Just listening to 5Live Sport (still on air now) talking to Lord Herman Ouseley, Chair of Kick It Out about Anelka and what is an anti-Semitic salute.
The FA has been taking a long time to come up with a verdict…the BBC presenter, Mark Pougatch probably, said that ‘cultural differences would have to be considered’ when Lord Ouseley said that a lot of information was coming back from France on the background to this.
‘Cultural differences’? Really? In which culture is it acceptable to give an anti-Semitic salute…and why should that then be acceptable here if it was a ‘cultural thing’?
As the BBC has already reported this:
The French government’s Sports Minister, Valerie Fourneyron, described the gesture as “anti-semitic”.
…you might think it was cut and dried as to the meaning of the ‘salute’….in France, or anywhere.
You really are losing the plot Al.
Did Mark Pougatch say it or not? And what did he actually say? Shouldn’t you be concerned about that, before you post on the subject?
Oh dear. I know you’re excited, but sadly the ‘probably’ means Alan is uncertain about the identity of the presenter, i.e. ‘it was probably Mark Pougatch’, NOT that the quote itself is probable. Maybe before taking an ad hom. pop at Alan you might try reading the paragraph properly first, hmm ?
Still, I see your fellow trolls have seen fit to award your effort with two ‘likes’ thus far which, going by current practice, should have risen to six by this time tomorrow.
Funny, really. Whenever you trace them to their own echo chamber they’re nowhere near as willing to humour our comments as we are with theirs. So much for ‘liberal’ eh? Dish it out but can’t take it back, very much like the BBC (and most of the media, frankly).
2 likes? that would be him and his mum then !
More likely his PC and his phone. now there is a couple more likes from computers at work or the job centre or whatever.
Sad, isn’t it?
Look at the position of the comma after ‘probably’, Ned. The meaning is quite clear, and you are wrong. You really must try harder, but perhaps we should consider the level of your education and intellect.
It is widely accepted that coloured people can’t be racist so why all the fuss . Come on folks get with the liberal left programme.
Funny but they didn’t accept the ‘cultural differences’ when Luis Suarez used the term ‘Negrita’ which as he explained in his culture is positively not an offensive term.
As Urban dictionary explains:
Spanish word for black girl (negra), used as a term of endearment or just descriptive without being offensive…adding ita/ito to the end of a word is endearing ie. abuelito/a bebito/a, besito…
Some English speakers and Americans would like to make this into an offensive word…see the definitions for negrito but negrito/a is not offensive or racist despite sounding like an English word that is offensive. In fact using negrita is like saying cute little black girl not exact translation.
We should apparently only take culture into account when it’s one of the fascists brown eyed boys !
Ah but you are not supposed to notice that Anelka is black as it is irrelevant, or at least in this context it is.
Plus I think if you went up to a black mother and said ‘my what a cute little black girl you have’ she might, quite rightly, be pissed off. The ‘black’ is irrelevant you see. Until it isn’t of course.
Perhaps the lefties have accidently stumbled on a new power source. Attach a current and all those spinning liberals could power a light bulb, 40W mind.
i think the fa,the bbc and other media outlets are to scared to tackle this issue of racism amongst black footballers and there links to far right groups all over the world,it comes to something when politacaly motivated left wing lobbys like kick it out are even getting annoyed by the fa and there slowless in tackling this anti semitism displayed by anelka.imagine the outcry if this was john terry or joey barton who made this nazi salute,the anti racists groups would be queing outside radio 5 live studios to appear on vicky derbyshires to call for a life ban on these white players,get off your arses fa and get this anelka sorted out instead of trying to sweep this anti semetic behavior under the carpet.
http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/west-brom-sponsors-zoopla-threaten-6524768..hurry up f.a ban him now
The truth of something is often revealed in the reversal of an image. Just imagine what the news would be full of these days if instead of an Arab superstar making an anti-Jewish gesture at a televised event it was a Jewish superstar making an anti-Arab gesture. Not pretty; and not difficult to imagine, either. Is it.