Strange….just how important was Miliband’s announcement that he wanted to cap Banks’ market share?
It was the BBC’s top Frontpage story at 02:43 last night……
….But now it has vanished…relegated to a small line on the UK page…whilst ‘Rates of gout in UK ‘soaring’ remains frontpage news.
Could it have anything to do with the Treasury boss’s put down of Miliband?
Mark Carney rejects Ed Miliband’s bank shake-up plan
Carney deals blow to Labour bank plan
Miliband must be busily rewriting his scheme for Friday’s big speech…and the BBC can rewrite its own script and give him the headlines again.
Indeed, they had all guns dutifully firing for this attempt to promote Miliband’s politicking with the banks, but it evidently blew up in their face. Interesting to see how they will promote Labour’s relaunch of this policy and/or damage limitation exercise.
One of Miliband’s problems is that he is simply unable to resist any passing bandwagon. He has to jump on.
This fits well with the BBC, now in election mode, as it enables them to fill the daily ‘But labour Says’ slot in their news programmes.
Ths biased-BBC knows that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Notice the subliminal BBC bias in their choice of a photo dominated by a ‘no entry’ sign with the RBS bank in the background.
It is so funny how the Beeboids try to make Millipede appear normal….They are failing.
this is disgraceful and just proves the bias
I too have noticed how headlines regularly change. Strange.
Or very slowly if it concerns negative reporting of Conservatives.
By sheer coincidence, timing is all…
‘I too have noticed how headlines regularly change. Strange.’
This is, in the patois, deemed ‘evolving the story’.
And I’ll be the first to say relatively legitimate if wishing the evolutionary process was left in archive to see the track form origin to current status.
Where things veer off is in the realms of the stealth edit, especially what was seems deemed a bit of an albatross, and what it becomes is claimed as being all there ever was. Especially if provoked by challenge.
Recently one of the Flokkers rather got snagged by a veteran of BBC retroactivity appreciating what the world’s least trustworthy media monopoly can pull, turning an attempted drive-by into a car crash by having the original vs. the latest one to hand.
Of course, speaking of car crashes, sometimes BBC headlines, penned more for politics than accuracy, can get defended in place to the death (literally, obliterated, which is another story) until things go a bit off the rails…
A while ago yes, but the mea culpa doesn’t happen too often, which is why I keep such things bookmarked in reminder.
Thing to remember is that no matter what, the BBC has all necessary resources to tell you the BBC always get it about right. Or, put another way…
But wasn’t the narrative and the damage done all before Ed’s announcement. There was rather a lot of ‘having successfully gone after the Big Six energy companies, Ed was now going after The Big Five banks’.
Well Ed’s plans for the banks are back in the news again this morning (Friday). I do wonder if someone on the Today programme does read this blog as it was noticeable that the 7am news did not start with ‘Labour will……’ but was just nicely turned round. Now maybe Humphries did ask Chuka who it was that caused some of the biggest banks to merge (to be honest I cannot stand the smug Chuka and switched the radio off around 7.33 am) but certainly all the discussion before that with Preston and others did not mention it. (Gordon, Gordon, are you out there somewhere?)
It’s the lead story on the web-shite too. Funnily enough the editors picks are somewhat at odds with the highest rated comments. That’s never happened before I’m sure …