On the BeebScale-is this silence or applause?
Is this thirty seconds of reflection or a weeks free surfing in CaPe Town(nice white bit, not the horrid black bits on the suburbs of course).
I`d ask Jon Snow about this-but he`s on Mustique with Alan Duncan, but near enough to Haiti to send the drinks boy , should it get a bit iffy somewhere black n funky>
For now-one minutes applause at your footy match later…I`ll pass this on to the Amir later on!
That`s not a suggestion-that`s an order!
Imposing passion and compassion on the chavs since 1997_The Grief Thief Team(BBC)
The only mention of his virulent Jew hatred is associated with a single poem, one about 9/11? What a shock. He used the term “Israelis” to describe World Trade Center workers who supposedly were warned in advance. So it’s a clear case of conflating Israelis with all Jews everywhere, just as the BBC is wont to do when they’re not being careful. It’s rather dishonest for the BBC to present it the way they have.
Of course, the beliefs he expressed probably aren’t considered controversial at the BBC (they know some people don’t agree, but that’s not the same thing), so they didn’t think to mention all the rest of his violent anti-Jewish rhetoric. I remain convinced that many BBC staff believe the Jews were somehow responsible for or connected to 9/11.
Yes, he once married a Jewess, back when he was just an extreme-Left poet names LeRoi Jones, but her religion and culture was Marxism. He later claimed that he wasn’t anti-Semitic, only anti-Zionist, again in common with many at the BBC.
Curiously, there is no mention of his homophobia, or that his daughter was homosexual, which was most likely the reason for her murder. Shame, BBC.
I’m trying to find some other examples of his lovely violent rhetoric against Jews, but search engines seem to be trying to send that down the memory hole so everyone thinks it’s just about that one poem. Granted, some of his early hatred stemmed from unfortunately real experience with Jewish slumlords in black neighborhoods. That is a sick stain on the Jewish community in certain big cities (one in NYC was murdered last week). But he went way, way beyond that and wrote verse about beating up Jewish women and other things.
Strange that?
If I wanted to put a cake stall out to raise a few quid for David Rathbone-or any charity that helped the victims of the likes of Raoul Moat in any capacity-I`d have to go crawling up the legs of a Hogan Howe, suck up to the likes of Lammy and Abbott, Grant or Shoesmith to get all necessary “stiff`kits” , public liability insurances, routes to be taken, pavement furniture exemptions…let alone `”elf n safety” clearance in twenty languages to satisfy both Haringey and Langdale Police Station Community advisers via Seven Sisters Road…and absolutely NOWHERE near Black Boy Lane…no sirree!
And-after all that I`d be refused…Saturday Afternoons, the Yid Army, Baddiels Rolls Royce may not have blinds or tinted windows…and ” a provocation or a threat to community coehesion”…but of course Bernie, sorry to have mentioned the death of one of your own.
Investors in People eh?
But…BUT…if a jury doesn`t say what is wanted, if the High Court/Old Bailey fails to deliver up a few fuzz for ritual dismbowelment to the “family” of the Duggan Community..and if the BBC/Guardian/Indie/Owen?Lee Jasper
Channel 4/ Ken would like a re-run od the Duggan Referendum in their very own “Starr Chamber”…AND hog the High Road, White Hart Lane to ensure that we celebrate the life of the likes of wee Mark or Honest Roaul…well, just go ahead there Auntie Slap!…two days notice is just fine, will bring closure and cohesion..a fitting vigil for a vigilante who “dun gud n luvved his kidz 2 bitz, y`all”
Sorry to go on-basically the BBC are meremy telling us all to “do a Delia” as they do…c`mon Plod…come n `ave a go if yer fink yer `ard enuff”!
That`s been the BBCs take since Wednesday-only hope a few Beeboids get the blowback on their way home later…they`ll not ALL be in Salford what wiv the footy n all, and Tristrams need to get some blow for next week at the Bush!
Think you`ll find that the comp-edukayted sums munky at UNITE/Stop the War coalition counted it as 20,000…at least!
Can`t imagine they were allowed to fly their EU helicopter overhead to confirm this…can only guess that the SNP are still sticking their “Yes to Braveheart” stuff over the Glasgow Budgie and hoping it may yet fly again.
Connolly will need it so he can get from Prestwick to the Clyde to do that benefit, he surely will want to do.
His people need him! LA can cope a few days without his side-splitting swearing.
From another thread “BBC is reporting a vigil being held for Mark Duggan. If you google “duggan mark vigil” BBC news is the ONLY report of this event. What’s the better question, why is the BBC reporting this, or why is no-one else reporting it?”
I heard on R4 that Ariel Charon has died, in a report that went out of it’s way to mention the Palestinian view of him as ‘The Butcher of Beirut’.
Well, maybe he was, but I don’t recall many uses of the word ‘Terrorist’ in the unending eulogizing of Mandela we recently had to suffer through. Balanced when it suits them, eh?
Noted that too.
Mans hardly been dead a few hours before the BBC umma refer to him as a butcher(Kevin Connnolly).
Don`t recall Terreblanches friends and supporters asked what THEY thought of Mandela before he`d even reached the mortuary.
But than that`s the Godawful, God-hating BBC for ya.
Ariel Sharon is probably in the eyes of his critics guilty of the same unforgivable sin that Margaret Thatcher committed. That sin is to be successful.
The BBC obituary begins “Ariel Sharon was known as The Bulldozer: a larger-than-life, blustering figure who came to dominate the domestic political scene as much by his sheer physical presence as by his rhetoric.” So, he was blustering (lacked substance) and dominated like a bully by his physical bulk and like a rabble rouser by his rhetoric. That’s the BBC getting it ‘about right’ again I suppose.
And-like Thatcher-he WON the big wars, and was a patriot.
Reasons enough to be forever hated by the spineless, quisling Global Axis of Weevil that is the Left, the BBC and the broadsheets.
He`ll be in the arms of the angels now…the BBC continues its downward spiral to the lowest circle of heel, sure as any New York tenements disposal chute.
He`s “divisive”…which is surely what we`ll all be wanting on our tombstones now.
Mandelson, Kinnock…they`ll be uniting figures then at the BBC? Hollande and Ashton too?
Sounds like he was a robust SOB of the first magnitude.
If one who saw putting his country first.
Which maybe was no bad thing to have when there were, are and will be those surrounding it with a history and in some cases ongoing commitment to its obliteration.
Given such threats, it would be interesting to see whether any looking down the barrel of their annihilation would still be kenner on some goof who has devoted their political career to seeming like a nice guy.
I for one tend not to vote for engaging dinner party guests. I prefer leaders who see leadership as a path that is often incompatible with the faux niceties of the cocktail circuit.
Ariel Sharon has died, I await the BBC changing schedules for coverage, running this as first story on all bulletins, allowing only Mr Sharon’s most fervent supporters airtime, just as they did for that other “statesman” who died recently. Oh wait, they;ve already put the “palestinian” view on the obituary…..
Nope they’re glorying in attacking the Christian militias who apparently carried out a couple of massacres at refugee camps. They even went so far as to dig up some archive copy of the reports at the time.
No blame for any of the Muslims, and they certainly didn’t drag out the old news copy of Nelson Mandelas terrorist atrocities!
Now that the Liebour party is moaning over the price Royal Fail was sold for, and saying the government was incompetent. They seem to have very short memories, because Gordon Clown managed to dispose of our Gold assets for a quarter of what they were later worth, with a couple of highly dubious actions which forced the price even lower than it might have been.
Having said that here’s what the BBC has to say about it:
“Also, the gold loss is spilt milk – and, as any great investor will tell you, it’s fatuous to weep over it.”
I somehow doubt that the BBC will be quite so magnanimous over the Royal Mail losses.
But it wont belong before dear Albaman swoops in to ask all the ‘wise after the event’ soothsayers, how much money they made by buying into Macdooms gold sale.
Once someone tells him about the advance notice, he usually fucks off.
Perhaps Albaman could also tell of his thoughts about the last Labour government wasting £16bn – yes, that’s 16 BILLION pounds sterling – on a computer system for the NHS that was so useless it was subsequently junked!
Jeremy Vine covers the sale of Royal Mail. He does at least point out to the Labour spokesman that they started the process. Remarkably postman Paul Firmage manages to phone in, one of 368 to refuse the shares. What are the chances of that? Mr. Firmage has told his tale back in October to The Guardian.
Mr Firmage tells us that Labour need to be pushed to re-nationalise. Mr Vine makes no comment but adds at 24:20 minutes that he bets we all wish we had a postman like that!
Pity no-one points out that the EU Postal Directive obliges the UK to sell off it mail service.
The BBC thought the most important news story in the world (ie it led their R4 & World Service news bulletins) was the evil Republican plot to create jams on the Geo Washington bridge. But I can’t spot the momentous Forkgate scandal on the BBC site
Beyond the hijacking of one ‘event’ to host other ‘protest’ junkies’ need to kick off (which one doubts the organisers will feel helped), it seems amazing that, given the amount of promotion provided by the MSM to keep this thing bubbling, they managed about as many as any teenager could rustle up on FaceBook to a party, and it seems most were gatecrashers who could give a fig for the deceased.
Too much to hope that the excitable professional PR… reporters (I wonder how many of them there too?) trying to whip this non-starter up may ponder just how far the wrong side of public mood they again have placed themselves?
Other news outlets are now reporting the story. How strange that the BBC was so far ahead in reporting it eh?
I wonder if the communications between the ‘respectful’ protesters and the BBC will allow further peaceful ‘vigils’ to be reported outside the homes of the jurors? After all, haven’t Dianne Abbot and others identified the jurors as racists?
As a rare event, being interested in BBC complaints I was intrigued to see a grudging ‘Oooook’ from them. http://bbcwatch.org/2014/01/11/bbc-acknowledges-breach-of-accuracy-guidelines-by-today-presenter-sarah-montague/
But it does highlight just what it takes to get even this.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it was and is worth doing, because such posts if shared more widely illustrate the mindsets at work behind the labyrinth.
Look at the totally predictable phrasing of the first weasel (why from some mid-totem drone anyway?). It was only after persistence that this was shown to be default BS.
Of course, the complainant will be lucky not to get expedited for showing them up.
It will indeed be interesting how it gets logged and archived too. They have a habit of re-designating mea-culpas of this nature such that they don’t interfere with the 101% ‘get-it-about-right’ rate they bear on a red velvet cushion to credulous politicians to show no one has complained in the right way, so the country really does love them.
This is excellent. Yet another example of BBC bias detailed here first has been confirmed. It doesn’t matter if someone here got the result, really. It’s just proof that we’re right yet again, and that not everything here is merely Right-wing echo chamber stuff.
As for whether or not the plaintiff will get banned after this, if your and Jeff Waters’ experiences are anything to go by, the BBC probably will decide that the person is has filed one too many complaints and is marked down as a nuisance.
Thanks a million GW!
I have delightedly pasted that reply into my facebook page to get right up the noses of the blind, deaf, idiots who insist on defnding the bbc.
Priceless ammo.
Sadly the damage has been done. This is how the BBC operates and Sarah Montague is a master at it.
I myself would never complain to the BBC but best of luck to others.
Perhaps not Dave S, but it’s such a rare treat for me to stuff this kind of truth right up the arses of the kind of lefties who defend aunty bbc. As of now, they still wont see thro’ the smokescreens albeeba throw out, but believe me, every titbit like that is priceless.
Ariel Sharon dies and the BBC show us how they should have reported Mandela’s death.
1) No news flash or substitute coverage: just announce it on the news.
2) Show both sides to Sharon: what he was admired for and what people disliked about his politics.
3) Have a reporter interview someone who clearly wouldn’t say nice things about the deceased. In Sharon’s case it was a Palestinian. In Mandela’s case…er. oh yeh, no one.
I can just imagine El Al now boarding 200+ BBC staff, on their way to pay their last respects to a leader of a country which has survived as a bastion of democracy in that hell-hole of a region of the world. They will no doubt fall about crying as they watch the coffin being interred. They will hold the ritual full week of Shiva, for one who they felt was a brother. They won’t at all refer to his ‘controversial past’ where he was seen a s a ‘terrorist’ by many, and the BBC will ignore anyone who might have a negative word to say about the man….
….oops – I got carried away, I must have thought I was talking about a South African leader there for a minute…
Good news then…if you go to BBC Watch, you`ll see that Montague has been found to be wrong in lumping Israel in with Iraq and Pakistan. That despite her lickspittle line manager sending us all an email to say she did nothing wrong.
In that light…can we expect a decent tribute to Ariel Sharon on “Last Word”…or will some abortion-loving black Chicago feminist be regarded as more worthy of a few kind words from Bannister etal?
I`ll listen with interest.
In the meantime-would the BBC care to send me and a few friends of Israel over to pay our respects to a true patriot in a difficult world? I promise not to cry as the Beeb did over Yasser( not killed by radiation poisoning from Mossad…well, not this month anyway)f***in Aratfatty!
Has HE got some fatcat dodgy Blood trust I might apply for a grant from I wonder?…would love to see the Holy Land.
God Bless and Keep Israel…and thanks to the likes of Shaorn, she`s still standing(to quote Elt)
To be fair, the NY Times was fully supporting Hillary Clinton and the President on this long before Thompson showed up. They would have tried to whitewash the scandal and protect the President-in-waiting anyway. He’s there now not to be editor-in-chief but to find ways to expand their digital media revenue, like the videos that Hulu recently started carrying.
Yes, but this NYT report was published recently while Thompson is there as CEO. The NYT report politically echoes the pro-Islam output which Thompson was responsible for as D.G of INBBC.
I can no longer bear to listen to BBC Five Live – the Leftist bias there is beyond a joke.
Force of habit compels me to keep an eye on the Twitter of some of the main offenders. Posterity may thank us should the BBC ever have to answer for their bias.
We know that it is almost part of the job description for BBC presenters to hate capitalism and to instead embrace the public sector as though it were a new religion.
Just this week Nicky Campell was careful to be seen to be ‘sneering’ at ‘millionaires’. He was most anxious to tell his Twitter friends and assorted Leftist campaigners about this.
Interesting to note where he draws the line when it comes to certain contentious issues….
Linda Barratt @SteamFanLinda 26m
@NickyAACampbell Could I ask you to sign/RT petition to help our Somerset badgers please Nicky, will send link, hope you can help. Thank you
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 14m
@SteamFanLinda can’t. BBC impartiality rules. Contentious. Political Issue. But good luck.
Brings to mind the words of the late great John Lennon –
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know we all wanna change the world…
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know we’re all doing what we can
So ‘good luck’ is all she gets from our Nicky – you know he would if he could.
I wonder whether a BBC memo went round?
No, probably just a quiet word in the ear from Boaden – just in passing in the corridor – like she does.
Further to the previous observations of Mr Evan Davis’ behaviour in the BBC Today programme this morning, in the 08:10 slot (prime-time for BBC reporting) Mr Davis interviewed Mr Michael Ellis (Conservative MP and member of the Home Affairs Select Committee) and Mr Kenneth Livingstone (non-entity of the year so far) regarding the Andrew Mitchell case, where a member of HM Police has just admitted lying about the situation, whilst having an incredible amount of information to which he should apparently not have been privy (conspiracy, anyone ?).
Guess which politician was not allowed an uninterrupted and unchallenged flow of criticism of the opposing political party, and who was not constantly fawned upon by Mr Davis, and wasn’t (apart from initial recognition of a slight faux pas by Mr Davis) on first name terms with the beeboid interviewer….
(I’ll give you a clue – it was neither Mike nor Michael.)
They would like to abolish all borders – except the Scottish one of course.
Trying to remember my BBC Horrible Histories…
I’m a little hazy now but wasn’t it the European Emperor Mandleson who abolished the Ango Saxon Electorate?
I think it was something about that non-country that was neither Holy nor Romany enough – and certainly not an Empire (grrrr)
But I digress… you know how the BBC loves the Scots diaspora – Aye.
DDdotcom @David_Thailand 10 Jan
@NickyAACampbell On your phone in which I listen to most days it’s all UK people. As a scotsman abroad, I’d like to contribute?’. How?
7:33 AM – 10 Jan 14 from location · Details
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 10 Jan
@David_Thailand text and get a call back?
Or come back to the UK and buy a TV Licence, Jock!
Why are BBC presenters so bloody keen on all those foreigners who don’t have to pay their wages?
Wait, it’s okay for Campbell to compliment someone on an ideological tweet, but this is out of bounds?
Even so, if we’re going to accept that Campbell is dutifully following the BBC rules on impartiality and so cannot RT something related to a special interest campaign, that means Matt Danzico’s tweet calling for people to help out his sister’s Occcupy library is a violation.
The BBC is giving TONS of free advertising to The film Twelve Years a Slave. One would think no other film was hitting the box offices at present.
OK thats predictable enough, but radio Four just pronounced, on Saturday review (one of their many pompous snobbish evening ‘arts’ programs) that ‘you would have to be a hideous racist’ to ‘pick serious holes in this’!
Really? Well, that’s that then, its above criticism!
Liberalism relies on ramping up white guilt for events that happened long before our time and for which we have absolutely no responsibility.
The BBC is just following orders. All the more urgent for being unspoken. \
You never have to tell a liberal pod what to think or what to say. They are always in tune with their inner liberal.
Didn’t leftists say something similar ( you’d have to be racist to find fault with this book) about Alex Haley’s “Roots”? We now know that book was more fiction than fact.
Who else but Abdel Bari Atwan-serial BBC shiller for the Palestinian cause-to give us his views on the death of Ariel Sharon?
He was allowed to abuse, to smear and to shaft at will by our pliant beeboid(7pm BBC 24)…and his supporting act was Jeremy Bowen…who else?
I`m guessing it was done with Bowen first, so we`d think that the BBC were the voice of moderation…hardly.
I go to Al Jazeera for that these days-who at least have their agenda and we know who funds them.
The BBC are a predictable scum stain on our nation. Sharon had hardly even cleared the hospital mortuary by the time Bari-Atwan got his fifteen pieces of silver.
Duggan followed-went to RT then!
Dennis Ross says it all, I was once interviewed and asked to explain the difference between Sharon and Arafat, and I said that’s easy. Arafat makes commitments easily, because he doesn’t intend to fulfil them. With Sharon it’s very hard to get a commitment from him, because if he gives a commitment, he actually believes he has to carry it out. And that’s who he was.
Thanks for that share.
Can you imagine almost any pol, or DG, or market rate anything today standing by a commitment for longer than astounding uncuriosity or instant Alzheimers can see a spokesperson claiming that really it was all about right?
It must make modern diplomacy or negotiation nigh on impossible (if easier in some ways) if the presumption is that any agreement will be reneged upon before the other party has been ‘reported’ by Laura K as passing through a door.
We have been somewhat sheltered here in the West Country with the effects of immigration, but after wandering around the beautiful city of Bath this afternoon and witnessing fully burka clad females with copious kids there is no doubt of the above. Next stop Cornwall?
I read a lot of the comments. Far more forthright than nearly anything I have read on this blog. There are a lot of angry people out there.
Liberalism is wrecking the country and it’s determination to marginalise the true conservative is going to end in disaster.
The elite abandoned reason and prudence for emotion and a guilt ridden view of Western man.
Absurd and now, I fear dangerous.
The BBC has much to answer for and is still spewing out fantasy commentaries and fantasy facts.
Murray spoke in a calm and measured way on Fridays Channel 4 news.
He was up against Anne of Cleves(Cathy Newman) and the Labour MP for Bethnal and Bow(anybody any idea what her faith would be?…clue-this used to be Groege Galloways dhow berth before Bradford proved better fig territory).
Maybe the likes of Channel4/Labour Islam stool pigeons need to know that Murray is as good as they`re going to get re British resistance to their plans and agendas…the coming mouthpieces for whitey in the UK are not going to be so calm and measured, and certainly not as well educated.
But the Project will rumble on to hell won`t it?
Beeboids push Labour Party’s opposition to E.U referendum-
“Don’t trust public with EU vote say Labour grandees:
Arch-Europhiles reject calls for referendum.
“Labour grandee warns EU membership must not be ‘in the hands’ of voters.
“Ex-Business Secretary says Ed Miliband must not promise a referendum.
“Tory-backed Referendum Bill clears its first hurdle in the House of Lords.
“Labour and Lib Dems expected to attempt to unite to kill it off later.
“Radio 4’s Evan Davis suggests Labour would be ‘stupid’ to back in-out vote.”
” Labour’s contempt for the public on Europe”
“(Predictably the BBC, so ferociously critical of the Tory Party over Europe, treated Lord Mandelson with reverence, with presenter Evan Davis even praising him for the strength of his argument!).”
The more the elite whines on the more I like it. The EU election is going to be interesting.
A huge vote for UKIP will really give mandelson something to think about. Won’t do Cameron a lot of good either.
Give some credit to David Lammy, Tottenham MP, for refusing to attend the ‘vigil’ because he did not want to share a platform with “anarchist groups” and did not want to appear alongside “people that don’t accept that a jury laboured and reached a decision”.
But he then spoils it with the usual racist view that people should be judged on what they look like rather than what they do, saying “The central issue it seems to me is that you have to have a Met that looks like London and we are a long way off that. In fact we are in a situation where many of the Met aren’t even Londoners, black or white. They are from other parts of the country.”
‘..only the bBBC would think that he had to ‘defend’ not being there…
Not much, but I have a certain sympathy with any spotlighted (in his case by geography & constituency and, maybe, hue-coloured expectations) pol in such instances.
It’s the ultimate #damnedallways scenario with a media estate that can and will make anything out of anything.
Sadly it means pragmatic choices and personal integrity get subjected to immense outside pressures on how things ‘look’ all too easy to cave in to.
And I hold the MSM fully accountable for this. The BBC especially. From the sheer number of cubicle gardeners they have with too much time on their hands to an editorial guideline regime that hands them any number of ‘get it about right’ ways to ‘ask questions’ and ‘hold to account’ in ways that when the spotlight swings to them, they run for the #foiexemption lawyers like cockroaches from sunlight.
It’s the same with the Flokkers here, who too often try and work up a lather about people not overtly waving a banner, when ignoring and moving on is not just a right (for now) but often the most powerful damnation of all.
Stephen Glover, unlike Beeboids, points to similarities in policies of Hollande and Miliband:-
“How Red Ed’s chum is killing France: Unemployment soaring. Violent unrest. The far Right surging in the polls. And now the most despised President ever is mired in a sex scandal.”
‘Up to 500 people have attended a vigil for Mark Duggan outside Tottenham police station.’
Up to?
‘Mark Duggan’s aunt, Carole Duggan : “We have to remember Mark is not the first person to die at the hands of the police…. There’s been thousands more.”
‘Mr Duggan’s mother Pamela also spoke : “Mark was a young boy.”
He was 29
‘Trade unionists were also there with banners in what the BBC’s Nick Beake called “a broader anti-police protest”.
Just as well we have the articulate Nick Beake to tell us exactly what the meaning of this was. Gosh, we may have been flummoxed by all the bad mathematics in the BBC report.
What % of the people at the ‘protest’ were journalists /hotographers. Look at the BBC pic – do protesters usually carry cameras and wear high vis jackets? I estimate a rent-a-mod of 50 and a mimimum of 50 media
Anyway, the BBC headline
“Tottenham Protest – Duggan family vows to continue to fight”
Can anybody expliain to me why the BBC is leading on this as if Duggan was lynched by the Klan – where is the injustice, does the BBC seriously believe that the policeman executed Duggan? That the jury decided that the killing was lawful because they were racists?
Personally I would like to see the BBC field a crack team of reporters to deal with the next situation where a known gang member and criminal is detained when they know, absolutely, that the miscerant has a firearm. I want the social affairs editor to detain the crim and disarm him/her and demonstrate how a few kind words will work wonders.
Finally why didn’t the BBC question the evidence of a witness B who saw Duggan’ surrendering’ – and heard what was going on and saw everything in great detail – from the window of his ninth floor flat
Where the are PETA, RSPB then when it comes to this futile pointless show of sentiment by way of a “gesture for da soulja Starrish Mark”?
If this isn`t wilful abuse of poor innocent doves, then what is?
1. How did they get 100 doves then?…off the back of a lorry?…a bank raid of the local pet shop?
2. And what chance of any of them surviving on release?…they`re WHITE for Gods sake-and if Marks pals aren`t bagging them off with their sawn-offs , then I`be be surprised.
Target practice…death sentence for the poor white birds…where`s Chrisse Hynde NOW then?
3. And-for any few that make it to Stoke Newington?…to put such obvious birds under threat from starlings, pigeons, sparrowhawks?
Thank God we have Chris Packham and the RSPCA to go into Tottenham and give these bird-blasting thugs a piece of their minds eh?
Let`s see how long it is before Packham, Hynde and the RSPCA take on “dem Tottingham Posse”.
Anybody mentioned Keith Blakelock yet?
Quote from the article….’A BBC spokesman said yesterday the seminar had ‘no agenda’, and that the organisers recognised BBC rules on impartiality……’
You’re really going to have to run that by us again…..given their background and track record, pray tell us how these ‘lecturers’ were able to look impartially at this question.
And if there was no agenda, then why was the actual agenda for the meeting, the list of participants, etc., ferociously hidden from public scrutiny for so many years ?
The BBC really does think the UK public is thicker than your average moron.
a.) apologise for this blatant, continual propaganda;
b.) stop the propaganda;
c.) sack the propagandists, inc Hampstead HARRABIN.
[-from ‘Mail on Sunday’ article above]-
“The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
“The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.”
BBC picture selection can often intrigue.
This accompanies a tragic tale, and may be explained by the family’s plea for their privacy to be respected (highlighting the occasions when this does not seem a media concern) but I thought it odd the best they could manage were two maps to help folk locate NSW and Australia. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25701556
Will Beeboids report this on Labour Party and E.U.?:-
“‘Bruiser’ Balls dragged apart from screaming Alexander… to stop fists flying: Tessa Jowell stops Labour heavyweights coming to blows over Europe vote”
Sunday this morning about 7.45. “What do you imagine when you hear devil?” in discussion on removing the word from baptism service. The very first answer from vox pop was “Margaret Thatcher “. I’m not saying that this wasn’t actually said but what was the point in including this irrelevant response other than to push the agenda just that little bit more. And I’m pretty sure there were other “amusing” responses that were deemed unsuitable (e.g. Blair, Brown, Mandelson etc.) but not broadcast.
I heard this and it was deliberate. Done to offend and typical of the childish attitude that now seems to be normal for the BBC.
It was very offensive to Mrs Thatcher ‘s friends and family and was included in order to be exactly that. offemsive.
The BBC is rapidly digging itself into a very big hole.
Talking of Echo Chambers – Beeboids do love their Twitter.
Shelagh Fogarty is a presenter with BBC 5 Live
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty 11 Jan
@peacelovengeek hi would you follow me so I can DM
Peacelovengeek? Who is that?
Fan of the Guardian – tick
English as a second language teacher in Birmingham – tick
Champion of ‘non-standard’ forms of English – tick
Interest in Leftist politics…..?
Monica Cantwell @peacelovengeek 10 Jan
@CliveSSmith some of us who voted 4 Obama are very angry! Thanks to you & @davemorrissey64 for keeping us informed
Turns out the beloved Obamessiah is being taken to task because he has been a bit tardy in delivering his promise to close Gitmo.
Hey BBC presenters, ever thought about talking to anyone outside of the sealed Left-liberal bubble?
BBC1 orchestrated pseudo religious debate TBQs
has Panto Campbell deftly evading real human right issues
particularly around (surprise surprise) Islam … and noticably
should anyone make a cogent point on it, is succinctly sidelined … but!
Christian B&B owners… hmmm fair game,
deliberately lying about the Niquab as religious garment … no problem,
segregation at University hey its personal choice baby…
a laughable charade, how far Religious Programming has fallen since Ahmed has emerged
I can’t watch that garbage anymore, the same with QT. It’s just pure Islamic appeasement. The last time I caught an episode they invited some Muslims on, and even when a hint of criticism emerged from others in the audience, rattles flew out of the pram and Nicky quickly moved the debate on. However, Christianity, as you mention, is fair game. Pathetic and infantile when a grown-up society is afraid to offend a religious minority for fear of being beaten or blown up. Britain is finished.
To be fair, fast-tracking all the ladies has worked out so well thus far.
Maybe… a combo of the big three?
Mishal Husain as DCI Not Enough Dead Jews To Warrant A Call Out?
Dave & Theresa would simply love the notion.
‘Sunday’, FaceBook’ and ‘news’ do not really go together… at all… but it takes the BBC to reduce the combination to a level it would take a oil rig to locate. BBC News “I don’t bite, unless you ask me to” http://bbc.in/19m1In4
January is a boom month for online dating, but certain irksome recurring phrases might put off potential mates. Readers of the BBC News Magazine share their most hated online dating cliches. Did yours make the list?
Have to say, when dumbing down to this degree, being dumb enough to pose that last question may well explain the replies coming in.
One can only presume the creche monitors at the weekend are off on a fag break.
There has been widespread reaction in Israel, the rest of the Middle East and across the world to the death of Ariel Sharon aged 85 at the Sheba Medical Centre near Tel Aviv.
BBC Header “World leaders and senior Israeli figures spoke of the dedication of his life to Israel, but many Palestinians said they were glad he was gone.”
why can t they just add …. “just like here at the BBC”
and be done with it
Once the lawful killing verdict regarding the gangster duggan was out I tried desperately to avoid the anti police comment that would inevitably follow and I did try not make any comment on this forum………..However, I have now failed……..If I was a complete outsider not knowing anything about the lead up to this fest of anti police nonsense I would honestly believe that the police had been convicted of lawfully killing this armed criminal………..Now they want the police to wear cameras when they go into these situations so that will be just a little bit more pressure on them and a little bit more kit to prevent movement and weigh the officer down. The entire news output by bbbc (and by sky) has been constant negative commenting about the police with not even any sham effort at balance. Where are the police bosses coming out in support of their subordinates?……No, the first thing he did was the usual ‘apologise’……
What is this country coming to? I can see the day in my lifetime when ordinary people will be bunkered up in their homes whilst outside there is no law and order and the fundamentalists will be killing the population at will in the name of allah and the bbbc will be excusing it and the police will be apologising every time there is any contact between any ethnic minority and the police. I would love to know the criminal convictions of these so called family members of duggan. I would bet my mortgage that they all have loads.
Still, now I see we are moving on to hounding some of our brave soldiers again – all in the name of fairness etc.
No doubt the bbbc will be at the forefront of news leaders about this latest news and be providing us all with ‘exclusives’ by their dedicated team of investigative reporters and then wheeling on the usual ‘experts’ to criticise these soldiers………OF course none of them will have been present at the scene as it happened – far too dangerous an environment.
Is there no one out there that is capable of controlling this out of control minority serving/left wing subversive rubbish put out on a daily basis by the bbbc?
Some of it is okay, although unenlightening, but the biggest one is that McKelvey sees Gates’ compliments to Hillary Clinton as evidence that she will make a good President.
McKelvey naturally waters down what Gates actually said about the then-Sec. of State admitting that her position on Iraq was a political game rather than anything to do with what she thought was right. But she takes his compliments a step further and claims this:
This is partly why defence experts at conservative think tanks in Washington are enthusiastic about the possibility of a Clinton White House. She thinks like they do.
BS. Show me one actual conservative think tank that’s enthusiastic about a President Hillary and would prefer her over any Republican candidate. At best it would be a case of seeing her as the lesser of several evils. I said from the start that this memoir would be used to promote President-in-waiting Hillary, conveniently if coincidentally published shortly after the NY Times’ whitewash of the Benghazi scandal. The BBC will now begin promoting her as well. Hopefully they won’t tell such fibs to do it, though.
Dopey David Cameron actually says that Turkeys accession into the EU would be a good thing.
Can we have him sectioned under the mental health act? FFS!
I have been posting links to facebook for a variety of biasedbbc topics for weeks.
All have been met with never a comment.
Now that the supermarket chain Morrisons has refused to dispense a prescription in wales, written partly in welsh, th e. Bbc has it seems censored it away.
And my facebook is awash with folk going mental about that.
Well, well, I ve told them …….dont forget you heard it here first!
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
I know BBC-NUJ doesn’t report on CANADA, but isn’t this the type of Muslim ‘student’ which BBC-NUJ would support?:-
“Muslim University Student in Canada Refuses to Do
Course Work with Women.”
Read more: http://pamelageller.com/muslim-university-student-in-canada-refuses-to-do-course-work-with-women/#ixzz2q5haTIZ8
A BBC-Democrat hero?:-
“Poet Amiri Baraka dies, aged 79”
“an advocate of a militant black separatist movement.”
On the BeebScale-is this silence or applause?
Is this thirty seconds of reflection or a weeks free surfing in CaPe Town(nice white bit, not the horrid black bits on the suburbs of course).
I`d ask Jon Snow about this-but he`s on Mustique with Alan Duncan, but near enough to Haiti to send the drinks boy , should it get a bit iffy somewhere black n funky>
For now-one minutes applause at your footy match later…I`ll pass this on to the Amir later on!
That`s not a suggestion-that`s an order!
Imposing passion and compassion on the chavs since 1997_The Grief Thief Team(BBC)
The only mention of his virulent Jew hatred is associated with a single poem, one about 9/11? What a shock. He used the term “Israelis” to describe World Trade Center workers who supposedly were warned in advance. So it’s a clear case of conflating Israelis with all Jews everywhere, just as the BBC is wont to do when they’re not being careful. It’s rather dishonest for the BBC to present it the way they have.
Of course, the beliefs he expressed probably aren’t considered controversial at the BBC (they know some people don’t agree, but that’s not the same thing), so they didn’t think to mention all the rest of his violent anti-Jewish rhetoric. I remain convinced that many BBC staff believe the Jews were somehow responsible for or connected to 9/11.
Yes, he once married a Jewess, back when he was just an extreme-Left poet names LeRoi Jones, but her religion and culture was Marxism. He later claimed that he wasn’t anti-Semitic, only anti-Zionist, again in common with many at the BBC.
Curiously, there is no mention of his homophobia, or that his daughter was homosexual, which was most likely the reason for her murder. Shame, BBC.
I’m trying to find some other examples of his lovely violent rhetoric against Jews, but search engines seem to be trying to send that down the memory hole so everyone thinks it’s just about that one poem. Granted, some of his early hatred stemmed from unfortunately real experience with Jewish slumlords in black neighborhoods. That is a sick stain on the Jewish community in certain big cities (one in NYC was murdered last week). But he went way, way beyond that and wrote verse about beating up Jewish women and other things.
Strange that?
If I wanted to put a cake stall out to raise a few quid for David Rathbone-or any charity that helped the victims of the likes of Raoul Moat in any capacity-I`d have to go crawling up the legs of a Hogan Howe, suck up to the likes of Lammy and Abbott, Grant or Shoesmith to get all necessary “stiff`kits” , public liability insurances, routes to be taken, pavement furniture exemptions…let alone `”elf n safety” clearance in twenty languages to satisfy both Haringey and Langdale Police Station Community advisers via Seven Sisters Road…and absolutely NOWHERE near Black Boy Lane…no sirree!
And-after all that I`d be refused…Saturday Afternoons, the Yid Army, Baddiels Rolls Royce may not have blinds or tinted windows…and ” a provocation or a threat to community coehesion”…but of course Bernie, sorry to have mentioned the death of one of your own.
Investors in People eh?
But…BUT…if a jury doesn`t say what is wanted, if the High Court/Old Bailey fails to deliver up a few fuzz for ritual dismbowelment to the “family” of the Duggan Community..and if the BBC/Guardian/Indie/Owen?Lee Jasper
Channel 4/ Ken would like a re-run od the Duggan Referendum in their very own “Starr Chamber”…AND hog the High Road, White Hart Lane to ensure that we celebrate the life of the likes of wee Mark or Honest Roaul…well, just go ahead there Auntie Slap!…two days notice is just fine, will bring closure and cohesion..a fitting vigil for a vigilante who “dun gud n luvved his kidz 2 bitz, y`all”
Sorry to go on-basically the BBC are meremy telling us all to “do a Delia” as they do…c`mon Plod…come n `ave a go if yer fink yer `ard enuff”!
That`s been the BBCs take since Wednesday-only hope a few Beeboids get the blowback on their way home later…they`ll not ALL be in Salford what wiv the footy n all, and Tristrams need to get some blow for next week at the Bush!
Just heard that an overwhelming 200 turned up for the blessed Mark’s vigil.
The shit stirrers at the Beeb must be gutted…………
Think you`ll find that the comp-edukayted sums munky at UNITE/Stop the War coalition counted it as 20,000…at least!
Can`t imagine they were allowed to fly their EU helicopter overhead to confirm this…can only guess that the SNP are still sticking their “Yes to Braveheart” stuff over the Glasgow Budgie and hoping it may yet fly again.
Connolly will need it so he can get from Prestwick to the Clyde to do that benefit, he surely will want to do.
His people need him! LA can cope a few days without his side-splitting swearing.
As I look now, it’s “Crowds gather for Mark Duggan vigil” prominently on the BBC News page.
200 seems less a crowd and more an intimate get-together. With the usual hangers-on, no doubt.
From another thread “BBC is reporting a vigil being held for Mark Duggan. If you google “duggan mark vigil” BBC news is the ONLY report of this event. What’s the better question, why is the BBC reporting this, or why is no-one else reporting it?”
Give it time. The BBC is working on increasing attendance.
I heard on R4 that Ariel Charon has died, in a report that went out of it’s way to mention the Palestinian view of him as ‘The Butcher of Beirut’.
Well, maybe he was, but I don’t recall many uses of the word ‘Terrorist’ in the unending eulogizing of Mandela we recently had to suffer through. Balanced when it suits them, eh?
Noted that too.
Mans hardly been dead a few hours before the BBC umma refer to him as a butcher(Kevin Connnolly).
Don`t recall Terreblanches friends and supporters asked what THEY thought of Mandela before he`d even reached the mortuary.
But than that`s the Godawful, God-hating BBC for ya.
The BBC is “controversial”.
Ariel Sharon is probably in the eyes of his critics guilty of the same unforgivable sin that Margaret Thatcher committed. That sin is to be successful.
The BBC obituary begins “Ariel Sharon was known as The Bulldozer: a larger-than-life, blustering figure who came to dominate the domestic political scene as much by his sheer physical presence as by his rhetoric.” So, he was blustering (lacked substance) and dominated like a bully by his physical bulk and like a rabble rouser by his rhetoric. That’s the BBC getting it ‘about right’ again I suppose.
And-like Thatcher-he WON the big wars, and was a patriot.
Reasons enough to be forever hated by the spineless, quisling Global Axis of Weevil that is the Left, the BBC and the broadsheets.
He`ll be in the arms of the angels now…the BBC continues its downward spiral to the lowest circle of heel, sure as any New York tenements disposal chute.
He`s “divisive”…which is surely what we`ll all be wanting on our tombstones now.
Mandelson, Kinnock…they`ll be uniting figures then at the BBC? Hollande and Ashton too?
Sounds like he was a robust SOB of the first magnitude.
If one who saw putting his country first.
Which maybe was no bad thing to have when there were, are and will be those surrounding it with a history and in some cases ongoing commitment to its obliteration.
Given such threats, it would be interesting to see whether any looking down the barrel of their annihilation would still be kenner on some goof who has devoted their political career to seeming like a nice guy.
I for one tend not to vote for engaging dinner party guests. I prefer leaders who see leadership as a path that is often incompatible with the faux niceties of the cocktail circuit.
Now listening to R4 Any Questions and it seems some UKIP supporters have infiltrated the audience. How refreshing.
Those UKIP supporters must have been ex-Labour.
The BBC will have to update its audience database of approved Labour supporters.
The BBC has had lots of IT problems due to widespread incompetence amongst its staff.
Ariel Sharon has died, I await the BBC changing schedules for coverage, running this as first story on all bulletins, allowing only Mr Sharon’s most fervent supporters airtime, just as they did for that other “statesman” who died recently. Oh wait, they;ve already put the “palestinian” view on the obituary…..
Nope they’re glorying in attacking the Christian militias who apparently carried out a couple of massacres at refugee camps. They even went so far as to dig up some archive copy of the reports at the time.
No blame for any of the Muslims, and they certainly didn’t drag out the old news copy of Nelson Mandelas terrorist atrocities!
Balance would be to mention Sharon’s extraordinary popularity among Israelis as PM.
Now that the Liebour party is moaning over the price Royal Fail was sold for, and saying the government was incompetent. They seem to have very short memories, because Gordon Clown managed to dispose of our Gold assets for a quarter of what they were later worth, with a couple of highly dubious actions which forced the price even lower than it might have been.
Having said that here’s what the BBC has to say about it:
“Also, the gold loss is spilt milk – and, as any great investor will tell you, it’s fatuous to weep over it.”
I somehow doubt that the BBC will be quite so magnanimous over the Royal Mail losses.
Broon compounded his error by announcing his intentions in advance, despite the advice of his officials. Basically a fire sale.
That was one of the ‘highly dubious actions’ the other was in selling the gold by auction instead of the usual fixed by the banks price.
But it wont belong before dear Albaman swoops in to ask all the ‘wise after the event’ soothsayers, how much money they made by buying into Macdooms gold sale.
Once someone tells him about the advance notice, he usually fucks off.
Perhaps Albaman could also tell of his thoughts about the last Labour government wasting £16bn – yes, that’s 16 BILLION pounds sterling – on a computer system for the NHS that was so useless it was subsequently junked!
Jeremy Vine covers the sale of Royal Mail. He does at least point out to the Labour spokesman that they started the process. Remarkably postman Paul Firmage manages to phone in, one of 368 to refuse the shares. What are the chances of that? Mr. Firmage has told his tale back in October to The Guardian.
Mr Firmage tells us that Labour need to be pushed to re-nationalise. Mr Vine makes no comment but adds at 24:20 minutes that he bets we all wish we had a postman like that!
Pity no-one points out that the EU Postal Directive obliges the UK to sell off it mail service.
The BBC thought the most important news story in the world (ie it led their R4 & World Service news bulletins) was the evil Republican plot to create jams on the Geo Washington bridge. But I can’t spot the momentous Forkgate scandal on the BBC site
Some reasons why the BBC won’t ignore the “Duggan vigil”
It’s a big love-in for lefties and anti-racism campaigners.
Beyond the hijacking of one ‘event’ to host other ‘protest’ junkies’ need to kick off (which one doubts the organisers will feel helped), it seems amazing that, given the amount of promotion provided by the MSM to keep this thing bubbling, they managed about as many as any teenager could rustle up on FaceBook to a party, and it seems most were gatecrashers who could give a fig for the deceased.
Too much to hope that the excitable professional PR… reporters (I wonder how many of them there too?) trying to whip this non-starter up may ponder just how far the wrong side of public mood they again have placed themselves?
Other news outlets are now reporting the story. How strange that the BBC was so far ahead in reporting it eh?
I wonder if the communications between the ‘respectful’ protesters and the BBC will allow further peaceful ‘vigils’ to be reported outside the homes of the jurors? After all, haven’t Dianne Abbot and others identified the jurors as racists?
As a rare event, being interested in BBC complaints I was intrigued to see a grudging ‘Oooook’ from them.
But it does highlight just what it takes to get even this.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it was and is worth doing, because such posts if shared more widely illustrate the mindsets at work behind the labyrinth.
Look at the totally predictable phrasing of the first weasel (why from some mid-totem drone anyway?). It was only after persistence that this was shown to be default BS.
Of course, the complainant will be lucky not to get expedited for showing them up.
It will indeed be interesting how it gets logged and archived too. They have a habit of re-designating mea-culpas of this nature such that they don’t interfere with the 101% ‘get-it-about-right’ rate they bear on a red velvet cushion to credulous politicians to show no one has complained in the right way, so the country really does love them.
This is excellent. Yet another example of BBC bias detailed here first has been confirmed. It doesn’t matter if someone here got the result, really. It’s just proof that we’re right yet again, and that not everything here is merely Right-wing echo chamber stuff.
As for whether or not the plaintiff will get banned after this, if your and Jeff Waters’ experiences are anything to go by, the BBC probably will decide that the person is has filed one too many complaints and is marked down as a nuisance.
Thanks a million GW!
I have delightedly pasted that reply into my facebook page to get right up the noses of the blind, deaf, idiots who insist on defnding the bbc.
Priceless ammo.
Sadly the damage has been done. This is how the BBC operates and Sarah Montague is a master at it.
I myself would never complain to the BBC but best of luck to others.
Perhaps not Dave S, but it’s such a rare treat for me to stuff this kind of truth right up the arses of the kind of lefties who defend aunty bbc. As of now, they still wont see thro’ the smokescreens albeeba throw out, but believe me, every titbit like that is priceless.
Wasn’t it Stalin who said ” A lie will be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on.” ?
Ariel Sharon dies and the BBC show us how they should have reported Mandela’s death.
1) No news flash or substitute coverage: just announce it on the news.
2) Show both sides to Sharon: what he was admired for and what people disliked about his politics.
3) Have a reporter interview someone who clearly wouldn’t say nice things about the deceased. In Sharon’s case it was a Palestinian. In Mandela’s case…er. oh yeh, no one.
Not for INBBC?:-
“Hours after Sharon’s death, Islamic jihadists fire rocket from Gaza at Israel”
I can just imagine El Al now boarding 200+ BBC staff, on their way to pay their last respects to a leader of a country which has survived as a bastion of democracy in that hell-hole of a region of the world. They will no doubt fall about crying as they watch the coffin being interred. They will hold the ritual full week of Shiva, for one who they felt was a brother. They won’t at all refer to his ‘controversial past’ where he was seen a s a ‘terrorist’ by many, and the BBC will ignore anyone who might have a negative word to say about the man….
….oops – I got carried away, I must have thought I was talking about a South African leader there for a minute…
Good news then…if you go to BBC Watch, you`ll see that Montague has been found to be wrong in lumping Israel in with Iraq and Pakistan. That despite her lickspittle line manager sending us all an email to say she did nothing wrong.
In that light…can we expect a decent tribute to Ariel Sharon on “Last Word”…or will some abortion-loving black Chicago feminist be regarded as more worthy of a few kind words from Bannister etal?
I`ll listen with interest.
In the meantime-would the BBC care to send me and a few friends of Israel over to pay our respects to a true patriot in a difficult world? I promise not to cry as the Beeb did over Yasser( not killed by radiation poisoning from Mossad…well, not this month anyway)f***in Aratfatty!
Has HE got some fatcat dodgy Blood trust I might apply for a grant from I wonder?…would love to see the Holy Land.
God Bless and Keep Israel…and thanks to the likes of Shaorn, she`s still standing(to quote Elt)
Beeboids recently gave uncritical attention to an implausible ‘NYT’ political line on Benghazi murder of U.S Ambassador.
Will they now give attention to State Department critique of that?:-
“State Department Blows Up NY Times Benghazi story”
Read more: http://pamelageller.com/state-department-blows-up-ny-times-benghazi-story-and-al-qaedas-role/#ixzz2q7J2eg19
Who’s the CEO of ‘New York Times’ these days?
Yes, that ex-Beeboid: THOMPSON.
And what line did he adopt on things Islamic?:
“Christianity gets less sensitive treatment than other religions admits BBC chief”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106953/Christianity-gets-sensitive-treatment-religions-admits-BBC-chief.html#ixzz2q7KMGNuq
Preferential treatment for Islam in Britain. In Libya. Everywhere.
To be fair, the NY Times was fully supporting Hillary Clinton and the President on this long before Thompson showed up. They would have tried to whitewash the scandal and protect the President-in-waiting anyway. He’s there now not to be editor-in-chief but to find ways to expand their digital media revenue, like the videos that Hulu recently started carrying.
Yes, but this NYT report was published recently while Thompson is there as CEO. The NYT report politically echoes the pro-Islam output which Thompson was responsible for as D.G of INBBC.
I can no longer bear to listen to BBC Five Live – the Leftist bias there is beyond a joke.
Force of habit compels me to keep an eye on the Twitter of some of the main offenders. Posterity may thank us should the BBC ever have to answer for their bias.
We know that it is almost part of the job description for BBC presenters to hate capitalism and to instead embrace the public sector as though it were a new religion.
Just this week Nicky Campell was careful to be seen to be ‘sneering’ at ‘millionaires’. He was most anxious to tell his Twitter friends and assorted Leftist campaigners about this.
Interesting to note where he draws the line when it comes to certain contentious issues….
Linda Barratt @SteamFanLinda 26m
@NickyAACampbell Could I ask you to sign/RT petition to help our Somerset badgers please Nicky, will send link, hope you can help. Thank you
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 14m
@SteamFanLinda can’t. BBC impartiality rules. Contentious. Political Issue. But good luck.
Brings to mind the words of the late great John Lennon –
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know we all wanna change the world…
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know we’re all doing what we can
So ‘good luck’ is all she gets from our Nicky – you know he would if he could.
I wonder whether a BBC memo went round?
No, probably just a quiet word in the ear from Boaden – just in passing in the corridor – like she does.
What you won’t hear on BBC News:
“And now, we go over to the vigil held for all the victims of the Tottenham Mandem’s gang murders…”
Further to the previous observations of Mr Evan Davis’ behaviour in the BBC Today programme this morning, in the 08:10 slot (prime-time for BBC reporting) Mr Davis interviewed Mr Michael Ellis (Conservative MP and member of the Home Affairs Select Committee) and Mr Kenneth Livingstone (non-entity of the year so far) regarding the Andrew Mitchell case, where a member of HM Police has just admitted lying about the situation, whilst having an incredible amount of information to which he should apparently not have been privy (conspiracy, anyone ?).
Guess which politician was not allowed an uninterrupted and unchallenged flow of criticism of the opposing political party, and who was not constantly fawned upon by Mr Davis, and wasn’t (apart from initial recognition of a slight faux pas by Mr Davis) on first name terms with the beeboid interviewer….
(I’ll give you a clue – it was neither Mike nor Michael.)
The BBC is now a trans-national corporation
They would like to abolish all borders – except the Scottish one of course.
Trying to remember my BBC Horrible Histories…
I’m a little hazy now but wasn’t it the European Emperor Mandleson who abolished the Ango Saxon Electorate?
I think it was something about that non-country that was neither Holy nor Romany enough – and certainly not an Empire (grrrr)
But I digress… you know how the BBC loves the Scots diaspora – Aye.
DDdotcom @David_Thailand 10 Jan
@NickyAACampbell On your phone in which I listen to most days it’s all UK people. As a scotsman abroad, I’d like to contribute?’. How?
7:33 AM – 10 Jan 14 from location · Details
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 10 Jan
@David_Thailand text and get a call back?
Or come back to the UK and buy a TV Licence, Jock!
Why are BBC presenters so bloody keen on all those foreigners who don’t have to pay their wages?
Wait, it’s okay for Campbell to compliment someone on an ideological tweet, but this is out of bounds?
Even so, if we’re going to accept that Campbell is dutifully following the BBC rules on impartiality and so cannot RT something related to a special interest campaign, that means Matt Danzico’s tweet calling for people to help out his sister’s Occcupy library is a violation.
The BBC is giving TONS of free advertising to The film Twelve Years a Slave. One would think no other film was hitting the box offices at present.
OK thats predictable enough, but radio Four just pronounced, on Saturday review (one of their many pompous snobbish evening ‘arts’ programs) that ‘you would have to be a hideous racist’ to ‘pick serious holes in this’!
Really? Well, that’s that then, its above criticism!
Liberalism relies on ramping up white guilt for events that happened long before our time and for which we have absolutely no responsibility.
The BBC is just following orders. All the more urgent for being unspoken. \
You never have to tell a liberal pod what to think or what to say. They are always in tune with their inner liberal.
They obviously never heard the Ballad of Belfast before, “You built a ship, it sank – get over it”
somewhere on here I think somebody posted a few links earlier, which were very interesting here’s one and you’ll be surprised it’s only a remake.
Good review here:
Didn’t leftists say something similar ( you’d have to be racist to find fault with this book) about Alex Haley’s “Roots”? We now know that book was more fiction than fact.
In the light of this good to see one reviewer at least with the guts to challenge beeboid nauseating sycophancy.
Ah that’s why the left took such a hissy fit over the Mitchell affair…. The left just lie and make it up as they go along –
All the Ariel Sharon bashers and Hamas-supporters are here:-
“Ariel Sharon dies; Leftists and Islamic supremacists damn him to hell”
Who else but Abdel Bari Atwan-serial BBC shiller for the Palestinian cause-to give us his views on the death of Ariel Sharon?
He was allowed to abuse, to smear and to shaft at will by our pliant beeboid(7pm BBC 24)…and his supporting act was Jeremy Bowen…who else?
I`m guessing it was done with Bowen first, so we`d think that the BBC were the voice of moderation…hardly.
I go to Al Jazeera for that these days-who at least have their agenda and we know who funds them.
The BBC are a predictable scum stain on our nation. Sharon had hardly even cleared the hospital mortuary by the time Bari-Atwan got his fifteen pieces of silver.
Duggan followed-went to RT then!
Dennis Ross says it all,
I was once interviewed and asked to explain the difference between Sharon and Arafat, and I said that’s easy. Arafat makes commitments easily, because he doesn’t intend to fulfil them. With Sharon it’s very hard to get a commitment from him, because if he gives a commitment, he actually believes he has to carry it out. And that’s who he was.
Thanks for that share.
Can you imagine almost any pol, or DG, or market rate anything today standing by a commitment for longer than astounding uncuriosity or instant Alzheimers can see a spokesperson claiming that really it was all about right?
It must make modern diplomacy or negotiation nigh on impossible (if easier in some ways) if the presumption is that any agreement will be reneged upon before the other party has been ‘reported’ by Laura K as passing through a door.
Talking of saying it all, with BBC ‘selective amnesia’ pervading down from the top floor nicely…
Not sure, guys & gals, that headline ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-25672534 ) was that well considered, given the spotlight on the BBC across other ongoing areas of corporate performance.
Muslim birth rate in U.K:
-‘The Times’ misleads, BBC-NUJ censors.
“Is the startling rise in Muslim infants as positive as the Times suggests?”
By Douglas Murray.
We have been somewhat sheltered here in the West Country with the effects of immigration, but after wandering around the beautiful city of Bath this afternoon and witnessing fully burka clad females with copious kids there is no doubt of the above. Next stop Cornwall?
I read a lot of the comments. Far more forthright than nearly anything I have read on this blog. There are a lot of angry people out there.
Liberalism is wrecking the country and it’s determination to marginalise the true conservative is going to end in disaster.
The elite abandoned reason and prudence for emotion and a guilt ridden view of Western man.
Absurd and now, I fear dangerous.
The BBC has much to answer for and is still spewing out fantasy commentaries and fantasy facts.
Murray spoke in a calm and measured way on Fridays Channel 4 news.
He was up against Anne of Cleves(Cathy Newman) and the Labour MP for Bethnal and Bow(anybody any idea what her faith would be?…clue-this used to be Groege Galloways dhow berth before Bradford proved better fig territory).
Maybe the likes of Channel4/Labour Islam stool pigeons need to know that Murray is as good as they`re going to get re British resistance to their plans and agendas…the coming mouthpieces for whitey in the UK are not going to be so calm and measured, and certainly not as well educated.
But the Project will rumble on to hell won`t it?
Beeboids push Labour Party’s opposition to E.U referendum-
“Don’t trust public with EU vote say Labour grandees:
Arch-Europhiles reject calls for referendum.
“Labour grandee warns EU membership must not be ‘in the hands’ of voters.
“Ex-Business Secretary says Ed Miliband must not promise a referendum.
“Tory-backed Referendum Bill clears its first hurdle in the House of Lords.
“Labour and Lib Dems expected to attempt to unite to kill it off later.
“Radio 4’s Evan Davis suggests Labour would be ‘stupid’ to back in-out vote.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2537029/We-let-people-decide-Mandelson-warns-against-LOTTERY-giving-voters-say-leaving-European-Union.html#ixzz2q8Sr13gk
“They loathe the idea of giving the hoi polloi a say: QUENTIN LETTS watches as peers pour cold water on EU referendum”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2537547/QUENTIN-LETTS-They-loathe-idea-giving-hoi-polloi-say.html#ixzz2q8TrdQsx
” Labour’s contempt for the public on Europe”
“(Predictably the BBC, so ferociously critical of the Tory Party over Europe, treated Lord Mandelson with reverence, with presenter Evan Davis even praising him for the strength of his argument!).”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2537544/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-Labours-contempt-public-Europe.html#ixzz2q8WF9Lvb
The more the elite whines on the more I like it. The EU election is going to be interesting.
A huge vote for UKIP will really give mandelson something to think about. Won’t do Cameron a lot of good either.
bBBC ‘news’: Hundreds gather for Tottenham vigil
Channel 4 News: A smaller than expected crowd gathered outside the station in north London
I think we know most Beeboids would be most likely to attend
Duggan’s vigil, not Sharon’s.
Give some credit to David Lammy, Tottenham MP, for refusing to attend the ‘vigil’ because he did not want to share a platform with “anarchist groups” and did not want to appear alongside “people that don’t accept that a jury laboured and reached a decision”.
But he then spoils it with the usual racist view that people should be judged on what they look like rather than what they do, saying “The central issue it seems to me is that you have to have a Met that looks like London and we are a long way off that. In fact we are in a situation where many of the Met aren’t even Londoners, black or white. They are from other parts of the country.”
The bBBC headline is ‘MP defends Duggan vigil no-show’ but only the bBBC would think that he had to ‘defend’ not being there.
‘..only the bBBC would think that he had to ‘defend’ not being there…
Not much, but I have a certain sympathy with any spotlighted (in his case by geography & constituency and, maybe, hue-coloured expectations) pol in such instances.
It’s the ultimate #damnedallways scenario with a media estate that can and will make anything out of anything.
Sadly it means pragmatic choices and personal integrity get subjected to immense outside pressures on how things ‘look’ all too easy to cave in to.
And I hold the MSM fully accountable for this. The BBC especially. From the sheer number of cubicle gardeners they have with too much time on their hands to an editorial guideline regime that hands them any number of ‘get it about right’ ways to ‘ask questions’ and ‘hold to account’ in ways that when the spotlight swings to them, they run for the #foiexemption lawyers like cockroaches from sunlight.
It’s the same with the Flokkers here, who too often try and work up a lather about people not overtly waving a banner, when ignoring and moving on is not just a right (for now) but often the most powerful damnation of all.
Stephen Glover, unlike Beeboids, points to similarities in policies of Hollande and Miliband:-
“How Red Ed’s chum is killing France: Unemployment soaring. Violent unrest. The far Right surging in the polls. And now the most despised President ever is mired in a sex scandal.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2537536/How-Red-Eds-chum-killing-France-Unemployment-soaring-Violent-unrest-The-far-Right-surging-polls-And-despised-President-mired-sex-scandal.html#ixzz2q8UjmpRd
“First Lady Valerie Trierweiler ‘to be kicked out of Elysee Palace over partner Francois Hollande’s sex scandal with actress 20 years his junior'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2537953/First-Lady-Valerie-Trierweiler-kicked-Francois-Hollande-sex-scandal.html#ixzz2qCUJkdKo
“French First Lady ‘in hospital’ after alleged Hollande affair”
The BBC appear to have adopted an entirely new system of counting
‘Up to 500 people have attended a vigil for Mark Duggan outside Tottenham police station.’
Up to?
‘Mark Duggan’s aunt, Carole Duggan : “We have to remember Mark is not the first person to die at the hands of the police…. There’s been thousands more.”
‘Mr Duggan’s mother Pamela also spoke : “Mark was a young boy.”
He was 29
‘Trade unionists were also there with banners in what the BBC’s Nick Beake called “a broader anti-police protest”.
Just as well we have the articulate Nick Beake to tell us exactly what the meaning of this was. Gosh, we may have been flummoxed by all the bad mathematics in the BBC report.
“Mark Duggan was a gangster not an innocent choirboy”
What % of the people at the ‘protest’ were journalists /hotographers. Look at the BBC pic – do protesters usually carry cameras and wear high vis jackets? I estimate a rent-a-mod of 50 and a mimimum of 50 media
Anyway, the BBC headline
“Tottenham Protest – Duggan family vows to continue to fight”
Can anybody expliain to me why the BBC is leading on this as if Duggan was lynched by the Klan – where is the injustice, does the BBC seriously believe that the policeman executed Duggan? That the jury decided that the killing was lawful because they were racists?
Personally I would like to see the BBC field a crack team of reporters to deal with the next situation where a known gang member and criminal is detained when they know, absolutely, that the miscerant has a firearm. I want the social affairs editor to detain the crim and disarm him/her and demonstrate how a few kind words will work wonders.
Finally why didn’t the BBC question the evidence of a witness B who saw Duggan’ surrendering’ – and heard what was going on and saw everything in great detail – from the window of his ninth floor flat
The story was headlined “Mark Duggan ‘did not need to die'”
And there we have the BBC editorial decision as to the narrative……..
His supporters released a dozen white doves outside tottenham nick.
Ah – how nice – one for every murder Thuggan has been linked to.
Where the are PETA, RSPB then when it comes to this futile pointless show of sentiment by way of a “gesture for da soulja Starrish Mark”?
If this isn`t wilful abuse of poor innocent doves, then what is?
1. How did they get 100 doves then?…off the back of a lorry?…a bank raid of the local pet shop?
2. And what chance of any of them surviving on release?…they`re WHITE for Gods sake-and if Marks pals aren`t bagging them off with their sawn-offs , then I`be be surprised.
Target practice…death sentence for the poor white birds…where`s Chrisse Hynde NOW then?
3. And-for any few that make it to Stoke Newington?…to put such obvious birds under threat from starlings, pigeons, sparrowhawks?
Thank God we have Chris Packham and the RSPCA to go into Tottenham and give these bird-blasting thugs a piece of their minds eh?
Let`s see how long it is before Packham, Hynde and the RSPCA take on “dem Tottingham Posse”.
Anybody mentioned Keith Blakelock yet?
And she “hopes and prays” that The Feds gets what`s theirs in effect.
Love that word PRAY slipped in.
Eco Socialism.
trying to trick people into socialism through environmentalism.
How can pro mass immigration policies marry with environmentalism? Hmmm
Quote from the article….’A BBC spokesman said yesterday the seminar had ‘no agenda’, and that the organisers recognised BBC rules on impartiality……’
You’re really going to have to run that by us again…..given their background and track record, pray tell us how these ‘lecturers’ were able to look impartially at this question.
And if there was no agenda, then why was the actual agenda for the meeting, the list of participants, etc., ferociously hidden from public scrutiny for so many years ?
The BBC really does think the UK public is thicker than your average moron.
Harrabin busted at last?
Director General HALL should:-
a.) apologise for this blatant, continual propaganda;
b.) stop the propaganda;
c.) sack the propagandists, inc Hampstead HARRABIN.
[-from ‘Mail on Sunday’ article above]-
“The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
“The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2537886/BBCs-six-year-cover-secret-green-propaganda-training-executives.html#ixzz2qB1jhPYG
He should be – and publicly.
and we all know shit flows downhill.
BBC picture selection can often intrigue.
This accompanies a tragic tale, and may be explained by the family’s plea for their privacy to be respected (highlighting the occasions when this does not seem a media concern) but I thought it odd the best they could manage were two maps to help folk locate NSW and Australia.
Seems the picture has ‘evolved’.
Maybe they didn’t have access to google… earlier.
OT, but thinking of national treasures…
Will Beeboids report this on Labour Party and E.U.?:-
“‘Bruiser’ Balls dragged apart from screaming Alexander… to stop fists flying: Tessa Jowell stops Labour heavyweights coming to blows over Europe vote”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2537817/Bruiser-Balls-dragged-apart-screaming-Alexander-stop-fists-flying-Tessa-Jowell-stops-Labour-heavyweights-coming-blows-Europe-vote.html#ixzz2qB4P5yPY
“Lord Mandelson’s four spurious arguments against an EU referendum”
Sunday this morning about 7.45. “What do you imagine when you hear devil?” in discussion on removing the word from baptism service. The very first answer from vox pop was “Margaret Thatcher “. I’m not saying that this wasn’t actually said but what was the point in including this irrelevant response other than to push the agenda just that little bit more. And I’m pretty sure there were other “amusing” responses that were deemed unsuitable (e.g. Blair, Brown, Mandelson etc.) but not broadcast.
I heard this and it was deliberate. Done to offend and typical of the childish attitude that now seems to be normal for the BBC.
It was very offensive to Mrs Thatcher ‘s friends and family and was included in order to be exactly that. offemsive.
The BBC is rapidly digging itself into a very big hole.
Talking of Echo Chambers – Beeboids do love their Twitter.
Shelagh Fogarty is a presenter with BBC 5 Live
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty 11 Jan
@peacelovengeek hi would you follow me so I can DM
Peacelovengeek? Who is that?
Fan of the Guardian – tick
English as a second language teacher in Birmingham – tick
Champion of ‘non-standard’ forms of English – tick
Interest in Leftist politics…..?
Monica Cantwell @peacelovengeek 10 Jan
@CliveSSmith some of us who voted 4 Obama are very angry! Thanks to you & @davemorrissey64 for keeping us informed
Turns out the beloved Obamessiah is being taken to task because he has been a bit tardy in delivering his promise to close Gitmo.
Hey BBC presenters, ever thought about talking to anyone outside of the sealed Left-liberal bubble?
BBC : Monica Cantwell – Cant-well get it?
They’ll never get too incensed at the fact that He’s killed more innocent people with His drone wars than were in Gitmo when He ascended to the throne.
BBC1 orchestrated pseudo religious debate TBQs
has Panto Campbell deftly evading real human right issues
particularly around (surprise surprise) Islam … and noticably
should anyone make a cogent point on it, is succinctly sidelined … but!
Christian B&B owners… hmmm fair game,
deliberately lying about the Niquab as religious garment … no problem,
segregation at University hey its personal choice baby…
a laughable charade, how far Religious Programming has fallen since Ahmed has emerged
I can’t watch that garbage anymore, the same with QT. It’s just pure Islamic appeasement. The last time I caught an episode they invited some Muslims on, and even when a hint of criticism emerged from others in the audience, rattles flew out of the pram and Nicky quickly moved the debate on. However, Christianity, as you mention, is fair game. Pathetic and infantile when a grown-up society is afraid to offend a religious minority for fear of being beaten or blown up. Britain is finished.
Interesting but hardly surprising…
Oh no… It’s Keith ‘All That Jazz’ Vaz, again, with his diversity jive-talk:
How will this reduce the number of black people gunning down other black people on our streets, in gangsta wars?
Better management of drug distribution?
To be fair, fast-tracking all the ladies has worked out so well thus far.
Maybe… a combo of the big three?
Mishal Husain as DCI Not Enough Dead Jews To Warrant A Call Out?
Dave & Theresa would simply love the notion.
Yes, how about the BBC’s (once) favourite copper, Ali Dizaei.
They’d have to spring him from prison first of course.
I suspect postal vote vaz had him in mind. when he floated the idea ,plenty of scope for synergy there.
Minority ? An excellent idea ! How about a white native of Vaz’s own Leicester ?
‘Sunday’, FaceBook’ and ‘news’ do not really go together… at all… but it takes the BBC to reduce the combination to a level it would take a oil rig to locate.
BBC News
“I don’t bite, unless you ask me to” http://bbc.in/19m1In4
January is a boom month for online dating, but certain irksome recurring phrases might put off potential mates. Readers of the BBC News Magazine share their most hated online dating cliches. Did yours make the list?
Have to say, when dumbing down to this degree, being dumb enough to pose that last question may well explain the replies coming in.
One can only presume the creche monitors at the weekend are off on a fag break.
More bBBC waste of our money on biased religious programming. What do you expect when they have Aaqil Ahmed as Head of Religion?
The BBC is planning to tell the story of Easter this year with a spectacular live show using a giant cross made from shipping containers.
The hour-long flagship programme on Good Friday is aiming to appeal to non-religious viewers who are put off by church services.
It will be broadcast from South Shields in Tyne and Wear and use up to 80 containers representing the Stations of the Cross.
A film for Anti-Israel Beeboids, at the time of Ariel Sharon’s funeral:-
” Exodus”
BBC, Mehdi Masan, Yvonne Ridley … and all the usual suspects 😀
There has been widespread reaction in Israel, the rest of the Middle East and across the world to the death of Ariel Sharon aged 85 at the Sheba Medical Centre near Tel Aviv.
BBC Header “World leaders and senior Israeli figures spoke of the dedication of his life to Israel, but many Palestinians said they were glad he was gone.”
why can t they just add …. “just like here at the BBC”
and be done with it
You mean they aren’t going to send 150 reporters to his funeral.
Why not – he was more like Nelson Mandela than many realise?
When North Korea approves of your output, you know you have made it as a left wing scum organization-
I heard they were thinking of commercializing the World Service, but this is ridiculous.
It will go well for a while, I’m sure. Until La-La gets purged….
Once the lawful killing verdict regarding the gangster duggan was out I tried desperately to avoid the anti police comment that would inevitably follow and I did try not make any comment on this forum………..However, I have now failed……..If I was a complete outsider not knowing anything about the lead up to this fest of anti police nonsense I would honestly believe that the police had been convicted of lawfully killing this armed criminal………..Now they want the police to wear cameras when they go into these situations so that will be just a little bit more pressure on them and a little bit more kit to prevent movement and weigh the officer down. The entire news output by bbbc (and by sky) has been constant negative commenting about the police with not even any sham effort at balance. Where are the police bosses coming out in support of their subordinates?……No, the first thing he did was the usual ‘apologise’……
What is this country coming to? I can see the day in my lifetime when ordinary people will be bunkered up in their homes whilst outside there is no law and order and the fundamentalists will be killing the population at will in the name of allah and the bbbc will be excusing it and the police will be apologising every time there is any contact between any ethnic minority and the police. I would love to know the criminal convictions of these so called family members of duggan. I would bet my mortgage that they all have loads.
Still, now I see we are moving on to hounding some of our brave soldiers again – all in the name of fairness etc.
No doubt the bbbc will be at the forefront of news leaders about this latest news and be providing us all with ‘exclusives’ by their dedicated team of investigative reporters and then wheeling on the usual ‘experts’ to criticise these soldiers………OF course none of them will have been present at the scene as it happened – far too dangerous an environment.
Is there no one out there that is capable of controlling this out of control minority serving/left wing subversive rubbish put out on a daily basis by the bbbc?
BBC US correspondent Tara McKelvey gives us five things we need to know about Robert Gates’ new memoir.
Some of it is okay, although unenlightening, but the biggest one is that McKelvey sees Gates’ compliments to Hillary Clinton as evidence that she will make a good President.
McKelvey naturally waters down what Gates actually said about the then-Sec. of State admitting that her position on Iraq was a political game rather than anything to do with what she thought was right. But she takes his compliments a step further and claims this:
BS. Show me one actual conservative think tank that’s enthusiastic about a President Hillary and would prefer her over any Republican candidate. At best it would be a case of seeing her as the lesser of several evils. I said from the start that this memoir would be used to promote President-in-waiting Hillary, conveniently if coincidentally published shortly after the NY Times’ whitewash of the Benghazi scandal. The BBC will now begin promoting her as well. Hopefully they won’t tell such fibs to do it, though.
NO to TURKEY’s entry into E.U.
U.K’s political class (Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, inc BBC-NUJ, etc) all propagandise for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
Issues such as the following, relating to Turkey appear to be incidental to U.K political class-
2.)”Turkey serving as rear base for jihadists”
Dopey David Cameron actually says that Turkeys accession into the EU would be a good thing.
Can we have him sectioned under the mental health act? FFS!
Will BBC-NUJ report the following?
-These people are not Beeboids’ chums, ‘Occupy,’ nor ‘Greenies’, but Christians-
“Germany: Flashmobs protest against the persecution of Christians”
(video clips).
I have been posting links to facebook for a variety of biasedbbc topics for weeks.
All have been met with never a comment.
Now that the supermarket chain Morrisons has refused to dispense a prescription in wales, written partly in welsh, th e. Bbc has it seems censored it away.
And my facebook is awash with folk going mental about that.
Well, well, I ve told them …….dont forget you heard it here first!