Oh Mr Miliband, you DO so impress us. First you take on the “Big 6” energy companies and now you take on the “Big 5” banks. Amusingly, you then send Chris Leslie, shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, onto the Today programme and ..oh dear, it’s a car crash. Did you hear it by chance? Just after 8.08am Mishal Husain was pretty straight with him and he wiggled like a worm, showing just how lightweight Labour is on this topic. So, top marks for her but I did notice that Nick Robinson was doing his usual spot of cheer-leading for Miliband’s nonsensical new big idea.
Labour think that they’re on to a winner here, because they know that Joe Public have a downer on the banks, the bankers, and their bonuses. So mob rule will prevail, with the plebs baying for blood, and lauding the Labour party, God forbid.
Please, please, residents of the Former UK, wake up and elect a few UKIP MPs when you get the opportunity.
It’s Labour trying to score political points. Bankers are still evil in the eyes of many people and the Tories are defending their bonuses against EU laws.
Labour isn’t looking at the issue in a pragmatic way. They probably aren’t able to either.
Once again, the BBC dutifully promoting Labour’s agenda: headlines on the BBC News website.
The BBC must have changed the recording as I hear Hussein & Leslie laughing at the Tory’s attempts to rebut Leslie. Also the recording ends just as Leslie says the “the scandals just keep rolling on”. Surely that would have been followed by Hussein pointing out that the scandals occurred during Brown’s Boom & are only now being resolved
‘BBC must have changed the recording’
Control the edit… control the archive… control the message.
One live outing vs. every summary the rest of the day/week.
No, I noted the laughing at the time and thought it seemed strange given the way Hussein went for Leslie. Which itself had come as some surprise to me, but perhaps Leslie’s refusal to actually answer the first question had riled her.
Note how Leslie got the interview to himself, but when the Tory came on, Leslie was allowed to butt in continually.
The labour party allowed the banks to get out of control because it needed their taxes in order to pay for the welfare state. What other sector of the British private sector could contribute significantly to all this? Once all those geese over-stuffed themselves and exploded, suddenly there was a lot less tax revenue to pay for everything. Labour will never admit to this, and the BBC will never contemplate pursuing them.
Quite so, the perception seems to be that the budget deficit exists because of the taxpayer providing cash support to the bailed out banks, whereas the boom years were “financed” by tax paid by banks & bankers on illusionary profits & bonuses. I assume the banks are now using their losses to recover the previous tax payments. The banks were bailed out by buying their equity using illusionary money created by the Bank of England. Taxpayers are meeting the interest costs on that debt but that is a far smaller sum than the budget deficit
The ‘expert on everything’, Caroline Flint was back on the, ‘the banks are the cause of all of our woes’ trip on Brillo.
She forgot though to mention the points that will and mjr make.
Yes, there was a banking crisis, but it had a different impact, country by country. After 2002 Brown let rip and was squandering money on building a benefits system and a massive state machine that it couldn’t afford, eventually running a huge budget deficit (despite our growth and the virtuous circle that the Major / Clarke government left the country with). And when the hurricane struck, of all of the major western nations, Britain was the worse placed to cope. Brown had holed the ship – as evidenced by the collapse, against all major currencies, of the £.
It will take a generation for the effect of Brown’s incompetence to be repaired. No wonder people are feeling less well off.
‘Yet in the news headlines at 8.00am, some time after the guest speaker had corrected the false assertion, the BBC once again reported the story as RBS trying to get around the rules. The facts and the reality have been deliberately ignored by the public service broadcaster…
If as reported, the BBC surely owes an explanation, especially if now unable to use ignorance as a (poor, given their resourcing & staffing) excuse.
Last night on Newsnight, Maitless (or ‘Enemy’ Maitless as she was called on GF’s blog) kicked this off with a breathless, exciting ‘breaking news’ appearance, reminiscent of those that Peston used to make, running to the microphone having being briefed by and at the behest of his Labour chums.
So this morning, there was no doubt that ‘Today’ was going to pick up the baton and, as expected, the BBC’s ‘Labour supporting’ James Naughtie introduced the 8am segment with ‘bankers’ bonuses’ and ‘The embarrassment that is facing Osborne’…and ‘The difficult decision he is he is being FORCED to make by the opposition’. No doubt who is leading the political debate according to Naughtie’s message.
Chris Leslie’s interview was rubbish, but having made a pigs ear of it, he was amazingly invited to join in and interview / interrupt Mark Garnier. Garnier never got the opportunity to express his view or develop his argument. Once again a Tory interviewee was treated very differently by the BBC than his Labour counterpart.
Of course Garnier needed to be challenged, but this should have been Hussain and Hussain alone, in exactly the same way the Leslie interview was conducted.
Just more BBC manipulation, more BBC contrivance, more BBC bias
Only got a bit of the interview, but noted that Husein did go for him and talk over…and he looked a right fool.
So she did her job.
Remember too that Martha Kearney made an oaf of Miliband last year about unions or such last autumn…but it isn`t mentioned again, nor does it make the archive to remind us all how crap the likes of Leslie and Miliband are.
The BBC skate over it.
As for posh boys not getting it, or plebs…funnily enough that is always available and shown as it suits the Left.
The narrative arc will always remind us all of this-but Prescott and Tracy Temple seem never to be linked do they to THAT oafs C.V do they?
BBC-Savile-charity-red arse day-Savile..that`s MY narrative arc with the serial abusers at the BBC!