Well, the jury has decided that London gangster Mark Duggan was lawfully killed. BBC coverage to date seems massively on the side of Duggan’s “Fu*k the Police” supporters. Thoughts?
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Well, the jury has decided that London gangster Mark Duggan was lawfully killed. BBC coverage to date seems massively on the side of Duggan’s “Fu*k the Police” supporters. Thoughts?
Shame these police weren’t the ones that came to the woolwich incident.
Have to say even,the radio 2 news report was bias, seems the bbc are definitely looking to incite a riot.
Indeed they are: “What have the police learnt from the riots?” “The community” – particularly “young blacks most likely to be stopped and searched” – says “nothing much has changed”. Best have another riot then.
Meanwhile, Pamela Duggan is no doubt on her way to the House of Lords.
I imagine any copper doing stop and search wants to maximise his chances of finding something untoward. In which case stopping young black men seems eminently sensible.
Black yobs and thugs behave like animals running around shooting and stabbing each other – police to blame for not doing enough to stop it. BBC on the case.
Police impose stop and search on black yobs and thugs to seize guns and knives. Deaths in black “community” due to black on black crime reduces. Black muggers and thieves upset at “heavy handed” policing – police to blame for “alienating” black “community” – police to blame for alienating black “yoof”. BBC on the case.
Police scale back stop and search on black yobs and thugs to seize guns and knives.
Black yobs and thugs behave like animals running around shooting and stabbing each other – police to blame for not doing enough to stop it. BBC on the case.
With Peerage.
BBC in full-on Black Power propaganda mode. I see the obligatory and ubiquitous rent-a-lefty mob had skipped arts and crafts lectures to hurl foul abuse at the police outside court. Might I suggest water cannon?
heh, heh. yeah, I was waiting for the camera to pick up some ‘hope not hate’ banners, or that other lot, UAF. You know as well as i do they were out of shot. They were there, no doubt. There was some white woman in the middle of it all doing a ‘black power’ salute. Who was she?
But realise this is all the result of Evil Tory Cutz.
Wonderful news. These officers must now be rewarded and promoted.
The BBC treated me to the sound of a screaming mob shouting down a police officer. Thee BBC gave us the whole speach – drowned out by a screaming group of ‘supporters’. For amout three minutes. I couldn’t make a word out but thet wasn’t the point was it.
Perhaps the BBC can explain how the anger of the Duggan family is so much worse than the anger of the relatives of the – daily – victims of London ‘Trident’ crimes.
Isn’t it ironic that the criminal ‘community’ has had some sort of epiphany with respect to justice. As strong exponants of law and order clearly they have never meted out any justice of their own have they. Nobody gunned down in the streets, no six year old girls shot in the head by accident and left to die in a convenience store – where were the screaming mobs there demanding ‘Justice’ there. What about a pensioner beaten to death for putting out a fire during a re-distribution riot – did the community scream at the judge then?
The BBC is impervious to irony
Mind you the Met does have a ‘form’ doesn’t it – even as far back as Blair Peach they have been ‘tasty’ with their shooters
Blair Peach wasn’t shot, he was hit (no doubt deservedly) on the head with a truncheon (or perhaps a personal radio) by a member of the then SPG….
Did you mean Michael(?) Waldorf, the bloke in the mini, pretending to be some villain, whose name I forget, to throw off the filth?
With you all the way until the last sentence. Mr Peach was bashed on the head with a blunt object, possibly by the Cops, and possibly by his own side. He was not shot.
A thin skull as I remember , what was the name of the Guardian journalist that got riddled with bullets while acting as a decoy for a notorious gangster?
Given his propensity to far left extremist politics in New Zealand before he deigned to come to the UK and join the Socialist Workers Party, and then on arrival here to continue to organise extremist far left violence on the streets of Britain suggests a thick head to me.
Funny how he was always photographed at the back of crowds egging them on. I wonder if the SPG carrier had been deliberately deployed to the rear of the rabble specifically to target him.
See above…. Michael Waldorf, though he was always described as a “film editor”, I recall.
The very same , but at the time ( when Guardian crime reporters seemed to spend more time in some spieler with a load of blaggers than in court ) I seem to remember that Mr Waldorf had some tie in with the Guardian and was researching a ‘billy rags’ type book with David Martin.( the escaped armed robber who Mr Waldorf was acting decoy for and to whom he bore an uncanny resemblance )
I was shocked at how pro Mark Duggan the BBC were on BBC Radio 4 six o clock news ! Want to cancel my license as a result !
That is forboden citizen
I went TV and licence-free about 9 years ago – since then, I’ve never been better informed, educated and entertained.
I know how you feel – 22 minutes at the start of the 7 o’clock news.
You buy a TV licence!!??
PM was just as bad. I’m only surprised al Beeba didn’t refer to it as ‘Britain’s Trey Marvon’ case. I heard a series of anti-police statements, and no real mention of the facts. Er, isn’t reporting the facts what the media is meant to do? You know, the same facts which convinced a majority of the jury that the killing was lawful, not what his mum thought of him. Shameful, exploitative, emotional, inciting, unbalanced news reporting, so that’ll be ‘about right’ according to the BBC’s lights.
The police shot an unarmed man, they made a mistake. A mistake that, in my opinion at least, was more reasonable and understandable than the several ‘mistakes’ made by the BBC regarding Jimmy Savile, which the Beeb’s wide-eyed defenders claim is no more than “bad crisis management” or “questionable editorial judgement.” I know it’s not a fair comparison in context but I have more faith that the police were acting in better faith in shooting a known violent offender with a history of firearms in the heat of the moment than a media conglomerate covering/failing to investigate a child molester for DECADES then smearing an innocent Tory peer when the pressure was put on them.
He who lives in glass houses etc.
Mark Duggan wanted to live like a gangster . We’ll he died like one .
Complain to the bBC, it will take all of 5 minutes.
Sadly, this verdict appears to have coincided with that of the coroner regarding the suicide of the policeman blinded in another firearms-related incident.
That the BBC (if in dire company looking at the phrasing of too many MSM reports) seems to be erring on the side of those who feel carrying guns is just fine until the moment of deadly intent discharge, they may like to ponder the decisions officers face when confronting armed thugs.
It has been pointed out to me else where, that there is an interesting comparison to be made between the death of Mark Duggan and that of Lee Rigby.
In the demeanour of their family’s, in the reaction of their respective communities but mostly in the style and editorial nature of the reporting by the media in general and the BBC in particular
As I say the inflammatory nature of the BBC’s reporting has been noted elsewhere in either
Is the BBC not afraid of policeophobia and an anti-police backlash?
Nor do they believe that Mr Duggan was a victim of the Noonan drug cartels foreign policy
R4 news just after 5 keen to emphasise that the jury was split; there is doubt, you see? I wonder if the black people went one way and the whites the other?
Keep stirring the pot.
Got to love the bBC in its attempt to start a riot:
Mark Duggan ‘did not need to die’ – witness
The only known member of the public to witness the death of Mark Duggan has told BBC News that he believes the police did not need to shoot him.’Witness B’ gave evidence anonymously to the inquest after witnessing the shooting from a flat overlooking the scene in Tottenham, north London. He told the inquest that Mr Duggan was not holding a gun and he was executed.
This is followed much later in the article by:
Although he was more than 100 metres away, he said his angle of vision gave him a clear view of the scene – and he was adamant that the suspect was not holding a gun.
Hands up those who shoot on a regular basis? Why, that means me? At 100 metres I can hit a figure 12 target.
At 100 metres you can’t see any detail, which is why they paste a white patch in the centre of the target and get you to try and hit the centre. (oh BTW I can still hit a fig 12 target at 500 metres with iron sights) Yet this geezer who was looking down at a man dressed in black running away from him (watch the video) 100 metres away is allowed to wind up the poor black victims of London (You know the type those who Op Trident was designed for) in rioting in which to express their anger.
The bBC controller should be jailed for this.
Pounce, I’ve spent hundreds of hours stood on the firing point coaching marksmanship (RMQ) and it’s clear that the average civvy view of handling weapons is what they see on TV and in films and not real life .
Just trawled through various media and the common theme is bafflement at how the jury could find Duggan wasn’t holding a gun but wasn’t shot illegally.
Allow me to explain:
If the policeman who fired the shot genuinely believed he was in danger and his own life was at risk he was entitled to shoot.
Easy, see?
I am sorry – but that argument is just too complex for lefties – rather like asking them what is 9 X 6.
24 – Ani fule nows that.
80% of the jury understood
Dumb dumb Duggan could have been saved if only he’d not discarded his gun, put his hands up and allowed the firearm to be found by an officer.
Instead he played a deadly game in which he ended up with a fatal bullet hole.
Appalled that R5 Live, this evening, ignored the Jury’s verdict who, having carefully considered ALL of the evidence that they heard throughout the duration of the inquest, found that Duggan was lawfully killed
Instead Five Live, in order to cast doubt on the outcome, disrespectfully treat us to an exclusive interview with a ‘witness’ – who it would seem the jury did not believe.
Apologies Pounce – this was the creep that you were referring to.
Its like the death of Nissen Main dealer again. All the bBC wants to talk about is the death if a half black thug. Then I switched off the telly and turned to my kindle. (since then I must have read over 30 books) I have just charged it up again.
Oh and that so called black witness, the bBC had him on but blacked out his face, why is he scared the police are going to slot him.
Newsnight, Fatty Abbott and some black guy with a mohawk complaining about Police brutality . TPO sums it up to a tee with his post above.
On the news the bBC interview people on the streets of Narth Landan about how so many blacks get stopped by the Old Bill. Err hang on has anybody reported to the non London public just how Non-White that area is? Maybe there lies a bloody good reason why so many blacks get stopped and lets be bloody serious here.
Since 9/11 (2001) more young blacks have been killed by Blacks in London than British soldiers in Afghanistan.
I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention that salient fact
The odious racist Abbott said on Newsnight that it wasn’t for MPs to second guess a jury. But she earlier tweeted:
Diane Abbott MP ✔ @HackneyAbbott
If the #duggan jury believe that he did not have a gun in his hand when he was shot, how can they find it was a lawful killing? #baffled
The clueless Paxman and Lefty Editor Catz clearly thought that it wasn’t worth challenging Abbott on this?
Watching some daft bint (Elizabeth Day) on the Sky Paper review tonight (she writes for the Observer), who has just said that Duggan was murdered.
It’s clear that the BBC are aligning with the wider left and refuse to accept the jury’s verdict.
But aren’t you excited that Paxo has shaved his beard off ? Right there on the front page of whatever-we-call-the-replacement-for-Ceefax-which-is-actually-a-lot-worse this morning, I kid you not.
“But aren’t you excited that Paxo has shaved his beard off ?”
Excited? No.
But his colleagues inside the bunker may get a bit nervous if it turns out this has extended to his whole body.
Newsnight: Let’s Abbott on to show her disgust at “Stop and Search.”
Why don’t these trolls accept that there are times when the police have reasonable grounds to stop and search. And this case had very reasonable grounds – Duggan had a weapon.
Just had a gander over at the old Newsnight twitter slipway to see how Katzy is doin’ fielding the weary distain from the last few viewers clinging to the wreckage his great helmsmanship has wrought, but it would appear that Newsnight has again shown the future of BBC news by reporting in what I presume is Arabic. Which is unique indeed. Not sure which nation they have been moved to speak for in this way.
Anybody remember PC Blakelock?
Where did that happen?
where’s all the praise for the lawyers that convicted this gangsta scumbag?
convicted is the wrong word, should have said convinced a jury that the police acted lawfully in ridding our streets of a gangsta scumbag
The BBC is just so predictable in the way it slants news coverage. All contributors to this site knew that the BBC would be reporting the Duggan story from a particular view pint and they didn’t disappoint.
After decades of living with the BBC bias and having their liberal left point of view thrust down my throat on a daily basis , I have to report that I long ago reached a point where their propaganda has an inverse effect on me. So now, even if Duggan was the nice chap executed by a Facist police officer that the BBC are saying, I simply wouldn’t believe a word of it. In fact I have become conditioned to disbelieve EVERYTHING that the BBC says. It really is as though they broadcast in Doublespeak.
Interesting point made on Sky this morning by Eamon Holmes when he said; “Lets not forget that Duggan was rated as the 48th most dangerous criminal in Europe.”
He interrupted another far left journalist on the news review weeping about the verdict. He also pointed out to said journalist the outrage of viewers at the behaviour outside the court to this decision.
The media, including the BBC, are increasingly becoming stranded in their bubble of isolation and when the masses of ordinary good people rise up against these animals and themselves they will be praying for police protection.
Like Mr. Clarkson, beneath the establishment comfort zone and often retreat to daft jocularity, Mr. Holmes on occasion discovers his inner journalist of integrity, and can be quite devastating. And he’s also pretty equal opportunity when he does.
I wish he’d do it more. Facts, well-wielded, are impressive if used properly.
Agree entirely. As you say, he’s not entirely reliable but when something bothers him, he won’t let go.
This was one of the few occasions in the last 24 hours when the commonsense of the general, non-ghetto public was reflected.
Ignoring the psychotic, and those with a racial axe to grind (not mutually exclusive), how many people seriously believe that an armed criminal should be given the benefit of the doubt in the heat of the moment simply because, by some slight of hand, he has managed to rid himself of the weapon at the last moment? How many people would take that chance?
His fate was in-keeping with his chosen lifestyle. Good riddance.
R5 Live Your Call so bloody predictable. How the hell has some old Doris no mark been given air time for the last HALF AN HOUR to basically spout and shout “Executed” over every call, so many hard done by callers from “The Community” (or should that be Ghetto?) That was just a complete hour of “Black Power” Bollocks!
5Live and Campbell and their very very very worst. Can someone tell me what a community leader is? I don’t have one, at least not that I’m aware. Someone really needs to do something about 5L.
Listening to Vanessa Feltz on BBC Radio London. She is actually doing a decent job by talking commonsense. Lots of idiot callers who are given too much airtime, but also a fair smattering of realists too. Feltz is at least not following the BBC victim meme. Lot’s of amateur firearms experts in London. I don’t think I’ll ever go there again.
“Lot’s of amateur firearms experts in London.”
Not confined to London. Unfortunately, firearms are like cars and power tools, 90% of blokes are “experts”.
Could it be that Feltz actually lives in London, and the Beeboids in Salford think they are safe all the way oop North?
The last bout of riots never made it as far as Wilmslow
It used to be the case that you were more likely to be shot in Nottingham than in London (and no I don’t mean in Robin Hood times). Whether that is still the case, I don’t know.
Salford incidentally, is not a soft area – I certainly wouldn’t live there if I had a choice.
I have just had to e mail VD’s show to ask if there would be the same coverage by the BBC if the alleged gangster was white and didn’t have the victim status he obviously has due to his ethnicity. I also felt the need to ask why there is a black police association. I will of course get no reply or explanation but I at least got a bit of frustration of my chest. I now await the arrival of the thought police to kick in my door.
Shame the police didn’t take care of Dale Cregan in a similar fashion before he slaughtered all those people. But then all the hypocrites couldn’t shed their crocodile tears for Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone. Funny you don’t hear Cregan’s family balling about injustice.
Philip Lawrence, Gary Newlove, Rhys Jones, Fiona Pilkington, Keith Blakelock, David Rathbone? James Bulger/Ralph and Denice, Winnie Johnson
What of them?…white trash, scummy areas, wrong place, wrong time, coppers had it coming guv, get over it, get on wiv yer lives willyer?
Now then, now then
Raoul Moat(Moaty), Osama Bin Laden, Harry Stanley, Mark Duggan, Michael Adebowale, Michael Adebolajo, Blair Peach,
…martyrs to the fascist police state, good livings for Cherie and Co, ECHR, ferment the revolution from our beds…yada yada.
One team above should have died earlier in a just world, by and large…but the BBC likes its victims dead so they won`t speak…and its murderers very much alive so they can go on “The Reunion” later on.
The other team are expendable beige and vanilla oiks as far as the BBC are concerned…pop their ashes into an old copy of the Sun, and leave it in the white van that will do as a funeral hearse.
No surprise then what the BBC think of Duggan and his “extended family”…had JC De Menezes been dealing drugs or using his trade for sexual jollies or to torture for Duggans chummies…HE`D be still of interest.
And we`d have long lost the Met hierarchy who did rather well out of the BBCs cosy omerta.
The only time the BBC chose NOT to throw their dainty slippers at anybody who DARED to infringe Health and Safety guidelines whilst being operational on a Metropolitan Underground Line!.
But that`s our BBC…for the next month anyway.
When asked about why she cared only about child murderers by way of research(i.e getting a book deal out of them), Gitta Sereny said this
“Dead kids don`t speak…so why would I try to ask anything of them”?
I paraphrase a bit, but that was the gist of it.
No need to ask any further questions of why Duggan matters but his “clients/customer base” did not…any more than why Mary Bells name is in print but the little boys she killed are not remembered(Martin Brown, Brian Howe).
Sereny died a while back to the usual fulsome tributes of the academics and the BBC(Last Word gave her just that-but didn`t quote the gist of what I heard her say on the BBC a few years back).
Maybe we should commission a book by the police officer who rid one street of one possible crime when he lawfully rendered a suspect harmless for the rest of us. If we can suggest a gay link or eco-friendly use of the one bullet or so…maybe the BBC might give us Book of the Week slot eh?
So the consequence of this shooting isn’t to question how obsessed some black people are with guns, but to have cameras attached to armed officers?
Boris Johnson rightly praised the officers with a telling statistic. Out of 1000 incidents involving armed officers only on 6 occassions did they open fire. That’s an amazing 0.6% and not worth diverting police budgets from essential services to mobile CCTV systems.
Good article here from the telegraph. Concise, to the point and highlights the dangerous consequences of politicizing matters such as this case; something the BBC are all too fond of.
I wouldn’t categorise this incident as being especially tragic, except for those whose property and livelihoods were destroyed by the “protesters”.
There a thing. ‘Comments are closed’.
Seems passions can only be inflamed by the media in the correct way.
‘lest we forget in our rush to canonise Duggan’
Not sure many outside certain ivory towers of MSMdom (sounds like an extinct dinosaur) were.
If you think that the BBC coverage was biased and inflamatory then please! please! complain as stated earlier.
Otherwise the only people who hear are those who probably agree anyway.
The link is attached so distribute it freely to friends.
For Beeboids:-
‘Daily Mail’ on Duggan –
“Mark Duggan, the man who lived by the gun: Arms draped around two violent gangsters, the thug whose death sparked riots – but who his family insist was a peacemaker.
“The 29-year-old was one of the most violent gangsters in Europe – and linked to ten shootings and two murders.
“Mark Duggan was repeatedly arrested over a raft of serious crimes, including murder, attempted murder and a range of firearms offences.
“Duggan was also a senior member of The Star Gang, an off-shoot of TMD.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2536197/Mark-Duggan-Arms-draped-two-violent-gangsters-thug-death-sparked-riots.html#ixzz2pugXh0ey
Contrast and compare
Labour Party’s Ms ABBOTT is doing the political rounds, questioning the verdict of the jurors in the Duggan case.
Maybe any media tempted to accept Ms. Abbott’s invitation to appear (assuming they were not the ones who seduced her onscreen to broadcast her interesting views on community cohesion and rule or law, kicking and screaming), may reflect on the facts in the DM piece quoted above?
It may be the next inevitable cause celebre to tickle their fancies, but knee jerk hitching their transmitters, servers or presses to this particular icon may not quite work the same way as did Madiba.
It’s even possible that they are rushing headlong into creating the very clashes they so piously claim they abhor.
Eliot Carver would approve.
Kay Burley, who I’m not generally a fan of, gave the appalling Abbott a rougher than average time on Sky this lunchtime, refusing to accept her claim that she hadn’t criticised the jury’s decision.
Abbott wittering on repeatedly about the wider picture, stop and search of minorities etc. I was dying for Burley to ask why Chinese youth, a less vocal minority, doesn’t seem to run into these difficulties.
Kay ‘You Can’t Say That!’ Burley of Tottenham riots fame?
Gosh, could it be that the hacks at SKY have seen the future and it doesn’t work they way the MSM have been painting it?
I rather hope Ms. Abbott’s roasting continues then, because letting race-hustling MPs whip up riots by challenging due process doesn’t seem a route to community cohesion one little bit.
Don’t know if I’d go as far as “roasting”, just better than what we usually get.
I guess, for the absence of doubt, I should stress my use of the term was a figure of speech, in my day used to describe being held to account to a high degree.
I didn’t hear it, but but being called out on a claim as described does for me qualify given her position.
I’d also imagine the facts are not too hard to ascertain either, for her to be confronted with and explain.
I don’t think MPs can go the FOI exclusion route as easily as the BBC and its staff.
“Justice must never be cowed by the mob”