The BBC loathed the EDL which campaigned against an ideology that incites homophobia, misogyny, apartheid, death to apostates and anti-Semitism.
But the BBC praises those who chase Neo-Nazis out of town:
The North Dakota town that thwarted a neo-Nazi takeover
[The Neo-Nazi’s ] plans for Leith were exposed in August last year by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based civil rights organisation.
The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 1,007 groups as active hate groups in the United States in 2012….of that…only 3 are Muslim….a religion of peace indeed.
Has the BBC published a map of Muslim ‘hate groups’ in the UK? Surely there must be some of concern?
Imagine the outcry if non-Muslims in Tower Hamlets were to ‘thwart a fundamentalist Muslim takeover’….too late for that anyway.
Lutfur Rahman can be described as ‘extremist-backed,’ rules Press Complaints Commission (but we will publish his denials)
Since April Lutfur Rahman, the extremist-backed mayor of Tower Hamlets, has been pursuing a PCC campaign against the Telegraph. He has over the last eight months made four complaints, all of which were finally resolved to our satisfaction last week.
It is notable the joyous glee that the BBC hunts down White people who express extremist views….or tries desperately to blame them for something they hope wasn’t done by a Muslim…the Boston bombs for instance…..curious that the BBC avoided tackling politics in Tower Hamlets or indeed the so-called ‘Muslim patrols’ as they hit the headlines everywhere else.
The BBC loves the Southern Poverty Law Center, which stopped being a real defender of the downtrodden years ago and morphed into a Progressive activist group which dabbles in tracking actual Neo-Nazis on the side. Some of those so-called “hate groups” have nothing to do with white supremacy and are instead targeted for things like publicly disapproving of homosexuality.
Aside from Alan’s focus on Islam, 118 of the so-called “hate groups” are Black Supremacists, and a further 39 are Christian identity groups (whatever that means these days). Even the inset analysis pushes the false narrative that it’s all about white supremacists.
Jonny Dymond relied on the SPLC for a dishonest bit of scaremongering a couple years ago.
Islam is the New Far Right
Islam is the most evil, violent, hateful Far Right Ideology in history.
Angela Merkel who while running for re-election as German Chancellor (she won) became the first Chancellor to visit the Dachau concentration camp. During her visit she warned of the dangers of far-right extremism, pointing to the lessons of German history as an example for all of Europe.
“How could Germans go so far as to deny people human dignity and the right to live based on their race, religion, their political persuasion or their sexual orientation?” she said in a somber ceremony on the wide plaza where inmates once assembled daily for roll call. “Places such as this warn each one of us to help ensure that such things never happen again.”
Well worth reading the article and passing it on.
In fact Islam is the most Far Right ideology ever created by man (Muhammad) because it ulilizes God to justify its great crimes. Muhammad was the first far right leader in history. Islam – the Oldest Far Right has invaded the West and is now the New Far Right. Hitler never stated that he was a prophet of God or that he met the angel Gabriel receiving divine teachings granting him and his Nazis cohorts the divine right to create a superior race, extermination, murder, rape non-nazis – Jews, Gypsies, gays, all those who opposed him and pillage their property – take their women as sex slaves and enslave their children. Hitler committed all these crimes on a grand scale, but without the divine, moral support of God.
Sieg Heil Alan.
The point he is making is that it appears the acceptability of extreme supremacist groups is dependent on the race the supremacist groups.
But of course, only white people can be racist…
Mr. Cobb doesn’t understand what he’s reading. He can’t possibly imagine that Alan is not upset that neo-Nazis have been foiled. Mr. Cobb’s own bigotry seems to have impaired his reading comprehension.
‘Mr. Cobb doesn’t understand what he’s reading’
It’s possible he does, but it has no bearing on what he writes in response. Certainly the first outing of ‘Flokkers, The New Batch’ has so far been disappointing.
I almost pine for the old pros. Almost.
No cigar, Cobb. Come back when you have original and coherent thought.
Ah and like a drunk Freemason the cobb=lers lets slip the lefts spoken hand shake your bosses won’t be happy with you little puppet!
Seig Heil yourself, prat. Has Alan invaded Poland recently? Those who have already lost the argument before it has begun invoke “Hitler”. Shame people don’t have to pass an IQ test to possess a keyboard.
What is the criteria for a ” hate group ”
ie , does have to have a memorandum of incorporation or other formality , and how many members must it have ?
Nothing that complicated.
Hate speech = something we don’t like
Hate group = people in a group that has a name who say things we don’t like
Exactly. We would need to know how many members each group has.
If you just had two people working together then that probably qualifies as a “group”.
the SPLC is just a subversive far left outfit that plays on its innocuous sounding name
Maybe they should rename it ‘Tell Billy Bob’?
Has the BBC published a map of Muslim ‘hate groups’ in the UK? Surely there must be some of concern?
That’s because it’s so easy ! It’s any where Muslims are !
The Muslim hate-group map appears each election night. It’s the areas coloured red.
God alone knows the route by which this kind of crap comes over from the USA…and, naturally, finds its way to Channel 4 and the BBC.
Tonight Jon Snow gave us five minutes about Chris Christie in NJ….political gridlock on the GW Bridge-no chance he can be Presidential nomination now…how can we trust him NOW that Springsteen bellows that on Jimmy Fallons show?
As for OmabaCare, Operation Fast and Furious, IRS snooping and tax persecutions of Obamas opposition, the crap economy he`s presiding over as well as Benghazi…well , let`s just trust him, he`s a knowing shade of black!
Racist to do other.
No-not a clue how crap from John Stewart , Brooce and the other East Coast leftylibs seems to always make it on our MSM as if it`s impartial holy writ.
Bloody sick of those two liberal echo chambers and mirrors across the water , telling us all the same shite.
SPLC’s bullshitting and demonising of opponents is actually worse than anyone in this thread suggests.
They’re now even going after men’s human rights groups who dare to criticise radical feminists!
Furthermore, their smears against right wing groups haste direct inspired terrorist attacks against said groups, they’re certainly more dangerous and hateful than almost anyone on that map.
at the end of the day it all comes back to anjem choudary,i cant stand the man and i think he should be kicked out of are country,but here is the problem,the very people who want to stop anjem chouday speaking are the very people who wanted to ban the edl from marching against islamic extremists like him,here is the thing about anjem choudary,he speaks as he sees it,lutfur rahman pretends to be moderate but behind closed doors he i think he allegedly agrees with the ideology of anjem choudary and his goons of hate,the very people that wanted choudary banned are these so called moderate muslims who dont want you to hear the true feelings of the muslim majority who i believe anjem choudary is the true voice of.give anjem choudary a a suit to wear and a clean shave and make him the leader of tower hamlets and sure he might tone his views down for public consumption but behind the veil he would still harbour the same hatreds for the west and are values.lutfar rahman does not fool me,or should he you.
The Southern Poverty League is neither southern or poor, it’s like the UAF with lots of cash at their disposal.
Correction, Law Centre instead of League
The SPLC even have this guy on their list of ‘haters’