I see the BBC is giving maximum publicity to the ..ahem…breakthrough story that a footballer that many people will have never even heard of and who is essentially retired from football, has confirmed he is gay. I‘m not sure what this has to do with football but the BBC never misses a chance to advance the gay lobby agenda.
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I’m sure that if lardarse nolan wasn’t feeding the machines in vegas with our beeb tax then he would be over this like a rash.
He sure loves the gay interest stuff for some reason.
Strange how come he has never been linked to any female company,one would think the gold diggers would be over him like a rash.
Yes I could not belveive that this was a top news item. The BBC is sickening, everything is agenda driven, it is so limited and repetative. Surely a large part of the audience is smelling a rat and is growing tired of the short list of favourite topics and wondering what else they could spend £145 on.
Interestingly – the BBC were ready and folowed this item with a warm statement of support for the footballer from the labour minister for sport. So that was two boxes ticked in one news program .
“I‘m not sure what this has to do with football
Well, let’s just add this to the ever-growing list of “things that David Vance is too dense to understand, and on which Biased BBC commenters make him look knowledgeable by comparison”.
in the history of professional football, the number of players who have come out as gay is still in single figures. Granted, this means that they outnumber the number of TUV candidates elected to positions of responsibility – for which we must eternally thank the people of Northern Ireland for demonstrating some semblance of common sense, for who would wish such idiots on anybody? – but it’s still a very rare occurrence and therefore newsworthy.
yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
with the arts and entertainment business full of arse bandits it should be headline news when someone who works in the media, especially for the BBC, comes out at being straight.
“In the history of professional football, the number of players who have come out as gay is still in single figures… – but it’s still a very rare occurrence and therefore newsworthy.”
Homosexual horses must be pretty rare too, I expect that is why we need a third series?
It would be more newsworthy if someone at the BBC “came out ” as hetrosexual.
You are an an occassional blockhead Scott…but a welcome one in this case.
Sport…and football…are among the most homoerotic activities that exist.
Hugging, kissing, biting each other…and worrying about the thigh muscles and groin strains of younger men, as you yourself widen the stripes on your £80 silky marketing board of a “shirt”…well, how gay can you go?
Hoops are much kinder to the “larger gentleman in Row 109, seat D(cost £65).
No Scott-we KNOW it`s gay, homoerotic sublimations by a load of tribal twerps with more money that sense.
It`s the BBCs ongoing “search for a star” (Justin Fashanu Momorial Award) that cheeses me off…Graeme Le Saux this morning on Radio 4?…well I`ll be!
It`s the agenda Scott-not the “Silly Games” that fuss us!
Ex pro tells us he`s gay from the Brennau Pass..oh, what a good rebellion eh Scott?
If you`re yet to work out what the BBCs perpetual agenda and nagging Nancies and Jeremys are up to?…then I`d be surprised.
Wonder who the first gangland drug star(Reggie Kray Memorial Award) will be?…was Mark Duggans auntie ever asked THAT from the BBC?
All those dyed beards at the Mosque too?…will the BBC be asking Anjem about the possible gay roots of Islamic Fundi bombings etc?…until they do Scott, let`s say little and read across only when they do so!
Happy New year though!
You’re so obviously gay Chris.
Maybe at 55 years old, I might get that first England cap…Graham Taylor missed me out because I was pushing a buggy at the time.
I think I am gay today…so look out for me with Gary Richardson sometime next week
No-scotch that…the caps colour is so 2013, and I`m not wearing it with THESE boots…that OK?
Errrr, ahem……cripes……….. I’d like to make it very clear that Chris’s first sentence doesn’t refer to me.
But Scott, fitba is for them nasty common white folks – (copywrite BBC Sport) . Why would any gay male associated themselves with it?
“in the history of professional football, the number of players who have come out as gay is still in single figures”
That may be because homosexuals only represent about 1.5% of general population
The BBC seems to believe it’s remit involves promoting minority interests and lifestyles, and pushing a ‘tolerance’ agenda.
Yes a relatively high profile footballer coming out is worthy of a mention of the news, but it was pushed very hard. As the original post said, that’s because in the eyes of BBC editors, furthering the gay rights agenda (as they see it) is part of the job.
even david cameron tonight has congratulted this man tonight for coming out as gay,give me a break prime minister and sort out the economy man,what the hell is going on in this country,i have nothing against gays in fact i have got many gay freinds,but what i dont like is this miltitant gay mafia that works in the media like peter thatchell,patrick strudwick,stonewall etc who appear on radio 5 live and stephen nolans show with this arrogant self superior leftist attitude,as a straight man i am beginning to feel inferiors at the moment in this country,many of you might feel the same.
Because they, apparently, are the “New Normal”…
Shock news a member of Arsenal Ladies football team has admitted that she sleeps……with a man!
And what`s this I hear about Julian Dicks and Razor Ruddock having once been married and with families?
Ooh…dish the dirt Beebs!
It seems to me that we must get a daily ration of either Islam or gay related issues even though both demographics are apparently tiny minorities, certainly gays are. Why so much coverage? Are there no other issues that are more important? Top BBC priorities Black Islam Gay or BIG Perhaps that explains Nicks The Big Questions
Gay, black Islam?
True…but the BBC have yet to draw us the Venn diagram for this array of identity hustlers.
And have yet to tell us whether the groups mingle nicely over the BBC canapes in the Nelson Milk-Qatada Suite before broadcast!
Anjem Choudhury getting his pubes dyed by Gok Wan for Red Pubes day?…be worth a charity appeal, money to the Duggan Family for community cohesion work?
We’ve had both tonight south-eastern news feel that prime time news is that, two homosexuals who believed that they were first in the queue for a gay marriage in Brighton have had their dream of being queens for a day snatched away from them
Apparently their special day will no longer be as special now that they wont go down in the history books. No question over whether their desire for a narcissistic pantomime degrades the institution of marriage
Then on the one show John Sargent shamelessly shills for a Muslim owned groom- sorry I mean fried chicken outlet (Chicken Cottage)
He heads up by telling us that most high-street takeaway chains are the invention of the evil Americans ( he almost spits the word American) but that fortunately there his home grown alternative . It started as a halal alternative for Muslims ,but the real breakthrough came when they decided to hide the halal part in a secret symbol I their logo ,no question over the morality of deliberately obfuscating the nature or source of the produce used ( imagine if that were McDonalds) And of course they didn’t go to the Evil banks for start up .No they use a franchise system that would make Fagin blush or Anne Robinson come out in the daylight .Avuncular John couldn’t see a problem with it despite his normal hatred of commercial usury. I could watch no more
Agenda what Agenda?
‘Chicken Cottage’ sounds like a Tatchell wet dream.
One of the oddest BBC ‘set ups’ was a while back in the Summer when the BBC managed to get an interview with an official from the World Cup (Fiasco) FIFA Championship Quatar stadium manager (we meet a respectable young arabic Football enthusiast – very polite and speaking very good English) he welcomed the mixed age group of children and ‘older’ BBC (balding middle aged) journalist. Whilst the children asked about the Stadium ‘heat exhausation’ and stadium facilities etc. The BBC journalist launched straight into BBC script and asked ‘… and what about my gay rights…’ (rudely ignoring the children and TV child audience). The rest of the interview was basically about his arrogant BBC ‘gay rights’ agenda. It was too embarrassing to watch this cretin portrayed on children’s TV as ‘Sports News’. Why do the BBC do this, if it is not ‘propaganda’?