Biased BBC contributor Daniel Pycock writes
“If you thought the BBC were pushing the “too far, too fast” line last time, just wait for more of their output regarding George Osborne’s planned cuts between 2014-16. Take a look at this most recent article:
I count thirty four sentences in total, of which seven contain what Osborne actually said. There are another seven ‘neutral’ sentences dedicated to paraphrasing the government’s position. This means that there are another twenty sentences with which to flood the article with criticisms from: Trade Unions (loony left), the Labour Party (left), the Liberal Democrats (left) and the BBC’s own Nick Robinson (nominally a wet conservative).
Ed Balls got four sentence-paragraphs of criticism in there – more than I can remember any Shadow Conservative Chancellor getting (especially with comparable poll ratings). Nick Robinson basically rebuts everything that Osborne suggests, and only Robert Peston (in a side-box) provides some sort of supportive comment.
Now, I’m no massive fan of George Osborne (I do not support ring-fencing DfID, Health, or among other things, the perpetuation of our pensions ponzi-scheme); but I think that, given the alternatives offered, he is at least advancing a semi-respectable position regarding the national finances. See if you get that impression or not from the BBC…”
It`s the BBC.
this is all that we`ll be getting now until 2015.
That no-one trusts Saviles old station is a given-only the political class, junkies and elites even LISTEN to Radio 4.
The BBC2 types are house-trained, but nobody listens to Chris Evans for his politics as scripted for him.
All the useless Tories need to do is pin it all on Balls and Bisto kid of a wife of his etc…but can`t imagine they`ll manage that.
Al long as UKIP etc, FN in France and even something newer and more direct becomes an option-the future will be bright.
Just dump the BBC, enjoy its death by scorn and mockery within a few years PG!
That really is repulsive Left-wing bias. The bias is free-flowing and utterly out of control.
One of the BBC’s paraphrases was:
Osborne first said, “The plan is working,” yet all the BBC quote was “not even half done.” He never said “austerity”. I realize what he said implied it, but the BBC editor chose to use the shibboleth, a loaded political term. I guess they got the desired “Boo!” from the audience, though, so job done.
I’ll begin to believe it’s ‘austerity’, or at least someone starting to think about austerity, when our council stops spending millions of pounds on needless junction ‘improvements’ (for which read ‘another scheme to frustrate motorists and increase congestion’).
The bBBC cannot imagine that a ‘large state’ is the problem, not the solution.
communism for the public, socialism for the banks, fascism for the oligarchs, perfect polycratic system for some!
The banking corporations are claiming beneficiary of the trusts of the persons. Which belongs to the public.
This is a fraud, as they’re using the legal system to let the persons become subject off the public servant who are benefiting the entity’s.
I have to say that I cannot imagine what was going through Gideons mind when he announced this half assed policy.
£25Bn is an enormous amount to cut, trying to cut it from the benefits budget when we know more than half the claimants have not only been protected, but promised above inflation increases is simply unworkable.
£12Bn + maybe closer to £20Bn from benefits – but he is unable to actually say where these savings will come from, and what their effect will be.
We have already seen unemployment falling by vicious sanctions in most cases unfairly applied, removing all income from claimants. A third of all the unemployed have had their benefit stopped at one time or another.
I as a free market capitalist am not prepared to see Osborne et al reduce this country to a third world state, with millions of people living on the streets, or in makeshift shelters (does anyone on these forums think Hooverville was a mark of success and a desireable outcome)?
We all know what the Tories will do with the money saved – it’ll be tax cuts for the very rich and to the rest of us a two fingered salute while they give our jobs to some foreigner who will work for less and all hours God sends.
I believe that Gideon knows this policy will make his party unelectable. As a greed ridden pair Osborne and Cameron both know that the two top jobs are hard work and pay next to nothing. I expect that they have already arranged a deal to ‘advise’ some Middle Eastern country a la Tony BLiar which explains their inability to criticise Islam.
The unpalatable truth is that the PM and Chancellor positions are paid far too little, and the attractions of much more lucrative work too strong for greedy men to resist.
I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again – Cameron does not want to be re elected. He’s done his qualifying 5 year stint, and will move onto much more lucrative work.