The Not So ‘Radical’ Anjem Choudary


There was some outrage that the BBC should interview Anjem Choudary on the prestigious Today programme, (0810)

The only thing that was ‘outrageous’ was the complete failure of John Humphrys to conduct an interview that got to the heart of the matter…..UK foreign policy and its supposed consequences….at least in the eyes of most Muslims and leftwing commentators.


Humphrys painted himself into a corner refusing to get onto the subject of foreign policy until Choudary expressed condemnation at the killing of Lee Rigby, which he refused to do.

The interview became pointless and continued in ever decreasing circles, the only winner being Choudary.

Humphry’s line was the usual one adopted by those unwilling to ‘offend’ Muslims, one that fails to challenge the fundamental reasons for Choudary’s narrative….Humphrys wants Choudary to condemn the violence of the killers but dodges the real question….what does Islam really teach?

If Choudary is a radical for preaching Islam what does that tell us?

The apologists always say…he is preaching an extreme, fundamentalist, strict version of Islam…well isn’t that exactly what Islam is?…if the fundamentals of Islam are not ‘Islamic’ then what is?

It seems people try to pick only the bits of Islam that they like.

Choudary preaches that UK foreign policy drives the ‘radicalisation’ of Muslim youth….but this is something that the BBC has long accepted as fact itself…presenters like Victoria Derbyshire nodding along as caller after caller puts forward this theory.


The BBC’s very own Peter Taylor…Reporter, BBC series Al Qaeda: Time To Talk? :

US foreign policy

So is it time to talk to al-Qaeda?

According to General Ali Shukri, former counter-terrorist adviser to King Hussein of Jordan, it is not something that should be ruled out.

“There is no harm in talking,” he told me.

Although no-one is seriously thinking about MI6 or CIA setting up back channels to Osama bin Laden’s cave, perhaps it is worth paying some attention to what he has been saying for the past 10 years.

His statements are not about any Caliphate, a pan-Muslim state which is rarely mentioned, but about US support for Israel, its backing for “apostate” Arab regimes in the Middle East and the presence of US troops in Muslim lands.

In reality, the issue is US foreign policy.

I was left in no doubt from all those I spoke to that Iraq above all else was the motivating factor behind the radicalisation and recruitment of young Muslims, and that the US-led invasion has gifted Osama bin Laden with a Jihad he could only dream of.


Taylor just confirms what Choudary says.


The trouble though is that the BBC never challenges that belief, that narrative…so in effect the BBC itself is ‘radicalising the youth’.



And Choudary is in more good company…including Labour MPs…

Muslim leaders say foreign policy makes UK target

Leading UK Muslims have united to tell Tony Blair that his foreign policy in Iraq and on Israel offers “ammunition to extremists” and puts British lives “at increased risk”.

An open letter signed by three of the four Muslim MPs, three of the four peers, and 38 organisations including the Muslim Council of Britain and the Muslim Association of Britain, was greeted with dismay in Downing Street. It has courted the MCB and several of the signatories, such as key Labour MPs Sadiq Khan (Tooting) and Shahid Malik (Dewsbury), whom it believes can shape Muslim opinion.


Humphrys tells Choudary that perhaps he should go to a country that has Sharia if he wants to live in such a country….why should he though?  Does Humphrys say that to those who would turn this country into a Socialist ‘heaven’ like Ed Miliband?

Does Choudary ‘hate this country’?  Those who attacked the Daily Mail for suggesting Ralph Miliband hated this country because he wanted to destroy the essential being of it…political, social and moral….defended him by saying that he was entitled to want ‘change’.

If it’s OK for Marxists why not Islamists?

If Choudary’s views are radical and extreme why not Miliband’s?


This article by Jenny McCartney in the Telegraph demonstrates the problem this country faces as it typifies the mindset of those in power……the lack of understanding of what Islam really means and what the consequences will be when Muslims gain more and more influence:

We’ve heard enough from Anjem Choudary

In the wake of the Woolwich murder of soldier Lee Rigby, radical Islamists are given publicity because the media is attracted to extremists


The problem with that is that Choudary isn’t a radical…he is preaching Islam.

If he is ‘radical’ then so is Islam.

That should be the real lesson the Great and the Good should start to learn.  McCartney has absolutely no understanding of what she is talking about…her main complaint is…‘what emerged from the discussion was that Choudary does not believe in democracy since “sovereignty belongs to God”. He was not willing to condemn the murderers. And he calls, yet again, for the adoption of Sharia across the United Kingdom.’


The ‘sovereignty of God’ is a basic tenet of Islam, calling for Sharia is quite clearly something Muslims, genuine Muslims, should be seeking….and Muslim dominance is something that even Labour MP’s are hoping for:

The true face of Islam:



Rejoice! The number of Muslim MPs has doubled


Why would Muslims rejoice because there are more Muslim MP’s?


Look at this latest sorry tale of surrender:

Muslim staff at Marks & Spencer can refuse to sell alcohol and pork

At M&S, Muslim staff who do not wish to handle alcohol or pork have been told they can politely request that customers choose another till at which to pay.

At one of its stores in central London last week, customers waiting with goods that included pork or alcohol were told by a Muslim checkout worker to wait until another till became available. The assistant was extremely apologetic at having to ask customers to wait.


Note, it’s not the staff member who has to move to another till, it’s the customer….however the Muslim staff member is quite happy to take their wages from the money made in a shop selling alcohol and pork.

What is the difference between Choudary and the Muslim who refuses to do certain things because of their religion?


Nothing really…they both wish to impose Islam upon the world.


Time the BBC et al woke up……and it was only two years ago or so that the BBC told us that Christianity was ‘thriving in the Middle east’…even giving an example in Hamas controlled Gaza……it was a lie  then and the real truth is only now coming out in the mainstream political and media consciousness:

Labour: We must ‘do God’ to fight anti-Christian persecution

Douglas Alexander, Labour’s shadow foreign secretary, says politicians should speak out about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, and not be put off doing so for fear of causing offence


Let’s be clear who is persecuting those Christians…it is Muslims….something the BBC even now seeks to minimise.





Merry Christmas Mr Mason


Paul Mason gave us so much amusement when he had his loafers under the BBC’s desk I think we should give him a parting present for Christmas to show our appreciation.


A fan of Northern Soul he can be happy that the younger generation are keeping the faith and the flame alive:




Mason’s love of Northern Soul could explain a lot….. not a revolutionary at all…


Just a fan of Northern Soul….




And a Merry Christmas to all Biased BBC’s readers as well…







Irish Republicans…Are They Stupid?


Richard Bacon, you have to think, just says whatever is on his mind at the time which naturally let’s slip his political leanings all too often.

However that works the other way…in that he isn’t PC, at least not in the preferred BBC mode…a couple of days ago he was discussing the attempt to firebomb a shop in NI by Irish Republians (dissident of course) when he asked (13 mins):

‘Do you think they are stupid?’


The reply was that they are ‘ideologically committed…with no purpose other than their ideology….much like Jihadis’

Bacon suggests that no one can reach out to these Republicans and explain things rationally.

Following an ideology blindly, the futility, the true keepers of the ideology with no realistic endpoint…. an internecine community, like a religion, a sense that the world hasn’t moved on for them…no realisation that communities are mixing and intermarrying, and that it’s a modern world.

As said ‘much like a religion’…except when it’s not as the BBC et al try to impose a different view of religion, or at least one religion, when it suits…. as witnessed immediately the verdict on the killers of Lee Rigby came out….everyone seemed more concerned with reassuring us that this had nothing to do with Islam, Islam is a religion of peace as you know.

Labour’s Sadique Khan, Muslim, decided the real culprits were the ‘Far Right’ and he was glad that the Rigby family had not wanted anything to do with them…of course he meant the EDL….the evil ‘far Right’ group presumably because they oppose homophobia, misogyny, anti-Semitism and all round oppression and repression as expressed by the Islamic religion…as admitted by Mehdi Hasan.


Blinded by an ideology….and not just the people living by it.

Would Bacon ever ask ‘Are committed Muslims stupid?’   Christians…he might ask that…but Muslims?













The Fable’s Of Miliband


Whatever Ed Miliband says goes….straight onto the BBC News.


A ceiling collapses in a theatre and instantly Miliband is there posturing for the BBC which happily reports his every word….nobody expected him to say anything or wanted him to…no doubt his PR people thought it a good idea….but isn’t it just Miliband ambulance chasing for headlines which he was given on a plate by the BBC?


Now Miliband has ‘vowed to give councils the power to ban high stakes roulette machines from bookmakers’ shops if Labour wins the next election.’

I heard that on the radio news bulletin…but there was no mention of Labour’s part in legalising these machines in the first place in those bulletins….so giving credit is given to Labour for attacking them but failing to place the guilt where it should be.


A couple of weeks ago we had Labour’s Tom Watson on the BBC, Derbyshire I believe, admitting that Labour ‘dropped the ball badly‘ on this:

“these pernicious machines are destroying the lives of the poorest in society”.


Strangely in the following news bulletins Labour’s part in that wasn’t mentioned…Watson claiming to be the moral scourge and that only Labour  would seek to ban the gambling machines seemed to be the story.

You would have had a completely different view of who was to blame if you relied solely on the news bulletins for your news.


Either the BBC is being manipulated by Labour…in which case the supposedly highly experienced BBC should know better and be able to counter that…or the BBC is a useful idiot willingly going along with Labour’s  narrative.





Give Them What They Want



This short segment from the Simon Mayo film review show (14:41)    perfectly encapsulates the mindset of our betters in the BBC…and why the NHS fails:

They are discussing ‘Anchorman 2’ with Will Ferrell when Mayo gets onto the subject of the US and UK news broadcasters….

‘We have the BBC [hurray!]…..we don’t have your Fox News….do you think we are missing out?’  [Said of course in tone that suggests that is really quite funny thing to say…so very ridiculous!]

Ferrell, Democrat,  replies, when the laughter slows:

‘It depends on your belief systems…hahaha…personally no, you’re not missing out.’


Mayo continues:

‘There’s a key moment in the movie when you say ‘why don’t we give Americans what they want rather than what they should have‘…probably that conversation did happen [with Rupert Murdoch]...and is still happening.’


A perfect illustration of the patrician and arrogant BBC Liberal mind at work….‘We know what is best for you.’


Ferrell earlier said of the ‘Anchormen’ that they ‘Bang through life with no self awareness or emotional growth…they are at war with the way the world is with no idea that people think differently to the way they do.’

He thought he was describing a satire of ‘Fox News’….but that is in fact a good description of the BBC…stuck in the leftwing student politics of the 60’s, completely out of touch with real life and what people think and want.



The BBC deciding to provide us with what we ‘should have’ leads to this…from the Telegraph not the BBC….which has presumably decided you ‘shouldn’t need to know this’:

NHS on brink of crisis because it became ‘too powerful’ to criticise

Head of health and social care regulator David Prior says NHS has been damaged because criticism was not tolerated


THE NHS should not be treated as a “national religion” while millions of patients receive a “wholly unsatisfactory” service from GPs and hospitals, the official regulator has warned.

David Prior, the chairman of the Care Quality Commission, said the health service had been allowed to reach the brink of crisis because it was “too powerful” to be criticised.

He said parts of the NHS were “out of control” because honest debate about the weaknesses of the health service was not tolerated.

Mr Prior suggested that the “target culture” imposed by Labour a decade ago fundamentally damaged the culture of the NHS, creating a “chillingly defensive” operation in which the truth was often sacrificed.

“The whole culture of the NHS became so focused on targets that it obscured what real quality was about,” he said. “The voice of the patient wasn’t in those targets.”



The BBC has long hidden Labour’s deadly mistakes during its time in control of the NHS…and continues to do so as they tried to bury this bad news for Labour:

NHS Accuse Burnham of ‘Misreporting Facts For Political Gain’
Senior Official Says Shadow Health Secretary Misled Commons

A senior NHS official has accused Andy Burnham’s office of ”misinterpreting and misreporting” evidence about taxis being used as ambulances “in order to present a grossly inaccurate picture for the purposes of apparent political gain”.



The BBC’s politics…. getting in the way of the truth? and the result is…patients suffer.






Biased BBC reader Keith has made this interesting contribution on a most topical aspect of BBC output….
“After watching the sickening “Woolwich: The Untold Story:, I feel that a number of issues need to be raised. It has been asserted that the Security Services tried to recruit Michael Adebolajo, on the bases of an allegation made by a close friend of the convicted murder, Abu Nusaybah, who also happens to be a member of al-Muhajiron.
It has been further implied that Drummer Rigby’s death could have been prevented, but because of funding being stopped by the Coalition Government to the charity Streets, even though apparently it failed to prevent the radicalization of Adebolajo in 2008. It was cut in 2011.
How did Peter Taylor arrive at hat conclusion, and why didn’t he enquire why the funding was stopped? The TV show clearly implied that this was to do with the Government spending-but there could be other reasons why the funding was cut.
But sloppy journalism aside, what should be of higher concern is the BBC own role in propagating the views of  Choudary- whom over the years the BBC has allowed extensive airtime.
This Guardian report however highlights a number of interesting facts concerning the broadcast by both the BBC and C4:
1.How did C4 and the BBC know of the links WITHIN HOURS of the murder, that one of the suspects was “very relevant” because he “knew one of the suspects and helped radicalise him”?
2.How did the BBC know of his travels in Kenya, yet according to Peter Taylor, British Intelligence was not aware of his movements.
3.That during an interview with Omar Bakri Muhammed, that Bakri received a telephone from Choudary , who was fully aware that the BBC was in town.
What relationship does the BBC have with Islam4UK? How come they knew he was involved in recruiting of Islamic radicals, yet have given him airtime. How did they arrive at the narration that this was Britain’s fault, and seemingly airbrushed over other key issues regarding islamic radicalization.
It seems that the BBC knew Choudry, knew his reputation, yet although banned in France, and of interest to the security forces, seems able to escape the attentions of the BBC-an organization which can doorstep everybody else, but a well known radical.
This was motivated by spite, to try and set the agenda against the Security Service, while deflecting their own involvement with al-Muhajiroun and latterly Islam4UK.”

One Man & A Dog Provide ‘Evidence’ For BBC



Guest Who links to this from Conservative Home:


The BBC reports that Hammersmith and Fulham Council claims that “tenants” have found “disgusting” and “offensive” a card sent out urging them to pay their rent. They manage to come up with two. There was Tina Buckley – who is a prominent left wing local activist – and her mother.

I represent hundreds of council tenants in this borough – none have complained to me.

Oddly the BBC have not featured other councils who have been running similar campaigns. Labour-run Luton Council is sending out the festive message to their tenants that if they don’t pay their rent they will lose their homes. Cllr Tom Shaw said:

“Most people are feeling the economic squeeze at the moment, but please make paying your rent and council tax a priority over Christmas and New Year and don’t risk losing your home. Pay up or seek help immediately before allowing debts to spiral out of control so we can cut the eviction rate, as well as our arrears bill.”

Why do the BBC present this as a great controversy regarding Hammersmith and Fulham but not mention Labour councils doing much the same?

I fear it might only add to the suspicions some hold of a left wing bias in the Corporation.


Like Santa Claus it seems our Tina comes out to play at Christmas each year:


Tina Buckley says:

No one, but no one has the right to deny any person, wether they are disabled or not, the right to live an independent life. I’m not disabled, so have very little insight into the work and support of the ILF. I’m so angry with this government for the stress & fear they are causing so many people who just want to make the best of their lives regardless of what restrictions they are under, be they disability, financial or mental health issues

Ambulance Chasers



The Ed Balls’ ‘Turkey Taunt’ story is still on the BBC’s frontpage in a prominent place….strangely this story, via Guido, is nowhere to be seen on the website as far as I can see, not even on the ‘Health’ page….you have to dig for it:

NHS Accuse Burnham of ‘Misreporting Facts For Political Gain’
Senior Official Says Shadow Health Secretary Misled Commons

A senior NHS official has accused Andy Burnham’s office of ”misinterpreting and misreporting” evidence about taxis being used as ambulances “in order to present a grossly inaccurate picture for the purposes of apparent political gain”.



Pretty serious accusations you would think….but the BBC clearly doesn’t seem to agree.

It has managed to report it….hidden away on the ‘Democracy Live’ page…under the ‘House of Commons’ sub-section:

Labour criticised over A&E claims


A claim that Labour had “misinterpreted and misreported [the information] in order to present a grossly inaccurate picture for the purposes of apparent political gain” should surely merit a major headline on the Frontpage…instead the BBC has buried the story where no one will ever look or come across it by accident.


No accident that?

All the more curious because it was only a few days ago that the BBC were trumpeting their own investigation into waiting times at hospitals and the use of ambulances….all given lots of airtime on the radio:

Some patients taken by ambulance to A&E departments are waiting in the vehicle for much longer than the recommended 15 minutes, with one case involving a six-hour delay, figures show.

Data for ambulance services in England, Scotland and Wales, obtained by the BBC under the Freedom of Information Act, suggest Wales had the longest waits.



Why so coy now?





Pianist Balls & The BBC





It’s getting embarrassing this love in between the BBC and the leading politicians of the Labour Party….maybe it’s not just Stephanie Flanders who had a bit of a passion for the two Eds.


Miliband was given massive coverage and airtime for his spat with the Mail and was given the prime spot on Desert Island Discs to further polish his image….never mind all the unappealing or just plain dishonest things about him and his policies that the BBC sweeps under the carpet.

Ed Balls also seems to have the BBC poised at a moment’s notice to leap to his defence as well as being given a primetime slot on Jeremy Vine’s show to come on and play the piano….sorry…but if that isn’t pure political showtime what is?, and the BBC know that.

But the BBC goes further than burnishing Balls’ ‘human side’ to make him voter friendly…extending their services in his defence…..last year when he made a mess of the Autumn statement they were there to smooth things over:

Ed Balls explains hesitant Autumn Statement response

Rather bizarrely the BBC then republished the exact same story to explain his similarly bad performance in this year’s Autumn Statement (see above).


The we hear that even his own colleagues think he is a bit of a nightmare….no fear…the BBC are on hand to downplay that with this story:

Labour united despite ‘Balls a nightmare’ email – Burnham


Followed up a while later with this touching tale:

Ed Balls not a nightmare at home, says wife Yvette Cooper


Was anybody really so interested that the national news broadcaster had to seek out the opinion of Balls’ wife….and what exactly was she expected to say…yes, by God, he’s a bit of a nightmare really?


And today Balls gets booted into touch by Cameron, yet again, and yet again the BBC leaps in to defend him:

Ed Balls pledge to ‘carry on shouting’ after ‘turkey’ taunt


A minor taunt from Cameron and the BBC mobilises its forces to help Labour’s Balls out.

Anybody really interested?  Anybody really care?  No.


So why does the BBC feel the need?

Remember the BBC mantra:

An enemy is only someone whose story you haven’t heard yet.’

That’s why they push the family man ‘face’ of Miliband and the ‘all too human’ Balls bashing away at the piano…it’s priceless propaganda and it’s free.

Once you get to know Balls and Miliband as lovely, caring individuals, and so obviously ‘in touch’ with the struggles of ‘real people’, you will start to like them personally…and vote for them.

‘Plan B’ failed miserably, they hope ‘Plan Be Nice’ will be more successful.