Right, that’s Christmas boxed off for another year so normal service has been resumed! Here’s a new Open Thread for your attention and the floor is yours!
Some may recall, following the Lee Rigby murder by radicalised Muslims, a government funded organisation called Tell Mama, whose purpose was to monitor attacks against Muslims, declared there was a huge rise in these attacks, which were later found to be highly exaggerated. As a result the government decided to end funding for this organisation.
Here’s the article back in June from the Telegraph telling of this:
So despite the discredited status of this organisation, the BBC is still featuring reports emanating from Tell Mama as though there is nothing suspect about them. We can see in this BBC article from November, not only don’t they mention anything about the previous Tell Mama figures that were found to be exaggerated, but even make a point to say in the first line of the article The police are failing to investigate hundreds of cases of anti-Muslim hate messages on the internet, according to a government-funded monitoring group.
Outright lying and pure distortion to fulfil the BBC agenda.
“But Tell Mama has told the BBC it has only had a response from the police regarding 70 cases”
So a bloke from a discredited outrage industry centre has told a tame petal from the BBC flower garden (‘told the BBC’? Bless) they don’t feel they are getting the kind of box-ticking service they demand, based on the fuzz maybe having better things to do than send a full tactical squad to ask some knuckle dragger, or false flagger to stop being rude on FaceBook? And this gets worked up into another ‘BBC has learned’ special?
Hate to break it to the foot stampers and ex-perambulator toy ejectors from the media-NGO mutual support sector, but plod frankly pays attention to just about anything short of murder (and even then…) as much as a CECUTT director does logic or common sense.
Welcome to the world you have created for the rest of us, blossoms.
I have always thought of ‘Demolition Man’ as one of the dafter excuses for Sci Fi-based carnage, but between our government and the BBC these days, the damn thing seems uncannily prescient.
Certainly we seem to have more than enough rather fey Raymond Cocteau figures flouncing around encouraging a gaggle of Simon Phoenix clones in their distressing MDK habits already.
As I recall it kicked off because the robed Eloi class were distressed that grubby folk were ignoring ever-more bonkers fine impositions and spraying rude signs on walls. So they defrost some nutters to deal with those showing minds of their own, rather forgetting possible collateral consequences down the line. Sound familiar?
Pity in real life no obvious counters in any form spring to mind.
How many will be real journalists and researchers the news and current & affairs department needs so vitally? Budget cuts are blamed for Newsnight’s problems and a lack of original quality reporting, so the majority of these people taking up vital BBC resources had better be contributing to these important areas. Otherwise one might begin to suspect that Lord Hall never had any intention of fixing the real problems, and that the BBC has been lying about learning lessons.
”..better be contributing to these important areas..”
It may be hard to credit they are really that keen in improving programming quality when most effort and investment seems to be going into management personnel to help recharge folk for stuff they have already uniquely funded. http://www.thedrum.com/news/2013/12/29/bbc-reportedly-set-compete-netflix-and-iplayer-charging-viewers-watch-favourite?
Unless the plan is to let Netflix & iTunes also score £145.50pa from everyone, which would be… interesting.
Also have to again note ‘the BBC’ as an entity and ‘BBC spokespersons’ as equally vague actual individuals hard to hold to account, seem often at odds with each other on what is, or is not, accurate.
Latest news from the ice0bound ship in the Antarctic is pretty gloomy. After the Chinese ice-breaker failed to get through to rescue, Plan B hopes are pinned on an Australian ship – but if the winds are too high or if the ice is a lot thicker, that may fail too. In which case rescue by a helicopter from the Chinese ship is Plan C.
BBC reporting on this debacle hides the fact that this expedition includes a major filming.broadcasting initiative by the BBC and Guardian. The “scientific” side is led by a greenie bearded Brit academic – a basic idea was to show the impact of climate change on the area. Yes matey, the climate always changes, and it looks a damn sight colder than the original Mawson expedition of 1911-14 !
I noticed that Sky TV News are also, as usual, in on the same wheeze as the BBC concerning this ‘story’. Interviewing some fully signed-up CAGW zealot posing as a ‘scientist’ on last night’s early evening bulletin, Sky were as incapable of critical interview technique as their common purpose chums over at the Biased Broadcasting Corporation as they allowed this charlatan to spout meaningless drivel concerning ‘climate change’ as some kind of ‘explanation’ for the travails of the trapped ship.
Seems that TV journalists (and I use the word very loosely) must all be drinking the same kool-aid. A truly sorry state of affairs.
And this morning we find that the biased BBC have dredged up some leftie for ‘thought for the day’ to attack the speech by Judge Judge over the European Human Rights Act.
We were all lectured on how ‘Hate speech’ simply must over ride everyone else’s rights regardless of the levels of oppression which results.
The bBCs position is made absolutely clear !
The liberals are in a bit of a tizzy. The judge spelled it out in clear language.
Is Parliament sovereign or not?
Our unwritten constitution is based on this important point. Decided by the Civil war and the removal of James the Second and the subsequent Acts of Parliament. For the good of Europe and ourselves it is time to go.
Not that the average liberal can grasp this. Too simple and not empathetic enough .
Although to be fair the European elite cannot grasp it either.
Using Socialist logic, Socialists would be locked up for hating.
(1) Judge Judge’s speech
(2) People with more money than a Socialist
(3) Daily Mail readers
(4) People who don’t vote Labour
(5) Christians
(6) Libertarians
(7) Victims of crime by people the lefties do not hate
(8) Intelligent people called thick by lefties
(9) People who are inferior because they are not judged inferior by lefties
People who are superior because they are judged inferior by lefties
And now far loony leftie favourite Camilla Batmanghelidjh is allowed to run riot venting her spleen against the Daily Mail and anyone who dares criticise immigration or any other kind of loonie leftie policy.
How many orphans would we feed if we got this belltent to slim down and stop emoting to no effect?
A complete fraud-surely Iran needs her more than we do.
‘A drugs gang that flooded a county with drugs has been jailed for a total of 167 years after they were found with huge amounts of cash, heroin and cocaine.’
Amongst all the colourful diversity… ‘Other defendants included:…. Roman Moscicki, 30 from Slough’
Oh and there were the West Riding Moscickis… their seat was Carleton Lodge in Pontefract, as I recall
‘A mother-of-two illegally claimed more than £13,000 in benefits while owning a house with a £1 million mortgage, a court heard.’
‘Jo-Ann Moscicki, 34, claimed unemployment benefit for more than three years without informing the Department of Work and Pensions that she was the registered owner of Carleton Lodge in Pontefract, West Yorkshire’
It doesn’t matter where in the world Muslims are. nor how well they are treated or mistreated, they always end up causing horrific atrocities.
From Communist China, to free market USA there are similar attacks. In Africa, Europe, Asia, Australasia, the one common factor is the ‘religion of peace’ causing atrocities.
But of course, the truth and reality are all ‘Islamophobic’ !
I say, it’s awfully good of those Mohammedans to stand up against Putin’s repression of homosexuals. It’s the only way they can get their voice heard, right, BBC?
Im wounder if Russia Today (RT) will have any Russian Muslim’s , telling us how, “they too, are victims of this attack.” Just like the BBC did after the murder Lee Rigby.
When there’s a terrorist attack these days we’re all 99.9% certain (and usually proved correct) that it’s a Muslim who’s done it and yet the BBC still do their best to protect the image of Islam in their useless and biased reports. No analysis, no in-depth reporting into how Muslims are largely failing to integrate into Russian society (like they are failing to do in most other places on Earth) and how the Islamic terrorists are attacking other places around the country (like they’re also doing around the world).
Here’s the news homepage – very little yet (12:30) by way of info regarding Muslim terror in that region :
I’m surprised they haven’t yet tried the good ol’ BBC Muslim damage limitation exercise by floating the possibility that these attacks could have been from a Right-wing extremist group.
BBC recaps this year’s news items about the NHS. Of course, their concern isn’t about the patients, it’s encapsulated in terms that make the NHS a victim:
It has been a bruising year for the NHS in England. ..
(It wasn’t too good for the relatives of those who died at mid-Staffs, either)
Encouragingly, Mr Carter believes, there are already signs that the reviews are resulting in tangible change.
Earlier this month Health Education England announced there would be an 9% increase in nurse training places, meanwhile the government has asked the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence to look how safe staffing ratios could be established.
(It’s all about resources and staff numbers, you see.)
“We are looking at a period of 10 years where money will be incredibly tight and what we are seeing now is a mismatch between what is being asked for and what is achievable.
‘..BBC recaps this year’s news items’
There’s recapping and recapping, victims and victims.
With the BBC in charge of the edit suite, there may be some variance in what goes in, stays in, gets left out, tweaked or is quietly ignored… http://bbcwatch.org/2013/12/29/the-bbc-story-making-2013-round-up-headlines/ ‘..the fact that the BBC knowingly published and extensively promoted a story for which it had absolutely no proven evidence, purely because it fit in with the political narrative accepted and promoted by the BBC – has to this day not been adequately addressed by the corporation which claims commitment to editorial values of accuracy and impartiality.
Maybe there needs to be an 8m wall around the BBC’s buildings as they seem to be a clear danger to any chance of journalistic accuracy or integrity?
Well Farage has opened his gob on the subject of Syria, and because the bBC like what he’s said they’re going to have a debate on whether the UK should accept ‘refugees’ from Syria.
What they haven’t said and the reason why refugees is in inverted commas is that the people of Syria running from war do not engage any of the treaty obligations, and therefore cannot claim refugee status.
Here is the treaty definition:
“A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..”
No mention of running away from war caused either from external or internal aggression.
We allowed a lot of Muslims from the former Yugoslavia, and hardly any have returned, but have stayed here having been given the right to remain.
The best thing the UK could do would be to provide aid, and prevent violent Muslim Jihadists from this country travelling to exercise what the religion of peace does best – war !
“… and prevent violent Muslim Jihadists from this country travelling to exercise what the religion of peace does best – war !”
On the contrary old chap, letting these vermin scum travel on a (hopefully!) one-way ticket to their delusional freedom Jihad, is one of the few ways we can get rid of them for good. I sincerely hope that hundreds sod off to go and fight in their heathen wars, so long as they don’t return. Think of the money we save in benefits!!
Pieces of spoilt middle class leftie excrement, the lot of them. If I had my way they’d have been given hefty isolation sentences and a Gulag camp. some discipline and a rigorous daily work routine would have given these useless self-righteous hippy sociology students some respect.
Ditto-he may well turn out to be the unlikely saviour of the Christian West, albeit by default.
Is he available in the coming transfer window in January?…do we really need more Straws, Blairs etc to screw us over…Kinnocks and Prescotts?…when Vlad the Grand is available to weave his magic?
More in the Sunday Telegraoh about the BBC redundancy scam , it would seem that there are 200 cases over the last 10 years. The biggest payment this time was to a MICHAEL WAKELIN , Head of religion who slurped £364,000 out of the trough , he now ” works ” on the radio show “Pause for Thought ‘ . I imagine he is not thinking too much about any retirement problems.
Incredibly they are refusing to disclose the names of 150 recipients of payoffs averaging £150,000 each !
This is no longer just a few bob out of the petty cash ,individuals are becoming serially wealthy , by misappropriating licence payers money.
It must now be time to call in the Police Serious and Organised crime unit , this is large scale embezzlement !
I just tried to post the bbc mods reply to a post I put on HYS about Nigel Farage and Syrian refugees/asylum- I got deleted because I put something deemed offensive etc. I suggested that Christian Syrians have priority….!!!
That was exactly what I was going to say on this site.
I am happy for 1000 Syrian Christians to come here. They are the people in biggest danger over there, so open the gates for them.
We in return should return 10.000 Nigerian/Somali/Pakistani Fundis back to Syria by way of a humanitarian gesture…so they can live under their beloved Sharia.
Send the terrorising Shia to Assad, and the Sunnis to the “rebels”-ecumenical inclusiveness has got to start with such a gesture, so why not this one?
Oh-and let Lucy build her wall in Homs. alongside Giles Fraser, Cherie Blair and Jenny Tonge…I would happily pay for the liberal broadsheets and the BBC to document the ensuing challenges to racism. misogyny, homophobia that this reaching-out to our Muslim friends would entail.
FGM is, of course available with BBC/BUPA subsidy if that would encourage a few more of them to go.
My last comment got deleted because it was deemed offensive. Deleting it seemed Orwellian. How can I have committed the thoughtcrime of suggesting that Christians who have become refugees in their own country of Syria because of internecine Sunni/Shia /Al Quaeda/Assad conflict be given asylum in eg the UK re Farage’s reported remarks today?
And God know we need a few decent Christians to put the likes of Giles and Lucy back into their flowerpots.
These Syrians could tell us much and would be fine consultants to Nazir-Ali and the few real Christians that the BBC won`t entertain.
Why do we have to get the khat merchants and the next class for Feltham or Frankland?…those Nigerian nutters and Somali gangstas are not what we need.
if the BBC requires them-see them in situ, not in our zoos of inner cities.
Even Attenborough could only concur.
Indeed they do. In fact it’s so offensive to them that they thought Doug Stanhope’s hate speech was hilarious enough to include in Charlie Brooker’s 2013 Wipe.
I’m not going to link to it, because it doesn’t deserve the traffic, but if anyone bothers to search for it, you’ll be treated to a whole segment presented by Stanhope with clips of two victims of that tornado which destroyed a town in Oklahoma this past summer. One clip that made the news rounds at the time was some old lady who found her little dog trapped under the rubble, and thanked God for answering her prayers. This outraged Stanhope and most BBC employees, including freelance contributor Charlie Brooker. The other clip was of a young woman who, when asked by some reporter if she thanked God, replied, in a slightly chagrined tone, that she was an atheist. Stanhope, outraged that so many people thanked God for saving them while killing their neighbors (not at all what they meant, of course, but this is edgy BBC comedy), informed us how brave it was for her to say she’s an atheist amongst the religious scum of Oklahoma (I’m paraphrasing, and actually sanitizing what he said).
So he started a charity campaign to raise money just for her and not for the hated Christians, and was cheered to report that he ended up raising about $125,000 for her. I have no information as to how many BBC employees contributed.
Closing line: “Sometimes hate can make you do nice things.”
It’s not just disagreement or disrespect or mild irritation: it’s hate, plain and simple. And it’s not just all the edgy comedians and Stephen Fry who hate, either. Plenty of other BBC employees share the hate. They wouldn’t allow a similar joke at the expense of Muslims, as we know from Mark Thompson’s racialist admission. But that’s almost beside the point.
Richard Bacon’s favorite comedian went on to express his delight in the Christians having to line up for FEMA handouts while the atheist got money to live a bit more comfortably. It’s not brave. Doing that joke about Muslims would be brave. Stanhope and Brooker and the BBC are cowards.
What Stanhope expressed is hate speech, above and beyond the comedy. Brooker thought it was funny, his producers and the BBC controller who supposedly vetted it thought it was funny.
Why do you assume that all atheists are lefties there are many of us who find all religions not offensive, but stark raving bonkers !
There should be no room in the modern world for these medieval superstitions ,neither foaming mad muslim fanatics, nor deluded bible bashing fruitcakes !
Were anybody still stupid enough to expect “balance” from the BBC; then TWATO(Ipm today, Radio 4) would blow that one out of the water.
Utter disgrace-their review of the year just as anodyne and cosy to Labour as Charlie Brookers crap last night.
Despite all we saw and heard…it turns out to have been Ed Balls year , but his standing is as nothing compared to their Man of the Year(2010-2020)…Ed Lilypad.
Super-absorbent, slipped quietly into your handbag.
Turns out that he raveged Big Oil, Big Energy and is about to reduce all our food prices…what a Titan.
He took on “vested interests”, and champions the little man(Stella Creasey said as much).
You`ll not be hearing any of THAT on their reviews of the year…never happened you see.
Next please!
Doesn`t harm Labours cause when the BBC cipher is the son of the ex-Chairman of the PLP does it?
Ah…balance and impartiality.
“You may say that I`m a dreamer”(St Lenin of Menlove Avenue 1970)
Yesterdays ‘Dateline’ panel did collectively snigger at the first mention of the Lib Dems which didn’t please Esler one whit. A holiday highlight right there.
Well other forums commenting on the entertainment side of the bBC are describing this as a fine week indeed for the biased bunch.
Not only did the bland inoffensive and pointless Autumn family series ‘Atlantis’ end, but they managed to get rid of possibly the worst Doctor Who, who the series ever had!
And the BBC has showered the tiresome series with more coverage than they would have given to a landing in Parliament Square by the Martian space fleet.
A festive question.
I am in a quandary…Jimmy Savile told me to clunk click every trip way back…in the light of recent scandals, surely we should show our abhorrence of all that man stood for…and refuse to “belt up” until we have an enquiry-for why did he WANT his kids strapped in if not to do his worst?
Similarly-“this is the age of the train” so he said…should we not all get into our cars and show our defiance?…unbelted naturally.
Oh this is so complex now…he ran marathons too-are we all to forgo exercise and charity scams given what Sir James of Wood Lane Campervan fame used them for?
Would Roger Bolton of Feedback be happy to help me?
As if.
The most discussing thing about Jimmy Savile was that he worked for the BBC.
That moral reason alone should be enough to guarantee the end of the BBC monolith by 2016, as well as the morally indefensibly Fascist/Communist style compulsory subscription.
A system where the Labour supporting BBC Guardianista Liberal fascists, force none-Labour supporting people to pay by Legal compulsion, while on the other hand, free voluntary payment, makes the Murdoch press and other free media, morally superior to the BBC.
Richard Pinder,
“The most discussing thing about Jimmy Savile was that he worked for the BBC. That moral reason alone should be enough to guarantee the end of the BBC…”
Jimmy Savile was of course also welcomed with open arms as a member of Mensa; as was Kyle Winston Sherrill after he abducted and sexually abused children in Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Texas and Tennessee; as was Eugene Abrams – convicted of 77 counts of child molestation.
Mensa also published an article in 1999 calling for child pornography to be legalized and made more widely available.
Yet for some reason you are not calling for Mensa International to be disbanded, have made no apology for the organisation’s past failings, and remain inordinately proud of being a member.
Perhaps you should explain yourself Mr P.
“Er…not difficult Dez. I don`t subsidise Mensa or its activities. Nor am I obliged to on pain of prosecution.”
Oops, who are you today; “chrisH” or “Richard Pinder”? You seem to have lost track somewhere along the way… ROTFLMAO!
It was perhaps not the smartest play to repost a pretty fair point to mock, text-styly, as it serves only to show you had no coherent answer.
I do remain interested in the precise detail on the article you cite, that indeed looks unfortunate.
Of course that point by ChrisH does remain.
Membership of a club that may have harboured law-breakers or even idiot policies is a bit different to a forced-funded public sector organisation employing, sheltering and facilitating errant staff for decades before making a pig’s ear of covering up the cover up.
As a year end swan song after a long period away, truly an awesome drive-by attempt.
But you did get 4 night shifters to join in, so kudos.
Spare a thought for the BBC heroes, dubbed the Arctic 30, now released to a Mandela welcome. I sobbed when I read of one of the martyrs, slouched on a leather couch, recalling how he was not given a vegetarian diet. Poor man lost weight.
Did it get sidetracked on the way to be ‘martyred’ by the Israelis ?
Rochdale campaign supporter Mohammad Luqmaan hopes to go on the next convoy to Syria in the new year.
“He said: “I think the volunteers are doing a remarkable job as they are sacrificing their own Christmases and new year celebrations to go out there and help.”
Would it be very cynical of me to suspect that Christmas isn’t that great a part of these volunteers lives ?
Do these ambulances and that doctor who was killed recently help only the actual Islamist fighters, or are there, you know, actual innocent citizens in need of aid? Can we state uncategorically that all aid of this kind goes exclusively to Al Qaeda and the like?
Well, tonight my girlfriend, who is a professional gardener and designer, was somewhat distraught at hearing the BBC had dropped Alan Titchmarsh from the Chelsea Flower show and had put in his place Monty Don and (as she put it) some young blonde bint who is a newsreader who knows nothing about gardening. “Oh dear” I said, “why would they do that?” “It is probably because Alan is doing a Waitrose advert” I didn’t follow up on that other than to state I would come on this forum and see what I could come up with. I Googled Waitrose/BBC and see here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24629300
To me it would appear that Mr Titchmarsh has gone well above his station at the BBC. Can’t have BBC staff/associates mingling with the hoity toity now can we?
How many Beeboids benefited form the “Waitrose Effect” when it was time to sell their homes when moving to Salford? Or have benefited from it when selling and moving in any event?
Yesterday, the Rightosphere was up in arms about the new NY Times whitewash investigation into the Benghazi scandal. Naturally, they found that it wasn’t Al Qaeda and was just a kind of spontaneous but planned attack that was not inspired by that video except it sort of was relevant. The secondary point of the piece was to prove a couple of main Republican talking points wrong, thus “proving” that there was no real scandal. The main point of the piece, of course, is to give Hillary Clinton a gift for her presidential campaign. This is perhaps her biggest albatross, and the NY Times knows it. So we got this report.
I knew that within 24 hours the BBC would whip something up to report the NY Times piece as fact, and so they have.
Because the BBC not only trust the NY Times far more than they should these days, and because they are ideologically twinned with the Progressives at the paper, they don’t bother to ask the two most important questions of all that the Times refused to ask in their tireless investigation into the truth.
1. Where was the President that night?
2. Why was security so lax?
3. Why was a rescue team told to stand down?
4. Why did Hillary lie to the parents of the victims about the video?
These are, of course, not Democrat, Hillary-supporting questions, so the BBC will treat them as irrelevant, or just things haters in tin-foil hats dream up. And don’t tell me that at least a couple Beeboids weren’t seeing the Rightoshpere noise and have no idea there’s anything to be questioned here. Maybe Anthony Zurcher will have a reaction to it if it gains traction and provide the Democrat talking points in an upcoming “Echo Chambers” installment to clear the air and discourage the BBC’s audience from getting any wrong ideas. That’s generally how it works. If he just turns it over to a column by Hillary’s former PR flack, PJ Crowley, you’ll know it’s a farce.
I’ll tell you right now: do not trust anything the BBC reports about Benghazi. Question everything.
Why did Obama, Clinton and Rice lie after the event, the latter two repeatedly?
Why Obama went to a fundraiser the next day (on AF1 as usual) knowing a US Ambassador had been gunned down (and worse) in the streets?
The quoted source says it fails the ‘smell test’, with glaring omissions to reporting.
Now, which other global media behemoth living on past glory is more than prone to just this? So I think you may be right.
“Because the BBC not only trust the NY Times far more than they should these days, and because they are ideologically twinned with the Progressives at the paper”
Trust? Maybe they can persuade the good Lord to add oversight of the NYT to his cv too? One is sure he and Mark Thompson would value the opportunity to catch up and get other stories about old times a wee bit straighter before their next rats in a sack outing?
Appalling Muslim smokescreen tactics on tonight’s BBC ten O’Clock ‘News”. The program put a skiing accident above yet another Muslim atrocity but when the report of this vile Islamic Nazi attack did come to the screen, the pro-Muslim extremist BBC felt more compelled to lay into Russia’s ability to provide a safe Winter Olympics: so rather than center on the causes and the people behind this vile Islamic attack and show sensitivity towards the Russian community who’ve been subject to this foulness, the BBC deflect attention from the Jihadi detritus who’ve carried out this appalling act, and question whether Putin can povide a safe games; surprised they didn’t get a pro-gay comment in, as well.
Yes, that is INBBC’s political line on Islamikaze massacre in Russia.
INBBC censors out words ‘Islamic jihad’ and ‘Muslim’, and substitutes its vague, euphemistic word ‘militants’.
‘Jihad Watch’ has:-
“Russia: Volgograd jihad murderer was female convert to Islam”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Yet another convert to Islam misunderstands her new religion as having to do with murdering Infidels. But the only people who are concerned about this phenomenon are vilified as greasy Islamophobes, so what’s the problem?”
“‘Black Widow’ suicide bomber strikes at Russian train station”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“A female suicide bomber detonated a vest packed with explosives in a train station in the southern Russian city of Volgograd today, killing more than a dozen people. The bombing, which was likely executed by the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, took place in a region where Russia will soon host the 2014 Winter Olympics, and is the second suicide attack in Volgograd since October.”
The left in this country more accurately described as liberal, being very middle class ,is in a permanent state of rebellion against what it thinks of as the conservative forces in England in particular. It has nothing much in common with the old working socialist classes. Nothing much in common with the majority of the English particularly the shire people.
They are largely middle class, badly educated fantasists. They are practioners of identity politics and love the big state which not only pays them well but allows them to exercise power.
The Muslims along with all minority groups are useful to them in their war on the majority. They have been clever and largely control the media, education and the law. They are careerists politicians par excellence.
They are the worst generation in English history and in the culture war for our future they are my enemy as they are of any conservative( not Tory party) Englishman.
If they win then it is goodbye to freedom and the rule of law. Freedom because they do not believe in it and law because they are the law and the law must serve their needs and not the customs and traditions of the nation. The BBC is one of their strongholds which is why I have no time for it at all.
I am amazed that Roger Harrabin has not pitched in to report on the ship trapped in the Antarctic. Because it is a clear proof of the Warmists’ argument that global warming makes more ice – or makes less ice, you takes yer pick.
Could it be that the BBC and the Guardian are trying to cover up the fact that they are up to their necks in this debacle ? That they sent their own people on board to try to report and film how CAGW is causing the icecaps to melt ? That their stupid notions had already been proved wrong by scientific research and satellite measurements that Harrabin had deliberately ignored. That they still decided to embark on a foolhardy challenge to Mother Nature – putting a lot of lives at risk and causing huge costs of rescue.
While I do not wish real harm to the idiots on this Ship of Fools, I hope the sanitary conditions are becoming appalling. And it might teach them a lesson if they had to trek across the ice for a few miles Shackleton-style to get to the rescue ship. Why should we have to pay for helicopter trips ?
The Ship of Fools got itself trapped with 80 on board (and is now listing at 10 degrees as the ice moves. The Chinese and French “icebreakers” failed to get through, and it now all hinges on Aurora Australis. But AA is also NOT a heavy-duty icebreaker – it is a supply vessel that can push slowly through ice up to say 6 foot thick – not 12 foot or more. The AA skipper has not yet said he can do it. He will not risk getting locked in himself.
Unless there is a fast lessening of the ice, this could turn real serious very quickly. Yes, the Chinese vessel has a helicopter – but trips would be dangerous in the high winds that are typical in the area. And there would need to be a lot of trips to evacuate across to the other vessels – is there enough helipcopter fuel ?
What is currently a big joke on the Warmists including the BBC and the Guardian could easily go awry.
But meantime – don’t drink any yellow ice !
(the snippets above look to me to provide more current hard facts than the esteemed BBC can manage. As well as hiding their own direct involvement in this debacle, they are not reporting the true conditions out there and a balanced prognosis for any rescue)
The BBC is still failing to report how dire things could become. The Aurora Australis has entered the ice field near the Ship of Fools but quickly pulled out. Too dangerous says the skipper. Why isn’t the BBC reporting this – they have people on board the Ship of Fools !
I hope things get really tough for the Fools – they are eco-loonies who don’t give a damn about the suffering of poor people in the Third World or in the UK who are suffering through crazy “climate change” policies.
Typical BBC cover-up – just like its report this morning on the UK Press which highlights Michale Schumacher’s injury whereas 6 of today’s UK papers have immigration as the key front-page story.
Normally, sick celeb hospital hovering is manna from heaven to 24/7 content free news media, so it is good that some may still have sense of proportion.
In the case of the world’s most selective editorial provider, their choices in, or out, do show where their priorities lie.
Delicious, delicious irony there. Apparently Aurora Australis has now called off the latest attempt to get to the ‘Ship of Fools’ (lovely turn of phrase, that).
According to the Captain of the Aurora Australis, Mr Doyle,….
“The ice became too thick for us to penetrate. Some of the floes are up to two metres of ice with a metre of snow on top and very compact.”
“There was just nowhere for us to go,” he said.
Captain Doyle also feared the 30 knot south-easterly wind running up the ship’s stern would blow ice in and around the back of the vessel.
“It was pushing those same types of floes in behind us,” he said.
“If we got into that compact stuff it would have sealed us in, we would have lost our manoeuvreability and we wouldn’t have been much use to anybody.”
“Having been caught in ice before I know by experience when to get out. I didn’t want to add to the drama instead of being part of the solution,” he said.
“I know by experience when to get out.”…. says it all, really.
Clearly the BBC don’t like this crack-down of visitors coming to the UK just to use our NHS because this morning they have constantly been calling it “so called health tourism”, along with a sneer and of course the view of those against the crack-down. This is what they used to describe the bedroom tax as, once the spotlight fell on them for constantly using that false description.
We should start saying “so called balanced BBC” or “so called licence fee”. Labour loving scum, and that’s not “so called”.
The Beeboids of course don’t rely on the NHS, their BUPA contributions are well taken care of through the extortion of the licence fee. The NHS is for the little people, who should be grateful to spend time on the waiting list in order to be able to enjoy the benefits of cultural enrichment .
The BBC are doing everything they can to divert attention/speculation/justifiable disgust away from Muslim terrorists in this very un-detailed report on yet another bombing in Russia:
Old habits/training die hard, Alex. Just heard Aasmah Mir, ex-beeboid?, covering for Nick Ferrari on LBC Radio this morning, 8.52am. She was discussing the Volgograd bombings with a no-nonsense security expert from Buckingham Univ. The expert had absolutely no hesitation in pinning the blame where it belongs. Oops, cue Aasmah, but, but, no one’s claimed respon…The expert then put her straight with his detailed knowledge of just what has been going on in the Caucasus, & the threat to Russia from Islamikazes from further afield, even Pakistan. The expert steamed on; the only way to go, if you don’t want to concede time after time to moslem terrorists, is for Putin & the West to smash them militarily, & ruthlessly.
End of conversation; 2 Valium for Aasmah.
‘… Mourinho has also claimed there is an anti-Chelsea bias among the former players and managers who are pundits on television. ‘
“There are lots of people on TV, but nobody is a Chelsea man. Carragher, Liverpool. Thompson, Liverpool. Redknapp, Liverpool. Neville, Manchester United. We don’t have one. When I retire, 75 years old, I go as a pundit to defend Chelsea on television.”
Add to those the BBC Match of the Day regulars – Hansen, Liverpool. Lawrenson, Liverpool. Owen, Liverpool.
MOTD aired the Chelsea boss’s comments – in a jokey way – and quickly concluded he was wrong.
Lovely moment on the Five Live call-in a few minutes ago. The subject was “Is it time for the UK to take in Syrian refugees?”
A surprisingly mixed bag of contributors, with a relatively high percentage of of “no” callers.
The best part so far, however, is the guy who came on and said as an aside “that muslims are doing what they do best: killing each other.” Rachel Burden nearly choked on her coffee.
Was listening to Radio 5 live about the Russian suicide bombings. The presenter kept calling them “militants”, they had a Russian journalist on who told the truth and called them terrorists.
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘Trump hasn’t got any plan’: Russians speak to BBC after three years of war https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckgd0vdg34qo ‘Oh’ I thought, why are…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:28 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Matt Goodwin Digging up some UK ‘DOGE’ flagged payments in bonkers Britain: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/fix-britain-first-before-lavishing-our-cash-on-these-bonkers-projects-around-the-world/
Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://x.com/jonsac/status/1893200021366960500?s=61 1️⃣ In 2007, the BBC faced an internal crisis over a misleading edit of Queen Elizabeth II walking out…
NiborFeb 22, 22:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Nick Robinson Radio 4 Political Thinking 5.30pm He interviews Heidi Alexander , the minister for railways . She says she…
Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:12 Weekend 22nd February 2025 She probably thought this would help. https://x.com/karishmapatel99/status/1893381232915845559?s=61 As a former @BBCNews journalist, I’m appalled at the decision to remove ‘How…
Fedup2Feb 22, 21:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Jeff the whole month has been 47 and his Cabinet explaining what they are doing – particularly with regard to…
Lefty WrightFeb 22, 21:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Fedup2 Who were the authors of said report. They need to be severely TRUMPED!
Some may recall, following the Lee Rigby murder by radicalised Muslims, a government funded organisation called Tell Mama, whose purpose was to monitor attacks against Muslims, declared there was a huge rise in these attacks, which were later found to be highly exaggerated. As a result the government decided to end funding for this organisation.
Here’s the article back in June from the Telegraph telling of this:
Muslim hate monitor to lose backing
So despite the discredited status of this organisation, the BBC is still featuring reports emanating from Tell Mama as though there is nothing suspect about them. We can see in this BBC article from November, not only don’t they mention anything about the previous Tell Mama figures that were found to be exaggerated, but even make a point to say in the first line of the article The police are failing to investigate hundreds of cases of anti-Muslim hate messages on the internet, according to a government-funded monitoring group.
Outright lying and pure distortion to fulfil the BBC agenda.
24 November 2013 Last updated at 01:13
Police ‘failing to investigate anti-Muslim abuse’
“But Tell Mama has told the BBC it has only had a response from the police regarding 70 cases”
So a bloke from a discredited outrage industry centre has told a tame petal from the BBC flower garden (‘told the BBC’? Bless) they don’t feel they are getting the kind of box-ticking service they demand, based on the fuzz maybe having better things to do than send a full tactical squad to ask some knuckle dragger, or false flagger to stop being rude on FaceBook? And this gets worked up into another ‘BBC has learned’ special?
Hate to break it to the foot stampers and ex-perambulator toy ejectors from the media-NGO mutual support sector, but plod frankly pays attention to just about anything short of murder (and even then…) as much as a CECUTT director does logic or common sense.
Welcome to the world you have created for the rest of us, blossoms.
I have always thought of ‘Demolition Man’ as one of the dafter excuses for Sci Fi-based carnage, but between our government and the BBC these days, the damn thing seems uncannily prescient.
Certainly we seem to have more than enough rather fey Raymond Cocteau figures flouncing around encouraging a gaggle of Simon Phoenix clones in their distressing MDK habits already.
As I recall it kicked off because the robed Eloi class were distressed that grubby folk were ignoring ever-more bonkers fine impositions and spraying rude signs on walls. So they defrost some nutters to deal with those showing minds of their own, rather forgetting possible collateral consequences down the line. Sound familiar?
Pity in real life no obvious counters in any form spring to mind.
http://www.101greatgoals.com/blog/west-broms-nicolas-anelka-performed-an-anti-semitic-celebration-after-scoring-against-west-ham-picture/…will the bbc and so called anti racist kick it out lobby group be making a big fuss about this racism.i dont think so,one rule for whites and one rule for blacks.
The BBC will turn the other cheek if a black person makes any anti-Semitic gesture in public.
Been a few comments posted citing what seems to be a BBC policy of creating uncontrolled new breeding colonies. Seems to keep up with targets, they’ve been known to reintroduce into captivity some previously released into the wild…
Who could have imagined?
How many will be real journalists and researchers the news and current & affairs department needs so vitally? Budget cuts are blamed for Newsnight’s problems and a lack of original quality reporting, so the majority of these people taking up vital BBC resources had better be contributing to these important areas. Otherwise one might begin to suspect that Lord Hall never had any intention of fixing the real problems, and that the BBC has been lying about learning lessons.
They probably are not lying. They are just incompetent. It all goes to show just how desperately needed is a sell off to the private sector.
”..better be contributing to these important areas..”
It may be hard to credit they are really that keen in improving programming quality when most effort and investment seems to be going into management personnel to help recharge folk for stuff they have already uniquely funded.
Unless the plan is to let Netflix & iTunes also score £145.50pa from everyone, which would be… interesting.
Also have to again note ‘the BBC’ as an entity and ‘BBC spokespersons’ as equally vague actual individuals hard to hold to account, seem often at odds with each other on what is, or is not, accurate.
One to watch for the future
Back on 19th Dec BBC gal Michelle Mayman editor of North West Tonght tweeted about a meeting she had attended
michelle mayman @michellemayman 19 Dec
It’s not all about today. Just had meeting about safer internet day in February #bbcnwtlive
See here
EU funded, natch.
Considering the BBC has previous form regarding their little hush-hush cross-pollinating meetings this may be one to watch come next February.
I’m thinking about an Anti-BBC Day next year.
Do you reckon the BBC will be briefing their regional news editors about it months in advance – just to get all their duck in a row.
Wonder who the EU may call on to police the internet then?
Bring more popcorn !
Latest news from the ice0bound ship in the Antarctic is pretty gloomy. After the Chinese ice-breaker failed to get through to rescue, Plan B hopes are pinned on an Australian ship – but if the winds are too high or if the ice is a lot thicker, that may fail too. In which case rescue by a helicopter from the Chinese ship is Plan C.
BBC reporting on this debacle hides the fact that this expedition includes a major filming.broadcasting initiative by the BBC and Guardian. The “scientific” side is led by a greenie bearded Brit academic – a basic idea was to show the impact of climate change on the area. Yes matey, the climate always changes, and it looks a damn sight colder than the original Mawson expedition of 1911-14 !
I noticed that Sky TV News are also, as usual, in on the same wheeze as the BBC concerning this ‘story’. Interviewing some fully signed-up CAGW zealot posing as a ‘scientist’ on last night’s early evening bulletin, Sky were as incapable of critical interview technique as their common purpose chums over at the Biased Broadcasting Corporation as they allowed this charlatan to spout meaningless drivel concerning ‘climate change’ as some kind of ‘explanation’ for the travails of the trapped ship.
Seems that TV journalists (and I use the word very loosely) must all be drinking the same kool-aid. A truly sorry state of affairs.
Sky’s hacks are recruited from the same poisoned well as the BBC’s. Hence, there is next to no difference between them.
So much for Murdoch’s unalloyed ”evil influence’!
And this morning we find that the biased BBC have dredged up some leftie for ‘thought for the day’ to attack the speech by Judge Judge over the European Human Rights Act.
We were all lectured on how ‘Hate speech’ simply must over ride everyone else’s rights regardless of the levels of oppression which results.
The bBCs position is made absolutely clear !
The liberals are in a bit of a tizzy. The judge spelled it out in clear language.
Is Parliament sovereign or not?
Our unwritten constitution is based on this important point. Decided by the Civil war and the removal of James the Second and the subsequent Acts of Parliament. For the good of Europe and ourselves it is time to go.
Not that the average liberal can grasp this. Too simple and not empathetic enough .
Although to be fair the European elite cannot grasp it either.
Using Socialist logic, Socialists would be locked up for hating.
(1) Judge Judge’s speech
(2) People with more money than a Socialist
(3) Daily Mail readers
(4) People who don’t vote Labour
(5) Christians
(6) Libertarians
(7) Victims of crime by people the lefties do not hate
(8) Intelligent people called thick by lefties
(9) People who are inferior because they are not judged inferior by lefties
People who are superior because they are judged inferior by lefties
And now far loony leftie favourite Camilla Batmanghelidjh is allowed to run riot venting her spleen against the Daily Mail and anyone who dares criticise immigration or any other kind of loonie leftie policy.
How many orphans would we feed if we got this belltent to slim down and stop emoting to no effect?
A complete fraud-surely Iran needs her more than we do.
‘A man has been remanded in custody charged with the murder of an 83-year-old on Christmas Day.’#
‘Joseph Moscicki, 22, from Little Acres, Gorse Ride North, Wokingham’
A Berkshire man, it seems. The BBC’s interest in the arrest seems to end there.
Still, more information is in the public domain
‘Moscicki….. wore a white polo neck shirt and grey jogging bottoms’
(Eastern European national costume) But we must not prejudge.
I think I once heard mention of the Berkshire Moscickis
‘A drugs gang that flooded a county with drugs has been jailed for a total of 167 years after they were found with huge amounts of cash, heroin and cocaine.’
Amongst all the colourful diversity… ‘Other defendants included:…. Roman Moscicki, 30 from Slough’
Oh and there were the West Riding Moscickis… their seat was Carleton Lodge in Pontefract, as I recall
‘A mother-of-two illegally claimed more than £13,000 in benefits while owning a house with a £1 million mortgage, a court heard.’
‘Jo-Ann Moscicki, 34, claimed unemployment benefit for more than three years without informing the Department of Work and Pensions that she was the registered owner of Carleton Lodge in Pontefract, West Yorkshire’
No relation, I’m sure. Happy New Year everyone.
Since we have a ‘Jo-Ann’ Mosicki there, no doubt the first ‘Tyson Mosicki’ must already be on the way: a triumph of integration !.
Volvograd, Russia:
Female Islamikaze massacre at train station.
According to Beeboids, there’s an ‘insurgency’, involving ‘militants’.
‘Islamikaze’ is very good. 🙂
Useful source:-
Book by R. Israeli-
Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology”
{excerpts here}-
It doesn’t matter where in the world Muslims are. nor how well they are treated or mistreated, they always end up causing horrific atrocities.
From Communist China, to free market USA there are similar attacks. In Africa, Europe, Asia, Australasia, the one common factor is the ‘religion of peace’ causing atrocities.
But of course, the truth and reality are all ‘Islamophobic’ !
It might be muslims, but the Beeb are not sure yet. Everyone else knows.
I say, it’s awfully good of those Mohammedans to stand up against Putin’s repression of homosexuals. It’s the only way they can get their voice heard, right, BBC?
Im wounder if Russia Today (RT) will have any Russian Muslim’s , telling us how, “they too, are victims of this attack.” Just like the BBC did after the murder Lee Rigby.
Suicide Bomber Blast in Russian Train Station!
When there’s a terrorist attack these days we’re all 99.9% certain (and usually proved correct) that it’s a Muslim who’s done it and yet the BBC still do their best to protect the image of Islam in their useless and biased reports. No analysis, no in-depth reporting into how Muslims are largely failing to integrate into Russian society (like they are failing to do in most other places on Earth) and how the Islamic terrorists are attacking other places around the country (like they’re also doing around the world).
Here’s the news homepage – very little yet (12:30) by way of info regarding Muslim terror in that region :
I’m surprised they haven’t yet tried the good ol’ BBC Muslim damage limitation exercise by floating the possibility that these attacks could have been from a Right-wing extremist group.
BBC recaps this year’s news items about the NHS. Of course, their concern isn’t about the patients, it’s encapsulated in terms that make the NHS a victim:
(It wasn’t too good for the relatives of those who died at mid-Staffs, either)
(It’s all about resources and staff numbers, you see.)
(Compassion doesn’t cost a thing, BBC.)
Woe is the NHS
‘..BBC recaps this year’s news items’
There’s recapping and recapping, victims and victims.
With the BBC in charge of the edit suite, there may be some variance in what goes in, stays in, gets left out, tweaked or is quietly ignored…
‘..the fact that the BBC knowingly published and extensively promoted a story for which it had absolutely no proven evidence, purely because it fit in with the political narrative accepted and promoted by the BBC – has to this day not been adequately addressed by the corporation which claims commitment to editorial values of accuracy and impartiality.
Maybe there needs to be an 8m wall around the BBC’s buildings as they seem to be a clear danger to any chance of journalistic accuracy or integrity?
Well Farage has opened his gob on the subject of Syria, and because the bBC like what he’s said they’re going to have a debate on whether the UK should accept ‘refugees’ from Syria.
What they haven’t said and the reason why refugees is in inverted commas is that the people of Syria running from war do not engage any of the treaty obligations, and therefore cannot claim refugee status.
Here is the treaty definition:
“A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..”
No mention of running away from war caused either from external or internal aggression.
We allowed a lot of Muslims from the former Yugoslavia, and hardly any have returned, but have stayed here having been given the right to remain.
The best thing the UK could do would be to provide aid, and prevent violent Muslim Jihadists from this country travelling to exercise what the religion of peace does best – war !
“… and prevent violent Muslim Jihadists from this country travelling to exercise what the religion of peace does best – war !”
On the contrary old chap, letting these vermin scum travel on a (hopefully!) one-way ticket to their delusional freedom Jihad, is one of the few ways we can get rid of them for good. I sincerely hope that hundreds sod off to go and fight in their heathen wars, so long as they don’t return. Think of the money we save in benefits!!
Not strictly a BBC issue I know, but this shows how out of touch their Poster Boys Greenpeace are. Just classic!
Pieces of spoilt middle class leftie excrement, the lot of them. If I had my way they’d have been given hefty isolation sentences and a Gulag camp. some discipline and a rigorous daily work routine would have given these useless self-righteous hippy sociology students some respect.
I like Putin. A fine sense of humour and not an empathetic liberal bone in his body.
Ditto-he may well turn out to be the unlikely saviour of the Christian West, albeit by default.
Is he available in the coming transfer window in January?…do we really need more Straws, Blairs etc to screw us over…Kinnocks and Prescotts?…when Vlad the Grand is available to weave his magic?
Poor vegetarian man of principle tells how he starved rather than eat meat, but he is photographed sitting on a leather couch.
Hope his girlfriend’s gloves are imitation leather.
More in the Sunday Telegraoh about the BBC redundancy scam , it would seem that there are 200 cases over the last 10 years. The biggest payment this time was to a MICHAEL WAKELIN , Head of religion who slurped £364,000 out of the trough , he now ” works ” on the radio show “Pause for Thought ‘ . I imagine he is not thinking too much about any retirement problems.
Incredibly they are refusing to disclose the names of 150 recipients of payoffs averaging £150,000 each !
This is no longer just a few bob out of the petty cash ,individuals are becoming serially wealthy , by misappropriating licence payers money.
It must now be time to call in the Police Serious and Organised crime unit , this is large scale embezzlement !
I just tried to post the bbc mods reply to a post I put on HYS about Nigel Farage and Syrian refugees/asylum- I got deleted because I put something deemed offensive etc. I suggested that Christian Syrians have priority….!!!
That was exactly what I was going to say on this site.
I am happy for 1000 Syrian Christians to come here. They are the people in biggest danger over there, so open the gates for them.
We in return should return 10.000 Nigerian/Somali/Pakistani Fundis back to Syria by way of a humanitarian gesture…so they can live under their beloved Sharia.
Send the terrorising Shia to Assad, and the Sunnis to the “rebels”-ecumenical inclusiveness has got to start with such a gesture, so why not this one?
Oh-and let Lucy build her wall in Homs. alongside Giles Fraser, Cherie Blair and Jenny Tonge…I would happily pay for the liberal broadsheets and the BBC to document the ensuing challenges to racism. misogyny, homophobia that this reaching-out to our Muslim friends would entail.
FGM is, of course available with BBC/BUPA subsidy if that would encourage a few more of them to go.
My last comment got deleted because it was deemed offensive. Deleting it seemed Orwellian. How can I have committed the thoughtcrime of suggesting that Christians who have become refugees in their own country of Syria because of internecine Sunni/Shia /Al Quaeda/Assad conflict be given asylum in eg the UK re Farage’s reported remarks today?
And God know we need a few decent Christians to put the likes of Giles and Lucy back into their flowerpots.
These Syrians could tell us much and would be fine consultants to Nazir-Ali and the few real Christians that the BBC won`t entertain.
Why do we have to get the khat merchants and the next class for Feltham or Frankland?…those Nigerian nutters and Somali gangstas are not what we need.
if the BBC requires them-see them in situ, not in our zoos of inner cities.
Even Attenborough could only concur.
The BBC atheist lefties find Christianity offensive.
Indeed they do. In fact it’s so offensive to them that they thought Doug Stanhope’s hate speech was hilarious enough to include in Charlie Brooker’s 2013 Wipe.
I’m not going to link to it, because it doesn’t deserve the traffic, but if anyone bothers to search for it, you’ll be treated to a whole segment presented by Stanhope with clips of two victims of that tornado which destroyed a town in Oklahoma this past summer. One clip that made the news rounds at the time was some old lady who found her little dog trapped under the rubble, and thanked God for answering her prayers. This outraged Stanhope and most BBC employees, including freelance contributor Charlie Brooker. The other clip was of a young woman who, when asked by some reporter if she thanked God, replied, in a slightly chagrined tone, that she was an atheist. Stanhope, outraged that so many people thanked God for saving them while killing their neighbors (not at all what they meant, of course, but this is edgy BBC comedy), informed us how brave it was for her to say she’s an atheist amongst the religious scum of Oklahoma (I’m paraphrasing, and actually sanitizing what he said).
So he started a charity campaign to raise money just for her and not for the hated Christians, and was cheered to report that he ended up raising about $125,000 for her. I have no information as to how many BBC employees contributed.
Closing line: “Sometimes hate can make you do nice things.”
It’s not just disagreement or disrespect or mild irritation: it’s hate, plain and simple. And it’s not just all the edgy comedians and Stephen Fry who hate, either. Plenty of other BBC employees share the hate. They wouldn’t allow a similar joke at the expense of Muslims, as we know from Mark Thompson’s racialist admission. But that’s almost beside the point.
Richard Bacon’s favorite comedian went on to express his delight in the Christians having to line up for FEMA handouts while the atheist got money to live a bit more comfortably. It’s not brave. Doing that joke about Muslims would be brave. Stanhope and Brooker and the BBC are cowards.
What Stanhope expressed is hate speech, above and beyond the comedy. Brooker thought it was funny, his producers and the BBC controller who supposedly vetted it thought it was funny.
Why do you assume that all atheists are lefties there are many of us who find all religions not offensive, but stark raving bonkers !
There should be no room in the modern world for these medieval superstitions ,neither foaming mad muslim fanatics, nor deluded bible bashing fruitcakes !
Were anybody still stupid enough to expect “balance” from the BBC; then TWATO(Ipm today, Radio 4) would blow that one out of the water.
Utter disgrace-their review of the year just as anodyne and cosy to Labour as Charlie Brookers crap last night.
Despite all we saw and heard…it turns out to have been Ed Balls year , but his standing is as nothing compared to their Man of the Year(2010-2020)…Ed Lilypad.
Super-absorbent, slipped quietly into your handbag.
Turns out that he raveged Big Oil, Big Energy and is about to reduce all our food prices…what a Titan.
He took on “vested interests”, and champions the little man(Stella Creasey said as much).
You`ll not be hearing any of THAT on their reviews of the year…never happened you see.
Next please!
Doesn`t harm Labours cause when the BBC cipher is the son of the ex-Chairman of the PLP does it?
Ah…balance and impartiality.
“You may say that I`m a dreamer”(St Lenin of Menlove Avenue 1970)
Yesterdays ‘Dateline’ panel did collectively snigger at the first mention of the Lib Dems which didn’t please Esler one whit. A holiday highlight right there.
Well other forums commenting on the entertainment side of the bBC are describing this as a fine week indeed for the biased bunch.
Not only did the bland inoffensive and pointless Autumn family series ‘Atlantis’ end, but they managed to get rid of possibly the worst Doctor Who, who the series ever had!
And the BBC has showered the tiresome series with more coverage than they would have given to a landing in Parliament Square by the Martian space fleet.
A festive question.
I am in a quandary…Jimmy Savile told me to clunk click every trip way back…in the light of recent scandals, surely we should show our abhorrence of all that man stood for…and refuse to “belt up” until we have an enquiry-for why did he WANT his kids strapped in if not to do his worst?
Similarly-“this is the age of the train” so he said…should we not all get into our cars and show our defiance?…unbelted naturally.
Oh this is so complex now…he ran marathons too-are we all to forgo exercise and charity scams given what Sir James of Wood Lane Campervan fame used them for?
Would Roger Bolton of Feedback be happy to help me?
As if.
The most discussing thing about Jimmy Savile was that he worked for the BBC.
That moral reason alone should be enough to guarantee the end of the BBC monolith by 2016, as well as the morally indefensibly Fascist/Communist style compulsory subscription.
A system where the Labour supporting BBC Guardianista Liberal fascists, force none-Labour supporting people to pay by Legal compulsion, while on the other hand, free voluntary payment, makes the Murdoch press and other free media, morally superior to the BBC.
Richard Pinder,
“The most discussing thing about Jimmy Savile was that he worked for the BBC. That moral reason alone should be enough to guarantee the end of the BBC…”
Jimmy Savile was of course also welcomed with open arms as a member of Mensa; as was Kyle Winston Sherrill after he abducted and sexually abused children in Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Texas and Tennessee; as was Eugene Abrams – convicted of 77 counts of child molestation.
Mensa also published an article in 1999 calling for child pornography to be legalized and made more widely available.
Yet for some reason you are not calling for Mensa International to be disbanded, have made no apology for the organisation’s past failings, and remain inordinately proud of being a member.
Perhaps you should explain yourself Mr P.
Can we perhaps concentrate on the BBC’s funding model. Extortion with menaces in the 21st century. Not exactly an empathatic approach.
Er…not difficult Dez.
I don`t subsidise Mensa or its activities. Nor am I obliged to on pain of prosecution.
Welcome home, my tender sprite!
“Er…not difficult Dez. I don`t subsidise Mensa or its activities. Nor am I obliged to on pain of prosecution.”
Oops, who are you today; “chrisH” or “Richard Pinder”? You seem to have lost track somewhere along the way… ROTFLMAO!
It was perhaps not the smartest play to repost a pretty fair point to mock, text-styly, as it serves only to show you had no coherent answer.
I do remain interested in the precise detail on the article you cite, that indeed looks unfortunate.
Of course that point by ChrisH does remain.
Membership of a club that may have harboured law-breakers or even idiot policies is a bit different to a forced-funded public sector organisation employing, sheltering and facilitating errant staff for decades before making a pig’s ear of covering up the cover up.
As a year end swan song after a long period away, truly an awesome drive-by attempt.
But you did get 4 night shifters to join in, so kudos.
Spare a thought for the BBC heroes, dubbed the Arctic 30, now released to a Mandela welcome. I sobbed when I read of one of the martyrs, slouched on a leather couch, recalling how he was not given a vegetarian diet. Poor man lost weight.
I wonder how long it will be before the bBC picks up on this one.
Did it get sidetracked on the way to be ‘martyred’ by the Israelis ?
Rochdale campaign supporter Mohammad Luqmaan hopes to go on the next convoy to Syria in the new year.
“He said: “I think the volunteers are doing a remarkable job as they are sacrificing their own Christmases and new year celebrations to go out there and help.”
Would it be very cynical of me to suspect that Christmas isn’t that great a part of these volunteers lives ?
Do these ambulances and that doctor who was killed recently help only the actual Islamist fighters, or are there, you know, actual innocent citizens in need of aid? Can we state uncategorically that all aid of this kind goes exclusively to Al Qaeda and the like?
Well, tonight my girlfriend, who is a professional gardener and designer, was somewhat distraught at hearing the BBC had dropped Alan Titchmarsh from the Chelsea Flower show and had put in his place Monty Don and (as she put it) some young blonde bint who is a newsreader who knows nothing about gardening. “Oh dear” I said, “why would they do that?” “It is probably because Alan is doing a Waitrose advert” I didn’t follow up on that other than to state I would come on this forum and see what I could come up with. I Googled Waitrose/BBC and see here:
To me it would appear that Mr Titchmarsh has gone well above his station at the BBC. Can’t have BBC staff/associates mingling with the hoity toity now can we?
How many Beeboids benefited form the “Waitrose Effect” when it was time to sell their homes when moving to Salford? Or have benefited from it when selling and moving in any event?
In an interesting reversal of the custom, Beeboids probably shop (covertly) at Waitrose but take their shameful booty home in Aldi bags. 😉
Or get their cheap Eastern European nanny to do it ?
Yesterday, the Rightosphere was up in arms about the new NY Times
whitewashinvestigation into the Benghazi scandal. Naturally, they found that it wasn’t Al Qaeda and was just a kind of spontaneous but planned attack that was not inspired by that video except it sort of was relevant. The secondary point of the piece was to prove a couple of main Republican talking points wrong, thus “proving” that there was no real scandal. The main point of the piece, of course, is to give Hillary Clinton a gift for her presidential campaign. This is perhaps her biggest albatross, and the NY Times knows it. So we got this report.I knew that within 24 hours the BBC would whip something up to report the NY Times piece as fact, and so they have.
Because the BBC not only trust the NY Times far more than they should these days, and because they are ideologically twinned with the Progressives at the paper, they don’t bother to ask the two most important questions of all that the Times refused to ask in their tireless investigation into the truth.
1. Where was the President that night?
2. Why was security so lax?
3. Why was a rescue team told to stand down?
4. Why did Hillary lie to the parents of the victims about the video?
These are, of course, not Democrat, Hillary-supporting questions, so the BBC will treat them as irrelevant, or just things haters in tin-foil hats dream up. And don’t tell me that at least a couple Beeboids weren’t seeing the Rightoshpere noise and have no idea there’s anything to be questioned here. Maybe Anthony Zurcher will have a reaction to it if it gains traction and provide the Democrat talking points in an upcoming “Echo Chambers” installment to clear the air and discourage the BBC’s audience from getting any wrong ideas. That’s generally how it works. If he just turns it over to a column by Hillary’s former PR flack, PJ Crowley, you’ll know it’s a farce.
I’ll tell you right now: do not trust anything the BBC reports about Benghazi. Question everything.
Why did Obama, Clinton and Rice lie after the event, the latter two repeatedly?
Why Obama went to a fundraiser the next day (on AF1 as usual) knowing a US Ambassador had been gunned down (and worse) in the streets?
I suppose this comment has to be ignored by the BBC
The quoted source says it fails the ‘smell test’, with glaring omissions to reporting.
Now, which other global media behemoth living on past glory is more than prone to just this? So I think you may be right.
Mark Mardell has already told us why they originally decided there was no scandal. The wrong sort of people were saying it was a problem, so they thought it was worthless.
That ex-CIA person is only half right. The full reason is to lay the foundation to elect President Hillary.
“Because the BBC not only trust the NY Times far more than they should these days, and because they are ideologically twinned with the Progressives at the paper”
Trust? Maybe they can persuade the good Lord to add oversight of the NYT to his cv too? One is sure he and Mark Thompson would value the opportunity to catch up and get other stories about old times a wee bit straighter before their next rats in a sack outing?
Appalling Muslim smokescreen tactics on tonight’s BBC ten O’Clock ‘News”. The program put a skiing accident above yet another Muslim atrocity but when the report of this vile Islamic Nazi attack did come to the screen, the pro-Muslim extremist BBC felt more compelled to lay into Russia’s ability to provide a safe Winter Olympics: so rather than center on the causes and the people behind this vile Islamic attack and show sensitivity towards the Russian community who’ve been subject to this foulness, the BBC deflect attention from the Jihadi detritus who’ve carried out this appalling act, and question whether Putin can povide a safe games; surprised they didn’t get a pro-gay comment in, as well.
Yes, that is INBBC’s political line on Islamikaze massacre in Russia.
INBBC censors out words ‘Islamic jihad’ and ‘Muslim’, and substitutes its vague, euphemistic word ‘militants’.
‘Jihad Watch’ has:-
“Russia: Volgograd jihad murderer was female convert to Islam”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Yet another convert to Islam misunderstands her new religion as having to do with murdering Infidels. But the only people who are concerned about this phenomenon are vilified as greasy Islamophobes, so what’s the problem?”
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“‘Black Widow’ suicide bomber strikes at Russian train station”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“A female suicide bomber detonated a vest packed with explosives in a train station in the southern Russian city of Volgograd today, killing more than a dozen people. The bombing, which was likely executed by the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, took place in a region where Russia will soon host the 2014 Winter Olympics, and is the second suicide attack in Volgograd since October.”
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2013/12/black_widow_suicide.php#ixzz2ouPmmSVh
I watched the RT report. No point in watching or listening to the BBC. Why bother to make do with the second rate.
What I cannot understand is WHY do the left suck up to Muslims? What will they get out of this in the end besides being kebabbed?
The left in this country more accurately described as liberal, being very middle class ,is in a permanent state of rebellion against what it thinks of as the conservative forces in England in particular. It has nothing much in common with the old working socialist classes. Nothing much in common with the majority of the English particularly the shire people.
They are largely middle class, badly educated fantasists. They are practioners of identity politics and love the big state which not only pays them well but allows them to exercise power.
The Muslims along with all minority groups are useful to them in their war on the majority. They have been clever and largely control the media, education and the law. They are careerists politicians par excellence.
They are the worst generation in English history and in the culture war for our future they are my enemy as they are of any conservative( not Tory party) Englishman.
If they win then it is goodbye to freedom and the rule of law. Freedom because they do not believe in it and law because they are the law and the law must serve their needs and not the customs and traditions of the nation. The BBC is one of their strongholds which is why I have no time for it at all.
I am amazed that Roger Harrabin has not pitched in to report on the ship trapped in the Antarctic. Because it is a clear proof of the Warmists’ argument that global warming makes more ice – or makes less ice, you takes yer pick.
Could it be that the BBC and the Guardian are trying to cover up the fact that they are up to their necks in this debacle ? That they sent their own people on board to try to report and film how CAGW is causing the icecaps to melt ? That their stupid notions had already been proved wrong by scientific research and satellite measurements that Harrabin had deliberately ignored. That they still decided to embark on a foolhardy challenge to Mother Nature – putting a lot of lives at risk and causing huge costs of rescue.
While I do not wish real harm to the idiots on this Ship of Fools, I hope the sanitary conditions are becoming appalling. And it might teach them a lesson if they had to trek across the ice for a few miles Shackleton-style to get to the rescue ship. Why should we have to pay for helicopter trips ?
The Ship of Fools got itself trapped with 80 on board (and is now listing at 10 degrees as the ice moves. The Chinese and French “icebreakers” failed to get through, and it now all hinges on Aurora Australis. But AA is also NOT a heavy-duty icebreaker – it is a supply vessel that can push slowly through ice up to say 6 foot thick – not 12 foot or more. The AA skipper has not yet said he can do it. He will not risk getting locked in himself.
Unless there is a fast lessening of the ice, this could turn real serious very quickly. Yes, the Chinese vessel has a helicopter – but trips would be dangerous in the high winds that are typical in the area. And there would need to be a lot of trips to evacuate across to the other vessels – is there enough helipcopter fuel ?
What is currently a big joke on the Warmists including the BBC and the Guardian could easily go awry.
But meantime – don’t drink any yellow ice !
(the snippets above look to me to provide more current hard facts than the esteemed BBC can manage. As well as hiding their own direct involvement in this debacle, they are not reporting the true conditions out there and a balanced prognosis for any rescue)
The BBC is still failing to report how dire things could become. The Aurora Australis has entered the ice field near the Ship of Fools but quickly pulled out. Too dangerous says the skipper. Why isn’t the BBC reporting this – they have people on board the Ship of Fools !
I hope things get really tough for the Fools – they are eco-loonies who don’t give a damn about the suffering of poor people in the Third World or in the UK who are suffering through crazy “climate change” policies.
Typical BBC cover-up – just like its report this morning on the UK Press which highlights Michale Schumacher’s injury whereas 6 of today’s UK papers have immigration as the key front-page story.
BBC – lies by omission as usual.
Normally, sick celeb hospital hovering is manna from heaven to 24/7 content free news media, so it is good that some may still have sense of proportion.
In the case of the world’s most selective editorial provider, their choices in, or out, do show where their priorities lie.
Delicious, delicious irony there. Apparently Aurora Australis has now called off the latest attempt to get to the ‘Ship of Fools’ (lovely turn of phrase, that).
According to the Captain of the Aurora Australis, Mr Doyle,….
“The ice became too thick for us to penetrate. Some of the floes are up to two metres of ice with a metre of snow on top and very compact.”
“There was just nowhere for us to go,” he said.
Captain Doyle also feared the 30 knot south-easterly wind running up the ship’s stern would blow ice in and around the back of the vessel.
“It was pushing those same types of floes in behind us,” he said.
“If we got into that compact stuff it would have sealed us in, we would have lost our manoeuvreability and we wouldn’t have been much use to anybody.”
“Having been caught in ice before I know by experience when to get out. I didn’t want to add to the drama instead of being part of the solution,” he said.
“I know by experience when to get out.”…. says it all, really.
There doesn’t seem to be much sympathy for this ill human being,
in this Beeboid report. I wonder why.
“Ill Italian condemns abuse over animal experiments defence”
Clearly the BBC don’t like this crack-down of visitors coming to the UK just to use our NHS because this morning they have constantly been calling it “so called health tourism”, along with a sneer and of course the view of those against the crack-down. This is what they used to describe the bedroom tax as, once the spotlight fell on them for constantly using that false description.
We should start saying “so called balanced BBC” or “so called licence fee”. Labour loving scum, and that’s not “so called”.
The Beeboids of course don’t rely on the NHS, their BUPA contributions are well taken care of through the extortion of the licence fee. The NHS is for the little people, who should be grateful to spend time on the waiting list in order to be able to enjoy the benefits of cultural enrichment .
The BBC are doing everything they can to divert attention/speculation/justifiable disgust away from Muslim terrorists in this very un-detailed report on yet another bombing in Russia:
Old habits/training die hard, Alex. Just heard Aasmah Mir, ex-beeboid?, covering for Nick Ferrari on LBC Radio this morning, 8.52am. She was discussing the Volgograd bombings with a no-nonsense security expert from Buckingham Univ. The expert had absolutely no hesitation in pinning the blame where it belongs. Oops, cue Aasmah, but, but, no one’s claimed respon…The expert then put her straight with his detailed knowledge of just what has been going on in the Caucasus, & the threat to Russia from Islamikazes from further afield, even Pakistan. The expert steamed on; the only way to go, if you don’t want to concede time after time to moslem terrorists, is for Putin & the West to smash them militarily, & ruthlessly.
End of conversation; 2 Valium for Aasmah.
The news bulletins on Russia Today, this morning, were clear this was not a suicide attack, but a remote controlled detonation.
Blue leader publicly accuses the BBC of bias in favour of the Reds
No, don’t be silly, David Cameron dare not stand up to the BBC
‘… Mourinho has also claimed there is an anti-Chelsea bias among the former players and managers who are pundits on television. ‘
“There are lots of people on TV, but nobody is a Chelsea man. Carragher, Liverpool. Thompson, Liverpool. Redknapp, Liverpool. Neville, Manchester United. We don’t have one. When I retire, 75 years old, I go as a pundit to defend Chelsea on television.”
Add to those the BBC Match of the Day regulars – Hansen, Liverpool. Lawrenson, Liverpool. Owen, Liverpool.
MOTD aired the Chelsea boss’s comments – in a jokey way – and quickly concluded he was wrong.
Lovely moment on the Five Live call-in a few minutes ago. The subject was “Is it time for the UK to take in Syrian refugees?”
A surprisingly mixed bag of contributors, with a relatively high percentage of of “no” callers.
The best part so far, however, is the guy who came on and said as an aside “that muslims are doing what they do best: killing each other.” Rachel Burden nearly choked on her coffee.
Was listening to Radio 5 live about the Russian suicide bombings. The presenter kept calling them “militants”, they had a Russian journalist on who told the truth and called them terrorists.