The BBC have covered the story of the little Afghan girl who was detained wearing a suicide vest in southern Afghanistan, I happened to catch BBC Today early this morning, before 7am. John Humphrys introduced the item by asking the BBC correspondent IF this story could really be true. It’s as if he couldn’t believe how wicked these dark age savages really are and preferred to imply this was black propaganda deployed by the Afghan Government.
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It all fits with the Beeboid Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET mantra of 2008.
Supporting the enemy.
Any chance of Yasmin Alibhi-Brown wearing a suicide vest?
Any chance of that Lobster? I would strap it on her myself, make her walk into the labour party conference and set it off by remote. Every person in that venue could be arraigned as a traitor, and would hope each one of the bastards gets a ball bearing or nail each, they richly deserve it, i am past caring about human suffering where they are concerned.
“Social networks, INCLUDING Blogs, should be about debate, engagement, vigorous disagreement and agreement but not threats, not menace. I hope others who engage in such activity get what is their due, under due process! Hope you all agree.”
Well, do you all agree?
You’re not that “schitzo half wit who will undoubtedly read this” are you?
Say its not so
Who was he threatening or menacing?
“Afghanistan’s Karzai frees from prison 88 jihadists who killed and maimed Western forces”
See what i mean? Time for wishy washy sentiments is at an end. Napalm, thousands of gallons of it, burn their black hearts out.
jo brand could have one if they do one XXXXL
Not in her size they don’t.
The blubber would contain any explosion.
I for one can’t wait for the day that the bBCs pet Taliban decided to rape and then behead their film crew.
we cant civilse people who still want to live in the 7 th century,they dont like us and we dont like them,we lost the war simple as that because those poor soldiers could not even fire back at the taliban in fear of coming before some war crimes tribunial,a pox on all you politcians who has never fired a rifle in your life but sent are boys and girls into that lugworm of a country to be slaughtered by these child rapers and beheaders of old men and women,i despise you all.
Well said Stuart
“If the Taliban retake control of Afghanistan, blame Obama”
By Con Coughlin .
(and blame Obama’s supporters, inc Beeboids).
The BBC has often portrayed the Taliban (and all Islamic extremists for that matter) as little more than a joke, dysfunctional faction of wacky but benign peoples who we’re attacking on their home turf, or in the case of Qatada/Hamza, somehow wrong to want to extradite. And yet, they take the very reason they’re so erratic and dangerous to begin with – i.e. religious fundamentalism – deadly seriously, giving disproportionate air time to bigoted Islamic spokesmen and women on seemingly a daily basis.