A Biased BBC reader notes;
“I watched Wild Winter: Surviving Avalanches on BBC4 last night (Tuesday). A fantastic documentary, except for the following. At the 39 minute mark we have cine material showing the snowy Cairngorms in the 1960’s, and then scenes of the next two snowless decades. This is followed by news footage of the last three years of sever snow. The narrator adds a token global warming comment and then goes on to explain how weather is affected by many things. BUT, right in the middle of this a bizarre scene has been crudely inserted where a ‘climate scientist’ tells us he knows what the weather is going to be in 2080, and it’s going to be hot! Cue scene with orange glow. I have watched it again and again, and if you mute this brief segment, the narrator’s voice effortless segues, making perfect sense. I have shown this to a colleague who doesn’t share my bias, and he agrees that this clip appears to have been edited in afterwards in order to remain ‘on message’. The programme is on iplayer now on BBC4, fast forward to 39 minutes and watch BBC warble gloaming propaganda at its finest.”
And the news item about the Australian heatwave, this morning, wailing that it’s unprecedented, never been heard of before, since records began, etc., etc – topped of with the inevitable reminder that it’s all due to climate change.
They seem to think that climate change has only just been occurring these last couple of years, rather than the billennia during which there has always been a changing climate. So how does a particularly hot Australasian year claim to be purely because the climate is changing?
Because the BBC says so, that’s how.
They were also trying to suggest that climate change was responsible for all the fires in Perth and the surrounding areas. Australia has bush fires every year, this fact was announced by a chief fire officer a few months ago, and yet here go the BBC again with their lying narrative. Stop f***ing lying and tell the truth for once.
Strange you should mention this, because I watched the weather this morning on BBC Breakfast in which they spent a chunk of it jumping back to last year’s snow on the same date – cue photographs before returning to the scene in 2014 – green grass everywhere.
It just didn’t flow and looked oddly awkward and appeared to be badly shoehorned in. I know they sometime refer to past weather, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen done quite this way.
I know that sounds like odd ramblings but it just struck me of the “innocuous” drip drip drip of “global warming is back folks, just like we said it would be. The cold? that was just a blip!”
The problem is that the phrase “Climate Change” has seeded the idea that weather is static from one year to the next. Which is nonsense but causes panic in news rooms when they see differences.
That should read: “not static from one year to the next”
You know, in all my 60-odd years on this planet if there’s one thing I’ve observed it’s some winters we have snow and others we don’t.
So what is it with those morons at the BBC – they can’t assimilate what they observe from year to year? No, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on that one and instead put it down to a crude attempt at subliminal messaging.
‘….where a ‘climate scientist’ tells us he knows what the weather is going to be in 2080, and it’s going to be hot’.
Because that’s what the models say. And that would be the same models that failed to predict the flat, if not falling temperatures of the last 16 years. The same models which take no account of solar activity, ocean currents and a whole host of elements that have major influences on the climate.
But never mind, as these models are still based on the ‘settled science’ of those clever scientists who foretold the hot dry summers, warm wet winters, the end of snow, the end of Arctic ice by 2013 etc.etc. they must be right, so there is no need for the BBC to challenge them on our behalf.
Your impartial and trusted BBC – a bizarre concoction of Orwell, Lewis Carroll and Monty Python.
The programmers produce what the scientist want to see, but ten year models, produced ten years or more ago have been a disaster to be forgotten, so it has become far better for the programmers to produce 100 year models, because even computer programmers are guaranteed to die of ageing by that time.
This is only one step above Tyler Durden putting individual frames of his penis in kids films to subvert them. Shoehorning this crap into everything just distills the message and decreases its importance.
Carbon di-oxide is about 0.04% of the air we breathe, that is about one two thousand five hundreth or 1 / 2,500 and we need CO2 to survive, without it we are dead, dead as a dead parrot, finished, caput, over, done….no more.
We would have no food without CO2, we cannot manufacture food. Food only comes from plants and the animals that eat plants. We can fiddle with food in factories and package it up in pretty bags and boxes but that’s all, the raw ingredients are made from plants or animals that need plants to eat.
To me therefore the levels of CO2 are dangerously low at just 1 / 2,500 of our air. It is proven that plants grow better in an atmosphere where there is a higher concentration of CO2 and we need more food to feed the billions of us that are meandering about this planet.
So take no notice of the panicking folk at the BBC they have their own agenda and like visiting exotic places and exploring the world on expenses in 5 star hotels, pretending to attend seminars and conferences. No, get out and enjoy life driving your 4 x 4’s and stoke up the fire or turn up the heating. Flying abroad on holiday is also a recommended way of producing more CO2 and you are helping to feed the world.
Beside leaving all that combustible material under the ground must be highly dangerous too, better to get it out and burn it and fracking will help enormously with that. The trouble is apparently there is so much combustible gas under our feet it will take 50 years to use it up. As I am an ’Old Timer’ I hope I can rely on you young folks to do that in the years to come.
‘…Carbon di-oxide is about 0.04% of the air we breathe’
You know, I have been so exposed to the propaganda, that seemed incredibly low, and had to check:
As you were.
I know it is frowned on to say, “Me too!” in forums, but guess what – “Me Too!”
I never imagined for one moment that the percentage of Carbon Dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere was so relatively small. I have heard, non-stop, for years and years and years from the MSM, and especially the BBC, about the “dangers” of Carbon Dioxide to our very existence and then, I find the truth from a poster on BiasedBBB.org. And I DID NOT HAVE TO PAY £145.50 TO FIND THAT OUT!
Who’d have thunk it?
My latest receipt from the criminal gang running the TV licence extortion racket states:
They forgot to mention they are extroting this payment under threat of a criminal charge against me and I must pay it whatever TV programmes I choose to watch.
Like El Paxo said, “It’s like sticking an annual licence fee on everybody who owns a washing machine to fund the manufacture of Persil!”
He also said: “Rather like Stalin’s Russia, they [the BBC] express a belief that the system will go on forever.”
Is it not time we had a modern day Ronald Reagan to demand: “Tear down that licence fee, Mr. Cameron!”
I agree, this was a propaganda piece, crudely and gratuitously inserted.
The BBC cannot be trusted, it must be dismantled.
Following on from Old Timer post above. I think I may have discovered an answer (of sorts) as to why the BBC is ‘biased’ (and Climate is part of it) – but also because of one-man report – dating from 1969 – predicting that we would all be extinct unless population were controlled by homosexuals (and discouraged future families from breeding), stating climate and change that this was both ‘urgent and necessary’ and completed in secret paid for by two of the biggest US Banks (which still feature today).
Dr Richard Day on ‘Planned parenthood’ (USA 1969). http://www.savethemales.ca/confirmedrockefeller_plan_to_g.html
So this encourages UN Agenda 21 thinking and few can resist big governement thinking (unless your in Alhabama):
The EU has ‘BILDERBERG’ building the New Europe:
No doubt based on ‘Common Purpose’: people with the same ‘mindset’ to work in the BBC (or Labour party) as ‘future leaders’ such as David Cameron (is one). http://www.4liberty.org.uk/2012/11/19/common-purpose-finally-recognized-for-what-it-is/
Then we have the same people working against the free press: LEVESON REPORT restriction to the free press in England as sought by the BBC, by The Guardian and others such as Anthony Salz is Executive Vice-Chairman of Rothschild and was formerly Vice Chairman of the BBC Governors, Peter Mandelson, Jack Straw, Chris Patten, David Miliband, Leon Brittan, Neil Kinnock, Suzi Leather et al. (note: the political left bias). So there you have it. The BBC is just a bit part player to promote this universal Agenda 21 ‘utopia’ to the World on benefits. Paid for by those taxpayers left to pay for them. We’ll all be bankrupt by then in a Marxist utopia. But then those Banks left will become world dominant and we will all be slaves.
I watched the clip. It seems self explantory. I think this is what’s called climate change denier paranoia.
Eddard – ‘This’ being?
I just ask, as outside of CECUTT Director replies, cramming ‘seems’ and ‘I think’ can often be a tad shy on persuasive substance.
the only warming going on here is the bank accounts of these climate change fanatics and so called academics who get paid huge amounts of money by i dare say us taxpayers to spew out there ill informed and quite dangerous propaganda on bbc radio 4 and radio 5 live,just then on bbc 1 news they was in australia waffling on about the high tempatures there,well blow me it is always boiling hot this time of the year in aussie its called summer,but mr bbc reporter at the end of his report had to ask is this hot summer in aussie the result of climate change and global warming,no mate.i dont think so.