“We want a United States of Europe says top EU official.
Voters must decide for or against a United States of Europe during EU elections this spring, says vice president of the European Commission.”
Cameroons claim that climate change is the reason for the flooding is akin to him Whizzing on your face and telling you it is raining. Then claiming the rain is due to climate change, so you will need to pay more tax to combat it.
So some unpronounceable German footballer decides to announce that he’s gay – and that’s all fine, most people probably won’t bat an eye, but then he goes on that:
“I want to talk about my homosexuality.
“By doing this I am hoping to move the discussion on homosexuality in professional sport forward.
Why is it that they relentlessly feel the need to tell everyone about their sexuality ? Personally I’m beginning to wonder if they’re trying to justify it to themselves, but what ever you want to do in the bedroom is someone’s private business, and it doesn’t really matter who you choose as a partner.
The rest of us don’t need to know nor need to hear some kind of discussion about it though.
The really odd thing about Tom Daley which the Fascists haven’t been able to understand is that he isn’t gay !
Daley is Bisexual and just happens to be with a man at the present time.
But that doesn’t fit the fascists agenda, so he HAS TO BE GAY – they don’t understand bisexual, and it doesn’t carry the bullying potential of their other words.
The BBC did a program tonight on illegal immigrants. Now apart from the fact that it was presented by the tedious and unctuous Fergal Keane, who swopped dialect into ‘street speak’ when talking to the Indian drug addict and professional thief he was shadowing, it really wasnt bad.
Not only did it reveal the illegal immigrants it followed in a very bad light, the crime, the benefit cheating (although one ‘good guy’ who went back to India), but it also showed, albeit unwittingly, the extent to which they are being aided and abetted by the descendents of those already here, exploiting them as landlords, aiding them with charity, treating them on the NHS and generally acting as the ‘bridgeheads’ without whom these people would struggle to get by.
Had to laugh last night at a section of ‘Look North’ about the cost to Bradford Council of dealing with 100s of stray horses the owners have abandoned in the cities streets. For some reason a uniquely funded broadcaster couldn’t bring itself to ask where said horses were coming from or which segment of the population might be responsible (hint they travel).
BBc breakfast covering the Duggan decision. I note their reporter saying twice the decision was that Duggan was not killed unlawfully as opposed to the decision was he was killed lawfully. It’s these little details.
The ‘coverage’ of this, and the relative reactions so far, has been risible.
Especially on twitter, which has already distilled sound bites so far away from context they are no more than editor’s interpretations of what they’d hoped was the case.
And folk are noticing.
Various Aunties are being now put up as the next Gandhi today when yesterday they made Lee Jasper seem the voice of sweet reason.
If I had an impartial state media, it sure as hell wouldn’t look like the BBC.
For F**k’s sake there’s some bint on breakfast from “Action on sugar” They’ve got a glass of cola with a pile of sugar cubes next to the glass to rep[resent the sugar in it. How many days since the last report on ‘bad’ food? Of course if you were on BBc presenters wages you probably wouldn’t have to live in the world of ‘value’ product food.
On twitter I’ve seen some folk ask what the provenance of this banwagoneering outfit is, of the outfit itself and the media who have thrown open their #prasnews doors to it.
So far, from the outfit and media involved, dead silence.
But some answers (won’t share as not supported enough to trust) are enough to crank an eyebrow at what it takes to see a TV producer smile you in onto the nation’s screens.
Well nothing very much actually, just the usual, plenty of rain and plenty of people going to work.
‘Main story… tensions have heightened… lawful killing despite not having a gun in his hand*… things have been peaceful so far…’
Gotta luv that ever hopeful ‘…so far’.
Not sure I know who I want to punch out more, Susanna Reid (just because), Rachel Boredom of 5 Shite (just because) or Duggan’s skanky aunt who has discovered that punching the air on live TV is an even bigger drug than a selfie on Facebook.
I think in some bizarre way they also want to make us admire ethnic minorities for having ‘communities’, when most of our own, especially in urban areas, have been destroyed, just as they love to try to make us admire the repressive and patriarchal Asian family and its supposed care and respect for its elderly (tyranny of the elderly!)
Very telling that the BBC’s paper review deals first with the Indepedent’s take on it, then the Guardian, only dealing with the Mail and Telegraph towards the end.
I haven’t seen any BBC articles on the gangster Duggan opened up to comments. I bet they won’t dare.
Watch this space.
Often they get cocky, or an intern opens the sluice by accident, and all sorts of fun ensues.
Especially when they suddenly feel the urge to close a bit early if control of the narrative slips from their grasp.
Radio 4 and the ‘MINTs’ is in Turkey and Beko factory where the presenter couldn’t praise the factory highly enough about its skilled workforce, and its research and development – why can’t Western European factories be like this?
He didn’t mention the number of houses which Beko products have burned down, nor the number of lives lost as a result. The recall notices and the internet warnings!
One thing he did say that I do agree with however is the need in any country for a young flexible educated, skilled, and mobile workforce. Everything the governments of this country has sought to avoid. Moving in the UK especially London will cost you at least £10K in fines – they call it tax, but it’s just the same as a fine except a bit higher !
Always intrigues me when the Mirror weighs in on the BBC; it’s like tabloid top trumps see salacious ratings fodder over ideological solidarity.
Reading the piece, and the BBC’s inevitably convoluted attempt at justifying double standards, the precedents being set and/or attempted are as always quaint.
Not mentioning someone, or bodies of work they were connected with because they were up to no good in the past rather falls at every hurdle.
On a purely commercial level, I’m also interested in the principle of a commercial entity opting in or out of contractual obligations depending one how whim takes them with those convicted or crime.
Guessing Chris & Vicky still gets their cut if wheeled in?
I was under the impression the Glitter had sold of his rights and didn’t make royalties on this any more.
However when I had a show on community radio I certainly didn’t play any Gary Glitter material and when the Watkins story came out I stopped playing their songs.
Rock and Roll Christmas is a great record!
And it`s always fun seeing who listens along-and how long it takes before the landlord/shopkeeper kicks it off as the annual muzak Xmas CD gets an airing.
Glitter was well loved by the students, the BBC/media right up to his fall in 2002…I`d have far more respect for people if they`d only admit as much.
Truly chilling how history gets these rapid response rewrites and airbrushes…and to think we used all to laught at Pravda and Tass for their “revisions” of who was hot…and who was (by now) very, very cold by the tippex over the MayDay parades in Moscow.
When RT have to tell us what we`re doing to ourselves as we live through the PC World in silence and compliance…we ought to worry!
Play a Glitter record!…but watch for the dodgy lyrics (e.g Do you wanna touch me?…bit iffy to be polite about it)
Womans hour today has been a disgrace – too many examples of bias to note down, but the disdainful tone the fat fascist Jenni Murray used to refer to ‘Thatcher’ without even using her title was sickening.
bBC news24 reporting on the recovery of Greece under the EU’s rod of austerity. Everything going ok apart from the EU elections due up this year which could see votes for the
Far Right and the “radical left” I guess the Far Left don’t exist in Greece anymore.
The first 3+ minutes of radio 4 news at 1:00 was taken up with the continued beatification of Duggan (which started about 4:00 yesterday afternoon). Cameron (who, IMHO couldn’t sink much lower but endeavoured to do so in this case) weighed in by profusely thanking the Duggan family for not starting a riot or encouraging looting in Tottenham. This meretricious, self-serving crap was faithfully relayed by the state broadcaster to a nation shocked (although in truth fairly happy) that a court of law had found that a dangerous armed career criminal was killed lawfully by the police.
The BBC is attempting (successfully it seems) to divert the fallout from the Duggan exercise into the well-worn “police ‘n’ community” pigeon-hole. The BBC even had Lord Blair on Today (again) to soothe us by implying that “lessons had been learned” and that no more feral members of the “community” should be prevented (through insensitive use of “stop and search”) from going about their lawful occasions which tend to involve the carrying of knives, guns and other assorted weaponry.
BTW where are Doreen and Shami in all this? It’s not like them to remain quiet when a member of the “community” has been crucified (even lawfully) by the police. Mind you, according to the Belfast Telegraph (of all papers) Shami gave a gratuitous kicking to the IPCC: no surprise there then.
I can see the movie posters already – “The True Story of the Brutal Police Execution that Sparked the British Riots.” Idris Elba stars as Mark Duggan in “An Unlawful Killing.” Co-Starring Various White Actors as bent coppers and racist jury members. Coming Summer 2015. “You will cry tears of injustice, heartbreaking! 10/10 – Mark Kermode ‘BBC’s Kermode And Mayo’s Movie Reviews.’
At this moment in time, the third most important news story in the entire world, number three position on bbc world news page and “breaking news” banner at the top of the page, is….. Court overturns ban on French comic Dieudonne
Yes, the BBC’s favourite anti-semitic “comic” (after Frankie Boyle) is free to perform again! Rejoice!
Well, they need an excuse to place Marxist placemen into the police force under the guise of correcting “institutionalized racism” and anti racism.
Anti-racism has nothing to do with removing racism.
Its about the white left wing declaring racial civil war on the white right wing and whipping up minorities into anti -racism. (racism from minorities is anti-racism, as only white people can be racist.)
racism = racism by whites against non whites
anti-racism = racism by non whites against whites
Geddit? what a wonderful bunch of people socialist progressives are.
Face facts. TV is shit and anyone who watches it is a mong, just asking to be programmed.
Why else do they call them TV programmes?
Come friendly dirty bombs fall on Salford’s Media City where all media outlets converge and arrange amongst themselves how to propagandise the LibLabCon-trick to the ignorant masses.
Some sob story charity on Radio 4 a story claiming a woman was ‘forced’ to carry drugs into the UK from Trinidad, and was heavily pregnant when she was jailed.
Lies of course. This was the woman’s claim, but the jury did not believe her and she was sent to prison.
So they are asking for money because of cuts to legal aid – the prisoners advice service.
Amazing the charities the BBC will allow onto the air, but this isn’t the worst that they’ve supported.
One occasion saw a charity committed to helping failed asylum seekers to stay in the UK when their benefits were stopped when their claim fell flat.
“Global warming’s glorious ship of fools.
Has there ever been a better story? It’s like a version of Titanic where first class cheers for the iceberg.”
Ha HA HA the idiots from the ‘ship of fools’ on radio 4
‘Based on the data we had we could not have foreseen the weather conditions nor the amount of ice’
Really? The if you can’t forecast a few days ahead – how is it possible to look ahead and say with absolute certainty that climate change is happening.
“Climate change the perfect vehicle
It doesn’t take any personal sacrifice on your part. Simply being terribly concerned absolves you of any responsibility for the problem.
Finally, you don’t have to worry about having to personally do something because the problem is so huge that only government can fix it.”
Just be careful – weather is chaotic so temperature/ rainfall fluctuates on a daily/ hourly basis.
Climate change looks at long term trends so it is perfectly possible for there to be climate change increasing average temperatures yet frequent low temperatures. No one, I hope denies climate change. What ‘deniers’ deny is that it is man-based to any significant extent or that mankind can have any serious effect on it.
<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03nt8x8"Inside Science makes it quite clear that the BBC reporter was on ‘The Ship of Fools’ for a purpose and not just as a tourist. Indeed we are told that Chris Turney has been on the programme before to tell us what they hoped to achieve, (the BBC web story missed THAT bit out).
I liked the way Andrew Luck Baker sympathised with Adam Rutherford that the data didn’t match the science!
The BBC are always up to no good when it comes to coalition or conservtive policies. They are unable to report any positve conservative story without sitcking the knife in. Today on radio 5 live news . The news reader said that the conservatives were thought to be planning a rise in the minimum wage (nicely spoling andy official announcement) . Then the news reader said “some say that this is intended to get ahead of a labour anouncement” . So labour provided the story as a spoiler and also got thier reply in, courtesy of the BBC.
Matt Danzico (who campaigned for Obama in 2008 before becoming a journalist with the BBC in America) is now Head of the BBC Video Innovation Lab and helps run #BBCTrending.
According to him the cold weather in America is unequivocally down to global warming:
UK discussing environmental budget cuts while Chicago goes into global warming-sparked deep freeze. http://t.co/jvtZTA7Lko
I almost want to start a Twitter account just so I can send this fool that video of a meteorologist correcting Katty Kay on the same blind foolishness, and ask him if he thinks the meteorologist is lying or in the pay of Big Oil.
Clown. I take it Danzico didn’t believe the meteorologist who corrected Katty Kay on the same idiocy. Science-denying fools. They all think the same way, so the bias is institutional.
INBBC: is worse than useless in its inability to explain why Islamic jihadists are murdering Islamic jihadists.
In this report, INBBC tries to make out that a ‘new’ Islamic group, calling itself ‘Islamic Front’ are mere rebels, not Islamic jihadists; whereas a group such as ISIS is made up of Islamic jihadists, but then we read this:-
“The latest clashes erupted on Friday when rebels led by the Islamic Front, a relatively new coalition of Islamist groups, launched what appeared to a series of co-ordinated strikes against ISIS in northern and eastern Syria.”
BBC Radio 4 on how wonderful Muslims are in Africa for arresting a Christian ‘vigilante’ and although they are very angry they are taking him to a UN station, otherwise he would have been killed in the street.
The way the BBC perform it wouldn’t surprise me if they paid the Muslims to do it do they could report on it, and of course there was no evidence given that there even was a man let alone he was Christian or a vigilante – unlikely to be operating on his own anyway.
Thank you albeeba for giving a poxy halal outfit called Chicken Cottage about 10 minutes of free advertising.
Many thanks for warning me never to enter one.
Only thing they missed out was Reporter John Sergeant actually trying out halal slaughter himself. Tempted to swear even more, resists the urge,
All on the One Show.
I like the way they called it ‘the truth about immigration’ (See what they did there? very clever…) and not something like ‘the immigration debate’, ‘the immigration question’, or any other number of other titles it could have legitimately been.
Noted Channel 4 managed to
1. Play reggae music at a hairdressers,whilst an elderly black lady perused the Guardian…so she could “get her steer” on what any right-thinking person must make of Mark Duggans being targeted by the Feds.
2. Play us a “protest song” already “written” about the wipeout of a Great Man in the form of Martyr Mark.
And in later news..Christians butcher/maim/otherwise terrify Muslims in the CAR…so you see they`re both as bad as each other out there.
Channel 4 eh?…what are they like?
Jon Snow is on a State-sponsored jolly to Mustique as we speak…oh, the poverty!…and here`s Alan Duncan to tell him why Branson and Princess Margaret need more Jon Snow to deal both with global warming and world inequalities?
Do you think that we`ll be getting him back for the skiing in Davos later in the month…we can but pray to Jimmy eh?
‘And it’s now [xxx] days since the controversial verdict…’
Soz, I’m just helping DroidNews™ with their ‘Main Story’ for the next two months. Droid editors feel free to copy and paste and thank me later.
I’m driving past the bottom of the road where Chez Duggan is tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll drop by and see if Auntie Skank is home and thank her on behalf of a grateful nation for failing to incite a riot.
It IS good of her isn’t it ? Surely a peerage awaits ! Or at least an invitation to help Universal Shami and Doreen carry whatever peace flag we’re to have at the Commonwealth Games into the stadium.
Mardell will blame George Bush. Every single violent death in between the Jordan River and the Indus for the last thirteen years is the fault of George Bush and US foreign policy. He now knows from the Gates book that the current President had no intention of stopping this, but that’s just fine with him, and fits in with his “reluctant warrior” Narrative. The only thing he seems to question is whether or not his beloved Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief sent troops into battle believing they would fail, for purely political image purposes. Why he’s not sure if that’s the case or not is beyond me, as Gates is pretty clear about it. Mardell will most likely find a way to spin that as he has all the other military actions.
In the end, in the twisted moral world of the BBC, this scenario of non-whites killing each other by the thousands is preferable to an “illegal” war where white soldiers kill far fewer people, and do not target women and children.
Wine-slurping, eccentric country gent who likes pretty blondes, real ale, Mozart and pies. says:
‘Dignified’? How the hell were the Duggan family dignified outside court? All I witnessed was Black Power salutes, atrocious expletive-ridden rants from a foul unruly mob and extremist Left-wing anarchists (another name for thick middle-class buffoons who weren’t bright enough to get a decent degree and so live off their parents).
This nation is finished. The battle is lost… all you can do is protect your little piece of this country (hopefully it be far removed from multicultural cesspits like London) and leave the rest for your kids to deal with. Civil war looms this century.
Oh No! The french court has reinstated its ban on some muzzi “comic”. Oh, the humanity – and it is currently the second most important story in the world. This is a promotion relative to the previous story about the ban being overturned – which was only the third most important story in the world. Who Gives A Shit?
Note how Dimbleby allows a pause for the audience to applaud any lefty populist comment, yet cuts across Nuttall allowing zero reaction, thus distorting theimpression of the balance of opinion…
Labour’s Newsnight are on the warpath, forcing C4 to justify their expose of life on ‘Benefits Street’.
‘Not a fair representation’ / ‘residents have been misled’, the BBC reports, so trying to undo the damage done. They want to give the BBC’s version of what life is really like.
The left don’t like it up ’em. Already a petition is up-and-running calling for C4 to cancel the programme – lefties show themselves keen to censor stories and control the media in their image – ‘Hacked Off’ in action?
One of the complaints was that C4 portrayed the street at it’s worse – arranging for old furniture to be dumped in the road, for effect.
I’d invite you all to take a look at James Turner Street on Google Maps…then drag the little Street-view man into the street and see the street as it was when the Street-view camera van drove up the road….you’ll see some of the stars of the show hanging around, the piles of rubbish…and some of the furniture!
I’ve just been reminded why I never watch Questionable time. I was innocently re tuning my PVR and it started up on BBc1. One of the panel (I assume UKIP) was mid way through a comment about how we have a million unemployed youths it makes no sense to flood the market with foreign labour. Forgetting for a second what I was watching I thought yes I’ve been saying that. I was brought rapidly to earth by the near silence that followed. One of the audience then started the many surveys prove immigration is of benefit to us. My mouthing of bollocks! was drowned by the thunderous applause from the completely random and unbiased (I’m sure crowd). That’s when my thumb hit the off button.
I too accidentally found Question Time on the box. Chukka Yermoney was spouting off and said “living wage”. Suddenly the audience erupted into applause. Almost as if they’d been told that was their cue to clap.
I actually looked up the EU survey which the bBC used on its News website to prove that immigration is good for the UK. Nothing of the sort:
1) It showed that its costs the country billions to treat these people on the NHS, a cost that nobody wants to contrast agasint the so caleld billions these people put in.
2) Then there’s all the other hidden costs, schooling, translation, benefits (Did anybody see the bBC program on immigration the other night, they had a East European couple claiming benefits on a falsehood and when pressed they said they would tell the truth, 9 months later they still hadn’t and the bBC didn’t bother to report this fact?.
2) then there’s the cost which can’t be counted the rise in intolerance in the UK due to so many third worlders allowed to come to the UK and enrich our streets by continuing their third world practices.
Gun Crime,
Cashpoint crime
Metal crime
and the luvies tell me its fucking racist to mention this.
QT was a complete waste of time last night. The audience had clearly been stacked with lefties to ensure every comment from the UKIP panelist was met with an icy silence, whilst every idiocy uttered by the Labour panelist was greeted with rapturous applause. I don’t think the engineered bias of the program makers has ever been apparent with such obviousness as it was in last night’s wretched edition.
Only in the UK, where after years of leftwing propaganda we come to this: Terrorist training could carry life prison sentence
Extremists who undertake terrorism training could face life in prison under a new government proposal. The life terms would replace current 14-year maximum sentences for activities including weapons training and making or possessing explosives.
Ministers are also considering automatic life sentences for anyone convicted of a second serious terrorism offence,
A second serious terrorist offence bBC? what do we do for the first?
bBC shouts out: Mr Umunna added that he was the son of an immigrant, and immigration had been good for the country.
Ever heard of too much of a good thing yer champagne fucking socialists
“All people want is a system that is properly controlled and managed, and more work needs to be done on that,
And yet who opened the doors to the UK in 1997?
He said he had “met with a number of them this week” and “they are very open to that [idea] if we constructively engage with them, instead of saying, ‘Hey, do what we want otherwise we are going to walk off.'”
And in Spain, Italy,Germany and France. They do as they please and say fuck the EU, only one country implements to a higher degree every EU diktat and that is the UK. It is just like how Israel is used as a punch bag by the Islamic world in which to hide their problems . Oh look: Meanwhile, a senior EU official accused British ministers of stoking fears about immigration.
Viviane Reding, vice-president of the European Commission, said the figures showed it was a “myth” the UK was being invaded by foreigners, and suggested the rhetoric was designed to draw attention away from the real problems the UK was facing.
So, Mr Harrabin, flooding is not caused by Global Warming/Climate change but poor drainage. This morning at 08.00 on the today programme (R4) there was an article stating that a levy (no pun intended) would be put on the sale price of houses built on flood plains. This levy (no pun intended) was to make the builders of such houses build flood prevention measures such as soak a ways. The article then went on to describe why we get flooding, such like concrete drives which replaced the natural soak a way, natural earth. Always, without doubt, Mr Harrabin has attributed flooding to Climate Change, but now he is stating that it is because we have roofs and concrete drives on and around our houses. Well, Mr Harrabin, who would have thought that? The article was all going so well without any mention of Climate change but then in his closing sentence it all went pear shaped, when he stated (with no evidence) that the measures that the environment agency need to put in place might not happen because of the “massive” job cuts at the agency. “Massive” Mr Harrabin? This is one dangerous fellow and needs to be brought to book sharpish. It is now the job cuts that will create flooding.
Stark contrast in Davis’s treatment of pro-referendum Dodds & pro-gravy train Mandelson on “Today”. Dodds could hardly get a word in edgeways as Davis continually talked over him, wanting, for a reason known only to the beeboid, to be told how Dodds would vote in a referendum in 2017. Mandelson was at his most imperious & waffled at length on his own agenda. Davis just drooled silently.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
E.U-philic BBC-NUJ, inc Hewitt, skips this:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“We want a United States of Europe says top EU official.
Voters must decide for or against a United States of Europe during EU elections this spring, says vice president of the European Commission.”
By Bruno Waterfield, Athens.
Cameroons claim that climate change is the reason for the flooding is akin to him Whizzing on your face and telling you it is raining. Then claiming the rain is due to climate change, so you will need to pay more tax to combat it.
So some unpronounceable German footballer decides to announce that he’s gay – and that’s all fine, most people probably won’t bat an eye, but then he goes on that:
“I want to talk about my homosexuality.
“By doing this I am hoping to move the discussion on homosexuality in professional sport forward.
Why is it that they relentlessly feel the need to tell everyone about their sexuality ? Personally I’m beginning to wonder if they’re trying to justify it to themselves, but what ever you want to do in the bedroom is someone’s private business, and it doesn’t really matter who you choose as a partner.
The rest of us don’t need to know nor need to hear some kind of discussion about it though.
perhaps Tom Daley isn t going to a “gay” club tonight,
so this “news” can fill the BBC s homo void
The really odd thing about Tom Daley which the Fascists haven’t been able to understand is that he isn’t gay !
Daley is Bisexual and just happens to be with a man at the present time.
But that doesn’t fit the fascists agenda, so he HAS TO BE GAY – they don’t understand bisexual, and it doesn’t carry the bullying potential of their other words.
I’m not sure I understand “bisexual”, either…
…but I suppose it tales all types.
…I so wish we could edit our comments – that should, of course, have been “takes”…
Credit where credit is due!
The BBC did a program tonight on illegal immigrants. Now apart from the fact that it was presented by the tedious and unctuous Fergal Keane, who swopped dialect into ‘street speak’ when talking to the Indian drug addict and professional thief he was shadowing, it really wasnt bad.
Not only did it reveal the illegal immigrants it followed in a very bad light, the crime, the benefit cheating (although one ‘good guy’ who went back to India), but it also showed, albeit unwittingly, the extent to which they are being aided and abetted by the descendents of those already here, exploiting them as landlords, aiding them with charity, treating them on the NHS and generally acting as the ‘bridgeheads’ without whom these people would struggle to get by.
Interesting that this is the picture of Mark Duggan that the BBC news website leads with this morning: http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/72166000/jpg/_72166935_md2.jpg
Not this: http://www.anorak.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/mark-duggan-fingers.jpg
As with Trevyon Martin, the choice of picture can say a thousand words…
Enhance. The. Narrative.
The BBC could have produced some wicked posters for all protagonists during WW1.
So, which politician will be the first come out with, “I could have a son like Mark Duggan ?”
And get full on BBC properganda.
propaganda – sorry.
I like properganda more 🙂
You may have invented a neat word.. improperganda, or as the BBC calls it, ‘news’.
Had to laugh last night at a section of ‘Look North’ about the cost to Bradford Council of dealing with 100s of stray horses the owners have abandoned in the cities streets. For some reason a uniquely funded broadcaster couldn’t bring itself to ask where said horses were coming from or which segment of the population might be responsible (hint they travel).
Odd that isn’t it.
BBc breakfast covering the Duggan decision. I note their reporter saying twice the decision was that Duggan was not killed unlawfully as opposed to the decision was he was killed lawfully. It’s these little details.
The ‘coverage’ of this, and the relative reactions so far, has been risible.
Especially on twitter, which has already distilled sound bites so far away from context they are no more than editor’s interpretations of what they’d hoped was the case.
And folk are noticing.
Various Aunties are being now put up as the next Gandhi today when yesterday they made Lee Jasper seem the voice of sweet reason.
If I had an impartial state media, it sure as hell wouldn’t look like the BBC.
On 5-live this lunchtime the presenter said “unlawfully killed” then was forced to correct her mistake.
Then later on in the same programme stumbled again on the phrase ‘lawfully killed’ as if she wanted to repeat her faux pas.
For F**k’s sake there’s some bint on breakfast from “Action on sugar” They’ve got a glass of cola with a pile of sugar cubes next to the glass to rep[resent the sugar in it. How many days since the last report on ‘bad’ food? Of course if you were on BBc presenters wages you probably wouldn’t have to live in the world of ‘value’ product food.
On twitter I’ve seen some folk ask what the provenance of this banwagoneering outfit is, of the outfit itself and the media who have thrown open their #prasnews doors to it.
So far, from the outfit and media involved, dead silence.
But some answers (won’t share as not supported enough to trust) are enough to crank an eyebrow at what it takes to see a TV producer smile you in onto the nation’s screens.
I don’t drink and I don’t smoke but they’ll never take my sugar away
‘And in a few minutes we go to Tottenham where… ‘
Well nothing very much actually, just the usual, plenty of rain and plenty of people going to work.
‘Main story… tensions have heightened… lawful killing despite not having a gun in his hand*… things have been peaceful so far…’
Gotta luv that ever hopeful ‘…so far’.
Not sure I know who I want to punch out more, Susanna Reid (just because), Rachel Boredom of 5 Shite (just because) or Duggan’s skanky aunt who has discovered that punching the air on live TV is an even bigger drug than a selfie on Facebook.
BBC – corrupt. No other word for it.
*for the last three seconds
Said it before, will say it again. You do make me chuckle Uncle.
Just listening to Game show’s phone in about “he aint no angel but a peace lovin’ lad” Duggan.
During the whole show we’ve had community this, and community that. Community, community, community.
All fine and dandy right?
Then a caller rings in to say that actually, he thinks the black community should be apologising.
And all of a sudden the use of community is no good!
Nicky tells as much – disgusting generalisation.
I’m just glad we have people like Campbell on hand to tell us when it’s acceptable to use “community” and when it’s not.
They bang on about ‘community’ because Thatcher said there was no such thing. Its the Left trying to prove her wrong.
I think in some bizarre way they also want to make us admire ethnic minorities for having ‘communities’, when most of our own, especially in urban areas, have been destroyed, just as they love to try to make us admire the repressive and patriarchal Asian family and its supposed care and respect for its elderly (tyranny of the elderly!)
Very telling that the BBC’s paper review deals first with the Indepedent’s take on it, then the Guardian, only dealing with the Mail and Telegraph towards the end.
I haven’t seen any BBC articles on the gangster Duggan opened up to comments. I bet they won’t dare.
Course they won’t! LOL
Watch this space.
Often they get cocky, or an intern opens the sluice by accident, and all sorts of fun ensues.
Especially when they suddenly feel the urge to close a bit early if control of the narrative slips from their grasp.
Radio 4 and the ‘MINTs’ is in Turkey and Beko factory where the presenter couldn’t praise the factory highly enough about its skilled workforce, and its research and development – why can’t Western European factories be like this?
He didn’t mention the number of houses which Beko products have burned down, nor the number of lives lost as a result. The recall notices and the internet warnings!
One thing he did say that I do agree with however is the need in any country for a young flexible educated, skilled, and mobile workforce. Everything the governments of this country has sought to avoid. Moving in the UK especially London will cost you at least £10K in fines – they call it tax, but it’s just the same as a fine except a bit higher !
BBC pays Gary Glitter royalties – after banning fellow pop paedophile Ian Watkins
“The BBC has banned Lostprophets songs from all broadcasts – yet pop paedophile Gary Glitter is still getting royalties from the corporation.”
Always intrigues me when the Mirror weighs in on the BBC; it’s like tabloid top trumps see salacious ratings fodder over ideological solidarity.
Reading the piece, and the BBC’s inevitably convoluted attempt at justifying double standards, the precedents being set and/or attempted are as always quaint.
Not mentioning someone, or bodies of work they were connected with because they were up to no good in the past rather falls at every hurdle.
On a purely commercial level, I’m also interested in the principle of a commercial entity opting in or out of contractual obligations depending one how whim takes them with those convicted or crime.
Guessing Chris & Vicky still gets their cut if wheeled in?
I was under the impression the Glitter had sold of his rights and didn’t make royalties on this any more.
However when I had a show on community radio I certainly didn’t play any Gary Glitter material and when the Watkins story came out I stopped playing their songs.
Rock and Roll Christmas is a great record!
And it`s always fun seeing who listens along-and how long it takes before the landlord/shopkeeper kicks it off as the annual muzak Xmas CD gets an airing.
Glitter was well loved by the students, the BBC/media right up to his fall in 2002…I`d have far more respect for people if they`d only admit as much.
Truly chilling how history gets these rapid response rewrites and airbrushes…and to think we used all to laught at Pravda and Tass for their “revisions” of who was hot…and who was (by now) very, very cold by the tippex over the MayDay parades in Moscow.
When RT have to tell us what we`re doing to ourselves as we live through the PC World in silence and compliance…we ought to worry!
Play a Glitter record!…but watch for the dodgy lyrics (e.g Do you wanna touch me?…bit iffy to be polite about it)
Womans hour today has been a disgrace – too many examples of bias to note down, but the disdainful tone the fat fascist Jenni Murray used to refer to ‘Thatcher’ without even using her title was sickening.
bBC news24 reporting on the recovery of Greece under the EU’s rod of austerity. Everything going ok apart from the EU elections due up this year which could see votes for the
Far Right and the “radical left” I guess the Far Left don’t exist in Greece anymore.
Hi all any news about the MP surrender monkeys in Iran!!!
Listening to 5Live today and it’s an endless procession of community workers (innit) being lined up to dis the police following the Duggan verdict.
Now, there was me thinking that Duggan’s killing was found to have been lawful?
So why all the animosity to the police?
It’s almost as if the Beeb had an agenda and a decision to stick to it regardless was taken.
Imagine that?
The first 3+ minutes of radio 4 news at 1:00 was taken up with the continued beatification of Duggan (which started about 4:00 yesterday afternoon). Cameron (who, IMHO couldn’t sink much lower but endeavoured to do so in this case) weighed in by profusely thanking the Duggan family for not starting a riot or encouraging looting in Tottenham. This meretricious, self-serving crap was faithfully relayed by the state broadcaster to a nation shocked (although in truth fairly happy) that a court of law had found that a dangerous armed career criminal was killed lawfully by the police.
The BBC is attempting (successfully it seems) to divert the fallout from the Duggan exercise into the well-worn “police ‘n’ community” pigeon-hole. The BBC even had Lord Blair on Today (again) to soothe us by implying that “lessons had been learned” and that no more feral members of the “community” should be prevented (through insensitive use of “stop and search”) from going about their lawful occasions which tend to involve the carrying of knives, guns and other assorted weaponry.
BTW where are Doreen and Shami in all this? It’s not like them to remain quiet when a member of the “community” has been crucified (even lawfully) by the police. Mind you, according to the Belfast Telegraph (of all papers) Shami gave a gratuitous kicking to the IPCC: no surprise there then.
Cam the Sham outdoing Milligimmick for his jumping on any and every passing bandwagon.
Praising someone for not inciting a riot.
Cf Chris Rock and his criticism of his fellow ethnics who expect praise for not doing something they’re not supposed to do (or v.v).
‘Ah ain’t never bin to jail’
‘Ah look after mah kids’
I can see the movie posters already – “The True Story of the Brutal Police Execution that Sparked the British Riots.” Idris Elba stars as Mark Duggan in “An Unlawful Killing.” Co-Starring Various White Actors as bent coppers and racist jury members. Coming Summer 2015. “You will cry tears of injustice, heartbreaking! 10/10 – Mark Kermode ‘BBC’s Kermode And Mayo’s Movie Reviews.’
Obviously I meant “A Lawful Killing.”
Made by BBC Films.
From your money.
At this moment in time, the third most important news story in the entire world, number three position on bbc world news page and “breaking news” banner at the top of the page, is…..
Court overturns ban on French comic Dieudonne
Yes, the BBC’s favourite anti-semitic “comic” (after Frankie Boyle) is free to perform again! Rejoice!
Does the name, M. DUGGAN, now join those of B. MOHAMED, and S. AAMER in the Beeboid Pantheon of its heroes?
Up there with the king of ’em all, St. Stephen of Lawrence
Well, they need an excuse to place Marxist placemen into the police force under the guise of correcting “institutionalized racism” and anti racism.
Anti-racism has nothing to do with removing racism.
Its about the white left wing declaring racial civil war on the white right wing and whipping up minorities into anti -racism. (racism from minorities is anti-racism, as only white people can be racist.)
racism = racism by whites against non whites
anti-racism = racism by non whites against whites
Geddit? what a wonderful bunch of people socialist progressives are.
Face facts. TV is shit and anyone who watches it is a mong, just asking to be programmed.
Why else do they call them TV programmes?
Come friendly dirty bombs fall on Salford’s Media City where all media outlets converge and arrange amongst themselves how to propagandise the LibLabCon-trick to the ignorant masses.
Some sob story charity on Radio 4 a story claiming a woman was ‘forced’ to carry drugs into the UK from Trinidad, and was heavily pregnant when she was jailed.
Lies of course. This was the woman’s claim, but the jury did not believe her and she was sent to prison.
So they are asking for money because of cuts to legal aid – the prisoners advice service.
Amazing the charities the BBC will allow onto the air, but this isn’t the worst that they’ve supported.
One occasion saw a charity committed to helping failed asylum seekers to stay in the UK when their benefits were stopped when their claim fell flat.
Astonishing !
“Global warming’s glorious ship of fools.
Has there ever been a better story? It’s like a version of Titanic where first class cheers for the iceberg.”
By Mark Steyn.
I note Mardell is already rubbishing Govenor Chris Chritie a possible Republican presidential candidate.
Was on radio 5 this later morning/ early afternoon
Ha HA HA the idiots from the ‘ship of fools’ on radio 4
‘Based on the data we had we could not have foreseen the weather conditions nor the amount of ice’
Really? The if you can’t forecast a few days ahead – how is it possible to look ahead and say with absolute certainty that climate change is happening.
“Climate change the perfect vehicle
It doesn’t take any personal sacrifice on your part. Simply being terribly concerned absolves you of any responsibility for the problem.
Finally, you don’t have to worry about having to personally do something because the problem is so huge that only government can fix it.”
Oh now we’re being told that there’s a difference between ‘weather’ which is what happened to them, and ‘climate’ which is what they get paid for!
When asked about his response to ‘deniers’ that was about the best he could come up with !
Just be careful – weather is chaotic so temperature/ rainfall fluctuates on a daily/ hourly basis.
Climate change looks at long term trends so it is perfectly possible for there to be climate change increasing average temperatures yet frequent low temperatures. No one, I hope denies climate change. What ‘deniers’ deny is that it is man-based to any significant extent or that mankind can have any serious effect on it.
<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03nt8x8"Inside Science makes it quite clear that the BBC reporter was on ‘The Ship of Fools’ for a purpose and not just as a tourist. Indeed we are told that Chris Turney has been on the programme before to tell us what they hoped to achieve, (the BBC web story missed THAT bit out).
I liked the way Andrew Luck Baker sympathised with Adam Rutherford that the data didn’t match the science!
Weather is a meteorological event that contradicts Global Warming.
Climate is a meteorological event that supports Global Warming.
The BBC are always up to no good when it comes to coalition or conservtive policies. They are unable to report any positve conservative story without sitcking the knife in. Today on radio 5 live news . The news reader said that the conservatives were thought to be planning a rise in the minimum wage (nicely spoling andy official announcement) . Then the news reader said “some say that this is intended to get ahead of a labour anouncement” . So labour provided the story as a spoiler and also got thier reply in, courtesy of the BBC.
To add – the impression was given that the conservatives were only planning this as a dirty trick to out manoeuvre labour.
Matt Danzico (who campaigned for Obama in 2008 before becoming a journalist with the BBC in America) is now Head of the BBC Video Innovation Lab and helps run #BBCTrending.
According to him the cold weather in America is unequivocally down to global warming:
Nice passive/aggressive dig at UK budget cuts there, too.
‘Global warming-sparked deep freeze.’
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I almost want to start a Twitter account just so I can send this fool that video of a meteorologist correcting Katty Kay on the same blind foolishness, and ask him if he thinks the meteorologist is lying or in the pay of Big Oil.
Clown. I take it Danzico didn’t believe the meteorologist who corrected Katty Kay on the same idiocy. Science-denying fools. They all think the same way, so the bias is institutional.
INBBC: is worse than useless in its inability to explain why Islamic jihadists are murdering Islamic jihadists.
In this report, INBBC tries to make out that a ‘new’ Islamic group, calling itself ‘Islamic Front’ are mere rebels, not Islamic jihadists; whereas a group such as ISIS is made up of Islamic jihadists, but then we read this:-
“The latest clashes erupted on Friday when rebels led by the Islamic Front, a relatively new coalition of Islamist groups, launched what appeared to a series of co-ordinated strikes against ISIS in northern and eastern Syria.”
‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
Re-Syria, and the ‘Islamic Front’, INBBC’s Mr Reynolds, in Turkey, seems oblivious to this-
Islamic Front joins al Qaeda suicide assault to take Syrian hospital”
(Dec 2013).
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2013/12/islamic_front_joins.php#ixzz2pvObngOb“
was that the Islamic (tooting popular) front.?
now come, come George, they are only the relatively new, militant rebel, freedom fighter coalition boys …
I mean … what could go wrong?
Nah, more likely the peoples front of Judea huh?
If this wasn’t so fucking scandalous and tragic the bbc would actually be funny.
In Syria, INBBC terms Islamic jihadists as mere ‘rebels;’in Iraq it terms them ‘insurgents.
And, of course, there is no mention in this INBBC report, of Islamic persecution and murder of Christians.
“Iraq: ‘Abuse by all sides’ in Anbar province says HRW”
No, it’s not ‘by all sides’, INBBC: Christians are victims of Islamic violence
Hush, hush-not for BBC-Democrat to report-
“Report: John Kerry is behind European boycott threats on Israeli products and companies”
BBC Radio 4 on how wonderful Muslims are in Africa for arresting a Christian ‘vigilante’ and although they are very angry they are taking him to a UN station, otherwise he would have been killed in the street.
The way the BBC perform it wouldn’t surprise me if they paid the Muslims to do it do they could report on it, and of course there was no evidence given that there even was a man let alone he was Christian or a vigilante – unlikely to be operating on his own anyway.
Thank you albeeba for giving a poxy halal outfit called Chicken Cottage about 10 minutes of free advertising.
Many thanks for warning me never to enter one.
Only thing they missed out was Reporter John Sergeant actually trying out halal slaughter himself. Tempted to swear even more, resists the urge,
All on the One Show.
I like the way they called it ‘the truth about immigration’ (See what they did there? very clever…) and not something like ‘the immigration debate’, ‘the immigration question’, or any other number of other titles it could have legitimately been.
Noted Channel 4 managed to
1. Play reggae music at a hairdressers,whilst an elderly black lady perused the Guardian…so she could “get her steer” on what any right-thinking person must make of Mark Duggans being targeted by the Feds.
2. Play us a “protest song” already “written” about the wipeout of a Great Man in the form of Martyr Mark.
And in later news..Christians butcher/maim/otherwise terrify Muslims in the CAR…so you see they`re both as bad as each other out there.
Channel 4 eh?…what are they like?
Jon Snow is on a State-sponsored jolly to Mustique as we speak…oh, the poverty!…and here`s Alan Duncan to tell him why Branson and Princess Margaret need more Jon Snow to deal both with global warming and world inequalities?
Do you think that we`ll be getting him back for the skiing in Davos later in the month…we can but pray to Jimmy eh?
‘And it’s now [xxx] days since the controversial verdict…’
Soz, I’m just helping DroidNews™ with their ‘Main Story’ for the next two months. Droid editors feel free to copy and paste and thank me later.
I’m driving past the bottom of the road where Chez Duggan is tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll drop by and see if Auntie Skank is home and thank her on behalf of a grateful nation for failing to incite a riot.
Shame about the last riots mind.
It IS good of her isn’t it ? Surely a peerage awaits ! Or at least an invitation to help Universal Shami and Doreen carry whatever peace flag we’re to have at the Commonwealth Games into the stadium.
Ever more immigrants and asylum seekers come to reside in Britain, speeding up the colonisation of British people:-
“Now overseas aid is spent on asylum seekers – in Britain: £10m being used to fund housing and benefits”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2536167/Now-overseas-aid-spent-asylum-seekers-Britain-10m-used-fund-housing-benefits.html#ixzz2pwBJl1zM
The pro-Mass Immigration, public propagandist, BBC-NUJ only has this:-
“College English course aimed at refugees”
(inc video clip).
Is the following report totally irrelevant?:-
‘Evening Standard’:-
“Happy landing: Mum gives birth in the loo at Heathrow minutes after leaving plane”
For Obama’s supplicant, Mardell-
Mardell will blame George Bush. Every single violent death in between the Jordan River and the Indus for the last thirteen years is the fault of George Bush and US foreign policy. He now knows from the Gates book that the current President had no intention of stopping this, but that’s just fine with him, and fits in with his “reluctant warrior” Narrative. The only thing he seems to question is whether or not his beloved Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief sent troops into battle believing they would fail, for purely political image purposes. Why he’s not sure if that’s the case or not is beyond me, as Gates is pretty clear about it. Mardell will most likely find a way to spin that as he has all the other military actions.
In the end, in the twisted moral world of the BBC, this scenario of non-whites killing each other by the thousands is preferable to an “illegal” war where white soldiers kill far fewer people, and do not target women and children.
‘Dignified’? How the hell were the Duggan family dignified outside court? All I witnessed was Black Power salutes, atrocious expletive-ridden rants from a foul unruly mob and extremist Left-wing anarchists (another name for thick middle-class buffoons who weren’t bright enough to get a decent degree and so live off their parents).
This nation is finished. The battle is lost… all you can do is protect your little piece of this country (hopefully it be far removed from multicultural cesspits like London) and leave the rest for your kids to deal with. Civil war looms this century.
I agree.
No mention of the threatened boycott or muslim sales staff refusing to serve, having a possible impact. Looks like that’s been erased from history. Elsewhere: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-25674385 so what I saw yesterday was dignified was it?
Sorry story two has already been addressed.
A nice little honour on the 21st April?
Oh No! The french court has reinstated its ban on some muzzi “comic”. Oh, the humanity – and it is currently the second most important story in the world. This is a promotion relative to the previous story about the ban being overturned – which was only the third most important story in the world.
Who Gives A Shit?
How odd. QT starts with “Benefits” and so too Newsnight. Does this mean QT uses truly randomly chosen questions?
Note how Dimbleby allows a pause for the audience to applaud any lefty populist comment, yet cuts across Nuttall allowing zero reaction, thus distorting theimpression of the balance of opinion…
Labour’s Newsnight are on the warpath, forcing C4 to justify their expose of life on ‘Benefits Street’.
‘Not a fair representation’ / ‘residents have been misled’, the BBC reports, so trying to undo the damage done. They want to give the BBC’s version of what life is really like.
The left don’t like it up ’em. Already a petition is up-and-running calling for C4 to cancel the programme – lefties show themselves keen to censor stories and control the media in their image – ‘Hacked Off’ in action?
One of the complaints was that C4 portrayed the street at it’s worse – arranging for old furniture to be dumped in the road, for effect.
I’d invite you all to take a look at James Turner Street on Google Maps…then drag the little Street-view man into the street and see the street as it was when the Street-view camera van drove up the road….you’ll see some of the stars of the show hanging around, the piles of rubbish…and some of the furniture!
PS: And along comes Owen Jones…right on cue
I’ve just been reminded why I never watch Questionable time. I was innocently re tuning my PVR and it started up on BBc1. One of the panel (I assume UKIP) was mid way through a comment about how we have a million unemployed youths it makes no sense to flood the market with foreign labour. Forgetting for a second what I was watching I thought yes I’ve been saying that. I was brought rapidly to earth by the near silence that followed. One of the audience then started the many surveys prove immigration is of benefit to us. My mouthing of bollocks! was drowned by the thunderous applause from the completely random and unbiased (I’m sure crowd). That’s when my thumb hit the off button.
I too accidentally found Question Time on the box. Chukka Yermoney was spouting off and said “living wage”. Suddenly the audience erupted into applause. Almost as if they’d been told that was their cue to clap.
I actually looked up the EU survey which the bBC used on its News website to prove that immigration is good for the UK. Nothing of the sort:
1) It showed that its costs the country billions to treat these people on the NHS, a cost that nobody wants to contrast agasint the so caleld billions these people put in.
2) Then there’s all the other hidden costs, schooling, translation, benefits (Did anybody see the bBC program on immigration the other night, they had a East European couple claiming benefits on a falsehood and when pressed they said they would tell the truth, 9 months later they still hadn’t and the bBC didn’t bother to report this fact?.
2) then there’s the cost which can’t be counted the rise in intolerance in the UK due to so many third worlders allowed to come to the UK and enrich our streets by continuing their third world practices.
Gun Crime,
Cashpoint crime
Metal crime
and the luvies tell me its fucking racist to mention this.
QT was a complete waste of time last night. The audience had clearly been stacked with lefties to ensure every comment from the UKIP panelist was met with an icy silence, whilst every idiocy uttered by the Labour panelist was greeted with rapturous applause. I don’t think the engineered bias of the program makers has ever been apparent with such obviousness as it was in last night’s wretched edition.
Completely agree, ive never seen qt more blatantly biased. Disgraceful.
Only in the UK, where after years of leftwing propaganda we come to this:
Terrorist training could carry life prison sentence
Extremists who undertake terrorism training could face life in prison under a new government proposal. The life terms would replace current 14-year maximum sentences for activities including weapons training and making or possessing explosives.
Ministers are also considering automatic life sentences for anyone convicted of a second serious terrorism offence,
A second serious terrorist offence bBC? what do we do for the first?
Bit pointless – after the first IED all that’s left is to pick up the pieces.
bBC shouts out:
Mr Umunna added that he was the son of an immigrant, and immigration had been good for the country.
Ever heard of too much of a good thing yer champagne fucking socialists
“All people want is a system that is properly controlled and managed, and more work needs to be done on that,
And yet who opened the doors to the UK in 1997?
He said he had “met with a number of them this week” and “they are very open to that [idea] if we constructively engage with them, instead of saying, ‘Hey, do what we want otherwise we are going to walk off.'”
And in Spain, Italy,Germany and France. They do as they please and say fuck the EU, only one country implements to a higher degree every EU diktat and that is the UK. It is just like how Israel is used as a punch bag by the Islamic world in which to hide their problems . Oh look:
Meanwhile, a senior EU official accused British ministers of stoking fears about immigration.
Viviane Reding, vice-president of the European Commission, said the figures showed it was a “myth” the UK was being invaded by foreigners, and suggested the rhetoric was designed to draw attention away from the real problems the UK was facing.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
So, Mr Harrabin, flooding is not caused by Global Warming/Climate change but poor drainage. This morning at 08.00 on the today programme (R4) there was an article stating that a levy (no pun intended) would be put on the sale price of houses built on flood plains. This levy (no pun intended) was to make the builders of such houses build flood prevention measures such as soak a ways. The article then went on to describe why we get flooding, such like concrete drives which replaced the natural soak a way, natural earth. Always, without doubt, Mr Harrabin has attributed flooding to Climate Change, but now he is stating that it is because we have roofs and concrete drives on and around our houses. Well, Mr Harrabin, who would have thought that? The article was all going so well without any mention of Climate change but then in his closing sentence it all went pear shaped, when he stated (with no evidence) that the measures that the environment agency need to put in place might not happen because of the “massive” job cuts at the agency. “Massive” Mr Harrabin? This is one dangerous fellow and needs to be brought to book sharpish. It is now the job cuts that will create flooding.
Stark contrast in Davis’s treatment of pro-referendum Dodds & pro-gravy train Mandelson on “Today”. Dodds could hardly get a word in edgeways as Davis continually talked over him, wanting, for a reason known only to the beeboid, to be told how Dodds would vote in a referendum in 2017. Mandelson was at his most imperious & waffled at length on his own agenda. Davis just drooled silently.