Headline for jailing of Denis MacShane reads: “MacShane jailed for expenses fraud”? Who is MacShane? Banker? Footballer? Article then explains he was a former MP. Read further and you might just work out that he was a Labour MP and Minister. (He also, incidentally, worked for the BBC before becoming an MP, though we are not told that in this article.) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25492017
Imagine not only the headline, but the prominence if he had been a Tory Minister: “Tory former Minister jailed for fraud”.
[Reposted, as it just missed the new Open Thread.]
MacShane will only serve a few weeks – just long enough to write a book. Then he’ll be released, given a weekly column in the Guardian and become a regular guest on the BBC.
Just heard on ‘Classic FM’ that another well known BBC ‘star’ has been prosecuted for child sex offences… No surprise that Shane worked for the BBC either. It’s the home of moral corruption.
Just imagine Jeremy Hardy on the News Quiz, he has, and is still been going on about Tory MPs jailed in the last century!
Somehow doubt it will get a mention on any leftie so called comedy show on the BBC.
Hardy was, is and always shall be a c***. If it wasn’t for his seeming tenure with the commies at the BBC his career would still be stuck in the sixth form from where his politics have never progressed.
What other MP has been jailed for expenses fraud? and is £13,000 a large sum of money in this respect ?Denis McShane was active in the fight against anti- Semitism and understood the link between hatred of Jews and unfair reporting of Israel. . Wrote a book on Global Terror- would hardly be the favourite of the BBC or the establishment.
Agreed lynette…a right smug creep and fraud…but also a friend of Israel as I recall.
And in my world-being on the side of Israel in such a nasty little vessel as “LiberalLabour” heading for Guardianland-redeems him.
Hope he gets a decent Christmas Dinner at the very least…hard not always being able to choose your allies isn`t it?
Yes, I heard words to that effect from the radio, but I don’t understand it. If that were the simple, uncomplicated truth, what have they banged him up for? And why? After all, you have to work hard at getting detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure in this country these days, especially if you are well-connected.
Course not-but he`s a rare bird in the Liberal jungle, so don`t really want to lose him.
As for “arguments” from Israel haters…good luck with trying to reason with them.
Time for that has long gone.
I had the News on last night (I have a habit of having the telly on and not watching it) as I was reading a book. Anyway the subject of Dr Khan (he was a trainee, bBC as pointed out by the Guardian) who against all British consular advice went to Syria and ended up dead after first getting locked up.
The story centred on how the Mother of this man flew to Syria and went around asking all the foreign embassies there if they could help. (Russia,Iran etc) they informed they couldn’t as the man was British . The bBC then went into how the British had been hopeless and how the Mother is even thinking of handing in her British passport as they haven’t helped. (Please) Yet
For some strange reason nowhere in the article/story did the bBC explain that the UK has no consular service in the country as the Embassy has been closed.
As for the Khans family, If you don’t like how you son/Brother died, then maybe you should have stopped him packing his bags for a war zone. Funny how so many Muslims who go to war zones become victims in the eyes of the left.Islam and the traitorous bBC.
He went to help the wounded of course but I have yet to read or hear evidence of which hospitals he attended on arriving in the country, which is of course where you would go immediately if that was your real intention.
He went straight to the rebel held Aleppo,so we can be reasonably sure he went to tend to Jihadist wounded.
Why is no TV reporter asking why he decided to go to Syria this way, instead of going through the official medical aid agencies (Medicines San Frontieres for example) which would have been a lot safer for him?
Justin Webb on this morning’s Today interviewing some Bish or other on the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East (his description was of course a lot less – um – ‘controversial’).
(Paraphrased, and in the context of the unforeseen consequences of the ‘Arab Spring’) ‘But some would say that as Christians in the Middle East are supporters of the odious rulers, it’s their own fault’.
The Bish did put him straight and say being given protection by the likes of Assad is not the same as being an avid supporter but the damage was already done, the BBC seed was well and truly planted in the mind of those listeners who still believe it to be a beacon of balance and impartiality.
Even I was shaking my head in disbelief when I heard it. The scumbags need sorting out and quick, peddling a line which gives the Islamists a BBC-sponsored excuse to continue with their terror and slaughter.
‘..some would say that as Christians in the Middle East are supporters of the odious rulers, it’s their own fault’
It is unfortunate for the BBC’s handling of such things that I read this after Pounce’s post above about the good Doctor and his sad fate.
As actual evidence is in short supply I am keeping an open mind (more than the FO and British pols of statesman stature), but currently can only feel empathy and sorrow with their family for their loss.
As pointed out, he did choose to go there, and my faith in the saintly motivations of some ‘British’ doctors rather stayed parked at the entrance to Glasgow Airport a while ago. Along with any notion that suicide isn’t on the cards at all.
If Mr. Webb was going down the ‘silence means approval and all consequences entailed’ for clearly passive innocents, he may have opened up in comparison a very dubious precedent, if currently safe behind the BBC’s ever-variable standards in such matters.
‘some would say that as Christians in the Middle East are supporters of the odious rulers, it’s their own fault’
The same rulers that were supported by the British left (including many at Al Beeb) before they ‘got religion’.
Will they too deserve it when it comes?
The Beeb is very, very keen on “equality” and “diversification”. Given the ethnic makeup of London, (as opposed to much of the rest of the UK) it would be very interesting to know just what the ethnic background of most London employed members of the BBc is – not the grossly stupid, back slapping, over paid managers, but the people on the ground – the researchers, the HYS moderators, etc. A Freedom of Information request into the ethnic makeup (so important to the BBC) of these people, might be very interesting. For example, I am constantly amazed by the ignorance of British culture and history of some of the reporters I hear on Radio 4, and how they tell my things I have known all my life as if this is something strange and new.
Ignorance of British culture is endemic. It’s been done on purpose. liberty, industrial revolution (creating the modern world), scientific and philosophical freedom, human right ( real ones and not the hideous joke that it the ECHR), capitalism, humanism, enlightenment; the list goes on…all news the al beeb who think some tw*t in a cave in the swat valley has just as valid a culture.
OK this isn’t about the BBC bias – yet, but I’m sure it’s going to appear very soon.
Simon Danczuk has very publicly announced that the paedophile Pakistani gang in Rochdale were not investigated by Police because of ‘snobbery’ i.e. they came from council estates. This plainly rubbish, but it allows the Liebour party to get back to one of its favourite hobby horses – class war!
It’s obvious to anyone following this story that Danczuk has been ‘got at’ by his party hierarchy because this is what he was saying just six months ago:
” The report said there was ‘no simple link’ between race and child sexual exploitation, but evidence pointed to ‘Pakistani-heritage men targeting young white girls’.
Mr Danczuk added: “Political correctness meant that the authority didn’t want to shine a light on an issue that involved people of a Pakistani origin despite alarm bells going off for a number of years.
“Cultural difference is no excuse for this behaviour.”
He added: “It’s quite clear now from both the Home Office report and the internal authority report that there were alarm bells going off for a number of years and there is also no doubt that these were not listened to.
Indications that these girls were being abused were ignored and that is completely ”
So in June there was a problem with Pakistani Men and this was ignored because of Political Correctness.
But in December there’s a 180 degree turn around:
“One of Britain’s worst sex-grooming gangs was allowed to flourish because class snobbery among police stopped them investigating properly, the local MP has said.”
So there you have it, and what is likely to be the new BBC line, that ethnicity and Political Correctness did not play a party in the Rochdale grooming – it was class war all along !
White Liberal gymnastics, they go through all sorts of weird and wondrous contortions to justify and excuse black / muslim criminality, should be an Olympic sport. Alba child would get a gold medal.
I notice the BBC have been keen on reporting whose ”fault’ it was. The 17 different authorities, the girls, their parents, the system etc. Never mind the ”fault,” the responsibility lies with the perpetrators, trying to wash their guilt away on the backs of others is just typical.
The named authorities including the police have a lot to answer for; but hang on a moment, didn’t the local and national press know what was going on and suppressed it. Surely the BBC must have known, indeed I recall they secretly filmed Nick Griffin, making just such accusations against Muslims in the area. The BBC turned over their tape to the police who had him prosecuted for stirring up racial hatred!
I have no truck with a Holocaust denier, nor a party with idiotic left wing economic policies, but it does seem that some of the main players in the failure to pursue the mostly, Pakistani Muslim rapist and paedophiles are both the local media and the BBC.
I suggest an investigation into the part played in the cover ups by the media and in particular those at the BBC.
Perhaps they were intimidated after the Ch 4 programme on the Secret Mosque, and fallout from that but that is all the more reason to pursue such cases to fight for the truth.
Blame the messenger and not the culprits? Typical left wing gymnastics…
It’s an easy excuse to do just that but even if Nick Griffin (or any other far right individual) had said nothing do you expect tony blair, gordon brown, harriet harman, jack straw, david cameron, teresa may etc to run a press conference and say “Oh sorry, we’ve been protecting pedophiles for two decades because it would go against how we sing the praises of islam”.
The politicians and the apparatus of state (social services, police) were the ones pushing it under the carpet, not one man from a fringe party!
I have a fair degree of sympathy with this, but Nick Griffin – far right? What does that even mean? It is dangerous to use the warped terminology of the enemy – stuff designed simply to produce a Pavlovian effect in the gullible and the licence-payers.
I see the Anti-Semitic bBC reports on a terorrist attack inside Israel. Israel police search for bus bombing suspects Israeli police are searching for suspects after a bomb exploded on board a bus in central Israel on Sunday, just minutes after it had been evacuated. a spokesman for the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, praised the bombing.
“This is a brave, heroic work in response to the crimes of the occupation,” Fawzi Barhoum said, referring to Israel. “Resistance continues.”
The bbC finishes the article by informing the reader that Israel shot dead a pal last friday, thus presenting the image that Islamic terrorism is justified.
At a stroke the bBC OKs the attempted murder of a bus full of people by allowing a terrorist group to openly air its hatred as righteous. When was the last time you saw the bBC allow anybody else to justify their blood lust. Never, yet when it is Islam then the bBC gives them the front page, think I’m kidding, here’s the current story allowing AL Q to apologise for murdering people inside a Hospital. Al-Qaeda apologises for Yemen attack
And here is how the bBC finishes off that little propaganda puff piece: As of October, the US military and CIA were estimated by research groups to have carried out 81 targeted killing operations in Yemen, most of them since 2009. The strikes – by drones, warplanes and cruise missiles – are thought to have killed at least 473 combatants and civilians
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC is sending the message that Killing for Allah is OK.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
THIS CHRISTMAS spare a thought for those poor homeless BBC managers and staff. Forced to flee from their BBC heartland and despised by angry Anglo-Saxons (who rightfully claim years of BBC religious persecution, tax harassment, hidden child abuse, drug dependency, sexual perversity, Marxist fundamentalism and Islamic extremists support). These are the same BBC staff (all now transendangered) who are forced to eke out a bare existence on the banks of Salford Quay – having to choose between ‘old’ drug habits or Nigela Lawson’s favourite BBC Christmas recipes. It is a cruel existence – be be alone at Christmas. Give generously just text ‘ISLAM’ to BBC Lord Tony (Haw-Haw) Hall and make your licence fee donation…
Meanwhile reality: The BBC is gambling again (just like the RBS Bank) ‘Too Big to Fail’ that is how Lord Tony Hall will ‘pitch’ his BBC ‘demand’ for an increase in the License fee in 2016. The BBC ‘fantasy theme world’ at Salford is over budget and 2 years behind schedule for the BBC ‘home service’ (a misnomer now). All BBC staff can claim £1,900 (per month) when moving to BBC HQ in Manchester plus a cool £5,000 for removal expenses (and an additional £3,000 for those household expenses). Meanwhile the top BBC ‘Senior’ management staff can enjoy a £150,000 towards ‘expenses’ upon relocating to it’s new ‘hub’ in Salford Quays. The BBC (management) public money losses for the failed BBC DAM project (Digital Asset Management) had to be junked earlier in the year (2012) are already forgotten, at a cost of a mere £100 million. The BBC no longer actually ‘own’ any building (its London property is worth millions it thinks) – it now ‘RENTS’ Salford luxurious custom offices and facilities from the PEEL group: (privately owned by just two offshore tax havens as shareholders: three-quarters of this property empire is owned by John Whittaker, plus a twenty-five per cent stake by the arabic Saudi Olayan Group). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462151/BBCs-24m-Salford-relocation-difficult-justify-say-MPs.html
I was wondering if anyone would find a link from Salford Quays BBC leading to Labours involvement in ‘PEEL holdings’ and that is good one, thanks. It confirms that the BBC was moving with some strategy in mind. Possibly pre-empting loss of license fee revenue in 2016.
Imagine my joy last year when I received a letter from my pension fund trustees, and guess who would be administering my fund from now on? That’s right CRAPITA.
I was heard to utter the words ‘ oh fuck’ .
Given the festivity of the season (not perhaps in evidence in the supermarket or its carpark just returned from, I might add), I truly hope this chap sees his wish granted. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/wish-2.html
However, I may resist betting on Santa delivering.
No I spoke to soon. The current headline reads: “Former MP Denis MacShane says “quelle surprise” as he is jailed for six months for expenses fraud after submitting fake receipts for £12,900.”
Hey they were transparent for a few minutes. It’s a start. They just have to tolerate being open for longer periods.
As for the BBC’s “weather becomes news” coverage. They were really trying this morning. Some bint was on the Plymouth coast trying to make windy weather in December newsworthy.
And is it me or are the weather forecast graphics, using moving arrows, more dynamic these days?
I pine for the era of magnetic stick-ons with John Kettley.
By this evening you’ll know exactly why it’s newsworthy !
But it’s yet more indicators that severe weather is for the bBC headline making, indeed it’s the top story on the England news page, yet despite this storm being nothing like as strong or deadly as the previous one, they all fall by the wayside for the death of a 95 year old man in a foreign country !
Thoughtful wrote: “they all fall by the wayside for the death of a 95 year old man in a foreign country !”
I wonder how long it will be before some cock sucking arsehole at the bBC comes out with a conspiracy theory that Nissan Main dealer was murdered by: The Jew, The British Imperial Empire, the nasty Americans, followed by “he was thinking of becoming a Muslim in his last days.”
Well, we now have flooding at the usual places just outside of Exeter and the Choo Choo’s can’t run. The last time this happened it was all because of climate change. I’m tuned into BBC Radio Devon, I’m all ears, anytime now, anytime now!
We are about to be hit by 70/80 mph winds, after a day of “only” 60mph and rain of monsoon proportions; this for the third time in a month. But you wont have heard about any of it, we do not live in the South East, (or even the South West) so as far as the BBC is concerned – no news, move on.
Aye it grim up north, but right now the wind is shrieking around my house here in the south east (Faversham) and the 3rd day of heavy rain continues unabated , in fact there’s talk of more flooding .
Dartford and Sheppey bridges are closed already and Medway bridge is likely to follow as wind speeds increase .
I’m guessing its not all over your local news though http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/news/getaway-chaos-10533/
Merry christmas
To be fair to we natives, the only reason that we in the south east get a mention so often is because of our proximity to that bloody expanding hole 30 miles NNE of here, AKA the Centre Of The Beeboid Universe. Back in the day, we used to lumped in on the same local BBC news as The Hole, which meant that we got to see ours area on there precisely twice a year: Spring (Ahhh, pwetty lambs !) and Nov 1st (Boo! Nassty inbred yokels hunting cuddly Mr Foxie Woxie). Lord how I wish the bloody place would actually secede from the rest of us as they regularly ‘threaten’ to do. //Rant over.
Rotten weather update: Still raining, actually blown off my feet this afternoon in the everlasting gale, still surrounded by the growing Kentish Okenfenokee minus the gators, Mrs Bug talking up the rainless charms of the Atacama desert as a possible place for us to emigrate to in the near future.
Has santa arrived early?
Albbeba news at one carrying a report by Orla Guerin from Egypt, and reporting on the fate of the Coptic Christians.
Her report actually carried tne accusation that the Muslim Brotherhood and islamists were responsible for murders, and destruction of churches.
Is this the beginning of a new awakening, or have I missed an over- riding new aganda here?
Humphreys on Today discussing the M&S muslim staff who are allowed not to serve customers who turn up at the checkout with pork products or alcohol. Asda director interviewed waffled about fitting staff in around their religion and culture.
The BBC should have had a muslim cleric or Chaudary there and asked why Muslim businesses including shops, restaurant’s supermarkets do sell both products and would Chaudary and other proper Muslims demand they be closed down?
Why wasn’t that point made by Humphreys, he must know this is the case and do not the BBC have researchers who could have given actual named Muslim businesses?
He might also have pointed out that in the UAE the main supermarket, Spinnys do sell pork, in curtained off sections and alcohol is also available in Muslim owned businesses in a Muslim country.
He might also have wondered why any Muslim would want to work for M&S given it’s origins.
Oh and next time Chaudary is on and denouncing the west (quite rightly ) for the thousands of Iraqis killed during the invasion, a researcher might just supply Humprheys, or whoever, with the current and historic numbers of mass exterminations, bombings and everyday murders of Muslims in Iraq, and elsewhere for being the wrong kind of Muslim; but I won’t hold my breath
This one is lumbering on, and is turning into M&S’ very own nightmare before Christmas. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/graemearcher/100251670/by-introducing-segregation-into-its-stores-ms-has-yielded-to-muslim-extremists/
Beyond the apparent lack of irony of the Tel closing its own blogs to comments to steer around ‘sensibilities’ and getting into a bit of Yuletide yielding too, I was struck by one little comment in the middle that these days seems just to acknowledge accepted practice with no more mare than a shrug: ‘…holding one of his “Oh please can I be on Newsnight again” stunts. How we laughed! (How the BBC commissioning editors’ phone-fingers twitched!)’
It’s not funny because it is true.
Why is it that the BBC slipway seems open to launching such unseaworthy empty vessels every single time?
Ratings, agenda, tribal-fealty, whatever… I don’t care.
Because the BBC does foist these guys on us all the time, and if they don’t feel the need to change maybe at the very least, like and M&S checkout cashier, we should be given the option of not needing to go near their products, especially when involving the perverse one-way exchange of money no matter what?
Its the old ‘divide and rule’ trick that (the establishment) are very good at. You first favor one religon (Islam) and use that to attack the next (Christians). You then pick another and do the same (BBC has a history against the Jews). Then the BBC appeal to the EU and a new directive appears banning all religious conviction from the state. Instant secular success and onwards the BBC Marx agenda.
Disgraceful efforts by Humphrys to open up a second front on a hated chav outlet…ASDA to the rest of us.
Humphrys was clearly and persistently trying to get the Asda bloke to say that no Muslim would be allowed to refuse to put booze or pork through the tills.
Then guess what?…the BBC would then tell Choudhury to get his Asda loons to do just that, and so begin the economic jihad…were I M£S, I`d not be doing this-they are a Jewish sourced company as I recall…and no Muslim will miss the chance to shaft them(as the BBC do every day).
The Asda bloke wasn`t even meant to be discussing this…but we all know the BBC and their Columbo schtick-it provokes, winds up and brings Big Business down as it can.
Wake up you supermarket types-the BBC hate you!
“M&S faces boycott as it lets Muslim staff refuse to sell alcohol or pork.
“Marks & Spencer’s policy applies to Muslim staff in more than 700 stores.
“Shoppers are being asked to wait to pay for certain items at different till.
“Highlights divide among mainstream food retailers over religious workers.”
Of course, this is the imposition of Sharia Law in Britain to comply with Islamic interests. This imposition will become more extensive as the Islamic population increases absolutely and as a percentage, and as the Muslim percentage increases from 5% to 10% to 20% to 40% and beyond in a matter of decades.
The answer is something we already have: it’s called the employment contract and the duties should be written there. Any candidate for the job of supermarket assistant should be made aware of those duties whilst applying for the job.
If they can’t comply because of religious reasons, they know where to go: door with “Exit” at the top.
BBC latin America headlines CIA ‘helped Colombia Farc attacks
When I saw that headline last night I presumed that the CIA had been helping ‘FARC’ in its terrorist campaign. But no, it transpired that the US furnished the Columbian government with precision guidance systems and bombs. (which seeing as virtually all the Columbian Military equipment is American hardly comes as a surprise). So what why the headlines from the bBC, could it be , that as FARC reign of terror is coming to an end the bBC wants the world to know that we should blame the US for giving the elected government of Columbia the tools to rid itself of a Marxist–Leninist terrorist outfit. Here is their track record http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FARC#Human_rights_concerns
But to the bBC, the Americans are to blame.
So the BBC is running a question on its web page:
“Brand Nigella: Will court case affect her career?”
The question it fails to ask is how many broadcast execs are indulging in exactly the same white powder and no one gets to know?
The Biased bunch turn to their print arm for support in the form of Elizabeth Day, who describes illegaldrug abuse in a casual manner:
“And yet it seemed very much as if her life choices were on trial,”
So class A drug abuse is a ‘life choice’? that to me begs the question as to the authors own ‘life choices’.
I wonder if the middle class fascists will be describing those people sleeping in shop doorways looking for their next fix as having made their own ‘life choices’, somehow I doubt it !
I get the feeling whenever and whoever is taking cocaine that they are given sympathetic reporting by BBC people ie soft voice with a slightly incredulous tone as if to say ‘I cannot believe I am having to report this’.
About 3 billion! then .4 billion on munchies and about 50 mill on programmes made by off the books employees companies , 50 mill on buying off court cases or sweets for the kiddy’s ! the rest union subs / Labour party donations and Tax experts !
As BBC ‘news’ shuts down left, left and left of centre for the school hols (mid Jan may see a few stagger in), I decided to have a look at see if ‘The Editors’ had a final actual interactive post to prop up their annual tally.
Surprise! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-editors-25416494
And… surprise! ‘Some of the success of @BBCBreaking can be attributed to how the account is staffed in the BBC multimedia newsroom in New Broadcasting House, London. As this BBC College of Journalism film shows, a small team of writers work round the clock alongside BBC News Online colleagues to ensure that all our tweets accurately reflect the stories on the website and that we have no interruption of service.
And then… no surprise!
I was going to chip in by way of response with the URL of the ‘in their own tweets’ above but, sadly, guess what…. closed for comments.
Three days. Three comments. Not a like in site.. sight.
Have to love the providence-tempting of the last one.
Rather sums the BBC’s trusted transparency up neatly, mind.
BBC5Live – S Foglegity
re- M&S, and Muslim refusing to do job
The BBC is going all out today, as to the benefits we have living in, and all have to adapt to a multicultural society.
To explain all the in and outs, all of the minutiae as to why a Muslim cannot handle alcohol/pork?, then wheel out an Islamic Law expert. (why?) to drone on and on …
then craftily slip in, only store stories that may be considering accommodation.
It is obvious the game here, is about testing the water
by Muslim groups – to slip in more Sharia – more “protected status” for Muslims, and that’s it.
Yet more politically correct Islamo-grovelling from the BBC.
…because they are small businesses out to make money and have no stupid wish to piss off the money givers. Makes you realise how fucking stupid the M&S policy is and who the hell was allowed to implement it.
`ahhh! but the BBC s … “Islamic law consultant” ( i know :-D)
Khola Hasan says “there s a difference? between working a corner shop/off licence, and a larger store?” …
serving alcohol – tick …
direct to customers – tick?
still no BBC reports of outraged customers, and boycott ….
must be all “waycist”
Like I said earlier: I wonder what would happen if I got a job in a bookshop in a muslim country and refused to sell the Quran to customers, simply because of my beliefs? A question that will not be asked by the BBC I’m sure, but it would be nice to be proved wrong, balance and all that.
You would be arrested by the thought police within minutes, just as I would be if I refused to be served by a muslim in M&S or treated by a muslim doctor on the NHS.
Racism and discrimination only work one way and fully supported by the BBC.
Geoff, I think my intransigence in not serving an Islamist a copy of the Quran in a muslim country would involve a lot more than just the thought police and/or a move to the accounts dept’.
So this was one voice saying their company would work with a Mohammedan employee who didn’t want to sell alcohol or whatever (the BBC reporter holding the mic to his face seemed to want to recharacterize his statement a bit for some reason), with two voices suggesting that this was going too far. On balance, the BBC isn’t exactly balanced on this issue, but for once it’s leaning against encroaching appeasement.
Who prompted the M&S policy? Does anyone know? It’s sort of important to the whole issue. If their official response is that they normally keep Mohammedans well away from the cash register in the food department, and this was an accident, then how did this happen, all of a sudden, like? Is the employee brand new and the shift manager was asleep at the switch? Something doesn’t add up here.
Or, you know, tolerating local customs so they can earn a living, and because they’re not encouraged by their religious leaders or by idiot politicians or national broadcasters to stop.
Was a Christian nurse working for the NHS not suspended last year and dragged through the courts for wearing a little cross on a necklace?.
And yet a Muslim gets away with refusing to serve a customer and M&S actually has a policy where they “usually tried to assign “suitable roles” to staff who could not handle certain items because of their religious beliefs”.
It’s obvious the BBC are trying to limit the damage but my feeling is there’s a growing tide of public anger which possibly might result in a boycott of M&S.
I’m also wondering what “doom and gloom” story the BBC will find to fill the front page with on Christmas day.
The MSM itself usually find some tradegy to throw at us on the one day of the year most folk like to switch off from it all……
Here’s a story about black people in a US city gathering to complain about being oppressed by their white politicians that the BBC has decided you don’t need to know about:
On Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the aldermen in City Hall, with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials.
One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgeld Gardens and Trumbull Park.
Yeah, it’s Breitbart, but they’re apparently the only ones who think this is news. Just watch the video and witness people waking up.
They’re still going to be Democrats, I’m sure, as they’ve been conditioned to believe that the Republican party is only for whites. Fine. If they truly understand the original concept of the Tea Party movement, then they can work to fix the Democrats in Chicago. But at least they’re starting to admit what’s been done to them. The mayor of Chicago, by the way, is the President’s former chief of staff. Chicago is of course His adopted home town, and is where he got His start as a community organizer and quickly rose through the machine to become the junior Senator from Illinois.
Most people here will be aware of what a disaster Chicago is becoming, particularly with the increasing gun violence, and that the BBC has ignored it, and somehow doesn’t think this kind of gun violence is part of the national conversation they insist we must have about guns.
Worse, the BBC does spend time and resources to gin up this kind of racial strife – political system oppressing black people – in St. Louis. Yet when it’s The Obamessiah’s home turf and it’s a well-known historically Democrat machine…..silence.
Here we see a significant group of citizens realizing that they’ve been played. They understand what’s happened to them. Whether or not they can take that next step or what that step will be, no one can say. But this is a start. This is the same kind of reaction against being controlled and used and exploited that caused the Tea Party movement to grow so much that people like BBC journalists had to start demonizing it because it threatened the status quo.
You’d think the BBC – Mark Mardell especially – would jump at the chance to report this political awakening. Only it’s the wrong message, doesn’t help their Narrative. So they ignore it.
Legends. “we gonna call meetings like the tea party and go right for the jugular and get rid of all these do nothing politicians”
They get it, they completely get it.
M&S’s extension of sharia law to its food shops seems to be a part of its marketing strategy. According to Mrs U, for some time the M&S women’s clothing departments have generally offered only indifferently manufactured outfits designed to conceal rather than display the female form. Accordingly, it appears that M&S has identified a new customer base and is moving towards servicing those religiously inclined customers who prefer – or whose husbands prefer – something more sharia-compliant than can be obtained in most other retail outlets. First the clothing, now the food – what next?
Will INBBC-Guardianistas-UAF-Islamic pressure groups campaign for these, and all Islamic jihadists, to have human right to enter U.K?
(And campaign to keep anti-Islamic jihadists, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer out of U.K?)
“British Jihadists Fighting In Syria Have Nationality Removed By Theresa May”
Wait a minute – these guys are only doing exactly what Cameron wanted us to do (before he was stopped by a vote in the Commons). Also, I suspect that Mrs May can’t just have their nationality removed without legislation. After all they are/were not fighting against the UK (ie it isn’t treason); in fact – to repeat what I wrote above – they’re just carrying out British foreign policy.
We really are ruled by idiots.
Well said. Although apparently there has already been legislation giving her this unilateral power. Can’t wait to see how the BBC spins this one. Do they blame extremism or UK foreign policy?
And those cheering her crazy abuse of power today will magically get all concerned about such an abuse of power when a future Labour Home Secretary decides that, say, Tommy Robinson is harmful to society and does the same thing to him.
To my chagrin you are better informed on this one than me. I hadn’t realised that anybody (unless pro tem they are thereby made stateless – which block May is seeking to remove) can be stripped of their British citizenship under the catchall “conducive to the public good” clause. According to the UK Border Agency“Conduciveness to the Public Good” means depriving in the public interest on the grounds of involvement in terrorism, espionage, serious organised crime, war crimes or [another catchall] unacceptable behaviours..
Good Lord! I hadn’t realised how far down the unfreedom chute we had plummeted.
As you know, Umbongo, it’s important to remember that any government power one likes now to support one’s own agenda will be available to future governments which will not be on your side.
May should be removed immediately. What a disgrace.
Only for dual nationals, not sure it applies to anyone. These are “Brits” in inverted commas. They were not born in the UK or to British parents and have been ‘awarded’ citizenship which same as a club membership can be withdrawn.
Okay, Span, so Tommy Robinson is out of the picture. For now, until some politicians decide to expand that rule. But does the dual citizenship angle make the power more palatable? Not all dual citizens are the same.
In any case, Umbongo’s original point still stands. And if that dual citizenship is granted, is it okay that it’s so tenuous? Are there other ways dual citizens are, shall we say, secondary like this? I can’t imagine it should be so fragile if the citizen was using it for protection from something else.
From the UKBA guide: Under s.40 of the 1981 Act, as amended by the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 from 1 April 2003 and by the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 from 16 June 2006, any British citizen, British overseas territories citizen, British Overseas citizen, British National (Overseas), British protected person or British subject may, by Order, be deprived of his or her citizenship or status if the Home Secretary is satisfied that:
a. it would be conducive to the public good to deprive the person of his or her British nationality, and that s/he would not become stateless as a result of the deprivation (ss.40(2) and (4)) [my bold]
As I wrote, as long as the person is not made stateless thereby May can strip British nationality from anyone. She is currently seeking to amend the law to rid her (and her successors) of the “stateless” proviso.
She’s going nowhere very fast. To the contrary, she’s being talked up by our “conservative” press as a realistic candidate for next leader of the party: another Mrs Thatcher no less. IMHO if May’s the answer, the question must be appalling. Her sole contribution to political life in the UK to date has been to coin the phrase “nasty party” as a descriptor of the Conservatives: a PR gift to the BBC and all points left.
I thought I would see a million comments on Anna Soubury’s ‘hilarious’ comment on Nigel Farage during a ‘serious’ politics show this weekend. Delivered in a proper, infantile leftish-snickering way, the woman pretends to be able to read from someone’s face not just what he is feeling but how he feels about it!
My main point is that either the Biased BBC doesn’t ever invite anyone onto live TV who would say such a thing about a Liebour politician, or they censor it when they do, but either way I hold them entirely responsible for the libel.
The good news is that Anna Sobury supports HS2, the alcohol tax, increased cigarette tax and increased integration with the EU, and she only won her seat by about 300 votes. Polling at 10% we can expect a UKIP candidate in that area to take at least 4-5,000 votes, so whatever else happens, she should be looking for a proper job in 2015.
If a male politician said that ”classy” remark about a female politician, say Diane Abbott for example, ” She looks as if someone has stuck a finger up her rectum and she rather likes it.” It would be all over the media, front page news, he’d be fired on the spot. Double standards ?
BBC interviewer asking what Nigel Farage said when he was 17 !!! strange that, they’ve never asked what John Reid, Jack Straw, Alistair Darling, Peter Mandelson believed in at 17, they were all Stalinists,
have i just woke up today and my country england has become a islamic state,this story reported on radio 5 live today about that ignorant muslim women who refused to serve acholol and pork in marks and spencers has serious implications for english law,all day on radio 5 live these muslim leaders have being quoting under islamic law it is forbidden to muslims to go near pork or touch alcholol,this islamic law bit should worry us all,these muslim so called leaders were talking to these politacaly correct 5 live presenters as if england was a muslim islamic state and sharia law is the legal system here,what they are saying is that you must abide are islamic law as if we are the majority in this country and you are the immigrants living here with your dirty ways.that is worrying.very worrying.
You must have been listening to a BBC transmitted from a different universe. Their output today has been mostly weighted against the encroachment and appeasement. For a change.
Marks & Spencer has let their frontline employees determine whether they shall acquiesce or not to the sale of a product, whereas back at the story of our favourite BBC exercise in condemnatory finger-pointing, at them dumb hillbilly gun totin’ teabaggers Duck Dynasty (the reporting on which mischaracterized the objection the interviewed “star” of the show had towards “gay persons” versus “gay sex”), quite a different story has emerged.
In America, a nationwide restaurant-cum-gift-and-convenience-shop chain, Cracker Barrel (the name referring to “saltines,” not their patrons– although you’d be excused for thinking the latter, as it IS accurate), unilaterally told its staff NOT to sell any tchotchkes to do with Duck Dynasty, to avoid any possible offence that might be taken by a customer.
As it happens (as a certain gent was wont to say), their stance drew instant derision from many quarters, saying the potential loss of trade from gays would be far outweighed by the loss of even a portion of their more traditional southern Christian customers who would see this as move as cravenness.
Cracker Barrel, seeing the dollar signs, after having said all the right PC things, immediately rescinded its ukase against selling Duck Dynasty merchandise; they did not want to be seen as the “merch” equivalent of Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi– “No Duck Dynasty for YOU!”
Obviously, to 99% of the workers in Cracker Barrel outlets, selling the products would have posed no ethical dilemma, and to 99% of the clientele, similarly, no problems. But in a misguided attempt to please the equality gods, CB mgmt went PC. They quickly learned how ridiculous they appeared, and walked it back.
Will Marks & Spencer decide now that, to give no offence to anyone, no Muslim may sell pork products or booze (whether they have personal qualms or not), and no Muslims will be sold such products (again, disregarding those Muslims’ own stated willingness to do so), out of some misplaced PC impulse, a la Cracker Barrel? Thinking that somehow, it spares everyone the grief of having to make their own decisions?
Let the BBC report on the Cracker Barrel story, and let them follow what happens, in terms of M&S’s loss of trade, if it starts down the we-will-decide-who-sells-what-to-whom-not-our-customers road Cracker Barrel did, and then immediately abandoned.
Under the provision of goods it is illegal to refuse service to someone on the grounds of religion, so the law is clear.
Shariah law makes no distinction between the sizes of shops and Haram products. There is a long list of the people involved in the production sale and consumption of alcohol, each of them, including the drinker will get one lash of Allahs whip, except for one group who will get two lashes, they are the ones who sell alcohol.
So selling alcohol is in Islamic law twice as bad as drinking it ! But how many off licences are there owned by Muslims? The hypocrisy is breath taking. I always ask what a particular wine is like – often to be met with the ‘I don’t drink I’m a Muslim’ – followed by ‘well if you are you shouldn’t be selling it’! met by silence.
This is a pick and choose religion for many who seem quite content to make themselves as awkward as possible when it suits.
Trust me, there is enough Animal Farm thinking, when it comes to enforcement of civil-rights laws, that it wouldn’t take much for someone to argue that denial of service to a Muslim seeking to buy alcohol, being for his/her own good and for him/her to maintain compliance with the tenets of the faith, is in fact not a violation of law, but rather an affirmation of religious freedom for the imams to set the standards whereby Muslims are to be judged and not for them to be judged by the hegemonic Western culture.
My point was that nobody in the MSM would dare question the intent of any M&S policy that I suggested– oh, they may argue “impracticality,” or the self-defeating nature of it, but the main narrative will be one of “M&S, in a well-intentioned if perhaps somewhat maladroitly-done move to embrace the growing number of Muslim patrons, today has instituted the following multi-culti inclusivity policy, which some reactionaries are already deriding…”
M&S stated that they already had a policy in place to keep Mohammedan employees away from the cash register or from handling alcohol and pork if they don’t want to. They already decided that. You weren’t outraged until now, when the policy wasn’t enforced properly.
This, they claim, was an isolated incident, where for some unknown reason that policy wasn’t enforced correctly. It makes a big difference as to how it happened. M&S isn’t saying, and the BBC certainly isn’t interested in finding out. This is a pretty big mixup, really. Who assigned a Muslim to work the cash register? Did the employee previously have no problem selling alcohol and suddenly had an epiphany? Has she been working the register for ages and this is the first time somebody brought a bottle to her line? Was she unaware of the policy that she could apply to work in another area until the other day, and decided to take action?
If there’s a simple explanation, we haven’t heard it.
Alternatively, I suppose M&S is simply lying and they’re just lucky this hasn’t happened before now.
My initial impression was that the BBC was for a change weighting their coverage on the side against appeasing fundamentalist Islam. Yet the more I hear the same liberal woman lawyer being trotted out as the only expert voice on Mohammedan law, the more I’m starting to think I was wrong about where the BBC’s bias lays.
By presenting only a liberal voice, the BBC can continue the Tiny Minority™ Narrative. Let’s see them bring in a conservative legal scholar, maybe one of the most popular ones not among Progressive liberal Beeboids and white academics, but popular and influential for real in the Mohammedan community. That would probably endanger the Narrative, though.
Marketing chief Philip Almond spent £126 on a taxi for ‘Attending D&AD’s 50th anniversary event’ and then £117.34 cab fare to go to the Sports Personality of the Year
Take an effing bus next time, mate.
Commenting on the £30,000 spent by the Droids on wining and dining eachother (eachother ffs) a spokesDroid said,
‘The BBC employs 20,000 people and this equates to £1.50 per person per year.’
There’s the BBC attitude to our money right there. Piss it away, and when you divide it by 20,000, meh, it don’t seem quite so much.
I don’t care if Abbey bathes in vats of champagne on the licence fee – She saw off Smugsanna The Gurner, the BBC anointed choice for victory, and, for bringing us that moment of deep joy, NO reward is too high !
Yes in the round it all point towards the EU (EHRC) of aceptable legal definitions) with BBC justifying all via it’s perspective distortion mirror..
I can only apologise to America and all our Commonwealth countries as being profoundly ashamed of the BBC and it’s corrosive influence. Its as racially abusive to the morally indigenous English, as it is to conscientious objectors. Peace to all of us and our families whilst we keep them away from harm – and the imposing BBC agenda which do not represent the view of the English, just a distortion in time.
Ok so I didn’t think I’d be watching the BBc over winterfest. However the M&S boycott fired my curiosity of how the BBc would cover the story. So I turned over for the 18:00 news which is just now ending. Well lots of coverage of the weather. Obviously no dead terrorists this week. Winter storms in the winter, travel disruption over Christmas who could have known? Then an article about pussy riot being freed BBc don’t like Putin much do they? M&S? Nothing I noted the Facebook site was gaining hundreds of followers by the hour was pulled with some haste. The media outlets that are reporting on the story are now towing the line that M&S have apologised but no mention of the back lash that appeared to force them into it. When I last looked before it was pulled the facebook had well over 9 thousand likes on it. Curiously Tesco put out some blurb. Which is strange because I remember one of their warehouse workers refusing to move alcohol as he didn’t realise Tesco sold alcohol, but then I could have imagined that one…not. High point of the news was the article about a brain cancer inoculation this justified them screening a clip of the dire DR. Who walking down what appeared to be a Tudor era street but set in Jamaica. SNAFU.
The BBC 5 pm Radio news news also had a report from someone called Sarah Ransome, who was, apparently, “almost” knocked over by severe winds in Plymouth. Meanwhile, too far North to be on the BEEBs radar, a man died in floods in Cumbria, and the entire Northern half of the UK suffers severe weather, with more to come. The BBCs metorcentric Bias is a daily thing for those of us who live North of Watford. But we also have to pay the licence fee.
They’ve had a lot of practice. Even the London HQ is suggestive of past practices such: Eric Gill was asked to produce a number of suggestive decoration on the outside (possibly inside) of the BBC building. Perhaps that’s why they’ve moved to Salford, to deny it all. (Saville was not working alone, it is the culture of the BBC). http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/358888/Pervert-s-statue-greets-visitors
I have been ill the last week so I might have been hallucinating, either that or the BBC have scaled new heights of hypocrisy, unheard of and unparalleled in our times. Anyway, to the point. There was a package on BBC News 24, today, that covered in some depth the bullying tactics of local authority employed bailiffs who, after intimidating council letters that have been sent demanding payments, are visiting people in their homes as a means of collecting any unpaid monies from these, often, highly vulnerable and elderly members of the community; their visits have been called threatening and aggressive by Citizens Advice. Do these practices sound familiar? Where else have I heard of or even experienced these types of foul visitations?
After watching I simply walked over to my sitting room wall and proceeded to continuously head butt it in a monotonous fashion… this atypical behaviour caused by caused by sheer disbelief.
Their sanctimonious reporting of abhorrent practices that they also enjoy employing reminds me of when they criticized News of the World journalists of being less than scrupulous, and when they pilloried fat-cat payoffs in the energy sector and when they reported on corruption and cover-ups in large institutions such as banks… all of which they are guilty of. They’re a disgraceful skid mark on the underpants of Great Britain.
It’d be interesting to see the result of a referendum on whether or not the British people (excluding immigrants and Muslim extremists) actually want the BBC.
I must have been hallucinating as well because I am sure that I heard, on tonight’s 6 o’clock ‘news’, the bBBC bimbo say that Dennis McShane was the seventh MP prosecuted for expenses fraud, all of them Labour.
The bBC and the death of Mikhail Kalashn
The man who designed the AK47 the weapon which has killed more people than both atomic weapons used against Japan is given a much easier time than I would have thought. In fact the bBC even rewrites what he thought of the Ak47: Kalashnikov refused to accept responsibility for the many people killed by his weapon, blaming the policies of other countries that acquired it. However, pride in his invention was tempered with sadness at its use by criminals and child soldiers. “it is painful for me to see when criminal elements of all kinds fire from my weapon,”
Criminals bBC? Here is what he actually said to the Guardian: “”I’m proud of my invention, but I’m sad that it is used by terrorists,”
Gee, I wonder just which terrorists he had in mind?
They seem to be suffering a lot of grief for the designer of a gun don’t they? Could it be because he was a Soviet? I thought the BBC hated guns, but communist guns appear to be OK, despite this gun having probably killed more people than any other.
What do you make of this article? I thought there might be some balance in its reflections of Christian persecution in the Middle East… but does anyone else agree that it soon turns into an advert fro Islam?
Received this reply from M and S after I submitted a complaint:
Dear Customer
Thanks for your email.
I can assure you customer service is our number one priority. In the case highlighted in recent press articles, we regret this was not delivered to our usual standards. We would like to apologise for any resulting confusion and reassure you this was an isolated incident.
M&S offers an inclusive, secular environment for employees and customers, working closely with any employee with religious beliefs of any denomination that restrict specific food or drink handling. We aim to manage this so that all employees work in departments that allow them to offer great customer service at all times. Requests such are considered on a case by case basis and may lead to an individual working in a department where conflicts wouldn’t arise, such as in clothing or bakery in foods.
This policy has been successfully implemented over many years and does not compromise our ability to offer the highest level of customer service.
Pounce, this reply doesn’t tell us why this incident happened, though. If they already had a policy in place to keep conservative Mohammedans away from the cash register and booze shelves, how did this happen?
That “requests are considered” bit almost suggests blaming the employee for acting on her own and not following company guidelines. But they probably can’t say that, and the BBC certainly wouldn’t ask, as it could, as Hugh Sykes might say, give permission for prejudice.
Pretty poor PR from the company on this one. They ought to look to Cracker Barrel for an example on how to do it a bit better.
At the end of the day on the run up to Christmas, M&S have found themselves scoring a big own goal, I hope to allah this results in them losing lots of business, and hopefully going out of business. I want thousands of people losing their jobs because M&S played second fiddle to Islam. Thus ensuring that people in the UK become even more polarised against the fucking gay death cult which the left tells me is a religion of peace. I want to see in place a mindset in the UK which bands Islam from setting foot here.
If it means seeing lots of terrorist acts here, so be it, but Islam has to be stopped in the UK.
It just seems a bit odd that this happened out of the blue, as if nobody ever knew there was a policy about anything until this incident. If this cashier hadn’t decided to enforce her religion’s rules at that moment, there would be no story. My question is why then, and how was she in that situation in the first place?
There’s a piece of information we’re missing, which may or may not be the key. The BBC is uninterested in finding out, in favor of pursuing the “According to our expert, most Mohammedans don’t want to enforce Shariah Law on you, and M&S already has a policy in place to make sure this doesn’t happen” agenda. Okay, fine. I’m convinced they do. So why did this happen? I’ve worked in retail, and there’s either a perfectly simple explanation for why an allegedly devout Mohammedan was working a cash register where some infidel might line up to purchase a holiday bottle of something, or there’s a very unpleasant explanation which might, as the BBC’s Hugh Sykes might say, “give permission for prejudice”.
Obviously the negative reaction is out in full force, so what’s stopping the BBC from producing that simple explanation?
As a company which has Jewish heritage it is even more strange to see it adopting such strange policies.
Maybe it thinks that the hate filled lefties will now rush to its support and for every ‘reactionary’ who refuses to shop there, they will gain three loonie lefties?
Having said all that, this report paints a different picture with M&S saying that the Muslim who did refuse to sell alcohol should never have been on the till in the first place.
Has M&S had an influx of Common Purpose graduates into their senior management? It certainly sounds like a policy that Common Purpose would salivate over.
Is it mere coincidence that Common Purpose has the same initials as Communist Party?
Chances are M & S were fearful that disciplining this employee would be portrayed in the media (especially by al Beeb) as racist or islamophobic, and that they’d lose custom as a result.
Thanks to the angry public backlash though, company policy has now swung the other way.
No, Thoughtful, I’d say that a company with any awareness of their Jewish heritage would see the value in not isolating a group because their religious practices don’t fit in perfectly with the majority of the society in which they live. You’re playing the BBC/Mohammedan justified violence game if you think all Jews should simply hate all Muslims and discriminate against them. It shouldn’t be strange at all for a people with a history of being oppressed and made outcasts to see the value in finding ways not to discriminate against a religious minority.
So how did this happen? It makes a big difference as to how the incident is perceived, and whether or not it has any larger relevance or can be used to push somebody’s agenda, whichever side of the debate one is on.
The BBC doesn’t care because they have their own agenda on the issue.
Has anyone read Niall Ferguson’s book: “The Great Degeneration”? He basically blames the current fall of western civilisation on demented institutions that are over-regulated.
In both the M&S case and the BA/Christian necklace case a company was scared to allow – what had already been happening – for fear of litigation. In the BA case the company suddenly feared an employee wearing a Christian symbol on a necklace. In the M&S case the company feared legal action for not accommodating a certain Muslim’s religious belief, which (she claimed) had impacted on their ability to a job.
So about this ‘British doctor’ who died in a Syrian jail after being arrested at the border on his way back from Allepo. At first I thought, oh deary me, that’s terrible, poor chap, etc. But now, after hearing repeated BBC news reports banging on about it in a very one-sided fashion, I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t more to the story. Welshy was just interviewing the dead man’s sister on News24 and she was saying the British & Syrian governments were equally to blame for his death. Hang on. Who was it who decided to visit a war zone again? (along with a few hundred other ‘British’ Jihadists). And while the BBC are playing up the Doctor angle, as I recall, the Jihadi’s who attacked Glasgow Airport were also Doctors so it certainly doesn’t mean he was necessarily innocent.
OH come on. The bBC will always promote the cocksuckingchidlrapingchristiankilling muslim as a fucking victim, I can’t wait for the day when the bBCs fav victims detonate a bomb at a football match killing thousands, , hopefully the backlash will see thousands of fucking Muslims killed in the UK, I want to see mosques burnt down and the the bBC exposed for the traitors they are.
They’ll ask:
1 How did these militants become radicalised
2 why did the systemically racist police fail to prevent it.
3 predict a shocking backlash against innocent muslims throughout the land
4 Ask Anjem fuckin Choudry to condemn it.
5 Ask the Govt to amend previously stated faulty foreign policy ( by anjem )
6 Ask someone, anyone, somewhere else to stage a worse atrocity so they can brush this one under the carpet.
7 Ask …..oh, words fail me, what a treacherous bunch of wankers infests the bbc, Adolf Hitler would be proud of this bunch of tossers.
Before the RoP gained exclusive use of the term ‘tiny minority’, it used to be applied to football hooliganism. ‘Tiny minority’, ‘Not real fans’ etc etc: we’re going to pretend it’s not happening so stop fretting about it you plebs. Sound familiar ?
So whilst I wouldn’t wish to see Pounces exploding emir in action, there would be the somewhat diverting sight of the current ‘tiny minority’ attempting to eradicate its predecessor. Wonder who’d get the blame for that one ?
Sorry Buggy,But the only way the British public will wake up to intolerant Islam is to see it for what it is. however due to the disinformation propagated by the left only the mass murders of thousands of non Muslims by the faithful will wake the British up to the fact that you can’t trust a fucking paki bastard and by removing them from this plane of existence will we see peace on earth.
A commendation – for a change – of what the BBC can do in TV – or rather, what it can commission from an independent production company. I have just been watching the 3-part series “Pilgrimage” presented by Simon Reeve, visiting many ancient Christian pilgrimage destinations. Part 1 was sites in the UK – Joly Island, Walsingham, Canterbury etc. Part 2 concentrated on the great routes to Santiago de Compostella and to Rome. Part 3 covered Istanbul/Constantinople and then the Holy Land, ending in Jerusalem.
Reeve says he was brought up a Methodist but these days is not a person of faith. But I felt he gave a very balamced mix of context, fact, great scenery, interesting interviews along the way. He was visibly moved by some of his experiences. Some of the places he visited I have never heard of, in spite of lots of travel.
Glorious TV, no agenda except “travel can be enriching and fascinating and eye-opening”.
Apparently he was one of the first to write about Al Qaeda and nin Laden, directly after the World Trade Centre bombs in 1993. He must have been about 22 then – so a young, enquiring mind.
The series has been a blessed relief after the Byzantium series. Part 2 is still on iPlayer until tomorrow evening – 23 Devember – and Part 3 until 24 December. I recommend it as solid interesting and unbiased viewing, an exploration of some of our Christian history.
If you can’t download to watch this time – catch it if and when the BBC repeats it
There’s similar un-ironic positive expressions of Christian faith in Tudor Farm. For the most part they’re treating the unquestioned faith of the people in that era without belittling or scowling. It just was.
Yes, they stick in a couple of gratuitous black people, which has disturbed a couple of people here, but with one exception (technically, two youngsters in the same scene) they’re not allowed indoors. I’m thinking the un-ironic positive expression of Christian faith in the Tudor Period, along with the cast’s general disinclination to scowl at the fundamental connection everyday life then had to that faith, more than makes up for the moments where the BBC incongruously enforces their remit to promote multiculturalism.
I largely agree. However, I assume you missed the few minutes devoted to expressions of Reeve’s upset about the (admittedly ugly) anti-terrorist wall constructed by the Israelis. No reasons why the Israelis might construct such a wall were mentioned: just the fact of its ugliness and, by implication, that its purpose is to intimidate the inhabitants of and pilgrims to Bethlehem.
I saw the part where Reeve wsas being driven past the separation wall. Yes, he found it ugly – who wouldn’t ? But he made no comment then or elsewhere in the programme about the Palestinian conflict except to say how sharp it was – he was not taking sides. While in Jerusalem, he noted the significance of the mosque along with the Wailing Wall and the Holy Sepulchre church, but spent virtually all his time talking about the significance of CHRISTIAN sites. The series was overwhelmingly about pilgrimage in Christianity – including pilgrimage to other sites in the Holy Land.
I would imagine the net effect of his programme dealing with Israel would be to increase tourism there. That was not his object, but it would be a great by-product for that fascinating country. Every person of Christian background whom I have met who has visited Israel relates how interesting it is – and most intend to go back. And I don’t think most such visitors to Israel end up pleading the false Palestinian case, quite the opposite.
I saw most of the last programme on your recommendation, and agree with your summary. Previously, I had avoided watching it presuming an un-Christian islamic bent.
My only rider would be that the first, middle and last images of Jerusalem had the Temple Mount mosque centre stage, leaving the impression it was the most important and lasting image.
Aaqil Ahmed appeared in the credits.
Perhaps he made sure islam had the final say.
Sorry Phil but this has absolutely nothing to do with ‘LGBTYFMX wierdos’, and it isn’t the first time it has happened.
The sad thing is that the Church of England has destroyed itself from within, by the appointment of liberal lefties who do not believe, into positions of authority. Eventually the congregations sickened by political lectures every Sunday decided that they’d be better off visiting a socialist workers meeting if that was what they wanted, and gave up attending.
One of the vicars close to the parish where I live doesn’t believe in any aspect of Christianity – but he does strongly believe in liberalism, and you should listen to his bile and hatred when his views are opposed, even in the most trivial way.
Sleep deprivation is defined as torture, and whilst you might expect the UK to act when reports of nuisance neighbours are made, as usual they take the side of the criminal and defend their rights against the victim. It can take years to get them to court and silenced, although due to the weak nature of UK law it’s almost impossible to properly enforce.
Spoiler alert if anyone doesn’t know the result of tonight’s Only Connect final, but the boardgamers won. The bBBC fixed it so that they had questions on wargames (!), and Victoria Coren, in the midst of telling us about her alcohol habit yet again, could scarcely contain her delight that the pair of queers triumphed.
The truth is that about 2000 people die every day in Britain. We don’t know the cause of their deaths merely that their bodies were caught up in the effects of nature. They may have had heart attacks or strokes or anything before succumbing to the flow of water. Like the Syrian doctor death the BBC jumps to conclusions and makes them headline news.
Not sure if anyone noticed or indeed watched the Christmas edition of Top of the Pops 2, but Incredibly they managed to shoehorn in The Specials ‘Free Nelson Mandela’
Not sure how that works in a Christams edition, as the song was a hit in March 84! It allowed Mark Radcliffe to remind us that ‘a political giant had passed away’……
Questions well worth asking: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/bits.html
Facts that don’t look set to change anytime soon: ‘Don’t hold your breath – it’s a fair bet they’ll say it’s information held for the purposes of journalism, and thus their secret.’
That one of quite a few, often not so little secrets they seem to be piling up, ever so uniquely.
Small prediction for early 2014: a lot of ‘tell it often enough’ programming, filler, guest commentary and carefully selected viewer feedback on how transparent the BBC is and how literally they are now trusted by 103% of every living being.
Maybe a few ‘back off’ articles in the Graun too, by folk they oddly forget to mention seem related to the BBC by £100kpa sinecures for a week’s work a year…. that these days are not even being given the time of day by CiF regulars.
Before comments get closed.
I see a lot more of that, too.
‘Tis the season to be leery.
Carrying on from the recent Newsnight debate on ‘addiction’, between Peter Hitchens & that spoilt, insufferable, narcissistic airhead, Matthew ‘Friends’ Perry, here’s an excellent & concise article from an experienced man who knows: The Government Made Me Do It. http://www.city-journal.org/2013/eon1218td.html
Thank you for alerting me/us to the article by the eminently sensible Theodore Dalrymple. We will never get a balanced debate on this on the BBC. TD speaks another truth when he points out that “whiplash injury … scarcely exists in countries whose legal systems allow no compensation for it”.
This great man should get the Booker Prize.
Like Booker, Dalrymple is a perpetual “no-show” on any BBC/media forum for politics, global meltdown, immigration or what have you.
Social agencies taking kids from parents, and the EU project are Bookers specialities-and have been since the late 80s at least…yet I`ve never seen him review a paper or deal with a Dimbly!
These are your true prophets-which is why the BBC etc fear and loath them.
Honeyford Commendations for both Chris and William!
TD speaks another truth when he points out that “whiplash injury … scarcely exists in countries whose legal systems allow no compensation for it”.
Too true, and for what would likely be a chronic condition (if it existed) GPs never seem to get a repeat visit once they’ve signed the appropriate compo form.
Highly recommend Theodore Dalrymple’s ‘Romancing Opiates: Pharmacological Lies and the Addiction Bureaucracy’
In it he not only shreds the present ‘addiction industry’ but explains its evolution
Like all his books it is a pleasure to read
I see that there is absolutely no indication on the bbbc website that we are celebrating Christmas (it used to be a well known Christian celebration throughout this country formerly known as England (now known as Londinistan)).
I suppose I must now enjoy the ‘winter holidays’…….. not with any of those pretty lights outside my house (one has to be aware of the size of one’s carbon footprint). As ‘some people say’ – it may be offensive to other ‘members of our community’.
Although any celebrations are difficult when we are in the midst of the ‘global warming’ crisis as evidenced by the ‘rogue’ rain storm and low temperatures right in the middle of an English winter – We will be having snow next – further evidence of climate change……….environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment…..and on and on and on and on.
Has anyone noticed that another group of Asian males have been convicted of sexually abusing/raping/assaulting under age, white females again?………The bbbc hasn’t.
In addition to the ‘BBC bookie-wookie of Editorial Guidelines To Ignore Anyway’, the ‘BBC Dictionary of How ‘Unique’ Can Make Things Appear Further From Reality Than They Appear’ is soaring up the lists.
Hence, ‘Rewards For Failure’ become ‘Rewards For Being Employed By The Most Trusted, Transparent Professional Unaccountable Broadcast Monopoly In the World’. ‘became a running joke among insiders who referred to the project as ‘Don’t Mention It’.’
This likely going to be rolled out to encompass the whole corporation as some outsiders start to hear about it too.
Those ‘little secrets’ they keep do seem to be accruing.
Today celebrated the issue of a royal pardon to Alan Turing. The BBC Radio 4 news extends the celebrations by transmitting an extended quote from Peter Tatchell demanding a pardon for all those caught by the same criminal sanctions. Rather than give a balanced and reflective view of this event Today brought on Baroness Trumpington to enlighten us as to what Turing was like personally. Unfortunately, she revealed that she never met him since at Bletchley Park you were not encouraged to associate with those outside your immediate work circle (although she knew well of him). Then Prof Barry Cooper briefly surveyed Turing’s mathematical legacy.
All good stuff and I’ll admit that Turing is one of my heroes – as a man and a mathematician. Nevertheless – and however unjust the law under which he was convicted – he was guilty as charged and tragically committed suicide, in part at least, as a consequence of his conviction and its further consequences. A royal pardon is grossly inappropriate in this case since even the prime mentalist, when he was in a position to influence such events, admitted that a royal pardon is (or should be) only issued where there has been a miscarriage of justice ie the conviction is wrong and the miscreant is innocent.
Instead of what could have been an interesting – even enlightening – discussion on the use of legal processes as PR (for the government and the political party in power), we got another encomium to a great man who was unfortunately caught up in a particularly nasty and distressing episode because of his (now fashionable) sexuality.
How long is this process of exculpating all those who fell foul of a criminal law now deemed “incorrect” by the political class to be continued? Further and more dangerously, when can we expect to see the previously innocent dragged into court by a retrospective change in the law or just a change in how the law is applied. Don’t laugh. We’ve already seen – to the BBC’s evident approval – the 800 year old double jeopardy safeguards overturned as well as our parliamentary representatives (on the Public Accounts Committee) insisting that tax not legally payable is, nevertheless, “morally” owed. As it is, HMRC from time to time change their view of how existing tax practices should operate and prosecute accordingly. God forbid that the BBC should inquire into such things. It might be that taxpayers (rather than those living at taxpayers’ expense which, funnily enough, include the BBC) could be found to be victims of legal injustice.
“A royal pardon is grossly inappropriate in this case since even the prime mentalist, when he was in a position to influence such events, admitted that a royal pardon is (or should be) only issued where there has been a miscarriage of justice ie the conviction is wrong and the miscreant is innocent.”
Although one COULD argue that, if the Royal Prerogative of Mercy is plenary, it could extend to HM saying, “You know what? The case, as with all cases after February 1952, was brought by the Crown in MY name, and perhaps, even saying the chap was guiltier than hell on the facts (i.e., he acknowledged a homosexual relationship, in order to account for why a man in his house might know why it may have been targeted for burglary), it still might have been an abuse of prosecutorial discretion now we look back on it sixty-one years later. Before I croak, I’d like to take the ‘Regina’ off that case.” Of course, you’d want to know who on the Privy Council would have put her up to it, if that’s what the deal really is, but good luck there.
The flipside to pardoning people for acts which were then criminal, but are no more, is to condemn people who performed acts which were legal then but are now considered criminal.
Start allowing ex post facto criminalisation, and you throw away 800 years of jurisprudence. At that point, you have no more legal system– it will purely be vindictiveness, as opposed to vindication. You may as well tell Justice to throw away her scales– it’s only her sword we’re interested in.
Elimination of the prohibition against double jeopardy would be as nothing compared to being able, simply in virtue of being the majority party in Parliament, to outlaw anything which, under the other party’s Government, dissatisfied you enough to want to attach criminal liability to it– as opposed to merely repealing it.
A written Constitution, self-executing upon Royal Assent, and by its own terms incapable of change by last-in-time legislation, and having a (no pun) laborious amending process– something like the US Constitution, for all its faults– could enshrine rights of non-retrospective criminalisation, amongst many others taken for granted but in no wise indestructible by last-in-time legislation. But the way things seem to be going, my money’s on legalising ex post facto outlawing; a written Constitution is a bit more of a punt.
There has always been a principle of lenity in the law that has allowed the loosening of the noose without there ever having been or needing to be a corresponding offsetting tightening when there would seem to have been good reason for it. It is all one-way– the tempering of justice with mercy. One never heard of t’other way ’round– it has never appealed to any sense of humanity in the human soul. That may be about to change.
Slavery is illegal. Yet, at one time is was a profitable part of the British and indeed, other Empires.
You could extrapolate the argument that, as ethnic minorities are the descendants of said slaves, and that they see themselves as inheritors of said victim-hood, they should be entitled to compensation.
Our law makers, being usually Oxford PPE graduates, really do not seem to think things through and do whatever is hip-and-trendy in order to curry favour.
Of course, we the taxpayer must pay for the sins of our forefathers.
I’m sure I heard on Radio 4 Womans hour that they are planning to talk to Winnie Mandela tomorrow.
Why on earth they think this criminal accused of several ‘gross violations of human rights, murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for even larger number of such crimes.
But hey she’s a left wing icon, and in their eyes immune from these findings, and anyone who says she’s guilty is obviously a ‘waycist’ even if they are also black & from the same tribe.
You have to remember that ‘diversity’, and ‘equality’ are not about what they seem on face value, they are in fact just words with which to attack and bully those who don’t agree with your fascist views. If it actually comes to doing something constructive about equality and diversity the fascists will run a mile!
Some sad news any time, but especially this time of year:
@BBCBreaking: Palestinian girl killed in Israeli strike on Gaza Strip, doctors say, after Israeli civilian shot dead by sniper http://t.co/Zv2s1NBeJn
Twitter always seems inadequate at such times.
Especially when one clicks on the link to find it only offers ‘more to follow’.
Given the febrile nature of reaction to such reports, one might possibly feel that the BBC could better have waited until this ‘more’ was in before rushing to base this tweet on what doctors say. The medical profession in this neck of the woods does seem to have expanded its remit a tad, and not always in a way that inspires much faith in their value as objective sources.
Possibly. Positively not.
However the way that tweet was phrased was what first jarred.
I notice the ‘more to come’ remains high on rather dubious ‘reports’ still. Maybe the BBC could wait until their trusted staff know what is going on before hitting the publish button based on possible propaganda pr.
As to claims from the other side that retaliating for a premeditated, provocative sniper murder is an escalation, maybe the BBC was pondering an appropriate analysis on how that works out but figured worth passing it on now just to keep things feisty.
To the BBC it’s a simple calculation: not enough Jews died before Israel hit back. So any response is by default disproportionate and unjust. Since the BBC values lives according to who kills them, I’m not sure any response by Israel would be acceptable unless they get nuked.
al Beeb doesn’t mention the details of the Israeli strike, which were –
“Israel Air Force aircrafts and IDF tanks and infantry fired on a weapon manufacturing facility and a military target in the southern Gaza Strip, terror training and military sites in the central Gaza Strip, and a concealed rocket launcher in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed, according to the IDF.”
Maybe we can sue his estate for some of that £18million that he “negotiated” for Jonathan Ross.
Or cut our losses, knowing that this watershed moment was the first crack in the BBC edifice, before the storms that swept it away?
Can we downgrade Typhoon Savile to a tropical squall yet?
No-don`t think so!
The BBC called up former Asst. Sec. of State P.J. Crowley to write up a piece on the recent minor diplomatic kerfuffle between the US and India. It’s pretty much a dry explanation of what happened and that the US had been working on improving its relation with this growing economic power.
The BBC has paid Crowley before to write some opinion pieces on US issues. Previously, they included in his job description that he was Assistant to Hillary Clinton when she was Sec. of State. For some reason, they left that out this time – when he’s criticizing her successor. All the reader knows is that he’s a foreign policy expert, and not his partisan connection. Don’t worry, though, nobody’s blaming the President or anything so shocking.
Rule #1 in effect as usual. The BBC has form with him, as well. A pure opinion piece somehow got curated into the “Echo Chambers” feature, once again showing that its alleged remit is a joke. Crowley’s Clintonista connection isn’t mentioned. The editor, Anthony Zurcher, even turned over half of one installment to Crowley. This time it was on the awesomeness of the recent agreement between the US and Iran. Fortunately, Crowley’s political connection to the President’s Administration was mentioned that time. Although Zurcher presents it as if he wrote the BBC out of the blue, when in fact he’s a regular contributor. I guess that’s just a harmless little bit of dishonesty.
Crowley mentioned that the agreement highlighted the differences between Washington and “Tel Aviv”. This is an anti-Israel statement on its face. Nobody who supports Israel would have anything other than Jerusalem as its capitol. We know the BBC already has taken an anti-Israel stance on that particular issue (which they adjust after complaints), so some might suggest that the BBC’s editorial policy changed that and Crowley isn’t anti-Israel.
He is, though. So much so that when the BBC asked him to write up one of those “If you could ask XX ten questions” deals, in this case a selection of foreign policy questions for Republican presidential candidates. Two of them were written from an anti-Israel perspective.
Just do a search on the BBC website for PJ Crowley and you’ll see all his Left-wing Viewpoint pieces.
Like his reply to @Rhys-Hughes’ reasonable observation
(from under his clenched Marxist fist icon) “one nation under god or else”
Or else what- I thought it was the ‘Duck Family’ that got pulled not the ‘Ellen Degenerate show’
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
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MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 machete attacks and drug-fuelled brawls and tasty kebab shops!
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MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:13 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the…
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tomoFeb 23, 16:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 That’s going to look so lame when things really kick off over there – and they will…. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1893668892850921919
To everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
And to keep your sanity watch anything but the BBC.
Headline for jailing of Denis MacShane reads: “MacShane jailed for expenses fraud”? Who is MacShane? Banker? Footballer? Article then explains he was a former MP. Read further and you might just work out that he was a Labour MP and Minister. (He also, incidentally, worked for the BBC before becoming an MP, though we are not told that in this article.) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25492017
Imagine not only the headline, but the prominence if he had been a Tory Minister: “Tory former Minister jailed for fraud”.
[Reposted, as it just missed the new Open Thread.]
MacShane will only serve a few weeks – just long enough to write a book. Then he’ll be released, given a weekly column in the Guardian and become a regular guest on the BBC.
Just heard on ‘Classic FM’ that another well known BBC ‘star’ has been prosecuted for child sex offences… No surprise that Shane worked for the BBC either. It’s the home of moral corruption.
Just imagine Jeremy Hardy on the News Quiz, he has, and is still been going on about Tory MPs jailed in the last century!
Somehow doubt it will get a mention on any leftie so called comedy show on the BBC.
Hardy was, is and always shall be a c***. If it wasn’t for his seeming tenure with the commies at the BBC his career would still be stuck in the sixth form from where his politics have never progressed.
What other MP has been jailed for expenses fraud? and is £13,000 a large sum of money in this respect ?Denis McShane was active in the fight against anti- Semitism and understood the link between hatred of Jews and unfair reporting of Israel. . Wrote a book on Global Terror- would hardly be the favourite of the BBC or the establishment.
Agreed lynette…a right smug creep and fraud…but also a friend of Israel as I recall.
And in my world-being on the side of Israel in such a nasty little vessel as “LiberalLabour” heading for Guardianland-redeems him.
Hope he gets a decent Christmas Dinner at the very least…hard not always being able to choose your allies isn`t it?
He can be a friend of who the hell he likes as long as he doesn’t steal my money
He didn’t actually steal money or make any. He tried to recoup legit ex’s he had laid out by silly means. Shmock !
Yes, I heard words to that effect from the radio, but I don’t understand it. If that were the simple, uncomplicated truth, what have they banged him up for? And why? After all, you have to work hard at getting detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure in this country these days, especially if you are well-connected.
Are you seriously suggesting he should be given a free pass for theft just because he is pro-Israel?
That’s exactly the sort of argument that the ant-Israel, anti-Jewish thugs love to hear.
Course not-but he`s a rare bird in the Liberal jungle, so don`t really want to lose him.
As for “arguments” from Israel haters…good luck with trying to reason with them.
Time for that has long gone.
I had the News on last night (I have a habit of having the telly on and not watching it) as I was reading a book. Anyway the subject of Dr Khan (he was a trainee, bBC as pointed out by the Guardian) who against all British consular advice went to Syria and ended up dead after first getting locked up.
The story centred on how the Mother of this man flew to Syria and went around asking all the foreign embassies there if they could help. (Russia,Iran etc) they informed they couldn’t as the man was British . The bBC then went into how the British had been hopeless and how the Mother is even thinking of handing in her British passport as they haven’t helped. (Please)
For some strange reason nowhere in the article/story did the bBC explain that the UK has no consular service in the country as the Embassy has been closed.
As for the Khans family, If you don’t like how you son/Brother died, then maybe you should have stopped him packing his bags for a war zone. Funny how so many Muslims who go to war zones become victims in the eyes of the left.Islam and the traitorous bBC.
He went to help the wounded of course but I have yet to read or hear evidence of which hospitals he attended on arriving in the country, which is of course where you would go immediately if that was your real intention.
He went straight to the rebel held Aleppo,so we can be reasonably sure he went to tend to Jihadist wounded.
Why is no TV reporter asking why he decided to go to Syria this way, instead of going through the official medical aid agencies (Medicines San Frontieres for example) which would have been a lot safer for him?
Justin Webb on this morning’s Today interviewing some Bish or other on the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East (his description was of course a lot less – um – ‘controversial’).
(Paraphrased, and in the context of the unforeseen consequences of the ‘Arab Spring’) ‘But some would say that as Christians in the Middle East are supporters of the odious rulers, it’s their own fault’.
The Bish did put him straight and say being given protection by the likes of Assad is not the same as being an avid supporter but the damage was already done, the BBC seed was well and truly planted in the mind of those listeners who still believe it to be a beacon of balance and impartiality.
Even I was shaking my head in disbelief when I heard it. The scumbags need sorting out and quick, peddling a line which gives the Islamists a BBC-sponsored excuse to continue with their terror and slaughter.
Justin Webb is the illegitimate son of 1970s BBC news reader Peter Woods
It’s a small world at the BBC… no wonder they are keen on condom usage. Perhaps they are all related to each other.
‘..some would say that as Christians in the Middle East are supporters of the odious rulers, it’s their own fault’
It is unfortunate for the BBC’s handling of such things that I read this after Pounce’s post above about the good Doctor and his sad fate.
As actual evidence is in short supply I am keeping an open mind (more than the FO and British pols of statesman stature), but currently can only feel empathy and sorrow with their family for their loss.
As pointed out, he did choose to go there, and my faith in the saintly motivations of some ‘British’ doctors rather stayed parked at the entrance to Glasgow Airport a while ago. Along with any notion that suicide isn’t on the cards at all.
If Mr. Webb was going down the ‘silence means approval and all consequences entailed’ for clearly passive innocents, he may have opened up in comparison a very dubious precedent, if currently safe behind the BBC’s ever-variable standards in such matters.
‘some would say that as Christians in the Middle East are supporters of the odious rulers, it’s their own fault’
The same rulers that were supported by the British left (including many at Al Beeb) before they ‘got religion’.
Will they too deserve it when it comes?
The Beeb is very, very keen on “equality” and “diversification”. Given the ethnic makeup of London, (as opposed to much of the rest of the UK) it would be very interesting to know just what the ethnic background of most London employed members of the BBc is – not the grossly stupid, back slapping, over paid managers, but the people on the ground – the researchers, the HYS moderators, etc. A Freedom of Information request into the ethnic makeup (so important to the BBC) of these people, might be very interesting. For example, I am constantly amazed by the ignorance of British culture and history of some of the reporters I hear on Radio 4, and how they tell my things I have known all my life as if this is something strange and new.
Ignorance of British culture is endemic. It’s been done on purpose. liberty, industrial revolution (creating the modern world), scientific and philosophical freedom, human right ( real ones and not the hideous joke that it the ECHR), capitalism, humanism, enlightenment; the list goes on…all news the al beeb who think some tw*t in a cave in the swat valley has just as valid a culture.
Well said sir!
While he’s about it could the same bishop make a comment on the ethnic cleansing of East London?
OK this isn’t about the BBC bias – yet, but I’m sure it’s going to appear very soon.
Simon Danczuk has very publicly announced that the paedophile Pakistani gang in Rochdale were not investigated by Police because of ‘snobbery’ i.e. they came from council estates. This plainly rubbish, but it allows the Liebour party to get back to one of its favourite hobby horses – class war!
It’s obvious to anyone following this story that Danczuk has been ‘got at’ by his party hierarchy because this is what he was saying just six months ago:
” The report said there was ‘no simple link’ between race and child sexual exploitation, but evidence pointed to ‘Pakistani-heritage men targeting young white girls’.
Mr Danczuk added: “Political correctness meant that the authority didn’t want to shine a light on an issue that involved people of a Pakistani origin despite alarm bells going off for a number of years.
“Cultural difference is no excuse for this behaviour.”
He added: “It’s quite clear now from both the Home Office report and the internal authority report that there were alarm bells going off for a number of years and there is also no doubt that these were not listened to.
Indications that these girls were being abused were ignored and that is completely ”
So in June there was a problem with Pakistani Men and this was ignored because of Political Correctness.
But in December there’s a 180 degree turn around:
“One of Britain’s worst sex-grooming gangs was allowed to flourish because class snobbery among police stopped them investigating properly, the local MP has said.”
So there you have it, and what is likely to be the new BBC line, that ethnicity and Political Correctness did not play a party in the Rochdale grooming – it was class war all along !
Watch this space.
White Liberal gymnastics, they go through all sorts of weird and wondrous contortions to justify and excuse black / muslim criminality, should be an Olympic sport. Alba child would get a gold medal.
I notice the BBC have been keen on reporting whose ”fault’ it was. The 17 different authorities, the girls, their parents, the system etc. Never mind the ”fault,” the responsibility lies with the perpetrators, trying to wash their guilt away on the backs of others is just typical.
The named authorities including the police have a lot to answer for; but hang on a moment, didn’t the local and national press know what was going on and suppressed it. Surely the BBC must have known, indeed I recall they secretly filmed Nick Griffin, making just such accusations against Muslims in the area. The BBC turned over their tape to the police who had him prosecuted for stirring up racial hatred!
I have no truck with a Holocaust denier, nor a party with idiotic left wing economic policies, but it does seem that some of the main players in the failure to pursue the mostly, Pakistani Muslim rapist and paedophiles are both the local media and the BBC.
I suggest an investigation into the part played in the cover ups by the media and in particular those at the BBC.
Perhaps they were intimidated after the Ch 4 programme on the Secret Mosque, and fallout from that but that is all the more reason to pursue such cases to fight for the truth.
They ignored it BECAUSE it was being reported by Nick Griffin.
Blame the messenger and not the culprits? Typical left wing gymnastics…
It’s an easy excuse to do just that but even if Nick Griffin (or any other far right individual) had said nothing do you expect tony blair, gordon brown, harriet harman, jack straw, david cameron, teresa may etc to run a press conference and say “Oh sorry, we’ve been protecting pedophiles for two decades because it would go against how we sing the praises of islam”.
The politicians and the apparatus of state (social services, police) were the ones pushing it under the carpet, not one man from a fringe party!
I have a fair degree of sympathy with this, but Nick Griffin – far right? What does that even mean? It is dangerous to use the warped terminology of the enemy – stuff designed simply to produce a Pavlovian effect in the gullible and the licence-payers.
I see the Anti-Semitic bBC reports on a terorrist attack inside Israel.
Israel police search for bus bombing suspects
Israeli police are searching for suspects after a bomb exploded on board a bus in central Israel on Sunday, just minutes after it had been evacuated.
a spokesman for the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, praised the bombing.
“This is a brave, heroic work in response to the crimes of the occupation,” Fawzi Barhoum said, referring to Israel. “Resistance continues.”
The bbC finishes the article by informing the reader that Israel shot dead a pal last friday, thus presenting the image that Islamic terrorism is justified.
At a stroke the bBC OKs the attempted murder of a bus full of people by allowing a terrorist group to openly air its hatred as righteous. When was the last time you saw the bBC allow anybody else to justify their blood lust. Never, yet when it is Islam then the bBC gives them the front page, think I’m kidding, here’s the current story allowing AL Q to apologise for murdering people inside a Hospital.
Al-Qaeda apologises for Yemen attack
And here is how the bBC finishes off that little propaganda puff piece:
As of October, the US military and CIA were estimated by research groups to have carried out 81 targeted killing operations in Yemen, most of them since 2009. The strikes – by drones, warplanes and cruise missiles – are thought to have killed at least 473 combatants and civilians
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC is sending the message that Killing for Allah is OK.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
Mishal Hussein will be gutted that there were no Jews on that bus when the bomb went off.
THIS CHRISTMAS spare a thought for those poor homeless BBC managers and staff. Forced to flee from their BBC heartland and despised by angry Anglo-Saxons (who rightfully claim years of BBC religious persecution, tax harassment, hidden child abuse, drug dependency, sexual perversity, Marxist fundamentalism and Islamic extremists support). These are the same BBC staff (all now transendangered) who are forced to eke out a bare existence on the banks of Salford Quay – having to choose between ‘old’ drug habits or Nigela Lawson’s favourite BBC Christmas recipes. It is a cruel existence – be be alone at Christmas. Give generously just text ‘ISLAM’ to BBC Lord Tony (Haw-Haw) Hall and make your licence fee donation…
Meanwhile reality: The BBC is gambling again (just like the RBS Bank) ‘Too Big to Fail’ that is how Lord Tony Hall will ‘pitch’ his BBC ‘demand’ for an increase in the License fee in 2016. The BBC ‘fantasy theme world’ at Salford is over budget and 2 years behind schedule for the BBC ‘home service’ (a misnomer now). All BBC staff can claim £1,900 (per month) when moving to BBC HQ in Manchester plus a cool £5,000 for removal expenses (and an additional £3,000 for those household expenses). Meanwhile the top BBC ‘Senior’ management staff can enjoy a £150,000 towards ‘expenses’ upon relocating to it’s new ‘hub’ in Salford Quays. The BBC (management) public money losses for the failed BBC DAM project (Digital Asset Management) had to be junked earlier in the year (2012) are already forgotten, at a cost of a mere £100 million. The BBC no longer actually ‘own’ any building (its London property is worth millions it thinks) – it now ‘RENTS’ Salford luxurious custom offices and facilities from the PEEL group: (privately owned by just two offshore tax havens as shareholders: three-quarters of this property empire is owned by John Whittaker, plus a twenty-five per cent stake by the arabic Saudi Olayan Group). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462151/BBCs-24m-Salford-relocation-difficult-justify-say-MPs.html
Peel? They’re a bit too friendly with the Labour Party, too. Reminds me of telly tax collectors Crapita, who used to donate to…the Labour Party.
I was wondering if anyone would find a link from Salford Quays BBC leading to Labours involvement in ‘PEEL holdings’ and that is good one, thanks. It confirms that the BBC was moving with some strategy in mind. Possibly pre-empting loss of license fee revenue in 2016.
Imagine my joy last year when I received a letter from my pension fund trustees, and guess who would be administering my fund from now on? That’s right CRAPITA.
I was heard to utter the words ‘ oh fuck’ .
Given the festivity of the season (not perhaps in evidence in the supermarket or its carpark just returned from, I might add), I truly hope this chap sees his wish granted.
However, I may resist betting on Santa delivering.
Give the BBC some credit. Their news ticker was amended to read: “Former Labour MP”…
No I spoke to soon. The current headline reads: “Former MP Denis MacShane says “quelle surprise” as he is jailed for six months for expenses fraud after submitting fake receipts for £12,900.”
Hey they were transparent for a few minutes. It’s a start. They just have to tolerate being open for longer periods.
As for the BBC’s “weather becomes news” coverage. They were really trying this morning. Some bint was on the Plymouth coast trying to make windy weather in December newsworthy.
And is it me or are the weather forecast graphics, using moving arrows, more dynamic these days?
I pine for the era of magnetic stick-ons with John Kettley.
By this evening you’ll know exactly why it’s newsworthy !
But it’s yet more indicators that severe weather is for the bBC headline making, indeed it’s the top story on the England news page, yet despite this storm being nothing like as strong or deadly as the previous one, they all fall by the wayside for the death of a 95 year old man in a foreign country !
Thoughtful wrote:
“they all fall by the wayside for the death of a 95 year old man in a foreign country !”
I wonder how long it will be before some cock sucking arsehole at the bBC comes out with a conspiracy theory that Nissan Main dealer was murdered by: The Jew, The British Imperial Empire, the nasty Americans, followed by “he was thinking of becoming a Muslim in his last days.”
Fatcher did it.
Actually, I did it. With the lead piping. In the billiard room.
Sorry about that,
Professor Plum.
Tut Buggy you scamp ! now take a hundred lines of what ever powder is in the BBC’s chairman desk !
Well, we now have flooding at the usual places just outside of Exeter and the Choo Choo’s can’t run. The last time this happened it was all because of climate change. I’m tuned into BBC Radio Devon, I’m all ears, anytime now, anytime now!
We are about to be hit by 70/80 mph winds, after a day of “only” 60mph and rain of monsoon proportions; this for the third time in a month. But you wont have heard about any of it, we do not live in the South East, (or even the South West) so as far as the BBC is concerned – no news, move on.
Aye it grim up north, but right now the wind is shrieking around my house here in the south east (Faversham) and the 3rd day of heavy rain continues unabated , in fact there’s talk of more flooding .
Dartford and Sheppey bridges are closed already and Medway bridge is likely to follow as wind speeds increase .
I’m guessing its not all over your local news though
Merry christmas
And there’s no death/funeral somewhere in Bongo Bongo land to push important UK news out of the way.
To be fair to we natives, the only reason that we in the south east get a mention so often is because of our proximity to that bloody expanding hole 30 miles NNE of here, AKA the Centre Of The Beeboid Universe. Back in the day, we used to lumped in on the same local BBC news as The Hole, which meant that we got to see ours area on there precisely twice a year: Spring (Ahhh, pwetty lambs !) and Nov 1st (Boo! Nassty inbred yokels hunting cuddly Mr Foxie Woxie). Lord how I wish the bloody place would actually secede from the rest of us as they regularly ‘threaten’ to do. //Rant over.
Rotten weather update: Still raining, actually blown off my feet this afternoon in the everlasting gale, still surrounded by the growing Kentish Okenfenokee minus the gators, Mrs Bug talking up the rainless charms of the Atacama desert as a possible place for us to emigrate to in the near future.
You’ll be north of Watford then! Somewhere where the map runs out.
I wonder what would happen if I got a job in a bookshop in a muslim country and refused to sell the Quran to customers, simply because of my beliefs?
For God’s sake just keep wondering. Don’t ever try to find out for real.
Has santa arrived early?
Albbeba news at one carrying a report by Orla Guerin from Egypt, and reporting on the fate of the Coptic Christians.
Her report actually carried tne accusation that the Muslim Brotherhood and islamists were responsible for murders, and destruction of churches.
Is this the beginning of a new awakening, or have I missed an over- riding new aganda here?
Humphreys on Today discussing the M&S muslim staff who are allowed not to serve customers who turn up at the checkout with pork products or alcohol. Asda director interviewed waffled about fitting staff in around their religion and culture.
The BBC should have had a muslim cleric or Chaudary there and asked why Muslim businesses including shops, restaurant’s supermarkets do sell both products and would Chaudary and other proper Muslims demand they be closed down?
Why wasn’t that point made by Humphreys, he must know this is the case and do not the BBC have researchers who could have given actual named Muslim businesses?
He might also have pointed out that in the UAE the main supermarket, Spinnys do sell pork, in curtained off sections and alcohol is also available in Muslim owned businesses in a Muslim country.
He might also have wondered why any Muslim would want to work for M&S given it’s origins.
Oh and next time Chaudary is on and denouncing the west (quite rightly ) for the thousands of Iraqis killed during the invasion, a researcher might just supply Humprheys, or whoever, with the current and historic numbers of mass exterminations, bombings and everyday murders of Muslims in Iraq, and elsewhere for being the wrong kind of Muslim; but I won’t hold my breath
This one is lumbering on, and is turning into M&S’ very own nightmare before Christmas.
Beyond the apparent lack of irony of the Tel closing its own blogs to comments to steer around ‘sensibilities’ and getting into a bit of Yuletide yielding too, I was struck by one little comment in the middle that these days seems just to acknowledge accepted practice with no more mare than a shrug:
‘…holding one of his “Oh please can I be on Newsnight again” stunts. How we laughed! (How the BBC commissioning editors’ phone-fingers twitched!)’
It’s not funny because it is true.
Why is it that the BBC slipway seems open to launching such unseaworthy empty vessels every single time?
Ratings, agenda, tribal-fealty, whatever… I don’t care.
Because the BBC does foist these guys on us all the time, and if they don’t feel the need to change maybe at the very least, like and M&S checkout cashier, we should be given the option of not needing to go near their products, especially when involving the perverse one-way exchange of money no matter what?
Its the old ‘divide and rule’ trick that (the establishment) are very good at. You first favor one religon (Islam) and use that to attack the next (Christians). You then pick another and do the same (BBC has a history against the Jews). Then the BBC appeal to the EU and a new directive appears banning all religious conviction from the state. Instant secular success and onwards the BBC Marx agenda.
Disgraceful efforts by Humphrys to open up a second front on a hated chav outlet…ASDA to the rest of us.
Humphrys was clearly and persistently trying to get the Asda bloke to say that no Muslim would be allowed to refuse to put booze or pork through the tills.
Then guess what?…the BBC would then tell Choudhury to get his Asda loons to do just that, and so begin the economic jihad…were I M£S, I`d not be doing this-they are a Jewish sourced company as I recall…and no Muslim will miss the chance to shaft them(as the BBC do every day).
The Asda bloke wasn`t even meant to be discussing this…but we all know the BBC and their Columbo schtick-it provokes, winds up and brings Big Business down as it can.
Wake up you supermarket types-the BBC hate you!
“M&S faces boycott as it lets Muslim staff refuse to sell alcohol or pork.
“Marks & Spencer’s policy applies to Muslim staff in more than 700 stores.
“Shoppers are being asked to wait to pay for certain items at different till.
“Highlights divide among mainstream food retailers over religious workers.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2527820/Marks-Spencer-tells-Muslim-staff-CAN-refuse-serve-customers-buying-alcohol-pork.html#ixzz2oJkTA5DL
Of course, this is the imposition of Sharia Law in Britain to comply with Islamic interests. This imposition will become more extensive as the Islamic population increases absolutely and as a percentage, and as the Muslim percentage increases from 5% to 10% to 20% to 40% and beyond in a matter of decades.
The answer is something we already have: it’s called the employment contract and the duties should be written there. Any candidate for the job of supermarket assistant should be made aware of those duties whilst applying for the job.
If they can’t comply because of religious reasons, they know where to go: door with “Exit” at the top.
BBC latin America headlines
CIA ‘helped Colombia Farc attacks
When I saw that headline last night I presumed that the CIA had been helping ‘FARC’ in its terrorist campaign. But no, it transpired that the US furnished the Columbian government with precision guidance systems and bombs. (which seeing as virtually all the Columbian Military equipment is American hardly comes as a surprise). So what why the headlines from the bBC, could it be , that as FARC reign of terror is coming to an end the bBC wants the world to know that we should blame the US for giving the elected government of Columbia the tools to rid itself of a Marxist–Leninist terrorist outfit. Here is their track record
But to the bBC, the Americans are to blame.
[grammar Nazi on] it’s Colombia (no u) [grammar Nazi off]
[annoying pedant on] Spelling isn’t grammar. [annoying pedant off]
🙂 Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Should we open a pedants corner?
I said pedant !
It was a homophone! 😉
Shouldn’t that be pedants’ ?
That’s enough P Eye lines….Ed.
…nothing annoying or pedantic about that David!
So the BBC is running a question on its web page:
“Brand Nigella: Will court case affect her career?”
The question it fails to ask is how many broadcast execs are indulging in exactly the same white powder and no one gets to know?
The Biased bunch turn to their print arm for support in the form of Elizabeth Day, who describes illegaldrug abuse in a casual manner:
“And yet it seemed very much as if her life choices were on trial,”
So class A drug abuse is a ‘life choice’? that to me begs the question as to the authors own ‘life choices’.
I wonder if the middle class fascists will be describing those people sleeping in shop doorways looking for their next fix as having made their own ‘life choices’, somehow I doubt it !
Judging by the examples of Will Self and Richard Bacon ,she’s guaranteed a spot at the BBC
I doubt it. She is the ideal BBC female ‘role model’ now. Drugs, rich, status, morally bankrupt and not an ideal mother. Not doubt she will soon have her own charity soon and another book out. BBC reconstructed (home) Kitchen looks realistic enough to be believable.
I get the feeling whenever and whoever is taking cocaine that they are given sympathetic reporting by BBC people ie soft voice with a slightly incredulous tone as if to say ‘I cannot believe I am having to report this’.
Wonder how much of that £4bn pa goes up their noses?
About 3 billion! then .4 billion on munchies and about 50 mill on programmes made by off the books employees companies , 50 mill on buying off court cases or sweets for the kiddy’s ! the rest union subs / Labour party donations and Tax experts !
As BBC ‘news’ shuts down left, left and left of centre for the school hols (mid Jan may see a few stagger in), I decided to have a look at see if ‘The Editors’ had a final actual interactive post to prop up their annual tally.
And… surprise!
‘Some of the success of @BBCBreaking can be attributed to how the account is staffed in the BBC multimedia newsroom in New Broadcasting House, London. As this BBC College of Journalism film shows, a small team of writers work round the clock alongside BBC News Online colleagues to ensure that all our tweets accurately reflect the stories on the website and that we have no interruption of service.
And then… no surprise!
I was going to chip in by way of response with the URL of the ‘in their own tweets’ above but, sadly, guess what…. closed for comments.
Three days. Three comments. Not a like in site.. sight.
Have to love the providence-tempting of the last one.
Rather sums the BBC’s trusted transparency up neatly, mind.
BBC5Live – S Foglegity
re- M&S, and Muslim refusing to do job
The BBC is going all out today, as to the benefits we have living in, and all have to adapt to a multicultural society.
To explain all the in and outs, all of the minutiae as to why a Muslim cannot handle alcohol/pork?, then wheel out an Islamic Law expert. (why?) to drone on and on …
then craftily slip in, only store stories that may be considering accommodation.
It is obvious the game here, is about testing the water
by Muslim groups – to slip in more Sharia – more “protected status” for Muslims, and that’s it.
Yet more politically correct Islamo-grovelling from the BBC.
and no mention of them facing a boycott
Can someone please explain the hundreds of Muslim Pakistani shop owners in the UK which sell both pork and alcohol products?
…because they are small businesses out to make money and have no stupid wish to piss off the money givers. Makes you realise how fucking stupid the M&S policy is and who the hell was allowed to implement it.
`ahhh! but the BBC s … “Islamic law consultant” ( i know :-D)
Khola Hasan says “there s a difference? between working a corner shop/off licence, and a larger store?” …
serving alcohol – tick …
direct to customers – tick?
still no BBC reports of outraged customers, and boycott ….
must be all “waycist”
Like I said earlier: I wonder what would happen if I got a job in a bookshop in a muslim country and refused to sell the Quran to customers, simply because of my beliefs? A question that will not be asked by the BBC I’m sure, but it would be nice to be proved wrong, balance and all that.
You would be arrested by the thought police within minutes, just as I would be if I refused to be served by a muslim in M&S or treated by a muslim doctor on the NHS.
Racism and discrimination only work one way and fully supported by the BBC.
Geoff, I think my intransigence in not serving an Islamist a copy of the Quran in a muslim country would involve a lot more than just the thought police and/or a move to the accounts dept’.
Don’t twit myself but these tweets to M&S sent to my computer via email hope they post all right Am sure their are thousands more like them asking that very obvious question that the BBC wont
So this was one voice saying their company would work with a Mohammedan employee who didn’t want to sell alcohol or whatever (the BBC reporter holding the mic to his face seemed to want to recharacterize his statement a bit for some reason), with two voices suggesting that this was going too far. On balance, the BBC isn’t exactly balanced on this issue, but for once it’s leaning against encroaching appeasement.
Who prompted the M&S policy? Does anyone know? It’s sort of important to the whole issue. If their official response is that they normally keep Mohammedans well away from the cash register in the food department, and this was an accident, then how did this happen, all of a sudden, like? Is the employee brand new and the shift manager was asleep at the switch? Something doesn’t add up here.
Perhaps in some areas they have little choice of whom they employ because Muslims are an overwhelming majority.
”Can someone please explain the hundreds of Muslim Pakistani shop owners in the UK which sell both pork and alcohol products? ”
It’s called hypocrisy, the 9 /11 hijackers went to bars and strip clubs.
Or, you know, tolerating local customs so they can earn a living, and because they’re not encouraged by their religious leaders or by idiot politicians or national broadcasters to stop.
My local one has the finest selection of pornographic magazines this side of Amsterdam too, or so I hear.
Well, Pakistan is the world leader when it comes to searching for gay porn on the internet.
By condoning this M&S are allowing our tastes and culture to be insulted by jumped up check out operators .
“HALAL BRANDS – What To Avoid!”
How strange…..
Was a Christian nurse working for the NHS not suspended last year and dragged through the courts for wearing a little cross on a necklace?.
And yet a Muslim gets away with refusing to serve a customer and M&S actually has a policy where they “usually tried to assign “suitable roles” to staff who could not handle certain items because of their religious beliefs”.
It’s obvious the BBC are trying to limit the damage but my feeling is there’s a growing tide of public anger which possibly might result in a boycott of M&S.
I’m also wondering what “doom and gloom” story the BBC will find to fill the front page with on Christmas day.
The MSM itself usually find some tradegy to throw at us on the one day of the year most folk like to switch off from it all……
Here’s a story about black people in a US city gathering to complain about being oppressed by their white politicians that the BBC has decided you don’t need to know about:
Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Erupts into Revolt Against Machine Politics
Yeah, it’s Breitbart, but they’re apparently the only ones who think this is news. Just watch the video and witness people waking up.
They’re still going to be Democrats, I’m sure, as they’ve been conditioned to believe that the Republican party is only for whites. Fine. If they truly understand the original concept of the Tea Party movement, then they can work to fix the Democrats in Chicago. But at least they’re starting to admit what’s been done to them. The mayor of Chicago, by the way, is the President’s former chief of staff. Chicago is of course His adopted home town, and is where he got His start as a community organizer and quickly rose through the machine to become the junior Senator from Illinois.
Most people here will be aware of what a disaster Chicago is becoming, particularly with the increasing gun violence, and that the BBC has ignored it, and somehow doesn’t think this kind of gun violence is part of the national conversation they insist we must have about guns.
Worse, the BBC does spend time and resources to gin up this kind of racial strife – political system oppressing black people – in St. Louis. Yet when it’s The Obamessiah’s home turf and it’s a well-known historically Democrat machine…..silence.
Here we see a significant group of citizens realizing that they’ve been played. They understand what’s happened to them. Whether or not they can take that next step or what that step will be, no one can say. But this is a start. This is the same kind of reaction against being controlled and used and exploited that caused the Tea Party movement to grow so much that people like BBC journalists had to start demonizing it because it threatened the status quo.
You’d think the BBC – Mark Mardell especially – would jump at the chance to report this political awakening. Only it’s the wrong message, doesn’t help their Narrative. So they ignore it.
Legends. “we gonna call meetings like the tea party and go right for the jugular and get rid of all these do nothing politicians”
They get it, they completely get it.
M&S’s extension of sharia law to its food shops seems to be a part of its marketing strategy. According to Mrs U, for some time the M&S women’s clothing departments have generally offered only indifferently manufactured outfits designed to conceal rather than display the female form. Accordingly, it appears that M&S has identified a new customer base and is moving towards servicing those religiously inclined customers who prefer – or whose husbands prefer – something more sharia-compliant than can be obtained in most other retail outlets. First the clothing, now the food – what next?
M & S = Mohammed & Sharia
Will INBBC-Guardianistas-UAF-Islamic pressure groups campaign for these, and all Islamic jihadists, to have human right to enter U.K?
(And campaign to keep anti-Islamic jihadists, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer out of U.K?)
“British Jihadists Fighting In Syria Have Nationality Removed By Theresa May”
“UK strips British nationality from twenty of the 240 British Muslims waging jihad in Syria”
Wait a minute – these guys are only doing exactly what Cameron wanted us to do (before he was stopped by a vote in the Commons). Also, I suspect that Mrs May can’t just have their nationality removed without legislation. After all they are/were not fighting against the UK (ie it isn’t treason); in fact – to repeat what I wrote above – they’re just carrying out British foreign policy.
We really are ruled by idiots.
Well said. Although apparently there has already been legislation giving her this unilateral power. Can’t wait to see how the BBC spins this one. Do they blame extremism or UK foreign policy?
And those cheering her crazy abuse of power today will magically get all concerned about such an abuse of power when a future Labour Home Secretary decides that, say, Tommy Robinson is harmful to society and does the same thing to him.
To my chagrin you are better informed on this one than me. I hadn’t realised that anybody (unless pro tem they are thereby made stateless – which block May is seeking to remove) can be stripped of their British citizenship under the catchall “conducive to the public good” clause. According to the UK Border Agency “Conduciveness to the Public Good” means depriving in the public interest on the grounds of involvement in terrorism, espionage, serious organised crime, war crimes or [another catchall] unacceptable behaviours..
Good Lord! I hadn’t realised how far down the unfreedom chute we had plummeted.
As you know, Umbongo, it’s important to remember that any government power one likes now to support one’s own agenda will be available to future governments which will not be on your side.
May should be removed immediately. What a disgrace.
I disagree
Only for dual nationals, not sure it applies to anyone. These are “Brits” in inverted commas. They were not born in the UK or to British parents and have been ‘awarded’ citizenship which same as a club membership can be withdrawn.
Okay, Span, so Tommy Robinson is out of the picture. For now, until some politicians decide to expand that rule. But does the dual citizenship angle make the power more palatable? Not all dual citizens are the same.
In any case, Umbongo’s original point still stands. And if that dual citizenship is granted, is it okay that it’s so tenuous? Are there other ways dual citizens are, shall we say, secondary like this? I can’t imagine it should be so fragile if the citizen was using it for protection from something else.
From the UKBA guide:
Under s.40 of the 1981 Act, as amended by the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 from 1 April 2003 and by the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 from 16 June 2006, any British citizen, British overseas territories citizen, British Overseas citizen, British National (Overseas), British protected person or British subject may, by Order, be deprived of his or her citizenship or status if the Home Secretary is satisfied that:
a. it would be conducive to the public good to deprive the person of his or her British nationality, and that s/he would not become stateless as a result of the deprivation (ss.40(2) and (4)) [my bold]
As I wrote, as long as the person is not made stateless thereby May can strip British nationality from anyone. She is currently seeking to amend the law to rid her (and her successors) of the “stateless” proviso.
She’s going nowhere very fast. To the contrary, she’s being talked up by our “conservative” press as a realistic candidate for next leader of the party: another Mrs Thatcher no less. IMHO if May’s the answer, the question must be appalling. Her sole contribution to political life in the UK to date has been to coin the phrase “nasty party” as a descriptor of the Conservatives: a PR gift to the BBC and all points left.
I thought I would see a million comments on Anna Soubury’s ‘hilarious’ comment on Nigel Farage during a ‘serious’ politics show this weekend. Delivered in a proper, infantile leftish-snickering way, the woman pretends to be able to read from someone’s face not just what he is feeling but how he feels about it!
My main point is that either the Biased BBC doesn’t ever invite anyone onto live TV who would say such a thing about a Liebour politician, or they censor it when they do, but either way I hold them entirely responsible for the libel.
The good news is that Anna Sobury supports HS2, the alcohol tax, increased cigarette tax and increased integration with the EU, and she only won her seat by about 300 votes. Polling at 10% we can expect a UKIP candidate in that area to take at least 4-5,000 votes, so whatever else happens, she should be looking for a proper job in 2015.
If a male politician said that ”classy” remark about a female politician, say Diane Abbott for example, ” She looks as if someone has stuck a finger up her rectum and she rather likes it.” It would be all over the media, front page news, he’d be fired on the spot. Double standards ?
Soubry, Mandelson, Bremner, Cable, Marr, smugness personified.
BBC interviewer asking what Nigel Farage said when he was 17 !!! strange that, they’ve never asked what John Reid, Jack Straw, Alistair Darling, Peter Mandelson believed in at 17, they were all Stalinists,
You wouldn’t just insert a finger into Diane Abbot’s arse. You’d be up to your armpit!
Better tie a plank across your backside just to be on the safe side.
Wowzers, how my depraved lust for her has absolutely vanished in less than a year………..
Can we please change the subject?
have i just woke up today and my country england has become a islamic state,this story reported on radio 5 live today about that ignorant muslim women who refused to serve acholol and pork in marks and spencers has serious implications for english law,all day on radio 5 live these muslim leaders have being quoting under islamic law it is forbidden to muslims to go near pork or touch alcholol,this islamic law bit should worry us all,these muslim so called leaders were talking to these politacaly correct 5 live presenters as if england was a muslim islamic state and sharia law is the legal system here,what they are saying is that you must abide are islamic law as if we are the majority in this country and you are the immigrants living here with your dirty ways.that is worrying.very worrying.
You must have been listening to a BBC transmitted from a different universe. Their output today has been mostly weighted against the encroachment and appeasement. For a change.
Marks & Spencer has let their frontline employees determine whether they shall acquiesce or not to the sale of a product, whereas back at the story of our favourite BBC exercise in condemnatory finger-pointing, at them dumb hillbilly gun totin’ teabaggers Duck Dynasty (the reporting on which mischaracterized the objection the interviewed “star” of the show had towards “gay persons” versus “gay sex”), quite a different story has emerged.
In America, a nationwide restaurant-cum-gift-and-convenience-shop chain, Cracker Barrel (the name referring to “saltines,” not their patrons– although you’d be excused for thinking the latter, as it IS accurate), unilaterally told its staff NOT to sell any tchotchkes to do with Duck Dynasty, to avoid any possible offence that might be taken by a customer.
As it happens (as a certain gent was wont to say), their stance drew instant derision from many quarters, saying the potential loss of trade from gays would be far outweighed by the loss of even a portion of their more traditional southern Christian customers who would see this as move as cravenness.
Cracker Barrel, seeing the dollar signs, after having said all the right PC things, immediately rescinded its ukase against selling Duck Dynasty merchandise; they did not want to be seen as the “merch” equivalent of Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi– “No Duck Dynasty for YOU!”
Obviously, to 99% of the workers in Cracker Barrel outlets, selling the products would have posed no ethical dilemma, and to 99% of the clientele, similarly, no problems. But in a misguided attempt to please the equality gods, CB mgmt went PC. They quickly learned how ridiculous they appeared, and walked it back.
Will Marks & Spencer decide now that, to give no offence to anyone, no Muslim may sell pork products or booze (whether they have personal qualms or not), and no Muslims will be sold such products (again, disregarding those Muslims’ own stated willingness to do so), out of some misplaced PC impulse, a la Cracker Barrel? Thinking that somehow, it spares everyone the grief of having to make their own decisions?
Let the BBC report on the Cracker Barrel story, and let them follow what happens, in terms of M&S’s loss of trade, if it starts down the we-will-decide-who-sells-what-to-whom-not-our-customers road Cracker Barrel did, and then immediately abandoned.
Under the provision of goods it is illegal to refuse service to someone on the grounds of religion, so the law is clear.
Shariah law makes no distinction between the sizes of shops and Haram products. There is a long list of the people involved in the production sale and consumption of alcohol, each of them, including the drinker will get one lash of Allahs whip, except for one group who will get two lashes, they are the ones who sell alcohol.
So selling alcohol is in Islamic law twice as bad as drinking it ! But how many off licences are there owned by Muslims? The hypocrisy is breath taking. I always ask what a particular wine is like – often to be met with the ‘I don’t drink I’m a Muslim’ – followed by ‘well if you are you shouldn’t be selling it’! met by silence.
This is a pick and choose religion for many who seem quite content to make themselves as awkward as possible when it suits.
Trust me, there is enough Animal Farm thinking, when it comes to enforcement of civil-rights laws, that it wouldn’t take much for someone to argue that denial of service to a Muslim seeking to buy alcohol, being for his/her own good and for him/her to maintain compliance with the tenets of the faith, is in fact not a violation of law, but rather an affirmation of religious freedom for the imams to set the standards whereby Muslims are to be judged and not for them to be judged by the hegemonic Western culture.
My point was that nobody in the MSM would dare question the intent of any M&S policy that I suggested– oh, they may argue “impracticality,” or the self-defeating nature of it, but the main narrative will be one of “M&S, in a well-intentioned if perhaps somewhat maladroitly-done move to embrace the growing number of Muslim patrons, today has instituted the following multi-culti inclusivity policy, which some reactionaries are already deriding…”
M&S stated that they already had a policy in place to keep Mohammedan employees away from the cash register or from handling alcohol and pork if they don’t want to. They already decided that. You weren’t outraged until now, when the policy wasn’t enforced properly.
This, they claim, was an isolated incident, where for some unknown reason that policy wasn’t enforced correctly. It makes a big difference as to how it happened. M&S isn’t saying, and the BBC certainly isn’t interested in finding out. This is a pretty big mixup, really. Who assigned a Muslim to work the cash register? Did the employee previously have no problem selling alcohol and suddenly had an epiphany? Has she been working the register for ages and this is the first time somebody brought a bottle to her line? Was she unaware of the policy that she could apply to work in another area until the other day, and decided to take action?
If there’s a simple explanation, we haven’t heard it.
Alternatively, I suppose M&S is simply lying and they’re just lucky this hasn’t happened before now.
My initial impression was that the BBC was for a change weighting their coverage on the side against appeasing fundamentalist Islam. Yet the more I hear the same liberal woman lawyer being trotted out as the only expert voice on Mohammedan law, the more I’m starting to think I was wrong about where the BBC’s bias lays.
By presenting only a liberal voice, the BBC can continue the Tiny Minority™ Narrative. Let’s see them bring in a conservative legal scholar, maybe one of the most popular ones not among Progressive liberal Beeboids and white academics, but popular and influential for real in the Mohammedan community. That would probably endanger the Narrative, though.
Marketing chief Philip Almond spent £126 on a taxi for ‘Attending D&AD’s 50th anniversary event’ and then £117.34 cab fare to go to the Sports Personality of the Year
Take an effing bus next time, mate.
Commenting on the £30,000 spent by the Droids on wining and dining eachother (eachother ffs) a spokesDroid said,
‘The BBC employs 20,000 people and this equates to £1.50 per person per year.’
There’s the BBC attitude to our money right there. Piss it away, and when you divide it by 20,000, meh, it don’t seem quite so much.
Yes, I’m sure the other 19,950 Beeboids would be happy to see that £1.50 apiece instead of having all that wealth concentrated at the top.
I have wondered who paid for the party after the final Strictly. Photos of Abby showed her well oiled. Was it at our expense?
No – the BBC spends BBC money, not “our money”. What a quaint concept !
I don’t care if Abbey bathes in vats of champagne on the licence fee – She saw off Smugsanna The Gurner, the BBC anointed choice for victory, and, for bringing us that moment of deep joy, NO reward is too high !
Do you mean that you actually watch that shit!!!
Yes in the round it all point towards the EU (EHRC) of aceptable legal definitions) with BBC justifying all via it’s perspective distortion mirror..
I can only apologise to America and all our Commonwealth countries as being profoundly ashamed of the BBC and it’s corrosive influence. Its as racially abusive to the morally indigenous English, as it is to conscientious objectors. Peace to all of us and our families whilst we keep them away from harm – and the imposing BBC agenda which do not represent the view of the English, just a distortion in time.
Ok so I didn’t think I’d be watching the BBc over winterfest. However the M&S boycott fired my curiosity of how the BBc would cover the story. So I turned over for the 18:00 news which is just now ending. Well lots of coverage of the weather. Obviously no dead terrorists this week. Winter storms in the winter, travel disruption over Christmas who could have known? Then an article about pussy riot being freed BBc don’t like Putin much do they? M&S? Nothing I noted the Facebook site was gaining hundreds of followers by the hour was pulled with some haste. The media outlets that are reporting on the story are now towing the line that M&S have apologised but no mention of the back lash that appeared to force them into it. When I last looked before it was pulled the facebook had well over 9 thousand likes on it. Curiously Tesco put out some blurb. Which is strange because I remember one of their warehouse workers refusing to move alcohol as he didn’t realise Tesco sold alcohol, but then I could have imagined that one…not. High point of the news was the article about a brain cancer inoculation this justified them screening a clip of the dire DR. Who walking down what appeared to be a Tudor era street but set in Jamaica. SNAFU.
The BBC 5 pm Radio news news also had a report from someone called Sarah Ransome, who was, apparently, “almost” knocked over by severe winds in Plymouth. Meanwhile, too far North to be on the BEEBs radar, a man died in floods in Cumbria, and the entire Northern half of the UK suffers severe weather, with more to come. The BBCs metorcentric Bias is a daily thing for those of us who live North of Watford. But we also have to pay the licence fee.
I was astounded that at work yesterday that no one had heard the M&S story.
Thats the sad thing and indicative of the fact that the BBC are brainwashing the majority.
Rolf Harris facing three further prosecutions for sexual assault including one against a girl “aged seven or eight”
Just what is it about the bBC, that turns people into rapists, and paedophiles?
It’s their culcha innit!
They’ve had a lot of practice. Even the London HQ is suggestive of past practices such: Eric Gill was asked to produce a number of suggestive decoration on the outside (possibly inside) of the BBC building. Perhaps that’s why they’ve moved to Salford, to deny it all. (Saville was not working alone, it is the culture of the BBC). http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/358888/Pervert-s-statue-greets-visitors
Rolf Harris, Clive James, Barry Humphries have all lived in Britain since the 1950s, yet the media describes them as Australian.
A swiveled eyed, sabre wielding muslim jihadist screaming Alah Akbar steps off an airplane at Heathrow is described by the media as British !!
I have been ill the last week so I might have been hallucinating, either that or the BBC have scaled new heights of hypocrisy, unheard of and unparalleled in our times. Anyway, to the point. There was a package on BBC News 24, today, that covered in some depth the bullying tactics of local authority employed bailiffs who, after intimidating council letters that have been sent demanding payments, are visiting people in their homes as a means of collecting any unpaid monies from these, often, highly vulnerable and elderly members of the community; their visits have been called threatening and aggressive by Citizens Advice. Do these practices sound familiar? Where else have I heard of or even experienced these types of foul visitations?
After watching I simply walked over to my sitting room wall and proceeded to continuously head butt it in a monotonous fashion… this atypical behaviour caused by caused by sheer disbelief.
Their sanctimonious reporting of abhorrent practices that they also enjoy employing reminds me of when they criticized News of the World journalists of being less than scrupulous, and when they pilloried fat-cat payoffs in the energy sector and when they reported on corruption and cover-ups in large institutions such as banks… all of which they are guilty of. They’re a disgraceful skid mark on the underpants of Great Britain.
It’d be interesting to see the result of a referendum on whether or not the British people (excluding immigrants and Muslim extremists) actually want the BBC.
Yes, and it would be nice to see which parties they vote for.
I must have been hallucinating as well because I am sure that I heard, on tonight’s 6 o’clock ‘news’, the bBBC bimbo say that Dennis McShane was the seventh MP prosecuted for expenses fraud, all of them Labour.
The bBC and the death of Mikhail Kalashn
The man who designed the AK47 the weapon which has killed more people than both atomic weapons used against Japan is given a much easier time than I would have thought. In fact the bBC even rewrites what he thought of the Ak47:
Kalashnikov refused to accept responsibility for the many people killed by his weapon, blaming the policies of other countries that acquired it. However, pride in his invention was tempered with sadness at its use by criminals and child soldiers. “it is painful for me to see when criminal elements of all kinds fire from my weapon,”
Criminals bBC? Here is what he actually said to the Guardian:
“”I’m proud of my invention, but I’m sad that it is used by terrorists,”
Gee, I wonder just which terrorists he had in mind?
They seem to be suffering a lot of grief for the designer of a gun don’t they? Could it be because he was a Soviet? I thought the BBC hated guns, but communist guns appear to be OK, despite this gun having probably killed more people than any other.
What do you make of this article? I thought there might be some balance in its reflections of Christian persecution in the Middle East… but does anyone else agree that it soon turns into an advert fro Islam?
Received this reply from M and S after I submitted a complaint:
Dear Customer
Thanks for your email.
I can assure you customer service is our number one priority. In the case highlighted in recent press articles, we regret this was not delivered to our usual standards. We would like to apologise for any resulting confusion and reassure you this was an isolated incident.
M&S offers an inclusive, secular environment for employees and customers, working closely with any employee with religious beliefs of any denomination that restrict specific food or drink handling. We aim to manage this so that all employees work in departments that allow them to offer great customer service at all times. Requests such are considered on a case by case basis and may lead to an individual working in a department where conflicts wouldn’t arise, such as in clothing or bakery in foods.
This policy has been successfully implemented over many years and does not compromise our ability to offer the highest level of customer service.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Simon Hoskins
Pounce, this reply doesn’t tell us why this incident happened, though. If they already had a policy in place to keep conservative Mohammedans away from the cash register and booze shelves, how did this happen?
That “requests are considered” bit almost suggests blaming the employee for acting on her own and not following company guidelines. But they probably can’t say that, and the BBC certainly wouldn’t ask, as it could, as Hugh Sykes might say, give permission for prejudice.
Pretty poor PR from the company on this one. They ought to look to Cracker Barrel for an example on how to do it a bit better.
At the end of the day on the run up to Christmas, M&S have found themselves scoring a big own goal, I hope to allah this results in them losing lots of business, and hopefully going out of business. I want thousands of people losing their jobs because M&S played second fiddle to Islam. Thus ensuring that people in the UK become even more polarised against the fucking gay death cult which the left tells me is a religion of peace. I want to see in place a mindset in the UK which bands Islam from setting foot here.
If it means seeing lots of terrorist acts here, so be it, but Islam has to be stopped in the UK.
It just seems a bit odd that this happened out of the blue, as if nobody ever knew there was a policy about anything until this incident. If this cashier hadn’t decided to enforce her religion’s rules at that moment, there would be no story. My question is why then, and how was she in that situation in the first place?
There’s a piece of information we’re missing, which may or may not be the key. The BBC is uninterested in finding out, in favor of pursuing the “According to our expert, most Mohammedans don’t want to enforce Shariah Law on you, and M&S already has a policy in place to make sure this doesn’t happen” agenda. Okay, fine. I’m convinced they do. So why did this happen? I’ve worked in retail, and there’s either a perfectly simple explanation for why an allegedly devout Mohammedan was working a cash register where some infidel might line up to purchase a holiday bottle of something, or there’s a very unpleasant explanation which might, as the BBC’s Hugh Sykes might say, “give permission for prejudice”.
Obviously the negative reaction is out in full force, so what’s stopping the BBC from producing that simple explanation?
As a company which has Jewish heritage it is even more strange to see it adopting such strange policies.
Maybe it thinks that the hate filled lefties will now rush to its support and for every ‘reactionary’ who refuses to shop there, they will gain three loonie lefties?
Having said all that, this report paints a different picture with M&S saying that the Muslim who did refuse to sell alcohol should never have been on the till in the first place.
Has M&S had an influx of Common Purpose graduates into their senior management? It certainly sounds like a policy that Common Purpose would salivate over.
Is it mere coincidence that Common Purpose has the same initials as Communist Party?
Chances are M & S were fearful that disciplining this employee would be portrayed in the media (especially by al Beeb) as racist or islamophobic, and that they’d lose custom as a result.
Thanks to the angry public backlash though, company policy has now swung the other way.
No, Thoughtful, I’d say that a company with any awareness of their Jewish heritage would see the value in not isolating a group because their religious practices don’t fit in perfectly with the majority of the society in which they live. You’re playing the BBC/Mohammedan justified violence game if you think all Jews should simply hate all Muslims and discriminate against them. It shouldn’t be strange at all for a people with a history of being oppressed and made outcasts to see the value in finding ways not to discriminate against a religious minority.
So how did this happen? It makes a big difference as to how the incident is perceived, and whether or not it has any larger relevance or can be used to push somebody’s agenda, whichever side of the debate one is on.
The BBC doesn’t care because they have their own agenda on the issue.
Has anyone read Niall Ferguson’s book: “The Great Degeneration”? He basically blames the current fall of western civilisation on demented institutions that are over-regulated.
In both the M&S case and the BA/Christian necklace case a company was scared to allow – what had already been happening – for fear of litigation. In the BA case the company suddenly feared an employee wearing a Christian symbol on a necklace. In the M&S case the company feared legal action for not accommodating a certain Muslim’s religious belief, which (she claimed) had impacted on their ability to a job.
Why does a self-styled secular organisation listen to peoples’ religious beliefs?
“BBC confusion over Jihadists, especially African ones”
So about this ‘British doctor’ who died in a Syrian jail after being arrested at the border on his way back from Allepo. At first I thought, oh deary me, that’s terrible, poor chap, etc. But now, after hearing repeated BBC news reports banging on about it in a very one-sided fashion, I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t more to the story. Welshy was just interviewing the dead man’s sister on News24 and she was saying the British & Syrian governments were equally to blame for his death. Hang on. Who was it who decided to visit a war zone again? (along with a few hundred other ‘British’ Jihadists). And while the BBC are playing up the Doctor angle, as I recall, the Jihadi’s who attacked Glasgow Airport were also Doctors so it certainly doesn’t mean he was necessarily innocent.
OH come on. The bBC will always promote the cocksuckingchidlrapingchristiankilling muslim as a fucking victim, I can’t wait for the day when the bBCs fav victims detonate a bomb at a football match killing thousands, , hopefully the backlash will see thousands of fucking Muslims killed in the UK, I want to see mosques burnt down and the the bBC exposed for the traitors they are.
They’ll just blame the Police as usual …
They’ll ask:
1 How did these militants become radicalised
2 why did the systemically racist police fail to prevent it.
3 predict a shocking backlash against innocent muslims throughout the land
4 Ask Anjem fuckin Choudry to condemn it.
5 Ask the Govt to amend previously stated faulty foreign policy ( by anjem )
6 Ask someone, anyone, somewhere else to stage a worse atrocity so they can brush this one under the carpet.
7 Ask …..oh, words fail me, what a treacherous bunch of wankers infests the bbc, Adolf Hitler would be proud of this bunch of tossers.
“One of the survivors claims that he saw a man in the crowd wearing a Mossad badge on his lapel.”
Before the RoP gained exclusive use of the term ‘tiny minority’, it used to be applied to football hooliganism. ‘Tiny minority’, ‘Not real fans’ etc etc: we’re going to pretend it’s not happening so stop fretting about it you plebs. Sound familiar ?
So whilst I wouldn’t wish to see Pounces exploding emir in action, there would be the somewhat diverting sight of the current ‘tiny minority’ attempting to eradicate its predecessor. Wonder who’d get the blame for that one ?
Sorry Buggy,But the only way the British public will wake up to intolerant Islam is to see it for what it is. however due to the disinformation propagated by the left only the mass murders of thousands of non Muslims by the faithful will wake the British up to the fact that you can’t trust a fucking paki bastard and by removing them from this plane of existence will we see peace on earth.
A commendation – for a change – of what the BBC can do in TV – or rather, what it can commission from an independent production company. I have just been watching the 3-part series “Pilgrimage” presented by Simon Reeve, visiting many ancient Christian pilgrimage destinations. Part 1 was sites in the UK – Joly Island, Walsingham, Canterbury etc. Part 2 concentrated on the great routes to Santiago de Compostella and to Rome. Part 3 covered Istanbul/Constantinople and then the Holy Land, ending in Jerusalem.
Reeve says he was brought up a Methodist but these days is not a person of faith. But I felt he gave a very balamced mix of context, fact, great scenery, interesting interviews along the way. He was visibly moved by some of his experiences. Some of the places he visited I have never heard of, in spite of lots of travel.
Glorious TV, no agenda except “travel can be enriching and fascinating and eye-opening”.
Apparently he was one of the first to write about Al Qaeda and nin Laden, directly after the World Trade Centre bombs in 1993. He must have been about 22 then – so a young, enquiring mind.
The series has been a blessed relief after the Byzantium series. Part 2 is still on iPlayer until tomorrow evening – 23 Devember – and Part 3 until 24 December. I recommend it as solid interesting and unbiased viewing, an exploration of some of our Christian history.
If you can’t download to watch this time – catch it if and when the BBC repeats it
There’s similar un-ironic positive expressions of Christian faith in Tudor Farm. For the most part they’re treating the unquestioned faith of the people in that era without belittling or scowling. It just was.
Yes, they stick in a couple of gratuitous black people, which has disturbed a couple of people here, but with one exception (technically, two youngsters in the same scene) they’re not allowed indoors. I’m thinking the un-ironic positive expression of Christian faith in the Tudor Period, along with the cast’s general disinclination to scowl at the fundamental connection everyday life then had to that faith, more than makes up for the moments where the BBC incongruously enforces their remit to promote multiculturalism.
I largely agree. However, I assume you missed the few minutes devoted to expressions of Reeve’s upset about the (admittedly ugly) anti-terrorist wall constructed by the Israelis. No reasons why the Israelis might construct such a wall were mentioned: just the fact of its ugliness and, by implication, that its purpose is to intimidate the inhabitants of and pilgrims to Bethlehem.
I saw the part where Reeve wsas being driven past the separation wall. Yes, he found it ugly – who wouldn’t ? But he made no comment then or elsewhere in the programme about the Palestinian conflict except to say how sharp it was – he was not taking sides. While in Jerusalem, he noted the significance of the mosque along with the Wailing Wall and the Holy Sepulchre church, but spent virtually all his time talking about the significance of CHRISTIAN sites. The series was overwhelmingly about pilgrimage in Christianity – including pilgrimage to other sites in the Holy Land.
I would imagine the net effect of his programme dealing with Israel would be to increase tourism there. That was not his object, but it would be a great by-product for that fascinating country. Every person of Christian background whom I have met who has visited Israel relates how interesting it is – and most intend to go back. And I don’t think most such visitors to Israel end up pleading the false Palestinian case, quite the opposite.
I saw most of the last programme on your recommendation, and agree with your summary. Previously, I had avoided watching it presuming an un-Christian islamic bent.
My only rider would be that the first, middle and last images of Jerusalem had the Temple Mount mosque centre stage, leaving the impression it was the most important and lasting image.
Aaqil Ahmed appeared in the credits.
Perhaps he made sure islam had the final say.
No Christmas bells now. ‘A church has agreed to turn off its bells at night – because they are “prejudicial to health”. This is due to ‘hate’ legsilation forcing local authorities to act on behalf of LGBTYFMX wierdos and secular nobodies that seem to exist in the corridors of power now. Not even near the BBC but that influence does travel far and wide. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/10535524/Complaints-silence-church-bells-for-first-time-in-117-years.html
Sorry Phil but this has absolutely nothing to do with ‘LGBTYFMX wierdos’, and it isn’t the first time it has happened.
The sad thing is that the Church of England has destroyed itself from within, by the appointment of liberal lefties who do not believe, into positions of authority. Eventually the congregations sickened by political lectures every Sunday decided that they’d be better off visiting a socialist workers meeting if that was what they wanted, and gave up attending.
One of the vicars close to the parish where I live doesn’t believe in any aspect of Christianity – but he does strongly believe in liberalism, and you should listen to his bile and hatred when his views are opposed, even in the most trivial way.
Sleep deprivation is defined as torture, and whilst you might expect the UK to act when reports of nuisance neighbours are made, as usual they take the side of the criminal and defend their rights against the victim. It can take years to get them to court and silenced, although due to the weak nature of UK law it’s almost impossible to properly enforce.
Spoiler alert if anyone doesn’t know the result of tonight’s Only Connect final, but the boardgamers won. The bBBC fixed it so that they had questions on wargames (!), and Victoria Coren, in the midst of telling us about her alcohol habit yet again, could scarcely contain her delight that the pair of queers triumphed.
Yes and the delight on Guardian Corens face when she proudly told us that they in a civil partnership … lovely couple!
BBC speculating on causation through correlation again:
Two die as severe weather hits UK Christmas getaway
The truth is that about 2000 people die every day in Britain. We don’t know the cause of their deaths merely that their bodies were caught up in the effects of nature. They may have had heart attacks or strokes or anything before succumbing to the flow of water. Like the Syrian doctor death the BBC jumps to conclusions and makes them headline news.
Not sure if anyone noticed or indeed watched the Christmas edition of Top of the Pops 2, but Incredibly they managed to shoehorn in The Specials ‘Free Nelson Mandela’
Not sure how that works in a Christams edition, as the song was a hit in March 84! It allowed Mark Radcliffe to remind us that ‘a political giant had passed away’……
Questions well worth asking:
Facts that don’t look set to change anytime soon:
‘Don’t hold your breath – it’s a fair bet they’ll say it’s information held for the purposes of journalism, and thus their secret.’
That one of quite a few, often not so little secrets they seem to be piling up, ever so uniquely.
Small prediction for early 2014: a lot of ‘tell it often enough’ programming, filler, guest commentary and carefully selected viewer feedback on how transparent the BBC is and how literally they are now trusted by 103% of every living being.
Maybe a few ‘back off’ articles in the Graun too, by folk they oddly forget to mention seem related to the BBC by £100kpa sinecures for a week’s work a year…. that these days are not even being given the time of day by CiF regulars.
Before comments get closed.
I see a lot more of that, too.
‘Tis the season to be leery.
Carrying on from the recent Newsnight debate on ‘addiction’, between Peter Hitchens & that spoilt, insufferable, narcissistic airhead, Matthew ‘Friends’ Perry, here’s an excellent & concise article from an experienced man who knows: The Government Made Me Do It.
Thank you for alerting me/us to the article by the eminently sensible Theodore Dalrymple. We will never get a balanced debate on this on the BBC. TD speaks another truth when he points out that “whiplash injury … scarcely exists in countries whose legal systems allow no compensation for it”.
This great man should get the Booker Prize.
Like Booker, Dalrymple is a perpetual “no-show” on any BBC/media forum for politics, global meltdown, immigration or what have you.
Social agencies taking kids from parents, and the EU project are Bookers specialities-and have been since the late 80s at least…yet I`ve never seen him review a paper or deal with a Dimbly!
These are your true prophets-which is why the BBC etc fear and loath them.
Honeyford Commendations for both Chris and William!
Not to be confused with Pally-loving, Israel-hating William Dalrymple.
TD speaks another truth when he points out that “whiplash injury … scarcely exists in countries whose legal systems allow no compensation for it”.
Too true, and for what would likely be a chronic condition (if it existed) GPs never seem to get a repeat visit once they’ve signed the appropriate compo form.
Highly recommend Theodore Dalrymple’s ‘Romancing Opiates: Pharmacological Lies and the Addiction Bureaucracy’
In it he not only shreds the present ‘addiction industry’ but explains its evolution
Like all his books it is a pleasure to read
I see that there is absolutely no indication on the bbbc website that we are celebrating Christmas (it used to be a well known Christian celebration throughout this country formerly known as England (now known as Londinistan)).
I suppose I must now enjoy the ‘winter holidays’…….. not with any of those pretty lights outside my house (one has to be aware of the size of one’s carbon footprint). As ‘some people say’ – it may be offensive to other ‘members of our community’.
Although any celebrations are difficult when we are in the midst of the ‘global warming’ crisis as evidenced by the ‘rogue’ rain storm and low temperatures right in the middle of an English winter – We will be having snow next – further evidence of climate change……….environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment…..and on and on and on and on.
Has anyone noticed that another group of Asian males have been convicted of sexually abusing/raping/assaulting under age, white females again?………The bbbc hasn’t.
“£18,000 bonus for bosses behind £100m BBC IT fiasco:
Managers were given ‘performance related’ benefits ahead of scheme’s launch.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2528729/IT-fiasco.html#ixzz2oNxOysxi
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In addition to the ‘BBC bookie-wookie of Editorial Guidelines To Ignore Anyway’, the ‘BBC Dictionary of How ‘Unique’ Can Make Things Appear Further From Reality Than They Appear’ is soaring up the lists.
Hence, ‘Rewards For Failure’ become ‘Rewards For Being Employed By The Most Trusted, Transparent Professional Unaccountable Broadcast Monopoly In the World’.
‘became a running joke among insiders who referred to the project as ‘Don’t Mention It’.’
This likely going to be rolled out to encompass the whole corporation as some outsiders start to hear about it too.
Those ‘little secrets’ they keep do seem to be accruing.
Today celebrated the issue of a royal pardon to Alan Turing. The BBC Radio 4 news extends the celebrations by transmitting an extended quote from Peter Tatchell demanding a pardon for all those caught by the same criminal sanctions. Rather than give a balanced and reflective view of this event Today brought on Baroness Trumpington to enlighten us as to what Turing was like personally. Unfortunately, she revealed that she never met him since at Bletchley Park you were not encouraged to associate with those outside your immediate work circle (although she knew well of him). Then Prof Barry Cooper briefly surveyed Turing’s mathematical legacy.
All good stuff and I’ll admit that Turing is one of my heroes – as a man and a mathematician. Nevertheless – and however unjust the law under which he was convicted – he was guilty as charged and tragically committed suicide, in part at least, as a consequence of his conviction and its further consequences. A royal pardon is grossly inappropriate in this case since even the prime mentalist, when he was in a position to influence such events, admitted that a royal pardon is (or should be) only issued where there has been a miscarriage of justice ie the conviction is wrong and the miscreant is innocent.
Instead of what could have been an interesting – even enlightening – discussion on the use of legal processes as PR (for the government and the political party in power), we got another encomium to a great man who was unfortunately caught up in a particularly nasty and distressing episode because of his (now fashionable) sexuality.
How long is this process of exculpating all those who fell foul of a criminal law now deemed “incorrect” by the political class to be continued? Further and more dangerously, when can we expect to see the previously innocent dragged into court by a retrospective change in the law or just a change in how the law is applied. Don’t laugh. We’ve already seen – to the BBC’s evident approval – the 800 year old double jeopardy safeguards overturned as well as our parliamentary representatives (on the Public Accounts Committee) insisting that tax not legally payable is, nevertheless, “morally” owed. As it is, HMRC from time to time change their view of how existing tax practices should operate and prosecute accordingly. God forbid that the BBC should inquire into such things. It might be that taxpayers (rather than those living at taxpayers’ expense which, funnily enough, include the BBC) could be found to be victims of legal injustice.
Another example of retrospective legislation: War Crimes Act 1991
“A royal pardon is grossly inappropriate in this case since even the prime mentalist, when he was in a position to influence such events, admitted that a royal pardon is (or should be) only issued where there has been a miscarriage of justice ie the conviction is wrong and the miscreant is innocent.”
Although one COULD argue that, if the Royal Prerogative of Mercy is plenary, it could extend to HM saying, “You know what? The case, as with all cases after February 1952, was brought by the Crown in MY name, and perhaps, even saying the chap was guiltier than hell on the facts (i.e., he acknowledged a homosexual relationship, in order to account for why a man in his house might know why it may have been targeted for burglary), it still might have been an abuse of prosecutorial discretion now we look back on it sixty-one years later. Before I croak, I’d like to take the ‘Regina’ off that case.” Of course, you’d want to know who on the Privy Council would have put her up to it, if that’s what the deal really is, but good luck there.
The flipside to pardoning people for acts which were then criminal, but are no more, is to condemn people who performed acts which were legal then but are now considered criminal.
Start allowing ex post facto criminalisation, and you throw away 800 years of jurisprudence. At that point, you have no more legal system– it will purely be vindictiveness, as opposed to vindication. You may as well tell Justice to throw away her scales– it’s only her sword we’re interested in.
Elimination of the prohibition against double jeopardy would be as nothing compared to being able, simply in virtue of being the majority party in Parliament, to outlaw anything which, under the other party’s Government, dissatisfied you enough to want to attach criminal liability to it– as opposed to merely repealing it.
A written Constitution, self-executing upon Royal Assent, and by its own terms incapable of change by last-in-time legislation, and having a (no pun) laborious amending process– something like the US Constitution, for all its faults– could enshrine rights of non-retrospective criminalisation, amongst many others taken for granted but in no wise indestructible by last-in-time legislation. But the way things seem to be going, my money’s on legalising ex post facto outlawing; a written Constitution is a bit more of a punt.
There has always been a principle of lenity in the law that has allowed the loosening of the noose without there ever having been or needing to be a corresponding offsetting tightening when there would seem to have been good reason for it. It is all one-way– the tempering of justice with mercy. One never heard of t’other way ’round– it has never appealed to any sense of humanity in the human soul. That may be about to change.
I see trouble ahead.
Slavery is illegal. Yet, at one time is was a profitable part of the British and indeed, other Empires.
You could extrapolate the argument that, as ethnic minorities are the descendants of said slaves, and that they see themselves as inheritors of said victim-hood, they should be entitled to compensation.
Our law makers, being usually Oxford PPE graduates, really do not seem to think things through and do whatever is hip-and-trendy in order to curry favour.
Of course, we the taxpayer must pay for the sins of our forefathers.
I’m sure I heard on Radio 4 Womans hour that they are planning to talk to Winnie Mandela tomorrow.
Why on earth they think this criminal accused of several ‘gross violations of human rights, murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for even larger number of such crimes.
But hey she’s a left wing icon, and in their eyes immune from these findings, and anyone who says she’s guilty is obviously a ‘waycist’ even if they are also black & from the same tribe.
You have to remember that ‘diversity’, and ‘equality’ are not about what they seem on face value, they are in fact just words with which to attack and bully those who don’t agree with your fascist views. If it actually comes to doing something constructive about equality and diversity the fascists will run a mile!
Hope they ask her about Stompie.
Ask her why Nelson Mandela wasn’t cremated.
Couldn`t get to Kwik Fits retread bin in time.
Can’t mix crossply and radials.
Some sad news any time, but especially this time of year:
@BBCBreaking: Palestinian girl killed in Israeli strike on Gaza Strip, doctors say, after Israeli civilian shot dead by sniper http://t.co/Zv2s1NBeJn
Twitter always seems inadequate at such times.
Especially when one clicks on the link to find it only offers ‘more to follow’.
Given the febrile nature of reaction to such reports, one might possibly feel that the BBC could better have waited until this ‘more’ was in before rushing to base this tweet on what doctors say. The medical profession in this neck of the woods does seem to have expanded its remit a tad, and not always in a way that inspires much faith in their value as objective sources.
Was this preceded by a BBC tweet about the Israeli civilian being killed? Yeah, right. BBC editorial policy: It all started when Israel hit back.
I’d love to have a discussion with a journalist about their life valuation calculus.
Possibly. Positively not.
However the way that tweet was phrased was what first jarred.
I notice the ‘more to come’ remains high on rather dubious ‘reports’ still. Maybe the BBC could wait until their trusted staff know what is going on before hitting the publish button based on possible propaganda pr.
As to claims from the other side that retaliating for a premeditated, provocative sniper murder is an escalation, maybe the BBC was pondering an appropriate analysis on how that works out but figured worth passing it on now just to keep things feisty.
To the BBC it’s a simple calculation: not enough Jews died before Israel hit back. So any response is by default disproportionate and unjust. Since the BBC values lives according to who kills them, I’m not sure any response by Israel would be acceptable unless they get nuked.
al Beeb doesn’t mention the details of the Israeli strike, which were –
“Israel Air Force aircrafts and IDF tanks and infantry fired on a weapon manufacturing facility and a military target in the southern Gaza Strip, terror training and military sites in the central Gaza Strip, and a concealed rocket launcher in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed, according to the IDF.”
So it looks as though the terrorists were using human shields, as usual.
I guess the ObamaCare website is racist:
Figures. Obama Tried to Sign Up for Obamacare But “System Couldn’t Verify His Identity”
Apparently His personal information isn’t in certain government databases. The website is run by birthers, I tell you!
Serious? If so, satirical gold. Surely someone thought to test it beforehand….
Proves he is just an empty suit plus a Cheshire Cat grin ?
Maybe the requirement for ID disenfranchised Him. Damn those racist ID laws. Where’s Mardell or Dymond on this?
I wouldn’t normally rejoice at anyone’s death, but sometimes it’s difficult not to … Influential comedy agent Addison Cresswell has died at the age of 53: Jack Dee, Michael McIntyre and Jonathan Ross were among Cresswell’s clients.
Maybe we can sue his estate for some of that £18million that he “negotiated” for Jonathan Ross.
Or cut our losses, knowing that this watershed moment was the first crack in the BBC edifice, before the storms that swept it away?
Can we downgrade Typhoon Savile to a tropical squall yet?
No-don`t think so!
“Born in 1960, Cresswell started out as entertainments officer at Brighton Polytechnic.”
Who would have ever guessed?
The BBC called up former Asst. Sec. of State P.J. Crowley to write up a piece on the recent minor diplomatic kerfuffle between the US and India. It’s pretty much a dry explanation of what happened and that the US had been working on improving its relation with this growing economic power.
The title of the article calls it an example of “bureaucratic and diplomatic negligence”.
The BBC has paid Crowley before to write some opinion pieces on US issues. Previously, they included in his job description that he was Assistant to Hillary Clinton when she was Sec. of State. For some reason, they left that out this time – when he’s criticizing her successor. All the reader knows is that he’s a foreign policy expert, and not his partisan connection. Don’t worry, though, nobody’s blaming the President or anything so shocking.
Rule #1 in effect as usual. The BBC has form with him, as well. A pure opinion piece somehow got curated into the “Echo Chambers” feature, once again showing that its alleged remit is a joke. Crowley’s Clintonista connection isn’t mentioned. The editor, Anthony Zurcher, even turned over half of one installment to Crowley. This time it was on the awesomeness of the recent agreement between the US and Iran. Fortunately, Crowley’s political connection to the President’s Administration was mentioned that time. Although Zurcher presents it as if he wrote the BBC out of the blue, when in fact he’s a regular contributor. I guess that’s just a harmless little bit of dishonesty.
Crowley mentioned that the agreement highlighted the differences between Washington and “Tel Aviv”. This is an anti-Israel statement on its face. Nobody who supports Israel would have anything other than Jerusalem as its capitol. We know the BBC already has taken an anti-Israel stance on that particular issue (which they adjust after complaints), so some might suggest that the BBC’s editorial policy changed that and Crowley isn’t anti-Israel.
He is, though. So much so that when the BBC asked him to write up one of those “If you could ask XX ten questions” deals, in this case a selection of foreign policy questions for Republican presidential candidates. Two of them were written from an anti-Israel perspective.
Just do a search on the BBC website for PJ Crowley and you’ll see all his Left-wing Viewpoint pieces.
Rhys Hughes, BBC Radio 1 producer, weighs in on the Duck Dynasty controversy. No prizes for guessing his perspective.
Anti-Palin and anti-Christian in one tweet. It’s this kind of thinking that gets him promoted at the BBC.
Like his reply to @Rhys-Hughes’ reasonable observation
(from under his clenched Marxist fist icon) “one nation under god or else”
Or else what- I thought it was the ‘Duck Family’ that got pulled not the ‘Ellen Degenerate show’
Rhys Hughes is a bigot, plain and simple.
It is said by some to written in their genes.
ramzypual making more sense than usual