It seems to be the done thing nowadays to psychoanalyze climate sceptics…the science is settled therefore anyone who ‘denies’ it must ‘a loony’ to quote one BBC boss.
A favourite device also used by the Soviet Union to eliminate its dissidents.
So I think it only fair a similar process is practised on other sectors of society…say comedians for instance…actors too might be worthy of examination…so very lefty.
There must be a reason after all why the BBC can find no ‘right wing’ comedians..
And there is….
Comedians have psychotic personality traits, study finds
In a study in the British Journal of Psychiatry, researchers analyzed comedians from Australia, Britain and the United States and found they scored significantly higher on four types of psychotic characteristics compared to a control group of people who had non-creative jobs.
“The creative elements needed to produce humor are strikingly similar to those characterizing the cognitive style of people with psychosis – both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,” said Gordon Claridge of the University of Oxford’s department of experimental psychology, who led the study.
“The creative elements needed to produce humor are strikingly similar to those characterizing the cognitive style of people with psychosis – both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,” said Gordon Claridge of the University of Oxford’s department of experimental psychology, who led the study.
The researchers found that comedians scored significantly higher on all four types of psychotic personality traits compared to the general group. Most striking were their high scores for impulsive non-conformity and introverted personality traits, the researchers said.
The actors scored higher than the general group on three types – but did not display high levels of introverted personality traits.
Must be a reason comedians and actors all seem to be left wing and have a very loose attachment to reality…..could explain a lot…such as support for all those left wing dictators and mass murderers.
The researchers recruited 523 comedians – 404 men and 119 women – and asked them to complete an online questionnaire designed to measure psychotic traits in healthy people.
Wouldn’t you just love to see who filled in the questionnaires?
That may well be so; of course I tend to disregard any reports such as this because next week, they’ll be telling us just the opposite.
However, assuming that the findings have some validity, surely the socalled comedians the bbc uses must be the exceptions to the rule. The bbc seems to use the same hate-filled bigots and racists time and again and insist they are comedians. I wonder if they can be prosecuted for fraud?
Do you think that the old unfunny comedians… Tommy Trinder, Arthur Askey, Dickie Henderson, Hope and Keen, Ted Rodgers?…were -despite being shit-funnier than the current crop of mushrooms?
Lenny Henry, Marcus, Marks Steel, Thomas, Jeremy Hardy, Russells, Omid/Iranian dolly, Toksvig or Jo Brand?
Could be a good charity footy match here…by my reckoning Ted Rodgers was the unfunniest, with Mark Thomas a close second.
But at least Ted had a good foil in Dusty Bin…poor Thomas has only Mark Steel on most of his public sector workshops?
Maybe a BBC poll here?…More or Less “Chuckle Index” at least!
You can’t mention unfunny comedians without the immortal Mike and Bernie Winters!
Jack Whitehall should be on there. I honestly don’t know what he’s even going for half the time. In fact I’ve been to a few comedy nights where comedians have died on their arses and I’ve cheered them up by reminding them that as bad as they are, they’re not Jack Whitehall.
I’d like to see more of Claridge’s research. Presumably he must be aware of the high number of comedians who have suffered from bi-polar disorder (which in less PC times we used to call manic depression)?
File under: ‘No shit, Sherlock’.
these new breed of middle class straight out of university onto the comedy circuit comedians who like to take the piss out of the pope and christians but would never mock and insult muslims are just not in the slightest funny at all,i cant relate as a working class man to a bunch of posh unfunny lefties,now alot of these so called new aged comedians dont like alan carr,i do,fair enough he is a camp as a daisy but i like the guy and i think he is funny,at least alan carr is from a working class background and he has done quiet good for himself and a tv show,that is what these posh boy leftie comedians hate and are very jealous about alan carr because they have no talent and will never get a tv slot no matter how hard they try to be funny.
Probably why a lot of them don’t seem to like Karl Pilkington as well. Working class, uneducated, centre-right bloke who manages to be consistently funny mostly in improvisation and honesty. He’s not even a professional comedian and he’s far more amusing than the majority of comedians on our screens today.
Not intended to be insulting to those with mental health issue but this (particularly the last sentence) at the BBC web site might explain quite a lot….
This article by the never-even-remotely-funny, Stewart Lee, shows just how politically naive he really is –
I actually find some of Lee’s stuff to be quite amusing (like his routine on Del Boy falling through the bar – “funniest thing ever, Stu…”) but he really needs to stay away from social commentary if that’s the sum of his parts. I’m glad the comments challenged him on it and called it out for the sanctimonious toss that it was.
I’d be interested to know which BBC boss referred to a climate skeptic as ‘a loony’?
Otherwise I’m not sure there’s actually a point here?
And Stewart Lee is great.
Half looking before being bored by that Stewart Lee article confirms what the BBC expects of its comedians . Liberal/.left can poke fun at right wingers , right wingers can poke fun of right wingers . No one can poke at liberal/left people unless
1; they are incompetent liberal / left people
2; they are forced / adapt a right wing policy
3 ; they are beyond the pale liberal/left loonies .
Has a BBC so called comedian ever traduced a liberal /left – “progressive ” policy ?
There are more than 400 different types of Holly which grow as either flowering shrubs or trees, but this one can grow up to 60 feet tall. For thousands of years, people have trained falcons to hunt.