Mark Mardell is enjoying saying this:
This scandal is hugely damaging – if not yet fatal – for Christie’s ambitions to be the Republican contender for president in 2016”
about this:
Chris Christie apologises for bridge-gridlock scandal
On 9 September, two of three traffic lanes to the George Washington Bridge, which connects New Jersey to Manhattan, were shut for several days.
Emails and texts made public on Wednesday appear to link Ms Kelly to the move.
The move caused traffic chaos in the New Jersey borough of Fort Lee, whose Democratic mayor had declined to back Mr Christie in last autumn’s gubernatorial election.
Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich said the alleged skulduggery was “appalling”….”It’s the example of the pettiest and most venomous side of politics,” he told the Bergen Record newspaper.
No such concerns about ‘petty, venomous politics’ when Labour opened the borders and imported millions of immigrants purely to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’.
Nor indeed any such concerns bout Ken Livingstone’s ‘traffic management schemes’ which deliberately jammed the traffic to give him an excuse to introduce congestion charges:
Hundreds of sets of traffic lights at some of London’s busiest junctions are being secretly altered to increase the time motorists have to wait, according to The Independent on Sunday (p5).
The changes affect as many as 300 traffic lights. After months of suspicion, the body in charge of traffic lights, Transport for London, has now admitted that many have had their red phases increased and the green phase reduced.
Motoring groups say London mayor Ken Livingstone has intentionally created traffic chaos now in order to make his congestion charging scheme more popular when it is introduced in nine months time.
Just how many ambulances and police response vehicles were delayed by Ken’s little games?
Were there any emails or texts or other communications “released” (not illegally acquired, as this is a Republican) from any of Livingstone’s staff about what they were doing? If not, then it’s not quite the same thing.
As for Mardell’s analysis, funny how Mardell doesn’t offer a recommendation as to how Christie can being to repair the damage, like firing the staff member(s). Which he’s now done. Even more pathetic is the way Mardell says nobody is going to want this kind of bully in the White House, but did he ever use such harsh words for the IRS scandal? What about the government shutdown shenanigans? Mardell defended the President there 100% and blamed Republicans entirely for both. He never once blamed his beloved Obamessiah for any of it, nor did he even remotely use such harsh words. The best he could say about the IRS scandal was this:
Not even remotely as critical. And let’s not get started on his duplicity regarding Benghazi or Fast & Furious. But when it’s a Republican, and especially one who is a potential threat to end Progressive Democrat control of the White House (and maybe even the Senate), Mardell is aggressively critical. After all, he is one of the opponents who will delight in Christie’s downfall.
It will be interesting to see if Mardell or any other Beeboid has anything further to say now that Christie has fired the staffer, which means he’s done far more than The Obamessiah has done over His scandals. The only thing He has done is fire a few generals and silence them. Christie has been open and forthright, and acted quickly. The President has behaved in a completely opposite manner, and look how Mardell treats both.
After months of suspicion, the body in charge of traffic lights, Transport for London, has now admitted that many have had their red phases increased and the green phase reduced.
Better that than the other way around………….. ‘OAP Frogger’ tends to get messy very quickly.
king of the biased bbcs porkys mark mardell is loving this story,no mention of obamas screw ups lately from marky boy tonight on bbc news, marky went out of his way on bbc1 tonight way to point out that if you go on you tube there are plenty of clips of christie bullying and shouting down people that have opposed him in the politacal arena,maybe so marky,thats politics,but why dont marky point out that if you want to see politacal nastyness on you tube just flag up clips of joe biden and his nasty little outbursts,marky in new jersey now having such a great time putting the boot into chris christie.
Excellent point, stuart. Similarly, there are dozens of videos on the internet of the Community Organizer-in-Chief haranguing and demonizing His enemies. The disgusting Mardell is inspired by those speeches.
To name just a few examples:
“I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
“We talked to these folks because they potentially had the best answers so I know whose ass to kick.”
“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry. What I want to do, though, is channel our anger in a constructive way.”
Within a year, the IRS began targeting Tea Party groups and others with certain unapproved words in their title. But Mardell will never, ever blame his beloved Obamessiah for creating that thuggish culture like he’s doing now with Christie. In fact, the BBC’s US President editor defended Him. Mardell is a partisan hack who deserves no respect.
(Spoken in a phony Southern accent which Mardell and all Beeboids would mock relentlessly if anyone else did it) “I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talkin’. I just want them to get out of the way.”
I’d link to video of VP Biden telling an audience of black people that Republicans “want to put you all chains”, but Mardell and most likely all other BBC journalists would just agree with that wholeheartedly and wouldn’t see it as anything untoward.
This is the kind of violent, extremist rhetoric community organizers do. This is what the President does. He (and Valerie Jarrett) have created this culture. Yet Mardell has not only looked the other way for the last five years but worked to defend Him against most charges. So it looks very petty and highly partisan for Mardell to suddenly condemn Christie for it.
Like Justin Webb before him, though, Mardell will probably get a promotion for his efforts. It’s the BBC way. He’s scum.
The link to the USA/Canada part of the website is fair enough but WHY was this part of the hourly BBC Radio 2 news? One of only 4 or 5 items in the whole UK news bulletin.
Its so sweet that you think they should care about what the public wants. 🙂 They live in the media bubble and are obsessed with US politics, especially since Christie is considered a front-runner for the Republican nomination and thus an obstacle to President-in-waiting Hillary, whom many Beeboids consider to be:
Their worship of The Obamessiah will never be equaled by anything else, of course, but the fawning over Hillary is going to be sickening enough.
Re Christie, BBC following their bedfellows: