The Climate Change consensus is political not scientific. The consensus is imposed from the top. Politicised scientific organisations are not allowed to deviate from the political consensus, the political consensus has always been imposed from the top by the IPCC.
Scientists who are open about not being part of the consensus are very individualistic, and it does help to be a bit autistic and therefore compulsively honest when asked questions, I am thinking of someone I know personally, who keeps getting into serious trouble with the lefty thought thugs.
But it is very hard to gauge the number of scientists who class themselves as sceptics, because of the left-wing repression of free speech over this issue.
I do not think there are many scientists who can calibrate carbon dioxide warming on Venus, Mars and therefore, calculate the irrelevance of CO2 warming on the Earth.
Things do seem to be worse in Britain than other countries because of the BBC.
Freedom of thought is better in Denmark, Australia, Russia and the US due to organisations such as the Danish National Space Centre, Cato Institute Lavoisier Group, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Heartland Institute.
Britain only has the GWPF, which seems to be more about political policy rather than the science, but at least you will get to know a bit of the science censored by the BBC.
These organisations seem to be free of the political consensus because either they are free from taxpayer money, or they are to do with Astronomy.
Astronomers are paid by the taxpayer, but we seem to be free from the repression because of two reasons.
(1) The morons do not think Astronomy has anything to do with Climate Change.
(2) Employment in Astronomy is not dependent on man made Climate Change being true.
I do not have the time and space to go into it all, but you could google these below.
When you prove the assumption of man-made carbon dioxide warming wrong, you need at least two pieces of science, both from Astronomy.
(1) Proof that the assumption is wrong comes from thermodynamics of a relation between the coincidence of temperatures on Venus and the Earth at one bar.
So Google ““Unified Theory of Climate” by Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller.
(2) Proof of what causes the Climate to Change due to changes in the Earth’s cloud Albedo due to muon cascades caused by high energy Cosmic Rays, Google “Cosmoclimatology.
Bendybus, you should use Google Scholar, not those sceptic or believer websites.
A lot of these scientific papers are behind pay walls, but I find that you can always find them free as a PDF, somewhere.
Also, I am sure that a theory based on thermodynamics is not pseudo-scientific new age rubbish.
In fact, I am embarrassed to say I used to worship the Arrhenius method that produces the 33 Kevin Global Warming, until I realised that it was pseudo-scientific new age rubbish.
Cosmoclimatology has lots of scientific papers relating to a varied scientific field, some important papers are authored by Henrik Svensmark, Eigil Friis-Christensen and Nir Shaviv, but it is best for novices to look up David Archibald for a simple explanation as to how these scientific papers are connected.
Also, not in scientific papers, but you can get information leaked by scientists who where involved with the CERN CLOUD experiment, which proved the Svensmark theory, but is so controversial, that they produced a bogus rebuttal of the theory using low energy Cosmic Rays.
I don’t care if humans are changing the climate or not, that fact is that the climate is changing.
It’s this sort of self-divide-and-conquer argument that makes this site doomed to fail.
There are far more important things to attack the bbc over than climate change.
Climate change or not, all Range Rover owners are going to get slaughtered in the future by islamists or indigenous workers, depending on how the street wars pan out.
Nick Robinson toeing the leftist line on immigration on BBC2 Newsnight. Mildly raising ‘concerns’ and in the same breath dismissing them.
Robinson reports on a school where 42 languages are spoken and translators have to be employed, but it’s all happy clappy and multi-culty heaven.
Summary: yes there are problems caused by unfettered immigration but it’s for the good and you’re a bitter little racist if you don’t see it like that.
Beyond that, David – I think they feel so sure their leftist propagandising will result in a Labour government at the next election they can now do what they friggin’ like.
Wilfully ignoring the reality that with ten million ‘economically inactive’ adults in the UK the way ahead for Labour was probably not to ship in 4 million workers from overseas.
There is no way that immigration net net pounds shillings and pee has been a benefit.
What a load of complete and utter bollocks as usual. So glad that Robinson can get a haircut for eight quid from his Romanian barber. (Hope he keeps a hand on his wallet). My English barber charges me a fiver.
I’ll tell you what – I can stand the thought of the chattering classes in Islington not being able to get a cheap nanny for little Jocasta and Tarquin, just give me my England back.
Aside from all the rest of it, nice personal slap at Robinson being able to get an inexpensive haircut. Stay classy, Brian Wheeler.
So cheap haircuts and cheap veggies equals economic growth, does it? Funny how when it’s a different topic, low wages are exploitation. Typical BBC double standards.
it’s a miracle we managed to survive as country before all this mass immigration.
I mean how on earth did we lead the world in the industrial revolution, have one of the biggest empires ever, lead the world in science and engineering, invent steam engine, jet engine, TV etc.
Win 2 world wars.
how on earth did we achieve this without the mass immigration we have today to help us.
There was one mass immigration that was of great value to Britain and that was the Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. And Chaim Weizmann in 1911 invented acetone for Britain which was used in the manufacture of cordite explosive propellants critical to the Allied war effort.
yes I saw discussion on the immigration of Jews at end of 19th century , On C4 I think , some time ago any way . But the point was made (by a Rabbi incidentally) That Jewish community went to great lengths to integrate. Even setting up schools for newly arrived refugees, to teach them not only English language, but also how best to assimilate existing culture
It is a miracle we managed to survive as a Country before all this mass immigration.
I mean how on earth did we lead the world in the industrial revolution, have one of the biggest empires ever, lead the world in science and engineering.
Win 2 world wars.
How on earth did we achieve this without the mass immigration we have today to help us.
Please persist Chris. I know it’s painful, but by the end of the programme you will get a full and complete impression of what the BBC is ramming down our collective throats.
Robinson is going on about curry houses now. How are the Islington set going to manage without an up-market curry house?
I am not a racist I could not care less where these people are immigrating from but there are far to many of them and this country can not cope with it, yes some contribute but do the British really gain overall (after building more schools and houses etc ) from these people being here.
Who wants to live in a country so full that you can not move.Tony Blair not only messed up the countries finances but also let this disastrous immigration occur. The people of this country should have had a say and the government need to remember who they are working for, I will vote for ukip to try and put a stop to this and I very left wing.
This morning I bought the Guardian (Like I do most mornings) and after reading it I came to the conclusion that those who rule over us (both in actual power and in mind) have never spoken for the average man. They are all Middle and upper class uni types who live in a dream world where MPs are honourable, Muslims can only be fucking victims and anybody who opposes them is a white racist DM reader. They all hate religion, other than Islam which is sacrosanct, and love to hand over others peoples money in which to look good. In the Guardian they started off with news cuts totalling £12 billion has to be found. Am I the only one to have noticed that our foreign Aid bill is exactly that figure. Why can’t we cut that , but we won’t. I for one can’t wait for the day Armed groups in the UK go on the rampage targeting MPs and their families. They have failed the people of the UK and as such they should be made to pay the price.
I conceed, it is good to know what your enemy is thinking. But I don’t buy the Guardian, because they are going down the pan and I don’t want my £1,40 to play any part in keeping it alive. Besides, you can get exactly the same leftie claptrap from Metro for free!
“If you want to defeat your enemy, sing his song”.
Belive it`s a Persian phrase-Bob Dylan quoted it on his “Biograph LP” as I recall.
I`d not be singing it though…just look for the key, the signature notes and prepare the rams horn…or siren if that`ll silence them, much as they want to do with us.
I salute another member of the media wars SOE.
what like this – 12 year old (mentally) Labour ‘activist’
“Honestly never been so angry at anything other than when watching #benefitsstreet. Actually just cried. I want every producer at C4 dead.—”
Jasmin Beckett (@JasminAmelia)
Laughingly now ‘protecting’ her tweets / drivel as though this will save her from prosecution for ‘sending menacing messages’.
Well that’s a ‘menacing message’ if ever there was one. I suspect however that the victim status of the message recipient will be the most important factor in enforcing this bizarre legislation.
So did Channel 4 who gave Stella Creasey minutes to emote about the psychological traumas involved.
The lead feminista involved was even too traumatised to take a few Francoise Durr lobs from Cathy Newman(Anne of Cleves in a Harpo Marx half wig!).
Where`s the Womans Hour Re-education camp…I`ll see myself in!
Basically Channel 4 regarded this as akin to Lee Rigby I think…Jeddah Chops for these two trolls(and one a woman-so the bloke must have made her say nasty things…the Pryce Doctrine 2013)
Crock O Shyte -Channel 666-curry mile, South Shields!
Interesting interview by Steve Wright on Radio 2 of Hugh Edwards. The biggest event to have happened in 2013 was the death of Nelson Mandela ‘because it affected millions of people all over the world’. Well after several terrible days of seeing my license fee wasted my life really didn’t change that much. But at least Hugh did go on to admit for some people in the UK the death of Mrs Thatcher was a big event too. Shows the BBC group think; the death of an ex leader of a Commonwealth country is far more important the death if a UK Prime Minister.
I heard the program and thought exactly the same thing.
Yesterday we had Peston, it seems these days that the only thing that tha bBC are good at is self promotion. Such self promotion is now creeping into the 6.30 regional news programs tonight Stargazing Live was heavily advertised.
Peston & co. On Pointless they had a round concerning BBC News Editors. Actually it was just BBC reporters I would call them, like Peston Flanders, Robinson Simpson etc. I was amazed at the low scores they all got from the ‘one hundred people given one hundred seconds to identify” etc. etc.
These people appear on News programmes each day but in most cases fewer than 20 or even10 in the hundred (who often name or identify the most, to me obscure information and facts) could name these particular BBC individuals.
Quite amazing, but should be worrying for the BBC that their ‘on message’ News Editors are barely recognized.
‘..did go on to admit for some people in the UK the death of Mrs Thatcher was a big event too’
Beyond ‘beliefs’, from any quarter (but especially that of the BBc hierarchy who seem to operate on nothing else), it would be interesting to see some tangible facts in analysis of any BBC claim, which is often more what they would like reality to be vs. what it actually is.
In this regard surely there is their very own page stats?
It was noted at the time that even though they were rending shirts and gnashing teeth en masse, few actual BBC audience members were paying attention to their vast output, and rather desperately looking for actual news of relevance.
Lawyers strikes?…BBC wanting yet more immigration.
If only we had a Quentin Letts for DG.
Then we could employ 1000s of Balkans instead of those leeches at Matrix Chambers, and those who spout off about the need to have more immigrants here.
Like Nick Robinson and his like.
Surely to God there`ll be better hacks and law lilos on any given bus at Victoria than among our sick political class…Beeb and Lincolns Inn.
Is it really important to have hundreds or thousands of universities in a country ? Apparently so according to Nick Robinson and his programme . He also didn’t question if it was a national calamity if one or two curry houses closed down because we don’t import chefs from Bangladesh , who may or may not speak English .
No questions asked how crops were picked in times gone by ,even though newspapers today show less produce is sourced here than before . Or how much can be grown here if land is concreted over for this population expansion .
Why did Nick Robinson wave that stupid collection tin at people when discussing an important issue ? Why the pies ?
Above all , why no questioning of the PTB about getting people off benefits when their was a strong economy , instead of hitting the poor devils now when jobs are scarcer ?
What a way to run a country .
Keith Vaz has twice tried to have restrictions on Bangladeshi chefs coming here waived. He wanted an extra 20,000 visas issued. interestingly, there are some 20,000 Bangladeshis claiming to be chefs claiming unemployment benefits. Probably not actually unemployed just working in the family business but off record.
So Ofcom have cleared the media including the BBC over the showing of the two Muslims who murdered Lee Rigby, immediately after their grisly crime.
What they don’t seem to have considered is the way the footage was cut by the BBC to omit as much blame as possible for the act on that evil book ‘the Qur’an’.
The entire footage was shown on US TV and other broadcasters around the world, but it seems that the only thing the useless quango which is supposed to monitor the media is only concerned about people being a bit shocked by grisly scenes – never mind the distortion of the truth nor the blatant lies this allowed spineless politicians to tell.
No wonder the BBC believes it can get away with anything.
Sorry Nick it won’t work. Once again you had to resort to the approved 1984 BBC dictionary in your attempt to have a “debate’
Two things should have struck you. The school in Southampton where there were only a handful of white Southampton children. Why? and where have they gone? You failed to ask the obvious questions.
I know the city and it is increasingly splitting into ghettos. Did you not notice?
Your visit to the New Forest Show. Was that to pillory the shire people like me? Holding out a begging bowl for money as if you were a wannabee chugger. Insulting and pointless.
The proper people you accosted were having none of it.
Nought out of ten. As expected you concentrated on economics. No mention of what it is to be English descending from endless generations of Englishmen and seeing your land that you hoped to hand on in good order to your grandchildren go to waste and turn into something else you do not want or need.
You do not understand, like all liberals, just how angry that makes many of us feel. No greater betrayal than to betray your ancestors and your nation.
That is probably what the shire people at the New Forest Show wanted to say to you. But we have grown wary. We say it in private but never to people like you.
I have no time for you or for the wretched BBC. It is no friend of old England and old England needs all the friends it can get.
Stick to the arguments about money . That is all you have got and it is not going to work much longer.
Racism, as the BBC define it, is not in decline, it has gone underground due to threats of prosecution. It is also being practised by people who, in the BBC’s opinion, cannot be racist. Cameron and people like the writer, Hannan in this case, do not want a debate, they just want to lecture us from on high about what we should be saying and thinking. Unfortunately for them, it’s breaking down, partly because the influx of a relatively small number of white immigrants has made discussion more or less respectable.
As you say, money is neither here not there; the issue is enforced cultural change. There are supposed to be around 60,000 French people in London yet I’ve not heard a single complaint. Why? Because they’re not trying to rearrange the furniture.
Hannan is clearly in denial.
Mortar rounds or packs of dogs may yet follow his re-educational programming with a Guardian chip inserted, should he fail to attend the Jasper Camp of “Eternal Victimhood studies”.
Profs Ken, Anjem, Polly, Owen and Yasmin….”look around you, all you see are ..err. “sympathetic eyes”.
Actually they`re looking down on you from above the abbatoir shed…halal of course.
On this Paul Simon was gently wrong, but on the right lines as ever.
Suppose there`s no chance of loads of Vulgarians, Vulcans or Romany types putting Nick, Nick(CampBell, RobeSon) etc out of work by undercutting their global warming, emoting, lying horseshit is there?
Can`t we send the media effluent over there to build some studios aor apply to join the horsemeat scandals…must be some pantomine horse costumes not being used at the minute eh?
They`d not die in vain of course-somebody could upload the terrors of the Balkan food chain one year on.
I`d watch it…and the taxpayer could save some of that “Savile Supplement ” we pay for every year!
Win win…what say you Nick Nick?
‘Islamisation: The Cultural Suicide of the West’. Self-appointed Muslim propagandists are given a free reign by the liberal media to consistently mislead the general public, especially by the BBC, which is effectively the modern day ‘Ministry of Truth’ …
Perhaps a hint that the Arab side has rejected Kerry’s plan out-of-hand might also add balance. The BBC, for once, quoted the Jerusalem Post rather than Israel’s version of the Guardian Haaretz so they must be reading about it, even if their Israel-based journalists hadn’t noticed.
The bBC writes an article on Berlin prior to WW1. Want to guess which is the only faith mentioned which was “ready to sacrifice all the property and blood demanded by duty”.
Read how German Marxist August Bebel was against war and read about how Industry sucked in immigrants.
Yes its that Great War rewrite by the British version of the Ministry of thruth…The lying bastards at the bBC.
Article on electoral fraud on the Today program, and an assertion that Pakistani & Bangladeshis are ‘particularly susceptible’.
Hang on haven’t I heard this before just a few weeks ago? When Dominic Grieve said exactly the same thing, but was forced to apologise after howls of outrage by loony lefties, including ‘guests’ on the BBC.
Susceptible?…or do you mean “vulnerable”?
Crock of shite to us here on Planet Real…but I can envisage weeks of Laurie Taylor-type headw***king with funding available from the University of Wallymagoo”
If not, then Wallamalloo might do it Bruce?
The bBC , and how it puffs about Chinese wind power as the best there is. China on world’s ‘biggest push’ for wind power China has embarked on the greatest push for renewable energy the world has ever seen. A key element involves more than doubling the number of wind turbines in the next six years. Already the world’s largest producer of wind power, China plans further massive increases.
Ah the biggest polluter in the planet (funny how the Left who love to mention that fact when the US was nbr 1 remain silent when its China) which producers over 75% of its electricity by Coal is promoted by the bBC as a champion of Green energy. I quote: Already the world’s largest producer of wind power,
Actually that title belongs to the EU, now before somebody points out that China is but one country and the EU many, here is how the bBC reports the contrast between China and the EU at the start of its biased article: “By contrast, the European Union countries together have just over 90GW of installed wind capacity.
I’ll leave you with poster nbr 11 on the comments has to say on the article: 11. tooobias
34 Minutes ago
I am skeptical on wind farms that far away from cities,a little far-fetched, the #1 picture shows views 6 towers but no bases they are anchored on, the 2nd obviously no picture of a component of a wind turbine, the 3rd shows a blade being prepared and 4 people doing it,(2/day pace?) the fourth, a bearing that could be used on anything,,a thin story, they are building coal fired plants 5/week
A very real threat to freedom of speech which is almost certain to be misused by the public sector who will administer it.
‘Being annoying in a public place’ Believe me unfortunately it’s not a joke, and its scope is so wide that almost anyone doing anything could be arrested & charged under this act.
This is a charter for the Police and others to arrest and charge you simply because they don’t like you, or what you are saying. It must be resisted by all people as the Liebour section 5 of the Public order act which would have prevented speech – yes not a particular kind of speech, but speech in general.
As our government become more oppressive and seek to take away our freedoms at an ever faster way, the only way we can respond without taking up the gun is to make our voices heard as best we can, and to support an unelected house of lords which doesn’t have to answer to the party whip.
yep! as direct action action grows, as the screws get tightened, as the economic non-plan hits the fan,
on the poorest in society, one of the last vestiges they have gets criminalised …
Meanwhile at “the club” – never mind Osborne, pass the champers, what say you Boris, “well Dave like I said there is some growth … in the amount of foodbanks anyway, what!” … haw haw guffaw
‘Being annoying in a public place’ … its scope is so wide that almost anyone doing anything could be arrested & charged under this act.’
It does rather join an already ignoble collection, with the way littered by such as ‘reasonable’ & ‘proportionate’ as already vague-to-useless terms made very dangerous when handed to restricted groups given the power to arbitrate.
One presumes that already there is an admission that something can be deemed annoying simply by an officer thinking it is? Like a law could be based on such a facile train of logic.
“The Home Office has said the new injunctions would never be imposed in an unreasonable way.”
Obviously a civil servant so incompetent naive and ignorant of the past performance of prosecuting authorities that they’ve been given the role of lying to the press!
The case of the section 5 prosecution of a man who said he thought a police horse was ‘gay’ and other utterly mindless prosecutions only the PC British Police are capable of !
Or maybe the misuse of the RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act) used 3 million times in a decade for such matters of state security as people putting the wrong rubbish in their bins, or a woman prosecuted for not living in the catchment area of school.
So bad did the misuse become that councils had to have the powers taken away from them.
The fact is that recent history shows given powers councils and the Police WILL misuse them to oppress the people of the country, and we should always resist their implementation.
For some glib Home Office spokes liar to say that they’d never be imposed in an unreasonable way is plain lies they should have said that they would rarely be imposed in a reasonable way which would be a damn site closer to the truth !
BBc continues to dumb everything down to the dumbest level of dumbness. My sympathies to those who lost their lives in the helicopter but this morning they got in an ‘aviation expert’ to ask him what is a low level training exercise. His reply was in essence it’s a low level training exercise. Suzanne then asked if it was dangerous to fly at low levels. Yea ok.
Fair point.
It is clearly news and I hate to say it, ‘questions need answering’. If only to find out what went wrong and try and prevent a repeat, if possible.
That last is key. One thing I have noticed with today’s content desperate 24/7 media is they can’t get their heads around the notion of ‘accidents do happen’.
Like haunting hospital lobbies when famous folk are inside, they seem to have a weird notion there will be ‘news’ of value just rabbiting away aimlessly until an actual confirmed fact emerges.
Why can’t the BBC ever talk honestly about immigration?
Immigration. Were you aware that this has become a bit of a problem, these last ten years? I wasn’t, obviously, because like all credulous idiots I get my news from a single trusted source – the BBC – and as a result I’ve known for some time now that immigration is great, regardless of what the facts and figures are.
This week the BBC tried a cunning new variant on this theme called The Truth About Immigration (BBC2 Tue). By roping in notionally right-leaning Nick Robinson to present it and by trailing it as some kind of massive volte-face the BBC sought to give the impression that it was saying something new, controversial and daring.
It wasn’t really though. Sure, there were some sops to reality: interviews with dejected native Northerners (including a second-generation Asian), upset by the Roma gangs hanging around on street corners and dumping rubbish everywhere; ex-Labour minister Jack Straw expressing ‘regret’ at the way his administration had underestimated the scale of immigration by a factor of ten; scenes of English people at the New Forest show wondering where their country had gone. Underneath all that distracting surface detail, though here was the same old BBC feigning a critique of Britain’s disastrous immigration policy but ending up presenting an apologia for it
As anticipated by most regular commenters here, last night’s ‘The Truth About Immigration’ was nothing of the sort, asking all the wrong people all the wrong questions before delivering all the wrong answers. Another in a long line of carefully designed misinformation exercises, biased, politically loaded and wilfully partisan. Hey-ho.
Happily I think a lot of people have got the message. Don’t take any notice of the BBC.
I suppose this was how Pravda presented things in the bad old days. The BBC should be ashamed of itself but they are liberals and liberals do not do shame.
They are big-state authoritarians. They want more government, more intrusion and more intervention in people’s lives.
The BBC mindset believes in the right of a privileged, wealthy, metropolitan elite to dictate to the unwashed masses – because only they know what’s best for everyone.
I refuse to call them by their self acclaimed descriptions, ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’. A far better term is ‘Globalists’ , they are against small nation states and wan t not just BIG but MASSIVE government. EU? Certainly. OWG? Yes probably.
I didn’t want to watch the programme – I knew what to expect. What I do know from BBC radio over the past year, though, is that they are craftily re-framing the debate on Labour’s terms, which is ‘We hold our hands up and admit we got it wrong in 2004’ – i.e. serious ‘underestimates’ (believe that, if you will) of how many immigrants would come from Eastern Europe once restrictions were lifted – whilst deliberately excluding immigration from Africa and the Indian sub-continent which has by far a bigger impact on the country both culturally and economically.
Thanks to BBC/Labour, these are the new limits of the immigration debate. What is it someone said on here about Chomsky the other day?
You have to wonder if the BBC let Robinson do this not so much because he’s the political editor and they think he has a point, but because they know he can be a useful Conservative fig-leaf and this will let them place all blame on the politicians for being divisive rather than on the BBC for being the prime culprits in making complaint about unlimited, immediate mass immigration a thoughtcrime.
The BBC has more influence on the national debate on any issue than any politician could dream of.
Complaints from both sides defense starting in 3…2….1….
I missed the Robinson immigration programme last night and had intended to ask those of you who did whether I am now allowed to think that maybe inviting all those millions here was not such a good idea. Reading the comments above suggests that I need not ask. Don’t want to commit thought-crime.
“In the latest of an occasional series of essays, the British author and former parliamentary candidate Paul Weston takes a look at the widespread occurrence of voting fraud in Modern Multicultural Britain.” (2010.)
“When did Britain become the kind of country that tolerates voting fraud?
“Labour’s massive expansion of postal voting opened the door to electoral fraud.”
Could there possibly be a link between these areas. Still I’ve seen suspect things myself first hand. Ballot boxes that were sealed arrive for the count with the seals removed. When I stood as an independent in a local parish council I was ahead of Labour until the postal votes were counted.
It was mentioned on The Daily Politics that there was an ‘Asian’ commonality about these areas.
I think there is a sweet irony that these ‘Asians’ are going to the trouble, and taking the risk of committing voter fraud to, basically, elect a Jewish Prime Minister.
One of the bBBC’s pet topics again: the third most important item on the bBBC ‘news’ website is that a footballer that no-one has heard of is homosexual.
You have to remember it’s important to them. No-one else gives two hoots.
This sort of thing is, in my view, increasing the contempt in which the BBC is held as it becomes ever more apparent that they live in their own, reality-free bubble.
what a gay, (news) day for a German footballer
gone from the UK for over two years
don the tutu s throw out the bunting at the discrimination champions league BBC
BUT … surprise surprise!
no time or space for this euro-footballer news
The premier Dutch soccer team Vitesse left for training in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) this year –
but without its best defender, after UAE authorities refused to allow him into the country.
The reason: he is Israeli.
This (sports??) news was deemed far more important than the unprecedented step of moving the World Cup to winter on the Radio 2 sports update at 4pm, wtf?
Watched ITV 10 o’ clock news last night – and how refreshing it was in its coverage of the weather.
Interview with an elderly(ish) long-term resident of the Somerset Levels: ‘We need the Environment Agency to come down here and start clearing the drainage ditches and dredging the silted-up rivers’.
Film coverage of the Cornish coast getting battered, voice over: ‘A reminder that man can do nothing to combat the force of nature’.
Not a whisper of a smidge of a suggestion of ‘climate change’.
Thank you, ITV.
Meanwhile on the R4 early morning news today the storms in Britain were quickly followed by reports of giant waves in France and of course, the ‘Polar vortex’ in the US. In other words, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ has finally arrived. Wankers.
Amazing how many clips of “damaged” cliffs we’ve seen this winter.
Where do these people (and not just the BBC) think that cliffs come from? Was Britain bordered by green fields and a white picket fence before global warming came along and wrecked everything?
I know Hemsby in Norfolk where some of the so-called ‘cliffs’ were destroyed. In actual fact they are nothing more than sand dunes which have been eroding on that part of the coast for the last 35 years with the gradual loss of something like 50 yards of dunes and dozens of ‘bungalows’ – which in reality were little more than wooden holiday shacks, many without running water or electricity.
So the couple who had bought their ‘bungalow’ only 8 years ago – the much-publicised one where all that was left standing was a table and chairs – wanted their bumps feeling as by that time theirs was one of a last line of shacks teetering on the edge of the last few yards of dune. Sad, but true.
I have to admit, my favourite sport at the moment is timing just how long it takes the BBC reporter drone to wheel out some hapless local to give us the ‘I’ve never seen weather like it before in my lifetime’ line.
Fun, because the BBC don’t seem to want to give me any ‘news’ (or any ‘weather’), they prefer to engage in ceaseless CAGW propaganda which is NOT backed-up any of the official climate science or any of the most reliable data records (such as satellite data).
‘‘I’ve never seen weather like it before in my lifetime’’
I’ve noticed a few of my generation, before rather prone to the party lines, getting a smidge offside on this avenue of reporting.
Mainly because in our lifetime we have, and so trying to frame things in such a way is daft, plainly.
Also a few from any age group can actually read material beyond that pumped out by the MSM to discover unprecedented and/or record-breaking events that were exceeded, and by wide margins, when some older records were being taken that the kids in the cubicle gardens have studiously understood they better not mention.
Inconveniently, many well before the first V8 fired up.
The failure to even acknowledge population-density increases also mean greater loss of life and damage is frankly astounding.
the rivers near me haven’t been dredged for at least 40 years,remember looking through the silt with a metal detector,found nothing…
I agree it should be done every 5 years,and houses should never have been built on the flood plains.Old maps show the areas,so why build on them
“……houses should never have been built on the flood plains.Old maps show the areas,so why build on them “
The construction sector is one of the few whose interests aren’t diminished by a change of government. After all, no self-respecting politico is going to refuse those luvvverly backhanders from the building trade for the sake of some ruddy old flood plains or, new this week, ancient woodland which basically just, like, sits there and totally does nothing (and is happily miles away from wherever the MP happens to live).
Every month we get Raymond Ibrahim’s accounts of the Christians persecuted for their faith around the Islamic world, and can see just how few of these are reported by the BBC. Here we can see that when another major news agency, Reuters, does draw attention to this, yet still the BBC is ignoring it, there is an agenda involved.
The organisation that made these figures public, Open Doors, has been going since 1950, and operates in 60 countries. It is inconceivable that the BBC wouldn’t be aware of them, and that they wouldn’t have tried to have reached as many sources as possibly to air their findings. But for the BBC – it’s not anything to concern them.
bBBC’s ‘Home Affairs Correspondent’ Danny Shaw is more interested in gossiping about the reaction than reporting the facts. Tweets by DannyShawBBC
That’s exactly how the rioters organised themselves in 2011.
Twitter has always been a fine line (especially the BBC’s indulgence of their ‘views my own’ kindergarden – I notice Danny boy has no such caveats, yet his choice of 140 character gems has a certain unidirectional theme thus far); they really need to be careful here in complement as the distance from ‘analysis’ to ‘incitement’ in the wrong hands can see a very adverse reaction whose origins can be easy to trace back.
Ember wrote: “Expect some riots now as the verdict will clearly be questioned by left-wing media.”
And within minutes the bBC reports on the verdict of a gangster shot dead by the Police while he was on route to murder (yes Murder) the two men who had just been released on bail for the killing of his best mate.
1) his aunt Carole Duggan said her nephew had been “executed”.
2)Mr Duggan’s brother Shaun Hall said: “We still fight for justice.”
3) Jurors concluded Mr Duggan did not have a gun when he was shot by officers.
4)Following the verdict his mother Pamela Duggan was led out of the court in tears, while Mr Duggan’s brother was seen screaming and shouting.
5)One man shouted: “A black life ain’t worth nothing.”
6)BBC News home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani tweeted: “I don’t think I have ever heard of a jury, performing their civic duty, being abused in court by members of the public
7)But a family spokeswoman said: “We can’t believe this was the outcome. He had no gun in his hand, yet he was murdered.”
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC is remaking this into a story of innocent black gangster murdered in cold blood by white racist police.
In otherwords looking at kick starting another riot.
At the start of the BBC One 6pm news the reports certainly seemed to put the family’s views on Duggan equal to that of the Police. But by 6.30 I think even the editor realised they had gone too far and there seemed more support for the police in Mark Easton’s final comments.
Channel 4 News makes the BBC look like amateurs with their incitement. A three month trial where a jury heard lots of evidence and made their decision. Forget it, the BBC and Channel 4know much better.
Much more informative than the so called IMPARTIAL bBC version. I quote: In the days before the shooting, the Met had received intelligence from the Serious Organised Crime Agency about TMD. It ran a four-day operation codenamed Dibri targeting six members of the gang, one of whom was Duggan.
That intelligence led to Duggan being placed under surveillance, as officers were said to have feared he would try to get a gun from Hutchinson-Foster, who was later convicted at a criminal trial of supplying Duggan with the gun.
In fact, a gun, wrapped in a sock, was found on the other side of a fence three to six metres (10-20ft) away from where the fatally injured Duggan fell to the pavement, the jury heard. The gun was capable of being fired but had not been “racked”, so was not ready to fire.
Neither the gun nor the sock had any DNA or fingerprints from Duggan on it. Gun residue was also absent from the deceased, save for a speck in his back pocket which the jury was told was scientifically irrelevant. His fingerprints were on a shoebox found inside the cab in which it is believed the gun had been stored, and traces of the drug ecstasy were in his bloodstream.
It seems the non white thug lived and died by the sword. Actually a couple of 9mm rounds. But to the bBC, he can only be a victim in racist England.
Oh the bBC are reporting this: Lammy, MP for Tottenham, said: “A jury of Londoners have come to this conclusion and it is right we respect it. But he added: “It’s contradictory because the expectation was that if Mark Duggan had a gun there were reasonable grounds to fire if the officer felt threatened. But a jury concluded he was not carrying a gun.”
Err Lamy yer dishonourable gentleman, Dead man running Duggan had the gun on him seconds before he was quite rightly taken out by the Police. How was the Policeman who he was running towards to know he had thrown it over the fence just before he turned the corner.
LABOUR MPS and the bBC inciting to cause a riot. Over the death of a Gangster.
Met statement
1717: Met Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said: “No officer sets out at the start of the day to run an operation that results in someone dying.
“Armed criminals have shot dead more than 50 people in London in the last three and a half years. We send out well-trained, professional armed officers thousands of times a year to combat this threat, only firing shots once or twice.”
Oh look, at the bBC only white people can be classed as ‘racists’ #BBCtrending: White proverbs Have you ever said something to someone of another culture or ethnicity and later wondered if it was patronising or slightly racist?
Thousands of people have been inspired to tweet their experiences of “ignorant” things white people have said to them, using the hashtag #WhiteProverbs.
Anne-Marie Tomchak of #BBCtrending meets the person behind the trend and asks if it verges on racism or is harmless fun at white people’s expense?
One could even argue that it suggests the BBC at heart have a view that ‘whites’ are superior? After all, it is surely ONLY acceptable to deride as ‘stupid’ those who it is apparent to all are not generally ‘stupid’.
Indeed any feeling that one should bend over to be nice to, or protect, certain groups suggests a patronizing attitude of superiority. It is infantalizing other groups.
The BBC seem to do their “massaging” before the taxpayers get home.
Those of us “on the dole” at the moment have got the clear message from the BBC that Duggan was LAWFULLY killed-so maybe the good folk of Tottenham might want to err.”challenge this verdict”…once the cameras and OB vans are freed up!
Pretty clear to me that`s what the BBC would like…and by the time the Probation Service monkeys and teachers have read their Guardians tomorrow…who knows?
Oh, and remember to push for the one Savile enquiry please…the BBC were the least of his vehicles!
Good old BBC…the truth about?…well whatever you want as long as we write it first!
And now the bBC comes out with an article about how Blacks get stopped by the police. Funny enough for all the over represented Black men in prison found guilty of a crime, the bBC only reports on a few whose feelings have been hurt becasue the old bill said “Ello,ello,ello”
The bBC doing its best to stir up race relations in London.
Years ago, while growing up in a children’s home. The thugs I was growing up with who all had tattoos which read ACAB on their knuckles would openly state that they hated the police. I used to say t them if somebody stole from you what would you do?
Why call the police.
On that note, if any knuckle draggers who can read come across this, if you do decide to riot, please,please attack and murder as many bBC news crews as you can.
mark easton on bbc news tonight has turned up in tottenham to join in this victimhood and anger that the black community are showing towards the police over the mark duggan verdict
BBC reporting on Dugan’s inquest. The main point seems to be Police stop and search. Oh boo hoo, in my 20s I was stopped several times. You don’t hear me banging on and on about it. I occasionally tell the story of how two plain clothes cops stopped me in Victoria asked me if I had any drugs or knives or hidden pockets. I watched their faces light up ass I told them I had some coke, then watched them fall as I pulled a can of coca cola out of my pocket. Still if it triggers another riot the beeb will have another shock horror report on it’s hands.
If the population of any given area is majority ethnic then the majority of stop and search will be of the ethnic population.
In a shire town the reverse will apply. The majority will be white.
Seems obvious but then I am not a liberal.
Meanwhile, Mark Easton thinks the big issue raised by Duggan’s killing is … ‘stop and search’!
Yes, if only the lefties and their criminal friends amongst the gangsta ghettos hadn’t made such a fuss about being searched, it’s likely that Duggan’s gun would have been found before he set off on his journey to murder his druggie adversaries.
Perhaps it’s me, but does anyone else find it irritating, biased and typical that the BBC is now in full-on Black Power mode with the news that an inquiry found the gun-toting, drug dealing ‘gangsta’ Mark Duggan was lawfully killed? I also object to the BBC spewing out the crappy excuse that his killing sparked the riots. I just thought it was de brothers in de hood looking for sumfink to do cuz they is bored innit?
why can t a “weather vortex” US style just land on No10, and do everyone a bloody favour … honestly! this incompetent ideologue, his lack of intellect, is astounding.
Has the country ever had a worse Tory PM? Can’t think of one. It is to be profoundly hoped that the Tory party is devasted at the EU elections and then the General one. I really do not care if it lets in Labour. A party of real idiots could hardly be worse than the pretend conservatives.
I think what is even worse than his likening this normal winter weather to *climate change* is that he has now used the stock language of the lefty brigade that *lessons will be learned*. God helps us.
Maybe I should drop our PM a line to inform him that the cold weather from the east I predicted last week and on threads here this week, looks like it will be with us by about Thursday next week and that waxing ones skis will be the order of the day. The mighty Russian bear advances westwards. Back to normal then Mr Cameron?
You might like this comment on the NSDIC website (which deals with Arctic and Antarctic Ice levels.
“Daily sea ice growth rates were variable during December. By the end of the month, ice extent remained below average in most of the far north. In Antarctica, ice extent remained above average and access to the continent by ship has been more difficult than normal.”
Just as BBC-NUJ supported the undemocratic activities of ‘Occupy’ (notably when Comrade Mason was Father of the Chapel of BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ branch), so now BBC-NUJ does not express any particular concern at the recent tactic of French trade union in kidnapping two managers (now released) of Goodyear in an ongoing trade union dispute.
“‘Labor Negotiations’: Goodyear Union Kidnaps Bosses”
By Bruce Bawer.
Parts of the political left, and some Islamic exponents, when they don’t like something -whether it’s the shooting of the armed M. Duggan, or fracking, or a British soldier being present in Britain, or capitalism, they are inclined to support either violent or undemocratic action.
[Note about ‘witness B’, in Beeboid words-: “Although he was more than 100 metres away, he said his angle of vision gave him a clear view of the scene.”]
Where media go with the outcome of court cases can be quite enlightening, if not necessarily in a good way.
Equally unedifying is the bandwagon race hustling community in complement if there is an ‘ism element.
The imperfect storm as these two forces then feed off each other becomes truly scary as inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and zero integrity on the part of all of them is pumped out with near zero consideration for consequences.
Violent druggies are certainly an area in which we lag behind other countries*, so here once again we have a hard-working immigrant doing a job that the lazy indigenous population can’t be bothered to.
(* I can’t actually name any such countries, but no doubt there are some. And the fact that we’ve plucked this particular jewel from the Romanians puts us two up on them for starters. Suckers.)
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The Climate Change consensus is political not scientific. The consensus is imposed from the top. Politicised scientific organisations are not allowed to deviate from the political consensus, the political consensus has always been imposed from the top by the IPCC.
Scientists who are open about not being part of the consensus are very individualistic, and it does help to be a bit autistic and therefore compulsively honest when asked questions, I am thinking of someone I know personally, who keeps getting into serious trouble with the lefty thought thugs.
But it is very hard to gauge the number of scientists who class themselves as sceptics, because of the left-wing repression of free speech over this issue.
I do not think there are many scientists who can calibrate carbon dioxide warming on Venus, Mars and therefore, calculate the irrelevance of CO2 warming on the Earth.
Things do seem to be worse in Britain than other countries because of the BBC.
Freedom of thought is better in Denmark, Australia, Russia and the US due to organisations such as the Danish National Space Centre, Cato Institute Lavoisier Group, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Heartland Institute.
Britain only has the GWPF, which seems to be more about political policy rather than the science, but at least you will get to know a bit of the science censored by the BBC.
These organisations seem to be free of the political consensus because either they are free from taxpayer money, or they are to do with Astronomy.
Astronomers are paid by the taxpayer, but we seem to be free from the repression because of two reasons.
(1) The morons do not think Astronomy has anything to do with Climate Change.
(2) Employment in Astronomy is not dependent on man made Climate Change being true.
From 9.30pm to 11.30pm on Wednesday, BBC 4 is putting on some programs, combining real science with some dogmatic Global Weirding crap.
Richard. It would be helpful for thickos like me if you could explain how astronomy can be employed to study climate change on earth.
I get the point about studies of Venus’s atmosphere, and that of Mars (which has very little atmosphere) but how relevant is this to Earth?
Equivalent variations in temperature – It must be all the SUVs
Sorry. Still don’t get it. What ‘equivalent variations in temperature’ exist between Venus, Mars and Earth?
I presume you mean solar activity is affecting all these planets equally.
Can you point me to the data?
I do not have the time and space to go into it all, but you could google these below.
When you prove the assumption of man-made carbon dioxide warming wrong, you need at least two pieces of science, both from Astronomy.
(1) Proof that the assumption is wrong comes from thermodynamics of a relation between the coincidence of temperatures on Venus and the Earth at one bar.
So Google ““Unified Theory of Climate” by Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller.
(2) Proof of what causes the Climate to Change due to changes in the Earth’s cloud Albedo due to muon cascades caused by high energy Cosmic Rays, Google “Cosmoclimatology.
Good Night.
Yeah thanks. I Googled it and it’s pseudo-scientific new age rubbish. No credible papers published and no peer reviews. Just guff.
‘No peer reviews’.
Bit like the IPCC report then – oh, sorry, only a third of that is based on non-peer reviewed papers and pamphlets.
Bendybus, you should use Google Scholar, not those sceptic or believer websites.
A lot of these scientific papers are behind pay walls, but I find that you can always find them free as a PDF, somewhere.
Also, I am sure that a theory based on thermodynamics is not pseudo-scientific new age rubbish.
In fact, I am embarrassed to say I used to worship the Arrhenius method that produces the 33 Kevin Global Warming, until I realised that it was pseudo-scientific new age rubbish.
Cosmoclimatology has lots of scientific papers relating to a varied scientific field, some important papers are authored by Henrik Svensmark, Eigil Friis-Christensen and Nir Shaviv, but it is best for novices to look up David Archibald for a simple explanation as to how these scientific papers are connected.
Also, not in scientific papers, but you can get information leaked by scientists who where involved with the CERN CLOUD experiment, which proved the Svensmark theory, but is so controversial, that they produced a bogus rebuttal of the theory using low energy Cosmic Rays.
I don’t care if humans are changing the climate or not, that fact is that the climate is changing.
It’s this sort of self-divide-and-conquer argument that makes this site doomed to fail.
There are far more important things to attack the bbc over than climate change.
Climate change or not, all Range Rover owners are going to get slaughtered in the future by islamists or indigenous workers, depending on how the street wars pan out.
Go away, silly troll-boy JayBee. Today so many have access to a keyboard, yet have nothing worth hearing to say. Why do you bother?
Fuck off nonce.
Nick Robinson toeing the leftist line on immigration on BBC2 Newsnight. Mildly raising ‘concerns’ and in the same breath dismissing them.
Robinson reports on a school where 42 languages are spoken and translators have to be employed, but it’s all happy clappy and multi-culty heaven.
Summary: yes there are problems caused by unfettered immigration but it’s for the good and you’re a bitter little racist if you don’t see it like that.
“The Truth About Immigration” of course – not Newsnight
“the truth ?*!? about immigration” 😀
this is the BBC?
about as much truth in that as
the science must be ……. settled
” The TRUTH about immigration !!!”
I think the BBC is now just taking the piss.
Beyond that, David – I think they feel so sure their leftist propagandising will result in a Labour government at the next election they can now do what they friggin’ like.
Wilfully ignoring the reality that with ten million ‘economically inactive’ adults in the UK the way ahead for Labour was probably not to ship in 4 million workers from overseas.
There is no way that immigration net net pounds shillings and pee has been a benefit.
Especially when so much of their pay (not to mention child benefits) go back ‘home’.
Pray, your opinions on this:
Any subtle propaganda to be seen?
What a load of complete and utter bollocks as usual. So glad that Robinson can get a haircut for eight quid from his Romanian barber. (Hope he keeps a hand on his wallet). My English barber charges me a fiver.
I’ll tell you what – I can stand the thought of the chattering classes in Islington not being able to get a cheap nanny for little Jocasta and Tarquin, just give me my England back.
If I had a hair cut like Robinson’s I want to be paid eight quid – at the very least.
Aside from all the rest of it, nice personal slap at Robinson being able to get an inexpensive haircut. Stay classy, Brian Wheeler.
So cheap haircuts and cheap veggies equals economic growth, does it? Funny how when it’s a different topic, low wages are exploitation. Typical BBC double standards.
it’s a miracle we managed to survive as country before all this mass immigration.
I mean how on earth did we lead the world in the industrial revolution, have one of the biggest empires ever, lead the world in science and engineering, invent steam engine, jet engine, TV etc.
Win 2 world wars.
how on earth did we achieve this without the mass immigration we have today to help us.
There was one mass immigration that was of great value to Britain and that was the Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. And Chaim Weizmann in 1911 invented acetone for Britain which was used in the manufacture of cordite explosive propellants critical to the Allied war effort.
yes I saw discussion on the immigration of Jews at end of 19th century , On C4 I think , some time ago any way . But the point was made (by a Rabbi incidentally) That Jewish community went to great lengths to integrate. Even setting up schools for newly arrived refugees, to teach them not only English language, but also how best to assimilate existing culture
It is a miracle we managed to survive as a Country before all this mass immigration.
I mean how on earth did we lead the world in the industrial revolution, have one of the biggest empires ever, lead the world in science and engineering.
Win 2 world wars.
How on earth did we achieve this without the mass immigration we have today to help us.
I can’t watch anymore of this truth about immigration.
This is just one misdirection and lie after another.
Please persist Chris. I know it’s painful, but by the end of the programme you will get a full and complete impression of what the BBC is ramming down our collective throats.
Robinson is going on about curry houses now. How are the Islington set going to manage without an up-market curry house?
Perhaps Fortnum & Mason do a microwave caviar biryani.
f*ck that. Close to punching the screen.
Please do not punch the telescreen Chris.
Helpers from the Ministry of Love will be along shortly to take you to a reeducation facility where your worldview will be corrected.
I am not a racist I could not care less where these people are immigrating from but there are far to many of them and this country can not cope with it, yes some contribute but do the British really gain overall (after building more schools and houses etc ) from these people being here.
Who wants to live in a country so full that you can not move.Tony Blair not only messed up the countries finances but also let this disastrous immigration occur. The people of this country should have had a say and the government need to remember who they are working for, I will vote for ukip to try and put a stop to this and I very left wing.
This morning I bought the Guardian (Like I do most mornings) and after reading it I came to the conclusion that those who rule over us (both in actual power and in mind) have never spoken for the average man. They are all Middle and upper class uni types who live in a dream world where MPs are honourable, Muslims can only be fucking victims and anybody who opposes them is a white racist DM reader. They all hate religion, other than Islam which is sacrosanct, and love to hand over others peoples money in which to look good. In the Guardian they started off with news cuts totalling £12 billion has to be found. Am I the only one to have noticed that our foreign Aid bill is exactly that figure. Why can’t we cut that , but we won’t. I for one can’t wait for the day Armed groups in the UK go on the rampage targeting MPs and their families. They have failed the people of the UK and as such they should be made to pay the price.
Ye Gods! I imagined you to be the least likely person to buy the Guardian.
Tears it into strips – hangs it up in his privy 😉
I actually enjoy reading it, mind you at £1.40 a pop, its getting a little expensive.
I conceed, it is good to know what your enemy is thinking. But I don’t buy the Guardian, because they are going down the pan and I don’t want my £1,40 to play any part in keeping it alive. Besides, you can get exactly the same leftie claptrap from Metro for free!
‘… is good to know what your enemy is thinking.’
Aye, that’s one bit of value we get from the licence fee.
“If you want to defeat your enemy, sing his song”.
Belive it`s a Persian phrase-Bob Dylan quoted it on his “Biograph LP” as I recall.
I`d not be singing it though…just look for the key, the signature notes and prepare the rams horn…or siren if that`ll silence them, much as they want to do with us.
I salute another member of the media wars SOE.
Slightly OT but Newsnight informs me that there is now a criminal offence of ‘sending menacing messages’ – God help us all.
Does that mean the BBC will be prosecuted for all those ominous TV Licence ads?
Apparently one of the “menacing tweets” said:
Which sounds like an innocent case of wanting to smother someone in Vitamin-rich Cranberry juice.
I wouldn’t mind being berried. A mixture of gooseberries and other seasonal fruits would be most welcome. Oh and some whipped cream.
what like this – 12 year old (mentally) Labour ‘activist’
“Honestly never been so angry at anything other than when watching #benefitsstreet. Actually just cried. I want every producer at C4 dead.—”
Jasmin Beckett (@JasminAmelia)
Laughingly now ‘protecting’ her tweets / drivel as though this will save her from prosecution for ‘sending menacing messages’.
Well that’s a ‘menacing message’ if ever there was one. I suspect however that the victim status of the message recipient will be the most important factor in enforcing this bizarre legislation.
yer not wrong 🙂
A Concise Guide to Victim Status
Simply add up all the points that apply to you:-
Muslim: +20,000 (top trumps)
Non-white: +15,000
Lesbian woman: +5,000
Gay man: +2,500
Single Teenage Mother: +2,500
Guardianista: +1,000
Labour voter: +1,000
White working-class heterosexual male: -100,000
blond white woman -80,000
feminist +4000
Muslim Terrorist + 10,000
deductible points
criticizing gays -4000
criticizing Muslims – 15,000
criticizing feminists -4000
being right wing – 10,000
So did Channel 4 who gave Stella Creasey minutes to emote about the psychological traumas involved.
The lead feminista involved was even too traumatised to take a few Francoise Durr lobs from Cathy Newman(Anne of Cleves in a Harpo Marx half wig!).
Where`s the Womans Hour Re-education camp…I`ll see myself in!
Basically Channel 4 regarded this as akin to Lee Rigby I think…Jeddah Chops for these two trolls(and one a woman-so the bloke must have made her say nasty things…the Pryce Doctrine 2013)
Crock O Shyte -Channel 666-curry mile, South Shields!
Interesting interview by Steve Wright on Radio 2 of Hugh Edwards. The biggest event to have happened in 2013 was the death of Nelson Mandela ‘because it affected millions of people all over the world’. Well after several terrible days of seeing my license fee wasted my life really didn’t change that much. But at least Hugh did go on to admit for some people in the UK the death of Mrs Thatcher was a big event too. Shows the BBC group think; the death of an ex leader of a Commonwealth country is far more important the death if a UK Prime Minister.
I heard the program and thought exactly the same thing.
Yesterday we had Peston, it seems these days that the only thing that tha bBC are good at is self promotion. Such self promotion is now creeping into the 6.30 regional news programs tonight Stargazing Live was heavily advertised.
Peston & co. On Pointless they had a round concerning BBC News Editors. Actually it was just BBC reporters I would call them, like Peston Flanders, Robinson Simpson etc. I was amazed at the low scores they all got from the ‘one hundred people given one hundred seconds to identify” etc. etc.
These people appear on News programmes each day but in most cases fewer than 20 or even10 in the hundred (who often name or identify the most, to me obscure information and facts) could name these particular BBC individuals.
Quite amazing, but should be worrying for the BBC that their ‘on message’ News Editors are barely recognized.
I saw it too and was also surprised how few were identifiable. It gives me great hope that their influence is far less than the BBC thinks they have.
Have you noticed how these people fall apart, mumbling and gasping when the autocue goes off?
It’s called “doing an Obama.”
‘..did go on to admit for some people in the UK the death of Mrs Thatcher was a big event too’
Beyond ‘beliefs’, from any quarter (but especially that of the BBc hierarchy who seem to operate on nothing else), it would be interesting to see some tangible facts in analysis of any BBC claim, which is often more what they would like reality to be vs. what it actually is.
In this regard surely there is their very own page stats?
It was noted at the time that even though they were rending shirts and gnashing teeth en masse, few actual BBC audience members were paying attention to their vast output, and rather desperately looking for actual news of relevance.
Lawyers strikes?…BBC wanting yet more immigration.
If only we had a Quentin Letts for DG.
Then we could employ 1000s of Balkans instead of those leeches at Matrix Chambers, and those who spout off about the need to have more immigrants here.
Like Nick Robinson and his like.
Surely to God there`ll be better hacks and law lilos on any given bus at Victoria than among our sick political class…Beeb and Lincolns Inn.
Is it really important to have hundreds or thousands of universities in a country ? Apparently so according to Nick Robinson and his programme . He also didn’t question if it was a national calamity if one or two curry houses closed down because we don’t import chefs from Bangladesh , who may or may not speak English .
No questions asked how crops were picked in times gone by ,even though newspapers today show less produce is sourced here than before . Or how much can be grown here if land is concreted over for this population expansion .
Why did Nick Robinson wave that stupid collection tin at people when discussing an important issue ? Why the pies ?
Above all , why no questioning of the PTB about getting people off benefits when their was a strong economy , instead of hitting the poor devils now when jobs are scarcer ?
What a way to run a country .
Interviewed some quote jobseekers who (natch) considered working in a curry house to be beneath their dignity.
There’s your real problem.
And shipping people in from Bangladesh is hardly a cure.
Keith Vaz has twice tried to have restrictions on Bangladeshi chefs coming here waived. He wanted an extra 20,000 visas issued. interestingly, there are some 20,000 Bangladeshis claiming to be chefs claiming unemployment benefits. Probably not actually unemployed just working in the family business but off record.
Imagine if English restaurants like Rules insisted on employing only native English chefs. We’d never hear the last of it.
Damn! Last post again !
So Ofcom have cleared the media including the BBC over the showing of the two Muslims who murdered Lee Rigby, immediately after their grisly crime.
What they don’t seem to have considered is the way the footage was cut by the BBC to omit as much blame as possible for the act on that evil book ‘the Qur’an’.
The entire footage was shown on US TV and other broadcasters around the world, but it seems that the only thing the useless quango which is supposed to monitor the media is only concerned about people being a bit shocked by grisly scenes – never mind the distortion of the truth nor the blatant lies this allowed spineless politicians to tell.
No wonder the BBC believes it can get away with anything.
Sorry Nick it won’t work. Once again you had to resort to the approved 1984 BBC dictionary in your attempt to have a “debate’
Two things should have struck you. The school in Southampton where there were only a handful of white Southampton children. Why? and where have they gone? You failed to ask the obvious questions.
I know the city and it is increasingly splitting into ghettos. Did you not notice?
Your visit to the New Forest Show. Was that to pillory the shire people like me? Holding out a begging bowl for money as if you were a wannabee chugger. Insulting and pointless.
The proper people you accosted were having none of it.
Nought out of ten. As expected you concentrated on economics. No mention of what it is to be English descending from endless generations of Englishmen and seeing your land that you hoped to hand on in good order to your grandchildren go to waste and turn into something else you do not want or need.
You do not understand, like all liberals, just how angry that makes many of us feel. No greater betrayal than to betray your ancestors and your nation.
That is probably what the shire people at the New Forest Show wanted to say to you. But we have grown wary. We say it in private but never to people like you.
I have no time for you or for the wretched BBC. It is no friend of old England and old England needs all the friends it can get.
Stick to the arguments about money . That is all you have got and it is not going to work much longer.
Well said.
In the DT today: The reason we can now debate immigration is that racism is in decline
Racism, as the BBC define it, is not in decline, it has gone underground due to threats of prosecution. It is also being practised by people who, in the BBC’s opinion, cannot be racist. Cameron and people like the writer, Hannan in this case, do not want a debate, they just want to lecture us from on high about what we should be saying and thinking. Unfortunately for them, it’s breaking down, partly because the influx of a relatively small number of white immigrants has made discussion more or less respectable.
As you say, money is neither here not there; the issue is enforced cultural change. There are supposed to be around 60,000 French people in London yet I’ve not heard a single complaint. Why? Because they’re not trying to rearrange the furniture.
Hannan is clearly in denial.
Mortar rounds or packs of dogs may yet follow his re-educational programming with a Guardian chip inserted, should he fail to attend the Jasper Camp of “Eternal Victimhood studies”.
Profs Ken, Anjem, Polly, Owen and Yasmin….”look around you, all you see are ..err. “sympathetic eyes”.
Actually they`re looking down on you from above the abbatoir shed…halal of course.
On this Paul Simon was gently wrong, but on the right lines as ever.
Suppose there`s no chance of loads of Vulgarians, Vulcans or Romany types putting Nick, Nick(CampBell, RobeSon) etc out of work by undercutting their global warming, emoting, lying horseshit is there?
Can`t we send the media effluent over there to build some studios aor apply to join the horsemeat scandals…must be some pantomine horse costumes not being used at the minute eh?
They`d not die in vain of course-somebody could upload the terrors of the Balkan food chain one year on.
I`d watch it…and the taxpayer could save some of that “Savile Supplement ” we pay for every year!
Win win…what say you Nick Nick?
‘Islamisation: The Cultural Suicide of the West’. Self-appointed Muslim propagandists are given a free reign by the liberal media to consistently mislead the general public, especially by the BBC, which is effectively the modern day ‘Ministry of Truth’ …
Aside from the gratuitous labelling of opponents of forcing a two-state solution on Israel as right-wing what else is missing from Israel: Website mocks John Kerry with ‘porcu-shine’ video The video itself, of course, easily available on YouTube.
Perhaps a hint that the Arab side has rejected Kerry’s plan out-of-hand might also add balance. The BBC, for once, quoted the Jerusalem Post rather than Israel’s version of the Guardian Haaretz so they must be reading about it, even if their Israel-based journalists hadn’t noticed.
The bBC writes an article on Berlin prior to WW1. Want to guess which is the only faith mentioned which was “ready to sacrifice all the property and blood demanded by duty”.
Read how German Marxist August Bebel was against war and read about how Industry sucked in immigrants.
Yes its that Great War rewrite by the British version of the Ministry of thruth…The lying bastards at the bBC.
Article on electoral fraud on the Today program, and an assertion that Pakistani & Bangladeshis are ‘particularly susceptible’.
Hang on haven’t I heard this before just a few weeks ago? When Dominic Grieve said exactly the same thing, but was forced to apologise after howls of outrage by loony lefties, including ‘guests’ on the BBC.
Susceptible?…or do you mean “vulnerable”?
Crock of shite to us here on Planet Real…but I can envisage weeks of Laurie Taylor-type headw***king with funding available from the University of Wallymagoo”
If not, then Wallamalloo might do it Bruce?
Susceptible or suspect?
The bBC , and how it puffs about Chinese wind power as the best there is.
China on world’s ‘biggest push’ for wind power
China has embarked on the greatest push for renewable energy the world has ever seen. A key element involves more than doubling the number of wind turbines in the next six years. Already the world’s largest producer of wind power, China plans further massive increases.
Ah the biggest polluter in the planet (funny how the Left who love to mention that fact when the US was nbr 1 remain silent when its China) which producers over 75% of its electricity by Coal is promoted by the bBC as a champion of Green energy. I quote:
Already the world’s largest producer of wind power,
Actually that title belongs to the EU, now before somebody points out that China is but one country and the EU many, here is how the bBC reports the contrast between China and the EU at the start of its biased article:
“By contrast, the European Union countries together have just over 90GW of installed wind capacity.
I’ll leave you with poster nbr 11 on the comments has to say on the article:
11. tooobias
34 Minutes ago
I am skeptical on wind farms that far away from cities,a little far-fetched, the #1 picture shows views 6 towers but no bases they are anchored on, the 2nd obviously no picture of a component of a wind turbine, the 3rd shows a blade being prepared and 4 people doing it,(2/day pace?) the fourth, a bearing that could be used on anything,,a thin story, they are building coal fired plants 5/week
A very real threat to freedom of speech which is almost certain to be misused by the public sector who will administer it.
‘Being annoying in a public place’ Believe me unfortunately it’s not a joke, and its scope is so wide that almost anyone doing anything could be arrested & charged under this act.
This is a charter for the Police and others to arrest and charge you simply because they don’t like you, or what you are saying. It must be resisted by all people as the Liebour section 5 of the Public order act which would have prevented speech – yes not a particular kind of speech, but speech in general.
As our government become more oppressive and seek to take away our freedoms at an ever faster way, the only way we can respond without taking up the gun is to make our voices heard as best we can, and to support an unelected house of lords which doesn’t have to answer to the party whip.
yep! as direct action action grows, as the screws get tightened, as the economic non-plan hits the fan,
on the poorest in society, one of the last vestiges they have gets criminalised …
Meanwhile at “the club” – never mind Osborne, pass the champers, what say you Boris, “well Dave like I said there is some growth … in the amount of foodbanks anyway, what!” … haw haw guffaw
‘Being annoying in a public place’ … its scope is so wide that almost anyone doing anything could be arrested & charged under this act.’
It does rather join an already ignoble collection, with the way littered by such as ‘reasonable’ & ‘proportionate’ as already vague-to-useless terms made very dangerous when handed to restricted groups given the power to arbitrate.
One presumes that already there is an admission that something can be deemed annoying simply by an officer thinking it is? Like a law could be based on such a facile train of logic.
I think my favourite is this:
“The Home Office has said the new injunctions would never be imposed in an unreasonable way.”
Obviously a civil servant so incompetent naive and ignorant of the past performance of prosecuting authorities that they’ve been given the role of lying to the press!
The case of the section 5 prosecution of a man who said he thought a police horse was ‘gay’ and other utterly mindless prosecutions only the PC British Police are capable of !
Or maybe the misuse of the RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act) used 3 million times in a decade for such matters of state security as people putting the wrong rubbish in their bins, or a woman prosecuted for not living in the catchment area of school.
So bad did the misuse become that councils had to have the powers taken away from them.
The fact is that recent history shows given powers councils and the Police WILL misuse them to oppress the people of the country, and we should always resist their implementation.
For some glib Home Office spokes liar to say that they’d never be imposed in an unreasonable way is plain lies they should have said that they would rarely be imposed in a reasonable way which would be a damn site closer to the truth !
BBc continues to dumb everything down to the dumbest level of dumbness. My sympathies to those who lost their lives in the helicopter but this morning they got in an ‘aviation expert’ to ask him what is a low level training exercise. His reply was in essence it’s a low level training exercise. Suzanne then asked if it was dangerous to fly at low levels. Yea ok.
Watched ‘The Dambusters’ – back in 1943 they seemed to have solved the problem with a couple of spotlights.
Question: should I devote research into emulating this or was it patented?
Fair point.
It is clearly news and I hate to say it, ‘questions need answering’. If only to find out what went wrong and try and prevent a repeat, if possible.
That last is key. One thing I have noticed with today’s content desperate 24/7 media is they can’t get their heads around the notion of ‘accidents do happen’.
Like haunting hospital lobbies when famous folk are inside, they seem to have a weird notion there will be ‘news’ of value just rabbiting away aimlessly until an actual confirmed fact emerges.
Modern military aircraft are normally equipped with Terrain-following radar (TFR) which works a bit better than two spotlights.
This Pave Hawk would certainly have been equipped with TFR, but even so, accidents happen.
Why can’t the BBC ever talk honestly about immigration?
Immigration. Were you aware that this has become a bit of a problem, these last ten years? I wasn’t, obviously, because like all credulous idiots I get my news from a single trusted source – the BBC – and as a result I’ve known for some time now that immigration is great, regardless of what the facts and figures are.
This week the BBC tried a cunning new variant on this theme called The Truth About Immigration (BBC2 Tue). By roping in notionally right-leaning Nick Robinson to present it and by trailing it as some kind of massive volte-face the BBC sought to give the impression that it was saying something new, controversial and daring.
It wasn’t really though. Sure, there were some sops to reality: interviews with dejected native Northerners (including a second-generation Asian), upset by the Roma gangs hanging around on street corners and dumping rubbish everywhere; ex-Labour minister Jack Straw expressing ‘regret’ at the way his administration had underestimated the scale of immigration by a factor of ten; scenes of English people at the New Forest show wondering where their country had gone. Underneath all that distracting surface detail, though here was the same old BBC feigning a critique of Britain’s disastrous immigration policy but ending up presenting an apologia for it
As anticipated by most regular commenters here, last night’s ‘The Truth About Immigration’ was nothing of the sort, asking all the wrong people all the wrong questions before delivering all the wrong answers. Another in a long line of carefully designed misinformation exercises, biased, politically loaded and wilfully partisan. Hey-ho.
Happily I think a lot of people have got the message. Don’t take any notice of the BBC.
I suppose this was how Pravda presented things in the bad old days. The BBC should be ashamed of itself but they are liberals and liberals do not do shame.
But they are not really ‘liberals’ are they?
They are big-state authoritarians. They want more government, more intrusion and more intervention in people’s lives.
The BBC mindset believes in the right of a privileged, wealthy, metropolitan elite to dictate to the unwashed masses – because only they know what’s best for everyone.
This not Liberalism as I understand it.
Well said Bendy!
I refuse to call them by their self acclaimed descriptions, ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’. A far better term is ‘Globalists’ , they are against small nation states and wan t not just BIG but MASSIVE government. EU? Certainly. OWG? Yes probably.
I didn’t want to watch the programme – I knew what to expect. What I do know from BBC radio over the past year, though, is that they are craftily re-framing the debate on Labour’s terms, which is ‘We hold our hands up and admit we got it wrong in 2004’ – i.e. serious ‘underestimates’ (believe that, if you will) of how many immigrants would come from Eastern Europe once restrictions were lifted – whilst deliberately excluding immigration from Africa and the Indian sub-continent which has by far a bigger impact on the country both culturally and economically.
Thanks to BBC/Labour, these are the new limits of the immigration debate. What is it someone said on here about Chomsky the other day?
You have to wonder if the BBC let Robinson do this not so much because he’s the political editor and they think he has a point, but because they know he can be a useful Conservative fig-leaf and this will let them place all blame on the politicians for being divisive rather than on the BBC for being the prime culprits in making complaint about unlimited, immediate mass immigration a thoughtcrime.
The BBC has more influence on the national debate on any issue than any politician could dream of.
Complaints from both sides defense starting in 3…2….1….
I missed the Robinson immigration programme last night and had intended to ask those of you who did whether I am now allowed to think that maybe inviting all those millions here was not such a good idea. Reading the comments above suggests that I need not ask. Don’t want to commit thought-crime.
BBC-NUJ, censoring out words ‘immigrants’ and ‘Muslims’:-
“Voters ‘should be required to show photo ID at elections’, says watchdog”
-do the following areas listed above have anything in common?:-
“The 16 areas under extra scrutiny”
Blackburn with Darwen
Tower Hamlets
For BBC-NUJ to censor-
Paul Weston:-
“Banana Republic Britain.”
“In the latest of an occasional series of essays, the British author and former parliamentary candidate Paul Weston takes a look at the widespread occurrence of voting fraud in Modern Multicultural Britain.” (2010.)
-‘Telegraph’ (2012)-
“When did Britain become the kind of country that tolerates voting fraud?
“Labour’s massive expansion of postal voting opened the door to electoral fraud.”
Link to b.) ‘Telegraph’ above:-
When Labour were in government, and when any fraud was likely to benefit Labour.
That’s when.
When any comment linking voting fraud to the ethnic populations of those areas is made it quickly gets removed from the HYS comments.
Could there possibly be a link between these areas. Still I’ve seen suspect things myself first hand. Ballot boxes that were sealed arrive for the count with the seals removed. When I stood as an independent in a local parish council I was ahead of Labour until the postal votes were counted.
It was mentioned on The Daily Politics that there was an ‘Asian’ commonality about these areas.
I think there is a sweet irony that these ‘Asians’ are going to the trouble, and taking the risk of committing voter fraud to, basically, elect a Jewish Prime Minister.
I think there ought to be an investigation into the election in which George Galloway was elected. One of the Bradford constituencies.
I mentioned on a blog – not this – a while ago and I was censored.
One of the bBBC’s pet topics again: the third most important item on the bBBC ‘news’ website is that a footballer that no-one has heard of is homosexual.
You have to remember it’s important to them. No-one else gives two hoots.
This sort of thing is, in my view, increasing the contempt in which the BBC is held as it becomes ever more apparent that they live in their own, reality-free bubble.
what a gay, (news) day for a German footballer
gone from the UK for over two years
don the tutu s throw out the bunting at the discrimination champions league BBC
BUT … surprise surprise!
no time or space for this euro-footballer news
The premier Dutch soccer team Vitesse left for training in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) this year –
but without its best defender, after UAE authorities refused to allow him into the country.
The reason: he is Israeli.
Then they are Dhimmi scum for going without him.
agree wholeheartedly
This (sports??) news was deemed far more important than the unprecedented step of moving the World Cup to winter on the Radio 2 sports update at 4pm, wtf?
More enrichment, I guess we won’t be seeing this story On East Midlands Today (tonight)…..
Revenue and Customs could have a field day with this “man”.
Not holding my breath.
Why could they “have a field day”? What evidence do you have that he is avoiding paying any tax due?
Oh! Albie, you are such a sweetie.
Didn’t say he was.
Not interested in one of your tedious debates either.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that, in these circumstances, his recording of DGT (daily gross takings) is worth close examination.
Bet he ain’t got a street trading licence either…
True. And there’s the tax treatment of the vehicle…..
Does his car insurance cover him for carrying goods?
-Can’t find this on INBBC:-
“UK: Muslim high school science teacher arrested by counter-terrorism officers over Syria links”
Perhaps Bolton is too far from Media City in Manchester for Beeboids to know about it.
Watched ITV 10 o’ clock news last night – and how refreshing it was in its coverage of the weather.
Interview with an elderly(ish) long-term resident of the Somerset Levels: ‘We need the Environment Agency to come down here and start clearing the drainage ditches and dredging the silted-up rivers’.
Film coverage of the Cornish coast getting battered, voice over: ‘A reminder that man can do nothing to combat the force of nature’.
Not a whisper of a smidge of a suggestion of ‘climate change’.
Thank you, ITV.
Meanwhile on the R4 early morning news today the storms in Britain were quickly followed by reports of giant waves in France and of course, the ‘Polar vortex’ in the US. In other words, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ has finally arrived. Wankers.
Amazing how many clips of “damaged” cliffs we’ve seen this winter.
Where do these people (and not just the BBC) think that cliffs come from? Was Britain bordered by green fields and a white picket fence before global warming came along and wrecked everything?
Agreed – and the press weren’t much better.
I know Hemsby in Norfolk where some of the so-called ‘cliffs’ were destroyed. In actual fact they are nothing more than sand dunes which have been eroding on that part of the coast for the last 35 years with the gradual loss of something like 50 yards of dunes and dozens of ‘bungalows’ – which in reality were little more than wooden holiday shacks, many without running water or electricity.
So the couple who had bought their ‘bungalow’ only 8 years ago – the much-publicised one where all that was left standing was a table and chairs – wanted their bumps feeling as by that time theirs was one of a last line of shacks teetering on the edge of the last few yards of dune. Sad, but true.
I have to admit, my favourite sport at the moment is timing just how long it takes the BBC reporter drone to wheel out some hapless local to give us the ‘I’ve never seen weather like it before in my lifetime’ line.
Fun, because the BBC don’t seem to want to give me any ‘news’ (or any ‘weather’), they prefer to engage in ceaseless CAGW propaganda which is NOT backed-up any of the official climate science or any of the most reliable data records (such as satellite data).
‘‘I’ve never seen weather like it before in my lifetime’’
I’ve noticed a few of my generation, before rather prone to the party lines, getting a smidge offside on this avenue of reporting.
Mainly because in our lifetime we have, and so trying to frame things in such a way is daft, plainly.
Also a few from any age group can actually read material beyond that pumped out by the MSM to discover unprecedented and/or record-breaking events that were exceeded, and by wide margins, when some older records were being taken that the kids in the cubicle gardens have studiously understood they better not mention.
Inconveniently, many well before the first V8 fired up.
The failure to even acknowledge population-density increases also mean greater loss of life and damage is frankly astounding.
the rivers near me haven’t been dredged for at least 40 years,remember looking through the silt with a metal detector,found nothing…
I agree it should be done every 5 years,and houses should never have been built on the flood plains.Old maps show the areas,so why build on them
“……houses should never have been built on the flood plains.Old maps show the areas,so why build on them “
The construction sector is one of the few whose interests aren’t diminished by a change of government. After all, no self-respecting politico is going to refuse those luvvverly backhanders from the building trade for the sake of some ruddy old flood plains or, new this week, ancient woodland which basically just, like, sits there and totally does nothing (and is happily miles away from wherever the MP happens to live).
INBBC has left hanging the news that Tunisia’s constitution will not give primacy, in future, to Sharia law.
Is this another example of news which politically controlling Beeboids don’t want us to know about?
Here’s that news on Tunisia from another source:-
“Tunisia opts for civil, not Sharia law as assembly votes on new constitution”
Good luck to Tunisia with that, but being bordered by Algeria and Libya, I wouldn’t hold my breath that they’ll be able to carry it on for very long.
Every month we get Raymond Ibrahim’s accounts of the Christians persecuted for their faith around the Islamic world, and can see just how few of these are reported by the BBC. Here we can see that when another major news agency, Reuters, does draw attention to this, yet still the BBC is ignoring it, there is an agenda involved.
The organisation that made these figures public, Open Doors, has been going since 1950, and operates in 60 countries. It is inconceivable that the BBC wouldn’t be aware of them, and that they wouldn’t have tried to have reached as many sources as possibly to air their findings. But for the BBC – it’s not anything to concern them.
Reported Christian ‘martyr’ deaths double in 2013: report
Duggan killing lawful:
Expect some riots now as the verdict will clearly be questioned by left-wing media.
BBC coverage will be interesting – “Zimmerman 2, Return of the Wrong Verdict”, or will it be a little more objective than that?
bBBC’s ‘Home Affairs Correspondent’ Danny Shaw is more interested in gossiping about the reaction than reporting the facts.
Tweets by DannyShawBBC
That’s exactly how the rioters organised themselves in 2011.
Twitter has always been a fine line (especially the BBC’s indulgence of their ‘views my own’ kindergarden – I notice Danny boy has no such caveats, yet his choice of 140 character gems has a certain unidirectional theme thus far); they really need to be careful here in complement as the distance from ‘analysis’ to ‘incitement’ in the wrong hands can see a very adverse reaction whose origins can be easy to trace back.
Ember wrote:
“Expect some riots now as the verdict will clearly be questioned by left-wing media.”
And within minutes the bBC reports on the verdict of a gangster shot dead by the Police while he was on route to murder (yes Murder) the two men who had just been released on bail for the killing of his best mate.
1) his aunt Carole Duggan said her nephew had been “executed”.
2)Mr Duggan’s brother Shaun Hall said: “We still fight for justice.”
3) Jurors concluded Mr Duggan did not have a gun when he was shot by officers.
4)Following the verdict his mother Pamela Duggan was led out of the court in tears, while Mr Duggan’s brother was seen screaming and shouting.
5)One man shouted: “A black life ain’t worth nothing.”
6)BBC News home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani tweeted: “I don’t think I have ever heard of a jury, performing their civic duty, being abused in court by members of the public
7)But a family spokeswoman said: “We can’t believe this was the outcome. He had no gun in his hand, yet he was murdered.”
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC is remaking this into a story of innocent black gangster murdered in cold blood by white racist police.
In otherwords looking at kick starting another riot.
Justice for Trayvon Duggan.
At the start of the BBC One 6pm news the reports certainly seemed to put the family’s views on Duggan equal to that of the Police. But by 6.30 I think even the editor realised they had gone too far and there seemed more support for the police in Mark Easton’s final comments.
Got what was coming to him.
Zero sympathy here.
In fact – negative sympathy.
Unlike the (pretrendy) left, my sympathy lies with any future innocent victim of Duggan’s criminality, gangsta-ism, and general thuggery.
And as for the family histrionics in the court-room – perhaps you should have brought him up properly.
Mark Duggan has been found lawfully killed by a jury despite having thrown the gun away before being shot.
The BBC news drones are buzzing around like drunken wasps as they try to get their stupid heads around it.
The jury killed him?
Things are looking up 🙂
DroidNews™ with Gay Eddie in the van really not happy with the verdict.
Suck it.
Wow, all headlines on the BBC website are pro-Duggan and anti-police. Whipping up a frenzy, BBC?
Yes the bbc are certainly inciting a riot, I like the way they use peoples comments as headlines.
Thus making it seem like the truth.
Channel 4 News makes the BBC look like amateurs with their incitement. A three month trial where a jury heard lots of evidence and made their decision. Forget it, the BBC and Channel 4know much better.
Channel 4 does get some licence-payers cash too. Perhaps they’re trying to get more?
Love it !!!
On Pointless, one of the questions was to name a word ending with “…ange”.
Somebody came up with my word, “Falange”.
What I enjoyed most was the obvious edit where Richard’s definition was not broadcast.
And here is how the leftwing guardian reports the same story:
Much more informative than the so called IMPARTIAL bBC version. I quote:
In the days before the shooting, the Met had received intelligence from the Serious Organised Crime Agency about TMD. It ran a four-day operation codenamed Dibri targeting six members of the gang, one of whom was Duggan.
That intelligence led to Duggan being placed under surveillance, as officers were said to have feared he would try to get a gun from Hutchinson-Foster, who was later convicted at a criminal trial of supplying Duggan with the gun.
In fact, a gun, wrapped in a sock, was found on the other side of a fence three to six metres (10-20ft) away from where the fatally injured Duggan fell to the pavement, the jury heard. The gun was capable of being fired but had not been “racked”, so was not ready to fire.
Neither the gun nor the sock had any DNA or fingerprints from Duggan on it. Gun residue was also absent from the deceased, save for a speck in his back pocket which the jury was told was scientifically irrelevant. His fingerprints were on a shoebox found inside the cab in which it is believed the gun had been stored, and traces of the drug ecstasy were in his bloodstream.
It seems the non white thug lived and died by the sword. Actually a couple of 9mm rounds. But to the bBC, he can only be a victim in racist England.
Oh the bBC are reporting this:
Lammy, MP for Tottenham, said: “A jury of Londoners have come to this conclusion and it is right we respect it. But he added: “It’s contradictory because the expectation was that if Mark Duggan had a gun there were reasonable grounds to fire if the officer felt threatened. But a jury concluded he was not carrying a gun.”
Err Lamy yer dishonourable gentleman, Dead man running Duggan had the gun on him seconds before he was quite rightly taken out by the Police. How was the Policeman who he was running towards to know he had thrown it over the fence just before he turned the corner.
LABOUR MPS and the bBC inciting to cause a riot. Over the death of a Gangster.
Met statement
1717: Met Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said: “No officer sets out at the start of the day to run an operation that results in someone dying.
“Armed criminals have shot dead more than 50 people in London in the last three and a half years. We send out well-trained, professional armed officers thousands of times a year to combat this threat, only firing shots once or twice.”
Common sense response from the Met, but it will get lost in the noise created by those in the media with agendas
Oh look, at the bBC only white people can be classed as ‘racists’
#BBCtrending: White proverbs
Have you ever said something to someone of another culture or ethnicity and later wondered if it was patronising or slightly racist?
Thousands of people have been inspired to tweet their experiences of “ignorant” things white people have said to them, using the hashtag #WhiteProverbs.
Anne-Marie Tomchak of #BBCtrending meets the person behind the trend and asks if it verges on racism or is harmless fun at white people’s expense?
White Slags anyone?
Why are they wasting our TV tax on this drivel?
You speak as though we had a say in it
Go to the bBC world News web page, the above article is promoted with this heading:
Stupid white people
Do you think the bBC would get away with:
Stupid Black People
Stupid Brown People
Stupid Yellow People
Or even
Stupid Muslim People
Not ion a million years, but its OK at the bBC to be racist towards whites.
Reminds me of that user who goes by the name ‘Black_and_Proud’ then posts comment after comment moaning at how white people are racist.
One could even argue that it suggests the BBC at heart have a view that ‘whites’ are superior? After all, it is surely ONLY acceptable to deride as ‘stupid’ those who it is apparent to all are not generally ‘stupid’.
Indeed any feeling that one should bend over to be nice to, or protect, certain groups suggests a patronizing attitude of superiority. It is infantalizing other groups.
Is there a hashtag #BlackProverbs.? If the person behind the trend hasn’t also got this hashtag he should be arrested as being institutionally racist.
The BBC seem to do their “massaging” before the taxpayers get home.
Those of us “on the dole” at the moment have got the clear message from the BBC that Duggan was LAWFULLY killed-so maybe the good folk of Tottenham might want to err.”challenge this verdict”…once the cameras and OB vans are freed up!
Pretty clear to me that`s what the BBC would like…and by the time the Probation Service monkeys and teachers have read their Guardians tomorrow…who knows?
Oh, and remember to push for the one Savile enquiry please…the BBC were the least of his vehicles!
Good old BBC…the truth about?…well whatever you want as long as we write it first!
And now the bBC comes out with an article about how Blacks get stopped by the police. Funny enough for all the over represented Black men in prison found guilty of a crime, the bBC only reports on a few whose feelings have been hurt becasue the old bill said “Ello,ello,ello”
The bBC doing its best to stir up race relations in London.
The link to the above article the bBC are headlining on their front page.
Years ago, while growing up in a children’s home. The thugs I was growing up with who all had tattoos which read ACAB on their knuckles would openly state that they hated the police. I used to say t them if somebody stole from you what would you do?
Why call the police.
On that note, if any knuckle draggers who can read come across this, if you do decide to riot, please,please attack and murder as many bBC news crews as you can.
mark easton on bbc news tonight has turned up in tottenham to join in this victimhood and anger that the black community are showing towards the police over the mark duggan verdict
BBC reporting on Dugan’s inquest. The main point seems to be Police stop and search. Oh boo hoo, in my 20s I was stopped several times. You don’t hear me banging on and on about it. I occasionally tell the story of how two plain clothes cops stopped me in Victoria asked me if I had any drugs or knives or hidden pockets. I watched their faces light up ass I told them I had some coke, then watched them fall as I pulled a can of coca cola out of my pocket. Still if it triggers another riot the beeb will have another shock horror report on it’s hands.
“I watched their faces light up as I told them I had some coke, then watched them fall as I pulled a can of coca cola out of my pocket.”
If the population of any given area is majority ethnic then the majority of stop and search will be of the ethnic population.
In a shire town the reverse will apply. The majority will be white.
Seems obvious but then I am not a liberal.
Meanwhile, Mark Easton thinks the big issue raised by Duggan’s killing is … ‘stop and search’!
Yes, if only the lefties and their criminal friends amongst the gangsta ghettos hadn’t made such a fuss about being searched, it’s likely that Duggan’s gun would have been found before he set off on his journey to murder his druggie adversaries.
Has anyone heard anything about that film ’12 years a slave’?
I wish the BBC would give it a bit more attention.
No it has completely passed my by I haven’t at all seen any BBc program trying to plug this film. But then I might be lying!
Oh I’ve just not seen the 18:00 news not plugging it again.
For all your “12 Years A Slave” needs, if you missed it last year:
Fascinating find thanks
Perhaps it’s me, but does anyone else find it irritating, biased and typical that the BBC is now in full-on Black Power mode with the news that an inquiry found the gun-toting, drug dealing ‘gangsta’ Mark Duggan was lawfully killed? I also object to the BBC spewing out the crappy excuse that his killing sparked the riots. I just thought it was de brothers in de hood looking for sumfink to do cuz they is bored innit?
I’ve said all along that the officers that made Duggan good, must be promoted. No excuses now.….oh shut up david cameron.just shut up mate
So not only a world class expert on comparative theology but a climatologist as well. Lucky indeed are we to have him as our Prime Minister
why can t a “weather vortex” US style just land on No10, and do everyone a bloody favour … honestly! this incompetent ideologue, his lack of intellect, is astounding.
Has the country ever had a worse Tory PM? Can’t think of one. It is to be profoundly hoped that the Tory party is devasted at the EU elections and then the General one. I really do not care if it lets in Labour. A party of real idiots could hardly be worse than the pretend conservatives.
Agrees totally mate. What kind of arsehole believes that Turkey’s accession to a primarily borderless EU can possibly be a good thing?
There was a worse one. That fool Heath.
I think what is even worse than his likening this normal winter weather to *climate change* is that he has now used the stock language of the lefty brigade that *lessons will be learned*. God helps us.
Anyone want to report the BBC to the police for incitement to violence? Corporations can be held liable too for criminal acts.
Maybe I should drop our PM a line to inform him that the cold weather from the east I predicted last week and on threads here this week, looks like it will be with us by about Thursday next week and that waxing ones skis will be the order of the day. The mighty Russian bear advances westwards. Back to normal then Mr Cameron?
I thought good old Anglo Saxon George Allaguyer was gonna start crying on the 6 o clock news when reporting on the Gangster Duggan verdict.
You might like this comment on the NSDIC website (which deals with Arctic and Antarctic Ice levels.
“Daily sea ice growth rates were variable during December. By the end of the month, ice extent remained below average in most of the far north. In Antarctica, ice extent remained above average and access to the continent by ship has been more difficult than normal.”
Just as BBC-NUJ supported the undemocratic activities of ‘Occupy’ (notably when Comrade Mason was Father of the Chapel of BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ branch), so now BBC-NUJ does not express any particular concern at the recent tactic of French trade union in kidnapping two managers (now released) of Goodyear in an ongoing trade union dispute.
“‘Labor Negotiations’: Goodyear Union Kidnaps Bosses”
By Bruce Bawer.
Parts of the political left, and some Islamic exponents, when they don’t like something -whether it’s the shooting of the armed M. Duggan, or fracking, or a British soldier being present in Britain, or capitalism, they are inclined to support either violent or undemocratic action.
BBC-NUJ and Beeboids, straight after the Duggan verdict:
still taking sides, and aligning themselves against the police.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’ has a full account of the whole event and aftermath.
“Violence breaks out as jury rules Mark Duggan was LAWFULLY killed by police marksman – but DIDN’T have a gun”
Read more:
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
“Mark Duggan ‘did not need to die’ – witness”
By Dominic Casciani
[Note about ‘witness B’, in Beeboid words-: “Although he was more than 100 metres away, he said his angle of vision gave him a clear view of the scene.”]
Where media go with the outcome of court cases can be quite enlightening, if not necessarily in a good way.
Equally unedifying is the bandwagon race hustling community in complement if there is an ‘ism element.
The imperfect storm as these two forces then feed off each other becomes truly scary as inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and zero integrity on the part of all of them is pumped out with near zero consideration for consequences.
I wonder if the BBC will pick up on this:
What a complete prat Vaz is. Somes up Labour.
Sorry, ‘sums’.
Violent druggies are certainly an area in which we lag behind other countries*, so here once again we have a hard-working immigrant doing a job that the lazy indigenous population can’t be bothered to.
(* I can’t actually name any such countries, but no doubt there are some. And the fact that we’ve plucked this particular jewel from the Romanians puts us two up on them for starters. Suckers.)
‘Hard working’ I don’t think working in a car wash is going to contribute in tax and NI to any degree. i.e. none.
Just had some Euro woman on Radio 2 news saying how lucky we are to have all these immigrants to support you lazy Brit workers.
Unbelievable, the bbc really do hate the white English majority.