
Humphrys: Why don’t you go and live in a country that practices sharia law?
Choudary: No countries practice sharia law, only part- sharia law.
Obvious follow-up question to that, that the BBC’s seven-figure pa Grand Inquisitor didn’t bother to ask.
Anyhoo anecdote time:
I once lived a few doors down from Omar Bakrie Mohammed (sp?). Looked out of my bedroom window one night and two men (regular men not BBC ‘Men’) breaking into his car. I went haring up the road after them but they got away. Got me thinking now that they were MI5 – probably lucky I didn’t catch them, I might have got gunned down with a Walther PPK.
I didn’t know at the time that OBM was planning a global caliphate, otherwise I would have let the men get on with it.
No, it didn’t show Humphreys in a good light. However, rather than getting fixated on those warped individuals tutored in islam, who killed the soldier ‘in the name of allah’ (and who Choudary was never going to condemn), why did Humphreys not ask Choudary whether he condemned Sunni muslims for killing Shi’a muslims or Shi’a muslims for killing Sunni muslims (all in a variety of imaginative ways). Any why did he allow Choudary to get away with saying ‘the West’ killed 100,000 muslims, when we know that the majority of deaths are muslim on muslim killings.
Good point. Of course, that was never Humphrys’ or the Today producers’ intention. The only purpose of today’s ludicrous kabuki dance was to convince you and the British public that Choudray is a fringe figure who does not represent most Mohammedans in Britain, and – more importantly – that the BBC is very brave and will challenge naughty people like him, thus proving wrong those who accuse the BBC of dhimmitude.
Choudray openly offered Humphrys a clear path to dismantle his jihad justification over and over, and Humphrys couldn’t see it. I’m running out of pejoratives.
First we get an atrocity carried out by a Muslim. Then the air waves are full of guess who? Muslims. Some condemn the atrocity, I understand this is called ‘Taqiyya’ or ‘Kitman’ and is done – “to gain the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them”. Some of course speak the truth and do not condemn the atrocity. So they are not to be trusted either way. But there they are lecturing me, on my television, in my country, every time THEY commit an atrocity.
Are we to therefore believe our national broadcaster with its thousands of highly educated people are just naïve or deliberately taking part in Taqiyya? Answers on the back of a very small postage stamp please, addressed to the clown in number 10. Preferably a stamp with the Madonna and Child on it, just to remind him of the true meaning of what most of us still are in this country.
I went out yesterday to get a religious Christmas card, very hard to get, there was cards of Santa, elves, robins, deer, snowmen, etc etc. Had to go to a religious shop to get one, seems like Christ is slowly getting erased.
Made the same remark to the other half last night when out walking with the dog observing all the tacky lights and decorations that adorn many houses these days, even in affluent areas.
Plenty of bells, snowmen, santa’s, holly, ball baules, reindeer’s and penguins etc, but nothing remotely depicting what Christmas is really about…
Also tried to get a childrens book about the Nativity for my little niece ( don’t want her growing up to be a thicko like Fiona Philips ) the illustrations were awful, the texts were childish. Ended up buying a Ladybird book on ebay written in 1954, before the 1960s Cultural Revolution, pictures are great, very charming. ( ”hideously white” as Greg Dyke would say. )
Penguins !!!! ?????
At least ten (of the about 50) houses in my little corner of the Home Counties have nativity sets in the window.
This is VERY unusual and so would presume the local school had a project on it or something or the local vicar is active and openly encouraged the making of nativity scenes etc.
I remember airhead Fiona Phillips on GMTV actually say ” On the 25th of December we celebrate the birth of Santa Claus.”
She’s also a labour supporter and a patron of the ”Hate not Hope” campaign. I’ve got the title the correct way round since the marxist shit stirrers hate the indigenous inhabitants of this country.
She is also the stupid cow pushing to destroy air soft [ google it ] in this country using a case of a very stupid kid in the U.S which the anti gun lobby are using to force through new laws! now as an avid player I have met many people from all over and many ex service men who also air soft as it’s good rehabilitation and even some great Muslim lads from Bradford [yes some do exist ] but she wants it banned as it’s all too much for her Hampstead dinner party sensibility’s and natural lefty habit of banning others fun!
Didnt she also, whilst looking after her ill dad, push for dementia sufferers to get anti-psychotic drugs.
According to her own account, Queefy Fifi left GMTV in order to care for her father who unfortunately had Alzheimer’s. No, no you at the back: she absolutely WASN’T sacked for being a right royal pain in the arse to everyone nor for obsessively drooling over ‘Frankie’ Lampard and Donnie Osmond at every opportunity.
The fact of her being Mrs Martin Frizzell had nothing to do with her improbable survival on the early morning sofa either, so the rest of you lot can pipe down, too.
Surprisingly (!) Queefy was within three months to be found hawking herself for tellybox employment all over the place and one could only presume that her Dad had that special form of Alzheimer’s that cures itself with the help of Benylene and Night Nurse.
Of course, she was also dumb enough to turn down McDoom’s offer of a seat in the Lords because she had lots of
sitting on a sofaother important things to do. Ha ha ha. What an excellent career choice. Ha ha ha.Apologies for my extensive knowledge of Queefy, but I used to participate in a fun thread devoted to her on Digital Spy and certain things stick in the mind.
Interesting how a thread twists and turns. This little one started with Muslim atrocities and ended up with an epistle about ‘Queefy’ aka Fiona Phillips.
I’ll start again. Some Muslims commit atrocities some of the time and some Muslims apologise for some of their atrocities some of the time but all Muslims are welcome on the BBC all of the time.
You might know this chap, if you watch or listen to the BBC.
“Go to guy”, darling of SML/Big-Qs/Your Call/R4 Today
mate of N Campbell, debated D Murray on the BBC
Mo Ansar …
R Spencer – This morning I had this exchange with the prominent British Muslim spokesman Mohammed Ansar on Twitter
Just seen a piece on BBC TV News about Islamism in Mombasa. As it started I thought it was going to highlight terrorist recruitment they said was going on there.
Should have known better, it was about what they said are ‘extra-judicial killings’ of Islamist terrorists by a force they suggest is within the police and which is being financed by the US and trained by Britain. Interviews with the Islamists to support this. They also portrayed Muslims as oppressed victims in the society. Another partial and biased piece of reporting. They give succour to the Muslim terrorists, and spread anti-police propaganda.
More evidence of the BBC’s undermining of our resolve to defend our lives and our way of life against a identified ideological and physical enemy.
If we’re training this super-secret force, then shouldn’t we get first turn with it ?
I am very pleased to hear of the existence of such a force and that it already in action.
Now have a look at this, which I’ve just seen.
Heh, how long before the BBC blames the Apollo theatre ceiling collapse on Coalition cuts?
It seems Vine would prefer to discuss this rather than Woolwich ….
…or global warming…
Just back from the Madiba gig and Rachel Burden in a quick Twitter shout out declares her news priorities…
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 15h
We’ll have more on the #ApolloTheatre in the morning. Plus the Lee Rigby verdict, a ban on pay day loans adverts, Christmas travel mania
BBC : Left-liberal luvvie luvvie
Here’s my news priorities:
get the cackling twat kicked off the airways and her master with her.
On the Today programme this morning, at about 02:49, there was an interview with the Chief Constable of Manchester about the review of the Rochdale grooming case. In the course of the interview, the interviewer asked the Chief Constable whether there had been discussions with the network of SIKH organisations in view of suggestions of patterns of abuse in certain Asian communities. My understanding is that the perpetrators were Pakistani MUSLIMS. There then followed some bull from the Chief Constable about it not being an ethnic issue (which it isn’t, but missing the point).
It seems astonishing that the BBC are prepared to malign one community to protect the one which has serious questions to anser.
The warnings about MUSLIM child molesters were ignored several years ago, when Nick Griffin tried to bring it to the attentions of the police, in fact he was actually prosecuted , and reviled each night on the BBC news. The police who orchestrated this cover up in the name of ‘community cohesion’ are equally as guilty as the original perpetuators.
The local authorities where these offences took place are still trying to cover up their shortcomings , the prosecution of Nick Griffin proves that in this country MUSLIMS however grave the offence they commit are a protected species .
The truth is no defence for those who try to bring these matters to the attention of the public
Yes, the BBC tried to give the impression that Sikhs groomed Sikh children in September –
It’s easier to blame the Sikh community because they don’t complain – they’re like the Jews they keep quiet.
“The BBC putting Anjem Choudary on the Today programme isn’t ‘free speech’. It’s trolling.”
By Tom Chivers .
“Why is the BBC giving this man a platform?
Backlash after hate preacher Anjem Choudary is invited onto Radio 4 after two Muslim converts are found guilty of hacking soldier to death”
Read more:
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janner story in the telegraph – look at the connection with ian katz – funny how newsnight showed max interest in macalpine and zero interest in janner
To be fair to the BBC there is a link on the news page to this story and it even mentions (on the page about the story) that he was Labour MP. (As well as a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews)
No doubt any Tory Lords would be treated just the same.
firstly, the bbc would have been instrumental in ferretting out allegations rather than a passive agent in reporting claims from victims.
secondly, allegations against former conservative politicians would have been given much more exposure.
thirdly, rather than being late to the fray, the bbc would have been in the avant garde, working closely with disreputable partners [eg bij] in concocting and disseminating false allegations were this a conservative politician
You obviously missed my sarcasm.
I owe you an apology – although if you want to satirise the bbc you will need to be less oblique
I suppose it’s an ‘improvement’ that such child sex abuse gets finally reported to the police. All three main parties have a worryingly large history of past sex abusers. I am not keeping a tally but I suspect that Liberals may be in the lead, followed by Labour and then the Conservatives.
Ah, Mr. Katz and his slipway rustbucket.
I was just thinking of ‘the BBC’s premier news magazine’ as I scoped FaceBook over mid-afternoon cuppa, and look what popped up:
BBC News
What are your most memorable moments of 2013?
BBC Newsnight takes you on an animated journey of the key events of the past year:
So far so eye-rollingly inevitable.
However, the freeze frame of the key events of the last year seem to think that top of all our list was Russell Brand’s outing in political statescretinship. So much so the edit amazingly has his Christlike image mashed with a Red Army poster and the words ‘I say there’s a genuine alternative, a genuine option’.
Well, if you say so, guys. I thought he rather stalled at the critique before getting to alternatives.
Now, does this notion also apply to compulsory licence fees, or we into uniquely not so much double standards territory again?
Today the news is full of court cases and investigations into Muslims abusing white girls, killing one of our soldiers in a particularly horrific way, and an interview with a dangerous terrorist on the BBC. Even the BBC must recognise that their policy of covering up for Muslims and trying to convince us that having millions of Muslims in the UK is a good thing, is no longer credible.
They and the rest of the liberal left, who invited these aliens into our country, must now come up with a new plan. They should firstly acknowledge that they made a massive error in promoting mass immigration. They must acknowledged their guilt and promise to tell us the truth about immigration from now on. Also, they must stop screaming racist whenever a Brit says, ‘ hang on a minute I don’t want my country swamped by people with alien cultures and beliefs’, but sit down and have an open and honest debate when we can say what we think. Only then can we begin to work out how to minimise the enormous damage that their misguided policy will have on our already severely damaged country.
Please get it out of your mind that the liberal left made a great error in encouraging mass immigration, it was a deliberate act of malfeasance in order to rub our noses in diversity , somewhere behind this it is not difficult to detect the foul stench of the EU !
No it was an error, a gross one but still an error. They thought that they could salve their troubled conscience and change the UK demographics in their favour and that we would all live happily ever after in a multicultural utopia. Why they had problems with their conscience is a mystery.
Well,they have certainly changed the demographics of the UK and they may have salved their troubled consciences but they are making the rest of us pay a heavy price.
I think the liberal left are a bunch of dangerous idiots and their stupidity allowed them to implement the mass immigration policy with out any serious consideration of the effect it would have beyond them getting more votes and being able to show their concern for others less fortunate than themselves.
So they did what they did without considering the full implication of it and now we are all suffering. So I agree the policy was intentional but many of its effects were not thought through, as is usually the case with the left, and the rest of us have to live with their gross errors.
Your analysis is well made but I fear wrong.
I agree with DICK R. It is more than just good intentions gone astray.
Some other, darker, subconscious motivation is responsible for this nihilistic deconstructionism.
The ethnic English were always the main problem for the EU. Notoriously stubborn and very hard to govern. Look at our history. The EU did that and came up with the answer.
Change or at least dilute the people.
Why the English? Because alone of the EU nations we are the ones most likely to smash the unrealistic dream of European unity.
An island race not given to flights of continental fancy.
You said it yourself ”change the demographics of the UK in their favour, what could be more deliberately evil ?
Too many workers chasing too few jobs means lower wages.
And kickbacks from cheap labour employers to Tories and Labourites alike.
That’s immigration policy in a nutshell.
I strongly disagree with this view that it was all a terrible mistake and that they just wanted to rub the rights noses in it.
They have to say something, as what they have committed is a crime under international law and the UN. They deliberately chose not to include/declare to the UN, that the English, as a people,existed. Saying that we no longer existed, whist protecting their own voter base in Scotland and in Wales.
This in my opinion was a deliberate and calculated act, and they neither thought, or even cared to think of the consequences.
They have committed genocide by using mass-immigration as a weapon against their own people.
The Left have always been bloody insane. you do not have to look far back in time to see this.
Nasty F***ers’ !
In an Ideal world this might occur but in the real world, not a hope in Hell.
The party that believed mass immigration would lead to multicultural Nirvana is the same party that also believed 24-hour licensing would transform our drinking culture from downing 15 pints then smashing bar stools and tables over each other’s heads to discussing existentialism over a small Pastis at a sunlit pavement café in Rotherham.
Well, actually, they also planned to make available a range of ‘ supercasinos’
Planning the distraction of the masses, even those too poor to gamble, was a key plank of their policy. Distraction was meant to include 24 hour drinking, rampant gambling and blood sports to be perpetrated by Moslem murderous bastards, all intended to take folks attention off the shit hole they were making of the country.
Sorry guys, I forgot to add that dhimmi dave, is no better than the previous shower of shit either.
The BBC is an enigma wrapped in too much public money. How can they reconcile their policy of detoxifying the Muslim brand (by omitting to use the word in many reports) with the airtime given to preachers such as Choudhary, whom they presumably believe is unrepresentative of the average Muslim?
INBBC is a leading enabler of the political process of Islamising Britain (and the E.U).
And as Britain becomes increasingly Islamised, INBBC delegates the narrative on what sort of Islamised Britain there will be to Islamic interests, with indigenous British people as mere licence-fee paying bystanders, or victims.
One can only suppose that Labour was really worried about it’s ‘Union’ routes being eroded as UK industry declined into ‘public sector jobs’. Most working class are now middle class and vote Conservative. Working class are therefore ‘immigrants’ and Islamic. BBC executives meanwhile think ‘Liberal’ (but always vote Labour as that’s where their public sector jobs come from). The only way to break the cycle is to privatise the BBC and Cameron is not going to do that because he’s really a ‘closet Liberal’ in coalition (with the Liberals). One can only imagine that Cameron listens to the BBC ‘all the time’ and understands ‘Monopoly’ – only as a board game at Christmas.
I live opposite a mosque and, Friday being a big day over there, I’ve just had to weave my way, once again, through the hundreds of cars that (despite there being a “mosque only” car park) are parked on pavements, yellow lines, junctions, grass verges and anywhere else that’s handy. Presumably, they do this in the full knowledge that they are about as likely to get a ticket as they are to hear anyone on the BBC, or any leading politician, say something remotely negative about their religion.
I should, of course, point out that all these people going to the mosque has nothing at all to do with islam.
But the assembled crowds will have been full of smiles for you ?
Yeah I bet you can just feel the love
Would that be a gender-segregated mosque, do you know?
Surely you can nominate them to…
Dan, great idea! Cheers
Meanwhile the danger of public parking in Woking are a cause for great concern for BBC trustees who cannot park their Car outside Waitrose on a Sunday for fags and booze.
Exactly the same here, so the council sat in camera – despite significant local opposition – to give planning permission on the nod for a new, enormous mosque.
How did they solve the already awful parking problems? Easy. They sold off half of the local junior school’s playing field.
a little birdy has told me that the met police are very close to gathering enough evidence to arrest anjem choudary and charge him with alleged terrorist related offences,watch this space
Oh, really? The police can rush in to arrest somebody for saying the “N” word on Twitter, but claim to still be waiting with baited breath to “bring (Choudray) to justice” after all these years? Uh-huh.
Or talking about traditional badges on pots of marmalade.I daren’t even say the word as I want to spend Christmas at home!! What a country we have become.
Golly what a country.
It’s enough to make your hair curl.
The patronising platitudes of the ruling elite in the politico-judicial-statemedia bubble are wearing a bit thin in the face of clearly mixed standards. And the evidence of our own eyes.
Though more ‘physical’ than a daft tweet, the authoritarian response to foolish deployment of meat products (vs. say, intoxicated mob assault and battery), and a curiously variable open doors policy to speakers on certain subjects suggests too many are part of the problem than any hope of solution.
The latter placed Ms. May, along with UAF supporter Mr. Cameron and their party, rather low on my voting options next time round.
But use of the word is only discriminatory against whites, would a budding rapper be arrested for use of the word on twitter?
Geoff, you mean like this from Black rapper Drake, the song ” Started from the bottom.”
My IQ went into a tail spin after listening / enduring this cacophony of black babble, not exactly Beethoven, is it ? and Western Civilisation goes over a cliff.
Another rapper called Ace Hood, full of profanities, misogynistic, homophobic, anti white racist, amoral, crime glorified, degenerate.
Black youths will watch that and want to be like that, notice not a book in sight, they don’t like books, it’s not a book culture.
Read how the BBC promoted an anarchist rapper. His music was previously banned in the UK before their promotion!
As I’ve said in a previous thread, I reported his website to the Home Office on their online reporting of extremist material website page, and weeks later they haven’t even contacted me with their assessment of what I reported as their guidlines say they will. I sent them a stinging online complaint earlier today, and I shall take this matter to my MP now (Ha ha, yes, I know but at least he will reply to me). As has been mentioned, making a statement which just one person complains is a derogatory statement about homosexuality or someone’s race and the police are swift to arrest the person making the statement. However, Choudary and his ilk with their disgusting creed seem fireproof.
My comment didn’t appear under David and Sirius’s post above as I expected it to.
Those in charge of policing in this country are common purpose graduates bent on helping cover up each other and bringing the
Destroy british identity=destroy desire for sovereign state=we are run by the EU
Five men who sexually exploited ‘profound vulnerability’ of girl, 15, in Rochdale jailed for up to eight and a half years
Been breaking like that some time now,looks like they are struggling with the wording?
Wow! Not too obvious. What use to anyone is this?
They have withheld the other names and details.
Sick people working over there.
Up to eight and a half years my arse, they will all be out in less than four. We know that , the judge knows that , the prosecution knows that , the home secretary knows that , and more importantly , the perpetuators know that .
This week has seen some positive news for the UK economy. As Robert Peston is now covering some economics as well as business news one might expect it to be covered in his BBC blog.
So rising employment and falling unemployment? Er no but Robert in his view decided that covering events in the United States was “analysis of the issues in business that matter to us all”.
Well we can all make a mistake so surely Robert covered the past revisions to UK growth released today? Er no…
So we wonder if he did this on advice from Stephanie “triple-dip” Flanders who now looks even more out of touch than ever or Robert’s friend Ed Balls? Or of course both.
So the Xmas holiday begins. No doubt the BBc programming will be abysmal, leading me to not watch it. Therefore it’s unlikely I’ll be commenting on anything until after Christmas. So best wishes from 666 Towers to all at Biased BBc.
You can always watch a nice bbc 2 programme on the 26th & 27th Dec , straight out of the “Nissan Main Dealer Book Of Prayer ” called “Idris Elba : King of Speed” Yeah right . Bloody Pc bastards . Watch out Jezza , your too” Hideously White” .& they are going to make you `black up` , or your history !
“US TV star Phil Robertson suspended for anti-gay remarks”
Headline from a BBC webpage detailing the current controversy about remarks made by a man who, it is much later detailed well-down in the article, claims that it’s not for him to judge, and that all people deserve respect.
Phil Robertson had the temerity to say that he didn’t see the point of homosexuality logically, and that, if one were to go by the Bible, there are certain sins that, if one had not repented them in life, lead to perdition; Robertson is what some on the Left in his native Louisiana would term a “Bible thumper,” and would hardly have said different from what he did.
One can use the excuse that, like Twitter, there is only so much you can fit in a headline. But one would be certainly forgiven for coming away from this headline thinking Mr Robertson was condemning SINNERS, not SIN.
BBC, being completely steeped in the culture of identity politics, would see what Mr Robertson said as being personal attacks and not be able to make a distinction. The headline is not an ingenuous attempt at brevity, for my money. “…[S]uspended for remarks about gay sex” would have been far more accurate– but wouldn’t have made the BBC feel all ooey-gooey warm-and-fuzzy that they were taking up for an underdog.
Apparently this happened right in the middle of negotiations with A&E over the next season of the show. The Robertson family released a statement yesterday saying, essentially, No Phil = No Show.
Which = no cash cow for the network. I cannot wait to see which principles they stand up for next.
Seems ITV ain’t so shy as the BBC
‘But one of the offenders, Congolese refugee Freddie Kendakumana, was first arrested and interviewed by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) in December 2008 after the girl – also white – complained to police that he had raped her the month before’
BBC are updating their as we speak – can’t quite bring themselves to include the phrase ‘Congolese refugee’ however. Nice one NUJ.
GMP had better frame some more old white celebs, or there could be riots.
One wonders if given the fascists attempts to destroy Christmas with their hideous ‘Winterval’ we shall see a similar attack on Islam and Ramadan by naming it ‘Fastival’? After all we are looking for vibrant equality and diversity and destroying Islam in a similar way would only be right !
Liberals only respect the other’s culture. They despise their own.Too many dead white men created it.
They ignore the fact that Christianity arose in the Middle East.
Even Sky (for all their lefty crap) can bring themselves to state what we all know and highlight the high percentage of Pakistani men involved in child gang-rape. The BBC, as we all know, are more interested in protecting the Muslim link than the safety of children.
citiizen khan chrismas special bbc1 8.30pm tonight,only the bbc could have muslims mocking and making fun of are religious festivals,could you imagine the bbc having a monty python ramadan or eid special mocking islam and muslims.not a chance
Christmas Special?
That`ll be the one where Khan and his mates use a selection of local kebab shops and booze huts to tempt the local schoolgirls of troubled parentage…before attacking the local barracks or WI by way of jihad.
To be honest-the above nonsense would be no less funny than anything they`ll be offering us anyway.
Felix Dexter died of`d think that they would shut the shit factory down that produces Citizen Khan by way of a tribute to him.
A Second season too?….the BBC are not only perverts…but perverse as well.
Not funny!
5 More Muslims jailed for raping a white girl, no mention of it on the BBC !
When a link appears on some obscure regional page, Dez will post it, he’s good at that.
The bBCs Middle Eastern Editor ‘Jeremy Bowen does horrible histories
Sharpening Sunni-Shia schism bodes ill for Middle East
A fault-line runs from Lebanon on the Mediterranean, down through Syria and Iraq, to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and beyond. It divides Shia and Sunni Muslims, the two sides of Islam. It is the oldest division in the Middle East, but just like the schism in Christianity between Protestants and Catholics, it is as much about power and identity as religion. Leaders have tried to use sectarianism as a tool to protect and strengthen their own legitimacy, just as European governments still sometimes use nationalism.
OK, a little biased, not entirely true and the sop regards European Nationalism is somewhat of a left-wing canard that is brought out time and time again in which to silence anybody who objects to unbridled Immigration in the west, but I’ll go with what Mr Bowen has to say until I come to this:
The split in Islam goes back to a dispute about who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad after he died in 632. Those who wanted his position to be inherited by his closest associates became Sunnis. Those who thought his descendants should succeed him became Shia.In modern times the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 started a new upheaval in Islam’s sectarian divide.
What? Its all the fault of the Americans, what a crock. What the bBCs Middle Eastern Editor leaves out of the equation is that the current round of Shia/Sunni bitching started when the radicals took control of Iran in 1979. From that date , the mad mullahs have used their schism with Sunni Islam in which to keep secure their positions in running the country so they started trouble with Saddam Hussain’s Iraq which lead to the Iran /Iraq war (1 million dead) They started trouble within Lebanon (Hezb-allah) they started trouble with Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, and started persecuting Sunni Muslims inside Iran.
All the above started well before Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait and kicked started the road to the invasion of Iraq by the US.
But to those who haven’t a clue about Islam, the Middle East or even Iran, they will believe that the reason why there is war between Shia and Sunni Islam is because of the US.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Intolerant Islam inside the UK
Bowen sees everything in terms of oppression and control, especially from the West. Technically, it wasn’t the invasion of Iraq which opened a window for the ugly cavemen, but rather the screwed up aftermath.
Still, I’m sure Bowen speaks from authority on one score: the BBC knows all about using artificial constructs as tolls to protect and strengthen their own legitimacy.
This theme that it is the Americans that are to blame for the Moslems fighting each other has been repeated time and time again on the BBC and in their dramas as well . But added to this is overt propaganda found elsewhere eg in exhibitions such as the British Museum’s “Babylon” which concluded with a film which “showed” how the Americans had destroyed their “culture.”
I’d say it’s not entirely wrong to say that the messed up aftermath of removing Sadaam from power opened a window for sectarian and Al Qaeda ugliness in Iraq.
In Iraq.
US/UK foreign policy is not responsible for sectarian or Al Qaeda or similar violence in the Sudan, or in Mali or Algeria or Indonesia or the Philippines. In fact, one could argue that a lacuna of the kind of US foreign policy Choudray (and usually the BBC) blames here is responsible for the problems in Egypt and Libya and Somalia. The President sided with the Muslim Brotherhood, remember, and lobbied the Army to remove Mubarak and let the MB into the picture. Although to Choudray and the BBC, that’s probably a feature rather than a bug. Still, only an idiot can witness what we did in Egypt and claim that our foreign policy is all about harming Mohammedans.
But that’s not even the easily demolished part of Choudray’s (and, let’s be honest, the BBC’s) argument. The whole “US/UK war on Islam” is the joke. We no more invaded Iraq or Afghanistan because we wanted to kill Mohammedans, specifically, than we were at war with animist South-East Asians when we went into Vietnam. It’s so stupid, yet the BBC can’t handle it.
One reason why – I’d go so far as to say a primary reason why – the Today producers couldn’t attack his argument for justifying Drummer Rigby’s murder in cold blood is that they largely agree with it. Humphrys couldn’t openly condemn it on air when Choudray tried to get him to, and it’s possibly that Humphrys is old enough to still have some vestigial patriotic feeling, a little voice inside his head that said it’s not right to make such a blanket condemnation.
In any case, it was a clear intellectual failure. None of the world-class journalists at Today were prepared to deal with a very simple argument. It could be because of cowardice, that they’re just afraid of, as Mark Thompson suggested, people loading their AK-47s in anger at the BBC telling a Mohammedan that his ideology is wrong. I doubt that’s the case.
It seemed pretty clear that they didn’t want to deal with the foreign policy issue at all. Humphrys essentially said he didn’t more than once. I say that’s because they largely agree with Choudray, and so couldn’t go anywhere near it because they wouldn’t then be able to condemn him for, um, not condemning Rigby’s murder. Choudray’s escape tactic was so easily blockable it’s not funny. And Humphrys – the man who has such intellectual integrity that he justly and heroically destroyed his own boss on air, right? – couldn’t handle it.
The worst element of all this is that the Today geniuses probably believe they got it about right in the end anyway. After all, their goal was to demonstrate that Choudray was a fringe figure, to make it all about him rather than about the problems of Islamo-fascism being invited in by Labour and given succor by the BBC. In fact, to reinforce this notion they had Lord Carlysle (sp?) waiting in the wings to come out like Barney the Dinosaur at the end of each episode to tell you what to think about what you’ve just heard: Choudray is a fringe figure, and does not represent Mohammedans in Britain. He’s a nasty piece of work and you shouldn’t tar the rest of them with his sins.
Entirely unlike the way the BBC treated Tommy Robinson, not coincidentally.
The BBC simply cannot allow growth of the unapproved thought of dual loyalty. The idea that too many Mohammedans in Britain (and Europe) are more loyal to a third-world, caveman version of their religion and are never going to be capable of joining Western Civilization is heresy, thought crime, and those who think it are unpersons. Choudray and his ilk are fodder for that unapproved thought, and so he must be isolated from the rest. It’s only him, you’re supposed to believe. It’s not like the Tea Party movement, the BBC would have you believe, where that one southern woman Mark Mardell mocked for being racist really does represent millions of people and their reasons for having their particular unapproved thoughts are sinister.
And the Today producers will feel they largely succeeded in getting that message across. Sure, they’ll be disappointed that Choudray proved – what a surprise! – to be too slippery for Humphrys to nail him down on anything, like the worst kind of Tory figure. But does anyone believe that was the main goal?
So, the Today geniuses decided to go with a risible, juvenile approach that tells their opponent that they believe they’ve already won the argument and are on the side of the just. Choudray’s shrewd enough to see that coming a mile off. He’s probably dodged similar questions from Nicky Campbell and others a dozen times. They expected to follow this by nailing him down on some sort of gotcha on incitement to violence. Again, they overestimated their position and underestimated Choudray. And the BBC couldn’t handle it.
It’s the BBC’s institutional bias about foreign policy and multiculturalism, exacerbated by a severe intellectual failure about Islamism that caused yesterday’s farce. It happened right before everyone’s eyes. And they will get away with it, not least because fools like Tom Chivers in the Telegraph agree with the agenda behind it.
Excellent piece David Preiser. Well said
Currently the bBC news website is conducting a survey on how it is doing. By all means spread the word:
Put my two penneths worth in.
Done and done. Pretty confident I won’t be getting an email from Auntie though.
I found myself looking at the BBC site where you can send news pictures, so I send a screenshot showing Mandela with the message, ‘this was how you reported the floods and gales last Friday’.
In the bottom left hand corner click the button named refresh
Would you Adam and Eve it, the bBC brings us yet another Islamic sob story. FFS
Lockerbie bombing: Megrahi relatives want to appeal
The family of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi has told the BBC they want to appeal against his conviction.
and just to make sure that the family of this Islamic terrorist can only be portrayed as victims the bBC reveals:
“We need to know who committed this horrible crime. But, as you know, we as a family cannot afford to pay for the appeals process.
My heart bleeds
Probably because Al Megrahi didn’t do it !
The more likely suspects are the Iranians, but the UK don’t want to countenance that they allowed yet another Muslim inspired atrocity by allowed Muslim employees access to airside storage where the bomb could have been planted. It is known that a broken lock was found on a storage area from which luggage was loaded onto the flight although this inconvenient fact has been ignored.
They don’t want the Iranians named because it leads directly back to the USS Vincennes.
Agree-Swire thinks the same, but didn`t dare to say so last night.
Wouldn`t want to stir the Iranians now would we?
As if they`ll not choose to bestir themselves as they like.
Thanks Obama…worthless poltroon!
Al Megrahi was implicated after a large number of nations searched for who carried out this disgraceful crime. (US/UK/Germany and France) Once indited he was judged in a special UN appointed court in Holland under Scottish Law.
The UK and US had no say in the matter. So trying to attribute the blame onto Iran over their Airbus incident is nothing more than wishful thinking.
But here’s an alternative theory over that Airbus incident, by fitting an Airbus with an F14 transponder and then flying it over an area where a year before the USS Stark had been hit by Excocet Missile resulting in the deaths of 37 sailors, gave both Iran and Iraq the breathing space needed to end their pointless war a few days after the downing of that Airbus. Iran could have made a much bigger noise , it didn’t.
Controversial maybe, but much more credible than pointing at Iran (which the US initially did) simply as the country was in dire straits after 8 years of war and 8 years of acute sanctions and it wasn’t until around 2000 that Iran started getting back on its feet again both militarily and economically (but Amanutjob soon undid all that with his inorganic chemistry set)
All of the above would have been presented to the court (but in greater detail) and which is why they fingered Libya and not Iran.
P.S It kind of didn’t help Libya’s case how they also admitted to downing UTA Flight 772 in a manner very similar to PAM AM 103.
Hope the above helps.
” . . . . we as a family cannot afford to pay for the appeals process.”
Yes, and we as country cannot afford it either. So don’t bother as he is dead. Get over it and move on like the family of murdered WPC Fletcher’s family had to.
Best wishesand merry Christmas, from the people and taxpayers of the UK.
BBC news the last twenty four hours or so: hideously muslim.
If Guest Who or someone else already posted this from Trading as WDR, my apologies. I’ve just stumbled across it, so it’s new to me:
test tube
I’ll bet there are, but first, there’s this:
Agenda? What agenda?
In other words, yet another role with power but no responsibility, and no power to clean up anybody’s act when needed. If this is part of Lord Hall’s awesome, National Treasure-saving management restructuring, it’s not a good sign.
It’s all too late. The BBC is failing before the nation’s eyes and ears.
Tinkering is no good. Sack the lot and start again with new. people. Oh and pay them far less and make them work or fear the sack if they foul up or are useless.
‘In other words, yet another role with power but no responsibility’
As I read it, make that role….s. They seem to be creating a new breeding colony of irresponsibly powerful narrative enhancers who of course once on roster can never be removed, uniquely.
I pointed it out because we’ve been told that one of the main problems with the BBC’s broken management structure is that they have too many people in positions of power (i.e. over money and resources) but with no real responsibility. This is evidence that the BBC has not listened or learned, despite their claims to have done so.
Who could have predicted this?
Margaret Oliver resigned from the Police over the shabby treatment of young victims of sex abuse gangs
Now this evening she tries to explain her concerns on the BBC News Channel.
BBC man Chris Rogers however wants to put over the BBC line that ‘lessons have been learned’
Margaret Oliver bravely resists the BBC line and tries to tell us that nothing has really changed.
Chris Rogers insists ‘I don’t want to get bogged down in the details of historic cases…’
[Psst…. don’t tell that to the Hillsborough campaingers]
Having failed to induce Margarte Oliver to agree with the BBC line that ‘lessons have been learned’ he interupts her flow and changes the subject to some line he has about ‘Sikh girls’
BBC : agenda, agenda, agenda
Does that mean the Beeb is going to show less interest in its own in-house historic cases of the child abuse that it facilitated (using the licence fee to pay for it)?
It’ll still keep covering cases involving Catholic priests, one imagines, even though they’re every bit as “historic”.
Most here will recall back in February when it was revealed that Hall had hired one of his crony’s, Anne Bulford on a massive £395,000 salary the BBC claimed that it would actually save money since she was going to perform 2 tasks that hitherto had cost far more.
We were told at the time:
In an email to staff, Lord Hall said Miss Bulford was a ‘direct appointment rather than an advertised one’ because he believed her talent and experience ‘make her the best person for this role’.
Her salary is not far off Lord Hall’s pay of £450,000 a year, but the BBC claimed it was a net saving of about £250,000 from the combined salaries of Miss Patel and Miss Thomson.
So why now are the BBC advertising for a new chief financial officer estimated to be a salary of £300,000 in addition to Bulford?
Because they can!
And will our hitherto spineless politicians do anything about this blatant corruption while still sending people to prison for not supporting it?
What a seedy sick farce!
RICHARD KAY: Now BBC ‘cut’ costs an extra £300,000 a year
BBC news at ten on the Rochdale review, no indication that the men involved were Muslim or Pakistani. Two contributors described the victims as ‘young women’. That would suggest 20 years old not eleven.
Watching the Six News on BBC TV last night I was dumbfounded by the dissembling going on when they attempted to cover this story. Chillingly Orwellian in its overt redaction of the salient facts (‘those men’) about the case, I was for a moment convinced I was listening to the North Korean News Service.
Not once – NOT ONCE – in the segment was it revealed that ‘those men’ where of any particular faith, a fact which – you know – might have had something to do with the underlying causes of their abusive behaviour. Not. Once.
This is getting really rather silly. The BBC seems absolutely determined to undermine itself as a ‘serious’ news service at every possible opportunity – none more so than when ‘those men’ are involved in any story it attempts to ‘report’.
I noticed this. They say a lot without actually telling you anything, except it was all the police’s fault.
No names, no faces, nothing.
Friday 8pm BBC Moments in Time 2013 – a review of the year’s photo journalism – covering all main events but sticking rigidly to discussing the only photos and headlines rather than any discussion or analysis of the stories themselves. (eg. failing to provide any analysis of the Islam angle on many of the years terrorist attrocities). Got that? Absolutely no analysis or comment other than what the photo’s were like. UNTIL they reached the Nelson Mandela segment at the end when they totally ditched the format and entered into ridiculous over the top eulogizing.
And needless to say they kept the fake sign-language guy well out of shot during their VT on Mandela – but surely that was the biggest photo-journalism story that came out of the whole circus – with a murder suspect standing feet away from the POTUS making a mockery of the whole event – so any true discussion of newspaper stories would have featured him.
Newsnight :Ed Miliband’s assault on casinos.
A “cost of living” problem that oddly enough was introduced by the Labour government he was part of.
Yeh, thanks for that Ed. Like an arsonist returning to the scene of the crime and advising the firemen to use water.
Google a man named “John Leonard Orr.”
Nothing like drumming up a little business every now and again, right?
ember2013 you are so right pointing out that yet again the ‘pot calling the kettle black’ with such unbelievable rank hypocrisy by Milliband, who was part of the Labour Government that legislated for the introduction of such addictive gambling machines. Almost everything Bliar and Brown touched has turned to dust. Can someone please explain to me Labours Poll lead? I despair.
24/7 BBC agitprop
Until the conservatives pledge to actively get us out of the EU, stop 99% immigration and basically start getting its Mrs T vibe back – I consider them to be socialist traitors, so in a way having labour run things again will just mean speeding up the apocalypse a bit quicker.
Vote UKIP.
Labours poll lead is easily explained, when you consider that Cameron is further to the left on social policy than any other politician, then the cruelty the grinning Gideon & IDS have dealt out to the poor and the disabled have meant that people really hate the Tories !
What could be worse than them?
The BBC would have us believe it’s somebody else’s fault if some bloody idiot pours his money away into a gaming machine.
The BBC website has had the furore over spying again, as top news.
We pay them to spy on influential people who abroad. The more we know about the machinations of EU commissioners the better. They are no friends of the UK.
As others may already have noted – indeed expected – there are some pretty radical differences between the ITV and the BBC reports on the most recent Rochdale child sex abuse sentencing.
ITV inform the public that ‘one of the offenders… [is a] Congolese refugee’
ITV educate the public about a ‘largely Pakistani heritage child sex ring preying on white girls in the town’
At least we can say that the BBC “entertains” the public with ‘Chola Chansa, 33, of Illminster, Rochdale…. Abdul Huk, 37, of Ouldfield Close, Rochdale, Mohammed Rafiq Abubaker, 25, of Freehold, Rochdale… [and] Roheez Khan, 27, of Ashfield Road, Rochdale’
No quaint Northern address for Freddie Kendakumana, 27 ?
Oh well, although we are not to be told about his refugee status or his Congolese nationality, at least we are told about ‘his flat in Falinge’
All of which got me thinking….
Do you remember Mike Harding and his character The Rochdale Cowboy? Some of his song is – oddly – quite appropriate – or should that be inappropriate?
Never before in the history of mankind has the story been told of those brave frontiersmen who carved out a passage in the Northwest and made it a fit place for heroes to live in. This is the story on one such man – sausage tosser extraordinaire – Fred Ackroyd the Rochdale Cowboy
It’s hard being a cowboy in Rochdale.
Spurs don’t fit right on me clogs.
It’s hard being a cowboy in Rochdale,
‘Cause people laugh when I ride past on our Alsatian dog.
Almost every night
There’s a tripe and cowheel fight
In our local pie and pea saloon,
And poor old Uncle Fred
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause he tried to kiss a girl who’s a boy named Sue.
When the sun shines in the west,
That’s the time that I like best,
And I go out punching cows with me brother Jack;
And poor old Uncle Fred,
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause he punched one cow and she went and punched him back.
In the local temperance bar,
We’d go and have a jar.
There’s sarsaparilla and liquorice juice to drink;
And poor old Uncle Fred,
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause he supped the stuff he used to clean the sink.
Yer know when us cowpokes hit town,
We go an’ ‘orses round
With them good-time girls Elsie and Mucky Peg.
When Auntie Kitty found Uncle Fred,
He spent 18 months in bed
‘Cause you can’t run fast with your pants halfway down your legs.
Radio 4 Saturday morning about 8.40 (I think the time is right) an item about Christian deaths in Pakistan. It took 5 minutes of the item before the word ‘Muslim’ was mentioned. It was then mentioned twice and once was to say that the Christians had received much support from their Muslim neighbours. No mention was made of who the suicide bombers were who had caused 80 deaths in a Christian church last Xmas. Much was made of the fact that now the Christians had to have security on their gates during church services. The BBC could look to Britain where even the smallest synagogue has security for their services and has done so for years. And it is not for fear of their Christian neighbours.
I have to give credit though. This morning I caught a BBC News report about Christians under attack in Syria. It’s a start. I don’t recall them mentioning Muslims though.
I have found this hidden BBC article from yesterday:
Blink and you miss it.
From the BBC link page –
“Christians are emigrating fast as they find themselves caught between Netanyahu’s pro-settler government and their increasingly radicalised Sunni Muslim neighbours.”
Funny, I thought the Israelis were tolerant toward Christians. And amazingly, moslems think more of Christmas than Christians do –
“Christmas is perhaps the best moment to remember the long tradition of revering the nativity in the Islamic world.”
If PM Dave does manage to drum up some of his temporary political courage to veto E.U, I think we know whose side Beeboids will be on, re-mass immigration-
“David Cameron takes his biggest gamble yet as he gets tough on Europe over immigration”
‘Telegraph’ (£):-
“Gimmicks will not fix our immigration crisis”
“Keith Vaz, the chairman of the home affairs select committee, is to spend New Year’s Day at Luton airport counting arrivals.”
Pity he won’t be in departures.
Well he is wasting his time, as ‘most’ of them are already here.
He will be tough until Barroso calls ‘foul’.
Would that be the same Barroso who so graciously accepted the Nobel Peace prize on our behalf with the grandiose statement that the EU is the blueprint for a future world government? An eco-socialist one, of course.
NIGERIA: Islamic INBBC HAUSA narrative on jihad massac
Beeboids, including Islamic INBBC HAUSA, euphemistically terms the murderous Islamic jihadists, Boko Haram as: ‘insurgents’, ‘militants’ and ‘fighters.’ Beeboids usually exclude the word ‘jihadists’ for pro-Islamic, political reasons.
Much of Beeboid ‘reporting’ on Nigeria relating to Boko Haram derives from ‘BBC HAUSA’ which is an Islamic arm of the BBC. Of course, British people pay for the Islamic BBC Hausa.
‘Jihad Watch’:-
(I can’t find INBBC Hausa report on following online)
“Nigeria: Muslim jailed over Christmas jihad bomb attack on Catholic church that murdered 37 people”
Thank you for the tip about BBC Hausa
So – reporting from source of the rabid Islamic end of Nigeria is entrusted to Muslims ?
Thanks for the “factual reporting”, BBC
Turkey corruption inquiry: Ministers’ sons charged
Is this the end of the statements that Turkey is the model for the Islamic world? Three sons of ministers and a dozen other people are arrested excused of several crimes. In reaction Erdogan sacks 30 policemen who are involved in the arrests. Except two sons of ministers everybody is released. (the two sons must be cleared be the court to placate the EU and the turkisch people.)
In any democratic country this would be seen as an intolerable interference in the judicial proces. So how discribes the BBC this incident;
“The corruption investigation has targeted people close to Mr Erdogan’s administration.”
So the story follows completely the line of Erdogan. So 30 policemen risk their jobs (probably more) to frame two sons of ministers. Not very likely.
But it doesn’t fits the narrative of the BBC that Turkey is the model for the Islamic world. So they try to bury the story.
The Turks have been skating on a lot of dodgy things for years, based on that whole “Model for the Islamic World”-meme. Essentially the MftIW-meme comes down to this: “We’re more civilised than those bloody primitive 7th C. Arabs, and we’re officially secular (and we have enforced this when necessary). Now sod off and count yourselves lucky.” Which has all the aroma of your wastrel brother-in-law saying “I don’t beat your sister, and I don’t go around robbing people.”
With their ongoing persecution of Armenian Christians the Turks sure have modern European values all right.
Just in case there’s a Beeboid out there reading this thread.
Can I suggest you invite Anjem Choudray onto Question Time and give him the kangaroo court treatment you so successfully meted out to the likes of Nick Griffin and Nigel Farage.
He’s just another Looooooossy from UKUncut.
A crashing bore with nothing to say given ‘bezzie’ status by the droids.
I don’t find him ‘shocking’, I just find him tedious.
Why aren’t these news items relating to Islam reported prominently by INBBC?:
“At last minute, UK stops Muslim hate cleric from boarding plane to fly to London”
“HSBC gets slap on the wrist: $32,400 fine for laundering millions of dollars for Hizballah”
… and so back to David Coleman, what kind of a man was he, John?
John: Oh a giant. A colossus.
Any man’s death diminishes me (but apparently a droid’s death has to diminish me just that much more).
BBC – never missing the chance to ram itself down the nation’s throats.
He had a jolly big house for a job as basic as a commentator.
So the President had just about the worst press conference of His reign so far, and to make matters worse the theme of it seems to have been that 2013 was His worst year yet. Does the BBC explain why or provide analysis as to what’s gone wrong for Him? Do they dare point out some of the outright lies He told yesterday, or that some of His answers showed that He’d learned nothing? Do they express the gravity of the situation regarding the press corps is turning on Him like a scorned lover? Hell no. Instead, they give you a series of summaries of His defensive replies.
BBC journalism = reproducing White House talking points. But they can claim impartiality because they reported that some people believed He was having a hard time, and that polls were low.
Obama’s White House has always had a thing about Fox News – because Fox digs into the figures, does a proper journalistic job. It was vitually on its own back in 2010 in forecasting what would eventually happen – because it did the sums on the legislation, could see through all the lies and platitudes. And it must be especially galling that Fox now gets better audience figures than all the leftie cable networks put together.
Anyway, last September Obama had another kick at Fox News – trying to blame them for the problems with ObamaCare ! Since then things have got worse and worse – the shambles of the website launch and its continuing failures, endless doubtfully-legal use of executive power to delay or to warp the application of the new laws, mass cancellations of policies already with tens of millions more cancellations still to come.
Reporter Neil Cavuto at Fox hit back that time – directly addressing a slot to Obama himself. Or you might say – “talking truth to power”.
If only we had something like Fox News in the UK to counterbalance the BBC there might be some home of effective political debate.
Remember that right from the start of His reign, Obamessiah Administration officials made public declarations that Fox News was not a legitimate news organization. The same media luvvies who wring their hands and make all the right noises when Putin or the Chinese go after journalists never made a fuss. Even this CNN interview was just a chance to air that view.
Perhaps Murdoch is too frightened to bring Fox to this country because of the kicking he’d get from our own fascists. Leveson would say that the content wasn’t balanced enough, victim groups would say that they were offended, and UAF would stage a piano-wire party for the staff, with Caroline Lucas, Jeremy Bowen and Anjem Choudary wearing the SS outfits.
Come on, Rupert. Give us an alternative. A non- PC, warmist-sceptic, anti-EU, pro- fiscal responsibility channel. I predict success and a chance to scare the bejasus out of the bbc.
“NHS ‘was too powerful to criticise’ says regulator.”
-As is Islam, for Beeboids.
But not Christianity.
And who has been reliably first in the queue to deify the NHS?
The BBC, of course.